Unit 03 Days Gone by

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The Splendid Speaking Course

Volume 2 Unit 5: Describing Photographs
Splendid Expressions
‘Possibility & Probability’

Unit 3: Days Gone By

Task: Presentation (1-2 minutes)
Topic vocabulary 1. Introduction: Read the following extract in preparation for short talk:
A scene from the past
The photo shows/portrays
A portrait of
To be facing the camera
To have their backs to the
A landscape
In the foreground
In the background
In the distance
In the top right hand corner
Towards/On the left/right
To feel nostalgic
To look back on
To bring back memories
2. Planning: Find photographs to use for your presentation.
Useful language for Do a search for ‘historical photos’ in Google to find two or three photos on a
speculating similar theme. Alternatively, use these sample photographs from the
It will/must/might/can’t have Cambridge ESOL website for CAE students:
Perhaps…/Maybe…/Possibly cambridgeesol.org/teach/cae/speaking/aboutthepaper/part2/index.htm
I daresay …
I suppose … 3. Task focus: Try organising your talk around three main points:
I imagine … 1) Start by describing the general theme of your photos.
I wonder …? Example: ‘These photographs all portray people at work and show just how
No doubt … hard life must have been for people at this time’.
It’s (un)likely that … 2) Then compare and contrast the scenes in each one. Use the language on
In all likelihood … the left to speculate, for example on what people are thinking or what might be
In all probability … happening.
I bet … 3) End by reflecting on the scenes with a personal comment.

4. Language: Tick any of the language on the left you want to use.

Task: Discussion (15 minutes)

As part of a student panel you’ve been asked to discuss the following:

 We are far better off as a society today than we were 50 years ago?

Ekaterina from Bulgaria Consider the standard of living, family ties, social cohesion, career
talking on a similar opportunities etc. During the discussion, make a note of the expressions
subject. See the people use to state their opinion. For example do you hear any of these:
N o ve m b e r a r c h i v e s
( I n t e r vi e w 3 ) a t :
As far as I’m concerned / I reckon / Well, if you ask me / I often think
s p l e n d i d- s p e a k i n g . c o m
I sometimes wonder / In my opinion / I firmly believe / I’m a great believer in

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