Cleopatra Dream Dictionary

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The document provides interpretations for symbols that may appear in dreams, ranging from abandonment to zombies.

The document discusses the possible meanings of various symbols that could appear in dreams, from A to Z. It provides short interpretations for each symbol listed.

Many different symbols are mentioned throughout the document, including actors, abbeys, adders, and zombies. Each symbol's meaning is briefly explained.

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary A to Z

ABANDON need to rely on self

ABANDON thoughts and feelings that are not as important
as they once were
ABANDON wish to let go
ABANDON wishing to let go of some thought
ABANDONED something that you used to do
ABBEY place of great belief / people join together to
share belief
ABCESS emotions likely to burst
ABDOMEN expel unwanted thoughts
ABDOMEN medical - stomach ache / primal emotions/
ABDUCTION you are been forced in a direction you do not
really want to go - life circumstances control you
ABNORMAL striking you as odd or unusual
ABODE home of personality
ABODE without abode - lack personality
ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN ice cold male feelings and emotions
ABORIGINAL a more natural way of life
ABORIGINE innocent simple life
ABORT reject ideas
ABORTION reject ideas
ABOVE where you are in relation to your goals
ABROAD foreign strange experiences/thoughts
ABSCESS feelings are to burst out
ABSCOND fraud and deceit
ABSTINENCE overconfidence
ABUNDANCE fortunes and happiness
ABUSE mistreat
ABYSS deep feelings - often of depression
ABYSS overcome major fears / taking the plunge
ACADEMY new friends or skills
ACCELERATOR speeding towards goal
ACCENT express yourself in a certain way
ACCEPTANCE self-esteem
ACCESS knowing everything about something
ACCIDENT delay in putting thoughts into practice
ACCIDENT major upsets to the the mind
ACCIDENT thinking over things that can go wrong
ACCOMPANY be in a agreement with something
ACCOMPLISHMENT a sense of achievement
ACCORDION amusement and joyous harmony
ACCOUNTANT objective and cold in assessing the situation
ACCUSE self doubts or doubts in others
ACHE hesitation
ACHIEVEMENT satisfaction.
ACID annoyance anger
ACORN sew seeds and reap riches
ACQUAINTANCE may see this person soon
ACROBAT manouvering through thoughts and circumstances
ACROSS a different way of thinking
ACROSS a transition to a new emotional feeling - a new
mood within you
ACROSS on the other hand!
ACROSS switching your attention - distracting you
ACTOR consider a pun on the actors name as the meaning
ACTOR they symbolise the way the act and behave - their
catchphrases and gestures
ACTOR trying to do something that you are not so
confident at - trying to imitate
ACTOR Try to convince someone especially when you are
not all that convinced yourself
ACTOR you are obviously being fake or pretending in some
ACTRESS consider a pun on the actors name as the meaning
ACTRESS they symbolise the way they act and behave -
their catchphrases and gestures
ACTRESS you are obviously being fake or pretending in
some way - not being your true self - faking something
you lack confidence at
ADD and furthermore! and another thing! / keep talking
ADDER deceitful enemy
ADDICT loss of power and control - denial of
ADDITION ability to solve problems
ADIEU end of visits
ADMIRE much regarded and well-loved.
ADMIRING very impressive
ADMIT acknowledging a feeling
ADOLESCENT teenage enthusiasms
ADOPT acceptance and involvement with people of a like
ADOPT great new hobby/activity that you are drawn to
ADOPT take some idea that is not your own
ADOPTED new interests and experiences
ADORABLE love at first site
ADORATION admiration
ADORE admiration
ADRENALINE living on the edge - taking risks
ADULT accepting responsibilty
ADULTERY feeling of missing out / betrayal
ADULTERY go against a belief or loyalty
ADVANCEMENT circumstances in your favor
ADVENTURER self asbsorbed
ADVENTUROUS take risks
ADVERSARY overcome circumstances
ADVERT a totally false claim. Overselling yourself in a
boastful way
ADVERT Promoting yourself in a better way
ADVERT thinking or saying just how good something will
ADVICE need to be convinced
ADVOCATE loyal believer
AESTHETIC artistic and cultural
AFFECT influence you
AFFECTION happiness with your circumstances
AFFLICTION some coming problem
AFFLUENCE associated with talented happy people
AFRAID reluctantly inclined to think
AFRICAN AMERICAN expressive and natural soul
AFRICAN colorful culture
AFRO rich and expressive nature
AFTERNOON relates to wheather
AGE concern about ageing
AGGRESSION repressed thoughts
AGREEMENT agreeable circumstances / union of concious
and unconcious
AIDS unable to defend yourself
AIR anticipating change in the near future - seeing
things happen in your mind
AIR communication of ideas and feelings
AIR CONDITIONER anxious about a situation
AIR FORCE need for spiritual disipline
AIR pun = hot air
AIRCRAFT : getting moving on this project, get an idea
off the ground
AIRCRAFT : it could happen so quickly and suddenly. A
AIRCRAFT : My ambitions and hopes
AIRCRAFT : A change in your priorities
AIRCRAFT : a need to plan for a real life journey
AIRPORT anticipating something to happen very quickly
AIRPORT contemplating new direction - high ambitions
AIRPORT doing something very quickly
AIRPORT high ideals, ambition new career path or new
AISLE about bond yourself to idea or relationship
AISLE neatly organised
AK-47 a general feeling of confrontation
ALARM CLOCK an intense awareness of time - need to stick
to a schedule - a warning that something needs doing
ALARM warning signs alerting you to some issue
ALBATROSS vulnerability
ALBINO purity
ALBUM nostalgic about past / surrounded by true friends
ALCHEMY inner transformation
ALCOHOL a relaxed attitude
ALCOHOL totally lose control
ALCOHOL not listening - forcing your opinions on others
ALGEBRA the tried and tested formula / problem solving
ALIEN something outside - foreign - wondering what
something is
ALIEN very unlike anything you have ever experienced
ALIMONY paying for your past actions and mistakes
ALIVE believing entirely in
ALIVE having a mind of their own
ALIVE some thought or feeling is brought alive in your
ALLERGY sensitive to criticism
ALLEY a narrow restricted vision
ALLEY no idea what other people are thinking - unaware
ALLEY carry on regardless of what others think
ALLIGATOR sensing trouble - sensing danger - something
that you would rather avoid
ALLIGATOR something is unfair - a sense of resentment
ALMONDS food of life = prosperity and good times
ALONE am I the only one!
ALONE feeling isolated
ALONE lacking any help
ALRIGHT acceptance of some situation
ALSATIAN antagonistic thoughts coming from a devoted
ALTAR sacrifice - personal or other
ALTAR sacrifice
ALTERNATE UNIVERSE everything is the same yet in some
ways something is different
ALUMINUM determined but adaptable
ALUMINUM strong thoughts
AMBER fixed ideas locked in past
AMBULANCE show a bit of immediate care and attention -
tend to hurt feelings - recognise a situation is
AMBUSH problems in unexpected places
AMERICAN INDIAN psychic powers and your spiritual style
of life - a love of nature
AMETHYST good health and thoughts of contentment
AMISH strict way of living
AMMONIA behavior which strains friendships
AMMUNITION using arguments to persuade
AMOEBA continuous process of adaption and change
AMOROUS attraction towards
AMOROUS scandalous behavior
AMPUTATE cut out something
AMPUTATION must face problems
AMPUTATION restrictions placed on you
AMUSEMENT PARK an amusing or interesting story you have
AMUSEMENT PARK being insincere fake or superficial
AMUSEMENT PARK something fake just beneath the surface
of the glitter and jangle
ANACONDA creative emotions
ANAESTHESIA numbed senses
ANAL SEX give in to others desires
ANCESTOR a former friend or family member - thoughts
about your own roots
ANCESTOR inherited characteristics
ANCESTOR past memories
ANCHOR solid stable characteristics - steady emotions
ANCHOR take a firm hold
ANCIENT elderly statesmanlike thoughts - old sacred
beliefs - well thought out and accepted
ANCIENT something from the past - grounded in past
ANDROGENOUS showing a good balance of male and female
ANDROGYNOUS unifying force
ANDROGYNOUS well balanceed
ANDROID a almost robotic type idea - constantly been
repeated - lacking true knowledge
ANDROIDS acting robotically
ANECDOTE pleasant social setting
ANESTHESIA numbed senses
ANGEL a person thought to be totally perfect and good
ANGEL an ideal of total female perfection
ANGEL guidance to achieving spritual and higher goals
ANGELS guidance to achieving spritual and higher goals
ANGER repression of thoughts and feelings
ANGLER doing the right thing
ANGRY surpressed rage
ANIMAL degrading pleasures and thrills
ANIMAL lower form of life / behave wildly
ANIMAL moodiness and animalistic emotions - lacking any
real control
ANIMAL TRAINER trying not to show deep emotions
ANIMATE extremely vibrant
ANIMATION light heartedness
ANIMOSITY strong dislike - possible conflict
ANKLE a junction in your personal life
ANKLE personal flexibility
ANKLE support and direction
ANNOY circumstances are against you
ANNULMENT free yourself from obligations
ANOREXIA low self worth
ANSWERING MACHINE difficulties in understanding
ANTS doing the same as everyone else
ANTS controlling your mind - forced to conform
ANTARTIC an inability to concentrate properly and get
deply involved in life
ANTELOPE prosperous and high ambitions
ANTENNA communication with others
ANTENNA sensing what people think
ANTENNA transmission of thoughts and feelings
ANTIDOTE putting something right
ANTIQUE old idea now valued
ANTIQUE SHOP wanting to become enlightened on some issue
ANTLER rivalry
ANTLER sexual desire
ANUS eject unwanted thoughts and feelings
ANVIL key to success at something
ANXIETY concious anxiety
APARTMENT dreamers personality
APARTMENT finding a way of doing something that makes
you feel comfortable
APARTMENT your approach to some issue on your mind
APARTMENT your own personal space that should be
APARTMENT your self - personality
APATHETIC not bothered either way
APE joking - pun
APEX reaching the very top
APHRODITE greek god of love and beauty - sensual and
caring energies
APOCALYPSE massive personal change
APOLLO spiritual leader and god
APOLOGIZE make allowances for
APOLOGIZE make allowances
APOLOGIZE release your old grudges
APPARITION feelings you cannot see within
APPLAUSE need for recognition
APPLE health = apple a day keeps the doctor away
APPLE rotten = unfulfilling desires
APPLE temptation - eve
APPLE TREE temptation
APPOINTMENT a set time for something
APPOINTMENT deadline for something
APPREHENSIVE fearing the worst
APPRENTICE yet to be accepted amongst a group - lacking
confidence or knowledge
APRICOT mixed sweet but sour experience
APRON protection
AQUARIUM acknowledged emotions - studying emotions
AQUARIUM analysing your own desires and those of others
AQUATIC PLANT creative and imaginative abilities
AQUEDUCT emotional path
ARABIAN eastern mystery
ARC rise and fall
ARCADE hanging out and trying to give the impression of
being cool
ARCADE happy times
ARCH support for your direction in life
ARCHAEOLOGY acknowledgement of your unconscious.
ARCHAPELLIGO seperate but connected
ARCHERY setting your targets in life
ARCHITECT planning to reshape the way you think -
planning new project
ARCTIC cold lonell and remote emotional situation
ARDENT very vociferous
ARENA struggle over
ARGUE an inner conflict
ARGUE doing something you do not believe in
ARGUE offer an alternative
ARGUING debating what actually happened in your mind
ARGUING disagree with something
ARGUMENT internal conflict
ARK preservation
ARM arm = military pun
ARM great strength
ARMADILLO tough defensive emotions
ARMAGEDDON extreme stress
ARMOR defensiveness to criticism
ARMOR protective layer
ARMOUR capable of rebuffing criticism
ARMOUR determindly defensive
ARMPIT unfortunate unpleasant area / tendency
ARMS physichal strength and support
ARMY a need to follow written instructions or orders -
strict rules that need to be followed
ARMY Confrontation - Ready to challenge something
ARMY enduring hardship with others - a sense of teamwork
and effort - a disciplined outlook
ARMY having a really rough day and facing difficult
situations - carry on regardless
AROMA sensual pleasure
AROUND explore something
ARREST caught in the act - getting found out - knowing
that you are breaking some rules
ARREST trying to calm down some situation - bringing
peace of mind
ARREST something that is off limits - a forbidden topic
you will not discuss
ARREST restore order within your mind - coming to your
ARREST a sense of injustice - thats not right!
ARREST conventions - doing things the way that is
ARREST some actual case involving the law - enforce some
law or rule
ARROGANCE over belief and exxageration
ARROGANT over belief and exxageration
ARROW aim at your goals
ARROW aiming at something / pointing something out
ARSON destructiveness
ART a creative explanation of something
ART imagining the worst - paiting a picture of how
things can be
ART paiting a picture of how things can be - a vision of
how you want things to be
ARTHRITIS difficulties on moving to goals
ARTIC an inability to concentrate properly and get deply
involved in life
ARTICHOKE eat = delve into problem
ARTICULATED LORRY some work involving expression
ARTIFACT evidence of something
ARTIFACT objects from your conscious life
ARTIST creative side - using creative talents - using
your imagination
ARTWORK creative efforts
ASHES remains / remnants of
ASHTRAY discard unwated troubles
ASIA mysterious and distant thoughts
ASIAN conservative and guarded
ASIAN spiritually minded - deep eastern thoughts
ASK seeking knowldege
ASP deceitful enemies
ASPARAGUS growth and prosperity
ASPHALT clear road - a new freshly made route for your
ASS stupid
ASSASSIN destroy an aspect of your character
ASSAULT pressure building up within
ASSISTANCE relates to your your abilty to handle things
ASSISTANT help and support with carrying out actions
ASTEROID realising that your life will change radically
ASTEROID the truth has been found out
ASTEROID something terrible that nearly happened
ASTEROID being suddenly struck by the truth - something
that you did not realise at first
ASTHMA anxious and uncomfortable circumstances
ASTONISH amazed and stunned
ASTROLOGY wondering about future
ASTRONAUT seeking new experiences and places
ASTRONAUT transporting your mind to understand some
amazing intellectuall or creative idea
ASYLUM ill health and poor circumstances
ATHLETE great physical strength and fitness
ATHLETE showing great energy and effort - very ingenious
and quick thinking - athletic ways of thinking
ATHLETIC great physical strength and fitness
ATHLETIC showing great energy and effort - very
ingenious and quick thinking - athletic ways of thinking
ATLAS planning changes
ATOXIC non threatening
ATTACHMENT feeling connected
ATTACK pressure building up within
ATTENTION being taken seriously and respected
ATTENTION take time to look at
ATTIC conceptual and higher thinking
ATTIC living in your dreams
ATTIC path to unconcious
ATTIC thoughts in your imaginations / possibly hidden
ATTORNEY seek support for arguments
ATTRACT promote and encourage some way of thinking
ATTRACTIVE something that is attractive and appealing
AUCTION just how important is some relationship
AUDIBLE very very clear message - something you must
listen too
AUDIENCE a need to take care
AUDIENCE emotions been shown in a very open and very
public way
AUDITION insecure thoughts about how others see you
AUDITORIUM everyone knows what has been said - things
happened in public
AUDITORIUM making your thoughts perfectly clear for all
to see
AUGER honest labour
AUNT a need for more imaginative thinking
AUNT female experience and help
AUNT need a sympathetic chat with someone not so
AUNT the need for advice - wanting help on some matter
AURA great energies
AURORA wonderful enlightening experiences
AUSTRALIA pulled down
AUSTRALIA turn upside down
AUTISM an inability to communicate feelings properly
AUTISTIC an inability to communicate feelings properly
AUTOGRAPH approval and positive acceptance
AUTOGRAPH show devotional feelings for something/someone
AUTOPSY an inquest into why something happened the way
it did
AUTOPSY studying actions and thoughts
AUTUMN rough times ahead
AUTUMN the best times are over - its all downhill now
AVAILABLE being within reach / ability to get to
AVALANCHE inescapeable repressed thoughts
AVOID need to face up to problem
AVOID pun = A void
AWAKE heed message of dream
AWAKEN find new spiritual energy
AWARD need recognition
AWARE to recognise something that you have not perhaps
recognised so far
AX cut out some way of thinking / dismiss an idea
AXE being axed - dropped from a team
AXE cut out some way of thinking / dismiss an idea
AXE cut things up - divide them

BABBLE not making any sense

BABOON uncultured and stupid
BABY BOTTLE irregular sleep patterns - baby like
BABY exciting ideas and circumstances newly born into
your life - taking an opportunity enthusiastically
BABY making the home safe clean and secure
BABY protecting a vulnerable person from danger
BABY SHOWER celbrate new start
BABY SITTING protecting and safeguarding a personal
project - protect your own ideas and beliefs
BABY SITTING protecting someone from trouble
BABY your clear goals - something which you have a
personal responsibility for - being involved in some
BABY your true deep down feelings
BABY your trust, belief, and hope in the future - purity
of purpose
BABYSIT a need to protect someone who is vulnerable -
someone who needs helping
BABYSIT a responsibility dumped on you
BACHELOR pointless relationships
BACK been taken back to some event
BACK DOOR changes in close family / opportunity to
indulge secret hidden desires
BACK DOOR secretive fears
BACK PACK being independant - going your own way -
engrossed in your own activities
BACK PACK the thought of living outside
BACK SEAT you are not in full control of your life -
distractions - not focused and able to concentrate
BACK STAGE things which are not seen
BACK the meaning behind something
BACK the reverse side of something - how you would feel
having the same thing done to you!
BACK watch your back /jealousy and resentment
BACK YARD unconscious signals that you try to conceal
BACKBONE focus on something - with great effort
BACKDROP the general background to some situation
BACKFLIP change direction / willingness to change and
fit in
BACKSEAT you are not in full control of your life -
distractions - not focused and able to concentrate
BACKSTAGE behind the scenes - what you secretly think
BACKWARD need to back off
BACKWARD not making any progress
BACKYARD hidden fears that you are talking about
BACKYARD introspective fears and worries
BACKYARD secret thoughts and desires
BACKYARD secretive thoughts
BACKYARD the hidden side of your personality
BACON earning a living
BACTERIA bad things which are too small to see
BAD not as good as an alternative
BAD not doing as is wished
BADGE a deep commitment
BADGE measure of your regard
BADGER pun= badgering people
BAG emotional baggage and responsibilities - the
responsibilities that burden you
BAG past experiences that shaped your life and dominate
your thinking
BAGEL food of mind - warm satisfying thoughts
BAGPIPE maybe lack of harmony
BAIL temporary help
BAILIFF integrity questioned
BAIT encouragement to think along certain lines
BAIT luring people to fulfill your desires
BAKERY place of success and achievement
BAKING creation and productive activty
BALCONY letting people know your deepest and most
creative ideas
BALCONY spilling out your emotions to the world - making
things obvious
BALD lack self esteem - a bit sad looking
BALL ability to
BALL total understanding
BALLERINA effortless movement
BALLET grace and harmony
BALLGOWN making a real effort to see the best in
BALLOON drift away
BALLOON get off the ground
BALLOON hopes rising or descending
BALLOON hot air balloon = pun
BALLOON inflated opinion of self
BALLROOM intuitive energy and achievement
BANANAS mad and strange ideas
BANANAS sexual desires
BAND a need for cooperation
BAND cooperation and community togetherness
BAND experiencing a sense of harmoney with others
BANDAGE need to heal
BANDAGE protect and heal
BANDAGES cover over problems but don't solve them
BANJO good times
BANK someone or something you can rely on - acting in a
way that has delivered success in the past
BANK this sounds like a really good idea!
BANKRUPT feeling of doubt
BANKRUPT lacking ideas and inspiration
BANKRUPT need to watch things closely
BANQUET overwhelmingly good experiences - almost too
BANQUET wonderful prosperity of experiences / groups of
people who you meet or plan to meet
BAPTISM new emotional outlook
BAPTISM renewal of faith
BAR a highly relaxed social situation your mind is
BAR a real life situation you are thinking through
BAR a relaxed and laid back mood
BAR access to something is blocked
BAR MITZVAH transition to adulthood
BAR restrictions placed on you and the way you think
BAR social relationships / relax and chill out
BARBARIAN raw desires and feelings
BARBED WIRE restricting relationship
BARBED WIRE restrictions in circumstances
BARBIE conform to feminine stereotypes
BARBIE forcing people into stereotypes
BARBIE want an ideal almost make believe lifestyle
BARE a lack of activity and involvement
BAREFOOT a direction which is vulnerable and risky -
dealing with sensitive issues
BAREFOOT acting instinctively
BAREFOOT what you really really want to do in life / a
raw statement of your direction in life
BARGAIN thoughts you are undervalued
BARK brash leadership
BARK need to watch for danger
BARN stored memories
BARN treasured thoughts stored up from the past
BARREN not having anything to occupy your conscious mind
- having nothing to do!
BARRICADE defensive emotional barrier
BARRICADE hindrances towards you
BARRIER hindrances towards you
BARRIOR territorial feelings
BARTENDER the key to your social life
BASEBALL being hit for six
BASEBALL contented playful achievement
BASEMENT bottling things up - feelings of vulnerability
BASEMENT regrets over missed opportunities - bad
BASEMENT strong intense negative feelings
BASEMENT views you are not willing to acknowledge - deep
BASEMENT thinking over someone elses sensitive feelings
and wishing not to offend
BASEMENT Trying to be less negative, examining your own
repressed feelings
BASKETBALL a guy type situation with great competition
BASKETBALL game - fair play
BASKETBALL great balance and all round good judgement
BASS deep and very serious
BAT bad thoughts flying around
BAT dark unseen thoughts - evil forces and dark moods
BAT feeling drained of energy - thoughts constantly on
your mind which tire you out
BATH a feeling of relief
BATH a need to calm down and relax
BATH relax in your emotions - cleanse your body and soul
- recharge batteries
BATH study and confront issues - contemplate
BATH the things you fantasise about in real life
BATHE relax in your success / bathe in your glory
BATHING SUIT expressing your emotions in a comfortable
BATHING SUIT your thoughts about your body
BATHROBE sexual problems and issues
BATHROOM a feeling of embarassment - a testing and
frustrating moment - extreme worry - a bad feeling
BATHROOM feelings of shame - admitting your errors
BATHROOM showing your instincts - raw feelings - do
something in heat of moment
BATHTUB the things you fantasise about in real life
BATTERY spritual and emotional energy
BATTLE a battle within your mind
BATTLE struggling with tasks
BATTLEFIELD look at something in a displined way
BATTLEFIELD specific problem in your life
BAY bay for blood
BBQ back to nature - nearly
BEACH having some emotional issue to deal with
BEACH thinking over some issue which involves your
feelings and your real life situation
BEACH your life in practice and the strong emotional
forces affecting it
BEACHCROFT sharing your emotions with others
BEADS measure success
BEAK stick your beak in
BEAN fertility - fruits of earth
BEAR naked sexual desire - a strong enemy - male
emotions - irritability
BEARD great wisdom and knowledge
BEAST not confronting major problem
BEATING change to life
BEAUTIFUL an idea of perfection / aiming for perfection
BEAUTIFUL good fortune/mood
BEAUTIFUL WOMAN premonition of a very good day
BEAUTIFUL WOMAN wonderful dreamy thoughts
BEAUTY beautiful persona
BEAVER a busy social life or emotional life
BEAVER as busy as a beaver
BED AND BREAKFAST a temporary make do approach to some
BED AND BREAKFAST temporary refuge of mind
BED getting to really know someone as a person
BED something very intrusive - embarassing - sensitive
BED your health and personal well being
BED a personal request or appeal
BED sexual attraction
BED personal habits - personal likes and dislikes
BED a wish to be more like something
BED taking something personally - being picked on
BED something very intrusive - embarassing - sensitive
BED wondering what something will mean for you
personally - important personal decisions for you
BEDSPREAD open sexuality - how others see you
BEE regimented order
BEE thinking hard about something someone has said
BEE working hard
BEEF good meaty and meaningful experiences
BEEHIVE team effort
BEER agreeable social setting / busy social life / guy
BEER escape from your worries
BEER looking for a good time with friends
BEGGAR beg forgiveness
BEGGAR want to achieve something with no effort
BEGGING try as much as you can
BEGIN time wasted
BEHIND in the back of your mind
BEHIND keep out of site - not acknowledge or show
BEIGE neutral unbiased
BELLY gut feeling
BELT holding things in
BENCH inactivity and passivity
BEND adapt
BENEATH below in some way / below you
BERRY fruits of efforts - new growth in your life - a
BESIDE constantly with you - an integral part of you
BEST FRIEND a distorted ideal picture a best friend
would paint of a situation
BEST FRIEND an ideal opportunity for you - something
right for you - an ideal solution
BEST FRIEND an ideal picture of how things should be -
how you would prefer things to turn out
BET being more comfortable with change and more able to
take chances
BET have to make a choice at random
BET take a chance
BET things can get better and also get worse
BETRAYAL suspicions about people
BEVERAGE satisfy thirst for something
BEWILDERMENT unable to sort problems out
BEYOND in the future
BF waking relationship with boyfriend
BIBLE search for your beliefs
BICYCLE having to struggle on - feeling isolated
BICYCLE doing what you want to do - doing things your
own way
BIG BROTHER a desire to impress and show off continually
BIG BROTHER extreme suspicion of authority
BIG generous and mature
BIG HOUSE your approach to some situation and wider
influences from elsewhere
BIG how you view this aspect
BIG SCENE getting something out of proportion -
exxagerating something
BIG SCREEN big thinking / showing off and bragging
BIG the big time
BIKE having to struggle on - feeling isolated
BIKE doing what you want to do - doing things your own
BIKERS bad and disorderly thoughts stream through your
BIKINI feel exposed
BIKINI sexy feminine image
BILL the importance of some experience - the effect it
has had on you
BILL the price you have had to pay
BILLBOARD selling an idea
BILLBOARD something is perfectly obvious for all to see
BILLIARDS playing the game
BILLIONAIRE something wonderful and highly valued
BIN someone or something is rubbish
BINOCULAR take a long close look
BIOLOGY study life - the nature of something
BIRD a proposal - an idea for the future
BIRD an omen or bad sign - a premonition
BIRD something that could happen or could have happened
BIRDCAGE a sense of being trapped / a desire for freedom
BIRDCAGE feel trapped
BIRDSEED little rewards
BIRTH actual change within your life
BIRTH CONTROL controling your tendency for your
enthusiasms to run away with you
BIRTH CONTROL controling your tendency for your
imagination to run away with you
BIRTH creative thought/actions
BIRTH deliver a message
BIRTHDAY a big deal about some
BIRTHDAY a big fuss being made of you
BIRTHDAY celebratory feelings
BIRTHMARK distinguishing feature or quality
BISCUIT frivilous happy sweet experiences
BISEXUAL sexual issues
BISHOP respect for spiritual ideas
BISON path of nature
BIT actual problems which demand attention
BITCH grumbles
BITCH petty minded squabbles
BITE become effective
BITE lured into
BITE the effectiveness of something
BITE watch for enemies / bitten by problem / pressure
put on someone
BITESIZE quick but pleasing experiences
BLACK AND WHITE clear understanding
BLACK bad feelings and evil thoughts - a bad atmosphere
- a dark mood
BLACK denial
BLACK feelings of confusion and drift - unable to
concentrate or involved in anyway
BLACK HORSE a passionate sense of mystery
BLACK HORSE fleeting pleasures
BLACK HORSE mysterious and unknown passions
BLACK MAGIC someone trying to manipulate you for their
own ends
BLACK mixed feelings and confusion - not seeing your
current situation clearly
BLACK PANTHER single parent
BLACK WIDOW all consuming female
BLACK WIDOW feminine over protection
BLACKBERRIES ignore warnings
BLACKBIRD bad luck
BLACKED OUT surpress bad memories
BLACKMAIL your competitiveness and ability to dominate
BLACKNESS nothing left / left feeling empty
BLACKSMITH forging strong bonds
BLADE cut through problem
BLAME acceptance of responsibility
BLANKET protection and comfort / covering up problem
BLEACH cleaning your mind too vigourously
BLEACH painful self transformation
BLEACHERS cheap seats / man in the street
BLEACHERS criticism in a very open and humiliating way
BLEED loss of life energy
BLEND having to fit in - forced into a way of thinking
BLENDER blend thoughts feelings together
BLIND lack awareness / inability to accept another view
BLINDS denial
BLINK missing problem
BLISTER a problem beneath the surface
BLISTER open problems
BLIZZARD lost emotionally
BLOCK block something out - a barrier in your mind - not
seeing things for how they are
BLOCK some choice is not available - you are been
frustrated in some way - trapped or forced into a
BLOG a very personal account of something
BLOND need to lighten up / silly
BLONDE being silly and superficial
BLONDE looking on the surface not trying to understand
why something happens
BLONDE superficial ideas which hold no substance
BLOOD guilt and worry
BLOOD injured feelings and pride
BLOOD life and energy / women= mensuration / life giving
BLOOD something is in your blood - its part of your make
BLOOD the lifeforce - life giving energy
BLOSSOM creative achievement through effort
BLOW blow away circumstyances thoughts
BLUE feeling depressed
BLUE raunchy and sexually provocative
BLUE spiritual energy
BLUEBERRIES feeling a little sad and depressed
BLUEBERRY feeling a little sad and depressed
BLUEBERRY FIELD working through bad experiences from the
BLUEBERRY PIE the ideal of american lifestyle
BLUEBIRD sending out an overtly sexual message
BLUEBIRD sending out signals of depression
BLUEPRINT need for detailed planning
BLUR confusing thoughts
BLUR possibly a premonition linking deep into your
BLUSH strong feelings and thoughts of love
BLUSH unable to conceal your real thoughts about someone
BMW easy and luxurious living
BMW prestigeous
BMX cool and skillful fun
BOAR bore = pun
BOAR bore down to find answer
BOARD pun - bored
BOARDING HOUSE a temporary situation
BOARDING HOUSE the impact of someone else on you -
affecting your mood and ways of thinking
BOARDING SCHOOL living out a lesson of life
BOARDWALK path through life. your efforts / Pun = bored
BOAT being deeply involved in something - having a good
time with friends
BOAT being emotionally animated
BOAT a strong emotional connection with someone
BOAT being emotionally swayed - carried along by the
BODY state of health - and views on own body
BODY the central part of something
BODY the substance of some argument
BOILING burning emotional issue
BOLD bold, strong and decisive
BOLT locking something up
BOLT move very unexpectedly
BOMB an explosive idea in your head
BOMB disputes
BOMBER fear of disputes
BONDAGE prisoner to circumstances
BONDAGE submissive personality
BONE a bone to pick with someone
BONE the structure of someones thought
BONES ancestors
BONES basic structure / support / poverty and ill health
BONES The bare bones - basic principles
BONFIRE visible goals
BONNET impaired vision
BOOING embarassing and disgracful thoughts
BOOK chapters of your life
BOOK OF REVELATION rather vague spiritual ideas about
the future
BOOK well thought out ideas - ways of thinking
BOOKKEEPER keeping things in balance
BOOKSHOP your own onsidered opinion on some matter
BOOKSTORE considering something carefully usually the
day before
BOOKSHELF Think out your views - coming to an opinion
about something
BOOMERANG wish for things to return
BOOT CAMP being forced to show greater discipline after
making a mistake
BOOT having to show good discipline
BOOT to dismiss
BOOTS firmness of purpose
BOOTS need to work on some issue
BORDER crossing border - entering new phase of life
BORDER limits on thoughts - your personal boundaries
BORED an annoying nuisance
BORROW adopt ideas from someone else
BORROW something is not truly yours
BOSS the part of your personality that is dominating
your judgement - ideas that are in charge
BOSS unconscious feelings about your boss or some other
authority figure
BOTTLE current experiences and thoughts
BOTTLE depends on whats in it - your thoughts
BOTTLE looking for inspiration from some external source
- a need for stimulation
BOTTLE your thoughts in a bottle / your courage
BOUGHT a wish inside you
BOULDER obsticles in your path
BOUNCE a quickly changing mood
BOUNDARIES territorial areas of control / your field of
BOUNDARY self limitations. personal boundaries
BOUQUET admirating thoughst
BOWEL a major release of emotions
BOWEL heart of problem = bowels / let go of issues
BOWING submissiveness and respect
BOWL your grasp of matters and success or failure
BOWLING bowled over = sexual pun
BOX a present or gift
BOX boxed-in circumstances
BOX organise some issue
BOXING controlled argument
BOY over active energy - fidgeting and open to
BOY persistent boundless enthusiasm
BOY youthful thoughts and desires - energy
BOYFRIEND close loyalty and support / your actual
BOYFRIEND saying all the right things!
BOYFRIEND sentimental comments / being treated nicely
BOYFRIEND your unconscious feelings about your boyfriend
BOYFRIENDS HOUSE trying to work out what your boyfriend
is thinking and feeling
BOYFRIENDS HOUSE your boyfriends stance on some issue
BRA feeling exposed and open to criticism
BRA physichal support
BRA sex and sensuality
BRACELET describing and praising your abilities
BRACELET friendship bonds
BRACES brace yourself
BRAGGING overplay something
BRAID weaving together
BRAIDS ordering thoughts
BRAIN intellectual expression and problem solving
BRAIN intelligence and need to think
BRAIN TUMOR something wrong in the way you make
decisions - poor judgement
BRAKE living on edge
BRAKE put a dampner on things - unable to make any
BRAKE put a stop to something immediately
BRAKE slow down or restrict the flow - a need to slow
down and rest for a while
BRAKE taking a break from some task
BRAKE trying to compromise on something
BRANCH new relationships and friends
BRAND attached to some idea - some way of doing things
BRANDY strengthen your resolve
BRASS pun = as bold as brass
BREAD basic needs
BREAK IN intrusion into your thoughts
BREAK need to slow down and take break
BREAKDOWN overexerting yourself
BREAKFAST at the start of some new project or situation
BREAKFAST first appearances
BREAKS tolerance - ability to control your temper - need
to relax
BREAK-UP painful change ahead in life
BREASTS nurturing / childhood dependance / feel exposed
BREATHE able to think clearly
BREATHE feeling comfortable doing something
BREATHE the energy of life / anxiety about some aspect
BREATHING anxiety and worry
BREEZE gentle refreshing change
BREEZE refreshing changes and movements in life
BRIBERY a corrupted phase of life
BRICK brick wall = defensive
BRICK WALL someone/something that you cannot get along
BRIDAL things that bond you
BRIDE wedded to something
BRIDESMAID don't quite get what you want
BRIDGE you are scared to move forward
BRIDGE emotional junction - stand back and seeing how
you feel
BRIDGE you are at a point of no return - you need to
decide now
BRIDGE you feel its pointless trying any more - you need
to accept the situation
BRIEF CASE the ideas intellectual thoughts that are
intensely personal and part of what defines you
BRIEFCASE the ideas intellectual thoughts that are
intensely personal and part of what defines you
BRIGHT enlightenment
BRIGHT intellectual
BRIGHT making something clear
BROAD open to new ideas/ liberal minded
BROCHURE a perspective on something
BROCOLI food of mind - healthally meeting basic needs
BROKE UP being less attracted to some quality
BRONZE hard and dependable
BROOM domesticity and homelyness
BROOM specific methods to achieve magic
BROTH poverty food
BROTHEL bad habits
BROTHEL go to any lengths to fulfill needs
BROTHER IN LAW sticking up for something that you ought
to believe in - but don't
BROTHER sticking up for something - blind faith - taking
BROTHER seeing things from someone elses perspective
BROTHER desperately want help
BROWN accepting responsibility and hard work
BROWN BAG something that you are ashamed of
BROWN grounded in the real world - looking at the facts
BROWN PAPER BAG something that you are ashamed of
BROWSE a casual desire - a curious interest in something
BROWSING a casual desire - a curious interest in
BRUISE wounding situation
BRUNETTE a reasoned practical approach
BRUSH tendency to sweep matters under carpet
BUBBLE vulnerable self esteem and projects
BUCKET abundance or lack of success depends on how full
BUDDHA spiritual godly feelings
BUDDIES friendly thoughts - happy disposition
BUDGIE endless repitition
BUDS beautiful growth / romantic pleasure and blossoming
BUFFALO a natural instinctive feeling that you must move
on to something new and fresh - relentlessly follow the
path of nature
BUFFET choosing between different interests
BUFFET doing exactly as you please
BUG things that bug you
BUILDER people helping you to build confidence
BUILDING a construction of your mind
BUILDING a thought that you mind organises and
BUILDING the effect of some issue on you
BUILDING your personality
BUILDINGS the impact of other people and ideas on your
BUILDINGS the personalities and people around you
BUILDINGS ways of interpreting a situation - different
constructions within your mind
BUILT IN its just the way things are! People acting
according to their nature
BULB plant = fertility and growth
BULIMIA trying to cut yourself off from the world -
rejecting new interests and involvements
BULL FROG sexual excitement and arousal
BULL powerful forces let go at random
BULL sexual power - strength and stubborness
BULLDOZER force through beliefs / experiences
BULLET sudden shock
BULLETS anger at someone
BULLFIGHT struggle between anamil and human side
BULLFROG sexual excitement and arousal
BULLY overdominance and pushyness
BUM feel worthless
BUMP a jolt to the way you see the world
BUNGALOW the basic facts about your life
BUNGALOW the reality of your life - job,friends, success
or failure
BUNGEE stretching the facts / exxagerating
BUNJEE bounce back
BUNK BEDS conflicting views of sexuality
BUNNIES a harmless and docile mood
BUNNIES feelings of unfaithfulness
BUNNIES some feeling multiplying out of control
BUOY resilient emotional outlook
BURGLAR drained and energyless
BURGLAR suddenly losing a major part of your life
BURGUNDY rich and creative color
BURIAL Burying old memories/relationships
BURN get beneath your skin - insensitive thoughts -
BURNING a burning issue
BURNING disagree with some way of thinking
BURROW deeply ingrained in your behavior
BURY realising its the end of some relationship
BUS experience some strong feeling in front of other
people in public
BUS experiencing thoughts and feelings with others /
communal thoughts
BUS public opinion - general viewpoint of society on
some issue
BUS your been carried along in life - caught in the heat
of the moment - passively allow events to happen
BUS your emotions are influenced by strong emotions of
people around you
BUSH-LAND a lack of real involvement in some
BUSINESS the need to be thorough and efficient and
professional in your approach
BUSY keeping yourself busy
BUSY not having time to think properly
BUTLER service to others
BUTTERFLIES jumping from one thing to another - not able
to concentrate on none thing
BUTTERFLIES wonderful romantic adventures
BUTTERFLIES wonderful transformation
BUTTERFLY beautiful transformation
BUTTERFLY jumping from one thing to another - not able
to concentrate on none thing
BUTTOCKS sexual matters
BUTTON a wish for something to happen automatically
BUTTON doing something right
BUY accept some idea - believing something
BUY may get a favour in return
BUY try to achieve the things that you want - but often
cannot get
BUY valuing something - spending time on it
BUYER need to impress someone

