Community Worms

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During my community health nursing exposure, I saw children happily playing on the soil with barefoot. Some are naked wherein protruding stomach was evident. I remember my cousin told me that when she was still in elementary, she saw a worm on her stool. She was afraid that time thats why she did not tell her mother. Shes presently a high school student but she still gets nightmares thinking that her boarders might come out of her mouth.

Lets talk about worms

The most common parasites inside the human intestines are the round worms. They are much like the earthworms in appearance but whitish and smaller, or even microscopic. They are the ascaris, hookworm, trichiuris and pinworm. Ascaris is the largest, and I believe, is the one my cousin saw in her stool. It is harmless and is just a boarder in the intestine. It becomes a problem when they are many because they will absorb nutrients in your food, it can form into a ball and obstruct the bowels, or it may find its way in the biliary tract or in the appendix. The hookworm is named as such because of its hook-like structure at the tail. It is very small and not seen by the naked eye. This worm sucks blood in the intestine, so it can cause anemia if great in number. Anemia will cause pallor, weakness and inability to sleep well.On the other hand, trichiuris is also called whipworm. It is generally without symptoms but can cause gastrointestinal discomfort and malnutrition when great in number. Pinworm is the most annoying one. When this worm becomes pregnant and about ready to lay its eggs, it travel down the anus, where it causes severe itch especially at night. It is very small (less than 1 cm long) and thread-like. Because of scratching, the host can reinfect himself through his contaminated fingers. REMINDER! In order to reduce, if not eliminate, parasitism in children, it is significant that these safety measures be practiced: Observe proper hygiene Practice proper food preparation Good sanitation should be maintained Teach the kids to wash their hands after playing and before meals Instruct the children to avoid touching and scratching their anus when they are itching to prevent pinworm reinfection Children should not be allowed to play in dirty areas Leaking sewerage should be repaired Proper human waste disposal should always be observed to prevent seeding the environment with hookworm ova

Diagnosing parasitism Your physician will request for a stool examination which will identify what intestinal parasite you have. Collect a thumb-size stool in a clean plastic cup with cover and submit it to any laboratory for examination. Three consecutive stool exams is the best way to confirm parasitism. Getting rid of helminths Because of the governments campaign of regular deworming of schoolchildren, intestinal parasitism is less of a problem now. However, because of poverty and ignorance, it continues to be a health concern in depressed areas. Schools and barangay health centers may offer free albendazole, but if the community especially the home of these children remains dirty, the worms will stay.

Title: Eliminating the Annoying Parasites

Summary: This article is mostly about parasitic infestation, how we can get worms and how we can get rid of them and of course what are the ways to identify if a person has it or not. It is listed in here on what are the ways we can prevent acquiring parasites, especially in children.

Reaction: I chose this article because this is very common in the community, because of the peoples knowledge deficit with regards to the parasitic infestation. Thereby this article is very useful since it provides a the people a brief background and it also states ways on how to prevent it.

Application: I can apply what Ive learned in this article by sharing it to the community. I could include this as one of the cluster teachings that we may be able to give to the community people so that their level of awareness will increase in the said matter. Also so as to avoid GI problems to the children which is at high risk of acquiring parasitic infestation.

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