How To Use PassThru With Lexia PPO
How To Use PassThru With Lexia PPO
How To Use PassThru With Lexia PPO
1. Install Lexia 3 and PPO software. 2. Run LexiaWithPassThruXS.exe and PPOWithPassThruXS.exe to make Lexia 3 and PPO to work together with Actia Pass hru de!ice. 3. Install Pass hru dri!ers "latest http$ !ersion a!aila#le from
'. Run FlashPassThruForLexiaPPO.exe to install necessar( tools. After it (ou will see 2 new shortcuts on (our desktop$
o #e a#le to work with Actia Pass hru de!ice in Lexia 3 and PPO software (ou need to reprogram "flash& de!ice. *onnect de!ice to P* with +,- ca#le. power it on #( connecting to the car or !ia O-/. /ou#le click on PassThru for Lexia PPO. 0elcome screen will appear$
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1. ,elect +,-. 21st /e!ice3. then press 4ext. 5ollow instructions on screen. 6ou should see this screen$
7. Press 4ext to start flashing process. After it finishes. reconnect the de!ice. In /e!ice 8anager (ou should see USB PassThru Driver ( Multi-instance . Now you can start Lexia or PPO software and diagnose your car.
9. 0hen (ou want to switch #ack de!ice to normal mode "to #e a#le to work with 8ulti/iag Office or with generic Pass hru software& (ou should reprogram de!ice #ack to its original state. *onnect de!ice to P* using RS232 cable (USB cable will not wor !!"# power it on. then run from the desktop PassThru restore and follow instructions on screen. 6ou should see this screen$
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:. Press 4ext to start flashing process. After it finishes. reconnect the de!ice. In /e!ice 8anager (ou should see now PassThru! XS USB. Now your de$ice is restored to its original state.
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