Mba Project Report Erp Implemetaion
Mba Project Report Erp Implemetaion
Mba Project Report Erp Implemetaion
Case Study
Version: 1.0
TA !E "# C"$TE$TS
%$TR"&'CT%"$ T" ERP(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((5 A&)A$TA*ES "# ERP(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((+ &%SA&)A$TA*ES "# ERP((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((9 ERP PAC,A*ES #EAT'RE C"MPAR%S"$((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-RET'R$ "$ %$)ESTME$TS #"R ERP((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((2.
Working out the Myths of ERP in the nitia! stage....................................................2" Pro#er $#!e$entation an% &inan'e..........................................................................2" (tri't A%heren'e to )hanges......................................................................................2*
ERP S/STEM SE!ECT%"$ MET0"&"!"*/((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((29
+oint ,entures -ith the Res#e'ti,e n%ustry..............................................................3* Doing it a!! a!one........................................................................................................3. &u!!/Partia! $#!e$entation.......................................................................................3.
S'CCESS#'! ERP %MP!EME$TAT%"$((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((20
Pro'ess #re#aration..................................................................................................../1 )onfiguration............................................................................................................./2 )onsu!ting ser,i'es....................................................................................................// 0)ore syste$0 )usto$i1ation ,s )onfiguration......................................................../5 E2tension..................................................................................................................../3 Maintenan'e an% su##ort ser,i'es............................................................................./3
ERP %MP!EME$TAT%"$ P!A$(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((29 RE#ERE$CES(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((51 -( C!ASS A ERP %MP!EME$TAT%"$3 %$TE*RAT%$* !EA$ A$& S%4 S%*MA((((((((((((((((((((((((51 2( M"&ER$ ERP3 SE!ECT, %MP!EME$T 5 'SE T"&A/6S A&)A$CE& 'S%$ESS S/STEMS((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((51 1( MA4%M%7%$* /"'R ERP S/STEM3 A PRACT%CA! *'%&E #"R MA$A*ERS((((((((((((((((((((51 2( E$TERPR%SE RES"'RCE P!A$$%$*(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((51
%ntroduction to ERP
4he initia!s ERP originate% as an e2tension of MRP 5$ateria! re6uire$ents #!anning7 !ater $anufa'turing resour'e #!anning8 an% ) M 5)o$#uter ntegrate% Manufa'turing8. t -as intro%u'e% 9y resear'h an% ana!ysis fir$ :artner in 1..0. ERP syste$s no- atte$#t to 'o,er a!! 'ore fun'tions of an enter#rise; regar%!ess of the organi1ation<s 9usiness or 'harter. 4hese syste$s 'an no- 9e foun% in non=$anufa'turing 9usinesses; non=#rofit organi1ations an% go,ern$ents. 4o 9e 'onsi%ere% an ERP syste$; a soft-are #a'kage $ust #ro,i%e the fun'tion of at !east t-o syste$s. &or e2a$#!e; a soft-are #a'kage that #ro,i%es 9oth #ayro!! an% a''ounting fun'tions 'ou!% te'hni'a!!y 9e 'onsi%ere% an ERP soft-are #a'kage E2a$#!es of $o%u!es in an ERP -hi'h for$er!y -ou!% ha,e 9een stan%=a!one a##!i'ations in'!u%e: Pro%u't !ife'y'!e $anage$ent; (u##!y 'hain $anage$ent 5e.g. Pur'hasing; Manufa'turing an% Distri9ution8; Warehouse Manage$ent; )usto$er Re!ationshi# Manage$ent 5)RM8; (a!es >r%er Pro'essing; >n!ine (a!es; &inan'ia!s; ?u$an Resour'es; an% De'ision (u##ort (yste$. (o$e organi1ations @ ty#i'a!!y those -ith suffi'ient in=house 4 ski!!s to integrate $u!ti#!e soft-are #ro%u'ts @ 'hoose to i$#!e$ent on!y #ortions of an ERP syste$ an% %e,e!o# an e2terna! interfa'e to other ERP or stan%=a!one syste$s for their other a##!i'ation nee%s. &or e2a$#!e; one $ay 'hoose to use hu$an resour'e $anage$ent syste$ fro$ one ,en%or; an% #erfor$ the integration 9et-een the syste$s the$se!,es. 4his is 'o$$on to retai!ers; -here e,en a $i%=si1e% retai!er -i!! ha,e a %is'rete Point=of= (a!e 5P>(8 #ro%u't an% finan'ia!s a##!i'ation; then a series of s#e'ia!i1e% a##!i'ations to han%!e 9usiness re6uire$ents su'h as -arehouse $anage$ent; staff rostering; $er'han%ising an% !ogisti's.
%ea!!y; ERP %e!i,ers a sing!e %ata9ase that 'ontains a!! %ata for the soft-are $o%u!es; -hi'h -ou!% in'!u%e: Manu8acturing Engineering; 9i!!s of $ateria!; s'he%u!ing; 'a#a'ity; -orkf!o$anage$ent; 6ua!ity 'ontro!; 'ost $anage$ent; $anufa'turing #ro'ess; $anufa'turing #roAe'ts; $anufa'turing f!o Supply c9ain management >r%er to 'ash; in,entory; or%er entry; #ur'hasing; #ro%u't 'onfigurator; su##!y 'hain #!anning; su##!ier s'he%u!ing; ins#e'tion of goo%s; '!ai$ #ro'essing; 'o$$ission 'a!'u!ation #inancials :enera! !e%ger; 'ash $anage$ent; a''ounts #aya9!e; a''ounts re'ei,a9!e; fi2e% assets Project management )osting; 9i!!ing; ti$e an% e2#ense; #erfor$an'e units; a'ti,ity $anage$ent 0uman resources ?u$an resour'es; #ayro!!; training; ti$e an% atten%an'e; rostering; 9enefits Customer relations9ip management = (a!es an% $arketing; 'o$$issions; ser,i'e; 'usto$er 'onta't an% 'a!! 'enter su##ort &ata :are9ouse = an% ,arious se!f=ser,i'e interfa'es for 'usto$ers; su##!iers; an% e$#!oyees Access control = user #ri,i!ege as #er authority !e,e!s for #ro'ess e2e'ution Customi;ation = to $eet the e2tension; a%%ition; 'hange in #ro'ess f!o-
Enter#rise resour'e #!anning is a ter$ origina!!y %eri,e% fro$ $anufa'turing resour'e #!anning 5MRP 8 that fo!!o-e% $ateria! re6uire$ents #!anning 5MRP8. MRP e,o!,e% into ERP -hen 0routings0 9e'a$e a $aAor #art of the soft-are ar'hite'ture an% a 'o$#any<s 'a#a'ity #!anning a'ti,ity a!so 9e'a$e a #art of the stan%ar% soft-are a'ti,ity. ERP syste$s ty#i'a!!y han%!e the $anufa'turing; !ogisti's; %istri9ution; in,entory; shi##ing; in,oi'ing; an% a''ounting for a 'o$#any. ERP soft-are 'an ai% in the 'ontro! of $any 9usiness a'ti,ities; in'!u%ing sa!es; $arketing; %e!i,ery; 9i!!ing; #ro%u'tion; in,entory $anage$ent; 6ua!ity $anage$ent an% hu$an resour'e $anage$ent.
