Dow Book 4 - Piping

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ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. Texas Division This book remains the property of Dow Chemical U.S.A. and the party to whom issued will be held responsible for its return. Acct. No,___ 4402 Date May 1980 Richard L. Spore Issued to. Company. Dow Cheniea} Co. DINA LDPE Address. <> PIPING DESIGN MANUAL 11-15-79 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS TEXAS DIVISION <> DESIGN MANUAL - Piping RB 3-15-80 Texas Division Page 1 of 1 PIPING DESIGN MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Topic Page 1 Scope : 2 Objective 1 3 Orientation North Arrow lL : Legends and Synbols a ' Valve and Pipeline Synbols 4a pbeeeeeeeee eH ANBREA, AML SIBRAEER ercecereeeerceceeceeceeceecercenceccees Ad Layout _ Mechanical Equipment 8 Pipe Casings, 8 Size of Casings 9 9 8 8 Casing Vents Bolt Holes ~ Orientation Loose Flanges 19 Maximum Allowable Stress for Pipe 10} 20 Piping and Inscrument Coordination Wt Fire Protection Piping Use of Plastic Pipe In Flanmable Fluid Service Te: valve Selection is! Examination and Inspection 15! 16! DESIGN AIDS <> Page L prpine 11-15-79 DESIGN MANUAL Scope These instructions are intended to cover the design and drafting of all pipe and details under the system of photo-drafting or simplified drafting techniques. Objective The objective 4s to produce a complete set of drawings for the install- ation of piping. The objective of any engineering drawing is to transmit information in graphic form. Drawings are not an end product but must be useful to the end user. Under this Divisions's system of transmittal of data to the field, it {s possible for all engineering disciplines’ work to appear on one drawing. The piping portion should cover the pipe sizes, material of construction, locations, supports, insulation - tf required - and all other information pertinent to the installation of pipe. Orientation of North Arrow 3.1 On all new work, the north arrow will normally point either up or to the left and should be located above the title block. Generally, when several drawings are involved, the north orientation should be the same on all drawings. 3.2 In photographic drafting, it will not be possible to follow the normal orientation convention. In this case, it is essential that the north orientation be shown isometrically if necessary. Scales The following scales will normally be used for piping drawings. However, all drawings should be nade to a scale adequate to show necessary information in a clear and concise manner. 4.1 Photo-Drafting - No scale is required. =_ Design Manual - Piping Group Page 2 11-15-79 Scales (continued) 4,2. Iso Projections ~ No scale possible. All work should be in proportion; ise., do not show 80" of pipe scaled 2" long and have a 6" run of pipe scaled 6" long. 4.3. Orthographic Drawings ~ Noraally used 3/8" = 10". 4.4 Detail sheets for shop fabrication should not be drawn to scale but should be so drawn as to show all pertinent details and shall be adequately dimensioned. Dimensioning 5.1 The primary purpose of dimensioning piping assembly drawing is to give the dimensions required to enable the field forces to fabricate and erect piping. 5.2 Only those dimensions which have been established by the design or from known Field conditions will be placed on the drawings. All other dimensions taken from existing drawings shall be noted as approx- imate and will require field checking. DO NOT take dimensions from ex- isting drawings as fact. The use of these dimensions, unless verified by field check, can lead to errors. In general, the drawings should be so dimensioned that it will not be necessary for the field forces to add or subtract any drawing dimensions to arrive at the dimensions necessary for actual fabrication. This is especially true for location dimensions. "Don't pass your problems on to the field forces". 5.3. All dimensions of one foot or more shall be in feet and inches. Dimensions under one foot shall be in inches. <> Design Manual - Piping Group Page 3 1-15-79 5. Dimensioning (Continued) 5.4 5.5 3.7 Fitting or valve dimensions should not be given except in the case of special fittings or valves (control valves are special and the face-to- face or end-to-end dimensions should be given). A valve aay be located at sone definite point aot adjacent to an ell, tee, or similar fitting with a dimension to the flange of the valve. Dimensioning to valve center lines should be used only when lining up a group of valves such as a manifold. In general, dimensions and elevations of pipe shall be given to the centerline of pipe. However, in cases of pipe runs on pipeways, on structures or on trapeze hangers, the deviation may be given as bottom of pipe or top of steel. On underground lines where the actual elevation of the pipe cannot be given due to contour of ground, a "ainimum cover" should be given and the following note included in the drawing: "Where 'ainimum cover’ is noted on the drawing, the actual elevation at which the pipe is laid shall be determined by the contractor so that a miniaum of excavation will be required, except that all lines must have at least 18 inches of cover. The actual amount of cover required will be specified by the individual, Job." Dimensions to, or elevations of, equipment flanges or connections should be given on the piping drawings. Where doubt exists as to the exact nozzle location on tanks, vessels, pumps, etc., the piping to these connections should be shown with a field weld, loose flange or a note for field verification. ‘The term, "B.0.P,E1." (bottom of pipe) should aot be used where some pipes in the group referred to are on shoes. A better call out is "'T.0.S.E1." (top of steel). The designer aust exercise good judgement with the use of either term. The shoes should be shown on the elevation views of the pipe along with the shoe specification, length and height. <> Design Manual - Piping Group Page 4 11-15-79 Legend and Symbols 6k 6.2 ‘All piping for Engineering jobs shall be shown as a single line. In con- gested areas or places of possible interference, portions of pipe (usually 6" and larger) and fittings can be shown in double line to insure that possible interference has been considered. Standard Dow symbols for valves and fittings shall be used. These symbols are shown in Design Aids 41-250 and 41-251. Care should be taken during the drafting stage of a project to show fittings as called for in the piping specifications. For example, welded fittings should not be shown for mitered ells. Valve and Pipeline Designations Tah 12 7.3 All pipelines should be identified by size and, if possible, by line number or name. The drawings should indicate short sections of in. sulation on all insulated lines as specified on che line schedule. Directions of flow in the pipeline should be shown by an arrow. Valves should be identified by code ("V" No.) number as specified in the piping specifications. Hangers and Supports a.1 8.2 3.3 Location of all hangers and supports should be shown on the piping drawings. Reference to the proper standard detail for all clevis, trapese or bracket hangers must be shown on the piping drawings. Uninsulated lines shall be laid directly on supporting steel or hung on pipe hangers. When hung on pipe hangers, all pipe should be hung from individual rods. One pipe should not be supported from another. > Design Manual - Piping Croup Page 5 11-15-79 . Hangers and Supports (continued) 8.4 Shoes and guides should be in accordance with Engineering Specifications 42-650 through 42-455. See notes on these specifications for method of call out on drawings, shoe length, shoe height and other design information. See Engineering Design Aid 41-410 for Thermal Expansion of Pipe Data, and Engineering Design Aid 41-400 for Shoe Sizing chart. 8.5 Guides on concrete supports will require a special detail that will satisfy the particular circumstances. 8.6 Pipe spans between supports should not exceed the span shown on Engineering Specification 41-422. 8.7 Pipe spacing should be in accordance with Engineering Specification 41-421. Layout 9.1 The piping layout must take into consideration the operation of che system, the necessary flexibility for thermal expansion, clearances for operation, clearance for maintenance of piping and equipnent, accessibility of valves, instruments, etc. Insulation over equipment and piping aust be considered in allowing for clearances. 9.2 In existing plants, do not encroach on existing alleyways or access ways for cranes, welding rigs or other maintenance equipment unless all interested parties, {-e., Production and Maintenance Department, have been notified and agree to the proposed encroachment. 9.3 Changes in direction, i.e., north-south co east-west, should be accompanied by change in elevation. Generally, when changes in ele- vation are from one level to the next, pipe shall be run vertically within the intersection. When changes in elevation are more than from one level to the next, the vertical run shall be nade outside of the pipeway. <> Design Manual - Piping Group Page 6 Layout Continued); 9.4 Acid and caustic lines in pipeways shall be placed in the lower tier of the pipeway or on brackets outside of the pipeway so that they will be easily accessible and so that possible leaks will not normally affect the other lines. Line Routings - All Line routings must go through the Pipeway Department for approval. See Texas Division Safety Standards Numbers 38 and 43. See Civil Engineering Specifications 21-040 and 21-050 for Unit Ownership Limits. Railroad Crossings ~ All underground lines crossing railroads shall be checked with the Railroad Department before proceeding with design. No piping, hazardous or non-hazardous, cased or uncased, should be located with top of pipe or casing less than 30" below top of rail. 170. For cased pipe see Engr. Spec. 4: Levee Crossings - See Hurricane Progection Levee Pipeline Crossing Permit Drawing - Civil Engineering Specification 21-060. 10. Clearances 10.1 Adequate clearances must be maintained between pipes and structures, equipment, conduit, etc., to allow for installation, maintenance, and operation. For minimum clearances between pipes, see Engr. Spec. 41 4ai. 10.2 Clearances should be maintained so that any valve, heat exchanger, prepther piece of equipment can be maintained or removed without disturbing any other equipment or piping. It is imperative that the clearance be maintained to pull heat exchangers, tube bundles and vertical pumps. All flanged valves 2" and over shall have valve stem length drawn to scale and shown in plan. 10.3 Clearances should always be maintained consistent with good engineering practices, but never should be less than: Design Manual - P. lo, <> ng Group Page 7 @ 1-15-80 Clearances Continued): Railroads ~ Railroad Clearance Diagram ~ See Civil Engineering Speci- fication 25-010, Railroad clearances must be shown on piping drawings. Main plant roads - Typical Road Section 150' Right-of-Way -- See Civ: Engineering Specification 21-020. Typical Road Section 200" Right-of- Way —- See Civil Engineering Specification 21-030. In buildings and above walkways and platforms, vertical clearance should be 716". In general, plant areas on stanchions, vertical clearance to be 13'0". Electrical - The space immediately below the ceiling in all structures is reserved for electrical use. This space shall extend down one foot below the ceiling bean so as to provide a minimum of one foot clear space. Floors - Pipes shall not be run near the floor in walkways or working spaces in such a way as to create a hazard. Piping routed near floors should be placed beneath the flooring or in trenches. Horizontal Clearance: 570" Equipment Removal Isles 3'0" Main Operating Isles 26" Secondary Operating Isles 210" Access Way <= Design Manual ~ Piping Group Page & Li-15-79 11, Mechanical Equipment 11.1 Mechanical connections between tanks and other equipment not set on the same foundation as tanks must be designed for flexibility necess- itated by tank mov: nt C0 pieces of equipment. Vertical tanks on ring foundations are more often than not designed for some settlement. Rigid piping connections from these tanks to pumps is only one of several cases that should be avoided. AlL such installations on each project should be checked through the Civil Group. 11,2 Bach plant has a fixed B.0.S. (bottom of steel) elevation established during the original plant construction. Under normal circumstances, this B.0.S. 1s to be followed when installing new equipment. However, the designer must exercise care that this fixed elevation for yard equipment is not incorrectly used for such things as compressors, dryers or other package units. Seldom should an unhoused conpressor without an operating floor, for example, be on a foundation tuo or three feet above grade. ‘The entire unit can be raised unnecessarily high from an operation or maintenance standpoint. In general, adhere to the plant B.0.S. unless design features dictate changes. Make sure all interested parties are avare that the plant elevation is being violated. 12. Pipe Casings Pipe casings are required on all crossings under the following conditions. (See Engineering Specification 47-170 for design and installation.) sss On pipelines carrying flammable or hazardous liquids or gases. s+++ On all lines crossing under State or County roads and railroads outside the plant limit. The minimum cover shall be as required by the crossing permit. + On all lines with less than 18” cover (1) Passing under an established ditch flow line, or (2) Passing under roads other than one surfaces with concrete pavement. <> Design Manual - Piping Group Page 9 11-15-79 13. Size of Casings 14. 15. 16. A Inside dianeter of casings shall be a minimum of 4" larger than the outside G4ameter of the Line to be encased. Casing Vents Vents shall be installed in each end of the casing only when the pipeline contains flammable gas, chlorine, or any volatile flammable liquid or where permits require that casings be vented. Vents shall not be required on any lines where open ends of the casings are exposed. Bolt Holes - Orientation Bolt holes on all pipe and manhole flanges shall straddle the natural center lines. Necessary deviations must be called out on piping drawings. Loose Flanges Loose flanges should be provided for final fit up in the field in all cases where short, stiff runs of pipe connect two pieces of equipment. in example is a vapor line between a reboiler and a tower. Traps, Vents, and Drains 17.1 All Lines should be provided vith 1/2" minimum size vent and drain connections at high and low points. 17.2 The 3/4" couplings and plug may be preferred for vents and drains unless otherwise specified. 17.3 See Paragraph 2,5 of Engineering Specification 47-110 for underground pipe drain requirements. 17.4 All steam, air, and gas lines shall be trapped or drained at all low points. Steam lines shall be provided with érip pockets and traps on both sides of vertical loops. _ Design Manual - Piping Group Page 10 1-15-79 18, Safety Disconnections 19. 18.1 Where vessels or other equipment are connected for partial operation, Provision must be made for positively disconnecting all hazardous lines to each unit from the battery so that safe access may be had to one unit while the others are operating. For individual units, a positive method shall be made available for disconnecting every hazardous Line while it is either out of service for repairs, inspection, or the like. In the case of pumps, this should be accomplished by providing a re movable spool piece at the pump suction and discharge. 18.2 Potable Water Cross Connections When necessary to use potable vater for process purposes or as a standby for non-potable water, it shall be connected to a gravity tank in such a way that contamination of the potable water is impossible. This usually 1s required by various State las. For aethods of cross connections between potable water and other waters, see Design Aid 41-120. Maximum Allowable Stress for Pipe Stresses and reactions due to thermal expansion in piping systems shall be calculated in accordance with the ANSI Code for Pressure Piping, 531.3. Installation temperature shall be assumed to be 70°F, and thermal expansion will be calculated from that temperature to the normal operating temperature. Cold springing of pipe shall be used in special cases, as follow Where service conditions are causing excessive local strain and such strain could be relieved by judiciously cold springing. To reduce thrust and moments on equipment or anchors. <<>> Design Manual - Piping Group Page 11 11-15-79 20. Piping and Instrument Coordination a Instrument connections are to be shown and identified on piping drawings regardless of whether these connections are on piping, vessels, towers, exchangers, pumps, compressors, etc. The first block valve for instrument connections should be shown on the piping drawings. Piping drawings are to show, completely piped, all control valves, cage~ type level controls, cage-type alarm devices, gauge glasses, sight flow indicators, orifice runs, rotameters and all other in-line instruments. Tt is the instrument engineer's responsibility to have available to piping, before needed, all dimensions of the above. Piping is to design and show all major instrument air supply headers, 1-1/2" or larger, complete with take-off connections and block valves. The instrument engineer will locate the take-offs. The instrument engineer, at the start of a job, will review the process Elow sheets to assure all instrumentation is correctly tagged. Corrections and/or additions are to be given to project engineer as soon as possible. The instrument engineer will furnish Piping Group with a list of the correct tagging for all instrumentation shown on piping drawings. The instrument engineer is responsible for all instrumentation shown on the piping drawings, vhich includes measurement points, instrument location, control valve piping, etc. Piping responsibility 1s to show and identify all instrumentation requested by the instrument engineer. Steam Traps Install per manufacturer's design details and vhere they will be easily accessible. Steam traps should normally be selected with 2 safety factor of 2 applied to the condensate load. <> Design Manual ~ Piping Group Page 12 11-15-79 22. Relie® and Safety Valves Relief and safety valves shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of one of the following codes: ANSI B31. Codes for Pressure Piping, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code - whichever may apply and the Texas Division Safety Standards for Pressure Vessels and Relief Devices. See Engineering Desien Aid 41-310 for safety valve installations. Job piping specifications will be followed. Relief and safety valves shall be installed so as to be accessible for checking and testing. All relief and safety valves shall be installed in an upright position. Section 9, paragraph 9.2.1, of the Texas Division Safety Standards for Pressure Vessel and Relief Devices and paragraphs UA-354 and UA-355, Section VIII, Div. 1, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code permit the use of stop valves on safety valves as long as certain precautions are taken. Texas Division is more strenuous than the code. The Pressure Vessel Comittee has formulated the following guiding principles to be used for installing stop valves on pressure relieving devices: 1, Each installation of a stop valve on the inlet or outlet of 2 pressure relieving device must be approved in writing by a major manager, and will be submitted to the insurance carrier for information. 2. If stop valves are gate valves, they shall be installed with the sten in the horizontal or sloped downward position to reduce the possibility of the line plugging due to a dropped gate. Discharge piping for relief and safety valves shall be supported so as not to put an excess stress on the safety valves and to permit removal of the valves for maintenance. Safety valve tail pipes usually require support when the L/D vatio is greater than 10. <=> Design Manval ~ Piping Group Page 13 1-15-79 22. Relief and Safety Valves (continued Drains shall be provided and discharged as near the valve as possible. Discharges from relief and safety valves shall be installed in such a way that they will not create a hazard or a nuisance, 23, Welding Specifications The Engineering Specifications for piping cover normal welding requir nts. ALl product piping specifications refer to 47-110 which requires welding to conform to ANSI B31.3 and Engineering Specification 96-901. However, special problems may arise which should be covered by special instructions. For example, carbon steel lines handling conductive products such as caustic, cell effluent, brine, and sea water, should be welded with 1/2% nolybdenum rods to prevent rapid deterioration of welds. For further information consult Mechanical and Metals Technology. 24, Fire Protection Piping, Fire protection systems should be reviewed with the Loss Prevention Engineering Department before and during the planning and engineering of the job. Do not hesitate to ask for advice and recommendations during the course of the project. For water spray (deluge) systems Engineering Specification 47-102 applies. For wet pipe systems, 47-101 applies. Concrete pipe per Specification 46-950 should be used for supply and buried mains wherever possible. Plastic piping (except plastic lined) shall not be used above ground for Fire protection purposes. Routing and support of piping should comply with Engineering Specification 47- 102, Par. 4.10.5. The following sketches indicate the recommended methods of installing block valves, location of same, etc. Sprinkler piping proper should normally be included in the general contract. 2h. > Design Manual ~ Piping Group Page 14 11-15-79 Fire Protection Piping ~ (continued) Engineering of the sprinkler system proper should either be included as a part of the engineering package or have the engineering done by a firm specializing in fire protection engineering. In either case our instructions should state the equipment or facilities to be protected, the type of system desired, required densities, layout of factlities, location of water and air tie-ins, etc. Stipulate that the system shall be approved by I.R.I. (Industrial Risk Insurers). 5 Page 15 Design Manual - Piping Group 1115-79 2h, Eire Protection (Continued): POST INDIC. VALVE I aU" *SEE ENG. spec, 47-102 RADE Non --if ———g suey MAIN MIN. 6" - SPRINKLER MAIN TERMINATION INSIDE BUILDING (PREFERRED) *™ CAST IRON VALVES NOT RECOMMENDED ! ABOVE cRoUN “3 (SUPPLY MAIN MIN. 6" —S ~ SPRINKLER MAIN TERMINATION OUTSIDE BUILDING so! IN. SEPARATION ~- |-— LEAVE SPACE FOR BASKET couermenr or |" DELUGE VALVE REMOVAL PER MANUFACTURER STRUCTURE TO 2 RECOMMENDATION BE PROTECTED| STRAINER — RW. HEADER Z_ ee SEE NOTE ABOVE et---4---2 WATER SPRAY (OELUGE) SYSTEM — PLAN <> Design Manual ~ Piping Group Page 16 11-15-79 25, Use of Plastic Pipe in Flammable Fluid Service Plastic piping materials should not be used for flammable fluids without approval of the Texas Division Loss Prevention Engineering Department. This applies to plastic lined pipe, also. (See Safety Ref. 33) 26. Valve Selection When selecting valves, avoid those with non-standard face-to-face dimensions. This will minimize interchangeability problems when replacing the valves. (See Safety Ref. 55) 27. Examination and Inspection Piping systems designed in accordance with Texas Division Specification 96-901 and ANST B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping. 28. Test Piping Systems shall be tested in accordance with ANSI B31.3 and Engineering Specification 47-120. <> DESIGN AID Design Manual - Piping Group 41-112 11-15-79 THERMOCOUPLE AND THERMOMETER WELL CONNECTIONS For services not exceeding 1500 psi. ‘Show coupling or elbolet size on drawing. Size will usually be X"but J6"ond 1" sizes are sometimes required. 2" weld ell oF larger Welding reducer o sw, nipele BLE Clieck with Instrument Section for size tend type connection. On amell lines where it is necessory 10 TYPE 1 increose the pipe size to accomodate the (Linea 2°& Larger inea 1478 Smoller well, use welding reducers onwelded ——("ine# 28 Lerow) (Cines VA°8 Smaller) Piping aystem, and use swage nipples CONNECTION IN ELBOW with large end bevelled for welding (BLE), on threaded piping system. Welding reducer or ‘sug. nipple BLE Where elbolet is not available in moterial 45° required, 3000# full coupling may be used. A2" screwed tee with hex heod steel bushing may be used on threaded piping pis Use of Type 2 oF 24 to be specified by Instrument engineer. 2" pipe size oF larger AAs a general rule, Type I ond Type 3 can be used interchangecbly, but Type | is TPE 2 TYPE 24 preferredbecause the well length con be (Line 2"& Lorger) (Lines 14"@ Sealler) inereosed without citering well location. However, if use of-Type 1 or 1A would 45° CONNECTION IN VERT. OR HORIZ. LINES place @ thermocouple or thermometer in tn undesireable or second best location, use Type 3 or 3A 3" pipe si ot larger 1: "Min. heat “Ca000# fil eovsting (Theeadelet may be used for 4" ond lerger pipe T Welding reducer size, except full coupling eaate TYPE 3 istered on inslaned’ | EIT) oF 48 ile BLE lines. 7 TYPE 3A (Lines 3°& Lerger) (Lines 2& Smaller) 90° CONNECTION IN VERT. OR HORIZ. LINES <> Design Vanuat = Pfotag Group DEStaN azo RECOMMENDED pagel of 1 CONTROL VALVE BYPASS SIZES NOTE: The piping DESIGNER SHALL use the chart shown below only if the valve size is unavailable from the flow diagram of ‘The piri instrument engineer. ECKER SHALL NOT use this chort unless otherwise instructed by piping leadmen. Basis for sizing control valve manifold bypass valves when size is not indicated on the flow sheets. Block valves shall be gate or cocks, bypass valve 4” size and smaller shall be globe; 6° and lerger, gate valves shall be used. LINE " a" . ” o rd ” " a . cme van [aan | oe | ot | 2 | 4 6 a" | "| CONTROL 1 > VALVE | yeas VALVE size size | oe | 7 7 1 va" |ovan| aan] oe | oan | | + t + ve bel te Pe " | weft | oe | oat |e \ j ] j 1 1 | og foam [oar | oan | oan | Tai | ar | 1 | i——F _ | | ylelelele a | { Tar tie [io | io] on e loo loan | en 3" a" | to" | 10" 10" 10" 2" 12" | 12" Exceptions: 1. Full line size bypass volves required forthe following when specified by he instrument engineer. 2. Veporization or valume increase requites full line copecity. b. Gravity flow with low pressure drop across contral valve. Requirements for future expansion. 4. High pressu 2. Bypass valves around control valves with reduced trim shall be specified by the instrument engineer. drops where cavitation could occur. <<>> DESIGN AID Design Manual - Piping Group 412120 CROSS CONNECTION BETWEEN POTABLE AND RIVER OR SEA WATER 11-15-79 POTABLE WATER HEADER LOCK VALVE CONTROL VALVE pane = "— FUNNEL-FABRICATE FROM STEEL PLATE c CK VALVE ce ead ro pxccess Pup fe — CHECK VALVE Soe ve LEVEL conTRoL ——=| wiox vate A RIVER WATER —e (GR SEA WATER HEADER 1. ALL PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS TO BE IN ACCORD WITH JOB SPEC. 2. UNDER NO COADITICNS WILL ANY DIRECT CONNECTION BE PERMITTED SE A POTABLE WATER LIME AND A RIVER OR SEA WATER LINE, PRCCESS LINE VESSEL. ee 3. WHERE ELEVATION OF TANK IS HIGH ENOUGH TO ACT AS A MEAD TANK ANO SUPPLY SUFFICIENT WATER PRESSURE, THE PUMP AND PUMP VALVES MAY BE CuITTED. 4, PER DOW TEXAS DIVISION SAFETY STANDARD NO. 27 and Texas Division Safety Rule H.5. >_> Design Manual - Piping Group DESIGN AID 41-121 CROSS CONNECTION Le BETWEEN WATER SERVICES (NOT To BE USED FOR POTABLE WATER) DISCHARGE LINE TO PRCCESS SHUT-OFF VALVE | —— : SHUT-OFF FABRICATE FUNNEL FROM 1/8" STEEL PLATE. STAND-8Y WATER SERVICE SWAY PLUG VALVE V=29 OR v=30 ORAIN TO SEWER NOTE: = DETAIL IS SHOWN FOR FLANGED VALVES. FOR THREADED PING USE SCREWED SHUT-OFF VALVES WITH V-38 SCREWED 4eWAY PLUG COCK. DITIONS IS THIS NECTICH 70 8E US ON POTABLE CORINKING) WATER LINES. <> DESIGN AD 41-131 Design Manual - Piping Group 115-79 Page 1 of 2 COLD SPRING SPECIFICATION FOR COLD SPRING IN HOT LOWES PURPOSE: ‘The purpose of this design aid is (1) to define Cold Spring, (2) to indicate properly how Cold Spring will be shown on drawings, and (3) to check and record Cold Spring installations by means of an inspector's report. DERONTTTON: Cold Spring is an allowance made for expansion. In a normally hot line the vive is cut short vith a gap between the ends. ‘The joint is then pulled together and welded. This stresses the pipe line when it 1s cold and reduces the stress caused by expansion when the pipe heats up to operating temperature. HOW Dwproarep: Cold Spring vill be indicated on dravings by noting the figied dimension as well ag the "rake", or Cold Spring dimension vith an enlarged detail as show velow, or by noting the Cold Spring ina table adjacent to the point in cae line. EXAMPLE, Detai2 "A" Make 35'-25" for iL 14" cold Soring Cold Spring perm "a" THsPEorT’ To insure that al Cold Spring is included in pize lines as shown on the drawings, the Dow construction representative will observe the Cold Spring being put in at each point indicated, and vill uake a revort in duplicate, as per sample form attached, sending one copy to Construction Department file and one copy to the Project Engineer. Complete in 2 Sheets <> DESIGN A2D 41-131, Design Manual - Piping Group 11-15-79 Texas Division Page 2 of 2 COLD SPRING INSPECTION REPORT JOB: DATE: CONTRACTOR, P.0, NO. 1. Line Number: 2. Cold spring shown on drawing: 3. Cold spring detail aumber, if any: 4. Prefabricated pipe, Field fabricated 5. Ambient temperature at time cold spring was pulled and uelded. Pe 6. The distance between pipe ends before che pipe was pulled and welded was inches as shown on the following sketch. ie | 7. TE cold spring dimension as reported above does not agree with cold spring dimension as shown on drawing, explain reasons for change and give authority for change under remarks. Q 8. Remarks: INSPECTOR: DATEs, OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE: DATE: << Design Manual ~ Piping Group Texas Division ion AD 41-250 1ai3~79 Lot2 SHGOLS - VALVES VALVE SCREWED. FLANGED TE Sinele Line ingle Line Double Line axe At at eS i BALL DIAPERAM | sare >t tt —~P_> DESIGN AID Design Manual - Piping Group 41-250 Texas Division 1-15-79 Page 2 of 2 s¥MBcLs VALVE STEMS AND OPERATORS TO SCALE | Ht mH * BUTTERFLY VALVE W/WRENCH GATE, GLOBE OR DIAPHRAM VAL) BALL OR PLUG VALVE W/WRENCH mi) am a we SN Tm BUTTERFLY VALVE W/GEAR OPERATOR mS i L<. uN BALL OR PLUG VALVE W/GEAR OPERATOR BEVEL GEAR OPERATOR SPUR GEAR OPERATOR Notes: 1. DRAW VALVE 5 MS, HANCWH ERS AND WRENCH NGTHS TO SCAL <= DESIGN AID Design Manual - Piping Group _ 21-251 Texas Division SYMBOLS - FITTINGS 11-15-79 SCREWED SOCKET FLANGED BUTT WELDED SPECIALS le Line FITTINGS Tine [Dost Une Seale tine [Omtte Une [ion ELBOWS 90° 2-Weld Miter’ 4. ame | AC [REIN SA l-Weld Miter TEES REDUCERS cocamne | > AD Ss) > REDUCERS ECCENTRIC - HY ch: SWAGE x oe {} 3 ES JOINTS IN Couping | Screwed, Slip-on Weide or Socket-veld STRAIGHT RUNS = +e is) suet Union | Weld-neck or | Lapcjoine BRANCH Saba, id, CONNECTIONS Sochoiet Rrkdoiee (Other than TAP cxosces 7 Buli-plug __| lind Flange weld ap NOTES: 1. Show Flange 0.D. to scale on both single line and double Line drawings. 2. For Swage nipples see Engr. Spec. 41-200. 