9 Bhakti

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Nava Vidha Bhakthi

9 types of Bhakti as seen in our various composers compositions. Thyagaraja, Dikshitar, Syama Sastri, Swathi Tirunal, Purandaradasar, Arunachala Kavirayar, Gopalakrishna Bharathi etc. Also from our epics Ramayana, Mahabharatha, Thevarams and Bagawad Gita. SravaNam keerthanam vishNoH smaraNam paadha sevanam archanam vandhanam dhaasyam sakhyam aathmanivedhanam These were the words of Prahlada to Hiranyakasipu. In the sloka, Prahlada conveys, Hearing about Lord Hari, singing His glory, thinking about Him, resorting to His feet, worshipping Him, bowing down to Him, serving Him, befriending Him and offering oneself to Him are the ones I consider as the best knowledge.

Nine components of Bhakti

Sravanam Hearing. Example - Parikshith attained mukthi by hearing the Bhagvatham from Suka. Keerthanam Singing the Glory of the Lord. Sages like narda, valmiki saints like Aandal, Appar, Sundarar, Manikavachagar, Thyagaraja all are examples to this. Smaranam Remembering. Always in Deep thought. Not forgetting the Lord. Dhruva who meditated on the Lord and attained paramapadha, gopis and Draupadi, Meera Paadasevanam Service at the feet of the Lord/Restoring to the feet. Lakshmi, Lakshmana, Bharatha, Hanuman. Also talking about the glory of his feet. Archanam Worship / offering of flowers. Ambarishan, Gajendra, Sabari

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Vandanam Namaskaram Dasyam Servant/Slave. Service to the lord. Hanuman, Lakshmana, Adiseshan, Garudan. Sakhyam Friendship. Guhan, Arjunan, Sundarar. Atmanivedanam - Surrender of the self to the Lord.

Sravanam Hearing/Listening the stories of the Lord

Kedil vizhuch selvam is always the best ..Tiruvalluvar quotes in Tirukkural Kannan stories being listened by Aandal ..more attached to Krishna only after hearing so many stories of Krishna. Thyagaraja: 1) Rama Katha Sudha Madhyamavathi Adi- In this krithi he has explained how hearing of Rama katha is itself a cure to all the Karma bandha and related ills. In this kruti Tyagaraja extols the greatness in enjoying the story of Lord Rama which he says is equal to possessing a kingdom. He adds that, that ecstasy will enable us to cross the ocean of entanglements in this Kaliyugam. Audio Availability: TVRamachandran,NSG, SSI,Nedunuri, TMK, OST. 2) Madhurya Bhashana Sindunamakriya Adi - He states,I have been drinking deeply of the nectar of the story of your life and feel immensely happy and satisfied. Audio Availability: Smt. SR Purandaradasar:

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1) Katha Sravana Mado Ritigowlai Adi Audio Availability: TVRamachandran, MSSheela Swati Tirunal: 1) BhavadIya kathAbhi Bhairavi Adi Meaning: Oh Lord PADMANABHA! Let my ears be filled with your glorious exploits. They are ever fresh, and nectarine. Your great exploits are the very boat, which helps those who are incessantly yearning to find a way to cross the ocean of the cycle of birth and death. The sage VYASA, who is held in high esteem by one and all in this world, has expounded these splendid unparalleled exploits. It has been retold and made famous by eminent sages like SUKA and others. Upon listening to this lore from JAMBAVAN the eldest among the clan of monkeys, the wing of the great vulture SAMPATI, grew again. He was thus relieved from misery. Oh Lord PADMANABHA! the conqueror of MURA, even PARAMAHAMSAs who have totally controlled their senses, are not satiated even though they listen to your nectarine lore continuously. such exploits crush to powder the massive, mountainous and heinous sins. Audio Availability : G Srikanth.

Keerthanam Singing the Glory of God

Saints like Appar, Sundarar, keerthanams on Lord Siva. Manikavachagar has sung various

Aandal has interest in keerthanam .. So in Tiruppavai she sings the following verses to highlight this form of Bhakti 1. Paarkadalul payya thuyindra paraman adi paadi (Meaning Singing). Tiruppavai Vayyathu Vaazhveergaal

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2. Oongi Ulagalandha uthaman per paadi. Tiruppaavai - 3 3. Mannu vadamadurai mainthanai , thaayai kudal vilakkam seitha daamodarnai thooyomaai vandhu toomalar thoovi Vaayinal paadi Tiruppaavai 5, Maayanai Mannu 4. Keesu keesu .. Kesavanaip paadavum. Tiruppaavai 7 5. Pangaya kannanaip paadavum Thyagaraja: 1) Raga Ratna Maalikache Ritigowlai Rupakam Meaning: In this kruti Tyagaraja adores Hari with a garland of a hundred ragas which are embellished with the Vedas and its branches of philosophy. He hopes that the garland of the melodious ragas would bestow him salvation. It is said that Lord Hari would shine forth adorned with the garland made of hundreds of exquisite Ragas. It is said that these keertanas contain the true meanings of Vedas, the six Sastras, the (eighteen) epics and Agamas; it is said that singing of these keertanas leads one in the true path (of God realization) following which the great ascetics attain the divine bliss; it is said that (these) are the keertanas which the best of devotees sing collectively; it is said that Lord Hari would shine forth adorned with the garland made of hundreds of exquisite Ragas composed as a means of fording the Ocean of Worldly Existence for redemption of this Tyagaraja. Audio Availability: GNB, KVN. 2) Yelavathara Mukari Adi - Why did You incarnate as Lord Rama? What is the reason?. Is it for waging war? Or is it for ruling over AyodhyA?. Is it for the purpose that the ascetics could behold You? or is it for the purpose of protecting those afflicted by the disease of Worldly Existence? or is it for the purpose of bestowing boon on this Thyagaraja who composed Keerthanas as garlands of hundreds of exquisite Ragas?

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Audio Availability: DKP, MDR, Brindha 3) Intha Sowkyamani Kapi Adi I am unable to express that it is this much comfort; whoever knows as to how much and how it is!. O Lord of Sri Rama - spouse of Sita! The comfort is known only to those self-restrained having innate compassion and love (of Lord); otherwise, I am unable to express that it is this much comfort; whoever knows as to how much and how it is!.The comfort is known to Lord Sankara who relishes by mixing the refined sugar called the holy name of Sri Rama, in the nectarine juice of (music) Svara Raga Laya; O Lord praised by this Tyagaraja!. Audio Availability: Seetha Narayanan, NSG, TMK, MMI 4) Intha Kanna Ananda Bilhari Rupakam - O Lord Sri Rama! Rama! Is there a greater bliss? .It will indeed be agreed to by all the pious people (that there is no greater bliss). Dancing and singing to the accompaniment of music, entreating You to come before, and being in union with You in the mind is enough. It is indeed enough if, by the chanting names or singing songs of Lord Sri Hari, one attains the state of Soham, becoming unconscious of the group of sense organs arising from the body.O Lord! At that time of chanting Your names, these Worlds would become effulgent verily as You; O Lord whose exploits or conduct have been praised by this Thyagaraja! Audio Availability: MMI, SSI, BMK, Priya Sisters, SGC Purandaradasar: 1) Nama Kirthane Anudina Malpage Swati Tirunal: 1) Taavaka Naamani Kedaragowlai Jhampa Meaning: Your names are auspicious and chant-worthy. Oh Lord of celestials! KESAVA! Even the wicked ones attain salvation, just by the

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mention of your divine names. The continuous utterance of your name, (even inversely as MA-RA) empowered VALMIKI to scripture RAMAYANA, which, still continues in purifying and flourishing the universe. This name is to SITA what moon is to the bird CAKORA. Even the Brahmin AJMALA, whose deeds were totally despicable, who indulged with unchaste woman, attained salvation just by uttering your name only once and that too in ignorance. Lord BALACANDRASEKHARA the PARAMASIVA abides in the pristine mount KAILASA, in the company of goddess PARVATI-the daughter of the mountain, also chant the divine names of lord PADMANABHA, incessantly. Audio Availability: Sung by team of Musicians from Tvandrum, Rajsree Warrier. Bhadrachala Ramdas: 1) AntaRama Mayam Varali Adi - Rama dasu sings this song in great ecstasy, totally surrendering to Rama. He chants that the whole universe is filled with the name of Rama. This Taraka namam bestows all boons to the bold Bhadrachala Ramadasu. Audio Availability: 2) Taraka Mantranu Dhanyasi Adi - Ramadasu sings this song rejoicing over discovering the Taraka Mantram (the incantation for salvation) which he says is the panacea to dispel our sins, to escape the cycle of births and deaths and to attain salvation. Audio Availability: BMK. Appar, Sundarar, Manikavachagar: 1) Any Devaram or Tiruvachagam too can be taken into account for keerthanam