CAB temporary help from someone1

CABBAGE poverty - cheap and accessible
CABIN having to make do - not the perfect situation
CABINET hiding some secret
CABINET put something away for a while
CADILLAC 1950's cool
CAFES CAFE a real talking point
CAFE wondering what people will think about something -
something everyone is talking about
CAFE something you find interesting
CAFFEIN quick energy boost and recharge
CAGE need to control some desire
CAGE not able to achieve your aims
CAGE repressed desires
CAKE a need for comforting thoughts and reassurance
CAKE thinking only about short term goals that satisy
your immediate desires
CAKE your share of something - your own portion of life
and happiness
CALCULUS extremely clever and calculating
CALENDAR anxieties about future
CALENDAR awareness of need to act
CALF fatten up
CALF rebirth of nature
CALL message
CALLOUS lacking feeling
CALM a lack of anxiety about something
CALM peaceful circumstances and gentle pleasures
CAMCORDER record real time experiences
CAMEL endurance during extreme hardship
CAMERA proof of something
CAMERA snapshot of situation - replay
CAMERA study situation
CAMERA the situation as it stands now
CAMERAMAN captured as it happens
CAMOUFLAGE unable to spot some mood or feeling - someone
is difficult to read
CAMP a constant need to adapt
CAMP a natural and instinctive way of living
CAMP a new fresh and natural approach to something - a
temporary approach
CAMP having to constantly adapt and make do - being
deprived many good things in life
CANAL artifically trying to devote energies and emotions
along some route
CANARY subtle and extravagent beauty
CANCER deep down sadness - depressing thoughts taking
your mind over
CANCER hostile and malicious actions of others within
some organisation
CANCER something deep down is desperately wrong with the
way you live your life
CANDLE cast light on subject
CANDLE spiritual enlightenment
CANDY A temporary treat
CANDY hot stuff
CANDY nice thoughts to think about
CANNIBAL repair one thing with bits from a similar kind
CANNIBAL self-destruct
CANOE emotional strength and efforts- complete self
CANTEEN thinking over a real life experience
CANYON a huge hurdle - difficulty and practical problems
CANYON deep flowing emotions - depression
CANYON stuck in a situation with no way of escaping -
feeling trapped
CAP informal attitude
CAPPACINO pleasant sophisticated experiences
CAPTAIN in charge of your emotions / situation
CAPTIVE forced to act in a certain way - having to
conform to standards of behavior
CAPTURE wish to escape fears
CAR DEALER a change in your perception of your own or
other peoples day to day life
CAR how you are progressing on a day to day level
towards your goals - the general direction of your day
to day real world existence
CAR PARK allowing people space to express themselves -
giving them control over some situation
CAR PARK no real progress at the moment in your waking
life on some issue
CAR replaying how you handled something in your real
life conscious day to day existence
CAR your journey through consious day to day reality -
how the car reacts symbolises your independance and
control over it
CARAVAN a temporary make do approach to some situation -
a situation that is not ideal - feeling out of your
CARBON an exact copy of something - something is
CARDINAL the foremost / the most important
CARDS gambling and poor preperation
CARDS the hand that is dealt to you - your opportunities
CARE concern about how people think
CARE indifferent and uninterested
CAREER change course abruptly
CAREFREE feeling good about something
CAREFUL think of every possibility
CAREFUL think of others feelings
CARETAKER taking care with your behavior
CARGO the main consideration in some situation - it must
be preserved
CARNIVAL a bit superficial - need to go beneath the
surface of the glitter and jangle
CARNIVAL a magical experience - seen through almost
childlike eyes
CARNIVAL wierd and strange feeling - not what it seems
CARP nagging
CARPENTER build success through work and skill
CARPET feeling at home with a thought - feeling at ease
CARPORT preperations for a journey
CARRAIGE carried along / swept along not in full charge
CARRAIGE experiences with others
CARRAIGE the way you handle things
CARROT see better?
CART takes the hard work out of things
CARTOON exxagerated and unrealistic events
CARTOON simplifying something to make it more
CARTOON some way of thinking that is oversimplified
CARVE engraved on mind
CARVING carefully constructed elaborate thoughts
CARVING elaborate belief
CASE MANAGER is something appropriate in a particular
CASH MACHINE appreciating the energy and efforts of
others people to help you
CASHIER deciding how valuable something is
CASHIER weigh up benifits
CASINO a chance happening
CASINO being enterprizing - take a chance in business
CASINO being more comfortable with change and more able
to take chances
CASINO take risks
CASKET reflect on someones death
CASTLE feeling defensive and sensitive to criticism
CASTLE a need to feel safe - acting very cautiously
CASTLE defending yourself form something or someone
CASTLE something that strengthens you and builds your
CASTRATE cut off creative energy
CASTRATION cut off creative energy
CAT bitcheyness and cat fighting - sexual power
CAT independence - doing exactly as you please
CAT the mysterious and psychic side - deep intuitions
and magic
CAT your deep suspicions about your own direction in
CATAPULT an enourmous leap - a huge effort
CATCH capture the moment
CATCH pursued by something
CATCH to understand completely
CATCH-UP need to work harder and concentrate
CATERPILLAR at the beginning of a great journey or self
CATFISH probing - trying to work out what something
CATFISH subconsciously probing something
CATHEDRAL place of great belief / people join together
to share belief
CATHOLIC deep faith - traditional and conservative
CAUGHT capture the meaning and understanding
CAUGHT intense interest in something
CAVE looking for deep meanings in things - introspective
and deep thoughts
CAVE meditation and deep mind exploration
CD musical experiences
CD seedy
CEILING religious or ideological thoughts which you
state as your own
CEILING some well thought out idea - conceptual, moral,
religious, or fear
CEILING your own imagined thoughts as opposed to the
strict facts - your wild fears or hopes
CELEBRATION rejoice allround
CELEBRITIES something instantly recognisable
CELEBRITY been treated as important for no apparent
CELEBRITY feeling overawed by somebody or some situation
CELEBRITY give special attention to something - a sense
that something is special
CELEBRITY making people feel important - a sense of
immense self importance
CELEBRITY something instantly recognisable
CELERY salary
CELL PHONE a constant need to understand how someone
thinks - a constant need to know what is happening
CELL PHONE a message from your unconsious - a strong
CELL trapped in some behavior - forced into some way of
CELLAR bottling up some feeling, feeling nervous about
what people are saying
CELLAR being sensitive or resentful
CELLAR disliking someone
CELLAR trying to be less negative
CELLAR examining your own negative feelings
CEMENT concrete and very strong
CEMETERY thoughts of experiences gone
CEMETERY thoughts of loved ones gone
CEMETRY thoughts of experiences gone
CEMETRY thoughts of loved ones gone
CENSOR restricting what you say - editing out unwanted
thoughts and feelings
CENSOR saying things in an appropriate manner - subtlety
and diplomacy
CENTAUR almost mythical levels of passion
CENTAUR meeting your own passionate needs in a practical
and rational way
CENTIPEDE run away from
CENTIPEDE slow and hesitant progress
CEREAL serial - a repeating theme in your life
CEREAL your initial experience of something
CEREMONIAL just for show
CEREMONY ritual of induction / acceptance into group and
acceptance of group
CHAIN sense a connection somewhere / sense a link
CHAIN social connections
CHAINS feeling constrained / held back
CHAINS strong bond connection
CHAIR sense of comfort
CHAIR share thoughts
CHAIR Time out to think
CHALET relaxed at your approach
CHALKBOARD spell out the lesson
CHALLENGE question some major decision
CHAMELEON distrustful changing character
CHAMELEON your ever changing nature and feelings - a
constant need to adapt for your own good
CHAMPAGNE celebrate the significance of something
CHANDELIER intricate understanding
CHANGELING extra ordinary behavior
CHANGELING unpredictable behavior brought on by
repressed thoughts
CHANNEL directed along a certain way of thinking
CHANNEL emotional flow of your life
CHANT deep spiritual thought
CHANT keep repeating...moaning on and nagging
CHAPEL higher thoughts
CHAPEL sacred belief in someone
CHAPEL sacred territory of dreamer
CHAPSTICK something really quite trivial
CHARACTER a distinctive quality
CHARIOT control over your passions
CHARIOT great passions
CHARM showing how much you are valued
CHASE pursued by something - obsessing about something
CHASE unable to get what you want
CHAT gentle interaction of thoughts and people - passing
the time of day
CHAT pleasantly weighing up thoughts
CHAT thinking things through in an open and honest way
CHATEAU getting quite drunk
CHATTING gentle interaction of thoughts and people
CHATTING passing the time of day
CHATTING pleasantly weighing up thoughts
CHEAP wanting easy solutions
CHEAT cheat on lover / belief
CHEAT picking up on unconscious signals that someone is
cheating on you
CHECK being ultra cautious
CHECKPOINT a transition stage / a reflection before you
about to move on
CHEEKS rosy outlook / general health
CHEESE sweet dreams? / corny
CHEETAH always being the same deep down - never changing
its spots
CHEETAH cheating at something
CHELSEA I am better than you!
CHELSEA newly found wealth
CHEMICAL thinking over how someone has reacted to you
CHEMICAL real dangerous substances that you come into
contact with
CHEMICAL wondering how people will react
CHERRY sexual temptation
CHESS embroiled in strategy
CHESS extremely puzzling / a battle of wits / a puzzle
CHEST a big chest is good - full of experiences
CHEST stored treasures emotions
CHEW think over - detemine what to do
CHEW think over something for a moment
CHICKEN a lack of bravery and courage to do what you
really want - fears of humiliation
CHICKEN sexist remarks
CHICKEN your hopes and ambitions do not get off the
CHIEF thoughts which win over against other thoughts
CHILD a need to protect and take care
CHILD boundless enthusiasm
CHILD immaturity
CHILD new part of yourself growing within you
CHILD your innocence
CHILDHOOD FRIEND wanting to escape the pressures of
adult life
CHILDHOOD HOME matters concerning your own long term
CHILDHOOD HOME matters concerning your personality - the
type of thing that keeps occuring in your life
CHILDHOOD HOME your thoughts about childhood and your
upbringing - the influence of your childhood on you now
CHILDHOOD relates to some aspect of your childhood
CHILDHOOD wish for carefree existence
CHILDREN current developements in some new part of your
CHILDREN getting excited and enthusiastic about new
interests and relationships
CHILHOOD HOME a constant theme in your life
CHILLING scary thoughts
CHIMNEY a warning
CHINA eastern mystery
CHINESE conservative cultural values
CHINESE eastern and mystical ideas / understanding your
CHINESE good and wise thoughts
CHIP chip away at problem
CHIP convenience
CHIPS feeding yourself with fun / shallow minded
excitement not deep thinking
CHIPS food symbolise the type of experiences that
interest you - how you are feeding your mind
CHIPS grudges
CHISEL chip away at a problem
CHOCOLATE making people feel welcome - cheering somone
CHOCOLATE saying nice things - compliments
CHOCOLATE Things that make you feel good - enjoying
CHOIR need to stay in harmony
CHOKE not willing to digest ideas which are incompatible
with your beliefs
CHOKE showing disgust at something
CHOKING not willing to digest ideas which are
incompatible with your beliefs - showing disgust at
CHORE a tiresome but essential task
CHORUS saying something together
CHRIST devine thoughts and energies
CHRIST establish and found a great belief
CHRIST ultimate human spirituality
CHRISTMAS a family get together or group meeting
CHRISTMAS people come together - coming to a compromise
or talking things out
CHRISTMAS TREE a belief in the christmas experience
CHRYSANTH eastern flower - mystery
CHURCH someone or something you really believe in
CHURCH a strong commitment - a relationship
CHURCH something that you are totally convinced about
and believe absolutely!
CIDER escape from your worries
CIDER looking for a good time with friends
CIGAR sexual metaphor = freudian
CIGARETTE smoking hot - sexy
CIGARETTE time out to think
CINEMA replaying some event - some incident is been
explained or recreated in detail
CIRCLE continuing some trend or pattern of behavior -
going round in circles
CIRCLE getting involved in a variety of different things
- a well rounded personality
CIRCLE look at something wholistically - seeing the
entire picture
CIRCLE perfect whole - connectedness
CIRCUS a real life situation which inspires and
exhilarates you - fantasy and spontaneity
CIRCUS a real spectacle - but beneath the surface its
all a bit fake
CITIES complex situations - lots of things to consider
CITIES groups of friends and people and places you come
into contact with
CIVILIAN innocent bystander
CIVILIAN not on anyones side
CLAM reticent and reserved
CLAMP fix on a problem
CLAN similar beliefs
CLASS need to learn
CLASS wondering how something can be done
CLASSROOM a lesson in life
CLAUSTRO closed in...overprotected..unable to express
true emotions
CLAUSTROPHOBIC trapped in a thought - unable to get out
of a way of thinking
CLAW get caught or captured
CLAW struggling with something
CLAY using your imagination to mould and shape
CLEAN a distinctive characteristic - unconfused
CLEAN respectable - good behavior
CLEAN restore your pride in something - restoring order
and purifying your mind
CLEAN self improvement
CLEAR WATER thinking clearly and creatively
CLENCH repressed hostility
CLIFF difficult circumstances - difficulties in making
CLIFFSIDE view emotions
CLIMB a tough and taxing situation
CLIMB get very involved with
CLIMB great effort and skill in progress towards
CLING cling on to some of thinking or some treasured
CLINGON clinging onto something
CLIPBOARD a very efficient but maybe bureaucratic
CLOAK unconscious signals attempts trying to conceal
CLOCK need to speed up
CLOCK setting yourself serious goals
CLOG a somewaht awkward direction in life - not knowing
truly where you are going
CLONE an idealized version of the person
CLOSED cut off and not open to view / beyond your
CLOSET concealing your feelings - hidden memories -
hiding your true feelings
CLOSET having to conceal something - something is not
open to view
CLOSE-UP studying someones actions in detail
CLOTHES having a really bad image in some way right now
- wondering how people are seeing you
CLOTHES wanting to appear in a slightly different way
CLOTHES sending out signals
CLOTHESLINE looking at the different way a person
behaves in different circumstances
CLOUD a sense of confusion
CLOUD confusion in your wider aims
CLOUD obscured vision
CLOWN appearing foolish and ridiculous
CLOWN putting on a brave face
CLOWN falseness - evil and deceitfiul
CLUTCH instinctively grasp something or hold onto
COWORKER a thought about work
COWORKER work on something together / work in unison
COAL a rich source
COASTLINE view emotions
COAT readiness to leave -
COAT your going somewhere?
COBRA enemy / bitten by something
COBWEB stuck in circumstances
COCA-COLA trying to be cool and impress
COCAINE a fast pace of living - going too fast
COCK signal to get started
COCKTAIL getting carried away
COCOON ready to transform
COFFEE meeting people and understanding them
COFFEE needing a boost - need stimulating - need to
concentrate and stay awake
COFFEE overstimulation - too much excitement
COFFEE time out - thinking through something as in a
coffee break
COFFIN a need to express a part of yourself that is
presently buried
COFFIN hopeless circumstances
COFFIN symbol of the end to some relationship or episode
COIN just how valuable someone is! - the importance of
COIN wealth of thoughts and experiences
COKE experiences of popular culture
COKE refreshing experiences
COLA experiences of popular culture
COLA trivial social experiences
COLD not bothered
COLD not much progress - a slow pace - a little amount -
little interest
COLLAPSING a set of ideas/beliefs which no longer seem
so powerful
COLLAPSING plans go up in smoke
COLLECTABLE collecting your thoughts on some issue
COLLECTION building something up with pride
COLLECTIVE they are all the same
COLLEGE your own considered opinion on some personal
COLLEGE your own life at college
COLLEGE your own ideas - reports and essays you are
COLONIAL making decisions for someone else
COLOR bright colors mean enlightenment and hope
COLOR distinctive characteristics
COLOR influence
COLOR vivid and lively
COLOUR influence
COLOUR vivid and lively
COLOURFUL vivid and interesting
COLT young and wild passions
COMA not able to think at all
COMA totally at the mercy of those around you
COMBAT determined action
COMET realising that your life will change radically
COMET the truth has been found out
COMET something terrible that nearly happened yesterday
COMET being suddenly struck by the truth - something
that you did not realise at first
COMFORT feeling at ease with something
COMFORT strengthen your confidence
COMMANDER coordinate everything within you
COMMENT observing something in particular
COMMERCIAL advertising something - been open and honest
about something
COMMERCIAL selling an idea - flaunting your views
COMMITTEE decide something together
COMMOTION great excitement
COMMOTION worry and agitation
COMMUNE the group belief
COMMUNION practice your beliefs and faith
COMMUNITY sense of belonging / sense of togetherness
COMMUNITY SERVICE charitable help
COMPANY the person or people responsible for making
COMPARTMENT different parts of your life
COMPARTMENTALIZED different parts of your life
COMPETE measuring your behavior against some standard
COMPETITION problems caused by rivalry - measuring your
behavior against some standard
COMPLICATE having lots of things to think about
COMPREHEND understand completely
COMPUTER high technology / very new and systematic ideas
COMPUTER the brain
COMPUTER working through some issue systematically
CONCERT everyone getting along together
CONCERT harmony
CONCRETE totally solid
CONCRETE totally unchangable thoughts
CONDEMN bring home to
CONDO ability to relax and rest
CONDOM stop creative flow?
CONDUCT using all your knowledge and skill in a
harmonious way
CONDUCTING coordinating several skills and abilities
CONDUCTING using all your knowledge and skill in a
harmonious way
CONFERENCE discuss and share ideas
CONFERENCE work some ideas out in your head
CONFIDENT great self belief / bold and assertive
CONFISCATE considering something not in line with his
own beliefs
CONGRATULATE welcome entusiastically
CONSECUTIVE a continuous trend
CONSOLE make up for something lacking
CONSTIPATION unable to let go - holding back on emotions
- repressing bad feelings
CONSTITUTION rules about how you live your life
CONSTRUCT effort to build life and relationships
CONSTRUCTION building a picture up in your mind - well
thought out
CONSTRUCTION new aspects of life
CONSULATE consult someone
CONTACT need to express something
CONTAINER everything that is needed
CONTAINER keep in perspective / restrain
CONTEMPORARY modern and upto date thoughts
CONTEST competitive thoughts
CONTINUE to persevere
CONTRACT things you feel obliged to do
CONTRAST a different approach
CONTRAST compare the differences and similarities
CONVENIENCE FOOD used for convenience
CONVENIENCE STORE a desperate need to do something to
make your life easier
CONVENT spiritual retreat and meditation / withdraw from
CONVENTION conventions of your world
CONVERSATION reading each others body language
CONVERTIBLE convince everyone of your viewpoint
CONVERTIBLE easily adapt to the thought of - ability to
CONVULS extreme anxiousness
CONVULSION repressed emotions flooding out of you
COOK prepare for new experiences
COOK putting thoughts into practice
COOKER general domestic situation
COOKIE making yourself feel better with a simple treat
COOKIE they make you feel good but deep down they are
not doing any good - frivilous happy sweet experiences
COOKING making preperations for new things to interest
COOKING what are you going to do about it!
COP detective work / solve a mystery
COP some issue involving law and order
CORK bottle up something
CORMORANT capture some new thought as it emerges from
your subconscious
CORN reap the rewards of hard work
CORNER being trapped - cornered in some situation -
CORNER the very near future - just around the corner -
unseen consequences - something that is always there
CORONER look in detail why something happened
CORPSE being neglected
CORPSE thoughts and relationships which are not alive
and florishing in your mind
CORRESPONDANCE COURSE a path that involves peoples aims
CORRIDOR a very temporary feeling that is related to a
situation that you are in right now - you realise that
thoughts will change
CORRIDOR pivotal phase of life
CORRIDOR right in the middle of a situation that has not
been resolved
CORROSIVE a biting comment
COSTUME adopting an image for a particular purpose
COSTUME your overall image to the world
COT behaving like a baby
COTTAGE a very personal approach not influenced by
others around you
COTTAGE self contained / cut off from wider environment
COTTON CANDY food symbolise the type of experiences that
interest you - how you are feeding your mind
COTTON CANDY having fun - rather than deep intellectual
COTTON CANDY things that make you feel good rather -
COUCH express in a particular way
COUCH feeling comfortable with
COUCH having thoughts dominate your waking life
COUCH sit down and think about something
COUCH you have sat down and have really tried to make
sense of some issue
COUGAR wild untamed desires
COUGH unable to explain feelings thoughts
COUNSELLOR a need to talk things through and seek advice
COUNTERFEIT going through the motions - not what it
pretends to be - a sham
COUNTRY freedom for the individual to express themselves
COUNTRY the real you - the way you would be in a perfect
world without having to consider other peoples thoughts
COUP a masterful manouvre
COUPLE a strong partnership
COUPLE thinking in terms of having a relationship
COUPLE thoughts connected together with some situation
or incident
COURAGE defiance
COURT being judged
COURT capturing something
COURT getting caught
COUSIN an aspect of your personality
COUSIN something loosely related
COUSIN the opinions of people like you
COVER apsect hidden
COVER describe
COVER disguising something
COVER insurance against
COVERED concealed in some way
COVERED lots of examples of something
COW general happiness in mundane matters
COWARD having cold feet
COWARD need courage
COWBOY a tough guy
COWORKER a thought about work or something related to
work - yesterday at work
COWORKER work through some problem or issue in your mind
- make some important steps
COYOTE disceiver and scavenger - selfishness
CRAB emotionally defensive
CRAB shy / homeley
CRACK a weakness in some thought or belief - a split or
CRACK addicted
CRAFT a personal 'hand made' version of the truth - how
something could happen
CRAFT creatively build up a picture or idea
CRAFT creatively weave together using artistic skills
CRAFTSMEN having great skills
CRAM focused learning
CRANIUM intellectual thoughts
CRAWL being too nice by far / overdoing support
CRAWL need inspiration and energy.
CRAWL to go slowly
CRAYFISH emotionally defensive and shy
CRAYFISH stuck inside your shell
CRAZY unpredictability
CREATURE failure to identify problem
CREATURE undescribable - like nothing you have seen
CREDIT CARD want something now but wish to put in the
hard work later
CREED common cultural identity / same peer group
CREEK the flow of your emotions
CREEPIER deeeper inside problem
CRIB nurture an idea or new growth in your life
CRICKET famine and hard times
CRICKET(the game) building a large collection or number
CRIME sense of shame
CRIMINAL a thought causing disorder
CRIMINAL you are trying to do something but you are
making some very basic mistake
CRIPPLE limited abilities and thoughts
CRISS-CROSS all lines of thought linking coherently
CRITTER unknown thought / problem
CROCODILE sensing trouble - sensing danger - something
that you would rather avoid
CROCODILE something is unfair - a sense of resentment
CROSS cross to a new way of thinking - switch sides
CROSS you are cross about something
CROSSING a junction in your life
CROSSING cross over to understand someone elses feelings
CROSSING A RIVER Break out of a mood - getting over some
difficult times
CROSSING A RIVER overcoming a busy schedule to do
CROSSING A RIVER unable to devote time to something
CROSSROAD a junction in your life - a moment when you
have to decide on one course or another - a decision is
CROSSWALK a transition / a new situation
CROTCH get right to the interesting bit
CROW moan about something
CROWBAR force some issue
CROWD for everyone to see
CROWD lots of experiences / gregarious and outgoing
CROWD lots of thoughts competing for attention
CROWN prestige and recognition
CROWN symbols and evidence of your motivations and
CRUISE relaxing emotional journey
CRUSH an infatuation / unable to think of anything else
CRUSH break down under pressure
CRUSH paraylzed by stress
CRUSH something you are obsessing about
CRUSTACEAN being emotionally defensive - trapped inside
your shell
CRY emotional release
CRY openly state your frustrations
CRYOGENIC wish to keep things as they used to be
CRYSTAL crystal clear - clear thoughts and ideas
CSI investigate why something bad happened
CSI trying to understand why something has happened in a
deep way
CUB not a threat
CUDDLE fondly embrace some thought
CUL-DE-SAC a dead end
CULT endlessly repeating something until you start to
believe it
CULTIVATE encourage some skill
CULTIVATE to show a cultured side
CUP drink - life sustaining
CUPBOARD store your memories. organise your things
CUPBOARD thinking about the past
CURB cut down doing something
CURE solve a puzzle
CURRY spicy and exotic experiences
CURSE bound to happen
CURTAIN making something look good - letting the world
see you in an attractive and positive way
CURTAIN wishing to conceal some activity - a need for
privacy - hiding something in your life
CUSHION cushion the pain
CUSTOM its what they do around here!
CUSTOMER other people with similar ideas and beliefs
CUT divide up a problem - consider several aspects
CUT go right into the heart of the matter - open it up
and look right in
CUTE give out pleasant pleasing cute signals
CUTE shrewd clever talent
CUTE sweet personality
CUTTING EDGE new and innovative ways of thinking
CYCLE having to struggle on - feeling isolated
CYCLE doing what you want to do - doing things your own

Animals in dreams Animals in dreams
Buildings in dreams The symbolic meaning of buildings
Travel in dreams The meaning of cars, roads, railroads.
Keeping it in the family The symbolic meaning of
sisters,brothers, uncles and fathers etc
Symbolic meaning of animals animal dream symbolism by
Dorian Paul
Color and collective consciousness Dorian Paul on color
in dreams
Colours in dreams Urban on colours in dreams
Music in dreams Dorian Paul on music in dreams
Archytpes By Dorian Paul Archetypes and myths - Negative
Archetypes - Positive archetypes
Childrens nightmares Making sense of their worlds
Dream tips The logic behind dream symbolism
Disturbing dreams Nightmares
Nightmares and Fear Dorian Paul on confronting fear
TV reality Big Brother is an ideal source for dream
Telepathy and dreams A striking telepathic dream.

