Dick Ict Terminology
Dick Ict Terminology
Dick Ict Terminology
(dsbn.elearningontario.ca) Technology To Go: The vol!tion o" #obile Comm!nication Mobile computing This means that a device is portable and capable of wireless communication. WiFi Allows mobile computing devices connect through a Wireless Access Point, which passes data along to the internet or local network. WAP WAP stands for Wireless Access Point. P A !Personal igital Assistants" The# are handheld devices originall# developed for the managing of phones numbers and appointments, but are graduall# becoming mini versions of the notebook computer. Wh# are mobile computing devices so popular$ Mobile devices are so popular because the# are so small and light and can send and receive email and documents. Also the# can look up an#thing from maps and addresses to movie show times on the internet.
$ending lectronic #ail What are some of the difference%advantages%disadvantages between web&based email and an e&mail software that can be installed on #our computer$ The main advantage to having a webmail is that it is ver# convenient and eas# to access. isadvantages include that there is limited storage, limited speed of use and the necessit# to be online to read mail. There are several software tools that sacrifice wed&based convenience in order to eliminate the disadvantages of webmail. 'ut there are man# advatages( &much faster to to uses than webmail &storage is limited onl# b# the si)e of #our hard drive &*mail and attachments are easier to manipulate &Fewer privac# and securit# issues that webmail
%et&or's +A, !+ocal area ,etwork" -s the smallest network. The# are usuall# confined to one area like an office building but can be smaller. -f #ou connected computers
-ntranet An intranet is a potentiall# larger than a +A,. -T is a private network, i.e., not .ust an#one can use it. For e/ample, a retail store might have a website on the internet that shows the cost of their inventor#. The store wouldn0t want an#one to .ust be able to see it so #ou have to have a password.
WA, Wide Area ,etwork is the largest network. The# can have man# computers located in different buildings, cities, or even countries. The school board most likel# has a WA, network to access all the school computers. The largest WA, is the internet.
-nternet The internet is an enormous network of somewhere between 123 and 233 million computers.
WWW World Wide Web is the part of the internet that contains viewable content such as webpages.
Webpage -s a single wed document containing te/t, links, pictures, and other multimedia.
Web 'rowser To view pages #ou use a web browser, think of #our web browser as #our gatewa# to he WWW. Web browsers are software applications that transform information from the internet into webpages that #ou can view on #our own computer.
4ere are some items !numbered from the picture above" that are common to web browsers( 'utton ,ame Purpose 5e#board 6hortcut
7 8
'ack Forward
This will take #ou to the previous page #ou0ve visited. -f #ou0ve gone back to a previous page i.e, with the 'ack 'utton, this will bring #ou forward again to the page #ou were using. This will stop an# data from downloading from a webpage, i.e., if it is taking too long to load, or if #ou visited the page b# mistake. -f data on a page is changing over time, hit refresh to load a fresh version of that page. :eturn to #our homepage. This is the default page that #our browser shows whenever #ou load it. This opens #our list of bookmarks. !Website addresses that #ou0ve saved so that #ou can visit them later". @:+ This is the uniform :esource locator of the website that is currentl# being visited. @:+ basicall# means( web page address. An# page on the WWW needs a uniAue @:+ so that a browser can find it on the internet.
A+T&left A+T&right
9 2
:efresh 4ome
F2 or ;T:+&: ;T:+&4ome
4TTP Almost all @:+s will start with 4TTP(%%www. 4TTP stands for 4#per Te/t Transfer Protocal, which is a set of rules that allows #our own computer to ask for webpages from other computers on the internet. WWW, as weBve alread# learned, stands for World Wide Web. -n other words, virtuall# ever# time #ou look at a web page, #our browser is using 4TTP to view the WWW. The rest of the @:+ tells #ou what specific page #ouBre looking at.
T#pe the @:+ that #ou want to visit here, and then press enter. +inks are t#picall# underlined and%or a different
colour than regular te/t. -f #ou click on a link, #our browser will take #ou to a new webpage indicated b# that link. (hen "inished) *air !* &ith a classmate and ta'e the +eo*ardy-style ,!i-.