LP 1 Floor Hockey FT

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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Joshua Lombardi School: Springfield College Facilities: Dana G mnasium at Springfield College $ 10th nit!Theme: %loor &o'(e /)assing Control/*tili+ation Date: 1/28/2014 Time: 30 minutes Lesson #: 1/1 Class Size: 4!" Generic Le"el: Grade:#th

#$%ipment: 1, 10 ho'(e sti'(s 2, - floor ho'(e balls 3, 10 'ones 4, .histle -,//////////////////",///////////////// Foc%s of Lesson: )assing for %loor &o'(e St%dent Performance &'(ecti"es )SP&*: )N+SP# #,,,- .+ CF #,,, Tas/!+cti"ity #,,,*
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

)P* Complete a 3!person 0ea1e during pra'ti'e 0ith 1002 a''ura' , 345S)6 718 95 C% 2,1:8 5'ti1it 71!3; )C* 6<plain 0h it=s important to mo1e 0ithout the ball and e<plain the s(ill 'ues for passing 0ith 1002 a''ura' 0hen as(ed b the tea'her at the end of the lesson, 345S)6 728 95 C% 2,1:8 Closure; )+* >espe't the tea'her? all other students? and e@uipment and parti'ipate safel throughout the entire lesson, 345S)6 7-8 95 C% 2,2"8 Ahroughout Lesson; Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate? Teacher Performance &'(ecti"es D%ring the lesson the teacher 0ill: *se his 1oi'e loudl ? 'learl ? and effe'ti1el , 6ffe'ti1el use the 0histle to sho0 students to stop 0hat the are doing and pa attention to the tea'her, Special Considerations 1hat are the safety concerns2 1hat is %ni$%e a'o%t the st%dents in this class2

Students need to (eep their sti'(s on the ground and onl use them for 0hat the are made to do, Students need to (eep their heads up as other students 0ill be running around and passing as 0ell, 3eferencesB 3in'lude page 7 and/or a'tual 0eb site address; Graham? G,? &olt/&ale? S,? )ar(er? 9, 32013). Children Moving: A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education. 3#th ed,? pp, -24!-2#;, *nited StatesB 9'Gra0 &ill,

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