3. For Miter Ells see Engr. Spec. 43-300. <> DESIGN AID Design Manual - ?. ing Group 41-310 Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 1 of 6 SAFETY OR RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATIONS Relief and safety valves shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of one of the following codes: ANSI B31. Codes for Pressure Piping, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code = whichever may apply and the Texas Division Safety Standards for Pressure Vessels and Relief Devices. Job piping specifications will be followed. Safety or relief valves shall be mounted in an upright position. Safety or relief valves shall be mounted as close as practical to vessel or header nozzle flange. The valve discharge orientation should be such that the moment arm for the load on the nozzle connection is the minimum practical. Discharge Pipe and Fittings: 3/8" Weep Hole for atmospheric vents — Use valved drain if vented to heade: Nozzle Header or Vessel Discharge piping for relief and safety valves shall be supported so as not to put an excess stress on the safety valves and to permit removal of the valves for maintenance. Safety valve tail pipes usually require support when the L/D ratio is greater than 10. Dual installations, installations with inlet runs and fittings, and other installations that are aot close coupled may or may.not require additional support. Each installation must be reviewed to determine the support require~ ments. In addition to external support requirements each such installation shall be reviewed as to the need to have all SV inlet pipe, fittings, and valves the same minimum thickness and rating as required for the header or vessel nozzle. Check each nozzle for reinforcement requirements. >_> Design Manual - Piping Group 41-310 Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 2 of 6 Means must always be provided to bleed off any pressure which might be trapped above or below relief devices. The space between a rupture disc and safety relief valve must be provided with a pressure gauge, free vent, or suitable tell-tale indicator to permit detection of disc rupture or leakage. If pressure is allowed to build up in this space, the disc will not burst at design pressure. _ di-a10 Design Manual - Piping Group 11-15-79 Texas Division Page 3 of 6 nts 7. Dual Relief Valve Arrang: ARRANGEMENT "A" - 3-HAY BY-PASS VALVE Expendable Plastic Cover (Typical) /8"Weep tole (typical) 3" vaive for Pressure Relief Sway by-pass valve must be installed with port arrangement as shown. Manufacturer: Atwood-Morrill ARRANGEMENT "" - 3-WAY - 2-PORT PLUG VALVE Expendable Plastic Cover (Typical) 3/8 Weep Hole (Typical) <> Design Manual - Piping Group stato 7 Texas Division -15~ Page 4 of 6 Dual Relief Valve Arranger ARRANGEMENT "¢" ~ 3-WAY ~ 2-PORT VALVE WITH PROTECTIVE FRANGIBLE DISC nts (continued) ‘Expendable Plastic Cover (Typtecai) y Relief Relief U Valve No. 1 Valve No. 2° Rupture Disc-———-=3 4" Coupling (Typteal) "valve (typ-) consider excess flow valve L. R. Weld ELL >_> Design Manual - Piping Group Texas Division Page 5 of 6 8. Relief Valve Piping Connection to a Conmon Discharge Header Vent Header 4 § 3eWay 2-Port. Valve Ses Note No. 1 2B Leday l-Port, Valve See Note No. 1 ox Safety Relief Valve ——“ oa \—_— 3-wey 2-Port Valve See Arrangement A Arrangement D Arrangement E Vent Header s 3eWey Ball Valve Atnos. Atmos. See Note No. 2 CS away 2-Port valve “Ey Es See Note No. 1 Sefety Relief Valve a Coupler and Hendle: See Note No. 2 Rupture Dise (42 required) Arrangenent F Arrangenent ¢ <<>> 41-310 Design Manual ~ Piping Group Li-L Texas Division Page 6 of 6 8. Relief Valve Piping Connecting to a Common Discharge Header (cont'd) Vent Header Block Valve See Note No. 3 See Note No. 3 Safety Reliev Valve —*4 eo 3-Way 2-Port Valve — be Sf = See Arrangenent A Arrengenent 5 Arrangement J Line Blind —#+———* “7 Note No. 1: "fransflo or wideport" type plug valves only shall be used. (The Atwood Morrill 3-way, by-pass valves are permissible if properly installed per Arrangement 4.) Note No. 2: Pacific Valves, Inc., Fig. 4-830 (special design) 3-way, 3-port, 2-position, 90° turn, ball valve is approved for this type arrange- ment. Coupler and handle to be installed so that as one valve is opened the other valve isclosed during 90° maximum turn. Coupler must have an indicator for flow direction. To use Arrangements H or J approval from a supervisor responsible to the General Manager is required. An authorized supervisor aust be present when the block valve or line blind is closed or opened. <> Design nauuas = r2ping Group Texas Division DESIGN azD 41-400 CHART FOR SIZING SHOES ON HOT INSULATED LINES 115-79 Maximum Expansion in Inches and Support Shoe Required (For Carbon Steel, Carton-Moly Steel and Low-Chrome Steel Pipe.) Max. Temp. | Distance from Anchor to Shoe in Feet of Line 20 [4060 | a0 J too | 120 J 140 | i6o_| 120 _| 200 200° F 20 | 0 | 60 | 0} 1.00] 1.20 | 140 | 160 | 1.80 | 2.00 360° F a7 | 94 | 141 | 1.88 | 2.35 | 292 | 3.29 | 376 | 4.23 | 4.70 450° F 63 | 1.26 1.90 2.50 3.16 | 3.80 | 4.48 | 5.06 | 5.70 6.32) 480° a | z E jl . 5 5 | 80° F 69 1,38 2.06 275 3.44 | 4.13 | 4.82 | 5.50 | sas = 560° F 86 | 168 | 252 | 3.36 | 4.20 | 5.04 | 5.98 | 6.72 | 7.56 | 8.40! 580° F 88 1.76 2.64 3.52 4.40 | 5.28 | 6.16 | 7.04 7.92 8.80 680° F 1.02 | 2.05 | 3.07 | 4.10 | 5.12 | 6a a7 | aay | 9.32 ————— 700° F 13 [225 | 338 | «so | 5.3 | 7.38 | 9.01 }10.13 | 11.26) 750° F 123 | 2.46 | 3.70 | 4.93 | 6.16 | 7.39 | e.62 | 9.86 [11.09 | 12.32 Expansion based ” ‘ne "3" sign e on going from ‘AN Shoe [Size “B' Shoe] Size “C"" Shoe | Size “D'" Shoe 70°F. ombient | (4"Mox. Movement) |(7"Max. Move.) | (10"Max. Movement) {13"Mox. Move.) For 3" Shoe see Engineering Spec. 42-450 For " Shoe see Engineering Spec. 42-451 For 5, 6, & 7"! Shoes=see Engineering Spec. 42-452 <—_ Texas Division Design Manual - Piping Group DESIGN AID 41-410 11-15-79 ‘THERMAL EXPANSION OF PIPE L Linear Thermal Expansion (inches per 100 ft.) in going from 70°F. to indicated temperature. Material 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 | 1000] 1100|1 Cerbon Steel Carbon-moly Stee! Low:chrome Steels. 0.94 | 1.71] 2.50 | 3.35 | 4.24 | 5.14 | 6.10 | 7.07 | 8.06 | 9.05} 10.00) Intermediate Alloy Steels (5.Cr Mo thru 9 Cr Mo) Temperature F 0.99 | 1.82] 2.70 | 3.62 | 4.60} 5.63 | 6.70 | 7.81 |8.89 10.04} 11.19} Austenitic Stainiess Steel (Type 304,316,304, 2T4L.3474 1-46 | 2.67 3.0 | 5.01 | 6.24 } 7.50 } 8.80 }10.12 /11.48 ]12.84 | 14.20 — Monel 1.22 | 2.21 | 3.25 | 4.33] 5.46 | 6.64 | 7.85 | 9.12]10.42]11.77) 13.15 —- Aluminum 2.00 | 3.67 | 5.29 | 7.17 | 9.03 Copper-Nickel (70 Cu~30 Ni) 1.33 | 2.40 | 3.52 Nickel 200 [106 [2.01 | 2.95 }3.97 | 4.99 [6.08 [7.17 = 9.3e [10.51| 11.64 NOTE: Use 12" Tong shoe for 4” max. movement. Use 18" lang shoe for 7" max. movement. Use 24" long shoe for 10" max. movement, Use 30"long shoe for 13"max. movement. Max. movement is based on shoe being installed centered over supporting member. For more complete thermal expansion data, if needed, see ANSI Code for Pressure Piping B31.3, 1976, Appendix "Cc". <> Design Manual - Piping Group DESIGN AID Texas Division 41-426 11-15-79 Page 1 of T IDENTIFICATION OF PLASTIC PIPE Scope: The purpose of this Design Aid is to establish a uniform procedure for identification of plastic pipe. Use of this system should minimize existing hazard of breakage of plastic pipe by stepping on or using such pipe as anchor point for rigging. 1 It 4s the responsibility of the operating department to determine locations where use of pipe marking is necessary. Marking of pipe should be handled individually by each operating area. 2. Pipe markers are available from the Division stock department. These markers consist of a split polyethylene tube (yellow and black in color) which can be placed by hand over existing piping. These markers are available in sizes for 1/2", 3/4", 1-1/2", 2", and 3" pipe. Sizes larger than 3” can be special ordered. 3. ‘The intent of this Design Aid is to secure identification of plastic pipe 3" or less diameter. Marking of pipe larger than 3" is left to the discretion of area supervision. 4 As a guide, it is suggested that markers be placed at strategic locations such as riser and "I" joints, valves, and areas where plastic pipe is exposed to damage during routine maintenance or by pedestrain or vehicular traffic. For long continuous runs of pipe in low exposure areas, markers every 50 feet should be sufficient. >_> Design Manual - Piping Group ‘Texas Division ‘TEXAS DIVISTON DESIGN AID pom 11-15-79 SOIL THPERATURE TABLE Depth Maximum Minimum Below Temperature | Temperature Grade, Ft. °F °F 0.5 90 4g 1.0 86 33 LS 85 55 2.0 83 56 3.0 BL 58 4.0 & 6 5.0 8 62 6.0 TT 6 7.0 7 65 8.0 7 6 Mote: ‘Temperatures based on readings taken in Block 3-4 between Maren 1966 and Narch 1967. Block 3-t Grade is 7.6 (Sea Level Datum). >_> rene orrosron Design Manual ~ Piping Group RECOMMENDED SUMP PIPING ARRANGEMENTS To eleminate vortexing the water should enter the effluent duct with 2minimum ‘of turbulence and at a low velocity. Mininum Spacing and ‘submergence dimensions aré indicated. Teeeeeeeenl “OTTOM TO BE LEVEL FOR MUL OF 50 See Chart page 2 of 2 for “H" mace MAIN CHANNEL VELOCITY 2" /sm. 2"/SE. 21/SBe. 2" /smc. 2" /SBC. t 2'/sac. anh —|\)) = Maw Con Tear — a /sx0. at /sac. Change of direction for %™," ur/sec. ism. See Table to determine ".” ieigor. 4/se. 4'/sac. nd Wexas Division Design Manual ~ Piping Group Page 2 of 2 CHART OF RECOMENDED MINIM SUBMERGENCE VS VELOCITY 1% O 16 18 im | _! LL 2 13 = 12 eu ry lo |} _}_ 2 9 = 8 3 7 ve 36 Oo 5 | & ws 2 4 4 9 3 a 2 ' x ! ul Pipe inteke dianet a = Pipe intake a: Design Manual DESIGN AID Piping Group 47-100 3-15-80 Page 1 of 3 HYDRAULIC DESIGN OF FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS (DELUGE TYPE) Calculate the surface area to be covered. Supply water at the minimum rate (density) of 0.15 - 0.50 GPM per sq. ft. depending on the hazards and items to be protected. The water supply should be a minimum of 55 PSIG and a maximum of 3000 GPM for each system. (Consult the Loss Prevention Office for this data) Locate nozzles in the required positions to supply adequate coverage. The coverage can be regulated by changing the location, nozzle orifice size, and discharge angie. 3.1 Locate the nozzle a maximum of 36 inches from any specific item to be covered. 3.1.1 Don't overlook insulation thickness, as too close proximity can result in an inadequate area of coverage. 3.2 The orifice size controls the flow rate according to the equation of Q=kvP. "Kk" is a factor that is characteristic of the type nozzle and orifice size. 3.2.1 The standard nozzles used are usually either "Grinnell" or "Stargard". The "kK" factors for each can be found in Vendor Catalogs. After locating the nozzles, route the piping from the source to each nozzle in the best possible manner. Design all pipe supports to handle the weight of the pipe full of water. Design Manual DESIGN AID Piping Group 47-100 3-15-80 Page 2 of 3 41 While routing the pipe, keep in mind that a 1/2 inch pilot air/nitrogen line must parallel and be supported by the water piping. The pilot line provides an automatic trip of the deluge valve when the Tusgble Tink in a pilot head fuses from overheating (165-175°F) 4.1.1 1f air is used, low points in the pilot line where moisture could condense and freeze must have drains. Determine elevations of all nozzles and hydraulic reference points. (Points at which pressures must be balanced. This occurs where there is @ split in mass flow) Determine pipe lengths (center to center of fittings) and the number and type of fittings used in the branch lines and headers within the piping configuration. The hydraulic calculation procedures are best explained in NFPA-15 Appendix A-7010. 7.1 Calculations are an iterative process. For any system and particularly a large one, calculations are best performed with the aid of a computer program which is located on the Honeywell 560. For assistance in the use of this program, contact the Engineering Department Mechanical Section. 7.2 Omit the velocity pressures as noted in A-7010 Section 6. If the velocity pressures exceed 5% of the total pressures, then the error from this omission should be checked. (Note: The computer program does not consider velocity pressures) Pressure drop through the deluge valve and strainer can be found ‘in the manufacturer's catalogs of the different devices. Design Manual DESIGN AID Piping Group 47-100 3-15-80 Page 3 of 3 9. Vendor lists for the Clayton Deluge Valve and other Dow furnished 10. nn. 12. items shown on Page 9 of 12 of Dow Spec. 47-102 can be obtained from the Engineering Department Mechanical Section. Reference Books 10.1 Dow Spec. 47-102 10.2 Loss prevention principles Section 9 and Section 10 10.3 NFPA No. 15 (Contact Engineering Specs. Library or Loss Prevention Office) 10.4 Automatic Sorinkler's “Hydraulic Data For Fire Protection Systems" (Contact Loss Prevention Office or Engineering Department Mechanical Section) Upon completion of the design package, obtain approval from the following: 11.1 Loss Prevention Office 11.2 Current industrial fire insurance agency. Obtain this information from the Loss Prevention Office. After approval, distribute and file the stamped drawings according to the directions of the Records Handling Group (8-2401) 11-6-73 INTRODUCTION Dow Personnel are encouraged to use these Engineering Specifications as 4 guide and as an engineering time saver. They are not to be used as a substitute for good engineering judgment. The individual design problem may require a better and more ecencmical method, substitution of material, or alternate procedures for the work. The Engineering Specification Guide (yellow sheets) were developed specifically for use by Dow personnel and their issuance is normally restricted accordingly. Contractors are encouraged to submit alternates they consider to be better for the job to the Dow representative for approval. Suggestions, changes, or information that will assist in improving the Engineering Specifications are invited and should be directed to: Division Engineering Department, Dow Chemical, U.S.A., P. 0. Drawer K, Building B-2401, Freeport, Texas 77541. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @ 3-15-80 ‘Texas Division Page 1 of & ALPHABETICAL INDEX BOOK & AIR SYSTEM, SUPERVISORY, FIRE PROTECTION -- ALARMS, FIRE PROTECTION —- ANCHORS, PIPING Base Elbow Support Fire Hydrant Branch Line_-- Hot Insulated Piping --02 AUTOMATIC WATER SPRAY SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION -- BASE ELBOW PIPE SUPPORT -- BEAM CLAMPS BOXES AND COVERS, VALVE -- CASINGS, PIPE, ROAD AND RAILROAD -- CLAMPS Beam for Pipe Hangers ~- CLAY SEWER PIPE - COLD INSULATED PIPING SUPPORTS CONNECTIONS, PIPING Insulating Flanges, Electrical Isolation ~ Wash Down CROSS CONNECTIONS (See Connections, Piping) DELUGE VALVES, FIRE PROTECTION — — DRAINAGE AND SEWER PIPING, VITRIFIED CLAY DRIP POCKETS . . For High Pipeways VER 202) 43-203 For Low Pipeways 143-200, 43-201 ELECTRICAL ISOLATION OF FLANGED CONNECTIONS ELBOW, MITER - EMERGENCY EYE WASH ~- EMERGENCY SHOWER ~~ EMERGENCY SIGNAL SYSTEM ~ EXPANSION, STEEL PIPE EYE WASH, EMERGENCY FASINERS, PIPING (See Guides and Fasteners) FIRE HOSE RACKS - FIRE HYDRANT Guard ~ Installation ~ Pipe Anchors FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Deluge Monitor Nozzle Installation Sprinkler FLANGE INSULATION FOR ELECTRICAL ISOLATION ~ Gas onort! GUARD, FIRE HYDRANT > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® "Texas Division Page 2 of 4 Book 4 Index 3-15-80 GUIDES AND FASTNERS, PIPING U-Bolts Fastners Guides ~ HANGERS, PIPE (See Supports) HEATING DETECTING DEVICES, FIRE PROTECTION -. HOSE Wash Down = Water Racks Fire and Service ~ Fire, Wall Mounted Recessed HOT INSULATED PIPING SUPPORTS Anchors HOT WATER STORAGE Horizontal with Steam Coil Piping — INSTALLATION, GENERAL PIPING ---. INSTALLATION, PLASTIC LINED PIPE, VALVES, 6 FITTINGS -- INSULATED PIPING SUPPORTS (See Supports, Piping) INSULATION, ELECT, ISOLATION FOR FLANGED CONNECTIONS -- LAPS, COLD FORMED ~- MITER, ELBOW MONITOR NOZZLE IN TALLATION, FIRE PROTECTION NIPPLES, SWAGED PIPE SPACING PIPE SPANS —- PIPELINES, TRANSMISSION General Specifications (Limited Distribution) — Welding Specifications (Limited Distribution) PIPING, FIRE PROTECTION Deluge System Fire Hydrant -- Sprinkler System - PLUMBING, GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS —- Suggested Fixtures RACKS, FIRE HOSE RECONDITIONING VALVES ROAD AND RAILROAD CASINGS ~ SAFETY EYE WASH SAFETY SHOWER 43-6015 {43-601 <-> @ 7-15-78 ENGINEERING SPECIF..ATTON Texas Division Alphabetical Index - Cont'd. SAFETY SHOWER AND EYE WASH SERVICE HOSE ~- SEWER PIPING, VITRIFIED CLAY SHOES, PIPING, HOT INSULATED PIPING SHOWERS, SAFETY ----- SLEEVES, PIPING, ROAD AND RAILROAD — SPRAY SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION ~~ SPRINKLER SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION -—- SUPERVISORY AIR SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION STEAM PIPING Drip Pockets For High Pipeways -. For Low Pipeways Traced Lines Copper Tubing Steel ~ STORAGE TANKS, HOT WATER (See Hot Water Storage Tanks) SUPPORTS, PIPING Adjustable, Screw Jack Type —-——---~—~ Angle Iron] Bolted Clip for Hanger Rod Attachment — Trapeze-Type, Bolted Trapeze-Type, Welded Welded -- Base Elbow ~ Beam § Channel Clamps Bumper Base Pipe on Steel ——-—-—~. Insulated Pipe on Shoe ——-- Clamps Beam, for Pipe Hangers —- Side Beam Clamp Clevis-Type Cold Insulated Pipe ——- Uncovered Pipe ~ cold Insulated Piping —- Dummy-Leg Extension Piece for Side Fire dydrant Branch Line Guide Sleeve for Cold Insulated Pipe Hangers, Hot Insulated Pipe ---- Hanger Rod -- manana Hot Insulated Piping Anchors ------————-==———— Hangers Shoes ~- Non-adjustable Base~Type for Horizontal Lines Base~Type for Vertical Lines —~ Pipe Slide — Riser Clamp —- <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION im Mri 79 Texas Division ® Page 4 of 4 INDEX - Book & SUPPORTS, PIPING (Cont'd.) Saddle, Cold Insulated Lines Saddle, Eel-Slip —- Shoes, Hot Insulated Piping /42-450} Sleepers Precast Concrete & Structural Steel Beans —-—— Precast Concrete Pads & Structural Steel Beans — [h2-428! U-Bolts Bare Pipe - Cold Insulated Pipe --—-—-— Fasteners ~ Guides Welded Eye Rod Weldiess Eye Nut ~-—---------————. TANKS, PIPING Rot Water Storage (See Hot Water Storage Tanks) TESTING PROCEDURE, PIPING TRACING, STEAM (See Steam Piping) TRAPS, STEAM (See Steam Piping) U-BOLTS, PIPING (See Supports, Piping) UNDERGROUND PIPE, CASINGS, KOADS & RAILROADS Casings, Roads & Railroads ~ VITRIFIED CLAY SWERE PIPE VALVRS, RECONDITIONING ~-— WASH DOWN HOSE, PIPING CONNECTIONS ~-— WATER DELUGE SPRAY SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION WATER HEATERS (See Hot Water Storage Tanks) WATER SPRINKLER SYSTEM, FIRE PROTECTION <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-101 Texas Division EMERGENCY SIGNAL SYSTEX ‘Air Horn Dow Stock No. 91-5075 & = 3" x 2" long nonel hex head bolts, nut, and washer 1/16" thick Rainbow Rubber gasket - cut to naten Pipe and Vane Assenbly Dow Stock Ho. 01-5080 — -b Solenoid Valve _2 Te @ Air Supply Piping Dow Stock No. & per Engr. Spec. 46-043 1b-3481 Explosion a proot TR1" veto standard "Alert-Zvacuate Coder" availa’ Dow Electric Shop. 2. Solenoid valve is 115 volt, 60 hertz, | " Breo", ae Air supply block valve to be located maximm of 7'-0" above operating level. Pipe and vane assembly from Dow Stock. orn ® on fron Dow Stock. Horn must be mounted on vane ore assembly. 5. See Dow drawings 25-1-357A1 and 37-1-3214100 for details of construecion. ALERD-SVACUATE CODER (order Fron Dow Electric Shop) -102 ENCINELRING SPECIFICATION @ visi Texas Division Page | of 1 TYPICAL MONITOR NOZZLE INSTALLATION RATED AT 500 GPM AT 100 PST ® 350 GPM AT 50 PST 4 YP | | 47 4g" SCH. 80 GALVANIZED NIPPLE Be" Vo 713. ait yeug ay-62. ® 3!" SCH. 80 GALVANIZED NIPPLE . PIPE TO NEAREST DRAIN OR TRENCH. GRADE 6 RIVER WATER LINE COR LARGER) NOTES: 1, Stang Monitor Nozzle Installation No. 101918-1, with four-inch, 150-1b. flanged base available through Dow Fire Department. Designer ~ Consider traffic guard, if applicable. See Engr. Spec. 43-624. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 41-103 ® x 15-79 Page 1 of 1 TYPICAL FIRE HYDRANT INSTALLATION PIPING SHOWN DOTTED NOT SPECIFIED ON THIS SPEC. { GUARD-SEE BC: emi SPEC. 43-42. ANCHOR-SHS ENGR. SFHC, 42-115. THIS SUPPORT REQUIRED ON 150" AND 200' RIGHT-OF-WAY. D0 NOT WELD TO PIPE. aval 4H ANSI 1504STO.F.S. FLAT FACE SCREWED FLANGE BRASS MALE ADAPTER 4" TPS X Gig NAT. STD. FY 8 4" CAP = BY FIRE DEPT. + FINISHED Grave 2g OF GUARD AND FACE OF FLANGE 20'-0" TO & ROAD ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division TYPICAL FIRE HYDRAM ‘PIPING SHOWN DOTTED NOT SPECIFIED ON THIS SPEC. | GUARD-SEE ac! aNe1 SPEC. 43- ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS 41-140 5-15-78 Page 2 of 4 Texas Division ® - Pressure~’ ‘emperature Limitations 4.1 No pressure-temperature limits are set by this specification. Due to the many variables in each hot tapping operation, pressure— cemperature requirements will be established on each individual job. Equipment 5.1 Before the Sate Work Permit is issued, it must be determined that the equipment to be used is designed for the pressure and temper- ature conditions involved. 6.1 Welding procedures and welder qualification for hot tapping will be considered as a part of the investigation. The Metal Materials and Methods Development Department is available to assist in specifying welding procedures and qualifying welders. Safety Clothing ‘The physical characteristics of the material in the line or equipment must be evaluated. Depending on the corrosive, toxic, or flammable characteristics of the material, suitable protective clothing such as acid hood, acid suit, gloves, eye protection, etc., mist be worn by the workers. A face shield must be worn by the workman doing the welding and drilling operation. 8. Special Consideration 8.1 A pre job safety meeting with all concerned will be held. The location of shutoff valves upstream and downstream from the hot tap location should be verified so that the valves may be closed quickly in an emergency. 8.3 Pressure in the line or equipment to be hot tapped should be reduced to the lowest value compatible with continued operation of the unit or system. The maximum working pressure value will be used in the investigation. 8.4 The flow of material should be maintained during the welding operation on lines to be hot tapped. 8.5 Inspect valve for lugs that may interfere with cutter, thus causing expensive delays. Check valves to see that the gate will open to line size. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-140 Texas Division @ 5-15-78 10. 8. Page 3 of 4 6 Caution aust be used in welding on small enclosures and tanks to avoid excessive pressure build-up from thermal expansion. -7 Check in advance to verify that ample space is available for tapping machine. Verify measurements so that hot cap cutter can be retracted through the valve and that pilot bit will not bottom out. 8.8 Dow's department representatives shall mark the spor on vessels or lines to be hot tapped to avoid errors in location and/or idencification. 8.9 Nozzles for hot tap shall be on the side or top of the main if possible to minimize possibility of malfunction of valve due to cuttings. 8.10 Report changes in registered pressure vessels as required. 8.11 Split clamp-on type fittings are available vhere ing is unsafe, and should be considered. Testing 9.1 After welding is complete and prior to drilling, a pressure test of 1-1/2 times the design pressure shall be made on the nozzle. The hot tap machine should be tested to a pressure exceeding existing Line pressure. Hydrostatic or pneumatic test shall be used. Testing may be waived if authorized by the Process Representative. Test material should be compatible with material in the line. 9.2 Steam lines shall be tested with steam at line-operating pressure if possible in order to simulate actual operating conditions. Clearance Diagram 10.1 The clearance diagram below is for use as a rough guide and is based on conservative requirements for 150# - 600# valves. If a problem is encountered with these dimensions, one or more omers of tapping equipment can likely furnish a machine that can be adapted to the re~ quirements. This should be verified in advance. Contact the Engineering Department for further information. c(Min.) Clearance for Machine [~—~71 and Worknen. ! 2 (sin.) 3/4" Coupling, Optional | (For Pressure Test)—te A (Max.) Yin. Schedule 80 for 13" Nozzles <_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division A (Max.), Tn. 72-2 14 29 3 14 29 4 13 39 6 15 39 8 16 39 10 18 39 12 27 39 16 35 36 16 45 36 18 a7 56 20 45 36 2% 39 56 30 35 36 36 32 36 hatha T-1-6T ‘Texas Division VALVE BOX CONCRETE OR TTL Cover to be provided only wnen specifies on Duos. oF 8. where valve stem extends thru cover, opening shall be proviced. Where hang’ wheel extends above cover, use Cover made in two sections. x 12 Treated Wood Cover itn 2 x'W"ko06 Clip. N brace 2 Vitreous Tile or Concrete Solit Pine | 4 Chip out, so = ay to allow 3" Clearance for Pipe & Sand, Snell, Gravel or Concrete CROSS SECTION . ELEVATION Note: Band with wire to hola sections together until fill is placed. This valve box to be used only for service lines in locations where post inaicator valves or stanoard valve box with extension stem is not requires. Do not use in shellea or paved areas, or adjacent to any roaa. Where split tile or concrete pipe is not available, valve box may be constructed of poured concrete. No outside form is nec~ essary except above grade. >_> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-200 Texas Division 7-15-79 Page 1 of 1 SWAGED NIPPLES pipe size [14 [ae] v2 daa | 1 [ra | via [2 [ai | [a REDUCTIONS ve fia [we jel ia [ie ta] wa lie (ve Avettmsre | V8 | & {ahr [shou shew | thou | thro fohrw | theo fthev hee va |oa lia _iaa| rv | via teva) 2 fails VERAI | OveRALL pave |2avefaava 3 jaa} 4 jaa leva} 7 |e je “"X"" = Overall length minus thread engagement. (Te |g Ora THREAD ENGAGEMENT NECESSARY TO MAKE A TIGHT JOINT Treo sze [ve | ve [ae |v [au |i [ma lua [2 [aa 7 va | 3a [ae |v jens adie | une [3 [1516 1 [114 NOTES: 1. Swoged nipples are normally threeded on both ends. They are available with one or both ends bevelled for weld- ing.(At on extra cast of 20% in small quantities.) 2. Swoged nipples ore more expensive then welding reducers, 0 do not use swaged nipples with both ends bevelled fer welding unless the extra length of a swaged nipple is necessary. Use a welding reducer. 3. To specify a standerd swoged nipple (both ends threaded) it is only necessary to ive the size. eg. 2"x 1-1/2" Swg. 4. When one end of the nipple is to be bevelled for welding it is necessary to £0 stote. eg. 2" T-1/2" Sug. BLE. If the-small end is to be bevelled for welding specify 2" 1-1/2" Swg. BSE. tis not necessory ta specify threaded ‘ends becouse a swaged nipple is 9 threded fitting. 5. When both ends are to be bevelled for welding, specify 2"x 1-1/2" Swg. Bev. Both Ends. 6. The Tables give the overall length of swaged nipples, the ceductions available, and the thread engagement necese sary to meke c tight joint. Dimension “*X" can be colculated from these tables to assure fitups. However, do not show dimension "X" on deawings. 7. Sizes 1-1/2" ond under are mode Extra Heavy and Double Extra Heavy only. Sizes 2" ond over ere mode in Stendard, Extra Heavy ond Double Extra Heavy. 8. For dimensions of swaged nipples in sizes 6" thru 12 s the W. C. Netti Co. cotalog. << 41-310 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 7-15-79 Texas Division Page 1 o! SAFETY OR RELIEF VALVE INSTALLATIONS Safety or relief valve installations shall be in accordance with the Texas Division Safety Standards for Pressure Vessels and Relief Devices, Section 9, and the API Recommended Practice for the Installation of Pressure Relieving Systems, Part II (API-RP-520) . Safety or relief valves shall be mounted in a vertical position. Safety or relief valves shall be mounted as close as practical to vessel or header nozzle flange. ‘The valve discharge orientation should be such that the moment arm for the lead on the nozzle connection is the minimum practical. Discharge Pipe and Fittings: Free Length 1/4" Weep Hole for atzospheric vents ~ Use valved drain if vented to header. Nozzle Header or Vessel Free length of discharge tail pipe should be a minimum for personnel safety. Discharge tail pipe in excess of 10 pipe diameters shall be supported sufficiently to prevent weight, wind, and vibration loads from reaching the safety vaive. Dual installations, installations with inlet runs and fittings, and other installations that are not close coupled may or may not require additional support. Each installation must be reviewed to determine the support require- ments. In addition to external support requirements each such installation shall be reviewed as to the need to have all SV inlet pipe, fittings, and valves the sane minimum thickness and rating as required for the header or vessel nozzle. Check each nozzle for reinforcement requirements. Arrangement, D Arrangenent. F Vent Header 3-Way Ball Valve Atzos. See Note No. 2 JeWay 2-Port Valve See Note No. 1 Safety Relief Valve See Note No. 4 Coupler and Handle See Note No. 2 Rupture” Disc (af required) Arrangenent F Arrangenent G ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-421 Texas Division PIPE SPACING 7-18-79 Page 1 of 1 MINIMUM LINE SPACING IN INCHES 150# end 3007 PRESSURE RATING PIPE T size] 8, | uw [12] w]e | 6 | 4 2{mfa 1 [ow [ass] uw fs] mmf of os [se [7 fo fo | m ms {| 17 {ie | tal is | 2} wel 9 | a tr ie |e 2 [a7 [wt | om el nt «|e [7 To 3 [ie | wf issf ae | rad | of 9 | 8 4 [ie | we] i] wy) 13] 12] wd 9 6 fwolwl wi wl ul al 2 a [a | wl] wiv] sl w | 2} at wl ial 6 wv [a | al wl iv «|. | 23l 2 w [2 | 2] ww | 2% 400# ond 600# PRESSURE RATING ee tfwle fi |ulw{ n{wl el 7is6 [sis m% | wii] i] uw] a] nu] wl] 9] 7 6 | 2 [el] ilu) se|] n{ wo] 9] s | 3 fe fiwlwlisfuj wf nj of e «| fie [wl is{ wi wi] n [io 6{wlwlviwiwl wi s | 2 | 2 | w/w i7/ is w fala wi wl ie 2 [3 [2 [20 | 20] u [mj al a aw | as | w | 6 Dimensions given obove ore in inches ond are for center to center of uninsulated pipes. Pipe flanges and flanged valves must be steggered. Intulated pipes must have the thickness of the insulation added to the center to center dimensions given for uninsulated lines. Lines with orifice flonges shall be given special consideration. Hot lines should be so spaced that in either the expanded or the contracted position ne adjacent line should be closer then allowed in the obove table. . In determining spacing the line of higher pressure rating shell govern. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-422 i 7-15-79 Texas Division Bee or 1 PIPE SPANS ALLOWABLE SPAN IN FEET STD, WEIGHT STEEL PIPE (Line full of water ond uninsulated) [Pie si [ufafa la fs [efile] |e [ve Maximum [err [1s [te [22 | 24 [28 [22 | a4 2a | a9 | 4 ALLOWABLE SPAN IN FEET SCH. 10 NICKEL PIPE {Line steam traced, insulated ond full ‘of 73% Caustic 1.8 Sp. Gr.) Maximum | | Allowable [12 116 | 20 | 24 ALLOWABLE SPAN IN FEET Regular Weight Copper Pipe ~ Light Drown (Line full of water and uninsulated) 1} mi2|3i4|6 | sli Pipe Size Maximum Alloweble a4} 12} 14 [17 | 20 | 22 x | 2 ENGINEERING SPECI 41-502 CATION ® 315-80 Texas Division Page 1 of 3 le PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS FOR INSTALLATION Applicable Codes and Standards qa 2.1 The completed installation shall comply with the minimum reauire- ments of the National Standard Plumbing Code, latest issue, unless noted otherwise on the applicable drawings or Job Specifications. Pipe, fittings, valves, and other materials not covered by the drawings, job specifications, or this specification shall be in accordance with the National Standard Plumbing code and the following Engineering Specifications: Fuel Gas (Methane) 46-650 Low Pressure Steam and Condensate: aterials ¢ shall be used in the following systems: potable water (cold and hot), river water, air, and nitrogen. Schedule 40 AST! A-120 galvanized Sanitary sewer lines under Buildings and to five feet outside grade beam to be service weight cast iron with lead and oakum or neoprene seals. Sanitary sewer from five feet outside grade beam shall be vitrified clav per Dow Engr. Spec. 41-503 or as specificed on the drawings. Plumbing vent lines may be of schedule 40 galvanized steel or schedule 40 PVC DWV. Drawings BL Inspection 4.1 ate The drawings are diagrammatic and are intended to show or ini the principal items and the general arrangement of svstems and installations, Thev do not necessarily include everv feature which mav be required by code or good trade practice for the completion work. d Tests The drainage system shall be tested by filling with water to over- flow of the highest connection. All other pining shall be tested in accordance with Engr. Spec. 47-120. The tvne test to b conducted shall be svecified in the Job Soecifications or on the drawings. ex inspection, all parts of every plumbing svstem shall be cleaned by the contractor and made ready for overation. Potable water lines will be chlorinated by Dow Utilities Distribution Department. 