Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control
Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control
Dynamics of Flight Stability and Control
Dynamics of Flight
Stability and Control
University Professor Emeritus
Institute for Aerospace Studies
University of Toronto
Dynamics of Flight
Stability and Control
University Professor Emeritus
Institute for Aerospace Studies
University of Toronto
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To the men and women of science and
engineering whose contributions to aviation
have made it a dominant force in shaping the
destiny of mankind, and who, with sensitiviv
and concern, develop and apply their
technological arts toward bettering the future.
The first edition of this book appeared in 1959-indeed before most students reading
this were born. It was well received both by students and practicing aeronautical en-
gineers of that era. The pace of development in aerospace engineering during the
decade that followed was extremely rapid, and this was reflected in the subject of
flight mechanics. The first author therefore saw the need at the time for a more ad-
vanced treatment of the subject that included the reality of the round rotating Earth
and the real unsteady atmosphere, and hypersonic flight, and that reflected the explo-
sive growth in computing power that was then taking place (and has not yet ended!).
The result was the 1972 volume entitled Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight. That treat-
ment made no concessions to the needs of undergraduate students, but attempted
rather to portray the state of the art of flight mechanics as it was then. To meet the
needs of students, a second edition of the 1959 book was later published in 1982. It is
that volume that we have revised in the present edition, although in a number of de-
tails we have preferred the 1972 treatment, and used it instead.
We have retained the same philosophy as in the two preceding editions. That is,
we have emphasized basic principles rooted in the physics offlight, essential analyti-
cal techniques, and typical stability and control realities. We continue to believe, as
stated in the preface to the 1959 edition, that this is the preparation that students need
to become aeronautical engineers who can face new and challenging situations with
This edition improves on its predecessors in several ways. It uses a real jet trans-
port (the Boeing 747) for many numerical examples and includes exercises for stu-
dents to work in most chapters. We learned from a survey of teachers of this subject
that the latter was a sine qua non. Working out these exercises is an important part of
acquiring skill in the subject. Moreover, some details in the theoretical development
have been moved to the exercises, and it is good practice in analysis for the students
to do these.
Students taking a course in this subject are assumed to have a good background
in mathematics, mechanics, and aerodynamics, typical of a modem university course
in aeronautical or aerospace engineering. Consequently, most of this basic material
has been moved to appendices so as not to interrupt the flow of the text.
The content of Chapters 1 through 3 is very similar to that of the previous edi-
tion. Chapter 4, however, dealing with the equations of motion, contains two very
significant changes. We have not presented the nondimensional equations of motion,
but have left them in dimensional form to conform with current practice, and we have
expressed the equations in the state vector form now commonly used. Chapter 5, on
stability derivatives, is almost unchanged from the second edition, and Chapters 6
and 7 dealing with stability and open loop response, respectively, differ from their
predecessors mainly in the use of the B747 as example and in the use of the dimen-
sional equations. Chapter 8, on the other hand, on closed loop control, is very much
expanded and almost entirely new. This is consistent with the much enhanced impor-
tance of automatic flight control systems in modern airplanes. We believe that the
viii Preface
student who works through this chapter and does the exercises will have a good grasp
of the basics of this subject.
The appendices of aerodynamic data have been retained as useful material for
teachers and students. The same caveats apply as formerly. The data are not intended
for design, but only to illustrate orders of magnitude and trends. They are provided to
give students and teachers ready access to some data to use in problems and projects.
We acknowledge with thanks the assistance of our colleague, Dr. J. H. de Leeuw,
who reviewed the manuscript of Chapter 8 and made a number of helpful sugges-
On a personal note-as the first author is now in the 1 lth year of his retirement,
this work would not have been undertaken had Lloyd Reid not agreed to collaborate
in the task, and if Maya Etkin had not encouraged her husband to take it on and sup-
ported him in carrying it out.
In turn, the second author, having used the 1959 edition as a student (with the
first author as supervisor), the 1972 text as a researcher, and the 1982 text as a
. teacher, wa,s both pleased and honored to work with Bernard Etkin in producing this
most recent Gtrsion of the book.
CHAPTER i Introduction
1.1 The Subject Matter of Dynamics of Flight 1
1.2 The Tools of Flight Dynamicists 5
1.3 Stability, Control, and Equilibrium 6
1.4 The Human Pilot 8
1.5 Handling Qualities Requirements 11
1.6 Axes and Notation 15
Step-Function Response 21 3
Frequency Response 2 14
Longitudinal Response 228
Responses to Elevator and Throttle 229
Lateral Steady States 237
Lateral Frequency Response 243
Approximate Lateral Transfer Functions 247
Transient Response to Aileron and Rudder 252
Inertial Coupling in Rapid Maneuvers 256
Exercises 256
Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 7 258
References 372
Index 377
Mechanics of Veh~cle
r ~ g i dbodies design
Human p ~ l o t Pilot
dynamics tra~n~ny
Applied mathematics.
machlne computatlon
--- 3.
Stablllty and
Navigation and
(trajectory. control (handl~ny (control, structural
maneuverability) qual~ties,a~rloads) integrity)
Figure 1.1 Block diagram of disciplines.
Gross Motion:
1. Trajectory of the vehicle mass center.'
2. "Attitude" motion, or rotations of the vehicle "as a whole."
Fine Motion:
3. Relative motion of rotating or articulated subsystems, such as engines, gyro-
scopes, or aerodynamic control surfaces.
4. Distortional motion of deformable structures, such as wing bending and twist-
5. Liquid sloshing.
This subdivision is helpful both from the standpoint of the technical problems as-
sociated with the different motions, and of the formulation of their analysis. It is
surely self-evident that studies of these motions must be central to the design and op-
eration of aircraft, spacecraft, rockets, missiles, etc. To be able to formulate and solve
the relevant problems, we must draw on several basic disciplines from engineering
science. The relationships are shown on Fig. 1 .l. It is quite evident from this figure
that the practicing flight dynamicist requires intensive training in several branches of
engineering science, and a broad outlook insofar as the practical ramifications of his
work are concerned.
In the classes of vehicles, in the types of motions, and in the medium of flight,
this book treats a very restricted set of all possible cases. It deals only with the flight
'It is assumed that gravity is uniform, and hence that the mass center and center of gravity (CG) are
the same point.
1.1 The Subject Matter of Dynamics of Flight 3
of airplanes in the atmosphere. The general equations derived, and the methods of so-
lution presented, are however readily modified and extended to treat many of the
other situations that are embraced by the general problem.
All the fundamental science and mathematics needed to develop this subject ex-
isted in the literature by the time the Wright brothers flew. Newton, and other giants
of the 18th and 19th centuries, such as Bernoulli, Euler, Lagrange, and Laplace, pro-
vided the building blocks in solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, and mathematics. The
needed applications to aeronautics were made mostly after 1900 by workers in many
countries, of whom special reference should be made to the Wright brothers, G. H.
Bryan, F. W. Lanchester, J. C. Hunsaker, H. B. Glauert, B. M. Jones, and S. B. Gates.
These pioneers introduced and extended the basis for analysis and experiment that
underlies all modern p r a ~ t i c eThis
. ~ body of knowledge is well documented in several
texts of that period, for example, Bairstow (1939). Concurrently, principally in the
United States of America and Britain, a large body of aerodynamic data was accumu-
lated, serving as a basis for practical design.
Newton's laws of motion provide the connection between environmental forces
and resulting motion for all but relativistic and quantum-dynamical processes, includ-
ing all of "ordinary" and much of celestial mechanics. What then distinguishes flight
dynamics from other branches of applied mechanics? Primarily it is the special na-
ture of the force fields with which we have to be concerned, the absence of the kine-
matical constraints central to machines and mechanisms, and the nature of the control
systems used in flight. The external force fields may be identified as follows:
"Strong" Fields:
1. Gravity
2. Aerodynamic
3. Buoyancy
"Weak" Fields:
4. Magnetic
5. Solar radiation
We should observe that two of these fields, aerodynamic and solar radiation, pro-
duce important heat transfer to the vehicle in addition to momentum transfer (force).
Sometimes we cannot separate the thermal and mechanical problems (Etkin and
Hughes, 1967). Of these fields only the strong ones are of interest for atmospheric
and oceanic flight, the weak fields being important only in space. It should be re-
marked that even in atmospheric flight the gravity force can not always be approxi-
mated as a constant vector in an inertial frame. Rotations associated with Earth cur-
vature, and the inverse square law, become important in certain cases of high-speed
and high-altitude flight (Etkin, 1972).
The prediction, measurement and representation of aerodynamic forces are the
principal distinguishing features of flight dynamics. The size of this task is illustrated
2An excellent account of the early history is given in the 1970 von Kirmin Lecture by Perkins
4 Chapter I . Introduction
Subsonic Supersonic Hypersonic
Incompressible Transonic
Continuum Slip Free-molecule
by Fig. 1.2, which shows the enormous range of variables that need to be considered
in connection with wings alone. To be added, of course, are the complications of
propulsion systems (propellers, jets, rockets), compound geometries (wing body + +
tail), and variable geometry (wing sweep, camber).
As remarked above, Newton's laws state the connection between force and mo-
tion. The commonest problem consists of finding the motion when the laws for the
forces are given (all the numerical examples given in this book are of this kind).
However, we must be aware of certain important variations:
1. Inverse problems of first kind-the system and the motion are given and the
forces have to be calculated.
2. Inverse problems of the second kind-the forces and the motion are given and
the system parameters have to be found.
3. Mixed problems-the unknowns are a mixture of variables from the force,
system, and motion.
Examples of these inverse and mixed problems often turn up in research, when
one is trying to deduce aerodynamic forces from the observed motion of a vehicle in
flight or of a model in a wind tunnel. Another example is the deduction of harmonics
of the Earth's gravity field from observed perturbations of satellite orbits. These
problems are closely related to the "plant identification" or "parameter identification"
problem of system theory. [Inverse problems were treated in Chap. 11 of Etkin
1.2 The Tools of Flight Dynarnicists 5
The main types of flight dynamics problem that occur in engineering practice are:
It takes little imagination to appreciate that, in view of the many vehicle types
that have to be dealt with, a number of subspecialties exist within the ranks of flight
dynamicists, related to some extent to the above problem categories. In the context of
the modern aerospace industry these problems are seldom simple or routine. On the
contrary they present great challenges in analysis, computation, and experiment.
1. Analytical
2. Computational
3. Experimental
The analytical tools are essentially the same as those used in other branches of
mechanics, that is the methods of applied mathematics. One important branch of ap-
plied mathematics is what is now known as system theory, including stability, auto-
matic control, stochastic processes and optimization. Stability of the uncontrolled ve-
hicle is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for successful controlled flight.
Good airplanes have had slightly unstable modes in some part of their flight regime,
and on the other hand, a completely stable vehicle may have quite unacceptable han-
dling qualities. It is dynamic peijormance criteria that really matter, so to expend a
great deal of analytical and computational effort on finding stability boundaries of
nonlinear and time-varying systems may not be really worthwhile. On the other hand,
the computation of stability of small disturbances from a steady state, that is, the lin-
ear eigenvalue problem that is normally part of the system study, is very useful in-
deed, and may well provide enough information about stability from a practical
On the computation side, the most important fact is that the availability of ma-
chine computation has revolutionized practice in this subject over the past few
decades. Problems of system performance, system design, and optimization that
6 Chapter I . Introduction
could not have been tackled at all in the past are now handled on a more or less rou-
tine basis.
The experimental tools of the flight dynamicist are generally unique to this field.
First, there are those that are used to find the aerodynamic inputs. Wind tunnels and
shock tubes that cover most of the spectrum of atmospheric flight are now available
in the major aerodynamic laboratories of the world. In addition to fixed laboratory
equipment, there are aeroballistic ranges for dynamic investigations, as well as
rocket-boosted and gun-launched free-flight model techniques. Hand in hand with the
development of these general facilities has gone that of a myriad of sensors and in-
struments, mainly electronic, for measuring forces, pressures, temperatures, accelera-
tion, angular velocity, and so forth. The evolution of computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) has sharply reduced the dependence of aerodynamicists on experiment. Many
results that were formerly obtained in wind tunnel tests are now routinely provided
by CFD analyses. The CFD codes themselves, of course, must be verified by compar-
ison with experiment.
Second, we must mention the flight simulator as an experimental tool used di-
rectly by the flight dynamicist. In it he studies mainly the matching of the pilot to the
machine. This is an essential step for radically new flight situations. The ability of the
pilot to control the vehicle must be assured long before the prototype stage. This can-
not yet be done without test, although limited progress in this direction is being made
through studies of mathematical models of human pilots. Special simulators, built for
most new major aircraft types, provide both efficient means for pilot training, and a
research tool for studying handling qualities of vehicles and dynamics of human pi-
lots. The development of high-fidelity simulators has made it possible to greatly re-
duce the time and cost of training pilots to fly new types of airplanes.
'It is also possible to speak of the stability of a transient with prescribed initial condition.
1.3 Stability, Control, and Equilibrium 7
airplane dynamics. In the first, called static instability, the body departs continuously
from its equilibrium condition. That is how the ball in Fig. 1.3b would behave if dis-
turbed. The second, called dynamic instability, is a more complicated phenomenon in
which the body oscillates about its equilibrium condition with ever-increasing ampli-
When applying the concept of stability to airplanes, there are two classes that
must be considered-inherent stability and synthetic stability. The discussion of the
previous paragraph implicitly dealt with inherent stability, which is a property of
the basic airframe with either fixed or free controls, that is, control-fixed stability or
control-free stability. On the other hand, synthetic stability is that provided by an au-
tomatic flight control system (AFCS) and vanishes if the control system fails. Such
automatic control systems are capable of stabilizing an inherently unstable airplane,
or simply improving its stability with what is known as stability augmentation sys-
tems (SAS). The question of how much to rely on such systems to make an airplane
flyable entails a trade-off among weight, cost, reliability, and safety. If the SAS
works most of the time, and if the airplane can be controlled and landed after it has
failed, albeit with diminished handling qualities, then poor inherent stability may be
acceptable. Current aviation technology shows an increasing acceptance of SAS in all
classes of airplanes.
If the airplane is controlled by a human pilot, some mild inherent instability can
be tolerated, if it is something the pilot can control, such as a slow divergence. (Un-
stable bicycles have long been ridden by humans!). On the other hand, there is no
8 Chapter I . Introduction
margin for error when the airplane is under the control of an autopilot, for then the
closed loop system must be stable in its response to atmospheric disturbances and to
commands that come from a navigation system.
In addition to the role controls play in stabilizing an airplane, there are two oth-
ers that are important. The first is to fix or to change the equilibrium condition (speed
or angle of climb). An adequate control must be powerful enough to produce the
whole range of equilibrium states of which the airplane is capable from a perfor-
mance standpoint. The dynamics of the transition from one equilibrium state to an-
other are of interest and are closely related to stability. The second function of the
control is to produce nonequilibrium, or accelerated motions; that is, maneuvers.
These may be steady states in which the forces and accelerations are constant when
viewed from a reference frame fixed to the airplane (for example, a steady turn), or
they may be transient states. Investigations of the transition from equilibrium to a
nonequilibrium steady state, or from one maneuvering steady state to another, form
part of the subject matter of airplane control. Very large aerodynamic forces may act
on the airplane when it maneuvers-a knowledge of these forces is required for the
proper design of the structure.
Table 1.1
Estimates of the Maximum Rudder Forces that Can Be Exerted for Various Positions of the
Rudder Pedal (BuAer, 1954)
Table 1.2
Hand-Operated Control Forces (From Flight Safety Foundation Human Engineering Bulletin
56-5H)(see figure in Table 1.3)
Note: The above results are those obtained from unrestricted movement of the subject. Any force required to
overcome garment restriction would reduce the effective forces by the same amount.
10 Chapter I . Introduction
Vert, ref, line
Table 1.3
Rates of Stick Movement in Flight Test Pull-ups Under Various Loads (BuAer, 1954)
The care exercised in considering the human element in the closed-loop system
made up of pilot and aircraft can determine the success or failure of a given aircraft
design to complete its mission in a safe and efficient manner.
Many critical tasks performed by pilots involve them in activities that resemble
those of a servo control system. For example, the execution of a landing approach
through turbulent air requires the pilot to monitor the aircraft's altitude, position, atti-
tude, and airspeed and to maintain these variables near their desired values through
the actuation of the control system. It has been found in this type of control situation
that the pilot can be modeled by a linear control system based either on classical con-
trol theory or optimal control theory (Etkin, 1972; Kleinman et al., 1970; McRuer
and Krendel, 1973).
The term control power is used to describe the efficacy of a control in producing a
range of steady equilibrium or maneuvering states. For example, an elevator control,
which by taking positions between full up and full down can hold the airplane in
equilibrium at all speeds in its speed range, for all configurations5 and CG positions,
is a powerful control. On the other hand, a rudder that is not capable at full deflection
of maintaining equilibrium of yawing moments in a condition of one engine out and
negligible sideslip is not powerful enough. The handling qualities requirements nor-
mally specify the specific speed ranges that must be achievable with full elevator de-
'For a more complete discussion, see AGARD (1959); Stevens and Lewis (1992)
5This word describes the position of movable elements of the airplane-for example, landing con-
figuration means that landing flaps and undercarriage are down, climb configuration means that landing
gear is up, and flaps are at take-off position, and so forth.
12 Chapter I. Introduction
flection in the various important configurations and the asymmetric power condition
that the rudder must balance. They may also contain references to the elevator angles
required to achieve positive load factors, as in steady turns and pull-up maneuvers
(see "elevator angle per g," Sec. 3.1).
The requirements invariably specify limits on the control forces that must be exerted
by the pilot in order to effect specific changes from a given trimmed condition, or to
maintain the trim speed following a sudden change in configuration or throttle set-
ting. They frequently also include requirements on the control forces in pull-up ma-
neuvers (see "control force per g," Sec. 3.1). In the case of light aircraft, the control
forces can result directly from mechanical linkages between the aerodynamic control
surfaces and the pilot's flight controls. In this case the hinge moments of Sec. 2.5
play a direct role in generating these forces. In heavy aircraft, systems such as partial
or total hydraulic boost are used to counteract the aerodynamic hinge moments and a
related or independent subsystem is used to create the control forces on the pilot's
flight controls.
The requirement for static longitudinal stability (see Chap. 2) is usually stated in
terms of the neutral point. The neutral point, defined more precisely in Sec. 2.3, is a
special location of the center of gravity (CG) of the airplane. In a limited sense it is
the boundary between stable and unstable CG positions. It is usually required that the
relevant neutral point (stick free or stick fixed) shall lie some distance (e.g., 5% of
the mean aerodynamic chord) behind the most aft position of the CG. This ensures
that the airplane will tend to fly at a constant speed and angle of attack as long as the
controls are not moved.
The requirement on static lateral stability is usually mild. It is simply that the
spiral mode (see Chap. 6) if divergent shall have a time to double greater than some
stated minimum (e.g., 4s).
The requirement on dynamic stability is typically expressed in terms of the damping
and frequency of a natural mode. Thus the USAF (1980) requires the damping and
frequency of the lateral oscillation for various flight phases and stability levels to
conform to the values in Table 1.4.
Table 1.4'
Minimum Dutch Roll Frequency and Damping
Figure 1.4 Handling qualities rating scale; Cooper/Harper scale (Cooper and Harper, 1969).
1.6 Axes and Notation 15
6.0 -
Initial response fast,
oversensitive, light
stick forces
Sluggish, large
stick motion
and forces
1.0 - Unacceptable -
to maneuver,
difficult to trim
01 I I I I I 1
0.1 0.5. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Damping ratio, f
Figure 1.5 Longitudinal short-period oscillation-pilot opinion contours (O'Hara, 1967).
Figure 1.6 Notation for body axes. L = rolling moment, M = pitching moment, N = yawing
moment, p = rate of roll, q = rate of pitch, r = rate of yaw. [X, Y, Z] = components of resultant
aerodynamic force. [u, v , w ] = components of velocity of C relative to atmosphere.
Aerodynamic forces, on the other hand, depend not on the velocity relative to F,,
but rather on the velocity relative to the surrounding air mass (the airspeed), which
will differ from the groundspeed whenever there is a wind. If we denote the wind ve-
locity vector relative to FE by W, and that of the CG relative to the air by V then
VE=V+W (1.6,l)
The components of W in frame FE,that is, relative to Earth, are given by
V represents the magnitude of the airspeed (thus retaining the usual aerodynamics
meaning of this symbol). For the most part we will have W = 0, making the airspeed
the same as the inertial velocity.
A second frame of reference will be needed in the development of the equations
of motion. This frame is fixed to the airplane and moves with it, having its origin C at
the CG, (see ~ i 1.6).
~ It. is denoted F, and is commonly called body axes. Cxz is the
plane of symmetry of the vehicle. The components of the aerodynamic forces and
moments that act on the airplane, and of its linear and angular velocities relative to
Projection of V on xz plane
Trace of x$ plane
(a) (6 LI
Figure 1.7 ( a ) Definition of a,. (b) View in plane of y and V, definition of P.
1.6 Axes and Notation 17
the air are denoted by the symbols given in the figure. In the notation of Appendix
A. 1, this means, for example, that
v, = [U U w]' (1 6 3 )
The vector V does not in general lie in any of the coordinate planes. Its orienta-
tion is defined by the two angles shown in Fig. 1.7:
Angle of attack, a, = tan-' -
(16 4 )
Angle of sideslip, /3 = sinp' 7
With these definitions, the sideslip angle /3 is not dependent on the direction of Cx in
the plane of symmetry.
The symbols used throughout the text correspond generally to current usage and
are mainly used in a consistent manner.
Although the major portion of this and the following chapter treats a rigid air-
plane, an introduction to the effects of airframe distortion is contained in Sec. 3.5.
The variation of steady-state lift and drag with a for subsonic and supersonic
Mach numbers (M < about 5) are characteristically as shown in Fig. 2.2 for the
range of attached flow over the surfaces of the vehicle (McCormick, 1994; Miele,
1962; Schlichting and Truckenbrodt, 1979). Over a useful range of a (below the stall)
the coefficients are given accurately enough by
CL = CL,?ff (2.1,l)
CD = CD,,,,"+ KCL2 (2.12)
The three constants C , , C,m,,n,K are principally functions of the configuration shape,
thrust coefficient, and Mach number.
Significant departure from the above idealizations may, of course, be anticipated
in some cases. The minimum of C, may occur at a value of a > 0, and the curvature
of the C , vs. a relation may be an important consideration for flight at high CL.
When the vehicle is a "slender body," for example, a slender delta, or a slim wingless
Zero-lift line
CG '\
Figure 2.1 Steady symmetric flight.
20 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part 1
a a
body, the CL curve may have a characteristic upward curvature even at small a (Flax
and Lawrence, 1951). The upward curvature of CL at small a is inherently present at
hypersonic Mach numbers (Truitt, 1959). For the nonlinear cases, a suitable formula-
tion for CLis (USAF, 1978)
Balance, or Equilibrium
An airplane can continue in steady unaccelerated flight only when the resultant
external force and moment about the CG both vanish. In particular, this requires that
the pitching moment be zero. This is the condition of longitudinal balance. If the
pitching moment were not zero, the airplane would experience a rotational accelera-
tion component in the direction of the unbalanced moment. Figure 2.3 shows a typi-
cal graph of the pitching-moment coefficient about the CG1 versus the angle of attack
for an airplane with a fixed elevator (curve a). The angle of attack is measured from
the zero-lift line of the airplane. The graph is a straight line except near the stall.
Since zero C, is required for balance, the airplane can fly only at the angle of attack
marked A, for the given elevator angle.
Nose r
down ( Balanced but negative stiffness \
Pitch Stiffness
Suppose that the airplane of curve a on Fig. 2.3 is disturbed from its equilibrium
attitude, the angle of attack being increased to that at B while its speed remains unal-
tered. It is now subject to a negative, or nose-down, moment, whose magnitude corre-
sponds to BC. This moment tends to reduce the angle of attack to its equilibrium
value, and hence is a restoring moment. In this case, the airplane has positive pitch
stiffness, obviously a desirable characteristic.
On the other hand, if C, were given by the curve b, the moment acting when dis-
turbed would be positive, or nose-up, and would tend to rotate the airplane still far-
ther from its equilibrium attitude. We see that the pitch stiffness is determined by the
sign and magnitude of the slope aC,/aa. I f the pitch stifiess is to be positive at the
equilibrium a,C, must be zero, and aCJ& must be negative. It will be appreciated
from Fig. 2.3 that an alternative statement is "C,, must be positive, and X,/& neg-
ative if the airplane is to meet this (limited) condition for stable equilibrium." The
various possibilities corresponding to the possible signs of C,, and aC,/aa are
shown in Figs. 2.3 and 2.4.
Figure 2.4 Other possibilities.
22 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part 1
Possible Configurations
The possible solutions for a suitable configuration are readily discussed in terms
of the requirements on C,, and aCJaa. We state here without proof (this is given in
Sec. 2.3) that aC,/aa can be made negative for virtually any combination of lifting
surfaces and bodies by placing the center of gravity far enough forward. Thus it is not
the stiffness requirement, taken by itself, that restricts the possible configurations, but
rather the requirement that the airplane must be simultaneously balanced and have
positive pitch stiffness. Since a proper choice of the CG location can ensure a nega-
tive aCm/aa,then any configuration with a positive C,, can satisfy the (limited) con-
ditions for balanced and stable flight.
Figure 2.5 shows the C, of conventional airfoil sections. If an airplane were to
consist of a straight wing alone (flying wing), then the wing camber would determine
the airplane characteristics as follows:
For straight-winged tailless airplanes, only the negative camber satisfies the con-
ditions for stable, balanced flight. Effectively the same result is attained if a flap, de-
flected upward, is incorporated at the trailing edge of a symmetrical airfoil. A con-
ventional low-speed airplane, with essentially straight wings and positive camber,
could fly upside down without a tail, provided the CG were far enough forward
(ahead of the wing mean aerodynamic center). Flying wing airplanes based on a
straight wing with negative camber are not in general use for three main reasons:
+ Lift
(relative wind)
- Lift
- Lift
Figure 2.7 Swept-back wing with twisted tips.
The positively cambered straight wing can be used only in conjunction with an
auxiliary device that provides the positive C,,,. The solution adopted by experi-
menters as far back as Samuel Henson (1842) and John Stringfellow (1848) was to
add a tail behind the wing. The Wright brothers (1903) used a tail ahead of the wing
(canard configuration). Either of these alternatives can supply a positive C,,,, as illus-
trated in Fig. 2.6. When the wing is at zero lift, the auxiliary surface must provide a
nose-up moment. The conventional tail must therefore be at a negative angle of at-
tack, and the canard tail at a positive angle.
An alternative to the wing-tail combination is the swept-back wing with twisted
tips (Fig. 2.7). When the net lift is zero, the forward part of the wing has positive lift,
and the rear part negative. The result is a positive couple, as desired.
A variant of the swept-back wing is the delta wing. The positive C,, can be
achieved with such planforms by twisting the tips, by employing negative camber, or
by incorporating an upturned tailing edge flap.
'When partial derivatives are taken in the following equations with respect to one of these variables,
for example, aC,,/aa, it is to be understood that all the others are held constant.
24 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part 1
For purposes of estimation, the total lift and pitching moment may be synthe-
sized from the contributions of the various parts of the airplane, that is, wing, body,
nacelles, propulsive system, and tail, and their mutual interferences. Some data for
estimating the various aerodynamic parameters involved are contained in Appendix
B, while the general formulation of the equations, in terms of these parameters, fol-
lows here. In this chapter aeroelastic effects are not included. Hence the analysis ap-
plies to a rigid airplane.
3The notation hnwindicates that the mean aerodynamic center of the wing is also the neutral point of
the wing. Neutral point is defined in Sec. 2.3.
2.2 Synthesis of Lyt and Pitching Moment 25
Wing zero aerodynamic
lift direction
Figure 2.10 Example of mutual interference flow fields of wing and body-subsonic flow. (a)
Qualitative pattern of upwash and downwash induced along the body axis by the wing vorticity. (6)
Qualitative pattern of upwash induced along wing by the cross-flow past the body.
p-- --
2.2 Synthesis of Lift and Pitching Moment 27
the tail angle it, which must be positive as shown for equilibrium. This is sometimes
referred to as longitudinal dihedral.
