Position Paper Denmark

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Position Paper Country Topic Council : Denmark : Geopolitical Frictions as a Result of The Melting Ice caps in The Arctic

: United Nations General Assembly

Denmark, as one of the five major arctic countries, as well as a country which has been exploring the arctic region itself, sees the need for the United Nations General Assembly to comprehend the issue of melting ice caps holistically. The Government Denmark affirms the concern that exploring the arctic, especially in the case of humans dire need of Earth metal and energy, would imply considerable amount of negative externalities toward the sustainability of world ecosystem. Having considered the issue, we encourage all member states of The United Nations General Assembly to proportionate their judgment of the ecosystem in weigh to the importance of sustainability of human civilization. Ergo, Denmark calls all the member states to see the phenomenon of climate change, and to further regard all its continuative consequences as a somewhat inevitable phase of human history. The Government of Denmark would like to request all member states to deeply consider every possibility for the United Nations General Assembly to reach agreeable points as a guideline of the worlds adaptation to melting ice caps and energy security. Thereby, we propose: 1. That every Arctic state should be respected as a state which has been taking care of the situation in Arctic, therefore has the inalienable rights to conduct necessary measures in social and economic terms towards natural objects, and also communities within its Arctic territory. 2. That the international law should be improved in order to set up guidelines of code of conduct within Arctic region, especially between Arctic countries, without putting the interest non-Arctic countries aside. 3. Bearing in mind that the future physiology of the Arctic region and the melting ice caps is geographically predictable, the United Nations General Assembly should arrange an agreement to govern the future management of mineral and energy resources in Arctic, as a result of legal exploration(s). For the mankind to have a better adaptation towards climate change, for the future of our environment, and to fulfill the need of our advancing world for energy, we support the conduct of sustainable exploration.

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