ERP syste$s sa- a !arge 9oost in sa!es in the 1..0s as 'o$#anies fa'e% the B2C #ro9!e$ in their !ega'y syste$s. Many 'o$#anies took this o##ortunity to re#!a'e their !ega'y infor$ation syste$s -ith ERP syste$s. 4his ra#i% gro-th in sa!es -as fo!!o-e% 9y a s!u$# in 1...; at -hi'h ti$e $ost 'o$#anies ha% a!rea%y i$#!e$ente% their B2C so!ution. ERPs are often in'orre't!y 'a!!e% 9a'k offi'e syste$s in%i'ating that 'usto$ers an% the genera! #u9!i' are not %ire't!y in,o!,e%. 4his is 'ontraste% -ith front offi'e syste$s !ike 'usto$er re!ationshi# $anage$ent 5)RM8 syste$s that %ea! %ire't!y -ith the 'usto$ers; or the eDusiness syste$s su'h as e)o$$er'e; e:o,ern$ent; e4e!e'o$; an% e&inan'e; or su##!ier re!ationshi# $anage$ent 5(RM8 syste$s. ERPs are 'ross=fun'tiona! an% enter#rise -i%e. A!! fun'tiona! %e#art$ents that are in,o!,e% in o#erations or #ro%u'tion are integrate% in one syste$. n a%%ition to $anufa'turing; -arehousing; !ogisti's; an% infor$ation te'hno!ogy; this -ou!% in'!u%e a''ounting; hu$an resour'es; $arketing an% strategi' $anage$ent. ERP ; a ter$ 'oine% in the ear!y 2000<s; is often use% to %es'ri9e -hat -ou!% 9e the ne2t generation of ERP soft-are. 4his ne- generation of soft-are is -e9=9ase%; an% a!!o-e% 9oth interna! e$#!oyees; an% e2terna! resour'es su'h as su##!iers an% 'usto$ers rea!=ti$e a''ess to the %ata store% -ithin the syste$. ERP is a!so %ifferent in that the soft-are 'an 9e $a%e to fit the 9usiness; instea% of the 9usiness 9eing $a%e to fit the ERP soft-are. As of 200.; $any ERP so!ution #ro,i%ers ha,e in'or#orate% these features into their 'urrent offerings. EA( @ Enter#rise A##!i'ation (uite is a ne- na$e for for$er!y %e,e!o#e% ERP syste$s -hi'h in'!u%e 5a!$ost8 a!! seg$ents of 9usiness; using or%inary nternet 9ro-sers as thin '!ients. Dest #ra'ti'es are in'or#orate% into $ost ERP ,en%or<s soft-are #a'kages. When i$#!e$enting an ERP syste$; organi1ations 'an 'hoose 9et-een 'usto$i1ing the
soft-are or $o%ifying their 9usiness #ro'esses to the 09est #ra'ti'e0 fun'tion %e!i,ere% in the 0out=of=the=9o20 ,ersion of the soft-are. Prior to ERP; soft-are -as %e,e!o#e% to fit the #ro'esses of an in%i,i%ua! 9usiness. Due to the 'o$#!e2ities of $ost ERP syste$s an% the negati,e 'onse6uen'es of a fai!e% ERP i$#!e$entation; $ost ,en%ors ha,e in'!u%e% 0Dest Pra'ti'es0 into their soft-are. 4hese 0Dest Pra'ti'es0 are -hat the Ven%or %ee$s as the $ost effi'ient -ay to 'arry out a #arti'u!ar 9usiness #ro'ess in an ntegrate% Enter#rise=Wi%e syste$. A stu%y 'on%u'te% 9y Eug-igshafen Fni,ersity of A##!ie% ('ien'e sur,eye% 1.2 'o$#anies an% 'on'!u%e% that 'o$#anies -hi'h i$#!e$ente% in%ustry 9est #ra'ti'es %e'rease% $ission='riti'a! #roAe't tasks su'h as 'onfiguration; %o'u$entation; testing an% training. n a%%ition; the use of 9est #ra'ti'es re%u'e% o,er risk 9y "1G -hen 'o$#are% to other soft-are i$#!e$entations. 4he use of 9est #ra'ti'es 'an $ake 'o$#!ying -ith re6uire$ents su'h as &R(; (ar9anes= >2!ey or Dase! easier. 4hey 'an a!so he!# -here the #ro'ess is a 'o$$o%ity su'h as e!e'troni' fun%s transfer. 4his is 9e'ause the #ro'e%ure of 'a#turing an% re#orting !egis!ati,e or 'o$$o%ity 'ontent 'an 9e rea%i!y 'o%ifie% -ithin the ERP soft-are; an% then re#!i'ate% -ith 'onfi%en'e a'ross $u!ti#!e 9usinesses -ho ha,e the sa$e 9usiness re6uire$ent.
Ad<antages o8 ERP
n the a9sen'e of an ERP syste$; a !arge $anufa'turer $ay fin% itse!f -ith $any soft-are a##!i'ations that 'annot 'o$$uni'ate or interfa'e effe'ti,e!y -ith one another. 4asks that nee% to interfa'e -ith one another $ay in,o!,e: ntegration a$ong %ifferent fun'tiona! areas to ensure #ro#er 'o$$uni'ation; #ro%u'ti,ity an% effi'ien'y Design engineering 5ho- to 9est $ake the #ro%u't8 >r%er tra'king; fro$ a''e#tan'e through fu!fi!!$ent
4he re,enue 'y'!e; fro$ in,oi'e through 'ash re'ei#t Managing inter=%e#en%en'ies of 'o$#!e2 #ro'esses 9i!! of $ateria!s 4ra'king the three=-ay $at'h 9et-een #ur'hase or%ers 5-hat -as or%ere%8; in,entory re'ei#ts 5-hat arri,e%8; an% 'osting 5-hat the ,en%or in,oi'e%8 4he a''ounting for a!! of these tasks: tra'king the re,enue; 'ost an% #rofit at a granu!ar !e,e!.
ERP (yste$s 'entra!i1e the %ata in one #!a'e. Denefits of this in'!u%e: E!i$inates the #ro9!e$ of syn'hroni1ing 'hanges 9et-een $u!ti#!e syste$s Per$its 'ontro! of 9usiness #ro'esses that 'ross fun'tiona! 9oun%aries Pro,i%es to#=%o-n ,ie- of the enter#rise 5no 0is!an%s of infor$ation08 Re%u'es the risk of !oss of sensiti,e %ata 9y 'onso!i%ating $u!ti#!e #er$issions an% se'urity $o%e!s into a sing!e stru'ture. (o$e se'urity features are in'!u%e% -ithin an ERP syste$ to #rote't against 9oth outsi%er 'ri$e; su'h as in%ustria! es#ionage; an% insi%er 'ri$e; su'h as e$9e11!e$ent. A %ata=ta$#ering s'enario; for e2a$#!e; $ight in,o!,e a %isgrunt!e% e$#!oyee intentiona!!y $o%ifying #ri'es to 9e!o-=the=9reake,en #oint in or%er to atte$#t to interfere -ith the 'o$#any<s #rofit or other sa9otage. ERP syste$s ty#i'a!!y #ro,i%e fun'tiona!ity for i$#!e$enting interna! 'ontro!s to #re,ent a'tions of this kin%. ERP ,en%ors are a!so $o,ing to-ar% 9etter integration -ith other kin%s of infor$ation se'urity too!s.
&isad<antages o8 ERP
Pro9!e$s -ith ERP syste$s are $ain!y %ue to ina%e6uate in,est$ent in ongoing training for the in,o!,e% 4 #ersonne! = in'!u%ing those i$#!e$enting an% testing 'hanges = as -e!! as a !a'k of 'or#orate #o!i'y #rote'ting the integrity of the %ata in the ERP syste$s an% the -ays in -hi'h it is use%. Disa%,antages )usto$i1ation of the ERP soft-are is !i$ite%. Re=engineering of 9usiness #ro'esses to fit the 0in%ustry stan%ar%0 #res'ri9e% 9y the ERP syste$ $ay !ea% to a !oss of 'o$#etiti,e a%,antage.
ERP syste$s 'an 9e ,ery e2#ensi,e 54his has !e% to a ne- 'ategory of 0ERP !ight0 HE2#an% se'tionI so!utions8 ERPs are often seen as too rigi% an% too %iffi'u!t to a%a#t to the s#e'ifi' -orkf!oan% 9usiness #ro'ess of so$e 'o$#anies@this is 'ite% as one of the $ain 'auses of their fai!ure.
Many of the integrate% !inks nee% high a''ura'y in other a##!i'ations to -ork effe'ti,e!y. A 'o$#any 'an a'hie,e $ini$u$ stan%ar%s; then o,er ti$e 0%irty %ata0 -i!! re%u'e the re!ia9i!ity of so$e a##!i'ations.
