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Bloomsbury Grammar

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Grammar Guide

By the same author On language Scottish Names, 1992 Good Punctuation Guide, 1992 Idioms: Their Meanings and Origins, 1996 Poetry Ayrshire Recessional, 1998 Times Traverse: Poems 19912001, 2002 Room for a Rhyme from Time to Time, 2004 Another Working Monday, 2005 The Tale of the Crail Whale, 2006 For children Edinburgh: A Capital Story (with Frances Jarvie), 1991 Scottish Castles, 1995 The Clans, 1995 Scotlands Vikings (with Frances Jarvie), 1997 As editor The Wild Ride and Other Scottish Stories, 1986 The Genius and Other Irish Stories, 1988 Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales, 1992 Irish Folk and Fairy Tales, 1992 Scottish Short Stories, 1992 A Friend of Humanity: Selected Stories of George Friel, 1992 The Scottish Reciter, 1993 Great Golf Stories, 1993 A Nest of Singing Birds, 1995 Writing from Scotland, 1997 Crme de la Crme (with Cameron Wyllie), 2001

Bloomsbury Second Edition Gordon Jarvie
A&C Black London

Grammar Guide

Dedication In affectionate memory of my grandfather Daniel Beattie 18791952 who led me to grammar and to the dictionary

Second edition 2007 A & C Black Publishers Ltd 38 Soho Square London W1D 3HB www.acblack.com ISBN 978-0-7136-8187-1 2007, 1993 Gordon Jarvie The moral right of the author has been asserted First edition published 1993 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage or retrieval systems without the written permission of A & C Black Publishers Ltd. This book is produced using paper that is made from wood grown in managed, sustainable forests. It is natural, renewable and recyclable. The logging and manufacturing processes conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Limited, Grangemouth, Stirlingshire Printed in the UK by CPI Bookmarque, Croydon CR0 4TD


Introduction to the first edition Introduction to the second edition One Two

vii viii 1 64 79 108 145 170 206 222 239

Words and phrases Sentences and clauses Word formation Punctuation Figures of speech and literary devices Check-up pages

Three Four Five Six

Common errors and confusibles


Answer pages Index

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Introduction to the first edition

This book is for that marvellous person: the average reader. It is not for academic linguists, or advanced students of language. Rather it is aimed at those generations of readers who have passed through the British school systems without being able to say quite what a verb, or a preposition, or a clause, is. Those generations now extend unbelievably perhaps to include a generation of schoolteachers of English, many of whom cannot themselves say exactly what a verb, or a preposition, or a clause, is; and who are now rightly being asked to inform their pupils about such basic aspects of the language. It is not that we do not know what grammar is; we have all been using language, in all its complexity, from early childhood. It is merely that we have not for several generations of British schooling felt its articulation to be worth while. What is grammar? Grammar is the study of a language. Students of grammar are interested in dismantling language and putting it together again to see how it works. So grammar is the study of the mechanics and dynamics of language. In a way, we are all students of language from the cradle to the grave. Five-year-old children are particularly keen students of grammar, and can pronounce authoritatively and often correctly: Thats wrong, or That isnt how you say it. We all know grammar therefore, but we are not all able to describe its nuts and bolts. This book tries to help us with these nuts and bolts. Technical terms are therefore included, but I try to keep them to a minimum and to define them along the way in clear and consistent terms. As part of our general knowledge, grammar should of course be taught in schools. A good knowledge of grammar should help us use language more effectively, both in our writing and in our speaking. It should encourage us to be precise and measured in our utterances. And, of course, knowledge of our own grammar will be especially helpful to us when we come to study foreign languages and their grammars. Much of the grammar we study in our own language turns


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

out to be useful with foreign languages they too have verbs, tenses and clauses. And surely one of the reasons for Britains appalling record in foreign-language provision has something to do with our refusal over several generations to teach the basics of our own language. That, after all, is where everything starts. How to use this book In setting out to prepare this project, I was reminded of the oriental wisdom that there are sixty-three different ways to climb a mountain. So it is with grammar. Where to begin? I have begun with words in Part 1 of the book, because we all know or think we know what a word is. From there I have gone to phrases, as the next building block in the hierarchy. Part 2 deals with clauses and sentences. I realise that there are those who believe that grammar should be approached the other way about. But I felt that to start with the sentence would offer a harder route to the summit the North Wall of the Eiger rather than the Cooks Tour of the Alps. And as part of my aim was to make the approach as simple as possible, this route seemed less appropriate for me. I have tried in Part 1 to avoid using terms that are not defined till Part 2, so in that sense I assume the book will be used consecutively. But I hope it will also be used for reference, and to that end a detailed index is provided. Parts 36 of the book are autonomous and may be read in any order. Part 7 offers a few simple exercises, where readers may check up on how much they know. January 1993

Introduction to the second edition

Since the first edition of this book was published in 1993, it has become standard practice for British universities to offer special classes in English for their new undergraduates. The decline in standards of written English widely remarked means that the written work of many if not most students today is littered with grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and erratic (or absent) punctuation. There has been a significant, measured and settled decline in the ability of students to construct coherent, well organised and grammatically correct essays. Many students dont know the difference between its and its, whose and whos, or there and their. They may use commas too often or not at all. Some of them randomly, erratically and inconsistently sprinkle their punctuation marks through their essays at the end of their exam (rather like confetti): or that is the impression given, especially perhaps with apostrophes or hyphens. It wasnt always thus. British universities didnt used to offer remedial English classes. They viewed it as the job of the schools to turn out literate students with basic writing skills. They thought it was the job of the schools to teach children the nuts and bolts, such as the difference between a noun and a verb.



They assumed that their students had learned the functions of sentences and paragraphing before they left school. But the proof of the pudding tells them otherwise. Many of their undergraduates arrive at university unable to write a coherent essay (let alone a stylish one); they dont know what a verb is; and for most of them the rules of sentence-building and paragraphing are a complete mystery. Common errors listed by one professor of English include skewed tenses and failure to make verbs agree with nouns, and paragraphs that roll along for ever like Ole Man River. He listed common spelling errors such as rembers for remembers, refference, single-handidly, computor, comission, absense, godess (everyone has their favourite examples), and a wide range of versions of contemporary, procedure, parallel and necessary. For some time there have been complaints (from higher education as well as from employers agencies like the CBI) about standards of literacy, whether among first-year undergraduates or graduates entering employment. In many ways the current generation must comprise the most knowledgeable and articulate students in our history, but far too many of them cannot express their ideas in clear and fluent writing. The problem exists across the entire spectrum of study: whether they are law students, historians, scientists or linguists, they all need classes in basic writing skills. They all need to learn about the overall design and unity of coherent writing; and how to lead from one thought into another with appropriate sentence linkages and sensible paragraphing. Perhaps the best way to learn to write well is by reading well. Good writing skills can be absorbed by many people but not all through a diet of good reading; by a sort of osmosis. But many schoolchildren and students read less today, and the reading diet is often substandard; so nowadays we have to depend less on this route to good writing. That brings us to things like grammar. Sadly, too many people regard grammar as boring; and it has been allowed to remain as unpopular as ever in schools, despite lip-service political window-dressing! that suggests otherwise. But a knowledge of grammar and punctuation give us the rules and structures necessary for effective and competent communication in writing. In order for students to become proficient in the skill of good writing, they need to familiarise themselves with the rules and language of language. That is why universities now offer classes in the art of writing for students; because too often the schools have failed to provide it. The problem has been most dramatic in the teaching of foreign languages in British schools and universities. How do you teach foreign languages to students who lack any knowledge of the workings of their own? How do students acquire the grammar of French or Japanese when they dont know their own? This problem, more than any other, is behind the collapse in the numbers of students of foreign languages in Britain: this in a country that is light years behind other EU countries in the learning of foreign languages. In the first edition of this book, I said it was for that marvellous person, the average reader. This second edition is also for all those students of whatever subject who have problems with their writing. They know who they are, and they

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

know that the system has let them down in this basic skill. This book is a reference tool for them. It should provide them with the necessary vocabulary and examples to develop their own writing strategies. There are also a few exercises (with answers), particularly of punctuation. Editing, writing and modern technology It is easier than ever nowadays to write an essay. No longer are we faced with the laborious job of physically rewriting it. We have built-in spell-checks, and an online thesaurus to proffer a ready supply of synonyms. But the paradox of the computer has been to reinforce our obsessions with speed and quantity, and not our aspirations to raising the quality of our writing. The World Wide Web contains vast amounts of accessible information, much of it slickly produced but appallingly written. E-mail has likewise encouraged sloppiness: anything goes in terms of grammar, punctuation or spelling (and the thinking behind it) in order to send a message now. So, in a funny way, the computer exacerbates the decline in standards of writing (and thinking). Basic skills and standards have had to make way for the instant response. And the easiest way to do that is to feed off other instant responses; and goodness knows, theres more than enough to choose from when accessing infinity online. But problems like relevance quickly arise: often a selected source is only tangentially relevant to the students essay topics. So do they fillet it for the relevant bits, and then build these into their essay? Have they the skills to do this? Or do they lift the entire piece? In either case, do they acknowledge their sources? (Plagiarism is a separate matter, but is now quite a serious problem.) Where, in all this, is the process of writing? If their writing is actively to aid students understanding and help them react to and interact with their essay topics and unravel the complexities of their thought processes they are going to need the time and space to take their ideas back to the drawing board and develop them from scratch. This means paper and pencils; it means second thoughts (and often third and fourth); it means building up their own coherent and well argued responses. And only then does it mean committing a draft of their writing to the electronic keyboard (and then editing it, as often as necessary). Otherwise what is to stop them making do with semi-relevant soundbites and sequences of clumsy sentences that may have taken their fancy, trawled and plagiarised from who-knows-where on the Internet? The current wisdom is that IT is sexy, grammar is boring . . . This nonsense has gone on too long and its high time it was challenged, head on if necessary. Such a formidable technological resource in the hands of students who have not been taught how to write at school? Is that not a formula for serious communication breakdown? Panacea it certainly aint. A note on style In the sense that style is affectation, it is to be avoided in writing. Its as simple as that. Student writers of English should aim above all for clarity of thought and expression: the right word in the right place, to paraphrase Jonathan Swift. If you



can manage that, it is then worth thinking about a sense of rhythm. A series of onesentence paragraphs is not advisable, for example, even if you plan a career working for the Sun newspaper: that is the equivalent of machine-gun fire, and lacks variety. The following definitions and descriptions of style are from the dictionaries of quotations: True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance. Tis not enough no harshness gives offence, The sound must seem an echo to the sense. (Alexander Pope, in An Essay on Criticism, 1711) Proper words in proper places, make the true definition of a style. (Jonathan Swift, 1720) Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison. (Dr Johnson, in Lives of the English Poets, 177981) People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is! Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style. (Matthew Arnold, attrib. 1898) The web, then, or the pattern; a web at once sensuous and logical, an elegant and pregnant texture; that is style, that is the foundation of the art of literature. (R L Stevenson, in The Art of Writing, 1905) Dr Johnson is right to recommend we study the classics in order to achieve a decent style of writing; for Addison, we might today substitute some slightly more modern exemplars whether from childrens writing or adult. Good examples of modern classics might include work by writers such as Winston Churchill, E M Forster, Muriel Spark, Joseph Conrad, D H Lawrence, George Orwell, Evelyn Waugh, Laurie Lee, Anthony Powell, Kingsley Amis, V S Naipaul, Doris Lessing, Chinua Achebe, Ngugi wa Thiongo, Harper Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Truman Capote or John Updike. The R L Stevenson quotation is perhaps a little highflown for our purposes, but we can see what he is getting at. We may not all aim to write literature, but we should all aim to write well. Acknowledgements A second edition of a book is often harder to put together than the first. This book has been no exception, and bears out all those people who tell us that it is easier to start work from scratch than to revisit past work. Whatever the truth of


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this, I would like to acknowledge two particular sources of help without whom this new edition would never have come about: Betty Kirkpatrick for kick-starting me into revisiting the project, and Vivienne McDonald for much practical electronic assistance in nailing it to the floor. May 2007

One Words and phrases

nouns pronouns adjectives determiners verbs adverbs prepositions conjunctions interjections

The investigation of words is the beginning of education. Antisthenes the Sophist Every name is called a NOUN, As field and fountain, street and town; In place of noun the PRONOUN stands, As he and she can clap their hands; The ADJECTIVE describes a thing, As magic wand or bridal ring; The VERB means action, something done To read and write, to jump and run; How things are done the ADVERBS tell, As quickly, slowly, badly, well; The PREPOSITION shows relation, As in the street or at the station; CONJUNCTIONS join, in many ways, Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase; The INTERJECTION cries out, Hark! I need an exclamation mark! An old childrens rhyme for remembering the parts of speech

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

Why words?
Wisely or unwisely, this book begins with words. Why? Because words are the building bricks. Without them there is no language, and no grammar is feasible. Also, it is likely that words came first historically, after grunts. Later on came the mortar of grammar to give structure to the building bricks; or so one might imagine. Over time, the rules of grammar evolved, and continue evolving. Many of our grammar rules are traceable to ancient Greek, and to the Latin of the Romans. We are reminded of this every time we speak or hear another IndoEuropean language: the grammar of English is very like that of French, German, Spanish, Italian or even Russian. And not just the grammar; often the words too derive from the same family of roots. Among other things, words give us the language of language. That is perhaps another reason for starting with them. If we start with the eight or nine traditional parts of speech, we give ourselves a basic vocabulary for thinking or talking about language. The nine parts of speech (see the foregoing list) were once taught in every British school, albeit in a rather prescriptive way. Then in the 1960s and 70s we threw out the baby with the bath water, and there are many people who would add that its been downhill all the way ever since. I dont take that view; but I do take the view that we need as a society to become more adept at and comfortable with using the language of language. It is not acceptable nowadays for educated people (whether lawyers, teachers, town planners, civil servants, farmers or whatever) to ask the question, What is a noun? This is especially true if they have a good set of public examination passes that include English; and quintespecially true if they have acquired a university degree (which takes us back to the introduction to the new edition of this book). So: parts of speech, as we once called them. They are easy to understand. They unlock the door into grammar and the vocabulary of language. We should all be familiar with them. For these reasons they are worth learning, and no apology for teaching them is required.

There are far more nouns in the dictionary than all the other parts of speech put together. That is why, when learning foreign languages, we have to learn reams and reams of nouns before we even begin to acquire a working vocabulary in that language. Traditionally, nouns are defined as naming words, or the names of persons, animals, places or things. This is still a useful definition, as far as it goes. But modern grammarians are interested in describing the function of a word, as well as defining its meaning. They like to clarify what a word does in a sentence

Words and phrases

before assigning a part of speech to it. For example, look at the nouns (italicised) in these: Stop the watch! They threw out the rubbish. Watch the stop! They rubbished his throw.

Stop, watch, throw and rubbish may be verbs and they may also be nouns their function in the sentence dictates their part of speech. It is important to remember that the same word can do different things in different places.

Types of noun proper or common

The words city and country are called common nouns; there are lots of cities and countries in the world. But words like Moscow and Russia are called proper nouns, because there is only one particular country called Russia and only one Moscow. Similarly, woman and man are common nouns; there are lots of them too. But Eliza and Augustus are proper nouns (and also proper names), and Eliza Doolittle and Augustus Montague Toplady are proper names too, because they refer to very particular individuals. They are specific, or proper, to them alone. Proper nouns require the use of an initial capital letter, common nouns do not. Sometimes proper nouns find their way into the language as common nouns: He is a proper Scrooge. This isnt the Paris I used to know. I used to know three different John Smiths.

Types of nouns abstract or concrete

Nouns may be either concrete, when they refer to things you can touch (nails, cabbage, chocolate, table, tyres), or they may be abstract, when they refer to ideas or concepts (beauty, truth, Marxism, theology).

Types of nouns singular or plural

Most English noun endings indicate a difference between one (singular) and more than one (plural). The vast majority of them add -s or -es to show the plural form. If they end in a consonant + y, they change that to -ies: Singular book dog banana tree bush kiss berry fairy Plural books dogs bananas trees bushes kisses berries fairies

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

A few English nouns are irregular, and form their plurals in other ways, by changing their vowel, by adding -en, or by following a foreign rule: Singular man woman child ox foot tooth goose mouse stimulus bacillus larva criterion automaton Plural men women children oxen feet teeth geese mice stimuli bacilli larvae criteria automata

A few nouns ending with -f form plurals with -ves: Singular loaf wolf Plural loaves wolves

Similarly with words like leaf, thief, scarf, hoof. Some nouns have two plural forms. Brother has brothers or the older form brethren. The latter form is now used only in a special (mainly religious) context. Other words with two plural forms are: Singular appendix formula focus Plural

{ { {

appendixes (anatomical) appendices (literary) formulas formulae focuses foci

Some nouns are used only in the singular: news snooker chemistry mathematics music physics

and other scientific subjects. Other nouns are used only in the plural: scissors jeans trousers thanks cattle congratulations vermin police

To refer to any of the latter in the singular, use constructions such as:

Words and phrases a pair of scissors/jeans/trousers a policewoman

Types of noun countable or uncountable

> Nouns are countable if: they can be preceded by a: a car they can be both singular and plural: a dog, dogs they can be counted: one taxi, two taxis, twenty taxis > Nouns are uncountable if: they are preceded by some rather than a: some salt, some marmalade they are not normally counted or pluralised: two butters, eleven flours Most uncountable nouns denote commodities or notions that tend not to be counted out as individual objects. We say two oranges or six apples (countable), but we dont normally say two butters or six breads (so butter and bread are uncountable). For uncountable commodities we have to bring in other forms of measurement, such as: a bag /spoonful/ton of flour one/two/three grains of sand a piece of information/music a slice of bread/cake/beef a ton of rice/cement/rubbish an ounce of curry powder

Occasionally, nouns may be either countable or uncountable, depending on the context. Look at these: I need a pound of sugar. (uncountable) One sugar or two? (countable) I never eat cake. (uncountable) Here are two nice chocolate cakes. (countable) Light travels faster than sound. (uncountable) Please switch off the lights. (countable)

Noun gender
Unlike many other languages (such as French or German or Latin), the English language makes little use of grammatical gender. English nouns are grouped according to the three natural genders, and classified accordingly. So a man is classified as masculine, a woman as feminine, and a table as neuter. The gender of the noun demands the use of the appropriate pronoun: The man was wounded. He had been shot. The woman was unhurt. She had a lucky escape. The car was a write-off. It had crashed into a large beech tree. Some nouns have dual gender. They refer to categories of people or animals without indicating gender. Nouns like actor, artist, singer, cousin, baby, adult,

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

child, parent, dog, student, teacher, engineer, secretary are all in this category. Without additional context clues, it is difficult to know which singular pronoun should accompany these nouns. Traditionally, he was an acceptable pronoun for both sexes, but nowadays many people label this as sexist language. So now it is best not to say: Each passenger must ensure that he has all his hand luggage with him. Each applicant must sign his name at the bottom of the page. Each student must check that he has answered three questions. Writers nowadays either put these kinds of sentence in the plural, and use they/their instead of he/his; or they use a rather clumsy but non-sexist construction which is now widespread: Passengers must ensure that they have all their hand luggage with them. Each passenger must ensure that s/he has all her/his hand luggage with her/him. It is also increasingly common to meet this kind of blatant change from singular noun to plural pronoun: Each passenger must ensure that they have all their hand luggage with them. This is not recommended. It is far better to rephrase your statements completely. There is more on this subject under pronouns, p. 12, and syllepsis, p. 168.

Noun case
The case system of noun endings comes from Latin grammar, where nouns were described as having six cases: nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative and ablative. Latin noun endings were very important, because it was these which showed the nouns relationship to the other words in the Latin sentence. English nouns can of course do everything that Latin nouns could do, but in English it is mainly word order and prepositions which signal a nouns function in the sentence. Unlike Latin, therefore, there is no need in English to learn case tables like the following: Case Nom. Voc. Acc. Gen. Dat. Abl. English girl/boy O, girl/boy girl/boy girls/boys to/for a girl/boy by/with/from a girl/boy Latin puella puella puellam puellae puellae puella Latin puer puer puerum pueri puero puero

English, as the table shows, has only two case endings: the common case ending and the genitive.

Words and phrases

The genitive case signals possession or ownership. In most singular nouns, it is made by adding s preceded by an apostrophe. For plural nouns already ending with s, it is made by the addition of an apostrophe: Barbaras bike the boys bikes The alternative genitive construction is to use of: the ships crew the crew of the ship The choice between using the genitive case or the of construction is based on factors of gender and personal style. Proper names and animate beings tend to take the genitive ending, and inanimate objects the of construction. Usually, you would not say the bike of Fred or the books pages; Freds bike and the pages of the book would be commoner. In a case like the ships crew versus the crew of the ship, you can grammatically distinguish a stronger emphasis on crew in the former, on ship in the latter. There is more on case under possessive pronouns, p. 11.

Collective or mass nouns

Collective nouns refer to groups of animate beings, such as class, committee, council, government or herd. They are singular nouns, but they carry a plural connotation. They are used when the whole group or gathering is being considered (rather than individual members of the group). Being singular, collective nouns usually take singular verbs or pronouns: The team played its heart out. It was magnificent. The jury reached its verdict, and pronounced its view. This agreement should be consistent, and singulars and plurals should not be mixed. Avoid, for example: The team played their heart out . . . The jury reached its decision, and pronounced their view. Mass nouns such as grass, hair, timber are like collective nouns, but they refer to inanimate entities. There is a large stock of collective nouns specific to certain animals and groups. Some of the best known include: A drove of ponies A flock of sheep A herd of cattle, pigs A gaggle of geese (when they are on the ground) A skein of geese (when flying) A nest of vipers, ants, rabbits

8 A troop of lions, monkeys, cavalry, fairies A pack of wolves, hounds, submarines A team of oxen, mules, horses A shoal of herring, mackerel A school of whales, porpoises A brood of chickens A litter of puppies, kittens, piglets A congregation of church-people An audience of concert-goers A crowd of spectators A horde of savages A company of actors, artists A gang of workmen, prisoners A carillon of bells

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

Suffixes that indicate a noun

Certain word endings, or suffixes, are often used to form nouns, with some of the commonest being the following: -age mileage, usage, wastage -al arrival, committal, dismissal, rebuttal, removal -ant combatant, contestant, entrant -ation admiration, connotation, explanation, irrigation -dom boredom, dukedom, kingdom, stardom, wisdom -eer mutineer, profiteer, racketeer -ency complacency, insolvency -er explorer, foreigner, New Yorker, runner, speaker -ery greenery, knavery, slavery -ese Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese -ess enchantress, hostess, waitress -ette kitchenette, laundrette, usherette -ful bellyful, jugful, spoonful -hood childhood, fatherhood, spinsterhood -ian Arcadian, Canadian, Orcadian -ion action, expression, suggestion -ing carpeting, flooring, mooring -ism idealism, loyalism, nationalism -ist communist, Maoist, socialist, unionist -ite Luddite, socialite, Stalinite, Thatcherite, Trotskyite -ity adversity, hostility, perversity, stupidity -let booklet, flatlet, piglet -ling duckling, gosling, underling -ment employment, enjoyment, excitement, payment

Words and phrases -ness cleanliness, goodness, happiness, wickedness -ocrat bureaucrat, democrat, Eurocrat, meritocrat, plutocrat -or objector, prospector, survivor -ship friendship, ownership, stewardship -ster gangster, trickster, youngster -ty beauty, cruelty, poverty For suffix spelling rules, see pp. 967.

Compound nouns
One of the commonest types of word formation occurs with the joining together of two words to make a compound noun. These may be: > pairs of words: biscuit tin beer bottle face towel breakfast time coffee jug shoe polish > hyphenated words: passer-by knuckle-duster engine-driver bulls-eye spin-off tin-opener fire-eater > single words: babysitter housewife clergyman doorstep bearskin teapot fairy tale bear cub plant pot holiday-maker mid-air hanger-on

battlefield seaweed

All these words are at different stages in the process by which ground sheet becomes ground-sheet and finally groundsheet. Even dictionaries disagree about which of these words require a hyphen and which do not, with Americans slightly less keen on hyphens than UK writers. Generally, hyphens are favoured for longer words, or to avoid an odd spelling like fire-eater. Single, hyphenless words tend to indicate a well-established, frequently used word often made up of two short one-syllable words (bedroom, bloodshed, teaspoon). Perhaps the best advice to give with compound nouns in these circumstances is to check their spellings with a dictionary, to be consistent in ones own practice, and to be watchful of other writers practices. Other compounds are: > combinations of two or more words into longer noun phrases (see below): down-and-out colonel-in-chief mother-in-law Berwick-upon-Tweed man-of-war Stow-on-the-Wold whisky-and-soda

10 > combinations of letters and words: S-bend U-turn T-junction X-ray T-square e-mail

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

For more on compounding, see p. 87 and hyphenation, pp. 13034.

Noun phrases
A group of words centring on a noun is called a noun phrase. It can appear at the beginning, the middle or the end of a sentence, and as subject, object or complement (see p. 72). Noun phrases consist of the noun on its own or accompanied by other words that modify its meaning. Headword Trees Many trees Most of those pine trees All the coniferous trees in that gully Rest of sentence live a long time. live a long time. live a long time. live a long time.

The noun phrases in the above examples are underlined. It will be noted that they can be extremely varied in their make-up. In the following extract, all the noun phrases are underlined: When the rains stopped at Wimbledon yesterday evening, the grunting began, and Monika Seles, who reached the womens semi-finals here for the first time, was accused by her beaten opponent of putting her fellow players at a disadvantage when her grunting reaches a crescendo. Seles was called over by the umpire after the eighth game of the second set, and asked to keep the noise down. The crowd behind the umpires chair cheered when the warning was issued. There is more on phrases, including noun phrases, on pp.5763.

John Brown is very tall. He is a big lad now. Sally has arrived. She is here at last. The house is very old. It is falling down. A pronoun substitutes for a noun. It is usually defined as a word that stands for a noun, or a noun phrase, or something relating to one. The meaning expressed by a sentence containing pronouns tends to be less specific than the meaning of a sentence containing nouns.

Words and phrases


Personal and possessive pronouns

John took the stone and threw it. Then he phoned Sally and invited her to supper. Where shall we meet? he asked. Here are the drinks. This is mine. Hers is the sherry. Theirs is the third house on the left. These are personal pronouns. Of all the different types of pronouns they occur most frequently. You use personal pronouns to refer back to something or someone that has already been mentioned. You also use them to refer to people and things directly. They are called personal because they refer to the people or things involved in the text. There are three types of personal pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive pronouns. As the names imply, subject pronouns are used as the subject of a sentence; object pronouns as the object of a sentence; and possessive pronouns are used to say that a person or thing belongs to or is connected with another person or thing: Singular subject pronouns object pronouns possessive pronouns: used with nouns used instead of nouns I me my mine you you your yours he/she/it him/her/it his/her/its his/hers Plural we us our ours you you your yours they them their theirs

Pronouns indicate person. The first person in the sentence is, or includes, the speaker/writer referring to himself or herself. Thus I, me, my, mine, we, us, ours, are the first-person pronouns. You and yours are the second-person pronouns. The second person in the sentence is the person or thing being addressed, and excludes the speaker/writer. He, she and it are the third-person pronouns. The third person in the sentence includes all third parties and excludes speaker and addressee. (Note that person in this context can refer to things as well as persons.) Pronouns can also reflect the possessive case, as the table above shows. The possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours and theirs. Note that no apostrophe is used in writing a possessive pronoun: its is not a pronoun, but an abbreviation of it is. (Hers and yours are also very common spelling errors.) The only exception to this no-apostrophe rule is the formal pronoun one, meaning people in general: One should listen to ones conscience, shouldnt one?

Pronoun gender, sexist language and generic he

he/she him/her his/hers himself/herself


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Two of the third-person pronouns reflect gender. This is not normally a problem area unless a writer refers to he or him when in fact the reference should be to men and women both. As we have seen, in certain contexts gender-specific pronouns are avoided nowadays: The applicant must pay his own travelling expenses. If a pupil fails the test, he will receive extra tuition. Everyone must do his best. Unless it is known that all the applicants and pupils and people referred to in the above sentences are indeed male, these sentences would nowadays tend to be rephrased. The easiest way to do this may be to render the sentences in the plural, to rephrase, or to say his or her: Applicants must pay their own travelling expenses. Pupils failing the test will receive extra tuition. Everyone must do his or her best. But idiomatic sayings like Everything comes to him who waits, He who hesitates is lost, He laughs best who laughs last (and many others) should perhaps remind us that the generic pronoun he was an acceptable English usage for several hundreds of years and that it cannot simply be expunged retrospectively from the language.

Reflexive pronouns
Tell me all about yourself. He should be ashamed of himself. John told the boy to get himself a haircut. She has just bought herself a new computer. They are making fools of themselves. These are all reflexive pronouns. They refer back to a noun or pronoun elsewhere in the sentence. The complete list of reflexive pronouns is: Singular myself yourself himself/herself/itself Plural ourselves yourselves themselves

Sometimes a reflexive pronoun is used for emphasis: The house itself was little more than a shack. The prime minister himself is going to pay us a visit. I saw him myself, with my own eyes. Sometimes a reflexive pronoun is used to show that someone has done something alone and/or without any help: He cooked the meal himself.

Words and phrases Did you build it yourself? She was sitting in a quiet corner all by herself.


Reciprocal pronouns
They accused each other of the betrayal. The Browns and the Smiths were always getting at one another. These pronouns are used to convey a two-way relationship.

Demonstrative pronouns
This looks like an interesting book. Those are Johns shoes. These are mine. Where on earth did you get that? The demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these and those. They are used mainly to point to things. This and these usually refer to something nearby; that and those to something farther away. Remember that these words can also function as determiners (see pp. 235): Where did you get that hat? Demonstrative pronouns are also frequently used to introduce or refer to particular people: Whos this? These are my daughters, Judith and Joan. Was that Elizabeth on the telephone just now? Demonstrative pronouns may refer back or forward in a conversation: These are some of the topics I hope to cover next week . . . That was an interesting comment John made just now. The one or this one are used to stand in for a subject or object and function as a sort of demonstrative pronoun: Id like this one/This one will do. Take this one here, not that one over there. His car is the old green one.

Indefinite pronouns
He waited an hour before anybody came. Is anything the matter? Is anyone there? Someones been sitting in my chair. Would you care for something to eat? There was nothing anyone could do.


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Indefinite pronouns refer to people or things without specifying exactly who or what they are. The list of indefinite pronouns is: anybody anyone anything everybody everyone everything nobody no one nothing somebody someone something

Note that no one is usually written as two words. All the others are compound words. Occasionally words like so and such function as indefinite pronouns: I hope so. Such is life!

Interrogative pronouns
Who said that? (subject) What happened to you? (subject) Whose are those filthy shoes? (possessive) Which of these books did you most enjoy? (object) To whom did you give that book? (indirect object) These are the main interrogative pronouns. They are used interrogatively, to ask questions, and are sometimes called wh-words.

Who, whom
The subject pronoun is who and the object pronoun is whom: Who is there? I cant see who is there. To whom did you speak? Theres the man to whom I spoke. The object pronoun rule is breaking down in informal spoken English, where we often hear: Who did you speak to? Theres the man who I spoke to.

Whose, whos
These forms are confused because they sound the same. Whos is the contracted form of who is: Whos afraid of the big bad wolf? I sent a fax to my boss whos abroad. Whose is a pronoun, or a possessive adjective: Heres the man whose house was burgled. If that hat is yours, whose is this?

Words and phrases


What, which
What and which are used to ask questions about things: What on earth was he talking about? Which of the two cars do you prefer? If what or which are immediately linked to a noun, they become interrogative adjectives: Which car did he prefer? What topics were on yesterdays agenda?

Relative pronouns
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. The shoe that she inhabited was, fortunately, enormous. Heres the boy whose bicycle was stolen. She destroyed all the letters which she had been sent. She was the only person in whom I could confide. The five relative pronouns are used to introduce subordinate clauses (see p. 75).

Distributive pronouns
These refer to members of a group or class: All (of them) went to the pop concert. Both of you should go along too. Each of us received a reward. Either of them might fall off the rock. Neither of them will forget that climbing experience. The distributive pronouns are usually followed by of + pronoun.

I and me [the first-person pronouns]

There is uncertainty in many speakers about when to use I (subject) and when to use me (object). This probably stems from the childhood recollection of being corrected for answering the question Who is there? with the words Its me. Strictly speaking, we should say It is I. This rule has broken down in spoken English, but not in the written form. It is correct to say John gave it to me, and so it is also correct to say John gave it to Sally and me. It is correct to say I have been playing tennis, and so it is also correct to say Sally and I have been playing tennis. To decide which is right in the following, leave the other person(s) out of the sentence and imagine it in the singular. Then you will know whether to use I or me:


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John, Tom, Wajid and ___were all born in September. You and ___ are the only ones who can speak French. Can Sally and ____ sit here? Joan and Maureen are playing against Pam and ______. In front of my wife and ____ sat the Browns. This go-cart was made by Andrew and____; Tom and ____ are going to make another one.

Pronouns misplaced
Writers often fail to check what they have written. One of the commonest errors they make is to fail to put the pronoun in the correct place as near as possible to the noun to which it refers. The results can be quite ludicrous: We met an old man and a little boy whose beard was long and white. Complete the form with the required information about your house, which should then be sent to the town clerk. We have a cupboard for storing bread that was made a hundred years ago. Norfolk has many quiet and unfrequented villages to which thousands of visitors go each year. Nelson was greatly feared by the French, in whose honour Trafalgar Day is still celebrated. How should these sentences be written? Here are some alternatives, which make the sense clearer: We met an old man, whose beard was long and white, and a little boy. Send the form to the town clerk after completing it with the required information about your house. We have a cupboard for storing bread that was made a hundred years ago. Each year thousands of visitors go to Norfolk, which has many quiet and unfrequented villages. Nelson, in whose honour Trafalgar Day is still celebrated, was greatly feared by the French. Suitable punctuation, in addition to well-placed pronouns, helps get the meaning across. See also the sections on the comma (p. 119) and dash (p. 125) to mark off parentheses; also dangling modifiers (p. 77).

Adjectives are words that describe or give information about nouns or pronouns. They are therefore often said to modify, or limit, nouns and pronouns. Adjectives are usually easy to recognise in a sentence, often describing or modifying an objects size, colour or amount, as in:

Words and phrases


Size: a huge ship, a tiny flower, a narrow window Colour: a blue balloon, white bread, a red alert Amount or number: twelve months, one year, second prize, many problems, few assets (these last examples are also called determiners; see p. 26 for more on this) A second feature of adjectives is that they can have comparative and superlative forms, formed in one of two different ways: Adjective fat black fattening intelligent Comparative form fatter blacker more fattening more intelligent Superlative form fattest blackest most fattening most intelligent

There is more on this in Comparison of adjectives, overleaf. Thirdly, adjectives can be modified by an adverb, as in: a very old man He is extremely old.

Position of adjectives
Adjectives can occur in various positions. They can be placed immediately before a noun: a delightful evening an endless journey through a darkened landscape a long drink of cool water for a thirsty camel These are called attributive adjectives. Adjectives can also be joined to their nouns by a verb: The dogs were noisy. They seemed hungry. The result of the game looks doubtful. These are called predicative adjectives, so called because they help the verb to form the predicate of a sentence (the predicate being everything but the subject; for more on predicates, see p. 70). Less frequently, adjectives can go directly after the noun: The people concerned should notify the police. the president-elect The River Weser, deep and wide . . . (Browning) Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue . . . These are called post-modifiers.


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Certain fixed terms and technical designations also have adjectives following their noun: letters patent heir apparent poet laureate body politic time immemorial lords temporal and spiritual

These fixed terms tend to be borrowings (see p. 84) from other languages, but they have extended to certain other fixed phrases: Friday next/last the sum outstanding the amount accruing for the time being motivated by greed pure and simple whisky galore

Very occasionally a plural is required for one of these forms, and it is the noun not the adjective which pluralises, as in courts martial.

Comparison of adjectives
Most adjectives can be used comparatively in one of three ways. The qualities they describe may be compared to a higher degree, to the same degree, or to a lower degree. Comparison of adjectives to a higher degree is shown by adding -er and -est, or more and most, to the absolute or base form of the adjective. The comparative form is used to compare two items (e.g. older, more beautiful), and the superlative form compares three or more items (e.g. oldest, most beautiful): Andrew has an old car. It is older than Johns. (comparative) It is the oldest car in the rally. (superlative) It was a beautiful day. It was a more beautiful day than Monday. (comparative) It was the most beautiful day of the holiday. (superlative) Comparison of adjectives to the same degree is shown by using the phrase as . . . as, or so . . . as: His car is not as old as all that. Its not so old. Comparison to a lower degree is indicated by the use of less and least: Her contribution was useful. Johns contribution was less useful than Joans. Neils was the least useful contribution to the whole debate. Most adjectives are regular when it comes to forming comparatives and superlatives, and the choice between -er/-est and more/most is dictated by how long the adjective is. For example, one-syllable adjectives (slim, bold, shy, black) tend to take -er/-est. Two-syllable adjectives may appear in either form, with some preferring

Words and phrases


the -er/-est form: clever, gentle, narrow, happy, etc. Three-syllable adjectives (or longer) almost always use more/most; only if they begin with un- (unlikely, unhappy) do they sometimes take -er/-est. Remember that some adjectives are irregular, including good/better/best, bad/worse/worst, little/less/least, and much or many/more/most. Some adjectives do not normally compare. They have only an absolute meaning. These include words like real, right, perfect, unique, elder (statesman), mere, utter (idiot), late (president), former, occasional, etc.

Sequencing adjectives
If several adjectives are wanted to modify a noun, they tend to be placed in certain sequences or patterns. Look at the following, but remember too that English is very flexible, and that different emphases can permit all sorts of permutations: 5 4 3 2 1 a brand-new green Japanese enamel birdcage 5 4 3 2 1 an enormous nineteenth-century New York brownstone office building 3 2 1 a small monthly cash payment Working back from the noun: 1 Closest to the noun would go any other noun used adjectivally, almost as a compound noun, to indicate purpose (office building). 2 In second position from the noun would go any other noun used adjectivally, indicating materials (brownstone, enamel). 3 Third from the noun would go indications of nationality or origin (Japanese, New York). 4 Then comes colour, or vintage, or frequency (brand-new, nineteenth-century, monthly). 5 Last come adjectives indicating age, size, shape, temperature (enormous, small ). Multiple adjectives can also be found after the verb, as postmodifiers. They tend to be placed in more random order: The house was old, damp and smelly. We felt cold, tired and hungry.

Interrogative adjectives
Which? and what? are the interrogative adjectives. They ask for information about their nouns:

20 What plans do you have for the holidays? Which book are you reading just now? I saw a dog. Which dog did you see?

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Interrogative adjectives often appear to be asking a speaker to fill in the qualities of a noun. So they have sometimes been called blank cheque adjectives: Q: Which dress did you buy? A: The tie-dyed, blue and purple African cotton one.

Demonstrative adjectives
This, that, these and those are called demonstrative adjectives. As their name indicates, they are used for pointing out or demonstrating the nouns which they modify: That cottage was Wordsworths. These daffodils are most unusual. This view of Windermere is my favourite. Those hills in the distance are the Pennines.

Adjectives or nouns?
Sometimes adjectives can be used as nouns. This mostly happens when they appear with the definite article: They have joined the ranks of the unemployed and the homeless. We pray for the sick and the poor of all nations. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses . . . (Emma Lazarus) Sometimes colour adjectives function as nouns: She wont wear green. Green is a restful colour. A brighter shade of green Conversely, nouns can function as adjectives: the city hall, the town clock, the ocean liner Nouns used adjectivally do not usually require to take a hyphen. (For more on hyphenation, see pp. 13034.)

Adjectives or adverbs?
Several words function as both adjectives and adverbs. The context will indicate to which part of speech they belong:

Words and phrases Adjective It was early morning. It was a wet morning. They took a late bus. Adverb They left early. It looks wet. They left late.


Adjectives or participles?
Again, there are some words which function as both adjectives and verb participles, and we have to examine the context before deciding to which part of speech they belong: Adjective We sat by the roaring fire. Her argument was confusing. The news is worrying. Participle The fire was roaring fiercely. You are confusing two separate issues. The dog was worrying the sheep.

Adjectives with prepositions

Some adjectives are used with a prepositional phrase in the following ways: She is very good at languages. I was upset at the decision. He was afraid of his enemies. Hes terribly fond of you. It was rude of them to walk out. They were rude to her for no obvious reason. She was pretty angry about the result. You are responsible for this mess. These are sometimes called postmodifying adjectives, because they come after the verb.

Common adjectival word endings

Certain word endings (or suffixes) commonly indicate an adjective. These include: -ish reddish, greenish, youngish, smallish, roundish, childish, feverish, stylish, foolish, owlish, devilish, British, Spanish, Irish -ful useful, meaningful, wonderful, bashful, sinful, plentiful, fearful, skilful, beautiful, frightful -ing boring, charming, middling, shocking -less useless, meaningless, fearless, hatless, sunless -like warlike, glass-like -ly kingly, saintly, godly, scholarly, motherly, hourly, queenly -y sunny, rainy, dusty, sandy, stony, bloody, dirty, tasty, hasty, nasty


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-ous dangerous, glorious, plenteous, courteous, chivalrous, tempestuous, nutritious, delicious, poisonous -ic volcanic, magnetic, heroic, microscopic, systematic, (a)pathetic, asthmatic, atomic, athletic, historic, dramatic -en flaxen, wooden, molten, brazen, waxen -able/-ible charitable, hospitable, breakable, indescribable, definable, eatable, incomparable, edible, visible, audible, tangible, terrible, accessible -al herbal, regional, industrial, central, colonial, musical, logical, critical, commercial, provincial, confidential, habitual, vital, normal, dismal, abysmal -ar circular, angular, molecular, muscular, solar, lunar -worthy blameworthy, newsworthy, airworthy -proof rainproof, bombproof, waterproof There is more on adjective suffixes in Part 3, on word formation. For suffix spelling rules, see pp. 967.

Compound adjectives and hyphens

The main thing to note here is that adjectives are usually hyphenated when they precede a noun, to remind readers of their function. So: Compound adjective It was a first-class performance. He broke his six-inch ruler. Ninth-grade students He uses state-of-the-art equipment. Other use She is in the first class. His ruler was six inches long. Students in the ninth grade What is the current state of the art?

The adjective phrase

These are adjective-equivalents, and they operate just like adjectives in that they qualify or describe nouns. For example: The shoes are not the right size. The way through the woods is dark and long. Her eyes were the size of saucers. That car is smaller than mine. What part of speech are these words? There is more on this under phrases (pp. 612).

Abuse of adjectives
Adjectives have been described as the enemy of the noun. That is to say, at the hands of wordy writers and speakers they often add nothing of substance to the nouns they modify. (A verbose writer might have written, nothing of real

Words and phrases


substance.) We know how common it is to hear references to a subject being under active consideration at this precise point of time. And how often do we hear that there is no cause for undue alarm (as if a modicum of alarm is appropriate), or that the outbreak of X poses no serious threat to our safety (perhaps just a teensy-weensy threat?). It is one thing to talk about a diplomatic crisis or a naval disaster; it is quite another to talk about a serious crisis or a dreadful disaster. Crises are serious and disasters are dreadful by definition. All these popular usages are examples of waffle; they are superfluous, and better avoided. (More on this under tautology, pp. 1467.)

Determiners, like adjectives, give information about nouns and pronouns. But they do not strictly speaking describe nouns and pronouns which is one of the definitions of an adjective and that is one reason why modern grammarians like to distinguish them from adjectives. Determiners were so named because they determine the number and definiteness of the noun phrase to which they are attached. The commonest determiners are in the following categories: > > > > > articles: a, an, the demonstratives: this, that, these, those possessives: my, your, his/her/its, our, their; mine, yours, theirs numbers: one, two, three . . . first, second, third . . . indefinite determiners: including all, any, both, each, either, every, few, less, more, enough, neither, no, several, some, only

Determiners are sometimes called function words, because they have very little meaning in themselves they merely perform a function in the sentence. True adjectives, on the other hand, are called content words because they have some sort of finite content, or meaning, when they stand alone.

The article
There are two articles in English the definite article (the), and the indefinite article (a, or, preceding a word beginning with a vowel, an).

The definite article

The definite article in English has the following functions: > It refers back to a person or thing already identified: You described a man with a beard. Is this the man? Jason built a special ship for his voyage. The ship was called Argo.


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This is called anaphoric reference. An authors use of something as apparently insignificant as the definite instead of the indefinite article can have a major impact on the resonance of a text. (See Notes on the, pp. 267.) > It defines or marks someone or something as the only one: the Bible the House of Commons the Lord God the Leader of the Opposition the prophet Muhammad the Prime Minister the holy Koran the Tsar of Russia > It indicates a whole class or group or clan: the Reptile family the English the working class the Armstrongs and the Percys > When stressed (and pronounced thee), it indicates uniqueness: Callas was the soprano of her generation. It was the pub for live folk music and real ale.

The indefinite article

The indefinite article a/an has the following functions: > It is a form of one: A hundred years ago (not two hundred) A mile wide Wait a minute If you wish to stress one rather than a lot you exaggerate the pronunciation, and say ay : Take a biscuit, not a fistful! > It singles out or introduces a particular and specific person or thing: Im going to tell you a story about a girl called Sally. She lived in a red sandstone terraced house . . . > It has the indefinite meaning of any; It was as big as a horse. A peninsula is surrounded by water on three sides. > It is distributive: Fifty pence a kilo (= per kilo, each kilo) Ten pence a slice A is used before an initial consonant sound, an before an initial vowel sound, a rule which applies regardless of spelling: A chair, a seat, a bed, a horse An igloo, an egg, an ostrich, an heir, an SOS, an LP

Words and phrases


There has been some disagreement in the past about words like hotel, hereditary, habitual and historic should the h sound be pronounced, thus requiring the words to be preceded by a? Or should it not be pronounced, leaving the words to be preceded by an? The consensus nowadays seems to favour a hotel over an hotel, a historical event over an historical event, though the latter are not wrong.

The zero article

The absence of an article is sometimes referred to as the zero article, and it helps us to refer to generic qualities. Thus: Lions are dangerous animals. (Compare The lion is a dangerous animal.) The zero article is also used idiomatically: They went by train/car/bus. Have breakfast/dinner/lunch. Go to bed/hospital/church. At sea/work/home In class/hospital

The demonstratives are this/that (singular) and these/those (plural). This/these indicate nearness to the speaker, and that/those indicate distance from the speaker. The demonstratives are called determiners only if they precede a noun. If they stand alone, standing in place of a noun, then they are described as pronouns: Determiners Give me that gun. This girl is my best friend. A special use of this is as a time marker: Lets try and meet this week. Can we fix a time? This Friday? Pronouns Give that to me. This is my best friend.

Possessive markers may be either determiners (if they qualify a noun), or pronouns (if they are standing in for a noun). It all depends on their use in the sentence:

26 Possessives as determiners This is my car. his her your our their

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide Possessives as pronouns The car is mine. his. hers. yours. ours. theirs.

One, two, three, etc. are called cardinal numbers, and they answer the question, How many? The ordinal numbers are first, second, third, etc., and they indicate an order. Numbers usually precede adjectives in a sentence: ten green bottles the six rowdy youngsters my third and final shot

Indefinite determiners
These words function as determiners only when they modify a noun. The versions that stand alone are pronouns: Determiners All the good work is ruined. Both climbers are missing. Either bus goes into town. Neither answer is right. We see her every Tuesday. We have no bread. Each man had a gun. Few people take holidays here. Have you enough food? Pronouns All is not lost. Both are safe and well. Either is possible. Neither is right. (We have none.) Each had a gun. Few come here on holiday. Ive had quite enough.

Notes on the
Study this use of the definite article in the opening two paragraphs of Betsy Byars novel for young people, The Eighteenth Emergency (1976): The pigeons flew out of the alley in one long swoop and settled on the awning of the grocery store. A dog ran out of the alley with a torn Cracker Jack box in his mouth. Then came the boy. The boy was running hard and fast. He stopped at the sidewalk, looked both ways, saw that the street was deserted and kept going. The dog caught the boys fear, and he started running with him . . .

Words and phrases


This use of the cannot be anaphoric reference reference back to something which has gone before since nothing has gone before these opening paragraphs of the novel. But does the reader sit back and wonder What pigeons? or What alley? or What boy? No: the authors skilful use of the instead of the more obvious a has made the text especially gripping from the very start which is part of the reason for the novels appeal. Always look at the context of the words you are analysing. The looks very simple, and of course usually it is. But what about this sentence: Theres not a single the in this sentence. Here the functions as a noun.

In many ways the verb is the most important of all the parts of speech. This was certainly the Romans point of view: verbum in Latin meant the word, so in this way its pre-eminence is still articulated in all the Romance languages as well as in English. From school, we remember that verbs are doing words or action words, and for the vast majority of verbs this is a fair description. But we should remember that in addition to the main verbs of doing (run, jump, walk, stand, shake), there are also auxiliary or helping verbs (be, have, will, can, may, shall, would, could, might, should, must; see pp. 2830). Indeed, main verbs and auxiliary verbs are the two key classes of verb. The following sections look at the verb from a variety of grammatical perspectives.