Smaranam : always deep in thought

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Thyagaraja: 1) Smarane Sukhamu Janaranjani Adi - In this Kruti,Tyagaraja preaches about the invaluable merits of remembering and chanting the sacred name of SriRama. Born as human being,just by remembering the name of SriRama,sublime happiness is bestowed. Those who are steadfast in their devotion to Rajayoga are blessed with supreme happiness. By hearing the name of SriRama,one's heart is fulfilled with his divine form.Thus it induces more love for Rama.Tyagaraja chants the name of SriRama without any worldly desires. Audio Availability: TNS, SSI 2) Marace vadana Kedaram Adi Meaning: O Lord Rama! O Father of cupid! Am I the one to ever forget You?. O Lord whose body is Emerald-hued! Do not think so in your mind. Even if people who are antagonistic to me, mercilessly, find non-existent faults with me, or even if wealth actually comes to me, (it doesnt matter,) let your grace come; O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja! Audio Availability: BMK 3) Sri pathe nee pada Nagaswaravali Desadi Meaning: In this kriti Tyagaraja expresses that contemplating on the feet of Rama is the sole purpose of his life. He requests Rama not to treat him as a stranger. Oh consort of Sri Lakshmi, contemplating on your feet is itself my life. Am I a stranger? Please be dear to me and dispel my difficulties. You are the king of the kings with the effulgence of million suns. Did not Indra and other Gods worship you and become the rulers of all eight directions? Thinking of your feet is life to Tyagaraja Audio Availability: Nithyasree, Malladi, KVN

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4)Siva Siva Siva Ena Radha Pantuvarali Adi - In this kruti Tyagaraja implores us to chant the name of Siva repeatedly in order to get rid off worldly fears and afflictions Audio Availability: Smt. SR Purandaradasar: 1) Hari Smarane Mado Yaman Kalyani Audio Availability: Smt. SR 2) Smarana Ondhe chaaladhe Malayamarutham Audio Availability : MLV 3) Ninna naama ondhe saakhu Swati Tirunal: 1) Satatam samsmarANIha- nIlAmbari.- cApu Meaning: Oh Lord SARASAKAHA! one with eyes resembling the lotus! Lord of SYANANDURAPURA! May I meditate on you forever!.Just as the rays of the moon make the lotus flower close, you destroy the dense and dark ignorance. Oh suzerain of the universe! You recline on the great serpent resting on the white island, amidst the milky ocean rolling with great breakers, on whose shores lay scattered priceless gems. You are the supreme spirit, the lord of the world! Your form is beautiful like the blue lotus. The paragon of all virtues. You are the manifestation of bliss. Your brilliant smile resembles the jasmine buds. Your smile delights goddess Earth and LAKSHMI. The celestials and sages adore you. You are the wish yielding tree to those who prostrate before you. With great joy and devotion BRAHMA chants the VEDAs and Lord PADMANABHA delights in the melodious recitation. I meditate on you,

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whose eyes are brimming with compassion. You are the protector of the dejected. You destroy the cycle of birth and death. Audio Availability: Sung by team of Musicians from Trivandrum Dikshitar: 1) Ranganayakam Nayaki Adi Meaning: I meditate upon Sri Ranganayaka and his consort Ranganayaki. Audio Availability: DKJ 2) Arunachala Natham Saranga Rupkam Meaning: In this kruti DIkshitar extoles the splendour and the divine effulgence of th Siva Lingam at the holy Arunachalam.He praises Siva the presiding lord for his limitless compassion. I meditate upon the lord of Arunachala who is majestic with his shining consort Apeetakuchamba (Parvati). Just meditating on his lotus feet, the devotees are emancipated. He shines with the effulgence of a million bright Suns and is the embodiment of supreme bliss. He is reputed for showering mercy profusely on a host of devatas. The lingam there shines with divine effulgence. He weilds a deer on his powerful hand. He is like a hovering bee near Aparna who is beautiful like a lotus. He mounts on the sacred bull. He is the superior inner conscience of the learned. Valiant Shanmukha is dear to him. His matted locks shine with everflowing Ganga. He is the self effulgent lord of the Sun, the Moon, and the Fire. Audio Availability: Brinda, KVN, Hyd Brothers Prabandham: 1) Tiruppaan Aazhwar in his work Amalanadipiran The last verse Kondal Vannanai kovalanaai .. Amudinai kanda kangal mattrondraik kaanave.. By which he says ..he is not able to forget his lord and he always (smaranam) thinks about him. Audio Availability: Smt. SR

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Paada Sevanam : service at the Feet of the Lord

The fourth Paada Sevanam or the worship of the Lords feet in particular is a devotional mode exemplified by Bharatha and the adoration of Ramas Paduka. Ramas feet had two great exploits to their credit: the re-creation of Agalya from her accursed stone state and through his sandals ruling over the kingdom of Ayodya. Thyagarajar: 1) Sri Maanini Poornashadjam- Adi Meaning: O Lord who has stolen the heart of Sita or Lakshmi your wife! Even if a long time passes, my word is the same.I am unable to repeat a thousand times.I desired the same kind of service at your feet as performed by Your lucky brothers. O Lord Krishna of Yadava dynasty Righteous conduct and all other objects of human pursuit and the secret of Saroopya attaining the form of Krishna or attaining Your form are at variance. O lord praised by this Thyagaraja! Please forgive me now. Audio Availability: Maharajapuram Santhanam 2) Evara Madugutura Kalyani Rupakam Meaning: The personsages Anjaneya, Satrughna, Bharata, Lakshmana, Sita - all of them have been bestowed with boons which I could ask of You. They are not going leave their privileges. These boons indeed are the royal paths of worshipping Your holy feet, which this Thyagaraja would always adopt. Therefore, I am at loss to understand as to what other boons shall I ask You. Worldly enjoyments, nay even the position of Indra, are of no interest to me. Audio Availability: GNB, MLV 3) Sri Rama Paadama Amruthavaahini Adi

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Meaning: In this kruti Tyagaraja personifies the sacred feet of Rama and describes the pathetic story of pious Ahalya who was redeemed of her curse by the touch of Rama's sacred feet. O divine feet of Srirama, your mercy is abundant.Please abide in my conscience always. Brahma the lotus borne and Indra the lord of heaven adore you. The most pious and wise sages Sanaka and Sanandana worship you. The most pious woman Ahalya who was cursed, remained as stone on your path. Unable to bear the anguish she was shedding tears unendingly. You are the compassionate hero that protected her by transforming her to her former self by the touch of your holy feet. Please bless me with your grace in the same manner. Tyagaraja sings your glory. Audio Availability: DKJ, Nedunuri 4) Sandeha Munnu Dirpumayya Ramapriya - Adi Meaning: O Lord Sri Rama residing at Ayodhya! Please clear my doubt. Please clear my doubt whether Your Feet worshiped by Sananda (and others) are superior or the elegant pair of sandals of your Feet are superior?. When all the illustrious sages meditated on Your Lotus Feet, they (Lords feet) bestowed Your abode Vaikuntha; but, Your sandals worshipped by Bharata bestowed Your Self - the wearer; O Fortune of this Thyagaraja! Audio Availability: MDR, Malladi Purandaradasar: 1) Maraya Beda Manave Ninnu Poorvikalyani Rupakam Audio Availability: MSSheela. Bhadrachala Ramdas: 1) Ennaganu Rama Bhajana Pantuvarali Rupakam - In this popular keertana, Ramadasu expresses his firm faith that there is

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nothing greater than chanting the praise of Rama. He tells about the greatness in the touch of Ramas foot by which Ahalyas curse was dispelled. Audio Availability: MSS, Smt. SR Swati Tirunal: 1) satatam tAvaka. Kharaharapriya Adi Meaning: Oh PADMANABHA! I shall always serve your feet with joy. You are lovely like CUPID. you remove the fear of the elephant. Kindly bless me with well being. You are like lily in the hearts of the whole group of gods and RSHI-s. Your gentle smile delights every one. You are lovely like the moon. Your face is like the autumnal moon. Please remove all my sins. Your garments are lovelier than the glitter of the gold. Your glance is loaded with compassion. Your glory is sung by SANAKA and other RSHI-s. You are the abode of great excellences. The world bow before you. Please don't throw me in the SAMSARA. Your feet are as tender as lotus and are caressed by the hands of LAKSHMI. You are adorned with brilliant jewels. Your eyes are like wild lotuses. You destroyed MADHU. You are born in the family of SURA SENA. You destroy all the sins. You are worshipped by all the noble people, always live in my heart. Audio Availability: KVN

Archanam: Offering of Flowers

Thyagarajar: 1) Tulasi Dala Mulache Mayamalavagowlai Rupakam Meaning: I shall worship, with pleasure, with the sacred Basil leaves. I shall always, with pleasure, worship the holy feet of the Supreme Lord, with the sacred Basil leaves for a long time. I shall, with pleasure, worship, in this birth in this Earth, the sacred Lord Sri Rama - the embodiment of righteousness, the resident of Ayodhya town,