>n'e a syste$ is esta9!ishe%; s-it'hing 'osts are ,ery high for any one of the #artners 5re%u'ing f!e2i9i!ity an% strategi' 'ontro! at the 'or#orate !e,e!8. 4he 9!urring of 'o$#any 9oun%aries 'an 'ause #ro9!e$s in a''ounta9i!ity; !ines of res#onsi9i!ity; an% e$#!oyee $ora!e. Resistan'e in sharing sensiti,e interna! infor$ation 9et-een %e#art$ents 'an re%u'e the effe'ti,eness of the soft-are. (o$e !arge organi1ations $ay ha,e $u!ti#!e %e#art$ents -ith se#arate; in%e#en%ent resour'es; $issions; 'hains=of='o$$an%; et'; an% 'onso!i%ation into a sing!e enter#rise $ay yie!% !i$ite% 9enefits.
4he syste$ $ay 9e too 'o$#!e2 $easure% against the a'tua! nee%s of the 'usto$ers. ERP (yste$s 'entra!i1e the %ata in one #!a'e. 4his 'an in'rease the risk of !oss of sensiti,e infor$ation in the e,ent of a se'urity 9rea'h.
(AP $y(AP Dusiness (uite R/3 /.3 an% (AP R/3 Enter#rise /." (ie9e! ".5 an% (ie9e! ".".
&ro$ a su$$ary #ers#e'ti,e a'ross the o-nershi# !ife'y'!e; Peo#!e(oft %e$onstrates 'onsistent a%,antages for the key features e,a!uate% in this stu%y. 4he resear'h ,a!i%ates Peo#!e(oft<s !ea%ershi# for key o-nershi# features in three 'ategories:
-( %mplementation3
Peo#!e(oft features for i$#!e$entation rate% higher than Mi'rosoft<s; (AP<s; an% (ie9e!<s in ena9!ing i$#!e$entation tea$s to insta!!; i$#!e$ent; an% %e#!oy enter#rise a##!i'ations through 'o$#rehensi,e 'onfiguration -i1ar%s an% #re=#a'kage% integration #a'ks for a!! $aAor enter#rise a##!i'ation ,en%ors. >ra'!e a!so rates 'onsistent!y high in the areas of 'onfiguration; %ata !oa%ing; #re=#a'kage% integrations; an% -e9 ser,i'es. Peo#!e(oft has $a%e $ore #rogress than other ,en%ors in ena9!ing an% strea$!ining its 'onfiguration an% integration too!s.
2( 'sa>ility3
A'ross the features e,a!uate%; Peo#!e(oft an% (ie9e! rate% highest in ter$s of the usa9i!ity features e,a!uate%. 4he task=oriente% organi1ation of a##!i'ation s'reens an% the 'onsisten'y of s'reen !ayouts a'ross a!! $o%u!es in Peo#!e(oft a##!i'ations i$#ro,e en% user #ro%u'ti,ity an% ena9!es en% users to 'o$#!ete tasks faster an% -ith fe-er errors. Mi'rosoft Dusiness (o!utions usa9i!ity is !i$ite% %ue to a 'ontinue% re!ian'e on a 0thi'k '!ient0 ar'hite'ture for $ost of the a##!i'ations; an% (AP -as foun% !a'king in task= oriente% %ash9oar%s.
%iagnosti's s'ri#ts; thorough test s'enarios an% s'ri#ts; an% strea$!ine% u#gra%e #ro'ess. (#e'ifi'a!!y in re!ation to Mi'rosoft Dusiness (o!utions; Peo#!e(oft<s 'o$#!ete -e9 ena9!e$ent strea$!ines the u#gra%e #ro'ess 'o$#are% to an offering !ike Mi'rosoft :reat P!ains; -hi'h o#erates in a '!ient=ser,er en,iron$ent an% re6uires the '!ient to 9e u#gra%e% as -e!!. 4he resu!ts of this e,a!uation 9y this 'onsu!ting tea$ 'an #ro,i%e gui%an'e to %e'ision $akers on ho- to e,a!uate the $aAor enter#rise a##!i'ation ,en%ors re!ati,e to the o-nershi# e2#erien'e; -hi'h i$#a'ts 9oth the 'ost of o-nershi# an% the ,a!ue %eri,e% fro$ the a##!i'ations.
-( %mplementation
4he i$#!e$entation #hase in'!u%es the initia! insta!!ation of the soft-are; its 'onfiguration; the initia! !oa% of %ata into the ne- a##!i'ation; an% any -ork that $ight 9e re6uire% for the a##!i'ation to interfa'e #ro#er!y -ith the 4 en,iron$ent of the 'usto$er; su'h as integration -ith other a##!i'ations; an% -hether the integration is 9at'h or rea! ti$e. 4he i$#!e$entation #hase is ty#i'a!!y 9roken into three $aAor ste#s: 1. (oft-are insta!!ation 2. )onfiguration 3. ntegration 4he insta!!ation ste# is i$#ortant sin'e an in'o$#!ete or in'orre't initia! insta!!ation of the soft-are 'an !ea% to signifi'ant !ost ti$e in further ste#s of the i$#!e$entation. (trea$!ine% 'onfiguration too!s are 'riti'a! in kee#ing an a##!i'ation i$#!e$entation #roAe't on ti$e; sin'e; %uring 'onfiguration; a!! the s#e'ifi's of 'usto$er 9usiness re6uire$ents are 'a#ture% an% share% a'ross i$#!e$entation staff. &ina!!y; the integration ste# is ty#i'a!!y one of the $ost 'ha!!enging = -ith $any hi%%en an% unanti'i#ate% 'osts. 4hree fa'tors = the 'o$#!e2ity of the a##!i'ations to interfa'e -ith; the 'o$#!e2ity of the 9usiness #ro'esses 9et-een a##!i'ations; an% the 'o$#!e2ity of the integration too!s that $ay re6uire $u!ti#!e e2#erts an% $u!ti#!e ty#es of e2#ertise = $ake it %iffi'u!t to esta9!ish %etai!e% #roAe't #!ans an% thus to a''urate!y esti$ate #roAe't 'osts. &or the ana!ysis an% 'o$#arison of ,en%or a##roa'hes to i$#!e$entation; the e2#erts uti!i1e% se,en 'riteria: 1. A##!i'ation insta!!ation -i1ar% 2. A%,an'e% 'onfiguration 3. Pro'ess $o%e!er /. A%,an'e% %ata !oa%ing an% $o,ing 5. Pro'ess=oriente% integration 3. Pre=#a'kage% integration 9et-een ,en%or a##!i'ations ". Dui!t=in -e9 ser,i'es integrations
Peo#!e(oft an% >ra'!e e$erge -ith the $ost 'o$#rehensi,e feature set for the i$#!e$entation #hase. Peo#!e(oft e2'e!s in the areas of a##!i'ation insta!!ation -i1ar%; a%,an'e% 'onfiguration; a%,an'e% %ata !oa%ing an% $o,ing; #re=#a'kage% integration 9et-een ,en%or a##!i'ations; an% 9ui!t=in -e9 ser,i'es integration. >ra'!e sho-s strength in a%,an'e% 'onfiguration; the #ro'ess $o%e!er; a%,an'e% %ata !oa%ing an% $o,ing; an% 9ui!tin -e9 ser,i'es integration; 9ut not in #re=#a'kage% integration 9et-een ,en%or a##!i'ations. (AP an% (ie9e! s!ight!y a%%ress a!! se,en 'riteria; -hi!e Mi'rosoft is '!ear!y !a'king in four areas = a%,an'e% 'onfiguration; #ro'ess $o%e!er; a%,an'e% %ata !oa%ing an% $o,ing; an% #ro'ess=oriente% integration re#ository. Eet<s e2a$ine ea'h of the se,en feature sets in the insta!!ation 'ategory.