DACHSHUND a faithful and loyal friend

DAD A need to get a grip or something will get out of
DAD being sensible and rational - a need to be practical
DAD concious relationship will real father
DAD thoughts of fartherly authority and protection -
your need to be guided through something
DAFFODIL spring like - new growth
DAGGER a quick and cutting comment
DAGGER stab in back
DAM blocked situations and circumstances
DAM something is inhibiting your natural flows of energy
and resolve
DAMAGE financial loss or hurt pride
DAMAGE need to replace some loss
DAMIEN the demons within us
DAMN an expression of your irritation
DANCE breaking down social barriers - talking freely and
openly in a relaxed way
DANCE energetically put something into practice -
showing spirit
DANCE fast moving and energetic situation - sensuality
and wild emotions
DANCE great joy and great ability
DANCING fast moving and energetic situation - energetic
DANCING let yourself go - break through social barriers
- sense of exileration
DANGER unwanted cirumstances and threatening change
DANGEROUS involving great risk
DANGLE entice
DARE being bold and outrageous
DARK AGE a dark existence where you are forced into
certain ways of behaving
DARK bad feelings - a bad atmosphere - a dark mood
DARK feelings of confusion and drift - not concentrating
or interested
DARK in the dark - lack understanding
DARN to mend together
DASH hopes crushed
DASH rushing off
DASH showing great ability and style
DASHBOARD dash = pun
DATE a definite agreement
DATE something very specific - not vague but definite
DATING seeing if you get along with someone
DATING trying something out and seeing if its acceptable
DAUGHTER feminine qualities
DAUGHTER harmony
DAUGHTER you relationship with your daughter
DAUGHTER your hopes in life
DAUGHTER youthful and harmonious thoughts
DAWN a new day - fresh start
DEAD cold and emotionless
DEAD finding a new use for something
DEAD out of date and useless methods
DEAD start of a new phase - see things in a new way
DEADLY brings an end to something
DEAF need to improve communication
DEATH a really eerie feeling yesterday
DEATH a friendship or period of your life which is now
DEATH something you cannot do anymore
DEATH realising just how special a loved one is to you
DEATH a change or tarnsition in your life
DEATH realising that death is a real possibility with
either yourself or someone close to you
DEBAUCHERY excessiveness and overindulgence - doing
something too much
DECAPITATE not using any reason or logic
DECAPITATION not using any reason or logic
DECKCHAIR share thoughts in relaxed way / timeout
DECOR admiring someones physical beauty
DECORATE brighten up - effort in making things look
DECORATE improved health
DECORATE to show your appreciation
DECORATING effort to make things look better
DECORATION making things look better
DECORATIVE making something appear as good as possible
DEEP a deep maybe hidden meaning to some situation
DEEP something that makes you think very intensely
DEEP very hidden and difficult to understand
DEER reading signs of jumpiness in someones behavior -
quick to spot danger
DEER trust
DEFACATE purify your thoughts by through bad emotions
DEFACE criticise
DEFECATE eject worsts parts of life
DEFECATION eject worsts parts of life
DEFLATE lose your enthusiasm
DEFORM something has been twisted
DEFUSING take the heat out of some situation
DEFY challenge the order of things / discard
DEFY go against authority
DELAPIDATED getting old and not looking and working so
DELAPIDATION getting old and not looking and working so
DELIVERIES a new set of choices available to you
DELIVERY a new set of choices available to you
DEMOLISH destroy something in your mind
DEMON almost possessed by some fear
DEMON Knowing that you have recently been creul or
abusive to someone - racial hatred
DEMON led astray, picking up bad habits
DEMON being picked on or abused
DEMOTE talking down to you
DENTIST something that you would rather avoid
DENTIST need to make major change
DEPARTMENT STORE having lots of options available to you
DEPARTMENT STORE trying to find time for all your
DEPRECIATE the value of something has gone down
DEPRESSED disadvantaged and in poverty
DEPRESSED lacking motivation and inspiration
DEPRESSION lacking motivation and inspiration - a lack
of opportunities
DEPTH something that makes you really think - insightful
DEPTH strength of feeling
DERILICT plans that have been ignored for too long
DESCEND just the very thought of it!
DESERT lack of real meaning to a relationship - a
husband who doesn't really love you
DESERT something that you have no interest in - it is
totally uninspiring
DESERTED no activity whatsoever - nothing inspires you -
having no feelings or thoughts at all
DESIGN a new way of thinking or new plan
DESIGN a planned or deliberate action or thought
DESK need to think and organise thoughts
DESK work and financial matters
DESOLATE feeling down and dejected
DESPAIR things just will not change!
DESPERATE something you feel is essential
DESPERATE wishing to please
DESPERATION wishing to please
DESSERT pleasing on some superficial level
DETACHED a feeling of seperation - not involved at all
DETAIL focus on small and minute issues
DETONATOR light the fuse to someones
DEVIL deny responsibility - it wasn't me!
DEVOUR enjoy and revel in a challenge
DEW fresh emotional inspiration for something
DIAGNOSE work out what is wrong - put the facts together
DIAL attempt a connection
DIAMOND cuts through anything
DIAPER frustrations connected with close personal
relationships or personal projects/ideas
DIAPER worried about accidents
DIARRHEA thoughst and experiences burst out
DICE some random act or something totally unpredictable
or unexplainable
DIED a really eerie feeling yesterday
DIED a friendship or period of your life which is now
DIED something you cannot do anymore
DIED realising just how special a loved one is to you
DIED a change or tarnsition in your life
DIED realising that death is a real possibility with
either yourself or someone close to you
DIET need to control and discipline yourself
DIFFERENT distinctive and unusual approach
DIFFERENT sense some change
DIG reveal some buried problem
DIGESTION understanding and comprehension
DILAPIDATED ignoring some plans , strong desires or
DIMLY LIT something which you lack any real knowledge on
DINASAUR old ideas techniques
DINNER how you perceive your new experiences of the
world - something has given you food for thought
DINOSAUR behavior and responses which you wish to make
DINOSAUR old ideas and old outdated ways of thinking
DIRECTOR directing yourself in the theatre of life -
wondering how to behave and how to show people how you
think and feel
DIRECTOR organise and manage - how you would direct a
situation if you were in charge
DIRT down to earth thoughts and experiences
DIRT earthly goods / poor health
DIRT grounded in reality
DIRT PATH practical progress on day to day issues
DIRT something good that you can grasp hold of
DIRT unclean and unpleasant
DIRTY unclean and unpleasant
DISABLING making something stop - break the influence
that something has on you
DISAGREEMENT argument against something
DISAPEAR become withdrawn
DISAPEAR lose interest
DISASTER a bad feeling about something
DISEASE sickess inside you - probably emotional
DISH actual food poisoning
DISHWASHER your emotions about recent experiences
DISINTEGRATE a thought dissapears or a belief is
DISMISS reject out of hand
DISNEY a perfect world where people behave in a truly
altruistic way - a simplistic and almost make believe
DISNEY explaining something complicated in a very simple
DISORIENTATE not knowing where you are / losing
DISORT twisted ideas and thoughts
DISQUALIFIED unable to take part
DISTANT aloof and disconnected
DISTORT a twisted view of the world
DISTRACT draw attention from
DISTURB unbalanced thought
DISUSE out of practice
DIVE delve into an emotional issue
DIVE looking into your subconscious for an answer
DIVING deep feelings and emotions
DIVING looking into your subconscious for an answer
DIVISION part of your personality
DIVORCE a clear break - rid your mind of some close
relationship or closely held idea
DIVORCE feeling isolated - left out and neglected
DIY an insistence on doing something
DIY doing your own thing
DNA its in your genes
DOCILE easily led
DOCK how you connect with some creative or intellectual
problem - at the start of an emotional journey
DOCK your stance on some emotional issue
DOCTOR subjecting yourself to highly personal and
invasive questions
DOCTOR issues about your own health and well being -
understand your medical problems - attempting to cure
your own illnesses
DOCTOR understand your own medical or emoitonal issues
DOCTOR assessing if a relationship or part of your life
is truly 'healthy'
DOCUMENT examine and record your thoughts
DOCUMENT recording some feeling within you
DOCUMENTARY a very serious thought
DOG expecting loyalty from someone. A trusted friend or
family member
DOG faithfully following some idea - following someones
lead - devoted follower
DOG going with the pack and simply copying what others
DOG territorial control - defending something that is
DOG your faith in human nature - issues involving trust,
loyalty and dependability
DOLL fitting into societies expectations
DOLL ready for a relationship / care and protection
DOLLAR STORE wishing to achieve things without much
DOLLHOUSE perfect and idealised view of homelife /
idealised view of your own personality
DOLPHIN Feeling happy and a determination to enjoy life
DOLPHIN getting along better, a much healthier
DOMESTIC secure and protected
DOMINO a domino effect - one thing leads to another
DONATION help given freely
DONKEY stubborness
DONUT comforting experience
DOOR a shut door shows resistance to some thought or
DOOR an open door signals positive thoughts and
acceptance of some opportunity - opportunities and
choices available
DOOR explore some new feelings
DOOR KEEPER someone marshalling the opportunities of
DOOR signals coming from people
DOORBELL unexpected visit
DOORWAY really getting interested in something
DOPE lacking sound judgement
DORM being asleep especially with others around / the
DORM discussing and sharing thoughts about your dreams
and spiritual matters
DORMITORY collective unconcious...pyschic messages
DOVE a fresh and new beginning
DOVE a sign and symbol of peace and harmoney
DOWNHILL having to cope with very fast progress
DOWNHILL picking up momentum - struggling out of control
DOWNSTAIRS assessing rational factual knowledge
(grounded in reality) rather than intuitive and gut
DOWNSTAIRS day to day conscious thoughts
DOWNSTAIRS feeling down - looking for encouragement
DOWNSTAIRS saying what actually happens rather than
using your imagination to say what could happen
DOWNSTAIRS testing out in reality - a practical test
rather than theory
DOWNSTAIRS use the conscious mind ( downstairs ) rather
than the imagination (upstairs)
DOWNTOWN an sense of involvement in your life
DOWRY considering someones worth in a ruthless and
rational fashion
DRAFT forced into some action
DRAG forced along a certain way of thinking
DRAGON being free with your emotions
DRAGON carried away by passions
DRAGON lacking any real connection with reality - a
strange mysterious and unknown feeling you cannot quite
DRAIN a wasted opportunity
DRAIN feeling drained
DRAPE drape yourself
DRAPE letting the world see you in an attractive and
positive way
DRAPE the way something is presented
DRAW entice and entrance
DRAW extracting a meaning
DRAWER noting something - something that you wish to
DRAWER something that needs to be done - neatly packed
away in your mind - tidy thoughts
DRAWING constructing ideas within your mind - an opinion
on some issue
DRAWING viewing something subjectively - interpreting
something in an artistic way
DRESS openly showing your femininity
DRESS your image
DRESSED in a certain frame of mind - your mood
DRESSED putting on an image - hiding your true self
DRESSED unconscious signals you send to people
DRESSER how ordered are you thoughts feelings
DRIED a lack of energy and inspiration
DRIFT a trend towards
DRIFTWOOD drifting emotions
DRINK chat openly about an issue
DRINK soak up an atmostphere
DRIVE forced into a certain type of behavior / being
ordered to do something
DRIVEN driven against will / driven towards something
DRIVER the aspect of your life in control
DRIVEWAY the path to something
DRIVEWAY your initial thoughts and approach to something
DRIVING control over life
DRIVING move towards destiny / your drive and ambition
DRIZZLE slow but steady
DROP relinquish
DROVE determined to address some issue
DROWN overwhelmed by issue and unable to cope - unable
to think clearly
DROWN absolutely no control over something
DROWN an ability you lack or trying to cope with some
new task
DRUG cover over problems
DRUG DEALER someone who skews your mind away from the
DRUG Becoming divorced from reality - deluding yourself
DRUG escape from your problems
DRUG impaired judgment
DRUM banging your own drum
DRUNK looking or feeling like a loser
DRUNK incapable of thinking rationally
DRUNK Not knowing what you are doing - incompetant
DRUNK A situation which is out of control
DRY lacking emotion
DRYER calm yourself down / controlling emotions
DUCK Thinking of moving on or leaving a relationship
DUCK long journey
DUEL a struggle with something
DUEL battle between two people - a struggle to succeed
over someone
DUI infatuated by the influence of someone in your life
DUMB AND DUMBER lacking ideas and good sense
DUMB cannot comprehend
DUMPSTER a relationship that needs ending
DUMPSTER something is rubbish and does not make sense
DUNE shifting sands of your life
DUNG practical help
DUNGEON trapped in your own frustrations
DUPLICATE an identical feeling or sensation
DUST dried up
DUST neglecting things
DUST past is catching up
DUTIES your mission
DUTY FREE free from responsibilities
DWELLING your personality - the mansion of soul - maybe
old fashioned
DYING a really eerie feeling yesterday
DYING a friendship or period of your life which is now
DYING something you cannot do anymore
DYING realising just how special a loved one is to you
DYING a change or tarnsition in your life
DYING realising that death is a real possibility with
either yourself or someone close to you

EAGER extremely willing

EAGLE birds link with the future - premonitions or
anticipation of news
EAGLE power and ambition
EAR listen carefully
EAR waiting for news
EARTH down to earth
EARTH great mother comfort
EARTH the real world
EARTH your real life world / grounded in reality
EARTHQUAKE a total change in your perception of day to
day reality
EARTHQUAKE change about to happen
EARTHQUAKE change at the heart of your being
EASEL paint picture
EASILY have no doubt whatsoever
EASILY straightforward and easy to understand
EAST mystery and spiritualism
EASTERN strange mysterious
EAT feeding your mind with your own experinces from the
previous day
EAT something has set your mind working - you are
thinking exactly what something means
ECHO imitation and copying
ECLIPSE overshadowing someone
ECLIPSE the truth revealed
EDIT swap and change
EDUCATED a considered judgement
EDUCATION adaption and learning
EEL must hold on tight
EGG ideas / new and exciting things in your life
EGG ideas forming in your mind
EGYPT anything mystical and magical
EGYPT your psychic inner self
EIFFUL getting a good view of something
ELABORATE very detailed and full
ELDERLY a wise thought - listen to what they have to say
ELDERLY feeling old
ELDERLY LADY how something in practice has turned out -
compared to what you believed
ELDERLY LADY the older we are the wiser we become - this
is a dream showing we are learning by experience
ELDERLY PEOPLE learning from your general experience of
ELDERLY wise and rational voice of experience
ELECT consensual thought
ELECTRIC enormous energy
ELECTRIC your own energy levels and general vitality
ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES your general ability to perform /
making life easier
ELECTRIFIED barrior difficult to cross
ELECTROCUTE going at too fast a pace
ELECTROCUTION going at too fast a pace
ELEMENTARY SCHOOL going back to basic - learning from
ELEPHANT great age and distinction
ELEPHANT huge enournous size
ELEPHANT like a hurd of elephants - clumsy
ELEVATOR encouraging or discouraging thoughts from
others - your ability or status as judged by others
ELEVATOR greater understanding or knowledge - confidence
rising and falling
ELEVENTH HOUR time is running out
ELF spirit of nature
ELIZABETHAN elaborate and carefully hand crafted
ELK strength and ability to protect your family
EMAIL keep in touch
EMBALM prepare for closure to something
EMBARASS difficult circumstances
EMBARASS worried about what others think
EMBASSY representative of a certain style or approach
EMBASSY sacred territory which must be respected
EMBER hopes fade away
EMBRACE a thought which deeply touches you
EMBROIDER delicately and careful made / the personal
EMBROIDER distort the truth
EMBROIDERY hand made - with a great deal of love and
EMBROIDERY your best and most carefully detailed work
EMERGENCY this is a really serious situation that needs
immediate attention
EMOTIONLESS sense a lack of real feelings
EMPEROR a principle that rules your life - but without
any free discussion - imposed from above
EMPIRE control over people / overall control and
EMPLOYEE the job at hand
EMPLOYER the part of you in charge
EMPLOYMENT occupy and fulfill yourself
EMPTINESS lacking something in life
EMPTY feel alienated and remote
EMPTY ROOM not knowing what to think - not enough
information to form a judgement
ENCLOSED secret or hidden emotions not shared with
ENCYCLOPEDIA pursuit of knowledge
END OF THE WORLD some major transformation in your life
ENEMIES hurting your self esteem
ENEMIES problems that you need to avoid
ENEMIES thoughts which are generally harmful to your
well being
ENEMY awareness of problem / tough struggle and effort
ENEMY hurting your self esteem
ENGAGEMENT to pledge ones word
ENGINE the thing that makes it work
ENGLAND prim and proper - gentlemanly
ENGLISH prim and proper
ENROL concentrate on some weakness - improve some skill
ENTIRE look at something wholistically / see the bigger
ENTRANCE at the beginning of something
ENTRANCE to dazzle and sparkle
ENVELOPE a personal message
EPILEPSY repressed emotions flooding out of you
EQUATION complicated solution
EQUIPMENT resources available to you/ help at hand
ERADICATE trying to forget about something
ERECTION creative energy
ERECTION want to get started
ERNEST honest and open
ERRAND things you have to do but hate
ERUPT some major change is happening in your real life
ESCALATOR rising or falling confidence or understanding
- confidence or belief in you
ESCAPE run away from some thought or feeling
ESCORT help and advice that you depend on
ESCULATOR feelings of confidence (high) or anxiety (low)
ESCULATOR strong unconscious desires breaking through
into your thoughts
ESTATE AGENT thinking through the value of something
ESTIMATE wondering what damage this is is all doing to
ETERNAL continuously
EUCALYPTUS helping you to think with great clarity
EUROPE the old world / cultured heart of world
EVACUATE abandon a former belief
EVACUATING thinking of a major change in some part of
your life
EVACUATION leave because of danger
EVADE not answer clearly
EVADE not confront issue
EVENING a closure of ending to some situation
EVERGREEN constant growth
EVERGREEN there for you all the time
EVERYWHERE thoughts which dominate your mind
EVIL devious minded - lacking integrity
EVIL feelings of hate anger
EVIL ingeniously cool
EX BOYF your thoughts about relationships / your wish
for a new boyfriend
EX BOYFRIEND ability to deal with rejection
EX BOYFRIEND the possibility your present relationship
may end
EX BOYFRIEND your thoughts about relationships / your
wish for a new boyfriend
EX GIRLFRIEND ability to deal with rejection
EXACTLY obvious to all!
EXAM test of some quality in you
EXAMINING looking closely at some aspect of your life
EX-BF current situation reminds you of old relationship
EX-BOYF current situation reminds you of old
EX-BOYF your thoughts about relationships / your wish
for a new boyfriend
EX-BOYFRIEND ability to deal with rejection
EX-BOYFRIEND an annoying feeling that will just not go
EX-BOYFRIEND an unpleasant feeling about something / a
wish for something to end
EX-BOYFRIEND you are experiencing negative emotions with
your current boyfriend
EX-BOYFRIEND your thoughts about relationships / your
wish for a new boyfriend
EXCALIBAR golden age - wish for graet adventures
EXCHANGE RATE the price you have to pay in order to
achieve something
EXCHANGE RATE the things you receive in retrun for your
efforts in life
EXCHANGE STUDENT trying something that you are not so
familiar at
EXCUSE needing a reason to explain something
EXECUTE vindictive behavior
EXECUTIVE in charge
EXERCISE durability and endurance
EX-GIRLFRIEND ability to deal with rejection
EXHAUSTION lack energy
EXHIBIT been encouraged to take a good look - there for
all to see
EXHIBITION someone explaining and trying to convince you
about something
EXIST did something actually happen?
EXIT ready to finish
EXIT wish to get away from something - looking for a way
out of some situation
EX-LOVER symbolises your current lover and the
possiblity of your current relationship ends
EXORCISM urgent need to kill bad memories off
EXORCIST a sense of real evil
EXOTIC wild and adventurous
EXPECT predictable
EXPENSIVE a high price
EXPENSIVE difficult to achieve
EXPENSIVE impressive in some way
EXPENSIVE luxurious
EXPENSIVE you value this as more important than others
EXPERIMENT wondering what happens
EXPLAIN to illustrate clearly
EXPLORE sensing something new and quite different
EXPLOSION destructive change - possibly ill health
EXPLOSION excess energy
EXPLOSION inflamed argument
EXPOSE expose
EXPOSING showing the truth
EXPRESSION making something clear
EXPRESSION reading someones behavior
EX-WIFE exhibiting the same behavior as an ex
EX-WIFE the possibility/fear of some important
partnership ending - including your marraige
EX-WIFE worries that your relationship may end
EYE enlightenment and clear thought
EYE listening to your own inner voice
EYE The self
EYE the way you see some situation
EYE your vision
EYEBROW a feeling of surprise - raise an eyebrow
EYELASH overt feminine vanity

FABRIC the structure of something

FACE being true and honest
FACE focus on some issue - a pressing issue that you
have to face
FACELESS not knowing how to tackle something
FACELESS you need to face something
FACE-LIFT make the best of what you have / cover up
FACTORY your own workplace
FACTORY understanding why we think the way we do - how
we manufacture thoughts - psychology
FACTORY produce something quickly and consistently
FACULTY improving some ability you are already very good
FADE becoming less distinct and memorable
FAECES do something in heat of moment / shout out in
anger / get upset
FAERIES living in a land of make believe
FAG unwanted - doesn't fit in properly
FAINT pass out
FAIR looking at something in a superficial way not to
the real substance
FAIR thoughts about some real life experience
FAIRGROUND a sense of wonder - but only temporary -
fleeting pleasures
FAIRGROUND a wonderful almost child like magical
FAIRGROUND something fake just beneath the surface of
the glitter and jangle
FAIRIES psychic powers and mystery
FAIRY interest in psychic and spiritual matters
FAIRYTALE a made up story based on rumours and half
FAITH belief in yourself
FAKE false character
FAKE going through the motions - not what it pretends to
be - a sham
FAKE lacking confidence in something
FALL descend into / lack any control
FALL not achieving a wish - being unable to achieve your
FALL reduction in status and fear of failure
FALLING early stages of sleep
FALLING extreme anxiety
FAMILIAR an immediate feeling of similarity in your mind
FAMILIAR something you know very much about
FAMILIAR things which are familiar
FAMILY your general happiness - your personality as a
whole and in particular your judgment
FAMOUS a sense of self importance
FAMOUS give special attention
FAMOUS making people feel important
FAN a strong believer in something/someone
FANG getting right into some issue
FAR OFF about people you have not seen for a long time
FAR OFF about places you have not seen for a long time
FAR OFF how long you expect something to take in real
FARM encouraging some skill or ability to grow over a
long time period
FARM Teachers - cultivate new ideas
FARM relationships which have grown up over a long time
and mean something
FARM people who inspire us and encourage us in some
ability or behavior
FARM encouraging some bad new habits
FART let off steam
FASHION superfical interest in the way you look
FASHION the latest trends - whats happening right now
FASTFOOD pop culture spiritual experiences
FAT bigger and more important
FAT gross and disgusting
FAT overindulgent
FAT protective layer
FATE destined to be
FATE unable to accept responsibility and freedom to act
FATHER IN LAW how you ought to act and feel
FATHER A need to get a grip or something will get out of
FATHER being sensible and rational - a need to be
FATHER concious relationship will real father
FATHER thoughts of fartherly authority and protection -
your need to be guided through something
FATIGUE reduced ability to act / less effective
FAUCET controlling the amount of energy you devote to
FAULT a need to find a cause or problem
FAVOURITE giving or receiving special personal attention
FAX a message from your subconscious
FAX communicate
FBI feeling as if you are under surveillance
FBI search out the meaning / hunt for clues
FEAR anxieties in life
FEAR don't know the facts
FEATURELESS nothing happening - a dull time
FECE shameful and embarssing
FECES need to unload / need to urgently express
FED food is the experiences that we feed our minds with
FED inspired and involved in the world
FEED encourage and promote
FEET knowing where you are and who you are
FEET knowing where you stand
FEET your direction in life
FEMALE your (feminine) intuition or gut feeling on
FEMALE your compassionate feminine emotions
FENCE a limit to your own abilities - something you feel
cannot possibly be achieved
FENCE a man made or self imposed barrier
FENCE territorial control over something or someone
FERRET enthusiasm in searching deep hidden meanings
FERRET ferociously hunt down
FERRY coming into contact with someone elses emotional
FERTILIZE promote growth and renewal
FESTIVAL a good experience - a celebratory feeling
FETAL new thoughts and desires devoping within you
FETUS conception of some new idea / relationship
FIANCE a new sense of determination and resolve -
showing commitment to some cause or relationship
FIELD a field of expertise / an academic field of study
FIELD natural things in life
FIELD OF VIEW the things you consider
FIELD some problem or situation neatly sectioned off
FIELD thinking about some problem or situation
FIGHT wanting more respect - thinking you are a failure
- not willing to accept something
FIGHT an epic struggle - struggling against something
FIGHT resistance within you - struggling
FIGHT confronting someone
FIGHT something you cannot stop thinking about
FILE order and organisation within your mind
FILM observe something closely
FILM replaying of past events within your mind
FILM watching a play, reading a book or watching TV -
some part of the media
FILTER purifying your mind of bad thoughts
FIND come to a conclusion on something - understand
totally someone elses behavior
FIND explore some new feeling
FINGER ability to point at problem
FINGER quick fingered and agile
FINGER the gentle touch - touching someone - the
personal touch
FINGER thinking about an issue - raising an issue
FINGERPRINT evidence of something you have done
FINGERPRINT leave your mark on things
FINISH the time something takes to work through
FIRE ALARM a warning of bad tempers
FIRE BRIGADE help to calm tempers
FIRE a relationship that has been destroyed - closing
off a part of your life
FIRE feeling hot and having a fever
FIREBALL explosive arguments consuming everything in
their path
FIREFIGHTER stopping all your internal anger
FIREFLY messenger of the unconscious
FIREMAN protective feelings
FIREMEN an urgent need to change your thinking
FIREMEN determined effort to calm things down
FIREMEN determined effort towards restoring order in
your mind
FIREPLACE domestic life
FIREWORKS a great exhibition of some skill
FIREWORKS arguments and disruptions
FIREWORKS celebrate enthusiastically
FIREWORKS thinking about pasionate things that could
happen in the future
FIREWORKS visions for the mind - lighting up your
imagination and creativity
FISH TANK studying someones mood - looking and anaylsing
your own feelings
FISH thoughts forming - new feelings - subconscious
FISH wondering what someone is thinking - sensing a new
FISHING wishing to think through and come to a firm
conclusion on some issue - bringing up deep memories
FIT find some comfortable way of living
FLAG a badge of your loyalty - belief in something
FLAME knowing where you are going - a clear direction
and goal
FLAME passions bursting out
FLAME spiritual inspiration or romantic desires
FLAP getting flustered about something
FLASH lacking modesty
FLASH making something perfectly clear
FLASH tasteless flaunting
FLASHBACK an uncanny understanding of something
FLASHBACK build up an explanation of something
FLAT something clearly understandable
FLAT totally floored
FLAT TYRE a deflated feeling
FLATTEN dispel all worries about something
FLAVOUR how you sense something is going
FLAVOUR very distinct
FLAWLESS wanting perfection
FLAY getting under someones skin
FLEA past troubles and irritations
FLEE back away from
FLEE run away
FLEET everything working together to achieve a goal
FLESH animalistic nature
FLESH get really involved into some argument or idea
FLESH meaty issue
FLICK give the flick
FLIES worries and anxieties
FLIE'S worries and anxieties
FLIGHT a flight of fancy
FLIGHT flee from problem / need to be somewhere
FLIGHT transported through your imagination
FLIRT ideas your mind is flirting with
FLIRT invite new love or undertakings
FLOAT a vague idea of something floating aimlessly
FLOAT thoughts floating about - rumors - ideas that fill
our heads
FLOAT you maybe about to go on a trip
FLOOD getting carried away with feelings - your wishes
are out of all proportion to your real life
FLOOD have to devote some energy to immediate
FLOOD overwhelmed by circumstances - overwhelmed by
FLOOR in someway this is connected with actual things in
the real world
FLOOR low thoughts experiences - do not think about
FLOOR needing spiritual inspiration
FLOOR stable foundations of your life
FLOOR thoughts grounded in your real life circumstances
FLOURESCENT making something obvious
FLOURESCENT very clear message that stands out
FLOWER a good feeling or relationship that is permanent
in your life at the moment
FLOWER beautiful growth within your life - something is
starting to work - success
FLOWING an exciting and exhilirating mood
FLUFFY cute and adorable but maybe a bit false and
FLUTE music represents harmony - but this is a solo
instrument so its an inner harmoney
FLY a feeling you know what will happen or could happen
in the future
FLY an almost magical control over some ability -
control over environment and ability to rise above
circumstances - great success
FLY confidence in your situation and belief in your
FLY irritations and annoyances
FLY random thoughts which are disrupting your mind -
been unable to think clearly
FLY temporary escape from your problems - wanting to get
away quickly
FLYING SAUCER some experience is totally alien to you -
you do not know what to make of it
FOAMING sickly words and ideas
FOLD being very careful and meticulous
FOLDER your work and tasks that need to be fulfilled
FOLIAGE good general growth
FOLLOW cannot shake the feelings off / continuous bad
FOLLOW concentrate on
FOLLOW continuing some previous trend
FOLLOW follow the rules
FOLLOW follow to a logical conclusion - resulting in
FOLLOW interest in something
FOOD a need for real life experience at something
FOOD feeding your mind with ideas and relationships -
your experience of life
FOOD looking for something to interest you
FOOL mess with something
FOOL mislead and deceive
FOOT general direction and approach
FOOTBALL being a team player - support the cause
FOOTBALL strong emotions and strong support
FOOTBALL summoning all your efforts
FOOTSTEP following someone or retracing your steps
FOOTSTEP thinking over where exactly you are going with
something - in what direction
FOOTSTOOL confident about yourself
FOR SALE a wish for major change in your life
FORAGE steal and plunder what you need
FORBIDDEN you cannot seem to get something that you want
FORBIDDEN you cannot seem to understand something
FORCE compel debate on an issue
FORCE test to an excessive degree
FORCE use all your energy
FOREARM prepare in advance / be ready for something
FOREHEAD rational thoughts and ideas
FOREIGN an unfamiliar experience
FOREIGN not acceptable behavior
FOREIGNER unfamiliar parts of your self
FOREST friends and family - any relationships that have
deep roots in your life - considering the things and
relationships that are important to you
FOREST society in general
FOREVER continuously
FORGIVE acceptance of something
FORGIVE ignore or overlook some error
FORK spread something out to make it easier
FORK the various brances of an issue
FORM forming a meaning from the facts available
FORM shape and mould
FORMULA a method or system that you use
FORMULA the course of action required / the best
FORSAKE leave behind an old idea
FORT acting defensively / refusal to accept something
FORTIFY strengthen your resolve
FORTRESS strong internal barriers
FORTRESS strongly defending some idea within your mind
FORTUNE your future prospects
FOSSIL old fashioned
FOUND come to a conclusion on something - understand
totally someone elses behavior
FOUND explore some new feeling
FOUND lay the foundations for some new idea
FOUNDATION a good start towards some goal
FOUNTAIN being showered with positive emotional thoughts
FOUNTAIN exhiliration - a really refreshing feeling
FOUNTAIN water represents your changing emotions and the
fountain represents spontaneous emotions
FOX sly and cunning activity / clever and devious
FOYER entering a new part of your life
FOYER showing a new side to your personality
FRAGILE a thought or feeling which is based on no
reliable evidence
FRAGRANT a strong sense of something
FRAIL unable to resist
FRAME adapting and changing your thoughts
FRANK speaking frankly on something
FRANSISCAN contemplative thinking - quiet time to
reflect on what has happened
FRATERNITY adolescent jokes and togetherness
FRAUD cheating and deceiving
FREE release some inner thought / liberate yourself from
FREEWAY a totally free pathway to follow your dreams
FREEZE not acting naturally
FREEZE stop something right there and then
FREEZING cold and lacking emotions - cutting yourself
FREEZING unable to move quickly - a slow pace - slow
reactions and thinking
FREIGHT carrying a burden
FRENCH a language you do not understand
FRENCH a sense that things are not as familiar -
slightly awkward
FRENCH FRIES a shallow throw away comment
FRENETIC lose concentration
FREQUENCIES how many times does that happen
FRESH exhiliration
FRESH raw and new
FRESHMEN niave and gullible / a fair target
FRET anxiety
FRICTION disputes
FRIDGE an emotional rejection
FRIDGE keeping things fresh and exciting
FRIDGE put something into cold storage
FRIDGE weight problems - eating too much or eating too
FRIEND a friendly situation - a good opportunity
FRIEND a new part of yourself
FRIEND good fortune awaits
FRIEND inner harmoney - for your own good
FRIEND thoughts wandering in a certain direction - a
wish to be more like something
FRIEND thoughts which make you feel good - positive
upbeat thoughts
FRIEND your ideal thoughts on some situation
FRIENDLY thoughts in support of some way of thinking
FRIGHT a dreadful site
FRILL excessive and unecessary detail
FRISK to search for
FROG a frenchman or gallic type behavior
FROG man to prince
FROG transformation in personality
FROLIC take a chance
FRONT DOOR openly talking about how people see you
FRONT focusing on
FRONT immediately obvious parts
FRONT YARD signals that everyone can read into your
FRONT YARD the face that you show the world
FRONTIER the extent of someones knowledge or power
FRONTYARD open desires and thoughts
FROST unwillingness to talk
FROWN disaproval
FROZE awkward and uncomfortable
FROZE being emotionally closed
FROZE keep things as they are - focus on a moment in
time - a possible premonition (frozen in time)
FROZE not much progress - a slow pace - a little amount
- unable to really get into something
FRUIT comforting experiences and thoughts - prosperity
and great enjoyment
FRUIT sex and sensuality - deep and rich feelings of
FRUIT the result of hard work
FRYING PAN sizzlingly sexy
FUGITIVE difficult to catch the meaning of something
FULL MOON at the height of magical powers
FULL SERVICE attending to every need
FULL too much
FULL unable to concentrate on anything else / full of
FUME great passions
FUMIGATE disinfect
FUMIGATE get rid of irritations
FUN PARK thinking over a funny story or amusing real
life situation probably from the day before the dream
FUN PARK thinking over a relaxing and fun event probably
from the day before the dream
FUN using humour
FUND devote time and energy to something
FUND stored up resources
FUNDAMENTAL essential foundations
FUNERAL Closure to a relationship
FUNERAL DIRECTOR your chief response to something after
its over
FUNERAL End of an era
FUNERAL need to accept end / closure to incident
FUNFAIR on the surface you are having lots of fun
FUNHOUSE an extraordinary situation / strange and
exciting experience
FUNNEL forced along a certain way of thinking
FUNNEL transfer elsewhere
FURNITURE adaptable sets of ideas which define who you
FURNITURE carefully constructed thoughts about yourself
FURNITURE real things which express your own identity
FURNITURE thoughts on a particular subject
FUSE a short temper
FUSE unite together
FUSS being forced to concentrate on something / lots of
attention focused on something
FUSS being very obvious and clear about what you want
FUTURE a vision of the future - how things may turn out
FUTURE the prospects of something happening - things
that might happen in your future
FUTURE the way things should be - your ideal situation
FUTURISTIC how things really should be
FUTURISTIC the prospects of something happening - things
that might happen in your future

