What Is Magnetizing Current in A Transformer
What Is Magnetizing Current in A Transformer
What Is Magnetizing Current in A Transformer
What is the magnetizing current of a transformer which its effect is considered as an inductor in the equivalent circuit of a transformer? Hysteresis loss is the energy that is consumed to change the orientation of magnetics domains. When magnetic orientation changes, the core is magnetised and we have a total flux named m inside the core.( m is the total flux resulted from i1 and i2, the currents of rimary and secondary windings!. "o why the core still needs an extra current named im (magnetisation current! to #e magnetised? $t%s not good ractice to ost the same question concurrently on different forums. $t leads to confusion and often frustration for #oth you and those who try to offer advice. &ou%ll ro#a#ly find your osts will #e consolidated #y one of the forum moderators. 'he magnetising current is that current which flows in the rimary winding when the rimary voltage is a lied with the secondary unloaded. $t%s the necessary current that satisfies the excitation condition as determined #y the fundamental transformer equation ( as $ stated in res onse to your other ost. 'his current is related (with a reasona#ly good a roximation! to the transformer equivalent rimary inductance value and the a lied rimary voltage and given source frequency. )agnetising current flows into the rimary irres ective of transformer load condition. 'he rimary and secondary load com onents of magnetic flux are notionally in #alance (#y virtue of rimary to secondary load am ere(turns #alance! #ut the rimary current always has a magnetising com onent which adds to the rimary load current com onent. "ince there is usually a hase dis lacement #etween the load and magnetising com onents, the effective rimary current is determined #y the com lex num#er addition of the two rimary com onents ( not a sim le alge#raic addition. 'he real transformer is a rather more com lex device than suggested #y the sim listic re resentation $ have given a#ove. * com lete model of the transformer requires a detailed understanding of the various losses and their origins as well as the excitation +magnetisation, requirements.