Lesson Plan 1

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Teacher Candidate: Erika Walters Lesson # 1 Subject/Grade: Writing/First Grade Date and Time of Lesson: Learning Objective: Students

will be able to recall information from experiences about not telling the truth by writing and illustrating to make connections in the story. Alignment with Standards:
Common Core: W.1.8 With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question

Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections:

The learning objectives are appropriate in terms of development because they will have practice sharing feelings with the class, composing sentences, making connections in stories to their own experiences.

Assessment(s) of the Objectives:

Lesson Objective(s) After reading the story, A Big Fat Enormous Lie, students will be able to recall information from experiences about not telling the truth by writing and illustrating to make connections in the story. Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) PRE: Students will complete a quick write in which each student will draw a picture and write about it DURING: Ask questions connecting what is in the story and not telling the truth. POST: To determine what students learned and achieved during the lesson, students will draw a picture about where they would send their lie to, and briefly explain why. Use of Formative Assessment The assessment data will be used to inform future instruction by allowing students to practice composing sentences and explaining themselves.

For early finishers, students will be able to complete classwork that has not yet been finished. For slower paced students, the teacher candidate will not require them to write where they would send their lie to, but encourage them to volunteer and explain their picture (the teacher candidate will note what they say). If anyone needs extra assistance, the teacher candidate will aid him or her during the assignment. For the different learning styles, the teacher candidate will read a story and ask engaging questions for the auditory, and for the visual and kinesthetic learners, the teacher candidate will provide students with an opportunity to create a drawing.

A Big Fat Enormous Lie by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat Crayons/colored pencils/markers Pencil I would send my lie to _____ because _______. Sheet

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Have students meet you on carpet. Show students book, and tell them title, author, and/or illustrator. Ask students How would you define a lie? or Can anyone tell me what a lie is? After students give their answers, tell them to discuss a time they did not tell the truth with a neighbor. Have some students share their answers with the whole class, then read title again and begin to read the story. Throughout the story, find good stopping points and ask interacting questions to keep students engaged. a. Can anyone tell me why the lie is getting bigger and bigger? b. How does the boy feel towards the lie? i. Does he like the lie? Does he not like it?

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

c. What could the boy do to get rid of his lie? d. What happens to the lie once the boy tells the truth? e. What do you notice about the last page? (remind students that as he told the truth, the lie got smaller) Once you have finished the story, leave students with this thought: Imagine where you would send your lie to? like the boy did in the story Make sure to tell them not to say their answer aloud. Next, explain that at their desks, they will be drawing a picture of a place they would send their lie to and why, like the little boy in the story. Have students return to desks, and then pass out the papers on which they will complete their assignment. Walk around, and talk to students about their drawings briefly. Once students have finished, ask volunteers to stand up in front of classroom and share what they have drawn and written. Collect papers and return the class back over to cooperating teacher.

Activity Analysis:
For the first activity, the students will be listening to a story about a boy who tells a lie that grows and grows in the form of a monster until he tells the truth. Students will be sharing their own experiences with their classmates, and making predictions throughout the story. For the second activity, the students will be describing a place they would send their lie and why. Along with this description, students will draw a picture. They will then share this with the class, and practice speaking in front of the class and sharing their own work. Technology was not included in this lesson because students will be interacting face-to-face with the teacher candidate and one another through discussion.

Sharmat, Marjorie Weinman., and David McPhail. A Big Fat Enormous Lie. New York: Dutton, 1978. Print. http://www.easybib.com/cite/form/book/apa


I would send my lie to because

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