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extolled by this Thyagaraja with these fragrant and best flowers Lotus, Punnaga, Champaka, Trumpet flower, Henna, Oleander, Jasmine, and sacred Basil leaves Audio Availability: Smt. SR 2) Tulasi Bilva Mallika Kedaragowla Adi - Deign to accept the worships performed (by me) with leaves of Thulasi and Bilva, and Jasmine, Lotus and other flowers. O Lord worshipped by the very hands of Brahma seated in Lotus, sage Sanaka and others! O Lord who resembles rain-cloud in hue! O Lord with a sacred navel! O Moon deer marked - born in the Ocean Lord of waters - of heart of (the dynasty of) Sun! Deign to accept the worship performed (by me) with leaves of Thulasi and Bilva, and Jasmine, Lotus and other fragrant flowers. Deign to accept the worship performed by this Thyagaraja always without desire or motive, with kindness, love and supreme bliss, on Your chest, face, head, shoulders, hands, eyes and holy feet, with leaves of Thulasi and Bilva, and Jasmine, Lotus and other fragrant flowers. Audio Availability: GNB, Nedunuri, BMK, Alathur Brothers. 3) Nama Kusuma Sri Adi - O My Mind! That human birth is indeed a birth in which one worships with the flowers of names of Lord.O My Mind! That human birth is indeed a birth in which, having made the Lord to shine in the holy golden pedestal of mind, one worships with flowers of best and auspicious name of Rama. O My Mind! That human birth is indeed a birth in which one worships, on the holy altar of precious jewels called Nada and Svara, the feet of the Supreme Lord Sri Rama who plays all the Sports, the Lord who adorns the heart of this Thyagaraja, with the flowers of His names. Audio Availability: Ramnad Krishnan, Nedunuri, Alathur Brothers

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4) Sompaina Manasu Ahiri MisraChapu. This krithi is part of Prahladha Bhakti Vijayam. In this kreetana Tyagaraja describes the scene of showering beautiful flowers on Rama heartily by Prahlada after the lord comes down listening to Prahladas request. He says that worshipping Rama frees us from the cycle of rebirths. Let us shower flowers on Lord Sri Ramachandra.Let us, with a joyous mind, shower beautiful golden baskets full of nice campaka flowers on Lord Sri Ramachandra.Let us shower lotus flowers on Lord Sri Ramachandra - the Beloved of Lakshmi - abandoning wickedness and observing self restraint.Let us shower jasmine flowers - best in the range of flowers worthy of worship of the Gods on Lord Sri Ramachandra. Let us shower the lotus flowers of our hearts on the Lord Sri Ramachandra the infinitely mighty the spotless moon born in the ocean of the Solar Sun - jewel of the sky - dynasty. Let us shower by our hands the Parijata flowers on the Lord Sri Ramachandra - Consort of Sita praised by Brahma. Let us shower flowers, with our whole heart, on the Lord Sri Ramachandra praised by this Thyagaraja - so that we may be without countless births and deaths. Audio Availability: SGC 5) Cetulara Bhairavi/Kharaharapriya Adi - O Sri Rama! Let me have the ecstatic joy and thrill of decorating you with my own hands, in such a way as to elicit the envy and admiration of Brahma, Indra and others. That done, I will feast my eyes on your beauty to my heart's content with intense devotion. Decorating your feet with golden anklets, waist with silken garments inlaid with gold lace, tresses with fragrant flowers from celestial gardens and kissing your charming face, let me have the ecstatic joy. Adorning your waist with a golden girdle with golden jingles and your forehead with a lovely dot of fragrant sandal paste and with a gem-studded pendant dangling above it from a ringlet of pearls, I shall hug you to my

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bosom with exhilaration. Having decorated your headdress with pearls, I shall smear your body with sandal paste rendered fragrant by admixture of a variety of scents. Goddess Saraswati will then arrive and fan you softly and gently. I shall then exclaim in exaltation, "Well done, well done!" in appreciation, having relegated everything else to be able to indulge in this service whole-heartedly. Audio Availability: SSI. Purandaradasar: 1) Na Ninodanya Beduva Varali 2) Hubeke - ??

AmbujamKrishna: 1) Chinna Chinna padam Vaithu Kapi Adi Audio Availability: Adyar K Lakshmanan Swati Tirunal: 1) ArAdhayAmi- Bilahari-cApu Meaning: Oh Lord, I pay obeisance to you everyday with my KARANATRAYAM- mind, speech, and body. Your form resembles the dark clouds. You remove the sufferings of the learned ones. I enthrone you on a seat bedecked with precious nine gems, and with great deference I anoint you with fragrant and cool waters. Oh protector of this world! What else can be called as good fortune than serving you thus? Oh Lord with eyes resembling lotuses! I worship you with flowers like jasmine, and sacred TULASI held in a golden basket. I offer you the lighted lamp and cooked-food. I pray to you everyday like this, my lord PADMANABHA! Audio Availability: Sung by team of musicians from Trivandrum.

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Vandanam: Namaskaram
Thyagarajar: 1) Vandanamu Sahana Adi This krithi is from Prahladha Bakthi Vijayam and Prahlada prays to Lord Hari. O Lord Raghunandana who built cause-way across the Ocean! O Lord Rama the wish tree (or excellent) for the devotees! Salutations to You. O Lord who bestows prosperity! Why do You have dispute with me? Am I alien to You? O Lord Rama! Does it bring happiness to You? O Lord who is found in the heart of Lakshmi! Is it a burden to protect me? O Lord Rama! Is it any kind of negotiation (between us)? I heard about You; I believed in You accordingly; I sought refuge in You; and, therefore, O Lord Rama! I prayed to You to come. I shall not accept defeat; I shall not abandon my devotion; I shall not beseech others; O Lord Rama! I am Yours. O Lord Rama! Please tell me to come to offer You sweet-scented betel leaves and receive Your boons.O Lord Rama sung about by sages! Is it fair? Is there any benefit to You? Why further dislike? O Lord Rama! Please look at me; protect me; be united with me befittingly. O Lord Rama! The name of Rama is the comfort for me, the sacred abode for me and (chanting of Your name is) vow ever for me. O Ocean of mercy! O Lord Rama who is resident in the heart of this Thyagaraja! Please come quickly. Audio Availability : Smt. SR 2) Dandamu Bettenu Ra Balahamsa Adi Meaning: In this kruti Tyagaraja offers salutation to Rama requesting him to protect him.He vows that he has immense faith in him only. O Lord Kothandapani one who wields bow Kothanda! I salute You; Please look at me. O Lord who has Garuda one born from egg as his blessed carriage! O Lord who has Sun and Moon as His eyes! O Lord reclining on Sesha - snake! O Lord of the Great Universe! I salute You. Did I believe You for the sake of name and fame or

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standing? The people of this town and even people of this street are not of one kind; please protect me by holding my hand en-route; O Lord worshipped by this Thyagaraja! I salute You. Audio Availability: BMK, Nithyasree, Hyd Brothers. Purandaradasar: 1) Vandisuva Dhanyamu Revagupti Swati Tirunal: 1) VandE dEvadEva- BegaDa- Rupakam Meaning: Oh Lord of Gods, I worship your lotus like feet. From your feet flows the river GANGA, singing your sweet name and glorious exploits. The feet are the refuge of all deeds, adorn like ornament the lap of YASODA. The feet which shine brilliantly like the rays of the rising sun, have taken to task, likes of SAKATA-the demon-who came in the form of a cart-wheel. The anklets of your feet keep a melodious rhythm. When the cowherd damsels kiss thy feet, the dark pupils reflect on your toenail making them resemble innumerable moons with dark patches. Your feet which wandered in GOKULA and BRINDAVANA with sole purpose of cutting asunder the great burden of existence of those who seek refuge in them.Those feet have danced on the hoods of KALIYA, who feeds on air. Your feet keep time to the melody you play on your flute, which capitvates the whole world. Those feet are served upon by SANAKA, BRAHMA and INDRA. Your feet give immortality and are the only remedy to the woes of existence. Oh Lord PADMANABHA! You are the lord of RAMA. Audio Availability: --Dikshitar: 1) Sri Kanthimathim Hemavathi Adi

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Meaning: I bow to Sri Kanthimathi the wise and youthful consort of Lord Sankara and Mother of Dikshitar Audio Availability: Smt. SR 2) Sree Swaminadhaya Namaste Namaste Kamas Tisra Triputa Meaning: Oh Lord Swaminatha, I bow to you again and again. Audio Availability: Maharajapuram Santhanam

Dasyam: Servant/Slave
Thyagarajar: 1) Thavadasoham Punnagavarali - Adi Meaning: O Son of Dasaratha! I am Your servant;I am Your servant; I am Your servant. You bestow boons and talk gently. You are unblemished. You are the God incarnated as man. You are lotus eyed and absolutely pious. You are Indra's friend. Oh my unparalleled warrior, I seek protection. Please listen and remember my imploration . You are the wealth of the Sun dynasty.You are like blue cloud. You protect the sages. You wear golden costume. There is no other God like you on the earth. I beg for protection. Vedas worship you. You are above all bonds. Tyagaraja worships you. Audio Availability: MSS, Radha Jayalakshmi 2) Bantureethi Kolu Hamsanadham - Adi Meaning: In this song Sri Thyagaraja pleads with Rama to give him the post of a guard/servant for Raama; symbolically meaning that he always wants to be in Sri rama's sannidhi (in his presence). He says in the anupallavi, the guard's post should be such that he is empowered to destroy all the demons which are arishadvargas