'onfiguration s'reen. Doth (ie9e! an% >ra'!e #ro,i%e a%,an'e% too!s to su##ort the %efinition of 9usiness #ro'esses an% %ata f!o-s. (AP #ro,i%es too!s that are $ore 'o$#!e2 an% re6uire $ore te'hni'a! e2#ertise. Mi'rosoft !i$its en% user a9i!ity to fu!!y 'onfigure a##!i'ations.
Peo#!e(oft #ro,i%es 9ui!t=in -e9 ser,i'es an% fu!!y su##orts in%ustry stan%ar%s for -e9 ser,i'es. n a%%ition; >ra'!e su##orts -e9 ser,i'es integration at e,ery !ayer of its a##!i'ation fra$e-ork 5%ata9ase; $i%%!e=tier; an% a##!i'ation !ayer8 using o#en 'onne'tor stan%ar%s su'h as (>AP; W(DE an% FDD . (ie9e!<s strategy is to e2#ose a!! its 9usiness #ro'esses as -e9 ser,i'es to %e!i,er 9usiness ser,i'es=%ri,en integration. (AP #ro,i%es integration 9ase% on -e9 ser,i'es through its (AP KetWea,er #!atfor$.
2( 'sa>ility
4he usa9i!ity #hase in'!u%es a!! key fun'tiona!ity that is re!ate% to the a##!i'ation ease of use. Fsa9i!ity 'o,ers to#i's su'h as a9i!ity to #erfor$ tasks -ith the $ini$u$ a$ount of errors; intuiti,e use of the a##!i'ation; en% user #ro%u'ti,ity; a9i!ity to !earn ho- to use the a##!i'ation effe'ti,e!y -ith the $ini$u$ a$ount of training; nu$9er of s'reens or '!i'ks re6uire% to #erfor$ a s#e'ifi' task; su##ort for no,i'e as -e!! as a%,an'e% users; a!ign$ent -ith in%ustry stan%ar% interfa'es; res#onse ti$es; an% ease of a%a#ting a##!i'ation ter$ino!ogy to 'usto$er 9usiness 'ases. With this kin% of s'o#e to the issue of usa9i!ity; it %oes #ro,i%e ,a!ue to e,a!uate an% 9ui!% an o9Ae'ti,e 'o$#arison on the usa9i!ity of ,arious a##!i'ations. Fsa9i!ity; in fa't; 'an i$#a't #ositi,e!y or negati,e!y the tota! o-nershi# e2#erien'e. &irst an% fore$ost; usa9i!ity has a %ire't i$#a't on en% user a%o#tion; -hi'h 'an $ake or 9reak a %e#!oy$ent. Poor usa9i!ity 'an !ea% to on going hi%%en 'osts through !o-er en% user #ro%u'ti,ity; error=#rone a##!i'ations; or a##!i'ations that are $isa!igne% -ith a 'o$#any<s 9usiness #ro'esses. &i,e 'riteria -ere in,o!,e% in the ana!ysis assess$ent of usa9i!ity: 1. 4ask=oriente% na,igation 2. Ka,igation 'onfigura9i!ity 3. 4ask=oriente% %ash9oar%s /. We9 '!ient 5. ntegrate% offi'e #ro%u'ti,ity.
Doth Peo#!e(oft an% (ie9e! ha,e o9,ious!y $a%e usa9i!ity a key %e!i,era9!e to 'usto$ers an%; a$ong the fi,e ,en%ors; #ro,i%e the fu!!est feature set for usa9i!ity; in'!u%ing taskoriente% na,igation; the a9i!ity to 'onfigure na,igation; task=oriente% %ash9oar%s; an% -e9 '!ients. >n!y (AP #ro,i%es no task=oriente% %ash9oar%s; an% Mi'rosoft #ro,i%es no -e9 '!ients. Eet<s e2a$ine ea'h of the fi,e feature sets in the usa9i!ity 'ategory.
-orkstation. 4his feature fa'i!itates u#gra%es that are ,ery trans#arent to the en% users an% that %o not re6uire the attention of either the en% user or the te'hni'a! staff regar%ing '!ient si%e issues. (ie9e! has a%%e% 100G -e9 %e#!oy$ent in the $ost re'ent ,ersion of its soft-are. Pre,ious!y -ith (ie9e!; so$e 'o%e ha% to 9e %o-n!oa%e% to the '!ient. Whi!e >ra'!e '!ai$s to 9e 100G -e9 ena9!e%; so$e 'o%e 'o$#onents are sti!! %o-n!oa%e% to the '!ient. An% unfortunate!y; >ra'!e<s -e9 ar'hite'ture is not 'onsistent a'ross a!! >ra'!e $o%u!es. (AP is not yet fu!!y -e9=ena9!e%. Dy 'ontrast; Mi'rosoft<s a##!i'ations are sti!! $ost!y '!ient=ser,er; an% re!ease u#gra%es 'an trigger signifi'ant %isru#tion to 9usiness o#erations through a%%itiona! %o-nti$e an% unne'essary in're$enta! 'osts to u#gra%e ea'h en% user -orkstation.
9y staying 'urrent on re!eases; -hi!e #oor %iagnosti's too!s !ea% to un#re%i'ta9!e %o-nti$es an% 9usiness %isru#tion. (e,en 'riteria -ere in,o!,e% in the e2#ertise assess$ent of the $aintenan'e #hase: 1. Diagnosti' an% te'hni'a! su##ort 2. Re$ote an% on!ine su##ort 3. Perfor$an'e %iagnosti's an% tuning /. Pat'h $anage$ent 5. Auto$ate% u#gra%e #ro'ess an% too!sets 3. Fser='entri' #erfor$an'e testing ". Data ar'hi,ing. n this #hase; Peo#!e(oft offers the fu!!est feature sets 'o,ering %iagnosti' an% te'hni'a! su##ort; #erfor$an'e %iagnosti's; #at'h $anage$ent; user 'entri' #erfor$an'e testing; an% %ata ar'hi,ing. Peo#!e(oft; >ra'!e; an% (AP a!! offer fu!! #erfor$an'e %iagnosti's an% tuning. An% Peo#!e(oft; Mi'rosoft; an% (ie9e! fu!!y a%%ress #at'h $anage$ent; -hi!e on!y Peo#!e(oft an% (ie9e! fu!!y a%%ress the issue of user='entri' #erfor$an'e testing. A!! ,en%ors ha,e 9asi' auto$ate% u#gra%e too!s; an% a!! ha,e sho-n #rogress in a%%ressing $aintenan'e i$#ro,e$ents to the o-nershi# e2#erien'e. Eet<s e2a$ine ea'h of the se,en feature sets in the $aintenan'e; su##ort an% u#gra%e 'ategory.
res#onsi,eness; an% the kno-!e%ge of the ,en%or<s su##ort staff. n so$e 'ases; su##ort re6uires e2tensi,e 'o$$uni'ation an% e2'hange of fi!es su'h as !og fi!es that 'ontain the e2a't 'onfiguration of the 'usto$er i$#!e$entation.
s#e'ifi' 'onfiguration. Peo#!e(oft has strea$!ine% this task 9y offering a )hange Assistant too!set that su##orts the auto$ati' 'he'king of #re an% #ost= re6uisites an% 9y auto$ati'a!!y se!e'ting -hi'h #at'h shou!% 9e a##!ie% for the 'usto$er to 9e 'urrent. Mi'rosoft re!eases ne- ,ersions of #at'hes for its a##!i'ations ,ery infre6uent!y 5!ess than on'e a year8; so the features -ith res#e't to #at'h $anage$ent are -e!! suite%.
>ra'!e on!y #ro,i%es #urge 'a#a9i!ities an% %oes not a!!o- 'usto$ers to ar'hi,e or restore/reinstate ar'hi,e% %ata into #ro%u'tion. Doth (AP an% Peo#!e(oft #ro,i%e ar'hi,e; #urge; an% restore 'a#a9i!ities nati,e!y. n a%%ition; Peo#!e(oft #ro,i%es ru!es=9ase% ar'hi,ing te$#!ates ena9!ing a%$inistrators to set u# %ifferent ar'hi,ing ru!es for %ifferent regions for 9etter g!o9a! 'o$#!ian'e su##ort. (ie9e! an% Mi'rosoft %o not %ire't!y offer ar'hi,e; #urge or restore 'a#a9i!ities.