41-501 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION © 11-15-74 Texas Division Page 2 of 3 Special Reowirements 5.5 & ‘= All exposed pipe openings shall be securelv closed with caps or plugs during installation, and shall remain closed until connected to fixtures or ecuinment. Excavating, Trenching, and Backfilling +2.1 Banks of all trenches shall be shored where applicable in accordance with OSHA Federal Register part 1926, subpart "P" paragraph 1926.652, and all applicable subparagraphs. Sewer or other pive trenches shall be backfilled and tamped by hand to the springline of the pine. Back- filling of the entire trench shall be comnacted ver Dow Engineering Svecification 21-100. 5.3.1 No cast iron or vitrified clay sewer, where it crosses under any road or railroad, shall have less than thirty (30) inches of cover. ts_and Connections 5.4.1 No paint or other coating shall be anplied to exterior of any joint or connection until after insne and approval by the Dow representative. ion, test 5.4.2 Jointing compounds shall be suitable to the designated service, and shall be approved by the Dow representative before use. ot Water aters 5.5.1 No water piping to or from any hot water heater shall be less than 3/4" pipe size. All heaters shall be equipped with an automatic reseating combination tem- perature-pressure relief valve, installed directly in the tank, or pine. Outlet from relief valve shall be piped to a drain. Caution: The cold water supply to steam heated heaters shall be ecuinped with a check valve to avoid hot water backing through cold water line. 41-501 UGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 7-15-77 Texas Division Page 3 of 3 5.6 Insulation 5.6.1 Pipe and equipment insulation shall be as specified in Engineering Specifications 56-501 and 56-506 class E-l, if specified. 5.7 Flashing and Sleeves 5.7.1 5.7.2 All pipes passing through roofs above grade shall be flashed. In finished rooms and other designated areas, chrome plated heavy escutcheon plates with spring or set- screw attachment shall be installed where pipes enter through walls, floor, or ceiling. 5.8 Sewer Connections 5.8.1 Field check location and elevation of existing main before laying out new lateral to existing main. 5.9 Gas Heating Appliances 5.9.1 B . All gas fired heating appliances, including gas hot water heaters, shall be properly installed per this specification and the Plumbing Code and shall be vented outside the building to the atmosphere. Both manually controlled and automatically controlled gas fired appli- ances shall have safety pilots which will automatically cut off the gas supply if the pilot flame is extinguished. All gas fired appliances shall use odorizer gas. 5.10 Floor or Shower Drains 5.10.1 Unless otherwise specified on the drawings or in the job specifications, all floor drains to be Zurn Figure 2-525 or equal, all shower drains to be Zurn Figure 2-415 or equal. All drains shall be of the adjustable type, with inside caulk outlets. All floor drains connected to sanitary sewer shall be trapped. Running trap with double hub vent may be used for a series of floor drains in place of individual traps, unless other- wise specified. <=> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-502 ‘Texas Division 11-15-79 Page | of 3 PLUMBING SUGGESTED FIXTURES lavatories 1.1 Lavatory 1. American Standara 0351.023, 20" x 18" “Lucerne” white vitreous china lavatory with concealed hangers, and wall screws, with 2103.224 Heritage Centerset supply fittings with spray spout and grid strainer, 5R12 chrome plated 4" IPS stop and supply, 701 14" chrome plated 17 gauge "P" trap or equal. 1,2 Lavatory 2, American Standard counter top lavatory 3210.044, white cast iron lavatory on 8" centers, 2248.284 Heritage spread fitting with pop-up drain, 5R12 chrome plated stop and supply, 701 14" chrome plated 17 gauge "P" trap, 111-8 19" x 16" Hudee rim or equal. 1.3 Mirror: 16" x 22" Hall Mack M-1622 framed mirror for wall mounting to be furnished with each lavatory, or equal. 1.4 Towel Dispenser: Scott 979 Trans-o-matic cabinet, for roll paper hand towels to be furnished with each lavatory. 2, Water Closets 2.1 Water Closet 1. American Standard 222.016 "Madera" white vitreous china toilet - siphon jet, elongated rim, flcor mounted, 110 FYVQ Sloan Royal flush valve, 5320.114 Black Church open front seat, no cover, with check hinge, two 481310-100 bolt caps, 4" cast brass floor flange, bolts, nuts, and washers (or equal). 2.2 Water Closet 2. American Standard 247.016 "Afwall” white vitreous china toilet - sichon jet, elongated rim, wall hung, 110 FYVQ Sloan Royal flush valve, 5320.114 Black Church open front seat, no cover with check hinge, Josam C-720-W single horizontal carrier or Josam C-715-W double horizontal carrier (or equal). Note: Type carrier tube specified by the designer. 2.3 Water Closet 3, American Standard 2109,056 "Cadet" white Vitreous china toilet combination, siphon jet, 8124AS stop and supply, 5320.114 Black Church open front seat, no cover, with check hinge, 4" cast brass floor flange, bolts, nuts and washers (or equal). > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-502 Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 3 of 7. Water Heaters ~ Electric 7.1 A. 0. Smith Pen 6 electric water heater, glass lined 6 gallon storage capacity, 2,500 watts, 118 or 236 volts. 7.2 A, 0, Smith Pen 30 electric water heater, glass lined 30 gallon storage capacity, dual heating elements, each element 4,500 watts, 230 volts. 7.3 A, 0. Smith Pen 52 electric water heater glass lined 52 gallon storage capacity, heating elements to be specified by designer, 480 volts. Instantaneous Water Heaters 8.1 See Dow Engineering Specification 41-512. Water Coolers 9.1 Ebco Manufacturing Co. "Oasis" Model ODPISW with pre-cooler, water cooled condenser, stainless steel top, air sealed cabinet. 9.2 Ebco Manufacturing Co. "Oasis" Model O3P@A without pre-cooler, fan cooled condenser, stainless steel top, heavy gage phospha- tized cabinet. 9.3. Explosion-proof water cooler to be Ebco Manufacturing Co. Oasis” Model ODPOX. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-503 Texas Division ® 1-15-80 VITRIFIED CLAY SEWER PIPE 1. Scope 1.1 This specification governs the workmanship, materials, equipment, and incidentals for installing vitrified clay pipe sewer lines. 2. Materials 2.1 All pipe and fittings shall meet ASTM Specifications laters revision, as follows: an q@ Standard strength per ASTM C-700 thru ® Extra strength per ASTM C~700 above 16' 2.1.1 The pipe shall have factory-molded joints that meet ASTM Specification C-425, latest revision. These joints are suitable for liquids having a pH between 2 and 11. 3. Construction Methods 3.1 The pipe shall be installed according to ASTM Specification C-12, latest revision. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 41-304 ‘Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 1 of 1 DRAINAGE AND SEWER PIPING ‘DURIRON NOTE: Duriron pipe and fittings have the same working dinensions as extra heavy cast iron soil pipe and fittings, and are installed the same. Pure asbestos rope impregnated with acid resisting lubricants should be used instead of hemp or oskun. ‘The following table gives the correct amount of packing required per joint. One hundred feet of packing veighs 16 Ibs. SIZE OF PIPE (INCHES) u 2 3 4 6 8 WEIGHT DV 18S, PER JON 0.18 | 0.26 | 0.22 | 0.26 | 0.35 LENGTH IN INCHES 10 2 16 19 26 33 41-512 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @ 1-15-74 Texas Division HOT WATER STORAGE . HORIZONTAL TANK & STEAM COIL - TYPICAL PIPING 30 PST Steam Capillary Tube to Control Bulb Hot Water-Insulated See Note 1 thas ve aya" 11/4" cola ater) —P | Recirculating | Line-Insulated +——_ } ane Model 75 - 1/12 HP i Type and Size to] be specified on eae ° Ve Float ¢ Themostatic Traps Notes: 2. Fulton sylphon No. 1006 (size 1" and smaller) or 1007 (size 1 1/4" or larger) or equal self acting temp. controller - range 125° - 155°F, Bulb Of separable socket type. 2. Steam piping drawings to indicate location of connection in steam main ox branch, Plumbing drawings to indicate location of heater and show location of incoming and outgoing stean and water lines referring to this specification for detail of connections. 3. Insulation on tank to be per Engr. Spec. 56-554. 4, Piping insulation to be in accordance with Engr. Spec. 56-506. 5. All piping, fittings and valves to be in accordance with Engr. Spec. 46-901. 42-101 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @ 5-15-77 ‘Texas Division 3" ANCHOR FOR HOT INSULATED STHEL PIPE 4-'%(g holes for 32 bolts Lo wr3x 10 0'8" long NOTES: 1. Maximum anchor reacting force is 12,000 1b. when anchored to steel, and 5000 Ib. when anchored to concrete. 2, Where force is greater than shown above, special anchors shall be designed to meet conditions. 3. For steel pipe only. For stainless steel, nickel or high alloy pipe see Engineering Specification 42-104. 42-102 4" axCEOR SISULATED — WE 4x 15.5 0°83" long shown above, special anchors shall ce 3. For steel pipe on: x stainless steel, nickel or high alloy pipe see Engr, Specification 42-105, 42-103 ENODEERMIG SPECIFICATION © 5-15-77 Texas Division 5% ANCHOR FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE | "4G fie WT 5 x 19.5 0'8" long VOTES: 1. Maximm anchor reacting force is 22,000 1b. when an and 10,000 1b. when enchored to concrete. norea to steel, 2. Where force is greater then shown above, special enchors shall be designed to meet conditions. 3. For steel pipe only. For stainless steel, nickel or high alloy pipe see Engineering Specification 42-106. IGINEERING SPECIFICATION xas Division 3! aNcHORS FOR HOT INSULATED ALLOY PIPE \ be ee of Mey Oa % 7 oe | . y TSE sane ano as“ 4~'%g holes for 7 I PIPE bolts ' | 3/8" # C.s. WIDE x 8" LONG ASTM A-36 or ZQUIV. NOTES: Le Maximum anchor reacting force is 12,000 1b. when anchored to steel, and 5000 1b. when anchored to concrete. Where force is greater than shown above, special anchors shall be designed to meet conditions. r alloy pipe only. Weldiag shall be in accordance with Engineering Specification 96-901 42-105 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 5-15-77 Texas Division 4"" ANCHOR POR HOT INSULATED ALLOY PIPE 24] USE SAME 4.14 holes — ALLOY AS PIPE for 1" bolts 1/2" C.S. 8" WIDE x 8" LONG . ASTM A-36 or Equiv. 1, Maximum anchor reacting force is 20,000 1b, when anchored to steel, and 10,000 1b. when anchored to concrete. 2. Where force is greater than shown above, special anchors shall be designed to meet conditions, 3. For alloy pipe only. 4, Welding shall be in a ordance with Engineering Specification 96-901. > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION g2-106 Texas Division 5!" ANCHOR FOR HOT INSULATED ALLOY PIPE %e USE SAME ALLOY AS PIPE for ] "bolls. AAG Holes 1/2" c.S. 8" RIDE x 8" LONG ASTM A-36 or equiv. NOTES: 1, Maximum anchor reacting force is 20,000 Ibs. when anchored to steel, and 10,000 1b. when anchored to concrete. Where force is greater than shown above, special anchors shall be designed to meet conditions. 3. For alloy pipe only. 4, Welding shall be in accordance with Engineering Specification 96-901. 42-111 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 1 3" ANCHOR FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE ON CONCRETE SUPPORT MINIMUM: NOMINAL NOTES: 1. 3" Anchor is used on hot insulated lines where 3" shoes are used. For 3" shoe see Engineering Specification 42-450. 2. For Guide see Engineering Specification 42-210. @® 3. Maximum reaction force - 3000 Lb. with ST 3x6.25. ® 42-112 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 1 4" ANCHOR FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE ON CONCRET SUPPORT 4" MINIMUM NOMINAL PIPE SIZE ST 4x9.2 3/16] 3/16 1/4" TYPICAL CONCRETE ANCHOR SUPPORT re NOTES: 1. 4" Anchor is used on hot insulated lines where 4" shoes are used. For 4" shoe, see Engineering Specification 42-451. 2. For Guide, see Engineering Specification 42-210. 3. Maximum reaction force - 6000 Lb. with ST 4Xx9.2. <> 4-113 ENGINEERING SPECIFIVATION Revised 6-15-69 ‘Texes Division ‘BUMPER-BARE PIPE Os STEEL ‘SUPPORT 1/4" Steel Plate 4" thru 10" Pipe Size ® _3/a" steel Plate 12" thru 2k" Pipe Size Mimtmun Noninal Pipe Size @) 450.D. OF PIPE NOTE: @® 1. Buyer to be welded to pipe before cold spring is pulled, if any. ® 2. Forces on support bean to be calculated. < @® 1-15-77 ENGINEER IFICATION Page 1 of 1 ‘Texas Division U-BOLT FASTENER + iy . ® = "v" Bolt to be Carptenter-Paterson Fig. 283 F & S Central Fig. 137 or equal. g pir t Ta , \ J. M 'U-BOLT SUPPORT ——_——} PIPE g M [ PIPE g M 1/2 12 1-5/36 5 5/8 6-1/8 3/ 1/2 1-i/2 é 3/h 7-3/8 1 v2 1-3/h 8 3/4 9-3/8 L/h 2 2-1/16 10 7/8 11-5/8 1-1/2 1/2 2-3/8 12 1 13-3/4 2 ve 2-13/16 Th 1 15 a-r/2 5/8 3-7/26 16 1 lt 3 5/8 A116 18 1-1/8 19-1/8 3-1/2 5/8 49/16 20 1-1/8 21-1/8 4 5/8 5-1/16 ah 1-1/8 25-1/8 NOTES: 1. The U-bolt fastener is used to fasten pipe to a bracket or other support. The pipe run can be vertical or horizontal. 2. Size range 1/2" to 2k" pipe. This is a standard supply house item. 3. When a guide is required to allow movement of the pipe, use Engr. Spec. 42-200. <> he-202 ENGINEERING SPSCIFICATION J-1-6T Texas Division GUIDE SLEEVE FOR COLD INSULATED fiPE ID. OF SLEEVE \! LESS THAN 0,D, OF INSULATION 3/8!" STEEL PLATE PIPE GUIDE- : SEE PIPING DwG. FOR EL. "SQ. LUGS FOR. 3/8" BOLTS NOTE: 1. ALL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED. S STEAM MATH. 3.0.2, Weldolet or Zouel = —__>> 220" e for mains 5” and under for seins 8" and lerser_ _ + 4 T Routing shown Schenstii See piping drawings ye 13" ¥-674 | 11-0" Approx. L L. The exact location of the érip leg = shown on 1 drawings. 2. The steam trep shall not be connecte shoroughly blown down and cL: 3. Pipe, fittings, and insuletion stell ve in accordence Jod specifications. 4. Designers see Ingr. Spec. Guide 43-200. Use Ingr. Spec. 23-202 for applicable conditions. * General Revision <—_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-220 Texas Division ® 11-15-79 Page 1 of 3 PIPE SLIDE SUPPORTS FOR UNINSULATED PIPE (Slide Plate cement type) z Desian: : , - Compressive Strength (PSI)... 2000 [suena | rresze |» | oc | rwesme | oc Geatfcrene of Frcton-static O13 | ‘Loymamic 003 | T } 7 me Maximum Service Tema. plus 750°F l, a : : fe |S {Mem sence Tere none 4 urface "machined and seiiubricatng ? Be Senice Life ‘inimited aaa Wear negigibie > lame |e : al oe MATERIAL Graphite. | : Materials are available from: 7 FSS Central Corp. Fg. 6010 2 so" | 3 . i AMA Technology § Special U-O-1 o equal ‘ ‘ ‘ % 7 ie ra s | owe | s 2 3 = : i x 3 7% ie « | wn | oe 2 a is & ag ™ a 7 | oe | oe 1 % a 2 2 <> . 42-220 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® thins Texas Division Page 2 of 3 PIPE SLIDE SUPPORTS FOR UNINSULATED PIPE (Slide Plate Weld Type ) estan: comaressiveSyenath (1)... 2600 roam | : Gatticlent ot Frcsenste S98 | | Syma’ 38 + 1 Maximum Service Tom. us Fat » jou fa |e iinimum sence Tem rene Surtce” «machined snd sltivbrensng | || Sonics ie Cate - Wear neni j 2 | mes z ‘ FINISH: Painted or hot cipoed galvanized | t Finish to be specified by rr Designer. ape] Materials are avatlabie - is | 3 | F és Central corp. Fig 6020 =] 4A Technology & Specialties Co. ; 4 2 U0-2'or equal. 1 = ps { ° I 30 is rf owe [a | aw | | | 2 | = ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division Page 3 of 3 PIPE SLIDE suPPoRTS FOR UNINSULATED PIPE (lide Plate Bolt Type) & DESIGN: BL fe Le Le Le Le | BE] © | compressive szengtn e950 2009 “| Socticent sr Fdton stave B98 Ths Dynamic 803 sine fat fae fs fae |e |B | BED tasimu sence ra pis 750 | ES) dliktum Seuce rome core Surace”Strachoed and ssifioricatng me] ae | Serce die “ated 2 | mes 2 a2 1“ 3 Me 1 Me 3 Wear. newigible Mik | f | 3] ruvrsu: painted or hot dipped <1} galvanized. Finish to be spect a | eno] 3 2 5 ms 1 2 ss | fied by Designer. a|& . Materials are available fron: a efiae] efi fae fe fw fs |B | Pees contrat corp. Fig. 6040 4 16 2 AAA Technology & Specialties Co. 5s | ise | 6 ase | a8 mm 1% | 20, aL 1-0-5 or equal. Ba . a [ism] ue | sm wie [it Be ™ |e x [3 race fie | am | a | oe wf | 8 2 [8 _> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division PIPE SLIDE SUPPORTS HOT INSULATED PIPE (without Slide Plate Guide) oesian: Compressive Strenats 2009 Coetficient of Frevion—Static 0.15 SOynamic 0.03, Maximum Service Tema. lus 750" Minimum Service Tama. sone Surtace "machined and self lubricating rice Life ‘aime ENGINEERING SPLCIFICATION Texas Division THIS HANGER TO BE USED ONLY INDOORS OR WHERE ATMOSPHERIC CORROSION IS NOT EXCESSIVE. SIZE RANGE, 2" THRU 24" 0.D. INSULATION. THIS IS A LOW COST STANDARD SUPPLY- HOUSE ITEM, EXCEPT FOR THE SADDLE. FOR OUTDOORS OR WHERE BETTER CORROSION RESISTANCE IS RE~ QUIRED, USE 42-304. AN ACCEPTABLE SUB- STITUTE FOR THE STYROFOAM ED-1623 WOULD BE A 6 POUND DENSITY POLYURETHANE THAT HAS A 125 PSI YIELD OR 5% DEFLECT- JON, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AND A COM- PRESSIVE MODULUS OF 3800 PSI. CLEVIS TYPE HANGER FOR COLD INSULATED LINES 42-300 ® 1-15-78 Page 1 of 1 | /-——Rop DIAMETER DETERMINED BY CLEVIS SIZE FOR CLEVIS HANGER AND ATTACHMENTS SEE SPEC. 42-301. ®@ gy 15) ne SUPT. BLOCK, STYROFOAM HD-1623 CEMENTED TO SADDLE WITH BENJAMIN-FOSTER 82-10 MASTIC OR OWNER-APPROVED EQUAL. 1/8" THICK STEEL PLATE SADDLE, 8" LONG. PIPE SADDLE PIPE SADDLE TO BE: Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 265P Power Piping Fig. 136 ¥F & $ Central Fig. 980 or equal. NOTE: 1, ALL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED THAT REST DIRECTLY ON BEAMS MAX 0.0. OF [ HANGER INSULATION | SIZE 3-1/4 3 3-3/4 3-172 Eve g 51/4 5 6-3/8 6 8-3/8 a T0-1/2 To | 2-1/2 12 13-3/4 14 5-3/4 16. W7=3/4 18. 19-3/4 20 23-3/4 24 WHERE 0.D. OF TN SULATION IS BETS THE DIMENSIONS LIST! USE “THE NEXT LARGER SIZE HANGER. 2. SEE ENGR. SPEC. 42-60 FOR COLD SADDLE SUPPORTS <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-301 Texas Division © 1-15-77 Page 1 of 1 CLEVIS TYPE HANGER . FOR BARE PIPE THIS HANGER TO BE USED ONLY INDOORS OR WHERE ATMOSPHERIC A CLEVIS HANGER TO BE: CORROSION IS NOT - EXCESSIVE. SIZE RANGE 2" THRU 24" Carpenter-Paterson, In Figure 100 Power Piping Fig. 11 PIPE. F & § Central Fig. 86 or equal. THIS I A LOW cost STANDARD SUPPLY- HOUSE ITEM. FOR OUTDOORS OR WHERE BETTER CORROSION RE: SISTANCE IS REQUIRED, USE DETAIL 42-303. a [ads wee [apie] votes: pes 1. All Parts to galvaniz mL e Lm) 2. For "I" Beam clamps —|- see Engr. Spec's 1m | 4 | am | am | se | oo 42-440, 42-441, 42~30 a2 3. For welding beam atts 2 ments see Engr. Spec. 1130, 42-306. ne 4. For hanger rod and Me ueldless eye nut see i Eng. Snec. 42-307 & ito 42-308. ‘ato Be 5. Hanger rod size may ee vary with manufactur 2e00 With a minimum saaty factor of 5, > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 42-303 @ 3-15-79 Page 1 of 1 "U" BOLT HANGER FOR BARE PIPE" THIS HANGER TO BE USED OUTDOORS AND WHERE BETTER CORROSION RESISTANCE IS REQUIRED. IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN A STANDARD CLEVIS HANGER. FOR INDOOR LOCATIONS AND WHERE CORROSION RESISTANCE IS NOT REQUIRED USE DETAIL 42-301. NOW, HANGER PIPE A 8 c ROD SIZE ANGLE SIZE INCHES | INCHES | INCHES DIAMETER ou | 2x2x1/4x0! 1/8" a 37] 2x2x1/4x0"= 4-1/3" _[ 1/2" T | Bx2xl [xO 5-1/3" | 5/3" S 3x3x3/8x0' = 33/8" BY | 3x3x3/8x0"— 9-3/8" 10" | 3x3x3/8x1 25/3" T. 3x3x3/8x1, {i3-3/4" " xd 2x1 (is. XAXT/XT v= [1 xAxT [x1 10-1 19-178" | 1-1/8" xAx12x2"-0-175" T=1/8"_[ 1-1/8 Gxdx1/2x2"= 25-1/8" | 1-1/3" 1. HOLES TO BE 1/8" LARGER THAN ROD DIAMETER 2. "U" BOLTS TO BE CARPENTER-PATERSON FIG. 283, POWER PIPING FIG. 207, or F & S$ CENTRAL FIG, 137 MOD., OR EQUAL. ANGLE ON SIZES 18", 20" and 24" HANGER TO HAVE LONG LEG VERTICAL. COMPLETE HANGER TO BE GALVANIZED. FOR WELDING ATTACHMENTS SEE ENGR. SPEC. 42-306. 3 4. 5. FOR "I" BEAM CLAMPS SEE ENGR. SPEC. 42-441, & 42-307. 6 7 FOR HANGER ROD AND WELDLESS EYE NUT NGR. SPEC. 42-307 & 42-308. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-304 Texas Division © 3-15-79 "y" BOLT HANGER Page 1 of 1 FOR COLD INSULATED PIPE TRIS HANGER TO BE USED OUTDOORS AND WHERE BETTER CORROSION RESISTANCE 1S REQUIRED SUPT. BLOCK, STYROFOAM HD- 1.6 2 3 CEMENTED TO SADDLE WITH BENJAMIN-FOSTER 82-10 MASTIC OR OWNER-APPROVED EQUAL. 1/8" THICK STEEL PLATE SADDLE, 8” LONG. | IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN A STANDARD CLEVIS HANGER. FOR INDOOR LOCATIONS WHERE CORRO- . SION RESISTANCE IS NOT NCM.——~ REQUIRED, USE DETAIL PIPE SIZE 42-300. ax. 0. 0.7 RANGER | oF PIPE ANGLE SIZE A 3 c ROD INSULATION | SIZE IncHEs | IncHes | Inches | DIAM, L 3" | 2x2x1/4x0'-6-1/8" | 31/16" | 4- "| wyan| 1/2" [32172"| 2x2x1/4x0"= 6-5/8" | 3-5fion | VE Tease 1/2" aT exex1/4x0"-7-1/8" | 3-7/16" | aT 3/8 5 "| 2x2x1/4x0'-8-1/2" | 315/16" | = f eae Tagagya" aya" Ue 8 "| 3x3x3/8x0"-11-5/8" | 5-3/4" | 7-1/8" | 7/3" TO") 3x3x3/8x1 2-1/8" | 7-3/8" | 8-3/4" EM t 2 T ax3x3/@xl a1 /2" | B= 1/a" [9-5/8 73" { 14" axax1 /2x17 3-5/8" [1-1/4 T [ 16 "| axax1 /2x1* [ 9-5/3" | 11-1/4" i 1g" T6x4x1/2x1-10-1/8" | 10-7/8" (712-678 1-178"! [ 10" | 6x4x1/2x2" -0-1/8" gn | 13-5/8" 1=1/8"| 23-3/4" [24 "| 6xAxl/ex2"=4-1/6" | 13-7/8" | 15-5/8" | 25-178" | 1-1/8") PIPE SADDLE AN ACCEPTABLE SUB STITUTE FOR THE STYRO- FOAM WOULD BE A 6 POUND DENSITY POLYURETHANE FOAM THAT HAS A COM PREHENSIVE ' 125 PSI AT YIELD OR 5% DEFLECTION, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, AND A COMPRESSIVE MODULUS OF 3800 PSI. PIPE SADDLE TO BE: Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 265? Power Piping 136 F & $ Central or equal. NOTES: i. "U" BOLT TO BE CARP: PATERSON FIG. 283, F & $ FIG. 137 MOD, OR POWER PIPING FIC. 21 EQUAL. 2, ANGLE FOR SIZES 18", 20" and 24” TO HAVE LONG LEG 3, ALL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division FOR HOT INSULATED LINES, SIZE RANGE 2" THRU 24", 42-305 © 1-15-77 Page 1 of 1 HANGER FOR HOT INSULATED PIPE WELDLESS EYE NUT i See Engr. Spec. 42-208 or for welded eye rod see Spec. 42-307. 4 iE Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 304 F & S Central Fig. 89 or equal. Aa All For and For For ee cre | sx tee See] 2 [ic [ o | ands | ie 1 vel am) a7 | ass 2 na] sa] zee | asa 2% Me {ew | 259 | ses a | an fam 1945 aul a” |i 1585 e[ 3% fim 27500 3 | 3% ox] os | 2500 6 | ax six] asi | 2865, as | sx org] user | 7065 no [eu fan fa2 [ae | 2x0 nz | 7m fam fis | ass | zee 14 [om f2 [rare | 3982 | 4300 fe from [2 lism | asco | 4300 ie Janm f2 fren | aes | 4300 lao | 12% 17% | 5090 | ‘5400 joa [aa tow | roa | «500 parts to be galvanized "I" Beam Clamps see Engr. Spec. 42-440, 42-461, 42-307. welding attachments see Engr. Spec. 42-306. hanger rod see Engr. Spec. 42-307, 42-308 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-306 Texas Division 1-15-77 Page 1 of 1 WELDED BEAM ATTACHMENT FOR ROD HANGERS or Seal Weld _—— Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 113 F & S Central Fig. 966 Power Piping Fig. 200 or equal. Hanger Rod - see Engr. Spec. 42-308 Hangs s ARRANGEMENT #1 ~ USING HANGER ROD =) [omen], |, Lemmmiomae WITH ATTACHMENT ose Pepe esorr | 50°F %* | warn fie | 2] s | m| mf so | si we | wea fie} 2 [a | om] om | uo | oo w | xem fim] 2s | fa’ |e | iso me | wxsu fim | 2] 3 | | im | eno | 2200 mfr fae] 3a | 3 fae] am | a7 | aso r | weraw fam | |e lim dine | tooo | aso we | taxeu fou [| * [re [am | caso | 5200 wm | tars fae] 3] s [mm] 2 | sooo | 5560 ta |omes [os | | 6 | am] mm | asi | 9700 we [weer fs | s | 6 [2 | 2% | 1500 | ico 2 | awem [su] s | 6 | a} au | zor | e100 zm | annem | ou | 6 | 6 | 2m | se | aroo | aceo a [| maxon |u| 6 | 6 | om | | asco | seco * With a minimum safety factor of 5 or the allowable stresses in the ANSI Code for Pressure Piping il Seal Weld — jl UsING S0%r AND EYE R00 c / Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 1138 h Power Piping Fig. 201 or equal. |-4— Eye Rod See Engr. Spec. 42-307 t 2 ARRANGEMENT #2 NOTES: 1, All parts to be galvanized 2. 2RC welds. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-307 ‘Texas Division 1-15-77 Page 1 of 1 HEAVY DUTY BEAM CLAMP AND WELDED EYE ROD HEAVY DUTY BEAM CLAMP p Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 314 t fi F & S Central Fig. 271 BE se aed, sa [wae [ae [ea] ce pose Ra] mp apa Plorm | SS) SY 8) gS e PSS] SE | La] a) es $f ostes) SEL SY RPS] SS [Pasa p ots] =| ae yf ose | 8S |e] 2] 2] os b [osm] | me] a] 2) Se 2 (°O") as | at] 2] 2] 2s 2 | asiosl ag | ae] | 3] Se =] + [ae] [om] m] cow wef ose [RN] a [iyi] oe B | oar [ates [som [te |e] soe eG" fae [as in|] Se 5 | ston[ ates [toe [oe |e] som WELDED EYE ROD ons ‘ Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 93 ==> F & S Central Fig. 23 + te 3 : Power Piping Fig. 85 or equal. | moma eee l= elie =) peel) | | a ve | | | mm | a | iv | im | te | ie 2 mm | te | om | cp faatapeelsle@>s ts)? ts)». (MAR Rec. 5 3710,| 3770 | 4960 | $230 | 8000 18700 | 20700| 27200 | 33500 PGE | co [iso | wie] a0] 70 fe] Tiss [sen [7 NOTE: 1, All parts to be galvanized

Yeato' ENGINESRING SPECIFICATION Revised 6-15-69 ‘Texas Division 3" ANGLE SUPPORT-BOLSED 10 PIPE (BoR 13" AND SMALLER LINES) SPAN AS NOTED ON Dac. U-BOLTS TO BE GRINNELL FIG. 137 OR EQUAL & 4 © i Ta ~ 3" x 3" XH" L CGALVANIZED) NOTES: 1. Angle and U-bolts to be galvanized. @® 2 check with Structure Department for Load capacity. <> 2-410 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Revised 6-15-69 @ee ® Texas Division 2" ANGLE BRACKET BOLTED Lene OTES: 1. Angle iron shall be galvanized. Welds and cuts made after galvanizing shall be coated per Bngr. Spec. 57-271. 3. Pipe lines shall be U-bolted to support unless otherwise specificd. 4, Use 3-unit expansion anchor for fastening to existing concrete. 5. Maximun load for maxinun length: 500. (This allows for 1/16" corrosion.) 6. Any load greater than 500} must be checked with Structural Dept. 7. Designer may shorten as required with notation on drawing. <> haha ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Revised 6-15-69 Texas Division 3" ANGLE BRACKET BOLTED a 15/16" $ holes for 3/k" g anchor volts ® NOTES: 1. Angle iron shall be galvanized. 2. Welds and cuts made after galvanizing shall be coated per Engr. Spec. 57-271. + Pipe lines shall be U-bolted to supports unless othervise specified. Maximum load for maximum length; 900 1b. ®©82e® © 3 4, Use 3-unit expansion anchors for fastening to existing concrete. 5 6 + Any load greater than 900 Ib. must be checked with Structural Dept. 4-420 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Revised 3-15-72 ® ‘Texas Division TRAPEZE HANGER MELDED e a ee 5 gs 3x3xd 6 gas 3/8 3s ABE G ES 203 8 Span - As noted on érawing ® POST Metin NOTES: 1. Complete support to be galvanized. Welds and cute nade after galvanizing shall be coated per Bngr. Spee. 57-271. Usbolted to support unless o' Se specified. to be Grinnell 137, Carpenter 23, or Pover Piping Co. 207 galvanized. 3. Maximm span 5'-0", Be Max m concentra ted load 625 Lb based on 51-0" span. 5+ Maximus unifora load 250 1b. per ft ion 51-0" span. 6. Show span and height sides, if remired. n drawing 1685 ilever on one or both faxciiau Check with Structural Section when loads exceed those m ioned above. ‘ENGIVEERTH SPECIFICATION Texas Division BOLTED Yo Win. Spon - os noted on dwg. ranized. 1. Complete support to ve 2. Pipe lines shall te U-tolted to support U-belts to ve Grinnell 137, Carpenter 263, 3. Maximm span 51-0 don 51-0" span. 4, Maximum concentrated lead 600 5 on 51-0" 5: é. cantilever on dg? galvanized, one or both sides, 42-427 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 1 PIPE SUPPORTS PRECAST CONCRETE BEAM AND STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAM Concrete Pad 114" Dia, Cored Hole for a #6 Dowel aay rene St 4 x4 = 4/4 Welded Wire Fabric pete | CONCRETE PAD DETAIL NOTES: 1. Concrete shall be in accordance with Engineering Specification 32-010. 2. Structural steel shall be in accordance with Engineering Specification 38-010 and shall be galvanized. 3. Concrete pads shall be set level and shall be dowelled with a #6 dowel grouted ‘in place. <> he-hey ENGIVEERING SPECIFICATION 6-15-69 Texas Division PIPE SUPPORTS PRECAST CONCRETE BEAM AND STRUCTURAL STHEL BEAM Concrete Pad 1s" Dia. Cored Hole for a#6 Dowel ; JH fH 4x4 — 4/4 Welded Wire Fabric [.—1'=0" | CONCRETE PAD DETAIL NOTES: 1, Concrete shall be in accordance with Engr. Spec. 32-010, 2. Structural steel shall be in accordance with Engr, Spec. 38-010 and shall be galvanized, 3. Concrete pads shall be set level and shall be dowelled with a #6 dowel grouted in place. he-le8, ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION : ® 9-18-74 Texas Division PIPE SUPPORTS PRECAST CONCRETE PADS AND STRUCTURAL STEEL BEAMS TO BE USED ONLY FOR PIPING RUNS WHERE THE B.0.P., ISNOT MORE THAN 12” ABOVE UNDISTURBED GROUND NOT TO BE USED AS ANCHOR POINTS FOR'STEAM LINES OR OTHER PIPING WITH:APPRECIABLE EXPANSION sex a ag PIT TYPE 6A — CAPACITY 4,500 LBS. TYPE 4A ~ CAPACITY 4,500 (6-FOOT SLEEPER WITH 2 SUPPORTS) (GZFOOT SLEEPER WITH 2 SUPPORTS) [== pone ae TYPE 68 — CAPACITY 6,000 LBS. (6-FOOT SLEEPER WITH 3 SUPPORTS) TO DESIGNER: ® ‘Spacing of pipe on'sleepers shall conform to Piping Design Aid 41-421 and load should be distributed to develop uniform bearing as near as possible. NOTE: Supports to be spaced 20 feet apart unless otherwise shown on drawings. For detail of concrete sleepers and pads, see Engr. Spec. 42-h27. TABLE SHOWING WEIGHT OF 20 FEET STANDARD ST! Size of Pipe cL FPE FLED WT RATER_| a a te |e | aor Lae Weight in Pounds as | 32 | 630 yoo | voz | 200 _ | S 42-430 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ata Texas Division @® 9-15-76 ADJUSTABLE SADDLE STAND This support is used where it is necessary to take the pi load off « pump or other euip- ment, and where height odjust- ment is required. It is intend- ed to take vertical loads only. No anchor bolts ore required. It connet be used where the line can move horizontally. It is NOT o pipe stanchion. Where periodic adjustment is, not required, use Detail 42-432. ADJUSTABLE PIPE SUPPORT BERGEN-PATERSON FIG. 137 F&S CENTRAL FIG. 420 MOD. POWER PIPING FIG, 72 OR EQUAL Max. length of 2° pipe. 2 = O"for 10* line 3. 0"for 6"and 8"lines 4. 0"for 2" thru "lines T J¢——Fes CENTRAL FIG. 720 MoD. 1" STO. WT. PIPE FOR 2" ¢ 3" LINE SIZE Us!" STD. WT. PIPE FOR 4" LINE SIZE is" STD. WT. PIPE FOR 6" & 8" LINE SIZE § 2" STD. WT. PIPE FOR 10" LINE SIZE £ 2 Yq" vent hole é 67x34 x 6" bose plate. 7 (Anchor bolts not required) iu Complete suppert to be galvani <—_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division This support is limited to o length of 30" with a maximum vertical load of 1000 Ibs. For lengths greater than 3'0" oF loods greoter thon 1000 Ibs. check with Structural Section, Specify anchor Lolts where vibration or pulsation of line is to be expected. Specify grout where it is desired to raise bose of support above sleb 10 avoid corrosion, 42-431 ® 9-15-76 NONADJUSTABLE BASE SUPPORT FOR VERTICAL LINES | dL SS £3 x 3% length to suit foo Weld "nut or rod t pipe in Feld Nut or rod to be same material as pipe. aa Galvanized "U" bolt, Bergen-Paterson Fig. 283, AAA Tech. Fig. 051 or equal. T_} 4 Elev. as shown on drowings sat bolts. See Note 3. —— 84x % x 016" SECTION "B-B" NOTES. 