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(kama-love, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya) and since the guard is empowered to do so, he needs such a guard's post. In the caraNam, he says he should be blessed with the emblem of Ramabhakti, given a sword called Raama Naama (the name of Raama) to perform his guard's job. Audio Availability: Smt. SR 3) Lekana Asaveri - Adi Meaning: Why do people flock to you? They are all inclined with the same longing to experience lasting bliss. Ocean of benevolence! Bestower of property! Abode of supreme wisdom! You are indeed the celestial gem which fulfills wishes and desires immediately. Mother Sitadevi is fascinated by your peerless beauty and charm and is in a state of perpetual bliss. Lakshmana delights in responding to the slightest gesture of your eyes and serving you accordingly. Bharata loses himself at the sight of your countenance radiating grace. Shatrughna experiences unalloyed joy in contemplating you as an embodiment of spiritual wisdom. The mere thought of your feet lifts Anjaneya to the empyrian heights of devine trance. O abode of all auspicious attributes! Bestower of boons to Tyagaraja! Audio Availability: SSI, Ariyakudi 4) Pahi Rama Dutha Vasantha Varali Rupakam Meaning: O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vayu life breath of the World! Deign to protect me. O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vayu - who leaped across the ocean Lord of rivers! the slayer of Aksha Kumara son of Ravana the ten faced! deign to protect me. 1. O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vayu - who dried up the ocean store-house of waters called the terrible demons in the same way as sage Agastya born of pitcher who sipped the ocean; resident at the root of the tree Parijata! who moves about with the

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speed equivalent to wind; deign to protect me. 2. O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vau - subduer of the malefic planet(s) by his feet; the purifier of those who have fallen from their path; the most excellent among those masters of Veda and Sastra; the blemish-less minded; deign to protect me ever. 3. O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vayu - the Lotus Faced resembling (in colour) that of rising Sun; who shines as if a crore Suns have appeared together; who holds in his hands the holy feet of Sri Rama; the wind carrier of fragrance which drives away the cloud of impurities of this Kali Yuga; deign to protect me. 4. O Messenger of Sri Rama! O Son of Vayu brimming with the nectar of compassion towards devotees; whose body is like the Mount mEru the golden mountain; besought by the great devotees of Lord; bestower of boons to devotees; praised by this Thyagaraja; deign to protect me. Audio Availability: MDR, Malladi Narayan Sharma, Hyderabad Brothers. 5) Kalu Guna Pada Neeraja Poorna Lalitha -Adi Tyagaraja aspires for similar kind of service at the feet of Sri Rama as performed by Anjaneya Meaning: O Anjaneya - Son of the Wind God one who carries fragrance! Will it be possible for me to have the privilege of performing service (like you) at the Lotus Feet of Sri Rama? O AnjanEya - the foremost of the devotees - who remains as the one having the privilege of experiencing the Supreme Bliss by always beholding the Lord! will it be possible for me too to have the privilege of performing service (like you) at the Lotus Feet of Sri Rama? O AnjanEya! will it be possible for me too to have the privilege of beholding manifestedly Lord Sri Rama - the Consort of LakshmI, the King of Ayodhya, the prop of everything and the Lord praised by this Tyagaraja - who (a) at pre-dawn hours, taking bath of nectar holding Your hands, (b) having offered the sacred foods to Lord Ranganatha,

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(c) Himself having partaken food laid by the hands of Sita, and (d) commands You to read out the holy scriptures? Audio Availability: Rajkumar Bharathi Purandaradasar: 1) Sujanma Sukrutham 2) Dasana Maadiko Nadanamakriya Adi Audio Availability: MSS, RKSrikantan Swati Tirunal: 1) Parama PuruSa Nannu Ahiri Capu Meaning: Oh Supreme Lord! Let me consign all my KARMA-actions, to you. Even though I am blured by the supreme illusion created by you. Let me Let it be consigned to you, whatever I perceive through my ears, eyes, whatever I smell and whatever I gift. Let all of it be offered to you whatever I eat, speak, feel by touch or wear. Let it be Consigned to you, all my actions, whether they are done with knowledge or by ignorance. The actions whether ordained or not, by sastric. injunctions. Oh PADMANABHA! I offer everything unto you and be your humble servant. Audio Availability: -Prabhandam 1) Periaazhwar Tirumozhi 3 aam Pathu , 10 vathu pathikam , 5th pasuram talks about Bharatas service to Ramas Feet. Aazhwar has written this as Hanuman telling these stories to seetha so that she can easily recognizes him as Ramas messenger.

Sakhyam: Friendship

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1) Narada Muni Vedalina Pantuvarali Rupakam Meaning: Listen to the grandeur with which sage Narada set out. (Listen to the grandeur with which sage Narada),Meditating always on the Lotus Feet of Sri Hari and reciting the names of Lord Narayana,(set out). (Listen to ... sage Narada), brimming with the essence of Vedanta beyond duality and non-duality,set out with exceeding joy to convey good tidings to Prahlada.(Listen to ... which sage Narada set out) declaring that, in this world, it is ever victory to those who are privy to the secrets regarding the effulgent Lord, the friend of Sri Thyagaraja. Audio Recording: MSS, Bombay Sisters 2) Daya Rani Mohanam Adi Meaning: O Lord Rama son of King Dasaratha! Let Your grace come, let Your grace come.O Lord Raghuvira! Is it possible to describe the bliss? O Lord Rama! If I thought of You, it resulted in experiencing horripilation in the whole body. As a result of beholding You, experiencing bliss, tears (of joy) filled my eyes. At the time of loving You, the whole world became insignificant.At the time of embracing Your feet, I shone and lost body consciousness.As You were near me all my worries vanished. I considered that even meeting those who are bereft of the knowledge of Your secret to be a curse. Did You incarnate as Lord Sri Rama for my sake? Did You proceed in order to protect devotees like me? O Lord Rama! You are the Original Cause of even the Trinity. O Lord Rama! You the most intimate friend of Thyagaraja. Audio Recording: MLV, Nedunuri 3) Varidhi Neeku Thodi Triputa. This Krithi is a part of Prahlada Bakthi Vijayam. After being released from ngapam, Prahlada pays obeisance to samudrarja. Prahlada requests samudrarja to tell him the path by adopting which Lord Hari would manifest Himself.

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Meaning: O Lord of Ocean! I offer my salutations to You. Please tell me the path (adopted by You) due to which Lord Hari Consort of Lakshmi - always abides in the Lotus of Your heart. Please protect me by showing mercy on me; please tell the path adopting which the Lord would never be separated from me; please convey my message to the Lord - meditated upon by sages; please save my life by adopting any method. I shall not worry about all the troubles created by demons; I shall not beg for pleasures, wealth and prosperity; I shall not forget the Lord Hari in my mind; please, therefore, tell me the path adopting which I may behold the Lord to my hearts content. O Lord of Waters! Throughout life I have been facing the troubles from demons; I am eleven (or five or six) years of age; the Lord the benefactor of Thyagaraja doesnt seem to come; please listen; please tell me any method adopting which the Lord one whose hands extends upto knees could be found. Audio Recording: DKP 4) Chelimini Jalajaksha Yadukula Kamboji - Adi Meaning: O Devotees of Lord! You please inform about my love if You see Lord Hari the Lotus Eyed.O Devotees of Lord! I salute you many a times; You kindly inform about my deep love if You see Lord hari.1.O Devotees of Lord! He would shine wielding bow and arrow in His hands; O Devotees of Lord! He has eyes brimming with much nectar of grace. 2. O Devotees of Lord! He is such a benevolent faced that more one beholds Him, the more the mind would melt; O Devotees of Lord! He is clever who utters by understanding the manner of the devotees. O Devotees of Lord! I am unable to convey my inner grief; O Devotees of Lord! Alas! please convey to the Lord the secret (of my mind) by knowing yourselves. O Devotees of Lord! I consider Him to be the

