I DB I Exam 2005 Quantitative Aptitude Paper

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Questions asked in IDBI Examination, 2005
Qs. 1-4. In the following number series only one number is wrong. Find out the wrong number. 1. 14 13 22 55 212 1035 (1) 55 (2) 13 (3) 212 (4) 22 (5) None of these 2. 217 224 213 226 210 228 (1) 213 (2) 226 (3) 210 (4) 228 (5) None of these 3. 153 495 712 837 901 928 (1) 712 (2) 837 (3) 901 (4) 928 (5) None of these 4. 488 245 124 64 35 20.25 (1) 124 (2) 64 (3) 245 (4) 35 (5) None of these 5. A 250 metres long train crosses a platform in 10 seconds. What is the speed of the train? (1) 25 metres/second (2) 20 metres/second (3) 22 metres/second (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 6. The compound interest earned on an amount of Rs 15,000 at the end of 3 years is Rs 3895.68. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a.? (1) 8 (2) 6.5 (3) 5 (4) 12 (5) None of these 7. 16 men can complete a piece of work in 8 days. 20 women take 16 days to complete the same piece of work. 12 men and 10 women work together for 6 days. How many more days would 10 women alone require to complete the remaining piece of work? (1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 4 (4) 16 (5) None of these 8. In how many different ways can the letters of the word FORMULATE be arranged? (1) 81,000 (2) 40,320 (3) 3,62,880 (4) 1,53,420 (5) None of these 9. The frogs in a pond increase by 10% at the end of every year. If at the start of the year 2004, there were 2,14,000 frogs in the pond, then what would be the number of frogs in the pond by the end of the year 2006? (1) 2,35,400 (2) 2,68,940 (3) 2,64,328 (4) 2,98,644 (5) None of these Q. 10-14. In each of these questions, two equations are given. You have to solve these equations and find out the values of x and y and Give answer If (1) x<y (2) x>y xy (3) (4) (5)

10. I. 12x2 = 6x II. y + x2 = 0.45 11. I. x = 6.25

x=y or if the relationship cannot be established

II. y2 = 6.25 12. I. 20x2 33x + 7 = 0 II. y = 0.0625 13. I. 6x2 + 28x + 16 = 0 II. 14y2 + 15y + 4 = 0 14. I. 4x + 3y = 16 II. 2x + 4y = 13 15. On childrens day sweets were to be equally distributed amongst 540 children. But on that particular day, 120 children were absent. Thus, each child got 4 sweets extra. How many sweets was each child originally supposed to get? (1) 18 (2) 25 (3) 14 (4) 20 (5) None of these 16. A boat covers a distance of 24 kms in 10 hours downstream. To cover the same distance upstream, the boat takes two hours longer. What is the speed of the boat in still waters? (1) 2 km/hr (2) 2.8 km/hr (3) 4 km/hr (4) 4.2 km/hr (5) None of these 17. The circumference of a circle is equal to the perimeter of a square whose area is 121 sq cms. What is the area of the circle? (1) 44 sq cms (2) 154 sq cms (3) 121 sq cms (4) Cannot be determined (5) None of these 18. Sonia started a business by investing Rs 60,000. Six months later Vivek joined her by investing Rs 1,40,000. After one year Kirti joined them by investing Rs 1,20,000. At the end of two years from the commencement of the business,


O B J E C T I V E -T Y P E Q U E S T I O N S
they earn a profit of Rs 4,50,000. What is Viveks share in the profit? (1) Rs 1,40,000 (2) Rs 1,98,500 (3) Rs 2,15,000 (4) Rs 2,10,000 (5) None of these 19. An urn contains 4 green and 7 blue marbles. If three marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that only two of them are blue? (1) (4)
49 55 11 28


7 11


28 55

(5) None of these

Qs. 20-24. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions? 20. 1 (1) 2 (4) 1
3 5 4 1 +1 2 + =? 4 8 5 2 7 40 3 40