The contribution of the tail to the airplane lift, which by definition is perpendicu-
lar to V, is
L, cos E - D, sin E
E is always a small angle, and we assume that D,E may be neglected compared with
L,. The contribution of the tail to the airplane lift then becomes simply L,. We intro-
duce the symbol CL,to represent the lift coefficient of the tail, based on the airplane
dynamic pressure ipV2 and the tail area S,.
or in coefficient form
The reader should note that the lift coefficient of the tail is often based on the local
dynamic pressure at the tail, which differs from ipv2when the tail lies in the wing
wake. This practice entails carrying the ratio V r / Vin many subsequent equations. The
definition employed here amounts to incorporating V'IV into the tail lift-curve slope
a,. This quantity is in any event different from that for the isolated tail, owing to the
interference effects previously noted. This circumstance is handled in various ways in
the literature. Sometimes a tail efficiency factor 7,is introduced, the isolated tail lift
slope being multiplied by 7,. In other treatments, 7, is used to represent ( v ' / v ) ~ In
the convention adopted here, a, is the lift-curve slope of the tail, as measured in situ
on the airplane, and based on the dynamic pressure hpV2. This is the quantity that is
directly obtained in a wind-tunnel test.
From Fig. 2.1 1 we find the pitching moment of the tail about the CG to be
M, = -l,[L, cos (a,, - E) + D,sin (a,, - E)]
- zt[Drcos (a,, - E) - L, sin (a,, - E)] + Mu,., (2.2,7)
Experience has shown that in the majority of instances the dominant term in this
equation is the first one, and that all others are negligible by comparison. Only this
case will be dealt with here. The reader is left to extend the analysis to cases in which
this approximation is not valid. With the above approximation, and that of small an-
M, = -1,L, = - ~ , C , ~ ~ V ~ S ,
Upon conversion to coefficient form, we obtain
The combination ltS,IS~is the ratio of two volumes characteristic of the airplane's
28 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part I
mean aerodynamic
Tail mean
PhncubFl I I center
which leads to
The moment of the tail about the wing-body mean aerodynamic center is then [cf.
and its moment about the CG is, from substitution of (2.2,11) into (2.2,9)
If a true mean aerodynamic center in the classical sense exists, then aCmy~whlaa
zero and
- acLt ac,
Cmn= CLU(h- h,J VH- +
a& aa
CmUas given by (2.3,2) or (2.3,3) depends linearly on the CG position, h. Since CLUis
usually large, the magnitude and sign of Cmodepend strongly on h. This is the basis
of the statement in Sec. 2.2 that CmUcan always be made negative by a suitable
choice of h. The CG position h, for which CmUis zero is of particular significance,
since this represents a boundary between positive and negative pitch stiffness. In this
book we define h, as the neutral point, NP. It has the same significance for the vehi-
cle as a whole as does the mean aerodynamic center for a wing alone, and indeed the
term vehicle aerodynamic center is an acceptable alternative to "neutral point."
The location of the NP is readily calculated from (2.3,2) by setting the left-hand
side to zero leading to
airplane at low Mach number, the neutral point obtained is identical with that defined
in this book. This is so because under these restricted conditions CL is a unique func-
tion of a, and dCmldCL= (aC,laa)l(aC,laa). Then dCmldCLand aCm/aaare simul-
taneously zero. In general, however, C, and CL are both functions of several vari-
ables, as pointed out at the beginning of Sec. 2.2. For fixed values of 6, and h, and
neglecting Reynolds number effects (these are usually very small), we may write
Equation 2.3,8 has meaning only when a specific kind of flight is prescribed: e.g.,
horizontal unaccelerated flight, or rectilinear climbing flight at full throttle. When a
condition of this kind is imposed, then M, C , and the dynamic pressure are definite
functions of CL, dC,JdCL exists, and a neutral point may be calculated. The neutral
point so found is not an index of stability with respect to angle of attack disturbances,
and the question arises as to what it does relate to. It can be shown that it relates to
the trim curves of the airplane. A plot of the elevator angle to trim versus speed will
have a zero slope when dCmldCLis zero, and a negative slope when the CG lies aft of
the neutral point so defined. As shown in Sec. 2.4, this reversal of slope indicates a
tendency toward instability with respect to speed, but only a dynamic analysis can
show whether or not the airplane is stable in this condition. There are cases when the
application of the "trim-slope" criterion can be definitely misleading as to stability.
One such is level unaccelerated flight, during which the throttle must be adjusted
every time the flight speed or C, is altered.
It can be seen from the foregoing remarks that the "trim-slope" criterion for the
neutral point does not lead to any definite and clear-cut conclusions, either about the
stability with respect to angle of attack disturbances, or about the general static sta-
bility involving both speed and angle of attack disturbances. It is mainly for this rea-
son that the neutral point has been defined herein on the basis of aCJaa.
If Cmwb is linear in CLw,,it can be shown (see exercise 2.3) that Cmacwb
does not vary
with C, i.e. that a true mean aerodynamic center exists. Figure 2.1 1 shows that the
tail angle of attack is
2.3 Total Pitching Moment and Neutral Point 31
at = a,, - it - E (2.3,12)
and hence CL,= a,(awb - it - E) (2.3,13)
The downwash E can usually be adequately approximated by
The downwash E, at a,, = 0 results from the induced velocity field of the body and
from wing twist; the latter produces a vortex wake and downwash field even at zero
total lift. The constant derivative adaa occurs because the main contribution to the
downwash at the tail comes from the wing trailing vortex wake, the strength of which
is, in the linear case, proportional to CL.
The tail lift coefficient then is
[ ( )
CL,= a, a,, 1- - -i -
is the lift-curve slope of the whole configuration; and a is the angle of attack of the
zero-lift line of the whole configuration (see Fig. 2.13). Note that, since it is positive,
then (C,), is negative. The difference between a and a,, is found by equating
(2.3,16b and c) to be
When the linear relations for C,, C,, and Cmpare substituted into (2.3,l) the fol-
lowing results can be obtained after some algebraic reduction:
- acmp
where Cmop +
= CmOp ( a - a,,) -
Note that since cm, is the pitching moment at zero a,,, not at zero total lift, its value
depends on h (via VH),whereas C,, being the moment at zero total lift, represents a
couple and is hence independent of CG position. All the above relations apply to tail-
less aircraft by putting pH = 0. Another useful relation comes from integrating
(2.3,5), i.e.
Cm= Cm, C,(h - hn) (a)
Cm= Cm,+ aa(h - h,) (b) (2.3,25)
Cma= a(h - h,) (c)
Figure 2.14 shows the linear Cmvs. a relation, and Fig. 2.15 shows the resultant sys-
tem of lift and moment that corresponds to (2.3,25), that is a force C, and a couple
C,,, at the NP. Figure 2.15 is a very important result that the student should fix in his
,Horizontal tail
Original trim a
Figure 2.16 Effect of elevator angle on C, curve. (a) Elevator angle. (b) C,,, - a curve. ( c ) C, -
a curve.
through a constant positive angle then shifts the Cm-acurve downward, without
change of slope (Fig. 2.16b). At the same time the zero-lift angle of the airplane is
slightly changed (Fig. 2.16~).
In the case of linear lift and moment, we have
CLg,= - -
acL - JCL,",
+ -st- acL,
as, as, ~ a s ,
2.4 Longitudinal Control 35
in which only the first term applies for tailless aircraft and the second for conven-
tional tail elevators or all moving tails (when i, is used instead of 6,). We define the
elevator lift effectiveness as
We may usually neglect the last term, since there is unlikely to be any propulsive-ele-
vator interaction that cannot be included in a,. Then (2.4,6) becomes
- acme<.,,, + CL,<,(h-
C m ~ as,
Summarizing for both types of vehicle, we have (retaining only the dominant terms)
Tailed aircraft:
In the last case, the subscript wb is, of course, redundant and has been dropped. The
primary parameters to be predicted or measured are a, for tailed aircraft, and dCL/aS,,
aCmz,,la6,for tailless.
When the linear lift and moment relations (2.4,2) apply the equations for trim are
+ Crng,C~unm
- - CrnOCL,+ Crn,CL,",,,
set,, -
d'etnm -
- - Cma - - -
(h - h,) (c)
dc~tnm det det
where det = C L ~ C -
~ ,C,,Crn, (d)
is the determinant of the square matrix in (2.4,12) and is normally negative. The val-
ues of det for the two types of airplane are readily calculated from (2.4,8 and 9) to-
gether with (2.3,5) to give
Tailed aircraft:
det = CL,[CLg,(hn- hnwb)
- aevHl (a>
Tailless aircraft:
det = C,, -
and both are independent of h. From (2.4,13a)we get the trimmed lift curve:
The trimmed lift-curve slope is seen to be less than CLaby an amount that depends on
C,,, i.e., on the static margin, and that vanishes when h = h,. The difference is only
a few percent for tailed airplanes at normal CG position, but may be appreciable for
tailless vehicles because of their larger C,,. The relation between the basic and
trimmed lift curves is shown in Fig. 2.17.
Equation (2.4,13b) is plotted on Fig. 2.18, showing how 6e,nmvaries with Chnm
and CG position when the aerodynamic coefficients are constant.
2.4 Longitudinal Control 37
When, in the absence of compressibility, aeroelastic effects, and propulsive system
effects, the aerodynamic coefficients of (2.4,13) are constant, the variation of
with speed is simple. Then 6,tr,,n is a unique function of CLInm for each CG position.
Since CLtrnn,is in turn fixed by the equivalent airspeed: for horizontal flight
then 6,,,_ becomes a unique function of V,. The form of the curves is shown in Fig.
2.19 for representative values of the coefficients.
The variation of 6etr,m with CLmm or speed shown on Figs. 2.18 and 2.19 is the
normal and desirable one. For any CG position, an increase in trim speed from any
initial value to a larger one requires a downward deflection of the elevator (a forward
Figure 2.19 Example of variation of elevator angle to trim with speed and CG position.
movement of the pilot's control). The "gradient" of the movement a8etnm/aVE is seen
to decrease with rearward movement of the CG until it vanishes altogether at the NP.
In this condition the pilot in effect has no control over trim speed, and control of the
vehicle becomes very difficult. For even more rearward positions of the CG the gra-
dient reverses, and the controllability deteriorates still further.
When the aerodynamic coefficients vary with speed, the above simple analysis
must be extended. In order to be still more general, we shall in the following explic-
itly include propulsive effects as well, by means of the parameter a,, which stands for
the state of the pilot's propulsion control (e.g., throttle position). 6, = constant there-
fore denotes fixed-throttle and, of course, for horizontal flight at varying speed, 6,
must be a function of V that is compatible with T = D. For angles of climb or descent
in the normal range of conventional airplanes L = W is a reasonable approximation,
and we adopt it in the following. When nonhorizontal flight is thus included, 6, be-
comes an independent variable, with the angle of climb y then becoming a function
of a,, V, and altitude.
The two basic conditions then, for trimmed steady flight on a straight line are
Now let ( ), denote one state that satisfies (2,4,18) and consider a small change
from it, denoted by differentials, to another such state. From (2.4,18) we get, for p =
dCm= 0 (2.4,20)
and CLV2= const
or 2VeCL$V + VidCL = 0
so that dCL = -2CLe - = -2CLedV
2.4 Longitudinal Control 39
where 9 is V N , . Taking the differentials of (2.4,19) and equating to (2.4,20 and 21)
we get
CLmda+ CLaed6,= -CL,d6, - (CLv+ 2cLe)dP
Cmmda+ C,,d& = -CmaPd$ - C,,di/
where C,, = acLla9and C,,,, = aC,lao. From (2.4,22) we get the solution for d6, as
[(C,, + 2CL,)C,, - ~ L ~ c , , l d o+ (CL,C,,,,, - CL,C,,)dS,
There are two possibilities, a,, constant and 6, variable. In the first case (fixed throt-
tle), dS, = 0 and
(C,, + 2CLe)Cmrn
- CL,Cmv
It will be shown in Chap. 6 that the vanishing of this quantity is a true criterion of
stability, that is it must be >O for a stable airplane. In the second case, for example
exactly horizontal flight, 6, = 6,(V) and the $term on the right-hand side of (2.4,23)
remains. For such cases the gradient (d6,,r,mldV)is not necessarily related to stability.
For purposes of calculating the propulsion contributions, the terms CL,p d6, and
C,,,, d6, in (2.4,23) would be evaluated as dCLpand dCmP[see the notation of (2.3,1)].
These contributions to the lift and moment are discussed in Sec. 3.4.
The derivatives CLvand C,, may be quite large owing to slipstream effects on
STOL airplanes, aeroelastic effects, or Mach number effects near transonic speeds.
These variations with M can result in reversal of the slope of as illustrated on
Fig. 2.20. The negative slope at A, according to the stability criterion referred to
above, indicates that the airplane is unstable at A. This can be seen as follows. Let the
airplane be in equilibrium flight at the point A, and be subsequently perturbed so that
its speed increases to that of B with no change in a or 8,.Now at B the elevator angle
is too positive for trim: that is there is an unbalanced nose-down moment on the air-
plane. This puts the airplane into a dive and increases its speed still further. The speed
will continue to increase until point C is reached, when the 6, is again the correct
value for trim, but here the slope is positive and there is no tendency for the speed to
change any further.
Depending on the sign of Cmv,h, may be greater or less than h,. In terms of h,,
(2.4,24) can be rewritten as
(h - h,) is the "stability margin," which may be greater or less than the static margin.
dSettim -
- m
- --
dC~ti, det
de'mim -
- - -- CL~
(h - h,)
dc~rxm det
Thus measurements of the slope of 6e,r,mVS. Ck, at various CG positions produce a
curve like that of Fig. 2.21, in which the intercept on the h axis is the required NP.
When speed effects are present, it is clear from (2.4,27) that a plot of (d6eltimld~sp
against h will determine h, as the point where the curve crosses the h axis.
M fixed
\ - Tailplane
I I . , I -- --
1 Tab hinge
Elevator hinge
Tab hinge
Figure 2.22 Elevator and tab geometry. ( a )Plan view. ( b )Section A-A.
42 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part 1
Here H, is the moment, about the elevator hinge line, of the aerodynamic forces on
the elevator and tab, S, is the area of that portion of the elevator and tab that lies aft of
the elevator hinge line, and Z, is a mean chord of the same portion of the elevator and
tab. Sometimes ?, is taken to be the geometric mean value, that is, ?, = SJ2se, and
other times it is the root-mean square of c,. The taper of elevators is usually slight,
and the difference between the two values is generally small. The reader is cautioned
to note which definition is employed when using reports on experimental measure-
ments of Che.
Of all the aerodynamic parameters required in stability and control analysis, the
hinge-moment coefficients are most difficult to determine with precision. A large
number of geometrical parameters influence these coefficients, and the range of de-
sign configurations is wide. Scale effects tend to be larger than for many other pa-
rameters, owing to the sensitivity of the hinge moment to the state of the boundary
layer at the trailing edge. Two-dimensional airfoil theory shows that the hinge mo-
ment of simple flap controls is linear with angle of attack and control angle in both
subsonic and supersonic flow.
The normal-force distributions typical of subsonic flow associated with changes
in a and 6, are shown qualitatively in Fig. 2.23. The force acting on the movable flap
has a moment about the hinge that is quite sensitive to its location. Ordinarily the
hinge moments in both cases (a) and (b) shown are negative.
In many practical cases it is a satisfactory engineering approximation to assume
that for finite surfaces Che is a linear function of as,6,, and 6,. The reader should
note however that there are important exceptions in which strong nonlinearities are
We assume therefore that Cheis linear, as follows,
a, is the angle of attack of the surface to which the control is attached (wing or tail),
and 6, is the angle of deflection of the tab (positive down). The determination of the
hinge moment then resolves itself into the determination of b,, b,, b,, and b,. The
geometrical variables that enter are elevator chord ratio cJc,, balance ratio cdc,, nose
shape, hinge location, gap, trailing-edge angle, and planform. When a set-back hinge
is used, some of the pressure acts ahead of the hinge, and the hinge moment is less
than that of a simple flap with a hinge at its leading edge. The force that the control
system must exert to hold the elevator at the desired angle is in direct proportion to
the hinge moment.
2.5 The Control Hinge Moment 43
Figure 2.23 Normal-force distribution over control surface at subsonic speed. ( a )Force
distribution over control associated with a, at 8, = 0. (b)Force distribution over control associated
with 6, at zero a,.
where for tailless aircraft C,,,, = b,, Chea= b , . For aircraft with tails, the relation be-
tween a and at is derived from (2.3,12) and (2.3,19), that is,
whence it follows that for tailed aircraft, with symmetrical airfoil sections in the tail,
for which b, = 0,
44 Chapter 2. Static StabiZiQ and Con@oZ-Part 1
When due consideration is given to the usual signs of the coefficients in these equa-
tions, we see that the two important gradients CLaand Cmaare reduced in absolute
magnitude when the control is released. This leads, broadly speaking, to a reduction
of stability.
When the elevator is free, the lift-curve slope is given by (2.6,4b), that is,
The factor in parentheses is the free elevator factol; and normally has a value less
than unity. When the elevator is part of the tail, the floating angle can be related to a,,
viz for b, = 0
of a, and a' in place of a, then all the equations given in Sec. 2.3 hold for aircraft
with a free elevator.
Since C,, is of different form for the two main types of aircraft, we proceed sepa-
rately below.
C,, is given by (2.4,8), so (2.6,11)becomes for this case
(hn -
hnwJ- -VH
Finally, using (2.4,8) for CL,, and (2.5,4) for Chea,we get
C,, is given by (2.4,9) and Chea= b,. When these are substituted into (2.6,11) the re-
sult is
The difference (h: - h) is called the control-free static margin, KL. When representa-
tive numerical values are used in (2.6,13) one finds that h, - hl, may be typically
about 0.08. This represents a substantial forward movement of the NP, with conse-
quent reduction of static margin, pitch stiffness, and stability.
2.7 The Use of Tabs 47
aftr,m = - - (Cheo + Che,atr~rn + b2Set,,m) (2.7,1)
On substituting from (2.4,13) (which implies neglecting aCm/a8,),we get
and hence
- -
(Che,cL&e - b2CLa)
- -( h -
I (2.792)
This result applies to both tailed and tailless aircraft, provided only that the appropri-
ate values of the coefficients are used. It should be realized, of course, in reference to
Fig. 2.25, that each different CLtrimin a real flight situation corresponds to a different
set of values of M, ipV2, and C , so that in general the coefficients of (2.7,2) vary
with CL,and the graphs will depart from straight lines.
Equation (2.7,2) shows that the slope of the vs Ck", curve is proportional to
the control-free static margin. When the coefficients are constants, we have
- -
- - a'
b2 -
( h - h;)
dC,,, bs det
The similarity between (2.7,3) and (2.4,13c) is noteworthy, that is the trim-tab slope
bears the same relation to the control-free NP as the elevator angle slope does to the
control-fixed NP. It follows that flight determination of h: from measurements of
dG,,,,ldCktimis possible subject to the same restrictions as discussed in relation to the
measurement of h, in Sec. 2.4.
Tabs are used for purposes other than trimming, especially for manually actuated
controls. Three of the main types are as follows:
Geared Tabs. Tabs connected to the main surface by a mechanical linkage that
causes the tab to deflect automatically when the main surface is deflected, but
in the opposite direction. The hinge moment produced by the tab then assists
the rotation of the main surface. These have the effect of reducing the b, of the
Spring Tabs. Tabs connected to the main surface by an elastic element. The
design is such that the deflection of the tab depends on the dynamic pressure
in a way that mitigates the effect of the speed-squared law on the control force.
Servo Tabs. An arrangement in which the pilot controls the tab directly
through a mechanical linkage. It is then the tab, not the pilot, that provides the
hinge moment needed to rotate the main surface.
Both spring tabs and servo tabs are effective devices for reducing control forces
on large high-speed airplanes. However, both add an additional degree of freedom to
the control system dynamics, and this is a potential source of trouble due to vibration
or flutter.
For further details of how these tabs function, see Etkin (1972).
I Control-system
L - J
cables, and power-boost elements that comprise a general control system. We assume
that the elements of the linkage and the structure to which it is attached are ideally
rigid, so that no strain energy is stored in them, and we neglect friction. The system
then has one degree of freedom. P is the force applied by the pilot, (positive to the
rear) s is the displacement of the hand grip, and the work done by the power boost
system is W,. Considering a small quasistatic displacement from equilibrium (i.e., no
kinetic energy appears in the control system), conservation of energy gives
Pds + dW, + H,d6, =0 (2.8,1)
Now the nature of ratio or power boost controls is such that dWJds is proportional to
P or He. Hence we can write
P = ( G , - G,)H, (2.8,2)
where GI= - - > 0, the elevator gearing (radft or radm)
and G2 = ---, the boost gearing (ftpl or m-')
(2.8,2) is now rewritten as
P = GH, (2.8,3)
where G = GI - G,. For fixed G I ,i.e., for a given movement of the control su$ace
to result from a given displacement of the pilot's control, then the introduction of
power boost is seen to reduce G and hence P. G may be designed to be constant over
the whole range of 6,, or it may, by the use of special linkages and power systems, be
made variable in almost any desired manner.
Introduction of the hinge-moment coefficient gives the expression for P as
P = GC,,S,~,&~V~ (2.8,4)
and the variation of P with flight speed depends on both V 2 and on how C,, varies
with speed.
50 Chapter 2. Static Stability and Control-Part I
where w = WIS is the wing loading. When (2.8,7 and 8) are substituted into (2.8,4)
the result obtained is
P =A +B $ ~ v ~ (2.89)
A = -GSec,w -( h - h:)
b38t det (che,cb- ~ ~ C L J ]
+ che0+ -
The typical parabolic variation of P with V when the aerodynamic coefficients
are all constant, is shown in Fig. 2.27. The following conclusions may be drawn.
1. Other things remaining equal, P = S$,, i.e., to the cube of the airplane size.
This indicates a very rapid increase in control force with size.
2. P is directly proportional to the gearing G.
3. The CG position only affects the constant term (apart from a second-order in-
fluence on C,,). A forward movement of the CG produces an upward transla-
tion of the curve.
4. The weight of the airplane enters only through the wing loading, a quantity
that tends to be constant for airplanes serving a given function, regardless of
weight. An increase in wing loading has the same effect as a forward shift of
the CG.
5. The part of P that varies with 4pv2 decreases with height, and increases as the
speed squared.
6. Of the terms contained in B, none can be said in general to be negligible. All
of them are "built-in" constants except for 8,.
7. The effect of the trim tab is to change the coefficient of ipV2, and hence the
curvature of the parabola in Fig. 2.27. Thus it controls the intercept of the
curve with the V axis. This intercept is denoted V,,; it is the speed for zero
control force.
2.10 Exercises
2.1 A subsonic transport aircraft has a tapered, untwisted sweptback wing with straight
leading and trailing edges. The wing tips are straight and parallel to the root chord. In
the following, use the data of Appendix C and assume that the airfoil section local
aerodynamic center is at the &chord point.
(a) Make an accurate three-view drawing of the wing chord plane.
(b) Calculate wing area S, aspect ratio A, taper ratio A = c,lc, and the mean aerody-
namic chord c.
(c) Calculate the location of the wing's mean aerodynamic center, and locate it and c
on the side view of the wing (with dimensions). (Assume a uniform additional
lift coefficient C," = C,.)
(d) The aircraft is to be operated with its most rearward CG position limited to 25 ft
(7.62 m) aft of the apex of the wing. The distance between the wing and tail
mean aerodynamic centers is it = 55 ft (16.76 m). Estimate the tail area required
to provide a control-fixed static margin of at least 0.05 at all times. Assume that
a, = a,, and hnw= h ,w,. Ignore power plant effects and use adaa = 0.25.
Geometric Data
Wing Span, b
Root Chord, c,
Tip Chord, c,
2.10 Exercises 53
2.6" The McDonnell Douglas C-17 is a four-engined jet STOL transport airplane.
(a) Find A and F for the wing using the geometrical data and Appendix C.
(b) Use Appendix B to estimate a,, the wing lift curve slope, assuming that P = 1
and K = 1.
(c) If a, = 0.068ldeg and a,, = a,, find the lift curve slope, a, of the aircraft. As-
sume - = - (with a, expressed in rad-').
aa TA
(d) Find Cmafor the case where I, = 1, = 92 ft (28.04 m). Ignore propulsion effects.
(e) From the experimental curves of Figs. 2.29 and 2.30 and the given geometry, find
Cmaeand h,. Find CmUfor h = 0.30.
Geometric Data
Wing area, S
Wing span, b
Root chord, c,
Tip chord, c,
chord line sweep, A
4 chord line sweep, A,,,
Tail area, St
2.7 Consider an aircraft with its tail identical to its wing (i.e., the same span, area, chord,
etc.). Neglect body and wing-body interaction effects [i.e., in general ( IWb=
( ),I, neglect propulsion effects and assume zero elevator and tab deflections. As-
sume (2.2,7) in this instance is approximated by Mt = -&, + M,,.,.
(a) What changes should be made in the expressions for a (2.3,18), Cmm
and C,,,,,(2.3,22a)?
midway between the mean aerodynamic centers of the wing and tail?
(c) For trimmed level flight, derive an expression for the ratio of the lift generated by
the wing to the lift generated by the tail as a function of the tail angle it. Assume
2.8" The following data were taken from a flight test of a PA-32R-300 Cherokee-6 air-
The data were taken in trimmed level flight. x,, is the distance of the CG aft of the
nose of the aircraft. The aircraft has an all-moving tail and thus it is used instead of 6,
to trim the aircraft. The wing area is S = 174.5 ft2 (16.21 m2).
(a) Plot tail-setting angle, it, versus the lift coefficient of the aircraft for each of the
three CG locations.
(b) Curve fit the data points in (a) with three straight lines having a common inter-
cept (refer to Fig. 2.18).
(c) Use a graphical technique to find the location of the neutral point (controls fixed)
relative to the nose of the aircraft (refer to Fig. 2.21).
2.9 Starting with (2.6,l lb), derive (2.6,13).
2.10 The elevator control force to trim a particular airplane at a speed of 300 kts (154 d s )
is zero. Using the following data estimate the force required to change the trim speed
to 310 kts (159 d s ) . Assume that C,, is sufficiently small that C,, = 0 can be used
in the expression for control force.
Geometric Data
Elevator gearing, G 3"Iin (1.18"1cm)
Elevator area aft of hinge line, S, 40 ft2 (3.72 m2)
Mean elevator chord, Ce 2.0 ft (0.61 m)
VH 0.56
CG location, h 0.38
Wing loading, w 50 psf (2,395 Pa)
Aerodynamic Data
Elevator hinge moment coefficient,
a, 0.025ldeg
Neutral point, elevator free, hk 0.45
2.11 A fatal airplane accident has led to a civil court case. It is alleged that the airplane in
question was unstable-"that the neutral point was ahead of the center of gravity."
You are called as an expert witness to explain to the court (i.e., to the judge and the
attorneys) the meaning and importance of stability, center of gravity, and neutral
point. You know that your audience is composed of intelligent persons educated in
the humanities and law, but you must assume that they have only a rudimentary
knowledge of science and mathematics.
Write an essay describing how you would meet this challenge. You are free to use di-
agrams and simple models, but you must avoid any use of mathematics. You should
keep your language simple, avoiding any technical jargon. Even the word moment
should be avoided. Your goal is to clarify, not to impress the court with your superior
technical knowledge.
2.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 2 57
P air density
Po standard sea-level value of p (see Appendix D)
As a consequence of this angular velocity, the field of the relative air flow past the
airplane is curved. It is as though the aircraft were attached to the end of a whirling
arm pivoted at 0 (Fig. 3.1). This curvature of the flow field alters the pressure distri-
bution and the aerodynamic forces from their values in translational flight. The
change is large enough that it must be taken into account in the equations describing
the motion.
We assume that q and the increments Aa, A6, etc. between the rectilinear and
curved flight conditions are small, so that the increments in lift and moment may be
'The load factor is the ratio of lift to weight, n = L/W. It is unity in straight horizontal flight.
3.1 Maneuverability-Elevator Angle per g 61
Figure 3.1 Airplane in a pull-up.
rivatives are discussed in Sec. 5.4. In this form, these equations apply to any configu-
ration. From (3.1,l) we get
which is more conveniently expressed in terms of the weight coeficient Cw and the
mass ratio /I. (see Sec. 3.15), that is,
Since the curved flight condition is also assumed to be steady, that is, without angular
acceleration, then AC, = 0. Finally, we can relate AC, to n thus:
which are readily solved for Aa and Ase to yield the elevator angle per g
Aae - cw 1
-- -
- (CLyCma- cLacrny)]
where det is the same expression previously given in (2.4,13d).As has been shown in
Sec. 2.4 det does not depend on CG position, hence the variation of A6Jn - 1) with
h is provided by the terms in the numerator. Writing Cmn= CLa(h- h,) (3.1,6a) be-
The derivatives CLqand Cmqboth in general vary with h, the former linearly, the latter
quadratically, (see Sec. 5.4). Thus (3.1,7), although it appears to be linear in h, is not
exactly so. For airplanes with tails, CLqcan usually be neglected altogether when
compared with 2p, and the variation of Cmywith h is slight. The equation is then very
nearly linear with h, as illustrated in Fig. 3.2. For tailless airplanes, the variation may
show more curvature. The point where A6J(n - 1 ) is zero is called the control-fixed
maneuver point, and is denoted by h,, as shown. From (3.1,7) we see that
where Cmq(hm)
and CLy(hm)
are the values of these two derivatives evaluated for h =
h,. When Cmqand CLqcan be assumed to be independent of h, (3.1,7) reduces to
maneuver point
From (2.6,4b) we note that the last parenthetical factor is b2CijCL, or b2a11a.For
A6, we use the approximation (3.1,9) in the interest of simplicity and the result for
AC,, after some algebraic reduction is
Ache -
- - CW arb,
( 2 -~CLy>(h- h k )
n-1 2 p det
Note that this result applies to both tailed and tailless aircraft provided that the appro-
priate derivatives are used. The following conclusions may be drawn from (3.2,6).