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friend of Thyagaraja; O Devotees of Lord! you please relieve my grief. Audio Availability: Maharajapuram Santhanam 5) Sami ki Sari Begada Chapu Meaning: I do not find any other deity comparable to Lord Rama. When my mind is fully engrossed in him,how can I seek other gods.I don't want to brood any more.I am destined to worship him only. His soothing words bestow me infinite happiness.I am fascinated by his beauty.He never disappoints me. I am intimate to him.I don't find any other deity equal to him. He is great friend of Tyagaraja that protects. Audio Recording: BMK 6) O Rama O Rama Arabhi Adi Meaning: O Rama, O Rama! One abiding in Omkara! O Rama, O Rama! Show affection towards me. My good fortune has become mockery for all, O Lord of celestials! How shall I tolerate anymore? What benefit did you derive by deceiving me? I trusted in you alone totally; You are my protection. I am (keeping myself) suitable for Your grace; my words are true; O Lord Rama abiding in Ayodhya! please protect me this moment. O Lord! There are no protectors for me in the Earth; if You forget or are surprised (at my plea), what is the way out for me? What is the use of this birth? why anyone else for me? O Lotus Eyed! Is it good for Your grace not to descend on me? If my heart becomes cool, my happiness is Yours; if You become very gracious, it is indeed comfort for me; You please govern me. I did not desire even a single thing for myself; O Supreme Lord! why wouldnt You condescend to tell me that whatever I desired are all for You (Your worship)? Whether it is milk or water, I assumed that it is meant for You alone; I have firmed up in my mind that You are the final nice Lord. I desired for You; and, I shall not leave You even for

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a minute; if You remain without governing me by uniting with me, I shall swear by Your honour.Is it possible to find a better person than You with such a peerless majesty? O Friend of this Thyagaraja! Why this unconcern? Audio Recording: ---Purandaradasar: 1) Naaneke Badavenu Behag Kandachapu Audio Recording: MLV Swathi Tirunal: 1) Bhavati Vishvaso Mukhari Triputa Meaning: Let me always have confidence in you! Dispeller of various miseries without an iota of doubt. Though there are various scriptures and various religions in the world, oh consort of LAKSHMI! Oh the one who protects those who surrender! Let me have a strong mind not to have partiality towards other gods and have trust only in you. While crossing the forest, taking holy bath at various rivers, at the time of having great fears and in the midst of great testing periods, Oh lotus eyed! Oh the one who purifies the world! Oh the one who is glorified by the worship of NARADA and others! save me and make me have confidence in you. To the PANDAVA group, UDDHAVA, AKRURA and others, You were the expert in protecting and giving PARAMAPADA-the ultimate status with compassion and vision of your blissful form! Bestower of boons! Let me have confidence in you!. Audio Recording: SSI Prabandham 1) Peria Tirumozhi 2nd Ten, 3rd Pathikam 2 Pasurams (8 Lines). First one narrating the friendship of the Lord at Triplicane with Arjuna. Second

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one talks about the Krishnas Thoodhu for the Paandavas just for their friendship. 2) Periaazhwar Tirumozhi 3 aam Pathu , 10 vathu pathikam , 4th pasuram talks about Ramas friendship with Guhan. Devaram 1) Lord Shiva himself questions his friend sundarar whether he has forgotten himself and also asking him to come and see him at the Tirumazhapadi temple. For which Sundarar Sings Ponnar Meniane Puli Tholai Devarm. This is also called as Thozhamai Tiruppathigam. Audio Recording: TMK (Has Sung it in Pantuvarali), GSMani (In Shankarabharanam) Bharathiyar: 1) Bharatiyar has written poems on kannan called Kannan Paattu. In this there is a chapter called Kannan en Thozhan wherein he treats kannan as his friend. The verses 3,7 and 10 can be taken to see his friendship towards kannan.

Aatma Nivedanam: Total Surrender

Thyagarajar: 1) Nannu Vidachi Ritigowlai Chapu Meaning: Do not leave me and go Oh Ramaiah. I cannot be without you even for half a minute. Oh Sriramana seeing you is like finding a precious pearl after diving in deep ocean holding the breath. It is like finding cool shade under kalpa taru (wish fulfilling tree) after suffering unbearable heat of the Sun. It is like finding treasure pot unexpectedly while digging ground.Take care of me well, This body is yours. Oh Lord of Tyagaraja! Audio Recording: Smt. SR, Sanjay

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2) Saarame Gaani Panthuvarali Chapu Meaning: In this kruti Tyagaraja emphasises that Rama's name itself is the nectarine essence of all spirituality.He exemplifies this with the divine characters like sage Narada,Sage Suka and Lord Siva. Oh my mind,Rama's name itself is the quintessence of all spirituality.Why are you in search of other paths? Oh my mind,why do you listen to each and every ignorant person's utterences?Sage Narada traverses all over the universe chanting the nectar like Rama"s name whose beauty excells that of a million Manmathas.Narada shines with the brilliance of autumn clouds and perpetually chants"Narayana,Narayana". Did he not preach the poet Valmiki the great Rama Taraka Mantram that emancipates. Audio Recording: Smt. SR 3) Kaalaharana Suddha Saveri Rupakam Meaning: Why delay, O Lord Sita Rama? Why delay, O Most Merciful Lord with multitude of virtues! In the same manner as all birds search their tree (where their nest is located) by roaming here and there, why delay in protecting me who has got hold of your holy feet right from my birth in this World? No matter how much highly I praise You, who else is there to protect me than You who is shining very brightly in this World as personification of sacrifice? Every day having roamed everywhere and not finding any refuge, having sought Your refuge I surrendered wealth called my body (or my body and wealth) as Yours; O Lord Rama, well-praised by this Thyagaraja! Audio Recording: TVR, Ramnad Krishnan. 4) Rama Paahi mega Shyama Kapi Chapu Meaning: O Lord Sri Rama! Please protect me, O Dark-blue hued like rain-cloud! Please protect me, O Abode of virtues! Please protect me, O Lord Sri Rama! O Lord Rama! I besought You because there is none equal to You in all the three Worlds. O Lord Rama! I became

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servant to You alone instead of believing much others. O Lord Rama! At all times, I considered that You alone to be Lord of celestials and others who belongs to me. O Lord Rama! Treating everything (else) to be false, I became one who considers You alone to be the reality. O Lord Rama! I became Yours by loving You such that I felt horripilation the moment I thought of You. O Lord Rama! I considered that, in order to avoid (the company of) wicked people, the roar of Your name is the recourse. O Lord Rama! In my mind, everyday I experienced novel (and) nice feelings. O Consort of Sita daughter of Earth! I considered that, in the Ocean of Worldly Existence, there is no mutuality between one another. O Lord Rama! I swear by those Five Great Elements (space, air, fire, water, earth) that I surrendered (results of) all my pious deeds to be Your's. O (blue) Lotus Eyed! O Lord Rama! Please do treat all my statements to be true. O Friend of Lord Sankara! O Ocean of the joy of Supreme Bliss! O Lord Rama! Atleast from now-onwards, do protect me. O Lord whose hands extend to the knees! O Lotus Faced! O Lord whose conduct is praised well by this Tyagaraja! O Lord Rama! Audio Recording: MDR, BMK 5) Enaati Nomu Bhairavi Adi Audio Recording: MSS, Nedunuri, SSI 6) Makelara Vicharamu Ravichandrika Adi Meaning: Why should we worry? Sri Ramachandra, Father of Cupid! O Prince of Ayodhya! O Wish-tree of true devotees! O bestower of fortune! Having set up the drama, holding in your hands the strings (of the puppets), you make us all dance without missing even a single beat, to the appreciation of the whole universe! Aha! One saluted by Thyagaraja and praised by Siva! Audio Recording: Radha Jayalakshmi, SSI, Ramnad Krishnan, Sowmya

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7) Nee Chitamu naa Dhanyasi Chapu Meaning: Because Your mind is steady and pure, I have believed You alone.O Lord Sri Rama! Please dont abandon me because my mind is deceptive or crafty and capricious. The preceptor is the clearing nut (to cleanse evils of disciple); the preceptor is the wasp (to transform the disciple like himself); the preceptor is the Sun (to dispel darkness of Aavidya); the preceptor is the auspicious one; the preceptor is the best refuge; I have assumed You to be preceptor; in order to protect this servant (of Yours) on the Earth, O Lord praised by this Thyagaraja! I have believed You alone, because Your mind is steady and pure. Audio Recording: Nedunuri, Priya Sisters 8) Bhagya Mayya Vijaya Vasantham Audio Recording: GSMani Purandaradasar: 1) Innudaya Bharathe Kalyana Vasantham Audio Recording: Smt. SR Swathi Tirunal: 1) dEva dEva kalpayAmi.- nAdanAmakriyA - rUpakam Meaning: Oh DEVA DEVA - Lord of Lords! I surrender unto you everything including self! As you accepted the offerings from King MAHABALI when you were in the form of VAMANA the dwarf; As you accepted the AGRYAPUJA in the RAJASUYA YAGA performed by YUDHISHTIRA; Having offered you myself, it is your duty to protect me, since it is the duty of anyone to protect what is offered to him. Oh PADMANABHA! As your humble servant I beseech you to accept whatever you may feel fit as offerings from me! Audio Recording: --