ERP Vendors
Mi'rosoft has no for$a! o-nershi# e2#erien'e #rogra$ %efine%. Mi'rosoft has %e,e!o#e% its 'ost $anage$ent strategy 9ase% on a ,ery !o- soft-are #ri'e #oint an% '!ose to 100G out=of=the=9o2 %e#!oy$ents -ith !itt!e a9i!ity to 'usto$i1e the soft-are. As a resu!t; Mi'rosoft offers 9asi' fun'tiona!ity that %oes not re6uire e2tensi,e training; 9ut it a!so %oes not ne'essari!y %e!i,er the fu!! ,a!ue e2#e'te% 9y the 'usto$er in ,ie- of the o-nershi# e2#erien'e.
A%%ressing 'ost of o-nershi# is at the heart of >ra'!e<s #hi!oso#hy for Enter#rise A##!i'ations. Dase% on the >ra'!e eDusiness (uite; an integrate% suite of a##!i'ations; >ra'!e '!ai$s that it 'an !o-er i$#!e$entation 'osts 9y a,oi%ing unne'essary 'osts; su'h as those asso'iate% -ith 'ost!y 'usto$ integration 9et-een a##!i'ations. A!though >ra'!e<s a##roa'h has so$e $erit = so$e $easura9!e 9enefits ha,e 9een high!ighte% through R> 'ase stu%ies; serious 'on'erns are sti!! 9eing raise% regar%ing -hat >ra'!e has %e!i,ere% to %ate.
(tru'ture% in a for$a! #rogra$; Peo#!e(oft %e%i'ate% o,er 1;000 %e,e!o#ers an% L*00 $i!!ion to i$#ro,e the 4ota! >-nershi# E2#erien'e for 'usto$ers. Rather than fo'using si$#!y on 9est #ra'ti'es that i$#ro,e the o-nershi# e2#erien'e; Peo#!e(oft has rethought its entire set of a##!i'ations to ensure that they are 9ui!t fro$ the groun% u# to $ini$i1e %e#!oy$ent an% $aintenan'e 'osts.
Many users of (AP a##!i'ations ha,e; o,er the years; note% the 'o$#!e2ity of (AP a##!i'ations; the resu!ting high i$#!e$entation 'osts; an% 'onse6uent 9u%get o,erruns. n res#onse to these issues; (AP to%ay high!ights (AP KetWea,er as the 'enter#ie'e to (AP<s #ro%u't strategy for %e'reasing the 'o$#!e2ity an% 'ost of o-nershi# for (AP a##!i'ations. )urrent!y; the i$#a't of (AP KetWea,er on the o,era!! (AP 'ost of o-nershi# re$ains to 9e #ro,en. (AP has not yet #ro,i%e% #roof #oints ,a!i%ating that its 'usto$ers 9enefit fro$ i$#ro,e% o-nershi# e2#erien'e through the i$#!e$entation of (AP<s !atest te'hno!ogy.
(ie9e!<s 'usto$er e2#erien'e initiati,e -as first fo'use% on 'usto$er satisfa'tion an% high=!e,e! R> $easure$ents. t is on!y re'ent!y 512M$onths8 that (ie9e! has fo'use% $ore s#e'ifi'a!!y on 'ost=of=o-nershi# issues 5$ain!y in res#onse to 'usto$ers< 'o$#!aints8. (ie9e!<s i$#ro,e$ents to its soft-are %e,e!o#$ent #ro'ess are gui%e% 9y the e2#erien'e an% insight gaine% fro$ '!ose e2a$ination of 200 (ie9e! ".2 %e#!oy$ents.
that it 'onfir$s -ith the stan%ar%s an% as #er the instru'tion of the ,en%or/ERP 'onsu!tant.
'he$i'a! an% foo% #ro'essing -here the ingre%ients are not e2a't an% -here there $ight 9e re=-ork an% 9y#ro%u'ts of a #ro'ess. n the !ast %e'a%e; 'o$#anies ha,e a!so 9e'o$e intereste% in enhan'e% fun'tiona!ity su'h as )usto$er Re!ationshi# Manage$ent an% e=)o$$er'e 'a#a9i!ity. :i,en a!! of the #otentia! so!utions; it is not un'o$$on for 'o$#anies to 'hoose a syste$ that is not the 9est fit for the 9usiness an% this nor$a!!y !ea%s to a $ore e2#ensi,e i$#!e$entation. 4hus; it is un%erstan%a9!e that 0ERP )osts 'an run as high as t-o or three #er'ent of re,enues0 . A Pro#er ERP (yste$ (e!e'tion Metho%o!ogy -i!! %e!i,er; -ithin ti$e an% 9u%get; an ERP syste$ that is 9est fit for the 9usiness #ro'esses an% the user in an enter#rise.
ha,e ,arying an% $ore 'o$#!i'ate% 'o$$er'ia! arrange$ents an% #ro%u'ts are not a!-ays in sto'k.
Selection ias
t is not unusua! that the %e'ision on -hi'h syste$ to #ur'hase is $a%e 9y one in%i,i%ua! or 9y one %e#art$ent -ithin the 'o$#any. n these situations; an ERP syste$ that $ay 9e e2'e!!ent at one fun'tion 9ut -eak at other #ro'esses $ay 9e i$#ose% on the entire enter#rise -ith serious 'onse6uen'es for the 9usiness.
signe%. A ty#i'a! e2a$#!e of this -ou!% 9e the s'enario -here a ,en%or $ay offer 5 %ays of ser,i'es for the #ur#ose of %ata $igration. 4he rea!ity is that there is a huge a$ount of -ork re6uire% to in#ut %ata onto a ne- syste$. 4he ,en%or -i!! i$#ort the %ata into the ne- syste$ 9ut e2#e'ts the 'o$#any to #ut the %ata into a fi!e that is easy to i$#ort into the syste$. 4he 'o$#any are a!so e2#e'te% to e2tra't the %ata fro$ the o!% syste$7 '!ean the %ata an% a%% ne- %ata that is re6uire% 9y the ne- syste$. 0ERP; to 9e su''essfu!; re6uires !e,e!s of %ata integrity far higher than $ost 'o$#anies ha,e e,er a'hie,e% R or e,en 'onsi%ere%. n,entory re'or%s; 9i!! of $ateria!s 5D>M8; for$u!as; re'i#es; routings; an% other %ata nee% to 9e'o$e high!y a''urate; 'o$#!ete an% #ro#er!y stru'ture%0. 4his ty#i'a! s'enario is one of $any issues that 'ause i$#!e$entations to 9e %e!aye% an% in,aria9!y !ea% to re6uests for $ore resour'es.
Structured Approac9
4he first ste# in se!e'tion of a ne- syste$ is to a%o#t a stru'ture% a##roa'h to the #ro'ess. 4he set of #ra'ti'es are #resente% to a!! the stakeho!%ers -ithin the enter#rise 9efore the syste$ se!e'tion #ro'ess 9egins. E,eryone nee%s to un%erstan% the $etho% of gathering re6uire$ents7 in,itation to ten%er7 ho- #otentia! ,en%ors -i!! 9e se!e'te%7 the for$at of %e$onstrations an% the #ro'ess for se!e'ting the ,en%or. 4hus; ea'h stakeho!%er is a-are that the %e'ision -i!! 9e $a%e on an o9Ae'ti,e an% 'o!!e'ti,e 9asis an% this -i!! a!-ays !ea% to a high !e,e! of 'o=o#eration -ithin the #ro'ess.
