Patient Assesment

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The key takeaways are the different types of patient assessments EMS providers use including scene size-up, initial assessment, focused history and exam, rapid assessments, and detailed physical exam.

The different types of patient assessments are initial assessment, focused history and exam, rapid trauma assessment, rapid medical assessment, and detailed physical exam.

The detailed physical exam includes a head-to-toe assessment using DCAP-BTLS to find isolated and non-life-threatening problems and further explore findings from the rapid assessment in each body area including head, face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis and extremities.


Scene Size-up Steps taken by EMS providers when approaching the scene of an emergency call; determining scene safety, taking BSI precautions, noting the mechanism of injury or patients nature of illness, determining the number of patients, and deciding what, if any additional resources are needed including Advanced Life Support. The process used to identify and treat life-threatening problems, concentrating on Level of Consciousness, Cervical Spinal Stabilization, Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. You will also be forming a General Impression of the patient to determine the priority of care based on your immediate assessment and determining if the patient is a medical or trauma patient. The components of the initial assessment may be altered based on the patient presentation. In this step you will reconsider the mechanism of injury, determine if a Rapid Trauma Assessment or a Focused Assessment is needed, assess the patients chief complaint, assess medical patients complaints and signs and symptoms using OPQRST, obtain a baseline set of vital signs, and perform a SAMPLE history. The components of this step may be altered based on the patients presentation. This is performed on patients with significant mechanism of injury to determine potential life threatening injuries. In the conscious patient, symptoms should be sought before and during the Rapid Trauma assessment. You will estimate the severity of the injuries, re-consider your transport decision, reconsider Advanced Life Support, consider the platinum 10 minutes and the Golden Hour, rapidly assess the patient from head to toe using DCAP-BTLS, obtain a baseline set of vital signs, and perform a SAMPLE history. This is performed on medical patients who are unconscious, confused, or unable to adequately relate their chief complaint. This assessment is used to quickly identify existing or potentially life-threatening conditions. You will perform a head to toe rapid assessment using DACP-BTLS, obtain a baseline set of vital signs, and perform a SAMPLE history. This is used for patients, with no significant mechanism of injury, that have been determined to have no life-threatening injuries. This assessment would be used in place of your Rapid Trauma Assessment. You should focus on the patients chief complaint. An example of a patient requiring this assessment would be a patient who has sustained a fractured arm with no other injuries and no life threatening conditions. This is used for patients with a medical complaint who are conscious, able to adequately relate their chief complaint to you, and have no life-threatening conditions. This assessment would be used in place of your Rapid Medical Assessment. You should focus on the patients chief complaint using OPQRST, obtain a baseline set of vital signs, and perform a SAMPLE history.

Initial Assessment

Focused History and Physical Exam

Rapid Trauma Assessment

Rapid Medical Assessment

Focused History and Physical Exam Trauma

Focused History and Physical Exam Medical


Detailed Physical Exam

This is a more in-depth assessment that builds on the Focused Physical Exam. Many of your patients may not require a Detailed Physical Exam because it is either irrelevant or there is not enough time to complete it. This assessment will only be performed while enroute to the hospital or if there is time on-scene while waiting for an ambulance to arrive. Patients who will have this assessment completed are patients with significant mechanism of injury, unconscious, confused, or unable to adequately relate their chief complaint. In the Detailed Physical Exam you will perform a head to toe assessment using DCAP-BTLS to find isolated and non-life-threatening problems that were not found in the Rapid Assessment and also to further explore what you learned during the Rapid Assessment. This assessment is performed during transport on all patients. The Ongoing Assessment will be repeated every 15 minutes for the stable patient and every 5 minutes for the unstable patient. This assessment is used to answer the following questions: 1. Is the treatment improving the patients condition? 2. Are any known problems getting better or worse? 3. What is the nature of any newly identified problems? You will continue to reassess mental status, ABCs, re-establish patient priorities, reassess vital signs, repeat the focused assessment, and continually recheck your interventions.

Ongoing Assessment



MOI stands for mechanism of injury AVPU used to classify the patients mental status: A = awake, alert, and oriented V = alert to voice, but not oriented P = alert to painful stimuli only U = unresponsive to voice or painful stimuli

CUPS used as an additional tool to prioritize the patient for transport: Priority C ritical C = critical U = unstable P = potentially unstable S = stable Transport Decision

Illness/Injury Severity Patients either receiving CPR, in respiratory arrest, or requiring and receiving lifesustaining ventilatory/circulatory support Poor general impression Unresponsive with no gag or cough reflexes Responsive but unable to follow commands Difficulty breathing Pale skin or other signs of poor perfusion (shock) Complicated childbirth Uncontrolled bleeding Severe pain in any area of the body Severe chest pain, especially with a systolic BP of less than 100 mmHg Inability to move any part of the body Minor illness, minor isolated injury, uncomplicated extremity injuries, and/or any patient that cannot be categorized as Critical, Unstable, or Potentially unstable.

