Alternatives To Imprisonment

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Alternatives to Imprisonment

Alternative to imprisonment Study How effective is it as a form of punishment? Investigate the hypothesis Although it acts as a that black offenders with permanent deterrent of the stereotypically black features offender from the public, it were more likely to get the does not necessarily lower death penalty crime rates, but in some cases having the threat of the death penalty can be effective. Study shows that the majority of the offenders found it useful as a means of reform and it can be seen as an effective form of punishment for low-class crimes that does not necessarily need imprisonment as a form of punishment. Quite effective as it allows offenders to face up to the consequences of their actions, on a more personal level with the victims or relatives of the victims. Strengths Suggests explanations for the causes of discrimination in the judicial system and how race can be a factor. Lab experiment allowed conditions to be controlled such as extraneous variables, increasing reliability. Quantitative data can be statistically analysed and patterns can be spotted between the results and common themes. Weaknesses Lacks ecological validity as it is set in a lab experiment setting where the conditions cannot be entirely applied to real conditions

Looking Death Worthy

Death by punishment, used as a deterrent to permanently protect the public from the offender

ProbationA period of supervision over an offender, ordered by a court instead of serving time in prison

Investigate the experience of offenders on probation orders across England & Wales 3000 participants from 22 probation offices 88% felt it was useful

Quite reductionist as other factors of the offenders need to be considered such as socio-economic status, unemployment, family, peers etc.

Restorative Justice
Focuses on the needs of the victims and offenders, as well as the involved community, instead of satisfying legal principles or punishment

To look at restorative justice in practice and measure its effectiveness in terms Content analysis on 424 research papers More effective when there is a personal victim

Can be applied practically for certain sorts of crimes involving personal victims

Could be seen as ethnocentric as the hits may be mainly based on American and western articles

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