Verb agreement or concord

The girl speaks good English. The girls speak good English. Concord, or agreement, is the rule that ensures the harmonisation of different grammatical units. Number concord is the most important type of concord in English, and ensures that a singular subject is always followed by a singular verb, a plural subject by a plural verb. The following sentences are wrong because they break the rules of number concord: The girl speak good English. The girls speaks good English. Apart from the rule of adding -s or -es in the third-person singular (he, she, it) of English verbs, there is not much left of verb concord in English. We used also to mark the second-person singular (you, or thou) for subjectverb concord:

28 The day thou gavest, Lord . . . Where art thou, Sylvia?

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This use has almost died out, and is now found only in poetry, in biblical writing and in certain dialects.

Auxiliary verbs
She is planning a visit to India. I havent seen her since last Tuesday. Which bus do you plan to take? The main auxiliary, or helping, verbs are be, have and do. They are used with main verbs to help them form specific tenses, as well as negatives and questions. Be is used as an auxiliary with the -ing form of the main verb to form the continuous: She is living in Poland. We were going to the cinema. Be is used with the past participle of the main verb to form the passive (see pp. 345): The street was covered in mud. These computers are made in America. Have and had are used as auxiliaries along with the past participle to form the past tenses: I have changed my mind. She has completed her course. I wish we had visited St Petersburg. Be and have are also used as auxiliaries to form negative sentences, question forms and the passive: She isnt finished yet. Havent you finished yet? Was the wallet found in the street? Do is used as an auxiliary to make negative and question forms: I dont smoke. Do you? Do you like my new shoes? He didnt get the job, did he? See also modal auxiliary verbs (below).

Modal auxiliary verbs

Modal verbs are a category of the auxiliaries: they too are helping verbs. They help the main verb to express a range of meanings: possibility, probability, certainty,

Words and phrases


permission, requests, instructions, suggestions, offers and invitations, wants and wishes, obligation and necessity. The modal verbs are: can, could will, would must, ought to be able to shall, should may, might need to have (got) to

Modals are very easy in one respect: they have only one form. Below are some examples of modals in use: > Negatives and questions: You may not walk on the grass. He couldnt stop laughing. Would you give me a lift into town? > Possibility (can, could, may, might): Can you unlock this door for me? This might come in useful. It could have been a disastrous accident. When may she get up? > Probability and certainty (cannot/cant, must, ought to, should, will): You must be Dr Livingstone. He cant have told me the whole story. We ought to arrive home by noon. That must be the postman now. > Ability (can, could, be able to): He cannot sing for toffee. He could read and write from a very young age. She was able to sign her name with difficulty. She couldnt stop laughing. > Permission (can, could, may): You can use my car if you want. You may speak now, John. Can I ask a question? > Instructions and requests (can, could, will, would): Would you give John a message for me, please? Would you do me a favour? Could you explain that again for me? I would like this work finished by Friday. > Suggestions (could, may, might, shall): You could try again later. You might like to try this new shampoo. You may as well start again. Shall we change the subject?


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> Offers and invitations (can, could, shall, will, would): Will you have a cup of tea? Would you like a biscuit? I could give you a lift to the shops. Shall we dance? > Obligation and necessity (must, mustnt, have to, have got to): I have to go now. I must get to the interview in good time.

Finite and non-finite verbs

The dog barks when hungry. It is barking now. It has been barking for hours. A finite verb is sometimes called a tensed verb, because it varies for present and past tense. Auxiliaries and modals are finite, as are verb phrases which contain them: eats, is eating, has eaten, has been eating, was eating, was being eaten are all finite verb phrases. Finite verbs have a subject with which they agree in person and number. Clauses with finite verbs are called finite clauses, while clauses with non-finite verbs are called non-finite clauses: When I was first looking into the matter. . . (finite clause) After Caesar had crossed the Rubicon . . . (finite clause) On looking into the matter . . . (non-finite clause) Having crossed the Rubicon . . . (non-finite clause) There are three non-finite verb forms: the infinitive form, with or without to; the -ing form (or present participle, or gerund); and the -ed form (or past participle). Non-finite verbs do not have a subject, and they show no variation for tense. All verbs have non-finite forms, except for modal auxiliaries (see pp. 2830).

Infinitives, participles and gerunds

These are the non-finite parts of the verb (see above).

The infinitive
This is the part of the verb often prefixed by to: I remembered to lock the door. I wish to see him immediately. To sleep, perchance to dream . . . To err is human, to forgive [is] divine . . . The infinitive, without the to, is often called the base form of the verb.

Words and phrases


Split infinitives
There used to be a taboo dear to the hearts of grammatical purists which said that adverbs should never be inserted between to and the infinitive: as in to boldly go, to fully understand, etc. Sometimes, however, sense requires the splitting of infinitives. Completely failing to recognise and Failing to completely recognise are not quite the same thing, as Sir Ernest Gowers long ago pointed out.

Participles and gerunds

Verbs have present participles, formed with -ing (running, jumping, standing); and past participles, formed with -ed in regular verbs, or with -en or in other ways for irregular verbs (finished, given, thought, forsaken). Participles are sometimes used adjectivally: the gusting wind the forsaken merman A rolling stone gathers no moss. To distinguish between participles and gerunds, look at the following: A: He was smoking an enormous cigar. B: Smoking is bad for your health. In the A-type sentence, smoking is the participle in the verb phrase was smoking. In the B-type sentence, smoking functions as a noun, and this is the key characteristic of a gerund.

Linking verbs, or copular verbs

Linking verbs are so called because they link a subject with a complement. Unlike regular verbs, they do not denote an action so much as record a state. They are sometimes called copula or copular verbs, from Latin copula, a bond. The main linking verb is be (see below, and also the section on complements, p. 72): He is a Frenchman. He is very ill. The other main linking verbs are appear, become, feel, get, grow, look, remain, seem: She appears distressed. The room became quiet. The condition is getting serious. Andrew grew tall. (But not as in: Andrew grew radishes.) She looks unconvinced. She seems a very sincere person.


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The verb to be
Be is the most frequently used verb in the English language. It is also the most irregular. Be has three very important roles: > It is a copula, or linking verb (see above). Instead of taking an object, it introduces a complement linked to the subject: He is a bus driver. She was very shy. They are my next-door neighbours. It is the River Nile. > Sometimes this use is called equative be, because the subject and the complement are the same thing: He = bus driver She = very shy They = my next-door neighbours It = the River Nile > Be is an auxiliary and indicates the continuous or progressive aspect of a main verb: They are working for charity. He was living in France. She is being trained to succeed the present director. > Be is an auxiliary and indicates the passive voice: The child was named Joseph. I am asked for an explanation. > A fourth use of be might be called the existential use, because it conveys the meaning to exist. This use is not now common: When I have fears that I may cease to be . . . (Keats) To be or not to be, that is the question. (Shakespeare) A poem should not mean but be. (Archibald MacLeish) I am yet what I am, none cares or knows. (John Clare) Whoever thinks a faultless piece to see,/Thinks what neer was nor is nor eer shall be. (Pope)

Moods of the verb

These are verb categories which tell us about the degree of reality conveyed by the verb. There are three types of mood in English: showing whether a sentence is making a statement (the indicative mood), giving an order (the imperative mood), or expressing a wish or supposition or other non-factual utterance (the subjunctive mood).

Words and phrases


Indicative or declarative mood

He speaks German. She was walking on the grass. He is rather noisy.

Imperative mood, or command

The verbs in these requests and commands all give an order; they are in the imperative mood: Speak to him in German, please. Keep off the grass. Be quiet. Sit in the corner. Note that imperatives need not necessarily be imperious: Excuse me. Have a beer. Take the first turning on the right.

Subjunctive mood
The subjunctive mood is used in modern English only for certain hypothetical statements: If I were you . . . If this be true . . . She wished she were dead. Or for fixed forms: So be it! Be that as it may. . . God save the Queen. Good luck be with you. Or as formal that subordinates: I insist that Tom pay his debt. I demand that he write me an apology. The word mood comes from Latin modus, meaning way or manner. So in its original meaning it was said to indicate the verbs attitude or manner of speaking. Subjunctive was also a Latin term, used to describe a mood confined to verbs in subordinate clauses. Latin grammarians described these clauses as dependants or subordinates of the main clause of the sentence, and marked the verbs accordingly. The main clause of a Latin sentence usually took the indicative mood and dealt in facts, while the subordinate clause took the subjunctive mood to express qualifications, conditions, suppositions, ideas and hypotheses dependent on those facts.


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Transitive and intransitive

Subject He She They Verb saw made wrote Object the crash. a lovely meal. an angry letter to their MP.

A transitive verb is one which takes a direct object. An intransitive verb does not: Subject Torrential rain The volcano Verb fell. erupted.

Many verbs can function transitively and intransitively: John played the cello in the garden. (transitive) John played in the garden. (intransitive) The army exploded the bomb. (transitive) The bomb exploded. (intransitive) The word transitive is from Latin transire, to pass over, and in transitive verbs the action was thought to pass over to the object immediately following like a spark jumping a break in an electrical circuit.

Active and passive

A: The Romans invaded Britain. B: Britain was invaded by the Romans. Transitive verbs occur in these two kinds of sentences. A-type sentences are called active, because the subject performs the action described by the verb. B-type sentences are called passive, because the subject is the recipient of the action. The passive auxiliary is generally a form of the verb to be: He was wounded in the leg. They were told to take him to hospital. Often, however, get performs a similar function (especially if the action received is disagreeable): They got beaten up by some thugs. She got run over at the pedestrian crossing. Hell get knocked to smithereens. Passive constructions are found much less frequently than active constructions. They are found in scientific writing, for instance, where we are not interested in who performs the action:

Words and phrases


A sample of soil is placed in a weighted evaporating basin which is then reweighed. The basin is heated over a water-bath for some hours or days according to the weight and nature of the sample, to drive off the soil water. The basin is then allowed to cool in a desiccator and weighed again. Heating and reweighing are continued until two weighings give identical results, showing that all the soil water has evaporated . . . (D G Mackean, Introduction to Biology, John Murray 1962) Another common use of the passive is when the subject performing the action is unknown: The woman was struck on the head. A third frequent use of the passive requires a measure of vigilance on the part of the reader: Thousands of civilians were tortured and executed. (By whom? The rebels? The government?) A new tax called the poll tax was to be introduced. You have been warned.

Verb tense
The word tense is from Latin tempus, time, and it is used to show the time when the action of a verb takes place. It is marked by inflection in English only for the present tense and the past tense:

Present tense
Here he comes. She likes him very much. The fighting in Afghanistan continues unabated. The present tense marks an action now going on, or a state now existing. It also has one or two other uses: He gets up at six oclock every morning. I dont take sugar in coffee. She teaches chemistry. The above shows the habitual present, marking habitual (repeated or recurring) events. An extension of this is the use of the present tense to denote what is true at all times the stative present: Lions are carnivorous animals. Salt dissolves in water. Sometimes the present is used with an adverbial (see p. 72) to indicate future time: Term begins next Monday. We leave tomorrow morning.


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Past tense
Columbus crossed the Atlantic in 1492. When they woke, the sun was shining. We arrived yesterday. The past tense describes an action or state which has taken place at a particular time before the present. It is formed by adding -ed or -d to the base form of regular verbs: cross/crossed, arrive/arrived, talk/talked. With irregular verbs, it is formed differently: wake/woke, begin/began, leave/left, etc. (See pp. 3840 for more on irregular verbs.) Verb phrases can be made past by using the past tense of their finite verb: When they woke, they were rested and the sun was shining. The past tense is often used to mark reported speech: I am ill. He said that he was ill. Did he say that he was ill? It also describes habitual actions in the past: Last term, we got up at seven oclock. Long ago, everything was run by the monks.

Future tense
Tomorrow will be wet and windy. We shall arrive on the midday flight. The future tense describes actions or states which will take place at some future time, and it is marked by the use of will and shall. Traditionally, will was used with second- and third-person subjects, and shall with first-person subjects: You/he/she/it/they will go I/we shall go These combinations were reversed to indicate emphasis, refusal, insistence, etc.: I will not do it. They shall not pass. A verbal equivalent of stamping the feet, and certainly expressive of deep intransigence, would be a construction such as: I will not and shall not do it. Other future time markers are to be about to or to be going to + the base of the verb: Hurry up the train is about to depart. I hope John Smith is going to be the next prime minister.

Words and phrases


Other past tense forms

I have visited Paris several times. I had visited New York when I was twelve years old. By this time next week, I shall have visited Cairo. These forms are called, respectively, the perfect (have + -ed form); the past perfect, or past in the past, sometimes called the pluperfect (had + -ed form); and the future perfect or past in the future (will/shall have + -ed form).

Verb aspect
Aspect is a verb category indicating the point of time from which an action is seen to take place. Two contrasts of aspect are marked in English: progressive aspect and perfect (or perfective) aspect. The former states that the action is in progress, ongoing or continuous at that point of time; the latter states that the action is retrospective or has been completed. Progressive/continuous aspect is marked by the use of be + present participle: She is driving through the town. She was listening to the car radio. Perfect aspect is marked by the use of have + past participle: He has cooked a splendid meal. He had fed his guests by 10 oclock. Progressive and perfect aspect can be combined: For years we have been coming here for our holiday. We had been looking forward to a short break.

Verb suffixes and prefixes

Certain prefixes are associated with verbs. Here are some common verb prefixes: a/ab- abdicate, abhor, abide, abolish, abominate, abridge, abrogate, absorb, abstain ac- accelerate, accept, accede, accompany, account, accuse ad-/af-/ap- adhere, admire, adopt, adore, advance, affirm, afford, appeal, appal, append co- coexist, cohabit, coproduce, cooperate con- concede, concur, concuss, condone, confess, confine, confirm, conform, congeal, congratulate, congregate, connect, consider, construct, consume, contain, continue, convene com- commit, complain, compile, compose, complete, communicate


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de- decide, deceive, declare, decline, decorate, decree, decry, defy, deject, deliver, demolish, demur, denounce, depend, deplore, deplete, deprave, despair, detect, develop dis- disable, discover, dismiss, disqualify, distress en- engulf, enchant, encase, envelop in- infringe, invade, intrude, introduce inter- intercede, interfere, interpret, intervene out- outdo, outfight, outjump, outplay, outrun, outswim, outproduce over- overcome, overdo, overflow, override, oversee, overwork sub- subject, subjoin, submerge, submit, subsist, subvert tran-/trans- transact, transcend, transcribe, transfer, transfix, transgress, translate, transpose un- unbend, undo, unearth, unloose, unbutton, unzip, untangle, untie, undress, unhitch, unveil with- withdraw, withhold, withstand Here are some common verb suffixes: -ate chlorinate, concentrate, fascinate, incapacitate, orchestrate, venerate -er batter, clatter, glitter, mutter, quaver, quiver, sever, shatter, shiver, stutter -ify beautify, deify, glorify, simplify -ise/-ize advertise, cauterise, computerise, finalise, hospitalise, modernise, oxidise, privatise, realise, sermonise, verbalise -ish abolish, establish, famish, finish, flourish, nourish, perish, polish, punish -mit admit, commit, demit, permit, submit, transmit The -ise/-ize suffix is optional in some cases, and an occasional subject of debate. Some verbs are never spelt with z (advertise, advise, arise, comprise, despise, exercise, revise, supervise, televise, etc.), so for most British spellers -ise is the easier option. But American English prefers the -ize spelling for the remainder.

Regular and irregular verbs

The vast majority of English verbs are regular that is, their forms can be established by rules. But there are about 300 irregular verbs, where some of the forms are unexpected. Instead of regular and irregular, we sometimes used to call them weak and strong verbs, because the weak ones toed the line and kept to the regular rules, while the strong ones were a law unto themselves! All newly formed verbs are regular, or weak (e.g. privatise, chlorinate), and there has been a tendency over the years for certain strong verbs to become weak (e.g. thrive is listed below as following the same pattern as drive, but as well as thrive/throve/thriven, the weak thrive/thrived/thrived version is also used nowadays, especially by Americans).

Words and phrases


There are four main forms of the regular verb, best indicated in the following table: Infinitive or base form walk stop try love push prefer -s form, or thirdperson singular walks stops tries loves pushes prefers -ing participle walking stopping trying loving pushing preferring -ed past form and past participle walked stopped tried loved pushed preferred

The irregular verb forms fall into three main types: > Identical forms for the infinitive, past tense and past participle: bet hit shut bid hurt slit burst let split cast put spread cost quit thrust cut set > Identical past tense and past participle: Base form or infinitive burn bend bleed sleep cling bring bind get lose shine shoot sell (be)come run hear light make say spit stand Past tense/participle burned/burnt bent bled slept clung brought bound got lost shone shot sold (be)came ran heard lit made said spat stood Other examples learn, smell, spell, spill, spoil build, lend, send, spend breed, feed, flee, hold, lead creep, keep, leap, sweep, weep fling, sting, string, swing, wring buy, catch, fight, seek, teach, think find, grind, wind


lay, pay


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The two past tense forms of burn do not convey exactly the same meanings. The -ed form is used to convey the duration of the action, while the -t form conveys a completed action: The fire burned for weeks. Fetch me a bandage Ive burnt myself. > Infinitive, past tense and past participle forms are all different: Infinitive hew Past tense hewed Past participle hewn/hewed Other examples mow, sew, saw, sow, show, swell awake, choose, freeze, speak, steal, wake, weave tear, wear grow, know, throw




bear swear blow bite hide take drive begin

bore swore blew bit hid took drove began

born/borne sworn blown bitten hidden taken driven begun

shake rise, ride, thrive, write sing, sink, swim, shrink, drink, ring, spring

eat fall dive do draw fly forget give go lie see

ate fell dived/dove did drew flew forgot gave went lay saw

eaten fallen dived done drawn flown forgotten given gone lain seen

Several irregular verbs are treated differently in the UK and USA. Dove, for example, as the past tense of dive, is an Americanism. The other common Americanism is gotten (for UK got).

Words and phrases


Phrasal verbs
Many English verbs are made up of a simple verb followed by a preposition or adverb such as about, in, off. Some of these verbs are called phrasal verbs, because the words in them combine to give a single meaning. Sometimes this meaning is obvious, i.e. it can be guessed from the meanings of the individual parts. But often the meaning of a phrasal verb is idiomatic and cannot be guessed from the meanings of the parts. Look at these pairs: A Tom came off the midnight train. B I dont think his plan will come off. A She came round to see us last night. B She didnt come round till a week after the accident. The B sentence in the first pair has come off with the idiomatic meaning of succeed; the B sentence in the second pair has come round with the idiomatic meaning of regain consciousness. Warning: Not all verbs followed by a preposition or adverb are phrasal verbs. Look at these pairs: 1 He looked/ up the road. (verb looked + prepositional phrase) 2 He looked up the dictionary. (phrasal verb looked up = tried to find a meaning) 1 She came/ by bus. (verb came + prepositional phrase) 2 She came by a valuable painting. (phrasal verb came by = acquired) Non-native English speakers need to work at these verbs, and are referred to specialist dictionaries. Examples are the Collins COBUILD Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs (2nd edn. 2002) and an accompanying workbook. Phrasal verbs are especially common in spoken and colloquial English. People are more likely to say they have climbed down a ladder, rather than descended it; that they have put up with a noisy neighbour, rather than tolerated him or her, etc. Phrasal verbs are less pompous, less formal than verbs of classical origin. A list follows showing some of the commonest of the thousands of English phrasal verbs. Idiomatic meanings are also shown: ask after seek information about She phoned the hospital to ask after her father. back out (of) withdraw from He backed out of the project when he realised what it would cost. back up support Please back me up in this argument. bear up keep strong He tried to bear up for the sake of his family. break down 1 stop functioning The car broke down.


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2 cry, burst into tears He broke down at the news of her death. 3 reduce to its constituent parts Try to break this data down a bit. break in(to) interrupt The demonstrators kept breaking into the proceedings. break off sever Negotiations were broken off this morning. bring about 1 cause The accident was brought about by careless driving. 2 turn a boat around They managed to bring the ship about and head for port. bring in introduce The government keeps bringing in new legislation. bring off complete successfully The team brought off a famous victory. bring round revive The lifeguard brought the child round after hed been rescued from the water. bring up raise, educate I was brought up by my grandmother. call for demand The crisis calls for strong leadership. call in summon They called in a doctor. call off abandon The race was called off because of snow. care for 1 like He didnt much care for her manner. 2 look after He cared for his invalid parent for many years. carry on 1 make a fuss These children have been carrying on all morning. 2 continue Please carry on with your work. carry out undertake The police will carry out a full investigation. check in register She checked in at the Forest Lawn Hotel last night. check out 1 leave Well be checking out before noon. 2 find out (about) Youll have to check out his alibi. check (up) on investigate Weve checked on his story and it seems to be true. clear up 1 (of weather) get better The weather is clearing up nicely. 2 solve The police are keen to clear the matter up quickly. come off prosper, succeed His plans havent come off very well. come round recover consciousness Three hours after the operation, she still had not come round. count out exclude Please count me out of your escapade. draw up stop (a vehicle) The police drew up in front of the runaway car. get across communicate ideas He got his message across to his audience with great force. get away with 1 steal They got away with a million dollars. 2 escape punishment That man gets away with murder. get by cope, manage She gets by on her widows pension. get down depress Dont let them get you down! give away betray confidences She plays her cards close to her chest never gives anything away. give up 1 stop, lose interest Dont just give up because its difficult. 2 renounce, stop Hes been trying to give up smoking for years. go down with contract, become ill with Half the class went down with flu. go in for 1 enter for She went in for the Mastermind quiz. 2 like All my friends go in for football in a big way. go off 1 explode The bomb went off without warning.

Words and phrases


2 go bad Milk soon goes off in warm weather. 3 begin to dislike I used to like Mary, but Ive gone right off her lately. go through 1 endure, suffer Shes gone through a lot lately. 2 search, examine The police went through the scene of the crime with a finetooth comb. hang about wait idly He spent his days hanging about street corners. hang back hesitate He always hangs back when he is in her company. hang on wait Hang on a minute and Ill be right with you. hang on to retain You should hang on to that Picasso painting its worth a lot of money. hang up end a phone conversation We were in the middle of a chat when she just hung up on me. hold on wait The telephone operator asked me to hold on. keep at persist with You can learn anything if you keep at it. knock out stun, defeat The boxer knocked out his challenger. let down disappoint Dont cancel the game and let the teams down. let off 1 release The plane let off a deafening blast of air. 2 forgive, excuse The culprit was let off with a warning from the magistrate. 3 explode They let off hundreds of fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night. look after take care of The hospital looks after about 200 patients. look in call, visit The doctor will look in on you on his way home. look into investigate The police will look into any complaints. look up 1 improve, get brighter. After the war, things started to look up a bit. 2 consult Look it up in the dictionary/telephone directory. look up to respect, admire He had no role model to look up to. make for 1 go towards When it started raining, we made for shelter. 2 provide a basis for Their management style doesnt make for good industrial relations. make out 1 understand I cant make out his writing. 2 write She made out a cheque for 100. 3 progress How are you all making out with your map-reading skills? 4 have sex The room was full of disco noise and kids making out. make up 1 invent He makes up the most amazing stories. 2 renew friendship, return to good relations They decided to kiss and make up. 3 apply cosmetics The actors were making up their faces before the performance. make up for compensate for He tried to make up for his earlier outburst. pass away die He passed away in his sleep. pass off 1 take place The performance passed off very successfully. 2 masquerade He passed himself off as a Texan millionaire. pass out faint He passed out in the crowded, airless compartment. press on continue to work hard Regardless of all the interruptions, she pressed on with the job. pull up halt The horses pulled up at the inn. put off postpone The game was put off till Friday.


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put up accommodate I can put you up for a couple of nights. put up with tolerate She wont put up with any more nonsense. ring back telephone again Shell ring you back in ten minutes. ring off end a phone conversation She rang off when her boss came into the room. ring up 1 telephone She rang up to tell me shed arrived safely. 2 register cash in a till The assistant rang up 29.95 for the garment. run down 1 knock down with a vehicle He was run down by a speeding motorist. 2 disparage She loves running people down behind their backs. 3 slowly bring to a halt The Coal Board has been running that mine down for the last two years. run into 1 meet by chance I ran into an old school friend yesterday. 2 add up to His income runs into millions of pounds. run out of use up The cars run out of petrol. see off say goodbye to They saw me off from the station. see through 1 help through a difficult period Well see this problem through together. 2 assess to be untrue We could see through most of their ploys and ruses. see to attend to Youll need to see to that cut on your leg. set back delay, hinder The fire has set back their plans for expansion. set off 1 start a journey The bus set off at nine oclock. 2 enhance The large painting sets off the great hall very effectively. 3 ignite The kids have been setting off fireworks all night. show off boast, display oneself Small children love to show off to adults. show up 1 appear Guess who showed up at the party? 2 shame She enjoyed showing her boyfriend up in public. stand by support, help We agreed to stand by the company and see it through its difficulties. stand for tolerate He wont stand for any nonsense. stand up for defend, support He always stands up for the underdog. take after resemble Mary takes after her father. take in 1 dupe He was very plausible and took us all in. 2 believe It was such a surprise that we couldnt take it all in. 3 include The tour took in all the main tourist spots. take off 1 leave the ground The plane took off at 9 a.m. 2 imitate, mimic He enjoys taking off Tony Blair. take on 1 undertake, accept He has taken on a directorship of ICI. 2 challenge We took on a strong team from America. take over absorb Our company has been taken over by a multinational. think out reason, plan We will have to think out our next move very carefully. turn down reject The planning committee turned down his application. turn out end, transpire His plan has turned out very well. turn up be found, appear His baggage turned up a week late. wear off lose power The power of the sedative began to wear off in the morning. work out solve There was one clue I couldnt work out.

Words and phrases


When a phrasal verb is turned into a passive form, the preposition or adverb remains attached: The result cannot be wondered at. He was well and truly done for. That practice has been done away with for years. Try not to let yourself be imposed upon by your son. When a phrasal verb is nominalised, or used as an adjective, a hyphen is normally used: The get-away car was chased across town by the police. Muhammad Ali scored another knock-out last night. My sister has suffered a nervous break-down. Please fasten your seat-belts for take-off.

Adverbs and adverbials

Adjectives qualify nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify the other parts of speech verbs, other adverbs, adjectives, prepositions and conjunctions. Thus they are a varied and heterogeneous word-class. But probably the most important and frequent function of an adverb is to modify the main verb in a sentence hence its name. So the two key functions of adverbs are: > To modify the main verb of a sentence, so that the whole meaning of the sentence is affected. Thus: Subject Aunt Agatha The bus Verb phrase with adverb arrived yesterday. travelled slowly.

> To modify individual words and phrases (verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions). Thus: He managed to rest, even to sleep fitfully. (verb modification) The weather changed very suddenly. (adverb modification) She is seriously ill. (adjective modification) The train left just before noon. (preposition modification) Let me show you exactly how it works. (conjunction modification) An adverb is a single word. But there are many multi-word constructions which have the same role and perform the same function. These are called adverbials; they are introduced in this chapter along with adverbs, but their role and function is described in more detail elsewhere. (See p. 72.)


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Kinds of adverbs
Adverbs are commonly defined according to the kinds of questions they answer about the verbs they modify. They usually come after the verb, or after the object if there is one.

Adverbs and adverbials of time

Adverbs of time say when something happened, and they include words like then, now, sometimes, afterwards, etc. They left the police station later. Afterwards we all had dinner. Many prepositional phrases may also be used as time adverbials: I saw her during the holidays. I saw her for a brief five minutes. I talked to him for a whole day. They stayed in London over Christmas. They met us before the match. Shes been wearing glasses since she was eleven. Some of the other commonest adverbial time constructions include in the evening, last week, next year, in September, at 8 oclock, for a fortnight, after three days, since 1945, a month ago, etc.

Adverbs and adverbials of place

Adverbs of place say where something happened. They include words like here, there, anywhere, nowhere, somewhere, hence, hither, thence, thither, upstairs, downstairs, away, abroad, indoors, outdoors, underground, etc.: John was there a moment ago. Please go downstairs and answer the phone. Adverbials of place include a range of notions of space, position, direction and distance: She ran to the house. (direction to) He came down from the glen. (direction from) They drove for 20 kilometres. (distance) He lives in the end villa on the right. (position)

Adverbs and adverbials of manner

They thanked us fulsomely for our hospitality. The bad end unhappily, the good unluckily. That is what tragedy means. (Tom Stoppard) The lava flowed relentlessly and inexorably downhill towards the village.

Words and phrases


These adverbs tell us how something happened, and they are very often formed by adding -ly to an adjective: Adjective absolute bad beautiful careful exceptional quick quiet soft sudden Adverb absolutely badly beautifully carefully exceptionally quickly quietly softly suddenly

Some adjectives require modification before the addition of -ly: Adjective automatic easy full gentle true Adverb automatically easily fully (full + y) gently (no e) truly (no e)

A few other suffixes indicate an adverb of manner: -ways: sideways -wise: streetwise, clockwise -wards: forwards, backwards, skywards, earthwards -fashion: squirrel-fashion, Edwardian-fashion -style: 1960s-style, English-style Adverbials of manner also describe the way in which something happens or is done. She listened with great sadness to his story. The team did not play well enough to win the cup. He looked at her in the most furtive and nervous manner. Remember that not all words ending in -ly are adverbs of manner. Some adjectives also have this ending (manly, elderly, friendly, lordly, etc.).

Adverbs and adverbials of reason and purpose

These tell us something about the purpose behind an action, or why things have happened. They include adverbs like purposely, deliberately, intentionally, accidentally, etc. and adverbials like the following: They went to France for a holiday. He blares his stereo to annoy.


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Adverbs and adverbials of frequency, degree and probability

These say how often something happens, to what extent something has happened, or how sure you are that something is going to happen. They include words like always, ever, never, frequently, a lot, seldom, rarely, possibly, wholly, partially, thoroughly, probably, definitely, certainly, maybe, perhaps. They usually come before the main verb (unless the main verb is be, when they come after): I definitely saw him yesterday. The taxi driver will probably know the quickest route. I shall never forget that game. Dont ever do that again! I was only partially convinced by his story.

Adverbs of duration
These are words like already, still, yet, any longer, any more, no longer. You use them to say that an event is continuing, stopping, or not happening at the moment. Is the sun out yet? I cant stand this weather any longer. Surely it cant still be raining? Have they finished the job already?

Interrogative and conjunctive adverbs

Interrogative adverbs are words like where, when, how, why, whence and whither. They ask the questions that are answered by adverbs of place, time, manner, etc.: When did they leave the hotel? Why do you ask that question? How was she keeping? Conjunctive adverbs are the same words as interrogative adverbs, but they perform a slightly different function in the sentence. Instead of asking a question, they join two clauses together: He asked the receptionist when they had left the hotel. I wonder why you asked that question.

Other everyday adverbs

Words like yes and no are almost like sentences, in the sense that they are often used as stand-alone words, or sentence equivalents. But they were traditionally classed as adverbs, because they modified verbs even if those verbs were as often as not unspoken ones. Look at an exchange like the following:

Words and phrases Question: Are you coming? Answer: Yes.


Yes here actually means Yes, I am coming. So traditional grammarians said yes was an adverb. Other common adverbs are that range of words used mainly to qualify adjectives and other adverbs very, terribly, frightfully, excessively, too, quite, almost, so, more, most, scarcely, not and less.

Special adverbs
A number of words function as both adjectives and adverbs, with only their context to tell you which they are. They include words like cheap, clean (as in completely, e.g. he clean forgot), dead (as in utterly, e.g. she was dead cool), easy, fast, fine, free, hard, high, just, late, loud, low, pretty, quick, real, sharp, slow, straight, sure, well, wide, wrong.

Comparison of adverbs
Adverb comparison is very similar to adjective comparison (see pp. 1819); you use -er/-est or add more/most to the adverb to convey comparative and superlative forms. The job was completed more promptly than last time. John was affected more seriously by the accident than I was. I object most strongly to these insinuations. He drove the car faster and faster. His cough sounded worse and worse.

Position of adverbs
Adverbs are extremely mobile in their deployment, and in many cases they can go at the beginning or in the middle or at the end of a sentence: Suddenly I heard a noise upstairs. I was suddenly aware of a noise. He left the party quite suddenly. A word like originally can be inserted at any of the points marked / in the following sentence: /The dress/must/have/been/purchased/in Marks and Spencers/. Generally speaking, adverbs should be so positioned as to make quite clear which particular words they are intended to modify. Compare, for example: She smiled at him foolishly. (i.e. she gave him a foolish smile) Foolishly, she smiled at him. (i.e. it was unwise of her to do so)


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The split infinitive

For a reason which was once perhaps more persuasive than it now is, many people professed an objection to the use of an adverb between to and the verbs infinitive form. They insisted that the unity of the infinitive must be respected, and they objected to split infinitive constructions like the following: He tended to frequently interrupt the conversation. She intends to really work this semester. Nowadays, it is perhaps enough to avoid split infinitives in formal writing, although most people would not object to the following even in writing: He wants to so organise his agenda that . . . He forgot to fully extend the aerial. See also p. 31.

It was on the table. He is at school. We drove to the shops. We had to be there before 5 oclock. Prepositions are words like on, at, to and before. They show the relation of a noun or noun equivalent to the rest of a sentence. As the name suggests (pre[ceding] position), they usually come before the words they complement. Most often, they show how two parts of a sentence are related in time or space.

Simple and complex prepositions

Simple prepositions consist of a single word. Complex prepositions consist of two or three words. Here are some of the commonest: Simple prepositions about above across after against along among around at down during for from in inside into of off over round since through to towards under up with

Words and phrases Simple prepositions (cont.) before behind beneath by on onto opposite out within without


Complex prepositions two words ahead of apart from because of close to due to except for instead of near to

Complex prepositions three words as far as by means of in accordance with in addition to in front of in spite of in terms of on account of on behalf of with reference to

Preposition or adverb or conjunction?

Many of the simple prepositions listed above have several other possible functions. Before we can be sure they are indeed prepositions, we need to check the context in which the words are used: > If the words are followed by nouns or noun equivalents, they are prepositions: I gave you that information before tea. > If they are used to link clauses, they are conjunctions: I gave you that information before you asked for it. > If they are not followed by nouns and dont link clauses, they are adverbs: I gave you that information before. Dont ask for it again.

Prepositional meanings
Prepositions cover a wide range of meanings. First, they express spatial meanings. Many of these spatial meanings can be best illustrated diagrammatically (see pp. 523). Prepositions are also used to convey a sense of: > > > > > time (at 5 oclock, for six weeks, by next Tuesday) cause (He was sacked for/on account of his laziness, She did it out of kindness) manner (I paid by travellers cheque, He worked like a demon) accompaniment (You must go with them) support or opposition (I was against the plan, They are with you all the way)


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> concession (She came despite her illness) > possession (a musician of rare talent, a bag with a purple handle) > addition and exception (The car was a bargain apart from its rusty bonnet, We had a great time except for the weather)

Prepositional phrases
The combination of the preposition and its noun phrase complement is called a prepositional phrase. These can come after, or post-modify, a noun: The villain was the man in the blue suit. Or they can be adverbials: At 5 oclock in the afternoon, the rain came on. Or they can complement verbs or adjectives: He fell off the table. We were very sorry for him. Or they indicate possession: Two Gentlemen of Verona

Space prepositions




next to

in front of


on on top of






Words and phrases









in front of





opposite facing

from (away from)

Prepositions governing two elements

A preposition need not be repeated if it has two complements: An operetta by Gilbert and Sullivan, NOT by Gilbert and by Sullivan He spoke with passion and humour, NOT with passion and with humour. But you do need to repeat the preposition if there is a risk of ambiguity: She was talking about health education and smoking cigarettes. She was talking about health education and about smoking cigarettes.

Prepositions at the end of sentences

Because a Latin sentence could not end with a preposition, some English scholars used to claim that an English sentence shouldnt end with one either. If it ever was one, this is no longer a rule of English usage. A better rule is to place the preposition where it sounds most natural: What hotel did you stay in? In what hotel did you stay? Either of these alternatives is acceptable, though the latter is more formal and sounds stiffer. In some examples, there is no alternative:

54 What was she looking for? NOT: For what was she looking?

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Winston Churchill (a master of plain, punchy and memorable English the right word in the right place) poked fun at the former reluctance to put a preposition at the end of a sentence with his well-chosen example of contorted English: This is the sort of behaviour up with which I shall not put.

Prepositional idioms
Many prepositions are embedded in idioms (see pp. 1567). There are no easy rules for deciding which preposition to use in such phrases. They just have to be learned. A person who is overcharged is said to pay through the nose; one who is made to do as we wish is led by the nose; and when we do something without a person noticing we say that we have done something under his very nose. Other examples include: off colour against the grain stick at nothing straight from the shoulder beyond your means soldiers under arms an ear for music with the stream/flow beating about the bush above board into the bargain on call

Conjunctions are link words or joining together words. There are two types: coordinators and subordinators.

Coordinating conjunctions
The coordinators are so called because they join units of equal status. The units may be words (fish and chips, tired but happy, tea or coffee); or they may be sentences (John is working in the garden and Mary is working in the house, His name is Steven and he lives in Leeds). The coordinating conjunctions are: and but or then so yet both . . . and either . . . or neither. . . nor

Words and phrases Look at these: The weather will be (both) dry and windy tomorrow. The weather will be dry but windy tomorrow. The weather will be dry or windy tomorrow. The weather will be neither dry nor windy tomorrow. She was born in Zagreb and raised in Philadelphia. She didnt complain or even protest. When she saw John she blushed, then walked away.


These sentences show some of the range of meanings afforded by coordinating conjunctions. Note that in the last three examples, the clauses have the same subject (she); when you use a coordinating conjunction you do not always need to repeat the subject in the second clause. These are all examples of linked coordination. When there is no conjunction, the coordination is said to be unlinked: The weather was wet and windy and cold. (linked coordination) The weather was wet, windy, cold. (unlinked coordination)

Subordinating conjunctions
The subordinating conjunctions join subordinate or dependent clauses to the main clause of a sentence. (For more on this, see under sentence structure, p. 74.) The main subordinators are: after He laughed after she cracked a joke. (al)though Although it is sunny now, the forecast is for rain. as The car braked hard as the dog ran across the road. as . . . as They left the scene as quickly as they could. as if He talked as if money were no problem. because He climbed the hill because it was there. before Tell me one thing before you go. even if I dont want to go even if you give me a free ticket. except Id go except Ive no time. if If you drop litter youll get a 10 fine. in case We left some supper in case John dropped by. in order to She left early in order to get her train. more . . . than Ive grown far more potatoes than I can use. rather than Id starve rather than eat snails. since The business has flourished since it was taken over. so that The management worked hard so that it would succeed. that The reason that I am here today . . . till/until They drew no salaries till the companys prospects were secure. when They relaxed a bit when they got their first big contract. whenever They still work flat out whenever they have to.


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where They go where the good orders are. whereas They are real professionals whereas their competitors are a lot of amateurs. wherever Youll find them wherever theres business to be had. whether Now they have to decide whether they will consolidate or expand the business. while Nero fiddles while Rome burns. Some subordinating conjunctions also function as prepositions: Subordinator He arrived before I did. He left after I did. Preposition He arrived before me. He left after me.

Most subordinating conjunctions can also be used to link sentences, rather than just to link a subordinate clause with a main clause in the same sentence: When can I have it? When Johns finished with it. Can I take the car? So long as its back by tea time. That goes by e-mail. Then the client gets it right away.

And as an idiom
Sometimes and has a special idiomatic use, and isnt really a conjunction at all: > In expressions like Youre looking fine and comfortable/dandy or This towel is nice and soft, and is used almost as an adverb equivalent. > In Try and remember where you put it or Lets try and find it, and really equals to as part of an infinitive verb phrase. > In He ran and ran and ran, the repeated and functions as a sort of emphatic, or intensifier. > In There are universities and universities, the idiomatic and carries the intensifier sense that there are various kinds of universities and only some of them are worthy of the name.

Oh! Help! Pooh! Cheers! Hem! Ah! Ow! Whew! Nice one! Oh dear! Ooh! Eh? Tut-tut! Damn! Look here! Alas! Sh! Look out! Gosh! Bless my soul!

These are exclamations, or emotional noises. As a part of speech, they are termed interjections. Sometimes they are formed by actual words, sometimes not.

Words and phrases


We use them to express sudden feelings of joy, pain, surprise, disgust, anger, etc. They are generally marked by an exclamation mark or a question mark. They stand alone, as above, or they may be loosely added on to a sentence. Oh no I cant bear to watch any longer! Dear me what has happened to your clothes! There now dont cry! Many interjections or exclamatory statements are elliptical that is, they refer to previous parts of a conversation or text, with words left out or implied: What an ass/night/experience! Poor fool/kid/lamb/lad! Being colloquial, interjections are being generated all the time, different social groups favouring different expressions: Gordon Bennett! Blimey! (Southern English) Crivvens! Help-ma-boab! Jings! (Glasgow) Cool! Gee! (US) Taboo versions are currently popular in speech, but not appropriate for formal writing (Shit! Fuck! etc.).

So far in this book, we have looked at the traditional eight parts of speech, although by adding determiners we have made it nine. Part 2 of the book will examine larger chunks of meaning sentences and clauses. But if words are the smallest building blocks of language, the next category in the hierarchy is phrases (about which a little has already been said). We will look now at phrases, before going on to consider sentences and clauses. Basically, a phrase is a small group of words that function as a grammatical unit. If you look at a sentence you can usually break it up into phrases: The cat / sat / on the mat / waiting / for its tea. This sentence has been broken into five phrases. (In grammar, it is important to remember that a phrase may consist of one word or more than one word.) What about this? The / cat sat on the / mat waiting / for its / tea. This version of the same sentence is made up of rather unnatural breaks. It has been broken into groups of words which do not function as grammatical units. Thus we see that not all groups of words make phrases. A certain internal structure is required.


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In grammar, we distinguish five kinds of phrase. Each is named after the word class which plays the key part in its structure: > noun phrase: a great big balloon (main word: noun balloon) the most ghastly accident (main word: noun accident) > verb phrase: may have been sleeping (main word: verb sleeping) will have surrendered (main word: verb surrendered) > adjective phrase: frightfully smart (main word: adjective smart) very very old (main word: adjective old) > adverb phrase: quite inadvertently (main word: adverb inadvertently) very stupidly (main word: adverb stupidly) > preposition phrase: in the river (main word: preposition in) for your private information (main word: preposition for) Structurally, a phrase is analysed in terms of a main word and its modifiers. In grammar, as we have noted, a phrase may contain one word or several. The subject of each of the following sentences, for example, may be described as a noun phrase. This is true even of the first sentence, where the noun phrase is in fact a single noun: Balloons were bobbing about in the sky. The balloons were bobbing about in the sky. A great big blue and yellow balloon was bobbing about in the sky. It is not uncommon for one phrase to embed another, or several other, phrases. So: on the edge of a busy street (prepositional phrase: main word on) the edge of a busy street (noun phrase: main word edge) of a busy street (prepositional phrase: main word of ) a busy street (noun phrase: main word street) A phrase may also embed a clause. So: the house that Jack built (noun phrase: main word house) that Jack built (relative clause, introduced by that)

Noun phrases
The main word sometimes, as we have seen, the only word of a noun phrase is usually a noun or pronoun:

Words and phrases buds Often there is a determiner: a bud the buds


Then there are the modifiers: green buds darling buds of May

If the modifiers come before the main word, they are called pre-modifiers; if they come after it, they are post-modifiers. The modifiers may themselves be modified: a distinctly ramshackle bus the red bus standing at platform 16 with its engine running Apposition is not uncommon in noun phrases. The noun phrase is followed by a second, explanatory, noun phrase, which is said to be in apposition to the first: Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, is once again a peaceful place. A well-known media personality, namely Terry Wogan, is present. Certain types of clauses feature commonly as modifiers in a noun phrase: She has an Alsatian which barks constantly. The man who spoke to me is an Egyptian. The first sentence contains the noun phrase an Alsatian which barks constantly, in which is embedded the relative clause which barks constantly. The second sentence contains the noun phrase the man who spoke to me, in which is embedded the relative clause who spoke to me. (See p. 76 for more on relative clauses.) Appositive clauses (clauses in apposition) are also commonly embedded in a noun phrase. They are introduced by that, functioning as a conjunction: The fact that he insulted her . . . The reason that he is here today . . . Compound nouns (see pp. 9-10), especially multi-word technical terms, are best treated as noun phrases: automatic speech output device lexical stress assignment process airport flight information systems Sometimes a noun phrase is made up of adjectives: the poor, the famous. The poor are always with us; the famous too, alas.


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Verb phrases
The main word of a verb phrase is a main verb, which may be preceded by up to four auxiliaries. Some of the verb phrases are: see have seen shouldnt have been seeing must have been being seen The main verb of the verb phrase will be in one of these forms: > > > > the base form: see, speak, run, jump the -s form: sees, speaks, runs, jumps the -ing participle form: seeing, speaking, running, jumping the -ed past or participle form (regular or irregular): saw, spoke, ran, jumped

The verb phrase may be active or passive. Here are some active and corresponding passive verb phrases: Active sees ate is cooking has built will elect may have affected should be delivering Passive is seen was eaten is being cooked has been built will be elected may have been affected should be being delivered

The auxiliaries precede the main verb in a specified order or sequence: > > > > modals, such as can, may, will, must perfect auxiliary have progressive auxiliary be passive auxiliary be

These auxiliaries in turn specify the form to be taken by the main verb which follows: > > > > can read, may speak, must work . . . have read, have spoken, have worked . . . was reading, was speaking, was working . . . was read, was spoken, was worked . . .

Verb phrases which contain a phrasal verb or a multi-word verb may occasionally be interrupted: He has handed in his resignation. He has handed his resignation in.

Words and phrases You should put off your decision. You should put your decision off. A verb phrase is the essential and pivotal element of a clause (see p. 69).


Adjective phrases
The main word in an adjective phrase is an adjective. The other words are modifiers, which may precede the adjective (pre-modifiers) or follow it (post-modifiers): happy ecstatically and deliriously happy happy to see you all sad very obviously sad sad to the point of despair

Some adjectives need to have post-modifiers: John is very keen ( + ) on cricket. She is fully aware ( + ) of your criticism. Im very fond ( + ) of golf. Adjective phrases function mainly in the following ways. > they are pre-modifiers in a noun phrase: It was a very eloquent and witty speech. > they are post-modifiers in a noun phrase: She has done something rather silly. > they are subject complements: The job was extremely difficult. > they are object complements: He made her very happy. > they complete the meaning of certain adjectives: She is afraid of the big bad wolf. Sometimes adjectives are used as the main word in what then effectively becomes a noun phrase. Adjectives of nationality do this: the Americans the Welsh the Germans So do classes of society: the poor the sick the old And so do certain superlatives: the latest the worst


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Examples of these usages: The wounded have now been evacuated from the war zone. The French have pioneered this approach. Whats the latest from Downing Street?

Adverb phrases
The main word in an adverb phrase is an adverb. The other words are called modifiers, which may precede the adverb (pre-modifiers) or follow it (postmodifiers): amazingly so amazingly amazingly for him very amazingly indeed There are two main functions for adverb phrases: > they modify an adjective: Her advice was extremely and surprisingly constructive. > they modify an adverb: She spoke somewhat inappropriately about the economy.

Prepositional phrases
The components of a prepositional phrase are the preposition and its complement. The prepositional complement is most commonly a noun phrase. across the barricades into the abyss But it can also be certain types of clause: Hell drive you to wherever you want to go. Prepositional phrases function mainly in the following ways: > they are post-modifiers in a noun phrase: a man in a brown suit the boys in blue > they are adverbials: He drove to the city (1) in the early evening (2). > they are verb or adjective complements: Tom was in a great hurry. She was sitting on the floor. I was very sorry for them.

Words and phrases Remember that prepositional phrases often occur in clusters: He lives in a bungalow (1) near a nice beach (2) in Cornwall (3). Remember too how prepositional phrases may be embedded in one another: It was a disaster in the annals of international diplomacy. > in the annals of international diplomacy (prepositional phrase) > the annals of international diplomacy (noun phrase) > of international diplomacy (prepositional phrase) > international diplomacy (noun phrase)


Two Sentences and clauses

the sentence
major and minor sentences simple and multiple sentences and clauses sentence types positive and negative sentences active and passive sentences when is a sentence not a sentence: the comma splice

How to do things with words. J L Austin, William James Lectures at Harvard University, 1955 Backward ran sentences until reeled the mind. Wolcott Gibbs, satirising the style of Time magazine in the New Yorker, 1936 I will not go down to posterity talking bad grammar. Benjamin Disraeli, correcting proofs of his last parliamentary speech, 1881 I dont want to talk grammar, I want to talk like a lady. George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion, 1916 He lays sentences like eggs, but forgets to incubate them. Elias Canetti, The Human Province, 1973

sentences and clauses

clause elements subject predicate verb object complement adverbial compound and complex sentences independent and dependent clauses coordination subordination subordinate clauses nominal or noun clauses adverbial clauses relative clauses comparative clauses nite and non-nite clauses restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses dangling modiers reading difculty

Sentences and clauses


The sentence
It is helpful to think of the sentence as the largest unit of grammar. In the hierarchy of the nuts and bolts of language, we can say that: A sentence consists of one or more clauses. A clause consists of one or more phrases. A phrase consists of one or more words. A word consists of one or more morphemes. We have looked at words and phrases in Part 1 of this book, and we will look at word formation in Part 3. Grammar deals with the rules for combining words and phrases into sentences. We all think we know what we mean by a sentence in English, even if it is rather hard to define. Some people say that a sentence is a group of words which begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop (or one of the equivalents of a full stop, i.e. a question mark or an exclamation mark). This has been called the formal definition of a sentence, because it defines the term by describing its form or shape. It is obviously a better definition of the written than of the spoken language! Others tell us that a sentence is a complete expression of a single thought. This is called the notional definition, because it defines the term by the notion or idea it conveys. But it begs the rather large question of exactly what is a single thought. According to these definitions, the following are all sentences: Good morning! No parking. Come in. For her last holiday, Jane took a trip to Tunisia, where she visited lots of interesting places, swam in a warm sea, ate some splendid meals, and contrived in the course of a hectic courtship to get herself married to the wealthy proprietor of a large ceramic-tile factory near Carthage. They all comply with the formal definition, although the last example seems rather to test the notional definition. Perhaps a simpler way to define a sentence in English is to apply three criteria to it: > It is a construction that can stand alone, without people feeling it to be incomplete. > It is constructed according to agreed rules of grammar; that is, it has a certain structure. > It is the largest structure to which the rules of grammar apply. The unit beyond the sentence is the paragraph (see pp. 1347), which is more accurately a part of the specialised topic of punctuation than grammar.


