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Benefits of HVDC and FACTS For Power-Flow Control "Transmission Can Be So Easy"

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HVDC / FACTS Highlights


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Benefits of HVDC and FACTS for Power-Flow Control Transmission can be so easy
Introduction Large system disturbances in 2003 in both North-America and Western-Europe have raised questions on transmission security and system reliability in competitive markets. Task forces have been established and solutions for transmission system enhancement are under discussion. One of the key-issues for these large system outages seems to be a lack of investments into the grids under deregulated marked conditions, thus leading to bottlenecks in transmission, ref. to Fig. 1. Application of new technologies is gaining impetus.
Globalisation/ Privatisation Liberalisation Deregulation - Privatisation: Opening of the
markets, Independent Transmission Companies ITCs, Regional Transmission Organisations RTOs

Bottlenecks in Privatisation Transmission

Problem of uncontrolled Loop-Flows Overloading & Excess of SCC Levels System Instabilities, Outages

System Enhancement & Interconnections:

Investments in Privatisation Power Systems

Higher Voltage Levels New Transmission Technologies Renewable Energies

Fig. 1: Trends in Power Systems System Enhancement with Power Electronics Depending on the types of power systems, different solutions need to be applied for the system enhancement: Meshed Systems: Load-Flow Optimization Weak Systems: Stability Enhancement and Voltage Quality Long Distance Transmission: Increase of Transmission Capacity

In Fig. 2, examples of load-flow optimization in a meshed system configuration are depicted. Goal of the measures is to avoid hot spots in the grid: red areas with high PTDF (Power Transfer Distribution Factor) and corresponding high risk for loss of n-1 criteria.

Short Circuit Current Limitation for Connection of new Power Plants

Load Management by Power-Flow Control

The FACTS & HVDC Application Guide

Load Displacement (by Impedance Control)
Source: National Transmission Grid Study; U.S. DOE 05/2002

Fig. 2: Elimination of Bottlenecks in Transmission Prevention of Overloads and Outages Using HVDC (High Voltage DC Transmission) and FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems), each at its best location, enables load-flow optimization in the system. In case that new power stations need to be implemented, short-circuit current limitation will be essential, ref. to HVDC/FACTS newsletter 05/2003. Benefits and Features of HVDC and FACTS Fig. 3 summarizes the impact of FACTS and HVDC on load flow, stability and voltage quality when using different devices. Evaluation is based on large number of studies and experiences from projects.
Variation of the Line Impedance: Series Compensation



Impact on System Performance

Load Flow Stability Voltage Quality

(Fixed Series Compensation)


(Thryristor Protected Series Compensation)


(Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation)

Voltage Control: Shunt Compensation


(Static Var Compensator)


Influence: *
low or no small medium strong

(Static Synchronous Compensator)

Load-Flow Control


(Unified Power Flow Controller)

* Based on Studies & practical Experience

Fig. 3: FACTS & HVDC - Ranking of the Controllers

Main shunt connected FACTS application is the Static Var Compensator (SVC). Static Var Compensation (SVC) with line-commutated thyristor technology is mainly used to control the system voltage. There are hundreds of these devices in operation world-wide. Since decades, it is a well developed technology and the demand on SVC is increasing further. As an option, SVC can control unbalanced system voltages. Fixed Series Compensation (FSC) is used for reducing the transmission angle, thus providing stability enhancement and increase of the transmission capacity. A huge number of these applications are in operation. Thyristor Controlled Series Compensation is used if fast control of the line impedance is required to adjust the load flow or for damping of power oscillations. TCSC has already been applied in different projects for load-flow control, stability improvement and to damp oscillations in interconnected systems. In newsletter 01/2004, an advanced FACTS solution for Series Compensation, the TPSC (Thyristor Protected Series Compensation) is described. Special FACTS devices are UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) and STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) using voltage source converters. Both devices provide fast voltage control, reactive power control and power oscillation damping features. UPFC combines a shunt connected STATCOM with a series connected STATCOM, which can exchange energy via a coupling capacitor. However, with an HVDC back-to-back link, designed for power and fast voltage control at both terminals, the same control features can be achieved. In this way, the HVDC Back-toBack features FACTS and it is less complex than the UPFC at lower costs. In Fig. 4, the main features of such a B2B are shown.


I1 Q1


V2 I2 Q2
L and C

B2B is a flexible Device for controlled Power Transfer between synchronous or ----asynchronous asynchronous AC Systems An economical Solution in low to high Power Range up to 1200 MW

L and C
Slow Functions Fast Functions

Slow Functions

Power & Fast Voltage Control Fault Current Blocking

Fig. 4: HVDC Back-to-Back for Power-Flow Control For most applications in AC transmission systems and for network interconnections, SVC, FSC, TCSC/TPSC and B2B are fully sufficient to match the essential requirements of the grid, ref. to Fig. 3. STATCOM and UPFC are tailored solutions for special needs. FACTS and HVDC consist of power electronic components and conventional equipment which can be combined in different configurations. It is therefore relatively easy to develop new features, based on proven components to meet extended system requirements. Fig. 5 shows the configuration possibilities of a versatile B2B for Power-Flow Control in the AC grid.

System 1

Synchronous or Asynchronous

System 2


Transformer Options:
With or without Tap-changer*


B2B - Rating:
13,8 ** 13,8 kV kV 550 550 30 MW 30 MW 1200 1200

Filter Options:
Primary or Secondary Side of Transformer

*For Medium Voltage _Application, one Side of _B2B can be without _Transformer

Power & Fast Voltage Control Fault Current Blocking

Fig. 5: B2B for Power-Flow Control - The versatile Tool

Developments in Power Electronic Components By the use of high power direct light-triggered thyristors (LTT), significant benefits can be achieved, as shown in Fig. 6. Siemens uses this innovative technology for both HVDC and FACTS controllers. Highlights are less electronic components, leading to an increased reliability, in combination with a unique wafer-integrated thyristor over-voltage protection function (BOD, Break-Over Diode).

The safest Valve Technology

LTT: Technical & Economical Advantages

% less Electronic Components

Less Electric Wiring & Fiber Optic

Cables Reduced Spare Parts Requirements Wafer-integrated Over-voltage Protection

Thyristor Valve with Direct-Light Triggering 100 mm Thyristors with integrated Break-over Protection

Maximum Reliability & Availability - Benefits of LTT

The active portion of the valve becomes a straightforward assembly of thyristors, heat sinks, and cooling-water piping

Fig. 6: Benefits of LTT-Thyristor Technology and View on the Thyristor Stack (right side)

HVDC Station Layout - Examples In Fig. 7, a site-view of an HVDC station with conventional building technology and a 3-D view of a containerized solution are shown.

Fig. 7: HVDC - Examples for the Station Layout Conclusion FACTS and HVDC controllers have been developed to improve the performance of long distance AC transmission. Later their use has been extended to load-flow control in meshed and interconnected systems. Excellent on-site operating experience is being reported, and the FACTS and HVDC technology became mature and reliable. Features of the different devices are explained and highlights of innovative thyristor technology developments are presented and their benefits are demonstrated.

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