1. The control force per g increases linearly from zero as the CG is moved for-
ward from the control-free maneuver point, and reverses sign for h > hk.
2. It is directly proportional to the wing loading. High wing loading produces
"heavier" controls.
3. For similar aircraft of different size but equal wing loading, Q SeZe;i.e. to
the cube of the linear size.
4. Neither C, nor V enters the expression for Q explicitly. Thus, apart from M
and Reynolds number effects, Q is independent of speed.
5. The factor p which appears in (3.25) causes the separation of the control-free
neutral and maneuver points to vary with altitude, size, and wing loading, in
the same manner as the interval (h, - h,).
Figure 3.3 shows a typical variation of Q with CG position. The statement made
above that the control force per g is "reversed" when h > h:, must be interpreted cor-
64 Chapter 3. Static Stability and Control-Part 2
CG position
rectly. In the first place this does not necessarily mean a reversal of control move-
ment per g , for this is governed by the elevator angle per g . If hk < h < h,, then
there would be reversal of Q without reversal of control movement. In the second
place, the analysis given applies only to the steady state at load factor n, and throws
no light whatsoever on the transition between unaccelerated flight and the pull-up
condition. No matter what the value of h, the initial control force and movement re-
quired to start the maneuver will be in the normal direction (backward for a pull-up),
although one or both of them may have to be reversed before the final steady state is
The control forces on a manually controlled airplane can be made to deviate from the
"natural" pattern that flows from the size of the airplane, the aerodynamic design,
and the speed and altitude of flight without necessarily using either powered controls
or aerodynamic tabs (see Sec. 2.7). Some "gadgets" that can be used to this end are
springs, weights, and variable-ratio sprockets and linkages. These can have the effect
of modifying the control-force to trim and the control-force per g , giving the pilot the
same feel as if the control-free neutral and maneuver points were moved. Some de-
tails of these effects are given in Sec. 7.1 of Etkin (1972).
slotted flaps, etc.), leading edge elements (drooped nose, slats, slots, etc.) and purely
fluid mechanical solutions such as boundary layer control by blowing. Each of these
has its own characteristic effects on the lift and pitching moment curves, and it is not
feasible to go into them in depth here. The specific changes that result from the "con-
figuration-type" devices, i.e. flaps, slots, etc., can always be incorporated by making
the appropriate changes to ha,",,CmrrCwh and CLwh in (2.2,4) and following through the
consequences. Consider for example the common case of part-span trailing edge
flaps on a conventional tailed airplane. The main aerodynamic effects of such flaps
are illustrated in Fig. 3.4.'
1. Their deflection distorts the shape of the spanwise distribution of lift on the
wing, increasing the vorticity behind the flap tips, as in (a).
2. They have the same effect locally as an increase in the wing-section camber,
that is, a negative increment in C,,,"'and a positive increment in CLwb.
3. The downwash at the tail is increased; both E, and aelaa will in general
= ACrn c,cw,, + A C L ~ ~-, JhnM,J
~ (3.3,l)
The change in airplane C, is
When the increments ACmUcwb and LCLw, are constant with a and Ah,,,, is negligible,
then the only effect on CLnand C,* is that of adaa, and from (2.3,18) and (2.3,21a)
these are
The net result on the C, and C,,, curves is obviously very much configuration depen-
dent. If the Cm - a relation were as in Fig. 3.4e, then the trim change would be very
large, from a , at Sf = 0 to a, after flap deflection. The C, at a, is much larger than
at a , and hence if the flap operation is to take place without change of trim speed, a
down-elevator deflection would be needed to reduce atrimto a , (Fig. 3 . 4 ~ )This .
would result in a nose-down rotation of the aircraft.
'Note that a is still the angle of attack of the zero-lift line of the basic configuration, and that the lift
with flap deflected is not zero at zero a.
66 Chapter 3. Static Stability and Control-Part 2
Figure 3.4 Effect of part-span flaps. (a) Change of lift distribution and vorticity. (b) Changes in
forces and moments. (c) Change in C,. (d) Change in downwash. (e) Change in C,.
= (C, + CLtan y ) y
4 disk
Thrust line 7-
Now let C, be given by the parabolic polar (2.1,2), so that
+ KC,'
CmP= (CDm,,, + CLtan y ) C
Strictly speaking, the values of CD and C, in (3.4,4 and 5 ) are those for trimmed
flight, i.e. with 6, = 6e,r,m.For the purposes of this discussion of propulsion effects
we shall neglect the effects of 6, on CDand C,, and assume that the values in (3.43)
are those corresponding to 6, = 0. The addition of this propulsive effect to the Cm
curve for rectilinear gliding flight in the absence of aeroelastic and compressibility
effects might then appear as in Fig. 3 . 6 ~We
. note that the gradient -dCmldCL for any
value of y > 0 is less than for unpowered flight. If dC,,,ldCL is used uncritically as a
criterion for stability an entirely erroneous conclusion may be drawn from such
1. Within the assumptions made above, the thrust moment Tz, is independent of
a , hence aCmJaa = 0 and there is no change in the N P from that for unpow-
ered flight.
2. A true analysis of stability when both speed and a are changing requires that
the propulsive system controls (e.g., the throttle) be keptfixed, whereas each
point on the curves of Fig. 3 . 6 ~corresponds to a different throttle setting. This
parallels exactly the argument of Sec. 2.4 concerning the elevator trim slope.
Climbing flight
* Y>O
TI const
*p = const
gliding flight
Figure 3.6 Effect of direct thrust moment on C,(a) curves (see (2.41,d). (a) Constant y. (b)
Constant thrust and power.
3.4 Influence of the Propulsive System on Trim and Pitch Stiffness 69
For in fact, under the stated conditions, the Cm - CI,curve is transformed into
a curve of 6e,r,m VS.V by using the relations 6e,r,, = -Cm(a)ICm, and C, =
WIip~2S. The slopes of Cmvs. C, and VS.V will vanish together.
and (3.4,6)
Thus in the constant thrust case, the power-off Cm - C, graph simply has its slope
changed by the addition of thrust, and in the constant power case the shape is
changed as well. The form of these changes is illustrated in Fig. 3.6b and it is evident
by comparison with 3 . 6 ~that the behavior of dCmldC, is quite different in these two
acmr, s,
x,, acN, acu,
aa s i: a% aa
If the propeller were situated far from the flow field of the wing, then aaJaa would
be unity. However, for the common case of wing-mounted tractor propellers with the
70 Chapter 3. Static Stability and Control-Part 2
propeller plane close to the wing, there is a strong upwash E, at the propeller. Thus
where the constant in (3.4,9a) is the angle of attack of the propeller axis relative to
the airplane zero-lift line. Finally,
line. The magnitude and line of action of this force can be found from momentum
considerations. Let the mass flow through the duct be m' and the velocity vectors at
the inlet and outlet be Vi and V,. Application of the momentum principle then shows
that the reaction on the airplane of the air flowing through the duct is
F = -rnl(V, - Vi) + F'
where F' is the resultant of the pressure forces acting across the inlet and outlet areas.
For the present purpose, F' may be neglected, since it is approximately in the direc-
tion of the thrust T. The component of F normal to the thrust line is then found as in
Fig. 3.7. It acts through the intersection of Vi and V,. The magnitude is given by
N, = mlVi sin 6
or, for small angles,
N, = m1Vi6
In order to use this relation, both Vi and 6 are required. It is assumed that Vi has that
direction which the flow would take in the absence of the engine; that is, 13equals the
angle of attack of the thrust line a, plus the upwash angle due to wing induction E,.
It is further assumed that the magnitude Vi is determined by the mass flow and inlet
area; thus
where Ai is the inlet area, and pi the air density in the inlet. We then get for N, the ex-
. . . air
,Tail pipe
Since the pitching moment given by (3.4,14) varies with a at constant thrust, then
there is a change in Cmagiven by
mr2 1 a€. +o" ax.
ACma= - - X j l + "
aipiiprr-s? [( aa ) a,]
The quantities mr and pi can be determined from the engine performance data, and
for subsonic flow, ae,/aa is the same as the value aeP/aaused for propellers. ax,/aa
can be calculated from the geometry.
Comparison of (3.5,2) with (2.3,13) shows that the tail effectiveness has been re-
duced by the factor 141 ka,(p/2)~2S,].The main variable in this expression is V,
and it is seen that the reduction is greatest at high speeds. From (2.3,23) we find that
the reduction in tail effectiveness causes the neutral point to move forward. The shift
is given by
Aa, -
Ah, = -V,
a (1 - -
Aa, = a,
1 + ka,4p~2S,
The elevator effectiveness is also reduced by the bending of the fuselage. For, if
we consider the case when 6, is different from zero, then (3.5,l) becomes
Thus the same factor 1/(1 + ka,p/2V2S,) that operates on the tail lift slope a, also mul-
tiplies the elevator effectiveness a,.
The problem of calculating the stability and control near the ground then resolves it-
self into estimating these three effects. When appropriate values of ad&, awb,and a,
have been found, their use in the equations of the foregoing sections will readily
yield the required information. The most important items to be determined are the el-
evator angle and control force required to maintain CLaxin level flight close to the
ground. It will usually be found that the ratio a,la is decreased by the presence of the
ground. (2.3,23) shows that this would tend to move the neutral point forward. How-
ever, the reduction in adaa is usually so great that the net effect is a large rearward
shift of the neutral point. Since the value of C , is only slightly affected, it turns out
that the elevator angle required to trim at CLmaX is much larger than in flight remote
from the ground. It commonly happens that this is the critical design condition on the
elevator, and it will govern the ratio SJS,, or the forward CG limit (see Sec. 3.7).
3.7 CG Limits
One of the dominant parameters of longitudinal stability and control has been shown
in the foregoing sections to be the fore-and-aft location of the CG (see Figs. 2.14,
2.18,2.19,2.25,2.27,2.28, and 3.2). The question now arises as to what range of CG
position is consistent with satisfactory handling qualities. This is a critical design
problem, and one of the most important aims of stability and control analysis is to
provide the answer to it. Since aircraft always carry some disposable load (e.g., fuel,
armaments), and since they are not always loaded identically to begin with (varia-
tions in passenger and cargo load), it is always necessary to cater for a variation in
the CG position. The range to be provided for is kept to a minimum by proper loca-
3.7 CG Limits 75
tion of the items of variable load, but still it often becomes a difficult matter to keep
the handling qualities acceptable over the whole CG range. Sometimes the problem is
not solved, and the airplane must be subjected to restrictions on the fore-and-aft dis-
tribution of its variable load when operating at part load.
way. Because the gravity vector in normal flight also lies in the plane of symmetry,
the CG position is not a dominant parameter for the lateral characteristics as it is for
the longitudinal. Thus the CG limits, (see Sec. 3.7) are governed by considerations
deriving from the longitudinal characteristics.
and hence for positive yaw stiffness aC,lap must be positive. The usual notation for
this derivative is
Some data for estimating the contribution of the body to C,, is contained in Ap-
pendix B. There are also given data suitable for estimation of the lift-curve slope of
the vertical-tail surface. This may be used to calculate the tail contribution as shown
In Fig. 3.12 are shown the relevant geometry and the lift force LF acting on the
vertical tail surface. If the surface were alone in an airstream, the velocity vector V,
would be that of the free stream, so that (cf. Fig. 3.1 1) a, would be equal to -P.
When installed on an airplane, however, changes in both magnitude and direction of
the local flow at the tail take place. These changes may be caused by the propeller
slipstream, and by the wing and fuselage when the airplane is yawed. The angular de-
flection is allowed for by introducing the sidewash angle u,analogous to the down-
wash angle E. u is positive when it corresponds to a flow in the y direction; that is,
when it tends to increase cu,.Thus the angle of attack is
The ratio SFIJSb is analogous to the horizontal-tail volume ratio, and is therefore
called the vertical-tail volume ratio, denoted here by V,. Equation 3.9,5 then reads
This is known as the propeller fin effect and is negative (i.e., destabilizing) when the
propeller is forward of the CG, but is usually positive for pusher propellers. There is
a similar yawing moment effect for jet engines (see Exercise 3.7).
c a
= - -cn 2
This derivative is sometimes called the "rudder power." It must be large enough to
make it possible to maintain zero sideslip under the most extreme conditions of
asymmetric thrust and turning flight.
A second useful index of the rudder control is the steady sideslip angle that can
be maintained by a given rudder angle. The total yawing moment during steady
sideslip may be written
Cn = CnpP+ CnarSr
For steady motion, C, = 0, and hence the desired ratio is
3.11 Roll Stiffness 81
The rudder hinge moment and control force are also treated in a manner similar
to that employed for the elevator. Let the rudder hinge-moment coefficient be given
C,, = b,aF + b2Sr (3.10,4)
The rudder pedal force will then be given by
The vertical-tail lift coefficient with rudder free is found from (3.9,3) to be
The free control factor for the rudder is thus seen to be of the same form as that for
the elevator (see Sec. 2.6) and to have a similar effect.
After rolling through angle 4 about Ox, the x component of the velocity vector re-
mains unchanged, but the component V sin axhas projections on both of the new y
82 Chapter 3. Static Stability and Control-Part 2
I t, Lift
W (weight)
Figure 3.14 Rolled airplane.
and z axes. Thus there is now a sideslip, and hence, an angle P and a resulting rolling
moment. Using the notation of Appendix A.4, we get for the velocity vector in the
new reference frame after the rotation
V2=Ll(4)V, =
V sin axcos +
Thus the sideslip component is v = V sin axsin 4 , and the sideslip angle is
/3 = sin-' - = sin-' (sin axsin +) (3.1 1,3)
As a result of this positive p, and the usually negative C,, there is a restoring rolling
moment C,,P, that is,
AC, = C,, sin-' (sin axsin 4 ) (a)
For small ax, we get the approximate result
AC, = C,, sin-' (ax sin +) = CI,ax sin + (b) (3.11,4)
and if 4 also is small,
ACI = CI,q+ (c)
The stiffness derivative for rolling about Ox is then from (3.11,4a)
-- -
sin a; cos +
a+ c'p (I - sin2 axsin2 4)'"
or for ru,+ 1,
3.12 The Derivative C,, 83
Thus there is a roll stiffness that resists rolling if a, is >0, and would tend to keep the
wings level. If rolling occurs about the wind vector, the stiffness is zero and the vehi-
cle has no preferred roll angle. If cu, < 0, then the stiffness is negative and the vehicle
would roll to the position 4 = 180°, at which point C, = 0 and C,, < 0.
The above discussion applies to a vehicle constrained, as stated, to one degree of
freedom. It does not, by any means, give the full answer for an unconstrained air-
plane to the question: "What happens when the airplane rolls away from a wings-
level attitude--does it tend to come back or not?'That answer can only be provided
by a full dynamic analysis like the lund given in Chaps. 6 and 7. The roll stiffness ar-
gument given above, however, does help in understanding the behavior of slender air-
planes, ones with very low aspect ratio and hence small roll inertia. These tend, in re-
sponse to aileron deflection when at angle of attack, to rotate about the x axis, not the
velocity vector, and hence experience the roll stiffness effect at the beginning of the
Even though airplanes have no first-order aerodynamic roll stiffness, stable air-
planes do have an inherent tendency to fly with wings level. They do so because of
what is known as the dihedral effect. This is a complex pattern involving gravity and
the derivative C,,, which owes its existence largely to the wing dihedral (see Sec.
3.12). When rolled to an angle 4, there is a weight component mg sin 4 in the y di-
rection (Fig. 3.14). This induces a sideslip velocity to the right, with consequent /3 >
0, and a rolling moment Clop that tends to bring the wings level. The rolling and
yawing motions that result from such an initial condition are, however, strongly cou-
pled, so no significant conclusions can be drawn about the behavior except by a dy-
namic analysis (see Chap. 6).
value of C,, for a given r. This part of C,, is essentially independent of wing angle of
attack so long as the flow remains attached.
Even in the absence of dihedral, a flat lifting wing panel has a C,, proportional to
C,. Consider the case of Fig. 3.16. The vertical induced velocity (downwash) of the
vortex wake is greater at L than at R simply by virtue of the geometry of the wake.
Hence the local wing angle of attack and lift are less at L than at R, and a negative C,
results. Since this effect depends, essentially linearly, on the strength of the vortex
wake, which is itself proportional to the wing C,, then the result is LCI, C,.
wing shown than on the left half, and hence that there is a negative rolling moment.
The rolling moment would be expected for small P to be proportional to
C,[(v;>,,,, - (v;)leftl = CLv2[c0s2(A - P) - COS' (A + PI1
= 2c,Pv2 sin 2A
The proportionality with C, and P is correct, but the sin 2A factor is not a good ap-
proximation to the variation with A. The result is a C,, = C,, that can be calculated
by the methods of linear wing theory.
For simple flap-type ailerons, the increase in lift on the right side and the de-
crease on the left side produce a drag differential that gives a positive (nose-right)
yawing moment. Since the normal reason for moving the right aileron down is to ini-
tiate a turn to the left, then the yawing moment is seen to be in just the wrong direc-
tion. It is therefore called aileron adverse yaw. On high-aspect-ratio airplanes this
tendency may introduce decided difficulties in lateral control. Means for avoiding
this particular difficulty include the use of spoilers and Frise ailerons. Spoilers are il-
lustrated in Fig. 3.21. They achieve the desired result by reducing the lift and increas-
ing the drag on the side where the spoiler is raised. Thus the rolling and yawing mo-
ments developed are mutually complementary with respect to turning. Frise ailerons
diminish the adverse yaw or eliminate it entirely by increasing the drag on the side of
the upgoing aileron. This is achieved by the shaping of the aileron nose and the
choice of hinge location. When deflected upward, the gap between the control sur-
face and the wing is increased, and the relatively sharp nose protrudes into the
stream. Both these geometrical factors produce a drag increase.
The deflection of the ailerons leads to still additional yawing moments once the
airplane starts to roll. These are caused by the altered flow about the wing and tail.
These effects are discussed in Sec. 5.7 (Cnp),and are illustrated in Figs. 5.12 and
A final remark about aileron controls is in order. They are functionally distinct
from the other two controls in that they are rate controls. If the airplane is restricted
only to rotation about the x axis, then the application of a constant aileron angle re-
sults in a steady rate of roll. The elevator and rudder, on the other hand, are displace-
ment controls. When the airplane is constrained to the relevant single axis degree of
freedom, a constant deflection of these controls produces a constant angular displace-
ment of the airplane. It appears that both rate and displacement controls are accept-
able to pilots.
There is an important aeroelastic effect on roll control by ailerons that is significant
on most conventional airplanes at both subsonic and supersonic speeds. This results
from the elastic distortion of the wing structure associated with the aerodynamic load
increment produced by the control. As illustrated in Fig. 2.23, the incremental load
caused by deflecting a control flap at subsonic speeds has a centroid somewhere near
the middle of the wing chord. At supersonic speeds the control load acts mainly on
the deflected surface itself, and hence has its centroid even farther to the rear. If this
load centroid is behind the elastic axis of the wing structure, then a nose-down twist
of the main wing surface results. The reduction of angle of attack corresponding to 6,
> 0 causes a reduction in lift on the surface as compared with the rigid case, and a
consequent reduction in the control effectiveness. The form of the variation of C,,
with ipv2for example can be seen by considering an idealized model of the phenom-
enon. Let the aerodynamic torsional moment resulting from equal deflection of the
two ailerons be T(y) = BpV26, and let T(y) be antisymmetric, T(y) = -T(-y). The
twist distribution corresponding to T(y) is @), also antisymmetric, such that @) is
proportional to T at any reference station, and hence proportional to ipV26,. Finally,
the antisymmetric twist causes an antisymmetric increment in the lift distribution,
giving a proportional rolling moment increment AC, = kipV26,. The total rolling mo-
ment due to aileron deflection is then
As noted above, (C,,),,, is negative, and k is positive if the centroid of the aileron-
induced lift is aft of the wing elastic axis, the common case. Hence I, c diminishes
with increasing speed, and vanishes at some speed VR, the aileron reversal speed.
3.14 Exercises 89
This result, of course, applies strictly only if the basic aerodynamics are not Mach-
number dependent, i.e. so long as VRis at a value of M appreciably below 1.0. Other-
wise k and (C,,),igidare both functions of M, and the equation corresponding to
(3.13,4) is
3.14 Exercises
3.1 Derive (3.1,4).
3.2 Derive an expression for the elevator angle per g in dimensional form. Denote the de-
rivatives of L and M with respect to a and q by aL/aq = L,, and so on. There are two
choices: (1) do the derivation in dimensional form from the beginning, or (2) convert
the nondimensional result (3.1,6) to dimensional form. Do it both ways and check
that they agree.
3.3 Calculate the variation of the control force per g with altitude from the following
data. Ignore propulsion effects.
Geometric Data
Weight, W
Wing area, S
Wing mean aerodynamic chord, c
Tail area, S,
Mean elevator chord,
Aerodynamic Data
90 Chapter 3. Static Stability and Control-Part 2
General Equations of
Unsteady Motion
Since C is the mass center, the last integral in (4.2,5)is zero and
where m is the total mass of the airplane. Newton's second law applied to dm is
d f , = v,dm (4.2,7)
where d f , is the resultant of all forces acting on dm. The integral of (4.2,7)is
The reader should note that, in (4.2,14), both G and h are referred to a moving
point, the mass center. For a moving reference point other than the mass center, the
equation does not in general apply. The reader should also note that (4.2,8) and
(4.2,14) are both valid when there is relative motion of parts of the airplane.
The two vector equations of motion of the airplane, equivalent to six scalar equa-
tions, are (4.2,8) and (4.2,14)
When the wind vector W is not zero, the velocity V, in (4.2,5) is that of the CG rela-
tive to F,. The angular momentum h is the same whether W is zero or not (see Exer-
cise 4.1). Hence in the general case when wind is present the equations of motion
So in FB we have
4.3 Evaluation of the Angular Momentum h 97
so that
hB = I-. +
r (V, &,r,)dm
The first integral in (4.3,3) vanishes since the origin of r is the CG. When the triple
matrix product of the second integral is expanded (see Exercise 4.2) we get the result
for h,:
IX = I@ + ?)dm; I, = +
(x2 z2)dm; I, = 1 (x2 + y2)dm
IXY IYX= I XY dm; I,, = I, = I xz dm; I,, = I,, = I yz dm
I, is the inertia matrix, its elements being the moments and products of inertia of the
airplane. When the xz plane is a plane of symmetry, which is the usual assumption,
Iv = Iyz = 0
and the only off-diagonal term remaining is I,. If the direction of the x axis is so cho-
sen that this product of inertia also vanishes, which is always possible in principle,
then the axes are principal axes.
'Since there is no need to use the angular velocity relative to any other frame of reference the distin-
guishing superscript E is not needed on w.
'See Appendix A.6
98 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
In order to avoid ambiguities which can otherwise result in the set of angles (+,
8, 4) the ranges are limited to
Earth-fixed axes. FE
$ .,i
Figure 4.2 Airplane orientation.
4.4 Orientation and Position of the Airplane 99
The Euler angles are then unique for most orientations of the vehicle. It should be
noted that in a continuous steady rotation, such as rolling, the time variation of 4 for
example is a discontinuous sawtooth function, and that another exception occurs in a
vertical climb or dive, when 6 = + d 2 . For then ($, 8, 4 ) = (I) + a, ? d 2 , -a)
gives the same final orientation regardless of the value of a . The above difficulties
can be avoided by using direction cosines3 or quaternions4 to define the orientation of
the airplane instead of Euler angles. We use the Euler angles because they give a
more physical picture of the airplane attitude than the other alternatives. For a more
complete discussion of methods of describing vehicle orientation the reader is re-
ferred to Hughes (1986).
Here LEE is the matrix of direction cosines that corresponds to the reverse of the se-
quence of rotations given above, which are for a transformation from FE to F,. Thus
where L,, L,, L, are respectively L,, L,, L, of Appendix A.4. Using the rotation matrices
given in ~ ~ p e n dA.4,
i x and carrying out the multiplication, we get the final result (4.4,3).
cos 8 sin rC,
-sin o
sin 4 sin 6 sin + cos 4 cos~!,t
sin 4 cos o
cos 4 sin 0 sin i,b - sin cf~ cos cC,
cos 4 cos 0
The differential equations for the coordinates of the flight path are then
r 7
R = L O COS,
0 -sin c$
cos 4 cos 8
where (4.4,7)
= [ 0
1 sin 4 tan 8
cos 4
sin 4 sec 8
cos +tan 0
-sin 4
cos 4 sec 8
the right. In this case, the two products of inertia, I,, and I,,, are zero, and (4.5,9) are
consequently simplified.
The directions of C x and C z in the plane of symmetry are conventionally fixed in
one of three ways (see Fig. 4.3).
Principal Axes
These are chosen to coincide with the principal axes of the vehicle, so that the re-
maining product of inertia I, vanishes; (4.3,4 and 5) then yield
Stability Axes
These are chosen so that C x is aligned with V in a reference condition of steady
symmetric flight. In this case, the reference values of v and w are zero, and the axes
are termed stability axes. These axes are commonly used, owing to the simplifica-
tions that result in the equations of motion, and in the expressions for the aerody-
namic forces.
With this choice, it should be noted that for different initial flight conditions the
axes are differently oriented in the airplane, and hence the values of I,, I,, and I, will
vary from problem to problem. The "stability axes," just as the principal axes, are
body axes that remain fixed to the airplane during the motion considered in any one
The following formulas are convenient for computing I,, I,, I, when the values
Ixpand Izpare known for principal axes (see Exercise 4.4).
2 (Izp- ZIP) sin 2~
1, = -
where E = angle between x, (principal axis) and x, (stability axis), positive as shown
(see Fig. 4.3).
4.7 The Equations Collected 103
Body Axes
When the axes are neither principal axes nor stability axes, they are usually
called simply body axes. In this case the x axis is usually fixed to a longitudinal refer-
ence line in the airplane. These axes may be the most convenient ones to use if the
aerodynamic data have been measured by a wind-tunnel balance that resolves the
forces and moments into body-fixed axes rather than tunnel-fixed axes.
Because of the additional terms in the angular momentum, certain extra terms appear
in the right-hand side of the moment equations, (4.5,9). Those additional terms,
known as the gyroscopic couples, are
In the L equation: qh: - rh:
In the M equation: rhi - phi
In the N equation: phi - qh:
As an example, suppose the rotor axes are parallel to Cx,with angular momentum
h' = i l a . Then the gyroscopic terms in the three equations are, respectively, 0, I a r ,
and -1flq.
'Note that the inertias of the rotors are also included in I,.
104 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
1. The airplane is a rigid body, which may have attached to it any number of
rigid spinning rotors.
2. Cxz is a plane of mirror symmetry.
3. The axes of any spinning rotors are fixed in direction relative to the body
axes, and the rotors have constant angular speed relative to the body axes.
The equations of Sec. 4.7 are many and complex. They consist of 15 coupled
nonlinear ordinary differential equations in the independent variable t, and three alge-
braic equations. Before we can identify the true dependent variables, however, we
must first consider the aerodynamic forces (X,Y,Z) and moments (L,M,N). It is clear
that these must depend in some manner on the relative motion of the airplane with re-
spect to the air, given by the linear and angular velocities V and u,on the control
variables that fix the angles of any moveable surfaces and on the settings of any
propulsion controls that determine the thrust vector. Thus it is universally assumed in
flight dynamics that the six forces and moments are functions of the six linear and
angular velocities (u,v,w,p,q,r) and of a control vectol: The latter clearly depends to
4.8 Discussion of the Equations 105
some extent on the particular airplane, but we can, with adequate generality, write it
of which the first three are the familiar aileron, elevator, and rudder angles, and the
last is the throttle control. Other components can be added to the control vector as
needed to meet special requirements-for example, direct lift control. The control
variables, from the standpoint of the mathematical system, are arbitrary functions of
time. How they are determined is the subject of later sections. The wind vector whose
components appear in (4.73) would ordinarily be a known function of position r,
with its components given in frame F,. Its components in F, are W , = LBEW,.