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Bhadrachala Ramdas: 1) Saranagata Rakshana Yamuna Kalyani Audio Recording: Poochi Srinivasa Iyengar: 1) Saraguna Palimpa Kedaragowlai Adi O one with divine qualities ("saraguna")! It is time ("samayamuraa") for your protect ("palimpa") me! Who ("evvarunnaru") is equal ("sari") to you ("neeku") ? Oh the one with lotus-like ("sarasija") eyes ("nethra")! You are the one full of beautiful qualities ("varaguna")! You lie on a serpent couch ("sesha-adri"). You are the giver of boons ("vara-daa"). You are Venkateshwara! You are worshipped ("nutha") by Brahma, the one born ("sambhava") of a lotus ("vanaja"). Did you not("leda") protect ("anugrahincha") Gajendra the king of elephants ("gaja-raajudu")when he prayed to you in pain ("sathadruthu poojitha"). Did you not protect the learned ("ati vedajanthina"), supreme ("parama") devotee ("bhaktha"), Prahlada ? You are the father ("janaka") of Cupid ("manmatha"); the world is dedicated to you ("marshamunaku niketana"). You are the supreme ("mahaneeya") Srinivasa!I have heard ("vini") of your divine tales ("sad-gatalanu"), and pray to you ("veditini"). Please condescend ("manasu karagi") to listen to my entreaties ("balki"), and release ("deerchi") me from my miseries ("sankatamulu"). Audio Recording: TNS, Sanjay, Ariyakudi Arunachala Kavi 1) Sharanam Sharanam Asaveri Audio Recording: KVN Syama Sastri 1) Devi Brova Samayamithe Chintamani Adi

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Meaning: Oh Sankari,Oh Kamakshi the cosort of Siva,this is the most opportune time to come expeditiosly to protect me. You are the Mother of the universe.Don't you pity me? Am I not your humble servant? You grace yourself at Kanchipuram auspiciously.You are the beloved consort of Ekamreswara. Oh Devi,if you go on postponing showing mercy, I won't hear you.I can't be patient anymore.Please come today itself to shower your mercy.I incessantly keep your lotus feet in my mind.I requested for your support only. Please protect me cheerfully. You are the young sister of Syamakrishna.You are the consort of Sankara. You are Gouri with red lips like 'bimba'fruits.You are the daughter of Himavanta. You are Lalita the Supreme Goddess.Oh my Mother Kamakshi,who else is there for me on this earth to protect me? Audio Recording: Smt. SR 2) Marivere Gati Aanandha Bhairavi. Audio Recording: Smt. SR GNB 1) Unnadiye Gathiendru Bahudari Audio Recording: Smt. SR Gopalakrishna Bharathi 1) Saranagatam Endru Nambi Vanden Gowlai Adi Audio Recording: KVN, Maharajapuram 2) Tiruvadi Sharanam Endru Naan Kamboji Adi Audio Recording: MSS, MLV, DKP

Harikesanallur Muthiah Bagavathar: 1) Saranagatha Vatsala Kharaharapriya Adi

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pallavi sharaNAgata vatsala rAmA sArvabhaumA anupallavi paraAnanda pArAvArA puruSOttama paripUrNakAmA caraNam moraliDi pAdamu baTTu sugrIvuni saraguna gAci vibhISaNuni rakSinci sharadhi bandhanamu dayatO cEsina harikEshapura Adi nAyakA Audio Recording: -Silapathikaram: 1) Vadavarayai Mathaaki Ragamalika Adi Ilango Adigal This song talks about the following Bhaktis: Vandanam- Devas Worshipping. Pada Sevanam Talking about the glory of his feet, Sakhyam - Pandavar Thoodhu, Atma Nivedanam Total surrender to HIM by saying there is no use of Ears if it doesnt hears his namam, no use of the eyes if it doesnt sees him and no use of tongue if it doesnt sing his glory. Audio Recording: MSS Meaning: - The northern hills(vadavarai) called the Meru as stirrer(mathu) and with Vasuki as rope(nAn) and stirring the ocean is the description of the getting the nectar. The hand that stirred the ocean and bound by Yasoda's backyard rope, turned as a flowery cart (undhi-cart) is a magic (mayamo), we are zapped (marutkai). 2 - The devas(amarakanam) believed that this guy is a treasure in every way and worshipped him giving up every type of hunger. The mouth that ate the stolen butter from pot (kalvinal urivennai

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undavaai) and turned it into dark thulasi and left us zapped.

3 - The devas(thirandamarar) worhipped the red lotus feet of your feet of Vishnu (Thirumal/perumal). You walked the 3 worlds with two feet to end darkness(irultheera)(describes Vamana Avatarma where Thrivikrama measures the world with two feet and hence humbles Mahabali.) The feet magically transformed into letter carrier and left us zapped when he went as messenger of the 5 men to carry the letter. 4 - One who left the walking the three worlds incomplete in the Vamana avataram continued it in Rama avataram. The feet that leaped together with his brother to forest and in the end destroyed the old Lanka. Oh! what is the use of the ears if they don't hear the greatness of the Sevakan (protector (Vishnu) and also servant(Hanuman)). What is the use of the ears(sevi) which cannot hear the greatness (seer) of Vishnu (Thirumaal). 5 - The world(perulakam) and heavens(vinnaviaik kaanum) looked Balarama(periyavan) and Krishna(mayavan). Thiruvadium(feet) kaiyum(hand), and mouth(thiru-vayum) seyya(worked). Oh! what are those eyes which don't see the darkie(krishna). What use are the eyes which don't look at him stunned(kan-imaithu). 6 - He crossed the person Sagging breasts(madamthazhum Nenjam) who came with a vengence refers to the person (who tried to breastfeed and kill Krishna) ended up encontering the 100 which lead to war in all four directions with a blow of conch. What use is of the tongue which doesn't praise the person who was messenger as for 5? What use is of the tongue which doesn't chant his name?

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Lyrics: Stanza 1 Ragam hamsanandi Vadavaraiyai maththu akki vasukiyai nanakki kaDalvannan pandu orunal kadalvayiru kalakkinaiye kalakkiyakai asodhaiyar kadaikayirral kattunkai malarkkamala undhiyai mayamo marutkaithe

Stanza 2 Raagam - Kamas Aruporul ivanenre amararganam tozhudeththa urupasi onru inriye ulagu adaiya undanaiye undavay kalavinal urivennai undavay vanthuzhay malaiyay mayamo marutkaiththe )

Stanza 3 Raagam Hindolam Thirandu amarar tozhudhu eththum thirumaal ninsengamala irandadiyan muvulagum irulthira nadandhanaiye nadandha adi panjcavarkkuth thudhaga nadandha adi madangalay maru attay mayamo martkaiththe

Stanza 4 Raagam :Shanmugapriya Muvulagum iradiyan murainiramba vagaimudiyath thaviya se adiseppath thambiyodum kanpondhu

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co aranum pormadiyath tol ilangai kattazhiththa sevakansir keladha seviyenna seviye thirumalsir keladha seviyenna seviye

Stanza 5 Raagam - paras Periyavanai mayavanaip perulagam ellam virikamala undhiyudai vinnavanaik kannum thiruvadiyum kaiyum thiruvayum seyya kariyavanaik kanadha kan enna kanne kan imaiththuk kanbartham kan enna kanne

Stanza 6 Raagam : Kaapi Madamthazhum nenjcaththuk kanjcanar vanjcam kadandhanai, nurruvarpal narrisaiyum porrap padarndhu aranam muzhangap panjcavarkkuth thudhu nadandhanai eththadha na enna nave narayana enna na enna nave

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Sravanam - Rama Katha Sudha Ragam: Madhyamavathi

pallavi rAma kathA sudhArasa pAnam oka rAjyamu cEsunE anupallavi bhAmAmaNi jAnaki saumitri bharatAdulatO bhUmi velayu sItA caraNam dharmAddakhila phaladamE manasA dhairyAnanda saukhya nikEtanamE karma bandha jvalanAbdhi nAvamE kaliharamE tyAgarAja vinutuDagu

Talam: Madhyaadi

Sravanam - Sudha Madhurya Ragam: Sindunamakriya

pallavi sudhA mAdhurya bhASaNa sudhAkarAnana anupallavi karthAmrtamucE bahukAlamu akali dIriyunnanu brOvumu caraNam dUrAtmulagu bhU-kirAtakula jEra rAdunucu sundarAkAra nI pArAyaNula celimi rAgOru tyAgarAjanuta O parAtparA suguNa

Talam: Adi

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Keerthanam Elavatara Ragam: Mukhari

pallavi ElAvatAram ettukoNTivi Emi kAraNamu rAmuDai anupallavi Alamu sEyuTakA ayOdhya pAlana jEyutakA O rAghava caraNam yOgula jUcuTanduka bhava rOgula brOcuTanduka shatarAga ratnamAlikalu racincina tyAgarAjuku vara mosagutanDukA

Talam: Adi

Keerthanam Ongi Ulagalandha Ragam: Arabhi Talam:

Keerthanam Kaadhar Kuzhaiada Ragam: Talam:

Smaranam - Satatam Samsmaraniha Ragam: Neelambari

Pallavi satatam samsmarANIha sArasAkSa bhavantam syAnandurEshvara Anupallavi ati sAndra mOhagADAndhakAra sancaya hati sArasa himakarAyitam jagadIsham

