Nausea and Vomiting Highlights:: When To Refer To A Physician

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Nausea and vomiting highlights :

When to refer to a physician :

1-Severe abdominal pain in the lower middle /Right quadrant 2-Severe pain in the right upper quadrant 3-Stiff neck and sensitivity to normal light -!ever "over 3#$% c& and / or 'iarrhea %-(lood in the vomit or green in color )-*ellow skin or eye discoloration and dark urine +-,sychogenic origin "-./ (ulimia & #-0ead in1ury with blurry vision or numbness

Advice given to patients with motion sickness :

1-sit where the motion is least e.perienced " !ront of the car 2 wing seats 2 upper deck on a boat 2$$$$etc& 2-avoid e.cess food before or during the travel 3-avoid strong odors from food or tobacco smoke -avoid reading during travel %-listen to the radio or talk with other passengers )-keep your line of vision fairly straight ahead

Advice given to pregnant women to reduce NVP :

1-make sure you have fresh air in the room where you sleep 2 and put dry crackers beside your bed to eat in the morning 2-before arising 2eat several crackers and rela. in bed for 13-1% minutes 3-get out of bed very slowly and do not make any sudden movements -before eating breakfast nibble on dry toast or crackers %-make sure there is plenty of fresh air in the area where meals are prepared and eaten )-eat four to five small meals per day instead of three large meals 2 do not overeat at meals +-do not drink fluids or eat soups at mealtime $ 4nstead 2 drink small sips of liquid between meals #-when nauseated 2 try small sips of carbonated beverages or fruit 1uices 5-avoid greasy food such as fried food 2 gravies 2 mayonnaise and salad dressing as well as spicy or acidic foods " citrus fruits and beverages 2 tomatoes & 13-if necessary eat food that is chilled rather than war2 or hot " cold foods tend to be less nauseating &

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