GADGET a clever and ingenious method

GAG prevented from saying something - feeling its
innapropriate to talk about something
GAG showing disgust at something
GALA real life experiences - with a festive atmosphere
GALE emotional turmoil and change within your life
GALLERY exhibit your ideas clearly
GALLOP a passionate involvement in something
GALLOP move swiftly towards goal
GAMBIT personal sacrifice towards a wider goal
GAMBLE confidence in your situation
GAMBLE need for some luck
GAMBLE need to take a chance
GAMBLING back your hunches
GAMBLING confidence in your situation
GAMBLING need for more luck / need to take a chance
GAMBLING need to prepare more
GAME a battle of wits
GAME playing games with someones emotions
GANGBANG beating up on someones emotions
GANGRENE extreme shock
GANGSTER forced into a course of action / gang up
GANGSTER no order or rules
GARAGE put something into storage / put on hold
GARAGE start of a journey / reflection on present course
GARAGE thinking about your approach
GARDEN personal growth - artistic or creative growth
GARDEN ways of thinking you are trying to encourage -
planting new ideas
GARDEN developing in new ways - learning so much -
things florishing in your life
GARDEN your creative and artistic side - your own growth
as a person
GARDEN learning new bad habits
GARLIC strong smell or sense of something
GARNET precious and crystal clear thoughts
GARRISON on guard and defensive
GAS a polluted atmosphere - a bad sense about something
GAS STATION a new zest for life
GAS STATION recharge your energies
GAS STATION talk and talk
GAS the energy needed to do something
GAS unseen forces affecting something - thinsg are
happening that you cannot see
GASP draw back from situation
GATE opening up some opportunity / closing off some
GATED an feeling of exclusivity
GATED people seperating themselves off
GATOR an overwhelming task or enemy
GAY being out of step in some way
GAY flamboyant actions
GAY thoughts which do not fit in
GAY unconventional acts against the norms of society
GAZELLE ability to move quickly in case of danger
GAZELLE grace and elegance
GEAR finding the right speed
GEAR the equipment and clothes needed
GECKO cold but small and really not that dangerous
GEESE a long journey or time consuming task
GEIGER COUNTER high tech measuring device
GELATIN no real evidence to base a judgement
GEM perfect ideas
GENERAL showing discipline and leadership
GENITAL ideas feeding off ideas
GENTLEMAN need to act properly
GEOGRAPHY knowing where you are / knowing where
something is
GEOMETRY using logic
GEORGIAN elaborate and traditional
GERM invasion of rights
GERMAN nazi creulty and torture
GERMAN a feeling that war has broken out in your life
GERMAN a need for a more systematic approach
GERMAN obsessive rules - efficient and organised - the
protestant work ethic
GERMAN SHEPERD antagonistic thoughts coming from a
devoted friend
GERMAN SHEPERD tough and fiercely loyal
GERMAN SHEPHARD antagonistic thoughts coming from a
devoted friend
GERMAN SHEPHARD tough and fiercely loyal
GERMAN SHEPHARD tough times in a devoted relationship
GERMAN SHEPHERD antagonistic thoughts coming from a
devoted source
GERMANY meticulous application of technolgy and science
GETAWAY need to escape
GEYSER emotional hurt bubbling up beneath surface
GEYSER letting off steam in a natural way
GHETTO empty thoughts and circumstances
GHOST things are not the same - you do not get the same
enjoyment or feeling
GHOST a really eerie feeling on the day before
GHOST feeling inneffective or ignored
GHOST haunted by memory
GIANT inferiority complex
GIANT massive impact
GIFT a wonderful natural ability for something
GIFT something that makes you or other people proud
about your behavior
GIFT something that will change someones life and the
way they see the world
GIGANTIC overwhelming and uncomprehensible
GIGGLE a moment when you shouldn't laugh - an
embarrassed laughter - a very serious moment
GIGGLING a moment when you shouldn't laugh - an
embarrassed laughter - a very serious moment
GINGER spicey
GINGERBREAD MEN a close bond with your mother - doing
things together
GIRAFFE a good view over your neighbours - being nosey
GIRL receptive and open to new experiences / welcoming
to new ideas
GIRL sensitivity and awareness
GIRL your general tranquility and friendliness to the
world around you
GIRL youthful and innocent thoughts and characteristics
/ boundless gentle enthusiasm
GIRLFRIEND what you really want in life
GIRLFRIEND your actually or desired girlfriend / female
help and support
GIVE UP abandon
GIVEN show thanks
GLACIER eventually you will be forced to change your
GLACIER forces in your life which are frozen in their
way of thinking
GLADIOLA feeling glad all over
GLARE overpowering disaproval / send a message
GLASS fears about how people will see you
GLASS see through issue - comprehend something
GLASS WALL comprehending some barrier is forming
GLASSES intellectual thoughts - see things clearly
GLASSHOUSE intensively concentrate on improving some
GLIDE effortlessly
GLIDING handling something with extreme ease
GLITTER look on bright side / add a sparkle to something
GLOSS to cover up the hidden truth
GLOVES handling an issue with care
GLOVES not wishing to touch something
GLOVES trying to keep something seperate
GLOW standing out as very important
GLOWSTICK express your thoughts encouragingly
GNOME fictional problems associated with some issue
GNOME strange unknown help or hindrance
GOAT need to get involved in anything / nosey and
GOBLET magical/mystical thoughts and experiences
GOBLIN strange unknown help or hindrance
GOD a wish for total perfection - thinking that
everything is possible
GOD an expression of your own divine goodness - a sense
of justice - your vision of a perfect world
GOD an overall force controlling things for the good - a
belief that things will come good - ultimate hope for
the future
GOD relying on others to do things for you
GODMOTHER intuitively believing in the judgement of
someone else
GOLD seek pure golden thought
GOLD the very best / value which will never fade away
GOLDFISH water symbolises changing emotions and goldfish
are symbolic of intense emotional and spiritual thoughts
GOLDFISH water symbolises changing emotions and goldfish
are symbolic of intensely sensual thoughts
GOLF trying to get closer and closer to someone
GOLF getting closer and closer to finishing off
GOLF trying to get closer and closer to the answer or
GOLF sexual metaphor
GOOFY just playing around with an idea
GOOSEBERRY you are getting in the way
GOPHER a dogbody - gofer
GORGE to over consume
GORGEOUS a positive image
GORILLA foolish and thoughtless
GORILLA showing extreme anger
GOSPEL some unbreakable rule or idea
GOSSIP obsessed by opinions of others
GOSSIP something happened for no apparent reason /
unexpected and unexplained event
GOTHIC untamed amorphous feelings and thoughts
GOVERNMENT a need to impose order
GOVERNMENT red tape / a feeling of being controlled
GOWN putting on an intellectual or official appearance
GRAB attract your attention and interest
GRAB try to force an issue
GRACE acting elegantly
GRADE the standards required
GRADE your personal standards
GRADUATE achieved success at something / mastered a
GRADUATE gauge the importance of something
GRADUATE moved up to a new level of understanding or
GRADUATION mastered a skill
GRADUATION recognition of your new skills and abilities
GRAFFITI expressing your youthful identity
GRAFFITI plain bold statements
GRAFT getting seperate parts to work together
GRAN being associated with old people or old and out of
date ideas
GRAN feeling old or ill - recovering from illness
GRAN feminine wisdom and feminine intuition or gut
GRAN indulging your frivolous desires - a friendly and
unthreatening experience
GRAND OPENING making a fuss at the start of something
GRANDFATHER feeling old or ill - recovering from illness
GRANDFATHER thinking over your time spent doing
GRANDFATHER The time passing since something happened
GRANDFATHER Thinking how long will something take to
GRANDFATHER Unable to do something quickly
GRANDFATHER a link to your family and heritage
GRANDMOTHER Thinking over your time spent doing
GRANDMOTHER feeling old or ill - recovering from illness
GRANDMOTHER The time passing since something happened
GRANDMOTHER Thinking how long will something take to
GRANDMOTHER Unable to do something quickly
GRANDMOTHER a link to your family and heritage
GRANITE strong and stubbornly unchangable
GRANNY feeling old/ill
GRANNY feminine wisdom and intuitive experience
GRAPE abundance and happiness
GRAPE joyous times ahead
GRAPE the fruits of your labour
GRAPEFRUIT healthy nurishing experiences and thoughts
GRASS natural environment
GRASS nature and natural things
GRASS new pastures and fresh circumstances
GRASSHOPPER possibility of a sudden change
GRATE annoying and irritating
GRATING annoying and irritating
GRAVE buried problems
GRAVE the need to move on - the end to some old
situation or relationship
GRAVEL rough bumpy journey through life
GRAVESTONE looking at your life
GRAVESTONE looking back - think about past situation
GRAVEYARD nostalgic thoughts of old freinds experiences
GRAVEYARD the need to move on - the end to some old
situation or relationship
GRAVITY being pulled and drawn towards someone /
GRAY dull and lifeless experiences / uninspired
GRAY something you are not sure about - a gray area
GREASE dirty and unclean
GREASE honest hard work
GREASE making things easier
GREEK cultured and aesthetic / foreign and
GREEN green with envy
GREEN healthy growth and hapiness
GREEN inexperienced and naive
GREEN new growth within your life
GREEN relates to islam / the color of islam
GREENHOUSE concentrated growth or learning - rapid
GREENHOUSE growth and encouragement
GREY dull boring and uninspired
GREY experienced
GREY old and wise and experienced
GREY something you are not sure about - a grey area
GREY your own inner wisdom and experience
GRIFFEN enthusiastically grasp at any opportunity
GRIFFEN extreme warning of imment failure
GRILL intensely question something
GRIM REAPER something dreadful will happen
GRIMEY unclean - not pure and good
GRIND boring and uninspiring
GRIND slow progress
GRIP not wishing to let go of some thought
GROCERIES the things you need in life - the things that
you consider as essential
GROCERY STORE interests that you consider essential at
GROCERY the things you need in life - the things that
you consider as essential
GROOM commitmentment and belief in principles and
GROOM willingness to commit
GROSS extremely obscene
GROUCHY regretful and hateful thoughts
GROUND addressing an issue
GROUND the foundations to build upon
GROUND thoughts grounded in reality
GROUND your earthly circumstances
GROUNDHOG your real life grounded world forcing an issue
upon you
GROUP the collective unconsciousness - the group opinion
GROUP they are all the same! show the similarities
between things - making connections
GROWL disagreements under the surface
GRYFFIN enthusiastically grasp at any opportunity
GUARD not commiting yourself - being on your guard -
warry of something
GUARD you cannot get through to the true personality -
having to think what you say without offending people
GUARDIAN looking after your best interests
GUEST HOUSE feeling temporarily inspired by someone
GUEST HOUSE temporary state of mind / a transition phase
in your life
GUIDE a recommendation
GUIDE helpful things / thoughts based on some experience
GUIDE showing you the way to do something
GUILT a burden within your own mind
GUILT judging the truth of something
GUILT preoccupation with fault / self judgement
GUINEA PIG You don't know if something is going to work
GUM chewing over thoughts
GUMS pain caused by a quarrel
GUN male sex drive - expressing anger - a
confrontational or difficult situation
GUN pointing out something which is a problem
GUNMAN home in and target some behavior - picking faults
GUNSHOT sudden change
GURGLING unable to think clearly / unable to express
GUT courage
GUTS inner strength and determination / your gut feeling
GUTTER heading towards poverty
GUTTER rude behavior
GUTTER sinful or disgusting activity
GUY male emotions such as determination and stubborness
GYM athletic ways of thinking
GYM great effort towards something
GYM the need to exercise and stay fit
GYPSY cunning rogue
GYPSY pyschic powers and intuition
GYPSY wandering mind and thoughts - a wish to roam

HACK breaking in without permission

HADES the god of the underworld
HAEMOPHELIA sensitive to the slightest criticism
HAG jung = overbearing mother
HAIL welcoming with great honour
HAIR expressive of your own style and creativity
HAIR SALON a real life place where you express your
HAIR state of health - strength and youth
HAIR symbolises the dreamers current mood
HAIRDRESSER impose your styles and attitudes on others
HAIRDRESSER improve own image or mood
HAIRY rough
HAKA preparing for combat
HALL an experience that you are thinking through
HALL something is not quite finished yet - a situation
that is changeable - a transition in your thinking - in
the middle of some change in your life - a period of
HALLOWEEN scarey but fun experiences
HALLS OF RESIDENCE learning to live with groups of
people - behaving properly in public places
HALLUCINATION repressed fear
HALLWAY a very temporary feeling that is related to a
situation that you are in right now - you realise that
thoughts will change
HALLWAY pivotal phase of life
HALLWAY right in the middle of a situation that has not
been resolved
HALT to come up against hindrances and problems
HALTER engage your passions
HAM force together
HAMBURGER need to look deeper
HAMMER break up old relationships and links
HAMMER construction of new ideas
HAMMER forceful strength / drive and determination to
HAMMER need to build/ rebuild your life
HAMPER bribing
HAMPER hindering
HAMSTER immature emotional outlook
HAMSTER non threatening thoughts
HAMSTER safe and comfortable ideas and thoughts / safe
and comfortable relationships
HAND a spiritual connection with someone
HAND give someone a helping hand
HAND heavy or gentle handed
HAND hold out the hand of friendship
HAND influencing something
HAND using your abilities
HAND WRITTEN a personal message
HANDBAG things close to you
HANDCUFF powerless and lack control over your own life
HANDCUFF your hands are tied
HANDICAP a weakness - a hindrance or obstacle
HANDKERCHIEF temporary seperation from loved one
HANDLE getting hold of a problem
HANDLE your ability to cope with something
HANDLE your strength and ability
HANDRAIL needing help to achieve/learn something
HANDS helping people
HANDS using your skills
HANDSHAKE agree a new deal / commit to something
HANDSHAKE coming to a decision
HANDWRITING creative expression
HANDWRITTEN an extremely personal message
HANG an extreme punishment - a warning againts something
that is obviosuly forbidden
HANG associating something with something else
HANG being shown up
HANG GLIDING ability and ambition
HANG showing off your abilities
HANGER need motivation
HANGER starting to achieve a wild ambition
HANGING unfinished business
HANKERCHIEF sadness for loss
HAPPINESS compensatory dream
HAPPY great luck
HAPPY reflects unhappiness in conscious life
HARBOR collect thoughts about some issue
HARBOR shelter from emotional currents
HARBOUR collect thoughts about some issue
HARBOUR need for shelter and protection
HARBOUR shelter from emotional currents - quite happy
within yourself
HARDWARE STORE working on some aspect of personality
HARDWOOD hard and strong but make do
HARE a quick escape
HARE speed / run from enemy
HARMONICA simple harmony with friends
HARNESS give you full control over something
HARP beautiful harmony and healing / personal harmony
HARP repeat endlessly
HARRY POTTER magical childish hopes and thoughts
HARVEST gathering together
HARVEST reap rewards of efforts
HASSLE inconvenient to your way of thinking
HAT assuming a role
HAT hide thoughts under hat
HAT symbol of uniform
HATCH efforts come to fruition
HATCH think up an idea
HATE repressed feelings
HAUNT things are not the same - you do not get the same
enjoyment or feeling
HAUNT a really eerie feeling on the day before
HAUNT feeling inneffective or ignored
HAUNT haunted by memory
HAVEN retreating to a place of safety
HAWAII a casual attitude towards something
HAWAII links with a good mood and a good feeling
generally in your life
HAWK closely watched - pounce on slightest error - watch
like a hawk - need to watch out
HAWK worrying that you have not planned something out
HAY hard work
HAZEL a nut
HAZELNUT a largely pleasant experience - slightly
HEAD male sexuality - penetration
HEAD rational thought
HEAD thoughts in your mind
HEADACHE unable to think clearly
HEADMASTER advice of the supreme intellect
HEADPHONE personal harmony / personal message
HEADSTONE a statement about your life
HEAL make ammends
HEAL put something right
HEALING need to concentrate and summon energies
HEALTH FOOD good wholesome experiences which feed the
HEALTH your spiritual well being
HEAR giving attention to something / being aware
HEAR overlooked / ignored
HEAR your thoughts are understood by others
HEARING AID need to be very obvious and loud in putting
your message across
HEARING AID need to pay attention
HEARSE symbol of rebirth
HEARSE the end of something
HEART ATTACK emotional problem needs attention
HEART ATTACK lack of support and attention
HEART heart of the matter
HEART your feelings of love and devotion
HEARTBEAT showing life
HEARTBEAT the essence of the matter
HEARTH warm feeling / family values
HEAT inflamed opinions and intense argument / emotional
HEAT put under pressure
HEATER receptive to emotional warmth
HEATHEN ignorance or unthinking
HEAVEN great happiness / spiritual goals
HEAVEN heaven on Earth
HEAVEN hopes and dreams
HEAVEN your need for improved circumstances
HEAVIER bigger and better
HEAVIER more serious than thought
HEAVY METAL a sense of togetherness in an action filled
HEAVY METAL achieving harmony but having several
problems along the way
HEAVY METAL things fit together but in a very rough and
imperfect way
HEAVY overcome with grief
HEAVY very very serious
HEAVY your own burden
HEDGE a natural barrier
HEDGE obsticle which can be overcome
HEDGE the natural restrictions in your environment
HEDGEHOG oversensitive / prickly
HEEL need for discipline and follow commands
HEEL under the thumb
HEIGHT the highest level / total agreement
HEIGHT the most intense
HEIGHT your ambitions and abilities
HEIGHTS feeling out of your depth
HEIGHTS in an uncomfortable situation with people more
talented or more interesting
HELICOPTER : getting moving on this project, get an idea
off the ground
HELICOPTER : it could happen so quickly and suddenly. A
HELICOPTER : My ambitions and hopes
HELICOPTER : A change in your priorities
HELICOPTER : a need to plan for a real life journey
HELL not feeling well - suffering from a fever
HELL unable to escape from situation - the worst
possible spiritual situation
HELLO a recognition of something - an acceptance
HELM in command of your own direction
HELMET defending your views
HELMET defensive nature
HELP assistance each other and work together
HELP compromise and assist / cry for attention
HELPLESS indecisive and lack control over situation
HEM not many choices available to you
HEM tie up loose ends
HEM trapped in / restricted
HERMIT a feeling of loneliness
HERMIT alone in your thoughts
HERMIT no one agrees with this
HERO good example
HEROIC the way things should be
HEROIN induced travel in unconcious mind
HEROINE distorted view
HERRING spiritual food and ideas nurishing your mind
HESITATE doubts and worries
HESITATE held up
HIDE deceive yourself
HIDE hide your feelings
HIDING deceiving yourself / running away from the truth
HIDING need to search out the meaning
HIGH BUILDING having to use all your best skills in some
major challenge of your abilities
HIGH HEELS female power and authority / sexual power and
HIGH SCHOOL beginning to learn lesson
HIGH SCHOOL for those at school - friendly setting
HIGH SCHOOL learning exactly what you want - learning
something about yourself
HIGH SCHOOL learning how to cope with some new situation
HIGH-HEELS something is below you
HIGHLAND need to get away from frustrations
HIGHRISE BUILDING ambitions and hopes for the future
HIGHWAY the main route towards
HIGHWAY the way you go through life - the things you do
and how you do them
HIJACK you are forced down a certain path by someone
HIJACK your plans are disrupted
HIKER you need to find a solution yourself
HIKING energy and effort in striving for your goals
HILL demanding experience
HILL your ambitions
HILLBILLY a rather quaint thought not really connected
with reality
HILLSIDE little challenges you set yourself in life
HILTON the very best
HIPPIE extremely relaxed and carefree
HIPPIE wanting to get a spiritual viewpoint on something
HIPPO heavy emotional disturbances
HIPPY too much peace and love
HIPS a friend - joined at hip
HIRE be just like someone else
HISS bad feelings and cutting comments
HISTORY the story so far
HISTORY things you have learnt or experienced
HISTORY your personal history
HITCH a problem or delay
HITCHHIKER following or copying some behavior
HITCHHIKER someone seeking your help some real life day
to day situation
HITLER overwhelming control
HITLER supreme evil - in total charge
HOBBIT mythical figure
HOBGOBLING not knowing what to think - anything could
happen - a lack of certainty
HOCKEY a rough struggle
HOE attempting to grow some new part of you
HOGS hog = pun
HOLD keep hold of your attentions
HOLE a flaw in something in your personality or problem
with day to day reality
HOLE a hole in your life
HOLE female sex organs
HOLE illness and bad feeling
HOLE look at something in a wholistic way
HOLE secretly look at something in a new way
HOLIDAY ability to relax and rest
HOLIDAY experiences which are relaxing and temporary
HOLIDAY relaxing hobbies
HOLIDAY wanting to take a break from some taxing
HOLLOW lacking real substance
HOLOGRAPHIC hidden/spiritual meaning
HOLSTER should you be aggressive?
HOME COUNTRY a natural home for you
HOME domestic happiness
HOME feeling at home doing something
HOME MADE made with the personal touch - a very special
effort to comfort someone
HOME MOVIE capturing what your life has really been like
HOME things that make you feel comfortable - at home
HOMELESS lacking a feeling of belonging - not feeling as
if you have a place
HOMELESS spiritual and emotional deprivation - having no
outlet to express some part of your personality -
finding an outlet for your energy and ideas
HOMEMADE a bit amateurish
HOMEMADE made with the personal touch
HOMEOWNER the real motivation behind some action -
usually your own
HOMEROOM rest and think over things you are learning
HOMETOWN familiar and recognisable ways that make you
feel at home
HOMOSEXUAL not conforming to society
HONEY good health and happiness
HONEY natural and pure thoughts
HONEYMOON carried along by feelings of commitment
HOOCH cheap and common
HOOD hide from circumstances
HOOF a passionate blow
HOOK a clever catchy phrase
HOOK caught in something - trapped in thoughts
HOOKER sell yourself cheaply
HOOLIGAN rude and uncouth
HOOLIGAN uneccessary criticism
HOPE optomism for the future
HOPELESS things just will not change!
HORIZON thinking about the future
HORN sexual metaphor
HORRIBLE a sense of terror about something
HORSE exhilirating - exciting - taking a chance -
anything can happen!
HORSE a need to be more careful
HORSE an upcoming event
HORSESHOE directing your passionate energy
HOSE concentrating energies and efforts
HOSE devoting your energies to something in particular
HOSE having to devote energy to something you are
responsible for
HOSPITAL assessing some real illness you have
HOSPITAL somebody has hurt your feelings - feeling
depressed - a need for tender loving care
HOSPITAL something that will make your life easier
HOSPITALITY freindliness and openess
HOSPITALITY generous help and friendship to others
HOSTAGE hostage of circumstances
HOSTAGE trapped in your own beliefs
HOT a very fast pace or intense involvment
HOT AIR BALLOON saying you are going to do something and
not really meaning it
HOT DOG satisfying and comforting distracting
experiences - not meaningful or productive
HOT PEPPER sexual love
HOT SPRING detemination bubbling up from beneath the
HOT SPRING strong feelings connected with real life
circumstances as they unfold
HOT steamy and sexy
HOT very cool or fashionable
HOT WATER a very fast pace - rushing
HOTEL gettiung some really good help from someone - a
very helpful person
HOTEL wanting support and encourgement
HOTEL having to look after someones every need
HOTEL not having a real home right now
HOTEL A guest of someone
HOUSE pressure on you to change
HOUSE Thinking about something that had a big impact on
you - you have never got over it!
HOUSE Thinking of your own future
HOUSE Thinking about and assessing your own behavior -
wondering why you did something
HOUSE wanting to prove how you can do something
HOUSE thinking over your approach to something
HOUSE your own health
HOUSE-SITTING copying the behavior of someone else -
pretending to be something you are not
HOUSESITTING pressure to adopt someone elses approach to
something - fitting in with an ideolgy
HOVER not quite able to
HUDDLE thoughts mixing together in confusion
HUG sensing good signals connected with something -
agreeing with someone - embrace some thought
HUGE bigger than your own understanding
HUGE HOUSE the impact and influence of society on you
HUGE HOUSE the impact of real life circumstances on your
personality - premonitions of things which will affect
HUGE HOUSE the impact of your own actions on other
people - how you affect other peoples attitudes and
HUGE the impact of something is very important on your
life - carried away by feelings - emphasising and acting
out some emotion
HUMAN compassion and humanity
HUMAN human weakness
HUMMINGBIRD freedom and beauty
HUMMINGBIRD moving so fast you cannot see what is really
HUNGER hungry for life
HUNGRY need to feed mind experiences
HUNGRY ready for action - wanting to get involved in
HUNTING quest or struggle
HURDLE passing a test
HURDLING vigourously overcoming problems / barriers
HURRICANE destructive and powerful forces within your
HURRICANE negative/massive change in circumstances
HURRY something needs doing very quickly
HUSBAND faithfulness to something - total trust and
HUSBAND needing some comfort - need to be rescued form a
situation - dependance on someone
HUSBAND unconscious thoughts about your husband
HUSBAND working closely with others - working in
HUSKIE a devoted relationship within a difficult
HUSTLE competing thoughts / what to concentrate on!
HUT a simple approach
HUT basic and self contained nature
HYBRID combining the best of both worlds
HYDRO ELECTRIC control flow of your emotions / turn
emotions into positive energy
HYDRO work on your control over emotions
HYDRO-ELECTRIC control flow of your emotions / turn
emotions into positive energy
HYIENA laughing
HYIENA using anything at your disposal
HYPERVENT not feeling totally comfortable
HYPNOTIZE intense fascination

ICE cold emotion

ICE CREAM making people feel welcome - cheering somone
ICE CREAM saying nice things - compliments
ICE CREAM Things that make you feel good - enjoying
ICE SKATE skating over your emotions
ICE unable to move quickly - a slow pace - slow
reactions and thinking
ICON unquestioning belief / perfect example of some
ICY slipping out of your control
IDENTICAL similar but not exactly like
IDOL deep love and admiration
IGNITE cause an argument or inner conflict
IGNITE spark an interest in
IGNITION spark - embark on course of action
IGNORE feeling left out
IGNORE not trying to understand a point of view
IGNORE put established ideas to one side
IKON unquestioning belief / perfect example of some
ILL you do not feel happy about your life in some way
ILLUMINATING illustrate something clearly
ILLUSTRATE make something clear and unambiguous
IMMACULATE absolutely perfect in every way
IMMORTAL unwilling to move on / lasts for ever
IMPACT having a major effect
IMPALE make you focus on something / fixed to the spot
IMPERIAL vastly superior quality
IMPOTENCE total loss of power
IMPOTENT insecurity about something
IMPRINT leaving a very major impression on you
IN LAW feeling pressure to act in some idealistic way
INCAPACITATE lacking the ability
INCENSE cause to lose temper
INCENSE spiritual thoughts
INCEST bad things happening within the family
INCEST impure emotional thoughts
INCEST look inwards
INCLINE a tendency towards one argument
INDIA explore your deeper mystical and spiritual side
INDIANA JONES a great adventure - but slightly divorced
from reality
INDICATE make clear a course of action
INDICATE suggest something
INDIFFERENT unthinking
INDOOR inside you / introverted
INDUSTRIAL manufactured thoughts and feelings
INDUSTRIAL why do we think the way we do?
INDUSTRIES industrious thoughts
INFECT one thought being affected by another - stress
and tension
INFECTOUS can catch bad feelings off someone
INFLATABLE fill up / your need to exert great energy
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY using rational ideas and
INGREDIENT resources needed to bring good experiences
INGROWING unwanted experiences
INJECTION apply a remedy / pick me up
INJECTION force views or passions onto others
INJECTION inspire with enthusiasm
INJECTION invade someones privacy
INJECTION sexual metaphor
INJURE told to stop doing something
INLAND caught in day to day reality - trapped in
grounded circumstances
INNARDS inner workings
INNER intellectual, emotional or spiritual feelings
INNOCENCE ignorant and lacking in knowledge
INNOCENT blameless / ignorant or stupid
INNOCENT great passion and openess to new experience
INQUISITION questioning traditional beliefs
INSANE not work in practice
INSANE totally bad feeling - nausea
INSIDE knowing how someone feels deep inside
INSIDE look to your inner self
INSIDE seeing how something works from inside
INSISTENT urgent and pressing issue
INSPECT check over
INSPECTION fear of thoughts being checked over in minute
INSPECTOR fear of thoughts being checked over in minute
INSTALL establish
INSTANT it all happened very quickly
INSTRUMENT happiness and creative pursuits
INSULATE behavior which stops you getting through to
INSULATION behavior which stops you getting through to
INSURANCE insecure in goals / lack faith and commitment
INSURANCE lack belief in something / need to make sure
INTEGRATE complete understanding
INTERCOM two way communication
INTERCOURSE associate or deal with
INTERCOURSE pleasurable agreement
INTERCOURSE sexuality / union between people and ideas
INTERIOR heart or essence of
INTERMEDIATE something is prooving very hard to get out
INTERN just learning
INTERN trapped in your situation
INTERSECTION a crossroads in your life - time to make a
final decision - thoughts come into focus
INTERSECTION intersecting lives - wondering how you are
coping and how others are coping after
INTERSECTION your wishes clash with the wishes of
INTERVIEW being thoroughly questioned
INTERVIEW discuss and question
INTESTINE general unhapiness
INTESTINE your own guts / your inside feelings / own gut
INTOXICATED getting over excited about something -
getting carried away
INTRIGUE deception and disagreement
INTRIGUE internal discussion and disagreement
INTRUDER upsetting your routine - really disrupting
INTRUDER an unwelcome thought creeps into your mind
INTRUDER very intrusive and personal - personal
INTRUDER getting inside someone mind and seeing how they
INTRUDER a fear of real burglars
INVADE force views on someone
INVASION coming to the defence of someone or something
that is under attack
INVENT being very imaginative
INVENT creatively solve some great problem
INVENT fabricate and deceive
INVESTIGATING trying to understand
INVESTIGATION wondering how something happened
INVISIBLE something is about to be revealed
INVISIBLE unseen forces
INVITATION provoke change / lack belief in something
INVITE did not ask for your opinion
INVITE provoke change
INVULNERABLE Ambition. High expectations. Efficiency.
IRAQ terrible nightmare
IRELAND friendly warm
IRELAND in touch with deep spirituality
IRIDESCENT understanding a well ordered argument
IRISH good jokes and pleasant social atmostphere
IRON iron fist / stand strong
IRON Rigidity. Endurance. Need to stand firm.
IRONING thinking through some problem - ironing it out
ISLAND forget the world by becoming highly engrossed in
some issue
ISLAND individual people in your emotional life
ISLAND self contained personality - proud and self
contained - need for time to think on own
ITCH itchy emotional problems and circumstances
ITCH problem will not go away
ITCH small irritating problems
IV life support - need for extra energy
IVY hanging on

JACKAL doing someone elses work

JACKAL keen vision
JACKET appear in a certain way / an image you adopt
JACKET assuming a role
JACKET badge
JACKET your general and open views
JACKET your not staying
JACK-KNIFE wild and out of control
JAIL a feeling of being trapped
JAIL you feel you are unable to overcome psychological
problems and personal faults
JAM keep alive and maintain
JAM obstruction
JAM problem
JANITOR not impressed at all
JAPAN a technological approach
JAPAN conservative culture
JAPAN eastern mysticism and spirituality
JAPAN time honoured tradition
JAW anger and arguments
JEALOUS not willing to see own weaknesses / unwilling to
JEALOUS suspicions / lack trust in
JEAN work image - down to earth
JEEP a need to overcome great difficulties in the course
of your general life
JEEP having to be practical and face obstacles
JELLY no real evidence to base a judgement
JERUSALEM heavan on earth
JERUSALEM sacred haven
JESUS some issue involved belief - maybe self belief and
having faith
JESUS trying to convince and convert someone to your way
of thinking - preaching to someone
JESUS your highest beliefs. your greater self
JET high flying fast life experiences
JETSKI overwhelming surge of resolve and energy
JETTY view emotions
JEWEL someone who you value a great deal
JEWEL someones wealth and riches
JEWEL shallow lifestyle and false goals
JEWEL the importance and value of something
JIGSAW making everything fit together / understanding
JOB a sense of fulfillment - a task you have set
yourself - responsibilites which need to be fulfilled -
working and showing effort towards some task you have
set yourself
JOCKEY skilful actions and arguments
JOG doing something thats good for you
JOG move steadily through life
JOIN a feeling you have about something changes in some
JOIN create connections between
JOINT connections / general flexibility
JOKE totally ridiculous
JOKER avoid issue
JOKER jokers have no option but to joke - yet deep down
we do not know what they truely feel
JOLT a sudden shock to your senses
JOURNAL thinking about someone
JOURNEY an emotional transition - a sense of movement
within your life - fulfill a wish
JOURNEY need to learn and grow and create
JOURNEY quest for enlightenment and experiences
JOY RIDE filling a busy schedule with some relaxation
JUDGE weigh up advantages
JUG filling up your life with experiences/emptying
JUGGLER balancing repsponsibilities
JUICE refreshing experiences
JUMP a major change in your beliefs and behavior
JUMP exxagerate something
JUMP IN try to do something
JUMP jump from idea to idea - adventurous behavior -
reckless activities
JUMP very enthusiastic at the idea
JUMPSUIT a restless mood
JUNCTION decion is required
JUNGLE a wild and unexplored world
JUNGLE adventurous efforts
JUNGLE need to explore
JUNIOR still learning
JUNK SHOP having little time to achieve your wishes
JUNK SHOP not wanting to put much effort into something
JUNKYARD dumping ground of personality
JURY beware of criticism
JURY public opinion

KANGAROO restless character

KARAOKE imitate the actions and thoughts of others
KARATE hitting out - self defence
KARATE take things into your own hands
KAYAK make a real emotional effort
KETTLE bubbling to boiling point
KETTLE reaching boiling point
KEY an ability or knowledge of something
KEY solution to problems - you know what needs to be
KEY the main point to consider
KHAKI dressed for combat - hostile appearance
KID a need to protect and take care
KID wild enthusiasm - innocence
KIDMAN being fooled in some way - a huge joke
KIDNAP not achieve potential
KIDNAPPED a part of you has been stolen or is not being
KIDNAPPED unwanted change in circumstances
KIDNAPPED you are been forced in a direction you do not
really want to go
KILL cut out bad tendency within your life - try to stop
thinking certain thoughts
KILL ending a relationship
KILL unwilling to put up with something
KILL resisting at all costs
KILL really hating someone/something - an argument
KINDERGARTEN basic lesson / playing around - childish
KING your leadership - commanding and authorative - head
of the family - dominant male
KING commanding and dominant ideas
KING head of the family or group
KINGFISHER agile free flyowing operator
KISS a premonition of a good day ahead - good times and
good fortunes
KISS an agreement - something highly agreeable
KISS embrace some thought or belief
KISS showing love and affection
KITCHEN generating interest in your ideas - stimulating
interest - a report or presentation
KITCHEN your plans for the future
KITCHEN provoking a response
KITCHEN a thought linked to your real life kitchen
KITCHEN having a great appetite for new things - needing
to fill a gap in your life
KITE suggest an idea
KITTEN a gut feeling fresh in your mind
KITTEN a strong sense about your direction in life
KITTEN new ideas and confidence in yourself as a woman
KITTEN newly aquired magical and pyschic powers
KKK a distorted and twisted view of the world
KKK hiding views which you feel may offend someone
KNAPSACK need to depend on yourself
KNEE a junction of some kind
KNEE general flexibility
KNEEL agree without questioning
KNEW a strong feeling about something - maybe a
KNIFE something you cannot stop thinking about
KNIFE starting to understand the subject - getting
really into something
KNIGHT coming to the rescue
KNIGHT knight in shining armour
KNIT domestic peace and quiet
KNIT knit things together
KNIT quiet life
KNIVES cut something out of your life
KNOCK a issue is being addressed in your real life
conscious world
KNOCK a warning or awareness of something - be on guard
KNOCK ask for a favour
KNOCK asked for help and advice
KNOCK new opportuntities
KNOCK warning
KNOT complications and delays
KNOT unwanted complications
KNOW you realise something - you are aware - you need to
take something into account
KNOWLEDGE awareness and understanding
KOI rich emotional lively thoughts within you
KOMODO DRAGON a fearsome reputation that is not based on
myth - its based on reality
KRISHNA spiritual knowledge and love
KRISNA increasing enthusiasm for the occult and the