Talam: Capu

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Charanam - 1 nirupama payO vArinidhi tunga tangaugha pariluTanEna param parisa bhuvitata varamaNi rucivrtE sarasam shvEtAntarIpE uraga kula nAyaka vara mancadalOpari parishAyinamanisham parama puruSam Isham Charanam - 2 indivarAsita sundaravapuSamAnadaika padamIshvaram kudAvadA tAbha mandahAsa ruci nandita bhUmIndram vrndAraka maharSi vrnda vanditamiha vantAru jana kalpapAda pAyitamahO Charanam - 3 visada nAbhIpuTa vilasadabjavAsinAkrusha bhakti bharajUSAbhrshamudA vidhinApi vihitatrayI ghOSa nishamanEna samuuditam trushi pUrNa karuNam sudIna jana pAlakam prasamida bhava tApam padmanAbhamaham

Smaranam - Smarana Ondhe Chaladhe Ragam: Malayamarutham

Pallavi Smarane Onde Salade Govndana Nama Onde Salade Anu Pallavi Parama Purusanannu Nere Nambidavarige Durita Badhegala Gurutu Toruvude

Talam: Rupakam

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Charanam 1 Kadu Murkhanadarenu Duskarmadim Todedatanadarenu Jadanadarenalpa Jatiyadarenu Bidade Prahladanna Salahida Hariya

Charanam 2 Patakiyadarenu Sarva Prani Ghatakiyadarenu Nitiya Bittu Duskirmiyadarenu Pritiyindajamilana Salahida Hariya Charanam 3 Sakala Tirtta Yatreya Madidantha Nikila Punyada Phalavu Bhakuti Purvakavagi Bidadanu Dinadalli Prakata Purandara Vittalana Namada

Padasevanam - Sri Rama Paadama Ragam: Amruthavahini

pallavi shrI rAma pAdamA nI krpa jAlunE cittAniki rAvE anupallavi vArijabhava sanaka sanandana vAsavAdi nAradAdu lella pUjince caraNam dArini silayai tApamu tALaka vAramu kannIrunu rAlcaga shUra ahalyanu jUci brOcitivi A rIti dhanyu sEyavE tyAgarAja bhAgyamA

Talam: Adi

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Pada Sevanam - Enna Gaanu Rama Bhajana Ragam: Pantuvarali

pallavi ennagAnu rAma bhajana kannamikkilunnadA anupallavi sannutincu shrI rAmacandru dalacavE vEDukonnanEmi phalamu manasa caraNam 1 cApa kAraNamuna hasya cAparAdi candamAya pApamella bhAserAmu padamu sOkagA rUpavatula lOnanadika rUparEka mulanu kalike rEpagalunu jUDa puNya rUpaganna kAyakA caraNam 2 sharaNu joccinaTTivAni karuNajUcu rAmacaramu caramuganna mariyu itara caramulunna dA parama drOhiyaina gAkA suruni jUci kOpaginci parama dayanu brOcEgAka bhanga parasha jUcenA caraNam 3 rAmaciluka nokada penci prEma mATalADanEpa rAma rAma rAmayanucu ramaNIvokkadE prEmamIra bhadrAdi dAmuDaina rAma vibhuDu kAmitArtta phalamulicci kaiphalya mosaga lEdA manasA kanna vinnavAri

Talam: Rupakam

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Archanam - Challa re Sompaina Ragam: Ahiri

pallavi callarE rAmacandru nIpai pUla anupallavi sompaina manasutO impaina bangAru gampalatO manci campakamulanu caraNam 1 pAmaramulu mAni nEmamutnu ramA manOharuni paini tAmara pUla caraNam 2 dhAta vinutuDaina sItApati paini cEtulatO pArijAta sumamula caraNam 3 I jagatini dEva pUjArhamau pUla-rAjilO mEtaina jAji sumamula caraNam 4 amita parAkramadyu maNikulArNava vimala sumamula caraNam 5 ennarAni janana maraNamu lEkuNDa manasAra tyAgarAjanutuni paini pUla candrunipai hrtkumuda

Talam: Capu

Archanam ArAdhayAmi Ragam: Bilahari

Pallavi ArAdhayAmi karaNa trayENAham anudinamapi bhavantam

Talam: Capu

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Anupallavi dhArAdhArAbha budhAdi nivAraNa Caranam 1 nava maNImaya pIThE nanu sannivEshayanna viLambam sushi shirENOmbhAsA surabhINa savinayAdaramahO samsnApayAmiha bhuvana pAlana mUrtE bhuvi kimitO bhAgyam Caranam 2 kamalArAtididhati gaurImAvahEna samvEshTayAmisha ati vimala vAsasA nirupama

amita gandhEnAlam angarAgENa ca samalam karOmi bhUSaNairapi varairaham Caranam 3 tuLsIkunda pUjanam mallikAdyutsUna jAtEna kaLadhautabhA janE kalpitEna

naLInAKSa racayAmi nAtha dhUpa dIpamangaLa nivEdyAni ca kalayE pankajanAbha

Archanam Hubeke Ragam: Vijayanagari Talam:

Vandanam - Dandamu Bettenu Ragam: Balahamsa


Talam: Adi

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daNDamu beTTEdanurA, kOdaNDapANi cUDarA anupallavi andaja suvAhana mArttANDa candra lOcana kuNDali shayana brahmAnDa nAyaka nIku caraNam pErukA pratisthaka Uraka ninnu nammiti UruvAru vAdhivAru oka jAtivAru kAru dArini ceyibaTTi brOvamu tyAgarAjArcita nIku

Vandanam - Sree swAminAdhAya namastE namstE Ragam: Kamas

Pallavi Sree swAminAdhAya namastE namstE Anupallavi SASvata Siva sutAya sarva dEva sahAya swAmiSaila sthitAya varadAya Caranam gajAmba ramaNAya gaNapati sOdarAya guNatrayAteetAya guhyAkArAya ajEndra poojitAya AShrita phaladAya varaSikhi vAhanAya guru guha swaroopAya Meaning: Oh Lord Swaminatha, I bow to you again and again.

Talam: Tisra Triputa

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I bow to the son of eternal Siva. He helps all other gods. Swami Hill is his abode. He is bestower of boons. I bow to the spouse of Gajamba. He is brother of Lord Ganapati. He transcends the three cardinal qualities Satva,Rajas and Tamas (gentleness, possessive nature and indolence). Heis incomprehensible. Brahma and Indra worship him. He fulfills wishes of those who seek for refuge. Beautiful peacock is his vehicle. He appears as Guru Guha.

Vandanam Vandanamu Ragam: Sahana

pallavi vandanamu raghunandana sEtu bandhana bhakta candana rAma anupallavi shrIdamA nAtO vAdamA nE bhEdamA idi mOdamA rAma caraNam 1 shrI rAma hrccaramA brOva bhAramA rAya bAramA rAma caraNam 2 viNTini nammu koNTini sharraNaNtini rammaNTini rAma caraNam 3 Odanu bhakti vIDanu orula vEDanu nIvADanu rAma caraNam 4 kammani viDa mimmani varamu kommani paluka rammani rAma caraNam 5

Talam: Adi

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nyAyamA nIku dAyamA inka hEyamA munigEyamA rAma caraNam 6 cUDumi kApADumi mammu pODimigaA gUDumi rAma caraNam 7 kSEmamu divya dhAmamu nitya nEmamu rAma nAmamu rAma caraNam 8 vEgarA karuNa sAgarA shrI tyAgarAja hrdayAgArA rAma

Dasyam - Bantureethi Kolu Ragam: Hamsanaadam

pallavi banTu reeti kOlu viyavaiyya raama | (banTu) anupallavi tuNTa viNTi vaani modalaina madaa- | dula goTTi nela goola jEyu nija || (banTu) caraNam rOmaanca manu ghana kancukamu | raama bhaktuDanu mudra biLLayu || raama naama manu vara khaDga mivi | raajillu naiyya tyaagaraajuni kE || (bunTu)

Talam: Adi

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Dasyam - Dasana Madiko Ragam: Nadanamakriya

dsana m iko enna swmi ssira nmada venka a-rama a Caranam - 1 durbudhdhiga anella bi iso ninna karu a-kavacavenna hara ake to iso caranas ve enage ko iso abhaya kara-pu pav enna iradalli mu iso Caranam - 2 d habhakti ninnalli b i n


a igeraguvenayya anudina p i ka ega all kenna n i bi uve

ko u ninna dhynava manauci m i Caranam - 3 morehokkavara kyva birudu enna mareyade rak a e m ayya poredu durita ga ellava taridu siri purandara vi hala ennanu poredu