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Following these rules, most people will probably be able to pick out the sentences from the non-sentences in the following list: Time for bed, said Zebedee. The car wont start. Where are my football boots? Go away. Even for adults. In the street. Here I you wish were. Them stop coming from. Yesterday was my birthday, I got lots of presents. The fifth and sixth items are incomplete, while the seventh and eighth are unstructured jumbles of words; they are not grammatical, so they are not sentences. The last item in the list would be better converted into two sentences; its comma might be better changed to a full stop or a semicolon.

Major and minor sentences

Sentences come in all shapes and sizes, as the merest glance across the range of printed media will confirm. Students of grammar often divide them into major and minor types. Major sentences are often described as regular, and minor sentences as irregular. Major sentences are said to break down into certain structural patterns, like these: John Brown I Tom and Yvette has scored lost went back a winning goal the car keys. to Canada for Chelsea. yesterday.

(We will look at the patterns of the major sentence later.) Minor sentences are the ones that cannot be broken down in this way. They include: > > > > > Interjections (see pp. 567): Shhhh! Oh dear ! Ahem! Whew! Proverbs (see p. 165): Once bitten, twice shy. Easy come, easy go. Phrases used as questions: Milk and sugar? Feeling better? Short forms: Road closed. No smoking. Weather dreadful. Formula expressions: Well done! How do you do? Hello! Good evening. Nice to see you!

Simple and multiple sentences and clauses

Consider this sentence: It was a lovely day. This is called a simple sentence. It cannot be broken into smaller sentences.

Sentences and clauses Now look at this sentence: It was a lovely day and I golfed in the afternoon. This second sentence can be broken into two sentences: It was a lovely day. (+) I golfed in the afternoon.


This is said to be a multiple sentence, made up of two clauses joined by and. Thus simple sentences contain only one verb or verb phrase, and can be analysed into only one clause. Multiple sentences contain more than one verb or verb phrase, and can be analysed into more than one clause: It was a lovely day, I was up to date with most of my work, my good friend John Brown called at the door unexpectedly with his golf clubs after lunch, and thus we ended up playing a pleasant afternoon game of golf. This is a multiple sentence with four verb phrases (italicised) and four clauses. It would be easy enough to change it into four sentences: substitute full stops for the commas and add capital letters.

Sentence types: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamative

These are the four main types of sentence. > Declarative sentence (conveying information): She lives in Jamaica. The capital city of the new republic, normally picturesque and prosperous, is at present a dispirited and shell-shocked shadow of its former self. > Interrogative sentence (requesting information): Where is the bus station? Have you had a nice holiday? > Imperative sentence (requesting action): Take a letter, please Lets have a cup of tea. > Exclamative sentence (expressing feelings): Get you! How wonderful! Most of this chapter is about declarative sentences.

Positive and negative sentences

Sentences are either positive or negative. They are made negative by the use of nt or not after the auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary, a dummy auxiliary do/does is incorporated:


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Positive: Elizabeth speaks good French. Negative: Elizabeth doesnt speak good French. Positive: Ill send you the bill tomorrow. Negative: I wont send you the bill tomorrow. Positive: John is running a profitable business. Negative: John is not running a profitable business. Certain other words convey a negative meaning to a sentence: He has never met her. She saw nothing. I can by no means condone this behaviour.

Active and passive sentences

Sentences are either active, with an agent doing something, or passive, with something being done to an agent: Active: The man addressed the crowd. Passive: The crowd was addressed by the man. The first sentence is made passive by moving the man and the crowd to the opposite ends of the sentence, by adding by before the man, and by changing the active verb addressed to the passive form was addressed. Other examples of active and passive sentences: Active: Tiger Woods yesterday won the PGA Golf Championship at Pinehurst, North Carolina. Passive: The PGA Golf Championship was won yesterday at Pinehurst, North Carolina, by Tiger Woods. Active: The Labour whips have warned backbenchers that the PM will be finished if they do not tonight support the Government motion in the House of Commons. Passive: Backbenchers have been warned by the Labour whips that . . . Most of the examples in this chapter are of active sentences, which are very much commoner than passive ones.

When is a sentence not a sentence: the comma splice

Weve described a sentence as a construction that can stand alone, without people feeling it to be incomplete, or as a complete expression of a single thought. Weve described how two simple sentences may be joined (by and, but, yet, so, while, etc.) to make a multiple sentence. So what are the following: Titanic was a big box-office success, Id really like to see it. Its almost 5.30 already, well not get the job finished tonight.

Sentences and clauses


These are examples of the comma splice, a punctuation error in which a comma with no connecting joining word tries to splice two independent clauses into a single sentence. The resulting sentences dont really work; theyd be better left as two sentences. The other misuse of the comma splice is to use it with the conjunctions however or nevertheless. These two words carry a certain force, as the examples show: They cooked me a delightful lunch, however I wasnt hungry. A spell-checker is a useful aid, nevertheless there are lots of misspellings it cannot be programmed to correct. Again, both of these examples would work better as two sentences; so they should be separated by full stops or semicolons, not commas.

Sentences and clauses

As we have seen, a simple sentence has a single verb phrase (in italics below), and is made up of a single clause: John is digging his garden. A multiple sentence is one which has more than one clause: John is digging his garden and whistling a tune. The second sentence has two verb phrases; so it has two clauses, joined by the linking word and.

Clause elements
Simple clauses are made up of certain elements, or components, each of which conveys a particular kind of meaning. The five elements of a clause are: subject S verb V object O complement C adverbial A


Clauses need not contain more than some of these elements, although some will contain all of them. All clauses contain a verb element: He (S) is drinking (V). He (S) is drinking (V) a mug of coffee (O). Christopher Robin (S) is saying (V) his prayers (O). The tax office (S) has sent (V) me (O) two reminders (O) this month (A).


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US voters (S) in 2004 (A) re-elected (V) George W Bush (O) the 42nd president (C). Give (V) me (O) that book (O). Unless the clause has an imperative function (as in the last example) or an interrogative one, the subject is usually the first element in the clause, and gives it its theme or topic. Then, usually, comes the verb element, the key to the clause in the sense that this is the one component that every major clause has. The object and complement elements usually follow the S + V in a clause. The adverbial element usually adds information about details like the time or the location of the action. It is highly mobile, and is placed closest to the element it modifies.

Subject (S)
Subjects of a declarative sentence are usually any of the following: > noun phrases: The people voted for a change of government. > pronouns: They have become disillusioned with the current regime. > proper nouns: Rome is the capital of Italy. > -ing forms: Smoking is bad for you. > to forms: To work hard is all you are asked. > inverted finite clauses: That the PM should resign is clear for all to see. The subject of a clause is important. Often therefore, in the absence of a meaningful subject, a dummy subject is introduced: There is a slight problem. (Where?) It is wet and windy. (What is it?)

This is a traditional grammatical term covering the part of the clause that makes a statement about the subject of the clause. As the table below shows, the predicate includes all the parts of the clause that are not contained in the subject: Subject Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth Predicate slept. was ever so tired and sleepy. slept deeply if fitfully for upwards of fifteen hours.

Sentences and clauses


Verb (V)
In English clause analysis, it is important to remember the two types of verb the doing words, like sing, jump, dance; and the copular verbs, which are be, appear, become, get, grow, look and seem. Ordinary doing word verbs the vast majority of verbs take an object: S John Mary V has bought gave O a house in London. me a kiss.

Copular verbs take an object equivalent called a complement: S He She V is seems C a fisherman. in a great hurry.

As already stated, the verb element is the most important and pivotal element of the clause. A few of the commonest verb patterns are listed below, with the verb in italics: SVO SV SVC SVA SVOO SVOC The post office has opened a new branch. Andrews pet rabbit has died. The dinner was a great success. She departed secretly. Alison cooked him his favourite meal. Alisons cooking is driving him mad.

There is more on verbs on pp. 2745 and 6061.

Object (O)
The object of a declarative clause normally follows a verb. Sometimes two objects follow the verb: James ate his lunch. John passed James (1) the salt (2). The verbs here are transitive verbs, or verbs which take an object. Some verbs can take both a direct and an indirect object: S Paul Vicky V brought gave O (indirect) Vicky him O (direct) a bunch of flowers. a kiss.

An indirect object is one which can be preceded by to or for.

72 Paul brought [for] Vicky a bunch of flowers. Vicky gave [to] him a kiss.

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The direct object of a declarative clause is usually either a noun, a noun phrase, or an object pronoun: He plays soccer. He has attended two hundred league matches. The police followed him to a deserted house. Occasionally a finite or non-finite clause functions as the object: I explained what I had done. He denied being involved. He denied that he was involved. He proposes to build a house.

Complement (C)
This is the name given to the object equivalent in a clause taking a copula or linking verb: S Mary She She She V is appears seems is C a vet. (noun phrase complement) very competent. (adjective phrase complement) in a great hurry. (prepositional phrase complement) downstairs. (adverbial complement)

Adverbial (A)
Adverbials, as we have seen, are clause elements and function like adverbs and adverb phrases. They can be found more or less anywhere in the clause. They are often optional, and peripheral to the drift of the clause: After ten days I began to suspect an accident. We got the good news last Friday. There may be several adverbials in one clause. He left the house very angrily (1) at 12.15 (2) to meet his creditors (3). In spite of their name, adverbials do not necessarily contain adverbs. In the above case, they comprise an adverb phrase (1), a prepositional phrase (2), and a non-finite verb phrase (3). But they all answer adverbial questions: How did he leave? Very angrily. When did he leave? At 12.15. Why did he leave? To meet his creditors.

Sentences and clauses


Compound and complex sentences

So far, most of the example sentences in this chapter have been patterned on simple sentences, containing only one clause. Sentences with more than one clause can be analysed into compound and complex sentences. In compound sentences, the clauses are linked by coordinating conjunctions usually and, or, but and each clause can potentially stand on its own. Main clause 1 I travelled by bus I liked Florence Coordinator and but Main clause 2 John went by taxi. I didnt like Rome.

These sentences are made up of two main clauses linked by coordinating and and but. In complex sentences, there is a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses. Subordinate clauses lack the potential to stand on their own, and require a main clause before they can make much sense: Main clause I phoned the police Subordinate clause After shed completed the report Subordinate clause when I heard the shooting. Main clause she went to a meeting.

Subordinate clauses may be finite, like the two examples above; that is, they have a finite verb. Or they may be non-finite: I phoned the police after hearing the shots. After completing the report, she went out. In none of these versions can the subordinate clauses stand on their own.

Independent and dependent clauses

A main clause is sometimes called an independent clause. As the name indicates, this is a clause which can stand alone and is not dependent on another clause: [The noise got louder] and [the children screamed]. The above sentence has two independent or main clauses joined by and. If we change it to read: [When the noise got louder], [the children screamed]. we still have two clauses, but the first clause has now become dependent on the second, or subordinate to it. In this next example: [She thought [that I was serious] [when I spoke to her]], [but she was wrong].


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there are two independent clauses (She thought and but she was wrong) and two dependent clauses (that I was serious and when I spoke to her). The terms independent and dependent are more or less synonymous with main and subordinate.

In sentence grammar, coordination tells us that the elements that are joined have the same status. The joined elements may be words, phrases or clauses. Coordination is signalled by the use of the coordinating conjunctions usually and, but, or : She can speak to you in German or in English or in French. He has lost his cheque card and his driving licence. John worked all morning and Alison worked all afternoon. Here phrases and clauses are coordinated. Sometimes the coordinating conjunctions are left out; the coordination is then said to be unlinked: She speaks German, English, French. Sometimes more than the coordinating conjunction is left out, and there is an ellipsis: John worked all morning, Alison all afternoon.

In subordination, we see that the joined elements do not have the same status. Subordination may be between clauses or phrases, and is usually marked by one of the subordinating conjunctions. When introducing an adverbial clause, these include although, since, when, if, until: Shell help you if you ask nicely. She talked on and on until I nearly screamed. When introducing noun clauses, they include that and what: It was clear that he was badly hurt. He always gets what he wants. When introducing adjective or relative clauses, they include that, which, who and whom: The present that I received yesterday is delightful. There are also multi-word subordinators which introduce subordinate clauses, such as in order that, as long as, insofar as, so that, assuming that, etc.: He drives very competently, given that he has only one arm. Ill see you next week, as long as you dont forget.

Sentences and clauses


In all these clauses, the subordinate clauses depend for their meaning on the main clauses. That is why they are often also called dependent clauses.

Subordinate clauses
As we have seen, a subordinate clause is dependent on another clause, the main clause. There are four types of subordinate clause, depending on their position or function in relation to the main clause: > > > > nominal or noun clauses adverbial clauses relative clauses comparative clauses

Nominal or noun clauses

These are subordinate clauses with a function in the sentence similar to that of the noun phrase. They can act as the subject, object, or complement of the main clause: [What you think] is of no interest to me. (subject) Im not asking [what you think]. (object) The plan is [that we will fly to New York]. (complement) There are finite and non-finite nominal clauses: She tells me [that her father is in prison]. (finite that clause) [What you need now] is a spot of good luck. (finite nominal relative clause) [Giving him a bottle of whisky] is the same thing as [giving him a loaded pistol]. (non-finite nominal -ing clause) Sometimes nominal clauses come after a preposition: It depends on [what you think].

Adverbial clauses
These are subordinate clauses with a function in the sentence similar to adverbials. Thus they modify the main clause by adding information about time, location, concession, cause, etc. They are usually linked to the main clause by a conjunction. They can occur in most parts of a sentence: She must phone the police [if she is bullied]. [If she is bullied], she must phone the police. Adverbial clauses cover a wide range of structures and meanings: He pulled the cord [to set off the alarm]. [Gasping audibly], he completed his speech. She retired [heartily detested by the electorate].


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These non-finite adverbial clauses all answer basic adverbial questions: Why did he pull the cord? How did he complete his speech? How did she retire?

Relative clauses
These are subordinate clauses with an adjectival function in the sentence, as modifiers of a noun phrase: The car [which I bought] was a mini. I talked to the people [who were selling it]. In these sentences, the relative clauses are joined to the main clauses by the relative pronouns which and who. They refer back to the noun phrases the car and the people, which are called the antecedents of the relative clauses. Often, especially in speech, the relative pronoun is missed out: The man [he works for] is American. ( = whom he works for) I wont reply to the letter [you wrote]. (= which you wrote)

Comparative clauses
These are subordinate clauses which modify comparative adverbs and adjectives. The main comparative adjectives are the ones with regular -er endings older, fatter, harder, simpler, etc. Other comparative words are more, less, better, worse, etc.: Its less difficult [than I thought]. This melon seems a bit riper [than the last one was]. She tried [as hard as she could]. Things are even worse [than you might have imagined].

Finite and non-finite clauses

Finite clauses are those with a finite verb: When hes working, he chews gum. Both clauses in the above sentence are finite, because their verbs are finite (is working; chews). A non-finite clause has a non-finite verb: He chews gum to help his concentration. The second clause in the above sentence is non-finite, because its verb is the non-finite to form (an infinitive).

Sentences and clauses


Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses

This is a subdivision of relative clauses in which punctuation (or, for spoken language, intonation) plays a crucial part. Look at these sentences: My sister who lives in Canada is coming to stay. My sister, who lives in Canada, is coming to stay. In the first sentence, the relative clause who lives in Canada is restrictive, specifying which sister. The informant thus perceives a certain emphasis in the first sentence: My sister who lives in Canada . . . Not the one who lives in London . . . In the second sentence, the relative clause has been marked off in commas, and is non-restrictive. The information between the commas is not restricted, so the sentence has two things to say: (1) the informant has a sister who is coming to stay; (2) that sister happens to live in Canada. Punctuation or intonation thus conveys the information that the informant in the first sentence has more than one sister, while the informant in the second sentence has only one sister, and that sister is resident in Canada.

Dangling modifiers
We know that a modifier is a word, phrase or clause which is added to another word to specify more exactly what that word refers to. We talk about a dangling, or hanging, modifier when it has been misplaced in the sentence, often with ridiculous results. For example: The explosive was found by a security man in a plastic bag. The boy picked the flowers that his mother had been growing for a friend. I have a canary in a cage that can talk. Visitors with dogs who wish to enter the garden must keep them on a lead. Children with parents who are under ten are admitted free. You see few signposts driving across Dartmoor. Although big enough, she did not take the apartment. These sentences all need to be rethought. They all point out the moral that modifiers need to be carefully tucked in to the sentence. Can you rewrite them to make better sense?

Reading difficulty
Academic studies of readability point to a number of specific and obvious constructions causing difficulty to the reader. Among these are areas such as the following: > a high number of clauses per sentence > use of the passive


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> nominalisations deriving from verbs, e.g. reduction from reduce > ellipsis, as in The car [. . .] I bought was red. It is of course impossible and inadvisable completely to avoid such constructions in writing. But it is sometimes useful to remember that certain constructions are known to give difficulty to the reader, and to double-check ones writing if such constructions have been used. A few specific examples of difficult constructions follow. Usually the difficulty is fairly obvious, and not always easy to avoid. This merely means that certain kinds of text e.g. scientific or legal documents have to be read more slowly and carefully than others: > Extended noun phrase as subject: The conversion of the products obtained from the crackers of the oil refineries into the basic raw materials of the plastics industry occupies a large part of the world chemical industry. > Embedded relative clauses (or interrupting constructions): Meanwhile the Normans, who earlier in the Confessors reign had failed to gain a commanding position in the kingdom, were now preparing a landing somewhere along the coast. > Non-subject noun phrases in first position in the sentence (inversion): The clothes and personal effects we disposed of. > Nominalisations: The exploration and subjugation of this coast were the work of Portuguese seamen. > Use of multiple subordinate clauses in subject position: The fact that the monomers and similar chemicals that are the starting materials for the manufacture of plastics can now be made cheaply in large quantities is a result of extensive research and development. > Adverbials in first position: Returning from its feeding grounds in the Antarctic Ocean, the emperor penguin leaps to a height twice its own length. > Subordinators in first position: Had the journey been undertaken in the eighteenth century, they would have found the countryside far more open. > Concealed or double negatives: These experts seldom made any effort actually to improve the quality of peoples everyday lives. > Ellipsis: The internationally renowned physicist forgot [that] his college tutor had suggested the key experiment in the first place.

Three Word formation

acronyms analogy back formation blending borrowing clipping coining compounding reduplication

prexes and sufxes

Philologists who chase A panting syllable through time and space, Start it at home, and hunt it in the dark, To Gaul, to Greece, and into Noahs Ark. William Cowper, Retirement, 1782 Some word that teems with hidden meaning like Basingstoke. W S Gilbert, Ruddigore, 1887 You see its like a portmanteau there are two meanings packed up into one word. Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1872


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Word formation is the study of how words are formed, particularly of how longer and more complex words are formed from shorter and simpler ones. Many words comprise only a base form (or root or stem). The base form of a noun is the singular form (e.g. cat not cats); for an adjective it is the positive (e.g. old not older or oldest); and for a verb it is the infinitive or imperative (e.g. speak and not speaks, spoke, spoken or speaking; walk and not walks, walked or walking). So words like apple, house, sad, big, learn, jump and go comprise only the base form; words like applejack, housekeeper, sadly, splendiferous, unlearn, jumping jack and go-between are complex forms, with something added to the root. The two key ways in which base words are changed are: > Inflection, e.g.: apple/apples house/houses sad/sadder/saddest big/bigger/biggest learn/learns/learned/learning jump/jumps/jumped/jumping go/goes/going > Word formation, e.g.: indigestible: in + digest + ible (affixation) hyperinflationary: hyper + inflate + ion + ary (affixation) scuba diver: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (acronym) + diver glitzy: glamour + ritzy (blending) birthday: birth + day (compounding) eyeball: eye + ball (compounding) street cred: street credibility (clipping) caf, restaurant: (borrowing, from French) automate: automation (back formation) enthuse: enthusiasm (back formation) This chapter concentrates on word formation, the second of these aspects, the main inflections of English having been covered in Part 1. The biggest part of the present chapter is given over to lists of key prefixes and suffixes, the use of which has been and remains one of the main and most productive methods through which the stock of English words has grown and developed. Affixation is a very long-standing process. Prefixes such as an- and apo-, misand be-, have been in full production for many centuries. De- is in a similar mould, with an interesting flurry of contemporary creativity with coinages like deskill, deregulate, decommission and destabilise, etc. Even mega- has had a burst of glory from the 1980s. Other affixes, such as ab-, exo-, -et and -id, may look pretty dormant, but it is tempting fate to write off even the most classical and Latinate of affixes: their days of productivity may well come again.

Word formation


It is important to remember that words are not invariably formed by tight adherence to formal rules. Language is much more dynamic and fluid than that. As Dwight Bolinger expressed it in his Aspects of Language (1968): Practically all words that are not imported bodily from some other language . . . are made up of old words and their parts. Sometimes those parts are pretty well standardized, like the suffix -ness and the prefix un-. Other times they are only broken pieces that some inventive speaker manages to refit. . . Hamburger yields -burger, which is reattached in nutburger, Gainesburger, and cheeseburger. Cafeteria yields -teria, which is reattached in valeteria, groceteria, and washeteria. Trade names make easy use of almost any fragment, like the -roni of macaroni that is reattached in Rice-a-Roni and Noodle-Roni. The fabrication may re-use elements that have been re-used many times, or it may be a one-shot affair such as the punning reference to being a member of the lowerarchy, with -archy extracted from hierarchy. The principle is the same. Scientists and scholars may give themselves airs with high-bred affixes borrowed from classical languages, but they are linguistically no more sophisticated than the common speakers who are satisfied with leftovers from the vernacular. The list of prefixes and suffixes is given on pp. 89107. Some of the other main forms of word formation are listed below.

Acronyms are abbreviations pronounced as if they were words, and they are a fairly recent method of word formation. They proliferated throughout the twentieth century alongside the many abbreviations of our time. Here are a few: AIDS AWOL BUPA CD-ROM IATA NAAFI NATO OPEC SALT SAM TEFL TIF UFO UNESCO dinky Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (1982) Absent Without Leave (US military, 1919) British United Provident Association Compact DiskRead Only Memory International Air Transport Association Navy Army and Air Force Institutes North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries Strategic Arms Limitation Talks Surface-to-Air Missile Teaching English as a Foreign Language Tag Image Format (file, 1990s) Unidentified Flying Object United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation double income no kids (1980s)

82 laser nimby quango radar scuba snafu spam spin yuppie

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (1957) not in my back yard (1980s) quasi-autonomous non-governmental organisation (1970s) Radio Detecting and Ranging (1941) self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (1952) situation normal all fowled up (UK military, 1940s) stop pornography and abusive mail (junk mail, 1990s) significant progress in (the) news (1990s) young urban [or upwardly mobile] professional (1980s)

Note that the first set of examples are spelled out as capital letters, while the second set are written as ordinary words. One of the earliest acronyms is found in both forms: OK, or okay (USA, 1830s, meaning ol korrect).

Another, and a much more seminal and multifarious, method of word formation is analogy. Many words and expressions are formed in this way, whether one describes an unmemorable person as underwhelming (by analogy with overwhelming), or says that a person has hidden shallows (by analogy with hidden depths), or coins words like motorcade by analogy with cavalcade, telethon by analogy with marathon, or technobabble by contrast with nukespeak.

Back formation
This is the process whereby a new word is formed by removing an element from rather than adding one to an imagined root or base. A change of word class usually occurs. For example, the verbs edit and psych are back formations from the nouns editor and psychology. Or again, the noun permutation(s) has recently been observed attempting to back-form a verb, permutate, when the verb has in fact existed for many centuries, albeit little-used nowadays, as permute. More frivolously, gruntled (whatever that may mean) is a back formation from disgruntled. It is worth noting in passing that the verb back-form is itself a back formation. Here are a few common back formations: automate burgle craze donate eavesdrop enthuse greed henpeck from from from from from from from from automation burglar crazy donation eavesdropper enthusiasm greedy henpecked

Word formation intuit televise vivisect from from from intuition television vivisection


Blending is a form of word compounding where new words are formed from the overlap and amalgamation of two existing words. Lewis Carroll, himself rather fond of creating such words, called these creations portmanteau words. Examples are: beresk biodegradable blog blooper Bollywood breathalyser brunch camcorder chocaholic chortle electrocute Eurocrat Eurovision fanzine ginormous glitzy moped motel motorcade netiquette Oxbridge Oxfam pixel raunchy sitcom slithy smog telecast televangelism Wikipedia from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from from bereaved / berserk biologically / degradable web / log (internet) bloomer / pooper Bombay / Hollywood breath / analyser breakfast / lunch camera / recorder chocolate / -aholic (analogy alcoholic) chuckle / snort electro- / execute European / bureaucrat European / television fan / magazine gigantic / enormous gleaming and glamour / ritzy motor / pedal bike motor / hotel motor / cavalcade internet / etiquette Oxford / Cambridge Oxford / famine relief picture / element rancid / paunchy situation / comedy slimy / lithe smoke / fog television / broadcast television / evangelism wiki-wiki (Hawaiian quick) / encyclopedia

Blending is popular with advertisers, with words like Schwepper-vescence and Ricicles (which we all know are twicicles as nicicles).


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This is one of the simplest kinds of word formation: a term is quite simply lifted from a foreign language. The new word may be needed in English because it describes something not previously known to English speakers. Hence nouns for much flora and fauna: lemon, orange, lilac, yam, jute, tea, shamrock, paprika, yak, kangaroo, wombat. Many borrowed words are from foreign diets and cuisine (itself a borrowed word from French): frankfurter, pretzel, cinnamon, ginger, yogurt, chop suey, fricassee, patisserie, lasagna, pasta, vodka. Walter Scott popularised in his novel Ivanhoe the realisation that while the names of many animals in their lifetime are English (ox, cow, calf, sheep, swine, boar, deer) they reach the table with French names (beef, veal, mutton, pork, bacon, brawn, venison). This is a relic from the time when Norman masters left the care of the living animals to the Anglo-Saxon lower classes, while the superior French cuisine was kept in the hands of Norman cooks and chefs. Many other borrowings testify to this superiority: sauce, boil, fry, roast, toast, pastry, soup, sausage, jelly, dainty. And while the humbler breakfast is English, the more sumptuous meals, dinner and supper, as well as feasts generally, are French. Most of the borrowings that date from the Norman Conquest are no longer perceived to be foreign words. We tend to be more aware of certain recent borrowings, such as pogrom, blitzkreig, glasnost and perestroika. But how many of us are actually aware that when we say nix with a negative shake of the head, we are actually using the German negative word nicht? Or that a shanty town is a direct borrowing of French chantier, the name Quebec lumbermen gave to their log cabins in the forest, and more generally in standard French the name for a building site? Or that if we tell an unruly child to vamoose, or go away, we are using the Spanish verb vamos or vamonos, meaning lets go? These are more recent borrowings, and contribute to the ongoing patchwork called English. A notorious old borrowing, dating to the Norman Conquest of England in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, is the expression apple-pie order. We all know this means neat and tidy, but what have apple pies to do with neatness and tidiness? The answer is: nothing at all. This borrowing too goes back to the French-speaking Norman lords and ladies at the dinner table and their lower-class English servants. The French-speaking lady of the house would have asked the English-speaking servant girl to put smart-looking clean white folded linen at each place at the high table folded napkins, in other words, for important guests. The French for folded napkins is nappes plies, and the English-speaking servant girl called that smart and tidy-looking table apple pie, because thats what the words sounded like to her. A thousand years later, we continue to use the expression for the most part without the slightest knowledge of its original meaning. There follows a list of selected borrowings under the headings of the source languages. Latin, Greek, and French are not listed, since borrowings from these sources are wholesale: Celtic languages ambassador, bijou, blarney, bog, breeches, brogue, bug, cairn, car, carriage, clan, corgi, crag, dolmen, flannel, galore, glen, hooligan, leprechaun,

Word formation


loch/lough, minion, peat, piece, shamrock, slogan, sporran, Tory, trousers, whisky Dutch/Afrikaans apartheid, bluff, boss, brandy, bully, bumpkin, clamp, coleslaw, commando, cookie, cruise, dapper, dope, drill, drum, frolic, golf, grime, hunk, kink, landscape, loiter, poppycock, rant, skipper, sledge, slim, smack, smuggle, snap, snoop, spook, spoor, stoop, trek, yacht German blitz, dachshund, Fahrenheit, flak, frankfurter, glockenspiel, hamburger, hamster, kindergarten, kitsch, leitmotif, nix, pretzel, quartz, schnitzel, strafe, waltz, yodel Norse and the Scandinavian languages anger, auk, balderdash, bleak, blether, blink, bloom, blunder, blur, clamber, creek, crook, die, dirt, doze, dregs, egg, eider, fellow, flat, fleck, gasp, gaze, geyser, girth, glint, glitter, gloat, happen, harsh, inkling, kettle, kick, law, leg, meek, muck, nasty, nudge, oaf, odd, raise, roof, saga, scalp, scant, scold, scowl, seat, skewer, ski, skid, skill, skin, skull, sky, slalom, sniff, squall, squeal, take, they, thrift, thrust, tungsten, ugly, want, weak, window North American languages anorak, caucus, chipmunk, igloo, kayak, moccasin, moose, papoose, persimmon, pow-wow, raccoon, skunk, squaw, toboggan South American languages alpaca, avocado, barbecue, buccaneer, cashew, chilli, chocolate, condor, coypu, hammock, iguana, jaguar, petunia, poncho, potato, quinine, tobacco, tomato, toucan Caribbean languages cannibal, canoe, hurricane, maize, papaya, vicuna, yucca African languages chimpanzee, gnu, harmattan, impala, mumbo-jumbo, okra, quagga, raffia, tsetse fly, voodoo, yam, zombie Arabic admiral, alchemy, alcove, algebra, alkali, almanac, apricot, assassin, aubergine, azimuth, bedouin, cypher, gazelle, ghoul, giraffe, hazard, henna, jasmine, jihad, Koran, lemon, magazine, minaret, mohair, monsoon, Muslim, safari, saffron, salaam, scarlet, sherbet, sofa, syrup, talisman, tariff, zero Hebrew alphabet, cabal, camel, cinnamon, hallelujah, hosanna, Jehovah, leviathan, manna, maudlin, messiah, rabbi, sabbath, shibboleth Indian languages anaconda, bungalow, carmine, cheetah, chintz, chutney, crimson, curry, dinghy, dungarees, gymkhana, juggernaut, jungle, jute, lacquer, mango, mantra, mongoose, mulligatawny, nirvana, pakora, pariah, pundit, sapphire, shampoo, sugar, sutra, swastika, tomtom, yoga Chinese and Japanese bonsai, chopsticks, geisha, ginseng, kaolin, ketchup, kimono, kung-fu, sampan, samurai, shogun, tea, tycoon, yen, zen

Clipping is a type of word formation which occurs when a word or group of words is abbreviated. The resulting terms are often colloquial, and found more often in spoken than in written English. Examples are: ad amp advertisement ampere

86 artic bus cello chimp demo disco exam fan fax flu fridge gent goalie hippo lab mob phone photo piano pram pro revs spec telly

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide articulated lorry omnibus violoncello chimpanzee demonstration discotheque examination fanatic facsimile influenza refrigerator gentleman goalkeeper hippopotamus laboratory mobile vulgus (Latin: the masses) telephone photograph pianoforte perambulator professional revolutions specification television

Personal names are often subject to clipping: Alexander Katherine Elizabeth Vivienne William Alex, Sandy, Lex Kath, Kate Liz, Beth Viv Will, Bill

Given the enormous range of opportunities in English for creating new words from old, it is perhaps unsurprising that the actual coining of new words is comparatively rare. Inventive writers like Lewis Carroll and Roald Dahl give us polysyllabic jabberwocky or frobscottle or snozzcumbers from time to time, by a combination of known and novel elements. Others, like J M Barrie or William Sharp, create new personal names like Wendy (1904, from reduplicative friendly-wendy) or Fiona (1880s, with careful attention to the rules of Gaelic). Advertisers and creators of brand names are prolific coiners, but few of their creations enter the language Hoover, Kodak and Kleenex are rare exceptions. Probably the best-known coinages are fun and pun, both dating from around 1700.

Word formation


Neologism (from Greek nos new, logos word) is another term used to describe a new word or a new connotation of a word. Many neologisms drop out of the language as quickly as they drop in: so the term is perhaps slightly pejorative, and best confined to words that are still awaiting the verdict of history. If they pass the green light, as it were, they move up the hierarchy and become coinages. If they fail the test they drop back into faddish obscurity.

Compounding occurs with the joining up of two or more smaller words to form a bigger one. It is important because it has always provided many new words, from well-established items like housewife, nostril (nose + thirl, or hole), eyeball, birthday, cupboard, armchair, bookcase, butterfly, blackbird, sheepdog, breakwater, steamboat, limestone, headmaster, gentleman, clergyman, playboy, teapot, etc., to more recent creations like astronaut, biorhythm, skinhead, thermonuclear, not to mention the torrent of computer-speak: laptop, website, desktop, touchpad, firewall, broadband, etc. Compounds may be written as single, fused words, like the foregoing, or they may take hyphens: men-at-arms, commander-in-chief. Or they may be written as two words: fairy tale, honey bee, time warp. Some compounds, especially of abstract or technical English, form large clusters: first-degree murder, photoelastic stress analysis, X-ray spectrometer, liquid-crystal display hand, short-range nuclear warhead. Some complete words affix particularly easily and yield numerous compounds. A selection of these (news-, out-, -down, -head, etc.) is listed under prefixes and suffixes below.

This is the name given to the process whereby words are created by partial or complete repetition. Some of the resulting words are commonest among children: abracadabra, puff-puff (for train, in the days of steam), wee-wee, teenyweeny, bye-bye. Some of the creations are echoic: tomtom, tut-tut, tick-tock. Many involve contrasting sounds: hanky-panky, helter-skelter, hocus-pocus, hugger-mugger, knick-knack, mish-mash, ping-pong, mumbo-jumbo. The resulting words are often spelled with a hyphen. Many of these reduplicative words involve an element of rhyme, which is what makes them memorable and ensures the contemporary colloquial popularity of this aspect of word formation. Nowadays we all seem to love a rhyme. Other reduplications: Rhyming Ally Pally (for Alexandra Palace) argy-bargy arty-farty backpack Delhi belly Nonrhyming dilly-dally ding-dong flimflam shillyshally singsong

88 easy-peasy fat cat heebie-jeebies hi-fi hoity-toity namby-pamby pub grub razzle-dazzle razzmatazz silly-billy sin-bin toy-boy willy-nilly

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Repetitive chin-chin chop-chop gaga go-go goody-goody no-no so-so

Prefixes and suffixes

Affixation is the general name for the fixing of something in front of a word or base (when it is called a prefix), or after a word or base (when it is called a suffix). Affixation is by far the most prolific and enduring form of English word formation. English prefixes and suffixes are formed from a variety of source languages, including Old English, Old French, Latin and Greek. When a prefix contributes obviously to the meaning of the word (as un- does in unkind or unclean or unfair), it is sometimes called productive. Where it does not make an obvious contribution to the meaning of the word (as ana- does not in anagram, anatomy or analysis unless one is a classical Greek scholar), it is sometimes called unproductive. Nowadays many affixes which were once productive have become unproductive, especially to users of the English language with scanty knowledge of Latin or Greek. The notorious example of history/herstory illustrates the point. Some members of the anti-sexist lobby took the view that world history as a subject was male-dominated, and that the very construction of the word illustrated this point nicely. They may have been entirely right about the subject, but they were wrong about the word, since it was taken into English from the Greek word historia, meaning knowing or inquiry, and demonstrably not made up of story as a base plus his as a prefix or compound. Other etymologically daft, if politically correct, constructions are nonwords like efemcipate and femstruate (for emancipate and menstruate). These terms may eliminate the (by some people) hated elements man and men, but they do no more than represent crude and rather ridiculous attempts at thought-policing by people who seem to have little feeling for how language evolves and works. They are the farther reaches of the movement that has tended to replace mankind with humankind, spokesmen with spokespersons, and chairmen with chairs, etc.

Word formation


That is one thing, of course; but even to threaten Herman with his Walkman is perhaps not far away! There follows a selective list of some of the more common prefixes and suffixes in modern English, with brief notes on their etymologies, and examples of some of the words formed. Some of the more common compounds are also listed:

a-, an- from Greek without or not or opposite to. For example, an apolitical person is without views about politics. Other words formed from this prefix: amoral, aphasic, atonal, atypical, asexual, agnostic, anarchy, atheist, anonymous a- from Old English on, as in astern, abed, aboard, afoot, alive, ashore ab- (a-, abs-) from Latin from or away, as in aversion, avert, abdicate, abstract, abstain, abound, abuse, abduction ad from Latin to or towards, as in adore, advise. This prefix generally assimilates before b, c, f, g, l, n, p, r, s, t, and converts into abbreviate, accident, accord, accuse, accede, affirm, affix, aggrieve, allude, announce, annexe, appear, arrive, assimilate, ascribe, assent, assure, assault, attend, attain, avow aero- from Greek air, as in aerodynamics, aeroplane, aeronaut, aerospace, aerial, aerobic, aerobatics, aerofoil after- from the Old English preposition, giving compound nouns like afternoon, afterbirth, afterlife, afterthought, aftermath, after-effects. A wide range of adjectives is also derived: after-school, after-dinner, after-hours, etc. The adjectives usually take a hyphen, the nouns not. agro-, agri- from Greek field, giving agriculture, agribusiness, agronomy, agrochemical am-, ambi- (1) from Latin around or about, akin to amphi-, as in ambassador, ambient, amputate, ambition, ambiguous, (2) from Latin for both, as in ambidextrous, ambivalent amphi- from Greek on both sides or round, as in amphibious, amphitheatre ana- from Greek on, up, throughout, or backwards, as in anatomy, analysis, anachronism, anagram, analogy ante-, anti- from Latin before, as in antedate, antecedent, antenatal, antediluvian, ante-room, anticipate anti-, ant- from Greek against, usually forming words indicating opposition or prevention, as in antithesis, antidote, antipathy, anti-biotic, antifreeze, antinuclear, anti-inflationary. Not to be confused with ante-, and vice versa. apo- from Greek from or off from, as in apocrypha (things hidden from), apology, apostle, apogee, apostrophe, aphorism (apo + horizein, within a limit, meaning a pithy definition)


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arch- from Greek for a ruler or chief, giving words like archangel, archbishop, archduke, architect. The prefix also functions as a sort of intensifier, as with arch-enemy, arch-rebel, arch-competitor, etc. (See also the suffix -arch, below.) astro-, astron- from Greek star, giving astronomy, astrodome, astro-physics, astrology, astronaut, astral at- from Old English, giving atone (bring together into one), ado (at do), twit (verb, at wit) audio-, aud- from Latin hear, as in audiocassette, audio-tape, audio-lingual, audio-visual, audition, auditory auto- from Greek of or by itself , as with (1) things that work automatically, such as automobile, automation, autocue, auto-reverse; (2) things to do with oneself , such as autobiography, autonomy, autograph, autocrat; (3) words to do with cars, or autos, such as autosport, auto-industry be- from Old English intensifier, giving (1) words suggesting a covering or item of dress, such as bewigged, bespattered, bejewelled, bespectacled; (2) words suggesting a certain state, such as becalmed, befuddled, besotted, betrothed, bewitched, bemused; and (3) various transitive verbs, such as befriend, bemoan, bequeath, besiege, beset, behold. Also behead, become, behave, believe, beware bi- from Latin two, as in bicycle, bifocal, biped, bisect, biannual, bifurcation, bilingual, binoculars, bicentenary, bigamy, bicarbonate. There is some potential for confusion with this prefix, because it can sometimes mean half and sometimes twice, with the result that words like biweekly or bimonthly can mean twice a week/month, or once every two weeks/months. These terms should therefore be used with care bio- from Greek for life, as in biochemistry, biography, biology, biodegradable, biopsy, biofuel; and recent coinages like bionic, biorhythms. Note that bio- also appears within certain words: antibiotics, symbiotic by- from Old English by, giving compounds like bystander, bypass cardi-, cardio- from Greek heart, as in cardiac, cardiology, electro-cardiogram cata- from Greek (broken) down, as in catalogue, catastrophe, catechism, cathartic, cathedral (from Greek kata, down, and hed, sit, giving Latin cathedra, seat or bishops throne) cent-, centi- from Latin hundred, as in centenary, centigrade, centimetre, centipede, century, percent(age) chron-, chrono- from Greek time, as in chronology, chronometer, chronicle, anachronism, synchronise cine- from Greek movement, which gave cinema (moving pictures) and hence cine-camera, cine-film, cinematography circum-, circu- from Latin round, as in circumstance, circumnavigate, circumference, circumvent, circulate, circuit, circumcise con-, com- from Latin com-, together with, as in compound, compact, compare, consonant, contend, conduct, connect. This prefix often combines with other consonants, as in collide, collect, correct, corrupt, coerce. Compounds such as cooperate, co-star, co-publish, etc. are also formed from this prefix.

Word formation


contra-, contro-, counter- from Latin counter, opposite or against, as in contrary, contradict, contravene, contraceptive, contraflow, contradistinction, controversy, contraband, counterattack, counterbalance, counterweight, counterfeit cyber- from Greek steer or govern, giving cybernetics, cyberspace, cyberphobia, cyberpunk and many other IT-related terms de- from Latin down or from, yielding (1) verbs indicating an opposite or reverse action, as in deactivate, declassify, decongestion, demilitarise, demystify; (2) verbs indicating the removal of something, as in de-ice, decoke, decapitate, defrost, descale, deskill; and (3) a reduction, as in degrade, devalue, defuse. There is also by analogy a wide range of other verbs: depress, descend, depart, depend, denote, describe, devise, demure, delegate, including recent creations like decriminalise, desegregate, de-escalate. deca- from Greek ten, as in decathlon, decade, decahedron deci- from Latin tenth, as in decibel, decimal, decimate demi- from Old French half , as in demijohn, demigod. See also half- and semi-, below. demo-, dema- from Greek for town, as in democrat, demagogue, demotic, demography derm- from Greek skin or hide, giving dermal, dermatology, (suffix) epidermis di-, dis- from Greek two, as in diphthong, dilemma, disaster (from Latin, two stars in conflict), disyllable dia- from Greek through or apart, as in dialogue, diameter, diaphanous, diaphragm, dialectic dis-, dif-, di- from Latin apart or asunder. This prefix can elide or combine with other consonants, giving words like diffuse, divide, differ. More importantly, it also combines with many existing verbs to give their opposites: disagree, disappear, disapprove, dissociate (disassociate), disconnect, disembark, disinfect, disinherit, disintegrate, dislike, dislodge, disobey, disorganise, disqualify, etc. double- from Old French meaning two, as with double-glazing, double-locked, double-sided, double-jointed, double Dutch, etc. There is also a connotation of deception with compounds such as double-talk, double-dealing, double-cross. down- from Old English, giving compounds such as downfall, downcast, downbeat, downgrade, downtrodden, downturn, as well as terms like downside, downsizing dys- from Greek bad, usually with the sense abnormal, as in dysfunction, dyslexic, dyspepsia, dysentery, dystrophy eco-, ec- from Greek house, now with the sense of habitat or environment, giving words like ecology, ecospecies, ecosphere, ecosystem, ecoscience, eco-freak, eco-nut, eco-disaster en-, em-, el- from Greek in, as in energy, enthusiasm, endemic, emphasis, emporium, emblem, ellipse. The prefix also functions as a sort of intensifier in words like enrich, enable, enclose, encourage, endanger, endear, enforce, en rage, enrapture, enslave, entangle, entrance, entwine. endo- from Greek within, as in endogamy (inbreeding), endocrine, endothelium


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epi- from Greek on, upon, for, as in epigram, epilogue, epistle, epiphany, epitaph equi- from Latin equal, giving equivalent, equivocal, equilateral, equidistant, equilibrium Euro- a prefix now synonymous with the European Union (EU) and related activities, spawning items such as Eurosceptic, Eurobond, Eurovision, Eurocrat, Eurocurrency, Eurobank, Euromarket ex-, ef-, e- from Latin out of , as in exhale, extol, exceed, exhaust, exhume, expatriate, expire, exonerate. The prefix forms ef- and e- before certain consonants, as in effusive, emerge, elapse, erase, evade, escape, educe, educate. Words such as ex-husband, ex-boxer, ex-king, ex-president, indicating people who used to be something, are also from this prefix. exo- from Greek for outside, as in exotic, exogamy, exodus, exorcise extra- from Latin for beyond, as in extraordinary (beyond the ordinary), extraspecial, extra-marital, extra-curricular, extravagant, extraneous. In many of its hyphenated constructions popular with advertising scriptwriters, the prefix means very and functions as an intensifier: extra-large, extra-bright. for- from an Old English preposition usually indicating prohibition (forbid, forfend), abstention (forbear, forgo, forswear), or neglect (forsake, forget, forlorn) fore- from Old English before or in front, giving compounds such as foretell, forecast, forefather, forewarn, foregoing, forenoon, forestall, forelegs, forehead. Not to be confused with for-. gain- from the same source as Old English again and against, giving gainsay hand- from Old English, giving compounds with the meaning made or operated by the hands or for the use of the hands, such as hand-made, hand-stitched, handwriting, handbag, handkerchief, handcuff, handshake, handstand hetero- from Greek other or different, giving words like heterosexual (sexual relationship between people of different sexes), heterogeneous, heterodox hom-, homo- from Greek same, giving homogeneous, homeopathy, homophobe, homosexual, homonym, homophone hyper- from Greek for over or above, in the sense of excessively, as in hyperactive, hypercritical, hyperinflation, hypermarket, hypersensitive, hyperbole. A prefix functioning as an intensifier, hyper- also functions nowadays as an independent noun, meaning agitated or keyed up, and appears in the words hype and hyped-up. hyph-, hypo- from Greek for under (therefore the opposite of hyper-), as in hypocrite, hypodermic, hypotenuse, hypothermia, hypothesis, hyphen (two words under one, or into one) in- from Latin for into, as in inborn, income, inside, invade, incite, induce, innate, intrude. The prefix also forms im-, en-, em-, il-, ir- before certain consonants, as with illusion, immense, improve, impulse, impel, embrace, embroil, encourage, endure, irradiate. in- from Latin for not, as with inadvertent, incapable, incurable, inconvenient, innocent. The prefix also forms ig-, il-, im-, ir- with certain consonants, as with ignoble, illogical, illegitimate, illiterate, immortal, improper, irregular, irrational.