#ocused &emonstrations
De$onstrations 9y #otentia! ,en%ors $ust 9e re!e,ant to the 9usiness. ?o-e,er; it is i$#ortant to un%erstan% that there is 'onsi%era9!e a$ount of #re#aration re6uire% 9y ,en%ors to #erfor$ %e$onstrations that are s#e'ifi' to a 9usiness. 4herefore it is i$#erati,e that ,en%ors are treate% e6ua!!y in re6uests for %e$onstrations an% it is in'u$9ent on the 'o$#any Nan% the o9Ae'ti,e 'onsu!tant assisting the 'o$#any in the se!e'tion #ro'essO to i%entify suffi'ient %e$onstrations that -i!! a!!o- a #ro#er %e'ision to 9e $a%e 9ut -i!! a!so ensure that ,en%ors %o not o#t out of the se!e'tion #ro'ess %ue to the e2tent of #re#aration re6uire%.
%e'i%e% u#on 9y as $any o9Ae'ti,e #eo#!e as #ossi9!e -ithin an% e2terna! to the enter#rise. n no 'ir'u$stan'e shou!% #eo#!e -ith affi!iations to one or $ore syste$s 9e a!!o-e% to a%,ise in this regar%.
4he i$#!e$entation of an ERP syste$ takes a signifi'ant!y !onger ti$e an% !e,e! of resour'e than the se!e'tion #ro'ess. ?o-e,er; the e2tent of the i$#!e$entation -i!! 9e #rofoun%!y inf!uen'e% 9y the !e,e! of resour'e an% o9Ae'ti,ity -ithin the se!e'tion. )o$#anies that use a #ro#er (yste$ (e!e'tion Metho%o!ogy rea# the 9enefit not on!y %uring the i$#!e$entation #hase 9ut a!so an% $ost signifi'ant!y %uring the !ife of the ERP (yste$.
#undamental %ssues
&irst; $anagers $ust 'onsi%er the fun%a$enta! issues of syste$ integration 9y ana!y1ing the organi1ationTs ,ision an% 'or#orate o9Ae'ti,es. &or instan'e; %oes $anage$ent fu!!y un%erstan% its 'urrent 9usiness #ro'esses; an% 'an it $ake i$#!e$entation %e'isions in a ti$e!y $annerU s $anage$ent rea%y to un%ertake %rasti' 9usiness #ro'ess reengineering efforts to yie!% %ra$ati' out'o$esU s $anage$ent rea%y to $ake any 'hanges in the stru'ture; o#erations; an% 'u!tura! en,iron$ent to a''o$$o%ate the o#tions 'onfigure% in the ERP syste$U s the organi1ation finan'ia!!y an% e'ono$i'a!!y #re#are% to in,est hea,i!y in an ERP i$#!e$entationU Ke2t; $anage$ent nee%s to %e'i%e on the key re!ate% i$#!e$entation an% 9usiness issues an% ho- to #ro'ee%. )ertain!y; ERP is not suita9!e for 'o$#anies that are e2#erien'ing ra#i% gro-th an% 'hange in an unsta9!e en,iron$ent are un%ergoing 'hange in the 'or#orate $anage$ent an% #hi!oso#hy; or that -i!! 9e e2#erien'ing $erger or !i6ui%ation in the near future. Fn%erstan%a9!y; there -i!! 9e $ore foreseea9!e syste$ integration #ro9!e$s if one of the $erging 'o$#anies is in the $i%st of an ERP u#gra%e 9e'ause it $ust %ea! -ith s'a!a9i!ity; a ne- 4 infrastru'ture; an% a %ifferent 'or#orate 'u!ture si$u!taneous!y. &urther; ERP integration is not re'o$$en%e% for 'o$#anies -hi'h re6uire a !ot of f!e2i9i!ity to su''ee% or -hi'h $anufa'ture #ro%u'ts that are 'onstant!y 'hanging. (i$i!ar!y; 'o$#anies that ha,e ,ery !itt!e e2#erien'e -ith for$a! infor$ation syste$s or ha,e 'onstant!y 'hanging infor$ation syste$s re6uire$ents -i!! not 9enefit fro$ an ERP i$#!e$entation. &ina!!y; organi1ations nee% to e2#!oit future 'o$$uni'ation an% 'o$#uting te'hno!ogy to integrate the ERP syste$
-ith e=9usiness a##!i'ations. >ftenti$es; a%%itiona! ne- har%-are an% s#e'ia!i1e% #rofessiona!s are nee%e% to run the #o-erfu! soft-are syste$. De#en%ing on the si1e of the 'o$#any an% the $o%u!es insta!!e%; the 'ost of i$#!e$entation 'an range fro$ one $i!!ion to fi,e hun%re% $i!!ion %o!!ars; an% -i!! take as !ong as t-o years for a $i%=si1e 'o$#any an% se,en years for a !arge; $u!tinationa! 'or#oration to 'o$#!ete.
Peo#!e=re!ate% issues su'h as 'or#orate #hi!oso#hy an% !ea%ershi# sty!e 'an #!ay an i$#ortant ro!e in the ERP i$#!e$entation #ro'ess. Resear'h has 'on'!u%e% that a'ti,e to# $anage$ent su##ort an% 'o$$it$ent are essentia! to the su''ess of any syste$ i$#!e$entation. &re6uent!y; e2e'uti,e 'oun'i!s an% steering 'o$$ittees 'onsisting of to# $anagers are %e,e!o#e% to #!an an% $anage the 4 initiati,es. (u'h senior $anageria! in,o!,e$ent ten%s to in'rease the o#ti$i1ation of 4 9usiness ,a!ues. E$#!oyees 'an 9e 6uite -ary of any kin% of 'hange in the 9usiness #ro'esses; #arti'u!ar!y %uring #erio%s of e'ono$i' %o-nturn. !!=traine% e$#!oyees -ho fight the 'hanges in the 9usiness #ro'ess ten% to 9e #oor #erfor$ers. 4herefore; to in'rease the 'han'e of a su''essfu! ERP i$#!e$entation an% to re%u'e usersT resistan'e to 'hange; en% users; es#e'ia!!y those -ho are ,ery kno-!e%gea9!e -ith the o#erations; $ust 9e in,o!,e% in a!! stages of the i$#!e$entation #ro'ess. E$#!oyees $ust a!so 9e e%u'ate% a9out the ERP insta!!ation. (u'h e%u'ationa! en%ea,or shou!% in'!u%e a 'on'ise intro%u'tion to the 9asi' 'on'e#ts an% ar'hite'ture of ERP syste$s; in'!u%ing a'tua! s'reen shots of the fun'tion $o%u!es. During these training sessions; it is i$#ortant to %is'uss the $anageria! issues in,o!,e% an% to 9ui!% a 9asi' un%erstan%ing of the integration 'on'e#ts #rior to the a'tua! insta!!ation of the ERP syste$. &urther; any Dusiness=to=Dusiness initiati,es; reengineering #roAe'ts; a!!ian'es; an% the intro%u'tion of ne- te'hno!ogies shou!% a!so 9e a%%resse%. ProAe't $anagers $ust take 'harge of the i$#!e$entation #ro'ess at a!! ti$es. 4hey $ust o,ersee the reengineering of the key 9usiness #ro'esses; reassign Ao9 res#onsi9i!ities; restru'ture the organi1ationTs 'hart; an% re%efine -ork re!ationshi#s. &urther; they $ust a!so !earn ho- to $anage the soft-are ,en%ors an% any outsi%e 'onsu!tants.
#ullDPartial %mplementation
t has a!-ays 9een sai% that ERP #ro%u'ts an% ser,i'es are #ure!y 9ase% on the nee%s an% resour'es of the 'o$#any. 4his is not a risk for ERP i$#!e$entation. ?en'e the 'o$#anies 'an 'hoose to go for a fu!! f!e%ge% ERP syste$ an% i$#!e$ent it throught the organi1ation an% there9y inter!ink the -ho!e #ro'ess an% the #eo#!e 'on'erne%. >ther-ise they $ay #refer to go for an ERP syste$ that #erfor$s a #arti'u!ar fun'tion of the 'o$#any. 4his is an i$#ortant ste# in 'hoosing the a##ro#riate ERP soft-are 9ut at the sa$e ti$e it a!so a%%s $ore ,a!ue to the i$#!e$entation #ro'ess. t is a!so an i$#ortant ERP #ro9!e$ so!ution.