U nstable

CUP Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Rapid Assessment And Transport

P otentially unstable

S table

S Scene Size-up Initial Assessment Focused Assessment And Transport


Priority Using CUPS

Status C U P S Adult High High High Low Infant/Child High High High Low

DCAP-BTLS A mnemonic for EMT assessment in which each area of the body is evaluated for: Deformities Burns Contusions Abrasions Punctures/Penetrations Tenderness Lacerations

DOTS A mnemonic for CFR assessment in which each area of the body is evaluated for: Deformities Open Injuries Tenderness Swelling

SAMPLE A mnemonic for the history of a patients condition to determine:

Signs & Symptoms Allergies Medications

Pertinent past history Last oral intake Events leading up to the illness/injury

OPQRST A mnemonic used to evaluate a patients chief complaint and signs & symptoms:

O = onset P = provocation Q = quality

R = radiation S = severity T = time

Significant Mechanism of Injury (listed below are some examples)

Vehicle-pedestrian collision Death in the same passenger compartment Medium speed vehicle collision (infants and children) Falls greater than 20 feet (adults) Falls greater than 10 feet (infants and children) Penetrations of the head, chest, or abdomen Motorcycle crash High-speed vehicle collision Roll-over of vehicle Ejection from vehicle Bicycle collision (infants and children)



Steps taken when approaching the scene
Ensure BSI (Body Substance Isolation) procedures and & personal protective gear is being used. Observe scene for safety of crew, patient, bystanders. Identify the mechanism of injury or nature of illness. Identify the number of patients involved. Determine the need for additional resources including Advanced Life Support. Consider C-Spine stabilization

Assessment & treatment (life-threats)
GENERAL IMPRESSION Mechanism of injury or nature of illness Age, sex, race Find and treat life threatening conditions (any obvious problems that may kill the patient within seconds). Problems with Airway, Breathing, or Circulation Verbalize general impression of patient MENTAL STATUS If the pt. appears to be unconscious, check for responsiveness, (Hey! Are you OK?) Evaluate mental status using AVPU. Obtain a chief complaint, if possible AIRWAY Is the pt. talking or crying? Do you hear any noise? Will the airway stay open on its own? Does anything endanger it? Open the airway - head-tilt-chin-lift or jaw thrust as needed Clear the airway as needed Suction - as needed Insert an OPA/NPA - as needed BREATHING Do you see any signs of inadequate respirations? Is the rate and quality of breathing adequate to sustain life? Is the patient complaining of difficulty breathing? Quickly inspect the chest for impaled objects, open chest wounds, and bruising (trauma) Quickly palpate the chest for unstable segments, crepitation (trauma), and equal expansion of the chest If the pt. is responsive and breathing < 8 or > 24, administer oxygen using a NRB at 15 LPM. If the pt. is unresponsive and breathing is adequate, administer oxygen using a NRB at 15 LPM. If the pt. is unresponsive and breathing is inadequate, administer oxygen using a BVM at 15 LPM, with OPA.

CIRCULATION If the pt. is unresponsive, assess for presence and quality of the carotid pulse. If the pt. is responsive, assess the rate and quality of the radial pulse. If radial pulse is weak or absent, compare it to the carotid pulse. For patients 1 year old or less, assess the brachial pulse. Is there life threatening hemorrhage? Control life threatening hemorrhage Assess the patients perfusion by evaluating skin for color, temperature and condition (CTC); can also check the conjunctiva and lips Assess capillary refill in infant or child < 6 yrs. old Cover with blanket and elevate the legs as needed for shock (hypoperfusion) IDENTIFY PRIORITY PATIENTS Is the patient: Critical Unstable Potentially Unstable Stable Consider the need for Advanced Life Support If the patient is CRITICAL, UNSTABLE or POTENTIALLY UNSTABLE , begin packaging the patient during the rapid assessment while treating life threats and transport as soon as possible. In addition, perform the rapid trauma assessment for the trauma patient if he/she has significant mechanism of injury and apply spinal immobilization as needed. For the unresponsive medical patient perform the rapid medical assessment. If the patient is or STABLE, perform the appropriate focused physical exam (for the medical pt. perform the focused physical exam; for trauma patient perform the focused trauma assessment.)