Word formation


in- from an Old English preposition, giving compound items such as insight, inbred, inlet, income, inhale, as well as endear, enthral, engrave, embed/imbed infra- from Latin beneath or lower, giving infrastructure, infrasonic, infra-red, infra dig (beneath ones dignity) inter- from Latin for between, as in interact, intercontinental, intermarriage, interview, interrupt, intercourse, intercom, inter-city. The prefix also forms intel- and enter-, giving intelligent, enterprise, entertain. intra- from Latin within, now used as an opposite of extra-, as in intra-European, intravenous, intramuscular, intra-uterine. Not to be confused with inter-, or vice versa. intro- from Latin to or towards or within, giving introduce, introvert, introspection low- productive contemporary compound, giving low-key (restrained), low-profile (unsensational), low-budget (cheap), low-grade (inferior) macro- from Greek large or long, the opposite of micro-. Most words formed with this prefix are technical: macroeconomics, macrobiotic, macrostructure, macrocosm. mal- from Old French bad, used in words describing imperfection, such as malformation, malnutrition, maladjusted, malpractice, malfunction mega- from Greek large, a buzz prefix of the 1980s giving megabuck, megastar, megarock, megabid, megathon, megatrend, as well as the independent adjective mega (equivalent to the cool of an earlier generation). This prefix suited the spirit of an age ever in search of the new superlative. Earlier constructions were megaphone, megalithic, megalomania, megalopolis. The prefix also has the technical meaning of a unit of measurement one million times bigger than the unit referred to: megahertz, megawatt, megaton, megacycle, megabyte. meta- from Greek change or transformation, as with metamorphosis, metaphor, metaphysics, metonymy, method micro- from Greek small, as in microscope, microcosm, microbiology, microfilm, microprocessor, microcomputer, microelectronics, microwave mid- from Old English middle, giving midmost, midnight, midday, midsummer, mid-term milli- from Latin thousand, as in millimetre, millibar, millimicron, millipede mini- from Latin lesser and least, as in minimum, minim, minibus, minicab, miniskirt mis- partly from Old English for wrongly or badly, and partly from Latin minus via Old French mes, which came to have a similar meaning, giving misbehave, misjudge, misapply, misconstrue, mismanage, misplace, mistruth, misdeed, mishap, mischief mono- from Greek one alone, giving monologue, monochrome, monotonous, monoxide, monogamy, monocle multi- from Latin many, as in multitude, multifarious, multiform, multiply, multiplicity, multidimensional, multipurpose nano- from Greek dwarf meaning tiny or minuscule, as with nanotechnology, nanosecond, nanogram


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neo- from Greek new or recent, akin to Latin novus, giving neologism (new wordism), neolithic, neo-natal (recently born, i.e. less than a month old). The prefix also means a follower of a person or school of thought: neo-classical, neo-Marxist, neo-Nazi, neo-Freudian. neur-, neuro- from Greek for nerve, giving neurology, neurasthenia, neurosurgery, neuron, neuralgia news- an example of an English noun which readily combines with others to form new compounds: newsagent, newscast, newsdesk, newspaper, newsworthy, newsprint, newsflash, newsletter non- from Old French not, giving nonsense, nonentity, noncommittal, nonconformist, nonflowering, noninvolvement, nonresistant, nonsmoking. There is a contemporary tendency to overuse this prefix, creating words (nonwords?) like nonpresence (for absence), nonpermanent (for temporary), nonsuccess (for failure), nonobligatory (for optional). ob- from Latin towards or facing against, as in object, obverse, obfuscate, obdurate. The prefix assimilates before certain consonants as oc-, of-, op-, os-, giving also oppose, occur, offer, occult, ostentation. off- from Old English, giving compounds such as offset, offcut, offspring, offshoot, offhand, offal (off-fall) omni- from Latin all, as in omnipotent, omnipresent, omnivorous out- from Old English, giving compounds with the meaning do better than, where the root is stressed, such as outstrip, outwit, outdo, outrun, outsmart, outmanoeuvre; and others such as outfall, outrage, outlaw, where the prefix is stressed; and Americanisms such as outasight, outfront over- from Old English, giving compounds such as overcome, overtake, overdo, oversee, overeat, overreach, overreact para-, par- from Greek for (1) beside, as in paramilitary (beside the military), paramedic, paranormal, paratyphoid; (2) (defence) against, giving parapet, parasol; (3) other meanings such as paragraph, paraphrase, paranoia, paradigm, paradise, paraplegic, paradox; and (4) actions involving parachutes, such as paragliding, parascending, paratrooper pene- from Latin almost, as in peninsula, peneplain per-, pel- from Latin through, as in perambulate, persecute, perturb, pervert, permit, perform, pertain, pellucid, pilgrim (from per + ager, a person travelling through the country) peri- from Greek round, as with perimeter, periscope, periphery, period poly- from Greek many, denoting plurality and diversity, as in polyandry, polyanthus, polychromatic, polygamy, polyglot, polygon, polysyllabic, polytechnic post- from Latin after, as in postpone, posthumous, postscript, postdate, postwar, post-Saddam pre-, prae- from Latin before, as in preface, precede, predecease, prejudge, prevent, premature, predict, predestination, pretext, pre-Christian, pre-war, premonition pro- from Greek before, as in proboscis, proscenium, prologue, prophet, programme, problem

Word formation


pro-, por-, pur-, pol- from Latin on, forth or before, and akin to the Greek prefix, giving proceed, progress, project, pronoun, portend, portray, purloin, purchase, pollute. Also in the sense of an agent holding the line, in titles such as proconsul, pro-vice-chancellor, procurator. Finally, and very productively, in the sense of in favour of or on behalf of , there is the wide range of compounds like pro-British, pro-communist, pro-feminist, pro-life, etc. pros- from Greek towards or in addition to, as in prosody, proselytize proto- from Greek first or earliest, as in prototype, protocol, proto-hacker pseud- from Greek false or spurious, used pejoratively to suggest bogus or sham or pretentious qualities, as in pseudo-friend, pseudo-literary, and yielding in the 1960s the independent noun pseud, a bogus intellectual; Pseuds Corner in the magazine Private Eye popularised this use. Earlier terms from this prefix were pseudonym (fictitious name) and pseudopregnancy (false pregnancy). psych-, psyche-, psycho-, from Greek soul or mind, giving psyche, psychology, psychiatry, psychodynamic, psychosomatic, and more recent flowerings of the Beat generation such as psychedelic, and phrasal verbs psych up and psych out re-, red- (1) from Latin back, as in return, retract, recant, refute, redeem, reduce, renounce, resound, resign, reveal; (2) the prefix can also be used for again, and requires a hyphen where the meaning might otherwise be ambiguous, as in resign, re-bound, re-cover retro- from Latin backwards, as in retrograde, retrospect, retrorocket se-, sed- from Latin aside or apart, as in secede, select, seclude, sedition, seduce, secrete semi- from Latin half , as in semicircle, semi-acid, semi-detached, semi-liquid, etc. By extension, the prefix can be used as a more general qualifier meaning partly, as in semi-dark, semi-literate, semi-invalid, semi-official, semi-permanent, semi-skilled, semi-skimmed. sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sur-, sus-, su- from Latin under or up from below, as in submarine, subterranean, submerge, subdue, subject, subvert, subconscious. Sub also assimilates variously before consonants, as with suspect, succeed, suffer, suggest, suppose, suspend, suspect, succinct, suppress, surrogate, susceptible, suffuse, supplant. subter- from Latin beneath, as in subterfuge super-, sur- from Latin over, as in superintend, superstructure, supernatural, supercilious, superfluous, superlative, superstition, supervene, surplus, survive, surfeit, surcharge, surname, surface syn-, sy-, syl-, sym- from Greek together with, as in synthesis, syntax, synonym, synagogue, syllable, system, symptom, sympathy techn- from Greek craft or skill, giving technical, technology, technocrat, technique, pyrotechnic (skill with fire), hi-tech, as well as pejoratives like technofreak, technobabble tele- from Greek distance, giving television (and telly), telegraph, teleprinter, telepathy, telescope, telephone thorough-, through- from the Old English preposition with variant spellings, giving thoroughgoing, thoroughfare, thoroughbred, throughout


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to- from the Old English intensive meaning this, giving today, tomorrow, tonight trans-, tran-, tra-, tres- from Latin across, suggesting movement or change, giving transatlantic, transaction, translate, transcend, transcribe, transfusion, transport, transplant. Prefix assimilations give tradition, trespass, traduce, trajectory, traverse. ultra- from Latin beyond, giving ultramarine, ultramontane, ultramodern, ultraviolet un- from Old English meaning (1) not, as in unclean, unwise, untrue, unfair, untidy; or (2) back, with the connotation of reversal, as in untie, unfold, unbend, undo under- from Old English, giving compounds such as understand, undergrowth, underwear, underhand, undercover uni- from Latin one, giving uniform, unify, unity, unite, union, unilateral, unisex, unicycle, universe up- from Old English, yielding compounds such as uproar, upland, upset, upright, upriver, upstage, upstream, upthrust, uptight, upwind, upfront, upchuck vice- from Latin for in place of , as in vice-chancellor, vice-president, vice versa wel-, well- from the Old English adverb, giving welcome, welfare, well-bred, well-trained, well-tried, well-to-do with- from the Old English preposition, giving withstand, withhold, withdraw (withdrawing room = drawing room)

Before listing the suffixes alphabetically, it is perhaps appropriate to draw attention to certain rules of spelling. If the suffix begins with a vowel, it is necessary to double the final single consonant for: > monosyllables, as in drop/dropping, pat/patting, sit/sitting > stressed last syllables, as in admit/admittance, repel/repellent, regret/regrettable > a consonant following a single stressed vowel, as in grit/gritter, refer/referral, infer/inferring (but refer/reference, infer/inference, because here the second syllable is not stressed) These are called the gemination (twinning) rules, because they govern the doubling of consonants before a suffix. Another simple rule governs words ending with -e. If they add a suffix beginning with a vowel, the -e is usually dropped. If they add a suffix beginning with a consonant, the -e is usually retained. Thus: Drop the -e sense + ory = sensory creative + ity = creativity cube + oid = cuboid Retain the -e shame + ful = shameful care + free = carefree gentle + ness = gentleness

Exceptions include: mileage, acreage, awful.

Word formation


Note that the able/-ible dilemma is one of the commonest causes of spelling error. Some of the -ible spellings that worry people are: accessible combustible convertible deductible digestible edible feasible horrible intangible negligible plausible responsible terrible audible compatible corruptible defensible discernible eligible flexible incorrigible intelligible perceptible possible reversible visible collapsible comprehensible credible destructible divisible fallible forcible indelible legible permissible resistible sensible

Some of the -able spellings that worry people are: advisable amiable believable changeable definable desirable durable expendable forgivable impeccable indescribable manageable preferable reconcilable reputable unmistakable adaptable approachable calculable conceivable demonstrable despicable excitable foreseeable immovable implacable inimitable measurable readable regrettable transferable usable adorable available capable curable dependable dissolvable excusable forgettable impassable impressionable insufferable pleasurable recognisable removable understandable washable

(Several of these words are also listed in the list of commonly misspelled words, on pp. 196205.) -able, -ible, -ble Latin adjective suffixes, as in admirable, amiable, capable, culpable, edible, drinkable, flexible, horrible, indigestible, permissible, predictable, probable, soluble, washable -acious Latin adjective suffix, denoting a tendency, sometimes excessive, as in loquacious, voracious, vivacious, veracious, tenacious, fallacious, sagacious -age Latin abstract noun suffix, as in breakage, bondage, courage, drainage, heritage, homage, leakage, marriage, measurage, personage, savage, shrinkage, tillage, verbiage, voyage, umbrage. The suffix also gives a place, as anchorage,


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cottage, orphanage, hermitage, vicarage; and a reference of measure, as in acreage, footage, mileage, tonnage, voltage. -aholic suffix of the 1970s blended from the latter part of alcoholic (NB NOT alcaholic), with the meaning addicted to, and forming adjectives by analogy, as workaholic, chocaholic, shopaholic, writaholic, golfaholic -al, -ar Latin suffix giving (1) adjectives, as in comical, equal, general, legal, loyal, normal, oral, political, regular, secular, singular; (2) nouns denoting action, as in burial, betrayal, dismissal, renewal, rental, withdrawal -an, -ian, -ane, -ain, -on Latin suffixes giving (1) nouns denoting a person, as in artisan, grammarian, villain, surgeon, sexton; (2) adjectives such as pagan, urban, urbane, human, humane, mundane, certain, sylvan; (3) adjectives from places, as in American, Australian, Brazilian, Ethiopian, Nigerian -ance, -ancy, -ence, -ency Latin abstract noun suffixes, as in distance, resistance, cadence, constancy, decency, infancy, persistence. Many of these nouns are formed from a corresponding verb, as in admittance, observance, acceptance, disturbance, disappearance, entrance, guidance, insurance, maintenance, performance, resistance; or from an adjective, as in arrogance, brilliance, fragrance, ignorance, irrelevance, reluctance, repugnance, vigilance. -ant, -ent Latin suffixes giving (1) nouns denoting a person, as in assistant, attendant, claimant, combatant, dependant, tenant, agent, assailant, servant, student; (2) adjectives such as arrogant, constant, dependent, ignorant, pleasant, pregnant, patent, innocent, fluent -arch, -archy from Greek chief , giving monarchy, hierarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, oligarchy, squirearchy -ary, -arian, -arious Latin suffixes giving (1) adjectives as in contrary, exemplary, mercenary, military, necessary, sedentary, stationary, antiquarian, agrarian, vegetarian, sectarian, parliamentarian, utilitarian, octogenarian, gregarious with several forms becoming independent nouns, words like librarian, grammarian, formed by analogy in this category; (2) nouns with the connotation belonging to, as in library, infirmary, penitentiary, granary, aviary; or agent nouns, as in actuary, missionary, adversary, secretary, luminary, emissary; or nouns with other meanings, as anniversary, boundary, dictionary, glossary, obituary, salary, summary, vocabulary -ate, -ee, -ey, -y Latin suffixes denoting (1) nouns indicating a person or agent, as in advocate, curate, episcopate, magistrate, nitrate, legatee, nominee, trustee, committee, attorney, covey, ally, deputy, jury; (2) verbs, as advocate, anticipate, complicate, concentrate, eradicate, fascinate, incapacitate, supplicate, venerate -ate, -ete, -eet, -ite, -ute, -te Latin adjective suffixes, as in deliberate, desolate, emasculate, fortunate, concrete, effete, discreet, erudite, minute -ation see -ion -bound English adjective suffix, as in housebound, duty-bound, earth-bound, snowbound, outbound, hidebound, spellbound

Word formation


-centric Greek adjective suffix, relating to a centre, as in concentric, egocentric, eccentric, anthropocentric -cide Latin noun suffix from kill, as in infanticide, genocide, parricide, pesticide, suicide, fungicide, insecticide, herbicide, spermicide -craft English noun suffix, giving (1) words to do with transport, formed by analogy with aircraft, as in hovercraft, spacecraft, landingcraft; and (2) words to do with particular skills, as in handicraft(s), needlecraft, woodcraft, bushcraft, stagecraft, filmcraft, witchcraft -cred a recent suffix meaning acceptability among young people and formed from an abbreviation of street credibility, giving compound terms like street cred, and by analogy star cred, stage cred, work cred -cy Old French noun suffix indicating (1) a state or quality, as in accuracy, buoyancy, decency, deficiency, diplomacy, discrepancy, infancy, literacy, pregnancy, transparency; (2) a trade or rank, as in accountancy, baronetcy, captaincy, piracy, consultancy, presidency; and (3) a wider range of words formed by analogy agency, constituency, fallacy, legacy, pharmacy, prophecy, tendency -dom English abstract noun suffix, indicating (1) a state or condition, as in boredom, freedom, hippiedom, officialdom, martyrdom, stardom; and (2) a territory, as in kingdom, earldom, Christendom, heathendom -down English suffix giving (1) compound adjectives, as in head-down, face-down, top-down, nose-down; and (2) a range of nouns as in breakdown, crackdown, meltdown, shutdown, splashdown, showdown, touchdown, tumbledown, sundown -ed, -t English suffixes forming (1) the regular past tense and past participles of verbs, as in started, stopped, talked, waited. With some of these verbs, both the -ed or the -t ending are possible, as burnt/burned, knelt/kneeled, leant/leaned, leaped/leapt, learned/learnt, smelled/smelt, spelled/spelt, spilled/spilt, spoiled/spoilt; (2) past participles used as adjectives, as in cooked meat, excited children, escaped convicts; (3) compound adjectives, as in magenta-coloured, brown-eyed, three-legged -ee from the French ending, giving nouns describing persons affected by an action, as in amputee, deportee, employee, franchisee, interviewee, licensee, trainee, trustee; or performers of an action, as in absentee, divorcee, referee. Also gives matinee, soiree, negligee, toupee by analogy. -eer Latin suffix giving verbs and nouns, as in career, domineer, volunteer, gazetteer, muleteer, privateer, pioneer -el, -le English suffix producing (1) nouns that denote an object or instrument, as in shovel, shuttle. There is also a diminutive connotation, as in thimble (from thumb), settle (a small seat, from sit, from which also comes saddle), riddle (a small reading problem, from read); (2) adjective suffix, as in brittle, fickle, idle, little; (3) verb suffix, giving a frequentative meaning (expressive of the repetition of an action), as in dazzle (from daze), waddle (from wade), dribble (from drip), kneel (from knee), swaddle (from swathe), sparkle, startle, struggle, crumble, gobble, mingle, hurtle. -el, -le Latin diminutive suffix, as in citadel, chapel, damsel, mongrel


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-en English suffix giving (1) diminutive nouns, as in chicken, kitten, maiden; (2) verbs denoting making or doing, as in broaden, deepen, fatten, soften, open (from up), frighten, gladden, lighten, lengthen, sweeten; (3) adjectives to indicate what something is made of, as in wooden, woollen, silken, waxen, earthen, golden, leaden -ence Latin suffix that combines with verbs to give abstract nouns, as in coherence, correspondence, dependence, insistence, pretence, reference, reminiscence, residence, reverence, subsistence. See also -ance. -ent Latin suffix, which combines with verbs to form nouns and adjectives, as in correspondent, insistent, persistent, student, different, dependent -er highly productive English suffix giving (1) the standard form of the comparative adjective, as in older, younger, bigger, smaller, fatter, thinner; (2) nouns denoting a person or doer of an action, often indicating a job or a pastime, as in singer, baker, employer, lawyer, sailor, speaker, miller, manager, photographer, reporter, farmer, teacher; sometimes spelt -ar, as in beggar, liar; see also -or; (3) nouns denoting equipment or machinery, as in blender, cooker, mixer, computer, recorder, printer, slicer, strainer, wiper, cutter, mower; (4) frequentative verbs, as in batter, flutter, glimmer, spatter, stagger, stutter, wander -ery Latin noun suffix, giving (1) words suggesting actions or behaviour, as in discovery, delivery, cookery, forgery, mockery, recovery, flattery, buffoonery, snobbery; (2) places, as in bakery, brewery, creamery, distillery, nursery, refinery, shrubbery, tannery; (3) collections of items, as in crockery, drapery, artillery, machinery, pottery, ironmongery, scenery -esce Latin verb suffix, suggesting the start of an action, as in coalesce, effervesce, acquiesce -ese Latin suffix belonging to, giving place of origin/language, as in Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese, Vietnamese; by extension, it has given words indicating various sorts of jargon and dialect, as in journalese, computerese, officialese, Americanese, Pentagonese -esque adjective suffix adopted from Old French, giving picturesque, statuesque; added to certain proper names, it means derivative or after the fashion of , as in Pinteresque, Swinburnesque, Runyonesque -ess Latin noun suffix denoting a female agent, as in actress, empress, duchess, governess, heiress, hostess, stewardess, mistress. There is a tendency now to avoid some of these nouns entirely, female writers favouring the neutral term author rather than authoress, for example. Other redundant nouns in this category are poetess, sculptress, manageress. -est English suffix giving the standard form of the superlative adjective, as in biggest, smallest, oldest, youngest, darkest, fairest -et, -ete, -ate Greek noun suffix denoting an agent, as poet, prophet, athlete, comet, planet, apostate -ette, -et Latin diminutive noun suffix via Old French, as in cigarette, coquette, etiquette, nymphette, rosette, serviette, floret, islet, pocket

Word formation


-fold English adjective suffix meaning multiplied by, as in twofold, threefold, hundredfold, manifold -folk English noun suffix, as in townsfolk, countryfolk, kinsfolk, menfolk, womenfolk. These words were old-fashioned until the 1980s, when they were thrown a lifeline by writers keen to avoid sexist language and words like townsmen, countrymen, kinsmen, etc. -free English adjective combining with nouns to form new adjectives, as in carefree, duty-free, interest-free, rent-free, stress-free, tax-free, troublefree, additive-free, pollution-free -friendly contemporary compound adjective, on the model of user-friendly, now giving customer-friendly, ozone-friendly, environment-friendly, child-friendly -ful English adjective suffix, showing (1) quantity, as in bagful, handful, pocketful, spoonful; (2) characteristics, as in awful, beautiful, dreadful, scornful, shameful, tearful, truthful, wilful, youthful. There is some debate about pluralising (1), and bagsful/bagfuls, handsful/handfuls, etc. are both found; the latter form is commoner. -gate suffix coinage of the 1970s and 1980s denoting some sort of political or financial scandal, formed by analogy from the Watergate affair (which brought down the Nixon presidency in the USA in 1972), as in Irangate/Contragate, Muldergate, Westlandgate, Maxwellgate, sleazegate -gon Greek angle, giving polygon, octogon, pentagon -gram Greek writing or drawing, as in telegram, anagram, diagram, hologram, pictogram -graph Greek written, as in monograph, telegraph, autograph, photograph -hand English noun affixed to other nouns giving (1) a job, as deckhand, farmhand, fieldhand, cowhand; (2) position, as right-hand, left-hand -head English noun affixed to other nouns giving (1) a range of mainly pejorative nouns, as egghead, hothead, muddlehead, fathead, sleepyhead, thickhead, dickhead; (2) the top or front of something, as in masthead, pinhead, spearhead, letterhead, pithead, stairhead, beachhead, figurehead -headed adjective formed from -head, suggesting characteristics or appearance, as in cool-headed, hard-headed, muddle-headed, bareheaded, bald-headed, shock-headed, curly-headed -hood English abstract noun suffix, often suggesting a state or condition, as in boyhood, childhood, manhood, widowhood, neighbourhood, brotherhood, priesthood -ian, -an, -ean Latin suffix which gives (1) nouns indicating a job or pastime, as in comedian, electrician, historian, magician, musician, optician, physician, politician, technician; (2) nouns and adjectives based on proper names of famous people, as in Elizabethan, Shakespearean, Dickensian, Victorian, Wagnerian -iana Latin noun suffix, which combines with famous names to describe memorabilia or collections of items relating to these people, as in Victoriana, Churchilliana, Wordsworthiana


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-ible, -ibility Latin adjective and noun suffixes, giving digestible/digestibility, corruptible/corruptibility, resistible/resistibility. See also -able, which is more frequent and is the currently productive suffix. -ic, -ical Latin adjective suffixes meaning like, as in (1) angelic, barbaric, bucolic, classic, enthusiastic, historic (or historical), moronic, meteoric, rhythmic, vitriolic, volcanic, unique, Byronic, Miltonic; (2) philosophical, geographical, sceptical, metrical, satirical -ice, -ise Latin abstract noun suffix, as in avarice, justice, service, exercise, merchandise -ics Greek suffix, originally a marker for the study of a scientific subject, as economics, acoustics, electronics, linguistics, obstetrics, genetics, athletics, politics (all singular nouns); and tactics, statistics, ethics, heroics, hysterics (all plural nouns) -id Latin adjective suffix, as acid, candid, fervid, morbid, placid, rabid, solid, splendid, turbid, tepid, vapid -ide suffix from Old French, for scientific compounds, as in oxide, sulphide, cyanide, fluoride, bromide -ie, -y English diminutive noun suffix, as in Annie, Charlie, Jimmy, Bobby, lassie, baby, doggy -ify Latin verb suffix descriptive of processes, as in amplify, beautify, clarify, dignify, identify, notify, purify, satisfy, simplify -ile, -il, -eel, -le Latin adjective suffixes, as in fragile, mobile, servile, senile, civil, frail, genteel, gentle, humble, able -ine Latin adjective suffix, denoting belonging to, as in canine, divine, equine, feline, feminine, saline, lacustrine -ing standard suffix of the English verb when forming the present participle or gerund, as in running, jumping, standing, used also as nouns and adjectives -ion, -tion, -ition, -sion, -som, -son Latin abstract noun suffixes which originally denoted the action of the verb from which they were formed, as in action, decision, direction, exhibition, ignition, operation, reaction, reduction, situation; as well as potion, opinion, ransom, reason, season, position, nation, occasion, tension, fusion -ise, -ize Greek verb suffix signifying action, as baptise, criticise, eulogise, finalise, hospitalise, paralyse. -ize is an alternative spelling favoured by Americans (and also by many British dictionaries with an eye for sales into US markets). But note that some verbs must be spelled -ise; these include advertise, advise, arise, comprise, compromise, despise, devise, disguise, exercise, improvise, practise, promise, revise, supervise, surmise, surprise, televise. -ish English adjective suffix, indicating (1) characteristics diluted in quantity from those indicated by the original adjective, as in biggish, smallish, oldish, youngish, boyish, brutish, childish, foolish, girlish, goodish, greenish, slavish, swinish, waspish; (2) nationality, as in British, Irish, Scottish, Polish, Turkish, Kurdish, Spanish; (3) age or time, as in thirtyish, eight-ish

Word formation


-ish Latin verb suffix, as in abolish, banish, cherish, establish, finish, flourish, nourish, perish, polish, punish. English famish is formed by analogy. -isk Greek noun suffix signifying a diminutive, as in asterisk (originally a little star), obelisk, basilisk, tamarisk -ism Greek noun suffix denoting (1) the result of an action, as in barbarism, criticism, deism, despotism, ego(t)ism, fatalism, heroism, alcoholism, plagiarism; (2) a following or a school of thought, as in Gaullism, Marxism, Hitlerism, Thatcherism, Catholicism, Presbyterianism, sexism, ageism -ist Greek noun suffix denoting (1) a person with certain beliefs or behaviour, as in atheist, fascist, feminist, pessimist, idealist, Methodist, terrorist; (2) certain occupations, as in botanist, cartoonist, dentist, physicist, psychiatrist, guitarist, trombonist, cellist -ite, -ete Latin suffix forming (1) verbs, as in expedite, unite, delete; (2) nouns indicating a committed follower of someone/something, sometimes carrying a derogatory inference, as in Trotskyite, Thatcherite, aesthete -ition see -ion -itis Latin suffix indicating an illness, as in arthritis, appendicitis, hepatitis, meningitis; or informally any general obsession, as in electionitis, consumeritis -ity Latin suffix combining with adjectives to form abstract nouns, as in absurdity, complexity, creativity, curiosity, familiarity, hostility, popularity, productivity, simplicity; also nouns like locality, minority, personality, publicity, university -ive, -iff Latin suffixes forming (1) nouns denoting persons and things, as in captive, fugitive, plaintiff, detective, representative, additive, contraceptive, locomotive, sedative; (2) adjectives originally denoting inclination, as in active, passive, restive, plaintive, massive, captive, fugitive, native, conclusive -ize see -ise -k English frequentative verb suffix, as in hark (from hear), stalk (from steal) -kin English diminutive noun suffix, as in catkin, lambkin, manikin -less English adjective suffix, indicating (1) a lack or absence of something, as in fearless, heedless, hopeless, godless, lawless, toothless, worthless; (2) an infinity of something, as in countless, ageless, numberless, priceless, timeless -let Old French diminutive noun ending, as in droplet, piglet, streamlet, starlet, booklet, flatlet, cutlet; also items of jewellery, as armlet, wristlet, bracelet, anklet, circlet -like, -ly English adjective suffix, as in birdlike, childlike, dreamlike, warlike, lifelike, businesslike, heavenly, manly, ghastly, likely, fatherly, lovely, orderly, saintly -ling English diminutive noun suffix, as in duckling, gosling, nestling, suckling, darling (from dear), yearling -ly (1) the standard and most productive English adverbial suffix, denoting manner, as in cleanly, sadly, sweetly, cheaply, frequently, quickly, and very many more; (2) a suffix indicating frequency, as in weekly, daily, nightly, hourly, yearly, quarterly -ma Greek ending connoting the product or result of the relevant verb, giving aroma, asthma, diploma, dogma, drama, enema, enigma, panorama, stigma


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-man English noun combining with others to form new nouns indicating (1) a mans job, as in barman, businessman, cameraman, clergyman, fireman, fisherman, frogman, milkman, ombudsman, postman, statesman, taxman, tradesman; (2) a mans origins, as in Cornishman, Englishman, Frenchman, Scotsman, Ulsterman. In the past, the term applied to both men and women. Nowadays, words like chairman, spokesman, layman, salesman, yes-man are often substituted by chairperson (or chair), spokesperson, layperson, salesperson, yes-person. -mate from Old English noun for a person who shared your meat, now giving compounds like bedmate, classmate, inmate, messmate, playmate, shipmate, workmate -ment Latin suffix which combines with verbs to form nouns, as in abandonment, achievement, arrangement, commitment, development, entertainment, excitement, management, punishment, retirement -meter from Greek measure, giving an instrument for measuring things, as in gasometer, barometer, speedometer, thermometer. Often confused with -metre. -metre from Greek measure, giving units of length, as in kilometre, millimetre, centimetre. Often confused with -meter. -monger from Old English word for a dealer, gives compound nouns for (1) occupations, as in fishmonger, ironmonger; (2) certain petty or discreditable people, as in gossipmonger, scaremonger, rumourmonger, warmonger -most English adjective suffix, used as an intensifier, as in innermost, hindmost, topmost, uppermost, foremost, utmost -n, -en English adjective suffix (1) from the participle ending, as in drunken, shaken, molten, torn; (2) denoting the material or coloration of an object, as in golden, linen, wooden, flaxen, hempen, leathern -naut from Greek sailor, giving various kinds of navigator, as in cosmonaut, astronaut, aeronaut, argonaut. (Note that juggernaut, a heavy lorry, is from a Hindu word for a massive object.) -ness English abstract noun suffix, as in sadness, happiness, goodness, badness, gentleness, weakness, wilderness, darkness, witness (= one who wits) -nik Russian or Yiddish suffix first used in the 1950s to describe a person connected with the word that precedes it, as beatnik, refusenik, peacenik, kibbutznik -ock English diminutive noun suffix, as in bullock, hillock, paddock -ocracy Greek suffix for form of government, as in democracy, theocracy, autocracy, aristocracy, bureaucracy, technocracy, plutocracy. Supporters of these forms take the suffix -ocrat. -oholic see -aholic -oid Greek noun or adjective suffix, indicating something resembling, as spheroid, globoid, petaloid, cuboid, tabloid, steroid -ology Greek noun suffix for word meaning study of , as in technology, geology, archaeology, meteorology, gynaecology. The adjective is -ological. -or Latin agent noun suffix, as in actor, collector, competitor, conductor, director, governor, inspector, narrator, prosecutor, spectator, visitor; also forms certain objects, as calculator, refrigerator, escalator, reactor. See also -er (2, 3).

Word formation


-ory Latin adjective suffix, as in auditory, sensory, amatory, admonitory, illusory -osis Greek suffix used to indicate (1) illness or disease, as in cirrhosis, psychosis, thrombosis, tuberculosis; (2) a state or process, as hypnosis, diagnosis, prognosis, metamorphosis, osmosis our, -or Latin abstract noun suffix, as in labour, honour, clamour, ardour, savour. Americans have reverted to the -or of the original Latin spelling of these words. -ous, -ose Latin adjective suffix denoting a particular quality, often full of , as in famous, glorious, gracious, copious, assiduous, querulous, anxious, grandiose, jocose, ingenuous, dangerous -person English agent word preferred nowadays by many writers to -man as a general suffix, as chairperson, spokesperson, ombudsperson, newsperson -phile from Greek love, giving a person who likes a particular place or thing very much, as in francophile, Europhile, Germanophile, bibliophile. Compare -phobe. -phobe, -phobic from Greek fear, giving a person who dislikes or fears a particular place or thing very much, as in Anglophobe, Russophobe, agoraphobe, claustrophobe, arachnophobe. The condition itself is conveyed by the suffix -phobia. -phone from Greek sound or voice, giving (1) names of instruments which produce or transmit sound, as in dictaphone, megaphone, telephone, saxophone, xylophone; (2) names for people who understand or use a particular language, as anglophone, francophone, germanophone -piece English noun which combines with others, as in mouthpiece, centrepiece, frontispiece, masterpiece, showpiece, mantelpiece -proof English noun which combines with others to produce adjectives describing certain qualities, as in heatproof, weatherproof, waterproof, soundproof, bullet-proof -red English abstract noun suffix, as in hatred, kindred -ridden from the English verb, past participle of ride, which combines with nouns to form an adjective suggesting harassment and oppression, as in guilt-ridden, bullet-ridden, class-ridden, disease-ridden, maggot-ridden, priest-ridden, scandal-ridden, debt-ridden. A similar construction is -stricken. -scape suffix thought to be from Dutch to shape (a picture), giving landscape, and by analogy seascape, skyscape, moonscape, cityscape -ship English abstract noun suffix, suggesting (1) personal qualities and skills, as in friendship, hardship, worship (from worthship), fellowship, leadership; (2) craft qualities, as in craftsmanship, oarsmanship, musicianship, seamanship, workmanship; (3) various types of ship, as in airship, battleship, flagship, warship -side English noun combining with others to suggest the edge of something, as in bedside, graveside, ringside, riverside, trackside; or more generally, a part of something, as in hillside, countryside, underside, topside, backside, inside, offside -sis Greek noun suffix denoting state, as in analysis, catalysis, emphasis, genesis, paralysis


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-some English adjective suffix denoting a quality, as in quarrelsome, tiresome, winsome, wholesome, lissom (from lithe), buxom, handsome -speak English verb which combines with nouns to form new nouns referring to the particular language or jargon of a group, derived from George Orwells newspeak in the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), and now by analogy in nukespeak, legalspeak, mediaspeak, computerspeak, doublespeak, armyspeak, Eurospeak -ster English noun suffix to denote a person, originally a feminine ending, as in spinster (= an unmarried woman, whose occupation was to spin), songster, youngster, baxter (or baker, from bakester), foster (from foodster) -stricken from the past participle of English verb strike, which combines with nouns to form adjectives that refer to unpleasant emotions, as in griefstricken, terror-stricken, guilt-stricken, horror-stricken, poverty-stricken. See also -ridden, which is a similar construction. -style English noun which combines with others to form new words, as in lifestyle, freestyle, hairstyle, Indian-style, old-style, 1980s-style -ther English adverbial suffix, indicating direction towards, as in hither, thither, -whither -tor, -sor, -or, -our, -er, -eer, -ier, -ar Latin noun suffixes denoting persons, as in actor, auditor, author, doctor, chancellor, emperor, juror, monitor, sponsor, successor, victor, saviour, archer, founder, enchanter, preacher, usher, auctioneer, engineer, brigadier, grenadier, vicar, registrar, premier, farrier -trix Latin noun suffix denoting a female agent, as in executrix, proprietrix (now old-fashioned), dominatrix -tude Latin abstract noun suffix, as in altitude, fortitude, latitude, magnitude, servitude -ular Latin adjective suffix, giving qualities, as in muscular, granular, modular ; and shapes, as in angular, circular, rectangular, tubular -und Latin adjective suffix, as in jocund, rotund, moribund, orotund -ure Latin abstract noun suffix formed from verbs, as in closure, departure, exposure, expenditure, failure, mixture, pleasure, sculpture, seizure; as well as a wider range of words, as censure, culture, gesture, juncture, measure, picture, literature, legislature -ward(s) English suffix originally denoting adjectives and adverbs of direction, as in homeward, seaward, northward, toward, awkward (from awk, turned the wrong way). The adverbs favour a final -s, as in homewards, heavenwards, inwards. -ware English word for manufactured articles, which combines with others to form more specific nouns, as tinware, brassware, earthenware, glassware, stoneware, silverware, Denbighware, Wemyssware -wise, -ways (1) English adverbial suffix, denoting manner or fashion, as in clockwise, anywise, nowise, otherwise, always, sideways, lengthways, straightway; (2) the English noun meaning clever also functions as a compound, as in streetwise, worldly-wise, penny-wise

Word formation


-woman English noun which combines with others to indicate a particular job or nationality, as in horsewoman, needlewoman, spokeswoman, yachtswoman, Englishwoman, Dutchwoman -work English word which combines with nouns to indicate (1) the material from which objects are made, as in brasswork, ironwork, woodwork, scrollwork, pastrywork; (2) particular types of job or activity, as in brainwork, needlework, casework, housework, farmwork, shiftwork -worthy English word which combines with nouns to form adjectives, as newsworthy, noteworthy, creditworthy, trustworthy, seaworthy -wright English noun for a person who has worked or wrought, as in shipwright, wheelwright, playwright -y adjective suffix (1) with English derivatives suggesting a quality, as in healthy, hairy, mighty, moody, greedy, bushy, sticky, sorry (from sore), guilty, bloody; (2) with more general Latin derivatives, as in family, fancy, copy, memory, misery, story, victory, aristocracy; (3) used as an ending in familiar names, as Jimmy, Ronny, Betty, Lizzy

Four Punctuation

apostrophe brackets capital letters colon comma dash ellipsis exclamation mark full stop hyphen paragraph question mark quotation marks semicolon slash

? : The entire content of a telegram sent by Victor Hugo to his publishers, asking how well Les Miserables was selling. The publishers replied in similar vein : ! In R Hendrickson, The Literary Life Mr Speaker, I said the honourable member was a liar it is true and I am sorry for it. The honourable member may place the punctuation where he pleases. R B Sheridan, 17511816, on being asked to apologise for calling a fellow MP a liar Intellectually, stops matter a great deal. If you are getting your commas, semi-colons and full stops wrong, it means that you are not getting your thoughts right, and your mind is muddled. William Temple, Archbishop of York, in the Observer, 23 October 1938

I cannot take seriously the criticism of someone who doesnt know how to use a semicolon. Shirley Conran, in the Observer, 29 March 1992 [Punctuation] is a large subject. Taste and common sense are more important than any rules; you put in stops to help your reader to understand you, not to please grammarians. And you should try so to write that he will understand you with a minimum of help of that sort. Sir Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words, 1954



Punctuation is used to mark off units of grammar and clarify a writers meaning. In speech, emphasis and pauses are used to help get the spoken message across. In written English, punctuation has to serve the same purpose. Here the conventions are for example to mark off sentences by a combination of full stop + space; words are marked off by the insertion of spaces between them; paragraphs are marked off by indenting text on a new line, etc. Punctuation also indicates specific points of grammar. For example, an apostrophe indicates the possessive or the omission of a letter.

Punctuation and good writing

Punctuation is essential to good writing. Without it, we are unable to say where a sentence ends or a paragraph begins, or how the nuances of a text are to be understood. Yet since the 1970s and despite many recent mantras about trying harder, the trend of British education has been firmly away from the formal teaching of this basic subject, with the predictable result that generations of students and teachers (and teachers of teachers) are unsure of their ground. This chapter has three ambitions: firstly to offer simple guidelines for writers of text; secondly to show that punctuation is easy; and thirdly to suggest that it remains important. But such a short chapter cannot pretend to be the authoritative work on the subject of punctuation: that would take a much longer book. Here we mainly try to cover all the basic aspects, not only in those areas where agreement is general, but also on matters of stylistic preference. Generally speaking, the times favour a minimalist approach to punctuation. Nowadays when we read a text from the 1950s or earlier, we are often struck by the amount of punctuation in use; and indeed it may seem excessive to our latter-day eye. This book goes along with the minimalist philosophy, seldom recommending the intervention of punctuation if none is strictly necessary. However, as stated above, it also takes the view that punctuation is important; so it takes issue strongly with those time-and-motion experts who may advise the Civil Service and other hapless bodies that secretaries can pound out more letters per hour if they do away with the commas. This may be true, but it is worthless advice; and if followed, it helps to explain much bureaucratic gobbledygook. There are few absolutes in good punctuation. Like so many other aspects of language, it is a moving target. The advent of the typewriter, of the popular press and, most recently, of the word processor and the internet (to say nothing of text-messaging), have all had a huge impact on our approach to punctuation; and the commonly heard current recommendation regarding a text to Bung it up on the web, symptomatic as that is of our rush-rush-rush business lifestyles, is unconducive either to clear thinking or writing. In speech,


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emphases, pauses, gesticulation and eye contact are all called into service in order to help get the spoken message across. In written English, we rely on punctuation to serve this purpose. It also indicates points of grammar: for example, an apostrophe indicates the possessive or the omission of a letter. So, lack of punctuation or incorrect punctuation often causes ambiguity or misunderstanding. There is a world of a difference, for example, between ten year-old children and ten-year-old children; ask any teacher. And as Lynne Truss has famously pointed out, extra marital sex is not the same kettle of fish as extra-marital sex. One of the last bastions for the stickler for decent punctuation is consistency. If you are embarking on the writing of an extended text whether a novel, a dissertation or a textbook it is important to try and ensure that your use of quotation marks and other features is consistent from start to finish of your text. This aspect of text creation is frequently covered by house style. Most of the serious or academic publishers supply their new or would-be authors with a set of house-style guidelines. These guidelines cover not only punctuation preferences such as quotation marks, but also such matters as whether to use the -ise or -ize spelling, or whether to leave single or double spaces between sentences. Needless to say, house-style guidelines vary from publisher to publisher, from the most cursory checklist to the most exhaustive not to say pernickety manuals. If punctuality is the politeness of princes, it might also be said that punctuation is the politeness of publishers. Unfortunately, politeness (or at least presenting your text in a user-friendly way) is not a notable feature of writing today, particularly if its writing that has been bunged up on the web.

Apostrophe []
The apostrophe has two main functions in punctuation. It marks the possessive or genitive case, and it indicates contractions or the omission of letters in the spelling of certain words. Diminutive as it may be, the apostrophe must be the most abused punctuation mark in English today. From children who insist on apostrophising every plural in sight; to the leader pages of our quality press; via the highly visible manifestations of signwriters and advertisers uncertainty on every high street in the land: the confusion seems universal. Yet the rules governing the use of the apostrophe are very simple.

In the broadest sense, the apostrophe mark is the sign of ownership or possession. In English singular nouns it is shown by the addition of s preceded by the apostrophe mark. Thus: Johns car. In plurals that already have an s the apostrophe alone is used. Thus: the girls night out. In irregular plurals without s, the rule is the same as for the singular. Look at these:



Singular nouns: the lions mane, Marys hat, the ships captain, the knights shining armour, the busmans holiday, Mondays child, Dick Turpins horse, etc. Regular plural nouns: two horses mouths, two boys bikes, two ships crews, the ladies golf club, the Mothers Union, the Strangers Gallery, ten years imprisonment, etc. Irregular plural nouns: the childrens toys, the Womens Institute, etc. Unlike possessive nouns such as the above, possessive pronouns (apart from ones) do not require an apostrophe: She took hers, we took ours, and they took theirs. A problem associated with possessive nouns sometimes arises in words that already end in s: words like hostess, princess, Thomas, James, Keats, Burns, etc. The general rule nowadays is to treat such nouns in the same way as any other singulars and write the princesss children, St Thomass Hospital, St Jamess Square, John Keatss poetry, Robert Burnss cottage, etc. Some writers qualify this general rule, saying that the use of a final s depends on whether or not a pronounceable final syllable is formed (as it is in all of the foregoing examples); if no final pronounceable syllable is formed, the apostrophe is retained but no s is added. So they would write Saint Saens music, Socrates philosophy, for righteousness sake. They would also treat various biblical and classical names in this way (Achilles heel, Aristophanes plays, Xerxes army, Ulysses voyages, Moses journey, Jesus example). Note in passing that the apostrophe has dropped out of some (but not all) place names. St Albans, St Andrews, St Helens, St Neots, Earls Court and Golders Green are all spelt without the apostrophe. But Lands End, St Michaels Mount, Lords Cricket Ground and St Johns Wood all retain it. There is a trend at work here, illustrated by the village of St Abbs in Berwickshire (apostrophe dropped) and the nearby cliffs at St Abbs Head (apostrophe retained). Another example is St Andrews Church (with apostrophe) in the town of St Andrews (no apostrophe); but note St Andrews University (no apostrophe). One other problem occasionally associated with ownership involves groups of nouns (sometimes called the group genitive). This need not give trouble. Only the last member of the noun group takes the apostrophe. Thus: Tom, Dick and Harrys aunt William and Marys joint reign Gilbert and Sullivans light operas Some Experiences of an Irish RM is Somerville and Rosss most famous book. Some units of measure, time or quantity also show a form of the possessive with an apostrophe: in a weeks time a six months trip to Australia

112 twenty years loyal service I want my moneys worth

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I dont, I cant and I wont do it. Its a nice day, isnt it? Heres something for you, and theres something for John. These example sentences all contain shortened forms. Other common shortened forms are Ive, youve, weve, theyve, Ill, youll, well, theyll, youre, were, theyre, mustnt, oughtnt, shouldnt, didnt, shes, hes, ones. In this context the word its needs special comment; it always indicates a shortened version of it is; it never indicates a possessive pronoun. The possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, its, theirs do not use the apostrophe, with the sole exception of ones.

Apostrophes here sometimes indicate the use of non-standard or dialect English: A mans a man for a that (a = all) neer-do-well (neer = never) one o clock, will o the wisp (o = of the) a trip to Joburg (= Johannesburg)

You sometimes find the apostrophe used to indicate a plural in the following contexts: Before 1789 France was ruled by four Henrys, sixteen Louiss and two Franciss. How many ls are there in parallel?

Apostrophe: punctuation check-up

Make a note of all the words needing apostrophes in the following sentences. Some will be apostrophes for ownership, some will indicate contractions. Check your answers with the list on page 222. (a) I cant help it if youve lost money on the purchase. (b) Its not fair to blame Rita. Shes had a hard time recently. Im sure Johns had a hand in the whole affair. (c) The cars brakes are very squeaky. Itll need to go to the garage. (d) The trains driver was arrested after the accident. Im afraid hed been drinking. (e) Its a bit ridiculous to me, but babies early speech patterns are said to be very significant. Whats your opinion?



(f) Womens clothes are a lot less conservative than mens or so Im told. (g) It was a full days walk to the campsite, and wed just about had enough. (h) The firms business is thriving and theyve just won a Queens Export Award. (i) Marks new car is a Mini and his dads got his old one, so everyones happy. (j) The schools library annex has been destroyed by the vandals mindless rampaging. Its a shame that a few thugs can cause such havoc.

Brackets ( )
Sometimes called parentheses, these always come in pairs. (The Greek word parenthesis means an insertion beside.) The main use of brackets is to cordon off or enclose supplementary or explanatory information that otherwise would interrupt the basic drift of a sentence or longer piece of writing. The bracketed (or cordoned-off) material may be removed without changing the overall sense or completeness of the text. This chapter focuses mainly on ordinary or round brackets ( ). It makes only passing reference to square brackets [ ], angle brackets < > and brace brackets { }. Pairs of brackets, commas or dashes may all be used to place text in parentheses. The choice of which to use depends to some extent on house style, personal preference and also on the style of the material. Dashes, for example, make a text look more informal than brackets. Brackets are a convenient way of marking off subordinate information within a text. They keep the words they enclose out of the way, as it were, leaving the reader free to concentrate on the main text preceding and following the bracketed material. They are used: 1 to isolate supplementary information (more effectively than commas or dashes), as in: Applications for the vacant post (six copies) should be lodged with the Vice Chancellor by 1 October. The result of the election (a 40% swing against the government) was decisive. The result of the election was decisive. (There was a 40% swing against the government.) It costs 10 euros (roughly 7). 2 to present additional or explanatory (but subordinate) details about the main information provided in the text: Robert Louis Stevenson (185094) is still a popular childrens author. See separate order form (yellow cover) for more information. Some of the little bastides (country houses) of Provence are quite charming. The syllabus is devised by the National Curriculum Council (NCC). 3 as an economical way of indicating options: Any candidate(s) for the post of Club Secretary must be formally proposed and seconded.


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4 for numbers written within a sentence: Thirty (30) days settlement is required. He has to (1) write the essay, (2) deliver the talk, (3) defend his arguments, and (4) answer any questions. Brackets are easy to use properly. The main abuse of brackets in punctuation occurs when a writer needlessly interpolates one independent sentence within another, for example: A full statement of accounts (six copies of this statement are enclosed for members of the Board) is to be issued to the whole of the senior management team. Two separate sentences would be better here, each starting with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. Square brackets have two functions. Firstly, they are sometimes used for parentheses within parentheses. Secondly, they indicate an editorial comment (often drawing attention to a spelling or grammatical mistake). Stevensons stepson (Lloyd Osbourne [18681947]) collaborated in some of the masters later work. He wrote: I aint [sic] going. Or as James Joyce once put it: My patience are [sic] exhausted. Angle brackets are only used in scholarly work to show that a piece of text is missing, defective or otherwise suspect. Brace brackets are used in mathematics and in tabular material. They are sometimes called curly brackets.

Brackets: punctuation check-up

Parts of these sentences need to go in brackets. Can you write them out properly? You may also need to add a few commas. Check your answers with those on page 222. (a) Edward his best friend ignored Roger in the street. (b) Mrs Crawford a woman I have always admired is coming to our party tomorrow. (c) We were still are happy to see her settled in a regular job. (d) No one in our house according to my young sister knows how to cook properly. (e) The Royal Family pictured left flew to Brazil this afternoon picture on page 3 for a state visit. (f) His collection of wild flowers anemones primroses orchids is world famous. (g) Precious metals gold silver platinum etc are best kept locked up in the bank. (h) Edinburgh population 450,000 is more than twice as big as Aberdeen population 210,000 and half as big as Dublin population 900,000. (i) We spent 45 euros about 30 sterling for a trip to explore the caves.



(j) Hes a complete eccentric eats snails its said so his neighbours tend to keep an eye on his movements.

Capital letters
Capital letters are used for two purposes in English punctuation. Firstly, they mark the beginning of a new sentence. Secondly, they indicate a proper noun. The main conventions are summarised below.

Capitals after a full stop (or at the beginning of a sentence)

Capital letters follow full stops. They invariably signal the beginning of a sentence, just as full stops (or equivalents) invariably signal the end of a sentence: She is a clever woman. What is her name? And where does she come from? That was no lady. That was my aunt! The king was working in the garden. He seemed very glad to see me. We walked through the garden. It was very jolly. (Ernest Hemingway)

Capitals at the beginning of direct speech

This rule is an extension of the rule regarding capitals at the beginning of sentences. Capitals are not always required following interruptions to direct speech: The Prime Minister said to his Cabinet colleagues, There is no alternative. There is no alternative, said the Prime Minister to his Cabinet colleagues, to fighting our corner.

Capitals after other punctuation marks

Very occasionally, capitals are used after other punctuation marks for example after a comma to introduce a very direct thought, or after a colon to introduce a quotation. Thus: She was thinking, Tomorrow morning I shall know my fate. Pope put it nicely: To err is human, to forgive divine.

Capitals at the beginning of lines of poetry

Traditionally, the first word of a line of poetry was capitalised, whether or not the punctuation of the poem required it: The bustle in a house The morning after death Is solemnest of industries Enacted upon earth . . . (Emily Dickinson)


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This rule no longer applies in much modern poetry. Today the printer has to follow the preference of individual poets in the layout of a poem.