1, Complete support to be galvanized. 2. Grout not required unless called for on drawing. 3. Anchor bolis not required unless called for on drawing. When anchor bolts ore required, use %" galv. bolts when bolting to steel. Use %"x 1 '0"long golv. machine bolts or 2-unit expansion anchors when fostening to concrete. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division This support is limited to a maximum Jength of 4'0" and a maximum vertical load of 1000 Ibs. For lengths greater than 4'0" or loads greater than 1000 lbs. check with Structural Section. Specify anchor bolts where vibration or pulsation of line is to be expected. Specify grout where it is desired to raise base of support above slab to avoid corrosion. 42-432 ® = 7-30-82 Page 1 of 1 MONADJUSTABLE BASE SUPPORT FOR HORIZONTAL LINES Mi Galvanized “U" bolt, Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 283 Power Piping Fig. 207, F & S Central Fig. 137 or equal. T . Elev. as shown 1 t - - ‘on drawings. Vv e 4p 4 Noga eax ie Tength to suit. 2 ST 3x6.25 : Ln \- S A VT 3 WY ic Sl ayn J [oei2e| I Ba % x06" $n SECTION "A-A" 1. Complete support to be galvanized. 2. Grout not required unless called for on drawing. 3. Anchor bolts not requird unless called for on drawing. When anchor bolts are required, use 3/4" galvanized bolts when bolting to steel. Use 3/4" x 1'0" long galvanized machine bolts or 2-unit expansion anchors when fastening to concrete. . 42-440 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 1 ‘SIDE BEAM CLAMP AND EXTENSION PIECE @® BEAM CLAMP MAX. 2 PER BEAM ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF BEAM. ® USE ON S & W SECTIONS ONLY. @® Beam Clamp to be Carpenter- Paterson Fig. 45, F & S Central Fig. 225 or equal. D VARIES FROM 1/8" to 1/2" EXTENSION PIECE FOR HANGER ROD ATTACHMENT TO CHANNEL, SECTION, SEE DETAIL 42-442. ORDERING: Determine jaw size by reference to Z dimension of beam and pipe size. Determine hook rod length by adding figure in column headed X to width of beam flange. X is not indicated as a dimension on the schematic. Specify clamp size, figure number and finish. HOOK JAW SIZE PIPE {ROD T< 40] T<.62| C x |wGT./c |MAX.REC. SIZE |DIAM.|Z< .41/Z > .63} Z > .82 APPROX. |LOAD,LB* 378 | 1 > - 1-1/8 | 108 390 3/8 | - 2 - 1-1/8 | 118 390 3/8 - - 3 1-1/8 123 390 T T = = 1-1/8 226 770 V2 - 5 : 1-3/4 253 770 v2} - : 6 1-3/4 | 281 770 T, 7 = = TT Tr {1140 1/2 - 8 - 2-1/16 334, 1140 2} - - 9 2-1/16 | 360 | 1140 greater than EXTENSION PIECE Ts to be Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 157, F & S Central Fig. 18 or equal. ALL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED. xX re ® < i he E [etal f| Ae eth 2 | : Ha EE Th *WITH A MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR OF 5 AT MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE OF 450°F. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 42-441 ‘Texas Division @ 115-77 Page 1 of 1 BEAM CLAMPS FOR PIPE HANGERS if Steel Beam Clamp to be: Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 268 F & § Central Fig. 55 Power Piping Fig. 46 or equal. 2 | 1800 3/2600 5 | eo BEAM CLAMP Carpenter-Paterson Fig. 15 F & $ Central Fig. 50 Power Piping Fig. 41 or equal. 3 7) se | Re 7 wm | aw | texte we | ae [ot | ae | oe | 300 m | os | 2 | ens | oe | oo. ie p= | a | ae si awe | oe | oe | ae % | 1500 eT TP pa fe 2500 L. ENGIN Texas Division Max. gross load 100i Any load greater than 1000} must be checked vith structural section for allowable load. PECIFICATION bene Revised 3-15-68 CLIP ANGLE FOR HANGER ROD ATTACHMENT Ye" galv. bolts L2% 25% galvanized % dia. holes Hole size to suit hanger roa BOLTED CLIP ANGLE FOR ATTACHMENT 70 GALVANIZED CHANNEL Contractor shall use bolted clip angle on galvanized channel and welded clip a where is not galvanized. When this clip is calle Piping Oraw it will replace beam attachment on hanger detail. Hole size to suit hanger rod WELDED CLIP ANGLE FOR ATTACHMENT TO NONGALVANIZED CHANNEL CLIP ANGLE FOR HANGER ROD ATTACHMENT, DETAIL 42.442 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division RISER CLAMP- SUPPORT a2-aas © 5-15-77 Page 1 of 1 DIM." T 1 RISER CLAMP BERGEN-PATERSON FIG. 126 POWER PIPING FIG. 36 F&S CENTRAL FIG. 91 OR EQUAL Sie | a | tots, % | on | ae sf oom | as 1% | 20 255 ve [om | 235 2° | son | 35s zm | uu | 330 Ps [a 0 3% J 3 0 3 [a [tie 8 | iss | 2so0 wz | zu | 200 x | as 2900 2 | 3 2900 NOTE: ALL PARTS TO BE GALVANIZED <> We-by6 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 1-23-67 Texas Division PIPE SUPPORT - VERTICAL FOR 6" AND SMALLER LIN 2-13/16" @ HOLES SLs x shyt SEE PIPING DUG. FOR ELEVATION NOTE: 1. FABRICATE FROM S.S. PLATE WHEN PIPING MATERIAL SPEC, 1S 2. SUPPORT TO BE GALVANIZED AND FIELD WELD TO BE ZRC COATED. <> ENGINEERING Texas Division Shoes are required on hot insulated lines. For steel pipe only. Do not weld shoes to stain less steel, nickel or high alloy’pipe. Use clanp type shoe. (See 4e-k53 thru 42-455.) Guides are usually in- stalled on every second or third shoe. (40" to 60' centers.) Do not install guides on the shoes next to an expai sion loop. Piping drawings shall specify and locate shoes and guides. For chart showing linear thermal expansion in inches per 1 Design Aid 41-H10. this chart calculate the movement of the Line at the shoe location and specify the requ shoe. Where sliding friction must be minimized, con- sider use of lubricant such as Climax Eng: Maintenance Co. No. 750, or substitute hanger or roller supports for shoes.| NICATION of pipe = 0 ft. see sv fat Using 2utso ® 5-15-73 3" SHOE FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE " galv. bolts 0° SHOE “A3"* 3 ne SHOE “B.3"" 3%) 4 9/16" holes for "galv. — 4" golv. —1 Bor 3x%x0' DETAIL OF GUIDE SHOE ‘*C.3"" (For use on steel support) fis us US] wea lane lay alae t 26" ,__26 SHOE “'D.3"" NOTES . Where structural tee is not available, substitution may be made provided web thickness is not reduced. Shoe shall be Installed centered over the supporting menber, unless otherwise specified. Guides are not required on all shoes. The piping drawings will specify shoe required and also will specify guide when required. + ALL items shall be galvanized, either by hot dipping after fabrication or by repair of damged galvanized surfaces per Ingr. Spec. 5/-271. 2-k51 4" SHCE @ 515-8 FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE Shoes are required on hot insulated lines. For steel pipe only. Do not weld shoes to stain- less steel, nickel, or high alloy pipe. Use clamp type shoe. Guides are ususlly in= stalled on every second or third shoe. (40' to 60' centers.) Do not install guides on the shoes next to an expan- sion loop. Piping drawings shall specify and locate shoes and guides. For chart shoving linear thermal expansion or pipe TL tt st im inches per 100 ft. see aia| 5" [die Design Aid 41-410. Using $ : 20" this chart calculate the movement of the line at DETAIL OF GUIDE the shoe location end SHOE ‘‘C.4”” ° (For use on steel support) specify the required shoe. — a . ® Where sliding friction must be minimized ,c ay a sider use of lubrice: such as Climax Bn Maintenance Ho. 750, or substitute hanger SHOE * or roller supports for shoes. NOTES: 1. Where structural tee is not available, substitution may be made provided web thickness is not reduced. 2. Shoe shell be instelled centered over the supporting nenber, unless otherwise specified. Guides are not required on all shoes. The piping @rawings will specify shoe required and also will specify guide when required. ® 4, ALL items shall be galvenized,either by hot dipping after fabrication or by repair of damaged galvanized surfaces per Engr. Spec. §7-271. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division ou: Shoes are required on hot insulated lines. For steel pipe only. Do not weld shoes to stainless steel, nickel or high alloy pipe. Use clamp type shoe. Guides are usually installed on every second or third shoe. (40' to 60' centers). Do not install guides on the shoes next to an expan- sion Loop. Piping drawings shall specify an@ locate shoes and guides. For chart showing Linear ‘thermal expansion of pipe in inches per 100 ft. see esign Aid bi-410. Using is chart calculate the movement of the Lin the shoe location and specify the required shoe. Where sliding friction mst be minimized, consider use of lubricant such as Clinax Engr. Maintenance Co. No. 150, or substitute hanger or roller supports for shoes. heehsa 11-15-74 5", 6", 7" SHOES FOR HOT INSULATED STEEL PIPE 3. Guides are not required on all shoes. The piping dra STS a75 wi Gxis.5 [Wn Oxi3.5 10) 7" |wr 7x17 [wr 7x17 SHOE A-5", a-6", a-7" too i EG 2 SHOE 8-5", B-6", B~7 ar 6 be 6 | Bor— 2 « 4ex0!4" Galv,. Bar~" Galv. \ DETAIL OF GUIDE lelelelelelote} 26" SHOE p-5", D-6", D-7" SHOE c-5", c-6", C-7" NOTES: 1. Where specified structural tee is not available, substitution may be made provided web thickness is not reduced. 2, Shoe shall be installed centered over the supporting member, unless otherwise specified. gs will specity shoe required and also will specify guide when required, ALL items shall be galvanised, either by hot dipping after fabrication or by repair of damaged galvanized surfaces per Engr. Spec. 57-271. 5. H = Shoe height (5", 6", or 7” per job specifications) . ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division ® 5-3 3” SHOE quipg «FOR HOY INSULATED STAINLESS AND NON-FuRROUS PIPE Shoes ore required on hot insulated lines. Use this detail for stainless steel, nickel and high alloy pipe where shoes cannot be welded to pipe. Guides are usvally instelled on every second or thied shoe. (40° to 60° centers). Do not install guides on shoes next to an expansion loop. Piping drowin I specify and locate shoes and guides. For chart showing linear thermal exponsion of pipe in | inches per 100 ft. see Design Aid 41-410. Using this chart calculate the movement of the line at the shoe locotion and specify the required shoe. Where sliding friction inimized, con~ lubricant such as Climax Bagr. Maintenance Co. No. 750, or Stute hanger or roller supports for shoes Pipe clamps - typical | Grinnell 212 or Carpenter 175 STRUCTURAL TEE 6" Pipe | 8" Pipe & smaller | & lorger ST 3x6.25 | ST 3x8.625| ® FEI Tre le" ie SHOE “‘A-3”” Th. ria 2%e“"*O'4" GAL. = 3'¥ekO"4" Gat, = DETAIL OF GUIDE NOTES: SHOE "D- . All items shall be galvanized, either by hot Where specified structural tee is not available, substitution moy be mode provided web thickness is not reduced. Shoe shall be installed centered over the supporting member, unless otherwise specified. Guides are not required on all shoes. The piping drawings will specify shoe required ond olso will specify guide when required. ping after fabrication or by repair of den urfaces per Engr. Spee. 57-271. a galveni ENGIUEERING SPECIFICATIO! ‘Texas Divis nm FOR HO’ GUIDE Shoes are required on hot insulated lines. Use this detail for stainless steel, nickel and high alloy pipe where shoes cannct be welded fo pive. Guides ore usually installed on every second of third shoe. (40" to 60" centers). Do not install guides on shoes next to an expansion loop. Piping drowings shall specify ond locate shoes ond guides. For chart showing linear ther- mal expansion af pipe in inches per 100 ft. see Design Aid 41-410. Using this chart, calculate the movement of the line at the shoe location and specify the required shoe. sliding friction such as C: Maintenance Co. stitute hanger or xr supports for shoes| 4" SHOE T INSULATED STAINLESS AND NONFERROUS PIPE Pipe Clamps - Typical Grinnell 212 or Cerpenter 175 STRUCTURAL TEE | 6" Pipe | 8" Pipe | & smaller | & lorger a =t ‘i STH x 9.2 | fhe : 4 SHOE ‘‘A.4"" ‘et tL | pee fe SHOE “'C.4"" | det delet tel a j 6" NOTES: SHOE | 1. Where specified structural tee is aot available, substitutfon may be made orovided web thickness 's not reduced, "9.4" 2, Shoe shall be installed centered over the supgorting member, unless otherwise specified. 3. Guides are not required on all shoes. The piping drawings will specify guide when required shoe required and ciso will so ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division haus 11-15-74 5", 6", 7" SHOES FOR HOT INSULATED STAINLESS AND NON-FERROUS PIPE GUIDE Shoes are required on hot insulated lines. Use this detail for stainless steel, nickel and high alloy pipe where shoes cannot be welded to pipe. Guides ore usually installed on every second ot third shoe (40° to 60" centers). Do not install guides on shoes next to an expansion loop. Piping drawings shall specify ond locete shoes and guides, For chort showing linear thermal expansion of pipe in inches per 100 ft. see Design Aid 41-410. Using this chart, calev- late the movement of the line at the shoe location and specify the required shoe. Where sliding friction Maintenance Co. No. 750, or substitute hanger or roller supports for shoes Pipe clomps - Typical Grinnell 212 or Corpenter 175 we STRUCTURAL TEE B 6" Pipe 8" Pipe 2} & smaller L & larger "| ST 5X12.7 | ST 5x17.5 | at 6" |r 6xl3.5 pwr ox13.5 | linn 7a 1 Tak apa jal Fi Set al iat oy 4 SHOE 8-5", 5-6", Be7™ ea il i Bor Bor a 2 '2"xO-4" galv. 3" 3BkO-4" 90! ae SHOE ¢-5", c-6", c-7" DETAIL OF GUIDE 2 fel2 le!_2 Jol! peer NOTES: SHOE D-5", D-6", D-7" 1. Where specified structurel tee is not ovcilable, substitution may be made provided web thickness is not reduced. 2, Shoe sholl be installed centered aver the supporting member, unless otherwise specified 3. Guides ore not required on all shoes. The piping drawings will specify shoe required and also will specify guide when required. 4, All items shall be galvanized, either by hot dipping after fabrication or by repair of dawaged galvanized surfaces per Engr. Spee. 57-271. 5. H = Shoe height (5", 6" » or 7" per job specification) . galv. bolts Yq" <> 42-460 5-15-78 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® FBT. Texas Division SADDLE FOR COLD DISULATED LIES STYQ0FOAM 4O~ 1623 A CEMENTED TO GALVANIZED SADOLE ‘/ITH SENUAMIN= 82-10 MASTIC OR 2 SPEPOVED EQUAL PLATE SADDLE STYACSOAM HO- 1623 SADDLE BAND IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSULATION SPEC. SADDLE " | —__PIPe suport NOTE: ALL SADDLES TO BH GALVANIZED. 1, Rilco's "Insul-Guide" saddles ray be uged in liey of the saddle shown. (Rilco, Division of Sadler Industrial Services, Sox 1057, Clute, TX. 77531) Saddles made of Dow's ISP Plastic may be used in lieu of the saddle shown. (1.S.P., Inc., 802 Brazospark Dr. #5L, Clute, TX. 77541, phone 713-265-6191) 42-470 7-30-82 Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 4 1 CENTERLINE AS he ‘SHOWN ON DRAWING ia As Required S 3X5.7 FOR 3" AND 4” LINES S 4X7.7 FOR 6" AND 8" LINES W 4X13 FOR 10" AND 12" LINES CONCRETE SLAB OR CONCRETE PEDESTAL 1/2" PLATE 2-15/16" HOLES FOR 3/4" GALVANIZED ANCHOR BOLTS SEE NOTES \centenine pre SECTION NOTES: 1. Support to be galvanized. 2. Cuts and welds made after galvanizing shall be coated per Engineering Specification 57-271. 3. Use 2-unit expansion anchor for fastening. 4. Anchor bolts to be provided only when specified on drawing. 5. Where length of support exceeds 3'-0" check for loading. 6. For carbon steel pipe only. Do not weld galvanized support to stainless steel nickel or high alloy pipe. Use black steel or same material as line. See Engineering Specification 96-901. 42-476 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 7-30-82 BOQDIDIB®) Texas Division Page 1 of 1 DUMMY-LEG PIPE SUPPORT (STRUCTURE TYPE) FOR CARBON STEEL PIPE 38" “Lu — i | NOTE 1 note 2 d > i 7 be | CUT TO FIT PIPE SUPPORT | AND WELD ALL AROUND | l INSTALLATION FOR UNINSULATED & INSULATED PIPE (FOR INSULATED PIPE, USE PIPE SHOE ON SUPPORT) NOTES: DUMMY-LEG | MAXIMUM SIZE LENGTH "L" 1, WHEN PIPING SPECIFICATION CALLS. FOR LIGHTER THAN STANDARD WEIGHT S_3X5.7 6 FT. FITTINGS, A STANDARD WEIGHT ELBOW 33K OFT. SHOUD BE CALLED OUT AS AN a EXCEPTION E ON PIPING DRAWING. 2. WHEN ROD HANGER IS USED, USE GRINNELL FIG. 66, CARPENTER- PATERSON FIG. 1138, F & S CENTRAL FIG. 966A, OR POWER PIPING FIG. 201 BEAM ATTACHMENT. ® ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 42-478 ® 7-30-82 Page 1 of 1 DUMMY=LEG PIPE SUPPORT FOR USE WITH LINED PIPING _——— Lit NOTE 1 CARBON STEEL BLIND FLANGE 1. 1/2" BLIND SPACER; MATERIAL TO BE SAME AS PIPE LINING: SARAN, POLYPROPYLENE, NOTE: KYNAR OR TEFLON. PIPE DUMMY-LEG | MAXIMUM SIZE SIZE LENGTH "L" 2 S$ 3X5.7 6 FT. z S_3x5.7 SFT. T 3x57 SFT. o_ SANT.T STT. S WT SFT. 0 Ww exts | Iz W xis, SFT. 1 W SxS, TO FT. Te WBNS TOFT. Te Wek TOFT. 20, W12K2r 10 FT. 2 WLAX2Z TO FT. ® <> 4ge115 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 1 of 1 GAS ODORIZER (For treating gas to be used inside buildings) NOTE: Contact Utilities Distribution A (4321) before installing or fabricating any odorizers. The ‘Texas Railroad Commission, Gas Utilities Division, has rules governing the equipment, the amount and type of odorant used and quarterly and yearly tests to be performed. " Plug, PO-2 1/2" BL 2" = 2000-1. Cross AST A- 105 Fuel Gas Line. 4" x 2" Swaged Reducer, R-21. 1e coupling Weldea Welded or Screwed 4" Scheaule Odorent Pot Pot Instellation Schenatic 1 Hote: Piping to be in accordance with Methane piping specification. 4" Cap ~ Welded or Screwe: 3/4" Drain Plug and Coupling 43-120 ‘ENGINEERING SPECIF“CAPION * Revised 7-15-69 Texas Division 4 flor Fa, floor =0" to grade o HOSE RACK PLYWOOD WALL MOUNTED CABLVET FOR OUTSIDE USE Saraloy roofing. — a | ll 2%" Joint, 3" strop, galv. H T-hinges, bross pin | t - TEESE Rows vet holes. 5 holes : each row. Rows - HOSES: |! 2 Vs" Hose with =i wiN | s ) Het +—Bow door handle [Weis \/ 2 Eyescrews No. 212 | - for cabinet seal 1 | Wo} | i Mounting details to suit wall construction’ staggered . FRONT ELEVATION SECTION NOTES : 1. Cabinet to be 3/k" exterior grade DFPA AC plywood. Joints to be glued with water-proof glue. Edges of plywood to be sealed with water-proof glue. Interior and exterior to be painted as per Job Specifications. Stencil 2" high red letters - "FIRE HOSE" - on door. 13" brass angle valve with 13" fenale I.P.5. inlet ana 25" male Rational Standerd fire thread outlet. Hose to be two (2) 50" lengths of 1S", oof test flexible neoprene impregnated type fire hose coupled with rocker lug type brass couplings, National Standard fire hose thread. Nozzle to be 14" brass fog nozzle with National Standard fire hose thread. * General. Revision <—> 43-121 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Revised 7-15-69 Texas Division HOSE RACKS WALL MOUNTED CABINET METAL Qh = use j ig" Brass Angle Valve > T te vel | i ; |) 3 / HOSES l 3 | g2 14" Hose with nozzle | 3 | cE ; — Be a) Ul * 2g | | [Se L NOTES: 1. Cabinet shell be metal surface type for 100' hose. Cabinet door shall have magnetic catch and hinges on right or left as specified. 2. Stencil 2" high red letters - "FIRE HOSE" - on door. 3. 13" brass angle valve with 13" Zenale I.P.S. inlet and 14" male National Standard fire thread outlet. 1. Hose to be two (2) 50' lengths of 15", hoof test flexible, neoprene impregnated type fire hose coupled with rocker lug type brass coupling, National Standard fire hose thread. 5. Nozzle to be 13" brass fog nozzle with National Standard fire hose thread. * General, Revision 43-122 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION * Revised 7-15-69 Texas Division HOSE RACKS WALL MOUNTED CABINS RECESSED TY FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS [AoE 2.54 Why, [? 3 = Wg WE 3 eof Y 3 2 aol] & apd i fel (IRV ae FE 38 88 g Rough Opening: 2'-1!4" x 2'-1115" WALL LINE ) FRONT ELEVATION “SECTION Norss: 1. Cabinet shall be recessed type for 100' hose. Cabinet shall have glass panel in door. Door shall have magnetic catch with hinges on right or left as specifica. 2. Hose rack nipple shall be 13" I.P.S. one end and 13" National Standard fire thread other end. lose rack shall be for 50' of hose. 3. Hose shall be one (1) 50’ length of single jacket, flexible 300/! minimm test, fire hose with National Standard fire hose thread rocker lug type coupling. 4, Nozzle to be 13" brass fog nozzle with National Standard fire hose thread. * General. Revision <> 43-105 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Revised 1-15-70 Texas Division HOSE RACKS SERVICE WATER OUTSIDE SEPVICE Agta Detail of pipe support will vary | according to structure or building construction. pry 1" Worer__ fF] supply Reinforced plostic hose racks =1:3-127 : . <1" Veao %| 3 x 1b swage of 1% x 1% Swoge nipple 2 Nipple ; (it 5 A Pe NE i wr vo [Rab note @ Sp mutter’ ba ee " wate se wit 2| 450 rt. 12" 3-piy sg bushing" YgteN hose wie | rubber vater hose /., agryag Tex 12 B| with 12 x 12 nozzae 42" cross) Ban end test valve ELEVATION NOTE: 1. For single hose rack use tee with drain valve in run as shown, ® 2. Piping and fittings to conform with ner. spe. 46-952. 43-106 Revised 1-15-70 Texas Division WASH DOWN HOSE SPECIFY THE TYPE OF HOSE RACK (Fe 37" TO BE USED AS FOLLOWS: - 2t-08 PROVIDE SUPPORT FOR PLASTIC ~ T43-127 ~ PIPE ACCORDING TO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, PLASTIC HOSE RACKS ARE CARRIED IN DOW STOCK. yO SPEC. SHOULD LIST THE PLASTIC HOSE RACK AS DOW FURNISHED MATERIAL. v-40 © Hose RACK VALVE - SET 4 ABOVE FLOOR, TLECO SAFETY T¥1 COUPLIFEC 374" STYLE @ ons 850295 MALE END. — 3/4" STYLE \ 850099 FEMALE END CLECO Me. HOSE CLAMP 850130 fo SERVICE DIVERSION AS DIRECTED 3/4!" WATER HOSE ~ 100° LENGTH GOODYEAR “REDWING CORD" OR HOSE RACK AS SPECIFIED EQUAL. | WASH DOWN HOSL ENGHVEGAING SPECTFICATION PLASTIC OSE 2ack 9/16" OL HOLES 3'-8" NISHED FLOCR OR GRADE FRONT eT LON NOTES: MATERIAL SHALL SE POSYESTER OR EPOXY FISERGLAS 3/16" THICK FOR THE SODY WITH THE SUPSORT LUGS FROM 1/4" TO 5/16" THICK. 2. COLOR SHALL 8 VERMILION RED FOR F: BLUE GREEN FOR SERVICE RACKS HOSE RACKS AND Z 3. WHITE LETTERS SHALL 3E 3" wIGH AND DESIGNATE "F 5 OR "SERVICE HCSE" WITH APPROPRIATE COLORS STAT! 4. MOUNTING SCLTS = 1/2" GALYANI ED ITH BALAN WASHERS. | | i | PLASTIC HOSE RACK DESIGN DETAIL 743-127 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 1215-73 Texas Division Page 1¢ DRIP POCKET FOR LoW PIPEWAYS Steam 185 Psig at 580°F Max Purpose The intent of this guide is to aid in the application of the specification of the same number. It is not normally issued to contractors. Please file in front of the specification. Hotes and Precautions 2.1 Consider feasibity of saving condensate. 2.2 CAUTION: Discharge from the free blow valve or the steam trap cen be hazardous to personnel unless directed properly. Avoid directing flow against the ground or an obstruction. Discharge horizontally along a ditch where feasible. Show continuation of piping on piping drawings. 2.3 Drip pockets should be located upstream of vertical loops and risers, or in low areas. 2.4 Allow for header movenent in locating and supporting the drip pocket piping. Avoid blocking path of future piping in the rack at lower levels. 2.5 Avoid discharging traps into confined systems such as sewers, plumbing, ete. 2.6 Before connecting the steam trap, the header and drip pocket should be cleaned by blow down. Steom main 2" drip leg for 2" thru 6” steam mai 4° drip leg 45° vite: for 8" ond over steam mains — \ \ LD 4" steam mg Soreo TD-50> \ or equal Wy" v-67h or ¥-852 For continuetion see piping drawing “tI 4— “in. pipe length 12". ‘i (Rarendg tor y-882). ® e678 or ¥-882 Zor 2 drip leg 1 7-67 for 4 drip leg trap shall no’ ly blewn down = ECIFICATION * Revised POCKSD FOR eon 185 Psig av 80°F vax pe for mains 6" and under pe for mains 8" and 4 Routing shown Schenatically. See piping drevi Sarco 13-50 or Grade 43-203 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ‘* Revised 1-15-73 exes Division DRIP POCKS? FOR HIGH PIPEWAYS Steam 520 Psig at 750°F Max Weldolet or Equal 9) 2" pipe for mains 6" and under — -> 4" pipe for uains 8” end larger 13" v-6T! = ——) Routing show Schematically. See piping drawings BY v-674 ~\ 5 fF ~ 1'-0" Min. Sarco TD-50 or Equal 7 - 6'-0" Max. Tee, 1" v.67 to" crate refiged 2h v-6th | 21-0" Apprax. NOTES: ‘The exact location of the drip leg to be determined in field, or as shown on piping drawings. 2. The steam trap shall not be connected before the steam line has been ‘thoroughly blown down and cleaned. 3. Pipe, fittings, and insulation shall be in accordance with drewinga and Job specifications. 4, Designers see Engr. Spec. cu: applicable conditions. de 43-200. Use Engr. Spec. 43-202 for * General Revision 43-300 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 6-15-73 Texas Division ‘WO-WELD 90° MITER ELBOW ONE-WELD 45° MITER ELBOW cue OX piping systems where the spocificotions call for welding toos , do not use iter elbows. Two-weld 90° miter ells should bo used only in sizes 10” ond lorger. Use wold ells in sizes 2" thru 8". Tne-weld 45° miter ells ld bo used in oll sizes 2" ond lorger. All dimensions in inchss. TWO WELD $0° ITER ELEO! ONE WELD 45° KITER ELeOw STDs DESIGN 43-310, ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Tl67 Texas Division FLANGE INSULATION FOR ELECTRICAL ISOLATION ay SLEEVE LENGTH (CENTER TO CENTER OF STEEL wASHESS > GASKET A MASHER A ASHE? 8 SLEEVE STD. SA FLANGE AS a SPECIFIED, CFLANGE! AR; NOT. INCLUDED IN SET OF ISOLA- TION MATERIALS) —- GASKET 3 (ACT INCLUDED IN SET OF ISOLATION MATERIALS> LESEND:~ GASKET 4 INSULATING GASKET, 1/8" THICK, BORED AND DRILLED TO STO. FULL FACE GASKET DIMENSIONS. 1 REGD. GASKET 8 CUTRING GASKFTS AS SPECIFIED IN PIPING SPEC, 2 REGD. WASHER A INSULATING WASHER, 1/8 THICK. 2 REGD. PER BOLT. WASHER B STEEL WASHER. 2 REG'D. PER BOLT. SLEEVE INSULATING TUBE WITH 1/32" WALL. 1 REGD. PER 3CLT. LENGTH OF SLEEVE TO BE EQUAL TO DIMENSION "xX". BOLTS § NUTS ASA STD. BOLTING EXCEPT BOLTS 1/2" EXTRA LENGTH. NOTE: 1. FOR RING TYPE JOINT USE OVAL PLASTIC RING IN PLACE OF GASKETS A AND B. 2. FLANGE INSULATION TO RE FURNISHED IN SETS. 3. SPECIFY FLANGE SIZE AND PRESSURE RATING, FLANGE INSULATION FOR ELECTRICAL ISOLATION DETAIL 43-310 <> 43-325 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE ® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 16 of 16 COLD FORMED LAPS MADE FROM PIPE 1. Purpose 1.1 This guide is for assistance in use of the specification of the same number and is NOT to be issued to contractors. Please file in front of the specification. 2. Notes 2.1 Cold working increases the susceptibility of a metal to stress corrosion cracking, flared carbon steel should be stress relieved or normalized if it is to be used in caustic service and stainless steel Flared pipe should be solution heat treated if to be used in services containing chlorides. 2.2 Flared lap joints shall not be used under severe cyclic conditions, where ® vibration is expected. 2.3 Before using flared lap joints in lieu of welded flanges in hazardous services, the following factors shall be considered: thermal cycling, thermal expansion stresses, impact and thermal shock. @® 2.4 Flared lap joints for "M" FLUID SERVICE* shall be limited to pressure-temperature ratings not to exceed those of ANSI 816.5 class 150, group 1.1 flanges, and to temperatures not over 400°F. Size of pipe used shall not exceed NPS 4, and its wall thickness before flaring shall not be less than the specified minimum of schedule 10S. * Category "M" Fluid Service Fluid Service in which a single exposure to a very small quantity of a toxic fluid, caused by leakage, can produce serious irreversible harm to persons on breathing or bodily contact, even when prompt restorative measures are taken. ‘Texas Division 43-305 Revised 8-15-69 ING SPECIFICATION COLD FORSED LAPS MADE FROM PIPE ASA BID.S LAP JOINT FORGED STEEL BACKING FLANGE 300 ENGR. SPEC. 48-895, F-4 150 ENGR, SPEC. 46:35, F-2 G 4 - — A 8 DETAIL‘A c wav, LENGTH Poe saesies | saisie 10 |. sacinte sz | a |e |e feta [elf] cota 1 [131s }2 | sve | 005 | 019 | .t09 | 082 | 133 | 200 vaya | 1s00 | 27/8 | 1/2 | 065 | 019 | 109 | 082 | 145 | 109 2 2375 | 36/8 | 5 065 | 019 | .109 | 082 | Ist | 116 b 3 |ssoo fs [7 | oss | oes | 120 | om | aie | 262 | 4 4.500 | 6-3/16 | 7 083 | 063 | .120 | 090 | 237 | 178 { ‘The Pipe Shop con fabricate any lent of pipe with a lap atone or bath ens in the sizes listed above. Pipe matevit that can be tapped includes carbon stecl (ERY), Laps col fu from pipe may be used whore the oui dizwetor ofthe ly fs enua to the ditacter of tie aiedfeoe of an ASA B15. fae fr te given pip size with ivi Lp hile a least 75% of win pe wal thickness, Those laps shall be PROHIBITED ft SEVERELY MAREFUL service ai shill love ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION for HODERATELY HARQIFU, cad FLARMIABLE service where used with gels ofr thes coeigatd meta, nla astnsts oc spiral ved nto ess ste kel, ec, ain, || // <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 43-520 11-15-77 Page 1 of 5 TYPICAL CONNECTIONS OW plastic wed pining sroducts cetlorm dares fo eetaS=tbed Industry standards Te noy sytem wing sor pe sting novelas on such pont a agnant {tbo holes or eter dmanacnaly Sundar features Connection deta shown here over arsenal ststors matin waning» flange connacsion ng two ‘DOW plete ined pipe. These fete! the tlerent ings sina rd he ‘tres etferent ont syste, ha Pipelined with SARAN resin oF polypropylene resin and wtilized with Pipe lined with KYNAR or PTFE resin Pipe ined with ARAN resin o. pelypropyione resin and wtiized with the gasketed fi : talsed face joint system nck ofthe single drawings fosowng ‘sbosed on DOW aise Ines wih SARAN ‘esin 9° ovprenvone res ar beng weed Reterncetolustation tw prove *tateroviace Copied from: Dow Chemical's Plastic Lined DOW PLASTIC LINED PIPE, VALVES, & FITTINGS ILLUSTRATION 1: Flanged Connections with Plastic Lined Pi joints: ‘SARAN or polypro- | pylene resin, System tangs of Soe 1 UA ceptors. — see 9 ome gan E13 i | \ " D. Combination molded vais joined ‘with @ gasketed Joint systom. Piping Products catalog #178-103-76 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-520 Texas Division 11-15-77 Page 2 of 5 Typical Connections - cont'd. ILLUSTRATION 2: Plastic Lined ILLUSTRATION 3: Plastic Lined Pipe Pipe to Plastic Lined Flanged Fitting to Plastic Lined Valve aor cemwonnramcnes pe i uo i We | Ha | Ra | He ! } LOO EERE ren Lam ILLUSTRATION 4: Pipe Size Reduction MLUSTRATION 5: Method of by Means of Reducing Flange Providing Low Angle Bends with and Spacer Flanged Lined Pipe and Tapered Spacer amateet REIMER, Sr ar Sarena nes emma veg SET mm cma ILLUSTRATION 6: Plastic Lined MLLUSTRATION 7: Blanking One Flanged Fitting to Plastic Lined Outlet of 2 Plastic Lined Flanged Fitting Flanged Fitting Copied from: Dow Chamical's Plastic Lined Piping Products catalog #178-103-76 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATICN Texas Division Typical Connections - cont'd. MLUSTRATION 8: Union Connection with Plastic Lined Pipe" MLUSTRATION 10: Plastic Lined Pipe to Flanged Plastic Pipe 43-520 11-18-77 Page 3 of 5 MLUSTRATION 9: Plastic Lined Pipe to Plastic Lined Union Fitting” MLUSTRATION 1 1: Plastic Lined Pipe to Rubber Lined Pipe Fittings and Valves MLUSTRATION 12: Plastic Lined Pipe to Flanged Metal Pipe, Valves, Fittings and Pumps anouno ANG SeACER Seas Copied from: Dow Chemical's Plastic Lined Piping Products catalog #178-103-76 MLUSTRATION 13: Prastic Lined Pipe {0 Porcolain, Glass or Carbon Pipe ILLUSTRATION 1 4: Plastic Lined Pipe to Phenolic Asbestos Pipe FEY <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-520 Texas Division 11-15-77 Page 4 of 5 Typical Connections - cont'd. ILLUSTRATION 16: Plastic Lined Pipe ILLUSTRATION 15: Plastic Lined Pipe 0 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic to Spigot-End on High Silicon Iron Pipe Flanged Fitting or Pipe SERRA] oes VES are isarsecmes MLUSTRATION 17: Plastic Lined Pipe ILLUSTRATION 18: Plastic Lined Pipe to Chemical Stoneware Pipe to Threaded Plastic Pipe TABLE |: Details on Bolts for Flanged Connections i o__| os {a [ol] = ae ee) ow | es win [= | ein | [aston Dow Chemical's Plastic Lined Piping Products catalog #178-103-76 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division Page § of 5 Typical Connections - cont'd. Feld operations 09 DOW pst ined etna ten, ra ool Fata faces ~ presen no great atheuty to » ‘he qualescrteman Ty can bo Fr cu to dasa length by eeompisid easly and quchy. The principal 8 28/ha or square end ype cae 10 fequreert ra tmscvng peatone | romen he pcre acuri saore fut tee hereon 19) & hackesur beidase caetly an secratey ac {Cutting an teaacing of BOW pipe ie Ena vin tcnt ey aupment Arumbor ol tym menue ant angle tothe no he pipe. A Sich ders apectcaty fr use on DOW Sestyp eter cannot bo used bac DBlstclined poe Among thse sre Toledo: ——«WProdeE 9 ut end wich elghty Beever Tools Ine Oster Manutoctring bruce and net sue. [Company ida Tot Company a Css. ‘cating cortancane Jeet ecatt et wa te ened ope me han 0 Ree TheDow Chemie Company ‘mounted on eet feed careage Tho friacraion 20, Such oat acne ftom The Dou Choma! Company ILLUSTRATION 19: Square End Cut on DOW When t's racecar tose a hind 1091 Plastic Lined Pipe foc the cutlng perain, the Beaver 5S tool andthe Totado Boner 7 tok may Tb caed forse yp to 2 woehes Suggested power equorment cud the Oster Pr Machine erage for sees upto 2 ches ld he TeedosBeover 260 ger ea ints Toledo Beaver Toole ne Ostor Manutacorng Company ane eters can supply euch equpment Copied from: Dow Chemical's Plastic Lined Piping Products catalog #178-103-76 oe ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division LENS JOINTS FLANGE DETAIL ~ 4000 PSI © 600° F 43-526 @® = 11-15-74 MATERIAL: ASTM n-105-71 All dimensions except diameter of bore and facing dimensions shall conform to ANST B16.5 Closs 1500. Tolerances sholl conform to ANST 816.5. Hole Pe “— Finish G. E. Seale #16 Microsinches on the conical seating surface. size |RoRwe| A | oe} Re [Hf olx fal] yfac| s [tocetO;.