Unit 1 Lesson 3

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NAME OF COURSE: Algebra Foundations UNIT NAME: Rubrics, Routines, and

I Rules
Lesson # 3 of 12
UNIT ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the social norms, routines, and rules of the
FOCUS QUESTION/OBJECTIVE: How do we work in groups?
I can statements: Behavior Expectations: The students will produce:
- I can tell others the three team rules. - Students are respectful of - 1 think now entry
each other. - 2 answers from the book
- 1 worksheet
- Students follow the class
rules taught thus far.

Think Now Journal HW DUE: Answer to think now journal questions, filled out rubric for
(15) two entries, materials needed for class

When you worked in groups in 5th grade what were some of the rules your
teacher had? Why do you think it is important to have rules when working in

Essential Math (5) None instead this time will be used for a share out.

Direct Instruction Ask students why group work is important?

(10) Only one (or two) teacher(s) in a class of 29 students
Sometimes it is better to hear from someone your own age
Less boring
Learn more when you have to explain

Go over the rules of group work.

Talk using team voices
Talk to only your teammates no other teams
Ask a student before asking a teacher

Go over what you the teacher does during classwork

Take running notes

Individual/Cooperati Students complete the following problems: AR-49, AR-50, Making Compatible
ve Work (30) Factors Worksheet.

Have student groups take turns being the teacher and circulating around the

Check-In (15) Handout share out rubric and have students share.

Daily Quiz (5) Daily Quiz on class procedures and expectations.

MATERIALS: 1) paper for think now journal 2) textbooks 3) running notes handout 4)
Making compatible factors worksheet
HOMEWORK: Multiplication Worksheet
NOTES: Students working in groups for the first time.

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