Action Plan: Research Methods

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Action Plan Prioritised objectives for Session 2012-2013, regarding the recommendations suggested by the revalidation panel.

hese !ill be included in the annual monitoring report of the ne"t academic year of the materiali#ation of the programme $2012-13%. &or each objective, the responsible for action !ill be identified and the timescale by !hich it should be met. 'lso details of the e"pected enhancement arising from the action are briefly mentioned. Action Responsible Timescale Expected Enhancement

To cease moderation of translated student work for all modules excl. Research Methods. To cease moderation of translated student work for Research Methods after a year

QMU and AMC Joint Board of Studies.

At the discretion of the Joint Board of Studies.

AMC Academic Team

To promote reater awareness of student representation mechanisms To ena#le students at Athens and Thessaloniki to share their $iews on the pro ramme To #etter prepare students for de ree le$el study. To pro$ide reater support on practical production issues early in the film pro)ect* A$oid delays in the shootin

A!M" Metropolitan Colle e

To introduce more academic content to the "%T &iploma To enerate and note student feed#ack in the early sta es of their film pro)ects

A!M" Metropolitan Colle e and "'!( A!M" the Academic Team

To purchase some li htwei ht modern cameras for student use


To pro$ide additional support to students

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