| FTBS. 1 | is % {sr | a | aol [1 | % [om [iH] % [2% [aul ¥ || 4 % | _s7_ [105 | or] elim] % [5% li%| 1 [rm [awl wm] | 4 1 | [ise] os[1%] 2 | % [5% [2m[rufam[« [H[ 1 | 4 Wu] 2 fies | ose [ ula] % Jom [avlivlom [ae | % |r |e tA| 136 [1.90 [r00[2%l2%|% | 7 [2%linm|s%lam|H% [IM | 4 2 | _[nse [isos [2H[s A % fa” [emia] « [6% %I t[e 3 | [30 [230[a%| = [% fom|sulim lam) o | [|e | 4 [222 [aso [asa] arvsler | mm [12% [om [2% [am [ov | me | % [8 NoTEs: 1. All bolts must be torqued as shown. 2. Lens ring gasket surface sholl be protected from corrosion by a heavy oppli- cotion of Toxaco “Rustproof L. 3. Flanges to be protected during shipment with bolted-on type protectors. 4, All bolt holes to be spot faced. 5. Bolts to be in accordence with applicable piping specification. LENS JOINTS FLANGE DETAIL ~ 4000 PS! ¢ 600° F DETAIL 43-526 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division LENS RING 0} LENS JOINTS ETAILS 4000 FSI SERVICE © 43-527 1-15-74 ee Finish -G. E. Scale #16 Micro-inches or better on spherical seating surfaces (Contact Point Dio.) __. Pp fo 8H | | Bo (Spherical Radius) size | 8 P M D R % | 466 | 0.770 | 1% | 1% | 1% %_| su | oon | % m% | 1% 1 eis | nt2 | Me | ie | 1% m | ass | ntor | ome | im | om wy | rt | ress | me | Me | 2M 2 1503 | 2.052 | % 2% 3 3_| 2300 | 2822 | % 3% | an 4 | stse [sese [tm | are [ste LENS RING DETAILS LENS JOINTS DETAIL 43-527 “Rustproof L." Lens Rings shall be corbon steel SAE1OI0 with Brinell hardness of 90 to 120 ‘ond made to dimensions os shown. NOTE: Lens ring seating surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by @ heavy application of Texaco 4000 PSI SERVICE ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-528 ‘Texas Division 11-15-74 LENS JOINTS SPECIAL 3" & 6" FLANGES 3300 PST SERVICE # (ragius) the conical Secting surtace. NOTE: All lens ring gasket surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by a heavy application of Texaco “Rustproof L." For flange protection during shipment, use bolted-on type protactors. MATERIAL: AsS, Tole A=LOS-72 © Rolex to be spot faced. suze = Eh ate = TRETIE| ©) uses on vesets sage oy te ; ET} Sttte tors for ave idee ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division LENS JOINTS 43-529 11-15-74 FLANGE DETAIL & BOLTING 5300 PST SERVICE MOTERIAL: Flange ~ ASTM A-105-71, These are UST BI6,5 25008 Flanges with Lens Ring facing. ote that sizes 3", a", 6 6", the values of Q Yon this dug. nave been Increased so that the in. flange thickness spec. in ANSI B16.5 is not encroached upon by the conical facing. spptons 15438) H (rasies) Y A i] oc ise 0 BIST heavy hex. senifiniehed ASTM A-294 Class 2 Stud bolts, threaded full Length, ASTM A-193-B7, Class 2 fit, van National coat sad series thru 1", 3-1/8" & shove to be B-thread series. BL.) TE: AIL lens ring gasket surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by 2 heavy on of Texaco “2 For flange protection Suring shipment, use bolted-on pe protectars. I All bolt holes fo be spot 3935 jew [e fie |e fe faced. Redravn in part fron Tube ENGINEEPING SPECIFICATION 43-530 Texas Division 11-15-74 LENS JOINTS LENS RING DETAILS 5300 PSI SERVICE Finish -G. E. Scale #18 Mierosinches ot ter on Spherical ting Surfaces Redravn in part fron Tuve Turn, Ines Dwgs Nov 90+ 123=BI : Dated 11-7249 1 siz] 8 P wTofer Lens Rings shall be soft iron with drinell F [202 | 0.696 | 4 t hardnese of 60 to 90 and made to dinen= slong. a8 show. a 2434 Cc. bby 3 i - ~ . NOTE: Lens ring seating surfaces +675 +655 + cy shall be protected from veeo | 1.020 | SE rn corrosion by a heavy applica tion of Texaco "Rustoroof L." 1.000 17 : 1.275 | 193 | a 3" | a.uuc | 2.095 Bf w | aaeo | 2780 | isk @ [ans | 3.938 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-531 Texas Division 11-15-74 FLANGES TWO HOLE FLANGE FOR VOGT 5300 LB. VA Smoeth surface tor (SHEE Siaer Mat'1: ASTM A105-71 NOTE: All fine finished gasket surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by a heavy application of Texaco "Rustproof 1." flange protection during shivnent use bolted-on type protectors. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-532 as Divi: LENS JOINTS BLIND FLANGE Hole Dia. 5300 PST SERVICE wf Finish 6. €. Seale 18 0 dia. ~— All lens ring gasket surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by a heavy application of Texaco “Rustprocf L." For flange protection during shipment, use bolted-on type protectors. All bolt holes to be spot faced, eS ee ce ” 434] Sh t 4 % | 3 " +875} & | 2 ih ws 1 4b iB” +860} 73 | 25 | 2 ie] bo] | a 1.cco] 6 ue |e lw Ws Is | 5S ar 278) St] Sb] tt] 8 | & Kg 1.40} 12 5 + 6 ale Hr | zag | 1 ma lsh | 8 8 | ie fice e 3.725 | 19 & we] 8 Wha ASTM A 105-71. These are ANSI B16,5 2500# Flanges with g facing “Note that on sizes Ii and larger, tne values af Q on ANd Gua. nave seen increased so that ine siniwam Flange thickness -2ec. in ANSI B16.5 is not encroached upon by the conical facing. vaterial: Flange tense FICATION 43-533 EERING SPE ENGINES 11-15-74 ‘Texas Division LENS JOINTS BLIND LENS RING 5300 PSI SERVICE (Contact Point dia.) tc | Finish G,E, Scole #16 fon the spherical s Ing wurlaces. f (Spherical Radius) 7 Lens ring seating surfaces shall be protected from corrosion by a heavy application of Texaco “Rustproof L." Lens Rings shall be soft iron with Brinell hardness of 80 to 90 and made to dimensions as shown. 20° size ’ t ° R " +598 2aja2 | t-s/ie | 7/8 a +684 tyie | 1-3/8 ' —| " +855 23/32 | 1-5/8 It He 1.026 arja2 | tnts/t6 | tg a 1.197 29/32 | 223/16 1a Tis Bling not Gesignes to sane proportions ae a 1.453, 31/32 | 21/2 21/8 above Dow Standard Blinds. ” 2.095 | 1-9/32 | 39/16 | 3-1/16 ” 2736 | 119/32 | ¥-9/16 4 o 3.933 | 21/32 | 65/16 | 5-3/6 * 5" = For dinon: Compressor ns of special olina for Ammonia Plant Recirculat: “6 £7 Sce Drawing 84-33-2338, <=> 43-600 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @®© = 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 3 ENCON SAFETY SHOWER AND EYEWASH STATION BASE ASSEMBLY INLET CONNECTION to Potable water only, Safety Standard No. 43-600 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION © 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 2 of 3 PARTS LIST* no.| QTY. MATERIAL M& S STOCK afta Yellow Shower Head, Encon #01-0540-03 01-03354 x zi Galvanize =2085, x6" Schedule 40 Nipple Galvanize a jequTator x Te wedge Wipple Galvantze = att Vatve at Washer 5.5. ‘ock Nut $.S. ower Actuating Arm S.S- fod w/Fasteners 5.5. x8" Schedule 40 Nipple Galvanize aT vanizei = cheduTe pple Galvanize =1/4" x 1” Tee Galvanize ralve chedute pple Galvantze Toss Galvanize’ jushing GaTvanize aTvanize = ugged Nipple Galvanize: = ee Galvanize: Ex cheduTe 40 Nipple Galvantze ‘oor Flange Gal vantze: jecaT, YelTow Bow xe pple Schedule 0 Galvantze ‘aution Tag (not shown x 6” WippTe ScheduTe a Galvantze: x ed. alvanize ing BBB astic Stop = Se x 6 schedute 40 Nipple Galvantze x3" Schedule pple Galvantze fon Gatvantze x2 icheduTe pple Catwantze x Close Stainless Steel Nipple ual Strean Eyewash Assembly eT Tow Bow x pple Schedule 40 Galvanize x ed. al vanize ‘ose Nippre S.S- ra" Ball Valve Brass x wedge Nipple Galvantze NeI6 Hose CTamp ose -D. x ‘ong Green atvanize lush Plate w/Fasteners jecal_for Push Pate rainer Tee trainer Tee Wu rainer Screen 43-600 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @® = 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 3 of 3 Pipe P-d0G ASTM A-120 Schedule 40 galvanized furnace butt weld steel pipe. or. P-76 ASTM A-53 or API-5L, Schedule 40 butt weld galvanized pipe. Fittings EXTXR-2G 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI fittings. Joint Compound JC-15, Teflon Tape -- JC-19, Fel Pro C-5A, JC-22, Fel Pro C~100. * Complete assembly available, Dow Stock #01-3350 ” Available in 20' lengths. Must be cut to length. + Replacement Parts to be ordered from Vallen. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-601 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 1 of 3 DON DESIGN SAFETY SHOWER AND EYENASH STATION BASE ASSEMBLY DRILL 3/16" @ SIPHON BREAK IF PIPED TO LOWER ELEVATION **HOLD THIS ELEVATION @ 4°-0" ABOVE GRADE OR FLOOR INLET CONNECTION TO POTABLE WATER ONLY, SAFETY STD. NO. 14. *HOLD eentioy oF HOSE END TO WITHIN 3” OF GRADE 68 @ ENGINEERT NO. 1 43-601 ‘SPECIFICATION @® 7-30-82 Texas Division Page 2 of 3 PARTS LIST* a. 1 MATERIAL M&S STOCK 1" Pipe, 2'-5" long ** 17-34905 Pipe, ong 3050) ee T x I St. EN Galvanize: nipple, 3” Tong © 740K, with Tever handle (renove handTe sto ‘Ow Shower Head, Encon #01-0540- T.D. Hose, water, industrfal type, 2 braids, iF fates OB or equal (3°-0" Ton x close galvanized nipple, I= ‘std. coupling elbow, 90 degree x x e6, reducing x swaged nipple nipple, 3” Ton nipple, 2 on x Swaged nipple =THEK, with Tever handle (reftove handle stop etbow, 90", art Ta weep hole, -0. hose, water, industrial type, 2 braids, MW, Gates 68 or equa on: = Watts pass strainer (01-03355-028 ‘amp, worm drive, Kero-Seal, No. equa astic basin, Dow Turnishe Plastic eye fountain, Dow furnishe: j-boTt with nut and washer, galvanized, Grinne ‘gure 137 or equal (2 required iF ftem 27 specie =17e" pipe, 2-10" Tong x2" x x 4 Tong angle clip galvanize: ‘urnish only TF speci fie x2" x x 5'-0" Tong angle pipe mast, complete with base plate 9” sq. x thk. with =! Ta boTt holes on a 6” sq. pattern, ‘galvanized C.S. (provide only 1F specifre edestal per footin 7 Spec. 32-200 ONE x2" x Ey ong, angle pipe cli galvanized #16- =) nipple, elbow aippte, 2” Tong unton unton nipple, I~. ong wi ‘Swaged Wipple = std. coupTin = eTBOW,, = elbow, 90", Ori fa, note = Jolt with nut and washer, galvanized, rinnel figure 137-or equa > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division Notes: Fittings EXTXR-26 Joint Compound i) ASTM A-120 Schedule 40 galvanized furnace butt weld steel pipe. ASTM A-53 or API-5L, Schedule 40 butt weld galvanized pipe. 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI fittings. JC-15, Teflon Tape -- JC-19, Fel Pro C-5A, JC-22, Fel Pro C-100. The elevation of eye bath drain hose, item 8, should be within 3" of grade to prevent a tripping hazard. Available in 20" lengths. Must be cut to length. The elevation of the eye bath, item 23, may range from 3'-6" to 4"-0", when specified, Item i shall be adjusted to maintain height of item 7 at 7'+ 1", <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division Figtings SLTXR-26 Joint Compound ® 43-601 5-15-78 Page 3 of 6 @ ASTM A~120 Schedule 20 galvanized furnace butt weld steel pipe. ASTM A~S3 of API: , Schedule 80 butt weld galvanized 150-Ib. screwed galvanized MI fittings. Je-18, Teflon Tape Fel Pro C-100. JO-19, Fel Pro C-5A -- 30-22, Available in 20' lengths. Must be cut to length The elevation of the eye bath, item 23, may range from 3'-6" to 4'-0", when specified. Item 1 shall be adjusted to maintain height of item 10 at 7's] onal ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-601 Texas Division ENCON SAFETY SHOWER AND EYEWASH STATION BASE ASSEMBLY a . WS ay & ‘asin otonat > ff INLET CONNECTION to Potable water only, Sagety Std. No. 14 <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-601 Texas Division @D 3-15-78 Page 5 0f 6 St. El. Galvani 5 L 1” x 64" Schedule 80 Nipple Galvai ~ 17-3493. L6 li Lg" _x 8" Schedule 80 Nipple Galvanized ** 17=34935, 7 1 ‘ie Ball Valve BCP i St Shower Actuating Ara 3.3. eT “Fist Washer $.3. ae (io Lock Mut 3.5~ end Ca Pull Rod W/Fasceners 5.5. TEs L 1 He LL 2, Galvanded Ls: L 17234935 L 2 8 17234935 _ Meo 1" cross Galvanized = o r Pere ott Staged a Talvanized ig 2 is" Tee Galvanized 19 1 Ist x 23" Schedule 80 Nipple Galvanized 20.) 1 Floor Flan; Galvanized at Ti" x 1/2" Bushing Galvanized Rar 1/2" Se. il. Galvanized ——— jae 1/2" x 2 Schedule 30 Nipple Galvanized 124 1 1/2" Union Galvanized {35 1 Yellow Bowl (26 jk Dual Stream Eyewash Assemb1; t ie Hose 3/4" 1.D. x 36" Lg. Green 381 1/2" x 3" Schedule 80 Nipple Galvanized _*« {29} aT Strainer Tee BCP jot Li2" x2" Nipple 5oP ai Tt 1/2" E1i. BCP {32 4 I," x 6" Schedule 80 Nipple Galvanized «* 33 Tat 1" x 3/4" Red. Ell. Galvanized 6 1 1/2" Ball Valve BCP 1 te" x 12" Sushing Galvanized 36 i h Place W/Fas az [11s 4" Nipple Galvanized “se L 1ja" 3, n a 1 1/2" x 1/4" Red. £11. Galvanized 11/4" close Wipple S.5. Peto 3/4" x 6" Nipple BCP_ +x 1 M=16 Hose Clamp “lj 1/s""x 1/3" swedge Nippie Galvanized —_— ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division Fittings Joint Compound NOTE: NOTE: P-g0aG P66 ELTXR-26 43-601 1-13-78 Page 6 of 6 ASTM A-120 Schedule 80 g: butt weld steel pipe. ASTM A-53 of API-SL, Schedule 80 butt weld galvanized pipe. 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI fictings. wanized furnace JO-15, Teflon Tape -- JC-19, Fel Pro C-5A , 30-22, Fel Pro C~100. Complete assenbly available, Dow Stock # 01-3350 Available in 20’ lengths. Muse be cut to length. Replacement Parts to be ordered from Vallen. BcP means Brass Chrome Plated Complete assembly is shipped in 8 pieces and assembled at points marked "A". Texas Division GUARD FOR FIRE HYDRANT AND VALVE INDICATOR Stoo" FOR FIRE HyOREN pe S120 FOR FIRE HYDRANT Toor For vatve tNorcaroe Post i [ Ss ae Leuseo NOTE: PLAN PIPE GUARD TO 8 GALVANIZED AFTER FABRI- CATICN. CONCRETE FOOTINGS MAY BE SQUARE OR ROUND. 45 DEGREE MITER WELD, OR PIPE MAY 9€ SENT TO A RADIUS OF NOT MORE THAN 5 PIPE OIA. 3" STO. PIPE 43-640 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 21-25-72 Texas Division Page 1G of 16 STEAM TRACING ‘TUBING TRACER 1. Purpose: The intent of this guide is to ald in the application of the specification. The guide is not included with the specification issued to the contractors. Please file in front of the specification of the same number. Notes: 2.1 No specific allovance has been made for corrosion. 2.2 CAUSSON: 175-185 psig steam is superheated and is too hot for copper tubing unless temperetire ic reduced to N50°F. Copper loses strengta Fepidly at elevated temperatures. 2.3 Series 300 stainless steel tubing should not be used unless the ten- perature is normally above about 340°F due to probable corresion from Chloride in the insulation. 2.4 Steel tubing should be used with care where exposed to corrosive conditions. 2.5 When using the specification, remember to specify type of tubing and specification for pipe, valves, etc. 2.6 Number and size of tracers required will vary with heat transfer desired. Other combinations than those shown may be required. For example, on steel caustic lines, it may be desirable to run the tracer on top of the Line to help protect the tracer fron caustic leaks and to minimize overheating and corrosion cf the line when process flow is stopped. 2.7 In some corrosive conditions, such as caustic service, consideration should be given to use of monel tie wire for attachment of the tracer ‘to pipe. 2.8 Condensate from steam tracers should be returned to recovery system wherever feasible. Cost Ratios: 3.1 Tubing, not installed. aye 3/8" | Copper, .030" Well 1.0 Copper, .032" Wall 1.0 Copper, .035" Wall 1.9 Carbon Stee) 1.8 Carbon steel 2.0 Copper, .035" Wall 2.2 304 88, Weldea 3.3 30488, Weldea 29 30h 88, Sms. 43 304 $8, Suis. 45 Monel, Smile. 16.6 Monel, Smls. 16.0 43-703, Revised 8-15-69 Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERING SPPCIFICATION Texas Division ‘SRAM TRACED LINES STEEL PIPE TRACER PRODUCT IP, 175°F. SORE REAR TREAT OEE 3/k" Steam Tracer Union Svage Nipple \ a vatve —1/2" Steam Supply Steam Inlet - To Steam Trap NOMINAL | INSULATION | MAXIMUM LENGTH OF TRACER RUN LINE SIZE | SIZE BY |_FROM STEAM INLET TO TRAP CONN. van WOMINAL STEAM | 30 LB. STEAM ” e 1000" soo" ” ” 1000" 500" ” ” 1000" 00" a " 1000" 500" *Trace line pipe insulation (oval shape) may be used in Liew of oversize insulation. - 43-703 ENGINEERING SPHCIFICATION ~ Revised 8-15-69 Texas Division Page 2 of 2 nomas ® All tracer pipe to run parallel to product pipe and to be fastened to product lines at 3'-O" intervals with No. 12 copper-clad wire, or 3/k" x No. 16 gauge galvanized bands. . Union fittings are required in tracer tube et each flange connection or union connection in the product line. For insulation details refer to Engr. Specs. 56-005, 56-006, 96-007, 56-008, ‘end 56-009. : @ Bepansion joints or expansion loops shall be provided at 75 to 100-foot inter- vals for straight runs of pipe. Copper tube may be used to form expansion loops. Copper expansion loops may be three turns of 3/l" nominal diameter tube, if a 1'-0" run, around the product line. For elbow in either the vertical or horizontal position, two turns of 3/4" nominal diameter copper tube around the elbow may be used. Pipe, valves, ana fittings shall. be in accordance with Engr. Spec. 46-901 for 30 psig steam, and 46-903 for 150 psig steam. Copper tube shall be 3/h" nominal diameter, Type K. Pipe to tube fittings shall be Swagelok or equal. <> 3-6h0 NGINEERING SPECIFICATION * Revised 11-15-72 Texas Division Page 1 of 2 STEAM TRAC: ‘TUBE TRACER Insulation ~ -—Product Line ‘Connector To Trap, 1/2" Single Tracer ‘Iwo Tracer ‘Three Tracer ‘Four Tracer TYPICAL SECTIONS PRODUCT 10. OF | INSULATION TE] COMMCTOR | UNTO LINE TRACERS | ID., IN.(3) PART NO. | PART NO. B ) (2) 2" z B12 200 400-1-8 | 400-6 2 21/2 2 -1/2 B00-1-8 . 250 600-6 3 4 | 2 yaa/2 a 3/8" £ + 250 600-6 3 5 6 3/8" - L 250 600-6 & 7 : (1) Suggested spacing between steam inlet end trap-locate as show on drawings. (2) Mibing Fitting part numbers are Suagelok basi proper prefix or suffix for other materiale nunbe; 5 required. brass. Add (3) Oval shaped insulation is an acceptable alternate. * General Revision ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 43-640 Texas Division Revised 11-15-72 Page 2 of 2 GENERAL INSTALLATION NOTES: Steam tracer tubing shall tun parallel to the product pipe and shall be fastened to the product pipe at 1'-6" intervals with No. 12 copper-clad wire or by 3/4” wide x 16 gauge galvanized bands. Tubing types (tube fittings to be same material as tubing, minimum.) ‘Type 1 - Copper per ASTM B68, B75, or B88 annealed, .030" to .035" wall, 450°F max temperature. Type 2 304 SS per ASTM A~269, annealed, .035" wall, 750°F max temperature. Type 3 - Monel per ASTM B-165, annealed, .035" wall, 750°F max temperature. Type 4 Steel per SAE 1010 or equal dead soft annealed, .035" wall, 750°F max temperature. Pipe, valves, and fittings shall conform to job specifications for tracer fluid. Insulation details per Engr. Specs 56-501, 56-005 thru 56-009. Union fittings are required in each tracer tube at each flange connection or union connection in the product line. For short runs, 100 ft. or less, the tracer may be “looped back" to provide multiple tracer installation. For long runs, the multiple tracers may be connected in parallel to the steam supply. Each tracer shall be individually trapped. Expansion joints or expansion loops shall be provided at 75 to 125 ft. intervals in straight runs of pipe. Expansion loop may be made by three turns of the tracers, ina I' -0" run, around the product line. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-101 ® 5-15-78 1G of 26 Texas Division AUTOMATIC WATER SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR FIRE PROTECTION (ET TYPE) Purpose: This guide is to aid in the application of the specification of the same number. The guide is not normally issued to contractors. Please file in front of the specification. Notes 2.1 Alternate materials are Listed where feasible for flexibility. 2.2 CAUTION: So specific allowance has been aade for corrosion, external sem piping loads, nonents, shock, ete. This should be taken into @® consideration when applying the specification. If explosion hazard MF exists, delece grooved fittings. 2.3 The Project Engineer should always coordinate his plans with Loss Prevention Engineering Department. 2.4 The Texas Division uses the following types of sprinkler systems (see NFPA 13 - Latest revision). 2.4.1 Ordinary Hazard Occupancies - Includes buildings housing occupancies such as warehouses and storage buildings, machine shops, chemical works (ordinary hazard), etc. 2.4.2 Extra Hazard Occupancies - Includes buildings or portions of building housing occupancies where the hazard is severe, such as chemical works (extra hazard), oil refineries, paint shops, solvent extracting, and other activities involving flammable and/or combustible liquids. 2.4.3 Hydraulically Designed Syscems - Systems in which pipe sizes are selected on a pressure loss basis to provide a prescribed density (gpm per square foot) over a specified area. 2.4.4 When the following information is supplied, the Loss Prevention Engineering Department will advise the type sprinkler system that is needed: Plan and elevation of building. Type of storage or occupancy. Type storage aids (such as wood pallets) and maximum pile height. _ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-101 Texas Division @® 5-15-75 Page 26 of 26 Type and combustibility of materials handled, including packing. Location and size of water main. 2.5 The fire water mains in the north process area of Plant A, and the west process area of Plant B have been designed to operate at higher pressures than the older systens in the other areas. The designer ® shall obtain all design pressures from the Loss Prevention Eng. Dept. 2.6 The designer should review with the Loss Prevention Eng. Dept. and the ® OSHA Standards 1910.106 and 1910.159, 0 insure that the sprinkler system will meet Federal Standards. 2.7 The designer should strive to locate all valves in safe reach, or provide platforms, etc. where required for safety. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division _ AUTOMATIC WATER SPRINKLER SYSTEM FOR FIRE PROTECTION (WET TYPE) Scope: 1.1 To provide specifications for design, materials, and/or installation of a complete sprinkler system (or extensions to existing systems) of the automatic wet type to protect the buildings end equipment desig~ nated on the drawings and listed in the job specifications. ‘The complete system shall be designed, fabricated, and installed in accordance with NFPA Standards except where designated otherwise by Dow. Design Contractor Responsibilities 21 ‘The Design Contractor shall furnish 2 lump sum proposal for engi- neering and a separate itemized descriptive proposal and costs for any material to be furnished by Design Contractor. ‘The Design Contractor shall coordinate his plans with Dow Loss Prevention Engineering Department. This Department will arrange for review of design by Dow's insurance underwriters. Dow will specify che occupancy hazard and design bases. Dow will furnish water in the quantity required at 50 psi minimum residual pressure available in the water mains at the point where the contract begins, Design Drawings 2.4.1 Drawings shall be aade on Dow furnished transparencies, using drawing numbers assigned by the Dow Project Engineer. 2.4.2 Within che specified time after avard of contract, the Design Contractor shall furnish four complete sets of design drawings and hydraulic calculations, if any, or one set of transparent reproducibles for Dow's preliminary review. 2.4.3 After the preliminary review, eight final sets of prints or one set of reproducibles and the tracings vill be required of the contractor. The final prints or reproducibles siall bear che certified approval of the Industrial Risk Insurers. 2.4.4 When equipment to be protected includes tanks or vessels, the Design Contractor shall furnish schedule of vessel hanger lugs required, if any, and a location drawing as soon as possible. 2.4.5 The type hangers shall be specified by the Design Contractor. >_> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-101 Texas Division 4.6 204.7 2.4.8 24.9 3° Sprinkler 2.561 © 5-15-78 Page 2 of 8 Design Drawings (continued) No material is to be purchased by the Design Contractor until final approval of the plans by Dow and a purchase order issued. Termination of draw-off connections shall be included on all design drawings. Nominal pipe sizes 3" and cbcain balanced system design. shall not be used except to Sprinkler heads shall be 175°F, 1/2" orifice, 1/2" IPS, wax coated, SSP or $SU, unless otherwise specified. Alarms: (Dow Furnished) Water flow alarm system shall consist of red and green Weatherproof outside lamps and inside Autocall Fire Alarm Bell No, 4608 both actuated by Autocall water flow indicator, catalog No. 4160, Type WF-5, wich double switch for local renore alarm connection, ali designed for 120-volt AC service. Red lamp and bell to be on normally open circuit; green lamp co be on normally closed circuit. All electrical wiring to be done by Dow. See 2.5.2 for Wiring Schematic. Autocall Water flow Alarm Circuit: AUTOCALL caz.# 4160 Type WE-5 Arrangement for Autecall Water Flow Indicator Wiring > ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-101 Texas Division ® s-15-78 Page 3 of 8 2.3.2 Autocall Water Flow Alarm Circuit: (cont'd) LEGEND © breaker 1, This device is not co be used in Division 1 or Division 2 @ belt (inside) Electrical reas. + © Green Lighe (outside) Use separately fused or breaker protected circuit. Identify as "Sprinkler Alarm" in breaker box. 20 AMP maximum. * @® ed Light (outside) * — Crouse-Hinds Vapor Tight Lighting In ordering specify pize Fixture No. VJ 175, with 60 watt long size, pipe schedule, hori~ Life bulbs. zontal or vertical run in~ stallation, sormal water Green globe — Crouse Hinds No. VW 72. pressure and operating Red globe -- Crouse Hinds No. YN 75. voltage. Test Connections: 2.6.1 Sprinkler system shall be adequately provided with test and vent connections. A permanent inspection test connection shall be provided in accordance with provisions of NFPA No. 13. Provide 1/2" valved connection for bleeding water for freeze protection, where applicable. Test Pressure: 2.7.1 Design of system must be adequate for required test pressure of 200 psig, minimum (See Engr. Spec. 47-120, Class F). 3. Installation Contractor Responsibilities: 3a 3.2 3.3 The Installation Contractor shall furnish and install all pipe and ficeings from water supply outlet shown on the drawings, with all required accessories, supports, and hangers, (except items specifically listed as furnished by others). Consideration shall be given to all existing piping, supports, equip~ ment, etc., and it shall be the Installation Contractor's responsi- bility to avoid interference with existing facilities and access ways. Adequate clearances must be maintained between the piping and equipment and to allow proper maintenance and operation thereof (contractor shall field check before fabrication). Where installation tie-ins require isolation of any existing fire protection, such isolation shall be coordinated in advance with Dow Fire Department and shall be planned to mininize the duration of isolation. <> (GINEERING SPECIFICATION a ‘Texas Division © Page 4 of 3 3.4 Piping shall be installed in accordance with Engr. Spec. 47-110. 11 sections of pipe and fittings shall be visually inspected and cleaned of all foreign material immediately prior to installation. .5 All piping shall be galvanized. Field welding will be accepted. Use of black pipe is acceptable if galvanized before installation. 3.6 All accessible damaged galvanized surfaces si coating applied in accordance with Engr. Spec. be cleaned and @ 3.7 The Installation Contractor shall conduct led for in Engr. Spec. 47-120, Class F, in the presence of the Dow representative, and when approved, shall submit three properly executed certificates covering test and materials to the inspection department having Jurisdiction for final approval of the completed system. tests ca: Dow required to inspect system before ire Department and Loss Prevention Engineering Departnent will be is placed on line. All nipples used for instrument connections shall be galvanized ‘Cajom Hex nipples" or equal with maximum of 0.4 I.D. ui Specification 57 nderground piping shall be coated in accordance with Engr. 275 or 57-276. (Galvanizing not required.) SM and under P-7 ASTM A-53 or API-5L, Schedule 40 continuous furnace butt weld steel pipe. Po7G ASTY 4-53 or API-SL, Schedule 40 continuous furnace butt weld galvanized steel pipe. P40 ASTM A-120 standard weight furnace butt weld steel pipe. P-40G «ASTM A~120 standard weight galvanized furnace butt weld steel pipe. P-3aGH ASTM A~53 or API-SL, Grade B standard weight seamless or electric weld galvanized steel pipe, open hearth or electric furnace steel. P-3BY —--ASTM_A~53 or API-SL, Grade B standard weight, seamless or electric weld steel pipe, open hearth or electric furnace steel. PHB ASTM A-53 or API-SL Grade B Schedule 30 seamless or electric weld steel pipe, open hearth or electric furnace steel. Pig. ASTM 4-53 or API-SL, Grade A or B Schedule 30 seamless or electric weld galvanized steel pipe. 5. Fittings Screwed Fittings 6" and Under ELTR+2G 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI fittings, ASTM ANSI 316.3. 2" and Under U-86 150-1. screwed galvanized MI union, brass seat. "197, 47-101 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION © 5-15-75 Texas Division Page 5 of 8 5. Fittings (Continued) 6. teooas sitions GY cass: sor sopebte cr eenon hearse) Welded Fittings 2y" and Over —-«ELTR+-15B Standard weight seamless steel welding fittings, ASTM A-234, Grade WPB, ANSI B16.9. ELTR-15G Standard weight galvanized seamless steel welding fittings, ASTM A-234, Grade WPA or WPB, ANST 216.9. Flanges Note: RF flanges may be substituted if FF not available. Fel-FF 150-Ib, flat face slip-on flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANST 216.5. F-1G-FF 150-Ib. galvanized flat face slip-on flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5. F+24-FF 150-1b, flat face welding neck flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5, bore to match welding fittings. F-24G-FF 150-1b, galvanized flat face welding neck flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5, bore to match welding fittings. P-31AG 125-1. galvanized DI threaded flange, ANSI B16.1. F+33AG -125~1b. galvanized DI blind flange, ANSI B16,1. P-19-FF 150-1b. flat face threaded flange, ASTN A-105-71, ANSI B16.5. F-19G-FF 150-1, galvanized flat face threaded flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5.