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Dasyam - Pahi Rama Dutha Ragam: Vasantha Varali

pallavi pAhi rAma dUta jagatprANa kumAra mAm anupallavi vAhinIsha taraNa dasha vadana sUnutanu haraNa caraNam 1 taruNAruNa vadanAbja tapanakOTi sankAsha karadhrta raghuvara sucaraNa kalimalAbhra gandhavAha caraNam 2 ghOrAsura varAnnidhi kumbha tanaya krta kArya pArijAta taru nivAsa pAvana tulya vEga caraNam 3 pAdavijita duSTa graha patitalOka pAvana vEda shAstra nipuNa varya vimala citta satatam mAm caraNam 4 karuNArasa paripUrNa kAncanAdri samadEha parama bhAgavatarENya varada tyAgarAjanuta

Talam: Rupakam

Sakhyam - Daya Rani Ragam: Mohanam


Talam: Adi

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dayarAnI dayarAnI dAsharathI rAma caraNam 1 vivarimpa daramA raghuvIrAnandamunu rAma caraNam 2 talacitE mEnella pulakarincEnu rAma caraNam 3 kanugona nAnandamai kannIru nindEnu rAma caraNam 4 caraNa kaugili vELa celagi maimaracEnu rAma caraNam 5 centanuNDaga nAdu cintalu tolagEnu rAma caraNam 6 Asincu vELa jagamanta trNamAyEnu rAma caraNam 7 marma hInula gUDa karmamana naiyyEni caraNam 8 tanakai shrI rAmavatAra mettitivO caraNam 9 nAvaNTi dAsula brOva veDalitivO caraNam 10 mUdu mUrtula gAdi mUlamu nIvE rAma

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caraNam 11 shrI tyAgarAjuni celikADu nIve rAma

Sakhyam Ponnar Meniyane Ragam: Sakhyam Prabandham Ragam: Talam: Talam:

Atmanivedanam - sharaNam sharaNam raghurAmA. Ragam: Asaveri

Pallavi sharaNam sharaNam raghurAma nI ennait-tarkAttaruL parandAmA Anupallavi virikaDal vEndan un tiruvaDi shErndanen mEl enna upacAram Ayiram namaskAram Caranam 1 maTTi mIn onrODonru mallADi amar pUNum vazhakkut-tIrkkap-pOnEn idukkO un manam kONum eTTuraNDum teriyA enakk-ittanaiyO kANum enna pizhai sheidAlum nIyE porkkavENum Caranam 2 Edum balamillAda nI oru mAnuDan enru ninaittAl nAn vIzhvEn narakattuDan

Talam: Adi

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tIdu nalladenru ariyAda nAn ashaDan shiriyOr sheida pizhaiyaip-periyOr poruttal kaDan Caranam 3 dikku vErillai undan pAdattilE pughundEn sEt bandhanam sheyya en mudugiDantandEn agni kaNai viDa vENDAm nAn migha nondEn alaikaDal tuyinrOnE nAn unnai nambi vandEn

Atma Nivedanam - Devi Brova Ragam: Chintamani

pallavi Devi brova samayamidhe anupallavi Athi vegame vachchi naa vedhalu theerchi karunimchave Shankari Kamakshi caraNam 1 Loka Janani naa pai daya ledha nee daasudu kaadha Sri Kanchi Vihaarini Kalyani Ekamreshvaruni priya bhamayi yunna neeku enamma entho bhaaramaa vinumaa thalli caraNam 2 Syam Krishnuni sodhari kaumari Bimbaadhari Gowri Hemapaangi Lalitha paradevatha

Talam: Adi

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Kamakshi ninnu vinaa bhoomilo prematho kaappaadevaarevaru unnaarammaa thalli caraNam 3 rEpu mApani jeppithE nE vinanu ika thALanu n-Enu I proththu dhayasEyavE krupa jUdavE| nI pAdApjamula mathilO sadAyenjci n-I prapEkOri yunnA namma mOthamuthO n-annu||

Atma Nivedanam Vadavarayai Ragam: Ragamalika Talam:Adi

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Smaranam Enneramum undhan Ragam: Devagandhari Talam:Adi 2 Kali

pallavi ennEramum undan sannidiyilE nAn irukka vENdum aiyA! ponnaiA anupallavi tennancOlai tazhaikkum ten puliyUr ponnambalattu arasE en arasE caraNam 1 disai eNgaNum pugazhum sivagangaiyum dEva sabhaiyum sivakAmi darisanamum pasi koDAdu pArtta pErkkz kalakkangal parandiDa magizhndu unnai pADikkonDu caraNam 2 pancAkshara paDiyum koDikkambamum kOvil azhagum aridAna ragasiyamum anjal kUrum vIra maNigal Osaiyum andakkaraNa mayakkam tIrndu pAdikkondu caraNam 3 sheela maruvum teruvum tirukkooTTamum devarulagil kiDaiyaada adisayamum baalakrishnan paNiyum paadam bhaavamenum bhayangal teerndu malargal toovit tozhudu konDu

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Pada Sevanam Brahma Kadigina Ragam: Mukhari Talam:Adi

Bramha Kadigina Paadamu Brahmamu Taanenee Paadamu Chelagi Vasuda Golicina Nee Paadamu Bali Tala Mopina Paadamu Talagaka Gaganamu Tannina Paadamu Balaripu Gaacina Paadamu Kaamini Paapamu Gadigina Paadamu Paamu Talanidina Paadamu Premapu Shreesati Pisikedi Paadamu Paamidi Turagapu Paadamu Parama Yogulaku Pari Pari Vidhamula Varamosagedi Nee Paadamu Tiru Venkatagiri Tiramani Coopina Parama Padamu Nee Paadamu Meaning: The feet of Venkateshwara are so sacred that they are adorable even to Bramha. His feet themselves are Brahma. The Lord's feet have saved the earth from the powerful enemy Bali Chakravarthi when the Lord in the form of Vaamana asked him to fulfill his wish. The adorable feet of the Lord, brought down the pride of the poisonous snake Kaalinga. Kama and paapa are destroyed by His feet. The feet are massaged so lovingly by the goddess of wealth, Lakshmi. His feet have given many boons to rishis, and

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have made Tiru Venkatagiri in Tirupati the last destination before reaching parama padam (Vaikuntha).

Dasyam Hari Tum Haro Ragam: Darbari Kaanada Talam: Adi

hari tum harO jan ki pIr draupadIki lAj rAkhi tum baDhayO cIr bhakat kArana rUp narahari dharyO Ap sharIr hiraNya kashyapa mAr lInhO dharyO nAdina dhIr bUDhatE gaja rAja rAkhyO kiYO bAhar nIr dAsi mIrA lAl giradhar dukh jahAn tahAn pIr

Meaning: Almighty Lord God, remove the sufferings of Your slaves.You protected the honor of Draupadi, Lengthening the garment that covered her.For the sake of Your devotee, You assumed the form of Nrsimhadeva.You killed Hiranyakasipu With Your fierce form. You rescued the drowning elephant Gajaraj, Taking him out of the water. Oh Master Giridhara! I am only Your maidservant, Mira. Here and there, there is only suffering and pain

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Sravanam Madhurya Thyagarajar Bashana Sudha Rama Katha Thyagarajar Sudha Keerthanam Ongi Aandal Ulagalandha Elavathara Thyagarajar Kadhaar Manikavasagar Kuzhayada Tiruvempavai Smaranam Satatam Samsmaraniha Smarane Swati Tirunal Purandaradasar Neelambari Malayamarutham Capu Adi Group Singing MLV Arabhi Mukhari Adi Adi MLV DKP Bombay Sisters Sindunamakriya Madhyamavathi Adi Adi Smt.SR Nedunuri, TVR

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Ondhe Enneramum undhan Paadha Sevanam Sri Rama Paadama Enna Gaanu Rama Bhajana Brahma Kadigina Archanam Challare Sompaina Hubeke Parimala-?? Aradhayam Vandanam

Gopalakrishna Bharathi



Thyagarajar Bhadrachala Ramdas Annamacharya

Amruthavahini Pantuvarali Mukhari

Adi Rupakam

DKJ, Nedunuri MSS MSS, Nedunuri


Ahiri Vijayanagari

Misra Capu


Swati Tirunal



Group Singing

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Vandanamu Dandamu Bettenu Sri Swaminathaya Namaste Namaste Dasyam Bantureethi Kolu Pahi Rama Duta Dasana Maadiko Hari Tumharo Sakhyam Daya Rani Ponnar Meniyane

Thyagarajar Thyagarajar Dikshitar

Sahana Balahamsa Kamas

Adi Adi Tisra Triputa

Smt. SR BMK Maharajapuram

Thyagarajar Thyagarajar Purandaradasar Meera

Hamsanaadam Vasantha Varali Nadanamakriya Darbari Kaanada

Adi Rupakam Adi

Smt. SR Hyd. Brothers MSS MSS

Thyagarajar Mohanam Adi Sundaramoorthy Shankarabharanam (Sundarar) GSMani Pantuvarali TMK


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Prabandham Atma Nivedanam Sharanam Sharanam Devi Brova Vadavarayai Mathhaki Arunachala Kavi

Tune to be Set


Adi Adi Adi


Syama Sastri Chintamani Ilango Adigal Ragamalika Silapathikaram

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