The true implicit dependent variables of the system are thus seen to be 12 in
Control forces
u, v, w
Pa 7'. r
Control moments
49 0. *
Figure 4.4 Block diagram of equations for vehicle with plane of symmetry. Body axes. Flat-Earth
approximation. No wind.
106 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
governed by the specifics of the control inputs. In the following paragraphs, we dis-
cuss the various cases that commonly occur in engineering practise and in research.
The effectiveness of an airplane's controls is conventionally studied by specifying the
variation of (a,, S,, S,, 6,) with time arbitrarily, e.g., a step-function input of aileron
angle. The airplane equations of motion then become inhomogeneous equations for
(u, v, w), ( p , q, r), (0, 4, )r!,t with the control angles as forcing functions. Problems of
this type are treated in Chap. 7 .
given above. (uE,vE, wE)then have to be sums of (u, v, w ) and the velocity of the at-
mosphere at the CG, and additional complications arise from the fact that the relative
wind varies, in general, from point to point on the airplane. This case is treated in
depth in Chap. 13 of Etlun (1972) and in Etkin (1981).
A class of problems that has not received much attention in the past, but that is never-
theless both interesting and useful, is that in which some of the 12 variables usually
regarded as dependent are prescribed in advance as functions of time. An equal num-
ber of equations must then be dropped in order to maintain a complete system. This
is the kind of problem that occurs when we ask questions of the type "Given the air-
plane motion, what pilot action is required to produce it?'Such questions may be rel-
evant to problems of control design and maneuvering loads.
The mathematical problem that results is generally simpler than those of stability
and control. The equations to be solved are sometimes algebraic, sometimes differen-
tial. A decided advantage is the ability of this approach to cope with the nonlinear
equations of large disturbances.
Another category is the mathematical problem that arises in flight testing when
time records are available of some control variables and some of the 12 dependent
variables. The question then is "What must the airplane parameters be to produce the
measured response from the measured input?' (See Etkin, 1959, Chap. 11; AGARD
1991; Maine and Iliff, 1986.) This is an example of the important "plant identifica-
tion" problem of system theory.
The small-disturbance equations will be slightly restricted by the adoption of two
more assumptions, which correspond to current practice. These are
1. The effects of spinning rotors are negligible. This is the case when the air-
plane is in gliding flight with power off, when the symmetrical engines have
opposite rotation, or when the rotor angular momentum is small.
2. The wind velocity is zero, so that VE = V
When the small-disturbance notation is introduced into the equations of Sec. 4.7, the
additional assumptions noted above are incorporated, and only the first-order terms in
disturbance quantities are kept, then the following linear equations are obtained.
X, + AX - mg(sin 8, + A8 cos $) = mAu
Yo + AY + mg4 cos $ = m(v + u,r)
Zo + AZ + mg(cos $ - A8 sin $0) = m(w - uoq)
Lo + AL = I,p - I,i
M, +
AM = I,q
No + Ah' = -1,p + I,?
o = ~
+=p+rtanO0, p=+-&sin$
$= r S ~ 6,
relations, which may be used to eliminate all the reference forces and moments from
the equations:
X,, - mg sin 0, = 0
Yo = 0
Zo + mg cos 8, = 0 (4.9,6)
L0 = M 0 = N 0 = O
kE, = u, cos O,,, = 0,
jE,, iE,,
= -uo sin 8,
We further postulate that in the reference steady state the aileron and rudder angles
are zero. When (4.9,6) are substituted into (4.9,2 to 4 . 9 3 , (4.9,3) are solved for p
and i, and the equations are rearranged, the result is (4.9,7 to 4.9,10).
zi = -
+ g+ cos 0, - uor
then the infinite series a(t), iu(t),Li(t) - - - can replace a ( ~in) (4.9,l I), i.e.
L(t) = L(a, iu, Li - -) (4.9,13)
where a , iu are values at time t. Thus the lift at time t is in this case determined by
- 0 -
a and all its derivatives at time t. A further series expansion of the right-hand side of
(4.9,13) around t = 0 yields
in which all the products and powers of Aa, Aiu ... appear, and where
The classical assumption of linear aerodynamic theory, due to Bryan (1911 ) is to ac-
cept the linear reduction of (4.9,14) as a representation of the aerodynamic force,
even when Aa(t) is not an analytic function as implied by (4.9,12),i.e.
Derivatives such as La in (4.9,16) are known as the stability derivatives, or more gen-
erally as aerodynamic derivatives. For most forces and state variables, only the first
term of (4.9,16) is kept, but in some cases, terms up to the second derivative must be
retained for sufficient accuracy. This assumption has been found to work extremely
well over a wide range of practical applications. Occasionally the addition of nonlin-
ear terms such as %,,(Aa)' = L,,(A~)' can extend the useful range considerably.
Another way of including nonlinear effects is to treat the derivatives as functions of
the variables, for example, L, = La(&).
A major fraction of the total effort in aerodynamic research in the past has been
devoted to the determination, by theoretical and experimental means, of the aerody-
namic derivatives needed for application to flight mechanics. A great mass of infor-
mation about these parameters has now been accumulated and Chap. 5 is devoted to
this topic.
For a truly symmetric configuration, it is evident that the side force Y, the rolling
moment L, and the yawing moment N will all be exactly zero in any condition of
symmetric flight, that is, when the plane of symmetry remains in a fixed vertical
plane. In that case, P, p, r, 4, and y, are all identically zero. Thus the derivatives
of the asymmetric or lateral forces and moments, Y, L, N with respect to the symmet-
ric or longitudinal motion variables u, w, q are zero. In writing out the complete lin-
ear expression for the aerodynamic forces and moments, we use this fact, and in ad-
dition make the further approximations:
1. We may neglect as well all the derivatives of the symmetric forces and mo-
ments with respect to the asymmetric motion variables.
2. We may neglect all derivatives with respect to rates of change of motion vari-
ables except for 2, and M,.
4.9 The Small-Disturbance Theory 111
whereas in fact the lift undergoes a transient approach to the asymptote La%, the de-
tails of which depend on the wing shape and the Mach number. Equation (4.9,16)
fails in this case because Aa is not an analytic function, having a discontinuity at
t = 0. Now the transient process is often well approximated as a linear one, and as
such is subject to exact representation by linear mathematics in the form of an indi-
cia1function (Tobak, 1954), or an aerodynamic transfer function (Etkin, 1956). The
implementation of these alternative representations of aerodynamic force is described
in Etkin (1972, Sec. 5.1 1).
The existence of the pure lateral motions, however, depends on more restrictive ap-
proximations; namely
If the equations were not linearized, then there would be inertial cross-coupling
between the longitudinal and lateral modes, as evidenced by terms such as mpvE in
(4.7,lc) and rp(I, - I,) in (4.7,2b). That is, motion in the lateral modes would induce
longitudinal motion.
Equations (4.9,18 and 4.9,19) are both in the desired first-order form, commonly
referred to as state vector form, conventionally written in vectorlmatrix notation as
Here x is the state vector, c is the control vector, and A and B are system matrices.
The state vectors for the longitudinal and lateral systems are, respectively:
and the matrices A for the two cases can be inferred from the full equations. The de-
pendent variables x,, y,, z, and JI are not included in the state vectors because they
do not appear on the right-hand side of the equations. The matrix B will be discussed
later when we come to the analysis of controlled motions.
4.10 Nondimensional System 115
Let it be assumed that this equation can be generalized to cover the whole class of
airplanes, under all flight conditions. That is, we shall assume that .rr is a function not
o f t alone, but also of
where m is the airplane mass and 1 is a characteristic length. Instead of (4.10,1), then,
we write
Buckingham's .rr theorem (Langhaar, 1951) tells us that, since there are nine quanti-
ties in (4.10,2) containing three fundamental dimensions, L, M, and T, then there are
9 - 3 = 6 independent dimensionless combinations of the nine quantities. These six
so-called .rr functions are to be regarded as the meaningful physical variables of the
equation, instead of the original nine. Two systems of the same class are dynamically
similar when all the .rr functions of one are numerically equal to those of the other.
By inspection, we can easily form the following six independent nondimensional
m u,t uz
T,M, RN, -, -, -
1 lg
Following the .rr theorem, we write as the symbolic solution to our problem
m u,t ug
M , RN, -, -, -
pl' 1 lg
116 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
The effects of the six variables m, p, 1, g, u,, and t are thus seen to be compressed into
the three combinations: mlp13, u$lg, and u,tll. We replace l3 by Sl, where S is a char-
acteristic area, without changing its dimensions, and denote the resulting nondimen-
sional quantity mlpS1 by p.. The quantity llu, has the dimensions of time and is de-
noted t*. The quantity ugllg is the Froude number (FN). Equation 4.10,3 then
.rr = f (M, RN, FN, p., t/t*) (4.10,4)
The significance of (4.10,4) is that it shows .rr to be a function of only five vari-
ables, instead of the original eight. The result is of sufficient importance that it is cus-
tomary to elaborate on it still further. Since p. is the ratio of the airplane mass to the
mass of a volume Sl of air, it is called the relative mass parameter or relative density
parametel: It is smallest at sea level and increases with altitude.
The main symbols for which nondimensional forms are wanted are listed in
Table 4.1. The nondimensional item in column 3 is obtained by dividing the corre-
sponding dimensional item of column 1 by the divisor in column 2. In the small-dis-
turbance case, ir and 6are aerodynamic angles, for then
V = [(u, + Au)' + u2 + w ~ ) ] " ~
From (1.6,4)
ax= tanP'(w/u) = tan-'[wl(u, + Au)]
To first order in v, w, and Au these are
Table 4.1
The Nondimensional System
Note: (1) p and Aa are used interchangeably with O and I?, respectively, in the small disturbance case.
4.10 Nondimensional System 117
Table 4.2
Longitudinal Nondimensional Derivatives
and similarly
Since axdiffers from a only by a constant (the angle between the zero-lift line
and the x axis), then A a x = A a , alas;, d / a a , and no distinction need be made be-
tween these two derivatives.
It is possible with the definitions given in Tables 4 . 1 4 . 3 to make the equations of
motion entirely nondimensional, and such equations have been widely used in the
past, especially for analytical work (see Etkin, 1972 and 1982). The prevailing cur-
rent practise in design and research, however, is to use the dimensional equations and
program them for calculation on a digital computer. We are therefore not including
the nondimensional equations in this book. There is no real loss in so doing however,
since any analytical results that are obtained with the dimensional equations can sub-
sequently be expressed, for maximum generality, in nondimensional form. Examples
of this are contained in Chaps. 6 and 7.
Table 4.3
Lateral Nondimensional Derivatives
c,, Cl cn
118 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
Table 4.4
Longitudinal Dimensional Derivatives
From Table 4.1, Z = c,ipv2~
where v2= u2 + v2 + w2 and u = u, + Au. Hence
where the subscript zero indicates the reference flight condition. But 2V(aVIau) =
224, and hence (avlau), = 1. Also
acz ac,
= ;
(=lo =
& czu
From (4.9,6)
Z, = -mg cos 8,
c,, = -c,, cos eo
so that
Table 4.5
Lateral Dimensional Derivatives
In a similar way,
These are found in a manner similar to the Z derivatives. In this instance from (4.9,6)
Cxc, sin 8"
= Cwo
These are also found in a manner similar to the Z derivatives. In this case we start
with M = C,Bpv2Sc and note from (4.9,6) that C,,, = 0.
120 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
From Table 4.1, L = ClpV2S-. Hence
a~ b ac, b2 ac,
Lp = (=&),
= pu3 (-&JO = ~ ~Q0 (%)
s 0
= - puob2SClr
These are found in a manner similar to the L derivatives.
These are also found in a manner similar to the L derivatives. In this case we start
with Y = CY$pv2S.
and aerodynamic details. Enough material is given, however, to show how the static
and dynamic deformations are integrated into the preceding mathematical model of
the "gross" vehicle motion.
The deformation analysis is almost invariably treated by a linear theory, even
when the rigid-body motion is not. We shall therefore assume at the outset that the
distortional motions are "small" and that all the associated aerodynamic forces are
linear functions.
yl(t) = 1 g,(x,,
1 yo, zo)€,(t)
122 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
where (x', y', z') are the elastic displacements, (x - x,) etc., (f,, g,, h,) are the mode
shape functions: and ~ , ( t )are the generalized coordinates giving the magnitudes of
the modal displacements.
We have specified idealized undamped modes, as opposed to the true modes of a
real physical structure with internal and external damping, because the latter may not
be "simple" modes with fixed nodes, describable by a single set of three functions.
More generally they each consist of a superposition of two "submodes" 90" out of
phase. Because of this, the equations of motion for the elastic degrees of freedom of
the real structure are not perfectly uncoupled from one another, but contain intercou-
pling damping terms that would usually be negligible in practical applications.
The use of the free undamped normal modes is seen to ensure that the linear and
angular momenta of the distortional motion vanishes. Consequently the elastic mo-
tions have no inertial coupling with the rigid-body motions except through the mo-
ments and products of inertia. However, it can be shown that this coupling is second-
order and negligible in the small-perturbationtheory. The determination of the shapes
and frequencies onof the normal modes is a major task, and the methods for finding
them are beyond the scope of this text. For treatises on this subject the reader should
refer to (Bisplinghoff et al., 1955; Fung, 1955). As indicated in (4.12,1), there are ac-
tually an infinite number of normal modes of vehicle structures. In practice, of
course, only a finite number N of those at the low-frequency end of the set need be
retained, and the summations in (4.12,l) are approximated by finite series of N terms.
Some judgment and experience is needed to decide just how many modes are needed
in any application, but a general rule that is helpful is to discard those whose frequen-
cies are substantially higher than the significant ones present in the spectral represen-
tation of inputs arising from control action or atmospheric turbulence.
generalized coordinates. The appropriate form of Lagrange's equation for this appli-
cation is
where T is the kinetic energy of the elastic motion relative to FB, U is the elastic
strain energy, and 9, is the generalized external force. Since the coordinates are mea-
sured in the frame F,, which is non-Newtonian by virtue of its general motion, an ap-
propriate modification must be made to the external force field acting on the system
when calculating the generalized force. This consists of adding to each element of
mass Sm an inertial body force equal to - a' Sm where a' is that part of the total ac-
celeration of Sm that arises from the acceleration and rotation of FB (see Appendix
Since normal modes have been chosen as the degrees of freedom, then the indi-
vidual equations of motion are independent of one another insofar as elastic and iner-
tia forces are concerned (this is a property of the normal modes), although the equa-
tions will be coupled through the aerodynamic contributions to the %'s. The lack of
elastic and inertia coupling permits the left-hand side of (4.12,3) to be evaluated by
considering only a single elastic degree of freedom to be excited. Let its generalized
coordinate be 6., The kinetic energy is given by
where the integration is over all elements of mass of the body. From (4.12,l) this be-
comes (with only E, excited)
The first term of (4.12,3) is therefore I,,€,, and the second term is zero.
The strain-energy term is conveniently evaluated in terms of the natural fre-
quency of the nth mode by applying Rayleigh's method. This uses the fact that, when
the system vibrates in an undamped normal mode, the maximum strain energy occurs
when all elements are simultaneously at the extreme position, and the kinetic energy
is zero. This maximum strain energy must be equal to the maximum kinetic energy
that occurs when all elements pass simultaneously through their equilibrium position,
where the strain energy is zero. Hence, if 6, = a sin o,t, then the maximum kinetic
energy is, from (4.12,5)
124 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
Since the stress-strain relation is assumed to be linear, the strain energy8 is a qua-
dratic function of en;that is, U = i k e . Hence
Umax= $ka2 = Tmax= $Inw;a2
It follows that k = Inw;, and that
U = 4znw;<
and hence aUlae,, = Inw;en.The left side of (4.12,3) is therefore as follows:
In€,, + Inw;en = %,, (4.12,6)
When structural damping is present, this simple form of uncoupled equation is
not exact but the changes in frequency and mode shape for small damping are not
large. Hence damping can be allowed for approximately by adding a damping term to
(4.12,6),that is,
€, + 2[,,wnin+ @;en= %,,/I, (4.12,7)
without changing wn or the mode-shape functions. The value of 5 is ordinarily less
than 0.1, and usually must be found by an experimental measurement on the actual
The generalized force is calculated from the work done during a virtual displacement,
where W is the work done by all the external forces, including the inertia forces asso-
ciated with nonuniform motion of the frame of reference. The inertia force field is
given by
d f i = -(af) d m (4.12,9)
where the components of the r.h.s. in FB are given by (A.6,8) without the terms (x,jj,
f).The work done by these forces in a virtual displacement of the structure is
where the integration is over the whole body. Introducing (4.12,l)this becomes
When the inertia-force expressions are linearized to small disturbances, and substi-
tuted into (4.12,10), all the remaining first-order terms contain integrals of the fol-
lowing types:
8For example, in a spring of stiffness k and stretch x, the strain energy is U = +kxZ.
4.12 Elastic Degrees of Freedom 125
The first of these is zero because the origin is the mass center, and the second is zero
because the angular momentum associated with the elastic mode vanishes. The net
result is that 9 , = 0. This result simply verifies what was stated above; that is, there
is no inertial coupling between the elastic and rigid-body degrees of freedom.
The remaining contribution to ?Pn is that of the aerodynamic forces. Let the local
normal-pressure perturbation at an element dS of the airplane's surface be p(x,, yo,
z,) and let the local outward normal be n(n,, n,, n,). Then the work done by the aero-
dynamic forces in a virtual displacement is
where the integral is over the whole surface of the airplane, and ( r - r,) is the vector
displacement at dS. It is given by
Each of the variables inside the integral is a function of (x,, yo, z,), i.e., of position on
the surface, and moreover, p is in the most general case a function of all the general-
ized coordinates, of their derivatives, and of the control-surface angles. The result is
that 9, is a linear function of all these variables, which may be expressed in terms of
a set of generalized aerodynamic derivatives (or alternatively aerodynamic transfer
functions), namely,
In application, only the important derivatives would be retained in any given case.
The values of the derivatives kept would be computed by application of (4.12,ll).An
example of this computation is given in Sec. 5.10.
The effects of structural dynamics on the stability and control equations can be incor-
porated by adding structural degrees of freedom based on free normal modes. For an
exact representation, an infinite number of such modes are required; however, in
126 Chapter 4. General Equations of Unsteady Motion
practice only a few of the lowest modes need be employed. The six rigid-body equa-
tions are altered only to the extent of additional aerodynamic terms of the type given
in (4.12,2). One additional equation is required for each elastic degree of freedom
(4.12,7). The generalized forces appearing in the added equations contain only aero-
dynamic contributions, which are computed from (4.12,ll) and expressed as in
4.13 Exercises
4.1 Prove that the angular momentum vector h of an airplane is the same whether or not
the wind vector W is zero.
4.2 Carry out the expansion of Phr to derive the result given in (4.3,6).
4.3 Carry out the multiplication of the three rotation matrices indicated in (4.4,2) to ob-
tain the result given in (4.4,3).
4.4 Derive (4.5,11) for the moments and product of inertia in frame F, when they are
given for principal axes.
4.5 Prove that when an airplane has spinning rotors, such as jet engines, the angular mo-
, mentum is given by (4.6,l). Derive the additional terms in the moment equations
given in (4.6,2).
1 4.6 Two airplanes are geometrically similar and have similar mass distributions. Airplane
I A has a span of 100 ft (30.48 m) and a weight of 100,000 Ib (445,000 N). B has 150-ft
(47.72 m) span and weighs 225,000 lb (1,001,250 N). Both fly at speeds low enough
to neglect Mach number effects, and high enough to neglect Reynolds number ef-
When flying at 400 knots and 20,000-ft (6,096-m) altitude, airplane B has a spi-
ral divergence (a lateral instability) that has a characteristic time of 20 seconds.
(a) At what speed and altitude will A be dynamically similar to B?
(b) What will be the characteristic time of the spiral divergence of A at that speed
and altitude?
(c) What is the ratio of the C, values for the two flight conditions?
4.7 Substitute the linear expressions for A 2 and AM into the right side of (4.9,7c) and
(4.9,8b) and solve the resulting equations to get the second and third components of
4.8 Derive the expressions given in Tables 4.4 and 4.5 for the derivatives X,, M,, Y,, Nu.
4.9 Let [ p , q , rEITbe the angular velocity of an airplane in frame F,. Find a set of equa-
tions that produces these components, given the body axis components [ p q rIT.
4.10 A hovercraft in ground effect is acted on by the following aerodynamic forces, ex-
pressed as body frame components:
Z = -mg + ZzzE
L = L,+; M = MOB; N = 0
4.14 Additional Symbols Zntroduced in Chapter 4 127
The body axes are principal axes, and the enginehotor angular momentum is
where W is assumed to be "small" and a known function of time. Derive the addi-
tional terms that would have to be added to the small-disturbance equations of mo-
tion (4.9,18) and (4.9,19).
4.12* An aircraft is performing a rolling pullup. At the instant of observation, the vehicle is
at the bottom of a vertical circle of 2000 ft (610 m) radius moving at a constant speed
of 500 fps (152 mls) with wings horizontal. (See Fig. 3.1). At the same time the roll
rate is constant at p = 90" s-I. Given that
Iy - I, = 300 slug ft2 (406 kg m2) and I, = 500 slug ft2 (677 kg m2)
determine the moments required at this time to perform this maneuver. Assume that
the axes are principal axes, with Cx horizontal. (You may assume constant Euler an-
gle rates and rC, = 0.)
'Since X and Z are the aerodynamic forces acting on the airplane, there are no weight components in
130 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Figure 5.1 Forces in symmetric flight.
where the subscript zero again indicates the reference flight condition, in which, with
stability axes, a, = 0. When the drag is given by a parabolic polar in the form CD =
C,,,,, + C ~ I T A then
Czu= - (CLu+ CD,) (5.23
C, will frequently be negligible compared to C,, and consequently Czu= - CLu.
= a(h - h,) (5.294)
For airplanes with positive pitch stiffness, h < h,, and Cmais negative.
Since the pitching moment is initially zero, then, so long as C,,, does not change with
u, it will remain zero. The situation is actually more complicated than this, for the
nondimensional coefficients are in general functions of Mach number and Reynolds
number, both of which increase with increasing u. The variation with Reynolds num-
ber is usually neglected, but the effect of Mach number must be included.
The thrust effect shows up in two different ways. One stems simply from the de-
rivative of thrust with speed, which depends on the type of propulsive system-jet,
propeller, and so forth. The other, related mainly to propeller configurations, derives
from the propulsion/airframe interaction, for example, the propeller slipstream im-
pinging on the wing. This is an important effect, and for some STOL airplanes, may
be dominant at low speeds.
Finally, the increased loading on the airframe due to the speed increase may in-
duce significant structural distortion. This is a static aeroelastic effect. For example,
the tail lift coefficient may be influenced appreciably by the loading (see Sec. 3.5).
An appropriate variable to use for aeroelastic effects is the dynamic pressure p, =
In order to formally include each of these three major effects, compressibility,
aeroelasticity, and propulsive, even though they would rarely all be present at the
same time, each of the coefficients C,, C,, Cm is assumed to be a function of M , p,,
and C , as well as angle of attack.
We then have
132 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Since C, = T I ~ ~ V ~ S
ac, - av
~ T I ~ U 2~
au ipv2s ipv3sau
In the reference flight condition V = uo and aVlau = 1, so
drag coefficients [see Fig. 5.1 and (5.1,1)]. Note that T, V, x are assumed to be colin-
ear, that is,
C, = C,, + C, sin 80 (5.3,lO)
so that
and hence
In level flight with the lift equal to the weight, MEC,, is constant, and hence
Mo(aCL/aM),is proportional to 1/(1 - Mg cos2 A). At supersonic speeds, the two-di-
mensional lift is given by Kuethe and Chow (1976)
4a cos A
c, = VM' cos2 A - 1
After differentiation with respect to M, we get exactly the same result as for subsonic
speeds. That is (5.3,13) applies over the whole Mach-number range, except of course
near M = 1 where the cited airfoil theories do not apply. Low-aspect-ratio wings are
less sensitive to changes in M.
Values of aC,/aM can be found from wind-tunnel tests on a rigid model. They are
largest at transonic speeds and are strongly dependent on the wing planform. The
main factor that contributes to this derivative is the backward shift of the wing center
of pressure that occurs in the transonic range. On two-dimensional symmetrical
wings, for example, the center of pressure moves from approximately 0 . 2 5 ~to ap-
proximately 0.50~ as the Mach number increases from subsonic to supersonic values.
Thus an increase in M in this range produces a diving-moment increment; that is, CmU
is negative. For wings of very low aspect ratio, the center of pressure movement is
much less, and the values of CmUare correspondingly smaller.
To find aC,lap, requires either an aeroelastic analysis or tests on a flexible
model. As an example of this phenomenon, let us consider an airplane with a tail and
a flexible fuselage.' We found in Sec. 3.5 that the tail lift coefficient is given by
'It is not meant to imply that fuselage bending is the only important aeroelastic contribution to CmU.
Distortion of the wing and tail may also be important.
5.4 The q Derivatives (Czq,Cmq) 135
When (5.3,15) is differentiated with respect topd and simplified, and the resulting ex-
pression is substituted into (5.3,16),we obtain the result
is [see (5.3,14)]
The corresponding contribution to CmU
All the factors in this expression are positive, except for C,,,, which may be of either
sign. The contribution of the tail to CmU may therefore be either positive or negative.
The tail pitching moment is usually positive at high speeds and negative at low
speeds. Therefore its contribution to CmU is usually negative at high speeds and posi-
tive at low speeds. Since the dynamic pressure occurs as a multiplying factor in
(5.3,18), then the aeroelastic effect on CmUgoes up with speed and down with altitude.
Figure 5.2 (a) Motion with zero q, but varying cu,. (b) Motion with zero axbut varying q.
136 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Both the wing and the tail are affected by the rotation, although, when the air-
plane has a tail, the wing contribution to CZqand Cmqis often negligible in compari-
son with that of the tail. In such cases it is common practice to increase the tail effect
by an arbitrary amount, of the order of lo%, to allow for the wing and body.
As illustrated in Fig. 5.3, the main effect of q on the tail is to increase its angle of at-
tack by (ql,lu,) radians, where u, is the flight speed. It is this change in a, that ac-
counts for the changed forces on the tail. The assumption is implicit in the following
derivations that the instantaneous forces on the tail correspond to its instantaneous
angle of attack; i.e., no account is taken of the fact that it takes a finite time for the
tail lift to build up to its steady-state value following a sudden change in q. ( A
method of including this refinement has been given by Tobak, 1954.) The derivatives
obtained are therefore quasistatic.
As previously remarked, on airplanes with tails the wing contributions to the q deriv-
atives are frequently negligible. However, if the wing is highly swept or of low aspect
ratio, it may have significant values of Czqand Cmq;and of course, on tailless air-
planes, the wing supplies the major contribution. The q derivatives of wings alone are
therefore of great engineering importance.
Unfortunately, no simple formulas can be given, because of the complicated de-
pendence on the wing planform and the Mach number. However, the following dis-
cussion of the physical aspects of the flow indicates how linearized wing theory can
be applied to the problem. Consider a plane lifting surface, at zero ax,with forward
speed u, and angular velocity q about a spanwise axis (see Fig. 5.4). Each point in
the wing has a velocity component, relative to the resting atmosphere, of qx normal
to the surface. This velocity distribution is shown in the figure for the central and tip
chords. Now there is an equivalent cambered wing that would have the identical dis-
tribution of velocities normal to its surface when in rectilinear translation at speed u,.
This is illustrated in Fig. 5 . 5 ~ The
. cross section of the curved surface S is shown in
(b). The normal velocity distribution will be the same as in Fig. 5.4 if
138 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
and the cross section of S is a parabolic arc. In linearized wing theory, both subsonic
and supersonic, the boundary condition is the same for the original plane wing with
rotation q and the equivalent curved wing in rectilinear flight. The problem of finding
the q derivatives then is reduced to that of finding the pressure distribution over the
equivalent cambered wing. Because of the form of ( 5 . 4 3 , the pressures are propor-
tional to qlu,. From the pressure distribution, C , and Cmycan be calculated. The de-
rivatives can in principle also be found by experiment, by testing a model of the
equivalent wing.
The values obtained by this approach are quasistatic; i.e., they are steady-state
values corresponding to ax = 0 and a small constant value of q. This implies that the
flight path is a circle (as in Fig. 3.1), and hence that the vortex wake is not rectilinear.