(2) 1

7 40

(3) 2

3 40

circumference of a circle. 26. What is Ashas present salary? I. Her salary increases every year by 15 per cent. II. She joined the organization seven years ago. 27. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a.? I. The compound interest acurred on an amount of Rs 1,500 at the end of 2 years is Rs 660. II. An amount doubles itself in 5 years with simple interest. 28. What is the total staff strength of the organization? I. 75% of the staff consists of male employees. II. The ratio of female to male employees in the organization is 1 : 3 respectively. 29. What is the two digit number? I. The sum of the two digits of the number is 8. II. The number obtained by interchanging the two digits of the number is lesser than the original number by 18. Qs. 30-34. Study the table carefully to answer the following questions: Percentage of marks obtained by six students in six different subjects Subject Student A B C D E F English Maths Social Studies Science Hindi Marathi (Out of 100) (Out of 150) (Out of 120) (Out of 150) (Out of 80) (Out of 50) 52 84 65 76 65 60 63 70 85 56 75 64 80 66 70 64 60 50 71 78 60 80 70 60 77 80 65 54 55 74 67 75 55 86 60 76

(5) None of these

21. 14 18.6 12 + 19.3 = ? (1) 41 (2) 33.5 (3) 291.9 (4) 8.32 (5) None of these 22. 84.2 64 2.1 78.4 563.5 = 56? (1) 18.2 (2) 9.8 (3) 11.9 (4) 12.6 (5) None of these 23. (4)2 + (3)2 = ? (1) 25 (2) 5 (3) 125 (4) 425 (5) None of these 24. 53% of 120 + 25% of 862 = ?% of 500 (1) 42.50 (2) 55.82 (3) 63.68 (4) 38.89 (5) None of these Qs. 25-29. Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and give answer: (1) if the data in Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone is not sufficient to answer the question. (2) if the data in statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone is not sufficient to answer the question. (3) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question. (4) if the data in both the Statements I and II are not sufficient to answer the question. (5) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question. 25. What is the area of the square? I. Measure of the diagonal of the square is 80 cms. II. The perimeter of the square is equal to the

30. What are the approximate average marks obtained by all students in Hindi? (1) 45 (2) 51 (3) 62 (4) 59 (5) 66 31. What is the respective ratio of marks obtained by students A, B and C together in Maths to the marks obtained by students D, E and F together in Marathi? (1) 7 : 22 (2) 23 : 7 (3) 23 : 4 (4) 4 : 21 (5) None of these 32. Which student has scored the second highest in all the subjects together? (1) D (2) F (3) A (4) B (5) None of these 33. In order to pass the exam, if the students need minimum 75 marks in Social Studies and minimum 85 marks in Science, how many students have passed the exam? (1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three (5) None of these 34. What is the percentage of marks obtained by B in all the subjects together? (rounded off to two digits after decimal) (1) 68.62 (2) 66.83 (3) 69.24 (4) 64.84 (5) None of these


O B J E C T I V E -T Y P E Q U E S T I O N S
Qs. 35-38. Study the graph carefully to answer the following questions:
PER CENT RISE IN PROFIT OF TWO COMPANIES OVER THE YEARS 60 Per cent rise 50 40 30 20 10 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 YEARS 2002 2003
Company A Company B

35. If the profit of Company B in the year 2003 was Rs 7,83,000, then what was its profit in the year 2000? (1) Rs 2,25,000 (2) 3,75,000 (3) Rs 4,16,000 (4) Rs 4,05,000 (5) None of these 36. What is the approximate average per cent profit of Company B over the years? (1) 58 (2) 40 (3) 53 (4) 62 (5) 46 37. If the profit of Company A in the year 1999 was Rs 1.5 lakhs, what was its profit in the year 2001? (1) Rs 2.65 lakhs (2) Rs 4.25 lakhs (3) Rs 3.15 lakhs (4) Rs 4.90 lakhs (5) None of these 38. Which of the following statements is definitely true? (1) Company B has made more profit than Company A in the year 2003. (2) Profit made by Company A and Company B in the year 2000 is the same. (3) Increase in per cent rise in profit of Company B in the year 1999 from the previous year is 10 per cent. (4) Company A has made lowest profit in the year 1999. (5) Profit of Company A remained the same in the year 1999 and 2000. 39. What is the per cent increase in per cent rise in profit of Company A in the year 2001 from the previous year? (1) 15 (2) 20 (3) 10 (4) 25 (5) None of these Qs. 40-44. Study the table carefully to answer the following questions: Number (in crores) of ball bearings manufactured by Six Companies over the years Year 1999 Company P 48.2 Q 51.6 R 32.3 S 27.9 T 28.3 U 45.5 2000 28.3 36.5 47.9 51.5 41.5 26.2 2001 29.4 43.5 25.6 33.5 50.8 44.9 2002 36.6 18.1 38.7 43.6 24.1 40.5 2003 21.8 23.5 50.9 44.7 30.4 38.7 2004 53.0 35.7 42.6 26.5 36.2 41.5

