WD 1 Literacy Narrative Rubric1 5
WD 1 Literacy Narrative Rubric1 5
WD 1 Literacy Narrative Rubric1 5
Hartman, I think I have done a pretty good job at keeping up with my process work and keeping it organized. In the Process category I gave myself an !emplary grade, because in the beginning of the "orking Draft I wrote down the main ideas that came to me. #he thing I think that helped me the most was doing the timeline it let me kind of keep the memory or the ideas that I had so I wouldn$t forget them. #he images of the process work I will give more details about each image of my process work. In the %hetorical situation category I graded myself with a Proficient grade. #he reason I gave myself this grade is because I feel like I kind of jump around in my word choice and my details aren$t very good. I have had a problem with both of these things and I have gotten a lot better than I used to be when I first started writing papers. I have always somewhat made a good grade but I$ve always thought what could I do better about my writing, even though I may have gotten a good grade I wanted to e!ceed that and make a better paper the ne!t time. &ome people may just want a descent grade but I want to have a better one. 'or the critical thinking and writing growth category I gave myself a proficient grade. "hen I was doing the revision process for "orking Draft one I went back and re(read the original version and started thinking about adding some more details. In a paper I think it is important to have a connection because if the reader isn$t connected from the beginning then they will more than likely stop reading it before they even finish. I went through and read every paragraph at a time and started to think about some more details to add to it. In some of the paragraphs I think some of the details are pretty good, but some of the details could be better. 'inally in the last category the knowledge of conventions category I gave myself a proficient grade. #he reason why I gave myself this grade is because is because I think the form of my paper is pretty good. I think the usage of my grammar and mechanics are pretty well. I am kind of confused about the mechanics part of the rubric. )verall I think I have done a good job of writing my "orking Draft, a lot better than my previous papers I have written before. I just want to get a little better at unscrambling my ideas I have and get them down on paper. I think I could$ve done a better job of how I am phrasing some of my words. #hank you, Dawn *ampbell
"orking Draft + %ubric for ,iteracy -arrative Instructions. 'or this working draft submission, you must turn in the following in one single document.
+. / reflective memo to instructor discussing your thoughts about the working draft being submitted and e!planation of your rubric choices 0details on what to include to be discussed in class1, 2. *ompletion of the 3"orking Drafts %ubric4 as a self assessment tool to gauge where you are with this piece 0copy and paste in1, 5. /ll process work up until that point 0copy and paste in and6or provide links and6or insert images1, and 7. #he most current working draft of the piece.
*riteria P%)* && /s a working draft, piece shows. !emplary Process work is present and provides robust evidence that student has participated8 *lear evidence of strong idea development8 %obust evidence of revision 0changes in drafts1 is clearly present Proficient Process work is present and evidence of participation is clear8 vidence of idea development is present8 vidence of effective revision is clearly present Developing &ome evidence of process work8 /ttempts at idea development, but ideas are lacking in some way8 ,ittle evidence of revision is present ,acking Participation in process work, development of ideas, and6or evidence of revision is incomplete or insufficient
"riter has fulfilled the assignment beyond e!pectations8 !ceptionally clear purpose8 !cellent attention to audience through word choice and vivid details of ideas !ceptional use of tone and voice8 %obust attempts to be appealing and interesting according to audience and purpose8 "riter clearly is taking risks8 %eflective letter is included and clearly addresses these aspects of piece
"riter has clearly fulfilled the assignment8 *lear purpose8 :ood attention to audience through word choice and vivid details of ideas
"riter has fulfilled the assignment8 Purpose is hard to decipher or not yet clear8 ,ittle evidence of attention to audience due to too abstract or non(specific details
#his aspect of the piece is incomplete6 insufficient. "ork shows little to no evidence of rhetorical knowledge
*lear attempts to use tone and voice8 *lear attempts to be appealing and interesting according to audience and purpose8 "riter is taking some risks8 %eflective letter is included and sufficiently addresses these aspects of piece
"riter is struggling to use6understand tone and voice, to create interesting writing, and6or to take risks8 %eflective letter is missing or does not clearly addresses these aspects of piece
"rite made little to no attempts to present critical thinking or writing growth8 -o reflective letter included