LAB scrutinise something

LAB trained in scientific methods
LABEL defining something
LABEL pidgeonhole / classify
LABOR effort and endeavor
LABORATORY scrutinise something
LABOUR endeavour and struggle
LABRADOR well disciplined loyal and faithful companion
LABYRINTH increasingly complex and perplexing
relationships and thoughts
LABYRINTH need to solve mystery
LACE fortify a drink
LACE romantic and feminine attitudes and image
LADDER given a help in hand
LADDER linking your higher beliefs to day to day actions
LADDER links unconcious with concious mind - your
deepest desires
LADDER seeing far - a possible premonition
LADIES ROOM thoughts about your physical appearances
LADY well mannered and polite behavior
LADYBUG sex pest - one who bugs ladies(pun)
LAKE a decision or situation that involves a real sense
of emotional involvement
LAKE an emotional doubt about some decision or issue
LAKE SUPERIOR a feeling of superiority
LAMB lamb to slaughter
LAMB simple contentment
LAMB young exciting experiences
LAME something you are really not happy with about
LAMP cast light on matter
LAND come back down to earth / your possessions
LAND to arrive at a certain conclusion
LANDLORD not in full command of your life
LANDMARK an achievement or milestone
LANDSLIDE great change in environment and circumstances
LANGUAGE something that is understandable
LANGUAGE things you don't quite understand
LAP close protection
LAP protecting some belief and vision of the future
LAPTOP communicate - maybe by internet
LARDER stored energy and reserves
LARGE bigger than you can cope with / larger than life
LARGE emphasising and acting out some emotion
LARGER improved
LASSIE come to the rescue
LATE FOR WORK you need to put more effort into some
issue in your life - a need to get started!
LATE need to make a decision
LATEX wild side/ sexually uninhibited
LATIN a difficult to understand language / cryptic
LAUGH covering over some problem
LAUGH let go of problems - being cheerful about
LAUGH the fear of ridicule
LAUNDRY a mood or frame of mind you are trying to
LAUNDRY getting people to see you in a more positive
LAUNDRY purify your thoughts - wash away your problems
LAVATORY a feeling of embarrassment - a testing and
frustrating moment
LAVATORY overwhelming problems - continuous bad feelings
LAVATORY getting something out of your system - letting
LAVATORY being scared or shocked - frustrations built up
over years
LAVA a total change in your perception of everything
within your life
LAVA major change in your conscious real life world
LAVA voilent disturbed thoughts bubbling up beneath the
LAVISH exxagarated or magnificent statement
LAVISH shower with generous praise
LAW a need to preserve order within your mind and within
groups in which you mix
LAW strong guiding rules
LAWN rest the body and mind
LAWN tidy natural environment
LAWSUIT judging if some action was acceptable
LAWSUIT lots of stress connected with some situation
LAWYER judging if some action was acceptable
LAWYER lots of stress connected with some situation
LAWYER wondering if behavior action was acceptable
LAX not watching or concentrating
LAZY inactive
LEAD guiding you though something
LEAD SINGER being inspired
LEADER insisting on something
LEAF growth prosperity
LEAK emotional problem
LEAK your interest and involvement and resolve is been
drained away by something
LEAN tendency towards something
LEAP accept enthusiastically
LEAP increasing
LEAP moving quickly
LEAP take a chance
LEARNING improving your knowledge
LEARNING lack self confidence
LEASH trying to influence someone who trusts you
LEATHER smart tough image
LEAVES change in environment / the winds of change
LEAVES end of relationship and cold thoughts
LECTURE speak down to people
LED want to know someones secrets and mysteries
LEECH attach yourself to someone for your own gain
LEFT real events rather than imagined - the reality of
your situation
LEFT the left side of the brain and things associated
with it - day to day reality
LEFT the left side often links to something real and
tangible such as an object
LEFT what you are like in practise
LEFT WINDOW viewing the real life world - a possible
LEFT your conscious mind... conscious thoughts and
LEG ability to run
LEG how you travel in life
LEG support and ability to move quickly
LEG your direction in life
LEGEND a mythical and romantic viewpoint
LEGO building on something
LEMON refreshing yet bitter
LEMONADE something that makes you feel good but is not
very good for you in the long run
LEND being able to trust someone
LEND valuing someone - having time for someone
LENS a particular perspective
LEOPARD always the same even through great
tranformations - a leopard never changes its spots
LEOPARD SKIN overt and obvious
LEOPARD strong determined and forceful - capable of
being feared by others
LESBIAN ideas which go against the norm / against nature
LETHAL complete end / hurtful
LETTER a personal message - well thought out
LETTER an official or formal message
LETTER giving advice
LETTER let her
LEVEL a required standard
LEVEL being honest and above board
LEVEL calm and content
LEVEL make smooth or destroy
LEVITATE powers you didn't know you had / great
influence over others
LEVITATING powers that you did not know you had
LIAR losing faith in yourself or projects involved in
LIAR pretending to feel something
LIBRARY search for knowledge
LIBRARY search through your memories for answer
LICE personal hygiene problems
LICENSE ability to do something
LICK sense something new
LICK triumph over something
LIFE GUARD a safe and thoughtful route which prevents
major disturbances in your emotions
LIFE JACKET protection against emotional problems
LIFE VEST protection against emotional problems
LIFEGUARD a need to be diplomatic
LIFEGUARD trying to prevent major emotional upheavals
LIFT cheer someone up with encouraging comments - an
uplifting and wonderful feeling
LIFT copy or imitate - plaigerize - steal
LIFT rising or falling confidence or understanding -
confidence or belief in you
LIGAMENT connections
LIGHT need to accept the truth
LIGHT suddenly enlightened
LIGHT SWITCH cast light on subject
LIGHTBULB cast light on matter
LIGHTENING immense understanding
LIGHTER getting easier as time passes
LIGHTER more light hearted and less serious
LIGHTER set things off / kick off / light the fire
LIGHTNING insight into something
LIGHTNING sudden and electrical thoughts - turbulent
change in views
LIGHTS suddenly enlightened / need to accept the truth
LIME zest
LIMO belief in your own importance
LIMO making a big fuss in your real life conscious world
LIMP unable to find the right direction
LIMP unbalanced perception
LINE a link - directly connecting one thing with another
LINE a point beyond which you should not cross
LINE UP choose from various alternatives
LINEAR rational and sytematic reasoning
LINE-UP choose from various alternatives
LINGERIE your thoughts about sexual issues
LINK connection
LION strong and courageous - really standing up to
LION very ferocious - intimidating - someone who scares
LION something or someone you would rather avoid
LIONESS female courage
LIP connected to words said
LIPS communication
LIPSTICK overt sexuality and vanity
LIPSTICK pretty words
LIPSTICK saying something to make something appear more
attractive than it is
LIQUOR escape from wider troubles / indulge your wildest
LITERATURE great stories
LITTLE BOY little boy lost
LITTLE BOY maternal insinct
LITTLE GIRL silly and emotional
LITTLE GIRL little girl lost - in need of help - being
treated like a child
LITTLE GIRL naive - idealistic - silly emotional notions
- lovey dovey
LITTLE SISTER not in control of the situation
LITTLE SISTER your openess to innocent and naive
LITTLE unpretentious and humble
LIVELY enticing argument
LIVER tiredness
LIVING ROOM premonition of the things to come that day
LIVING ROOM things in general in your life - your real
life conscious day to day world in practice
LIZARD reptile cold and nasty
LOAD wish to escapoe circumstances
LOAF using your intelligence
LOBBY welcoming the opinion of others
LOBBY your open and social side / welcoming side
LOCH NESS MONSTER emotional issues which have no real
basis in reality
LOCHNESS MONSTER imagined emotional fears about how bad
things can become
LOCK hidden fears and thoughts
LOCK you cannot figure out someones behavior - you
cannot see their hidden motives
LOCKED cannot get away from something
LOCKED not able to see what is in
LOCKER locked up problem
LOCKER your own personal space
LOCUST plagued by something
LODGE a wish to express your own deep and very personal
LOFT pathway to the unconscious... very highest thoughts
LOG to record your changing thoughts
LONG something has gone on too long
LONG TRIP a process which will take a long time
LOOK making sure of something - being sure about
LORRY a heavy workload - lots to do
LORRY a very serious matter - having heavy or serious
feelings for someone
LORRY feeling tired or sluggish
LOS ANGELES city of the angels
LOST AND FOUND something temporarily lost
LOST fail at something
LOST unable to see what direction you need to go in life
LOTION sexual connections
LOTS many examples of somthing - dominating your mind
LOTTERY great wealth without effort
LOUD very obvious
LOUNGE interacting with others
LOUNGE premonition of the things to come that day
LOUNGE your real life conscious day to day world
LOVE dominating your thoughts entirely
LOVE LETTER clear but difficult to express thoughts
LOVE to follow one argument exclusively
LOVER your inner being - your spiritual sensuality
LUCIFER temptations and demons within you
LUGGAGE need to leave the past behind
LUGGAGE the burden of your responsibilities and
emotional problems that follow you around
LUMINOUS standing out as very important
LUMP something that sticks out
LUNA lunatic = pun
LUNCH BOX male genitals
LUNCH food for thought - your real life experiences and
how they feed your mind
LUNG CANCER fears connected to smoking
LUNG general happiness
LUNGS need to expand
LUSH lots of feelings and regard
LUST eager for new experiences - unsatiated desires
LUXURIOUS trying your very best
LUXURIOUS well cared for
LYING relying on someone.

MACDONALDS just hanging out with friends and trying to

be cool
MACDONALDS trivial social experiences
MACHINE saying something automatically - like a machine
- said without feeling
MACHINE wondering how some thought is made in your mind
MADNESS cannot make sense
MADONNA female purity / female power and independence
MAFIA been forced into something
MAFIA disordered circumstances - abuse of power and
MAFIA influential and important - someone who can do you
a favour
MAGAZINE thoughts stimulated by media and public opinion
MAGAZINE thoughts stimulated by the ideas of others
MAGGOT cleaning up old festering wound
MAGIC unbelievable change and movement
MAGIC wishing something could happen
MAGICAL enchanting almost supernatural
MAGNET drawn towards someone / something
MAGPIE black and white messenger
MAGPIE endless chatter
MAIL checking through the latest thoughts and evidence
MAIL news to be revealed
MAIN ROAD moving fast towards your goal
MAINSTREET main cultural thread
MAKE UP concealing something about yourself
MAKE UP make up with friends
MAKESHIFT making things up as you go along
MAKEUP cover over flaws
MAKE-UP cover over flaws
MAKEUP making up with someone
MAKE-UP making up with someone
MALARIA endless irritations
MALE determined stubborn and forceful
MALL having lots of options available to you in some way
MALL seeking new places and relationships
MALL the latest fashions and trends
MALLARD common
MALNURISHED lacking strong experiences in your life
MAMBA evil motives
MAMMA motherly compassionate thoughts / your mother
MAN assertive behavior - a pushey and aggressive manner
within you or others - taking control
MAN forcing the pace - a busy day
MAN a lack of communication - not being told
MAN panicking
MAN unhappiness and a lack of harmony
MAN territorial control
MAN being arrogant
MAN frustrations and delays
MANAGER the need to organise something - looking for a
principle to organise your thoughts
MANAGER unconscious thoughts connected with authority or
your real life manager
MANATEE man at ease
MANGLE exxagerate
MANGLE make a mess up of something
MANHOOD issues of sexuality
MANHOOD the real man versus some false picture within
your mind
MANIC inconsistent / up and down
MANICURED well kept
MANNEQUIN faceless human. without any real personality
MANNER the way in which something is done
MANOR being in charge - being territorial - wishing to
protect your image and power
MANSION issues where your actions and thoughts are
connected to other peoples
MANSION being forced to respond to someone
MANSION Not getting the response you wish form others
MANSION other people having an impact on you
MANSION the impact and influence of society on you
MANUFACTURE lacking in any real substance - not
individually tailored
MANUFACTURE wondering why people think the way they
MANURE recycling of life
MAORI a more natural way of life
MAP confidence in your direction in life
MAP instructions on how to do something
MAP knowing where you are
MAP where you are in life - general circumstances
MARCHING BAND moving in unison
MARIGOLD general happiness
MARIJUANA divorced from reality - wondering if something
happened or not - impaired judgment
MARIJUANA lighten up
MARINA the beginning of a very rich emotionally
fulfilling experience
MARINE soldier
MARKET actively promote
MARKET competing needs
MARKET options available to you - your general choices
in life
MAROON pun - abandoned?
MARRAIGE making a real effort in some way
MARRAIGE a commitment of any nature and your feelings
about it
MARRAIGE a serious commitment - thinking about taking
the 'next step' with someone
MARRAIGE someones ability to commit to a serious
MARRAIGE Your own real life wedding plans
MARRAIGE responsibilities that you have to carry out
MARS the roman god of war / bold energetic leadership
MARSH lacking resolve and involvement in the world -
feeling depressed
MARTYR self sacrifice
MASCARA cover over blemishes / put on best appearances
MASK hiding the reality of your motives - concealing
MASK question over integrity and honesty - false
MASON secret signals
MASSAGE a relationship involving power - one person
feeds the needs of the other
MASSAGE gently trying to influence the way you think
MASSAGE sex and arousal
MASTER must be obeyed
MASTER things you must learn to become an expert
MASTURBATE getting off on something
MASTURBATE over - belief in oneself
MASTURBATING getting off on something
MASTURBATING over belief in oneself
MAT like a doormat
MATCH matching interests and desires
MATCHBOX a match for someone
MATERIAL material circumstances
MATES backing you up and sticking up for you
MATES thoughts in favour of something - everyone likes
MATH figure it out
MATRIX a strange and unfathomable situation
MATRIX your own inner search
MATTRESS dependable support on intimate matters
MATTRESS how comfortable you feel with yourself
MATURE develope and growth
MAZE need to step back and plan
MCDONALDS feed trivial needs
MD bossy tendencies / in charge
MEAT a play on words = meet
MEAT being influenced by others / living in the shadow
of others
MEAT experiencing what you want
MEAT interesting and meaningful
MEAT male sexuality
MECHANICAL just going through the motions - not really
meaning it
MECHANICAL unatural and forced
MEDICAL health issue?
MEDICINE solution to ills
MEDIEVAL filled with superstition - lacking any real
knowledge or enlightenment
MEDIEVAL life is nasty, hard, brutish and short -
antiquated and primitive
MEDIEVAL the golden age of chivalry
MEDITATING thinking quietly over ideas
MEDIUM messenger from higher mind
MEDUSA a look that turns to stone
MELODY reflect mood and reinforce message of dream
MELON sex and sensuality
MELT thoughts dissapear
MEMORABILIA valuable memories
MEMORIAL need to remember something
MEN expectations about how men should behave
MEN negative male emotions such as determination,
overbearance and awkwardness
MEN pressures on you to act in a certain way
MENSTRUAL a predicatable and transitary phase involving
MENSTRUATION cycle of emotions
MENTAL HOSPITAL adressing someones irratability and
temporary loss of sanity
MENTAL PATIENT adressing someones irratability and
temporary loss of sanity
MENU a choice of experiences and thoughts
MERCHANDISE cheap goods of low value
MERCHANT sell an idea
MERCURY roman : messenger of gods
MERMAID sensual emotions
MERMAID transform your resolve - suddenly you are
enjoying what you are trying to do
MESMERIZE intense fascination
MESSAGEBOARD seeking information from the world in
MESSIAH a new path - this is the new answer to
METAL determined in thoughts and actions
METAL single minded dedicated and stubborn
METAL very strong and reliable
METAMORPHOSIS changes in life circumstances
METEOR realising that your life will change radically
METEOR the truth has been found out
METEOR something terrible that nearly happened yesterday
METEOR being suddenly struck by the truth - something
that you did not realise at first
MEXICAN FOOD a generally poor experience - but involving
lots of hard work
MEXICAN poor and hard working
MEXICO poor circumstances
MICE concentrating on small insignificant details
MICE huddle in corner
MICROSCOPE study closely
MIDDLE AGE acting maturely and accepting responsibility
- responsible and sensible
MIDDLE intensely caught up in something
MIDGET feel helpless and insignificant
MIDNIGHT rest and relax / enter the unconcious
MIDNIGHT the end of some situation
MIGRATE a movement or change
MILE geographical seperation / emotional or intellectual
MILITANT combative and agrressive
MILITARY a need to follow written instructions or orders
- strict rules that need to be followed
MILITARY Confrontation - Ready to challenge something
MILITARY enduring hardship with others - a sense of
teamwork and effort - a disciplined outlook
MILITARY having a really rough day and facing difficult
situations - carry on regardless
MILITIA reserves
MILK feed and nourish some young project or relationship
MILK FLOAT a very slow pace
MILK FLOAT the early morning
MILK milk of human kindness and nurturing
MILK sustain growth and new life
MILL a job which satisfies your emotional needs
MILL an approach that meets your emotional needs
MILL pleasant steady emotions
MILLIPEDE a major delay in real life
MILLIPEDE many many little problems
MINE a rich source
MINE dig down and delve into problem
MINE secret hidden meaning
MINI VAN involves small scale - probably personal work
and effort
MINIATURE a condensed version of something
MINISTER responsibility and power / care and control
over the wider situation
MINORITY open to persecution
MINT herbs to heal
MINT issues about value - who has the right to say you
are a success or failure
MIRACLE unexplainable powers
MIRROR admire something that you like in the actions of
others - mirror someones behavior
MIRROR issues about your own physical appearance -
worries about own self confidence
MIRROR premonition of the day ahead
MIRROR you have seen something in the behavior of others
that in some way mirrors your own situation or behavior
MISCARRAIGE a total failure
MISCARRY abort an idea / back out of fresh start
MISERABLE very poor performance
MISMATCH inconsistent thoughts
MISSILE criticism or confrontation heading your way
MISSING something is lacking in your life
MISSION driven to do something / consumed by feelings
MISSIONARIES try to convert to a certain way of thinking
- preaching to people
MISSIONARY try to convert to a certain way of thinking -
preaching to people
MIST a hazy idea of whats needed
MIXTURE a combination
MOB thoughts conflict
MOBILE constantly need to know whats happening
MOBILE need to communicate
MOCK you feel that some behavior you show is open to
MODEL portray something in the best way you can
MODELLING imitate or represent to the best way you can
MOLAR grinding
MOLD bad rotten experiences
MOLE tunneling into your deep subconscious
MOLEST a sense of your feelings being violated - being
taken advantage of
MOLTEN your day to day world suddenly transforms
MOM worries and concerns - a need for reassurance
MOM cheering you up - making you feel welcome - feeling
sorry for yourself
MOM judgment based on character and personality - using
your intuitions
MOM a need to be sensible - taking time to make the
right decision
MOM someone trying to give sympathetic advice - helping
someone out
MOM a safe path avoiding conflict - considering lots of
complicated emotional thoughts
MOM a need for closure to something
MOM your own intuition and inner guidance - a nagging
voice in your head - your own intuitive gut feelings
MONASTERY take a long hard look at your spiritual
MONESTARY quiet contemplative thoughts
MONEY a willingness to show effort - trying hard -
putting in a little extra effort
MONEY feeling worthless - self worth
MONEY valuing someones performance - your value to the
MONITOR watching and observing - monitor your
MONK altruistic dream message
MONKEY devious character
MONKEY monkeying around
MONSTER a prodigy - having great genius
MONSTER losing touch with reality - a behavior or
thought that has gone too far
MONSTER an idea out of control
MONSTER going to any lengths to achieve something
MONUMENT a lasting memory
MONUMENT seek greater recognition / seek something
greater in life
MOON feminine energy
MOON something mysterious or hidden
MOON tides?
MOON your life revolves around something/someone
MOONLIGHT cast mysterious light
MORGUE understand why something ended / post mortem
MORNING begin again - a fresh day and fresh view
MORNING getting started quickly with the day ahead
MORNING youthful times
MORPH transformation
MORPHINE make the pain bearable
MORTAL it will not last for ever!
MORTAL unnaceptable and unforgivable
MOSQUITO being taken advantage of - bloodsucking friends
MOSQUITO overwhlemed by small problems
MOSQUITO some unseen problem / some unknown problem
MOTEL a temporary feeling inside you
MOTEL adapting to a new situation
MOTEL realising the impact your actions have on others
opinion of themselves
MOTEL the effect other peoples opinions and actions have
on your life
MOTEL the influence of the world outside on you
MOTEL under the influence of external forces - telepathy
and psychic phenonoma
MOTEL under the influence of someone important in your
MOTH attracted to light
MOTH magical night time thoughts
MOTHER IN LAW an emotional belief about how things ought
to be - pressure to meet some standard
MOTHER worries and concerns - a need for reassurance
MOTHER cheering you up - making you feel welcome -
feeling sorry for yourself
MOTHER judgment based on character and personality -
using your intuitions
MOTHER a need to be sensible - taking time to make the
right decision
MOTHER someone trying to give sympathetic advice -
helping someone out
MOTHER a safe path avoiding conflict - considering lots
of complicated emotional thoughts
MOTHER a need for closure to something
MOTHER your own intuition and inner guidance - a nagging
voice in your head - your own intuitive gut feelings
MOTHER THERESA your charitable nature - wanting to help
MOTHER-IN-LAW an emotional belief about how things ought
to be - pressure to meet some standard
MOTHER-IN-LAW formidable foe
MOTHER-IN-LAW supposed caring thoughts
MOTHERS FRIEND'S HOUSE knowing what is for the best
MOTIONLESS your own inactivity
MOTOR CYCLE fast living / great skill and judgement
MOTORBIKE quick and vigorous progress towards your goal
MOTORBIKE unrestricted free flowing thought
MOTORCYCLE fast exciting journey through real life
MOTORCYCLE masterly and skilful movement / speed to your
MOTORCYCLE unrestricted free flowing thought
MOULD a feeling of tiredness and boredom
MOULD adapt a situatiuon to your own advantage
MOULD adapt to some ideal way of thinking
MOULD can read any meaning into something
MOUNTAIN an enourmous challenge - a long sustained
struggle you have endured
MOUNTAIN something very difficult to achieve
MOUNTAIN your ability to tackle difficult challenges -
your supreme ability in something
MOUNTAIN a difficult goal you have set yourself
MOURN suffer some loss / morn the passing or death of
MOUSE concentrating on small insignificant details
MOUSE huddle in corner
MOUSE navigate a computer
MOUSE need to be as quiet as a mouse
MOUSE something small
MOUTH receptive to new ideas
MOUTH the opening - at the start of something
MOUTH things said
MOVE a transformation in your circumstances or emotions
MOVE an emotionally moving situation - new outlook
MOVEABLE provoke an interest
MOVEMENT a change or trend in your own thoughts
MOVEMENT a sign of life and health in your mind
MOVEMENT change of position
MOVIE a premonition of the future
MOVIE recalling every detail of some event
MOVIE replaying some event - some incident is been
explained or recreated
MOVING a transformation in your circumstances or
emotions - a transformation in your own thinking - new
MOVING an emotionally moving situation
MOWING keeping things neat and tidy
MUCUS eases the passage into
MUD complicated emotional issue
MUD sticky emotional problems / insult = mud sticks
MUFFLED can link to dreams deep into the future
MULTI-STOREY different levels to your personality
MULTI-STOREY working on several different levels - a
multi dimensional problem
MUM worries and concerns - a need for reassurance
MUM cheering you up - making you feel welcome - feeling
sorry for yourself
MUM judgment based on character and personality - using
your intuitions
MUM a need to be sensible - taking time to make the
right decision
MUM someone trying to give sympathetic advice - helping
someone out
MUM a safe path avoiding conflict - considering lots of
complicated emotional thoughts
MUM a need for closure to something
MUM your own intuition and inner guidance - a nagging
voice in your head - your own intuitive gut feelings
MUMS FRIENDS HOUSE knowing what is for the best
MUMS FRIEND'S HOUSE knowing what is for the best
MURDER cut out bad tendency within your life - try to
stop thinking certain thoughts
MURDER ending a relationship
MURDER unwilling to put up with something
MURDER resisting at all costs
MURDER really hating someone/something - an argument
MURKEY clouded emotions
MURKY doing something yet not really understanding it
MUSCLE emotional strength and resilience
MUSCULAR physichal strength and support
MUSEUM collection of old thoughts and possessions
MUSEUM old out of date ideas
MUSEUM something worthy of showing off
MUSEUM thoughts about the past and former achievements
MUSHROOM excess gratification
MUSHROOM mystical experiences - hallucinations
MUSHROOM poisinous comments
MUSIC FESTIVAL everyone getting along together -
harmoney within friends
MUSIC harmony - everything is going going well - people
are getting along well
MUSIC symbolises an emotion within the dream
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT creativity and ability to work
MUSLIM extremely restrictive circumstances
MUSTINESS highly developed senses
MUSTY unpleasant environment
MUTANT a major deviation
MUTANT deform and mainipulate out of all recognition
MUTED enthusiasm worn down - and feelings less vivid
MYSTERIOUS something a bit unusual

NAIL getting the solution

NAIL POLISH obsessing about your appearance
NAKED being very blatant or obvious
NAKED wanting to know everything
NAKED being teased by the truth
NAKED being open and honest
NAME being able to name what something is that you want
- very specific wishes
NAME your core identity - recognition
NAP temporary laspe of concentration
NAPPY carefully looking after your treasured ideals and
NARRATE an honest account of the truth
NARRATION an honest account of the truth
NARRATOR an honest account of the truth
NARROW a need to widen your vision - being small minded
and not open to new ideas
NARROW restrictions placed on you - restricted
opportunities and circumstances
NASA a feeling of involvement in inspired ideas
NASA mind blowing ideas being explored in your own mind
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC understand scientifically
NATIVE AMERICAN spiritual and natural style of life -
having harmony and balance in your life
NATIVE instinctive and in built ability
NATURAL what you are doing is ok - there is nothing
wrong at all in your behavior
NAVIGATE direct skilfully
NAVY emotional discipline
NAZI antagonistic actions
NECK join mind and body together = balnces these
NECK taking risks
NECK the junction between body and soul
NECKLACE symbol of love - perhaps dangerous
NECTAR the best things in life
NEEDLE draw energy from / penetrate at a problem
NEEDLE need to stick to the point
NEEDLE something is needling you
NEGOTIATE overcome
NEGRO rich and expressive nature
NEIGHBOR following something closely - getting as near
as possible
NEIGHBOR see something familiar
NEIGHBOR something happens very close to you
NEIGHBOR something is always in your mind - it affects
you deeply
NEIGHBOR something that will happen soon
NEIGHBOR wanting to be like someone
NEIGHBORHOOD a sense of familiarity
NEIGHBORHOOD sense of community - wealth of knowledge
NEIGHBORHOOD sensing a similarity between two things
NEIGHBORHOOD something is always in your mind - it
affects you deeply
NEIGHBORHOOD something is very close to happening
NEIGHBORHOOD unfamiliar setting
NEIGHBOUR following something closely - getting as near
as possible
NEIGHBOUR see something familiar
NEIGHBOUR something happens very close to you
NEIGHBOUR something is always in your mind - it affects
you deeply
NEIGHBOUR something that will happen soon
NEIGHBOUR wanting to be like someone
NEIGHBOURHOOD a sense of familiarity
NEIGHBOURHOOD important part of your life - always in
your thoughts
NEIGHBOURHOOD sense of community - wealth of knowledge
NEIGHBOURHOOD sensing a similarity between two things
NEIGHBOURHOOD something is very close to happening
NEON for all to see
NEPHEW fresh blood
NERVE presence of mind
NERVE putting you on edge
NERVE the bare cheek
NERVOUS not sure in some way
NEST domestic safety and happiness
NEST personal growth
NEST protection and familiarity
NET obvious trap
NETWORK a system
NETWORK connections
NEUTRALISE cancel out the effect of some worry or doubt
in your mind
NEVER no chance!
NEW newly found thought
NEW revived
NEW strange and unfamiliar feeling
NEW YEAR resolution and hope
NEW YEAR time passes by / a new and fresh start
NEW YORK a new feeling - a new way of thinking
NEW YORK some new social setting or some new involvement
in your life
NEW ZEALAND having a new zeal for something - a new
burst of enthusiasm
NEWCASTLE a new sense of strength and support in your
NEWQUAY the new key / the new cool thing to do
NEWS keeping up with the latest about what is happening
in some situation
NEWS READER anticipating some news about to break in
your life
NEWS waiting for a decision on something - news pending
NEWSAGENT finding out the latest news on some issue
NEWSPAPER new thoughts and new ideas
NIECE young family and friendly enthusiam
NIGHT CLUB a busy situation where you cannot really talk
NIGHT CLUB talking in a sociable way but not actually
saying anything
NIGHT not seeing your current situation clearly
NIGHT time to rest
NIGHT your dreams and unconscious thoughts`
NIGHTCLUB a busy situation where you cannot really talk
NIGHTDRESS your thoughts about your dreams - your
thoughts whilst lying awake at night
NIGHTGOWN your thoughts about your dreams - your
thoughts whilst lying awake at night
NIGHTINGALE romantic times
NIGHT-VISION dream something
NIPPLE nurture and supporting - stimulating growth
NOBLE showing great dignity
NOISE a warning sign
NONCHALANT confidence in your views
NOODLE chinese eastern mystery - mystical experiences
NORTH hard times
NORTH teutonic hard influence
NORTH the difficult route - not choosing the easy option
NOSE general intuitivty
NOSEY over inquisitive
NOSTALGIA trying to make a connection between now and
the past
NOSTALGIC trying to make a connection between now and
the past
NOTE short statement
NOTHINGNESS unrewarding and meaningless
NOTICE to recognise something / observe something
NUCLEAR BOMB major explosive change
NUDE linked with embarassment - trying to hide
prejudices, feeling exposed, the naked truth
NUDE natural nudity symbolises openly showing your
feelings - a feeling of freedom
NUDE the true you - your naked ambitions
NUGGET useful and valuable information
NUMBER anniversaries
NUMBER working out just how much you value something
NUMBER your number has come up?
NUN a need to be better behaved
NUN self denial
NURSE need care and attention - tender loving care
NURSE need help
NURSE need to nurse yourself
NUT new growth with great potential
NUTS barmy
NUZZLE an intense feeling of closeness and involvement