40. What is the respective ratio of number of ball bearing manufactured by Company R in the year 1999 to those manufactured by Company T in the year 2003? (1) 16 : 17 (2) 17 : 16 (3) 23 : 21 (4) 21 : 23 (5) None of these 41. What is the approximate per cent increase in the number of ball bearings manufactured by Company P in he year 2004, from the previous year? (1) 143 (2) 157 (3) 59 (4) 122 (5) 94 42. What is the average number of ball bearings manufactured by all companies together in the year 2002? (1) 3360000 (2) 336000000 (3) 3360000000 (4) 33600000 (5) None of these 43. Number of ball bearings manufactured by Company Q in the year 2000 is approximately what per cent of the total number of ball bearings manufactured by it in all the years together? (1) 24 (2) 32 (3) 11 (4) 29 (5) 17 44. How many more ball bearings need to be manufactured by Company S in the year 2004 to make the ratio between the number of ball bearings manufactured by Company S to those manufactured by Company U in the year 2004, 54 : 83 respectively? (1) 80000000 (2) 2500000 (3) 34000000 (4) 5000000 (5) None of these Qs. 45-49. Study the pie-chart carefully to answer the following questions: Percentage of students studying different specialisations in a management institute
Total number of students = 4500
Finance 11%

Ratio of Men to Women in each Specialisation

Specialisation HR Marketing International Business Banking IT Finance Men 2 7 5 17 1 5 Women 3 5 1 10 2 4

HR 22%

IT 21% Marketing 16% Banking 12% International Business 18%

45. What is the total number of men studying in the Institute? (1) 1665 (2) 2421 (3) 2025 (4) 1954 (5) None of these 46. Number of women studying Marketing are approximately what per cent of the total number of students in the Institute? (1) 5 (2) 12 (3) 15 (4) 7 (5) 2 47. What is the total number of men studying Banking and International Business? (1) 1125 (2) 297 (3) 1015 (4) 594 (5) None of these 48. Number of women studying Finance are what per


O B J E C T I V E -T Y P E Q U E S T I O N S
cent of the number of men studying the same? (1) 80 (2) 65 (3) 95 (4) 70 (5) None of these 49. In which specialisation do the maximum number of women study? (1) HR (2) IT (3) Marketing (4) Finance (5) None of these ANSWERS AND EXPLANATIONS 1. (1) 14 1 12 = 13, 13 2 22 = 22, 22 3 32 = 57, 57 4 42 = 212, 212 5 52 = 1035 55 is wrong, it should be 57 2. (3) By adding and subtracting alternatively 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 (all prime nos.) we get the next term. In place of 210, it should be 209 3. (5) Add 73, 63, 53, 43, 33 to get the next term 495 is wrong, it should be 496 4. (4) 488, 245, 124, 64, 35, 20.25
488 + 2 245 + 3 124 + 4 = 245, = 124, = 64, 2 2 2 64 + 5 34.5 + 6 40.5 = 34.5 , = = 20.25 2 2 2 In place of 35, it should be 34.5

Less work less days 1:

1 4

16 : x Less women more days 10 : 20 1 20 =8 x = 16 4 10 8. (3) There are 9 different letters No. of ways = 9! = 362880

9. (5) Reqd no. of frogs = 214000 (1 +

10 3 ) = 284834 100 1 2

10. (4) 12x2 6x = 0 6x (2x 1) = 0 x = 0, y = 0.45 x2, when x = 0, y = x If x =

xy 1 = .5, y = .20 2

11. (4) x =

6.25 = 2.5, y2 = 6.25

y = 6.25 = 2.5 xy

5. (4) Length of platform is not given Speed of train

= Length of train + Length of platform Time taken R n ) 1] 100 R 3 ) 1] R = 8 100