%entifying the %ata to 9e $igrate% Deter$ining the ti$ing of %ata $igration :enerating the %ata te$#!ates &ree1ing the too!s for %ata $igration De'i%ing on $igration re!ate% setu#s De'i%ing on %ata ar'hi,ing
Process preparation
ERP ,en%ors ha,e %esigne% their syste$s aroun% stan%ar% 9usiness #ro'esses; 9ase% u#on 9est 9usiness #ra'ti'es. Different ,en%or5s8 ha,e %ifferent ty#es of #ro'esses 9ut they are a!! of a stan%ar%; $o%u!ar nature. &ir$s that -ant to i$#!e$ent ERP syste$s are 'onse6uent!y for'e% to a%a#t their organi1ations to stan%ar%i1e% #ro'esses as o##ose% to a%a#ting the ERP #a'kage to the e2isting #ro'esses. Keg!e'ting to $a# 'urrent 9usiness #ro'esses #rior to starting ERP i$#!e$entation is a $ain reason for fai!ure of ERP #roAe'ts. t is therefore 'ru'ia! that organi1ations #erfor$ a thorough 9usiness #ro'ess ana!ysis 9efore se!e'ting an ERP ,en%or an% setting off on the i$#!e$entation tra'k. 4his ana!ysis shou!% $a# out a!! #resent o#erationa! #ro'esses; ena9!ing se!e'tion of an ERP ,en%or -hose stan%ar% $o%u!es are $ost '!ose!y a!igne% -ith the esta9!ishe% organi1ation. Re%esign 'an then 9e i$#!e$ente% to a'hie,e further #ro'ess 'ongruen'e. Resear'h in%i'ates that the risk of 9usiness #ro'ess $is$at'h is %e'rease% 9y: !inking ea'h 'urrent organi1ationa! #ro'ess to the organi1ation<s strategy7 ana!y1ing the effe'ti,eness of ea'h #ro'ess in !ight of its 'urrent re!ate% 9usiness 'a#a9i!ity7 un%erstan%ing the auto$ate% so!utions 'urrent!y i$#!e$ente%. ERP i$#!e$entation is 'onsi%era9!y $ore %iffi'u!t 5an% #o!iti'a!!y 'harge%8 in organi1ations stru'ture% into near!y in%e#en%ent 9usiness units; ea'h res#onsi9!e for their o-n #rofit an% !oss; 9e'ause they -i!! ea'h ha,e %ifferent #ro'esses; 9usiness ru!es; %ata se$anti's; authori1ation hierar'hies an% %e'ision 'enters. (o!utions in'!u%e re6uire$ents
'oor%ination negotiate% 9y !o'a! 'hange $anage$ent #rofessiona!s or; if this is not #ossi9!e; fe%erate% i$#!e$entation using !oose!y integrate% instan'es 5e.g. !inke% ,ia Master Data Manage$ent8 s#e'ifi'a!!y 'onfigure% an%/or 'usto$i1e% to $eet !o'a! nee%s. A %isa%,antage usua!!y attri9ute% to ERP is that 9usiness #ro'ess re%esign to fit the stan%ar%i1e% ERP $o%u!es 'an !ea% to a !oss of 'o$#etiti,e a%,antage. Whi!e %o'u$ente% 'ases e2ist -here this has in%ee% $ateria!i1e%; other 'ases sho- that fo!!o-ing thorough #ro'ess #re#aration ERP syste$s 'an a'tua!!y in'rease sustaina9!e 'o$#etiti,e a%,antage.
)onfiguring an ERP syste$ is !arge!y a $atter of 9a!an'ing the -ay you -ant the syste$ to -ork -ith the -ay the syste$ !ets you -ork. Degin 9y %e'i%ing -hi'h $o%u!es to insta!!; then a%Aust the syste$ using 'onfiguration ta9!es to a'hie,e the 9est #ossi9!e fit in -orking -ith your 'o$#anyTs #ro'esses. Modules @ Most syste$s are $o%u!ar si$#!y for the f!e2i9i!ity of i$#!e$enting so$e fun'tions 9ut not others. (o$e 'o$$on $o%u!es; su'h as finan'e an% a''ounting are a%o#te% 9y near!y a!! 'o$#anies i$#!e$enting enter#rise syste$s7 others ho-e,er su'h as hu$an resour'e $anage$ent are not nee%e% 9y so$e 'o$#anies an% therefore not a%o#te%. A ser,i'e 'o$#any for e2a$#!e -i!! not !ike!y nee% a $o%u!e for $anufa'turing. >ther ti$es 'o$#anies -i!! not a%o#t a $o%u!e 9e'ause they a!rea%y ha,e their o-n #ro#rietary syste$ they 9e!ie,e to 9e su#erior. :enera!!y s#eaking the greater nu$9er of $o%u!es se!e'te%; the greater the integration 9enefits; 9ut a!so the in'rease in 'osts; risks an% 'hanges in,o!,e%. Con8iguration Ta>les R A 'onfiguration ta9!e ena9!es a 'o$#any to tai!or a #arti'u!ar as#e't of the syste$ to the -ay it 'hooses to %o 9usiness. &or e2a$#!e; an organi1ation 'an se!e't the ty#e of in,entory a''ounting R & &> or E &> R it -i!! e$#!oy or -hether it -ants to re'ogni1e re,enue 9y geogra#hi'a! unit; #ro%u't !ine; or %istri9ution 'hanne!.
(o -hat ha##ens -hen the o#tions the syste$ a!!o-s Aust arenTt goo% enoughU At this #oint a 'o$#any has t-o 'hoi'es; 9oth of -hi'h are not i%ea!. t 'an re=-rite so$e of the enter#rise syste$Ts 'o%e; or it 'an 'ontinue to use an e2isting syste$ an% 9ui!% interfa'es 9et-een it an% the ne- enter#rise syste$. Doth o#tions -i!! a%% ti$e an% 'ost to the i$#!e$entation #ro'ess. A%%itiona!!y they 'an %i!ute the syste$Ts integration 9enefits. 4he $ore 'usto$i1e% the syste$ 9e'o$es the !ess #ossi9!e sea$!ess 'o$$uni'ation 9et-een su##!iers an% 'usto$ers.
Consulting ser<ices
Many organi1ations %i% not ha,e suffi'ient interna! ski!!s to i$#!e$ent an ERP #roAe't. 4his resu!te% in $any organi1ations offering 'onsu!ting ser,i'es for ERP i$#!e$entation. 4y#i'a!!y; a 'onsu!ting tea$ -as res#onsi9!e for the entire ERP i$#!e$entation in'!u%ing #!anning; training; testing; i$#!e$entation; an% %e!i,ery of any 'usto$i1e% $o%u!es. E2a$#!es of 'usto$i1ation in'!u%es a%%itiona! #ro%u't training7 'reation of #ro'ess triggers an% -orkf!o-7 s#e'ia!ist a%,i'e to i$#ro,e ho- the ERP is use% in the 9usiness7 syste$ o#ti$i1ation7 an% assistan'e -riting re#orts; 'o$#!e2 %ata e2tra'ts or i$#!e$enting Dusiness nte!!igen'e. &or $ost $i%=si1e% 'o$#anies; the 'ost of the i$#!e$entation -i!! range fro$ aroun% the !ist #ri'e of the ERP user !i'enses to u# to t-i'e this a$ount 5%e#en%ing on the !e,e! of 'usto$i1ation re6uire%8. Earge 'o$#anies; an% es#e'ia!!y those -ith $u!ti#!e sites or 'ountries; -i!! often s#en% 'onsi%era9!y $ore on the i$#!e$entation than the 'ost of the user !i'enses == three to fi,e ti$es $ore is not un'o$$on for a $u!ti=site i$#!e$entation. Fn!ike $ost sing!e=#ur#ose a##!i'ations; ERP #a'kages ha,e histori'a!!y in'!u%e% fu!! sour'e 'o%e an% shi##e% -ith ,en%or=su##orte% tea$ DEs for 'usto$i1ing an% e2ten%ing the %e!i,ere% 'o%e. During the ear!y years of ERP the guarantee of $ature too!s an% su##ort for e2tensi,e 'usto$i1ation -as an i$#ortant sa!es argu$ent -hen a #otentia! 'usto$er -as 'onsi%ering %e,e!o#ing their o-n uni6ue so!ution in=house; or asse$9!ing a 'ross=fun'tiona! so!ution 9y integrating $u!ti#!e 09est of 9ree%0 a##!i'ations.