Now both the linearized theory and the wind-tunnel measurement apply to a straight
wake, and to this extent are approximate. Since the values of the derivatives obtained
are in the end applied to arbitrary flight paths, as in Fig. 5.2b, there is little point in
correcting them for the curvature of the wake.
The error involved in the application of the quasistatic derivatives to unsteady
flight is not as great as might be expected. It has been shown that, when the flight
path is a sine wave, the quasistatic derivatives apply so long as the reduced frequency
is small, that is,
so that the condition k < 1 implies that the wavelength must be long compared to the
chord, for example, 1 > 60C for k < 0.05.
5.4 The q Derivatives (CZq,Cmq) 139
Figure 5.5 The equivalent cambered wing.
Because the axis of rotation in Fig. 5.5, passes through the CG, the results obtained
are dependent on h. The nature of this variation is found as follows. Let the axis of
rotation be at A in Fig. 5.6, and let the associated lift and moment be
Now let the axis of rotation be moved to B, with the change in normal velocity distri-
bution shown on the figure. Since the two normal velocity distributions differ by a
constant, (the upward translation qZ; Ah) the difference between the two pressure dis-
tributions is that associated with a flat plate at angle of attack
This angle of attack introduces a lift increment acting at the wing mean aerodynamic
center of amount
140 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
' ~orrnalvelocity B
Figure 5.6 Effect of CG location on Czy,Cmy.
that is,
Equation (5.4,14) shows that Cmyis quadratic in h. We can write it without loss of
generality as
where cmq
is the maximum (least negative) value of Cmqand h is the CG location
where it occurs (see Fig. 5.6b). The value of h is found by differentiating (5.4,14).
This yields
5.5 The c i Derivatives (C,-_,
C,,) 141
The linear theory of two-dimensional thin wings gives for supersonic flow:
h0 = h = l
Consider a wing in horizontal flight at zero a. Let it be subjected to a downward im-
pulse, so that it suddenly acquires a constant downward velocity component. Then, as
shown in Fig. 5.7, its angle of attack undergoes a step increase. The lift then responds
in a transient manner (the indicia1 response) the form of which depends on whether
M is greater or less than 1. In subsonic flight, the vortices which the wing leaves be-
hind it can influence it at all future times, so that the steady state is approached only
asymptotically. In supersonic flight, the upstream traveling disturbances move more
slowly than the wing, so that it outstrips the disturbance field of the initial impulse in
a finite time t,. From that time on the lift remains constant.
In order to find the lift associated with &, let us consider the motion of an airfoil
with a small constant ff, but with q = 0. The motion, and the angle of attack, are
142 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
I ./ Steady-state value
0 t1
- "
Figure 5.7 Lift response to step change in a.(After Tobak, NACA Rept. 1188.)
shown in Fig. 5.8. The method used follows that introduced by Tobak (1954). We as-
sume that the differential equation which relates CL(I) with a(f) is linear. Hence the
method of superposition (the convolution integral) may be used to derive the re-
sponse to a linear a(t). Let the response to a unit step be A@).Then the lift coefficient
at time I is (see Appendix A.3).
= CLcza
- S& (5.52)
where S ( f ) = S=:, f ( f - T ) d ~The
. term S & is shown on Fig. 5.8. Now, if the idea of
representing the lift by means of aerodynamic derivatives is to be valid, we must be
able to write, for the motion in question,
C L ( f )= C L U a ( f ) CL,& (5.5,3)
144 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
where CLeand C,, are constants. Comparing (5.5,2) and (5.5,3), we find that CL, =
-S(t^), a function of time. Hence, during the initial part of the motion, the derivative
concept is invalid. However, for all finite wings? the area S ( t ) converges to a finite
value as t^ increases indefinitely. In fact, for supersonic wings, S reaches its limiting
value in a finite time, as is evident from Fig. 5.7. Thus (5.5,3) is valid? with constant
C,, for values of t^ greater than a certain minimum. This minimum is not large, being
the time required for the wing to travel a few chord lengths. In the time range where
S is constant, or differs only infinitesimally from its asymptotic value, the C,(i) curve
~ parallel to CLaa . A similar situation exists with respect to C,.
of Fig. 5 . 8 is
We see from Fig. 5.8 that C,,, which is the lim - S(t^),can be positive for M = 0
and negative for larger values of M.
There is a second useful approach to the ci derivatives, and that is via considera-
tion of oscillating wings. This method has been widely used experimentally, and ex-
tensive treatments of wings in oscillatory motion are available in the l i t e r a t ~ r epri-
marily in relation to flutter problems. Because of the time lag previously noted, the
amplitude and phase of the oscillatory lift will be different from the quasisteady val-
ues. Let us represent the periodic angle of attack and lift coefficient by the complex
(Y = ffoeimt and CL = CLoei" (5.5941
where a. is the amplitude (real) of a , and C,, is a complex number such that is Ic~I
the amplitude of the CLresponse, and arg C,, is its phase angle. The relation between
Ch and a , appropriate to the low frequencies characteristic of dynamic stability is il-
lustrated in Fig. 5.9. In terms of these vectors, we may derive the value of CL, as fol-
lows. The ci vector is
3For two-dimensional incompressible flow, the area S ( i ) diverges as r + m. That is, the derivative
concept is definitely not applicable to that case.
4Exactly for supersonic wings, and approximately for subsonic wings.
'See bibliography.
5.5 The dr Derivatives (C,_, C,) 145
or, if the amplitude a, is unity, C,, = I[C,]lk, where k is the reduced frequency
To assist in forming a physical picture of the behavior of a wing under these con-
ditions, we give here the results for a two-dimen~ional,~ airfoil in incompressible
flow. The motion of the airfoil is a plunging oscillation; that is, it is like that shown in
Fig. 5.2a, except that the flight path is a sine wave. The instantaneous lift on the air-
foil is given in two parts (see Fig. 5.10):
and F(k) and G(k) are the real and imaginary parts of the Theodorsen function C(k)
plotted in Fig. 5.11 (Theodorsen, 1934). The lift that acts at the midchord is propor-
tional to iu = zlu,, where z is the translation (vertically downward) of the airfoil. That
is, it represents a force opposing the downward acceleration of the airfoil. This force
is exactly that which is required to impart an acceleration z to a mass of air contained
in a cylinder, the diameter of which equals the chord c. This is known as the "appar-
ent additional mass." It is as though the mass of the airfoil were increased by this
amount. Except in cases of very low relative density p = 2mlpSF, this added mass is
small compared to that of the airplane itself, and hence the force C,, is relatively
unimportant. Physically, the origin of this force is in the reaction of the air which is
associated with its downward acceleration. The other component, CL,, which acts at
the chord point, is associated with the circulation around the airfoil, and is a conse-
quence of the imposition of the Kutta-Joukowski condition at the trailing edge. It is
seen that it contains one term proportional to a and another proportional to iu. From
Fig. 5.10, the pitching-moment coefficient about the CG is obtained as
'Rodden and Giesing (1970) have extended and generalized this method. In particular they give re-
sults for finite wings.
146 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Reduced frequency, k
Reduced frequency, k
Figure 5.11 The Theodorsen function.
From [(5.5,6) and (5.5,7)], the following derivatives are found for frequency k.
The awkward situation is evident, from (5.5.8), that the derivatives are frequency-de-
pendent. That is, in free oscillations one does not know the value of the derivative un-
til the solution to the motion (i.e. the frequency) is known. In cases of forced oscilla-
tions at a given frequency, this difficulty is not present.
When dealing with the rigid-body motions of flight vehicles, the characteristic
nondimensional frequencies k are usually small, k 4 1. Hence it is reasonable to use
the F(k) and G(k) corresponding to k += 0. For the two-dimensional incompressible
case described above, lim F(k) = 1, so that CLa= 27-r and Cma= 27T(h - t), the theo-
retical steady-flow valik; This conclusion, that CLaand Cmnare the quasistatic values,
also holds for finite wings at all Mach numbers. The results for CLaand C,, are not
so clear, however, since lim G(k)lk given above is infinite. This singularity is marked
for the example of two-dimensional flow given above, but is not evident for finite
wings at moderate aspect ratio. Miles (1950) indicates that the k log k term responsi-
5.5 The dv Derivatives (CLU,C,,) 147
ble for the singularity is not significant for aspect ratios less than 10, and the numeri-
cal calculations of Rodden and Giesing (1970) show no difficulty at values of k as
low as 0.001. Filotas' (1971) solutions for finite wings bear out Miles' contention.
Thus for finite wings definite values of C,, and C,, can be associated with small but
nonvanishing values of k. The limiting values described above can be obtained from a
first-order-in-frequency analysis of an oscillating wing. To summarize, the c i deriva-
tives of a wing alone may be computed from the indicia1 response of lift and pitching
moment, or from first-order-in-frequency analysis of harmonically plunging wings.
There is an approximate method for evaluating the contributions of a tail surface,
which is satisfactory in many cases. This is based on the concept of the lag of the
downwash. It neglects entirely the nonstationary character of the lift response of the
tail to changes in tail angle of attack, and attributes the result entirely to the fact that
the downwash at the tail does not respond instantaneously to changes in wing angle
of attack. The downwash is assumed to be dependent primarily on the strength of the
wing's trailing vortices in the neighborhood of the tail. Since the vorticity is con-
vected with the stream, then a change in the circulation at the wing will not be felt as
a change in downwash at the tail until a time At = l,lu, has elapsed, where 1, is the
tail length. It is therefore assumed that the instantaneous downwash at the tail, ~ ( t ) ,
corresponds to the wing a at time ( t - At). The corrections to the quasistatic down-
wash and tail angle of attack are therefore
C,, of a Tail
The correction to the tail lift coefficient for the downwash lag is
148 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
C, of a Tail
The correction to the pitching moment is obtained from AC,, as
The most troublesome component of this equation is the sidewash derivative aalap,
which is difficult to estimate because of its dependence on the wing and fuselage
geometry (see Sec. 3.9).
where a, is the lift-curve slope of the vertical tail. The incremental side force on the
airplane is then given by
shown in Fig. 5.14. [Actually, for finite span wings, there is an additional induced an-
gle of attack distribution a,(y) due to the vortex wake that modifies the net sectional
value still further. We neglect this correction here in the interest of making the main
point.] When this happens IC,~P~is reduced in magnitude from the linear value and if
a,(O) is large enough, will even change sign. When this happens, the wing will au-
torotate, the main characteristic of spinning flight.
g v t a l l e d portion
of wing
0 ad-$)aw(~) ad)) *
Net section angle of attack
Figure 5.14 Reduction of C,pdue to wing stall.
152 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Figure 5.15 Inclination of C, vector due to rolling.
left side, combining to produce a positive (nose-right) yawing moment. The second
wing effect is associated with the fore-and-aft inclination of the lift vector caused by
the rolling in subsonic flight and in supersonic flight when the leading edge is sub-
sonic. It depends on the leading-edge suction. The physical situation is illustrated in
Fig. 5.15. The directions of motion of two typical wing elements are shown inclined
by the angles ? 6 = pylu, from the direction of the vector u,. Since the local lift is
perpendicular to the local relative wind, then the lift vector on the right half of the
wing is inclined forward, and that on the left half backward. The result is a negative
yawing couple, proportional to the product C,B. If the wing leading edges are super-
sonic, then the leading-edge suction is not present, and the local force remains nor-
mal to the surface. The increased angle of attack on the right side causes an increase
in this normal force there, while the opposite happens on the left side. The result is a
positive yawing couple proportional to j3.
The tail contribution to Cnpis easily found from the tail side force given previ-
ously (5.7,2). The incremental C, is given by
Figure 5.16 Velocity field due to yawing. A% = velocity vector due to rate of yaw r.
154 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
This is another important cross derivative; the rolling moment due to yawing. The in-
crease in lift on the left wing, and the decrease on the right wing combine to produce
a positive rolling moment proportional to the original lift coefficient C,. Hence this
derivative is largest at low speed. Aspect ratio, taper ratio, and sweepback are all im-
portant parameters.
When the vertical tail is large, its contribution may be significant. A formula for
it can be derived in the same way as for the previous tail contributions, with the result
12 2 I2 -, z
m "
-? %-I
+g ; . 2*I
m m
GI u"
m m
' -&
i" 212
m m + - 5
a s N
' I *
m m
m m
., ;.lz g
m m
"4, $ 9
1 0 "
m m
;; a .a ~W
156 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
Table 5.2
Summary-Lateral Derivatives
CY c, C"
S, zF 1, au
*means contribution of the tail only, formula for wing-body not available; V,/V = 1.
N.A. means no formula available.
For the generalized coordinate, we have used the wing-tip deflection .,2 h(Y) is then a
normalized function describing the wing bending mode.
Since the elastic degrees of freedom are only important in relation to stability
and control when their frequencies are relatively low, approaching those of the rigid-
body modes, then it is reasonable to use the same approximation for the aerodynamic
forces as is used in calculating stability derivatives. That is, if quasisteady flow the-
ory is adequate for the aerodynamic forces associated with the rigid-body motions,
then we may use the same theory for the elastic motions.
In the example chosen, we assume that the only significant forces are those on
the wing and tail, and that these are to be computed from quasisteady flow theory. In
the light of these assumptions, some of the representative derivatives of both types
are discussed below. As a preliminary, the forces induced on the wing and tail by the
elastic motion are treated first.
Aa, =
h(O)i,/u, - -iT
and hence
158 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
and using axin place of w (w = u,cu,). Then the appropriate nondimensional deriva-
tive is C,o.
Let the wing lift distribution due to a perturbation a in the angle of attack (con-
stant across the span) be given by CIaQ)a. Then in a virtual displacement in the wing
bending mode $ , the work done by this wing loading is
and to C,- is
The tail also contributes to this derivative, for the tail lift associated with a is
and the work done by this force during the virtual displacement is
-ata ( I):
1 - - - pu;S,h(O) Sz,
and to Cgais
The total value of Cgois then the sum of 5.10,6 and 5.10,7.
bution above by the local lift coefficient C;(y)i,lu,. As in the case of the derivative
An, above, the work done by this loading is calculated, with the result that the wing
Likewise, the contribution of the tail is calculated here as for A,,, and is found to be
The total value of aC,la(i,lu,) is then the sum of 5.10,8 and 5.10,9.
5.11 Exercises
contains the term M, - Estimate the magnitude of this term
5.1 The derivative CzL,
for an airplane with wing loading 70 psf (3,352 Pa) flying at 20,000 ft (6,096 m) alti-
tude, for Mach numbers between 0.2 and 0.8. The following data pertain to the wing:
Sweep chord) A = 30"
S = 5,500 ft2 ( 5 11.0 m2)
Plot the result vs. M,. Calculate the contribution this term makes to Z, and plot this
as well. (Compare with Z, for the B747 from Table 6.2, and comment).
5.2 A wind-tunnel model is mounted with one degree of freedom-pivoted so that it can
only rotate about the y-axis of the body frame, which is perpendicular to the relative
wind. It is elastically restrained with a pitching moment M = -kO. Show how the
sum (Cmc,+ Cma)can be estimated from experiments in which the model is free to os-
cillate in pitch with wind on and off. Assume M , can be neglected with the wind off
and Z, and ZG can be neglected.
5.3 Consider the windlfin system of Fig. 5.16, with the following properties:
Wing: A = 5; h = 0.5; A,, = 30"; r variable
Fin: a, = 3.5 rad-I; 1,lb = 0.5; zFlb = 0.1; VVvariable; aulap
Estimate values of the stability derivatives (for haw,= h and L/D = 12)
at C,, = 1 .O. Plot the spiral stability boundary for horizontal flight:
E = C,,Cnr - ClrCnO= 0
[see (6.8,6) with O,, = 01 in the plane of V , vs. I'. (Make any reasonable assumptions
you need to supplement the given data).
5.4 A jet airplane has a thrust line that passes above the CG by a distance equal to 10%
of the M.A.C. With the assumption aTlau = 0, estimate the increment thus caused in
~ m , ;
160 Chapter 5. The Stability Derivatives
5.5 Find Cnpdue to the tilting of the lift vector for a wing with an elliptic lift distribution
l2 4y2
i.e., a wing with lift per unit span 16)which obeys - + - = 1 . Assume that the
a2 b2
tilt angle is small. Express Cnpin terms of CL,the lift coefficient of the wing when it is
not rolling.
5.6 Assume that Figs. 5.7 and 5.8 are experimental measurements. Select an analytic
function CLstep(t)that can represent Fig. 5.7 (M = 0 case). Find the corresponding
transfer function relating CL to a. Use this transfer function to generate a function of
time corresponding to Fig. 5.8b and demonstrate that it has the desired form.
Stability of Uncontrolled
The preceding chapters have been to some extent simply the preparation for what fol-
lows in this and the succeeding two chapters, that is, a treatment of the uncontrolled
and controlled motions of an airplane. The system model was developed in Chap. 4 ,
and the aerodynamic ingredients were described in Chaps. 2, 3, and 5. In this chapter
we tackle first the simplest of these cases, the uncontrolled motion, that is, the motion
when all the controls are locked in position. An airplane in steady flight may be sub-
jected to a momentary disturbance by a nonuniform or nonstationary atmosphere, or
by movements of passengers, release of stores, and so forth. In this circumstance
some of the questions to be answered are, "What is the character of the motion fol-
lowing the cessation of the disturbance? Does it subside or increase? If it subsides
what is the final flight path?'The stability of small disturbances from steady flight is
an extremely important property of aircraft-first, because steady flight conditions
make up most of the flight time of airplanes, and second, because the disturbances in
this condition must be small for a satisfactory vehicle. If they were not it would be
unacceptable for either commercial or military use. The required dynamic behavior is
ensured by design-by making the small-disturbance properties of concern (the nat-
ural modes) such that either human or automatic control can keep the disturbances to
an acceptably small level. Finally the small-disturbance model is actually valid for
disturbance magnitudes that seem quite violent to human occupants.
Ax, = Ax,
(A - AI)x, = 0
where I is the identity matrix. Since the scalar expansion of (6.1,5) is a system of N
homogeneous equations (zeros on the right-hand side) then there is a nonzero solu-
tion for x, only when the system determinant vanishes, that is, when
det (A - AI) = 0 (6.1,6)
The determinant in (6.1,6) is the characteristic determinant of the system. When ex-
panded, the result is a polynomial in A of degree N, the characteristic polynomial,
and the Nth degree algebraic equation (6.1,6) is the characteristic equation of the
system. Since the equation is of the Nth degree it has in general N roots A, some real
and some occurring in conjugate complex pairs. Corresponding to each real eigen-
value A is a real eigenvector x,, and to each complex pair hi and A; there corresponds
a conjugate complex pair of eigenvectors x, and x:. Since any one of the A's can pro-
vide a solution to (6.1,2) and since the equation is linear, the most general solution is
a sum of all the corresponding x(t) of (6.1,3), that is,
Each of the solutions described by (6.1,3) is called a natural mode, and the general
solution (6.1,7) is a sum of all the modes. A typical variable, say w, would, according
to (6.1,7) have the form
where the ai would be fixed by the initial conditions. The pair of terms corresponding
to a conjugate pair of eigenvalues
Figure 6.1 Types of solution. ( a ) A real, positive. (b) A real, negative. ( c ) A complex, n > 0. (d) A
complex, n < 0.
ties of an airplane (see Chap. 1). These are dependent on the quantitative as well as
on the qualitative characteristics of the modes. The numerical parameters of primary
interest are
1. Period. T = -
2. Time to double or time to half.
3. Cycles to double (N,,,,,,) or cycles to half (N,,,,,).
The first two of these are illustrated in Fig. 6.1. When the roots are real, there is of
course no period, and the only parameter is the time to double or half. These are the
times that must elapse during which any disturbance quantity will double or halve it-
self, respectively. When the modes are oscillatory, it is the envelope ordinate that
doubles or halves. Since the envelope may be regarded as an amplitude modulation,
164 Chapter 6. Stability of UncontrolledMotion
then we may think of the doubling or halving as applied to the variable amplitude. By
noting that log, 2 = -log, $ = 0.693, the reader will easily verify the following rela-
F,BE. The necessary and sufficient conditions for these test functions to be positive
A, B, D, E > 0
R = D(BC - AD) - B2E > 0 (6.1,14)
It follows that C also must be positive. The quantity on the left-hand side of (6.1,14)
is commonly known as Routh 's discriminant.
Duncan (1952) has shown that the vanishing of E and of R represent significant
critical cases. If the airplane is stable, and some design parameter is then varied in
such a way as to lead to instability, then the following conditions hold:
1. If only E changes from to -, then one real root changes from negative to
positive; that is, one divergence appears in the solution (see Fig. 6. la).
2. If only R changes from + to -, then the real part of one complex pair of roots
changes from negative to positive; that is, one divergent oscillation appears in
the solution (see Fig. 6. lc).
Thus the conditions E = 0 and R = 0 define boundaries between stability and in-
stability. The former is the boundary between stability and static instability, and the
latter is the boundary between stability and a divergent oscillation. These stability
boundaries are very useful for certain analytical purposes. We shall in particular
make use of the E = 0 boundary.
The preceding four inertias are for stability axes at the stated flight condition. In the
numerical examples of this and the following two chapters, the system matrices and
the solutions are all given in English units. The nondimensional stability derivatives
166 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
Table 6.1
Nondimensional Derivatives-B747 Airplane
cx cz c m
are given in Table 6.1, and the dimensional derivatives in Table 6.2. With the above
data we calculate the system matrix A for this case. (Recall that the state vector is
[Au w q A0lT).
-0.006868 0.01395
-0.09055 -0.315 1 773.98
0.0001 187 -0.001026 -0.4285 0
0 0 1 0
The characteristic equation (6.1,6) is next calculated to be:
so that there are no unstable modes.
The roots of the characteristic equation (6.2,2), the eigenvalues, are
Mode 1 (Phugoid mode): A,,, = -0.003289 2 0.067231'
Mode 2 (Short-period mode): A,, = -0.3719 -+ 0.88751'
We see that the natural modes are two damped oscillations, one of long period and
lightly damped, the other of short period and heavily damped. This result is quite typ-
Table 6.2
Dimensional DerivativeeB747 Airplane
6.2 Longitudinal Modes of a Jet Transport 167
Table 6.3
Period thdf Nhay
Mode Name (s) (s) (cycles)
"The phugoid mode was first described by Lanchester (l908), who also named it. The name
comes from the Greek root forpee as infugitive. Actually Lanchester wanted the root for
fly. Appropriate or not, the word phugoid has become established in aeronautical jargon.
ical. The modes are conventionally named as in Table 6.3, which also gives their peri-
ods and damping. The transient behavior of the state variables in these two modes is
displayed in Fig. 6.2.
The eigenvectors corresponding to the above modes are given in Table 6.4. They are
for the nondimensionable variables, in polar form, the values given corresponding to
n + iw. Eigenvectors are arbitrary to within a complex factor, so it is only the relative
values of the state variables that are significant. We have therefore factored them to
8 747 Phugo~dmode
Figure 6.2 Characteristic transients. ( a )Phugoid mode. (b)Short-period (pitching)mode.
168 Chapter 6. Stability of UncontrolledMotion
Table 6.4
Eigenvectors (polar form)
Phugoid Short-Period
make A0 equal to unity, as displayed in the Argand diagram of Fig. 6.3. As we have
chosen the positive value of w , the diagrams can be imagined to be rotating counter-
clockwise and shrinking, with their projections on the real axis being the real values
of the variables.
The phugoid is seen to be a motion in which the pitch rate 4 and the angle of at-
tack change a are very small, but Ali and A0 are present with significant magnitude.
The speed leads A0 by about 90" in phase.
The short-period mode, by contrast, is one in which there is negligible speed
variation, while the angle of attack oscillates with an amplitude and phase not much
different from that of AO. This mode behaves like one with only two degrees of free-
dom, A0 and a.
a = 2 = 0.036
q^ = 0.001 2 \ (not visible)
$ = 0.017 A$ = 0.029
(not visible) (not vls~ble)
Figure 6.3 ( a )Vector diagram of phugoid mode. ( b )Vector diagram of short-period mode.
where Re denotes the real part of the complex number in the square brackets. For the
numerical data of the above example (6.2,6) has been used to calculate the flight
paths in the two modes, plotted in Fig. 6.4. The nonzero initial conditions are arbi-
trary, and the trajectories for both modes asymptote to the steady reference flight
path. Figure 6.4 shows that the phugoid is an undulating flight of very long wave-
length. The mode diagram, Fig. 6 . 3 shows
~ that the speed leads the pitch angle by
about 90°, from which we can infer that u is largest near the bottom of the wave and
least near the top. This variation in speed results in different distances being traversed
170 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
1,000 1 I I
2,000 4,000 6.000
x, ft
Figure 6.4 (a) Phugoid flight path (fixed reference frame). (b)Phugoid flight path (moving
reference frame). ( c ) Short-period flight path.
. larger am-
during the upper and lower halves of the cycle, as shown in Fig. 6 . 4 ~For
plitude oscillations, this lack of symmetry in the oscillation becomes much more pro-
nounced (although the linear theory then fails to describe it accurately) until ulti-
mately the upper part becomes first a cusp and then a loop (see Miele, 1962, p. 273).
The motion (see Sec. 6.3) is approximately one of constant total energy, the rising
6.3 Approximate Equations for the Longitudinal Modes 171
and falling corresponding to an exchange between kinetic and potential energy. Fig-
ure 6.4b shows the phugoid motion relative to axes moving at the reference speed u,.
This is the relative path that would be seen by an observer flying alongside at speed
Figure 6 . 4 ~shows the path for the short-period mode. The disturbance is rapidly
damped. The transient has virtually disappeared within 3000 ft of flight, even though
the initial A a and A 8 were very large. The deviation of the path from a straight line is
small, the principal feature of the motion being the rapid rotation in pitch.
Lanchester's original solution (Lanchester, 1908) for the phugoid used the assump-
tions that a, = 0, A a = 0 and T - D = 0 (see Fig. 2.1). It follows that there is no net
aerodynamic force tangent to the flight path, and hence no work done on the vehicle
except by gravity. The motion is then one of constant total energy, as suggested previ-
ously. This simplification makes it possible to treat the most general case with large
disturbances in speed and flight-path angle (see Miele, 1962, p. 271 et seq.) Here we
content ourselves with a treatment of only the corresponding small-disturbance case,
for comparison with the exact numerical result given earlier. The energy condition is
E = $mV2 - mgz, = const
v2= u; + 2gzE
where the origin of F E is so chosen that V = uo when z, = 0. With cr constant, and in
addition neglecting the effect of q on C,, then C, is constant at the value for steady
horizontal flight, that is, C, = C, = C, and L = cW0$pV2Sor, in view of (6.3,1),
Thus the lift is seen to vary linearly with the height in such a manner as always to
drive the vehicle back to its reference height, the "spring constant" being
when uo is in fps, a beautifully simple result, suggesting that the phugoid period de-
pends only on the speed of flight, and not at all on the airplane or the altitude! This
6.3 Approximate Equations for the Longitudinal Modes 173
elegant result is not only of historical interest-it actually gives a reasonable approxi-
mation to the phugoid period of rigid airplanes at speeds below the onset of signifi-
cant compressibility effects. Thus for the B747 example, the Lanchester approxima-
tion gives T = 107s, a value not very far from the true 93s. It is possible to get an
even better approximation, one that gives an estimate of the damping as well. Be-
cause q is approximately zero in this mode, we can infer that the pitching moment is
approximately zero-that the airplane is in quasistatic pitch equilibrium during the
motion. Moreover the pitching moment can reasonably be simplified in these circum-
stances by keeping only the first two terms on the right side of (4.9,17e). Because q
and w are both relatively small we further neglect Z, and ZGas well. On making these
simplifications to (4.9,18) and setting Af, = 0 and 8, = 0 we get the reduced system
of equations:
These equations are not in the canonical form x = Ax, but we can still get the charac-
teristic equation by substituting x = x,,eA'and factoring out the exponential. The re-
sult is
from which
When Zu from Table 4.4 with C,,, = 0 is substituted into (6.3,12) we find (see Exer-
cise 6.1) that T,, = 2 d w , is exactly the Lanchester period (6.3,5). Moreover if we
make the further assumption that the airplane is a jet with constant thrust (aTlau, =
0 ) we find the damping ratio to be
that is, it is simply the inverse of the U D ratio of the airplane. In fact the approxima-
tion for the period is good over the whole range of CmU, whereas that for the damping
is poor for large positive C,". For the example airplane the above approximation
gives = 0.066, compared with the exact value 0.049.
Figure 6.3b shows that the short-period mode is essentially one with two degrees of
freedom, the speed being substantially constant while the airplane pitches relatively
rapidly. We can therefore arrive at approximate system equations by neglecting the
X-force equation entirely and putting Au = 0. Examination of the magnitudes of the
terms in the numerical example shows that ZG is small compared to m and Zq is small
compared to mu,. The result after simplifying (4.9,18) with 80 = 0 is a pair of equa-
tions for w and q.