Capitals for personification

Another traditional poetic use of capitals is in the representation of abstractions and personifications. Thus: To Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love All pray in their distress . . . (William Blake)

Capitals for proper nouns and proper names

With the exception of quirky writers like E E Cummings (who famously styled himself e e cummings), the rule for capitalising proper nouns is invariable. It covers peoples names and initials (Seamus Heaney, J K Rowling, Annie Proulx, Rudyard Kipling), days of the week (Tuesday, Saturday), months of the year (January, May), other special calendar days (Easter, Ramadan, Hanukkah, Thanksgiving, Good Friday, Diwali), placenames, countries of the world and their nationals (Nottingham, Weston Super Mare, Canada, Lithuania, Ghana, Spaniards, Brazilians), historical periods and events (the Thirty Years War, the Depression, the Renaissance, but the eighteenth century, the nineteen fifties). Capitals are also used to refer to God, the Prophet Muhammad, Buddha, and to the various scriptural books the Bible, the New Testament, the Talmud, the Holy Koran, the Apocrypha and other religious works. Occasional confusion arises over whether a reference is general or specific. Only specific proper names are capitalised: the Orkney Islands but the islands of the Mediterranean the River Thames but the river systems of the Home Counties Berkeley Square but the squares of London the Ritz Hotel but the best hotels Compass points are capitalised if they are part of a specific geographical region or entity, not if they are part of a general direction: Northern Ireland a westerly gale South Africa the east coast of Sweden

Capitals for specific names and titles

Honorific titles joined to proper names require a capital letter if they precede the names, not always if they follow the names: Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cornwall President Bush and Prime Minister Blair Director General of the BBC Colonel Davitt of the US Marines but Jim Davitt, a colonel in the US Marines



Epithets are usually capitalised: Eric the Red, the Iron Duke, John the Baptist, William the Conqueror, Alfred the Great. Capitals are also used for the titles of books, poems, movies and plays, as in Whitakers Almanac, Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Merchant of Venice, The Oxford Companion to Sport, Gone with the Wind. There are two other points to note about titles. Firstly, the usual convention in print is to italicise titles. And secondly, it is only the key words that are capitalised, thus: The Old Man and the Sea, or Across the River and into the Trees. The names of specific trains, ships, spacecraft and aircraft are spelt with an initial capital letter: the Orient Express, the Brighton Belle, the Spirit of St Louis, Apollo 8. They are also often italicised, but it is not normally necessary to capitalise the definite article.

Capitals for proprietary or trademark names

These are normally capitalised. So: Martini, Xerox machine, Apple Mac, Microsoft Windows, Kodak camera, a Dyson carpet cleaner, a game of Scrabble.

Capitals and local names

This area sometimes causes slight confusion, because some terms have so completely entered general circulation that the capital letter has been dropped. So we tend to get Yorkshire pudding, Welsh rarebit, Russian roulette; but venetian blinds, wellington boots, brussels sprouts, french windows and scotch eggs.

Capitals for abbreviation

Various countries and political groupings are nowadays written in full capitals (without stops), thus: EU,UK, UN, USA. This tendency also extends to academic institutions, international agencies and companies, for example BBC, TUC, UNESCO, IBM, BP, MIT, SUNY. Many acronyms come under this heading (see p. 81).

Capitals for pronouns

The only pronoun to take a capital letter is normally the first-person singular I: I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul. Sometimes in religious writing, pronouns and determiners referring to God are capitalised: God in His mercy will comfort us.

Capital letters: punctuation check-up

Capital letters, apostrophes, commas, question marks and full stops have been left out of these sentences. See if you can rewrite them properly. Answers on pp. 2223.


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(a) im reading philip larkins collected poems again its to be returned to the library by 1 september (b) the english cricket team will visit pakistan in december on their way back from australia (c) will the bbc or itv or sky tv cover the arsenal v crystal palace game on saturday (d) im afraid im no expert on french or spanish writing you should speak to professor healey he teaches french and his wife is from argentina i think (e) they used to tell us in our geography classes that america was the land of opportunity britain was the workshop of the world and the nile delta was the breadbasket of Egypt thats how old I am (f) admiral nelson was killed at the battle of trafalgar and sir john moore fell at corunna (g) the 24 bus normally goes up tottenham court road to camden town but yesterday there was a diversion because of a huge tuc anti-war procession along euston road (h) the gaelic language survives in parts of wales, scotland, ireland and brittany, but it has died out in galicia cornwall and the isle of man

Colon [:]
This punctuation mark has an anticipatory effect: it may precede an explanation or an amplification, or it may introduce an alternative to what has preceded it. The main uses of the colon are as follows.

Colons introducing explanations and amplifications

This use of the colon indicates a fairly close interdependence between the units that it separates. It often provides a certain balance to a sentence. Normally, a capital is not required after the colon in this context. Guess what: John has won the lottery. One thing is certain: the best man doesnt always win. He said he could do it: and he did. There was only one thing to do: jump. Knowledge is one thing: the opportunity to use it is quite another.

Colons introducing lists, quotations and letters

Please send the following items: your passport, a completed visa application form, the fee of 30 and a recent photograph. You will need these ingredients: minced beef, onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and seasoning. The cup final was between two old rivals: Rangers and Celtic. As the poet Robert Burns said: A mans a man for a that. She told the children: Under no circumstances are you to open the door. He was muttering quietly but audibly: Some people are never happy.



In the last four examples, the colon provides a more emphatic alternative than a comma. The American usage in formal letter writing is to start with Dear Sir: or Dear Madam: or Ladies and Gentlemen: instead of the British practice of using a comma or no punctuation at all.

Colons in numerals, titles and book references

In a straightforward carry-over from mathematical notation, the colon is used to indicate ratios: In this class, girls outnumber boys in the proportion of 3 : 2. Colons are often used to separate a books title from its subtitle, as in: Goethes Faust: A New Translation Classics and Commercials: A Literary Chronicle of the Forties They are also used to cite a reference: Todays text was Isaiah 65: 1325. It may be a good idea to read this section in conjunction with the section on semicolons, since the two punctuation marks have a number of similarities. Both parts of speech occupy a position roughly midway between a comma and a full stop.

Colons: punctuation check-up

The following sentences are incompletely punctuated: all lack a colon and/or some commas. Can you provide the missing punctuation? Check your answers on p. 223. (a) Work fascinates me I can sit and look at it for hours. (b) We climbed four peaks last week Lochnagar and Broad Cairn on Friday Ben Macdui and Cairngorm on Saturday. (c) There were lots of boats in the harbour yachts catamarans speedboats fishing boats etc. (d) He is exactly what people say he is a bore and a fool. (e) The doctor told him the worst he was not likely to recover. (f) The following items were stolen a purse a ring a diary and some cheque cards. (g) The view from the hilltop is splendid the Castle the Old Town and the spires and monuments are all spread out before you. (h) It has to be one of the surest signs of increasing age you start notice how young the police have become.

Comma [,]
After the full stop, the comma is the second key punctuation mark. It is the commonest and most versatile mark inside the sentence. It may be used to separate


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words, phrases, and some clauses. Some commas are considered essential, while others are considered to be optional aids to clarity. The main uses of the comma are listed below. If the comma is optional in any of the examples, it is shown in square brackets thus: [,].

Commas in lists
The comma breaks up items in a list of three or more. The items to be broken up may be words, phrases, or clauses the rules are similar: It was a cold, wet, windy afternoon. We played soccer, baseball, rounders[,] and tennis. He doesnt eat eggs, cheese[,] or butter. He works constantly, travels frequently, has no private life to speak of, and no obvious outside interests. The main problem with this rule is whether to use a comma before the last item in the list, which is frequently signalled by the use of a conjunction like and. The rule here is not to omit this final comma (as in the sentences below) if that is likely to cause any confusion: In one mornings shopping spree, she went to Harrods, John Lewis, Waterstones, and Fortnum and Masons. In the afternoon, she took in Hatchards, Selfridges, and Hamleys. A minor problem with this rule involves expressions like the grand old duke [of York] or the pretty little girl. The adjectives here would normally be used in a single, semi-affectionate sense, with grand modifying old, and pretty modifying little. They are not therefore lists of adjectives, and no commas are required. Another minor problem is caused by lists like the following: He works in an old, tumble-down, post-war municipal building. He makes a small, monthly cash payment to his son. No comma is necessary between post-war and municipal, unless municipal is parsed as the last adjective in a list and not as part of the compound noun municipal building. Similarly, cash payment is used here as a compound noun.

Commas separating main clauses

Commas are usually used to mark off main clauses, whether or not joined by a coordinating conjunction such as and, but, or. The longer the sentence, the more helpful the comma is: They came, they saw, they conquered. I looked for the book[,] but it was not to be seen. I looked high and low for my homework book and my class notes, but Im sorry to say that they were nowhere to be seen. But see also the comma splice (pp. 689).



Commas separating relative and subordinate clauses

Commas often mark off relative and subordinate clauses from the main clauses of the sentence: The London train, which departs from platform 5, is half an hour late. We arrived at my sons house[,] where we were made welcome. The man[,] who was in the process of making good his escape from justice[,] is thought to have been a terrorist.

Commas separating adverbs and adverbials

Adverbials that precede, follow, or interrupt the main clause are usually marked off by commas: Finally[,] he came to the point[,] after much humming and hawing. Meanwhile[,] across Europe[,] the storm clouds were gathering. The army, after crossing the Tigris, fanned out across the plain. He will be welcome[,] if he decides to come.

Commas for balance

Commas are often used to balance contrasting or opposing phrases and clauses within a sentence: Shes a lovely girl[,] but not very bright. He will change his shirt, not his opinions. The time is half past six, not half past seven.

Commas to mark off direct speech

Commas are used to introduce a direct quotation, or to terminate it. They are also used to split quotations: The children said, Tell us a story. Tell us a story, said the children. Tell us a story, said the children, before we go to sleep. Commas are not necessary if the quoted material doesnt represent dialogue: He told her he would go straight to the hospital and then I think he said he was going to telephone her.

Commas to mark off parentheses

Modifiers and words in apposition are usually set off by commas from the main part of the sentence: We visited the Tay Bridge, site of the famous disaster. The Queen, a keen horsewoman, presented the cup. His latest novel[,] No Other Life[,] has been very well received.


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Sometimes the presence or absence of appositional commas can tell us quite a lot: My brother John is a lawyer. (= I [may] have several brothers.) My brother, John, is a lawyer. (= I have one brother.) Snakes which are poisonous are to be avoided. (Some snakes) Adders, which are poisonous, are to be avoided. (All adders) It is important to remember that if the parenthesis or apposition falls in the middle of the sentence, you need to use a pair of commas one at the start and the other at the end.

Commas to mark off vocatives and interjections

We usually comma off these minor parenthetical elements from the main part of the sentence: Ah, now I get the picture. You, Mary, must leave at once. Now, sir, what can I do for you? I put it to you, ladies and gentlemen, we need your support. As a kind of parenthesis, vocatives and interjections need to be marked off with a pair of commas if they fall within the sentence rather than at the beginning or end of it.

Commas to mark off question tags

Commas separate question tags from the rest of the sentence. This usage is straightforward and more or less invariable: Its a terrible day, isnt it? Youve missed your bus, havent you? Shell be able to come, wont she?

Commas to show omission

A comma is sometimes used to show that a grammatical ellipsis has been admitted to the sentence, and certain words must be supplied to make the construction grammatically correct: Jones gave a negative, but Bloggs a positive response. A Riesling is preferred by some experts; by others, a Hock. But the comma is required only if the meaning of the sentence is unclear without it. The following sentence does not require a comma: She was in love with him and he with her.



Commas to avoid ambiguity

We need commas to mark off chunks of text, if without them the reader is tempted to miss the separation: Outside, the car park had been full for hours. In the morning, rolls are delivered to the house. I want you to meet my friend Mary, Jane. I am sick, and tired of studying punctuation. Without the commas, we will read: Outside the car park . . . . . . morning rolls . . . . . . Mary Jane . . . . . . sick and tired . . .

Commas with however, meanwhile, nevertheless

However, meanwhile and nevertheless are three adverbs which are particularly prone to attract gratuitous commas. The following pairs of sentences should remind us not to comma off these words unthinkingly: However you look at it, theft is not really justifiable. However, lots of people try to justify it. But meanwhile a number of steps will have to be taken. Meanwhile[,] back at the ranch[,] . . . He slept badly. Nevertheless, he spoke well at the rally. He slept badly, but nevertheless spoke well at the rally.

Commas with inverted word order

Commas are helpful to the reader if the word order of the sentence has been inverted. They assist the texts readability: Until the fighting stopped, the UN was helpless to act. Because of the continuing fighting, the relief operation has had to be postponed. The Allied Command having discussed strategic aims until well into the night, a declaration of intent was released to the press this morning.

Commas to set off titles, dates, geographical references

Commas usually mark off precise titles, dates, or geographical references from the main part of a text: The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, took the salute. On Saturday[,] 16 September[,] 1979, they were married.


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He teaches in Lafayette, Indiana, seat of a large American university.

Commas in numbers
Commas are used with numbers above 10,000. They are not generally used in numbers between 1000 and 10,000: The population of Ireland is around 5,000,000. (5 million) Melrose (population 2000) is a picturesque village in the Scottish Borders. His personal fortune was put at $10,000,000.

Commas misplaced
It is quite common to find commas in the wrong place: He locked the door, and running across the hall, bumped into the intruders. A brutal, and on the face of it, a motiveless crime. These should of course be: He locked the door and, running across the hall, A brutal and, on the face of it, Another common error is the comma in place of the full stop: I visited her in Suffolk, she was not at home. These are two sentences, with two different subjects and no conjunction, so they should be separated by a full stop. (See comma splice, pp. 689.)

Commas missing
We have seen above how the presence or absence of commas can make all the difference to the meaning of a sentence: They thought of taking a house in Brittany perhaps with the Kellys. What is the function of perhaps here? As it stands, the sentence is ambiguous and could take two interpretations: They thought of taking a house in Brittany, perhaps with the Kellys. They thought of taking a house in Brittany perhaps, with the Kellys. A comma would clear up the sense.

Commas: punctuation check-up

Here are some passages which make little sense without commas and full stops. Add these or other punctuation marks where you think they are necessary, and check your answers on pp. 2234, where the texts are written out properly.



(a) The opening ceremony took place in the presence of the German economics minister the Spanish culture minister the mayor of Frankfurt the president of the German Publishers Association and the great and good of the European book trade also present was a gaggle of gregarious authors assorted literary glitterati and of course the ever-watchful omnipresent prosperous well-fed remainder merchants. (b) To make cucumber soup you need one large cucumber one onion two ounces butter one and a half pints white stock seasoning and a quarter pint of thick cream to cook you need to chop then toss the vegetables in the hot butter for a few minutes taking care they do not brown add the stock a small piece of chopped cucumber peel and a little seasoning simmer for twenty minutes then emulsify in a liquidiser or sieve cool then blend in the cream (c) As well as Mass on Sundays and her weekly visit to a wayside dance-hall Bridie went shopping once every month cycling to the town early on a Friday afternoon she bought things for herself material for a dress knitting wool stockings a newspaper and paperbacked Wild West novels for her father she talked in the shops to some of the girls shed been at school with girls who had married shop assistants or shopkeepers or had become assistants themselves most of them had families of their own by now they had a tired look most of them from pregnancies and from their efforts to organise and control their large families (from The Ballroom of Romance, by William Trevor). (d) West of the town centre at 2 De Ruyterlaan is the Natuurmuseum with a collection of rare birds insects reptiles and mammals minerals and fossils nearby stands the Synagogue topped by a somewhat oriental copper dome it dates from 1928 east of here is the Boulevard of the Liberation from which the Langestraat branches off on the left leading into a street called De Klomp on the left-hand side is the Elderinkshuis (1783) the only historic building in the town to have survived the Great Fire of 1862 (e) we invited John and Frances and the Macdonalds for supper and Mary happened to drop in too afterwards we had a long discussion about whether to round off the meal with a cup of tea or coffee with rum in it in the end David took us all out for a drink he ordered a whisky and lemonade a gin and tonic two dry martinis with ice three cokes a lager and lime and a brandy and soda Im glad I wasnt footing the bill

Dash []
A dash is used to indicate a break in the continuity of a sentence, often informally. Generally, it is better to avoid using a dash in formal or academic writing, where a comma or a pair of brackets is usually more appropriate. Try imagining sentence 1 below with a comma instead of the dash, and sentence 2 with brackets around the second part: Hello, its me Twinkletoes. Ive arrived and to prove it, Im here.


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Without the dashes, the impression of colloquial and slightly breathless informality would be lost completely.

The dash to break the continuity of the sentence

Fancy meeting you here I thought you were in America! I dont believe it champagne!

The dash to introduce an afterthought

Im Charleys aunt from Brazil where the nuts come from. (Brandon Thomas) Were none of us infallible not even the youngest among us. (W H Thompson) These examples are based on spoken and not written English, the first being from a playscript and the second from a speech.

The dash instead of commas or brackets

I am in earnest I will not equivocate I will not excuse I will not retreat a single inch and I will be heard. (Wm Lloyd Garrison) No sun no moon! No morn no noon No dawn no dusk no proper time of day. (Thomas Hood) Again, the writers are contriving to simulate spoken English.

The dash introducing a summary statement

Poor old Daddy just one of those sturdy old plants left over from the Edwardian Wilderness, that cant understand why the sun isnt shining any more. (John Osborne) Wine, women, and song its not a lot to ask for once in a while. The comments after the dash provide a summary on the words or phrases which preceded it.

The dash in broken sentences

There are nine and sixty ways of constructing tribal lays, And every single one of them is right! (Rudyard Kipling) Cant you understand? You are on the wrong train! This particular use of dashes conveys emphasis. Alternatively, this use of dashes can also convey hesitation or uncertainty in speech accompanied by lots of pregnant pauses: Oh um, erm well, I dont erm I dont know what erm, to say.



The dash for balance or amplification

It takes two to speak the truth one to speak and another to hear. (H D Thoreau) The most powerful weapon against ignorance the diffusion of printed material. (Lev Tolstoy) I am not arguing with you I am telling you. (J McN Whistler) You should study the Peerage, Gerald it is the best thing in fiction the English have ever done. (Oscar Wilde) Take it from me hes got the goods. (O Henry) More formal writers might prefer to use colons here.

The dash for parentheses, repetition or emphasis

It was on balance a successful operation. (parenthetical dashes) Kent, sir everybody knows Kent apples, cherries, hops, and women. (Dickens; dashes for emphasis) She is come at last at last and all is gas and gaiters. (Dickens; dashes for repetition) The parenthetic use of dashes in pairs marks a break in very much the same way as brackets. Brackets, however, would look rather strong in the above. Whats the water in French, sir? Leau, replied Nicholas. Ah! said Mr Lillywick shaking his head mournfully. I thought as much. Lo, eh? I dont think anything of that language nothing at all. (Dickens) Here the dash is used to introduce a lugubrious repetition. Dickens was a writer who rather liked dashes, and used them to great effect.

Dashes to indicate incompleteness

All summer, he conducted a discreet affair with Miss C . Mind your own business! Well, Ill be ! he exclaimed. This use of dashes indicates that part of a name has been omitted, or that an expletive has been deliberately deleted.

Dashes to indicate a series of ranges

In the following examples, the dash is equivalent to the word to: 19391945 pages 77141 volumes IVI AZ

Dashes instead of hyphens

Dashes are often used to combine two words into a compound adjective where neither word modifies the other:


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IndoRoman archaeology, GraecoRoman traditions spacetime dimensions the SapirWhorf linguistic hypothesis, the MasonDixon line

The dash: punctuation check-up

All of these sentences would benefit from the simple addition of one or two dashes. Occasional commas would also help. Can you supply them? Check your answers with p. 224. (a) Walk if you please dont run. (b) Yes oh dear yes the novel tells a story. (Aspects of the Novel, E M Forster) (c) We know Mr Weller we who are men of the world that a good uniform must work its way with the women sooner or later. (The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens) (d) Advice to persons about to marry Dont! (Punch, 1845) (e) The English country gentleman galloping after a fox the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. (A Woman of No Importance, Oscar Wilde) (f) Go directly see what shes doing and tell her she mustnt. (Punch, 1872) (g) The Common Law of England is laboriously built about a mythical figure the Reasonable Man. (A P Herbert) (h) It is well that war is so terrible otherwise we would grow too fond of it. (General Robert E Lee) (i) Shes the sort of woman who lives for others you can tell the others by their haunted expression. (The Screwtape Letters, C S Lewis) (j) There is nothing absolutely nothing half so worth doing as messing about in boats. (The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame)

Ellipsis [ . . . ]
Ellipses (plural) are series of full stops (usually three or four), and sometimes they are referred to as omission marks. An ellipsis is used to suggest that something is missing or omitted or withheld from a text, within or at the end of a sentence: Who the . . . does he think he is? An ellipsis sometimes also indicates that a sentence is tailing off in an incomplete way perhaps because it is becoming inaudible to the listener, or because the rest of the sentence is left to the listeners imagination (to indicate a more dramatic break, a dash is used): An eerie silence hung over the bay, and we waited and waited . . . We shall leave them there, Dear Reader, whispering sweet nothings under an autumn moon . . . An ellipsis is also often used to indicate an incomplete quotation:



How does it go? Cowards die many times before their deaths . . . Im afraid I forget the next line. Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but . . . If an ellipsis occurs at the end of a sentence, and you are representing it by three dots, it is not necessary to add a fourth dot to indicate the full stop.

Exclamation mark [!]

Like the question mark, the exclamation mark is a specialised version of the full stop. It signals strong feelings or urgency, and is used at the end of an emphatic utterance or phrase: Get out of my house! And dont come back! How lovely she looked! An exclamation mark is also usually found after an interjection: Sh! Be quiet! Cheers! Encore! Hey! Ugh! Ow!

Multiple exclamation marks are to be avoided in print. They usually indicate a rather desperate attempt to pep up a tired piece of text and are much loved by writers of comic strips and tabloid press headlines: NUDE PRINCESS SCANDAL EXCLUSIVE ! ! ! Eeeeeek!!!!!!!!!!! Kerplonk!!!!!!!!!!!

Full stop [.]

The full stop or period (in American English) is the first and the basic punctuation mark. It ends all sentences and sentence fragments that are not direct questions or exclamations: We arrived home late. Very late. We had just got into bed when we heard the milkman on his rounds. I love you. Honestly. Truly. Full stops following abbreviations and contractions were also in general use until very recently. The tendency now is to omit full stops here. So you may find either: Wm. Wordsworth C.S. Lewis Bloggs & Co. Ltd. U.K. and U.S.A. N.A.T.O. and U.N.E.S.C.O. or or or or or Wm Wordsworth C S Lewis Bloggs & Co Ltd UK and USA NATO and UNESCO

130 Dr. and Mrs. Smith A.D. and B.C. i.e. and e.g. and etc. or or or

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide Dr and Mrs Smith AD and BC ie and eg and etc

Full stops are not used for decimal currency ( and p) or for metric measurements (km, m, cm, kg, g, l, etc.).

The full stop to indicate ellipsis

A succession of full stops (sometimes called omission marks) indicates ellipsis within or at the end of a sentence, suggesting that something is missing or withheld from a text, or that a sentence is tailing off in an incomplete way. In the latter sense, it may also be used to imply a threat. (See under ellipsis, pp. 1289.)

Full stops: punctuation check-up

Make the following texts into sentences, with capital letters at the beginning and full stops at the end. Check your answers for accuracy on p. 225. (a) the crocodile lives in the mudbanks of rivers in Africa and India his huge body grows to a length of ten metres people sometimes hunt him for his leather skin he has four short legs and can walk reasonably well but water is his chosen element here he can move really fast (b) one night a great storm broke over the city the thunder rolled and roared the lightning flashed and the rain fell in torrents everyone stayed indoors and hid from the elements suddenly there was a positive eruption of noise and flashes of blinding light the bursts came again and yet again the huddled masses trembled in their shanties all the while (c) youve heard of the famous Niagara Falls several people have tried to go over these falls in barrels or small boats in nearly every case the barrels were smashed to pieces against the rocks and the men in them killed or drowned the only man who ever succeeded in going over the falls was Captain Webb a few years later he lost his life trying to swim the rapids just below the falls

Hyphen [-]
Hyphens have two main uses: they join certain words together (father-in-law, X-ray, self-control), and they divide words at the end of a line of print.

Hyphens at the end of a line of print

Nowadays, when everyone seems to use a word-processor, the subject of word breaks has a renewed importance. Traditional typesetters and compositors were trained in the proper division of words, and followed certain rules. One-syllable words were not broken. Words were never broken immediately before the last letter or after the first letter. Words were not broken in such a way as to mislead



the reader: for example, words broken by a hyphen into leg-ends, reap-pear, screwd-river, the-rapist, mans-laughter, not-able, rein-stall, un-ionised, etc. were considered highly confusing for rapid readers, because the meanings of their components (words in their own right) bear no relation to the meanings of the unbroken words. Words were always split at a syllable, or at a prefix or suffix these were considered to be the natural breaks. This rule should still be applied, as far as possible, although the natural breaks are now thought to be phonetic rather than etymological. So: photog-rapher not photo-grapher, biolo-gist not bio-logist.

Hyphens between some prefixes and root words

Hyphens are used when the prefixed element is a proper noun (pre-Renaissance, anti-Hitler), a number (pre-1066), or an abbreviation (non-EU countries). It is also necessary sometimes to use hyphens to make meanings clear: re-form (constitute again) and reform (turn over a new leaf ) re-bound (given a new binding) and rebound (bounce back) re-cover (a chair) and recover (from an illness) Hyphens also still tend to be used in British if not in American English to avoid sequences of the same vowel or other awkward results: anti-inflationary infra-red co-opt semi-independent time-exposure co-ordinate

Hyphens with certain compound nouns

Most compound nouns have now been run together into single words: bedroom horsepower handmaid wheelbarrow toothbrush doorkeeper stepfather bricklayer password laptop website online

A few compound words tend to look too long for comfort, and are still commonly spelt with a hyphen: engine-driver stomach-pump

It is best to consult a dictionary for these. The following noun compounds take hyphens: > noun/adjective compounds: president-elect brigadier-general > noun in apposition: actor-manager secretary-general half-term king-emperor

132 > nouns preceded by a letter: U-turn X-ray S-bend T-junction Z-plan (castle) v-shape

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e-mail g-string

> reduplicating nouns (where words are repeated; see pp. 878): clip-clop tick-tock topsy-turvy hush-hush > compound nouns containing prepositions: sister-in-law good-for-nothing jack-of-all-trades hang-up > double-barrel family names: Armstrong-Jones Sackville-West Bowes-Lyon Douglas-Home

> placenames containing prepositions: Newcastle-upon-Tyne Stratford-on-Avon Southend-on-Sea Weston-super-Mare Berwick-upon Tweed Grantown-on-Spey

Hyphens with certain compound adjectives

Hyphenation in compound adjectives is normally only necessary preceding a noun. Compare: an oil-based mixture a mixture that is oil based Hyphens are used for compound adjectives comprising > noun/adjective + present participle: a wheat-growing programme a short-lasting impact a tanker-loading terminal > noun + past participle: a chocolate-coated cake a rice-based diet a disease-ridden beast > adjective + noun: a used-car salesman a common-sense suggestion a high-frequency occurrence > phrases: a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

Punctuation a never-to-be-forgotten trip a couldnt-care-less attitude Adjectival compounds are also hyphenated if they begin with: > self-: a self-evident truth > well-/ill-: a well-known opera an ill-judged investment > a numeral: a nine-man junta a thirty-gallon tank a third-year student a three-year contract a self-sufficient economy a well-defined proposal an ill-contrived strategy eighteenth-century architecture a twenty-year lease a ten-year jail sentence a three-pronged attack


Finally, it is worth noting the results of omitting the hyphen from adjectival compounds such as: a little expected conclusion egg laying hens a long standing Member of Parliament a fair skinned English gentleman a magic walking stick a high handed autocrat and pondering the ambiguities of: a light housekeeper as against a lighthouse-keeper And, as noted earlier, Lynne Truss points out (memorably and appropriately in a chapter called A little used punctuation mark [sic!]) that extra-marital sex (with hyphen) is a very different kettle of fish from extra marital sex (without).

Trailing hyphens
Occasionally two compound adjectives with the same second element are used conjunctively to modify a noun, e.g.: Long-haired varieties and short-haired varieties . . . This would normally be contracted, with a trailing hyphen on the first word, to: Long- and short-haired varieties . . .

Hyphens with compound numbers

All the compound numbers between 21 and 99 take a hyphen: thus twenty-seven, thirty-one, forty-four, etc. Compound numbers such as two hundred, three thousand, etc. are not hyphenated.


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Hyphens in fractions
Words like three-quarters, seven-eighths, nine-tenths are normally hyphenated.

Hyphens for special effects

Please s-p-e-a-k u-p c-l-e-a-r-l-y. Im rather deaf. Ill b-b-b-break your b-b-b-bloody neck! In the first example, the speaker is spelling it out. In the second, he is stuttering.

Hyphens: punctuation check-up

These sentences are short of hyphens. Can you supply the missing ones? Check your answers with p. 225, where the hyphenated words are set out. (a) In the country of the blind the one eyed man is king. (one hyphen) (b) Mr Mouse fell off the table. Mrs Mouse gave him mouse to mouse resuscitation. (two hyphens) (c) A two hundred strong search party of policemen was backed up by some thirty odd tracker dogs. (three hyphens) (d) Guess what happened to my shock proof, corrosion resistant, anti magnetic, waterproof pocket calculator. It caught fire! (three hyphens) (e) The visitors were impressive in the warm up game: the scrum half and stand off managed some perfect mid run dummies and kicks of hair raising accuracy, while the full backs up and unders kept them well pinned back in the cul de sac of their own goal line. The half time whistle didnt come a moment too soon. (eleven hyphens) (f) The conference was a very made up affair of off the peg socialism and back of the envelope idealism. The make up team had a field day as did the ice cream sellers at the entrance to the building. Nobody paid any attention to the out patients department across the carpark. (nine hyphens) (g) Prominent at last nights meeting were the vice chancellor of the university, the ex president of the students union, the non executive chair of the schools liaison committee, and the director of the fund raising event for this years Charities Week. Their aim was to orchestrate a two thirds increase in student participation. (five hyphens)

Paragraphing is one of the important conventions of written English, and was devised as a visual aid for drawing the readers attention to the organisation of a piece of extended text. Commas and colons and dashes are punctuation marks inside the sentence. Full stops are punctuation marks signalling the ends of sentences. Paragraphs are punctuation marks showing how sentences are grouped together.



The sentences within a paragraph usually deal with one specific theme or topic or idea which can stand alone. A new paragraph indicates that a new theme or topic or idea has been introduced. Paragraphs may be long or short; they represent a unit of thought not a unit of length. Paragraphs should also be sequenced; they should offer a series of steps towards a conclusion. A well-paragraphed text is a well-planned text, and user-friendly. It shows its organisation beyond the sentence in clearly demarcated chunks of meaning. A new paragraph is marked in two ways: firstly, by a new line; and secondly, by indenting the first word from the left-hand margin. Instead of indenting, a recent alternative has been to leave a line space between paragraphs. (If you follow this alternative, you do not also need to indent.) In an essay, the opening and closing paragraphs are of special importance. The opening paragraph is used to introduce the subject or to state the problem, perhaps with some brief comments about how it will be treated in the body of the essay. The closing paragraph sums up the points covered, offers a conclusion, and perhaps expresses the writers own opinions on the matter.

Sequential structure of a text

It is important that your paragraphs encapsulate a unity of thought which the reader can identify. If each new paragraph draws attention to a new topic (or scene or argument), the drift of your text will be clear and coherent. Try not to jettison this coherence, for example by combining within a single paragraph short passages that lack any inherent unity of thought; such a presentation will easily mislead the reader. Writers used to be trained to build each paragraph round a key sentence. That was the sentence which contained the central idea of the paragraph. And students trying to produce a summary or prcis of an extended text were trained to hunt out the key sentences of the paragraphs they had to scan. The key-sentence strategy is still a valid one, especially when you are at the planning stages of writing an essay. Your rough list of main topics for the draft essay may well provide you with a paragraph sequence of key sentences for your finished essay. Particularly important for a good essay are the introductory paragraph and the closing paragraph. The subject of the essay is often laid out in the opening paragraph. It may offer a statement of the problem, and perhaps some brief comments on how it is to be treated in the body of the essay. The last paragraph is an opportunity for the writer to sum up the main conclusions reached in the body of the essay, to offer a conclusion, and perhaps to express the writers own views, opinions or decisions. If you are writing fiction, a new paragraph often indicates a change of speaker (see following section), the passage of time, or a scene change.

Paragraphing dialogue in fiction

In fiction, each speakers dialogue usually starts a new paragraph. Paragraphing in dialogue may therefore be viewed as representing new speakers (and, by implication,


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new perspectives and points of view), rather than the new themes or ideas or topics of the essay or non-fictional text. An example follows: Something about him made her leap into non sequiturs. Im so worried about Nick, she said. Suppose his ankle is broken, like he said? Suppose it is; another hour wont make any difference. Hes on his second drink and feeling no pain. What about you? Me? Her thoughts were still aimed at wiping those [wet marks on the tabletop]. All summer my wifes been raving to me about what a terrific figure this woman has down at the beach. If youre looking for your wife, shes in the dining room talking to somebody. Dont I know it. What can I get you, Katie? Get me? He was one of those men whose chest hair comes up very high; above the neck of his sweatshirt there was a froth the colour of pencil shavings. G-and-t, whiskey. Bloody Mary . . . Just a white-wine spritzer, she said. Very weak. I might have guessed, he said, with cheerful disgust, and did not follow her into the dining room . . . (from Getting into the Set, in Trust Me, by John Updike, 1987) There is more information on setting out dialogue under quotation marks (p. 138).

Paragraphing: punctuation check-up

Here is a passage of dialogue which has not been set out properly. Can you reorganise it so that each new speaker gets a new paragraph? Check with pp. 2256 afterwards and see if you got it right. I wonder who did it? asked Steve. I cant imagine, answered Lem brokenly. Did they get much? All I had in the world . . . A little less than thirty dollars. Some smart leather must have gotten it. Leather? queried our hero, not understanding the argot of the underworld with which the train boy was familiar. Yes, leather pickpocket. Did anyone talk to you on the train? Only Mr Wellington Mape, a rich young man. He is kin to the Mayor of New York. Who told you that? He did himself. How was he dressed? asked Steve, whose suspicions were now aroused. (from A Cool Million, by Nathanael West) Here is another passage lacking in paragraphs. Can you put them in? Check your version with p. 226. At eight o clock came the doctor. He would allow only a word or two to be uttered, and his visit was brief. Reardon was chiefly anxious to have news of the child, but for this he would have to wait. At ten Amy entered the bedroom. Reardon could not raise himself, but he stretched out his hand and took hers, and



gazed eagerly at her. She must have been weeping, he felt sure of that, and there was an expression on her face such as he had never seen there. How is Willie? Better, dear, much better. He still searched her face. Ought you to leave him? Hush, you mustnt speak. Tears broke from her eyes, and Reardon had the conviction that the child was dead. The truth, Amy! She threw herself on her knees by the bedside, and pressed her wet cheek against his hand. I am come to nurse you, dear husband, she said a moment after, standing up again and kissing his forehead. I have only you now. (from New Grub Street, by George Gissing)

Question mark [?]

This is a specialised version of the full stop. It is used to end an interrogative sentence or sentence fragment: Who is Sylvia? What is she? Have you paid your rates and taxes? He looks tired, doesnt he? The last sentence, however, may also be viewed as a statement, and appear without a question mark. When a direct question is being reported, the question mark is not required: Where are you going? (direct question) She asked me where I was going. (reported speech) Question marks sometimes punctuate a list of question elements: By Friday morning, can you give me a list of key customers? tell me their current level of debt? and indicate the dates when their payments become due? Only the punctuation marks at the end of the following sentences tell you which sentence is a statement, which a question, and which an exclamation: There is a body in the library. (Fetch a doctor at once.) There is a body in the library? (I dont believe it you must be joking.) There is a body in the library! (Help! Murder! Police!) Sometimes a question mark is used to indicate that a fact is unverified. She lectures on the poetry of William Dunbar (?1460?1520) and the Scottish Chaucerians. Sometimes multiple question marks are found in print to indicate strong feelings, but these, like multiple exclamation marks, are not to be encouraged in formal writing. What the hell do you think youre doing???


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Question marks and exclamation marks: punctuation check-up

See if you can replace the numbers in these sentences with appropriate punctuation question marks, exclamation marks or full stops. Answers are on p. 226. (a) Its a painting by Renoir, isnt it (1) (b) Just look at it its ghastly (2) (c) Wheres Johns ball (3) Give it back at once (4) (d) Whats the time (5) asked John (6) (e) Have you change for a pound coin please (7) (f) What is truth (8) asked Jesting Pilate, but did not stop for an answer (9) (g) Help me (10) Im drowning (11) (h) Who is that lady (12) Thats no lady thats my wife (13) (i) Youll never, never guess (14) Hes won the lottery (15) (j) She asked me how old I was (16)

Quotation marks [single: double: ]

Quotation marks are sometimes called quotes or inverted commas or speech marks. They come in pairs, one to open and one to close the quotation. They may be single or double, with British usage favouring single quotation marks, and American usage favouring double. They are used to mark off direct speech; to show that a word or phrase has been highlighted; and to indicate the title of a short story, an article, or a short poem.

Direct speech
Direct speech is always enclosed within quotation marks: Where are you going? he asked the child. And where is your coat? Im going to the circus, was the reply, to see the clowns. I dont need a coat Im not cold.

Quotation marks are used to highlight particular words and phrases: When we were children, we called the verb a doing word. She called herself a psychometrist, whatever that is. He loved the puppy dearly, even though he called it his daft wee dug. The word polycentric means having more than one centre, according to my dictionary. Schools used to talk about certain children as being slow learners; nowadays we define them as having special needs and we provide them with positive discrimination in the allocation of funds. In the second example, there is a suggestion that the writer disagrees with the use of the highlighted word. In the third example, the use of dialect is effectively



quarantined. In the final example, educational jargon is brought under the spotlight. Although highlighting is a useful device, it becomes invalid when it is abused, as when some writers use it instead of seeking out the right word or phrase: Shes no oil painting, it is true, but then she has a heart of gold. Here the quotation marks are saying: I know these are clichs, but I cant be bothered to find my own words.

Titles of short stories, shorter poems, chapters, articles, essays, lectures, etc. are usually enclosed in quotation marks. This is in contrast to titles of books, long poems that have been published in their own right, plays, newspapers and movies, which in print are usually set in italics: He read us the poem called Anthem for Doomed Youth. (Short poem) He studied Miltons Paradise Lost for the exam. (Book-length poem) Chapter XXI of R L Stevensons novel St Ives is called I Become the Owner of a Claret-Coloured Chaise. The title of this years Dimbleby Lecture is The Monarchy What Price?

Quotes within quotes

As stated earlier, British preference is for single quotes, while American usage favours double. For quotes within quotes, the preferences are reversed double quotes for UK and single quotes for US usage. British usage: The key witness said, I saw the whole thing, and looked at the judge for encouragement. Kindly refrain from calling me your sweetie pie, she remarked icily.

Reported speech and direct speech

If you want to use quotation marks to signal direct speech, you must use them only to enclose the speakers actual words and not a reported version of those words. It is an error to introduce inverted commas into reported speech. Thus: She timidly asked him, Do you still plan to go home tomorrow morning? (Direct speech) She timidly asked him if he still planned to go home the following morning. (Reported speech) There follow two versions of the same longer passage, the first using direct speech (Text A) and the second using reported speech (Text B). Study and compare the two versions.


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Text A Girl number twenty, said Mr Gradgrind, squarely pointing with his square forefinger, I dont know that girl. Who is that girl? Sissy Jupe, sir, explained number twenty, blushing, standing up and curtseying. Sissy is not a name, said Mr Gradgrind. Dont call yourself Sissy. Call yourself Cecilia. Its my father as calls me Sissy, sir, returned the young girl in a trembling voice, and with another curtsey. Then he has no business to do it, said Mr Gradgrind. Tell him he mustnt. Cecilia Jupe. Let me see. What is your father? He belongs to the horse-riding, if you please, sir. Mr Gradgrind frowned, and waved off the objectionable calling with his hand. We dont want to know anything about that, here. Your father breaks horses, dont he? If you please, sir, when they can get any to break, they do break horses in the ring, sir. You mustnt tell us about the ring, here. Very well, then. Describe your father as a horsebreaker. He doctors sick horses, I dare say? Oh yes, sir. Very well, then. He is a veterinary surgeon, a farrier, a horsebreaker. Give me your definition of a horse. (Sissy Jupe thrown into the greatest alarm by this demand.) (from Hard Times, by Charles Dickens) Text B Mr Gradgrind hesitated at the twentieth girl, pointed at her with his square forefinger, and asked her name. When the girl had blushed, stood up, curtseyed, and had given her name as Sissy Jupe, Mr Gradgrind stated that Sissy was not a name and ordered her to call herself Cecilia. In a trembling voice and with another curtsey, the girl replied that it was her father who called her Sissy. Mr Gradgrind was having none of that, repeating that her name was Cecilia Jupe, and then asking her what her father did. When the girl explained that her father belonged to the horse-riding, Mr Gradgrind frowned, waved off the objectionable calling with his hand, and assured her that they didnt want to know anything about that there, in the schoolroom. Once it had been established, after further questioning, that Mr Jupe was a horsebreaker and a horse doctor, Mr Gradgrind then asked the child for her definition of a horse a demand which threw her into the greatest alarm. Obvious differences in the presentation of texts A and B are the use of quotation marks and new paragraphs in text A and their absence in B. There are changes in tense between A and B with present becoming past; and the word here in A becomes there in B. And so on. There is a further note on the paragraphing of direct speech on pp. 1356.



Punctuation in relation to quotation marks

Writers often seek guidance on where to place punctuation marks such as full stops, commas and question marks in relation to quotation marks. Should they go before or after? The answer is that their position depends on their function in the sentence. If the punctuation relates primarily to the matter within quotation marks, it goes before the closing quotation mark; if it relates to the broader sentence as a whole, then it goes after. For example: John said to her, I beg your pardon? Why did you say to her, I beg your pardon? Note carefully the position of the question mark in these two examples.

Quotation marks: punctuation check-up

Write out these sentences with appropriate punctuation quotation marks, commas, full stops, question marks, capital letters, etc. Check your sentences with those printed on p. 227. (a) Is this the road to the seashore asked the motorist (b) Im not sure replied the young lady im a stranger here myself (c) I told you to buy a map said his wife but now its too late and all the shops are shut (d) My favourite reading this year has been district and circle seamus heaneys new book of poems and a very funny collection of bits and pieces called lost worlds by michael bywater (e) In the end she said we took the umbrella to the lost property office it was too good an article to leave lying in the street she added by way of explanation (f) But this said angela is murder we need to phone the police she added her voice growing ever more shrill (g) The chances of a serious accident began the professor are probably greater than theyve ever been in history whoever thought kamikaze pilots would deliberately set out to crash their planes into busy office buildings

Semicolon [;]
The semicolon has two main punctuational uses within the sentence: it is used in complex lists, and it is used as an alternative to the overuse of conjunctions. Especially in long or complex sentences, some lists may already use lots of commas, so the semicolon is brought into use as a refinement: She sent an e-mail to their branches in Toronto, Canada; Tokyo, Japan; and Wiesbaden, Germany. Candidates require a good degree, preferably in Spanish; a knowledge of current events in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay; and the ability to work long hours, travel long distances, and keep colleagues at head office briefed on relevant developments.


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Semicolons are also useful in sentences with two (or more) main clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction: Some people are excellent public speakers; others are not. She may have been brought up in America; she may have had a strong New York accent; she may have told us kids to keep to the sidewalk; yet she considered herself as British as John Bull. Sometimes but by no means invariably phrases such as however, nevertheless, hence, furthermore, moreover, also, that is to say, are preceded by a semicolon: The Chinese are an ingenious and industrious people; hence the powerful development of their economy. These exercises are recommended; however, they are not obligatory. Some writers might prefer to use full stops in place of the semicolons in the following: We liked John; we disliked his politics. Churchill was a great man; moreover, he had a fine sense of history. Hate her, you may; despise her, you cannot. Stylistically, the effect of full stops is to separate the parts of these statements more completely than semicolons do. To do this is slightly to change the meaning of the sentences. For, as Gowers well puts the matter in Plain Words, the semicolon here is saying, Here is a clause or sentence too closely related to what has gone before to be cut off by a full stop. A semicolon is a sort of halfway house.

Semicolons: punctuation check-up

Here are some sentences that lack semicolons and, in some cases, commas. Try to punctuate them suitably, and then compare your answers with those on p. 227. Study the punctuated sentences carefully in order to appreciate the function of the semicolon within them. (a) This is my umbrella that is yours. (b) She insisted on giving us the whole story it went on and on for ages. (c) I dont think thats fair you dont know the whole story. (d) They looked everywhere but couldnt find her she must have left the office. (e) The doctor did her morning rounds of the wards at nine she was accompanied by two nurses a physiotherapist and a consultant. (f) The last chickens had gone it seemed clear that the fox had again entered the hen-house during the night. (g) The judge passed sentence the defendant passed out the press corps sprinted off to relay the verdict to a waiting world.



Slash [/]
The slash is sometimes called the oblique mark, and by the Americans the virgule. It has become common in recent years, and has acquired several punctuational uses.

Slashes to show alternatives

Dear Sir/Madam You will need a passport and/or visa. Dinner jacket/lounge suit to be worn. Modifications of this use are common in advertisements: advanced/proficiency courses in Russian two-room flat in the Islington/Kings Cross/Clerkenwell area and in politically correct non-sexist language constructions: s/he Everyone must do his/her best.

Slashes to indicate periods of time

These are particularly common in fiscal and academic contexts: Costs for 2007/8 are not yet fixed. Hes claimed the new allowance in his 2006/7 tax form. She spent the academic year 2005/6 at the University of Leeds.

Slashes in itineraries
This use is now quite common in the travel trade: Lufthansa flight 321 Frankfurt/Nairobi/Johannesburg The New York/Memphis/New Orleans bus leaves at noon.

Slashes marking off lines of verse

When for reasons of space a poem is not properly laid out line for line, the line breaks are shown by a slash. Up the airy mountain,/Down the rushy glen,/We darent go a-hunting/For fear of little men.

Slashes for abbreviation

Several abbreviations commonly incorporate a slash: Im staying c/o Beattie, 49 Bentinck Drive. (c/o = care of) Charge to my a/c. (a/c = account)


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Major Macmillan is the officer i/c this unit. (i/c = in charge of) Per is generally shown by a slash: 60 ft/sec 100km/hr

The slash abused

Many people seem nowadays to prefer using the slash to the comma. This is a worrying development that many teachers (who should know better) appear to have endorsed by themselves flocking to it. The following examples are taken from a recent government educational programme: The poem should contain a clear sense of the writers imaginative/emotional/intellectual involvement with the topic. Responses should recognise ways in which aspects of the language/style contribute to the meaning/effect/impact. Discussion of ideas/themes/texts/approaches with peers/lecturers/teachers is encouraged. Whats wrong with writing Discussion of ideas, themes, texts or approaches . . .? It may be something to do with societys increasing confidence at the laptop keyboard; we found how to do bullets, and lo, there were more bullets flying about than in a bloody war; then we discovered the slash, and what fun that was such a stylish and dramatic marker that made the comma appear very old hat, especially to people who were never all that sure about punctuation anyway. Or was the slash perhaps just more visible than the comma? Whatever: it appears to be here to stay awhile. But note that it raises its own little keyboarding niggles. The biggest of these is the problem of what to do with a long list when it goes into a second line of text. If the list is punctuated with commas, there isnt a problem; but if it is split by slashes, the keyboard will be unable to impose an automatic line-break.

The creative use of the slash

The following passage from the novel Metroland, by Julian Barnes, is the sort of virtuoso performance not perhaps to be held up as a model. But it shows us how the slash may be successfully exploited for its punctuational potential; and it also shows us that its not going to go away. I suppose I must be grown-up now. Or would adult be a better word, a more . . . adult word? If you came and inventoried me, Id have ticks in all the appropriate boxes. Im surprised how well camouflaged I seem. Age: Thirty/ Married: Yes/ Children: One/ Job: One/ House: Yes/ With mortgage: Yes/ (Rock solid so far.)/ Car: Arguable/ Jury service: Once, finding accused not guilty after long discussion of reasonable doubt/ Pets: No, because they mess up/ Foreign holidays: Yes/ Prospects: Bloody better be/ Happiness: Oh, yes; and if not now, then never.