!ceptional and adept wording and phrasing8 ,ittle to no issues in readability8 "riter displays clear control over mechanics, grammar, and usage
:ood wording and phrasing8 ,ittle to no issues in readability8 "riter displays control over mechanics, grammar, and usage
&ome or repeated issues with awkward or ineffective wording6phrasing8 "riter displays lack of control over mechanics, grammar, and usage, causing issues in readability
:laring issues6errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and other conventions8 Piece is difficult to read8 ,ittle to no attention has been given to conventions of writing
Memories The memories that I have that made me who I am as a reader/literate person has its fair share of bad experiences but also the good ones. It all began with my friend introducing me to an author named Nicholas Sparks. I read one book and I was hooked !ust reading the stories he told about love the struggle problems and the action from his books had me wanting to read the rest of his books. I love his books because I can relate pretty well with a couple of them some of his main characters are either in or out of the military. In one of his book the main character was in Ira" and found a picture of a woman when he found that picture a mortar hit a couple of feet behind him. #e believed that it was good luck and saved his life. The little things like that in situations when you are away from home with no one but your battles on your left and your right is tough to go through you need every belief that something is good luck or not. $rom reading these romance book it lead me to writing one of my favorite papers. %n &anuary '( ')(* I wrote a paper for my +ritical ,iteracy class about the biggest controversy putting women on the frontlines. This also hits home with me since I am in the military and I !ust wrote about my feelings for it and put -what if. in that situation. /hat if that was me0 /hat would happen if I saw someone get shot with my own eyes0 These are some of the "uestions that run in your mind among other things when you are dealing with that. /hen people read the newspapers they hear about the males getting killed in the front lines. 1eople never hear about the women that are being killed or in the frontlines. This is a touchy sub!ect but the world and the army is changing. $ebruary (* ')(* 2r. #artman had come up with an idea about doing Identity leaders. 3t first we didn4t really know what to think because we have never done that before. /e had to teach the class about something that you wanted them to know about everybody had their own topic. Some people4s topics were more of an awakening than others. /hen it was my turn I had to dig down and think about the topic I wanted them to learn that they may not have heard of or may not even know. I got to thinking since the army has so many training for S#351 which is Sexual #arassment/assault response and prevention program. I told them this -Military women are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire.. This is a shock but it is true this saying stuck with me ever since I found this. I gave this presentation everybody was in shock their reactions was priceless. My classmates were angry sad and any other emotion you could think of. I love that I taught them something they may not have known about or giving them more details about the strongest fighting force in the world. $inally from the dates of &anuary 67 May ( ')(* my feelings for writing changed. In the beginning I hated writing. I figured that my critical literacy class would be the same as any other class boy was I wrong. I hated writing because when the professor gave us a specific topic I felt like I was being constricted to my limits or I had to stay in specific guidelines while writing papers. /e got to pick any topic we wanted and write how we wanted. My mind thought a mile a minute and it is so hard for me to get the thoughts out of my head and write them down on paper. I learned so many techni"ues to help me write what I did was I opened my daybook and !ust wrote
everything I was thinking everywhere I didn4t care if it was sloppy or neat8 as long as I got my thoughts down I was good. I used to absolutely hate writing papers or !ust writing in general but now since having these classes I am a lot more confident in what I write and I am not as scared as I used to be of writing.
Process work
In these images it shows some of my process work in the first picture these are my ideas that I thought of that made me who I am as a reader6literate person. #hese are the good memories I didn$t want them to be negative because even though there was a few negatives I overcame them and they made me who I am today. In the second image I did my timeline from the memories that I wrote down from the first picture. I used green sticky notes to make a book, and on the inside of them I drew pictures so I wouldn$t forget the idea and it reminds me of the details I had. I also put the dates on them because it shows it was a small timeframe from when I actually started to like writing.
