Pearl and Dean Digest

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Pearl & Dean (Phil.), Incorporated v.

Shoemart, Incorporated
G.R. No. 148222, August 15, 2003

Facts: Pearl & Dean (P&D) is engaged in the manufacture of advertising display units referred to as light boxes. These
units utilize specially printed posters sandwiched between plastic sheets and illuminated with backlights. It was able to
secure registration over these illuminated display units. The advertising light boxes were marketed under the trademark
“Poster Ads”.
In 1985, P&D negotiated with defendant Shoemart, Inc. (SMI) for the lease and installation of the light boxes in
SM North Edsa. However, since SM North Edsa was under construction, SMI offered as alternative SM Makati and
Cubao. During the signing of the Contract, SMI only returned the Contract with SM Makati. Manager of petitioner
reminded SMI that their agreement includes SM Cubao. However, SMI did not bother to reply. Instead, respondent
informed petitioner that they are rescinding the contract for SM Makati due to non-performance.
Two years later, SMI engaged the services of EYD Rainbow Advertising to make the light boxes. These were
delivered in a staggered basis and installed at SM Megamall and SM City. In 1989, petitioner received reports that exact
copy of its light boxes was installed by SMI. It further discovered that North Edsa Marketing Inc. (NEMI), sister company
of SMI, was set up primarily to sell advertising space in lighted display units located in SMI’s different branches. Petitioner
sent letters to respondents asking them to cease using the light boxes and the discontinued use of the trademark “Poster
Claiming that SMI and NEMI failed to meet its demand, petitioner filed a case for infringement of trademark and
copy right, unfair competition and damages. SMI maintained that it independently developed its poster panels using
commonly known techniques and available technology without notice of or reference to P&D’s copyright. In addition, it
said that registration of “Poster Ads” obtained by petitioner was only for stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes and
the like. “Poster Ads” is a generic term which cannot be appropriated as trademark, and, as such, registration of such
mark is invalid. It also stressed that P&D is not entitled to the reliefs sought because the advertising display units
contained no copyright notice as provided for by law.
RTC found SMI and NEMI jointly and severally liable for infringement of copyright and trademark. CA reversed
saying that it agreed with SMI that what was copyrighted was the technical drawings only and not the light boxes. Light
boxes cannot be considered as either prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags or box wraps, to be
properly classified as copyrightable class “O” work. In addition, CA stressed that the protective mantle of the Trademark
Law extends only to the goods used by the first user as specified in its certificate of registration. The registration of the
trademark “Poster Ads” covers only stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes and calling cards and newsletter.

ISSUES: (1) If the engineering or technical drawings of an advertising display unit are granted copyright protection is the
light box depicted in such drawings ipso facto also protected by such copyright? (2) Should the light box be registered
separately? (3) Can the owner of the registered trademark legally prevent others from using such mark if it is mere
abbreviation of a term descriptive of his goods, services or business?

1. No. Copyright is purely statutory. As such, the rights are limited to what the statute confers. It may be obtained
and enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by the persons, and on the terms and conditions specified in
the statute. Accordingly, it can cover only the works falling within the statutory enumeration or description.
Petitioner secured copyright under classification class “O” work. Thus, copyright protection extended only to the
technical drawings and not to the light box itself because the latter was not at all in the category of “prints,
pictorial illustrations, advertising copies, labels, tags and box wraps.
What the law does not include, it excludes, and for the good reason: the light box was not a literary or
artistic piece which could be copyrighted under the copyright law. And no less clearly, neither could the lack of
statutory authority to make the light box copyrightable be remedied by the simplistic act of entitling the copyright
certificate issued by the National Library as “Advertising Display Units”.
It must be noted that copyright is confined to literary and artistic works which are original intellectual
creations in the literary and artistic domain protected from the moment of their creation.

2. Yes. Petitioner never secured a patent for the light boxes. It therefore acquired no patent rights which could have
protected its invention, if in fact it really was. And because it had no patent, petitioner could not legally prevent
anyone from manufacturing or commercially using the contraption. To be able to effectively and legally preclude
others from copying and profiting from the invention, a patent is a primordial requirement. No patent, no
protection. The ultimate goal of a patent system is to bring new designs and technologies into the public through
disclosure. Ideas, once, disclosed to the public without protection of a valid patent, are subject to appropriation
without significant restraint.
The Patent Law has a three-fold purpose: first, patent law seeks to foster and reward invention; second, it
promotes disclosures of inventions to stimulate further innovation and to permit the public to practice the invention
once the patent expires; third, the stringent requirements for patent protection seek to ensure that ideas in the
public domain remain there for the free use of the public. It is only after an exhaustive examination by the patent
office that patent is issued. Therefore, not having gone through the arduous examination for patents, petitioner
cannot exclude other s from the manufacture, sale or commercial use of the light boxes on the sole basis of its
copyright certificate over the technical drawings.

3. Court agrees with CA that the certificate of registration issued by the Director of Patents can confer the exclusive
right to use its own symbol only to those goods specified in the certificate, subject to any conditions and
limitations specified in the certificate. One who has adopted and used a trademark on his goods does not prevent
the adoption and use of the same trademark by others for products which are of a different description.
Assuming arguendo that “Poster Ads” could validly qualify as a trademark, the failure of petitioner to
secure a trademark registration for specific use on the light boxes meant that there could not have been any
trademark infringement since registration was an essential element thereof.
There is no evidence that petitioner’s use of “poster Ads” was distinctive or well-known. As noted by CA,
petitioner’s expert witness himself had testified that “Poster Ads” was not too generic a name. SO it was difficult to
identify it with any company. This fact also prevented the application of the doctrine of secondary meaning.
“Poster Ads” was generic and incapable of being used as a trademark because it was used in the field of poster
advertising the very business engaged in by petitioner. Secondary meaning means that a word or phrase
originally incapable of exclusive appropriation with reference to an article in the market might nevertheless have
been used for so long and so exclusively by one producer with reference to his article that , in the trade and to
that branch of the purchasing public, the word or phrase has come to mean that the article was his property.

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