UNIT V Controlling System and Process of Controlling - Requirements

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UNIT V Controlling

System and process of controlling – Requirements for effective control – The Budget
as control Technique – Information Technology in controlling – use of Computers in
handling the Information – Productivity – Problems in Management – Control of
Overall performance – Direct and Preventive Control – Reporting – The Global
Environment – Globalisation and Liberalisation – International Management and
Global Theory of Management.

- as the process of analyzing actual operations and seeing that actual
performance is guided towards expected performance.
- Comparing operating results with plans and taking corrective actin when
results deviate from plans
- Def. Koontz and O’Donnell “ The managerial function of controlling is the
measurement and correction of the performance of activities of subordinates
in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain
them are being accomplished.

Nature & Purpose of Control

1. Control is an essential function of management
2. Control is an ongoing process
3. Control is forward – working because pas cannot be controlled
4. Control involves measurement
5. The essence of control is action
6. Control is an integrated system

Elements of Control
1. Planning
2. Information Feedback
3. Delegation of Authority
4. Remedial action

Control Process
1. Fixation of Standard
2. Measurement of Performance
3. Comparing performance with standards
4. Correction of Deviations

Problems in the Control Process

 Magnitude of Change
 Time rate of Change
 Erroneous standard ( Mistakes in setting standard)
 Workers Resistance
 Communication Problems
Characteristic of an ideal Control system
 Suitable
 Flexible
 Economical
 Simple
 Objective
 Prompt
 Forward looking
 Suggestive
 Strategic point control
 Motivational

Techniques of Managerial Control

Traditional Techniques
1. Personal Observation ( For Eg. A Factory manager goes around the plant,
observes the performance of Employees and Machines)
2. Good Organisation Structure
3. Unity of Plans
4. Statistical Control Reports
5. Budgetary control – Statement expressed in financial terms
a. Master budget
b. Functional Budget - Sales budget, Production budget, Material
budget, Labour budget, Cash budget, Administrative Overhead
c. Capital & Revenue budget
d. Fixed and Flexible Budget
e. Zero base budgeting ( the budget proposals are considered from the
ground up ( zero base) or from scratch

Objectives of Budgetary Control

a. Planning
b. Coordination
c. Control
d. Motivation
e. Efficiency

 Optimum use of resources
 Fixation of Responsibility
 Effective coordination
 Planned approach
6. Profit & loss control
7. External audit Control
8. Overall Control criteria ( BEP Analysis)
9. Return on Investment Control
10. Management Audit
 Organisation Structure
 Executive appraisal
 Functioning of the management board
 Soundness of Earning
 Economic Functioning
 Service to stock holders
 R&D
 Fiscal Policy
 Production Efficiency

11. Responsibility accounting

 Cost centre
 Profit centre
 Investment centre

Techniques of Management
 MBP – Management by Participation implies the mental and emotional
involvement of employees, share holders, investors, consumers and other
stake holders in the decision making process.

1. Work Committee
2. Joint Management Councils
3. Worker Directors
4. Co-partnership

Productivity & Operations Management

 Productivity which accounts for profitable operations of an enterprises and
provides opportunities to an enterprise for remaining competitive and
successful in an area of global competition
 Output – input ratio, within a given time period & with due consideration
for quality of Performance

Problems in Measuring Productivity of Knowledge workers

- Measurement of the productivity of skill workers is easier but it becomes
more difficult to measure the productivity of knowledge workers
- Greatest scope for increasing productivity lies in the work performed by
knowledge workers Eg. Managers, Engineers, Cost accountant, etc.
Operation Management
- is the design and operation of systems. Working of Operation Management.

Input Transformation / Output

Conversion process

Raw Materials
Main Power Planning, operating & Product
Management Controlling production Services
Physical Factors ( like land, System
Building, Machines, etc)

Feedback External Environment

Developing Excellent Managers – The key to preventive control

a. Efforts required on the part of managers themselves

 Willingness to learn
 Planning for Innovation & Inventions
 Tailoring Information
b. Efforts required on the part of the Organisation
 Acceleration of Managerial Development programmes
 Measuring Managerial programmes and rewarding it
 Need for management R & D
 Need for Intellectual Leadership


 Globalisation means the internationalization of trade. Particularly product

transaction and the integrating of economic and capital markets
throughout the world.
 The integration takes place when trade exists freely among the different
countries, thus the world economy becomes a single market or single
 In globalization there is no restriction of quota, license, tariff and other
administrative barrier for trade.
Benefits of Globalisation
 Improves efficiency
 Improves factor Income
 Improves finance
 Gains from Migrations

Drawbacks of Globalisation
1. Globalisation increases the problems of unemployment
2. Domestic Industries finds difficulty in survival
Only group of people who participate in the process of Globalisation will be benifitted,
this creates income inequality within the country
3. Control on domestic economy becomes more difficult
4. Developing country suffers from the problem of brain-drain