12. (4) 20x2 33x + 7 = 0 20x2 28x 5x + 7 = 0

(4x 1) (5x 7) = 0 x =

1 7 , or .25, 1.4, 4 5


0.0625 = .25

6. (1) C.I. = P [(1 +

13. (1) 6x2 + 28x + 16 = 0 2(3x + 2) (x + 4) = 0


3895.68 = 15000 [(1 +

2 ,4 3 1 4 , 2 7

7. (1) Work done by 16 men in 8 days = work done by 20 women in 16 days 16 8M = 20 16W 2M = 5W
5 12M + 10W = 12 + 10 = 40 W 2

14y2 + 15y + 4 = 0 y =
x<y 14. (2) 4x + 3y = 16, 2x + 4y = 13 Solving the eqns, we get 5 x = ,y=2 2 x >y

20 16 = 320 women can do work in 1 day 40 women can do work in

320 = 8 days 40

6 3 40 women can do work in 6 days = = 8 4

Remaining work = work 1

1 4

1 4

women 20 10

days 16 x

15. (3) Children present = 540 120 = 420 Let the no. of sweets got by each child be x Total sweets = 540x = 420(x + 4) x = 14 16. (5) Let the speed of the boat in still water be x km/hr and that of stream be y km/hr Downstream, speed of boat = x + y km/hr Upstream, speed of boat = x y km/hr 24 24 A.T.S. x + y = ,xy = 10 12


O B J E C T I V E -T Y P E Q U E S T I O N S
On solving, we get x = 2.2 km/hr 17. (2) 2 r = 4 11 2
22 r = 44 r = 7 cm 7 50 40 100 = 25 40

38. (3) 40. (2)

39. (4) 41. (1)

Side of a square = 121 = 11 cm

Area of a circle =

22 7 2 = 154 cm 7

201.6 100, 00, 000 = 336000000 42. (2) 6

18. (4) Ratio of profits = Ratio of the investments by Sonia, Vivek and Kirti = 60000 24 : 140000 18 : 120000 12 = 4 : 7 : 4
Viveks share =

43. (5) Reqd% = 44. (4) Ratio =

36.5 100 = 17 (approx) 208.9

7 450000 = Rs 210000 4+7 + 4


(26.5 + x )crore 54 = x = .5 crore 41.5 crore 83 22 2 = 396 100 5

= 5000000 45. (2) Men studying in HR = 4500 Men Men Men Men Men

19. (3) Reqd prob =

C1 7 C2


321 76 4 11 10 9 2

28 = 55

20. (4) 21. (1) 22. (3) 84.2 (8)2 2.1 78.4 (83.5 73.5) = (84.2+4.2+3.5 78.4+3.5) = 5611.9 2 2 2 23. (5) 4 + 3 = 25 = x x = 25 = 625 24. (2)
53 25 x 120 + 862 = 500 x = 55.82 100 100 100 80 = Area 2

studying in Marketing studying in I.B. studying in Banking studying in I.T. studying in Finance Total no. 16 5 ] [4500 100 12 100 = 7 approx 46. (4) 4500 47. (3) 675 + 340 = 1015 48. (1)

= 420 = 675 = 340 = 315 = 275 = 2421

25. (1) 2a2 = d2 = 802 a2 =

d a

4 100 = 80 5

49. (2) Ratio of men to women in I.T. = 1 : 2

26. (4)

27. (3)
100 6

28. (4)

29. (5)

30. (2) 385 80 1 = 51

150 (84 + 70 + 66) 100 = 22 31. (5) Ratio = 50 7 (60 + 74 + 76) 100


Exclusive Well-compiled Most upto-date Reasonably Priced

32. (2) 34. (1)

33. (3) A and C

446 100 = 68.62 650

Total marks got by B = 63 + 70 + 56 + 64

150 120 + 85 100 100 150 80 + 75 100 100 50 = 446 100

Need we say more!

35. (1) 783000 = x 36. (5) 37. (3) 1.5

145 150 160 x = Rs 225000 100 100 100


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140 150 = 3.15 100 100


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