Five Figures of speech and literary devices

He understood . . . Walt Whitman who laid end to end words never seen in each others company before outside of a dictionary, and Herman Melville who split the atom of the traditional novel in the effort to make whaling a universal metaphor. David Lodge, Changing Places, 1975 Oft on the dappled turf at ease I sit, and play with similes, Loose types of things through all degrees . . . Wordsworth, To the Daisy, 1802 One simile, that solitary shines In a dry desert of a thousand lines. Pope, Satires and Epistles of Horace Imitated, 1738 All slang is metaphor; and all metaphor is poetry. G K Chesterton, The Defendant, 1901

allegory alliteration anacoluthon analogy anticlimax antithesis apostrophe assonance bathos catch phrase clerihew clich colloquialism dead metaphor doubles epigram euphemism haiku hyperbole idiom innuendo irony limerick litotes malapropism meiosis metaphor metonymy metre onomatopoeia oxymoron palindrome paradox personification proverb pun rhetorical question simile spoonerism syllepsis synecdoche zeugma


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Figures of speech and literary devices

Few people nowadays seem able to identify figurative language, although of course we all use it as much as ever. In classical times, various types of figurative language were identified by grammarians, and many of the terms they coined remain extant to this day. There is not complete agreement on the definition of the various figures of speech, but the foregoing list gives the main devices; these are amplified below with examples and comments. Metaphor, or figurative language, is everywhere. Indeed, according to I A Richards it is the omnipresent principle of language (Practical Criticism, 1929). But we use it to best effect when we are aware we are using it. This chapter is therefore about awareness raising (in the interest of improving your writing style). When writing the first edition of this book in 1992, I was in some doubt about whether to discuss tautology in this chapter (as a figure of speech) or in the next (as a common error): for it is both. In the end, I forgot to include the subject in either place. In rhetoric and poetry, tautology is frequently a feature of powerful writing: Alone, alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide wide sea . . . (Coleridge, 1798) I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. (Churchill, 1940) Birds do it, bees do it, Even educated fleas do it, Lets do it, lets fall in love. (Cole Porter, 1954) It is not wrong to make skilful and deliberate use of repetition: as used above, tautology has excellent rhetorical and poetic justification and precedent. However, nowadays we tend to use the term in its other, pejorative sense of redundancy, verbosity, verbal flatulence; and of course this kind of tautology is better avoided. Many everyday catchphrases are tautological: all well and good, at this precise point in time (= now), in close proximity, in this day and age, limited only to, new innovation . . . (Is there ever an ancient innovation?) How often does an armed gunman feature on our TV news? How often are we asked to repeat that again, instead of simply to repeat that or say that again? How often do we hear about free gifts and true facts, not to mention actual facts and added bonuses, or fully comprehensive life insurance, no doubt against our final demise? All of these verbose phrases are tautologies. And if good style is the right word in the right place, they are examples of bad style. If you find them in your draft essays, letters or other writing, it might be a good idea to take a red pen to them. Because unintentional tautology is no more than verbiage. Verbs, verb phrases and phrasal verbs are also tautologically productive. Look at:

Figures of speech and literary devices abolish completely build up circle around continue on enter into join/mix together plan ahead raze to the ground reduce down repeat again rise above


Much redundancy and waffle is built into such expressions. They are best handled with care in formal writing. Another potential minefield is mixed metaphor. But again, if we are aware of the literal meaning of language that we use metaphorically, we are better prepared to avoid the more ludicrous pitfalls of inappropriate, discordant or mixed metaphors. To be avoided are following kinds of sentence: The two football teams have a common goal. The deep rift that had never healed between these two men came home to roost last week. The problem of global warming has been in the pipeline for some time. The party leadership quickly went over the top and took up a variety of deeply entrenched positions. The nuts and bolts of the package will have to be digested before we reach a verdict on it. These are all example of bad journalese, of a sort we read daily. They occur when people use figurative language insensitively. That is why this chapter is justified in a grammar book. If you study the various devices that are listed here, you will be more alert to their possibilities and pitfalls. Consider the use of euphemism, for example (p. 155), but also ask yourself when it shades into mere jargon: what are they trying to hide? And is syllepsis (p. 168) a price worth paying for political correctness? These are rhetorical questions (p. 166).

An allegory is a form of story which operates on more than one level it has a surface significance, and a deeper significance below the surface. The characters in an allegory usually personify or represent a vice or virtue (see personification, pp. 1645), with common nouns capitalised to give characters names Sloth, Lust. Allegory was popular in the Middle Ages, and the best-known English allegories are The Faerie Queene, by Edmund Spenser (1552?99), and Pilgrims Progress, by John Bunyan (162888). More modern allegorists include authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne (180464), C S Lewis (18981963), and George Orwell (190350).


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Alliteration is the repetition of initial sounds or letters in a sequence of words; or, in verse, of stressed syllables: Round and round the rugged rocks, the ragged rascal ran. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. sing a song of sixpence the wild and woolly west I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore . . . (Yeats) In poetry, alliteration is often used as a phonetic device to unify the passage in which it occurs, so in that context it may be regarded as a form of rhyme. Much medieval English poetry was written according to a variety of alliterative schemes: In a somer season when soft was the sonne . . . (Piers Plowman) A fair field full of folk found I between Of all manere men, the rich and meane Working and wandering as the world asketh . . . (Piers Plowman) A more modern poet much given to alliteration was Swinburne: When the hounds of spring are on winters traces, The mother of months in meadow or plain Fills the shadows and windy places With lisp of leaves and ripple of rain. (Atalanta in Calydon) Now all strange hours and all strange loves are over, Dreams and desires and sombre songs and sweet. (Ave atque Vale) Alliteration is much loved by modern advertisers: Graded grains make finer flour. Tetley tea totally tantalises tastebuds. P-p-p-pick up a Penguin.

This is a figure of speech, often inadvertent, in a sentence where a fresh construction is adopted before the original is complete. It is often employed to convey interruption and indecision. The Greek word means lacking sequence: You really ought well, do it your own way. Id like to introduce I dont think you are listening to me.

An analogy is a kind of simile (see pp. 1668) in which there is an inference of resemblance between two items which are equated or compared:

Figures of speech and literary devices Time is like the tide it waits for no man. The child is the analogy of a people at the dawn of history.


An anticlimax is a figure of speech consisting of a sudden descent from the lofty or sublime to the trivial or ridiculous. Deliberate anticlimax has a comic or satiric effect in good writing. (See also bathos, p. 150.) A better cavalier neer mounted horse, Or, being mounted, eer got down again. (Byron) Not louder shrieks to pitying heaven are cast, When husbands or when lapdogs breathe their last. (Pope) A man, a master, a marvel . . . a mouse.

A figure of speech in which there is a striking opposition or contrast of ideas. Although the words are opposed, they are balanced. An antithesis may be quite succinct Action, not words or it may be longer: My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. (Shakespeare) Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven. (Milton) To err is human, to forgive, divine. (Pope) Marry in haste; repent at leisure. Hair today, bald tomorrow! One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. (Neil Armstrong)

In addition to being a punctuation mark (see pp. 110113), the apostrophe is a figure of speech. It is a kind of rhetorical address or speech to an absent listener: O Liberty, what things are done in thy name! (Carlyle) O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? (Shakespeare) In the sense that no answer is expected, the apostrophe is often a form of rhetorical question (see p. 166).

Assonance is a repetition of two or more identical vowel sounds, as in feet/ steer/steam; spin/skip/grid; or red/hen/held. It is always involved in rhyme, as in see/flee; or red/dead. Poetic examples of assonance are found in: Rend with tremendous sound your ears asunder With gun, drum, trumpet, blunderbuss, and thunder . . . (Pope)

150 We shall see, while above us The waves roar and whirl, A ceiling of amber, A pavement of pearl. (Arnold) Fair daffodils we weep to see You haste away so soon. (Wordsworth)

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And a grey mist on the seas face and a grey dawn breaking. (Masefield) Between my finger and my thumb The squat pen rests; snug as a gun. (Heaney)

The term for a passage that is meant to be solemn and impressive, but which fails to live up to its intention because of some textual incongruity. The result is often a ludicrous anticlimax (see p. 149). The piteous news, so much it shocked her She quite forgot to send the doctor. (Wordsworth) Along the wire the electric message came: He is no better, he is much the same. (Alfred Austin, Poet Laureate 18961913, on the illness of the Prince of Wales)

Catch phrase
A term for a slogan or quotation (often a misquotation), usually from an actor or politician or an advertisement, and popularised by much use. Popular catch phrases of their day were: Youve never had it so good. (Harold Macmillan) A week is a long time in politics. (Harold Wilson) There is no alternative. (Margaret Thatcher) Guinness is good for you. (advertisement) Come up and see me some time. (Mae West)

A clerihew is a humorous, four-line, light verse form that rhymes AABB. It was popularised in the late 1920s by Edmund Clerihew Bentley (18751956) and is named after him. The distinctive feature of the clerihew is that it usually deals with a person named in the first line, and then goes on to describe that person in a fanciful way. Sir Christopher Wren Said, I am going to dine with some men. A A

Figures of speech and literary devices If anyone calls Say I am designing St Pauls. Sir Humphrey Davy Abominated gravy. He lived in the odium Of having discovered sodium. John Stuart Mill By a mighty effort of will Overcame his natural bonhomie And wrote Principles of Political Economy. B B


A clich is a stereotyped, or hackneyed, or trite phrase or expression. Clichs often serve as courtesy fillers or formulas in polite, unrehearsed conversation. In a harsh judgment, George Orwell attributed clichs to speakers making appropriate noises in the larynx, but whose brains were not involved in choosing their words for themselves. Clichs may be words (nice used to be held up as a clich adjective), or phrases (at this point in time, part and parcel, intents and purposes, conspicuous by its absence, tender mercies, from time immemorial), or figures of speech (come hell or high water, at deaths door, swing of the pendulum, thin end of the wedge, white elephant, as old as the hills), or formulas (have a nice day, how do you do?). They are often confusing to non-native English speakers. One of the most fertile fields for the creation of British clichs is politics: the war against inflation, stand on our own feet, light at the end of the tunnel, the green shoots of economic recovery, the war on terror, roll out an initiative (preferably one that is fit for purpose), may be among the current crop, but each parliament spawns its own. Many of them are quotations, repeated like a mantra by followers, bureaucrats, etc. It is pointless to draw up a list of clichs with some sort of health warning: clich keep off. Context determines whether the word or phrase is used merely as a clich or because it is the best way of expressing a meaning. See also dead metaphor (pp. 1523). Part of the appeal of Oscar Wilde was his knack of reversing clichs: Nothing succeeds like excess. Work is the curse of the drinking classes. Her hair has gone quite gold with grief. Beside this kind of innovative sparkle the hackneyed geek-speak phraseology of our bureaucrats and politicians is pallid brain-rotting stuff. Try reading a typical NHS or local-authority social work report, where were forever revisiting issues usually 24/7 and singing from the same hymn-sheet. These maddening


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mantras are todays code words: they tell your peers that you are in the loop, to quote another grating clich. And who can forget that when John Birt left the BBC he was recruited by Tony Blair to do some blue-sky thinking? This would almost certainly have involved thinking outside the box, not to mention pushing the envelope. Aaargh. The message is simple: stick to plain speaking or straight talking any day. And avoid clich in written English. Todays clichs are usually tomorrows gobbledygook.

A colloquialism is a figurative expression used in informal everyday speech, including slang. Colloquialisms are often inappropriate in essays or in a piece of serious writing. Examples include: at a loose end nothing to do at the double very quickly chew the fat with someone chat with someone come a cropper fail dead beat exhausted down in the mouth dejected, in poor spirits face the music confront the worst get cracking hurry up have a heart be reasonable hold your horses wait a minute keep ones powder dry be ready to cope with surprises lead up the garden path fool someone play the game act fairly put the cart before the horse start at the wrong end smell a rat suspect something take forty winks take a short sleep take the bull by the horns confront an adversary under a cloud in trouble or disfavour a wet blanket a discouraging person

Idioms trawl the language of colloquialism for some of their most memorable lines (see pp. 1567). But they need to be used with care in writing, especially academic writing.

Dead metaphor
There are two types of dead metaphor. Firstly, there are the figurative expressions that are no longer recognised as such. They have entered the language as literal terms. Examples are everyday items like the arm of a chair, the leg of a table, to foot the bill, break of day, nightfall, blueprint, etc. In a more specialist context in this case the world of economics terms like targets, ceilings, backlogs, and bottlenecks tend no longer to be used with any awareness of their metaphoric origin; so they too are dead metaphors. The other kind of dead metaphor is perhaps better termed an overworked metaphor. Like a clich (see pp. 1512), it is an overused expression which has lost

Figures of speech and literary devices


all freshness, and is used mainly for convenience. It is often a form of jargon. Examples from equestrianism are terms like he has taken the bit between his teeth, shes flogging a dead horse, and the very widespread the situation is in hand. Other metaphors one might like to see dead include the lower income bracket, exploring every avenue, and leaving no stone unturned. With any luck, some of the following recent idioms and clichs have probably now entered this category. They sound like a bad hangover, or at least as if they have gone off the boil: carbon-copy killings When did anyone last see a carbon copy of anything? Even serial killers use word processors nowadays. the feel-good factor Like many others, no doubt, I continue to feel bad about the feel-good factor. player Often found in the same context as in the frame. For a period, these expressions indicated that someone was in the running for something. Is John Reid still a player for the top job? Oh no, I think hes right out of the frame now. up to speed Once ubiquitous, this simply meant the speaker was conversant with something. An office update meeting might have concluded with: Well, thats us up to speed for another fortnight. weather conditions When the weather turned bad, it ceased to be weather and became a condition. white-collar workers From the good old days of heavy industry when the little woman stayed at home to wash and iron the shirts (and no doubt bleach them).

Doubles are pairs of words that habitually go together. They are sometimes called dyads, from Greek dyo, two. They are formed in various ways: > Repetition of the word: again and again by and by neck and neck over and over > Repetition of the meaning: goods and chattels hale and hearty stuff and nonsense fast and furious > Alliteration: kith and kin humming and hawing out and out so and so such and such

rant and rave hue and cry bawl and shout aided and abetted alas and alack rough and ready

154 might and main part and parcel > Opposites: this and that on and off great and small give and take > Rhyme or assonance: high and dry fair and square

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Originally, an epigram was a short inscription (often on a tomb). Nowadays, it is a pithy saying, effective by its wit, ingenuity, brevity and balance. In true epigrammatic form, Coleridge defined it thus: What is an epigram? a dwarfish whole, Its body brevity, and wit its soul. The French writer Franois de La Rochefoucauld (161380), in his Maximes, was a source of many epigrams based on Roman and Greek writers: The glory of great men must always be measured by the means they have used to obtain it. Hypocrisy is the homage that vice pays to virtue. We are almost always bored by the very people whom we must not find boring. Everyone complains of his memory; no one of his judgment. More modern attempts at epigrams include: A self-made man is forever praising his creator. We learn from history that we do not learn from history. A life of idleness is hard work. When a man kills a tiger, he calls it sport; when a tiger kills a man, he calls it vicious. A lawyer is a wise man who rescues your estate from your enemies and keeps much of it for himself. Poor folk want food for their stomachs; rich folk want stomachs for their food. Oscar Wilde (18541900) was a master of the epigram: A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. Men can be analysed, women merely adored. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

Figures of speech and literary devices


In euphemism, an accurate but explicit word is substituted with a gentler and less distasteful term. Its use is justified when the cold truth is inappropriate, e.g. to avoid giving offence or causing distress. It is not the same thing as meiosis or litotes (see p. 159). For example, many people avoid direct reference to death, preferring terms like the departed, pass on, pass away, terminally ill. Rather than say When I die . . ., they prefer, If anything should happen to me . . . Other contexts prone to euphemism include illness, mental handicap, old age, obesity, poverty, dishonesty, and sex. Hence: Shes a little confused. (= Shes mentally disturbed.) Hes a senior citizen/getting on in years. (=Hes old.) She has a full figure. (= Shes fat.) Terminological inexactitude. (= a lie) Hes been economical with the truth. (= He lied.) Theyre sleeping together. (= Theyre having sexual intercourse.) His clothes have seen better days. (= Theyre shabby.) A Third World country (= a poor country) Euphemism sometimes goes to ludicrous or even to wicked lengths, as in: A terminal episode (= death, in American jargon) Schedule overrun (= late/overdue, in business jargon) Ethnic cleansing (= mass displacements of populations) The final solution (= Nazi term for the extermination of the Jews) A special variety of euphemism is nukespeak, where acronyms are cunningly deployed to gloss over the obscenities to which they refer an ICBM or a MIRV looks so much friendlier than an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile or a Multiple Independently-Targetable Re-entry Vehicle; and carefully devised positive-sounding terms like clean strike, surgical strike, and collateral damage are dreamt up by the official thought police of Western capitalism to make the unthinkable thinkable. Here euphemism melts into George Orwells mind control. Another set of euphemisms derive from the current notion of political correctness. Nowadays we are told not to call someone small (even if he is): he is vertically challenged. Similarly, sex-change operations have become gender realignment. Another sensitive area in contemporary life is getting the sack from work, or losing ones job; so this topic has produced a predictably huge flowering of euphemisms: decruitment, degrowing, dehiring, destaffing, downsizing, executive culling, negotiated departure, outplacement, redeployment, personnel surplus reduction, reducing headcount, release, rightsizing, schedule adjustment, skill-mix adjustment, vocational relocation, voluntary severance, and workforce imbalance


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correction are among the thirty-odd modern jargon terms used to describe the problem of coping with redundancy.

The haiku is a short Japanese poetic form, in three unrhymed lines, with an exact number of syllables per line. The syllable pattern is usually 575. The traditional subject matter is usually something out of nature. Haiku are often thoughtful and rather haunting word-pictures: Cat stretching slowly Pads outside to the garden. Shiver, small creatures! O fan of white silk, Clear as frost on the grass-blade, You also are laid aside. (Ezra Pound)

Hyperbole is overstatement. As a figure of speech, it consists of an extravagant statement or exaggeration. It is used to emphasise the importance or extent of something. It is in use when Lady Macbeth says: Heres the smell of blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Or when the deposed Richard II says: Not all the water in the rough rude sea can wash the balm from an anointed king. More prosaically, we employ hyperbole if we say we are dying of hunger if we merely wish to go for lunch; or if we say there were millions of people on the train this morning merely to indicate that it was very busy. Other colloquial examples: He ran like lightning. He ran me off my feet. She was boiling hot. He embraced her a thousand times. He snapped my head off. From hyperbole comes the sales/marketing term hype, a form of extravagant promotion designed to publicise a product or event. (The word is formed by clipping; see pp. 856.)

An idiom is an expression whose meaning cannot easily be worked out from the words it contains. For example, the expression to let the cat out of the bag has nothing to do with cats or bags in the usual sense of those words. It is an idiom, meaning to reveal a secret. Idioms have the potential to cause foreign learners of a language some difficulty. If you say to a native speaker visiting a place for the first time, How did you find Stratford? you will get the response, Great I loved it, or, I didnt like the place at all. But if you ask a non-native speaker the same question, the response may be blank puzzlement. How did I find Stratford? The train took me there. Here, find is used idiomatically.

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Where there is no resemblance between the meaning of the individual words and the meaning of the idiom, it is called opaque. If part of the phrase retains a literal meaning, the idiom is semi-opaque. Where the meaning of the whole can be guessed from the meaning of the parts, the idiom is transparent. > Opaque idioms: sacred cow straw that breaks the camels back to jump the gun to give the show away to pull the wool over someones eyes to score a hat trick to pass the buck to lead someone up the garden path a shot in the arm > Semi-opaque idioms: to come down on someone like a ton of bricks to lay down the law to force someones hand keen as mustard to leave someone to his own devices > Transparent idioms: to keep a straight face to stand shoulder to shoulder to be a devil/angel Many idioms are used only in colloquial English. Some are more or less acceptable in formal English: for example, to be the life and soul of the party. But they should always be used with great care in formal writing. The form of many idioms is fixed, while others permit slight rearrangement of their component parts. It is possible to cut a sorry/fine/handsome figure. But you can only bite the dust (= die); idiomatically you cannot chew/suck/lick the earth/soil/ground.

Innuendo is a type of irony (see below), where something is hinted at, but not stated openly. It works by implication rather than by direct statement. It often involves a veiled allusion or insinuation, sometimes malicious or equivocal, reflecting on a persons character: Frank Harris is invited to all the great houses of England once. (attr. Oscar Wilde) He was quite a good singer he managed to sing in tune at least some of the time.


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Irony is a figure of speech where the speaker says one thing but implies the opposite. Compare the following: That will fetch a good price. A good price that will fetch! The words may be the same, but the second sentence means the opposite of the first. It is an ironical way of saying, That will not fetch a good price. Similarly, with suitable emphasis, for these expressions: Thats a great help (I dont think)! Much good that will do! Youre a fine cook/A fine cook you are! Dramatic irony occurs when the audience/reader understands the implications of a situation or a dialogue on stage, but the characters (or some of them) do not. Tragic irony is a refinement of this. There is dramatic irony in Sheridans classic comedy School for Scandal (1777) when Sir Peter Teazle speaks movingly about his flirtatious young wife, unaware that she is hiding behind the screen. This situation enables the audience to anticipate an outcome contrary to that expected by Sir Peter. Had Queen Marie Antoinette of France said in 1789, The King and I have not the slightest intention of losing our heads over these silly popular revolutions! she would have uttered an ironic statement, albeit unintentionally.

The limerick is a humorous, five-line, light verse form rhyming AABBA. There are usually three stressed beats in the A lines and two stressed beats in the B lines. The form became popular after the 1846 publication of The Book of Nonsense, by Edward Lear (181288). Examples of the form include: There was an old man of Darjeeling Who got on a train bound for Ealing. It said on the door, Please dont spit on the floor. So he got up and spat on the ceiling. There was a young lady from Twickenham Whose boots were too tight to walk quick in em. So after a while She sat down on a stile. And took off her boots and was sick in em. There was a young bard of Japan Whose limericks never would scan. A A B B A

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When they said it was so, He replied, Yes, I know. But I make a rule of always trying to get just as many words into the last line as I possibly can.

Litotes is a special kind of understatement, in which a positive statement is achieved by denying something negative i.e. something is expressed by denying its opposite: Hes not a bad swimmer. ( = Hes quite a good swimmer.) This is no easy task. (= Its a difficult task.) Her life was no bed of roses. (= She had a hard life.) no mean city (= a great city, in St Pauls remark about Rome) Other common expressions involving litotes: by no means negligible in no small measure

This term denotes the incorrect use of a word, often a scholarly word. It derives from Mrs Malaprop, an amusing character in The Rivals (1775), the classic comedy by R B Sheridan (17511816). Mrs Malaprops name is from the French mal propos ( = not apt or apposite, inappropriate), and she is much given to the sorts of utterances for which the term was coined the misapplication of long words. She confuses words such as alligator and allegory, allusion and illusion, hydrostatics and hysterics. Some of her memorable throwaway lines include: Shes as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile. An aspersion upon my parts of speech . . . Sure, if I reprehend anything in this world, it is the use of my oracular tongue, and a nice derangement of epitaphs.

Meiosis is deliberate understatement, for the sake of effect. The aim of meiosis is to emphasise the size, importance, etc. of what is apparently belittled. It is a colloquial and quintessentially English figure of speech, indicated by the use of words like rather. Litotes (see above) is a form of meiosis: Shes rather nice. (= I like her very much.) He made a decent contribution. (a generous one) This is some game. (Its a wonderful or amazing game.)


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Metaphorical language is not the same as the classical view of language, according to which words are thought of as labelling things in the real world. Metaphors express a way of conceptualising, a way of seeing and understanding ones surroundings. We often forget how pervasive metaphorical language is. But as C S Lewis said, Human beings are incurably metaphorical; and I A Richards has called metaphor the omnipresent principle of language. Metaphor is a way of wording the world. It reminds us that language constructs as well as reflects, and that it is not always a transparent vehicle. It is a figure of speech in which A is identified with B. It is based on substitution and comparison. The process of comparison yields a simile (see pp. 1668), while the process of substitution yields a metaphor. So: The law is an ass. (Dickens) The waves were soldiers moving. (Wallace Stevens) These utterances are not to be understood literally they are to be taken as pictures of the authors (or speakers) meaning. Metaphors come in all shapes and sizes. They can be examined from the point of view of their grammatical construction. We may identify: > appositional metaphors: My wife, a rose among thorns. > vocative, or apostrophic metaphors: My flower, my darling! > verbal metaphors: The minutes crept by slowly. She was rooted to the spot in terror. Their blows rained down on the innocent victim. > prepositional metaphors: The apple of my eye The knife of pain and betrayal > adjectival metaphors: With leaden feet A flaming temper A stony silence > adverbial metaphors: He was caught red-handed. A grief ago. (Dylan Thomas) Metaphors can also be analysed for the kind of work they do. So we can identify:

Figures of speech and literary devices > animistic metaphors, in which inanimate nouns receive animate qualities: A good book is the best of friends. > concretive metaphors, in which abstractions are given substance: Music is the brandy of the damned! (G B Shaw) Libertys a glorious feast! (Burns)


> humanising metaphors, in which non-human nouns are given human attributes: A babbling brook An angry sky April is the cruellest month . . . (T S Eliot) (See also personification, pp. 1645) > dehumanising metaphors, in which people are given non-human characteristics: Christ the tiger (Blake) > deifying metaphors, in which divine qualities are attributed to people or things: The almighty dollar The eternal triangle > more broadly paradoxical metaphors, in which qualities associated with one thing are attributed to another: To a green thought in a green shade. (Andrew Marvell) Thoughts of a dry brain in a dry season. (T S Eliot) (See also paradox, p. 164.)

Metonymy is a figure of speech which refers to someone or something via an associated item. For example, the Crown and Downing Street are terms often used in the UK when speaking about the monarchy and the Prime Minister. Other metonymic expressions are: King of the ring (= boxing) He has taken to the bottle. (= alcoholic liquor) She was called to the Bar. (= the profession of a barrister) Compare synecdoche, p. 169.

Metre means measure, and may be defined as any form of measured, or regulated, rhythm. All language has stressed and unstressed syllables, and in English poetry metre is the technical term for the rhythmic arrangement of those syllables. Just as English grammar was based on Latin grammar, so too English poetic metre was based on Latin. The basic measure of Latin verse was the foot, and four popular types of poetic foot in regular English verse are:

162 > iambic (unstressed + stressed, shown as x/): God gives all men all earth to love, But, since mans heart is small, Ordains for each one spot shall prove Belovd over all. (Kipling) > trochaic (stressed + unstressed, shown as /x): Beauty, midnight, vision dies: Let the winds of dawn that blow Softly round your dreaming head Such a day of sweetness show . . . (Auden)

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x/x/x/x/ ( = 4 iambic feet) x/x/x/ x/x/x/x/ x/x/x/ /x/x/x/ (= 3.5 trochaic feet) /x/x/x/ /x/x/x/ /x/x/x/

> anapaestic (2 unstressed + 1 stressed, shown as xx/): At the corner of Wood Street, when daylight xx/xx/xx/xx/ appears, (= 4 anapaestic feet) Hangs a thrush that sings loud, it has sung xx/xx/xx/xx/ for three years . . . (Wordsworth) > dactylic (1 stressed + 2 unstressed, shown as /xx): Fast they come, fast they come; /xx/xx (= 2 dactylic feet) See how they gather! /xx/x Wide waves the eagle plume, /xx/xx Blended with heather . . . (Scott) /xx/x Particular names were given to lines with a certain number of feet. So a line with five feet is a pentameter, a hexameter has six feet, a heptameter has seven, etc. An iambic pentameter has five iambic feet.

Onomatopoeia is a kind of sound symbolism. Words are onomatopoeic if the sound of the word suggests its sense. They are sometimes called mimic words, and obvious examples are: babble, bubble, burble, buzz crack, click, clack, clatter, crunch, clang, croak fizzle, flutter, flicker, flash gurgle, grate, grunt, gleam, glow, glisten hiss, hush, hum, hurly-burly lullaby plop, plonk, patter rustle, rattle shush, slush, slap, slime, slink, slither twang, tinkle, twinkle, twitter From the above list, it can be deduced that in English certain sounds particularly lend themselves to onomatopoeia. Many words beginning with sl- seem to have

Figures of speech and literary devices


unpleasant connotations, while various words beginning with gl- are associated with light. A form of writing that has created its own range of onomatopoeic terms is the comic strip with its special effects: wham, zap, kerplonk, splat! Sometimes onomatopoeic words imitate a person or an animals sound: yum yum, yuk, bow-wow, cock-a-doodle-doo, cuckoo, peewit, curlew. There was much poetic use of onomatopoeia, often with alliteration thrown in for good measure: Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed . . . (Browning) There was never a sound beside the wood but one, And that was my long scythe whispering to the ground. (Robert Frost) Then I heard the boom of the blood-lust song And a thigh-bone beating on a tin-pan gong. (Vachel Lindsay) Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells. (Edgar Allan Poe)

The oxymoron is a kind of paradox (see p. 164) a combination of contradictory or incongruous words, like deafening silence, bitter-sweet, sublimely bad, cruel kindness, or devoted enemies. It is a figure of speech mainly employed to make a special impact, either in poetry or for humorous effect: His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true. (Tennyson) Evil, be thou my good. (Milton) Theres no success like failure. (Bob Dylan) Include me out. (Sam Goldwyn) A verbal contract isnt worth the paper its written on. (Sam Goldwyn) Ill give you a definite maybe. (Sam Goldwyn) Silence is wonderful to listen to. (Sam Goldwyn) Hed make a lovely corpse. (Dickens) Poverty and oysters always seem to go together. (Dickens) Oxymorons may be used cynically, as when military intelligence or the United Kingdom are called contradictions in terms.

The arrangement of numbers, words, or lines of text to give the same message backwards as forwards is called a palindrome. The word is from Greek palin


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dromo, to run back again. They have also been called Sotadics, after their reputed inventor, Sotades, a Greek poet of the 3rd century BC. Examples of palindromic words are madam, radar, bib, level, and noon and numerals like 1991 or 2002. Longer examples are: Madam, Im Adam. (Adams greeting to Eve) Was it a cat I saw? Lewd did I live, and evil I did dwel. (Philips, 1706) Able was I ere I saw Elba. (attr. Napoleon) A man, a plan, a canal Panama! One of the longest palindromes in English is: Dog as a devil deified/Deified lived as a god. A word palindrome is one in which only the complete words are reversed: What? So he is dead, is he? So what? The village of Glenelg in Scotland is a placename palindrome.

A paradox is a statement that appears contradictory or contrary to common sense, and yet is true in some other sense: Nowadays we know the price of everything and the value of nothing. (Wilde) The child is father of the man. (Wordsworth) He who would save his life must lose it. (Bible)

Personification is a special kind of metaphor. It is a figure of speech in which some abstraction or inanimate thing is represented as a person, or is given human qualities. Allegory (see p. 147) makes special use of personification. Giant Despair, in Bunyans Pilgrims Progress, is an example of a personification: the abstract concept of despair represented as a person. Other examples: Truth sits upon the lips of dying men. (Arnold) Riches are a good handmaid, but the worst mistress. (Bacon) Prudence is a rich ugly old maid, courted by incapacity. (Blake) Time, the great healer . . . Can Honours voice provoke the silent dust/Or Flattry soothe the dull cold ear of Death? (Gray) Slowly, silently, now the moon/ Walks the night in her silver shoon. (De la Mare) Ol man river, he just keeps rolling along . . . (Hammerstein)

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Other humanising metaphors (see pp. 16061), by giving an adjective normally associated with a person to a non-human noun, are also a sort of personification: a babbling brook Come, friendly bombs, and fall on Slough . . . (Betjeman)

A proverb is a popular saying memorably expressed: Once bitten, twice shy. Easy come, easy go. Proverbs tend to encapsulate traditional or accepted wisdom, and to be anonymous or unattributable. Common stylistic devices used in proverbs include: > Rhyme or assonance: Early to bed, early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Birds of a feather flock together. A stitch in time saves nine. Red sky at night shepherds delight. Red sky in the morning shepherds warning. > Alliteration: Love laughs at locksmiths. A cat may look at a king. A miss is as good as a mile. Every dog has his day. Some proverbs betray their age by retaining linguistic archaisms: Pride goeth before a fall. He goes a-sorrowing who goes a-borrowing. Shoemakers wives are worst shod. Proverbs is the name of a book of the Old Testament, containing, as the name indicates, quantities of proverbial utterances. Many of them were originally attributed to King Solomon. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. He that has knowledge spares his words. A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. A fool utters all his mind. Where there is no vision, the people perish.


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A pun is a figure of speech that uses words in such a way as to convey and make a play on their double meaning. Puns were popular in the nineteenth century and in earlier periods, but are nowadays regarded by many as rather childish: Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. (= dead, Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet) When is a door not a door? When its ajar. ( = a jar) Drilling holes is boring. King Kong was the original urban guerrilla. ( = gorilla) His sins were scarlet but his books were read. ( = red, Belloc, On His Books) The Egyptians received a check on the bank of the Red Sea which was crossed by Moses. (cheque) Marriage isnt a word its a sentence! (King Vidor) Examples appearing on notices in, respectively, a chemists shop window, a photographers shop window, a gents toilet, and the back window of a bridal limousine: WE DISPENSE WITH ACCURACY OUR BUSINESS IS DEVELOPING WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU AIM TOO. PLEASE AISLE ALTAR HYMN Then there was the unfortunately ambiguous newspaper headline: TRAIN ON FIRE PASSENGERS ALIGHT and the old favourite school report-card comment: Your son is trying. (making an effort/exasperating)

Rhetorical question
A rhetorical question is asked for effect, and requires no answer. Often it is the equivalent of an emphatic statement: Was I hungry? (i.e. I was extremely hungry.) Do you take me for an imbecile? (i.e. Im an intelligent person.) Sometimes it is intended as a passing observation: What are things coming to?

A simile is a figure of speech in which one thing or person is explicitly compared with another, and is said to be like another. It is used for explanatory, illustrative,

Figures of speech and literary devices


or ornamental purpose. The word is from Latin similis, like, and the words like or as are usually found in similes: I wandered lonely as a cloud . . . (Wordsworth) My love is like a red, red rose . . . (Burns) Money is like muck, not good except it be spread. (Bacon) Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. (Muhammad Ali) Squat like a toad he sat . . . (Milton) Poetic simile is often extended over several lines: Thick as autumnal leaves that strow the brooks In Vallombrosa, where th Etrurian shades High over-arched embowr . . . (Milton, Paradise Lost) And we are here as on a darkling plain Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night. (Arnold, Dover Beach) Some similes or comparisons are very well established and widely used. Others have almost become clichs and are to be used with care: as agile as a cat as bald as a coot as black as soot/a boot as bold as brass as cheap as dirt as cool as a cucumber as dead as a doornail as deep as the sea as dull as ditch water as fast as light as fit as a fiddle as frisky as a colt/lamb as good as gold as happy as a lark as heavy as lead as hideous as the witch of Endor as hungry/ravenous as a wolf as keen as mustard as mean as a miser as obstinate as a mule as plain as a pikestaff as pleased as Punch as pretty as a picture as quiet as a mouse as sharp as a razor as ambitious as the devil as big as a whale as blind as a bat as brown as a berry as cheerful as the day is long as crafty/cunning as a fox as deaf as a post as dry as dust as false as Judas as fidgety as an old maid as flat as a pancake as game as a fighting cock as grim as death as hard as nails as helpless as a baby as hollow as a drum as innocent as a lamb/baby as mad as a March hare as naked as the day (one) was born as pale as death/Banquos ghost as playful as a kitten as poor as a church mouse as proud as a peacock as restless/ruthless as the sea as sick as a dog

168 as simple/easy as ABC as sly as a fox as stealthy as a cat as stubborn as a mule as swift as an arrow/lightning as tough as nails as uncertain as the weather as warm as toast as wet as a drowned rat as young as the morning

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide as slow as a snail as sober as a judge on circuit as stiff as a ramrod as sure as fate/death as thick as thieves as ugly as sin as vast as the ocean as weak as water as wise as Solomon

A spoonerism is an accidental transposition of initial sounds in two or more words, as in sons of toil for tons of soil. It is named after the Rev W A Spooner (18441930) of Oxford University, who was said to be given to this form of linguistic confusion. To a student, he is reputed to have said: You have hissed all my mystery lectures, instead of You have missed all my history lectures. Other often-quoted spoonerisms: Let us drink to the queer old Dean. (proposing the loyal toast) Kinkering kongs their titles take. (announcing hymn in chapel) A popular, latter-day dilution of the spoonerism is the transposition of two words: Take that silly face off your expression! Did you get a nice flight on the meal out? Excuse my pig hes a friend!

Syllepsis is a stylistic device in which a number of words depend on, or relate to, one word, but this word does not agree with all of them in number or in gender: I dont think Mrs Brown or the children know. James and Alice each have their duties. Sometimes syllepsis is used as a synonym for zeugma (see p. 169). Much evidence of degenerative syllepsis in the language arrived in the wake of feminism. It was better to be politically correct than grammatically correct. So we got and continue to get things like: We do not have the callers number to return their call. (BT recorded message) You need to remember one main thing about contracts: the person with more muscle uses theirs. The novels main character is the reader themself. (Review, Waterstones New Books)

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Synecdoche is the figure of speech that puts the part for the whole (as fifty sail for fifty ships, or ninth bat for ninth batsman); or the whole for the part (as in Parliament voted to . . . for A majority of the members of Parliament voted to . . .). Other examples: Britannia rules the waves (= the sea) All hands on deck (= seamen) an estate belonging to the Crown Such matters need the authorisation of the Foreign Office. He made his career on the boards. Hampshire won the toss and opened the batting. Two heads are better than one. It is common for the term England to be used as a synecdoche for the United Kingdom, giving endless offence to the Scots, Welsh and Northern Irish; and for Canadians and Mexicans to be called Americans. Compare metonymy, p. 161.

Zeugma is a stylistic device in which a word, usually a verb, is followed by two words which in conventional language would not be found together. The result is an unexpected coming together of constituents, often deployed for humorous effect. It is a form of ellipsis (see p. 78). Mr Pickwick took his hat and his leave. (Dickens) See Pan with flocks, with fruits Pomona crowned. (Pope) She arrived in a bikini and a flood of tears. And now shes lost her coat and her temper. He plays with verve and with Sheffield Wednesday. John left Mary in the library and in a hurry. Her mother and the fish stew upset Alice. She filed the papers and her nails. They opened their door and their hearts to the orphan boy.

Six Common errors and confusibles

The English Language Some words have different meanings and yet theyre spelled the same. A cricket is an insect, to play it its a game. On every hand, in every land, its thoroughly agreed, The English language to explain, is very hard indeed. Some people say that youre a dear, yet dear is far from cheap. A jumper is a thing you wear, yet a jumper has to leap. Its very clear, its very queer, and, pray, who is to blame For different meanings to some words pronounced and spelled the same? A little journey is a trip, a trip is when you fall. It doesnt mean you have to dance wheneer you hold a ball. Now heres a thing that puzzles me: musicians of good taste Will very often form a band Ive one around my waist! You spin a top, go for a spin, or spin a yarn maybe Yet every spins a different spin, as you can plainly see. Now heres a most peculiar thing, twas told me as a joke A dumb man wouldnt speak a word, yet seized a wheel and spoke! A door may often be ajar, but give the door a slam And then your nerves receive a jar and then theres jars of jam. Youve heard, of course, of traffic jams, and jams you give your thumbs. And adders, too, one is a snake, the other adds up sums. A policeman is a copper, its a nickname (impolite!) Yet a copper in the kitchen is an article you light. On every hand, in every land, its thoroughly agreed, The English language to explain is very hard indeed! Harry Hemsley, in Verse That Is Fun, ed. Ireson (Faber, 1962)

Common errors and confusibles Hints on Pronunciation for Foreigners I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble, but not you On hiccough, thorough, laugh and through, Well done, and now you wish perhaps To learn of less familiar traps? Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead: its said like bed, not bead And only Scotsmen call it deed! Watch out for meat and great and threat.

171 They rhyme with suite and straight and debt. A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, broth in brother, And here is not a match for there Nor dear and fear for bear and pear, And then theres dose and rose and lose Just look them up and goose and choose. And cork and work and card and ward, And font and front and word and sword, And do and go, and thwart and cart Come, come, Ive hardly made a start! A dreadful language? Man alive Id mastered it when I was five. Herbert Farjeon

Common errors and confusibles

There are two AZ listings in this section of the book neither of which is exhaustive. The first list is a selection of words which writers commonly confuse, for one reason or another. Sometimes the words are homonyms (i.e. they sound the same, as alter and altar, meter and metre, serial and cereal). Generally, the entry shows the two (or more) words in the contexts in which they frequently appear, by means of example sentences or phrases. The confusible word is usually then explained by a synonym. The second list is of commonly misspelled words. If there is a word that is almost invariably misspelled, that is highlighted in bold type to bring the problem to the readers attention. The words are arranged in groups of ten, in the hope that bad spellers will work their way through this section, group by group, practising their spelling. The best way to practise spelling is to follow the look/cover/write/check procedure. That is to say: look at the shape of the word and how it is formed; cover it over; write it down on a sheet of paper; and finally check your written version with the version in the book. Speaking more generally, the best way actively to develop your spelling and to guard against misspellings and confusibles is to make a regular and routine habit of checking words (spellings, etymologies, usage) in a good dictionary. This habit is no longer very widespread, and does not seem to be very actively encouraged and developed by schools.


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A list of confusibles
abdicate, abrogate, arrogate King Edward VIII abdicated the British throne in 1936. ( = relinquished) He abrogated his traditional responsibilities. ( = formally annulled) The prime minister has arrogated to herself numerous responsibilities which were traditionally the responsibility of the Cabinet. ( = assumed) abuse, misuse Patients were sometimes physically abused. ( = improperly used, mistreated) The crowd shrieked abuse at the prime minister. ( = insults) Misuse of ones time, misuse of a word ( = incorrect use) accede, exceed To accede to this request would set a dangerous precedent. ( = agree, submit) It is dangerous to exceed the speed limit. ( = go over) accept, except She accepted a gift of food and clothes. ( = took) Everyone was sick except me. ( = apart from) acerbic: see acid acetic, ascetic Acetic acid is the main substance in vinegar. (Latin acetum, vinegar) His face was pale, thin, ascetic. ( = austere) acid, acrid, acerbic He spilled a solution of weak acid. ( = chemical substance) The room was filled with an acrid smoky smell. ( = pungent) There was an acerbic sharpness to her voice. ( = bitter) acknowledgement, acknowledgment Either spelling is acceptable. acrid: see acid activate, actuate He quickly activated the spacecrafts retro-rockets. ( = set in motion) Most of his work is actuated by selfish motives. ( = motivated) adherence, adhesion This countrys adherence to a treaty, adherence to communism/Islam ( = attachment/obedience to) This glue gives a very strong adhesion. ( = sticking power) adjacent, adjoining A bedroom with bathroom adjacent ( = nearby, but not with direct access) A bedroom with bathroom adjoining ( = with direct access) adverse, averse He received an adverse report on the proposed takeover. ( = unfavourable) I am not averse to the occasional whisky. ( = disinclined) advice, advise He needs some paternal advice. (noun) I advise you to see a doctor. (verb)

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aesthetic, ascetic Aesthetic means appreciative of, or relating to beauty. Ascetic means austere or monastic, practising self-denial. affect, effect What is the effect of putting acid on wood? ( = result) He effected his getaway under cover of darkness. ( = made) His death has badly affected us all. ( = distressed) He has an affected, lisping accent. ( = unspontaneous, artificial) afflict, inflict He is afflicted with Parkinsons disease. ( = suffers from) Rangers inflicted a 6:nil defeat on the visiting team. ( = imposed) ageing, aging Either spelling is acceptable. aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate Aggravate means to annoy or irritate, and exasperate also means to annoy, while exacerbate means to make matters worse. The original meaning of aggravate too was to make something worse: scratching would aggravate a chilblain; exacerbate is used more of a moral dilemma than of a physical problem. all ready, already We were all ready for the visitors long before they arrived. ( = prepared) Ive already had some tea. ( = previously) all right, alright All right is still felt to be more correct, though alright is now widely accepted in a sentence such as Are you feeling alright? On the other hand, a sentence such as Are your test answers all right? (meaning all correct) would not run these two words together. allusive, elusive He made an allusive speech, with numerous echoes from the writings of his favourite Classical authors. ( = full of references) The owl is an elusive nocturnal bird. ( = difficult to find or see) altar, alter The minister stood before the church altar. ( = communion table) The ship altered course to avoid the iceberg. ( = changed) alternately, alternatively Alternately means one after another; alternatively means one instead of another. altogether, all together He didnt altogether trust his boss. ( = entirely) The prisoners assembled all together in the yard. ( = all of them in one place) ambiguous, ambivalent The words light house keeper are ambiguous. ( = have more than one meaning) Most people are ambivalent about the value of antiquated institutions such as the Royal Family. ( = in two minds)


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amend, emend Amend means to improve; emend means to correct. amiable, amicable He had an amiable, chatty manner. ( = friendly) They made an amicable decision to separate. ( = in a spirit of friendliness and goodwill) among, amongst Among is preferable; amongst is old-fashioned. Similarly, amid is better than amidst, while than whilst. among, between The cash was divided among the members of the gang. (many people) The votes were divided evenly between Mr Black and Mr White. (two people) amoral: see immoral annex, annexe There was a short war in 1990 when Iraq tried to annex Kuwait. (verb) John works in the science annexe. (noun) antagonist, protagonist Hitler was a formidable antagonist. ( = enemy) He was the leading protagonist in the anti-abortion lobby. ( = champion) arbiter, arbitrator Arbiter is the more general term, and includes arbiters of taste and fashion as well as people with the general power to mediate in or control a situation. An arbitrator is a more specific term for a person who is appointed to settle a dispute. Arctic, Antarctic The Arctic is the region around the North Pole, the Antarctic being the region around the South Pole. arrogate: see abdicate artist, artiste An artist is a person who draws, paints, sculpts, etc. as a job or as a hobby; or who is very skilled at something. A music-hall or circus artiste is a popular professional entertainer. ascetic: see acetic and aesthetic assure, ensure, insure She was not assured till she saw him safe and unhurt. ( = persuaded that all was well) The states duty is to ensure the safety of its citizens. ( = guarantee) Is the house insured against fire? ( = covered against loss) astonished, astounded, dumbfounded These words express various and increasing degrees of surprise, with astounded implying a temporary inability to react, and dumbfounded implying not only inability to act but also inability to speak because struck dumb. astronomy, astrology Astronomy is the scientific study of the stars and planets in the galaxy. Astrology is the non-scientific study of the same subject, in the belief that it can foretell things about your future.