Re-consider the mechanism of injury. If there is significant mechanism of injury, perform a Rapid Trauma Assessment on-scene while preparing for transport and then a Detailed Assessment during transport. If there is no significant mechanism of injury, perform the Focused Trauma Assessment. Direct the focused trauma assessment to the patients chief complaint and the mechanism of injury (perform it instead of the rapid trauma assessment).


perform on patients with significant MOI
Continue spinal stabilization Re-consider ALS back-up Inspect and palpate the body for injuries to the following:

HEAD - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Blood & fluids from the head NECK - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS JVD (Jugular Vein Distention) Crepitation Apply CSIC (Cervical Spinal Immobilization Collar) - if not already done CHEST - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Paradoxical movement Crepitation Breath sounds - bilateral assessment of the apices, mid-clavicular line; midaxillary at the nipple line; and at the bases ABDOMEN - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Pain Firm Soft Distended PELVIS - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS If no pain is noted, gently compress the pelvis to determine tenderness or unstable movement. EXTREMITIES - inspect and palpate the lower and upper extremities for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Crepitation Distal pulses Sensory function Motor function POSTERIOR - Log roll the patient. Maintain c-spine stabilization. Inspect and palpate for injuries or signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS



Perform on patients with no significant MOI Assess the patients chief complaint

The specific injury they are complaining about Why they called EMS Assess and treat injuries not found during your Initial Assessment Reconsider your transport decision Consider ALS intercept

Focused Assessment

Follow order of the Rapid Assessment Focus assessment on the specific area of injury or complaint

Baseline Vital Signs

Obtain a full set of vital signs including: Respirations Pulse Blood Pressure Level of Consciousness Skin Pupils

Assess SAMPLE History

l Signs & Symptoms l Allergies l Medications l l l

Pertinent Past Medical History Last oral intake Events leading up to the injury/illness


Watch the chest/abdomen and count for no less than 30 seconds. If abnormal respirations are present count for a full 60 seconds.

l l

Normal Labored?

l l

Shallow Deep

l l

Any unusual pattern? Noisy breathing?

Check the radial pulse. If pulse is regular, count for 30 seconds and multiply x 2. If it is irregular, count for a full 60 seconds.

l l

Regular Irregular

l l

Strong Weak


SKIN (CTC) Color - Look at the skin

Normal (unremarkable) Cyanotic Pale Flushed Jaundice Warm Hot Cool Cold Wet Dry

Temperature - touch the skin

Condition - assess the skin

Blood pressure should be measured in all patients over the age of 3. Auscultate the blood pressure. In a high noise environment, palpate (only the systolic reading can be obtained).

PUPILS - use a penlight to check reactivity of the pupils; also assess for size
equal or unequal normal, dilated, or constricted reactive - change when exposed to light non-reactive - do not change when exposed to light Equally or unequally reactive when exposed to light

What Signs and Symptoms is the patient exhibiting? Does the patient have any Allergies? Does the patient take any Medications? Does the patient have Pertinent past medical history? When was the patients Last meal? What did the patient eat? When did they last eat? Events - What happened, how did this incident happen? Events leading up to the injury or illness.



During this phase of the patient assessment, the mnemonic OPQRST and SAMPLE will be used to gather information about the chief complaint and history of the present illness. Baseline vital signs and a focused physical exam or a rapid medical assessment will be performed. The order in which you perform the steps of this focused history and physical exam varies depending on whether the patient is responsive or unresponsive.

RAPID MEDICAL ASSESSMENT performed on patients who are unconscious, confused, or unable to adequately relate their chief complaint.

Perform a rapid assessment using DCAP-BTLS following the order of the Rapid Trauma Assessment Assess the head Assess the neck Assess the chest Assess the abdomen Assess the pelvis Assess the extremities Assess the posterior Obtain baseline set of vital signs Position patient to protect the airway Obtain the SAMPLE history from bystander, family, or friends.


Focused Medical Assessment performed on the conscious alert patient who can adequately relate their chief complaint. Obtain the history of the present illness

Onset - What were you doing when the symptoms started? Provocation - Is there anything that makes the symptoms better or worse? Quality - What does the pain/discomfort feel like? Radiation - Where do you feel the pain/discomfort? Does the pain/discomfort travel anywhere else? Severity - How bad is the pain? How would you rate the pain on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst pain youve felt in your life? Time - How long has the problem been going on?