International Business
- Involves commercial activities that cross national frontiers
- It is a process of Entrepreneur conducting business activities across national
- It consist of Exporting, Importing, lIcensing, opening of Sales office
- The activities necessary for ascertaining the need and want of target consumer
often takes place in more than one country. When an Entrepreneur executes
his or her business model in more than one country International Business

Entry into International Business

The method of entering or engaging in International Business can be divided into
three categories
1. Exporting
o Indirect Exporting
o Direct Exporting
2. Non Equity arrangement – Doing international business through an
arrangement that does not involve any investments.
- Licensing - allowing someone else to use something of the company’s
in return for the payment of royalty
- Turn key Projects – A foreign Entrepreneur build a factory or other
facility, training the workers, train the management and then turn it
over to the local owners once the operation is completed, hence the
name turn key operation
- Management Contracts – Contracting management techniques and
skills. The management contracts allows the purchasing country to
gain foreign expertise without giving ownership of its resources to a
3. Direct Foreign Investments – preferred mode of ownership
- Minority Interest – Having less than 50% Ownership Poaition
- Joint Ventures – Merger of two companies

Domestic & International Enterprises, Characteristics and Practices

S.No Environment Domestic International
1 Educational Environment
Language Spoken, written One Multiple
Education System ( Quality level, No or little constraint Great constraint
2 Socio-cultural Environment
Values, attitudes (towards Homogeneous Heterogeneous
achievement, risk taking, work
scientific methods)
Social organization(authority, status, Similar Different
roles, institutions, mobility)
3 Political & Legal Environment
Political orientation ( power, Country centered Transitional
Legal Envir ( Laws, codes Fairly uniform Different
National sovereignties one Many
Government Policies regulations same Different
4 Economic Environment
Economic Development ( under At similar stages At different
developed industrialized) stages
Economic System ( Capitalistic, Similar Different
socialistic, mixed)

International Management in selected countries

France – Le plan, Government Planning on national scale
Germany – Authority & Co-ordination
Australia – Moralistic stance and emphasis on political & social values, achievement and
risk taking.
Italy – low tolerance for risks, competitive
Austria – Self realization & Leadership
Britain – Security, resourcefulness, adaptability & Logic.
Japanese Mgt – Lifetime Employment, Consensus Decision making

S.No Japanese Mgt Planning US Management Planning

1 Long term Orientation Primarily short term Orientation
2 Collective decision making with Individual decision making
3 Involvement of many people in Involvement of a few people in
preparing and making the making and selling the decision to
decision person with divergent values
4 Decision flow from bottom to Decisions initiated at the top,
top and back flowing down
5 Slow decision making, fast Fast decision making . Slow
implementation of the decision implementation requiring
compromise often resulting in sub
optimal decisions.

S.No Japanese Mgt Organising US Mgt Organising

1 Collective responsibility and Individual responsibility and
accountability accountability
2 Ambiguity of decision Clear and specific decision
responsibility responsibility
3 Informal Organization Structure Formal, bureaucratic Organization
4 Well known common Lack of common organization
organization culture and culture, identification with
philosophy, competitive spirit professin rather than with
towards other enterprises company.

S.No Japanese Mgt Staffing US Mgt Staffing

1 Young people hired out of People hired out of school and fro
school; hardly any mobility of others companies; frequent
people among companies company changes
2 Slow promotion through the Rapid advancement desired and
ranks demanded
3 Loyalty to the company Loyalty to the Profession
4 Very infrequent performance Frequent performance evaluation
evaluation for new employee for new employees
5 Appraisal of long term Appraisal of short term results
6 Promotion based on multiple Promotion based primarily on
criteria individual performance
7 Training & Development Training & Development
considered a long term undertaken with hesitation
8 Life time Employment common Changes common
in large companies

S.No Japanese Mgt Leading US Management Leading

1 Leader acting as a social Leader acting as decision maker
facilitator and group member and head of the group
2 Paternalistic style Directive style
3 Common values facilitating co- Often divergent values,
operation individualism; sometimes hindered
4 Avoidance of confrontation, Face-to-face confrontation
sometimes leading to common emphasis on clarity
ambiguities emphasis on
5 Bottom-up communication Communication primarily top

S.No Japanese Mgt Controlling US Mgt Controlling

1 Control by peers Control by superior
2 Control focus on group Control focus on individual
performance performance
3 Saving face Fixing blame
4 Extensive use of quality control Limited use of quality control
circles circles.
1. Define Control
2. State four essential of Effective Control
3. Distinguish between Management by Exception ( MBE) & Management by
objectives (MBO)
4. Define CPM
5. Define PERT
6. Define Management audit
7. Define Budgetary control
8. Define Break Even point
9. Define Coordination
10. Differentiate Coordination and Cooperation

1. “ The essence of control is action” Comment
2. “Planning & Controlling functions are two sides of the coin” comment
3. Discuss the control process and types of control
4. “ Planning is looking ahead but controlling is looking back.” Explain
5. Briefly explain the Control techniques
6. “ Budgeting is basically an instrument of planning but it also serves as a technique
of control – comment
7. Explain the concept of Global Environment
8. Explain the role in IT in present scenario

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