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atheist, agnostic An atheist denies the existence of God or of divine things. An agnostic takes the view that Gods existence cannot be proved or disproved, and is therefore sceptical on the subject. averse: see adverse aural, oral Aural concerns the ear, while oral concerns the mouth. An oral exam is therefore a spoken exam (for example in French), while an aural exam tests listening (for example in music). authoritative, authoritarian To make an authoritative comment implies that the speaker is a genuine authority on the subject. An authoritarian person, on the other hand, is dictatorial the father in a Victorian family was said to be authoritarian, for example. backward, backwards The adjective is backward, as in a rather backward pupil. The adverb can be spelled either way: The train started going backwards / backward. bail, bale They bailed out the leaking dinghy. ( = empty of water) The court set his bail at $20,000. ( = security) The barn was full of bales of hay. ( = stacks) baited, bated The bears were cruelly baited. ( = teased) He stood with bated breath. ( = held, from abated) bale: see bail bath, bathe She gave the baby its evening bath. ( = noun, wash) The sea was too stormy for a bathe. ( = noun, swim) He was advised to bathe the wound daily. ( = verb, cleanse) bereaved, bereft She has recently been bereaved. ( = lost a member of her family through death) The trees are now bereft of leaves. ( = devoid) beside, besides Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside. ( = near) Besides us, only John is here. ( = in addition to) between: see among biannual, biennial Biannual means twice yearly. Biennial has two meanings: (1) every two years; (2) used of plants, means lasting for two years, flowering in the second year. biased, biassed Either spelling is acceptable. born, borne She was born in Edinburgh in 1943. ( = had her birth) She has borne five children. ( = carried, given birth to) She has borne her troubles with fortitude. ( = put up with)


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break, brake Dont break the speed limit. ( = exceed) There was a squeal of brakes and a smell of burning rubber. ( = device for slowing down a vehicle) brothers, brethren These are the two plurals of brother, and brothers is the one generally used. Brethren is archaic and biblical, and now limited to religious or poetic uses. burned, burnt The adjective is usually burnt, as in burnt toast, burnt ochre. For the verb, burned is usually preferable, as in He burned his finger. burst, bust The balloon burst with a loud pop. ( = punctured) The company went bust in the 1990s recession. ( = collapsed) She is a statuesque woman with a very large bust. ( = chest) callous, callused A callous, heartless act ( = cruel) Hard, callused hands ( = with thick, horny skin) cannon, canon The warship bristled with heavy cannon. ( = big guns) He is a canon of Westminster Cathedral. ( = senior priest) The canon of 20th-century classic fiction ( = authoritative list, corpus) canvas, canvass They were sleeping in the garden under canvas. ( = in a tent) A fine, oil on canvas painting ( = on cloth) The candidates have been canvassing support far and wide. ( = soliciting) capital punishment, corporal punishment The former means removal of the head (caput, in Latin), or execution. The latter is a physical punishment of the body (corpus, -oris, in Latin), such as beating, flogging, etc. carat, carrot A 200-carat diamond, 24-carat gold ( = measurement of weight or purity) A dish of boiled beef and carrots ( = orange-coloured root vegetables) censor, censure, censer The mail of all prisoners is censored. ( = officially inspected) The Opposition has strongly censured the Governments handling of the issue. ( = criticised) Incense is burned in a censer. ( = specially made container) cereal, serial Wheat, oats, and barley are cereal crops. ( = grain producing) He was watching an Australian TV serial. ( = episode in a series) ceremonial, ceremonious Millions of viewers watched the Trooping the Colour ceremonial. ( = traditional ritual) He addressed us in a ceremonious and flamboyant manner. ( = slightly theatrical)

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childish, childlike She decided to punish his childish tantrums. ( = immature) He never lost a somewhat childlike faith in human goodness. ( = innocent) chord: see cord classic, classical, Classics Traditionally, if you studied Latin and Greek you were called a student of Classics, and had received a classical education. Down the years, other writers (such as Milton and Scott and Dickens) have come to be described as classic writers of British literature. More recently and more narrowly, Agatha Christie, P D James or Ian Rankin could be said to have written classics of detective fiction, i.e. masterpieces of their genre. Classical architecture was inspired by the Ancients. Classical music is from the canon of great European music Haydn, Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, etc. clench, clinch She muttered angrily through clenched teeth. ( = tightly fixed) A trade deal has at last been clinched. ( = finalised, agreed) climactic, climatic The climactic finale was an operatic tour de force. (adjectival form of climax) Favourable climatic conditions ( = pertaining to the weather) cloths, clothes Factories make cloth, which tailors and dressmakers then make into clothes. We have dishcloths, floorcloths, tablecloths, altar cloths, etc., but we go out each morning in our working clothes, cut the hedge in our gardening clothes, and sleep under bedclothes. coarse: see course commitment, committal He has a strong commitment to the cause. ( = loyalty) The committal ceremony was private. ( = burial, committing of the body to the ground) complement, compliment She prepared an excellent salmon dish complemented by a fine hock wine. ( = enhanced) May I compliment you on an excellent speech. ( = congratulate) contemptible, contemptuous His lack of courage was contemptible. (= despicable) He addressed us in haughty tones of contemptuous disdain. ( = scornful) continually, continuously The former suggests a succession of occurrences, with the possibility of short breaks in the sequence. Continuously describes something that never stops; it does not admit of breaks in the sequence. comic, comical A comic actors job is to make you laugh. ( = deliberately funny) His attempt to appear sober was comical. ( = unintentionally or unexpectedly funny)


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cord, chord The term for a length of rope etc. is cord, as in dressing-gown cord, umbilical cord, spinal cord. The musical or emotional term is chord, as in the chord of C sharp, the lost chord, or His speech struck the right chord. corporal punishment: see capital punishment correspondent, co-respondent He is the Far East correspondent for the Independent. ( = journalist, writer) He was cited as co-respondent in the Duchess of Argylls divorce proceedings. ( = adulterous lover) council, counsel There is a monthly meeting of the town council. ( = elected body) Never take counsel from such an unreliable person. ( = advice) They were well counselled by the Citizens Advice Bureau. ( = advised) course, coarse An eighteen-hole course, a three-course meal, a difficult course of study; here course means a sequence or progression. Coarse cloth, coarse language, and coarse fishing means rough or basic. credible, creditable, credulous His story is not quite credible. ( = believable) His exam result was very creditable. ( = worthy of credit) It was a trick to convince only the most credulous. ( = gullible) crevice, crevasse The rock face was full of little crevices for footholds. ( = cracks, gaps) The glacier is broken up by several deep crevasses. ( = large fissures) criterion, criteria Criterion is singular, criteria is plural. So it is wrong to say, He has only one criteria. currant, current The currant is a small dried grape, and the blackcurrant and redcurrant are berries. Current means (1) a steady flow, as in Swimming against the current or an electric current; (2) the present time, as in current affairs/ events. deadly, deathly His French classes are deadly dull. ( = extremely) Cyanide is a deadly poison. ( = lethal) Her face was deathly white. ( = as white as in death) decidedly, decisively A person of decidedly anarchist opinions. ( = emphatically) The election results decisively settled the matter. ( = conclusively) deduce, deduct What can we deduce from this evidence, Watson? ( = conclude, infer) Tax is deducted from your salary. ( = taken away) defective, deficient The cars brake was found to be defective. ( = faulty) Old people are often deficient in vitamins. ( = lacking, short of )

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definite, definitive Ill give you a definite answer tomorrow. ( = certain, clear) Richard Ellmanns is the definitive biography of James Joyce. ( = ultimate, best) defuse, diffuse The bomb was defused by an army expert. ( = neutralised) A diffused glow of orange light hung over the darkened landscape. ( = spread out) delivery, deliverance Delivery for a letter, a baby, a speech, etc. Deliverance from evil, danger, a fate worse than death, etc. delusion: see illusion dependent, dependant In British English, in the days when spelling was drilled, these spellings used to cause endless heart-searching and dictionary-hunting. Dependent is the adjective and dependant the noun. Nowadays, there is a tendency to copy our American cousins, drop the heart-searching and use only the word dependent. deprecate, depreciate The whole village deprecated such a wanton act of hooliganism. ( = deplored) His investment is certain to depreciate. ( = decline in value) His comment was sensible. There is no need to depreciate it. ( = disparage) deprivation, depredation It was an inner-city area suffering from multiple deprivation. ( = poverty) The depredations of the locusts have wiped out the crop. ( = attacks) derisive, derisory Derisive laughter mocks something or someone. A derisory proposal is one which deserves derision. desert, dessert They were lost in the Sahara desert. ( = dry region) He promised never to desert her. ( = leave) He took strawberries and cream for dessert. ( = pudding) despatch, dispatch Either spelling is acceptable. detract, distract Poor weather detracted from the success of the holiday. ( = diminished) Dont distract the driver. ( = take the attention of) device, devise His office is full of labour-saving devices and contraptions. ( = gadgets) We have devised a new method of sending urgent messages. ( = invented) diffuse: see defuse disc, disk He is suffering from a slipped disc. ( = the cartilage between spinal vertebrae) Musical tapes and compact discs ( = records) Computer disk, floppy disk ( = information store) discreet, discrete She watched the proceedings from a discreet distance. ( = safe, cautious)


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The company operates world-wide as a number of small, discrete units. ( = autonomous, not overlapping) disinterested, uninterested I try to be a disinterested observer. ( = objective) She was totally uninterested in current events. ( = without interest) disoriented, disorientated More or less interchangeable, with British English favouring the longer version and American favouring the shorter. dominate, domineer A church spire may dominate a townscape, a loquacious person may dominate a conversation, and a brand leader will dominate a certain market. A domineering person is overbearing, and tries to control others at any price. doubtful, dubious The buildings safety is doubtful/dubious. ( = uncertain) His business contacts are very dubious. ( = shady, potentially dishonest) draft (US), draught (UK) A money draft ( = order) A draft outline/proposal ( = preliminary) Many draft dodgers were imprisoned. ( = military conscription) A howling draught ( = current of air) Draught beer ( = from the barrel) A draughtsman ( = one who makes drawings) dual, duel Dual carriageway, dual purpose ( = double) A duel with swords, a verbal duel ( = contest between two people) dubious: see doubtful dumbfounded: see astonished dying, dyeing Dying of hunger/old age, dying to see you, etc. Indigo is used for dyeing cloth blue. ( = colouring) earthly, earthy This earthly life ( = worldly) An earthy smell ( = of the earth, unrefined) eatable, edible Eatable means merely fit to be eaten; while edible means suitable for eating, or able to be eaten. These carrots are so dried up that they are hardly eatable better buy some fresh ones. ( = they wont contain much nourishment) These mushrooms dont look edible to me. ( = safe to eat) effect: see affect e.g., i.e. Two common abbreviations which indicate that more information follows. e.g. (Latin exempli gratia, for sake of an example) means for example. i.e. (Latin id est, that is) means that an explanation follows.

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Reasonable expenses, e.g. train fares, meals away from home, will be reimbursed. Crustaceans, i.e. sea creatures with legs and a hard shell, are the staple diet. elder: see older elusive: see allusive emend: see amend emigrant: see immigrant eminent, imminent An eminent physicist ( = distinguished, famous) An imminent attack ( = about to happen) emotional, emotive She was in a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. ( = psychological, mental) Abortion is an emotive issue in Catholic countries. ( = people are not objective about it) enquiry, inquiry He made a polite enquiry about my health. ( = he asked after . . .) The police have set up an inquiry. ( = formal investigation) ensure: see assure equable, equitable Britain has an equable climate. ( = not extreme, without great variation) We are looking for an equitable court decision. ( = just, well balanced) exasperate, exacerbate: see aggravate exceed: see accede except: see accept exceptional, exceptionable She is an exceptional teacher. ( = of rare quality) His exceptionable behaviour has ostracised him from society. ( = objectionable) exercise, exorcise Hes a fitness fanatic and takes lots of exercise. ( = gymnastic training) The ghost of the former owner of the house was exorcised by means of a special ceremony. ( = expelled, eradicated) exhausting, exhaustive The climb to the summit was exhausting. ( = very tiring) The police conducted an exhaustive inquiry. ( = comprehensive) faint, feint She fell down in a dead faint. ( = collapse) There was a faint smell of ether in the air. ( = slight) It was a contest of feint and counter-feint. ( = dummy move) farther: see further fatal, fateful Another fatal accident on the A74 ( = deadly) A fateful decision ( = momentous) fearful, fearsome She is very fearful of the dark. ( = frightened) A fearful mess, a fearful argument ( = very bad) An angry bear is a fearsome beast. ( = causes fear)


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ferment: see foment fianc, fiance These words follow French spelling conventions, with fianc the masculine and fiance the feminine version. fictional, fictitious Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are a famous fictional pair. ( = existing only in fiction) He bought the weapon under a fictitious name. ( = false, invented) flare, flair She has a really bad temper which flares up from time to time. ( = erupts) He has a flair for cooking. ( = aptitude) flaunt: see flout fleshy, fleshly A fleshy person, fleshy legs ( = fat, plump) Fleshly desires and pleasures ( = carnal, of the flesh) flounder, founder The Government flounders from crisis to crisis. ( = struggles) The ship foundered on the rocky shore. ( = broke up) George Heriot, the founder of a famous school. ( = person who founded) flout, flaunt Where the law is an ass, we must flout it. ( = disregard) She likes to flaunt her huge wedding ring. ( = show off) foment, ferment She goes about fomenting distrust. ( = stirring up) The country is in a political ferment. ( = upheaval) forage, foray He foraged in the kitchen for some food. ( = rummaged about) He went on a foray round the junk shops. ( = excursion) forceful, forcible He was a forceful, competent leader. ( = powerful) There has been a forcible imposition of military control. ( = by force) forebear, forbear His forebears are all from the west of Ireland. ( = ancestors) She will forbear to ask for financial support. ( = forswear, abstain) forever, for ever She is forever interrupting the conversation. ( = endlessly) She has left him for ever. ( = permanently) foregone, forgone The outcome of the election was said to be a foregone conclusion. ( = obvious, inevitable) She has forgone her holiday as a result of the fire. ( = gone without) formally, formerly He was formally introduced to the Princess Royal. ( = officially) He dressed formally for the occasion. ( = smartly) St Petersburg was formerly called Leningrad. ( = previously)

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fortuitous, fortunate We met fortuitously in George Street. ( = by chance) He made a fortunate escape from his captors. ( = lucky) fulfil, fulfill Fulfil is British spelling, fulfill is American. The past tense of both versions is fulfilled. further, farther Further seems to be the norm nowadays, with farther confined to sentences specifying physical distance, like Glasgow is farther from London than it is from Dublin. Thus: Until further notice or Further to your recent letter or Any further questions? or further education. gamble, gambol He gambled all his savings on that horse. ( = bet) The lambs gambolled about in the spring sunshine. ( = skipped and jumped) gaol: see jail gipsy, gypsy Both spellings are accepted. gorilla, guerrilla The gorilla is the largest of the apes. The army was attacked by well-armed guerrillas. ( = insurgents) gourmand, gourmet He was a famous gourmand and bon viveur. ( = person who enjoys food and drink) He was a gourmet of good cheeses. ( = person who knows a lot about food and drink) graceful, gracious Graceful describes elegant physical movement, forms, shapes: as in a graceful colonnade, a graceful pas de bas. Gracious means kind, courteous, well mannered: as in gracious living, ladylike and gracious, a gracious tribute. grey, gray British spelling favours grey, while Americans prefer gray. grisly, gristly, grizzly A grisly murder ( = nasty, gruesome) A gristly lamb chop ( = tough, full of gristle) A grizzly infant ( = crying, whingeing). Also a grizzly bear. gypsy: see gipsy hale, hail Hale and hearty ( = healthy) Sleet and hail ( = frozen rain) Hail a hackney ( = call a taxi) handiwork, handwork She stood back and admired her handiwork. ( = skill, efforts) Lace-making used to be a very labour-intensive form of handwork. ( = work with the hands)


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hanged, hung The regular past tense of the verb hang is hung, as in Hes hung up his coat and hat. Hanged is used only in the context of an execution: You will be hanged by the neck until you are dead. hanger, hangar Clothes are hung on a hanger. Planes are kept in a hangar. hereditary, heredity A hereditary illness, a hereditary title ( = inherited; an adjective) Your heredity is your genetic inheritance ( = genetics; a noun) histrionics: see hysterics holy, holey, wholly Holy books, holy scripture, holy Jesus ( = sacred) Holey socks, holey cheese ( = full of holes) Wholly innocent, wholly convincing ( = entirely) hoofs, hooves Either plural spelling is acceptable. horde, hoard She was surrounded by hordes of shrieking children. (= multitudes) A hoard of Viking treasure has been uncovered. ( = secret collection) hull, hulk A ships hull is its body; a ships hulk is its dismantled or sunken frame. human, humane Human beings, the human race, the human body ( = concerning people) We wish to see a more humane and civilised society. ( = decent, considerate) hung: see hanged hysterics, histrionics She went into a fit of sobbing hysterics. ( = an uncontrolled fit, in this case, of crying) Hes full of histrionic gestures. ( = over-dramatic) idle, idol He sits there, bone idle, watching others work. ( = lazy, useless) The shrine was full of statues of strange idols. ( = gods) illegal, illicit He was jailed for illegal possession of marijuana. ( = forbidden by law) His illicit association with a certain actress was well known. ( = secret, not approved by society) illegible: see unreadable illusion, delusion She had no illusions about his intentions. ( = false ideas) He suffers from delusions that the world is about to end. ( = erroneous ideas) immigrant, emigrant An immigrant has come into a country, while an emigrant has gone out of it. imminence, immanence, eminence They sat by the shore, unaware of the imminence of disaster. ( = something about to happen)

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Even Dr Johnson was struck by the immanence of Ionas piety. ( = inherent atmosphere) The islanders were unaware that the visitor was a person of great eminence. ( = celebrity) immoral, amoral An immoral person has bad or low moral standards, while an amoral person has no moral standards. imply, infer Her comment implied that he was stupid rather than lazy. ( = hinted) It is fair to infer that the car will not go if the engine is not switched on. ( = deduce) impractical, impracticable He may be a brilliant academic, but hes completely impractical about the house. ( = useless, not handy) The idea was quite impracticable. ( = impossible to achieve) incredible, incredulous In its day, running the four-minute mile was an incredible achievement. ( = not believable) He stood there with an incredulous expression on his face. ( = disbelieving) inflict: see afflict infringe, impinge, impugn I have no wish to infringe the rules of the game. ( = break) His work impinges heavily on his family life. ( = overlaps into) He is impugning my professional reputation. ( = challenging) ingenious, ingenuous The films plot was extremely ingenious, and the final scene came as a surprise to everyone. ( = clever) He made a frank and ingenuous apology for the error. ( = obviously honest) inimitable, inimical He spoke in his own inimitable manner. ( = not to be imitated) The desert is inimical to most forms of life. ( = unfavourable, hostile) inquiry: see enquiry insure: see assure intense, intensive Intense heat, intense effort, intense pain, intense excitement ( = acute) Intensive care, intensive agriculture, intensive study, intensive training ( = thorough, rigorous) inveigle, inveigh She was inveigled into donating 20 to the charity. ( = cajoled, persuaded) People like to inveigh against the taxman. ( = attack, rail against) its, its The dog licked its paws. ( = belonging to it) Its a long way to Tipperary! ( = It is) jail, gaol The first spelling is commoner, though either is acceptable in British English. Americans do not use the second spelling.


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judgment, judgement Either spelling is acceptable. judicial, judicious There is usually a judicial enquiry into financial scandals. ( = legal) The judicious use of EU investment grants has stimulated the local economy. ( = careful) knit, knitted When knitting needles and wool are involved, the past tense is knitted, e.g. She knitted me a pair of socks. In other contexts, knit is commoner, e.g. He knit his brows. Past participles are similar, e.g. a knitted hat but a close-knit community. leeward, windward These words are opposites, leeward meaning in the lee of the wind, or sheltered from it; windward meaning exposed to the wind. licence, license Do you have an international driving licence? (noun) A ships captain is licensed to perform marriages and burials. (verb) lie, lay Three confusible verbs are lie/lying/lay/lain (intransitive), meaning to rest or stretch out in a horizontal position; lie/lying/lied (intransitive), meaning to tell untruths; and lay/laying/laid (transitive), meaning to put down, or prepare, or produce. Come lie with me and be my love. ( = sleep) The body lay in state. ( = was reposing) The dog was lying stretched out on the hearth. ( = resting) Dont lie to me I want the truth. ( = tell untruths) Please lay the table. ( = set) I wouldnt so much as lay a finger on you. ( = put) The shipyard is laying off a hundred riveters. ( = sacking) The goose that laid the golden eggs ( = produced) lighted, lit Both past tense/participle forms are used, but lit is commoner as a verb, lighted as a participle in use as an adjective, e.g. We lit the bonfire; a lighted match. liquidate, liquidise He has liquidated his assets. ( = made them liquid, or saleable) Al Capone liquidated his opponents. ( = eliminated, killed) Liquidise the mixture in a blender. ( = make it into a liquid) liquor, liqueur Liquor is any alcoholic drink. A liqueur is a sweet alcoholic drink taken after a meal as a digestif. Popular liqueurs are Drambuie, Cointreau, Benedictine, and Kummel. literal, literate, literary I need a literal translation. ( = word for word) He was the first literate member of the family. ( = able to read and write)

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Paris in the 1920s was a base for many literary Americans. ( = involved in literature) livid, lurid His expression was livid with rage. ( = furious) A livid bruise ( = black and blue) She wore a lurid pink and orange coat. ( = garish) Hes full of lurid stories about his girlfriends. ( = shocking) loathe, loath, loth He loathes the smell of cigarettes. ( = hates) He was loath/loth to sell his sports car. ( = reluctant) lose, loose He tends to lose things rather easily. ( = mislay; verb) She has gone to the dentist about a loose tooth. ( = wobbly; adjective) lurid: see livid luxuriant, luxurious He was sporting a luxuriant moustache. ( = abundant, growing vigorously) We dined in a luxurious restaurant. ( = expensive, comfortable) madam, madame Madam is the English spelling of this French word. Madame is the French spelling. English stresses the first syllable, French the second. magic, magical A magic wand, a magic carpet ( = with magic qualities) A magical experience, a magical visit ( = delightful, enchanting) malevolent, malignant He spoke in malevolent tones. ( = wishing someone ill) The cancer was malignant. ( = fatal, not medically controllable) A witch with a malignant power ( = able to do evil) masterly, masterful A masterly analysis, a masterly performance ( = brilliant, excellent) There was a masterful tone to his voice. ( = authoritative, determined) maybe, may be Maybe I will and maybe I wont. ( = perhaps) The bus may be late. medieval, mediaeval The first spelling is commoner. It is standard in American English. medium, media A medium (from Latin medius) was something in the middle. It soon came to mean an intermediary or means of communication between the earthly world and the spirit world. Nowadays we talk about the media (plural of medium) when referring to the various means of mass communication, including the press, radio, television, etc. melted, molten Melted is the general form, both as verb and adjective. Molten is used only as an adjective, and only of substances which melt at very high temperatures: thus molten lava or molten iron, but melted chocolate.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

metal, mettle Brass is a good-looking metal. ( = hard mineral substance) The new recruit was on his mettle. ( = on the alert) meter, metre A measuring instrument (e.g. for parking, water, gas, etc., as well as a speedometer, thermometer, etc.) is a meter. A unit of length is a metre, thus kilometre, centimetre, etc. (unless you are American, in which case you spell it kilometer, centimeter, etc.). The poetic measure is also spelled metre. militate, mitigate The drought is militating against effective self-help farming initiatives. ( = hindering) The Government is endeavouring to mitigate the peoples distress. ( = alleviate) misuse: see abuse molten: see melted moral, morale The moral is clear: dont marry for money. ( = lesson) The victory gave a great boost to morale. ( = feelings of confidence) motive, motif I question the Governments motives. ( = reasons for action) Her dress was blue with a white motif. ( = pattern) mucus, mucous Mucus is the noun, mucous is the adjective. naturist, naturalist A naturist is a nudist, or a person who tries to go back to nature. A naturalist is a person who studies nature; zoologists, entomologists, ornithologists are all naturalists. naval, navel Hornblower was an eighteenth-century naval officer. ( = in the Navy) Some people are said to contemplate their navels. ( = belly buttons) nicety, niceness Lets forget the niceties and get to the point. ( = quibbles, finer details) Her niceness smiled out of her face at you. ( = pleasantness) no one, no-one The two-word version is preferable, but the hyphenated version is also common. The one-word version noone is to be avoided. notable, noticeable Robert the Bruce was a notable Scottish king. ( = famous) His right eye had a noticeable squint. ( = conspicuous) nutritional, nutritious What is the nutritional value of peanut butter? ( = dietary) Honey is said to be highly nutritious. ( = nourishing) obsolete, obsolescent The steam engine has long been obsolete. ( = outmoded, out of use) Nuclear weapons have reduced most other armaments to obsolescence. ( = uselessness, i.e. they are becoming obsolete)

Common errors and confusibles


of, off The grand old Duke of York Keep off the grass. official, officious The prime ministers office will be putting out an official statement. ( = formally authorised) Shes an officious old busybody. ( = bossy, interfering) older, elder The adjective old has comparative and superlative older/elder and oldest/eldest, with older and oldest being the standard forms. Elder and eldest occur only within the family to describe seniority, e.g. an elder brother, and in certain specific usages, e.g. an elder statesman. onward, onwards Onward is commoner nowadays. Onwards is almost confined to British English, and is used only as an adverb. oral: see aural ordinance, ordnance There used to be various ordinances prohibiting Sunday trading. ( = regulations) Weapons and other ordnance were issued to soldiers. ( = military supplies) The Ordnance Survey is the British agency that is charged with the production of detailed maps of the country. outdoor, outdoors Outdoor is the adjective, outdoors is the adverb. outward, outwards Outward is the adjective, outwards is the adverb. partly, partially, partiality He is by background partly French, partly American. ( = not completely) A partially clothed body, a partially blind person ( = semi-) He spoke very partially in our favour. ( = in a biassed way) He has a well-known partiality for dry sherry. ( = liking) passed, past We passed you in the street. Have you passed the exam? Its five past two. She has a colourful past. Many years passed. ( = many years went by) Many years past ( = many years ago) patent, patient Hes a quack, and talks a lot of patent nonsense. ( = manifest, obvious) Sorry to keep you youve been very patient. ( = forbearing, calm) perceptive, percipient, perspicuous, perspicacious A perceptive remark, a perceptive biography ( = observant) She was an unusually percipient person who could pick up all sorts of vibrations in a gathering, well outside the normal range of the senses. ( = almost telepathic) The judge gave a clear and perspicuous summing-up of the case. ( = precise, comprehensible)


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

A perspicacious student of human foibles would notice this trait in her make-up. ( = keenly observant) perfunctory, peremptory We exchanged a perfunctory greeting in the foyer. ( = cursory, casual) I was shown out in a most peremptory manner. ( = imperious, brusque) perpetuate, perpetrate People who fail to learn from history perpetuate its mistakes. ( = preserve and/or repeat) Terrorist organisations sometimes perpetrate appalling crimes. ( = commit) persistence, perseverance, pertinacity The persistence of her illness was a measure of its seriousness. ( = continuation) He showed great persistence in the dogged pursuit of his case. ( = determination) Only the perseverance of the crew saved the ship. ( = effort against the odds) The battle was waged with courage and pertinacity. ( = doggedness) perspective: see prospective perspicuous, perspicacious: see perceptive pertinacity: see persistence phenomenon, phenomena Phenomenon is singular, phenomena is plural. pigeon, pidgin The well-fed pigeons of Trafalgar Square ( = birds) The Lagos traders speak an interesting pidgin. ( = mixture of colloquial languages) plane, plain He smoothed the surface of the wood with his plane. ( = a tool) The plane has landed. ( = aircraft) The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain. ( = flat ground) She is a plain Jane. ( = lacking in beauty) plate, plait A plate of food, a photographic plate, a metal plate ( = dish or slide) She wore her hair in two long plaits. ( = pigtails) poignant: see pungent politic, political His decision was not politic and offended many. ( = wise) I am not a very political animal. ( = interested in politics) pour, pore The rain pours down, and tea is poured. ( = flows) He pored over the document. ( = studied carefully) The skin is full of tiny pores. ( = holes) practical, practicable Shes very practical and methodical. ( = handy, businesslike) Pollution has been eliminated as far as is practicable. ( = feasible) practice, practise A medical practice; a quaint Japanese practice (noun) Hamish practises his bagpipes every evening. (verb)

Common errors and confusibles


pray, prey The congregation prayed for peace. ( = asked God for) The kestrel is a bird of prey. ( = predator) precede: see proceed precipitate, precipitous We tried to avoid any precipitate decisions. ( = abrupt, hasty) There was a precipitous drop of a thousand feet to the sea. ( = sheer, like a precipice) predict, predicate I predict a win for Arsenal. ( = prophesy, foresee) The plan is predicated on these assumptions. ( = based on) prescribe, proscribe The doctor has prescribed rest. ( = ordered, recommended) He has proscribed physical exertion. ( = banned, forbidden) presumptive, presumptuous The presumptive diagnosis looks bad. ( = probable) It is presumptuous to intercede between spouses. ( = forward) principle, principal Dishonesty is against his principles. (noun = code of conduct) Tourism is one of our principal industries. (adjective = main) The college principal is called Mr Nackyball. (noun = head) proceed, precede He proceeded to ask lots of questions. ( = went on) Let us go back to the preceding chapter. ( = the one before, previous) prodigy, protg Mozart was one of the best-known child prodigies. ( = marvels) Leicester was one of Queen Elizabeths protgs. ( = acolytes) program, programme The former is the US spelling, the latter is British English. The one exception, where the American spelling is always used in British English, is computer program and its various computerspeak spin-offs. prophecy, prophesy Noah knew the prophecy of the Flood. (noun) People are forever prophesying the end of the world. (verb) proscribe: see prescribe prospective, perspective He is a prospective Member of Parliament. ( = would-be) You can look at the problem from a number of perspectives. ( = points of view, positions) prostrate, prostate He lay prostrate before her. ( = stretched flat on the ground, helpless) The prostate gland is an organ beside the male bladder. protagonist: see antagonist protg: see prodigy


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

psychology, psychiatry Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and of human behaviour. Psychiatry is the branch of medicine which studies and treats mental disorders. pungent, poignant A pungent smell of bonfires filled the autumn air. ( = sharp) She gave a poignant description of her own deprived childhood. ( = moving) purposely, purposefully She purposely tried to antagonise him. ( = intentionally) He walked purposefully towards the gate. ( = resolutely) rebound, re-bound He hit the ball on the rebound. ( = when it bounced back) The family Bible was re-bound. ( = given a new binding) recipe, receipt He had a marvellous recipe for fruit loaf. ( = list of ingredients) I got a receipt for each purchase. ( = printed record) recount, re-count He recounted his story with humour. ( = told) The vote was so close that there had to be a re-count. ( = further count) recover, re-cover She recovered very well from her illness. ( = got better) She stumbled but recovered herself. ( = regained her balance) She has re-covered the armchair beautifully. ( = put on a new cover) regal, royal Burlington Berties bearing was so regal that neighbours called him His Majesty. ( = splendid, king-like) She may be a member of the royal family, but her conduct is less than regal. reign, rein Queen Victorias glorious reign ( = rule) Give your horse free rein. ( = straps for controlling a horse) remittance, remission Your remittance is now overdue. ( = payment) The remission of sins, of a jail sentence, of an illness ( = forgiveness, reduction) repetitive, repetitious His job is routine, repetitive, mechanical. ( = characterised by repetition) She has written a very repetitious account of her childhood. ( = it contains unnecessary repetitions) reversal, reversion He suffered reversal after reversal. ( = setback) . . . a reversion to his former barbarous ways ( = return) review, revue A review of progress, a review of the troops, a salary review, a book review ( = critical study, assessment, inspection) A Christmas revue ( = show)

Common errors and confusibles


role, roll What was the role of the prime minister in the affair? ( = part) Four buttered rolls, a roll of wallpaper, a roll of honour, a drum roll royal: see regal saccharin, saccharine Ive no sugar but can offer you a saccharin. ( = sugar substitute) He flashed me a saccharine smile. ( = artificially sweet, less than sincere) sarcastic, sardonic Sarcastic remarks tend to be positively cutting or sneering in intention, whereas a sardonic remark is more laid back and generally scornful. sceptic, septic Doubting Thomas was the original sceptic. ( = person with lots of doubts) Wounds are cleaned to prevent them turning septic. ( = infected) seasonal, seasonable Seasonal greetings are greetings of the season. Seasonable weather is the sort of weather to be expected at a certain time of year. sensitivity, sensibility Calling sensitivity merely sense, Jane Austen wrote a whole novel to articulate the differences between these two words. By her book, sensitivity is the better characteristic, because it means good judgment, awareness of others feelings, and respect for them. Sensibility, on the other hand, is a slightly more public characteristic, implying an emotional delicacy which is impressionable and perhaps too easily or too visibly affected. sentiment, sentimentality He expressed little sentiment or emotion. ( = feeling) The whole affair was a display of mawkish and wallowing sentimentality whipped up by the popular press. ( = emotionalism) septic: see sceptic serial: see cereal sew, sow She sewed a lace border round the wrists and hem. ( = stitched) The farmer sowed a crop of early grass. ( = planted) singing, singeing They are singing their hearts out. ( = making vocal music) Drake is remembered for singeing the Spanish kings beard. ( = scorching) social, sociable Ive met him at social and business functions. ( = communal) Shes an outgoing and sociable type. ( = friendly) sometime, some time Come up and see me sometime. ( = at some future but unspecified period) I may be gone for some time. ( = a little while) speciality, specialty The first spelling is British English, the second is American.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

stalactite, stalagmite Icicle-shaped formations in limestone caves produced by a mixture of dripping water and lime. Stalactites hang down from the ceiling, and stalagmites grow up from the ground. (Remember: there is a c in stalactite and in ceiling, and there is a g in stalagmite and in ground.) stationary, stationery Do not leave the bus until it is stationary. ( = not moving) He buys his office stationery from Smiths store. ( = paper, envelopes, etc.) story, storey Tell me a scary story. ( = fictional tale) A multi-storey car park ( = floors or levels of a building) straight, strait The car came straight at me. ( = directly) Your tie is not straight. ( = hanging in a line) The organisation is in desperate financial straits. ( = circumstances) The straits of Gibraltar ( = narrow sea) Note spellings of straitjacket and straitlaced. straightened, straitened He straightened his tie. ( = made it straight) They live in very straitened circumstances. ( = impoverished, restricted) struck, stricken The verb strike has two past participles. Struck is the general term, as in The clock struck three or The car was struck by lightning. Stricken is confined to sickness and distress, as in panic-stricken, poverty-stricken, stricken with fever, etc. suit, suite You wear a dinner suit, business suit, etc. ( = matching jacket and trousers) A suite is a set of furniture, or rooms, or a piece of music with a set of movements: a dining-room suite, a honeymoon suite, Bachs Suite and Variations. swap, swop Either spelling is acceptable. swatted, swotted He swatted the flies on the windowpane. ( = hit at and squashed) She swotted hard for her final exam. ( = studied) temerity, timidity He had the temerity to ask for a pay rise. ( = boldness) His social timidity means he is terrified of company. ( = shyness) tense, terse He looks worried and tense and taut. ( = edgy, anxious) His poems are terse little word pictures. ( = spare, brief) their, there, theyre The children were joined by their parents. ( = belonging to them) We went there on the way home. ( = to that place) Theyre on their way. ( = they are)

Common errors and confusibles


theirs, theres The blue towels are theirs, not ours. ( = belonging to them) Theres not much time. ( = there is) timidity: see temerity to, too, two Oh, to be in England . . . (infinitive) Push the door to. (adverb = shut) Hes gone to Paris. (preposition, in the direction of ) Try some vegetables too. ( = also) Thats not too bad. ( = very) Two eyes can see better than one. ( = number 2) tortuous, torturous The old city was a maze of narrow, tortuous alleys. ( = winding) The prisoners were subjected to torturous conditions. ( = painful) troop, troupe A troop of mounted police, cavalry, artillery, etc. ( = armed force) A troupe of entertainers, acrobats, performers, trained animals ( = company) towards, toward Both forms are correct, with British English favouring the -s ending and American English favouring the ending without -s. two: see to unaware, unawares He was unaware of the danger. (adjective) The bandit crept up on them unawares. (adverb) unexceptional, unexceptionable He is the author of several unexceptional novels. ( = not very remarkable or interesting) His behaviour was quite unexceptionable. ( = blameless, i.e. there was nothing about his behaviour to which one could have taken exception) uninterested: see disinterested unreadable, illegible The book was so verbose it was virtually unreadable. ( = too wordily dull to read) My doctors handwriting is almost illegible. ( = indecipherable) unwanted, unwonted She feels very unloved and unwanted. ( = not wanted) He suffered a sudden, unwonted attack of panic. ( = unaccustomed, untypical) urban, urbane Urban unemployment is a major problem. ( = in cities) He is the soul of urbanity and wit. ( = sophistication) venial, venal The priest heard the confession of a variety of venial sins. ( = trivial, forgivable) Many local politicians are venal and unscrupulous. ( = open to bribes) vicious, viscous The shark can be a vicious killer. ( = brutal) The oil slick left a viscous black mess along the shoreline. ( = glutinous, thick and sticky)


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

wave, waive, waver They waved goodbye at the station. ( = gestured with the hand) . . . splashing about in the waves by the shore ( = ripples of sea) The formal application procedures were waived. ( = not enforced) Britannia rules the waves . . . and often waives the rules. His faith has never wavered. ( = faltered, hesitated) whether, weather I wonder whether it will rain. ( = if) The weather was very hot and humid. ( = climate) whose, whos He was a man whose main hobby was music. Whos been eating my porridge? ( = who has) wholly: see holy windward: see leeward wright, write A wright is a craftsman (e.g. wheelwright, shipwright). The chief confusable between these two spellings is the word playwright, the name for a craftsman who makes plays. Many people make the mistake of spelling it playwrite, thinking of a writer rather than a craftsman. yoke, yolk The colonial yoke was lifted in the 1960s. ( = burden) The yolk of an egg ( = the yellow part)

Commonly misspelled words

abbreviate abscess abundance abyss, abysmal accelerate accept, acceptable access, accessible accident, accidental accommodation accompany, accompaniment accumulate achieve, achievement acknowledge acquaintance acquiesce acquire, acquisition acquit actual address adequately adieu adjacent admission, admittance adolescent advantageous advertisement advice (noun) advise (verb), advisable aerial affect

Common errors and confusibles


aggravate aggregate aggressive agreeable aisle alcohol allege, allegation allocate allotted almighty alms already altar alter altogether amateur amount analyse, analysis ancillary anecdote ankle annihilate Antarctic anticipate anxious, anxiety apology, apologise apostle, apostolic appal, appalling apparatus apparently appearance appendix appreciate approach appropriate approximate arctic argument arrangement ascend, ascent

aspirin assassinate associate, association asthma atheist athlete, athletic atmosphere attempt attendance, attendant attitude audible audience author authority autumn, autumnal auxiliary available aviation, aviator awkward bachelor bailiff ballet balloon bankrupt banjo, banjoes bargain basically battalion bayonet bazaar beauty, beautiful becoming begin, beginning believe, belief benefit, benefiting, benefited besiege bicycle bigger, biggest biscuit bizarre

198 borough, burgh boundary bouquet breath (noun), breathe (verb) brief brilliant Britain buccaneer buffet bulletin buoyant bureau burglar, burglary bury, burial business calendar calibre camouflage campaign canoe career careful caricature carriage cashier catarrh catechism category, categorical caterpillar caustic cavalier cedar ceiling cemetery centre challenge champagne changeable chaos character, characteristic

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide chasm chassis chauffeur chocolate choir chorus, choral Christian chronic cigarette circuit cite, citation cocoa collaborate colleague college colonel colonnade colour, colourful column commemorate commercial commission, commissioner committee, committed comparative, comparison compatible competent computer concede, concession conceit conceivable concentrate concern condemn confectioner, confectionery connoisseur connotation conscience, conscientious conscious consensus consistent, consistency

Common errors and confusibles conspiracy contemporary continuous controlled controversy convenient, convenience coroner corps corpse correlate correspondence corroborate council, councillor counsel, counsellor counterfeit coupon courteous, courtesy criticism, critical cruel cupboard curious, curiosity curtain cynic, cynicism dairy debris debt, debtor deceive, deceit decision defence, defensive definite degradation democracy dependent depot descend, descendant describe, description design despair, desperately detach develop, developed device (noun), devise (verb) diaphragm diarrhoea diary different, difference difficult digestible dilapidated dilemma dining diphtheria diphthong disappear disappoint disastrous discern disciple, discipline disease disillusioned dissatisfied dissolve dominant donor dough duly dungeon dynamo, dynamos dysentery earnest eccentric eclipse ecstasy eczema edible eerie efficient eight, eighth eliminate embarrass, embarrassment embezzle


200 emperor emphasise encyclopedia endeavour enough enthusiasm, enthusiastic entrance envelope (noun), envelop (verb) environment equipped estuary etiquette exaggerate exceed, excessive excellent except excite, excitement excusable exercise exhaust exhibition exhilarating existence expense experience experiment extraordinary fallacy family fantasy fascinate fashion fatigue favour, favourite feasible February fibre field finance, financial focus

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide forcible foreign fortunately forty four, fourth fourteen freight friend fulfil, fulfilled fundamental gaiety gallop, galloping gauge genius gigantic gnat gnaw government grammar grieve, grief, grievous grotesque guarantee guard guide, guidance guitar haemorrhage handkerchief handled happen happiness harass hearse heaven heifer height heinous heir, heiress heretic hero, heroes, heroic hiccup

Common errors and confusibles hindrance hippopotamus hoe, hoeing honour, honourable hopeful, hoping humour, humorous hydraulic hygiene hymn hypocrite icicle ignorant, ignorance illegible illiterate imaginary immediately impair impertinence, impertinent importance, important incidentally indefinitely independence, independent indispensable inevitable influenza ingenious ingredient initiative innocence inoculate inseparable install, installation, instalment instinct intelligent intention interest interference interpretation interrupt irrelevant irreparable irresistible irritate island, islet isosceles jealous, jealousy jeopardy jewellery jubilee juice, juicy keenness kernel khaki kiln knowledge, knowledgeable knuckle laboratory laborious labour labyrinth ladle laugh, laughter laundry leisure lettuce liaison library licence (noun), license (verb) lieutenant lightning (thunder and) liquor listen, listener literary lively luscious mackerel magnificent maintain, maintenance maize malicious


202 manageable manifesto, manifestos manoeuvre mantelpiece marriage, marriageable martyr marvellous matinee meant measles mechanic, mechanical medicine medieval Mediterranean melancholy messenger mileage miniature minuscule miscellaneous mischief, mischievous mistletoe monastery mortgage mosque mosquito motor motto, mottoes moustache move, movable muscles myrrh mystery, mysterious naive necessary negligent neigh neighbour niece ninety

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide ninth no one note, notable notice, noticeable nuisance occasion, occasional occur, occurrence offered omit, omission operate, operator opponent opportunity opposite ordinary, ordinarily pageant pamphlet paraffin parallel, paralleled paralysis, paralytic parcel parliament patience, patient pavilion peace pencil perceive perennial permanent, permanence permissible persecute persistent personal personnel persuade, persuasion pharmacy, pharmaceutical phenomenon, phenomenal phlegm, phlegmatic photo, photos physical physician

Common errors and confusibles physique piano, pianos picnic, picnicking picturesque piece pigeon plague plateau playwright pleasure, pleasant, pleasurable plough plumber pneumatic pneumonia poisonous pomegranate Portuguese possess, possession potato, potatoes practice (noun), practise (verb) precede prefer, preferred prejudice preliminary prevent, preventable privilege proceed profess, professor programme (unless computer program) pronounce, pronunciation propaganda propeller prosecute, prosecutor psalm psychology punctual, punctuality puncture pursue, pursuit quarrel, quarrelled quay queue quiet quite radius raspberry realise really realm rebel, rebellion receipt receive, receiving recipe recognise recommend refer, referring, referral, referee refrigerator reign rein relative relieve, relief reminisce, reminiscence rendezvous represent reservoir resign, resignation resistance responsible restaurant, restaurateur rheumatism rhinoceros rhododendron rhythm, rhyme rogue sabre sacrifice sacrilegious sanctify, sanctity satellite satisfy sauce, saucy


204 scenery sceptre schism science sculptor, sculpture scythe secondary secret, secrecy secretary seize, seizure sentence separate sepulchre sergeant several Shakespeare shepherd shield shining shrewd siege sieve sign, signal significant silhouette sincerely singe, singeing skilful social solemn, solemnity solicitor soliloquy solo, solos sombre sorcery, sorcerer sovereign spasm spectacle spectre, spectral sphere, spherical

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide sponsor stabilise stalk stationary (not moving) stationery (paper, pens, etc.) statistics strategy, strategic strength stretch substantial subtle, subtlety, subtly succeed, success sufficient suite summary, summarise superintendent supervisor suppose suppress surgeon surprise surveyor susceptible suspense sustain, sustenance syllable syllabus symbol symmetry synagogue synonym syringe tariff tarpaulin technical teetotal, teetotaller temperament temperature temporary tendency

Common errors and confusibles theatre, theatrical thief, thieves thigh thorough thought through tie, tying tincture tobacco toboggan, tobogganing tomato, tomatoes tongue tough tragedy, tragic transfer, transferred tremendous trophy trousers truly tuberculosis twelfth typhoid tyranny, tyrannical umbrella unconscious undoubtedly unique unnecessary until usury, usurer vacuum value, valuable vault vegetable vehicle veil vein vengeance veterinary vicious victuals vigour, vigorous villain virtually viscount visible warrant weather Wednesday weight weir weird wharf whether wholly wield wilful withhold, withheld woollen wrestle, wrestling xenophobe xylophone yacht yield yoke (bond or link) yolk (of egg) yours zephyr zinc zoology


Seven Check-up pages

This selection of exercises should not be taken too seriously. But I believe many readers will welcome the opportunity to make a mechanical check of their language and punctuation skills. If a particular exercise seems particularly difficult, refer back to the relevant earlier section of the book. I take it for granted that most readers will use a good dictionary, where most of the answers may be verified. A set of answer pages follows this section of the book. See pp. 22738.

1 Number
Change all the singulars into plurals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I heard the noise in the tree. The ship has struck a rock. The ladys hat was on the peg. The wolf is eating the rabbit. The child ran to the window to see the fox. The thief stole a valuable painting. I kept the rabbit in a cage. The sailor is swimming to his ship. A cat or a mouse may look at a king. I took a knife and fork.

2 Verbs
Underline all the verb phrases in these sentences: 1. Good King Wenceslas looked out/On the feast of Stephen. 2. John is going home tomorrow. 3. The doctor should have spoken to you.

Check-up pages 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


The plane will be landing around ten oclock. The crew have been safely rescued by a helicopter. Come and see the job is almost finished. The supermarket was crowded with Christmas shoppers. The sun has risen to its zenith. Drink this medicine. They fought the dogs, and killed the cats, and bit the babies in the cradles.

3 Phrasal verbs
Use suitable verbs from the following list to fill in the phrasal verbs in these sentences: hang, break (used twice), get, turn (used twice), call, give, check, keep (used twice) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. He up angrily halfway through the phone call. Some people seem to away with murder. Under prolonged interrogation, she down in tears. He up on Monday and was offered a job. The military police were in to up the demonstration. She found it difficult to up smoking. Conference delegates have to in at this desk. Because of ill-health, he has had to down an excellent job. My neighbour on working into her late 70s She at her piano practice and became a famous pianist.

4 Prepositions
Fill in the prepositions in these sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Hes not accustomed criticism. Are you in charge these dogs? Shes too clever me. The team is confident victory. What is their reaction the plan? Why are you talking a whisper? He is a native Birmingham. Please just glance this letter. Books are sale the basement You dont approve him, other words.

5 Parts of speech
What parts of speech are the underlined words or phrases? 1. These buns are lovely. 2. Who rang the bell?

208 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide Hes quite a bright child. She leaves by the six oclock train. He looked beyond the trees. The child seems hungry. She complained, but I ignored her. You ought to consider the matter seriously. It is going to rain. Ive got a red car and Freds got a blue one. The professor will see you now. The choir sang beautifully. Dear me what has happened to you? The beast in question is an extremely fierce dog. Baghdad, capital of Iraq, has again been under heavy fire. I can see something in the distance. I dont think hell get away with it. Thats quite sensible, isnt it? He walked all the way to the station. He came round two hours after the operation. A dinner is being organised in his honour. Hes deliriously happy with the result. They live in a cottage beside the beach. Hes been brought up by an uncle. Hes eaten the lot. I have nothing. Shell be with us during November. The Taj Mahal is the most beautiful building in the world. Nobody ever agrees with him. My sister has written me a long letter. Hydrogen is mixed with oxygen.

6 Phrases, clauses and sentences

Which are phrases and which are sentences? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A black and white cat. Thats quite all right. Once upon a time. Up the road and into the trees. Theres nothing wrong. I enjoy a good film. Fish and chips for tea. Not on your life. Its a funny old world. Not in front of the children.

Here are some main clauses. Add a second clause to each to complete the sentence:

Check-up pages 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. I went out into the snow . the dog will bark. The cats been sick . Last week I painted the front door . the birds all flew away. Lie down on that sofa . we got chips on the way home. the gerbil hid in a corner of its cage. The elephants appeared suddenly out of the trees Emma is no good at swimming.


Make these pairs of sentences into one compound sentence. Use coordinating conjunctions like and or but or so: 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. I like chips best. My brother likes pasta. The rain came on. I put up my umbrella. I offered a small donation. The secretary thanked me for it. Mary went by air. The flight was delayed. The ice cream looks nice. The trifle looks less than fresh. They knew it was a long trip. They ate a good breakfast. There was a loud peal of thunder. The children were frightened. She caught a large salmon. She took it home for tea. The taxi was summoned. Nobody left the party. The college boiler broke down. The students were sent home.

Make these pairs of sentences into one complex sentence. Use subordinating conjunctions like who, which, when, while, whereas, if, although, because, etc. (The pairs can be moved around.) 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. I was angry with George. George was late. How can you hear me? Youre not even listening. The boy wore a black tracksuit. He sat on my left. I arrived. You were out. I cant go. Its too expensive. The dog barked. He heard a noise. My brother likes pasta. I like chips. She waited downstairs. I got ready hurriedly. The explosive was found by a security man. It was in a plastic bag. She looked very edgy and worried. Her companion was quite inoffensive.

Here are some subordinate and coordinating clauses. Add a good main clause to complete the sentences: 41. 42. 43. 44. If you go down in the woods today Although it was snowing When Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger While Goldilocks was fast asleep


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

45. Whenever the bell rang 46. because I dont feel very well. 47. and I go to bed. 48. but thats the way the cookie crumbles. 49. Unless theres a marked improvement in his conduct 50. and then we should see some results. Underline the main clauses in these sentences: 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. Give him some more money, whatever he wants it for. Show me the photos next time you visit me. Its five years since we first met. Suddenly I understood what he meant. I have a dog which Im very fond of. She lives in Reading and works in London. Sallys gone to Edinburgh but Andrews gone to Glasgow. When he arrived safe and sound, we were all relieved. If you take the road that turns right at the traffic lights, youll see a signpost that will direct you. 60. I was more interested in watching the game and in listening to the commentary than either of my companions seemed to be.

7 Word formation
7.1 Form nouns from these (e.g. able, ability): able admire allow anxious arrive beg behave choose civilise create cruel describe enjoy exhaust false famous fierce fragrant grow hate holy injure invite lazy live lose mission move oppose please prosper punish real remember revive secure see serve sick simple speak strong think warm weary wide worthy young 7.2 Form adjectives from these (e.g. accident, accidental): accident affection anger attract Bible Britain child continent courage craft critic custom destroy disaster duty exceed faith fashion favour forget giant grace height inform introduce law love meddle metal music neglect north occasion parent pity pride quarrel reason silk star success thirst thought tire union victory voice water wood youth 7.3 Form verbs from these (e.g. beauty, beautify): beauty circle civil courage critic dark false fat fertile full glass grief joy large long magnet peril pure rich sharp simple solution speech success trial 7.4 Form adverbs from these (e.g. able, ably): able bright courage critic destroy exhaust heavy hero joy just lazy ready resent succeed typical vain weary wise worthy wretch

Check-up pages 7.5 Form compound words from these (e.g. ache, headache):


ache back berry black book cloth day door foot grand heart hedge house life man mill moon news night piece post rain sea school snow sun table water witch work 7.6 Underline the prefixes in these words (e.g. amphitheatre). Then consult your dictionary and try to say what the words mean, with and without their prefixes: amphitheatre antibiotic archangel bespectacled biography chronometer counterattack deactivate democrat disconnect downsize ecosystem equivocal forgo hypermarket hypodermic megalopolis metamorphosis millipede misjudge parasol perimeter polygon postdate submarine surcharge surname teleprinter tomorrow unclear unicycle upstream 7.7 Underline the suffixes in these words (e.g. admirable). Then consult your dictionary and try to say what the words mean, with and without their suffixes: admirable assistant baker Brazilian bushcraft computerese consultancy cookery damsel digestible dutiful farmhand fortunate girlish gossipmonger government hostess ignition interviewee Japanese kibbutznik letterhead machinery Marxism milkman minority modular narrator notify officialdom parliamentarian piracy privateer singer Spanish stationary threefold washable witchcraft workaholic youngster

8 Figures of speech
Complete these doubles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. To put on airs and Everything is cut and They fought tooth and To be worn only on high days and Membership is open to all and The pros and of the situation The garden has gone to rack and A danger to life and He is at his mothers beck and We strove for this outcome might and

Complete these proverbs: 11. 12. 13. 14. Set a thief When the cats away Too many cooks One mans meat

212 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Little children should be seen Discretion is the better Birds of a feather A rolling stone Every dog Faint heart

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

Complete these contrasting idioms: 21. When the wolf attacked them, Steven ground. 22. If you do that, it will be a feather heels but Andrew rather than a blot

23. John was offered a promotion and I advised him to strike hot, and not grass 24. Sally finds most maths problems plain but Jane tends to find anything like that a very nut 25. In a crisis, Dorothy will take her courage hands, but Ann will get cold

9 Confusibles
Supply the correct words: 9.1 practice or practise There is a football on Wednesday. what you preach. makes perfect. Can we the whole thing tomorrow? Do you regularly? An hours to do.

a day is all you need

9.2 advice or advise What do you me to do? I you to see a doctor. Let me give you some expert . The Citizens Bureau offers a free service. People love to others, but they seldom follow their own 9.3 all together or altogether He did less and less work, and has now given up They were huddled in the climbers bothy. Try to keep your tools in one box. Such methods are not satisfactory. , he has played in 44 international matches.