OAK strong stable and with great roots

OAR great personal effort
OASIS a false goal
OASIS a refreshing rest
OATS sexual satisfaction
OBESE plenty almost too much
OBESE protective layer
OBESITY fear of obesity
OBITUARY Unpleasant tasks ahead
OBSERVATORY studying situation closely and careful
OBSERVER understand and study your actions
OBSTACLE circumstances to overcome
OBSTRUCT prevent and frustrate
OCEAN a sense of connection with someone
OCEAN a sense of deep involvement in some issue
OCEAN a sense of shared emotional and creative resolve
experienced with those around you
OCEAN wonderful feelings experienced with others - an
emotional journey
OCTOPUS emotional entanglement - deeply entangled issue
OFFEND wondering if something will cause offence
OFFENSE go against your own rules
OFFENSE violate some unwritten rule or code within your
OFFER give people the choice
OFFICE classify and group together - arrange some
thoughts within your mind
OFFICE need to be organised - organising some issue in
your mind
OFFICE relates to dreamers ability to organise
OFFICER respect
OGRE silly fear
OIL do not mix things
OIL lack of energy
OIL oil the wheels to speed your movement
OIL sexual stimulant
OINTMENT healing qualities
OLD BUILDING a thought that has been going on for a long
OLD BUILDING an old and established idea
OLD CAR you are behaving as if nothing has changed!
progress towards out of date goals
OLD common sense and maturity
OLD FASHION archaic and redundant - traditional and
stuck in past
OLD FASHION the correct and proper way of doing things
OLD feeling tired and washed out
OLD HOUSE an old approach or tendency within you
OLD HOUSE feeling old and tired
OLD HOUSE the way you used to think / outmoded way of
OLD HOUSE thoughts about an old person
OLD LADY feeling old and tired or run down with illness
OLD LADY using your own intuitive experience and gut
OLD learning by experience / great wisdom
OLD SCHOOL learning old and established ideas
OLD something that you have been thinking about for a
long time
OLD wisdom
OLDER a need for greater maturity
OLDER wiser and more knowledgeable with greater
OLDEST most wise
OLIVE southern lands
OMEN bad sign
ON THE EDGE hard and dangerous living
ONE WAY stubborness and fixed vision
ONEWAY stubborness and fixed vision
ONE-WAY stubborness and fixed vision
ONLOOKER unable to do anything - being powerless
OPAL highly valued thoughts
OPAQUE obscure and difficult to understand
OPEN CASKET knowing that something is in the process of
OPEN open opportunities
OPEN think of the possibilities of something
OPERA great drama and epic situation
OPERATION cut things out of life - let go
OPERATION personally invaded
OPIUM cover over problems
OPPONENT people and situations which are causing trouble
for you
OPPORTUNITY would that be possible?
OPPOSITE DIRECTION opposition to your way of thinking -
changing your mind about something
OPPOSITE DIRECTION some feeling is now less attainable
OPPOSITE someone doing the same thing to you
OPPOSITE two opposing sides
OPTION choices available
ORACLE making things clear
ORACLE see your future clearly
ORAL SEX saying all the very nicest things
ORAL SEX to give and receive pleasure
ORAL your expression
ORANGE spirituality and harmony - warmth and harmony
ORB a body of knowledge / a way of thinking
ORB clear and spiritual thought
ORC unknown thoughts or feelings / cannot quite pin a
problem down
ORCA deep unconscious / deep spiritual feelings
ORCHARD great growth and potential
ORCHARD temptation - eve
ORCHESTRA a need for coordination
ORCHESTRA need for harmonious actions
ORCHID rare and beautiful achievment
ORGAN need for religious harmony
ORGASM spiritual climax
ORGY excessive indulgence
ORGY need to be more choosy
ORIENTAL conservative cultural values
ORIENTAL great and mysterious knowledge
ORNAMENT intricate detail / attention to detail
ORNAMENT looks nice but of little practicle value
ORNAMENT something with physical beauty
ORNATE attention to detail
ORNATE well thought out and detailed ideas
OSTRICH extremely nosey
OSTRICH head in sand
OSTRICH you are ignoring obvious problems
OUTCAST feeling different from everyone
OUTDOOR extrovert personality
OUTFIT a gang or group
OUTFIT a stance on something
OUTFIT how others see you
OUTFIT unconscious signals that you send out to people -
OUTLAW a thought and feeling that does not fit in
OUTLINE a rough idea of what is needed
OUTLINE plan basic approach
OUTLINE summarize
OUTSIDE being left out - something is inaccessible at
the moment
OUTSIDE look at something objectively in an unemotional
OUTSIDE take things as far as possible
OUTSIDE very small chance
OUTSKIRT not involving yourself totally
OUTSMART be one step ahead
OUTERSPACE some experience is totally alien to you - you
do not know what to make of it
OUTERSPACE something you just cannot quite get your head
OUTERSPACE the world of ideas - space for ideas to
OUTERSPACE you do not know quite what to make of
something - you are lacking real facts
OUTSPREAD looking at the bigger picture
OVATION an emotional and enthusiastic response
OVEN domesticity and homemaking
OVER greater than / furthermore
OVERALL the complete picture
OVERALLS hard work and effort towards a goal
OVERCHARGE thinking too highly of yourself
OVERCROWDED overflowing
OVERDOSE lost control
OVERDOSE more than is needed
OVERFLOW out of control
OVERFLOW overflowing emotions
OVERHEAR the truth in some way - you have seen how
someone really thinks - or seen how they behave in
OVERHEAR when we overhear something we know exactly what
they are saying is true
OVERLAP a deep connection between things
OVERLOOKING a perfect view of everything going on
OVERPRICED other people think too much of themselves and
their experiences
OVERSEAS in a place not familiar to you / experiencing
unfamiliar emotions
OVERSEAS something that is foreign to you - that you
have no direct experience of
OVERTAKE fears that others are doing much better
OVERTIME spending too long doing something
OVERTURN see the other side
OVERTURN topsy turvy circumstances and emotions
OVERWEIGHT inadaquate in some way
OVERWHELM one issue dominates all others - you cannot
concentrate on anything else
OWL a clear message from your subconscious - a need for
OWL wisdom and knowledge
OWL your interest in dreams analysis
OWN feeling as if you can express yourself fully -
feeling at home in a situation
OWN feelings of connection and belonging to something
OWNER your real motivation in some issue - to really
believe something
OXEN mundane actions
OXYGEN vitality and energy
OYSTER aprodysiac

PAIN : Pain can easily link to real pain and illnesses

in your life
PANIC : Panic in dreams often links to a feeling that
you cannot cope with some upcoming situation
PARALYZED : Paralysis can simply mean that you suffered
from sleep paralysis
PARACHUTE : Parachutes symbolise a wish to escape as
best you can
PARAMEDIC : Paramedics may suggest that you are having
to respond to some urgent situation
PARKING LOTS : Parking lots may suggest you are thinking
of how to get some new project moving
PATIENCE : Patience may symbolise a need to control
impetuous behavior
PEOPLE(groups of people) : People in dreams can link to
thoughts about what is correct and appropriate behavior
PETROL STATIONS : Gas stations can link to surges of
PHONES : Phones in dreams symbolise communication
PAINTING : Painting symbolises how you build a picture
up in your mind
PIGS : Pigs can symbolise gluttony and excess
PLANES : Planes link to things that can happen suddenly
and unexpectedly
PLANTS : Plants symbolise all things that are growing in
our lives
PICTURES : Pictures symbolise a picture which you are
creating in your mind about how things are
PIRATES : Pirates may link to moods and emotions that
are being forced upon us
POISONS : Poisons symbolise something that is slowly
eating away inside us
POLICE : Police in dreams link to a need to maintain
order in your mind
PONDS : Ponds show us looking deeply at our own
emotional moods
POOLS : Pools are about how our own emotions interact
with those of others
PRESIDENT : Presidents can symbolise a desire to take
control of a situation and take decisive action
PRESSURE : Pressure may suggest some release of emotions
PRISON : Prisons symbolize behavior we feel unable to
escape from
PROTECT : Protection may link to a need for reassurance
during some current difficulty
PULLING : Pulling can refer to hardships and pressures
that you have had to withstand
PUSH : Pushing in dreams can link to all kinds of
aggressive situations in our lives right now
PUBLIC TOILETS : Toilets symbolise how we deal with
things that go wrong
PUPPY : Puppies are exceptionally devoted just like
little children and devoted friends

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary P

PACIFIER peacemaker - possibly at a cost

PACIFIER wanting to avoid confrontation
PACING need to get somewhere fast
PACK change imminent / emotional baggage
PACK organise your life - decide what you need
PACKET a lot of something
PAIN hidden negative emotions
PAIN suffering
PAINT Imagine the worst, thinking how bad things can be
PAINT knowing exactly how someone will react
PAINT knowing how you want things to turn out
PAINT knowing how you want things to turn out
PAINTBALL pleasantly poking fun at each other
PALE neutral - without distinctive characteristics
PANEL a sense that people are judging you
PANIC inability to think clearly
PANORAMA viewing the situation as a whole
PANTHER danger and mystery
PANTHER hidden beauty and grace
PANTHER the dreamworld
PANTIES feeling exposed and open to criticism
PANTIES the sexual and personal signals you send out -
your feelings about sex and relationships
PANTRY a constant store of interesting and valued ideas
PANTRY your own interests and valued experiences
PANTS want to be seen to be in control
PANTS your role in life
PAPER blank = new start
PAPERS organise your thoughts in detail
PAPERWORK thinking how to express things in a certain
way - finding the right words for something
PARACHUTE anticipating change in the future - hoping for
a trouble free transition
PARACHUTE come back to earth gently/escape
PARACHUTING anticipating change in the future - hoping
for a trouble free transition
PARAKEET repeating something over and over again - the
same old message
PARALLEL a similar situation
PARALLEL DIMENSION imagine what you could be like in
alternative circumstances
PARALLEL UNIVERSE imagine what you could be like
PARALYSE unable to think or act
PARALYSIS frozen with fear
PARALYZE unable to think clearly
PARAMEDIC help patch feelings up
PARAMEDIC in need of some immediate care and attention
PARANORMAL seemingly unexplained events and behavior
PARASITE nuisance and annoyance /someone who contributes
nothing to understanding
PARCEL surprise
PARCHMENT ancient beliefs
PARENT balanced thought - clear emotional intuition and
intelligent reasoning
PARENT being cautious - not taking risks - shelter and
PARENT inherited qualities
PARENTS HOME trying to influence your parents in some
way - understanding your parents way of thinking
PARENTS HOME understanding what is good and bad for you
PARENTS HOME your own general personality or health
PARENTS HOUSE wondering whats going through your parents
mind - your reactions and advice to your parents
PARENTS HOUSE your own general personality or health
PARK ATTENDANT unwritten rules in a relaxed social
PARK currently at a standstill - thinking or planning
next action
PARK things are about to start soon. Unable to get
PARKED no real progress at the moment in your waking
life on some issue
PARKED something is not moving in your real life day to
day world - its just not happening!
PARKING TICKET something really annoying that you have
to put up with
PARLIAMENT coming to some decision in a fair and proper
PARROT repeating something over and over again - the
same old message - gossip
PARROT watch out for flattery : YES men
PART a component or piece
PART a role
PARTICIPATE do you wish to take part in some activity or
PARTIES participants
PARTNER a relationship - a sense of working together
PARTY a very special occasion
PARTY any situation where there is lots of activity -
lots of things going on
PARTY someone exhibits the type of sociable behavior
more appropriate for a party
PASSAGE passage of your life.
PASSED OUT not aware of what is happening
PASSENGER being carried along by circumstances
PASSING OUT not aware of what is happening
PASSPORT allowing entry into
PASSPORT proof of identity
PASSWORD personal knowledge of something
PATH your journey through life - the course of events
PATIENT need for patience
PATIO secret thoughts
PATIO your open thoughts about your own personality
PATRIARCH The people in charge - in authority
PATTERN pattern of life
PAVEMENT some personal effort in a certain direction
PAWN a minor figure - unimportant
PAY having to accept and show the importance/value of
PAY ideas and thoughts that are acceptable and can be
bought into
PAY sacrifices you need to make
PE athletic ways of thinking - ingenious reasoning
PE need to take exercise
PEA pee = pun
PEACH bitter sweet mixed thoughts
PEACOCK strutt your stuff - extreme confidence and self
belief - boast
PEAR rich fruitful experiences
PEAR sexual thoughts
PEARL pearl of wisdom
PEAT wonderfully earthy
PEBBLE little amounts of real knowledge - strong or
PECK pecking order
PEDDLAR someone who tries to convince you that you want
PEDDLAR trying to fit in with other peoples ideas
PEE relieve tension
PEEK glimpse what somebody really feels
PEEL reveal true self
PEEL under the surface
PEEP take a quick look
PEGASUS passionate poetic imagination
PEN herded into a certain way of thinking
PEN sexual freudian meaning
PEN written expression - keeping in touch - a rough
outline of thoughts
PENCIL written expression
PENGUIN trouble balancing emotions
PENGUIN waddling awkward movement
PENINSULA thinking about some part of the real world in
a deep / emotional way
PENIS fertility power and raw male emotions - energy -
male sexuality - determination and drive
PENNIES of little value
PENNIES small wealth and knowledge
PENTAGON military planning
PEOPLE appropriate behavior, is it proper to behave like
PEOPLE Trying not to offend someone
PEOPLE Unsure how to behave, never been in such a
PEOPLE behaving professionally
PEOPLE behaving in a new way
PEPSI refreshing experiences
PERCH feeling comfortable
PERFECTION without any flaws whatever
PERFORMANCE a terrible fuss
PERFORMANCE portray in a certain way
PERFORMANCE replaying an event in your mind - and
wishing to change what you did
PERFORMANCE study how something works
PERFUME makes sense? = pun
PERSIA mysterious matters
PERSON well balanced thoughts
PERSONAL INFORMATION thinking deeply about someone
PERSPEX artificially seeing through something
PET a desire for your ideas to be accepted
PET a need for attention and love
PET a trusted ability or pleasurable hobby
PET a trusted friend
PET loving and loyal relationship
PET playsome
PET spoil you rotten
PET the world how you would want it
PETAL romance and love
PETITE for women this can mean jealousy
PHARAOH The ruling aspect of your spiritual beliefs
PHOENIX rise from ashes
PHONE ask for help and information
PHONE communicate thoughts and passions
PHONE unconscious signals
PHONEBOOK who to communicate with
PHOTO capture a momment in time / capture the essence of
PHOTOGRAPH assessing the situation
PHOTOGRAPH reviewing / replaying life for nostalgic or
other reasons
PHOTOSHOP building up a false picture
PIANO being on your own and being able to devote time to
some pursuit
PIANO harmony and creative expression - personal
creative expression
PICK having a clear choice
PICK identitfy something - pick something up - hear or
sense something
PICK nag and moan - stubbornly point something out
PICKUP seeing someone in a sexual way
PICK-UP seeing someone in a sexual way
PICK-UP understand thoughts and ideas / pick up girls /
pick-me up
PICNIC a need inside you to escape the responsibilites
of life and issues on your mind
PICNIC relaxing and romantic experiences / families and
friends relaxing together
PICTURE see something in a particular way - imagine
something in a certain way - portray something in a
certain way
PICTURE studying situation in great detail
PIE good experiences
PIER how you connect with your emotions
PIER studying emotions / wish to move forward in
emotional journey
PIER view emotions
PIER your stance on some emotional issue
PIERCE force a way into
PIERCING a very cutting comment which really hurts you
PIG creul and thoughtless behavior - greedy and uncouth
PIG an excessive workload - trying to do too much
PIGEON messenegr / warning sign
PILGRIM religious aspect of your personality
PILGRIMAGE a great journey to bolster your belief
PILL magic potion / secret to your ills
PILLAR support and help
PILLAR your abilities and knowledge
PILLOW intimate matters
PILLOW looking for support
PILLOW some connection with sleep and dreams
PILOT exactly how to achieve some wild ambition
PILOT overwhelming skill and control
PIMPLE ugly and horrid
PIN penetrate your thoughts / look into a matter
PIN pin your colors to
PINCH frustrated because you cannot have something
PINE always there for you
PINE evergreen
PINE live forever
PINK love and emotion
PINNOCIO telling lies
PIPE an infrastructure of thoughts connected with
PIPE control over emotions
PIPE relates to health - bowels?
PIRANAH emotional anxiety and fear
PIRATE steal thoughts and passions
PISS relieve emotions / express frustration
PIT BULL antagonistic thoughts coming from a devoted
friend or loved one
PIZZA cheap and unrewarding experience of life
PIZZA food indicates your experience of life at present
PIZZA happy light hearted shared experiences
PJ lying awake in bed
PLANE : getting moving on this project, get an idea off
the ground
PLANE : it could happen so quickly and suddenly. A
PLANE : My ambitions and hopes
PLANE : A change in your priorities
PLANE : a need to plan for a real life journey
PLANET a world away - living on a different planet
PLANET aim in life
PLANET clarity of thought - insights
PLANET exploration and understanding
PLANT a construction of the mind
PLANT a relationsip that is truly important and has real
meaning and importance
PLANT relationships and interests that are permanent in
your life at the moment - having true meaning and
PLASTIC false artifical
PLASTIC SURGERY a transformation in the way you look at
PLATFORM a set of beliefs and ideas
PLATFORM something is open for everyone to see - making
something obvious - happening in public
PLAY make believe or fantasy
PLAY play with some ideas and thoughts
PLAY relax and emotional rest
PLAY replaying an event in your mind - and wishing to
change what you did
PLAY skillfully thinking over a few issues - creative
PLAYGROUND just pretending - very relaxed situation or
attitude - having a good time and a joke
PLAYGROUND your interests and hobbies - pleasurable
PLAZA being involved in the world in a very public sense
- your real life experiences
PLEAD desperate needs and desires
PLIER getting something out
PLUG a way of stopping your interest and energy from
draining away
PLUM fruit of labour
PLUNGE act impetuously
PLUNGE drop steeply into some mood
PLUTO tortuous introspective travel / greek god of hell
POCKET private and personal possessions
POCKET what you consider to be yours!
POEM moving romantic and spiritual thoughts
POET moving or romantic thoughts
POINT being singled out
POINT come to a conclusion on some idea
POISON polluting some previously good thought or
POISON something that is slowly destroying you
POISON a poisonous atmosphere
POKE confront some fear
POKE provoke and stir up feelings
POKING confront some fear
POKING provoke and stir up feelings
POLAND cold dark and poor / a poor foreign place
POLE one side of an opposing viewpoint
POLE poles apart - chalk and cheese
POLICE caught in the act - getting found out - knowing
that you are breaking some rules
POLICE trying to calm down some situation - bringing
peace of mind
POLICE investigating some issue
POLICE something that is off limits - a forbidden topic
you will not discuss
POLICE restore order within your mind - coming to your
POLICE a sense of injustice - thats not right!
POLICE conventions - doing things the way that is
POLICE some actual case involving the law - enforce some
law or rule
POLICEWOMAN prevent you from doing something that will
disrupt your emotions
POLICEWOMAN restoring order to your emotions
POLITE not really being honest
POLITICAL having to persuade people and defend your own
POLITICAL the politics of some organisation or group -
stepping on peoples toes
POLITICIAN avoiding the question
POLITICIAN having to persuade people and defend your own
POND you are stuck in your own problems
POND feeling emotionally tired
POND your own emotions - asking yourself if you are
really happy or really sad!
POOL you are stuck in your own problems
POOL feeling emotionally tired
POOL your own emotions - asking yourself if you are
really happy or really sad!
POOL thinking through your own close personal emotions
or those of others
POOL TABLE sexual relationships - sexual metaphor
POP MUSIC being in tune with popular culture and the
average young person
POPCORN having a good time with friends
POPE inevitable
POPE infallible
PORCH been seen for exactly what you are
PORCH front porch = open thoughts on issue
PORCH rear porch = introspective thoughts
PORCH the side of your personality that you show to
PORCH your open thoughts about how others see you
PORCUPINE the untouchable
PORN experimentation
PORN fear of exposure
PORSCHE flash personality
PORTABLE adaptable
PORTAL a connection from one world to another
PORTAL establish a connection between things
POSE its all show - no real substance to your activity
POSING its all show - no real substance to your activity
POSSESSED taken over by some strong feelings
POST OFFICE a message - unwanted news
POSTCARD open thoughts
POSTER awareness of something happening
POSTER telling someone that something is going to happen
POST-IT need to remind yourself of something
POSTURE a stance or opinion on something
POT dull the senses / confused and worthless thoughts
POTATOES basic things in life
POTATOES your reaction to basic problems
POUR flowing freely
POVERTY either material or spiritual
POWDER smash to powder
POWDER something real that has now disintegrated to
nothing within your life
POWER your stores of energy , vitality and your general
drive and determination
POWERLESS there is nothing that you can do to change
POWERPOINT presenting ideas
PPL things about yourself in general
PRAIRIE vast open spaces - free roaming
PRAY believe in something strongly
PRAYER conception of plans
PRAYING MANTIS authority picking on you
PREACHER showing the way to people
PRECISE you have a clear idea of what needs to be done
but the precise details need clarifying
PREGNANCY warning - need to take precautions
PREGNANT a new phase in your life
PREGNANT new ideas being created in your mind
PREHISTORIC nasty brutal lifestyle
PREMIER a project about to be finished and unveiled
PREMONITION you just know something is going to happen
PRESENCE awareness of responsibility
PRESENT things that make you immediately happy
PRESENTATION present your own views
PRESIDENT a sense of cultural belonging - belief in a
PRESIDENT coming to a decision with the consent of
others - collect information then come to some major
decision - a very important issue
PRESIDENT supreme authority and the right to be in
charge and give orders
PRESSED not much choice - forced into a way of thinking
and acting
PRESSURE behavior and thoughts influenced by the
thoughts of others and culture in general
PREVENT trying to change
PREY taking out frustrations in some way - a target
PRICE how much other people value you
PRICELESS a value beyond belief
PRIEST spiritual strength and support
PRIEST stubbornly fixed beliefs
PRIMARY SCHOOL learning a very simple lesson!
PRIMARY SCHOOL want something explained in simple and
understandable language
PRINCE CHARMING a wish for a fairytale lover
PRINCE ideal partner
PRINCE thoughts of a fairytale exisitence
PRINCESS been treated as very special and important -
treat someone like royalty
PRINCIPAL the principle consideration in your mind - the
main thing to concentrate on - what is the most
important point
PRISON unable to free yourself from way of thinking -
trapped in a situation - unable to get out of a problem
PRISON Real life retrictions such as your own job -
hating your job - rules
PRISON Trapped in an image that people have of you
PRISON someone is blocking you out and not discussing
their feelings
PRIVATE a wish to keep thoughts and emotions secret and
PRIVATE PARTS hidden feelings
PRIVATE self contained / expressing your innermost
PRIVATE yours alone
PRIZE a badge of success - being noted for some ability
PRIZE value greatly - being praised for something
PROCESSION continuous stream of thoughts or connections
on one matter
PROFESSOR fine tuning something you are good at
PROFESSOR you know exactly why something is happening
PROM celebrate the end / on parade / reflect on past
PROMISE something you are convinced of / something you
really believe in
PROMO prmote some idea
PRONOUNCE showing what you want clearly
PROPANE explosive temparament
PROPOSAL suggestions for change
PROPOSE someone wants more commitment from you
PROPOSING ultimate faith in someone / commitment towards
PROPOSITION asked to do something innapropriate
PROSTITUTE going to any lengths to achieve your goals
PROSTITUTE sell yourself cheaply
PROTECT filter out certain ideas and facts because you
do not like someone or some way of thinking
PROTECT put up an emotional barrier - excluding
something - resist some idea
PROTECTIVE covering yourself
PSYCHIATRIC pyschological problems
PSYCHOLOGIST deep thoughts
PUB a real life situation you are thinking through
PUB LANDLORD unwritten rules governing your social life
PUBLIC BATHROOM letting go of extreme emotions in public
PUBLIC BATHROOM may link to a need to resolve difficult
emotions in a safe place with sympathetic people
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE letting go of extreme emotions in
public places
PUBLIC CONVENIENCE may link to a need to resolve
difficult emotions in a safe place with sympathetic
PUBLIC everything is out in the open - you are more
PUBLIC involves your thoughts and feelings and those of
PUBLIC LAVATORY letting go of your emotions in public
PUBLIC TOILET letting go of bad emotions in a very
public way
PUDDLE emotional space
PUFFIN struggling
PUKE find some experience truly awful
PULL forced along
PULSATE drawing attention too
PUNCH explain forcefully
PUNCTURE a deflated feeling
PUNCTURE deflated hopes
PUNISH martydom
PUNK someone you really wouldn't like to know
PUNK useless and anarchic thought / unstructured
PUPPET someone else is pulling strings
PUPPY a friendly and playful situation or friendship
PUPPY total devotion - doing everything asked of you
PUPPY loyal and committed
PURCHASE friendliness will pay off
PURPLE a heavanly color - very spiritual
PURPLE a purple patch / great success
PURPLE flamboyant - gay
PURPLE many religious connotations
PURSE ability to meet your needs
PURSE valuable things close to you
PURSE your ability to achieve what you want
PURSE your values - the things you consider important
PURSUE great desire
PURSUER a problem will not go away / persistent troubles
PUS unpleasant thought
PUSS connections with sex - female genitalia
PUZZLE systematic thinking
PUZZLE you are finding something a little difficult to
work out
PYJAMAS how others see your dreams - dream
interpretation worries
PYRAMID rise from the dead
PYRAMID work way to top
PYSCHIC something that you just know is right - you
sense its the right thing
PYSCHO unable to accept

QUAIL subdued spirit

QUARREL inner conflict and debate
QUARTER divide up problem
QUARTER divide your energies
QUARTZ precious and clear thought
QUAY set off to your goal
QUEEN a female who is willing to assume control
QUEEN willing to assume authority - Ruling principle of
emotion and love
QUEST embark on adventure
QUESTION are you on the right track?
QUESTION challenge the established order
QUEUE it takes you a long time to realise something
QUEUE major delays stuck in circumstances
QUICKSAND your on dangerous ground
QUIETLY do not show how you really feel
QUILT domestic warmth
QUIT a wish to bring something to an end

RABBIT magical - a tendency to drift off into childlike

fantasies - cute and harmless
RABBIT something multiplying and expanding at an massive
rate - multiplying out of control
RABBIT the unfaithfulness or trustworthiness of a lover
RABIES madness inside you
RACE TRACK taking a chance
RACE under constant pressure to improve and compete -
comparing yourself to others
RACE your ethnic background
RACEHORSE great energies - an overwhelimng desire to do
something immediately
RACEHORSE reckless and out of control living
RADIO keep in touch with recent events
RADIO telepathy
RADIO unconsious signals from those around you
RAFFLE give up to chance
RAFT drifting hopelessly
RAGE determination against odds
RAGGID not looking best
RAGING forces which are raging in your mind -
RAID an unexpected encounter / evidence against some
ruling idea
RAILROAD been railroaded into a course of action -
having no choice
RAILWAY a one track mind - thinking about one thing only
RAILWAY sexual metaphor
RAILWAY doing the same old things all the time - stuck
in a routine
RAILWAY STATION about to start on some journey in your
RAILWAY STATION your daily schedule has changed - a
premonition of some change or disruption to your daily
RAILWAY STATION well organised and precise running
schedule - making sure things run smoothly and fit
RAIN feeling down hearted unhappy or uncertain about the
RAIN an unsettled outlook
RAINBOW accepting all people regardless of race and
RAINBOW bright happy direction - a good sign
RAINBOW having great hope for the future
RAINBOW spiritual perfection
RAINDROP fresh emotional inspiration for something
RAKING clearing up old issues
RAM dominant male emotions
RAM forcing and insisting on something
RAMP descend into something
RAMP making something possible - make accessible
RAMP talks in understandable language
RAN avoid/confront situation
RANDOM seemingly no pattern whatsoever
RANGE within shouting distance
RANGER within your own range
RANSOM abuse a relationship
RAPE a male acting in a sexually innapropriate way -
being taken advantage of
RAPE Being sexually inexperienced or sexually nervous
RAPE thinking about an ex partner who seemed so special
but now sickens you
RAPE feeling powerless or abused or humiliated
RAPE something that sickened you
RAPE Being lied and cheated to
RAPE a situation where the worst possible thing has
happened to you
RAPID fast moving emotional upheaval
RAPIDS turbulent emotional flows
RAPTOR old experiences
RAPTOR old ideas
RAPTOR old ways and thoughts
RASH need to think
RAT poor circumstances and poverty
RAT rat like emotions - low human behavior -
untrustworty and deceitful
RAT someone who reveals your secrets or betrays you
RATION only a limited amount to go round
RATTLE disturbing troughts / things which do not fit
RATTLE SNAKE warning signs of danger
RAVEN mischief
RAVEN to roam / intense hunger
RAW basic raw nerve
RAZOR clean cut
RAZOR deep cutting comments
REACH connect with someone
REACT respond towards something / provoke some shift in
READ open to ideas
REAL ESTATE trying to impress someone
REALISE to understand completely
REALISE turn into a reality / to succeed at something
REALIZE to understand completely
REALIZE turn into a reality / to succeed at something
REALTOR thinking through the value of an idea or
approach to something
REALTOR value of old relationship / change a personality
REARRANGE to settle on some new plan or way of thinking
REASON not able to make sense why something has hapened
REBUILD adapt old ways of thinking / build on old ideas
REBUILD having to rethink what it is you think in life
REBUILT having to rethink what it is you think in life
RECAPTURE focus and effort to revive some forgotten way
of thinking
RECEPTION receive and welcome new ideas?
RECESS a bit of time to rest and think
RECIPE recipe for success
RECITING repeating the lessons from the past - saying
something very important
RECOGNISE having something to base your thoughts and
feelings on
RECOGNISING having something to base your thoughts and
feelings on
RECOGNIZE having something to base your thoughts and
feelings on
RECOGNIZING having something to base your thoughts and
feelings on
RECOMMEND advice based on best possible evidence
RECORD evidence
RED CARPET made to feel important and treated in a very
special way
RED danger, passion, sexual energy
RED lifeforce - the color of blood
RED male emotions sudden and immediate
RED passion
RED pun on read
REDHEAD spontaneity and outlandishness
REDHEAD wild and brash actions
REEF hidden dangers
REFLECTING a mirror image which resembles something in
your mind
REFLECTION a mirror image / it resembles something
REFLECTION how you look to others
REFRESHMENT invigorating experience
REFUGE seeking refuge from some wider problem
REFURBISH regain your health / transform self
REFUSE a decision has already been made
REGIMENT highly ordered and organised - precise ways of
doing things
REGISTRATION make sure something is present
REHEARSAL thinking through how do go about doing
REHIRE repeat an old mistake
RELATION relating something in real life to your own
thoughts and feelings
RELATIONSHIP confront a problem within relationship
RELATIONSHIP wish-fulfillment
RELATIONSHIP your relationship with a problem - how you
see it
RELATIVE need to recognise the situation
RELATIVE you are relating something to some idea within
your mind
RELATIVE your abilites and judgment in general
RELEASE a sense of freedom
RELEASE show off your skills
RELIGION higher thoughts and principles
RELIGIOUS a strong belief that something will happen
RELIGIOUS higher beliefs
RELOCATE transfer somewhere else
REMEMBER reflect on past times
REMODEL change the way you behave
REMOTE CONTROL trying to dominate every aspect of
someones life
RENEGOTIATE think things over
RENOVATE restore health / reinvigorate yourself
RENT a legitimate side of your personality
RENT a right to live there
RENT copy someone
RENT the impact of influential people in your life on
you - parents and society
REPAIR make up for past errors
REPENT feeling guilty
REPORT evaluate
REPORT find out what is going on
REPORT give an acccount of something
REPORTER feelings captured as they happen
REPORTER the latest news!
REPRIMAND being patient
REPRODUCE something multiplying and expanding at an
massive rate
REPTILE cold blooded criticism
REPULSIVE an awful experience of something which you do
not enjoy
REQUIEM quiet sorrowful harmonious mood
RESCUE need help
RESERVATION planning ahead
RESERVOIR stored emotional reserves
RESERVOIR stored energy and emotions
RESIGNED regretful acceptance
RESISTANCE a side of you you do not accept totally - yet
is very much a part of you
RESPECT acceptance of
RESPECT feeling comnfortable with yourself
RESPECT having a good opinion of
RESSURECT get things moving again - find a new approach
REST OF THE WORLD other people and other groups
RESTAURANT a real talking point
RESTAURANT wondering what people will think about
something - something everyone is talking about
RESTAURANT something you find interesting
RESTROOM a feeling of embarassment - a testing and
frustrating moment - extreme worry - a bad feeling
RESURRECTION awakening of spiritual feelings
RETARDED not able to understand
RETREAT think over previous experiences
RETURN respond feelings
RETURN return to some former way of thinking
REUNION gather thoughts
REUNION thoughts come back together
REVENGE negative thoughts - changing your mind about
REVERSE a change of direction
REVERSE how would you feel if the same thing happned to
REVIEW thinking back over something
REVOLUTION massive change
REVOLUTION someone needs to do something
REVOLVING go round in circles
REVOLVING miss chances
RHINOCEROS a strong formidable character with a point to
RHINOCEROS heavyweight contender
RHYME rythe of life
RIBBON decorating with detailed thought
RIBENA refreshing experiences
RICE basic needs
RICH valuable experiences
RICKETY not clear and straight forward
RIDDLE an enigmatic problem
RIDDLE an issue where there is no clear answer in
RIDDLE people talking obscurely and enigmatically /
being confused
RIDE manouvre
RIDE master a skill
RIDING mastering a skill
RIFLE pointing something out - targeting some issue
RIGHT thoughts coming from your imagination
RIGHT unconscious desires and strong imaginative
RIGHT using your right brain - you need to see the
bigger picture - your gut feeling
RIGHT you are on right path - an obvious truth - honest
and fair deal
RING bonds of love friendship
RING completion of circle - wholeness
RING security and self confidence
RING symbol of commitment
RINGING keep on repeating the same thing over and over /
cannot get the thought out of your mind
RIOT need to rebel
RIOT people insisting that you consider their thoughts
and opinions
RIPPER terrible sexual act
RIPPLE one thing leads to another
RIVER CROSSING Break out of a mood - getting over some
difficult times
RIVER CROSSING overcoming a busy schedule to do
RIVER CROSSING unable to devote time to something
RIVER channeling your energies - focusing your energies
into something
RIVER turning your attentions to something
RIVER enjoying doing something - getting really into
RIVER having to devote energies to some bad relationship
ROACHES unwanted sexual experiences
ROAD events in real life as they bump into you and
impact on your thoughts
ROAD the dreamers journey through life
ROADBLOCK disruptions in day to day life - distractions
ROB acquire at any cost something you desperately want
ROB need to break the rules / need to break out of some
self imposed barrier
ROBE formally dressed
ROBE loose and adaptable image
ROBE mytholigical struggle
ROBIN HOOD a wish to spread some great knowledge to
ROBIN pun steal
ROBOT acting in an automated and unatural way
ROBOT unable to act and think for yourself - boring and
ROCK hard as rock
ROCK obstacles and problems
ROCK solid and dependable
ROCK solid dependable
ROCKET explosive and revolutionary
ROCKING a need to be consoled
ROCKING CHAIR friendly homely
RODENT poverty and poor circumstances
RODEO energetic interests and relationships which suffer
constant interuptions
RODEO passionate experiences / things that you are very
enthusiastic about
RODEO things that you are very enthusiastic about - but
never last as long as you would hope
ROLLER COASTER ups and downs
ROLLERBLADE a fast moving situation needs quick
ROLLERBLADING a fast moving situation needs quick
ROLLERCOASTER fast moving - unable to collect thoughts
RONALD MACDONALD an obvious rip off
RONALD REAGAN forgetting whose in charge
ROOF attempts to use logic - the principles underlying
some approach
ROOF clear openly stated beliefs on something - strong
ROOM aspects of your personality
ROOMIE close and personal friend to share secrets with
ROOMMATE being able to talk freely and openly
ROOSTER wake up call / defend territory / male
aggression and emotions
ROOT confidence stability
ROOTS inner strength
ROPE help and support
ROSARY prayer and reflection
ROSE flower of love
ROSE girly and feminine
ROSE good and wholesome things
ROT not healthy and fresh - stagnation
ROTWEILER antagonistic thoughts coming from a devoted
ROW concerted effort
ROYAL BOX an important onlooker
ROYAL god given nobility and presence
ROYAL very rich and rewarding to your spirit
RPG playing a role - being able to fit into some
required set of attitudes and behavior
RUB emphasize something / make it perfectly clear
RUBBER BAND expand your mind
RUBBER BAND stretching the facts / exxagerating
RUBBER expand your mind
RUBBER stretching the facts or exxagerating something
RUBBERBAND expand your mind
RUBBERBAND stretching the facts / exxagerating
RUBY jewel
RUCK SACK being self sufficient
RUG cover over your general situation
RUIN a idea or way of thinking that has been overturned
RUIN overturn an old idea
RUIN state of health, of a friendship, of hopes
RUIN thinking about past events and hurt feelings
RULER measure the strength of your feelings/thoughts
RULER measure up / measure accurately
RULES the right and proper way to do something
RUM classy but uncouth
RUMBLING disagreements and arguments building up
RUMBLING disturbances - uneasy thoughts
RUMOR obsessed by opinions of others
RUMOR something happened for no apparent reason /
unexpected and unexplained event
RUMOUR obsessed by opinions of others
RUMOUR something happened for no apparent reason /
unexpected and unexplained event
RUN avoid confront situation
RUN confidence and self belief
RUN DOWN a feeling of tiredness
RUN feelings of freedom
RUN run away from problem / issue
RUNAWAY lack real sense of belonging
RUNE creative and mystical meaning
RURAL pleasant uncluttered
RURAL taking things a bit easier
RUSSIAN a strange feeling - unfamiliar hard times
RUSSIAN hard living / foreign
RUSSIAN pun = rushing
RUST disconnected or out of practice with something
RUST lack of care - ill health