Image number three I wrote my thoughts that I had from the discussion board down. It helped me kind of pinpoint and helped me get to thinking about what I am going to do. I went back in my paper and took out sentences, added details. /s I did this I highlighted the parts I added so I could tell what I did to the paper. #he two images below shows my original working draft and some of the things I did to it. I marked things out and circled things that I did on the revised working draft. I am a visual person so it kind of helped me get the thoughts that I was having flowing. <sually, I get a brain clog or my mind just goes blank, but this time I didn$t I was pretty happy about this.
Memories ;5evised< The memories that I have that made me who I am as a reader/literate person has its fair share of bad experiences but also the good ones. It all began with my friend introducing me to an author named Nicholas Sparks. I read one book and I was hooked !ust reading the stories he told about love the struggle problems and the action from them had me wanting to read the rest of his books. I can relate pretty well with a couple of them some of his main characters are either in or out of the military. In one of his book the main character was in Ira" and found a picture of a woman when he found that picture a mortar hit a couple of feet behind him. #e believed that it was good luck and saved his life. The little things like that in situations when you are away from home with no one but your battles on your left and your right is tough to go through you need every belief that something is good luck or not. $rom reading these romance book it lead me to writing one of my favorite papers. %n &anuary '( ')(* I wrote a paper for my +ritical ,iteracy class about the biggest controversy putting women on the frontlines. This also hits home with me since I am in the military and I !ust wrote about my feelings for it and put -what if. in that situation. /hat if that was me0 /hat would happen if I saw someone get shot with my own eyes0 These are some of the "uestions that run in your mind among other things when you are dealing with that. /hen people read the newspapers they hear about the males getting killed in the front lines. 1eople never hear about the women that are being
killed or in the frontlines. This is a touchy sub!ect but the world and the army is changing. $ebruary (* ')(* 2r. #artman had come up with an idea about doing Identity leaders. 3t first we didn4t really know what to think because we have never done that before. /e had to teach the class about something that you wanted them to know about everybody had their own topic. Some people4s topics were more of an awakening than others. /hen it was my turn I had to dig down and think about the topic I wanted them to learn that they may not have heard of or may not even know. I got to thinking since the army has so many training for S#351 which is Sexual #arassment/assault response and prevention program. I told them this -Military women are more likely to be raped by a fellow soldier than killed by enemy fire.. This is a shock but it is true this saying stuck with me ever since I found this. I gave this presentation everybody was in shock their reactions was priceless. My classmates were angry sad and any other emotion you could think of. I love that I taught them something they may not have known about or giving them more details about the strongest fighting force in the world. $inally from the dates of &anuary 67 May ( ')(* my feelings for writing changed. In the beginning I hated writing. I figured that my critical literacy class would be the same as any other class boy was I wrong. 2r. # didn4t constrict us to certain topics she let us write what we wanted. This made me feel a lot more comfortable in writing. I hated writing because when the professor gave us a specific topic I felt like I was being constricted to my limits or I had to stay in specific guidelines while writing papers. I didn4t let me feeling constricted stop me from writing in my other classes when the professor told us a topic8 I kind of had a nervous and anxious feeling but this didn4t stop me. I kind of went through a process before I actually started writing. I put my pencil down and left my paper blank. I then started thinking about what the topic was asking if it was in multiple parts I broke it down. This helped me get a general idea of where my writing would lead me. 3fter I got the main thoughts in my head I picked up my pencil and started writing in my daybook. I wrote everything I was thinking anywhere on the page I didn4t care if it was sloppy or neat8 as long as I got my thoughts down I was good. My mind thought a mile a minute and it is so hard for me to get the thoughts out of my head and write them down on paper. I learned so many techni"ues to help me write from practicing my writing. I used to absolutely hate writing papers or !ust writing in general but now since having these classes I am a lot more confident in what I write and I am not as scared as I used to be of writing.