White Tiger Essay Essay Titles Nov 11

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The White Tiger Essay titles

Pick one (1) of the following titles and construct your response. Do not forget to support your opinions with references to, and quotations from the text. (minimum !! " maximum #!! words) 1. Discuss the use of humour in The White Tiger. $i%e examples, and show how the author uses humour to achie%e his o&'ecti%es. (. )ome no%els focus on showing aspects of a society* others focus on characters and their psychology* still others ha%e a philosophical focus. +here do you think the focus of The White Tiger lies, -efer to the text in support of your opinions. .. /0o%els are entertaining, &ut they often do more than simply entertain.1 Discuss this statement with reference to The White Tiger. -efer to the text in support of your opinions. 2. The White Tiger is an example of an epistolary no%el (takes the form of a series of letters). +hy do you think that 3diga has chosen this form, and what effect(s) does it ha%e, Discuss, using examples from the text. . Do you think that 3diga is optimistic or pessimistic a&out the future of 4ndia, )upport your opinions with references to the text. 5. 6alram could &e seen either as an e%il murderer, or as a man who tried to o%ercome enormous disad%antages, using the opportunities that were a%aila&le to him. +here do you think the truth lies, )upport your opinions through references to the text. 7. Discuss the relationship &etween 6alram and 3shok, and show how it de%elops throughout the &ook. Pro%ide textual e%idence for your points. #. +hat does 3diga show us a&out relationships &etween women and men in modern 4ndia, )upport your points with examples from the text. 8. )ome no%els deal with fiction in such a realistic way that they seem to &e factual " do you feel that the author of 9he +hite 9iger makes his story too unrealistic to &e true (support this with examples from the no%el) or do you feel that he has &een extremely successful in persuading you as a reader that this story is a&solutely true to life,

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