SADNESS : Sadness in dreams may suggest you feel

unfulfilled in some way
SAFE : Safety in dreams could show that you are trying
to avoid dangerous relationships
SAILING BOAT : Sail boats may symbolise someone who is
vulnerable to be blown off course
SCHOOL : Schools symbolise major problems that we are
SCORPIONS : Scorpions are general symbols for traps and
SCRUBLAND : Scrub land shows that some aspect of your
life is not important to you
SEARCH : Searching may suggest that you are looking at
yourself in a highly critical way
SEX : Sex in dreams may symbolise something that you
find attractive in the sexual partner
SEXUAL ASSAULT : Sexual assault may link to moments of
extreme humiliation
SHARK : Sharks in dreams symbolise an emotional fear or
SHIRT : clothes in dreams symbolise the signals we send
out and how we want others to see us
SHIPS : Ship dreams capture emotional excitement or a
feeling of connection
SHOCK : Shock may link to something that you are
beginning to realise
SHOES : Shoes tend to symbolise your determination to
head in a particular direction
SHOPS : Shops are where we go to get the things we want
- they symbolise our options
SHOPPING BAGS : Shopping bags may suggest that you are
not achieving what you wish to achieve
SHORELINES : The shore is where your feelings link with
the facts about your life
SHOUTING: Shouting in dreams is linked to obvious
behavior and blatant comments
SILENT : Silence in dreams is often linked to real life
issues involving tension
SISTERS : Sisters symbolise open and honest emotions
SKY : Skies in dreams are symbolic of the future and how
you relate to it
SKYSCRAPER : Skyscrapers represent how good or bad you
feel about something
SLOW MOTION : Slow motion may be symbolic of a need to
replay and make sense of some incident in your life
SNAKES : Snakes tend to symbolise traps and problems of
any kind
SNOW : Snow in dreams can link to a lack of progress and
momentum to some situation
SOLDIERS : Soldiers are very hardy and tough
SPIDERS : Spiders can symbolise circumstances that we
feel trapped in
SPACE : Space represents things that you cannot even
begin to imagine
SPY : Spies may symbolise an overwhelming need to keep
something secret
STAGE : Stages can represent very public shows of
STAIRS : Stairs symbolise the workings of your own mind
coming to new conclusions
STARE : Staring can often link to moments when you feel
attention has been focused on you
STEALING : Stealing suggests someone may have been taken
advantage of
STORES : Stores can symbolise the effort(money) you are
willing to chase some goal
STORMS : Storms can link to dangerous ideas and thoughts
about the future
STRAWBERRIES : Strawberries can suggest moments when you
treat yourself
STREAMS : Streams can link to the efforts we put into
some relationship
STREET NAMES : Street names and place names maybe very
important as puns
STORES : Stores can symbolise the effort(money) you are
willing to chase some goal
STRIPPING : Stripping can suggest that you are slowly
teasing someone with the truth
SUITS : Suits and formal clothes can link to a feeling
that you are taking something very seriously
SUBURB : Suburbs can link to a wish to allow everyone
their freedom to develop to their potential
SUDDEN : Suddenness in dreams can be associated with a
sudden insight
SUICIDE : Suicide symbolises moments when you have just
totally given up in achieving some goal
SUPERVISOR : Managers can link to relationships with
your boss and issues at work
SURROUND : Being surrounded may link with a hostile
situation that you are trapped in
SWAMP : Swamps tend to symbolise lack of motivation and
SWEAT : Sweat in dreams may symbolise an uncomfortable
SWIM : Swimming suggests emotional change and effort
SWIMMING POOL : Swimming pools symbolise our intuitions
about the feelings of others

Cleopatra Dream Dictionary S

SACRIFICE show just how important something is

SADISTIC criticism which is meant to hurt
SAFE feeling secure and safe
SAFE something that can be interpreted in a very
threatening or very safe way
SAGE healing wisdom
SAIL personally trying to build up some emotional
momentum towards something
SAILBOAT changes in the emotional direction or creative
energies in your life
SAILOR trying to gain a sense of emotional momentum over
some issue
SAINT sacrifice for a good cause
SALAD something that is good for you - refreshing
healthy experiences - healthy attitude towards life
SALE sell an idea or thought / convince
SALE using less effort to achieve goals
SALES being persuasive - selling yourself or an idea
SALES come round to a certain way of thinking
SALESMAN convincing someone
SALMON homing instinct
SALMON return home ?
SALT salt = spice of life / preservatative
SAMARAI wise and ancient warrior - struggle for wisdom
SAMURAI wise and ancient warrior - struggle for wisdom
SAN FRANSISCO a fast pace of living
SANCTUARY free from criticism
SANCTUARY need time to think
SAND barren useless land
SANDWICH a temporary make do option - it will do for
now! - temporarily satisfy some desire
SANDWICH feel caught in the middle - something in
SANTA your wishes are met
SARDINE small fry / small desires / trapped in
circumstances / no room for anything else
SAT become accustomed to something over time
SATAN evil temptation / negative emotions and
SATELLITE revolving around something
SATIN luxurious and sensual
SAUNA sweaty sex
SAUNA thinking about something whilst in a reflective
SAVAGE animal like / totally uncivilised
SAVAGE extremely critical
SAVAGE lacking mercy
SAVE no longer feeling threatened or anxious in your
mind - restoring balance
SAVE restore your faith in something
SAVING saving money and thinking of the future
SCALD a pace which is too fast and will tire you out
SCALES judge somethings importance / weigh it up
SCALPEL surgical and unemotional
SCAR a debt
SCAR a painful reminder
SCAR need to heal
SCARE a warning
SCARE unhappy or uncomfortable with some behavior
SCARECROW shabby character
SCARF frivolous parts of your image
SCARF ideas about yourself meant to impress others /
SCARLET sexually arousing and provocative
SCATTER casually throw away
SCAVENGE make the best of something
SCENT on the trail
SCEPTIC a tendency to doubt
SCHEDULE disciplined
SCHOLARSHIP freedom to study at will something
SCHOOL BUS lessons that you have learnt with others
SCHOOL DANCE celebrate the end / on show for all to see
/ reflect on past relationships
SCHOOL DANCE unable to break down social barriers -
unable to talk openly and in a relaxed way with someone
SCHOOL realising that something has failed - learning
the hard way
SCHOOL not knowing how to behave - an unfamiliar
situation - learning how to act in difficult situations
SCHOOL PRINCIPAL a new principle way of thinking -
learnt through some bitter lesson in life
SCHOOL TRIP a little respite from the harsh lessons of
SCIENCE FICTION not based on any real knowledge
SCIENCE FICTION something thats not really based on
SCIENCE ordered
SCIENCE rigorous intellectual methods
SCIENCE scientific and intellectual rather than
intuitive thoughts
SCIENCE you need to think
SCI-FI out of this world - fantastic thoughts
SCISSOR cut through some issue or way of thinking
SCISSORS a cut off point
SCOOTER personal effort
SCOOTER slow steady progress
SCORPION self destruction
SCORPION stinging circumstances or people / destructive
SCOUT being a good boy - doing the right and respectable
SCOUT displine commitment and community loyalty
SCRAMBLED mixed up
SCRATCH damage a relationship
SCRATCH fight and struggle against something
SCREAM recognising the need to address some issue
SCREECH a harsh comment
SCRUBLAND lack of real meaning to a relationship - a
husband who doesn't really love you
SCRUBLAND something that you have no interest in - it is
totally uninspiring
SEA a strong sense of creative resolve shared with other
SEA deep emotional thoughts experienced with others - an
emotional connection
SEA FOOD emotional experiences - the real things in your
SEAFOOD emotional experiences
SEAL hidden agreement
SEAL work towards something / confirm and complete
SEAL you are not going to think about this anymore - you
know what you think
SEAMSTRESS attention to detail
SEARCH exploration of new ground
SEARCH finding out the meaning or importance of
SEARCH trying to get through to someone
SEASIDE your emotions and those of other people
SECOND FLOOR a transformation in your understanding
SECOND FLOOR assessing rational factual knowledge
(grounded in reality) and intuitive and gut feelings
SECOND FLOOR the junction between the imagination
(upstairs) and conscious mind ( downstairs )
SECOND FLOOR your clear beliefs on some issue
SECOND STOREY a transformation in your understanding
SECOND STOREY assessing rational factual knowledge
(grounded in reality) and intuitive and gut feelings
SECOND STOREY the junction between the imagination
(upstairs) and conscious mind ( downstairs )
SECOND STOREY your clear beliefs on some issue
SECONDHAND learn from another source
SECRET PASSAGE premonition of something
SECRETARY need for organisation
SECRETARY set a time and date
SECURITY being on your guard - being very cautious in
what you say
SECURITY breaching some rule - a sense of danger
SECURITY GUARD confident and in command
SEDUCE being enticed and captivated
SEDUCE something you are attracted to yet is clearly a
SEED new opportunities or possibilities
SEED take some initial steps towards some goal in the
future - the first steps
SEEM not what it appears
SEIZURE extreme anxiousness
SELF SERVICE experiences alone
SELL a part of your life you do not value any more
SEMEN seed of life
SEMI DETACHED a little more freedom from something - a
partial commitment to something
SEMIDETACHED a little more freedom from something
SEMI-DETACHED a little more freedom from something
SEMIDETACHED a partial commitment to something
SEMI-DETACHED a partial commitment to something
SEMINARY a place to study your beliefs
SENILE wish to forget
SENILITY forget something
SENSE vibrant and lively - lots of things to occupy your
SENTIMENTAL needing lots of support and encouragement -
an inner anxiety
SENTRY look out for danger
SEPERATE seperate your imagination from reality
SERIOUS down to business / address the issue
SERPENT death and destruction
SERVANT doing something to help you
SERVANT promote and encourage something
SERVING devoting time to something
SERVING where your loyalties lie
SETTEE become comfortable with something
SETTLE a clear pattern is emerging - things are very
SEVERED totally cut off
SEW long strenuous effort
SEW sew up a wound
SEWAGE the possibility that unwanted emotions spill out
in an out of control way
SEX sexually aroused
SEX making something more appealing - an appealing offer
SEX admiring someone - you find their qualities
SEX overwhelming praise and agreement
SEX sex appeal - attraction to coworkers
SHABBY not organised, feeling in low spirits
SHACK run down personality
SHACKLE not able to use your abilities or act in anyway
SHADOW cannot seperate yourself from something
SHADOW follow something very closely
SHADOW in somebodies shadow / remnant of past
SHAKING shaking up
SHALLOW shallow emotions / fake and artificial
SHALLOW thinking about some situation without looking at
the deep meanings
SHAMAN seek a magic solution
SHAMPOO trying to put yourself into a good mood
SHAMPOO using healthy and tried and tested methods to
relieve your frustrations and shape your current mood
SHAPE rough outline of what you want
SHAPE SHIFT constant need to change and adapt -
adjusting to some new situation
SHAPESHIFT adapt and change to the way you wish you were
SHARK being unable to talk about something - sensing
emotional danger
SHARK trouble is brewing and building up with a
situation - sensing trouble
SHARK being scared about something
SHATTER destroy or traumatize
SHAVE paying attention to yourself - personal grooming
SHAVING during your daily routine
SHAVING paying attention to yourself
SHAVING remove the dirt - make things clean
SHAWL silly
SHEATH close fitting
SHED cast aside
SHED discard or drop
SHED home made and make do
SHED throw away
SHEEP folllow blindly
SHEEPISH slightly embarassed
SHELF open thought or feeling
SHELF strange space
SHELL self conscious timidity
SHELL your protective shell
SHELTER keep safe and protect
SHELTER need to build strength and confidence up
SHELTER place of refuge / temporarily sanctuary from
SHELVES different aspects of a subject
SHELVES openly look at situation
SHERIFF enforce some law or rule
SHERIFF guilt and self punishment
SHERIFF need to slow down
SHERIFF restore order within your mind
SHIELD resistance to someone or some way of thinking -
not looking at the facts - putting up barriers in your
SHINE being optomistic
SHINE to cover up the hidden truth
SHINEY very optimistic about the future
SHINY being optimistic
SHIP being deeply involved in something - having a good
time with friends
SHIP being emotionally animated
SHIP a strong emotional connection with someone
SHIP being emotionally swayed - carried along by the
SHIPYARD becoming interested in something that you hope
will inspire you
SHIPYARD build up a connection with someone - trying to
get involved in something
SHIRT our image
SHIRT our status
SHIT fearful
SHIT let go of emotions. Cleanse yourself
SHOCK not being treated in the right way
SHOCK sudden surprise
SHOCK you cannot understand something - something does
not make sense
SHOCKWAVE one thing leads to another
SHOE BOX thinking about your identity and direction /
wondering about your image
SHOE confidence/lack of confidence = would you be in his
SHOES your confidence and belief in yourself
SHOES your direction in life
SHOES your identity
SHOES your present ability to go in the direction you
SHONE being optomistic
SHOOT aiming at something - targeting something - having
to meet dealines - aiming at something in a very
determined fashion
SHOOT pointing out your frustrations - point out a
problem - reveal an error
SHOOT release of anger - a fast moving or
confrontational situation
SHOOTING STAR starting to achieving your potential
SHOOTING sudden event
SHOP what you want from a relationship
SHOP what you woud really like
SHOP what you want and what others want
SHOP your options restricted in some way
SHOP finding some time for one of your interests
SHOP being told that you really need something
SHOPPER making choices
SHOPPING CART the progress you have made to your goals
SHOPPING CENTRE having lots of options available to you
SHOPPING COMPLEX thinking through exactly what it is
that you want - a complex wish
SHOPPING desperately wanting something
SHOPPING MALL having lots of options available to you
SHOPPING MALL things that you want but are having
difficulty acquiring
SHORE having a major emotional issue to deal with
SHORE having to use your creative or intellectual powers
SHOT stop something in its in tracks - resist strongly
SHOT sudden event
SHOTGUN fixing your sites on some issue in your life -
directing your energies
SHOULDER shoulder the burden
SHOULDER the responsibilities placed on your shoulders
SHOUT alert someone
SHOW illustrate something clearly - point something out
SHOW make sure people realise that you are making an
SHOWER coming clean and telling the truth
SHOWER letting down your emotional guard and talking
SHOWER making yourself feel pure and good
SHOWER refreshed emotional outlook
SHUFFLE mixed up thoughts / in a different order
SHUT keep quiet
SHUT sectioned off
SHUTTLE transport yourself to
SHY avoiding something
SHY not really getting into something
SIBLING ever present
SICK uneasy feeling
SIDE seeing things from a different point of view
SIDEWALK pave the way for something
SIDEWALK what side you take
SIDEWAYS doing something but not really achieving
anything - getting caught in details - being diverted
from the main goal
SIDEWAYS think laterally
SIEVE seperate
SIGN something you need to take notice of / an
SIGNAL hinting in some subtle way
SIGNATURE your spiritual and artistic identity / your
confidence in your own artistic and spiritual abilities
and identity
SILENCE calmness and confidence - self assured and
SILENCE concealmeant
SILENCE no doubt
SILENT calmness and confidence - self assured and mature
SILHOUETTE the outline of some thoughts and ideas
SILK luxury, riches, comfort and happiness
SILK smooth as silk
SILVER flash - insight
SILVERWARE actual proof of success
SIMILAR different but alike in some strange way
SIMILAR expecting people to treat you the way you treat
SIMPLE simplistic lifestyle
SIMPLISTIC an oversimplified view of the world
SIMULATE a hoax or fraud
SIMULATE pretending
SIN break your own moral rules / break organisationas
moral codes
SING a wish for harmony - striving for a particular mood
SING celebration of emotions - a joyous feeling
SING personal harmony
SINK fear of failure
SINK sinking feeling
SIP occasional quick conversations
SIREN alerting you to a problem
SIREN sexually attractive
SISTER A relationship where a man does not feel
attracted sexually to a woman
SISTER looking at something in a new way - exploring a
new feeling
SISTER discussing doubts openly and freely - opeing up
SISTER something that gets you thinking emotionally -
opening your eyes to some new feeling
SISTER discussing doubts openly and freely
SISTER IN LAW talking openly about feelings that you
ought to be having
SISTER think openly and freely on a subject
SISTER-IN-LAW talking openly about feelings that you
ought to be having
SIT become accustomed to something over time
SIT become comfortable with something
SIXTH SENSE the unknown and psychic phenonoma
SKATE looking at some issue superficially - moving too
quickly to really have time to concentrate on some real
deeper meaning
SKATE SPOT cool place to hang out
SKATEBOARD fast frenetic activity - lots going on
SKATEBOARD fast moving and unihibited thoughts and
SKELETON an issue in its simplest form - the facts and
truth about something - the bare bones of the issue
SKELETON dieting too much
SKELETON the logical structure of some argument or idea
SKI good balance and energetic movement
SKIM glance around
SKIM glide along
SKIN general sensitivity
SKINLESS unknown horrible thoughts within
SKIP avoid something
SKIPPER the main driving purpose
SKIRTING BOARD dodge an issue - skirt around it
SKOOL things you have not learnt / things which you lack
confidence in
SKULL evil thoughts
SKULL the framework of someone rational thought
SKY your current outlook - feelings about the future
SKY anticipating problems - wondering what will happen
SKY change and transformation
SKY generating and discussing ideas
SKYLINE achievable ambitions and hopes
SKYLINE as far as the eye can see
SKYLINE your own potential
SKYSCRAPER feeling really good about something, showing
how strong and capable you are
SKYSCRAPER standing up to someone - demanding respect
SKYSCRAPER a chance to prove your abilities - a
situation involving confidence
SLAM leave in anger
SLANT make something more possible than in reality
SLANT slanting the odds in someones favour
SLATE being critical
SLAVE prisoner to something
SLEDGEHAMMER knocking right throgh some thoughts
SLEEP enter unconcious mind
SLEEP not concentrating - doing something without
thinking - unaware of imminent threat
SLEEPING BAG temporary make do
SLEEP-OVER sleep on a problem
SLIDING a sense that your losing control of some aspect
of your life
SLIPPERS your confidence and belief in the direction
that your personal life is going
SLIPPERY a part of your life is difficult to control
SLOGAN a phrase that you always say in a certain
SLOPE gradually
SLOPE start to descend into
SLOTH lazy
SLOW behind time / long and drawn out
SLOW getting dull and boring
SLOW MOTION action replay - talking over and reviewing
experiences - a premonition
SLOW MOTION something is quite predictable and at the
moment preventable - quick thinking is needed
SLOW unresponsive and unenthusiastic
SLUG a sudden thought
SLUG slimy and horrid - something you would not like to
touch or think about
SLUG slow moving
SLUMBER unconcious desires
SLUMP economic slowdown
SLUMP tired and deteriorating
SMALL insignificant and meaningless - less important or
reduced number
SMALL petty minded ways of thinking - made to look
SMALL TOWN restrictions in your ways of thinking
SMALL unpretentious and humble
SMART upto date and fashionable
SMELL lots of things to occupy your mind
SMELL triggered by a memory of a smell
SMELL you sense something
SMILE show pleasure / happy disposition towards
SMILE to accept something confidently
SMILING pleasing and happy thoughts
SMOKE a warning sign
SMOKE restricted vision / cloud issue
SMOKE stiffled atmosphere
SMOKING compensatory dream / restricted vision / cloud
issue / hot sexuality
SMOOTH being relaxed and at home doing something
SMOTHER emotional cause
SMOTHER physical cause
SNAG a hidden problem
SNAKE a problem or trap - uncomfortably fast moving
SNAKE something you cannot deal with - being drawn into
a dispute
SNAKE twisting everything someone says - singling
someone out - a complaint
SNAKE a difficult relationship - a bad atmosphere
SNAKE something bad that could strike at any time
SNAKE phallic symbol - sexual intercourse
SNAP lacking patience
SNARE entangle and capture
SNEAK a problem that sneaks up on you without you
SNEAK something you wouldn't normally do
SNEAKERS cool young personality
SNOOP look inside secretly
SNOUT knowing about something - sensing something
SNOW lacking momentum - not recovered from an illness
SNOW fresh and new feeling - unspoilt - a wonderful
fresh and inspiring feeling
SNOW feeling cold - a cold bedroom
SNOW thinking about christmas
SNOWBALL poking fun with cold emotional comments
SNOWMAN cold and lacking emotion
SOAK absorb every last part - getting totaly involved -
total focus
SOAK cannot think of anything else
SOAP a healthy clean way to purge yourself of bad
SOAP discussing your feelings and openly allowing
frustrations to come out
SOAP OPERA being influenced by a soap opera storyline
SOAP OPERA the continuous story of your life
SOCCER great skill and team work / fun
SOCK a direction that is comfortable
SOCK carefully thought out ideas within your own mind
about your identity
SOCK mean attitude - sock it to em look
SODA quick refreshment
SOFA become comfortable with something
SOFA having thoughts dominate your waking life
SOFA you have sat down and have really tried to make
sense of some issue
SOFT acting in a sympathetic manner - encouraging
SOLAR PLEXUS a gut feeling
SOLDIER a need to follow written instructions or orders
- strict rules that need to be followed
SOLDIER Confrontation / Ready to challenge something
SOLDIER enduring hardship with others - a sense of
teamwork and effort - a disciplined outlook
SOLDIER having a really rough day and facing difficult
situations - carry on regardless
SOLID having great substance / strong and worthy of
SOMEHOW its unlikely but you wish something could happen
SOMEONE a random thought - out of the blue
SON determined protective feelings
SON investing your hopes
SON sons of man = descendants
SONG an argument that fits together in a harmonious way
SONG supporting someones idea or way of thinking
SOPHISTICATED completely refined thoughts/actions
SORCERY obsession
SORE feelings about to burst out
SOUP poverty food
SOUTH AMERICA unpredictable
SOUVENIR very memorable moment
SPA emotional healing
SPACE some experience is totally alien to you - you do
not know what to make of it
SPACE something you just cannot quite get your head
SPACE the world of ideas - space for ideas to develope
SPACE you do not know quite what to make of something -
you are lacking real facts
SPACECRAFT a journey into deep conceptual thoughts
SPACECRAFT seeing the world in a whole new way - a way
of thinking which is alien to you
SPACESHIP out of this world - astonishing
SPACESHIP some experience is totally alien to you - you
do not know what to make of it
SPACESHIP ways in which you explore deep conceptual and
philosophical ideas
SPAGHETTI not a high value experience - just gentle day
to day chatter
SPANISH being very emotional and passionate - almost
SPANK childish punishment
SPARKLY wonderful and enlightening
SPASM repressed thoughts emotions
SPEAK willingness to express ideas
SPEAR aim for the target
SPECIAL EFFECTS new and interesting ways of doing things
SPECIALIST something in particular - something very
SPECTATOR need to take part
SPICY seek exciting and wild stimulation
SPIDER connected with an actual phobia of spiders
SPIDER entanglement in circumstances
SPIDER overbearing mother
SPIDER smothering individual
SPIDER something that causes a disproportionate amount
of fear in your mind
SPIDERMAN overwhelming confidence in your own abilities
SPIDERMAN wishing you had certain abilities / wish you
behaved in a certain way
SPIES holding onto some piece of information for fear of
your very life
SPIKE don't get caught on
SPILL to waste
SPINAL having backbone
SPINE focus on something - with great effort
SPINE having backbone and courage
SPIRAL connection with unconcious - confusion -
unsconsious desires not strictly met
SPIRAL STAIRCASE trying to come to some conclusion on
some very difficult subject
SPIRIT GUIDE your inner harmoney
SPIRIT spiritual self
SPIT unpleasant emotional comment
SPLASH touched by emotion
SPLINTER painful thought
SPLIT physically detached
SPLIT to put you right off something
SPORT competitive edge / fun and pleasure
SPORT go to great efforts to understand - skilled and
balanced reasoning
SPOTLIGHT draw attention to something
SPOTLIGHT in the limelight
SPOUSE strongest beliefs and closest relatoinships
SPRAY devoting a little time to focus on something
SPRAY intense emotional focus on something
SPRING fresh new growth
SPY a fear that something will be found out
SPY obsssively watch someones behavior - spot something
SQUARE not cool and rather boring
SQUARE ordered and balanced
SQUASH crush
SQUEAK unable to show thoughts
SQUEEZE clasp onto
SQUEEZE extract something
SQUEEZED giving way to pressure
SQUEEZED overshadowed by others
SQUEEZED to crush your personality / to force into
SQUID emotional entanglement - deeply entangled issue
SQUINT look in a particular way
SQUIRREL domestic strength and fortune
SQUISH not firm and clear
ST BERNARD hopes for a rescue
STAB fear of deception
STAB pointing out weaknesses
STAB sudden shock
STABLE sense of security
STACK building up reasons for or against something
STACK chances are against you
STACK many reasons stacked against something
STAGE a very special moment
STAGE presenting a case - arguing for something
STAGE saying things openly and very publicly - telling
the world what you think
STAGE fantasy and escapism
STAGEFRIGHT worried about exactly how to behave
STAGNANT stuck in rut - emotional
STAGNANT you are not using the full power of your
creative energies
STAINLESS STEEL immaculate and clean
STAIRCASE a transformation in your understanding
STAIRCASE assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded
in reality) and intuitive and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRCASE the junction between the imagination
(upstairs) and conscious mind ( downstairs )
STAIRCASE trying to work out what it is that you believe
on something
STAIRCASE unconcious mind exploration - unconcious
STAIRS a transformation in your understanding
STAIRS assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded in
reality) and intuitive and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRS going upstairs you enter you repressed
unconscious desires
STAIRS loss / increase in confidence
STAIRS social status up/down
STAIRS the junction between the imagination (upstairs)
and conscious mind ( downstairs )
STAIRWAY a transformation in your understanding
STAIRWAY assessing rational factual knowledge (grounded
in reality) and intuitive and gut feelings(upstairs)
STAIRWAY the junction between the imagination (upstairs)
and conscious mind ( downstairs )
STAIRWAY unconcious mind exploration - unconcious
STAIRWELL the junction between the imagination
(upstairs) and conscious mind ( downstairs )
STALACTITE build up over a long period
STALE a need for revitalized involvement in the world
STALK persisting troubles / bad habits
STALK stalked by a by habit / tendency
STALK unable to rid yourself of some bad memory
STALL a set of choices and opportunies available to you
STALL stall something
STALLION wanting to reproduce some great passions
STALLION wild passions
STAMPEED out of control
STAND have a position on some issue / knowing where you
STANDING observing something
STANDING standing on own two feet
STANDING STILL everything else is unimportant
STANDING STILL not moving with the times
STANDING STILL of major importance - extreme focus
STANDING unable to act
STAPLE link together ideas and thoughts
STAR birth of child or idea / your destiny / our hopes
and dreams / reach for the stars
STAR great ambition and vision
STAR seeing something very clearly - understanding
difficult issues
STAR TREK a journey into a deeply new way of thinking
STAR TREK science fiction - a story that could happen
STAR WARS geeky type things
STARE fears that people are monitoring your performance
or behavior
STARE respect and recognition
STARING a feeling that that you are being judged
START need to make a start
STARVE lacking any experience of life
STARVE need to feed your senses
STARVING lacking any experience of life
STARVING need to feed your senses
STARWARS geeky type things
STATUE OF LIBERTY a sense of freedom and justice for all
STATUE symbol of ideas and beliefs
STEAL borrowing thoughts ideas or copying an image
STEAL no other alternative
STEAL taking the easy way out - without little effort
STEALTH keeping thoughts hidden
STEAM let off steam / release anger and frustrations
STEEL very sturdy and strong
STEEP challenging yourself - a difficult and challenging
STEERING WHEEL in the direction of
STEP DAD things that you feel that you should do
STEP FATHER evil authority figure
STEP MOM tough love
STEP MUM love but not real love
STEP strive towards something - the next step
STEPS take one step at a time
STEREO hearing it in both ears
STICKER warning or clear message
STICKY-TAPE linked together
STING a stinging emotional situation
STING RAY a feeling of emotional hurt that is forming
and building up in your mind
STING something requires immediate attention - you must
not avoid this issue
STITCH domestic affairs
STOLEN a feeling of loss and unfairness
STOLEN being robbed of the chance to express a part of
STOLEN making false statements
STOLEN option no longer available to you
STOLEN wanting something without little effort
STOMACH gut feeling - courage
STOMACH trying to digest and understand something
someone has said or done
STONE hard faced
STOOL comfortable yet awkward
STOP a warning sign
STORE what you want from a relationship
STORE what you woud really like
STORE what you want and what others want
STORE your options restricted in some way
STORE finding some time for one of your interests
STORE being told that you really need something
STORK being stalked by thoughts
STORM not looking forward to doing something that will
cause trouble
STORM knowing something will create problems
STORM worrying about how things are
STORM worrying about the weather forcast
STOVE domesticity and homemaking / warmth and growth
STRAGGLER remnant of some old way of seeing the world
STRAIGHT direct connection
STRAIGHT focus on something
STRAIGHTFORWARD being honest and open
STRAIGHTFORWARD easy and simple to understand
STRAIT narrow focus on something
STRANGER alientated aspect of personality
STRANGER fears that you are being deceived
STRANGER messengers
STRANGER see something unfamiliar
STRANGER someone seems a bit different - they are like a
STRANGER thoughts not supporting your ideal way of
STRAP force yourself into a way of thinking
STRAPPED forced upon
STRAWBERRIES making yourself feel better with a simple
STRAWBERRIES they make you feel good but deep down they
are not doing any good
STRAY feeling less dependable
STRAY stray from he point
STREAM flows of energy both good and bad - your
motivation and resolve connected with something
STREAM the flow of your emotions
STREET complex issues where you consider lots of factors
and the opinions of others
STREET consider a play on words on the streetname
STREET LIGHT understanding your involvement in the world
STREET MARKET tout for business
STREET understanding the feelings of others -
consideration for others - real world compromises you
have to make to please other people
STRETCH exxagerate and overemphasize the importance of
STRIKE discover something
STRIKE erase from memory
STRIKE overcome by feeling
STRIKE strike a bargain
STRING tie together / tie up
STRIP CLUB the truth slowly revealed
STROKE likes the idea of something
STROKE showing loving feelings towards someone
STRUGGLE wanting more respect - thinking you are a
failure - not willing to accept something
STRUGGLE an epic struggle - struggling against something
STRUGGLE resistance within you - struggling
STRUGGLE confronting someone
STRUGGLE something you cannot stop thinking about
STUDENT LOAN a debt of gratitude
STUDENT not an expert
STUDENT some skills but still not totally confident
STUDIO-APARTMENT the creative side of your personality
STUFFED ANIMALS a simplistic view of love
STUFFED ANIMALS your desire to be loved and cuddled
STUNG a feeling of hurt or dissapointment
STUNNED feel unable to act
STUNT doing things which are regarded as pretty
STYLE how to express something
STYLUS play your own tunes
SUBDIVISION a divorce settlement - dividing things up
SUBDIVISION very different parts of your personality and
SUBMARINE travels through deep waters
SUBMERGE very strong feelings that stop you thinking
SUBMISSIVE give in easily
SUBSTITUTE making do with what you have
SUBURB a situation where everyone is happy - allowing
everyone freedom to grow and prosper
SUBURB everyone has space to explore their own goals -
everyone is free to do their own thing
SUBWAY subterranean parts of self
SUCKED drawn into something
SUDDEN a major transformation in your thoughts
SUDDEN something is done automatically without thought
SUFFOCATE stifling or repressing your nature
SUFFOCATING not able to think clearly
SUFFOCATING stifling or repressing your nature
SUGAR relax and indulge
SUGAR sweet satisying thought
SUICIDE not knowing why you bother to put effort into
SUICIDE wanting to just give up with some relationship
or project
SUICIDE feeling desperately unhappy and depressed
"I hope to really impress","I had a very serious
conversation with him","we showed how important this was
to us"
SUIT showing how important something is to you - a
serious attitude
SUIT acting in a formal way - having a very serious
conversation about something
SUIT wanting to impress
SUITE luxurious thoughts
SUMMER good times
SUMMER SHOES a present sense of ease at moving towards
your goals
SUN sustains all life
SUNDAY a time to rest and recooperate
SUNGLASSES obscure vision - see more darkly
SUNGLASSES superficial desires - wanting to impress with
SUNNY connected with a good mood and good feelings
SUNRISE new start / fresh outlook
SUNSET completion of an era
SUNSET end of era / project
SUNSHINE optomistic and good feelings
SUPERIOR feeling humilaited in some way
SUPERMAN overwhelming confidence in your own abilities
SUPERMARKET a desperate desire for things that you see
essential in your life
SUPERVISOR having to rely on others
SUPERVISOR supervising your own feeelings and thoughts
SUPPER sleep experiences
SUPPLIES the things you need
SURFACE comprehend something more easily
SURFACE delve deep into issue
SURFACE events that are happening now
SURGEON cut out some emotional tendency
SURGERY isolate and treat some emotional issue within
your mind - paying attention to some emotional problem
SURPRISE being unprepared for something
SURPRISE not knowing what is required - a somewhat
random process involving chance
SURPRISE worried about unpredictable future
SURROUND cannot escape from
SURVEILLANCE watching something with great attention to
SURVIVE some goal or idea is maybe under pressure due to
some reason
SUSHI a raw and open feeling
SUSPEND suspending some old relationship or way of
SUV determined and single minded
SWALLOW accept ideas
SWALLOW an instinct to move on
SWAMP lacking resolve and involvement in the world -
feeling depressed - stuck in a routine
SWAN beauty and natural grace
SWAN swanning around - just doing your daily routine
SWAP switch
SWARM overwhelmed by
SWASHBUCKLER using dash and flare / in your face and
SWEAT hard work and efforts / nervous and unwilling
SWEATER middle of the road / perhaps a boring image
SWEEP sweeping statements
SWEEP systematically search
SWEET happy and pleasurable
SWELLING filling up with emotion / overwhelmed
SWEPT not in total control
SWIM trying to get to a new situation emotionally
SWIM realising that someone has changed - realising you
need to change
SWIM making an effort
SWIM trying to understand your past
SWIM trying to get some feelings out of your system
SWIM putting some emotional thought into it
SWIM emotions are moving in a new direction
SWIMMING COSTUME your thoughts about your body
SWIMMING POOL you are stuck in your own problems
SWIMMING POOL feeling emotionally tired
SWIMMING POOL your own emotions - asking yourself if you
are really happy or really sad!
SWIMMING POOL thinking through your own close personal
emotions or those of others
SWING livening something up
SWINGING DOORS a two way flow
SWIPE make a comment at someone
SWIPE pinch something
SWITCH switch over - adapt
SWIVEL a different perspective
SWOOP pounce on
SWORD using knowledge to cut through a problem
SWORD willingness to take control - strike a blow for
your feelings