47-101 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION © 5-15-75 Texas Division page 6 of 8 7. Couplings Screwed Couplings 6" and Under c-266 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI line coupling, ASTM A-197 ANSI 516.3. i (cnurtox: Not acceptable for explosion hazards.) 4a" and Over —«C-39G_—=S 500-1. galvanized MI grooved coupling with Butyl gasket, galvanized steel bolting, Underwriters approved. Victaulic style 77 or Gustin-Bacon 100 Series. Screwed Caps 6" and under PC-23G— 150. crewed galvanized MI cap, ASTM A~197. ANSI B16.3, Not acceptable for explosion hazards.) Grooved Caps 4" and Over PC-41G._—«=«-300-Ib. galvanized MI grooved caps, Underwriters approved, Victaulic or Gustin-Bacon. Welded Cap ak" and Over = PC-4 Welding cap, wall thickness and material to conform with welding fittings. +7 Standard flat ring gasket 1/16" thick rubber, U.S. Rubber Company Rainbow. G-7A Standard flat ring gasket, 1/8" th 5. Rubber Company Rainbow. rubber, N-206 Use 1/8" gasket where possible. 10. Joint Compound Grinnel Sprinkler Pipe Joint Compound, Tefion tape, or Permatex No. 2 shall be used as a pipe joint compound. Clean and coat exposed threads after make-up per 57-271. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division ae 1. 4 15. Branch Connections, Bc-2s Bc-16W Elange Bolts B-A307BG Bolt Lubricant Hangers 47-101 @ -is-79 page 7 of 2 For threaded piping, use straight size or reducing tee. When branch is smaller than header, a nipple and reducing coupling or swaged nipple nay be used. For welded piping, branch lines may be welded in without reinforcement regardless of size combination. For threaded branch connection, use 3000-1b full coupling, threadolet, or nipolet welded to header. ASTM A-307, Grade 8, galvanized machine bolts with heavy galvanized hex nuts. Armite Led-Plate 250. ‘Texaco 2303 Threadtex. 14,1 Hangers shall be galvanized wrought or malleable iron or steel. Hangers shall be of the types in Engr. Specs. 42-301 or 42-303, conform to NFPA 13-1973, Sact. 3-14, Drilling of structural steel is Valves 2" and under v-40 (Gate) 3" thru 8" vel (Gate) ve7A, (Gate) 2" and Under = V-713 @alD and Larger v~945 (Butterfly) not permitted without approval of the Dow Representative. 150-1b. screwed, inside screw, rising stem gate valve, all bronze, union bonnet, split wedge disc. 125-Ib. flanged 0S/Y gate valve, IBBM. 125-1b. flanged non-rising stem IBM gate valve with 2" square operating nut. 200 -Ib. screwed bronze ball valve, Buna-N seats and seals, 1" and under shail have round or oval handle, 1k" and over lever operator. 125-1b. Underwriters type butterfly wafer valve, cast iron body, Ni-resist disc, 304 stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat bonded to body, post with indicator, weatherproof <> arto ENGINEBRING SPECIFICATION 5-15-75, ‘Texas Division Page 8 of 8 15, Valves (Continued) gear operator, fail safe spring. Specify post dimension or burial depth. v-945F 125-1b. Underwriters type flanged butterfly (Butterfly) valve, cast iron body, Ni-resist disc, 304 stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat bonded to body, post with indicator, weatherproof gear operator, fail safe spring. Specify post dimension or burial depth. v-988 125~1b. Underwriters approved Butterfly wafer valve, cast iron body, bronze disc, 416 stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat, post with indicator, weatherproof gear operator. Specify post di- mension or burial depth. ¥-988% 125~1b, Underwriters approved tapped lug type butterfly wafer valve, ductile iron body, bronze disc, 416 stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat, post with indicator, weatherproof gear operator. Specify post dimension or burial depth. 16. Masonry and Carpentry Work 16.1 All necessary trenching and openings in foundations, walls, floors, ceilings, etc., required for proper installation of the systens, and all patching and repairing required shall be as specified in the job specifications or purchase order. 17, Pressure Gauges (Dow Furnished) 17.1 A 1/2" pressure gauge assembly shall be provided on the sprinkler riser immediately above the manual draw-off connection. Gauge shall be 0-100 pound range with shut-off valve. Pipe tap not acceptable. Connection shall be 1/2", 3000-1b. F.S. coupling or by reducing Fitting. 17.2 0-200 pound range gauge will be required in the north process area at Plant A. and the west process area at Plant B. 17.3 ‘The gauge shall not be located on the same outlet as the manual araw-off (drain). <> NGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE ®@ ® Texas Division ® 47-102 5-15-78 Page 1G of 2G AUTOMATIC WATER SPRAY FIXED SYSTEMS FOR FIRE PROTECTION (DELUGE) 1. Purpose This guide is to aid in che application of the specification of che same number. The guide is not normally issued to contractors. File in front of the specification. Notes 2.1 Alternate materials are listed where feasible for flexibility. 2.2 This specification should be used for extra hazardous exposures or where the system is exposed to freezing conditions. For most ordinary indoor sprinkler requirements, use Spec. 47-101 (wet pipe). ® 2.3 Loss Prevention Engineering Department should be consulted on design bases for the system and should review progress through design and acceptance testing. ® 2.4 This specification is for pilot head detectors actuating Clayton 2100 deluge valves. when available, nitrogen is preferred to coupressed air as 4 supervisory mediua, eliminating possible freeze problens. See Safety Standard 3 for Np piping systems. Consideration should be given to location of remote trips for deluge valves, such as in control rooms, upper floors of structures, on top of tanks or vessels which are sprinklered, etc. Where elec~ trical trips are required (for long distances) use of DC power is desirable if standby DC is available. 2.6 The following items normally are furnished by Dow: Deluge valves Strainers for deluge valves Pilot valves for deluge valves Sprinkler and pilot heads Special trim equipment Noce: When issuing Spec. 47-102, a list of materials to be furnished by Dow should be included for the installation contractor's bid information. These materials are not normally available from Stores or the Fire Department. EERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE Texas Division 47-102 @5-15-78 Page 2G of 26 Caution: Note that the contractor has the option of using either threaded or welded piping in sizes 2s" and under. Above grade firewater piping exposed to explosion hazards should be welded in sizes larger than 1", and should be so specified for the job. 2.8 Where multiple deluge systems are required in the same general proximity, there may be a cost advamtage in using a common strainer and control (crim) piping. 47-102 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @® ¥15-77 Texas Division Page 1 of 12 AUTOMATIC WATER SPRAY FIXED SYSTEMS FOR PIRE PROTECTION (DELUGE) 1. Scope 1.1 To provide specifications for labor, materials, and equipment to design and install, ready for operation, a complete automatic fire protection system or series of individual automatic systems to protect the areas and/or equipment designated on the Dow drawings and listed in the job specifications. The complete system shall be designed, installed, and tested in accordance with NFPA 15, and as specified herein. 2. Type of Actuation system Dry pilot, fixed temperature actuation system shall be used. 3. Piping 1. Water supply piping upstream of deluge valve shall be as follows: Use concrete piping per Eng. Spec. 46-950 if 10" or larger. Steel piping shall be galvanized for above grade installation with cuts and welds repaired per 57-271, Underground steel piping shall be black and coated per 57-275, 37-276, or 57-277. 2. Sprinkler piping downstream of the deluge valve fabricated by welding shall be Fabricated in flanged sections from black pipe and hot dip galvanized after fabrication. 24" and smaller may be threaded galvanized pipe unless otherwise specified. All under- ground steel piping shall be galvanized and coated per 57-275, 57-276 or 57-277. Concrete piping downstream of the deluge valve may only be installed underground. 3.1 Pipe Note: 1. 5/8" 0.D. x 0.035" wall black PVC or polyethylene covered copper tubing may be substituted for 1/2 pive on pilot lines. Use brass Swagelok tubing fittings with tubing. 2. ASTM A-106 pipe may be substituted for any pipe listed when required by availability. INGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Texas Division 2h" and Under 6" and under 8" and larger lo" thru 36" 42" and larger Note: 2-76 P-dog P-3BW PolB +217 Pe217A ELTR-26, R226 c-266 c-36 er-102 oi5-79 Page 2 of 12 All 1/2 NPT nipples used for instrument and test connections shall be heavy hex bar stock with a min. wall thickness of 0.151", (0.400 I.D.). All carbon steel nipples used for drains shall be minimum sch 80. ASTM A-53 or API-SL, sch 40 continuous furnace butt weld calv. steel pipe. ASTM A-120 std weight galv, furnace butt weld steel pipe. ASTM A-53 or API-SL, Gr. 3. std weight, seamless or elec. weld steel pipe, open hearth or elec, furnace ste ASTM A-53 or API-SL, Gr 3, Sch 30 seamless or elec. weld pipe, open hearth or elec. furnace steel. Pretensioned concrete cylinder pipe, designed and fabricated to AWWA-C303 specifications. manufacturer to be a member of the concrete pressure pipe association. Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe, designed and fabricated to AWWA-C30L specifications. Manufacturer to be a member of the concrete pressure pipe association. Concrete cylinder pipe to be suitable for test at 200 psig in accordance with 1s0-lb. screwed galv. MI fittings, ASTM A-197, ANSI 316.3. Ex strong galv. steel swage nipple, AST 4-106 or A=53 Gr. B, or ASTM A+696 Gr 3 or C barstock, threaded, beveled, plain, or any combination of ends. (Note -P/T sane as 4-106 seamless pipe.) 150-1b. screwed galv. MI Line coupling ASTM a-197 ANSI 3-16.3. 3000-ib. galv. forged steel screwed coupling, ANSI B16.11, or 3000-1b. galv. threadolet, ASTM A-105-71, for welding in. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division @ 2" and under @® 1" and Larger 1" and larger 10" thru 36" 42" and larger 3.3. Flanges 3.4 Branch Connections Po-1G u-8G o-54 ELR-15B PC-51B ELTR~245 ELTR-245A N-60 Fel-FF Fel-RF F-24-FF F-24-RF F-3-FF F-3-RF BC~28 47-102 ® 1-15-78 Page 3 of 12 Plug-use ex. heavy galvanized nipple and screwed galvanized pipe cap, material to conform with screwed fittings. 150-1b. screwed galvanized MI union, brass seat. 3000-1b. threaded forged steel nipolet, ASTM A-105, dimensions per Bonney Forge catalog W-8, Pg. 29. Std. weight seamless steel welding fittings, ASTM A-234 GR WPB, ANSI 316.9. Std. weight seamless steel welding cap, ASTM A-234 GR WPB, ANSI B16.9. Fittings as per AWWA C303 specifications to match pipe pressure ratings. (Use with P-217) Fittings as per AWWA-C301 specifications to match pipe pressure ratings. (Use with P-217A) Plat face flanges shall be used when bolting to flat face CI flanges on valves and equipment. 150-1b. flat face slip-on flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5. 150-1b. raised face slip-on flange, AS M A-105-71, ANSI B16.5. 150-1b. flat face welding neck flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5, bore to match welding fittings. 150-1. raised face welding neck flange, ASTM A-L05-71, ANST B16.5, bore to match welding fittings. 150-1b. flat face blind flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANSI B16.5. 150-1b. raised face blind flange, ASTM A-105-71, ANST B16.5. For threaded piping, use straight size or reducing tee. When branch is smaller than header, a nipple and reducing coupling or swaged nipple may be used. >_> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 39 Texas Division Branch Connections, cont'd Gaskets Joint Compound Flange Bolts Bolt Lubricant Valves 2" & Under ® BC-16W BC-240 C48 G-9a G47 47-102 ® 9-15-79 Page 4 of 12 For welded piping, branch lines shall be welded in without reinforcement regardless of size combination. For threaded branch connection, use 3000-1b. full coupling, thredolet, or nipolet welded to header. yes, tees, crosses, couplings, and flanged outlet shall be as provided by vendor by fabricating into length of pipe, or special fittings. Threaded outlets 2" and smaller shall have plastic insulating bushings, (for concrete piping) Std. flat ring gasket, 1/8" thick asbestos, Garlock 900. Std. flat ring gasket, 1/8" thick graphited asbestos sheet packing, JM-60, Garlock 7021 or Nicolet 225 or 245. Neoprene gasket as furnished by vendor for concrete cylinder pipe. Permatex No. 2, Teflon tape, or Grinnell Sprinkler Compound. After installation, clean exposed threads and coat per 57-271. B-A307BG ASTM A-307, Grade 3, galvanized machine BL-iA BL-3 v-40 (Gate) v-713 (Ball) ¥~409B bolts with heavy hex galvanized nuts. Armite Led-Plate 250. Texaco 2303 Threadtex. 150-1b. screwed, inside screw, rising stem gate valve, all bronze, union bonnet, split wedge disc. 200-1b. screwed bronze ball valve Buna-N seats and seals, 1" and under shall have round or oval handle, 1-1/4" and over lever operator. 1000-1b. screwed in-line check valve, Brass body and piston, 216 stainless steel spring Buna N seat. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ‘Texas Division 21/2" and larger V-36 (Gate) 4! and larger y-989 6" and lar; v-988. ¥-990 150-1b. flanged 0S/Y wedge gate valve carbon steel body, 13 chrome-alloy steel trian, 125-1b Underwriters’ approved butterfly wafer valv iron body, aluminum bronze disc, stainless steel stem, Buna-N or EPDM seat, weatherproof gear operator with indicator. To be used above ground only. 150-1b. flanged 0S/Y wedge gate valve, ductile iron body, 13 chrome alloy steel trin. 125-Ib, Undervricers’ type flanged gate valve with post indicator flange and 2” square nut for operation, TBEM, non-rising stem. (For underground use only) 125-1b. flanged non-rising stem IBBM gate valve with 2” square operating nut. (For underground use only). 125-Lb. Underwriters’ approved flanged butterfly valve, cast iron body, Ni-resist disc, 104 st, steel stem, Buna-N seat bonded to body, post indicator, weatherproof gear operator, fail safe spring. Specify post (For underground use only). less 125-1b. Underwriters’ approved butterfly wafer val cast iron body, bronze disc, 416 stainless steel stem, Buna-N seat, post with indicator, weatherproof gear operator. Specify post dimension or burial depth. (For underground use only). 125-Lb. Underwriters’ approved tapped lug type butterfly wafer valve. Ductile tron body, bronze disc, 416 stainless steel stea, Buna-N seat, post with indicator, weatherproof gear operator. Spe post dimension or Surial desth. (For under use only). 125-ib. Underwriters’ approved butterfly cast iron body, Ni-resist disc, 304 stainless stee2 stem, Buna-¥ seat bonded to body, weatherproof gear operator with indicator. For use above ground only ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ‘Texas Division Design Contractor Responsibilities 4.1 The Design Contractor shall furaish a lump sum proposal for engineering and a separate itemized descriptive proposal and costs for any material to be furnished by Design Contractor. 4.2 The Design Contractor shall coordinate his plans with Dow Loss Prevention Engineering Department. This Department will arrange for review of design by Dow's insurance underwriters. Dow specify water density and required spray coverage on area protection and directed spray bases. 4.3, Dow will furnish water in the quantity required at 50 psi minimun residual pressure available in the water mains at the point where the contract begins. 4.4 Design Drawings 4.4.1 Drawings shall be made on Dow f nunbers assigned by Dow. shed transparencies, using draving 4.4.2 Within che specified tine after award of contract, the Design Con tractor shall furnish four complete sets of design drawings sad cal~ Dow's prelin~ 4.4.2 Adter the preliainary review, eight final sets of prints or one set of reproducibles and the tracings will be required of che contractor. The final prines or reproducibles shall bear the @ certified approval of Dow's insurance Underwriters (Industrial Risk Insurers). 4.4.4 when equipment to be protected includes tanks or vessels, the Design Contractor shall furnish schedule of vessel hanger lugs required, if any, and a location drawing as soon as possible. These lugs are to be welded on vessels by others. 4.4.5 The type hangers shall be specified by the Design Contractor and shall comply with Dow Spec. 42-301 (indoors) or 42-303 (outdoors). All supports shall be galvanized. Exposed threads shall be cleaned and coated per 57-271 after installation. 4.4.6 No material is to be purchased by the Design Contractor until approved by Dow and a purchase order issued. 4.4.7 Termination of blow-down connections shall be included on all design drawings and piped to location which is not hazardous to personnel or equipment. 4.4.8 Nominal pipe sizes 3-1/2" and 5" shall not be used except where re~ quired to obtain hydraulic balance of the system. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-102 Texas Division 1115-78 Page 7 of 12 Testing 8 ‘The Design Contractor shall design the system for a minimum of 200 psig test in accordance with 47-120, Class F, Par. 3.4.2, Provide bleed connections in high points of all water piping where air may be trapped during tests. If air is used for pilot detectors, provide drain valve at all low points in pilot piping. Route Above grade to avoid trapping water underground. £ unavoidable, provide drainage. (See par. 4.10.5. Pilot line drainage not required if nitrogen is used instead of air). Drain valves shall be accessible. Provide for freeze protection of the 1/2" water control (trim) piping by insulation and heat tracing (Chenelex 4 ATY-C Auto-Trace electrical heating preferred if not Division I area). Insulate the deluge valve proper. River water supply piping up to the deluge valve should be protected by bleeding water as show in Sketch 4.10.3. Insulation to be Class G-7, 56-503. Caution: Do not use steam g on deluge valve and pilot valve (item 9) to avoid excess heating of diaphragms. provide for audible and visual alarm to indicate system actuation. Actuation of alarm by pressure switch on pilot system. In plants with multiple systens, a translucent plot plan display panel is recon indicate area covered by each system and which system is actuated. 4.9.1 Water supply strainers shall be required in the water line to each system or group of systems. 4.9.2 Unless otherwise stated in the job specifications, strainers shall be sized for total flow of plied by che strainer. (Note: “here multiple systens are served by che same strainer, hydraulic calculations shall be taken back to the nce of the strainer assuming ail systems to be operati simultaneously). 4.9.3 Head strainers are not acceptable. Spray heads shall be of such design as to pass ali foreign materia! which passes the nain water supply strainer. 4.9.4 Strainer baskets shall be of any copper alloy or monel with 1/8" diameter holes on 3/16" triangular pitch, minimum 1/16 chick plate. iner hody and nozzles galvanized after fabrication. Strainer cation and orier there will be no obstructions to renoval of the strainer basket. Elevation of the deluge vatve, strainer, and controls be in reach from grade or flooring. <—_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-102 Texas Division @® 3-15-79 Page 8 of 12 4.10 Pilot Head Systems 41001 4.10.2 Deluge Valves The deluge valve shall be automatically operated by fixed temperature dry pilot head actuation and by manual oper- ation from such points as shall be designated. Use Clayton Model 2100, cast steel or ductile iron. Cast steel valves shall have a factory applied internal coating of epoxy. Internal valve trim shall be of bronze. Pilot Head Detectors Pilot heads shall be corro-proofed, "fusible link, strut type, wax over lead coating, (65°F. or 175°F, rated heads, unless otherwise specified for high ambient cenperature areas. ead spacing shall not exceed 8 fr. on che horizontal. Piloe head piping shall follow approximate routing of sprinkler piping hen feasible. Detectors inside tower skirts should be located 50 that they will be exposed to acderace ambient tenperatures and in positions accessible from the outside, where practical. Dow Stock No. 01-3260 —_— ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-102 Texas Division @® 315-79 Page 9 of 12 N, OR AIR SUPPLY VALVE, (Ny PREFERRED) @ 4. 10,3. Teim for Clayton Deluge Valves © rere RED. Port #} Ss ® \ portT*2~ s/f a tog a Ao ip oF i G ci ‘TOP CONNECTION | ae at TO SPRAYS, on) FREEZE PROTECTION & BLEED VALVE me 2°v- FR AWOOWN, = STRAINER, pole fr¢ Pilot | HEADS AND PACER, 3 3 BLOWDOWN ay ovat, | SHALL MoT a= od Sg taste | Soto a pat yy Repucen 4 PIPING ®@ * \ ® i RIVER WATER INSULATE, AND, HEADER HEAT TRACE (SE PAR. 4,7) ‘IO ® 6O In-line filter, Moore No. 2306, 1/4" 1/4" pressure regulator, Rockewli No. 2080, 20-60# spring 1/2" check valve, Dow #¥-409B 1/2" Clayton-Mark, or equal, 3000# galv. steel orifice union with $.S. or mone orifice plate, 1/16" @ orifice 1/4" 3-way solenoid valve, ASCO $309B31F for remote electrical tent characteris See Par, 4.9.4 4/2" pressure gauge, 0-100# " pressure gauge, 0-200# Clayton-Mars of S. oF nonel or: No. 100P pilot valve, br: red bronze, steel, or due Alarm pressure switch, Static~c-ring #4N-R5 or Neo-Dyn $00P: locations, Static-d-ring #4U-K5 or NecDyn #300P2-3C7 for Install on pitot system at convenient location (ia Control Room if renote crip provided there) set to alarm at 20 psig. galvanized steel, ze with brass trim iron strainer with 20 mesh monel or 3C 3 for aonhaza: LREMOTE TRIPS FBLSCK VAWVES, ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® ~ Texas Division Page 10 of 12 @ 4.10.4 Remote tripping Manual tripping shall be used if nes are no longer than shown below: | L-PROTECTED AREA oeLuse 5 v-713 VALVE | v-713 i= 4. £ os] tap ‘et ¥ 1 weve Tee poet supervisory Fino | “we vaue | “Oi oR MAS } | | 300" Max. B00' Max. i If piping lengchs for renote crips would exceed approximate Limits shown, substitute electrical solenoid valve located in the vicinity of the deluge valve, with remote trip switch. See 4.10.3, item 3. 4.10.5 Where practical, water headers upstream and downstream o: deluge stations shall be buried, or routed to take advanzage of available shielding from structures, vessels, ete. ?iping ~ above grade shall be well supported in order to prevent dynamic ovement of the pipe and excessive strain on che deluge station in case of an explosion or other upset. Provide eductor for removal of water trapped in underground water headers downstream of the deluge valve, and pilor air lines as noted below: 2D peer er® =z PRE epecto m peo? (GINEZRING SPECIFICATION ® i378 Texas Division (cont'd) Locate deluge stacions minimum of 50' from explosion hazards or shield wich structures, equipment, or blast wall @ 4, 10.4 Im addition co deluge valves, above ground block valves and blowdown valves at deluge stations shall have ductile iron oF Sceel bodies ancepe that vafer butterfly valves sithowe tapped lugs may be of C.T.- Installation Contractor Responsibilities 5.1 The Ingtallacion contractor shall furnish (except as specified otherwise) and install all 4! alarms, supports, controls, and elec: drawings and specification 5.2 Consideration shall be given to all interfering piping, supports, equipment, ecc., and it shall be the Installation Contractor's responsibility to avoid incerference vith existing facilities and access ways. Adequate clearances aust be maintained between the piping and equipment and to allow proper maintenance and operation thereof (contractor shall field check before fabrication). 5.3 Piping shall be installed in accordance with Engr. Spec. 47-110. All sections of pipe and fittings shall be visually inspected and cleaned of all foreign material immediately prior to installation. 3.4 All steel piping downstream of the deluge valve axcept threaded piping shall be hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Field welding + not be accepted. 31 5.5. Welding shall conform to Spec. 96-901. Concrete lined piping with dell and spigot joints shail have joints welded all around per s6- 950 at ali above grade joints and adjacenc to any bend or offset below grade. 3.6 Low points (H,0 traps) in pilot air piping and sprinkler piping downstrean of deluge vaive shall be xept to a minimus. Provide 1/2" V=U0 valved drain in low points of pilot lines. Drill 1/8" drain hole in low points of spriakler piping water traps after pressure tests. All drain valves shall be in an accessible location (inscallation contractor shall field Locate required drains). Pilot head decectors shall be installed ia such a aanner as to avoid trapping #,0, or drain provided. Pilot head stens shell be pointing up. Omit érfins in pilor piping vhen aicrogen is used instead of air. 5.7 all damaged galvanized surfaces shal! se cleaned and a coating applied in accordance with Engr. Spec. 57-271. <— ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-102 Texas Division Bo s1s-79 Page 12 of ® 5.8 waere installation teins require isolation of any existing fize II be coordinated in advance with be planned to minimize the duration protection, such isolation si Dow Fire Department and shal: of isolation. -9 The Installacion Contractor shall flush systems and conduct all tests called for in Engr. Spec. 47-120, Class F in the presence of the Dow representative, and vhen approved, shall submit three properly executed certificates covering test and materials to the inspection department Aaving jurisdiction for final approval of the completed {nal operation acceptance test shall be witnessed by Dow Loss Prevention Engineering Department Reprasentative and the Insurance Company’s Field Engineer. For this performance test, contractor shall install a 0-100 psig gauge in the position of NO. 1 sprinkler head, or as otherwise instructed, for each deluge system. ( <> a7-u10 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE @® esa Texas Divi ion Page 1G of 66 PIPING ERAL SPECIFICATIONS GUIDE Purpose This guide is to aid in the application of the specification of the same number. The guide is not normally issued to contractors. Please file in front of the specification. Steel pipe usage guide: (Note: This guide conforms with ANSI/ASME B.31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code). Galvanized pipe or black pipe cleaned and primed per Engineering Specification 57-247 should normally be used on services such as air and water. Galvanized or zinc coatings shall be completely removed at least one inch back from the location of any welding before the welding is done. See Safety Reference No. 27. Welds on galvanized pipe and fittings should be ZRC coated on the outside per Engineering Specification 57-271. Galvanized pipe costs approximately 20% more than black pipe, depending on type. However, the installed cost of welded galvanized piping systsems in sizes up to 8” is less than piping that has been primed with inorganized zinc (Dow Spec. 57-247) and painted. In addition, hot dipped galvanizing provides a coating that is superior to the inorganic zinc primer. For pipe sizes 8" thru 12" the designer should check the economics of galvanizing versus priming and painting. NOTE: Hot dipped galvanized piping will have zinc inside and outside. This may or may not be acceptable for a particular process. 2.1 ASTM A-120, Furnace Buttweld Pipe (Category D Fluid Service only) This is the least expensive pipe recommended for general utility usage. It is readily available in sizes 1” thru 2-1/2", in standard or heavy weight, black or galvanized, threaded and coupled or plain ends. Welding of this pipe is not recommended. CAUTION: This pipe has a very low allowable stress and is limited to =20°F to 200°F maxiaum service. It must not be used for hydrocarbon or other flanmable Fluids within process unit limits or for toxic fluids in any location. In addition, it is unsuitable for close coiling or bending. See Dow P-40 thru P-40G. Dow stock numbers 17-34805 thru 17-35165. 2.2 ASTM AS3 and API-SL, Furnace Buttweld Pipe Type F (Category D Fluid Service only). This pipe is very similar to A~120 pipe except that it may be used at temperatures up to 400°F. However, it is slightly more expensive than 4-120 (2-32). CAUTION: The other limitations on use (except for temperature) are the same as for ASTM A-120 pipe. See Dow P-6 thru P-7G. 47-110 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE ® 7-30-82 ‘Texas Diviston Page 26 of 6¢ 2.3 AST A-53 or API-SL, Type E. Electric Resistance Welded or Type S, Seamless Pipe. 4-53 and API-5L are suitable for flammable or toxic service from -20°F to 750°F. Grade B pipe has higher allowable stresses and should normally be used. Grade A pipe should be specified only if bending or coiling is required. Seamless pipe is available in sizes 2” thru 26” and electric welded pipe 2" thru 36" sizes. Larger sizes of electric welded pipe are available in some wall thicknesses. ASTM A-106, Seamless Steel Pipe 4-106 pipe is suitable for most process uses, ~20°F to 750°F., and is available in sizes 1/8" thru 26". 4-106 pipe (called pressure tubing, 1-1/2" and below) is 5-6% more expensive than A~53 or API-SL pipe. However, 4-53 or API-5L seamless or electric weld are aot available below 2". Therefore, A-106 must be used in small sizes for process applications and conditions where A-120 and A-53 butt weld pipe are not suitable. Grade B pipe should be specified for sost applications. ASTM A~587, Electric Resistance Welded Steel Pipe, Flanging and Bending quality ‘This pipe should be considered where flanged pipe is needed. In most cases will be less expensive than conventional welded flange piping, since it can be flared for lap joint flanges, and bends substituted for weld ells. Schedule 40 pipe is available 1" thru 4" and Schedule 80, 1" thru 2". +587 pipe is suitable for general process piping, -20°F to 650°F. See Dow P~68 thru P-69. For Bent Pipe see Texas Division Specification 43-330; for Flaring Pipe see Texas Division Specification 43-325. ASTM A-333, Seamless 4-333, alloy steel pipe is made in seven grades covering the lower temperature ranges from -20°F to -320°F. This pipe requires charpy test and should only be used when necessary because it is more expensive. It is available in sizes 1/2" thru 24". See Dow P-38 thru P-39, and P-65. Stainless steel may be less expensive than A~333 in the smaller sizes. All piping shall be clearly marked or stenciled so that it can be easily identified. Nonmetallic piping shall not be used in flammable service except as permitted by Loss Prevention Principles paragraph 6-8-1. > (G SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-110 Texas Division ® 11-15-76 3.1 3.3 Notes Page 36 of 66 ALL information included in general engineering specifications should comply with applicable government regulations. However, specification users aust recognize that it is not practical to include in che specifications all the possible applications of these regulations and it will be necessary to refer to these regulations. The Loss Prevencion Engineering Department should be consulted on ail fire protection piping and sprinkler systems. The general piping specifications are minimum requirements and do not allow for external loadings, bending moments, or a specific corrosion allowance. After selection of a specific layout and erating conditions, analysis must be made to determine if the of che general specifications will be exceeded. mits 3.2.1 The term "Piping" as used in the specifications and on the drawings is intended to include ail the components found ta s piping system such as pipe, valves, fittings, sample connections, piping supports, vents, drains and other piping appurtenances. 3.2.2 All materials shall be in accordance with the applicable process piping specifications. Exceptions should be noted on the piping drawings and/or line schedules and included in the job specification. Exceptions should also be in dicated as an exception by the symbol E beside the description of the exception. No meterial substitutions should be made without approval from owner representative. 3.2.3. The piping specifications List one or aore valve manufacturers under each valve; however, this is aot intended to exclude other manufacturers of comparable valves. All substitutions for valves listed should be checked in detail before using. Assistance is available from Engineering Department Specifi- cations Group. Other areas in which diligent consideration should be exercised are as follows: 3.3.1 Special safety requirements. 3.3.2 Special cleaning requirements. 3.3.3. Should valve packing and Lubrication be checked prior to operation? 3.3.4 Stainless steel bolting should be changed in areas where problems with Chloride stress cracking are suspected. o> ar-1l0 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GULDE © unis-76 Texas Division Page a6 of 5 3.3.5 Materials of 300 series stainless steels are vulnerable attack from Chlorides, even at ambient temperatures. This attack can occur in storage bins as well as outdoors. See Safety Reference (Technical Safety Cuide)No. 9. If the J service temperature is less than 250 degrees F. these “ue naterials shall be cleaned, primed, and painted per Engineering Specification 57-227 or other suitable coating. when the service temperature is greater than 250 degrees F. painting shall be in accordance with Engineering Specification 57~ 259 and insulated. The coating materials called our in Specification 57-259 may have very low resistance to weathering (exposure co the elements). Therefore, insul- ation shall be installed as soon as practicable after painting. 3.4 Table numbers and temperature ranges are included in the description of various piping components in the specifications. The table numbers refer co pressure-cemperature rating tables in che front of Piping Book 4B. These tables give allowable pressure for components at indicaced temperatures. Do not exceed these allowable pressure-temperature ranges. 3.3. In cases where larger by a particular spec: Specifications Group ipe sizes are required than are covered cation, consult with the Engineering Departnent yf additional inforaat 3.6 In the field checking required by par. 2.1, it is intended for work closely integrated vith existing facilities, and should be deleted when not necessary. Tubing with tubing fictings should be considered in lieu of small diameter pipe. Tubing should be bent in place of using fiteings where possible. Tubing and tubing fittings are available in sizes up thru 2", Special swaging tools are available for larger sizes. ‘Tubing should be supported in long runs to prevent sagging. Fluid density and tube size determine the support spacing. Generally such supports should allow free axial movement of the tubing and only support the weight of the tubing. All components should be mounted. The tubing should not support the weight of valves, filters, regulators, etc.. Tubing should be supported as follows: 1/4" thru 1/2" tubing every 3 feet, 5/8! thru 7/8" every 4 feet, and 1" tubing about every 5 feet. Consider using plastic trays for long runs where practical. See Engr. Spec. Sé-106. The designer may choose other acceptable support aethods. 3.8 Special as well as general piping requirenents shall be included in the job specifications. 3.8.1 Job Specifications should emphasize all special requirements and/or general notes. Example: Dimensions for strainers are based on Leslie, unless othervise noted on piping ravings. Any deviation in dimensions are the responsibility of the contractor. ENGINEERING SPECIF: ICATION GUIDE 47-110 Texas Division @ 13-78 Bad 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.8.6 3.8. 