e2'e!!en'e in s#e'ifi' areas -hi!e ensuring that in%ustry 9est #ra'ti'es are a'hie,e% in !ess sensiti,e areas.
n this 'onte2t 0E2tension0 refers to -ays that the %e!i,ere% ERP en,iron$ent 'an 9e e2ten%e% -ith thir%=#arty #rogra$s. t is te'hni'a!!y easy to e2#ose $ost ERP transa'tions to outsi%e #rogra$s; e.g. ('enarios to %o -ith ar'hi,ing; re#orting an% re#u9!ishing 5these easiest to a'hie,e; 9e'ause they $ain!y a%%ress stati' %ata87 4ransa'tiona! %ata 'a#ture s'enarios; e.g. using s'anners; ti!!s or R& Ds; are re!ati,e!y easy 59e'ause they tou'h e2isting %ata87 ho-e,er 9e'ause ERP a##!i'ations ty#i'a!!y 'ontain so#histi'ate% ru!es that 'ontro! ho- $aster %ata 'an 9e 'reate% or 'hange%; so$e s'enarios are ,ery %iffi'u!t to i$#!e$ent.
Researc9 Met9odology
&or this stu%y; the resear'h -as organi1e% a!ong key o-nershi# e2#erien'e 'riteria that a!!o-e% the resear'h to 'a#ture 6uantitati,e an% 6ua!itati,e infor$ation a'ross the $aAor 'o$#onents of enter#rise a##!i'ations. 4he !ist of 'riteria -as thorough!y %efine% to take into a''ount the e2#erien'e of not on!y the te'hni'a! staff; 9ut a!so en% users -ho $ust a''o$#!ish s#e'ifi' 9usiness tasks -ith the a##!i'ation. 4he soft-are ,ersions that -ere 'o$#are% in'!u%e%: Mi'rosoft :reat P!ains ,ersion ".5 an% #re,ie-s of Mi'rosoft :reat P!ains ,ersion *.0 >ra'!e E=Dusiness (uite 11.5.. Peo#!e(oft Enter#rise *.* an% *.. an% Enter#rise>ne *.11 (AP: $y(AP Dusiness (uite R/3 /.3 an% (AP R/3 Enter#rise /." (ie9e! ".5 an% (ie9e! "."
4he resear'h a!so in'!u%e% fun'tiona! areas su'h as &inan'ia! an% ?u$an )a#ita! Manage$ent (yste$s 5&M( J ?)M8; (u##!y )hain Manage$ent 5()M8; )usto$er Re!ationshi# Manage$ent 5)RM87 an% a##!i'ation !ife'y'!e #hases su'h as insta!!ation; i$#!e$entation; 'onfiguration; usage; $aintenan'e; su##ort; an% u#gra%es. We ha,e 9roken the entire #ro'ess %o-n into fi,e ste#s: Re,ie-e% ,en%ors< -e9 sites an% their #ositioning %o'u$ents; as -e!! as their on!ine an% har% 'o#y %o'u$entation. Fti!i1e% ana!yst re#orts; #ress arti'!es; an% te'hni'a! re,ie-s that are a,ai!a9!e to the genera! #u9!i'. Va!i%ate%; using the %efine% 'riteria; the infor$ation 'o!!e'te% in ste#s 1 an% 2 through in=%e#th inter,ie-s -ith the 'onsu!ting #ane! of e2#erts. &or the inter,ie- #ro'ess; #referen'e -as gi,en to res#on%ents -ith $u!ti=year
e2#erien'e an% e2#erien'e -ith the !atest ,ersion of the a##!i'ation to ensure that the entire a##!i'ation !ife'y'!e -as #ro#er!y 'o,ere%. )o$#are% an% ana!y1e% fin%ings fro$ this #ri$ary an% se'on%ary resear'h to generate a rating for ea'h ,en%or on s#e'ifi' 'riteria. n this 'o$#arison an% ana!ysis; the res#on%ent<s e2#erien'e -ith $u!ti#!e ,en%ors -as !e,erage% as -e!!. Aggregate% 'o$#arisons an% ratings a!ong three $aAor #hases of the enter#rise a##!i'ation o-nershi# !ife'y'!e.
'on,erte% to the for$at use% in the ne- ERP syste$ an% ser,ers an% net-orks nee% to 9e u#gra%e%. (yste$ $aintenan'e -i!! a%%ress issues an% #ro9!e$s that arise %uring o#erations. A #ost i$#!e$entation re,ie- is re'o$$en%e% to ensure that a!! 9usiness o9Ae'ti,es esta9!ishe% %uring the #!anning #hase are a'hie,e%. Kee%e% $o%ifi'ations are ta'k!e% %uring this #hase too.
An ERP i$#!e$entation is a huge 'o$$it$ent fro$ the organi1ation; 'ausing $i!!ions of ru#ees an% 'an take u# to se,era! years to 'o$#!ete. ?o-e,er; -hen it is integrate% su''essfu!!y; the 9enefits 'an 9e enor$ous. A -e!!=%esigne% an% #ro#er!y integrate% ERP syste$ a!!o-s the $ost u#%ate% infor$ation to 9e share% a$ong ,arious 9usiness fun'tions; there9y resu!ting in tre$en%ous 'ost sa,ings an% in'rease% effi'ien'y. When $aking the i$#!e$entation %e'ision; $anage$ent $ust 'onsi%ere% fun%a$enta! issues su'h as the organi1ationTs rea%iness for a %ra$ati' 'hange; the %egree of integration; key 9usiness #ro'esses to 9e i$#!e$ente%; e=9usiness a##!i'ations to 9e in'!u%e%; an% -hether or not ne- har%-are nee% to 9e a'6uire%. n or%er to in'rease the 'han'e of user a''e#tan'e; e$#!oyees $ust 9e 'onsu!te% an% 9e in,o!,e% in a!! stages of the i$#!e$entation #ro'ess. Pro,i%ing #ro#er e%u'ation an% a##ro#riate training are a!so t-o i$#ortant strategies to in'rease the en% user a''e#tan'e rate. 4he organi1ation is a!so going through a %rasti' 'hange; -ith 'hanges in the -ay 9usinesses are 'on%u'te%; the organi1ation 9eing restru'ture%; an% Ao9 res#onsi9i!ities 9eing re%efine%. 4o fa'i!itate the 'hange #ro'ess; $anagers are en'ourage% to uti!i1e the eight=!e,e! organi1ationa! 'hange #ro'ess. Managers 'an i$#!e$ent their ERP syste$s in se,era! -ays; -hi'h in'!u%e the -ho!e integration; the fran'hise a##roa'h; an% the sing!e= $o%u!e a##roa'h. &ina!!y; the #a#er 'on'!u%es -ith a f!o- 'hart; %e#i'ting $any of the a'ti,ities that $anagers $ust #erfor$ to ensure a #ro#er ERP i$#!e$entation.
1. )!ass A ERP $#!e$entation: ntegrating Eean an% (i2 (ig$a = 9y Dona!% ?. (he!%on 2( Mo%ern ERP: (e!e't; $#!e$ent J Fse 4o%ay<s A%,an'e% Dusiness (yste$s = 9y Marianne Dra%for% 1( Ma2i$i1ing Bour ERP (yste$: A Pra'ti'a! :ui%e for Managers = 9y ('ott ?a$i!ton 2( Enter#rise Resour'e P!anning = 9y Dret Wagner 5. 3. ". *. ..'o$ ---.ora'!e.'o$ ---.nass'o$.'o$!e.'o$