TABLE a coming together

TABLE a place to meet others
TABLE discuss an issue openly
TABLE plan your actions
TABLECLOTH domestic situation
TACKS problems hindering your path in life
TACTIC tricking yourself into a certain way of thinking
TADPOLE fertility
TADPOLE ready for change
TADPOLES change to come
TAIL assured pleasures
TAILOR get the measure of someone/something
TAKE AWAY something is taken away
TAKE AWAY thinking a certain way for your own
TALENT a flare for something
TALIBAN an extreme example - battling against
uncompromising beliefs
TALISMAN good fortune
TALK cannot explain something
TALK express your views
TALKING need to express something
TALL great vision
TALL something bigger and better
TALL something is important in your mind
TALL BUILDING feeling really good about something,
showing how strong and capable you are
TALL BUILDING standing up to someone - demanding respect
TALL BUILDING a chance to prove your abilities - a
situation involving confidence
TAMBOURINE tapping along contentedly
TAME trying to contain or subdue some thought or urge
TAN down to earth issue or thought
TANK hitting out at someone
TANK surveying your own subconscious or emotional
TANKER storage
TAPESTRY wealth and luxury / traditional society
TAPEWORM pest feeding off you
TAR covered with dark thoughts
TARANTULA caught in trap - sinister feeling - sense
danger or difficulty - a problem
TARGET aiming at something - wishing for something to
happen - focus on something
TARGET victim of something
TAROT explore the unknown
TAROT wondering about your own future
TASK concentrate on something
TASSEL success and achievement
TASTE develope a taste - good or bad taste
TASTE horrible sensation
TATTOO being quite open about something - parading some
TATTOO imprint on mind
TATTOO something or someone has made a lasting
impression on you
TAUGHT teaching yourself something
TAUNT telling yourself how ridiculous you have been
TAVERN bawdy happy experiences
TAX everything is a great strain
TAXES necessary evils
TAXING everything is a great strain
TEA meeting people and understanding them
TEA pleasant social satisfaction
TEACHER a role model
TEACHER knowing what the problem is - knowing how to put
things right
TEACHER a need to learn - a readiness to learn
TEACHER your unconscious thoughts about a teacher - your
relationship with a teacher
TEAMMATE long standing friendships
TEAMMATE working together on something
TEAR GAS being overcome
TEARS a premonition of something terrible
TEARS an outburst emotions
TEARS concern about something
TEASE playful banter between friends
TECH modern approach
TECHNOLIGICAL some technological gadget you are trying
to get used to using
TEDDY BEAR general immaturity
TEDDY BEAR need for comfort
TEDDY need to trust
TEEN having the guts to take chances
TEEN ideas maturing in your head
TEEN immaturity or lack of real independence
TEEN juvinile behavior...spontaneous and irresponsible
TEEN rebelious views and attitudes
TEENAGE some maturing part of your personality
TEENAGER having the guts to take chances
TEENAGER ideas maturing in your head
TEENAGER immaturity or lack of real independence
TEENAGER rebelious views and attitudes
TEETERING cannot balance issues properly
TEETH processing and digesting new information and
TEETH something you have said - biting remarks
TEETH stable and unchanging parts of your life
TEETH your bite - issues surrounding your own power
TELEGRAM communicate in a distant way or from a distance
TELEKETIC magical change / utilise hidden powers /
abilities you didn't know you had
TELEKINESIS magical change / utilise hidden powers /
abilities you didn't know you had
TELEKINISIS magical change / utilise hidden powers /
abilities you didn't know you had
TELEPATHIC don't need to say
TELEPHONE links to some issue involving communication -
rumours, and esp lack of communication
TELEPHONE need to communicate views / need to express
TELEPHONE unconcious desires
TELESCOPE far sighted / the long view
TELESCOPE imagining how things will eventually turn out
TELESCOPE trying to understand the views of others
TELEVISION keep in touch with recent events
TELEVISION observing something - possible premonition
TELEVISION recalling every detail of some event
TELL describe how something happens
TELL directed towards something
TELL explained something
TELL showing it how it was
TELL tell on someone
TEMPLE a place devoted to understanding your deep
spiritual beliefs - private contemplation - inner
TENANT dependance on others
TENANT not truly your own
TENNIS a continuous argument been replayed in your mind
TENNIS your opinion on some matter - going back and
TENT new and fresh environment
TENT temporary home
TENT temporary response
TERMINATE end something abruptly
TERROR loss of belief / loss of a close friendship
TERRORIST causing havoc
TEST a great challenge
TEST choosing one thing at the expense of another
TEST examination and proof of something
TEST see exactly where you stand on something
TEST testing your resolve and belief in your own
TEXT MESSAGE having difficulty expressing self
TEXT MESSAGE trying to read unconscious signals from
THANKSGIVING to give thanks for / count your blessings /
family get-together
THEATER a very special moment
THEATER presenting a case - arguing for something
THEATER saying things openly and very publicly - telling
the world what you think
THEATER fantasy and escapism
THEATRE ATTENDANT been given the best possible help to
see what happened - a birds eye view
THEFT things gained to easily
THERAPIST looking for help on matter
THERAPY understand issues
THERMOMETER measuring just how sexy or cool you are
THERMOMETER up and down fortunes
THERMOMETER working out how annoyed someone is
THIEF need to break the rules / need to break out
THIGH sexuality and desire
THINK design and create
THINK process ideas
THIRSTY need to meet people
THORN prickly problems
THREE an issue of freedom of will - three sounds like
THREE pun = freedom freewill
THRIFT SHOP having little time to achieve your wishes
THRIFT SHOP not wanting to put much effort into
THROAT things said
THRONE extreme confidence in your own views
THROW send out some feeling or signal
THROW unsettle you
THRUST being strong and decisive
THUMB being under the thumb
THUNDER sudden change - possibly in beliefs and ideas
THUNDERSTORM not looking forward to doing something that
will cause trouble
THUNDERSTORM knowing something will create problems
THUNDERSTORM worrying about how things are
THUNDERSTORM worrying about the weather forcast
TICKET acceptance into a group / freedom to do something
TICKET your desired destination
TIDAL WAVE a powerful and overwhelming force that will
sweep away - god like power
TIDAL WAVE overcome with feelings
TIDAL WAVE jumping to conclusions - exxagerations in
your mind - quickly changing opinions
TIDE inevitable unconscious forces pushing you in a
certain direction
TIDY very organised and efficient
TIE connected with
TIE equal in every way
TIE UP restrict and limit the actions of something
TIE very formal image
TIED tied down by circumstances
TIER something is having an impact on different levels
TIGER an extreme fear
TIGER feminine power and authority
TIGER natural beauty and power
TIGHT little room for manouvre
TIME behind time ?
TIME need to organize yourself / reflect on thoughts and
TIMETABLE awareness of a timeframe
TIPTOE not wanting to draw attraction to yourself - step
TIRE movement towards your goal
TISSUE a heart to heart - having a good cry
TITANIC a slow realisation of something bad happening
TITANIC hopes sinking
TOASTED had a grilling
TODDLER just starting to find feet in some way
TOES feel dirt between - natural feel
TOGA a deeply philosophical mode of thinking
TOGETHER being there for someone
TOILET a feeling of embarassment - a testing and
frustrating moment
TOILET overwhelming problems - continuous bad feelings
TOILET getting something out of your system - letting go
TOILET being scared or shocked - frustrations built up
over years
TOILET PAPER healthy ways of relieving tension
TOILETRIES methods to relieve tension
TOLD directed towards something - describe how something
TOMB trapped and buried thoughts
TOMBSTONE looking back - think about past situation
TONE sending out unconsious signals when you speak
TONGUE things that have been said recently - possibly
critical things
TOOLS turning mind towards work and constructive
TOOTHLESS a loss of effectiveness
TOOTHLESS a sudden loss within your personal life
TOP FLOOR a new situation where you have to do your very
TOP FLOOR a test of your confidence and abilities
TOP FLOOR feeling confident and happy
TOP FLOOR your feelings about mixing with people you see
as accomplished and confident
TOPLESS a fear of exposure - the truth being revealed
TOPLESS confidence about something - flaunting your
views / feel exposed about issue
TORNADO a person with a bad temper - a fast moving
TORNADO change in your life - the need to adapt
TORSO unable to think clearly - lost head
TORTOISE living a sheltered life / hiding yourself away
TORTOISE steady but reliable / a slowcoach
TORTURE a tortuous problem
TORTURE hopeless circumstances
TOUCH close contact
TOUCH make someone emotional - make someone understand
TOUCH sense and confront - focus on something
TOUCH the personal touch - showing attention to detail
TOUR GUIDE explore some new and interesting subject
TOURIST new and fresh experiences
TOW helping someone along in day to day reality
TOWEL a need to control your emotions
TOWEL calm down after an emotional outburst
TOWER aloof / disengaged
TOWER feeling different, distant from or superior to
others in general
TOWER some idea is inaccessible and difficult to
TOWER strength and presence of character
TOWN CENTRE a very public situation where you need to
take into account the opinions of others
TOWN complex situations - lots of things to consider
TOWN groups of friends and people and places you come
into contact with
TOY memories of childhood - a comforting reminder of
life which was a lot less complicated
TOY playing with some thoughts - toying with an idea
TOY playing with someone - playing with your feelings
TOY youthful and spontaneous activities
TRACK rigidly keep fixed path in life
TRADE having to choose one thing rather than another
TRADITIONAL the time honoured way of doing things
TRAFFIC complicated and intermingled circumstances -
connections between things
TRAFFIC personality clashes and conflicts with other
people - conflicting emotions and thoughts in some
TRAIL seeking something out in life
TRAILER a lack of self worth
TRAIN been railroaded into a course of action - having
no choice
TRAIN a one track mind - thinking about one thing only
TRAIN sexual metaphor
TRAIN doing the same old things all the time - stuck in
a routine
TRAMPOLINE the ups and downs of life
TRAMPOLINE ups and downs
TRANQUILLIZE lulled into a false sense of security
TRANQUILLIZE stop worrying
TRANSFER movement towards something
TRANSLUCENT easily understood and comprehended
TRANSLUCENT see through thoughts and feelings
TRANSPARENCY not quite real - you haven't taken
something in just yet
TRANSPARENT a figment of your imagination
TRANSPARENT being blatantly obvious
TRANSPARENT easily understood and comprehended
TRANSPARENT open and honest
TRANSPARENT see through thoughts and feelings
TRAP being lured into something
TRAP capture that feeling
TRAP DOOR falling into a trap
TRAP things may not running smoothly
TRASH lots of problems and irrelevant thoughts messing
up your thinking
TRAVEL new attitude towards something
TREASURE original ideas and thoughts
TREASURE things of value to you
TREE things firmly rooted in you - family ideas and
close friends
TREE something that is very important and deeply rooted
in you
TREE permanent parts of your life - job or relationships
TREE feelings that rin deeply
TREE a painful tooth
TRENCHCOAT a cynical view of the world
T-REX old ways and thoughts
TRIAL need to sort something out once and for all
TRIANGLE love triangle?
TRIANGLE opposition - connectedness
TRIANGLE using logic
TRIBAL a set of beliefs and ideas which guide you
TRIBE a set of beliefs and ideas which guide you
TRICERATOPS trying really hard
TRICK showing great skill - doing something unexpected
and thrilling
TRICKLE a low energy level or interest in something
TRIED wondering what to do after some approach has
TRIGGER set something in motion / cause something to
TRIM neat and tidy
TRINKET memories and ways of thinking
TRIP take a detour somewhere
TRIP taking your mind off things - a relaxing visit
TRIP think what something could be like - think in a
totally different way - understand anothers point of
TROMBONE unpleasant noises. unhappy emotions
TROOPS restrictioned circumstances
TROPICAL beautiful sunny environment
TROPICAL FISH fanciful exotic emotional feelings
TROUSER want to be seen to be in control
TRUCK a heavy workload - lots to do
TRUCK a very serious matter - having heavy or serious
feelings for someone
TRUCK feeling tired or sluggish
TRUE LOVE a fresh new interest in something which you
know is somnething you really love - a vocation
TRUST need to trust own judgement
TRUST to actually believe in
TRY make every attempt
T-SHIRT a casual image towards something
T-SHIRT a need to take things more seriously
T-SHIRT dropping some casual hints
T-SHIRT being lazy or slack in yoiur attitudes - a need
to be less lazy
TSUNAMI a powerful and overwhelming force that will
sweep away - god like power
TSUNAMI overcome with feelings
TSUNAMI jumping to conclusions - exxagerations in your
mind - quickly changing opinions
TUBE constrained and stuck
TUG OF WAR conflict of beliefs
TULIP spring flower / fresh appraoch to something / new
TUMBLER falling over / lacking good balance / unsure and
lacking confidence
TUMOR bad relationship / idea
TUNA solid but not particularly inspiring experience of
TUNA tune towards something?
TUNE a mood you adopt or attitude
TUNNEL freud = vagina
TUNNEL looking for some deep hidden meaning
TUNNEL struggling through a tough situation
TUNNEL tunnels can link with premonitions - being
transported to some new situation
TURBULANT thoughts changing very quickly
TURKEY an ambition which has never really truely taken
TURKEY noisy gossiping
TURN changing the way you think about something
TURQUOISE a very new age color - healing and spiritual
TURTLE emotionally defensive - strong sturdy emotions
TURTLE self conscious timidity
TURTLE slow to make friends and reveal your emotions -
living a sheltered life hiding yourself away
TV a premonition of emotions shortly to come
TV action replay of something
TV keeping up with the latest news
TV watching something remotely
TWILIGHT towards the end of something
TWIN acting in an identical fashion - copying in some
TWIN mixed feelings - not knowing what to think
TWIN two sides to story
TWIST distorted emotions - abnormal
TWIST entwined problem
TWISTER emotional turmoil / great change in
TWO a choice between two clear options
TWO PENCE someone showing their own opinion
TWOPENCE someone showing their own opinion
TYPEWRITER quick communication
TYPICAL associated with a certain kind of person
TYPING poor self expression

UFO a belief in something bigger - a belief in the

unknown - issues regarding pyschic growth
UFO seeking the truth to some unknown mystery - you do
not know what to make of something - its totally
UGLY distorted
UGLY doubts and uncertainties
UGLY ugly hurtful thoughts
UMBERELLA shelter from emotional problems
UMBERELLA sheltered lifestyle
UMBRELLA protect us from emotions and desires
UMBRELLA shelter from some emotional trauma
UNCLE a loose relationship - someone you see every now
and again
UNCLE advice and experience from a non threatening male
in your life
UNCLE male help and experience - a need to talk things
through rationally with someone not so involved
UNCLEAN having some problems
UNCOMFORTABLE ideas and thoughts that do not suit you
UNCONSCIOUS secret desires and wishes
UNDER conceal your thoughts / lack power and energy
UNDERGROUND hidden meanings
UNDERGROUND meditation and deep mind exploration - the
unconscious mind - premonitions
UNDERGROUND secret thoughts and hidden problems
UNDERNEATH under the control of
UNDERQUALIFIED not quite having skills or experience to
meet some situation
UNDERSTAND your assumptions
UNDERTAKER bury a relationship
UNDERWATER deeply engrossed in something
UNDERWEAR hiding prejudices - not showing your true self
UNDERWEAR the sexual and personal signals you send out
UNDIES your view towards sexual issues
UNDRESS reveal your thoughts and feelings - reveal the
truth about something - everything is exposed for all to
UNFAMILIAR a new side to someones character
UNICORN mystery and essence
UNIFORM acceptance of authority
UNIFORM adopting a role
UNIFORM duties and responsibilities / belief in the
greater good
UNIFORM unchanging behavior
UNIFORM your acceptance of rules and regulations and
unwriitten codes
UNIQUE a search for interesting and origonal ideas
UNIVERSE unity of thought / the wider picture
UNIVERSITY your own considered opinion on some personal
UNIVERSITY your own life at college
UNIVERSITY your own ideas - reports and essays you are
UNKEMP neglecting someone / something
UNLEASH great forces unleashed
UNLOCK solve a puzzle - work something out
UNLOCKED being totally open and freely discussing
UNPACK becoming at home in some new way of doing things
UNPACK look closely / organise new thoughts
UNWASHED a stale experience
UP AND DOWN looking for support and encouragement
UP jung - repressed thought coming upwards
UPHILL difficult
UPPER STOREY a new situation where you have to do your
very best
UPPER STOREY a test of your confidence and abilities
UPROOT your possessions are under threat
UPSCALE a rich experience
UPSET disturb established ways of thinking
UPSIDE DOWN everything is in disorder / sudden chaos
UPSIDE DOWN need to put things right
UPSTAIRS your clear beliefs on some issue - using your
mind to construct some higher meaning
UPSTAIRS your imagination of how something will turn out
URANUS far thinking / very bright ideas
URANUS greek god of the sky - positive change
URBAN complex situations - lots of things to consider
URBAN groups of friends and people and places you come
into contact with
URINATE relieve emotions / express frustration
URINATION lack control over your circumstances
URINE relieve emotions = burst
URN burnt to ashes
USABLE having real purpose
UTENSIL tools at hand / practical help
UTILITY BUILDING thinking practically about something -
a practical approach

VACATION ability to relax

VACATION relaxing hobbies
VACATION reward for your effort
VACATION taking time out to think for a while
VACCINATION immunity from something
VACUUM lack of some vital ingredient
VACUUM lack of something in life
VACUUM tidying up your life
VAGINA feminine openess and receptivity
VAGINA sexual urges
VAGRANT a need to move on to something else
VAGRANT need to escape from situation and
VALENTINE desire to show your love
VALENTINE loyalty to something/someone
VALENTINES DAY filled with overwhelming happiness and
love - maybe too much
VALENTINES DAY making a special effort to show how you
VALLEY forced down meandering path / path is restricted
VALUABLE just how important or useful is something
VAMPIRE being tranformed or taken over by some idea or
feeling - becoming something you dislike
VAMPIRE obsessive relationship ( maybe sensual) -
copying someone
VAMPIRE try to be something you are not - emotionally
drained by issue
VAN a heavy workload - lots to do
VAN a very serious matter - having heavy or serious
feelings for someone
VAN feein tired or sluggish
VANILLA a pleasant experience - very distinctive
VANILLA happy and refreshing experiences
VANISH a thought just dissapears / easing someones
VARNISH superificially covering over
VASCETOMY unable to fulfill goals
VASE display your thoughts and feelings
VASE maybe connected with the real world -
attractiveness and physical beauty
VASE promotes emotional beauty - water and flowers
VASE the content of some idea/thought
VAT To see a vat in your dream, denotes sorrow, grief,
and unfaithfulness.
VATICAN faith and belief in traditional values
VAULT locked up thoughts and feelings
VCR recall some vital momment
VEGAS hoping for your big break - hope for a change of
VEGAS sin and overindulgence - wishing for a quick buck
- easy money
VEGETABLES basic needs in life - meeting a balanced set
of basic needs
VEHICLE the means to an end
VEHICLE your drive and determination - are you in
VEIL hidden truths
VEIL private and hidden thoughts
VEIN the flow of your life
VEIN vanity
VELVET distinguished and noble
VELVET richly creative and extravagent - luxurious decor
- culture and sensuality
VENEER not completely honest
VENGEANCE getting even / must restore honour
VENOM anger inside you or others
VENT relieve tension
VENTILATION need to breathe / take things slowly and
VENTRILOQUIST deception and deviousness
VENUE a meeting place
VENUS greek god of love and beauty - sensual and caring
VERBAL open support for something
VERRANDAH secret hopes and dreams
VESSEL being used for something
VEST person of thin character
VETERAN experienced campaigner
VETERAN having great experience and knowledge
VIADUCT emotions being directed in a certain way
VIBRANT strong and wonderful feelings
VICTORIAN strict codes of behavior
VICTORIAN strict morals and humble existence
VIDEO GAME great fun
VIDEO recalling every detail of some event
VIDEO replaying some event - some incident is been
explained or recreated
VIGOR think before act / enthusiasm
VIKING take what you need
VILE intense negative thoughts
VILLAGE something or someone is innacessible - unable to
use something
VILLAGE remote and isolated ways of thinking - people
stuck in their own world
VILLAGE not able to understand someones way of thinking
VILLAIN bad example
VINE healthy growth
VINE need the support of others
VINEGAR bitter feelings and deceit
VINEGAR something has gone sour
VINEYARD fruits of your labor
VIOLENCE wanting more respect - thinking you are a
failure - not willing to accept something
VIOLENCE an epic struggle - struggling against something
VIOLENCE resistance within you - struggling
VIOLENCE confronting someone
VIOLENCE something you cannot stop thinking about
VIOLET deep spiritual understanding
VIOLET gentle and happy
VIP A new part of you that is welcomed
VIRGIN MARY the importance of family and the importance
of close bonds of friendship
VIRGIN remain pure
VIRUS illness right inside
VISA freedom to start / entry into something
VISABLE some aspect of your thinking is clearly visable
to others
VISIBLE a need for evidence and proof - a confirmation
VISION lack of good judgment
VISIT suddenly think about someone
VISIT suddenly think about something
VISITOR a thought that crossed your mind - visiting
something in your mind - suddenly think about someone
VISITOR new situation or circumstances
VITAMINS need to add nutrients to your life
VODKA light hearted social activities
VOICE attention or lack of attention people pay to you
VOICE inner voice
VOICE your thoughts spilling out
VOICELESS need to express something
VOLCANO major change in your conscious real life world
VOLCANO sexual energy - overwhelming unmet desire
VOLCANO violent release of tension
VOLCANO you need to pay attention to something or it
will cause real problems
VOLLEYBALL cooperation and team work towards goals
VOLTAGE extremely intense
VOLUNTEER free will
VOLUNTEER wish to help others
VOMIT some experience was not enjoyable - some view was
unnacceptable or incompatible with your beliefs
VOODOO DOLL dark side of your soul
VOTE make your opinions count
VOTE seeing what people think about something
VOUCHER call on others for help
VOW bind yourself to
VOYEUR secret desires
VULNERABLE need to take a safe option
VULTURE enthusiastically grasp at any opportunity
VULTURE extreme warning of imment failure

WADE step into your emotions

WADING enter your emotions
WAFFLE light hearted pleasure - some real experience
that has filled and activated your mind
WAFFLE unable to express ideas clearly - talking about
something without making any sound points
WAGER deceit and dishonesty / take a chance
WAGON a great trek / taking a risk
WAIL unable to cope with
WAIST your success or lack of it
WAIT ready to take action
WAITER wanting to welcome someone and attend to their
every needs
WAITING ready? and waiting
WAITING wanting to get something over and done with
WAITRESS doing to much for others
WAITRESS wanting to welcome someone and attend to their
every needs
WAKE a side of you is buried - recognise change to a new
WAKE recognise something - realising what is happening
WALK a personal realisation of something
WALK a very leisurely pace to life - an ordinary part of
the day
WALK personal quest - walk towards problem - turn your
attention to something
WALKIE TALKIE personal communication
WALKING STICK fears of becoming old
WALKING STICK rely on others
WALL barriers and restrictions on your behavior - a
barrier in your abilities - wall of fear
WALL different parts of your life
WALL protection and shelter
WALL secret and isolated
WALL strengthening your approach - concrete and real
things which you base your ideas on
WALL your general physical health
WALLET having the resources or the ability to do
something if you wished
WALLET issues regarding your financial position
WALLET self worth and belief
WALLET things which have convinced you of the value of
WALLET your morals and values
WALLPAPER covering over some past mistake / state of
your health
WALMART general choices available
WANDER lacking any real direction in life
WANDER looking for something but not really sure what
WANTING not the required standard
WAR a tough situation with many challenges
WAR inner conflict
WAR need for action - go to war on an issue
WAR plan a campaign
WARDROBE how you want to appear to people
WAREHOUSE looking through your own memory
WAREHOUSE your resources possessions memories
WARLOCK evil thoughts and feelings - wanting power to
dominate and make people do as you wish
WARLOCK mysterious and unknown world
WARN doubts and uncertainties
WARN instruct someone against a course of action
WARP not properly adjusted
WARRANTY guaranteed to happen / sure to happen
WARRIOR enthusiasm for a challenge
WASH an emotionally cleansing experience
WASHING MACHINE making yourself/others feel better
WASP something requires immediate attention - you must
not avoid this issue
WASP something that is casuing pain and hurt
WASTELAND cannot involve yourself in the world
WASTELAND lack of cultural identity / absence of shared
WATCH watching some aspect of yourself - observing and
WATCH witnessing - understanding how someone thinks
WATCHMAN observing things in detail - being on your
WATER BOTTLE emotional thoughts on some remark
WATER CANNON being forced into doing something
WATER CANNON devoting massive amounts of effort to
WATER emotional resolve - motivation
WATER flows of energy both good and bad - your ability
to motivate yourself for something
WATER focus your mind and energy to some creative
project or emotional issue
WATER JET exhilarating ideas and feelings
WATER trying to use the power of the unconscious mind to
work out some problem
WATERFALL release emotions
WATERLOG bogged down by emotional issues
WATERMELON sexuality and sensuality
WAVE big waves show exhilaration
WAVE changable and unpredictable thoughts - imagination
getting out of hand
WAVE powerful forces within you - overwhelming urges -
changes in your way of thinking
WAVE recognise something and acknowledge it
WAVE thoughts which have no proper basis in reality -
unsupported by any facts
WAVY a mood or desire which is sometimes strong and
sometimes weak
WAX wooden looking
WEAPON a readiness to defend our interests
WEAPON ready for confrontation
WEAPON using some technique or method at our disposal
WEAR display a particular side of yourself
WEAVE weave together emotions / people
WEAVING weld together different thoughts / relationships
- unite
WEB complex circumstances
WEDDING a common cause or agreement on some issue
WEDDING DRESS your opinion on weddings - signals you
give out about commitment
WEDDING making a real effort in some way
WEDDING a commitment of any nature and your feelings
about it
WEDDING a serious commitment - thinking about taking the
'next step' with someone
WEDDING someones ability to commit to a serious
WEDDING Your own real life wedding plans
WEDDING responsibilities that you have to carry out
WEED hindrance to emotional satisaction
WEED unecessary thoughts hindering clear vision
WEED unwanted growth
WEED unwanted thoughts or circumstances
WEED weed out problems / clean up life / look after
WEIGHT play on words - waiting a long time
WEIGHT your power or influence - a measure of your
WEIRD strange and unconventional
WEIRD wow! thats really weird and amazing
WELL deep pure emotions
WEREWOLF unbridled sexual animal lust
WEREWOLF revealing a much scarier side to your
personality - a person who reveals their true selves
WEREWOLF someone who has suddenly shown a much scrarier
side to themselves
WEST hope
WHALE Trying to calm the situation down
WHALE a sense of calmness and spirituality within you
WHEAT basic needs
WHEAT harvest festival - spiritual thanks for basics
needs met
WHEEL CHAIR need to overcome difficulties
WHEEL making a connection
WHEEL movement towards goal / wheel of life
WHEELCHAIR abilities restricted
WHEELCHAIR disabling something
WHEELCHAIR people needing help
WHISPER hint at something - suggest something vaguely -
dare not air ideas openly
WHISPER sensing something in someones behavior
WHITE clearness, clarity and understanding
WHITE HORSE sexual purity / pure passion
WHITE HOUSE an approach that is clear and totally
understandable - perfectly clear and understandable
WHITE positive emotions such as peace, happiness,
purity, honesty - spiritual purity and innocence
WHITE TRASH trailing along
WHIZZ extreme speed possibly links to a premonition deep
into the future
WHOLEWHEAT an experience that brings together a
wholistic meaning
WHORE sexual exploration
WIDOW old commitments/loyalties have died
WIERD a wierd feeling - strange unknown thoughts
WIERD twisted thinking
WIFE a close connection and union
WIFE for all time / forever and ever
WIFE loyalty and belief
WILD an untamed instinct
WILD CAT a part of you you are struggling with
WILDERNESS a feeling of freedom and liberation
WILDERNESS freedom and lack of inhibitions
WILDERNESS nothing really happening
WIND new change for good and bad
WIND overloaded / too much is going on
WIND stress and anxiety
WINDING not clear and straightforward
WINDING unexpected problems
WINDOW seeing something more clearly - seeing how other
people think on some subject
WINDOW something is perfectly obvious or plain to see in
your behavior - allow people to see what you think on
WINDSHIELD protection from change
WINDSWEPT harsh change affecting your life
WINE looking for spontaneity
WINE pleasant refined conversation
WINE-RACK drunken or tipsy experiences
WINGS ability to rise above and heal
WINGS adaptablility
WINGS rise above and see a situation for what it is
WINK to be in on some little secret with others
WINK turn a blind eye to something
WINTER bleak times
WINTER your world falling apart
WIRE lines of communication
WIRES lines of communication
WIRING your own energy supplies
WITCH a selfish and manipulative woman - she is always
interfering - selfish and scheming
WITCH mother in law
WITCHDOCTOR a spiritual cure to your problems
WITHIN looking inside yourself to previously forgotten
or unknown powers
WITNESS concrete proof of something
WITNESS something that you truly know
WIZARD great and masterly skill
WOLF a failure to see that something is good for you
WOLF bad times and bad events - the wolves are at the
WOLF relentless hunting and ferocity
WOLF the detective inside you
WOLF your fears about something
WOLVES a failure to see that something is good for you
WOLVES bad times and bad events - the wolves are at the
WOLVES relentless hunting and ferocity
WOLVES your fears about something
WOMAN female stereotypes - communicating your feelings
and thoughts
WOMAN your feelings - your feminine side
WOMAN happier and contented - your ability to relax -
less frenetic pace
WOMEN communication and talking through issues
WOMEN concern for emotions - not wanting to get hurt
WONDERLAND fantastic thoughts and inspirations
WOOD strong but make do thoughts
WOOD would=pun
WOODS a sense of being lost
WOODS lost in woods
WOODS navigate through a family problem / lost in woods
WORK energy and effort
WORK your real life workplace
WORKER work on something
WORKMEN effort involved with something
WORKMEN working on personal improvement
WORKSHOP develope skills here
WORLD everyone and everything
WORM disgusting and corrupting
WORM intense grovelling
WORM medical problem - healthy movement through your
WORM positive = eat through bad flesh and regenerate the
WORM slow moving
WORN having faced a struggle
WORN need to relax / need to address something
WOUND a feeling of hurt
WOUND poisinous or tainted ways of thinking
WRAP say something in a particular way - the way you
present something
WRAPPED problems covered over
WRECK disordered situation
WRECKING BALL a huge impact
WRECKING BALL demolish your former ways of thinking
WRESTLE struggling with an intellectual idea / tackling
some emotional problem
WRESTLING struggling with an intellectual idea /
tackling some emotional problem
WRINKLE feeling old or tired
WRINKLE having experienced something
WRITE your own onsidered opinion on some matter
WRITE considering something carefully usually the day
WRITE Think out your views - coming to an opinion about

X RAY look under surface


YACHT a relaxing emotional experience - emotional

YARD hidden desires and thoughts
YARN a complicated story
YARN problems entwined together
YEAR BOOK seeing something as history - putting
something in perspective
YELL something requires immediate attention
YELL strong feelings and urges - been unable to do
something that needs doing
YELLOW cowardice
YELLOW happy and sunny disposition
YOGHURT culture
YOGHURT healthy refreshing experiences
YOGHURT yum yum
YOGI matters spiritual
YOUNG being naive or idealistic - not practical
YOUNG inexperienced - fresh on the scene - making a
YOUNG vigourous and enthusiastic
YOUTH eager and ethusiastic

ZIP open close situation?

ZODIAC seeking spiritual help
ZOMBIE a lack of ability to concentrate due to tiredness
or ill health
ZOMBIE mild numbing and stultifying boredom with ideas
and behavior of others - uninspiring lifestyle
ZOMBIE mindless rubbish - mindless acceptance
ZOMBIE strange unknown lifeless thoughts within
ZOMBIE unable to think as an individual
ZOO trying to cage your wild emotions and feelings -
trying to make something less obvious
ZOO wild desires are caged

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