Check-up pages 9.4 principal or principle The character was played by Kenneth Branagh. She has abandoned all her left-wing . Do you agree in with the idea? The will see you in his office now. The party is organised on Leninist 9.5 alternate or alternative We met on Mondays. We need an source of supply There was no but to increase the price. They between hope and black despair. Can you suggest an ending to the story?


9.6 forego or forgo I was disappointed to my summer holiday. Please read the paragraph very carefully. I acknowledge the ideas of Thorstein Veblen in the analysis. He has smoking and drinking beer in his effort to get fit. The result is a conclusion. 9.7 practicable or practical This information is of no use. Noise levels have been reduced as far as is I try to be more than you. A white carpet in the kitchen is not exactly His approach is down-to-earth and entirely 9.8

lay/lie or laid/lain or laying/lying Shell anyone a bet on the Derby. I down for a short nap. The leaves have on the grass all winter. He gently the book down. They are down a red carpet for the President. passed or past Hes been in bed for the few days. The train through Perth at half They say he has a rather murky . She me a copy of the report. The plane overhead with a roar. inimical or inimitable He dresses in a quite manner. They are as as oil and water. The Arctic environment is to habitation.





Bloomsbury Grammar Guide Her attitude is to any form of opposition. Her voice was audible outside the door.

9.11 course or coarse They played golf on a 9-hole The of the war changed after Stalingrad. The grass by the shore was very long and The wine was gritty and rather I do hope he will stick the . 9.12 deadly or deathly Hes not joking hes serious. She swallowed a dose of the poison. Her poor face was pale. Theres a hush in the street tonight. After his outburst, there was a silence in the room. 9.13 Underline the correct word of the two words in brackets. You are not (aloud, allowed) in there. The moon shone (pale, pail) across the sleeping town. The jacket was made of (course, coarse) tweed. Che Guevara was a famous Latin American (gorilla, guerrilla). This murder is one of the (grizzliest, gristliest) in police records. You are always (losing, loosing) something. Large-scale British maps are produced by the (Ordinance, Ordnance) Survey. Her front teeth are fixed to a dental (plate, plait). The runaway horse came (strait, straight) at me. I dont think youve (all together, altogether) appreciated the urgency of the problem. Your good (advise, advice) had no apparent (effect, affect) on his behaviour. She was a famous chef and (restauranteur, restaurateur).

10 Spelling
10.1 -able and -ible There is no easy rule to follow when making adjectives with these suffixes, but we know that from sense we get sensible, while admire gives admirable. If necessary with the help of a dictionary, complete these: practic . ble access . ble prevent . ble convert . ble approach . ble incred . ble excit . ble indispens . ble invis . ble neglig . ble advis . ble permiss . ble

Check-up pages contempt . ble respons . ble cur . ble irrit . ble


10.2 Homonyms are words with the same sound but different spellings and meanings (such as wave and waive, piece and peace, etc.). Confusion often arises with such pairs of words. With the help of a dictionary if necessary, write down a word with the same sound as the following, then define the pairs: weight doze seed muscle marshal peak teem gild sweet beach board stake hair hall vale maize serial sore threw grate stare paws time rite cheque fair

10.3 Sometimes it is possible to enlist the help of an easier spelling to help us with a harder one. For example, we all know that ball is spelled with two ls. This should help to remind us to spell balloon with two ls too. Use the easier words in the following sentences to help you to spell the harder ones correctly: My birthday is certified on my birth cate. The bat of soldiers was ready for battle. A ette is a small cigar. On mas Day we remember the birth of Christ. The job of a ment is to govern. Some cines are not recommended by medical authorities. A ary sometimes handles confidential and secret information. We com certain events and keep them in our memory. Bronchitis is the name for inflamed al tubes. A ic explosion is one which fills passers-by with terror. 10.4 The roots of many derived words are not spelled exactly as the roots of the words from which they are taken. Thus a female tiger is not a tigeress, but a tigress. And a person with a sense of humour is not humourous but humorous. Add the suffix shown in brackets to the following words, and change the root appropriately. Check your answer with a dictionary: wonder (-ous) remember (-ance) exclaim (-ation) carpenter (-y)

216 sculptor (-ess) proprietor (-ess) winter (-y) disaster (-ous) encumber (-ance) vigour (-ous) enter (-ance) waiter (-ess) labour (-ious) administer (-ation) vapour (-ise) glamour (-ous) register (-rar) enchanter (-ess) curious (-ity) hinder (-ance) monster (-ous) pronounce (-iation) repeat (-ition) (de-)odour (-ant)

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

11 Punctuation
Here are some exercises for you to try your punctuation skills on. Answers are on pp. 2338. If you find you are getting the answers wrong, refer back to the relevant section of the book. 11.1 Full stops Write these passages out in proper sentences. Start each sentence with a capital letter and end it with a full stop. (a) my cousin Lucy is at the University of Sussex she is finding she has to work very hard (two sentences) (b) mrs Pitman has gone to the garage shell be back in an hours time ill tell her you called (three sentences) (c) jackdaws look rather like rooks they are sometimes kept as pets with patience they can be taught to mimic human speech but dont forget that jackdaws are mischievous birds they carry off and hide any small glittering object (five sentences) (d) there are three ways to get a job done the best way is to do it yourself then you can pay someone to do it for you the third way is to tell your children not to do it under any circumstances (four sentences) 11.2 Exclamation marks and question marks These sentences need to be punctuated with full stops, question marks or exclamation marks at the end. Other punctuation may also be needed. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) A fine lot of good that will do us I am asking all of you if you will subscribe a pound to the cause If only this toothache would stop How often do you make the round trip to London nowadays I wonder how that trick is done Tom and Barbara are coming with us arent they Tell me why you asked that question

Check-up pages


(h) Get out stay out and dont come back (i) Question what do you call a budgie thats been run over by a lawn mower answer shredded tweet 11.3 Commas These sentences need to be punctuated with commas and full stops. (a) I will not detain you ladies and gentlemen any longer than necessary (b) Beethoven one of the worlds greatest composers was stone deaf towards the end of his life (c) Fill all the cracks with plaster rub down with fine sandpaper apply a first coat of size allow to dry before rubbing down again if necessary and then apply the first coat of paint (d) After what seemed like ages we found an area of flattish ground unloaded our gear from the car and began to erect our tent in pitch darkness (e) He told me frankly that he had telephoned the police and that he didnt care when I went where I went or how I went so long as I left his premises at once (f) According to tradition a bride should carry or wear something old something new something borrowed something blue (g) They say the unexpected doesnt always happen but when it does it generally happens when you are least expecting it 11.4 Semicolons Put punctuation marks as needed in the following phrases. All of them will need semicolons, among others. (a) Swallows migrate vast distances a thousand-mile journey is nothing to these amazing little birds (b) Like alligators crocodiles lay eggs snakes also reproduce themselves in this manner (c) Friends Romans countrymen lend me your ears I come to bury Caesar not to praise him (d) The sun sets night falls very suddenly and after the great heat of the day the desert quickly becomes cold this causes the rocks to split and crumble (e) A gossip talks to you about others a bore talks to you about himself a brilliant speaker talks to you about you (f) The items which were found on the beach consisted of a particularly grubby tattered old shirt you wouldnt be seen dead in a pair of old shoes made out of rope string and bits of old tyres and finally a torn and grease-stained pair of overalls 11.5 Colons Put punctuation marks as needed in the following passages. All of them will require colons, among others.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (a) We visited many interesting places during our trip to Paris the Eiffel Tower the Champs Elyses the Louvre the Pantheon and the cemetery at Pre Lachaise (b) This is captain steadman speaking first ill give you the good news the flight-time is a world record now the bad news because of fog at frankfurt we are having to divert to amsterdam (c) There is only one way to win wars make certain they never happen (d) We had quite a shock when we reached home the house had been burgled (e) Take care of the pennies the pounds take care of themselves (f) Richard II said not all the water in the rough-rude sea can wash the balm from an anointed king


Correct these sentences by putting in the apostrophes and any other missing punctuation. (j) A smiles the way to start the day thats what id say (k) Im sorry but youve got the wrong number theres no mike here (l) She was in the 95 hockey team when last i saw her shes changed a bit since then of course (m) My cousins hands were badly hurt (n) Johns watch is five minutes slower than Andrews (o) The ladies cloakroom is on the left opposite the mens (p) The childrens books were all left at uncle colins house (q) There were displays of babies clothes in the shop windows 11.7 Capital letters Put capitals and other punctuation in the following sentences, where needed. (a) i bought a copy of the daily mail at edgeware road and read it on the underground to kings cross (b) mr briggs who is irish teaches french and german at st pauls school in hammersmith

Check-up pages


(c) camilla duchess of cornwall inspected the guard of honour at st jamess palace before going on the the haymarket theatre to see an afternoon performance of the cocktail party by t s eliot (d) julius caesar conquered north africa he conquered gaul he conquered britain but before he could take ireland he ran out of conkers (e) dr barbara holland consultant at the royal hospital for sick children in glasgow is seen in our picture caring for scott stephanie and karen a set of very premature triplets from paisley (f) this term our english class is studying the poetry of john milton last week we read lycidas and for next week we have to study the poem called on his blindness 11.8 Hyphens Put hyphens where needed in these sentences, along with any other missing punctuation. (a) The idea of inter continental air travel would have been considered far fetched three quarters of a century ago. (b) Telling a hair raising story to a bald headed man is a good example of time wasting. (c) There are twenty seven people in my french class at the franco british institute. (d) He had one of those insufferable im better than you and you know it expressions on his silly pompous face. (e) There was a thirty gallon tank in the attic full of the most evil smelling liquid. (f) A three ton lorry with a top heavy load bumped into a two door sports car at the crossroads. (g) They were hiding in a bomb proof shelter in the cellar of that prison like building beside the palace. Remember that phrases do not need a hyphen usually until you use them as an adjective. Here are some pairs of sentences with words italicised. Which of these words need the hyphens? (h) Our reporter John Walsh is on the spot with the latest news. Our reporter John Walsh sends us this on the spot report. (i) It was a never to be forgotten cup final. It was a cup final never to be forgotten. (j) The first night audience gave the show a good reception. On the first night the audience was enthusiastic. (k) This timetable is out of date, and not to be trusted. This is an out of date timetable, and not to be trusted. (l) In July, there was a serious crisis in the balance of payments. Things have settled down since the last balance of payments crisis.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (m) He is a good person with lots of common sense. He is a good, common sense person.

11.9 Quotation marks Punctuate these sentences with quotation marks and any other correct punctuation. (a) The young man asked have you seen my chisel yes replied my brother you left it on the kitchen table (b) Oh no cried the boy i dont believe in that sort of thing any more (c) I hope said the child to her father that you will tell me the story of the african pirate king well smiled her father i may do that but not until youve finished your homework (d) I believe hes gone to the police station said the young lady to the inspector in a very quiet voice im afraid i shall have to ask you too for a statement said the inspector taking out his notebook (e) I asked John if he was angry and he answered not really im more annoyed than angry (f) this said miss johnstone looking out of the window is the most important day of my life (g) if i see anyone move said elizabeth am i to fire at them (h) do you know a poem called the raven i asked my mother oh yes i think i do she said it was one of those things we had to learn by heart at school its by edgar allan poe isnt it i havent the faintest i admitted but its a clue in todays telegraph crossword do you remember how it went erm once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary began my mother with a weary pondering look on her face thats it i interrupted her ive got it now thanks 11.10 Parenthesis Put brackets, dashes, or commas as you think best in the following. Remember to use pairs. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Now and then as though dreaming she smiled in her sleep. I shall need a rucksack a really big one for all that gear. Roger tells me I hope he is right that admission to the castle is free. The following day Bank Holiday Monday we all went down to Brighton to see the sea. It was at the nearby town Saumur that we had planned our rendezvous with John. The officer searched the drawers all the cupboards were locked and he unearthed some useful clues. I have reached the conclusion having considered all the evidence thoroughly that this young man is innocent. Fife District area 507 sq m has a population of 350,000 Local Authority Statistics 2001.

Check-up pages (i) (j)


Abou Ben Adhem may his tribe increase awoke one night from a deep dream of peace. People like peaches and pears grow sweet shortly before they begin to decay.

11.11 A final punctuation check-up Punctuate these sentences: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) wheres the car asked the mechanic her uncle said heres a cup of tea mrs jones exclaimed what a dreadful storm hes gone to the police station said james in a quiet voice the girl suddenly shouted look oh cried the child ive got no money for the bus come here said the teacher coming replied george the gardener asked have you seen my rake yes replied his mate i put it back in the shed John asked have you time for a coffee sorry not tonight i replied im late for my train when we get home said her father to the girl ill tell you the story of the pirate king oh good she replied are we nearly there lets make a list of the places we want to visit first carthage second tunis third kairouan were going to need a good long holiday he said that andrew who usually went fishing at weekends had gone to london instead a tall woman walked into the shop removed her hood laid down her umbrella and handbag on a chair and drummed her fingers on the counter id like to buy a pair of black flat heeled shoes she announced to the shop at large glancing round briskly for an assistant in a climate like ours blue comparatively speaking is one of the coldest most unfriendly colours one can use to decorate a room or at least that is my opinion as the presidential motorcade swept along people from all walks of life office workers hairdressers shopkeepers school children all rushed out to the street cheering waving little flags and jumping up and down was it for joy or just to get a better view




Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

Answer pages
(For part 4: punctuation)
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) cant youve Its Shes Im Johns cars Itll trains Im hed Its babies Whats Womens mens Im days wed firms theyve Queens Marks dads everyones schools vandals Its

(a) Edward (his best friend) ignored Roger in the street. (b) Mrs Crawford (a woman I have always admired) is coming to our party tomorrow. (c) We were (still are) happy to see her settled in a regular job. (d) No one in our house (according to my young sister) knows how to cook properly. (e) The Royal Family (pictured left) flew to Brazil this afternoon (picture on page 3) for a state visit. (f) His collection of wild flowers (anemones, primroses, orchids) is world famous. (g) Precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.) are best kept locked up in the bank. (h) Edinburgh (population 450,000) is more than twice as big as Aberdeen (population 210,000) and half as big as Dublin (population 900,000). (i) We spent 45 euros (about 30 sterling) for a trip to explore the caves. (j) Hes a complete eccentric (eats snails, its said), so his neighbours tend to keep an eye on his movements.

Capital letters
(a) Im reading Philip Larkins Collected Poems again. Its to be returned to the library by 1 September. (b) The English cricket team will visit Pakistan in December on their way back from Australia. (c) Will the BBC or ITV or SkyTV cover the Arsenal v Crystal Palace game on Saturday?

Check-up pages


(d) Im afraid Im no expert on French or Spanish writing. You should speak to Professor Healey. He teaches French and his wife is from Argentina, I think. (e) They used to tell us in our geography classes that America was the Land of Opportunity, Britain was the Workshop of the World and the Nile Delta was the Breadbasket of Egypt. Thats how old I am! (f) Admiral Nelson was killed at the Battle of Trafalgar and Sir John Moore fell at Corunna. (g) The 24 bus normally goes up Tottenham Court Road to Camden Town, but yesterday there was a diversion because of a huge TUC anti-war procession along Euston Road. (h) The Gaelic language survives in parts of Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Brittany, but it has died out in Galicia, Cornwall and the Isle of Man.

(a) Work fascinates me: I can sit and look at it for hours. (b) We climbed four peaks last week: Lochnagar and Broad Cairn on Friday, Ben Macdui and Cairn Gorm on Saturday. (c) There were lots of boats in the harbour: yachts, catamarans, speedboats, fishing boats, etc. (d) He is exactly what people say he is: a bore and a fool. (e) The doctor told him the worst: he was not likely to recover. (f) The following items were stolen: a purse, a ring, a diary and some cheque cards. (g) The view from the hilltop is splendid: the Castle, the Old Town, and the spires and monuments are all spread out before you. (h) It has to be one of the surest signs of increasing age: you start to notice how young the police have become.

(a) The opening ceremony took place in the presence of the German economics minister, the Spanish culture minister, the mayor of Frankfurt, the president of the German Publishers Association, and the great and good of the European book trade. Also present was a gaggle of gregarious authors, assorted literary glitterati, and of course the ever-watchful, omnipresent, prosperous, well-fed remainder merchants. (b) To make cucumber soup you need one large cucumber, one onion, two ounces butter, one and a half pints white stock, seasoning, and a quarter pint of thick cream. To cook, you need to chop then toss the vegetables in the hot butter for a few minutes, taking care that they do not brown. Add the stock, a small piece of chopped cucumber peel, and a little seasoning. Simmer for twenty minutes, then emulsify in a liquidiser or sieve. Cool, then blend in the cream.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (c) As well as Mass on Sundays, and her weekly visits to a wayside dancehall, Bridie went shopping once every month. Cycling to the town early on a Friday afternoon, she bought things for herself, material for a dress, knitting wool, stockings, a newspaper and paperbacked Wild West novels for her father. She talked in the shops to some of the girls shed been at school with, girls who had married shop-assistants or shop-keepers, or had become assistants themselves. Most of them had families of their own by now. They had a tired look, most of them, from pregnancies, and from their efforts to organise and control their large families. (d) West of the town centre at 2 De Ruyterlaan is the Natuurmuseum, with a collection of rare birds, insects, reptiles and mammals, minerals, and fossils. Nearby stands the Synagogue, topped by a somewhat oriental copper dome. It dates from 1928. East of here is the Boulevard of the Liberation, from which the Langestraat branches off on the left, leading into a street called De Klomp. On the left-hand side is the Elderinkshuis (1783), the only historic building in the town to have survived the Great Fire of 1862. (e) We invited John and Frances and the Macdonalds for supper, and Mary happened to drop in too. Afterwards we had a long discussion about whether to have a cup of tea, or coffee with rum in it. In the end, David took us all out for a drink. He ordered a whisky and lemonade, a gin and tonic, two dry martinis with ice, three cokes, a lager and lime, and a brandy and soda. Im glad I wasnt footing the bill.

(a) Walk, if you please dont run. (b) Yes oh dear, yes the novel tells a story. (c) We know, Mr Weller we who are men of the world that a good uniform must work its way with the women, sooner or later. (d) Advice to persons about to marry Dont! (e) The English country gentleman galloping after a fox the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable. (f) Go directly see what shes doing, and tell her she mustnt. (g) The Common Law of England is laboriously built around a mythical figure the Reasonable Man. (h) It is well that war is so terrible otherwise we would grow too fond of it. (i) Shes the sort of woman who lives for others you can tell the others by their haunted expression. (j) There is nothing absolutely nothing half so worth doing as messing about in boats.

Check-up pages


Full stops
(a) The crocodile lives in the mudbanks of rivers in India and Africa. His huge body grows to a length of about ten metres. People sometimes hunt him for his leather skin. He has four short legs and can walk reasonably well. But water is his chosen element. Here he can move really fast. (b) One night a great storm broke over the city. The thunder rolled and roared. The lightning flashed and the rain fell in torrents. Everyone stayed indoors and hid from the elements. Suddenly there was a positive eruption of noise and flashes of blinding light. The bursts came again and yet again. The huddled masses trembled in their shanties all the while. (c) Youve heard of the famous Niagara Falls. Several people have tried to go over these falls in barrels or small boats. In nearly every case the barrels were smashed to pieces against the rocks and the men in them killed or drowned. The only man who ever succeeded in going over the falls was Captain Webb. A few years later he lost his life trying to swim the rapids just below the falls.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) one-eyed mouse-to-mouse two-hundred-strong thirty-odd shock-proof corrosion-resistant anti-magnetic warm-up scrum-half stand-off mid-run hair-raising full-backs upand-unders cul-de-sac half-time (f) made-up off-the-peg back-of-the-envelope make-up ice-cream outpatients (g) vice-chancellor ex-president non-executive fund-raising two-thirds

Passage 1 (from A Cool Million)
I wonder who did it? asked Steve. I cant imagine, answered Lem brokenly. Did they get much? All I had in the world . . . A little less than thirty dollars. Some smart leather must have gotten it. Leather? queried our hero, not understanding the argot of the underworld with which the train boy was familiar. Yes, leather pickpocket. Did anybody talk to you on the train? Only Mr Wellington Mape, a rich young man. He is kin to the Mayor of New York.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

Who told you that? He did himself. How was he dressed? asked Steve, whose suspicions were aroused.

Passage 2 (from New Grub Street)

At eight oclock came the doctor. He would allow only a word or two to be uttered, and his visit was brief. Reardon was chiefly anxious to have news of the child, but for this he would have to wait. At ten Amy entered the bedroom. Reardon could not raise himself, but he stretched out his hand and took hers, and gazed eagerly at her. She must have been weeping, he felt sure of that, and there was an expression on her face such as he had never seen there. How is Willie? Better, dear, much better. He still searched her face. Ought you to leave him? Hush, you mustnt speak. Tears broke from her eyes, and Reardon had the conviction that the child was dead. The truth, Amy! She threw herself on her knees by the bedside, and pressed her wet cheek against his hand. I am come to nurse you, dear husband, she said a moment after, standing up again and kissing his forehead. I have only you now.

Question marks and exclamation marks

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6 (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ? ! ? ! ? . ? ? . ! ! ? ! ! ! .

Check-up pages


Quotation marks
(a) Is this the road to the seashore? asked the motorist. (b) Im not sure, replied the young lady. Im a stranger here myself. (c) I told you to buy a map, said his wife, but now its too late and all the shops are shut. (d) My favourite reading this year has been District and Circle, Seamus Heaneys new book of poems, and a very funny collection of bits and pieces called Lost Worlds, by Michael Bywater. (e) In the end, she said, we took the umbrella to the lost property office. It was too good an article to leave lying in the street, she added by way of explanation. (f) But this, said Angela, is murder. We need to phone the police, she added, her voice growing ever more shrill. (g) The chances of a serious accident, began the professor, are probably greater than theyve ever been in history. Whoever thought kamikaze pilots would deliberately set out to crash their planes into busy office buildings?

(a) (b) (c) (d) This is my umbrella; that is yours. She insisted on giving us the whole story; it went on and on for ages. I dont think thats fair; you dont know the whole story. They looked everywhere, but couldnt find her; she must have left the office. (e) The doctor did her morning round of the wards at nine; she was accompanied by two nurses, a physiotherapist and a consultant. (f) The last chickens had gone; it seemed clear that the fox had again entered the hen-house during the night. (g) The judge passed sentence; the defendant passed out; the press corps sprinted off to relay the verdict to a waiting world.

Answer pages
(For Part 7: check-up pages)
In many instances, the suggested answers that follow only offer one or two options. These should not invariably be regarded as the only options.

1 Number
1. We heard the noises in the trees. 2. The ships have struck rocks.

228 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide The ladies hats were on the pegs. The wolves are eating the rabbits. The children ran to the windows to see the foxes. The thieves stole valuable paintings. We kept the rabbits in cages. The sailors are swimming to their ships. Cats or mice may look at kings. We took knives and forks.

2 Verbs
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. looked out is going should have spoken will be landing have been rescued Come; see; is finished was crowded has risen Drink fought; killed; bit

3 Phrasal verbs
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. hung up get away broke down turned up called in; break up give up check in turn down kept on kept at

4 Prepositions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. to of for of to in of

Check-up pages 8. at 9. for or on, in 10. of; in


5 Parts of speech
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. adjective transitive verb adverb intransitive verb preposition copular verb conjunction adverb pronoun (dummy subject) distributive pronoun noun adverb interjection complement noun phrase, in apposition indefinite pronoun phrasal verb question tag adverbial, of degree phrasal verb intransitive verb, passive adjective phrase, complement prepositional phrase phrasal verb, passive indefinite pronoun, object adverbial adjective, superlative adverb, frequency pronoun, indirect object verb, passive

6 Phrases, clauses and sentences

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. P S P P S

230 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide S P P S P . . . and tried to clear my head. If you start fooling about . . . . . . and is hiding in the garden. . . . but it still needs a second coat. When I opened the door . . . . . . and try to relax. After wed seen the movie . . . As soon as the cat appeared . . . . . . and began running towards us. Although shes an excellent runner . . . I like chips best and my brother likes pasta. The rain came on so I put up my umbrella. I offered a small donation and the secretary thanked me for it. Mary went by air but the flight was delayed. The ice cream looks nice but the trifle looks less than fresh. They knew it was a long trip so they ate a good breakfast. There was a loud peal of thunder and the children were frightened. She caught a large salmon and took it home for tea. The taxi was summoned but nobody left the party. The college boiler broke down so the students were sent home. I was angry with George because he was late. How can you hear me when youre not even listening? The boy who sat on my left wore a black tracksuit. I arrived while you were out. I cant go because its too expensive. The dog barked when he heard a noise. My brother likes pasta while/whereas I like chips. She waited downstairs while I got ready hurriedly. The explosive, which was in a plastic bag, was found by a security man. She looked very edgy and worried although her companion was quite inoffensive. . . . youre sure of a big surprise. . . . it didnt seem very cold. . . . she soon fell fast asleep. . . . the Three Bears made themselves comfortable. . . . the dog barked furiously. I have to rest now . . . I do my homework . . . Hes lost his job again . . .

Check-up pages 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. . . . hell have to move elsewhere. Offer her a promotion . . . Give him some more money Show me the photos Its five years Suddenly I understood I have a dog She lives in Reading; (she) works in London Sallys gone to Edinburgh; Andrews gone to Glasgow we were all relieved youll see a signpost I was more interested in watching the game


7 Word formation
7.1 ability admiration allowance anxiety arrival beggar behaviour choice civility/civilisation creation/creativity cruelty description enjoyment exhaustion falsity/falsehood fame fierceness fragrance growth hatred holiness injury invitation laziness life loss/loser missionary movement opposition/opponent pleasure prosperity punishment reality remembrance revival security sight service sickness simplicity speech strength thought warmth weariness width worth youth 7.2 accidental affectionate angry attractive biblical British childish continental courageous crafty critical customary destructive disastrous dutiful excessive faithful/faithless fashionable favourable forgetful gigantic gracious high informative introductory legal lovely meddlesome metallic musical neglectful northern/northerly occasional parental pitiful/pitiless proud quarrelsome reasonable silken/silky starry successful thirsty thoughtful tired/tiresome united victorious vocal watery wooden youthful 7.3 beautify encircle civilise encourage criticise darken falsify fatten fertilise fill glaze grieve enjoy enlarge lengthen magnetise imperil purify enrich sharpen simplify solve speak succeed try 7.4 ably brightly courageously critically destructively exhaustively heavily heroically joyfully/joyously justly lazily readily resentfully successfully typically vainly wearily wisely worthily wretchedly 7.5 headache/bellyache backache/backside raspberry/strawberry blacksmith/ blackberry bookworm/handbook tablecloth/altarcloth holiday/Monday doorstep/doorknob footfall/footbridge grandson/grandmother heartfelt/heartache hedgerow/hedgehog household/housemaid lifetime/ lifelong manhood/postman millwheel/windmill moonlight/honeymoon newsagent/newshound nightfall/midnight piecemeal/timepiece fencepost/postbox rainfall/rainwear seascape/undersea schoolkid/schoolroom


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

snowflake/snowstorm sunshine/sunflower tablecloth/birdtable watertable/ waterfall witchcraft/witchdoctor workshy/handiwork 7.6 amphitheatre antibiotic archangel bespectacled biography chronometer counterattack deactivate democrat disconnect downsize ecosystem equivocal forgo hypermarket hypodermic megalopolis metamorphosis millipede misjudge parasol perimeter polygon postdate submarine surcharge surname teleprinter tomorrow unclear unicycle upstream 7.7 admirable assistant baker Brazilian bushcraft computerese consultancy cookery damsel digestible dutiful farmhand fortunate girlish gossipmonger government hostess ignition interviewee Japanese kibbutznik letterhead machinery Marxism milkman minority modular narrator notify officialdom parliamentarian piracy privateer singer Spanish stationary threefold washable witchcraft workaholic youngster

8 Figures of speech
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. graces dried nail holidays sundry cons ruin limb call main to catch a thief the mice will play spoil the broth is another mans poison and not heard part of valour flock together gathers no moss has its day never won fair lady took to his; stood his (or went to) in your cap; on your escutcheon while the iron was; let the grass grow under his feet sailing; hard nut to crack in both; feet

Check-up pages


9 Confusibles
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 practice; practise; practice; practise; practise; practice advise; advise; advice; Advice; advice; advise; advice altogether; all together; all together; altogether; altogether principal; principles; principle; principal; principles alternate; alternative; alternative; alternate; alternative forgo; foregoing; foregoing; forgone; foregone practical; practicable; practical; practical; practical lay; lay; lain; laid; laying past; passed; past; past; passed; passed inimitable; inimical; inimical; inimical; inimitable course; course; coarse; coarse; course deadly; deadly; deathly; deathly; deathly/deadly (depends on the reaction) allowed pale coarse guerrilla grizzliest losing Ordnance plate straight altogether advice effect restaurateur

10 Spelling
10.1 practicable accessible preventable convertible approachable incredible contemptible responsible excitable indispensable invisible negligible advisable permissible curable irritable 10.2 wait dose cede mussel martial peek team guild suite beech bored steak hare haul veil maze cereal soar through great stair pause thyme right check fare 10.3 certificate battalion cigarette Christmas government medicines secretary commemorate bronchial terrific 10.4 wondrous remembrance sculptress proprietress wintry disastrous encumbrance vigorous entrance waitress laborious administration vaporise exclamation carpentry glamorous registrar enchantress curiosity hindrance monstrous pronunciation repetition deodorant

11 Punctuation
11.1 Full stops (a) My cousin Lucy is at the University of Sussex. She is finding she has to work very hard. (b) Mrs Pitman has gone to the garage. Shell be back in an hours time. Ill tell her you called. (c) Jackdaws look rather like rooks. They are sometimes kept as pets. With patience they can be taught to mimic human speech. But dont forget that jackdaws are mischievous birds. They carry off and hide any small, glittering object.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (d) There are three ways to get a job done. The best way is to do it yourself. Then you can pay someone to do it for you. The third way is to tell your children not to do it under any circumstances.

11.2 Exclamation marks and question marks (a) A fine lot of good that will do us! (b) I am asking all of you if you will subscribe a pound to the cause. (c) If only this toothache would stop! (d) How often do you make the round trip to London nowadays? (e) I wonder how that trick is done. (f) Tom and Barbara are coming with us, arent they? (g) Tell me why you asked that question. (h) Get out, stay out, and dont come back! (or) Get out! Stay out! And dont come back! (i) Question: What do you call a budgie thats been run over by a lawn mower? Answer: Shredded tweet! 11.3 Commas (a) I will not detain you, ladies and gentlemen, any longer than necessary. (b) Beethoven, one of the worlds greatest composers, was stone deaf towards the end of his life. (c) Fill all the cracks with plaster, rub down with fine sandpaper, apply a first coat of size, allow to dry before rubbing down again if necessary, and then apply the first coat of paint. (d) After what seemed like ages, we found an area of flattish ground, unloaded our gear from the car, and began to erect our tent in pitch darkness. (e) He told me frankly that he had telephoned the police, and that he didnt care when I went, where I went, or how I went, so long as I left his premises at once. (f) According to tradition, a bride should carry or wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. (g) They say the unexpected doesnt always happen, but when it does, it generally happens when you are least expecting it. 11.4 Semicolons (a) Swallows migrate vast distances; a thousand-mile journey is nothing to these amazing little birds. (b) Like alligators, crocodiles lay eggs; snakes also reproduce themselves in this manner. (c) Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. (d) The sun sets; night falls very suddenly; and after the great heat of the day, the desert quickly becomes cold. This causes the rocks to split and crumble.

Check-up pages


(e) A gossip talks to you about others; a bore talks to you about himself; a brilliant speaker talks to you about you. (f) The items which were found on the beach consisted of a particularly grubby, tattered old shirt you wouldnt be seen dead in; a pair of old shoes made out of rope, string, and bits of old tyres; and finally, a torn and grease-stained pair of overalls. 11.5 Colons (a) We visited many interesting places during our trip to Paris: the Eiffel Tower, the Champs Elyses, the Louvre, the Pantheon, and the cemetery at Pre Lachaise. (b) This is Captain Steadman speaking. First Ill give you the good news: the flight-time is a world record. Now the bad news: because of fog at Frankfurt, we are having to divert to Amsterdam. (c) There is only one way to win wars: make certain they never happen. (d) We had quite a shock when we reached home: the house had been burgled. (e) Take care of the pennies: the pounds take care of themselves. (f) Richard II said: Not all the water in the rough-rude sea can wash the balm from an anointed king. 11.6 Apostrophes (a) ALL TODAYS TENNIS RESULTS (b) NEW ROUTES FOR LONDONS BUSES (c) FIRE DESTROYS NURSES FLATS (d) LORRYS BRAKES FAIL ON HILL (e) SHIPS CREW ADRIFT IN DINGHIES (f) PENSIONS FOR SOLDIERS WIDOWS (g) CITY GALLERIES FINANCIAL PROBLEMS (h) THREE MONTHS RAIN IN TWO WEEKS (i) CABINET MINISTERS AT ST PAULS (j) A smiles the way to start the day: thats what Id say. (k) Im sorry, but youve got the wrong number. Theres no Mike here. (l) She was in the 95 hockey team when I last saw her. Shes changed a bit since then, of course. (m) My cousins hands were badly hurt. (n) Johns watch is five minutes slower than Andrews. (o) The ladies cloakroom is on the left, opposite the mens. (p) The childrens books were all left at Uncle Colins house. (q) There were displays of babies clothes in the shop windows. 11.7 Capital letters (a) I bought a copy of the Daily Mail at Edgware Road and read it on the underground to Kings Cross. (b) Mr Briggs, who is Irish, teaches French and German at St Pauls School in Hammersmith.


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (c) Camilla Duchess of Cornwall inspected the guard of honour at St Jamess Palace, before going on to the Haymarket Theatre to see an afternoon performance of The Cocktail Party, by T S Eliot. (d) Julius Caesar conquered North Africa; he conquered Gaul; he conquered Britain; but before he could take Ireland, he ran out of conkers. (e) Dr Barbara Holland, consultant at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, is seen in our picture caring for Scott, Stephanie and Karen, a set of very premature triplets from Paisley. (f) This term our English class is studying the poetry of John Milton. Last week we read Lycidas and for next week we have to study the poem called On His Blindness.

11.8 Hyphens (a) The idea of inter-continental air travel would have been considered far-fetched three-quarters of a century ago. (b) Telling a hair-raising story to a bald-headed man is a good example of time-wasting. (c) There are twenty-seven people in my French class at the FrancoBritish Institute. (d) He had one of those insufferable Im-better-than-you-and-you-knowit expressions on his silly, pompous face. (e) There was a thirty-gallon tank in the attic full of the most evilsmelling liquid. (f) A three-ton lorry with a top-heavy load bumped into a two-door sports car at the crossroads. (g) They were hiding in a bomb-proof shelter in the cellar of that prisonlike building beside the palace. (h) second version: Our reporter John Walsh sends us this on-the-spot report. (i) first version: It was a never-to-be-forgotten cup final. (j) first version: The first-night audience gave the show a good reception. (k) second version: This is an out-of-date timetable, and not to be trusted. (l) second version: Things have settled down since the last balance-ofpayments crisis. (m) second version: He is a good, common-sense person. 11.9 Quotation marks (a) The young man asked, Have you seen my chisel? Yes, replied my brother. You left it on the kitchen table. (b) Oh no! cried the boy. I dont believe in that sort of thing any more. (c) I hope, said the child to her father, that you will tell me the story of the African pirate king. Well, smiled her father, I may do that but not until youve finished your homework.

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(d) I believe hes gone to the police station, said the young lady to the inspector, in a very quiet voice. Im afraid I shall have to ask you too for a statement, said the inspector, taking out his notebook. (e) I asked John if he was angry and he answered, Not really, Im more annoyed than angry. (f) This, said Miss Johnstone looking out of the window, is the most important day of my life. (g) If I see anyone move, said Elizabeth, am I to fire at them? (h)) Do you know a poem called The Raven? I asked my mother. Oh yes, I think I do, she said. It was one of those things we had to learn by heart at school. Its by Edgar Allan Poe, isnt it? I havent the faintest, I admitted, but its a clue in todays Telegraph crossword. Do you remember how it went? Erm . . . Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary . . . began my mother, with a weary, pondering look on her face. Thats it! I interrupted her. Ive got it now. Thanks. 11.10 Parenthesis (a) Now and then, as though dreaming, she smiled in her sleep. (b) I shall need a rucksack a really big one for all that gear. (c) Roger tells me I hope he is right that admission to the castle is free. (d) The following day (Bank Holiday Monday), we all went down to Brighton to see the sea. (e) It was at the nearby town (Saumur) that we had planned our rendezvous with John. (f) The officer searched the drawers all the cupboards were locked and he unearthed some useful clues. (g) I have reached the conclusion, having considered all the evidence thoroughly, that this young man is innocent. (h) Fife District (area 507 sq m) has a population of 350,000 (Local Authority Statistics 2001). (i) Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!) awoke one night from a deep dream of peace. (j) People, like peaches and pears, grow sweet shortly before they begin to decay. 11.11 A final punctuation check-up (a) Wheres the car? asked the mechanic. (b) Her uncle said, Heres a cup of tea. (c) Mrs Jones exclaimed, What a dreadful storm! (d) Hes gone to the police station, said James in a quiet voice. (e) The girl suddenly shouted, Look! (f) Oh! cried the child, Ive got no money for the bus!


Bloomsbury Grammar Guide (g) Come here, said the teacher. Coming, replied George. (h) The gardener asked, Have you seen my rake? Yes, replied his mate, I put it back in the shed. (i) John asked, Have you time for a coffee? Sorry, not tonight, I replied. Im late for my train. (j) When we get home, said her father, Ill tell you the story of the pirate king. Oh good, she replied. Are we nearly there? (k) Lets make a list of the places we want to visit. First, Carthage; second, Tunis; third, Kairouan. Were going to need a good long holiday. (l) He said that Andrew, who usually went fishing at weekends, had gone to London instead. (m) A tall woman walked into the shop, removed her hood, laid down her umbrella and handbag on a chair, and drummed her fingers on the counter. Id like to buy a pair of black flat-heeled shoes, she announced to the shop at large, glancing round briskly for an assistant. (n) In a climate like ours, blue comparatively speaking is one of the coldest, most unfriendly colours one can use to decorate a room. Or at least that is my opinion. (o) As the presidential motorcade swept along, people from all walks of life office workers, hairdressers, shopkeepers, school children all rushed out to the street cheering, waving little flags, and jumping up and down. Was it for joy, or just to get a better view?


Bold type indicates the main reference for a topic. Italic type indicates an exercise on that topic in the check-up pages at the end of the book. ablative case, 6 -able/-ible endings, 22, 97, 102, 214 abstract noun, 3 accusative case, 6 acronym, 812 active sentence, 68 active verb, 345 adjective, 1623, 210 adjective phrase, 22, 58, 612 adverb, 4550, 210 adverb phrase, 22, 58, 6263 adverbial, 35, 4548, 72; clause, 756; in a clause, 78 affixation, 80, 889 agreement, in verbs, 278 allegory, 147 alliteration, 148 anacoluthon, 148 analogy, in word formation, 82; as literary device, 148 anapaestic foot, 162 anaphoric reference, 234, 267 and, 545; 56 antecedent, 76 anticlimax, 149 Antisthenes the Sophist, 1 antithesis, 149 apostrophe, to signal ownership, 67,110113, 218; as literary device, 149 apposition, 59, 122

appositive clause, 59 article, 235 aspect, 37 assonance, 14950 attributive adjective, 17 Austin, J L, 64 auxiliary verb, 2830, 678; passive auxiliary, 34; dummy auxiliary, 67 back formation, 823 Barrie, J M, 86 base form of a word, 80; base form of a verb, 30 bathos, 150 be, 28, 32 Bentley, Edmund Clerihew, 150 blending, 83 Bolinger, Dwight, 81 borrowing, 18, 845 brackets, 1135 Bunyan, John, 147, 164 Byars, Betsy, 26 Canetti, Elias, 64 capital letters, 3, 1158 cardinal numbers, 26 Carroll, Lewis, 79, 83, 86 case system, in nouns, 6 catch phrase, 150 Chesterton, G K, 145 Churchill, Winston, 54 clause, 30, 6978, 209, 210 clerihew, 150 clich, 139, 1516 clipping, 856, 156 coining, 867

Coleridge, S T, 146 collective noun, 7 colloquialism, 152 colon, 1189, 2178 comma, 16, 77, 11925, 217 comma splice, 689, 124 command, 33 common noun, 3 comparative clause, 76 comparison of adjectives, 18, 19; of adverbs, 49 complement, 31; in a clause, 72 complex sentence, 73, 209; complex words, 80 compound words, 9, 22, 59, 87, 211; and hyphenation, 131133 compound sentence, 734, 209 compounding, 87 concord, 278 concrete noun, 3 confusible words, 172196, 212214 conjunction, 546 Conran, Shirley, 108 conjunctive adverb, 48 continuous tenses, 28, 32, 37 contracted words, 112 coordinating conjunction, 545, 209 coordination, 74 copular verb see linking verb countable noun, 5 Cowper, William, 79 Cummings, E E, 116 dactylic foot, 162 Dahl, Roald, 86 dangling modifier, 77 dash, 125128 dative case, 6 dead metaphor, 1523 declarative mood, 33 declarative sentence, 67 definite article, 2324 demonstrative, pronoun, 13; adjective, 20; determiner, 25 dependent clause, 734 determiner, 13, 237; numeral as, 17 dialogue punctuation, in fiction, 1357 Dickens, Charles, 127 direct object, 712 direct speech, 121, 138 Disraeli, Benjamin, 64 distributive pronoun, 15 do, auxiliary, 28; as dummy auxiliary, 678 doubles, 1534, 211 dramatic irony, 158 dual gender, 56

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

dummy auxiliary, 678 dummy subject, 70 dyad, 153 ellipsis, 74, 78, 122, 1289, 169 epigram, 154 equative be, 32 euphemism, 155 exclamation mark, 57, 129, 216 exclamative sentence, 67 Farjeon, Herbert, 171 feminine see gender figurative language, 146, 2112 finite clause, 30, 73, 76 finite verb, 30 first person, 11; first person pronouns, 15 formula expression, 66 frequentative meaning, 99 full stop, 12930, 216 function word, 23 future tense, 36 gemination rules of spelling, 96 gender, in nouns, 5; in pronouns, 1112 genitive case 6, 110 gerund, 30, 31, 32 get, 34 Gibbs, Wolcott, 64 Gilbert, W S, 79 Gowers, Sir Ernest, 31, 108 group genitive, 111 habitual present, 35 haiku, 156 have, 28 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 147 helping or auxiliary verb, 2830 Hemsley, Harry, 170 Hendrickson, R, 108 homonyms, 171, 212, 215 house style, 110 hyperbole, 156 hyphenation, 9, 20, 22, 130134, 219 I and me, 15 iambic foot, 162 -ible/-able endings, 22, 97, 102, 214 idiom 1567, 212, prepositional, 54; and as an idiom, 56 imperative mood, 32 imperative sentence, 67 indefinite, pronoun, 1314; article, 245; determiner, 26 independent clause, 73 indicative mood, 323

indirect object, 712 infinitive, 3031 inflection, 35, 80 innuendo, 157 intensifier, 56 interjection, 6, 567, 129; as minor sentence, 66 interrogative, pronoun, 14; adjective, 1920; sentence, 67; adverb, 48 inflection, 80 intransitive verb, 34 irony, 158 irregular, plural noun, 34; adjective, 19; verb, 39 -ise/-ize spellings, 38, 102 La Rochefoucauld, Franois de, 154 Latin case system, 6 Lear, Edward, 158 Lewis, C S, 147, 160 limerick, 158 linking verb, 31, 712 litotes, 159 Lodge, David, 145 major sentence, 66 malapropism, 159 masculine see gender mass nouns, 7 meiosis, 159 metaphor, 146, 1601, 165 metonymy, 161 metre, 1612 minor sentence, 66 misspellings, 196205 mixed metaphor, 147 modal auxiliary, 2830 modifier, 17, 458, 59, 61, 62; dangling modifier, 77 mood, 323 morpheme, 65 multiple sentence, 66, 69 negative sentence, 67 neologism, 87 neuter see gender no, 48 nominal clause see noun clause nominative case, 6 non-finite clause, 30, 72, 76 non-restrictive clause, 77 noun, 110, 206, 210 noun clause, 75 noun phrase, 10, 5859 number, 26, 206 number concord, 27 numbers and hyphens, 133, 134 object, 34; in a clause, 71 oblique marks, 143 omission marks, 128; in punctuation, 112 onomatopoeia, 162 ordinal numbers, 26 Orwell, George, 106, 147, 151, 155 oxymoron, 163


palindrome, 1634 paradox, 164 paragraph, 65, 109, 1347 parenthesis, 113, 127, 220 participle, 21, 30, 31 passive, sentence, 68; verb, 28, 32, 345, 45 past participle, 30, 31 past tense, 28, 357 perfect tense, 37 period see full stop personal pronoun, 11 personification, 116, 163 phrasal verb, 4145, 207 phrase, 5763, 208; as minor sentence, 66 plural noun, 3, 206 political correctness, 88, 143, 155, 168 Pope, Alexander, 145 portmanteau words, 83 positive sentence, 678 possessive apostrophe, 110112 possessive determiner, 256 possessive pronoun, 11, 12 post-modifier, 1718, 52, 59, 62; adjective, 21 predicate, 17, 70 predicative adjective, 17 prefix, 88, 211; list of common prefixes, 8996; in verbs, 378 pre-modifier, 61 preposition, 5054, 207 prepositional phrase, 52, 58, 62 present continuous, 28, 32 present participle, 31 present tense, 35 pronoun, 5, 1016 proper noun, 3, 116 proverb, 165, 2112; and sexist language, 12 pun, 166 punctuation, 16, 108144, 216221 question mark, 137, 216 question tags, 122 quotation marks, 138144, 220 readability, 778, 123 reciprocal pronoun, 13 reduplication, 878 reflexive pronoun, 12 regular verb, 389

relative clause, 58, 59, 76 relative pronoun, 15 reported speech, 36, 13940 restrictive clause, 77 rhetorical question, 166 Richards, I A, 146, 160 root of a word, 80, 2156 Scott, Sir Walter, 84 second person, 11 semicolon, 1412, 217 sentence, 659, 109, 2089; compound and complex, 73 sequencing of adjectives, 19 sexist language, 6, 12, 88, 143; -ess, 100; -folk, 101; -man, 104; -person, 105; -trix, 106 Sharp, William, 86 Shaw, G B, 64 Sheridan, R B, 108, 158 simile, 1668 simple sentence, 66, 69 singular noun, 3, 206 slash, 143 Sotades, 164 spelling, 97; errors, 196205, 2146 Spenser, Edmund, 147 split infinitive, 31, 50 Spooner, W A, 168 spoonerism, 168 square brackets, 114 stative present, 35 strong verb, 38 style, xi, 1467 subject in a clause, 70 subjunctive mood, 33 subordinate clause, 15, 33, 758, 209 subordinating conjunction, 556, 209 subordination, 74

Bloomsbury Grammar Guide

suffix, 96, 211, 215; list of common suffixes, 96107; in nouns, 8; in adjectives, 21, 214; in verbs, 38; in adverbs, 47 superlative adjective, 18, 61 Swinburne, A C, 148 syllepsis, 168 synecdoche, 169 tautology, 1467 Temple, William, 108 tense, 357 the, 234, 267 third person, 11 transitive verb, 34, 71 trochaic foot, 162 uncountable noun, 5 verb, 2745, 206; in a clause, 71 verb aspect, 37 verb phrase, 58, 6061, 2067 virgule, 143 vocative case, 6 weak verb, 38 what, which, 15 who, whom, 14 whose, whos, 14 Wilde, Oscar, 151, 154 word, 2, 65, 109 word division, 130 word formation, 79107, 21011 Wordsworth, William, 145 yes, 48 zero article, 25 zeugma, 169

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