When converted with the aid of Tables 4.1 and 4.4, (6.3,14) becomes
h2+gh+c=o (a)
1 CCn
c =- -
t*2f, (cma - A)
c m
When the data for the B747 is substituted into (6.3,15) the result obtained is
h2 + 0.741A + 0.9281 = 0
with roots h = -0.371 +- 0.889
which are seen to be almost the same as those in (6.2,3) obtained from the complete
matrix equation. The short-period approximation is actually very good for a wide
range of vehicle characteristics and flight conditions.
E = p (ZuMw - MuZ,) (6.42)
Since g, rn and I, are all positive, the criterion for static stability is
Z,M, - M,Z, > 0. (6.43)
When converted to nondimensional form, this becomes
Cma(Czu- 2Cw0) - Cm,,Czu (6.4,4)
When there are no speed effects, that is, Czuand CmUare both zero, then the criterion
does indeed reduce to the simple CmU< 0.
We now compare the above criterion for stability with the trim slope (2.4,24). In
making this comparison, we must take note of a minor difference in basic assump-
tions. In the preceding development, it was specifically assumed that the thrust vector
rotates with the vehicle when CY is changed [see (5.1,1)]. In the development leading
176 Chapter 6. Stability of UncontrolledMotion
On comparing (6.4,9) with (6.4,4), with the same caveats as for the trim slope, we see
that the static stability criterion is
6.5 Effect of Flight Condition on the Longitudinal Modes of a Subsonic Jet Transport 177
provided that dC,ldC, is calculated with the constraints A6, = A6, = q = 0 and L =
W. [The quantity on the left side of (6.4,9) is sometimes referred to as speed stability
in the U S A , by contrast with "angle of attack" stability. In Great Britain, this term
usually has a different meaning, as in Sec. 8.5.1
On using the definition of h, given in (2.4,26) we find from (6.4,9) that
that is, that it is proportional to the "stability margin," and when CLu 2CL,, is equal
to it.
Mach number
( a )Phugoid mode
2t Period (s)
01 I 1 I I I
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mach number
(b)Short-period mode
Figure 6.5 Variation of longitudinal modes with speed and altitude. (a)Phugoid mode. (b) Short-
period mode.
6.5 Effect of Flight Condition on the Longitudinal Modes of a Subsonic Jet Transport 179
0 @ B 747 example
,Lanchester approx.
( b )Damplng
Figure 6.6 Effect of C,,, on the phugoid mode. ( a ) Period. (b)Damping.
180 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
condition. Thus at this point the airplane would be very close to the static stability
boundary, at which the period would go asymptotically to m.
In (6.5,l) there are three new derivatives with respect to .,2 Consider Z, first:
It is reasonable to neglect the variation of C, with p, and the density varies exponen-
tially with height,2 so that
where K is constant over a sufficient range of altitude for a linear analysis. It follows
The result is a rather simple elaboration of the original matrix equation. To get an es-
timate of the order of magnitude of the density gradient effect, it is convenient to re-
turn to the Lanchester approximation to the phugoid, and modify it to suit.
In Sec. 6.3 we saw that with this approximation, there is a vertical "spring stiff-
ness" k given by (6.3,3) that governs the period. When the density varies there is a
second "stiffness" k' resulting from the fact that the increased density when the vehi-
cle is below its reference altitude increases the lift, and vice versa. This incremental
lift associated with a density change is
so that
so that the period, when there is a density gradient, is T' = FT. With the given values
of k and kt this becomes
in which the principal variable is seen to be the speed. Using a representative value
for K of 4.2 X (6.5,8) gives a reduction in the phugoid period of 18% for the ex-
ample airplane at 774 fps. This is seen to be a very substantial effect. If the full sys-
182 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
0 1 I I I I 10
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Static margin, K,,
Figure 6.7 Variation of period and damping of phugoid mode with static margin.
tem model (6.5,l)is used, comparable effects can be found on the damping of the
phugoid as well.
It was indicated in Chap. 2 that the single most important aerodynamic characteristic
for longitudinal stability is the pitch stiffness Cma,and that it varies strongly with the
CG position, that is,
where the static margin is K,, = h, - h. The effect of this parameter is demonstrated
by using (4.9,18) with variable K,. The results, with all the other numerical data iden-
tical with that in Sec. 6.2,are shown in Figs. 6.7-6.9.Figure 6.7 shows that the
phugoid period and damping vary rapidly at low static margin and that the approxi-
mation (6.3,10) is useful mainly at large K,,. Figure 6.8 shows the variation of the
Static margin, K,
Figure 6.8 Variation of period and damping of short-period mode with static margin.
Root locus
.40 -
0 0 04
.30 - O s c ~ l l a t ~ obranch
Static margin
/,hn - h,
.20 - 0 0 02
"7 .lo- I\
.-- --
0 -0.02
- 10 - Subs~dence -0.07
-.20 - 0 0.02
-.30 -
0 0.04
-.40 -
-.50 I I I 1 1 1 I
Figure 6.9 (a) Locus of short-period roots, varying static margin. (b) Locus of phugoid roots.
varying static margin. (c) Locus of phugoid roots, varying static margin, Mu = 0.
184 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
short-period roots. These, too, vary strongly with pitch stiffness, the mode becoming
nonoscillatory at a static margin near zero. The approximation (6.3,15) is excellent
over the whole oscillatory range.
Important additional insight into these modes is obtained by examining the root
loci obtained by varying the static margin. These are shown in Fig. 6.9. Figure 6 . 9 ~
shows that the damping, n, of the short-period mode remains virtually constant with
decreasing K,, while the frequency, w, decreases to zero at point A where the locus
splits into two real roots, branches AB and AC of the locus. These of course represent
nonperiodic modes or subsidences. Figure 6.9b displays the much more complex be-
havior of the phugoid. With reducing static margin (rearward movement of the CG)
this mode becomes unstable at point D. At (totally unrealistic!) negative static margin
beyond -0.1, a new stable oscillation has reappeared. However, it is accompanied by
a catastrophic positive real root far to the right.
The importance of the Mu derivative was shown earlier. It is again displayed in
Fig. 6.9c, which repeats the locus of the phugoid roots with Muset equal to zero. The
corresponding locus for the short-period roots is almost identical to Fig. 6.9a. The
pattern with M u = 0 would be more representative of a rigid airplane at low Mach
number. It shows a stable phugoid at all static margins as K,,is decreased until it
splits at point D into a pair of real roots. The left branch from D then interacts with
the branch AB of the short-period locus to generate a new stable oscillation while the
right branch crosses the axis to give an unstable divergence at negative static margin.
Table 6.5
Basic Data for STOL Airplane
Using the formulae of Table 5.1, the following estimates were made of the q and
ix derivatives:
With the above data, the coefficients of the system matrix were evaluated, and its
eigenvalues and eigenvectors calculated. The main results are shown on Figs.
6.10-6.13. Figures 6.10 and 6.1 1 show the loci of the roots as ,C
, varies between 2
and 5. The effect of ,C
,, is seen to be large on both modes, the short-period mode be-
coming nonoscillatory at a value of,,C, somewhat greater than 3.5, and the damping
100 wt*
100 nt*
Figure 6.10 Root locus-short-period mode, STOL airplane.
186 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
- 0.5
I I I I 1 I I
-0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 > 100 nt*
- -1.0
- -1.5
- -2.0
- -2.5
of the phugoid increasing rapidly at the same time. Figure 6.12 shows the two peri-
ods, and that they actually cross over at C,,, = 3.4. The concept of the phugoid as a
"long" period oscillation is evidently not applicable in this situation! The approxima-
I tions to the phugoid and the pitching mode are also shown for comparison. It is seen
that they give the two periods quite well, and that (6.3,15) also depicts quite accu-
rately the damping of the pitching oscillation and of the two nonperiodic modes into
which it degenerates at high C,,. The phugoid damping, however, is not at all well
predicted by the approximate solution. Figure 6.13 shows that the modes are all heav-
ily damped over the whole range of C,.
o ! 2
Figure 6.12 Periods of oscillatory modes, STOL airplane.
6.7 Lateral Modes of a Jet Transport 187
modes ( x 10)
ol I I I I
1.O 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Table 6.6
Nondimensional Derivatives-B747 Airplane
188 Chapter 6. Stability of UncontrolledMotion
Table 6.7
Dimensional Derivatives-B747 Airplane
The roots of (6.7,2) are
Mode 1 (Spiral mode): A, = -0.0072973
Mode 2 (Rolling convergence): A, = -0.56248
Mode 3 (Lateral oscillation or Dutch Roll): A , , = -0.03301 1 2 0.946551'
Table 6.8 shows the characteristic times of these modes. We see that two of them are
convergences, one very rapid, one very slow, and that one is a lightly damped oscilla-
tion with a period similar to that of the longitudinal short-period mode.
The eigenvectors corresponding to the above eigenvalues are given in Table 6.9. In
addition to the basic 4 state variables, Table 6.9 contains two extra rows that show the
values of the two state variables @ and y, (see Exercise 6.2).
so that the motion is seen to consist mainly of yawing at nearly zero sideslip with
some rolling. This is, of course, the condition for a truly banked turn, and this mode
Table 6.8
Characteristic Times-Lateral Modes
1 Spiral - 95 -
2 Rolling - 1.23
3 Lateral oscillation 6.64 21 3.16
(Dutch Roll)
6.7 Lateral Modes of a Jet Transport 189
Table 6.9
Eigenvectors (polar form)
Figure 6.14 shows the path-it is seen to be a long, smooth return to the reference
flight path, corresponding to y, = 0. When the spiral mode is unstable as is fre-
quently the case, $, 4, and y, are all of the same sign, and of course all increase with
time instead of decreasing, as shown in the figure.
The mode is evidently one of almost pure rotation around the x axis, and hence its
name. The variables that are significant for aerodynamic forces are (P, 9, i )and they
are in the ratios
P:@i = 0.278: 1:-0.0561
190 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
so that the largest rolling moment in this mode of motion is CIJ, and the i contribu-
tions are negligible by comparison.
;= 0.037
(not vis~ble)
Figure 6.15 Vector diagram of lateral oscillation. C,, = 0.57. Altitude = 40,000 ft.
6.7 Lateral Modes o f a Jet Transport 191
that p and cC, are almost equal and opposite. It follows from (4.9,19) that j, is nearly
zero. In dimensional terms, when 14)= 20°, JyEJ= 8 ft, whereas the wavelength of
the oscillation is about 5000 ft. The vehicle mass center is seen to follow a nearly
rectilinear path in this mode, the motion consisting mainly of yawing and rolling, the
latter lagging the former by about 160" in phase.
Table 6.10
Variation of Lateral Modes with Speed and Altitude
Mach number
(a)Lateral oscillation
0 1 1 I I I I I
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mach number
( b )Rolling convergence
Figure 6.16 Variation of lateral modes with speed and altitude. ( a )Lateral oscillation. ( b )Rolling
convergence. ( c ) Spiral mode.
6.8 Approximate Equations for the Lateral Modes 193
20,000 ft
Mach number
(c) Spiral mode
number the lateral behavior is quite irregular, especially the variation of the damping
of all the modes with M. The spiral mode is seen to be unstable (albeit with long time
constant) at both M = 0.7 and 0.9 but stable at M = 0.8. This behavior is primarily
the result of the complex variation of C,, with C, and M in this region.
Comparison of the eigenvalues in Sec. 6.7 shows that A for the spiral mode is two or-
ders of magnitude smaller than the next larger one. This suggests that a good approx-
imation to this root may be obtained by keeping only the two lowest-order terms in
the characteristic equation, that is,
where A, denotes the real root for the spiral mode. Before deriving expressions for D
and E, we rewrite the matrix of (4.9,19) in a more compact notation for convenience,
including the approximation Y,, = 0.
194 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
3, 0
3,. g cos 8,
2, zp 2 r
Nu NP Nr
tan 8, o
0 1
The meanings of the symbols in (6.8,2)are obtained by comparison with (4.9,19),
2,= ,
and in the special case when the stability axes are also principal axes, ,I = 0 and
It was observed in Sec. 6.7that the rolling convergence is a motion of almost a single
degree of freedom, rotation about the x-axis. This suggests that it can be approxi-
mated with the equation obtained from (4.9,19) by putting v = r = 0,and consider-
ing only the second row, that is,
6.8 Approximate Equations for the Lateral Modes 195
The result obtained from (6.8,8) for the B747 example is A, = -0.434, 23% smaller
than the true value -0.562. This approximation is quite rough.
An alternative approximation has been given by McRuer et al. (1973). This ap-
proximation leads to a second-order system, the two roots of which are approxima-
tions to the roll and spiral modes. In some cases the roots may be complex, corre-
sponding to a "lateral phugoidm-a long-period lateral oscillation. The approximation
corresponds to the physical assumption that the side-force due to gravity produces
the same yaw rate r that would exist with /3 = 0. Additionally Y,, and Yr are ne-
glected. With no approximation to the rolling and yawing moment equations the sys-
tem that results for horizontal flight is
The procedure used to get the characteristic equation of (6.8,9) is the same as that
used previously for the phugoid approximation in Sec. 6.3. The result is
which expands to
result is
.The result obtained from (6.8,12) for our example is A,, = -0.1008 f- 0.9157i, or
T = 6.86 sec
N,,,,, = 1.o
The approximation for the period is seen to be useful (an error of about 3%) but the
damping is very much overestimated.
There is another approximation available for the damping in this mode that may
give a better answer. It follows from the fact that the coefficient of the next-to-highest
power of A in the characteristic equation is the "sum of the dampings" (see Exercise
6.4). Thus it follows from the complete system matrix of (6.8,2) that
But the approximation (6.8,ll) for the roll and spiral modes gives precisely
which is to be compared with a(%, + Nr) given by (6.8,12). The damping obtained
from (6.8,14) is nDR= -0.0159, better than that obtained from (6.8,12) but still quite
far from the true value of -0.0330. The simple average of the two preceeding ap-
proximations for the Dutch Roll damping has also been used. In this instance it gives
,n = -0.0584, which although better is still 77% off the true value.
This example of an attempt to get an approximation to the Dutch Roll damping
illustrates the difficulty of doing so. Although the approximation tends to be better at
low values of C,, nevertheless it is clear that it must be used with caution, and that
only the full system matrix can be relied on to give the correct answer.
may have a mean structure which is not uniform in space, that is, there can be spatial
gradients in the time-averaged velocity. The examples of most concern are down-
bursts and the boundary layer next to the ground produced by the wind blowing over
it. Downbursts are vertical outflows from low level clouds that impinge on the
ground, somewhat in the manner of a circular jet, and spread horizontally. The result-
ing wind field has strong gradients, both horizontal and vertical. A number of air-
plane accidents have been attributed to this phenomenon.
In order to introduce wind into the analytical model, we must make any alter-
ations that may be needed, because of the presence of the wind, to the aerodynamic
forces and moments. In the trivial case when the wind is uniform and steady, no
change is necessary to the representation of aerodynamic forces from that used be-
fore. However, turbulence and wind gradients may require such changes.
Since the linear model that was developed in Chap. 4 is based on small distur-
bances from a steady reference condition, and since there is no such steady state
when the aircraft is landing or taking off through a boundary layer or downburst, the
linear model is of limited use in these situations. For this kind of analysis, one must
use the nonlinear equations (4.7,l)-(4.7,5) and introduce a model for the aerody-
namic forces that embraces the whole range of speeds and attitudes that will occur
throughout the transient (Etkin, B. and Etkin, D. A. (1990)). Such an analysis is be-
yond the scope of this volume.
There is one relevant steady state, however, that can be investigated with the lin-
ear model, and that is horizontal flight in the boundary layer. The planetary boundary
layer has characteristics quite similar to the classical flat-plate turbulent boundary
layer of aerodynamics. The vertical extent of this layer in strong winds depends
mainly on the roughness of the underlying terrain, but is usually many hundreds of
feet. Figure 6.17 shows the power-law profiles associated with different roughnesses.
These are all of the form
w = khn (6.9,l)
where, as indicated in the figure, h is height above the ground. The vertical gradient
is then given by
For example, for smooth terrain (n = 0.16), and for a wind of 50 fps at 50 ft altitude,
the gradient would be dW/dh = 0.16 fpslft.
By way of example, we shall analyze what effect the vertical wind gradient has
on the longitudinal modes of the STOL airplane of Sec. 6.6 in low speed flight, when
wind effects can be expected to be largest. In order to generate the analytical model,
we go back to the exact equations (4.7,l) et seq. The longitudinal equations, when
linearized for small perturbations around a reference state of horizontal flight at
speed u, and 8, = 0 are
6.9 Effects of Wind 199
The wind is specified to vary linearly with altitude with gradient r = dW/dzE and to
be parallel to the xz plane. The wind vector is prescribed in frame FEas
We will assume that this implies a tailwind of strength Wo at the reference height. For
a wind that increases with altitude, = -sgn(~,)lI'I. To convert WE to body axes,
we use the transformation matrix L,, [the transpose of (4.4,3)] for small angles and
4 = I) = 0 to get (see Exercise 6.6)
In the third component of (6.9,5) we have neglected the second-order product z,8.
We can now use (6.9,5) together with V E = V +
W to eliminate uE and wE from
(6.9,3) with the result
AX - mg8 = m(Au + Ti,)
AZ = m(w + +,6 - utq)
We note that U: = u0 + W, and eliminate 6 and 2, from the right side of (6.9,6) with
the result
AX - mg0 = m(Au + r[-u,8 + w])
It is observed that the only explicit effect of wind on the system equations in this
case is the term containing r on the right side of the first equation. Since a uniform
wind (i.e., r = 0) does not affect the airplane dynamics the system must be indepen-
dent of Wo, and we see that W, does indeed not appear anywhere in the equations. In
addition to what we see in (6.9,7), however, there are some implicit effects of the
wind gradient on the aerodynamic derivatives.
It is clear that the changes in pressure distribution over the surfaces of a vehicle,
and hence its basic aerodynamic derivatives, are not the same when the incident flow
has a gradient I' as when it is spatially uniform. Two simple examples suffice to make
this clear. (1) When there is a perturbation A a from the reference state, the tail moves
downward into a region of lower air velocity and on this account one would expect
~ ~ 1 to be smaller than normal. (2) When the wing rolls through an angle 4, the right
tip moves into a low-wind region, and the left tip into a high-wind region. The gradi-
ent in velocity across the span is like that associated with yaw rate r, and hence we
should expect values of C,, and C, proportional to the wing contributions to Clrand
200 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
Cnr. Note that for upwind flight this leads to an unstable roll "stiffness" C,, > 0
where none existed before (C,, is negative for downwind flight).
Reasonable estimates of the major changes in the basic derivatives associated
with r can be made from available aerodynamic theories, but a complete account of
these is not currently available, and to develop them here would take us too far afield.
Instead we simply incorporate the additional terms given by (6.9,7) into the longitu-
dinal equations of motion and note the extent of the changes they make in the charac-
teristic modes previously calculated. The appropriate matrix for this case is obtained
from (4.9,18) by adding the two terms containing T,and is given by (6.9,s).
In (6.9,8), A' is the 3 X 4 matrix consisting of the last three rows of the matrix of
(4.9,18), with 8, = 0.
An example of the results for the STOL airplane is shown in Figs. 6.18 and 6.19.
The numerical data used was the same as in Sec. 6.6, with wind gradient variable
from -0.30 fpslft (the headwind case) to +0.30 fpslft (the tailwind case). The effects
on both the phugoid and pitching modes are seen to be large. A strong headwind de-
creases both the frequency and damping of the phugoid, and a strong tailwind
changes the real pair of pitching roots into a complex pair representing a pitching 0s-
cillation of long period and heavy damping.
100 wt'
-0.1 0
* 100 nt*
100 wt*
'Headwind I I
6.10 Exercises
6.1 Use (6.3,10) to calculate the approximate period T, = 2 d o n of the phugoid oscilla-
tion. Assume Mu = 0.
6.2 Derive the entries for cC, and (y,lu,t *) in Table 6.9 from those for 0 and P
6.3 The stability derivatives of a general aviation airplane are given in Table 7.2. The air-
plane weighs 2400 lb (10,675 N) and has a wing area of 160 ft2 (14.9 m2). The flight
altitude is sea level. Calculate and plot the spiral stability criterion E as a function of
speed (0.15 < C, < 1.7) for values of 8, = - lo0, 0°, 10".
6.4 The characteristic equation is of order N. Prove that the coefficient of AN-' is the neg-
ative of the sum of the real parts of all the roots, and hence is aptly termed "the sum
of the dampings."
6.5 Find the critical climb angle for spiral stability of the jet transport of Sec. 6.7. [Hint:
start with (6.8,6)]. Having regard to its expected influence on the stability derivatives,
state the effect on spiral stability in horizontal flight of increasing the wing dihedral
6.6 Carry out the transformation W, = LBEWEto get (6.9,5).
6.7 Using the stability derivatives given in Table 7.2 for a general aviation airplane, cal-
culate the lateral modes in the absence of gravity. The relevant data are:
W = 2400 lb (10,675 N) I, = 170 slug-ft2(230 kg.m2)
S = 160 ft2 (14.9 m2) I, = 1,312 slug.ft2 (1,778 kg.m2)
b = 30 ft (9.14 m) I, = 0
202 Chapter 6. Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
6.11 Assume that in the lateral oscillation of an airplane, the modal diagram shows that
4 > 14 and the i!,t vector leads the 4 vector by an angle between 90" and 180". This
is reasonably representative of flight at low Mach number. Describe the relative mo-
tion of the two wing tips. To simplify the situation, neglect damping, the motion asso-
ciated with sideslip and with the forward motion of the airplane, assume the angles
are "small," and interpret "wing tip" to mean a point on the y-axis.
Hold a model airplane by its wing tips and practise until you can execute a motion of
the type you have deduced. Observe it in a mirror. (The name Dutch Roll was given
to this motion because of a perceived resemblance to that of an ice skater, Holland
being noted for this sport.)
6.12 The theory for a stable airplane shows that if the controls are neutral it will fly in a
steady state on a straight line at constant speed. However, the development in the text
assumed that the airplane produced no lateral aerodynamic force or moments when
the controls were set to neutral and the lateral state variables were zero. Real air-
planes cannot achieve this owing to design and construction factors. You are asked in
this exercise to examine the steady states that are possible for such an airplane.
The steady state here is defined to be one in which the linear and angular velocity
components (u, v, w, p, q, r), the aerodynamic forces and moments (X, Y, Z, L, M, N )
and the gravity force components (X,, Y,, 2,) are all constant.
(a) Show that in the steady state the two Euler angles 8 and 4 are also constant.
(b) Since 8 is constant, it can be set to zero by a suitable choice of body axes. For
this case show that p = 0 and the angular velocity vector m is vertical in F,.
(c) Starting with (4.5,8) and (4.5,9) develop the lateral steady state equations. As-
sume that in the steady state q, r, 4 and v are small quantities. Assume that the
controls are neutral and thus (since p = 0 in the steady state)
6.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 6 203
where ( )a stands for effects due to lateral asymmetries in the aircraft. What
condition must be met in order for a unique steady state to exist? How is this con-
dition related to E of (6.8,3a) when the body axes are principal axes?
(d) Relate the results of (c) to the flight of a statically stable hand-launched glider.
The two principal quantities that need to be controlled in symmetric flight are the
speed and the flight-path angle, that is to say, the vehicle's velocity vector. To achieve
this obviously entails the ability to apply control forces both parallel and perpendicu-
lar to the flight path. The former is provided by thrust or drag control, and the latter
by lift control via elevator deflection or wing flaps. It is evident from simple physical
reasoning (or from the equations of motion) that the main initial response to opening
the throttle (increasing the thrust) is a forward acceleration, i.e. control of speed. The
main initial response to elevator deflection is a rotation in pitch, with subsequent
change in angle of attack and lift, and hence a rate of change of flight-path direction.
When the transients that follow such control actions have ultimately died away, the
new steady state that results can be found in the conventional way used in perfor-
mance analysis. Figure 7.1 shows the basic relations. The steady speed Vat which the
airplane flies is governed by the lift coefficient, which is in turn fixed by the elevator
angle-see Fig. 2.19. Hence a constant 8, implies a fixed V. The flight-path angle
y = 13 - a, at any given speed is determined, as shown in Fig. 7.1, by the thrust.
Thus the ultimate result of moving the throttle at fixed elevator angle (when the thrust
line passes through the CG) is a change in y without change in speed. But we saw
above that the initial response to throttle is a change in speed-hence the short-term
and long-term effects of this control are quite contrary. Likewise we saw that the
main initial effect of moving the elevator is to rotate the vehicle and influence y,
whereas the ultimate effect at fixed throttle is to change both speed and y. The short-
term and long-term effects of elevator motion are therefore also quite different. The
7.1 General Remarks 205
total picture of longitudinal control is clearly far from simple, and the transients that
connect the initial and final responses require investigation. We shall see in the fol-
lowing that these are dominated by the long-period, lightly damped phugoid oscilla-
tion, and that the final steady state with step inputs is reached only after a long time.
These matters are explored more fully in the following sections.
The lateral controls (the aileron and rudder) on a conventional airplane have three
principal functions.
The first two of these purposes are served by having the controls generate aero-
dynamic moments about the x and z axes-rolling and yawing moments. For the third
a force must be provided that has a component normal to V and in the horizontal
plane. This is, of course, the component L sin 4 of the lift when the airplane is
banked at angle 4. Thus the lateral controls (principally the aileron) produce turns as
a secondary result of controlling 4.
Ordinarily, the long-term responses to deflection of the aileron and rudder are
very complicated, with all the lateral degrees of freedom being excited by each. Solu-
tion of the complete nonlinear equations of motion is the only way to appreciate
these fully. Certain useful approximations of lower order are however available.
206 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
i- = f(p,q,r, L',N') +7 + Ig, (c)
6 = f (4,r, 4) (a)
4 = f(p,q,r, 0, 4) (b)
In the preceding equations, the subscript c denotes the control forces and moments,
and the prime on force and moment symbols denotes the remainder of the aerody-
namic forces and moments. The solution of these equations would require that an
aerodynamic submodel be constructed for each case to calculate the forces and mo-
ments at each computing step from a knowledge of the state vector, the control vec-
tor, the current configuration, and the wind field. To follow this course in extenso
would take us beyond the scope of this text, so for the most part the treatments that
follow are restricted to the responses of linear invariant systems, that is, ones de-
scribed by (4.9,20) with A and B constant viz
Although we are thereby restricted to relatively small departures from the steady
state, these responses are nevertheless extremely useful and informative. Not only do
they reveal important dynamic features, but when used in the design and analysis of
automatic flight control systems that are designed to maintain small disturbances they
are in fact quite appropriate.
7.2 Response of Linear/Znvariant Systems 207
Table 7.1
Dimensional Control Derivatives
In the examples that follow, we use {a,, 6,) for the longitudinal controls, elevator
and throttle; and {So, 6,) for the lateral controls, aileron, and rudder. The aerody-
namic forces and moments are expressed just like the stability derivatives in terms of
sets of nondimensional and dimensional derivatives. The nondimensional set is the
partial derivatives of the six force and moment coefficients (C,, C,, C,, C,, C,, C,)
with respect to the above control variables, such as C , , = aC,la6, or C,, = aC,laS,,
and so on. The dimensional derivatives are displayed in Table 7.1.
The powerful and well-developed methods of modem control theory are directly
applicable to this restricted class of airplane control responses. Before proceeding to
specific applications, however, we first present a review of some of the highlights of
the general theory. Readers who are well versed in this material may skip directly to
Sec. 7.6.
1. a unit impulse at t = 0
2. a unit step at t = 0
3. a sinusoid of unit amplitude and frequency f
4. white noise
In the first two the system is specified to be quiescent for t < 0 and to be subjected to
a control or disturbance input at t = 0. In the last two cases the input is presumed to
have been present for a very long time. In these two the system is assumed to be sta-
ble, so that any initial transients have died out. Thus in case 3 the response is also a
steady sinusoid and in case 4 it is a statistically steady state. We discuss the first three
of these cases in the following, but the fourth, involving the theory of random
processes, is outside the scope of this text. The interested reader will find a full ac-
count of that topic in Etkin, 1972.
208 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Figure 7.2 The four basic response problems. (1) Impulse response. (2) Step response. (3)
Frequency response. (4) Response to white noise.
A central and indispensable concept for response analysis is the transfer function that
relates a particular input to a particular response. The transfer function, almost uni-
versally denoted G(s), is the ratio of the Laplace transform of the response to that of
the input for the special case when the system is quiescent for t < 0. A system with n
state variables xiand m controls cj would therefore have a matrix of nm transfer func-
tions G,,(s).