3.8.8 3.8.9 3.8.10 3.3.11 Page 5G of 66 ALL nipples on instrument connections including pressure gauges shall be che hexagonal bar stock type. All other sreel screwed nipples shall 5e ac least Schedule 80. Stainless sceel and nongerrous nipples shall be Schedule 40 unless ochervise speci- fied. All nipples that are used for vent, drain, test, and sample connections shall be ac leas: Schedule 80 well thickness. The back welding of screwed fic: is aot recommended. Buct weld or socket weld ficcings are recommended. When using socket welded fittings there should be 1/16" clear~ ance between the end of the pipe and bottom of socket co permit longicudinal growth of the pipe ead. ension from the face of the itting should be 3/8" on ded by designer. On slip-on flanges, the ¢: Elange to the end of the pipe or all sizes unless othervise spec! Qn Line sizes 3" and over, when 43 dai ing ells are act avatlable, 45 degree welding elis aay Se fabricated by cutting standard 30 degree velding ells in half when wall thickness does not exceed 1/2". The cut aust be made smooth and true and che end properly beveled for velding. Dimensions for welded piping shall congorm with standard welding fittings unless otherwise shown on drawings. Di- nensions of flanged branch connections from centerline of pipe to face of flange shall be equal to, or aot less than, the dimension of a standard welding cee plus the length of a velding neck flange unless the particular design will not permit these dimensions. All Lines should be provided with 1/2" minimum size vent and drain connections at high and low points. Contractor shall provide all addicional vent and drain connections necessary for testing. These shall be plugged after com- pletion of testing, in accordance with the piping speci- Eication. Where full couplings are required to be welded to headers or main lines, the couplings shall be formed to fit the pipe wall and either the pipe wall or the coupling shall be beveled for welding. Shoes or saddles should be considered on hot insulated lines. Anchors and Guides should be used where needed to control che movement of lines. Mitered fittings may be used only where specified in the process piping specifications. See Engr. Specification 43-300. If the designer has a preference as co location of traps, drip pockets, vents, and other aiscellaneous items that aay have a standard hook-up the preferred way should be detailed on the drawings or stated in the Job Specifications. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE Texas Division 3.8.12 For examination and inspection guidelines see Piping Design Manual, paragraph 3.8.13 Hangers and supports should be located and detailed on the drawings. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ‘Texas Division ) <> arto ® 3-15-79 PIPING GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Applicable Codes and Standards 1 Fabrication, assembly, and erection of the piping systems shall comply with the minimum requirements of ANST 231.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, Engineering Specification 96-901, and che drawings and pills of material, and applicable government regulations. General Requirements 2a The contractor shall field check all tie-in dimensions before fabrica~ tion of final tie-in make-ups. Tie~ins shall include all piping con nections to new vessels and equipment set by the contractor as well as connections to existing vessels, equipment, and piping. ALL lines placed underground shall be cleaned, primed, coated, and wrapped according to Engineering Specification 57-275 or coated in accordance with Engineering Specification 57-276 or 37-277 SP. Coverage over underground lines shall be 30" minimum unless otherwise specified. The contractor shall furnish the Dow representative with two copies of mill test reports, vendor's certification papers, or certified laboratory reports on all Alloy or Charpy tested pipe furnished by the contractor. These documents shall be furnished within two weeks after the Contractor issues Purchase Order for the aacertal. The contractor shall exercise the necessary precautions to assure ic the piping systems are free of foreign material. Connections installed on metal underground lines for pressure testing shall be 3000-1b. minimum half or full couplings or Theedolet. After test approval connections shall be plugged with hex head plugs, with dry threads, back welded and coated prior to burial. This type conn- ection should be kept to a ainiaum. Overhead clearance shall be 7'6" minimum in buildings and above walkways and platforms. Pipe shall not be run near the floor, across walkways or working spaces where they would be a hazard. Coded references to valves, pipe, and fittings on drawings and specifi- 1e 48-000 Series specizications, Book 43 be furnished with round or oval accidental opening of valves. eal position shall be installed jen the valve is closed 1 through 1" sh: ndles in order to reduce the hazard o: ver operative ball vaives in the vert: hat the lever rests against the stop wi ‘The contractor may substitute heavier wal: those specified, if desired. The Dow representative must be no: and subsequently approve all substitutions before they are made. piping components shea fied Page 1 of 3 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-110 Texas Division © 11-15-76 Page 2 of 3 2.10 Refer to Piping Book 4 for approved valve vendor lists. The vendor lists now shown in Piping Book 4A will be omitted on fur revisions and are to be regarded as outdated. Where galvanizing is specified for miscellaneous brackets and supports, the contractor may at his option either hot dip galvanize after fabrication, or fabricate galvanized steel and repair danaged surfaces per Engr. Spec. 37-271, The galvanizing must be renoved, at least one inch back from the location of any welding or hot work, before performing the hot work. Work shall be done in a well vent~ ilated area. The nominal wall thickness of the ends of weld reducers shall not be less than the nominal wall thickness of the attached pipe or fitting. ‘The specified bolt thread lubricant shall be applied to the full length of all bolt threads. All bolts shall extend completely chrough their nuts by ac least one full effective thread, but not more than 3/8 inch. Hangers and supports, indicated, but not located on the drawing, shall be located by the contractor. Adequate temporary supports shall be installed during erection so as not to overstress piping or equipment to which piping is connected. Bolt holes shall straddle center lines of all flanges unless other- wise designated on the drawings. Flanged piping connections to vessels or equipment shall be perfectly aligned before bolting up. ts shall slide into bolt holes freely and the spacing between the flanges shall be 1/3" unless specified othervise on drawings. This spacing will depend on the type of gaskets used. Piping may be heated co bring into align~ ment only when approved by the Dow representative. However, heating of vessels and equipment will not be permitted. No preload on noz- zles or cold springing for fit-up will be permitted. Any intentional cold springing or preloading must be witnessed by the Dow representative. A cold spring inspection report will be completed by the Dow representative in accordance with Dow Design Aid 41-131. care shall be taken lange iaces and pipe threads during storage and erec! ‘aces and piping shall be clean an free from foreign aatter before assembly. 1 gaskets shall be used for every n assembl Lel fs intended solely for fitvu. 47-110 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION ® 30-32 Texas Division Page 3 of 3 2-20 All valves shall be tagged with a "V" number for identification while 2.21 2.22 2.23 2428 2.25 2.27 2.28 2.29 in stock and during construction. ‘Tags shall be legible and sufficiently durable to withstand handling in the field. valves which have been noted on the piping drawing as an exception to the applicable specification and are not assigned a “V" number shall be tagged “Special” and shall be fully described on the tag. Drawings will normally indicate position of valve stems on sizes 2° and above, when not indicated, and for smaller valves, stems shall not be installed in a position below horizontal. Chloride stress cracking of 300 series stainless steels is a problem in many plant areas. Protection of these stainless steel materials from airborne chlorides must be considered on an individual basis for all applications. It is essential that these materials be protected both prior to and after installation. Stainless steel, monel and nickel threaded piping shall be installed using Teflon tape on the male pipe thread and by applying an approved compatible joint compound to the female pipe threads. Carbon steel nipples in Hazardous Service shall be as follows: 1/2" screwed Instrument and Sample Connections Cajon hex nipples or equivalent hex bar stock nipples will be minimum required for first nipple off of process top when piping is to be only support. Nipple will have nominal I. D. of no more than 0.4 inch bore. "xX" strong swaged nipples will be required in process connections where swaged nipples are used as first nipple off of process tap when piping is the only support. CAUTION: If welding is to be performed on materials that have been coated with zine or epoxy base materials the coating shall first be removed back at least 1” from the weld area. Work shall be done in a well ventilated area. All materials used in piping system shall be new unless otherwise specified. Contractor shall aot make any substitutions without prior written approval from the Dow representative. Instrument pipe fitting shall be installed with pipe jotat compound. JC-15 (Teflon tape) is not recommended. All slip-on flanges shall have a weld at the hub, and on the inside in accordance with page 327.4-2A, ANSI/ASME B31.3 - 1980. Lines containing corrosive materials shall be placed in the lower tier of the pipeway or on brackets outside of the pipeway so they will be easily accessible and so that possible leaks will not normally affect other lines. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-120 Texas Division @3-15-79 Page 1G of 36 PIPING TESTING PROCEDURE Purpose - To aid in the application of testing specification 47-120. The guide is not normally issued to contractors. Please file in front of the specification. Safety Precautions: 1 Pressure Testing 2.1.1 ANSI 31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping Code, Section 337, requires pressure testing of piping systens to assure tightness prior to initial operation except as permitted by the following guidelines. In-service testing, wich omers approval, is permitted if all of following conditions apply; The fluid involved is air, water, steam inert gas, or other nonflanaable, nontoxic fluid. 2, The design pressure and temperature do not exceed 150 psig and 360 degrees F. respectively. 2.1.2 The ineservice tests shall be made at normal operating conditions during initial operation. In addition, a preliminary check shall be made at not more than 25 psig. The pressure shall be increased gradually, in steps allowing sufficient time for the piping strains co equalize and to permit checks for leaks. Lé cepairs or additions are made following pressure testing, the affected piping shall be retested. The owner ay waive retesting provided that the repairs or additions are minor and precautionary measures are taken to assure sound construction. 2.1.3 OSHA regulations, Part 1910, 101~106, Sub-part , also requires pressure testing of piping systens for hazardous materials such as; acetylene, oxygen, hydrogen, anhydrous ammonia, LPG, other flamable and combustible Liquids and gasses, ete.. Most plant piping is designed and tested in accordance with ANSI 331.3. Compliance with ANST Codes will normally meet OSHA requirements. 2.1.4 ANST 31,3 specifies a mininum hydrostatic test pressure of 1.5 cimes the design pressure. The test pressure (P,) is calculated as follows: _ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-120 ‘Texas Division © 315-79 ~ Page 2G of 36 Pre 5 Be P = internal design gauge pressure, psi. Sy = Allowable stress at test temperature, psi (Normally stress at -20 to 100°F - Table 1, Appendix A of ANSI 31.3) $ = Allowable stress at design temperature, psi (See Table 1, Appendix A of ANST 31.3 at design temp.) If the test pressure as defined above would produce a stress in excess of the yield strength at test temperature, the test pressure may be reduced to the maximum pressure that will not exceed the yield strength at temperature. (See 302.3.2, Notes 2 and 3 of ANSI 31.3) NOTES: 302.3.2 Note 2 For an unlisted material, the "tensile(or yield) strength at temperature” shall be derived by multiplying the average expected tensile (or strength at temperature by the ratio of the specified minimum tensile (or yield) strength at room temperature to the average (expected) tensile (or yield) strength at room temperature. fote 3 The use of these stress values (approaching 90 per cent of yield serengeh at temperature) is not recomended for flanges or gasketed joints or other applications where slight anounts of deformation can cause leakage or mal- function. Where possibility of such deformation is present, an allowable stress value of either 75 per cent of the allowable stress listed in Appendix A or 2/3 of yield strength value as published in ASME Section VITI, Division 2 should be used. In Appendix A, Table 1 of ANST 31.3 there are Listings of the materials along with allowable stress for listed minimum temperature to aaxiaun temperatures of 1500°F. In shaded areas, allowable stress values which are printed in italics exceed 2/3 of the expected yield strength at temperature. 411 other allowable stress values in shaded areas are equal to 90 per cent of yield strength at temperature. See notes 2 and 3 above. Special test procedures may be desired for high pressure pip —_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION GUIDE 47-120 ‘Texas Division 3415-79 Page 36 of 3¢ 1.5 ‘The minimum pneumatic test pressure per ANSI 331.3 is 10% of the design pressure. Engineering Specification 47-120, Par. 5.3.2 requires that a setp procedure be used when testing with com- pressible fluids. Pneumatic tests should be used only as a last resort. Soap bubble tests are generally not effective above approx imately 15 psig. 2.1.6 Hydrostatic tests should be used when feasible due to the hazard of latent energy produced by pneumatic tests. If hydrostatic tests are objectionable because of problems of water removal, con- sideration should be given to use of other liquids and/or pigging and air drying for removal. Specification 47-120 is designed primarily for ANSI 31.3. If other piping codes are required the testing procedures should comply with those codes. Some comonly used codes are listed below: ANSI 331.1 - Power Piping ANSI 31.2 = Fuel Gas Piping ANSI B31.4 Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping ANSI 31.5 ~ Refrigeration Piping ANSI B31.8 = Gas Transmission Piping ASME Pover Boiler Code = Boiler Piping Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet G1.3 - Acetylene Piping ‘The possibility of brittle fracture occurring during a pressure test should be given special consideration in providing for safety of personnel, The hazards are greater when testing pneumatically. Cold carbon steel piping, particularly below 40 degrees F., is susceptible to brittle fracture and the temperature of the pipe during tests must be considered. Heating of the test fluid may be advisable. Cast roa and semi-steel valves and fittings are especially susceptible to fracture, also. The systems aust be properly supported and anchored to minimize fracture hazards. If a pneumatic test is required, compressed air should be limited to a maximum temperature of 300 degrees F. with oil lubricated compressors to avoid the hazard of auto-fgnition. It can be expected that a small amount of oil and water will enter the system from most compressors, unless special equipment is spect: If contamination is critical, consider specifying an uncontaminated test fluid, or cleaning procedures for renoval of contaminants. Do aot over-lock the OSHA requirenent of flushing and testing of naias, Class F. Concrete pipe may not be designed for the required test pressures, unless so specified. 47-120 ENGINEERING GPHCTFICATION © 5-15-73 Texas Division Page 1 of 9 1. 2 PIPING TESTING PROCEDURE Scope La 1.2 1.3 Leb To provide definite requirements for testing piping systems to be installed for or by The Dow Chemical Company. Various classes of testing are included in order to obtain a stringent test of in portant lines, or a less rigorous test of secondary lines, as re~ quired by the service. ‘The term "piping system" as used herein is intended to include pipe, valves, and fittings. Vessels, instruments, and relief devices are not included. The acceptance of piping systems under this specification includes approval for pressure tightness only. Vessels and flanged items not included in the tests shall be isolated by line blinds. Line blinds shall be installed between existing piping and new piping under test to prevent application of pressure to exist~ ing Lines. ‘The Dow representative shell be notified in advence by the contractor of test schedules and test conditions. Materials and Services 2. 23 Dow will furnish water for test purposes at existing pressures within the block or plant limits when available. Dow will furnish all required Freon R-12, If @ recording instrument is required for the test, Dow will furnish the instrument and the contractor shall install and re~ move same. The contractor shall furnish all. miscellaneous pipe, geuges, fittings, test pumps, or compressors, line blinds, valves, ~te., necessary to provide the proper testing equipment. All uch materials shall be removed upon completion of testing unless shown on the drawings as part of the finished work. The contractor shall furnish all piping or hose from the source of water to the point of test connection and shall be responsible, when bidding, for determining the nearest source of water and what equipment will be needed. Air compressors shall ve equipped with discharge filters for removal of water, oll, and foreign matter. Maximm discharge temperature of oil lubricated air compressors shall be 300°F. The contrector shall. furnish experienced test crews of adequate size, equipped with sufficient and proper hand tools, to handle properly the testing operations. The Dow representative shall determine the adequacy of ell equipment used by the test crews. The contractor shall be responsible for the removal of water used in testing from all piping systems. Where ditches or temporary lines to ditches are necessary, the contractor shall provide them; after their use, euch ditches or lines shall ve removed leaving the area in its original, or equal, condition. 47-120 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION © 5-15-73 ‘Wexas Division Page 2 of 9 2.4 If special drying or special cleaning is required after testing is completed, it will be done by Dov unless otherwise specified In the job specifications. 2.5 Blowdown of all steam lines preparatory to test or putting into service shall be done by the Dow Power Department outside block limits or by the Dow plant surerintendent inside block limits, All valves connecting to existing water mins, process lines, ete., shall be opencd only by Dow's proper representative, 2.6 Where large vapor or gas lines are to be hydrostatically tested, the contractor shall not start the test until he has assurance from the Dow representative that the line will support the weight of the test Liquid. 3. Specification of Class Required Classes of test will be specified as follows: 3.1 ‘The Line schedule issued giving general specifications for cach line such as material, size,insulation, etc., will also contain a designa~ ‘tion of the class of test required and the test pressure. 3.2 In the absence of a line schedule, the class of test and pressure re~ quired may be covered in the job specification, construction order, or for maintenance jobs by an AVO. 4, Details of Test 4.1 General 42.2 Ady and inetrunent air supply piping shall not be cleaned or tested with water. Before the final connection is made to instrument, accessory or equipment, the Lines shall be blown free of all dirt, scale, filings, or other extraneous matter. Instrument air supply piping is defined as piping that connects instruments to the air supply system (Note: This does not include instrument pneumatic transmission tubing or pipe, which is to be cleaned and tested per 61-110 and 61-150). ALL other piping shall be thoroughly cleaned and flushed with water before testing. This shall include instrument process piping, which is defined as piping that connects instruments to process lines or vessels and is to contain process fluids. Instrument process piping shall not be connected to the in- strument or accessory during cleaning. After washing and prior to connection to instruments, ete., the instrument process piping shall be blown free of all water and extraneous matter. BIGIVESRING™S! vision ake: whe -ACLFICATION Page 3 of Control valves, safety valves, rupture discs, reducing vely level contrellers, level switches, orifice plates, aud oth instruments or fittings desigsted by the Dow r shall be renoved from she lines before cleaning ang replaced before testing. All such iteas, except safety velves, arter removel shell be cleaned sersrately by the contractor. The Line bore orifice spacers end gaskets or spare rings Pur ed with never runs shall be installed pricr to cleaning remain in place until efter testing. Safety valves and rupture discs shall be installed for fit-up, renoved during the test and reinstalled. lew gaskets shall be used when reinstalling all flanged itens. Where control valves are to operate normally shut, the test crew shall not test the lize until the valve nas teen opened by the Dow representative. The contractor shall be responsible fcr venting piping and Yascels while clesning and testing and, after testing, wails Grsining to insure against their collapse by vacuum. The contractor sisi be responsible for sny and si2 desage re- sultd by Dow. pressure source to protect systens © srall be respensiole Zor venting all sections o? and vessels not under direct test sven any part of system through valve leakage or excess Overtightening of ¢ valve in an afYort to make it hold =ey be cause for rejection of the valve vy the Dow representar: For nydrostatie tests, every renoval of crapped air. caution shall be teen for the soure gouges siall be of a suitedle scale ca presoure, saving @ dial et lesct Wd” in diane sure capacity shall not exceed thrse tines she P Sest pressure. The gauges shal) se chected ageinst a stenderd gauge by the Dov Instrument Department. acity Variations of pressure and volume due to temperature changes shall te taken into sccount by the Dow representative in agterataing vaether pressure during test is satisfactory. duration oe <> RIGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-120 Texas Division @ ¥15-79 4.1.10 4113 atts 4116 417 41.18 Page 4 of 9 Presence of the Dow representative is not necessary while initial going-over of lines for leaks is progressing. No insulation shall be allowed on systems under test except on those parts which have had a certified shop test. The test fluid shall not be allowed to freeze. ‘hen testing steel piping below 40°F, a written Safe Work Procedure wi be required to protect against brittle fracture hazards. Unless otherwise stated, hydrostatic test pressures shall be measured at the low point of any line or system being tested in order to avoid excessive pressures due to static head. Pressure tests shall include as much instrument process piping as possible. Where an instrument process line contains nore than one block valve, all valves should be open except chat nearest the instrument. All instruments and similar special equipment are to be pro- tected against overpressure during cleaning and cesting by disconnecting the piping between the closed block valves and the instruments. Direct operated or self-contained regulators are to he removed or blocked and vented. Special care is to be exercised in the protection of float actuated dex that float is not subjected to collapsing pressure. Expansion joints having tie-rods may be tested as part of the piping system unless otherwise specified. The tie-rods aust be hand tight, with no slack under the outside nuts. Expansion joints not having tie-rods shall be renoved or isolated fron the test. The contractor shall check the drawings and speci- fications for any specific installation or operating instructions pertaining to the expansion joint. A written Safe ork Procedure shall be submitted by the contractor for approval of the Dow representative and manufacturing represen! ative prior to beginning of Class D Pneumatic or Class X Ultrasonic tests if the test pressure is co exceed 15 psig. The procedure shall cover a minimum of the following items: Pretest visual inspection, areas to be roped off, time schedule, and indoctrina~ tion of personnel on hazards involved. Ac the completion of the test, all 6: to isolate vessels, inscrumencs, etc. shail be ‘aces and threads inspected for damage and pipis Gaskets removed after tests shall aot be re-use required when reconnecting these polars to av inds, pligs, caps, etc. used lange Special care is SIGHIEERING Texas Division Page 5 of ® 5.3 Class D uq-220 -BCIFICATION ® 7-15-79 Classes of Tests Class B ~ Hydrostatic: 5el.1 Zach valve shell be pressure tested to the satisfaction of the Dow representative. Valve test shall not exceed 20 minutes. Where valves occur in headers, both sides shall be tested at ‘the option of the Dow representative. 5.1.2 After all valves have been tested, the entire system shall hold the designated pressure Zor a period of four hours. +2 Class C = Hydrostatic: 5.2. Complete line or section of line containing several valves and branches may be tested at one time. The duration of test shall not exceed four hours. Genereliy, the Dow representative shell fix the duration of test as only sufficient to examine the line and satisfy hinsel? that there is no leakage. mat CAUTION: Pneumatic testing should be used only as a lest alternative. age CAUTION: @ Carefully planned and supervised procedures shell be used uy to guard egainst the hazards of latent exergy of compressed gases. (See 4.1.17) This class covers tests made with air, nitrogen, or other gases for piping designed in accordance with ANSI 331.3, Code for Petroleum Refinery Piping. Where applicable, the test shall meet the requir ments of OSHA 110.106, Flammable and Combustible Liquids, a: 1910.110, Storage and Handling of Liguified Petroleum Gases. Siping designed by other Codes shall be tested in accordance with those Codes. 5.3.1 Low Pressure Test ~ Maximm 15 psig. 5.3elil Prior to testing,a thorough visual inspection shall be made for defects such as inproper materials, poor gasket installation, loose joints, ete. All belts must be made up tight. 5.3+1-2 All flanged joints shall ve taped shut using @ suit- able adhesive coated paper tape with e small vent hole punched in the tape. The tape shall be applied very carefully to insure en airtight seal all around both flanges. << ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-120 ‘Texas Division ® 7-15-79 Page 6 of 9 5.3-1-3 Soapsuds made from mild soap or a conmercial bubble test fluid shall be applied to each vent hole for flanged joints and all around each screwed or welded joint. any leak detected shall be marked for the subsequent inspection of the Dow representative if he is not immediately present. The first leakage check shall be made at 5 psig max. 5.3.2 ® ‘ A! wy 5.4 5.41 Any detectable leaks shall be eliminated before proceeding. The leakage test may be repeated at higher pressures not to exceed 15 psig or the specified test pressure, whichever is lower, as directed by the Dow representative. High Pressure Test - above 15 psig CAUTION: Special precautions required. (See 4.1.17) Joints are not to be taped for this test. All personnel shall be kept clear of the immediate area while the test pressure is being raised, The pressure shall be raised slowly in stepwise fashion in increments of not nore chan 20% of the maximum test pressure (10 psig steps are acceptable up to 50 psig test pressure). Pause 5 minutes minimum at each step to allow for inspection and equalization of strains. Leak detector used shall be ultrasonic type per 5.8.3. If there is evidence of leakage, the pressure will be reduced by a minimum of 20% or as required to locate and correct any leakage detected. The testing shall continue stepwise until the final test pressure is reached and held for 10 minutes minimum without evidence of leakage. Class £ - Fire Mains, Sprinkler and Spray Systems Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems (See Eng. Spec. 47-101 and NEPA 13, 1973, Chapt. 1, Sect. I-11) Prior to connection to the sprinkler riser entering the building, the fire water mains shall be flushed at an approximate rate as follows, until clea 6" 750 gpm an 1000 gpa 10" 1500 gpm 12" 2000 gpa After flushing, connect the main to the riser and flush all piping with heads in place or plugged and bulk-main flush conn- ections open, using full line pressure. Where necessary, flush by sections for adequate flow through all openings. Bydrostat- ically pressure test entire system for 2 hours with heads in place at 200 psig minimum or 50 psig in excess of max. static Line pressure where max. line pressure exceeds 150 psig. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-120 Texas Division 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 @® 11579 Page 7 of 9 Water Spray Fixed Systems (deluge) (See Eng. Spec. 47-102 and NFPA 15, 1973, Chapt. 5) Prior to connection to the deluge valve, the fire water mains shall be flushed at an approximate rate as follows, until clear. an 390 gpm = (10 ft./Sec.) ” 880 gpm (10 ft. /Sec.) " 1560 gpm (10 £t./Sec.) 10" 2440 gpm (10 £t./See-) 12" 3520 gpm (10 £t./Sec.) After flushing, connect the main to the deluge system and flush all spray piping down stream at full line pressure with spray nozzles removed, until clear. Where necessary, flush by sections for adequate flow through all openings. Plug openings and hydrostatically pressure test all water piping for 2 hours at 200 psig minimum or 50 psig in excess of max static line pressure where max line pressure exceeds 150 psig. Pilot System Piping Pilot system piping shall be cleaned and tested as follows: With pilot heads removed, blow out all pilot piping with dry compressed air or nitrogen at 50 psig. minimm. Install pilot heads and pneumatically test to approximately 70 psig. with dry air or nitrogen Duration of test to be as directed by the Dow representative. Water shall not be used, A final acceptance test of deluge systems in operation shall be made, to be witnessed by a representative from Loss Prevention Engineering. Piping for Monitor Nozzles, Fire Hydrants, and Fire Hoses Before installation of monitor nozzles, hydrants, hoses, etc., flush supply piping at approx. minimum rates (or ‘10 ft/sec. min.) as follows, until clear: “ 390 gpm 6" 880 gpm 3" 1560 gpm ® 10" 2440 gpm 12" 3520 gpa All above piping shall also be hydrostatically pressure tested for 2 hours at 200 psig minimum or 50 psig in excess of maximum static line pressure where line pressure exceeds 150 psig. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-120 Texas Division @ 1-79 5.3 5.6 5.7 5.8 Page 8 of 9 Glass G ~ Hydrostatic (Gravity): 5.5.1 Class H 5.6.1 This test for vents, standpipes, etc., requires the filling of the piping system with water and visual inspection for leaks. No pressure shall be applied by pump, by supply line, or other external source. The test crew shall be responsible for filling such a system at a rate low enough to prevent pressuring due to restricting outflow of air. Boiler Cod: Boiler piping shall be tested in accordance with the ASME Power Boiler Code, Boiler piping includes all piping attached to the boiler, up to and including the second valve from the boiler, for multiple-boiler installations. For single boilers, the piping may include all piping up to the first valve only. Class J - Halogen: 5.761 5.7.2 5.7.3 5.764 Class K 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 Halogen leak detector shall be used to detect leaks at all welds, seams, joints, and other areas of possible leakage. This test shall be made by pressuring up the piping system to be tested to 13 psig by use of a compressed air source; then increasing the pressure to 15 psig with Freon R-12. The pressure shall be held at 15 psig until testing is completed. All flanged joints shall be taped shut using a suitable adhesive coated paper tape with a small vent hole punched at one point, preferably on top. All bolts or studs aust be made up tight. Tape shall be carefully applied to insure an airtight seal all around both flanges. The Halogen testing equipment shall be General Electric Halogen Leak Detector, Type H-2, or approved equal, and used in accor dance with the manufacturer's reconmendations. Ultrason: Ultrasonic leak detector shall be used to detect leaks at all welds, seams, joints, and other areas of possible leakage. This test shall be made by pressuring up the system to be tested to 15 psig by use of a compressed air source. The pressure shall be held at 15 psig until testing is completed. This test may be conducted at pressures above 15 psig if proper safety procedures are observed per 4.1.17 and 5.3.2. The Ultrasonic testing equipment shall be Delcon Model 4918A, Euphonics Model 500, or approved equal, and used in accor- dance with the manufacturer's recommendations. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION a7-120 Texas Division ® 715-79 Page 9 of 9 5.9 Glass L = operating Pressure: 5.9.1 GAUTION: This test, in general, is Limited to sea vater, river water, and potable vater systens. 5.9.2 Complete Lines, section of Lines, or complete systens may be tested at one tine. 5.9.3 ‘This test shall be made by putting the Lines to be tested into operation. 5.9.4 Instrument pneumatic transmission tubing or pipe shall he tested per Engr. Spec. 61-110 and 61-150. Retests 6.1 In the event that a piping system or any part fails to pass the test prescribed, a new test shall be applied after repairs and corrections have been nade. This retest shall include all parts of a connected system which may have passed a test previously, but which in the opinion of the Dow representative have been affected by the corrections made or by a delay attending to the corrections. Acceptance 7.1 The Dow representative shall signify his acceptance by initialing the approved portions of the pipiag system on the contractor's set of prints or by any other definite means mutually agreed upon. = SECIS ICATION @ vis ‘exas Division CASINGS FOR CHDERGROUND PIFE 2. Purrese the same suber This guide is for assistance in use ne srecification and ig not normally issued to contractors. Please file specification. 