What other Signs and Symptoms is the patient exhibiting? Does the patient have any Allergies? Does the patient take any Medications? Does the patient have a Pertinent past medical history? When was the patients Last meal? (last oral intake) What did the patient eat/drink? Events - What happened, how did this incident happen? Events leading up to the injury or illness.


Focused Assessment

Follow order of the Rapid Assessment Focus assessment on the specific area of complaint (chief complaint)

Examples of questions to ask a conscious medical patient and assessment elements according to the patients chief complaint Altered Mental Status
o o o o o o o o

Allergic Reaction
o o o o o o

o o o o o o o

Description of episode Duration Onset Associated symptoms Evidence of trauma Interventions Seizures Fever

History of allergies Exposed to what? How exposed Effects Progression Interventions

Onset Provocation Q uality Radiation Severity Time Interventions

Poisoning & OD
o o o o o o

o o o o o

o o

Substance When exposed/ingested Amount Time period Interventions Estimated weight

Source Environment Duration Loss of consciousness Effects-general or local

How do you feel? Determine if suicidal Were you trying to hurt yourself? Have you been feeling that life is not worth living? Have you been feeling like killing yourself?

o o o

Threat to self or others Medical problem Interventions

o o

Acute Abdomen
o o

Loss of Consciousness
o o o o o o o

Are you pregnant? How long have you been pregnant? Pain or contraction Bleeding or discharge Has your water broke? Do you want to push? Last menstrual period?

Location of pain Any vomiting If so, color/substance Taking birth control Vaginal bleeding or discharge Abnormal vital signs

Length of time unconscious Position History Blood in vomit or stool Trauma Incontinence Abnormal vital signs

o o o o o

o o


Baseline Vital Signs

Obtain a full set of vital signs including: Respirations Pulse Blood Pressure Level of Consciousness Skin Pupils

Provide Treatment

Provide emergency medical care based on signs and symptoms



The Detailed Physical Exam is used to gather additional information regarding the patients condition only after you have provided interventions for life threats and serious conditions. Not all patients will require a Detailed Physical Exam. It is performed in a systematic head-to-toe order. You will examine the same body areas that you examined during your rapid assessment. During the detailed physical exam, you will look more closely at each area to search for findings of lesser priority than life threats and/or signs of injury that have worsened. Do not delay transport to perform a detailed physical exam; it is only performed while enroute to the hospital or while waiting for transport to arrive.

Detailed Physical Exam Trauma or Medical

HEAD - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Blood & fluids from the head FACE - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS EARS - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Drainage (blood or any other fluid) EYES - inspect for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Discoloration Unequal Pupils Foreign Bodies Blood in Anterior Chamber NOSE - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Drainage Bleeding MOUTH - inspect for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Damaged/Missing Teeth Obstructions Swollen or Lacerated Tongue Discoloration Unusual Odors NECK - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS JVD Tracheal deviation Crepitation CHEST - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Paradoxical movement Crepitation Breath sounds - bilateral assessment of the apices, midclavicular line; mid-axillary at the nipple line; and at the bases Present Absent Equal

ABDOMEN - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Pain/Tenderness Firm Soft Distended PELVIS - inspect and palpate for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS If no pain is noted, gently compress the pelvis to determine tenderness or unstable movement. EXTREMITIES - inspect and palpate the lower and upper extremities for signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS Crepitation Distal pulses Sensory function Motor function POSTERIOR - Log roll the patient. Maintain c-spine stabilization. Inspect and palpate for injuries or signs of injury. DCAP-BTLS


The On-Going Assessment will be performed on all patients while the patient is being transported to the hospital. It is designed to reassess the patient for changes that may require new intervention. You will also evaluate the effectiveness of earlier interventions, and reassess earlier significant findings. You should be prepared to modify treatment as appropriate and begin new treatment on the basis of your findings during the On-Going Assessment. UNSTABLE PATIENTS repeat On-Going Assessment at least every 5 minutes STABLE PATIENTS repeat On-Going Assessment at least every 15 minutes


Reassess mental status. Maintain an open airway. Monitor breathing for rate and quality. Reassess pulse for rate and quality. Monitor skin color and temperature (CTC) Re-establish patient priorities


Assure adequacy of oxygen delivery/artificial ventilation Assure management of bleeding Assure adequacy of other interventions


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