The Laplace transform of (7.1,4) is
is the matrix of transfer functions. The response of the ith state variable is then given
q(s) = G,(s)Cj(s)
For a single-input single-response system with transfer function G(s) we have simply
7.2 Response of Linear/lnvariunt Systems 209
Figure 7.3 Systems in series.
When two systems are in series, so that the response of the first is the input to the
second, as in Fig. 7.3, the overall transfer function is seen to be the product of the
two. That is,
Thus the overall transfer function is
High-order linearlinvariant systems, such as those that occur in aerospace practise,
can always be represented by a chain of subsystems like (7.2,6). This is important,
because the elemental building blocks that make up the chain are each of a simple
kind--either first-order or second-order. To prove this we note from the definition of
an inverse matrix (Appendix A. 1) that
adj (sI - A)
(sI - A)-' =
det (sI - A)
We saw in Sec. 6.1 that det (A - sI) is the characteristic polynomial of the system.
We also have, from the definition of the adjoint matrix as the transpose of the matrix
of cofactors, that each element of the numerator of the right side of (7.2,7) is also a
polynomial in s. (See Exercise 7.1.) Thus it follows from (7.2,2b), on noting that B is
a matrix of constants, that each element of G is a ratio of two polynomials, which can
be written as
in which f (s) is the characteristic polynomial. It is seen that all the transfer functions
of the system have the same denominator and differ from one another only in the dif-
ferent numerators. Since f (s) has the roots A, . . . A,, the denominator can be factored
to give
210 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Now some of the eigenvalues A, are real, but others occur in complex pairs, so to ob-
tain a product of factors containing only real numbers we rewrite the denominator
m 1 /2(n +m)
r= l
r=m+ l
(s2+ap-tbr) (7.2,lO)
Here A, are the m real roots of f(s) and the quadratic factors with real coefficients a,
and b, produce the ( n - m ) complex roots. It is then clearly evident that the transfer
function (7.2,9) is also the overall transfer function of the fictitious system made up
of the series of elements shown in Fig. 7.4. The leading component N,](s)is of course
particular to the system, but all the remaining ones are of one or other of two simple
kinds. These two, first-order components and second-order components, may there-
fore be regarded as the basic building blocks of linearlinvariant systems. It is for this
reason that it is important to understand their characteristics well-the properties of
all higher-order systems can be inferred directly from those of these two basic ele-
' .
\, -.--
-- -- -
7.3 Impulse Response 211
Now if the system is stable, all the eigenvalues, which are the poles of G,,(s) lie in the
left half of the s plane, and this is the usual case of interest. The line integral of
(7.3,3) can then be taken on the imaginary axis, s = iw, so that (7.3,3) leads to
that is, it is the inverse Fourier transform of Gij(iw).The significance of G,(iw) will
be seen later.
For a first-order component of Fig. 7.4 with eigenvalue A the differential equa-
tion is
x-Ax=c (7.33
for which we easily get
A graph of h(t) is presented in Fig. 7.5a, and shows clearly the significance of the
time constant T.
For a second-order component of Fig. 7.4 the differential equation is
jj + 2604 + =c (7.33)
where x = Ly yIT is the state vector. It easily follows that
h(t) = - en' sin wt
For a stable system n is negative and (7.3,ll) describes a damped sinusoid of fre-
quency w. This is plotted for various in Fig. 7.6. Note that the coordinates are so
chosen as to lead to a one-parameter family of curves. Actually the above result only
applies for l 5 1. The corresponding expression for 2 1 is easily found by the
same method and is
h(t) = 7en' sinh w't (7.3,12)
Graphs of (7.3,12) are also included in Fig. 7.6, although in this case the second-or-
der representation could be replaced by two first-order elements in series.
7.4 Step-Function Response 213
Since the initial values (at t = 0-) of h,-(t) and .dij(t) are both zero, the theorem
(A.2,4) shows that
Figure 7.7 Indicia1 admittance of second-order systems.
First-order system:
d(t)= T ( l - eCn)
Second-order system:
1 - en'(cos wt - - sin wt) ,
w I 5<1 (7.494)
Consider a single inputlresponse pair, and let the input be the sinusoid a , cos ot.
We find it convenient to replace this by the complex expression c = Alei"', of which
a , cos wt is the real part. A , is known as the complex amplitude of the wave. The re-
sponse sinusoid can be represented by a similar expression, x = A,e'"', the real part
of which is the physical response. As usual, x and c are interpreted as rotating vectors
whose projections on the real axis give the relevant physical variables (see Fig. 7 . 8 ~ ) .
From Table A. 1, item 8, the transform of c is
Figure 7.8 ( a )Complex input and response. (b)Effect of singularity close to axis.
216 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Since we have stipulated that the system is stable, all the roots A, -..A, of the charac-
teristic equation have negative real parts. Therefore e"" + 0 as t + for r = 1 n,
and the steady-state periodic solution is
A, = A,G(iw)
the frequency response function, is the ratio of the complex amplitudes. In general,
G(io) is a complex number, varying with the circular frequency w. Let it be given in
polar form by
G(iw) = K M ~ ' ~ (7.5,6)
where K is the static gain (7.45). Then
From (7.5,7) we see that the amplitude ratio of the steady-state output to the input is
~A2/A1I= KM: that is, that the output amplitude is a, = KMa,, and that the phase re-
7.5 Frequency Response 217
Locus of Me@
wTc 1
Figure 7.9 Vector plot of Me'' for first-order systems.
where p, r, a, p are the distances and angles shown in Fig. 7.8b for a point s = iw on
the imaginary axis. Then
218 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Figure 7.10 Frequency-response curves-first-order system.
When the singularity is close to the axis, with imaginary coordinate w' as illustrated
for point S on Fig. 7.8b, we see that as w increases through w ' , a sharp minimum oc-
curs in p or r, as the case may be, and the angle cr or P increases rapidly through ap-
proximately 180". Thus we have the following cases:
Figure 7.11 Vector plot of Me" for second-order system. Damping ratio [ = 0.4
K = lim G(s) = T
Figure 7.12 Frequency-response curves-second-order system.
222 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
lo3 -
- phugold; Short- I
- I period
- I
- I I
lo2 - I I I I 1!1 1 1 I I l l 9
Figure 7.14 Frequency-response functions, elevator angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitudes. (a) Speed amplitude. (b)Speed phase.
7.5 Frequency Response 223
Figure 7.15 Frequency-response functions, elevator angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitude. (a) Angle of attack amplitude. (b) Angle of attack phase.
A vector plot of Meiq is shown in Fig. 7.9. This kind of diagram is sometimes called
the transfer-function locus. Plots of M and cp are given in Figs. 7 . 1 0 ~and 6. The ab-
scissa is f T or log wT where f = w/2.rr, the input frequency. This is the only parame-
224 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
I 1 1 1 1 1 1
1o - ~ 10-' 1o0 10'
w (radls)
Figure 7.16 Frequency-response functions, elevator angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitude. (a) Pitch-rate amplitude. (b) Pitch-rate phase.
ter of the equations, and so the curves are applicable to all first-order systems. It
should be noted that at w = 0, M = 1 and cp = 0. This is always true because of the
definitions of K and G(s)-it can be seen from (7.4,5) that G(0) = K.
Figure 7.17 Frequency-response functions, elevator angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitude. ( a )Flight-path angle amplitude. (b) Flight-path angle phase.
A representative vector plot of Me'", for damping ratio 6 = 0.4, is shown in Fig. 7.1 1,
and families of M and cp are shown in Figs. 7.12 and 7.13. Whereas a single pair of
curves serves to define the frequency response of all first-order systems (Fig. 7. lo), it
takes two families of curves, with the damping ratio as parameter, to display the char-
acteristics of all second-order systems. The importance of the damping as a parame-
ter should be noted. It is especially powerful in controlling the magnitude of the reso-
nance peak which occurs near unity frequency ratio. At this frequency the phase lag
is by contrast independent of 6, as all the curves pass through cp = -90" there. For all
7.5 Frequency Response 227
so that
Thus the log of the overall gain is obtained as a sum of the logs of the component
gains, and this fact, together with the companion result for phase angle (7.5,13)
greatly facilitates graphical methods of analysis and system design.
that is, the frequency response and impulsive admittance are a Fourier transform
BAc = ( m - Z,b)
M, AZ,
I, I, ( m - Z*)
We now have to specify the control vector c and the corresponding aerodynamic
forces and moment. For longitudinal control, we assume here that the available con-
trols are well enough represented by
and that the incremental aerodynamic forces and moment that result from their actua-
tion are given by a set of control derivatives X,= and so on, in the form
Additional elements can be added to c and to (7.6,3) if the situation requires it.
The use of constant derivatives, as in (7.6,3), to describe the force output of the
propulsion system in response to throttle input does not allow for any time lag in the
buildup of engine thrust since it implies that the thrust is instantaneously proportional
to the throttle position. This is not unreasonable for propeller airplanes, but it is not a
good model for jets in situations when the short-term response is important, as for ex-
ample in a balked landing. To allow for this effect when the system is modeled in the
Laplace domain, one can use control transfer functions instead of control derivatives.
That is, one can replace, for example, X$ by G,,p(s). If the system model is in the
time domain, the same result can be obtained by adding an additional differential
equation and an additional variable. This latter method is illustrated in the example of
Sec. 8.5.
By substituting (7.6,3) into (7.6,l) we derive the matrix B to be
7.7 Responses to Elevator and Throttle 229
With A and B known, we can compute the desired transfer functions and responses.
(In this example the elevator angle is in radians, and English units are used for all
other quantities). We calculate responses for the same jet transport as was used previ-
ously in Sec. 6.2, with A given by (6.2,l). The nondimensional elevator derivatives
are :
where bij are the elements of B. Solving for the ratios G,&) = Aii/As, and so on
yields the four transfer functions.' Each is of the form (7.2,8). For this case the char-
'In the subscripts for the transfer function symbols, the symbol A is omitted in the interest of sim-
230 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation ofthe Controls-Open Loop
acteristic polynomial is the left side of (6.2,6) (with s replacing A), and the numerator
polynomials are
There are two other response quantities of interest, the flight path angle y and the
load factor n,. Since 8, = 0, A8 = 8, and Ay = A8 - Aa, it readily follows that
It is equal to unity in horizontal steady flight, and its incremental value during the re-
sponse to elevator input is
An, = -AZIW = - (ZuAu + ZWw+ Z,q + Z,W + Z,eAG,)lW
After taking the Laplace transform of the preceding equation and dividing by AG,, we
get the transfer function for load factor to be
The total gain and phase of the frequency responses calculated by (7.5,6) from five of
the above six transfer functions (for Au, w, q, Ay, and An,) are shown in Figs. 7.14 to
The exact solutions show that the responses in the "trajectory" variables u and y
are dominated entirely by the large peak at the low-frequency Phugoid mode. Be-
cause of the light damping in this mode, the resonant gains are very large. The peak
IGUaCI of nearly 3 X lo4 means that a speed amplitude of 100 fps would result from an
elevator angle amplitude of about 100/(3 X lo4) rad, or about 0.2". Similarly, at reso-
nance an amplitude of 10" in y would be produced by an elevator amplitude of about
Q". For both of these variables the response diminishes rapidly with increasing fre-
quency, becoming negligibly small above the short-period frequency. The phase an-
gle for u, Fig. 7.14b, is zero at low frequency, decreases rapidly to near - 180" at the
phugoid frequency (very much like the lightly damped second-order systems of Fig.
7.13) and subsequently at the short-period frequency undergoes a second drop char-
acteristic of a heavily damped second-order system. The "chain" concept of high-or-
der systems (Sec. 7.2) is well exemplified by this graph.
By contrast, the attitude variables w and q show important effects at both low and
high frequencies. The complicated behavior of w near the phugoid frequency indi-
cates the sort of thing that can happen with high-order systems. It is associated with a
polelzero pair of the transfer function being close to one another. Again, above the
short-period frequency, the amplitudes of both w and q fall off rapidly.
The amplitude of the load factor An, has a very large resonant peak at the
phugoid frequency, almost 1001rad. It would not take a very large elevator amplitude
at this frequency to cause structural failure of the wing!
7.7 Responses to Elevator and Throttle 231
Step-Function Response
The response of the airplane to a sudden movement of the elevator is shown by
the step response. This requires a solution in the time domain as distinct from the pre-
ceding solution, which was in the frequency domain. Time domain solutions are com-
monly obtained simply by integrating (7.1,4) by a Runge-Kutta, Euler, or other inte-
gration scheme, the choice being dependent on the order of the system, accuracy
required, computer available, and so on. The software used2 for the example to follow
does not integrate the equations, but instead uses an alternative method. It inverts the
transfer function using the Heavyside expansion theorem (A.2,10). For the same jet
airplane and flight condition as in the preceding example, the control vector for ele-
vator input is c = [A6, OIT and A and B are as before. (Note that only the first col-
umn of B is needed.) Time traces of speed, angle of attack, and flight path angle are
shown in Figs. 7.19 and 7.20 for two time ranges when the elevator displacement is
one degree positive, that is, down.
It is seen from Fig. 7.19, which shows the response during the first 10 sec, that
only the angle of attack responds quickly to the elevator motion, and that its variation
is dominated by the rapid, well-damped short-period mode. By contrast, the trajec-
tory variables, speed, and flight path angle, respond much more slowly. Figure 7.20,
which displays a 10 min time span, shows that the dynamic response persists for a
very long time, and that after the first few seconds it is primarily the phugoid mode
that is evident.
The steady state that is approached so slowly has a slightly higher speed and a
slightly smaller angle of attack than the original flight condition-both changes that
would be expected from a down movement of the elevator. The flight path angle is
seen to be almost unchanged-it increased by about one-tenth of a degree. The reason
for an increase instead of the decrease that would be expected in normal cruising flight
is that at this flight condition the airplane is flying below its minimum-drag speed.
If the reason for moving the elevator is to establish a new steady-state flight con-
dition, then this control action can hardly be viewed as successful. The long lightly
damped oscillation has seriously interfered with it. Clearly, longitudinal control,
whether by a human or an automatic pilot, demands a more sophisticated control ac-
tivity than simply moving it to its new position. We return to this topic in Chap. 8.
Phugoid Approximation
We can get an approximation to the transfer functions by using the phugoid ap-
proximation of Sec. 6.3. The differential equation is (6.3,6) with control terms added,
that is,
Time, s
-.01 -
-.02 -
-.03 I I I I
0 12 24 36 48 60
Time, s
( b )Angle of attack
-. 1 I I I I
0 2 4 6 8
Time, s
( c ) Fl~ghtpath angle
Figure 7.19 Response to elevator (A6, = lo). Jet transport cruising at high altitude.
7.7 Responses to Elevator and Throttle 233
( a )Speed
Ttrne, s
( b )Angle of attack
-V I I I I
( c ) F l ~ g h path
t angle
Figure 7.20 Response to elevator (A6, = 1 O). Jet transport cruising at high altitude.
234 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
where A is the matrix of (6.3,6). After taking the Laplace transform of this equation
and solving for the ratios of the variables, we find the transfer functions to be
Short-Period Approximation
We can also get useful approximations to the transfer functions for 8, q, and a by
using the short-period approximation of Sec. 6.3. Instead of (7.7,l) we get the equa-
(SI - A) [ :] =B AS. (7.7,9)
When calculating the transfer functions we take note of the fact that ij = she. After
solving (7.7,9) for the appropriate ratios we get the results
M, - -
M" -
a, = u,, -
I, 1, m
The frequency responses calculated with the above approximate transfer func-
tions are shown on Figs. 7.15 to 7.18. It is seen that the phugoid approximation is ex-
act at very low frequencies and the short-period approximation is exact in the high-
frequency limit. For frequencies between those of the phugoid and short-period
modes, one approximation or the other can give reasonable results.
200 300
Time, s
-.05 I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
( b )Angle of attack
rapid change in a , followed by an oscillatory decay to a new Aa,, # 0, and the speed
converges to a new value Au,, # 0.
We use (4.9,17) for aerodynamic forces, and for the control forces use the following
as a reasonable representation:
We now add the assumption that 8, is a small angle and get the resulting equation
In this form, u is treated as an arbitrary input, and (a,, a,, 4) as outputs. (See Exercise
7.6.) Clearly, there is an infinity of possible sideslips, since v can be chosen arbitrar-
ily. Note that the other three variables are all proportional to v. We illustrate the
steady sideslip with a small general aviation airplane' of 30-ft (9.14 m) span and a
gross weight of 2400 lb (10,675 N). The altitude is sea level and C, = 1.0, corre-
238 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Table 7.2
Nondimensional Derivatives-General Aviation Airplane (expressed in rad-' and (rad/s)-')
sponding to a speed of 112.3 fps (34.23 rn/s), and the wing area is 160 ft2 (14.9 m2).
The nondimensional derivatives are given in Table 7.2, from which the numerical
system equation is found from (7.8,3) to be (see Exercise 7.5)
We see that a positive sideslip (to the right) of say 10" would entail left rudder of 3"
and right aileron of 29.6". Clearly the main control action is the aileron displacement,
without which the airplane would, as a result of the sideslip to the right, roll to the
left. The bank angle is seen to be only l o to the right so the sideslip is almost flat.
3 ~ a s e on
d the Piper Cherokee. The control derivatives were taken from McCormick (1979). We es-
timated the stability derivatives. The numerical values used may not truly represent this airplane.
4Neglecting the fact that the pilot and indicator are not right at the CG.
7.8 Lateral Steady States 239
,Horizontal plane - - 11
z\F\I l of turn
b ~ e r t i c aaxis
xz plane /
We now apply the second condition for a truly-banked turn, that is, that the ball
be centered in the turn-and-bank indicator. This means that the vector mg - ma,,
where a, is the acceleration vector of the CG, shall have no y component. But ma, is
the resultant external force f, so that from (4.5,6)
where A is the resultant aerodynamic force vector. Thus we conclude that the aerody-
namic force must lie in the xz plane, and hence that Y = 0. We consider the case
when there is no wind, so that
We note from (5.1,l) that Z = -L in this case, so that n = L/W = n,. The incremen-
tal lift coefficient, as compared with straight flight at the same speed and height, is
We can now write down the equations governing the control angles. From (4.7,2), to
first order, L = M = N = 0, so we have the five aerodynamic conditions
c-c = c=c=o
I - m n Y
i cos +-
- - - -
The five equations (7.8,11) for the five unknowns [P, S,, S,] and [Aa, AS,] uncouple
into two independent sets:
When (7.8,9) is used to eliminate from (7.8,14), and after some routine algebra, the
solution for AS, is found to be (see Exercise 7.6)
242 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
Except for far forward CG positions and low speeds, the angles given by (7.8,15) are
moderate. The similarity of this expression to that for elevator angle per g in a pull-
up (3.1,6a) should be noted. They are in fact the same in the limit n + m. The eleva-
tor angle per g in a turn is therefore not very different from that in a vertical pull-up.
Finally, the lateral control angles are obtained from the solution of (7.8,13).
The rudder and aileron angles in a steady truly-banked turn are calculated by way of
example for the same general aviation airplane as was used above for the sideslip.
The altitude is sea level, the speed is 125 fps (38.1 mls) and the stability and control
derivatives are as in Table 7.2. The solution of (7.8,13) for climb angles between
- 10" and + 10" shows that the sideslip angle P remains less than 1.5" and the rudder
and aileron angles are as shown in Figs. 7.24 and 7.25. The value of C, varies over
the range of bank angles used from 0.8 to 1.6, so several of the stability derivatives
are significantly affected. It is seen that the aileron angle is always positive for a right
turn-that is, the right aileron is down (stick to the left), and that the rudder is usually
negative (right rudder) although its sign may reverse in a steep climb. The strong ef-
fect of the climb angle derives from the fact that the roll rate p is proportional to 8
and changes sign with it. Thus the terms C,J and Cnp$in the moment equations
change sign between climbing and descending and affect the control angles required
to produce zero moment.
2 -
..... ....
ai 10" climb
5 0- ---------_____ Horizontal
---------- - - - - --
a, \
-4 -
IODdescent ..\, \
-1 0 I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Bank angle, go
Figure 7.24 Rudder angle in turn.
General aviation airplane
Speed 125 fps
Sea level
7.9 Lateral Frequency Response 243
I loodescent
- I
- I
- I
/ Horizontal
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Bank angle,
Figure 7.25 Aileron angle in turn.
General aviation airplane
Speed 125 fps
Sea level
Finally, it may be remarked that the control angles obtained would have been
substantially different had it been stipulated that P, not C,, should be zero in the turn.
It would not then be possible, however, to satisfy the requirement that the ball be cen-
tered in the turn-and-back indicator.
Table 7.3
Control Derivatives-B747 Jet Transport (expressed in rad-')
aerodynamics associated with the two lateral controls are given by a set of control de-
where B is
For our numerical example we use the same jet transport and flight condition as in
Sec. 7.6.A is given by (6.7,l) and the control derivatives are given in Table 7.3,from
which, with the definitions of Table 7.1,the elements of B are calculated to be
The eight transfer functions are then as in (7.2,8), where f(s)is the characteristic
polynomial of (6.7,2)(with s instead of A) and with the numerators as follows:
Nu," = 2.896s2+ 6.542s + 0.6220 (a)
Nu,r 5.642s3+ 379.4s2+ 167.9s - 5.934
= (b)
NPaa= 0.1431s3+ 0.02730s2+ 0.1102s (c)
NPar= 0.1144s3 - 0.1997s2- 1.368s (4
N,," = -0.003741s3- 0.002708s2- 0.0001394s + 0.004539 ( e ) (7.93)
Nr,r = -0.4859s3- 0.2327s2- 0.009018s - 0.05647 (f)
N+8a = .1431s2+ 0.02730s + 0.1102 (8)
N+,r = 0.1144s2- 0.1997s - 1.368 (h)
7.9 Lateral Frequency Response 245
From the transfer functions Gi,(s) = N,(s)lf(s), the frequency response functions
Gij(iw)were calculated for both aileron and rudder inputs. The results for u , 4 and r
are shown on Figs. 7.26 and 7.27. The most significant feature in all of these re-
sponses is the peak in the amplitude at the Dutch Roll frequency, and the associated
sharp drop in phase angle.
At zero frequency we see from (7.9,5c and d) that the roll rate amplitude is zero
for both inputs. All the other variables have finite values at w = 0. Even for moderate
-1 80
1o -~ lo-' 1 oO 10'
w (radls)
Figure 7.26 Frequency-response functions, rudder angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitude. (a) Sideslip amplitude. ( b )Sideslip phase. ( c ) Roll amplitude. (d)Roll phase. ( e ) Yaw-rate
amplitude. ( f ) Yaw-rate phase.
246 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
o (radls)
Figure 7.26 (Continued)
control angles, however, the steady-state values of P = ulu, and 4 are very large (see
Exercise 7.10). Hence the linearity assumption severely constrains these zero fre-
quency solutions. If, however, we postulate that the control angles are so small that
the linearity conditions are met, then there is a steady state with constant values of 4,
P, and r. This can only be a horizontal turn in which the angular velocity vector is
0, = [O 4ss LIT
where q,, = fl sin 4
= fl cos 4
7.10 Approximate Lateral Transfer Functions 247
o (rad/s)
Figure 7.27 Frequency-response functions, aileron angle input. Jet transport cruising at high
altitude. (a) Sideslip amplitude. (b) Sideslip phase. (c) Roll amplitude. (d) Roll phase. (e) Yaw-rate
amplitude. Cf) Yaw-rate phase.
When aerodynamic control terms are added to (6.8,9) and the Laplace transform is
taken, the result is
7.10 Approximate Lateral Transfer Functions 249
t I uutcn
roll 11 I
w (radls)
Figure 7.27 (Continued)
In (7.10,l) the B and N derivatives are as defined in Sec. 6.8, and the 3,derivatives
where 6 is either 6,or 6,. From (7.10,l) we get the desired transfer functions. The de-
nominators are all the same, obtained from (6.8,11) as
Cs2 + DS + E (7.10,3)
250 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
o (radls)
Figure 7.27 (Continued)
and where
With the system matrices given by (7.10,7) the approximate transfer functions are
found in the form of (7.2,8) (see Exercise 7.7) with
The accuracy of the preceding approximations is illustrated for the example jet trans-
port on Figs. 7.26 and 7.27. Two general observations can be made: ( I ) The Dutch
Roll approximation is exact in the limit of high frequency, and ( 2 ) the spirallroll ap-
proximation is exact as o + 0. In this respect the situation is entirely analogous to
that of the longitudinal case, with the spirallroll corresponding to the phugoid, and
the Dutch Roll to the short-period mode. There are ranges of frequency in the middle
where neither approximation is good. We repeat that lateral approximations must be
used with caution, and that only the exact equations can be relied on to give accurate
252 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
The initial sideslip rate i, is thus seen to be governed solely by the rudder and,
since 9, > 0, is seen to be positive (slip to the right) when 6, is positive (left rud-
der). Of somewhat more interest is the rotation generated. The initial angular acceler-
ation is the vector
The direction of this vector is the initial axis of rotation, and this is of interest. It lies
in the xz plane, the plane of symmetry of the airplane, as illustrated in Fig. 7 . 2 8 ~The
angle 5 it makes with the x axis is, of course,
Let us consider the case of "pure" controls, that is, those with no aerodynamic cross-
coupling, so that Lg = Nsa = 0. The ailerons then produce pure rolling moment and
FC Principal axes
yaw control
Figure 7.28 Initial response to lateral control. ( a ) General. ( b )Example jet transport.
7.11 Transient Response to Aileron and Rudder 253
the rudder produces pure yawing moment. In that case we get for 6, = 0 the angle tR
for response to rudder from
The angles tA, are seen to depend very much on the product of inertia I,. When it
is zero, the result is as intuitively expected, the rotation that develops is about either
the x axis (aileron deflected) or the z axis (rudder deflected). For a vehicle such as the
jet transport of previous examples, with Ixp= 0.41z,,, the values of I,, I,, I, given by
(4.5,11) yield the results shown in Fig. 7.29. The relations are also shown to scale in
Fig. 7.28b for E = 20" (high angle of attack). It can be seen that there is a tendency
for the vehicle to rotate about the principal x axis, rather than about the axis of the
aerodynamic moment. This is simply because I,lI, is appreciably less than unity. Now
the jet transport of our example is by no means "slender," in that it is of large span
and has wing-mounted engines. For an SST or a slender missile, the trend shown is
much accentuated, until in the limit as aspect ratio + 0, both tan 6, and tan 5, tend to
tan E , and the vehicle rotates initially about the x, axis no matter what control is
lier, at the beginning of this chapter, control responses can rapidly build up large val-
ues of some variables, invalidating the linear equations that we have used so far.
There is a compromise available that includes only some nonlinear effects that is use-
ful for transport and general aviation airplanes, which are not subjected to violent
maneuvers. The compromise is to retain a linear representation of the inertia and
aerodynamic effects, but to put in an exact representation of the gravity forces. This
allows the angles 4 , 8, and + t o take on any values. As we shall see in the following
example, the solution obtained is then limited by the airplane speed growing beyond
the range of linear validity, that is, it is an aerodynamic nonlinearity that then con-
trols the useful range of the solution. When the procedure that led to (4.9,18 and 19)
is repeated without the small angle approximations we get the following for 8, = 0
(see Exercise 7.8):
-g sin 19
cos 8 cos 4 )
The data for the B747 jet transport previously used was incorporated into the preced-
ing equations. A step aileron input of - 15" was applied at time zero, the other con-
trols being kept fixed, and the solution was calculated using a fourth-order Runge-
Kutta algorithm. The results are shown in Fig. 7.30. The main feature is the rapid
acquisition of roll rate, shown in Fig. 7.30b, and its integration into a steadily grow-
ing angle of bank (Fig. 7 . 3 0 ~that
) reaches almost 90" in half a minute. Sideslip, yaw
rate, and yaw angle all remain small throughout the time span shown. As the airplane
rolls, with its lift remaining approximately equal to its weight, the vertical component
of aerodynamic force rapidly diminishes, and a downward net force leads to negative
8 and an increase in speed. After 30 seconds, the speed has increased by about
10% of uo, and the linear aerodynamics becomes increasingly inaccurate. The maxi-
mum rotation rate is p = .05 radls, which corresponds to = 0.01. This is small
enough that the neglect of the nonlinear inertia terms in the equations of motion is
Time, s
( a )Veloc~tycomponents
Time, s
(b)Angular velocity components
-40 I I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, s
( c ) Attitude angles
Figure 7.30 Response of jet transport to aileron angle; 6, = - 15". ( a ) Velocity components. (b)
Angular velocity components. (c) Attitude angles.