2. General information 2 1g vents will not normally be fe the slant. Hazardous materials r 1s, ané ferred to below are defined as flammable or Plant Roads and Railroads Inside Plant CAUTION: wo vising, hazardous or non-hazardous, cased or uncased, Should be located with tov of pine or casing less than 20" selow too of road because of possible penetration by road working machinery. zardous “aterials f pine is ancroxinately Inside-block Roads Due to wide variation in conditions, each job should be evaluated. No siping, hazardous or non-hazardous, cased or uncasad, located with too cf sive less than 18" below the established of a ditch 5.2 Hazardous Materials Casing should be installed unless ton of vin ‘low line. is 48" minimum below Non-hazardous Materials No casing recuiz Comply with $ do. 47-170 canroM @ ris-7s Page 25 of 26 Repair of Sv ications the requirements y in job spe ration of surfaces removed. ings Qutside the Plant Casings shall be installed as reouired to #uléi and in accordance ‘ith aonlicable sising codes. by the cemmit or code. The use of SP ells in Engr. Spec. paragrach 5.2, is t0 aininize damage from vandalisa. Some of the more frecuentiv encountered pining codes are listed below. This list is not necessarily complete: ANSI B31.2 Standard code for Pressure Pining, varagravh 235.5.4. ant 331.4 id Petroleum Transvortation Piping Svstems, varagzach 14.5. This code refers to AP 291102, which omits ng where the combined stresses in the vive are accent- able. A method is given for calculating the stresses. ANSI B31.2 Gas Transmission and Distribution Pining Systens, naragraph 841.163. ngs Under Build: 8.1 Flammable gas lines under buildings shall be cased and vented as re- quived by NFPX S4A, paragraoh 4.4.1-4.4.4, Avoid such installations where feasible. Permits 9.1 Permits will be issued in accordance with Dow Texas Division Safety Standard No. 25. Miscellaneous 10.1 Unusual conditions mav indicate need for casings, such as when jacking or boring or special hazards are encountered. 10.2 Size casing to accommodate pine insulators. Delete golyathylene coated casing as an option (paragraph 2.2 of gx. Spec. 47-170) if a portion of the casing will be exrosed to weather. 10.4 Casings should be avoided unless required, because of cost and evi- dence that this often exnoses the sine to more corrosive conditions. CASTNGS FOR UNDERGROUND PIPE + Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or specified in the Job specifications, agi. pipe casing materials and method of installation shall be as specified below. }f CAUTION: No excavation to begin without permit from Dow Representative. Ye 1. Casing . 1.1 Casing shall be welded or seamless steel pipe, minimum }" wall thick- ness, maximum 3/8" wall thickness, or Armco galvanized fully bituminous coated corrugated casing per AASHO specification M190-60, minimum 16 gauge thickness. (Note: Do not use 16 gauge corrugated casing on liquid petroleum Lines. See API RP1102.) 1.2 Where split casing is required, material shall be of same quality as noted in paragraph 1.1 above. 2. Coating for Black Steel Casing Pipe and Casing Vents. 22 Unless otherwise specified on the drawings or in the job specifications, the exterior of black steel casing pipe and casing vents shall be cleaned vy removing all dirt, dust, oll, grease, rust, field welding scele and/or mill scale; primed with Kopper's Bitunastic Jet-Set Primer; and shall be double flood coated with pipeline enamel to a minimum total thickness of 5/32". The Armco galvanized bituminous coated items will not require field coating. Damaged coating shall be repaired as directed by the Dow representative before installation. 2.1.1 The enamel shall be one of the following: Allied Chemical's (Barrett's): AA Primer and AA Enamel Kopper's Bitunastic 70-B Standard Pipeline Enamel 2.1.2 The enamel may be applied within 10 to 15 minutes after the primer is applied at ambient temperatures of 60°F or above. Lower temperatures will require longer drying times. Neither the primer nor the enamel may be applied at temperatures below 35°F. 2.1.3 Temperatures. ‘The application temperature of both pipe and coating shell be in strict accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the enamel being used to obtain the maxium quality of coating at the specified thickness. ‘The normal heating range for Allied Chemical's Pipeline Enamel is from 325°F to 375°F. The maximum temperature is 400°F. Enamel in excess of this temperature shall be condemed and dumped. ‘The normal heating range for Kopper's Bitumastic 70-B Standard Pipeline Enamel is from 450°F to 490°F. The maximum temperature is lg5°F. Enemel heated in excess or this temperature shall be condemned and dumped. YT-LTO ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @® 1-15-75 Texas Division Page 2 of 3 3 ® ® 5. 2.2 The contractor my at his option use pipe casings coated in accordance with Engr. Specs, 57-275 (C & W) or 57-276 (Polyethylene coated), if split casing is not required. Coverage Over Casing 3.1 All casings shall have a minimum coverage as noted on the drawings in job specification. CAUTION: Designer, see guide in front of this specification. Length of Casing 4.1 ALL casing under state and county roads shall extend 2'-0" outside right-of-way. Where two rights-of-way are adjacent, such as @ road alongside a railroad, the casing shall be continuous from the outside right-of-way line of railroad to the outside right-of-way of the road, and extending 2'-0" beyond said right-of-way. 4,2 When a line is laid above ground and drops dow to cross under a plant roadway, the clear distance from the center line of the roadway measured horizontally to the pipe shall be a minimm of 25'-0". Under this condition the pipe casing need not be longer than the full length of the straight run under the road. See paragraph 4.6. 4,3 On an all buried Line within the plant, casing shall extend past each road ditch or railrosd ditch for a distance of 5'-0", measured from the point where the minimum cover begins. 4.4 For a crossing under a railroad within the plant, the minimum length of casing shall be 16'-0" for a single track. The minimum length for multiple tracks shall. be the distance between the center Line of outside ‘tracks plus 8'-0" on each end. Where vents are required, as per Section 5, casing shall be extended to provide for minimm railroad clearance in accordance with Engineering Specifications (g'-9" minimum horizontal clearance from & of track). 4.5 Where @ casing is installed under an irrigation canal, it shall extend 5'-0" outside toes of levee unless otherwise noted on the drawings or specified in the job specifications. 4.6 Minimum Length of casing under a roadway within the plant shall be equal to the width of roadway proper (space used for normal vehicle travel) plus 8'-0" on each side, This distance may be reduced where paragraph 4.2 appliess>:. Casing Vents 5.1 Vents, if required, shall be installed at one or both ends of casings as indicated on the drawings or specified in the Job specifications. <> 47-170 ENGINEERING PUPICATION ® vis fexas Division Page 3 of 3 ® 8. 5.2 Vents shall be 2" Schedule 40 steel pipe from casing to 12" below grade, and Schedule 80 ABS pipe extending to 30” above gradc, with inverted "fish-hook" top for inside plant. (‘The ABS pipe shall be attached to the steel pipe using a Schedule 40 ABS cementing coupling end epoxy cement.) Outside plant, vents shall be 2" Schedule 40 steel pipe to 30" above grade with inverted "fish-hock” top. Bach vent line outside the plant which has no horizontal run shall include a minimum of two 90° ells. 5.3 Unless otherwise noted on the drawings or in the job specifications, vents shall be welded into top of casing 2'-0" from end of casing, except that where location of vent requires horizontal run, vent pipe shall be welded into side of casing. 5.4 Within plant, vents shall not be less than 2lM'-0" from center Line of road. Sealing Inds of Buried Casing 6.1 Ends of buried casing shall be sealed, with neoprene pipeline casing seals. These seals shall be secured to the carrier pipe and to the casing with stainless steel bands. Protection of Pipeline in Casing 7.1 Pipelines through casings shall have polyethylene insulator rings spaced a maximm of 8'-0" apart, with insulators 2" from each end and vith double insulators on each end at depths greater than 6". Other type protection rings, approved by the owmer's representative may be used. 7.2 Pipeline will be checked for electrical isolation from casing before vackfilling by omer representative. Backfill at Road and Railroad Crossings 8.1 Backfill shall be in accordance with Spec. 26-500 and the top 1 shall be crushed limestone. <=> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division @® 3-15-80 Page 1 of 19 RECONDITIONING VALVES Purpose The purpose of this specification is to define the requirements necessary to assure Dow Chemical that reconditioned valves meet and/or exceed the require- ments for new valves. Dow will make inspections of any or all phases of repair work and testing. Random samples may also be selected for tear down and/or additional testing. Scope The scope of this general specification is primarily intended to cover gate, globe and check valves. An appendix is included as a supplement for other types such as, plug and ball valves and special preparation for particular References The latest edition or revisions of the following standards shall form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: ANSI Standards 34: Butt weld end valves 16.5 : Steel pipe flenges, flanged valves, and Fittings B 16.10: Face-to-face and end-to-end dimensions of ferrous valves B 3B API Specifications Cast iron gate valves (flanged ends) Valve inspection and test Steel plug valves (flanged or burt welding ends) Steel gate valves (flanged or butt welding ends) Small carbon steel gate valves (compact design) 150 pound, light-wall, corrosion-resistant, gate valves for refinery use. (1/2 inch to 12 inches, inclusive). 604: Flanged nodular iron gate and plug valves for refinery use. MSS Standards SP-6: Pipe flange finishes sP-61 Hydro-testing of steel val SP-80: Bronze gate, globe angle and cheer valves SP-85: Cast Iron globe and angle valves Dow Engineering Specifications 57-227: Protective Coatings 57-247 Protective Coatings <> 47-180 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 1 Texas Division 11-15-79 Page 2 of 19 Dismantling and Cleaning La 1.3 Each valve received for reconditioning shall be completely dismantled and reduced to its smallest components. All parts are to be thoroughly cleaned by steam, chemical, sand, bead or shot blasting. Care shall be taken to protect finely finished surfaces that could be damaged during the cleaning operation. Permanent identification marks are to be stamped on each individual valve identifying Dow as the owner. Interchanging of parts shall not be permitted without permission from Dow. Component_Inspection 21 2.2 Visually inspect all components for defects. The body and bonnet shall be examined for corrosion. Dial caliper neasurenents shall be taken as required to insure adequate thickness. Refer to minimum wall thickness specified in ANSI B 16.5 and 316.34 as applicable. Body and Bonnet 3. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Welding or metallizing will not be permitted on cast iron, cast steel, semi-steel, ductile iron, brass or bronze bodies or components. Pits or areas of localized corrosion may be built up by welding of bodies and components that are made of weldable material except for the material listed in 3.1. All weld metal deposited for the purpose of building up the valve thickness shall be ground smooth to provide good flow characteristics through the valve. The welding materials used shall match the materials in the body or component. All welds shall be adequately Non-Destructive Examined (Radiograph; Die check; magnaflux; etc.) to assure the quality of the weld and the repair. Any unacceptable faults must be removed and repaired. Wall thickness shall be checked after repairs are complete. Wedge guides may be built up using approved welding techniques to insure that the seating surfaces of the wedge do not touch the seat rings until near the point of closure. Such welds shall be ground or machined to insure smooth operation of the wedge and minimal weer during operation. All threaded openings shall be inspected and repaired as necessary to Provide full thread engagement. * ms <_ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 ‘Texas Division ® 11-15-79 Page 3 of 19 3.8 All gasket surfaces shall be remachined where necessary to provide good gasket faces. If any such remachining will alter the standard dimensions so that they do not comply with ANSI Standard B 16.5 or ANSI B 16.1 with 2 maximum allowable under tolerance of 1/16" for all sizes, flanges shall be built up with weld metal and remachined front and back to new flange thickness. 3.9 The face-to-face dimension shall be measured and shall meet the ANSI B 16,10 requirement with the following maximum under tolerance allowed: Valve size up to and including 10", minus 1/8" Valves 12" and over minus 3/16" Seat Rings 4.1 If required, and valve configuration permits, seat rings may be built up with weld overlay of the proper trim material, finish machined and lapped to fit. Proper API wear travel shall be available. Shimming, the use of a bushing or filler material behind the seat ring is prohibited. 4.2 If seat rings were rejected by the preliminary inspection, reface ring seats in the body and replace with new seat rings equivalent in design, machining tolerances, chemical analysis and physical properties as specified by API 600, API 595, or the appropriate API specification, latest revision. 4.3 After making the seat rings secure in order to preclude the possibility of leakage or becoming loose in service, refinish seat ring faces to remove any permanent deformation caused by the ring wrench. 4.4 The seating surface on the rings shall be flat and approximately 1/8" wide with a fine finish having 2 circular lay. Discs and Wedges 5.1 Eliminate any pitting, cracks, worn or eroded sections by repairing or replacing with equivalent discs or wedges. 5.2 The seating surfaces of the disc or wedge shall be machined and ground free of any projections or indentations. If this requires removing sufficient metal such that proper seating would not be assured, the disc or wedge must be replaced or built up by welding and resurfacing. 5.3 The sides of split wedges may be spread apart by building up the sur~ faces between the two sides with weld metal but such welding shall be done only if those surfaces have become worn. Wear of the surface between the wedge and rings may be compensated for by spreading the wedge parts but only approved welding and grinding techniques shall be used. 5.4 Refit the dise or wedge to the seat rings so that the taper of the disc or wedge matches properly to the taper of the seat rings and, also, so that the center of the wedge is above the center line of the valve. Fitting of the wedge below center line is not permitted. <=> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 5.5 Permissible wear travel of wedge gates shall not be less th minimum specified by API 600 section 2.3.9. 6. Stem and Backseat Bushing 6.1 The stem shall be examined for corrosion, wear, straightness, and condition of the threads and T-head. 6.2 Replacement stems for OS6Y valves shall be forged and have an intogral disc stem connection. Cast stems are not permitted. 6.3 The stem packing area shall be checked against the appropriate API standard and shall be built up or replaced if wear has reduced the diameter by 1/32" or more. Approved welding and refinishing tech- niques are to be used in rebuilding of a sten. 6.4 The stem surface in contact with the packing and the back seat bushing shall be machined or ground and polished smooth. 6.5 Threads shall be redressed, if necessary to produce smooth operation. 6.6 With the valve in the closed position the stem threads shall project outside the stem nut by an amount at least equal to the required wear travel, not to exceed 2-1/2 threads. 6.7 The backseat bushing shall be renewed if it does not satisfactorily control the position of the stem, restrain the packing or if the seating surface cannot be polished to assure proper seating. Boss: 7.1 AlL threaded connections shall be removed from the valve body, bonnet, and packing gland. Threaded holes with less than five sharp undamaged threads shall be repaired by drilling, and rethreading, or where weld~ ing is permitted, by filling hole, drilling and rethreading to ANSI Standard Pipe Threads. Replace threaded connections with new plugs of the same material as the valve body, except steel plugs shall be installed where valve bodies are cast iron or ductile iron. 7.2 Threaded holes shall be restored to their original size; retapping to the next larger size will aot be acceptable. Packing and Packing Gland 8.1 All old packing must be removed from the stuffing box and the wall of the stuffing box must be smooth prior to the installation of the new packing. <> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division 15-78 Page 5 of 19 8.2 Replace all stem packing with new packing suitable for the temperature - pressure condition for which the valve is rated. Dow will specify if special packing is required. Upgrading of obsolete packing grades is to be done where possible. 8.3 Zach packing ring joint shall be tight fitting with a full lap. Joints aust be installed in a staggered configuration. 8.4 The packing gland flange, gland and lantern shall be examined for corr- osion or other defects. They shall be restored to the serviceability of new parts or replaced. 8. Quality of packing shall be as specified in API 600 section 2.7.1. Gaskets 9.1 Bonnet flange gaskets shall be replaced with equivalent gasket types as furnished by manufacturer; sheet asbestos, steel, soft iron, or single or double jacketed steel and asbestos, suitable for the pressure rating of the valve within che valve design temperature range. The metallic material of the gasket shall have corrosion resistance at least equal to that of the shell. 9.2 Special gasketing will be specified on the purchase order. 10. Gate Valves 10.1 Yoke - Any defect in the yoke which will impair its strength shall, if practical, be repaired by welding. 10.2 Yoke Nut - The yoke nut shall be examined for deformation and defective threads and repaired or replaced as necessary. The yoke nut bearing shall be reconditioned or replaced as required to provide smooth operation. 10.3 Nodular Iron - Nodular iron gate valves are to be tested in accor dance with APT 604. 11. Globe Valves 11.1 Yoke ~ Any defect in the yoke which will impair its strength shall, if practical, be repaired by welding. ue Yoke Bushing - The yoke bushing shall be examined for deforma and defective threads and repaired or replaced as required. 11.3 Dise and Dise Nut - The dise nut shall be inspected for wear and corrosion and shall be free to rotate on the stem when the disc and disc nut are assembled. 11.3.1 Removable seats shall be inspected for damaged and defective threads and replaced or repaired as required. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION @ 2% Texas 14 12. Check 12.1 12.1 5-15-78 Page 6 of 19 Division 11.3.2 If required, vear plates between the stem and the disc shall be replaced with new wear plates of original thi: ness and material. Backseat Bushing - The backseat bushing shall be renewed if it does not satisfactorily control the position of the stem and restrain the packing or if the seating surface cannot be polished to assure proper seating. Valves Disc - The disc threads shall be examined for damage and defects and repaired or the disc shall be raplaced. The lock nut and washer (and cotter key when used) shall be replaced with new parts when necessary. Lever Arm and Pin (Hinge Assembly) 12.2.1 The lever arm shall be removed from the valve body or lever arm support, inspected for corrosion and wear, and repaired or replaced as required for satisfactory operation. 12.2.2 The lever arm pin shall be inspected and replaced if it shows sign of wear or corrosion. 12.2.3 When reassembled, the lever arm shall rotate freely on the pin without sticking or binding. 12.2.4 If the valve is equipped with a lever arm support bracket, it shall be inspected for corrosion, wear and straightness and repaired or replaced as required. 13, Grease Fittings 13.1 13.2 Grease fittings shall be examined. Defective fittings shall be re~ placed with new fittings of the same type and quality. Grease fittings must accept grease. 14, Handwheels and Handles 14h 14.2 14.3 Broken or bent handwheels shall be replaced. Handwheels are to be inspected to insure proper deburring. Handwheels shall be the same size and design as the original valve part. Handwheels fabricated from steel plate shall be replaced with a forged or cast steel handwheel. >_> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 16. WW Texas Division ® 3-15-80 Page 7 of 19 Bolting 15.1 All fasteners (bolts, studs, screws, nuts) used for retaining press- ure (bonnet, body) shall be replaced with ASTM A-193-B7 liquid quenched and tempered bolts and A-194-2H heavy hex nuts (Class 2 fit) in all valves regardless of material or rating. Entire surface of the bolts and nuts shall be coated with Texaco Rust Proof Spray Compound or other Dow approved rust inhibitor. 15.2 Eye bolts for packing glands may be ASTM A-193-B7 liquid quenched and tempered or AIST 1035 steel. Muts shall be A-194-2H heavy hex nuts (Class 2 fit). 15.3 Special bolting will be specified on the purchase order. Assembly 16.1 The matching, stamped, properly identified piece parts are to be reassembled with proper tightness on all fasteners. The valve is to be operated to insure smooth, free operation. 16.2 Operating torque shall not exceed that of a new valve. Testing 17.1 In general, pressure testing is to be done to an extent and in a manner to equal the pertinent testing requirements for a new valve, i.e., API 598, latest revision. The following pressure tests shall be made on each valve: (a) Shell Integrity Test (b) Seat Leakage Test (c) Backseat Test 17.2 For the Shell test, the test fluid shall be water (or a liquid with a viscosity lower than that of water), air or inert gas. If liquid is used, the valve shall first be essentially freed of air. Water for any test may contain a watersoluble oil or rust inhibitor. 17.3 The Shell test pressure shall be specified by API 598, latest revision. Backseat and Seat test pressure shall be 60 PSI to 100 PSI. 17.4 The required test pressure shall be maintained for each type of test as follows: Minimum Test Duration (inutes) Valve Size Shell Seat Below 1-1/2" a2 1/2 V2 1-1/2" to 12" 2 2 2 14" and larger 5 2 2 <=> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division @ 5-15-78 Page 8 of 18. 19. For the Shell test, no leakage is permitted. If the test fluid is water, there shall be no visible evidence of drops or any wetting of the external surfaces. If the test fluid is air or gas, no leakage shall be revealed by the established detection method. For the Seat Test, both hydrostatic and pneumatic teste are required; yo visible leakage is all 17.6 Tests are to be performed as specified in the appropriate API speci fication with the exception that double seated valves shall have both seat rings tested simultaneously. 17.7 All tests shall be witnessed by a Dow representative. Identification 18.1 All reconditioned valves are to be identified with a monel or brass reconditioning tag, permanently attached to the valve. It shall contain the following information: (2) Reconditioner's name and location (b) Date of test (c) Size of valve (@) Pressure series (e) Stem material (£) Wedge material (g) Seat material (h) Packing material (4) Gasket material (j) Lubricant (k) Bolting material (1) Dow Engineering Spec. V-number. 18.2 Valves which are too small for permanent nameplate installation shall have the tag securely wired with monel or S.S. wire to the valve body. 18.3 Information required in section 18.1 shall be recorded on a cardboard tag attached to the valve; the initials of the Dow Representative who made the final inspection and test on the valve shall appear on the card as @ certification of the test. 18.4 Exceptions in writing may be made for section 18.1 and 18.3 on small threaded valves. Preparation for Shipment 19.1 Unmachined exterior surfaces of cast steel, semi-steel, cast iron, nodular iron and ductile iron valves shall be cleaned as per Dow Speci- fication 57-204, (SSPC $P10-63 Finish) or (NACE #2 nearwhite NACE Standard TM-01-70) 47-180 © 5-15-78 Page 9 of 19 (GINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division 19.2 Corrosion resistant valves shall not be painted. 19.3 All valves to be wire brushed and solvent washed before painting. 19.4 Color coding of valves: (a) Cast iron, nodular iron, ductile tron, and semi-steel valves shall be painted with one prime coat (2 mils DPT) and one finish coat (3 ail DFT) Black thin film epoxy as per Dow Specification 37-227. (>) Steel Valves shall be painted with one coat (2 mils DFT) of Aluminum color as per Appendix 7, page (c) Handwheels only on all others Stainless - Yellow Nickel ~ Red Monel ~ Green Alloy 20 - Brown Brass ~ None (a) 1.3.8. yellow. trimmed valves shall have the handwheel lock aut painted 19.5 Machined or threaded surfaces and internal parts shall be coated with an easily renovable rust preventative. The stem is not required to be coated if the stem packing contains a corrosion inhibitor. Special coatings will be specified on the purchase order. 19.6 End flanges or welding ends shall be covered with wood, plastic, wood- fiber, or metal cover. Threaded valves shall be fitted with thread protectors. Cover and/or thread protectors shall be designed so tha the valve cannot be installed with them in place. The cover shall be designed to protect the gasket or weld level area. 19.7 any drain taps shall be fitted with thread protectors. 19.8 Gate and globe valves shail be shipped in closed position with packing adjusted loose. 19.9 Ball and plug valves shall be shipped in open position. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division 5-13-78 L. Page 10 of 19 APPENDIX NO. 1 Welding 1.1 CAST TRON, CAST STEEL, DUCTILE IRON OR SEMI-STEEL: No welding permitted on the bonnet or body. 1.2. STEEL: Use only E-7OXX-Al rod for the manual metallic arc process. (Submit other process procedures for Dow approval prior to proceeding.) 1.3. ALLOY: The oxy-fuel process is not permitted for repair of the body or bonnet. The T.I.G. process is preferred. The material and approp~ viate filler metals are as follows: A. Alley 20, 4-20, FA+20, Durimet 20: Use Alloy 20. B. Nickel: ER-61 or E-141 (INCO) C. Monel: —-ER+60 or E-190 (INCO) D. Inconel: ER-82 or E-182 (INCO) EZ. Stainless (300 series, use appropriate 300 series wire) EXAMPLE: Type 316 stainless - use E-316. F. CR13 Dise, rings and stens ~ ER-10 or £-410. G. CRO = Submie welding procedure for Dow approval H. All welding shall be subjected to Dow inspection. I. Special weld overlay aay be requested in the release order. J. All welding repairs on the exterior or interior of the bonnet or body shall be ground smooth. K, The services of a welding engineer in the employ of Dow Chemical Company will be available at the request of the vendor on questions relating to weld repair of Dow owned valves. Contact should be aade through the originating purchasing agent or the Dow representative. Texas Division <> 47-180 ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 5-15-78 Page 11 of 19 APPENDIX NO. 2 2. STRESS RELIEVING AND RADIOGRAPHY 21 When repairing by welding of the valve body or bonnet is contemplated, stress relieving and radiography may be required by the Dow represen- tative. If required, it will be so specified in the purchase order and the following provisions shall apply: A. ‘The vendor shall representative. oy a radiographer approved by the Dow ‘The burden of acceptance or rejection of x-ray and weld repair will be placed upon the Dow representative. Stress relieving shall be performed by a reputable firm that shall supply a stress relief chart containing time and tenper- ature scales. This chart shall be submitted to the Dow repre~ sentative prior to performing actual re-assembly of the valve or group of valves. Actual invoices for stress relief and radiography shall be submitted to Dow with physical description of each valve attached for reimbursement. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division 515-78 Page 12 of 19 APPENDIX NO. 3 LUBRICATED PLUG VALVES, CAST STEEL (API-599), DUCTILE IRON (API~604) SEMI-STEEL AND CAST IRON 3.1 Ductile Iron - No welding, heating, or metalizing is permissible on ductile iron castings, iacluding plugs. 3.2 Body Thickness - Cast steel body thickness shall conform to mini-~ mums specified in API 599. 3.3 Plugs - Steel plugs may be built up by welding or aetalizing if economically feasible. Alloy plugs shall be built up by weld overlay using veld rod with similar chemistry. 3.4 Lubrication Grooves - Lubrication grooves shall be finished to original dimensions. 3.3. Lubricating Sealants - Lubricated plug valves shall be furnished with hydrocarbon resistant lubricating sealant having a tenperature range of ~20°F to +225°F unless othersise specified by the customer. This lubricating sealant shall have proper plasticity for tight sealing, lubricity for ease of operation, and shall provide corr- osion protection against the line fluids. Unless otherwise speci Rockwell 555 or approved equal shall be used. ded, 3.6 Testing - Testing shall be in accordance with API 598 except nodular iron valves shall be tested according to API 604. ENGINEERIN 47-180 Texas Div. @® 5-15-78 Page 13 of 19 APPENDIX NO. & BALL VALVE 4.1 Remachine ball as required; Ball shall be spherical to within .002 inch and ball surface finish shall not exceed 16 RMS. If ball cannot be repaired, a new ball shall be furnished for sizes 3" thru 12”. 4.2 Seat Material shall be as specified on the purchase order. NOTE: Shims are not to be used. 4.3 Indicator stop, and/or stem reference line shall be positioned so that the centerline of ball bore coincides with the centerline of the bedy ports, when the valve is in the open position. Also, when the valve is in the closed position the centerline of the bali bore shall be perpendicular to the center Line of che body ports. 4.4 In general, testing shall be done as specified in API Spec. 6D (sixteenth edition) dated March, 1974, and supplement 2 dated March, 1976, 4a BALL VALVE PRESSURE TESTING Ref. API STD 6 D Class Seat Pressur Body Pressure Hydrostatic ‘Air 150 300 80 425 300 800 80 1100 400 1060 80 1430 600 1600 80 2175 900 2400 80 3250 1300 4000 80 5400 2500 6600 80 9000 B. DURATION (in Minutes) Valve size Time for Each Seat Body Time @® Below 2" 0.5 0.5 2" chru 4" 2.0 2.0 6" thru 10” 3.0 3.0 12" thru 18" 5.0 15.0 20" and larger 3.0 30.0 << ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION Texas Division C. No leakage is allowed on seat or body tests. >. Valve Size 2-1/2" Pa 3" i" en 3" 10" 12" Ball Valve Torque Limits Maximum Torque Virgin TFE Sears 30 30 70 160 250 340 460 600 47-180 @® 5-15-73 Page 14 of 19 OPS or Working Pressure and Ambient Temperature ib ib ib ib iy ib Ib ib ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. Fe. 30 30 150 250 400 600 800 1050 ab ab db db - Ib - Db ib ib Glass Filled TFE Seats - fe. - ft. - ft. fe. fe. - fc. - ft. ® a oy a 47-190 ® is-18 Page 15 of 19 APPENDIX NO. 5 PREPARATION FOR OXIDE SERVICE Valve shall be completely disassembled, renoving all packing, bushings, solzs, bonnet gasket, gate, stem, ete. All parts shall be cleaned with Chlorothene® or methylene chloride. All cools tg be used for reassembly work are to be cleaned with Chlorothene’ or methylene chloride. Parss are to be allowed to dry in air. All parts must be free of oil, grease, paint and rust before reassembly. Bonnet gasket shall be soft iron or ceflon; packing shall be Teflon (Garlock 3889 or equal). 30th packing and gasket are to be washed in Chlorothene® or metaylene chloride before installation. Bolts, valve sten and bushing are to be lubricated with either HALOCARBON series 25-10 grease oR WOROLUBE GR-S44 Valve shall de tightly sealed in clean, clear poly film and stored in a grease free area. A tag stating the valve has been degreased and is prepared for oxide service. (EERING SPECIFICATION sas Division APPENDIX NO. § PREPARATION FOR CHLORINE SERVICE Repairable valves removed from chlorine service should be opened and stored in a dry location. Valves shall be complecely disassembled by separating all 9. renoval of any plastic parts. including = Hot water and/or steam can safely be used for cleaning valve No solvents, soaps, or detergent type cleaners are co be used on assembled valves. Valve parts may, if necessary, be cleaned with solvents, soaps, or & type cleaners if all traces of the cleaners are renoved by washing vi hot water and/or steam. Sandblasting is also an acceptal aning method where it does aot damage the parts. Final vash must be made with hot water and/or steam to remove any of cleaning agents. SEE PLUG AND BALL VALVE SECTION FOR SPECIAL CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS. Thoroughly dry all parts before storage or assembly and maintain a dry condition. with che parts or assemblies enbly ALL tools, fixtures or fluide coming in contac: are to be free of any trace of hydrocarbon products during the a testing of the valve. jorlube lubricant grade G¥544 (or Dow approved equivalent) is the only lubricant acceptable for interaal and external parts of the valve. ‘TESTING Gas for shell and both seat closure tests shall be dry aiz or dry nitrogen. Test pressure shall be 80 No leakage is permitted. B. Use asking tape over flanges to check for leaks on seats. Valve end shall be covered with plastic or tempered masonite designed so that the valve cannot be installed with cover in place. These covers shall be sealed with DUCT TAPE within 24 hours of test to prevent con- tamination. Each valve shall be shipped in individual plastic ag to educe contamination. Storage area shall be clean and dry ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 27-180 Texas Division ® 215-80 Page 18 of 13, PLUG VALVES Valves previously used’ in chlorine service must be throughly washed with water. After dismantling all parts are to be soaked in a circulating solution of three percent (3%) ammonia for 2 minimum of eight (8) hours. Then proceed with cleaning as described in Section 3, CLEANING, in Appendix No. 6. ALL plug valves shall have a 1/4" relief hole drilled in the upstream side and bottom of plug and a directional flow arrow shall be placed on the valve body. This is to relieve pressure build-up caused by Liquid or gas entrapment in the body. All internal parts (except plug) shall be replaced with new parts. All parts, including teflon, shall be per original equipment manu- facturer's specification. Leave handle off if received with no handle. For forged steel, cast steel, cast iron, nodular iron, ductile iron and semi steel valves, all fasteners used for retaining pressure shall be replaced with new ASTM A~193-B7 liquid quenched and tem~ pered bolts and A-194-2H heavy hex nuts. For alloy valves, all fasteners (bolts, studs, screw, nuts) used for retaining pressure elements shall be monel ASTM Bi6é Class A regaré~ less of alloy material or rating. A small amount of GR 544 flourolube lubricant shall be applied to fasteners when specifically requested by the valve owner. No stainless steel fasteners are permitted on any valves. Valves shall be assembled with a sufficient quantity of GR 544 flouro~ lube around the seta, gaskets and packing. >_> ENGINEERING SPECIFICATION 47-180 Texas Division 5-15-78 Pace 19 of 19 PROTECTIVE COATINGS RECONDITIONED VALVES, SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING OF RESTORED SURPLUS VALVES Paint Materials: Paint should be Interthane Masterkote Aluminum NO. 2220, available from Inter national Paint Co., 7145 Clinton Dr., phone 675-5291, Houston, TX 77057. Thinner and Clean up ~ International No. 2216 SURFACE All dirt, dust, grease, loose rust and other foreign saterial PREPARATION Shall be renoved by power tool cleaning per SSPC SP-3-63 and/or solvent cleaning per SSPC SPI-63. Phosphatizing will not be done. Surface should be dry. Protect valve stem from paint. APPLICATION: Apply one coat at 2 mils dry film thickness by conventional spray. SAFETY Interthane Masterkote Aluminum is toxic and flammable. Adequate PRECAUTIONS ventilation aust be provided and approved respirator aust be Store in buildings designed and protected for storage of NFPA, Class II flammable liquids. Observe safety precautions listed in International Paint Company's material Safety Data Sheet for Interthane Masterkote Aluminum.

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