Statewide Coalition Meeting: On The Agenda
Statewide Coalition Meeting: On The Agenda
On the Agenda:
Panel Discussion—Current Issues in Children’s Health
Nurse Family Partnership
Care for the Caregiver—Geraldine Cabirac, LPC Mental Health
Association of St. Tammany
DHH Updates
To be sure you continue to receive the most up-to-date information from CKF, please
take a moment to give us your current contact information (even if you do not plan to
attend the meeting).
Check One: ___ Attending ___ Not attending
Name:________________________________ Title:___________________________________
Agency:_______________________________ Program:________________________________
Address:_______________ ________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________
Are you currently a member of a Louisiana Covering Kids and Families Coalition? _____Yes____No
Hotel rooms are blocked for Tuesday, September 15, 2009. The deadline to book rooms and
receive the discounted rate of $86 is Tuesday, September 1, 2009. The hotel information is listed
Hilton Lafayette
1521 West Pinhook Road
Lafayette, LA 70503
Phone: 1-800-445-8667
Online Reservations:
Group Code: DHH