256 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
If the roll rate in a maneuver approaches or exceeds this value the possibility of a
dangerous instability exists.
7.13 Exercises
7.1 A = [av] is a (3x3) matrix. Demonstrate the statement made in the text with respect
to the numerator of (7.2,7) by writing out in full the adjoint of (sI - A).
7.2 Use the convolution theorem (Appendix A.3) to obtain an alternative proof of the the-
orem for frequency response. That is, for a system with transfer function G(s) and in-
put ei" the response for t -+ co is G(iw)ei".
7.3 An airplane is flying at the speed V* for which the thrust curve is tangent to the drag
curve (Fig. 7.1). The throttle is then suddenly advanced to produce a higher thrust
curve, such as is seen in the figure. The pilot controls the elevator so as to maintain
exactly horizontal flight, in which case the drag curve is as in the figure. The ultimate
steady state is at either P or Q. What will govern which it will be?
7.4 In a test flight procedure, the airplane is brought to a condition of steady horizontal
flight in quiet air. The elevator is then displaced rapidly through a small angle, held
briefly, and then returned as rapidly to its original position. Assume that the resulting
input can be treated as an impulse at t = 0 (see Sec. 7.3).
7.13 Exercises 257
(a) Use the short period approximation (7.7,llb) to the transfer function for 0 to de-
rive a time domain solution for qt).Express the solution in terms of n, w, b,, and
(b) Assuming that 8 and t can be determined very accurately from the flight test data,
and hence that n and w can be determined precisely, suggest how the experimen-
tal data could be used to determine b,, b,, c,, and c,. Note that if a, and a , could
likewise be determined accurately, then the six equations (7.7,12) could in princi-
ple be used to solve for the six aerodynamic derivatives on the right side of the
7.5 Use the nondimensional derivatives of Table 7.2 to calculate the coefficients of the
matrix equation (7.8,4).
7.6 (a) Reformulate the equations for the steady sideslip (7.8,3) to use #J as input and (u,
6,, 6,) as outputs.
(b) Derive (7.8,15)
7.7 Derive (7.10,lO)
7.8 Derive (7.1 1,6) and (7.1 1,7).
7.9 An additional vertical control surface (6.J is added above the fuselage of an airplane,
near the CG. It is capable of providing a side force, accompanied by a rolling mo-
ment, given by
What condition must be satisfied if (a,, a,., 6,) are to generate specified (Y, L, N)?
7.10 (a) Using the numerical data for the B747 example (Sec. 7.9), calculate the static
gains for each of the eight responses that correspond to (7.9,5)-that is, the val-
ues of ~ ( i w )for
, ~ w = 0.
(b) Calculate the slopes of the high-frequency asymptotes for each of the eight fre-
quency response amplitudes (express result in decadesldecade).
(c) Assume that w = 0, that is, that a steady state exists in response to one of the
controls being deflected, such that #J = 15". For each of the two controls-
aileron and rudder--calculate the control angle, the sideslip angle, and the yaw
rate r.
7.11 The elevator of the B747 airplane is oscillated at a frequency a little below that of the
short-period mode.
(a) Use the results given in Fig. 7.18 to estimate the amplitude of the load factor if
the elevator amplitude is 2".
(b) What elevator amplitude would lift a passenger seated near the CG from the seat?
(c) What elevator amplitude would cause the load factor to reach the FAR Part 25
limit maneuvering value of 2.5?
258 Chapter 7. Response to Actuation of the Controls-Open Loop
'In 1951 most aeronautical engineers were using slide rules and had not heard of a transfer function!
260 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
imperfectly understood, but our knowledge of the physiological "mechanism" that in-
tervenes between logical output and control actuation is somewhat better. In the latter
case-the automatic control-the sensed information, the control logic, and the dy-
namics of the control components are usually well known, so that system perfor-
mance is in principle quite predictable. The process of using state information to gov-
ern the control inputs is known as closing the loop, and the resulting system as a
closed-loop control or feedback control. The terms regulator and servomechanism
describe particular applications of the feedback principle. Figure 8.1 shows a general
block diagram describing the feedback situation in a flight control system. This dia-
gram models a linear invariant system, which is of course an approximation to real
nonlinear time-varying systems. The approximation is a very useful one, however,
and is used extensively in the design and analysis of flight control systems. In the di-
agram the arrows show the direction of information flow; the lowercase symbols are
vectors (i.e. column matrices), all functions of time; and the uppercase symbols are
matrices (in general rectangular). The vectors have the following meanings:
Of the above, x and c are the same state and control vectors used in previous
chapters. r is the system input, which might come from the pilot's controller, from an
external navigation or fire control system, or from some other source. It is the com-
mand that the airplane is required to follow. The signal e drives the system to make z
n v
follow r. It will be zero when z = r. The makeup of the output vector y is arbitrary,
constructed to suit the requirements of the particular control objective. It could be as
simple as just one element of x, for example. The feedback signal z is also at the dis-
cretion of the designer via the choice of feedback transfer function H(s). The choices
made for D(s), E(s) and H(s) collectively determine how much the feedback signal
differs from the state. With certain choices z can be made to be simply a subset of x,
and it is then the state that is commanded to follow r.
The vector g describes the local state of motion of the atmosphere. This state
may consist of either or both discrete gusts and random turbulence. It is three-dimen-
sional and varies both in space and time. Its description is inevitably complex, and to
go into it in depth here would take us beyond the scope of this text. For a more com-
plete discussion of g and its closely coupled companion G ' the student should con-
sult Etkin (1972) and Etkin (198 1).
In real physical systems the state has to be measured by devices (sensors) such
as, for example, gyroscopes and Pitot tubes, which are inevitably imperfect. This im-
perfection is commonly modeled by the noise vector n, usually treated as a random
function of time.
The equations that correspond to the diagram are (recall that overbars represent
Laplace transforms):
e = p - z (a)
r = J(s)e (b)
iz = G(s)C + G1(s)g (c> (8.1,1)
p = Diz + EC (4
z = H(s)(g + ii) (el
In the time domain (8.1,l c) appears as
It follows that
G(s) = (sI - A)-'B and G1(s) = (sI - A)-IT (8.1,3)
The feedback matrix H(s) represents any analytical operations performed on the out-
put signal. The transfer function matrix J(s) represents any operations performed on
the error signal e, as well as the servo actuators that drive the aerodynamic control
surfaces, including the inertial and aerodynamic forces (hinge moments) that act on
them. The servo actuators might be hydraulic jacks, electric motors, or other devices.
This matrix will be a significant element of the system whenever there are power-
assisted controls or when the aircraft has a fly-by-wire or fly-by-light AFCS.
From (8.1,l) we can derive expressions for the three main transfer function ma-
trices. By eliminating x, e, c, and z we get
[I + (DG + E)JH]y = (DG + E)Jr - (DG + E)JHn + DG'g (8.1,4)
from which the desired transfer functions are
G,, = [I + (DG + E)JH]-'(DG + E)J (a>
G,, = [I + (DG + E)JH]- ' (DG + E)JH
- (b) ( 8 . 1 3
G,, = [I + (DG + E)JH]-'DG' (c)
262 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
Note that F and H are both scalars for a single-input, single-output system.
When the linear system model is being formulated in state space, instead of in
Laplace transforms, then one procedure that can be used (see Sec. 8.8) is to generate
an augmented form of (8.1,2). In general this is done by writing time domain equa-
tions for J and H, adding new variables to x, and augmenting the matrices A and B
accordingly. An alternative technique for using differential equations is illustrated in
Sec. 8.5. There is a major advantage to formulating the system model as a set of dif-
ferential equations. Not only can they be used to determine transfer functions, but
when they are integrated numerically it is possible, indeed frequently easy, to add a
wide variety of nonlinearities. These include second degree inertia terms, dead bands
and control limits (see Sec. 8.5), Coulomb friction, and nonlinear aerodynamics
given as analytic functions or as lookup tables.
It is frequently helpful to view a feedback loop as simply a method of altering one of
the airplane's inherent stability derivatives. When one of the main damping deriva-
tives, L,, M,, or N,., is too small, or when one of the two main stiffnesses Ma or N p is
not of the magnitude desired, they can be synthetically altered by feedback of the ap-
propriate control. Specifically let x be any nondimensional state variable, and let a
control surface be displaced in response to this variable according to the law
A6 = k h r ; k = const
(Here k is a simplified representation of all the sensor and control system dynamics!)
Then a typical aerodynamic force or moment coefficient Cawill be incremented by
to the aerodynamic derivative Cax.Thus if x be yaw rate and 6 be rudder angle, then
the synthetic increment in the yaw-damping derivative is
which might be the kind of change required to correct a lateral dynamics problem.
This example is in fact the basis of the often-applied "yaw damper," a stability-aug-
8.1 General Remarks 263
mentation feature. Again, if x be the roll angle and 6 the aileron, we get the entirely
new derivative
C1, = kC1, (8.1,lO)
the presence of which can profoundly change the lateral characteristics (see Exercise
We have already alluded to the general nature of feedback control, and the need to
provide sensors that ascertain the state of the vehicle. When human pilots are in con-
trol, their eyes and kinesthetic senses, aided by the standard flight information dis-
played by their instruments, provide this information. (In addition, of course, their
brains supply the logical and computational operations needed, and their neuro-mus-
cular systems all or part of the actuation.) In the absence of human control, when the
vehicle is under the command of an autopilot, the sensors must, of course, be physi-
cal devices. As already mentioned, some of the state information needed is measured
by the standard flight instruments-air speed, altitude, rate of climb, heading, etc.
This information may or may not be of a quality and in a form suitable for incorpora-
tion into an automatic control system. In any event it is not generally enough. When
both guidance and attitude-stabilization needs are considered, the state information
needed may include:
The above is not an exhaustive list. A wide variety of devices are in use to measure
these variables, from Pitot-static tubes to sophisticated inertial-guidance platforms.
Gyroscopes, accelerometers, magnetic and gyro compasses, angle of attack and
sideslip vanes, and other devices all find applications as sensors. The most common
form of sensor output is an electrical signal, but fluidic devices have also been used.
Although in the following examples we tend to assume that the desired variable can
be measured independently, linearly, and without time lag, this is of course an ideal-
ization that is only approached but never reached in practice. Every sensing device,
together with its associated transducer and amplifier, is itself a dynamic system with
characteristic frequency response, noise, nonlinearity, and cross-coupling. These at-
tributes cannot finally be ignored in the design of real systems, although one can use-
fully do so in preliminary work. As an example of cross-coupling effects, consider
the sideslip sensor assumed to be available in the gust alleviation system of Sec. 8.9.
Assume, as might well be the case, that it consists of a sideslip vane mounted on a
boom projecting forward from the nose. Such a device would in general respond not
only to /3 but also to atmospheric turbulence (side gusts), to roll and yaw rates, and to
lateral acceleration a , at the vane hinge. Thus the output signal would in fact be a
complicated mathematical function of several state variables, representing several
264 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
feedback loops. The objective in sensor design is, of course, to minimize all the un-
wanted extraneous effects, and to provide sufficiently high frequency response and
low noise in the sensing system.
This brief discussion serves only to draw attention to the important design and
analytical problems related to sensors, and to point out that their real characteristics,
as opposed to their idealizations, need finally to be taken into account in design.
The transfer functions F(s) and H(s) are ratios of polynomials in s, that is, F(s) =
N,lD,, and H(s) = N21D2.Equation ( 8 . 2 , l )then leads to
This should be contrasted with the characteristic equation for the airframe alone,
which is D(s) = 0, where D is the denominator of G(s). The block diagram corre-
sponding to ( 8 . 2 , l )is shown in Fig. 8.2. FH is the open loop transferfunction, that is,
the ratio of feedback to error, Z/Z. Its absolute value IF^ is the open loop gain.
The stability of the system can be assessed from the frequency response F(io)H(io).
It is clear that if there is a frequency and open loop gain for which FH = - 1 then un-
K = 8. Unstable
- -1
-2 -1 0
Figure 8.3 Nyquist diagram.
der those conditions the denominator of (8.2,l) is zero and G,,(iw) is infinite. When
these conditions hold, the feedback signal that is returned to the junction point is pre-
cisely the negative of the error signal that generated it. This means that the system
can oscillate at this frequency without any input. This is exactly the situation with the
whistling public address system. For then the acoustic signal that returns to the mi-
crophone from the loudspeakers, in response to an input pulse, is equal in strength to
the originating pulse. Clearly the point (- 1,0) of the complex plane has special sig-
nificance. Nyquist (1932) has shown how the relationship of the frequency response
curve (the Nyquist diagram) of FH to this special point indicates stability (see Fig.
8.3). In brief, if the loop gain is < 1 when the phase angle is 180°, or if the phase is
< 180" when the gain is unity, then the system is stable. The amounts by which the
curve misses the critical point define two measures of stability, the gain margin and
phase margin, illustrated on the Nichols diagram (see McLean, 1990) of Fig. 8.4. The
-360 -300 240 180 -1 20 -60 0
Phase, degrees
Figure 8.4 Nichols diagram, K = 2.
266 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
examples of Figs. 8.3 and 8.4 are for the open loop transfer function
If we write Go,&) = N(s)lD(s), and J(s) = N'(s)lDr(s), then the characteristic equa-
tion is
D(s)Dr(s) + N(s)N1(s)= 0 (8.3,2)
To proceed further we need explicit expressions for the above transfer functions.
Since 0 is an important variable in both the short period and phugoid modes, it might
be expected that neither of the two approximate transfer functions for derived in
Sec. 7.7 would serve by itself. We therefore use the exact transfer function derived
controller aircraft
1 1
E:l 0
Real s
k, =0
from the full system of linearized longitudinal equations of motion. Then N(s) is
given by (7.7,2) and D(s) by (6.2,2).The result is
For obvious reasons, the three terms on the right hand side are called, respectively,
integral control, proportional control and rate control, because of the way they oper-
ate on the error e. The particular form of the controlled system, here G,,<,(s),deter-
mines which of k,, k,, k, need to be nonzero, and what their magnitudes should be for
good performance. Integral control has the characteristic of a memory, and steady-
state errors cannot persist when it is present. Rate control has the characteristic of an-
ticipating the future values of the error and thus generates lead in the control actua-
tion. In using (8.3,4),we have neglected the dynamics of the elevator servo actuator
and control surface, which would typically be approximated by the first-order trans-
fer function 1/(1 + rs). Since the characteristic time of the servo actuator system, r,
is usually a small fraction of a second, and we are interested here in much longer
times, this is a reasonable approximation.
For the example airplane at the chosen flight condition it turns out that we need
all three terms of (8.3,4) to get a good control design. This might not always be the
case. Let us first look at the use of proportional control only, in which case J is a con-
stant gain, k,. To select its magnitude, we use a root locus plot2 of the system, Fig.
8.6, in which the locus of the roots of the characteristic equation of the closed loop
system are plotted for variable gain k,. We see that at a gain of about -0.5 the
phugoid mode is nearly critically damped, that is, it is about to split into two real
roots. At this gain, the phugoid oscillation is effectively eliminated. We note that at
'The term root locus is used throughout this chapter with the meaning ordinarily ascribed to it in the
control theory literature.
268 Chapter 8. Closed b o p Control
the same gain the short period roots have moved in the direction of lower damping.
The response of the aircraft to a unit step command in pitch angle with only propor-
tional control is shown in Fig. 8 . 7 ~It. is clear that this is not an acceptable response.
There is a large steady-state error (steady-state error is a feature of proportional con-
trol) and the short-period oscillation leads to excessive hunting. The steady-state er-
ror could be reduced by increasing k, (see Exercise 8.2), but this would further de-
crease the short period damping.
0 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time, s
Time, s
Time, s
Figure 8.7 Response of pitch angle to unit step command. (a) With proportional control. (b) With
proportional plus integral control. ( c ) With proportional, integral, and rate control.
8.3 Phugoid Suppression: Pitch Attitude Controller 269
We digress briefly to explore the reason for the damping behavior. It was noted
previously (Sec. 6.8 and Exercise 6.4) that the term of next-to-highest degree in the
characteristic equation gives "the sum of the dampings." That is, the coefficient of s3
in (8.3,3) is the sum of the real parts of the short-period and phugoid roots. Now
when J = k2 the closed loop characteristic equation (8.3,2) becomes D(s) + k,N(s).
That is we add a second degree numerator to a fourth degree denominator, leaving
the coefjcient of shnchanged. Thus any increase in the phugoid damping can only
come at the expense of that of the short-period mode. This is exactly what is seen in
Fig. 8.6. The shifts of the two roots in the real direction are equal and opposite.
To eliminate the steady-state error, we use integral control and choose
The result is shown in Fig. 8.7b. The steady-state error has been eliminated, but the
short-period oscillation is now even less damped. Now the damping of the short-
period mode is governed principally by M , [see (6.3,14)], so in order to improve it
we should provide a synthetic increase to M,. A signal proportional to q is readily ob-
tained from a pitch-rate gyro. Since q = 8 in the system model we are using, we ac-
complish this by adding a third term to J:
The result, shown in Fig. 8 . 7 ~is an acceptable controller, with little overshoot and
no steady-state error. A commanded pitch attitude change is accomplished in about
10 sec. Note that in this illustration, all the constants in (8.3,4) are the same, that is,
-0.5. Fine-tuning of these could be used to modify the behavior to reduce the over-
shoot or speed up the response. Throughout this maneuver, the elevator angle remains
less than its steady-state value (which it approaches asymptotically), so that the gains
used are indeed much smaller than the elevator control is physically capable of pro-
viding (see Exercise 8.2).
The preceding analysis does not reveal the underlying physics of why k2 damps
the phugoid. This can be understood as follows. An angle 8 in the low frequency
phugoid implies vertical velocity (i.e., h = V8). Now a positive elevator angle pro-
portional to a slowly changing 8 implies a negative increment in angle of attack and
hence in the lift as well. Thus k, leads to a vertical force (downward) 180" out of
phase with the vertical velocity (upward), exactly what is required for damping.
Although the phugoid oscillation has been suppressed quite successfully by the
strategy employed above, it should be remarked that in the example case neither the
speed nor the altitude has been controlled. As a consequence, the speed drifts rather
slowly back to its original value, and the altitude to a new steady state.
Finally it should be noted that a controller design that is correct for one flight
condition, in this case high speed at high altitude, may not be acceptable at all speeds
and altitudes, for example, landing approach. In the real world of AFCS design, this
problem leads, as in most engineering design, to compromises between conflicting
requirements. If the economics of the airplane justifies it, gain scheduling can be
adopted; that is, the control gains are made to be functions of speed, altitude, and
270 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
Two of the elements of G are implicit in (7.7,7), since G,, = Go, - G,, where S
stands for either 6, or 6,. The remaining two are (see Exercise 8.4)
x8p 4442
G,, =- - -
m f(s>
Figure 8.8 Speed controller.
8.4 Speed Controller 271
Each of the aircraft transfer functions in (8.4,3) can, as usual, be expressed as a ratio
of two polynomials, for example:
= -
f (s) etc.
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0
Real s
Figure 8.9 Speed controller. Root locus plot of GUae.
Phugoid approximation.
differentiating the signal from the speed sensor. The closed loop characteristic equa-
tion then becomes:
A's2 B's C' + = 0 (a)
where A' = A + alk2 (b) (8.49)
B' = B + a,k, + a&2 (c)
C' = C + a&, (4
The numerical values of the constants for the example jet transport are
A = 2.721 10'
B = 2.633 X lo5
C = 1.376 X lo5
a , = 8.218 X 10'
a, = 3.653 X 10'
/- A
J = ,005 (3s + I )
Input: throttle. 6, = - 1
-1 0
0 20 40 60
T ~ m e s,
Figure 8.11 Speed controller-phugoid approximation. Speed response to throttle input.
I. A reasonable elevator angle for, say, a 10 fps (3.048 mls) speed error
2. The root locus plot for GUse
3. The graph of k, vs. k , for critical damping
(1) The first of these is arrived at by noting that l o of elevator for 10 fps speed error
gives a k , of 0.0017 radlfps. (2) The root locus plot is shown on Fig. 8.9 and indicates
that the open loop roots can be moved very appreciably with a proportional gain as
low as 0.005. (3) For the third guide, we note that critical damping corresponds to
~ ' -2 4A1C' = 0. With the aid of (8.4,9) and (8.4,10) this leads to an algebraic rela-
tion between k , and k, that is solved for the graph shown on Fig. 8.10. The useful
range of gains is the space below the curve, which corresponds to damped oscilla-
tions. The farther from the curve, the more overshoot would be expected in the re-
sponse. We have for illustration arbitrarily chosen the gains indicated by the point
marked on the graph, without regard for whether it is optimum. When used to calcu-
late the response of airplane speed to application of a negative step in thrust, with the
phugoid approximation, the result is as shown in Fig. 8.1 1. The throttle input corre-
-0.1 I I I I I I J
0 20 40 60 80 100 1
Time, s
Figure 8.13 Speed controller~xactequations. Gamma response.
sponds to a steady-state descent angle of a little less than 3". The maximum speed er-
ror, which is seen to be less than 3 fps at an initial speed of 774 fps, would probably
not be perceptible to the pilot. This suggests that the chosen gains are probably not
too small. The maximum elevator angle during this maneuver is less than 2" (see Fig.
8.14) so the gains are not excessive either.
To assess the performance of the controller with certainty, it is necessary to use
the exact equations. The full matrix A for this example is (6.2,1), and B is (7.6,4).
The most important elements of the solution are displayed in Figs. 8.12 to 8.14. The
result for the speed in Fig. 8.12 confirms that the phugoid approximation is indeed
good enough for preliminary design. Figure 8.13 demonstrates that the steady-state
flight path angle is reached, with a small overshoot, in about 20 s. Figure 8.14
demonstrates that the elevator angle required to achieve this is small. To understand
the physics of the maneuver, it is helpful to look at the angle of attack variation,
graphed in Fig. 8.15. It shows that there is a negative "pulse" in a that lasts about
10 s. This causes a corresponding negative pulse in lift, which is the force perpendic-
ular to the flight path that is required to change its direction.
Finally, these graphs should be contrasted with those of Fig. 7.21, which show
the uncontrolled response to throttle. Feedback control has made a truly dramatic dif-
0 10 20 30
Time, s
Figure 8.14 Speed controller--exact equations. Elevator angle.
8.5 Altitude and Glide Path Control 275
where T is the horizontal component of the thrust, and D is the drag. Since the speed
cannot change very rapidly, then neither does a, and we can safely ignore any effects
of q and iu on lift and drag. Consequently, T and D are simply the thrust and drag or-
276 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
Figure 8.16 Performance graph.
dinarily used in performance analysis, as displayed in Fig. 8.16. We denote the refer-
ence thrust and drag by To and Do and define the stability derivatives
T,= aTlav and D v = a ~ l a v
so that T - D = (To + TvAV) - (Do + DvAV)
Since V = Vo + AV, and To = Do, (8.51) becomes
T , and Dv are the slopes of the tangents to the thrust and drag curves at their intersec-
tion. If they intersect at a point such as P in Fig. 8.16, then T , < D , A is negative,
and the motion is stable. If, on the other hand, the flight condition is at a point such
as Q, the reverse is the case. A is then >0, and the motion is unstable. If when flying
at point Q there is an initial error in the speed, then it will either increase until it
reaches the stable point P or it will decrease until the airplane stalls. The stable and
unstable regimes are bounded by the speed V*, which is where the thrust curve is tan-
gent to the drag curve. V* will be the same as V,, of Fig. 7.1 if T, = 0. Hence the
appellation "back side of the polar" is used to describe the range V < V*, with refer-
ence to the portion of the aircraft polar (the graph of CL vs. C,) for which CL is
greater than that for maximum WD.
Although we have analyzed only the case of horizontal flight, the result is similar
for other straight-line flight paths, climbing or descending (see Exercise 8.8). Flight
in the unstable regime can indeed occur when an airplane is in a low speed climb or
landing approach. This speed instability is therefore not entirely academic, but can
present a real operational problem, depending on by what means and how tightly the
aircraft is constrained to follow the prescribed flight path. An important point insofar
as AFCS design is concerned is that for speeds less than V* it is not possible to lock
8.5 Altitude and Glide Path Control 277
exactly onto a straight-line flight path, and at the same time provide stability, using
the elevator control alone, no matter how sophisticated the controller! To achieve sta-
bility it is mandatory to use a second control. This would most commonly be the
throttle, but in principle spoilers that control the drag could also be used.
elevator servo actuator. The logic of the outer loop that controls h warrants explana-
tion. If there is an initial error in h, say the altitude is too low, then in order to correct
it, the airplane's flight path must be deflected upward. This requires an increase in
angle of attack to produce an increase in lift. The angle of attack and the resulting lift
could of course be produced by using an angle of attack vane as sensor, and no doubt
an angle of attack commanded to be a function of height error would be very effec-
tive. It might be preferred, however, to use the vertical gyro as the source of the sig-
nal, and since short-term changes in 0 are effectively changes in a, then much the
same result is obtained by using 0 as the commanded variable. We have chosen to use
stability axes, so that in the steady state, when Ah is zero, the correct value of 0 is
also zero. Thus, in summary, the system commands a pitch angle that is proportional
to height error and the inner loop uses the elevator to make the pitch angle follow the
command. While all this is going on the speed will be changing because of both grav-
ity and drag changes. The quickest and most straightforward way of controlling the
speed is with the throttle, and the third loop accomplishes that. (The symbols y, and
y, denote the inputs to the limiter and the airframe, and are elements of the state vec-
tor derived below.)
After substituting the expressions for the two error signals, (8.5,8) yield three equa-
tions for the controls
T,A$, + A& = -ka2Ah -a2B - ka,Ah - a,8 - ka,Ah - a,0 (a)
y4 = -b2Aii - b,Aa - b,Au ( 6 ) (8.59)
T,~S = Aq, - Y4 (c)
For convenient integration we want a system of first-order equations and therefore
have to do something about the second derivatives in (8.5,9). Since 6 = q we can re-
place 8 with g. For the other second derivatives, we introduce three new variables, as
y , = Au (a)
y2 = Ah ( b ) (8.5,10)
Y3 = As, (c)
With these definitions, (8.5,9a and b ) can now be rewritten in terms of first deriva-
tives as
The state vector now consists of the original five variables from (8.5,4) plus the two
control variables AS, and AS,, plus the five yi defined above, making 12 in all. We
therefore require 12 independent equations. From the foregoing equations (8.5,4)
(8.5,10), (8.5,l I), and (8.5,9c) we can get 1 1 of the required differential equations.
That for y, is obtained from (8.5,lOa)by differentiating the first component of (8.5,4)
and that for y, by differentiating the fifth. The result of that operation is
The above equations contain first derivatives on the right side as well as on the left
side and hence are not in the canonical form. This is no impediment to numerical in-
tegration, however, since if the derivatives are calculated in the sequence given, each
one that appears on the right has already been calculated in one of the preceding
equations by the time it is needed. The twelfth and final relation needed is that which
describes the limiter, in the form
From the values of C,, and C,, given in Sec. 6.2, we find that Do = To =
0.0657W. In Sec. 7.6 it was given that 6, = 1 corresponds to a thrust of 0.3W. It fol-
lows that zero thrust corresponds to y, = -0.06571.3 = -0.219. The nonlinear rela-
tionship for y, is therefore implemented in the computing program by a program
fragment equivalent to
AS, = Y4
IF y, < -0.219 THEN A6, = -0.219 (8.5,14)
IFy4 > 0.10 THEN AS, = 0.10
where the maximum engine thrust has been assumed to be 10% greater than cruise
thrust. Equations (8.5,13 and 8.5,14) are convenient for numerical integration. We
have calculated a solution using simple Euler integration of the equations for the ex-
ample jet transport with the matrices A and B given in Secs. 6.2 and 7.6, and with the
following control parameters: re = 0.1; r, = 3.5; k = 0.0002; a, = a , = a, = -0.5;
bo = 0.005; b, = 0.08; b, = 0.16. Figure 8.18 shows the performance obtained in re-
sponse to an initial height error of 500 ft.
It is seen that the height error is reduced to negligible proportions quickly, in
about 20 s, accompanied by a theta pulse of similar duration and peak magnitude
about 7". Even with extreme throttle action, the speed takes more than 2 min to re-
cover its reference value. This length of time is inherent in the physics of the situa-
tion and cannot be shortened significantly by changes in the controller design. On the
other hand, there is no operational requirement for more rapid speed adjustment
when cruising at 40,000 ft.
The peak elevator angle needed is less than 3", but the thrust drops quickly to
zero, stays there for about 30 s, then increases rapidly to its maximum. Toward
the end of the maneuver the throttle behaves linearly and reduces the speed error
smoothly to zero.
600 I 1
-400 I I I
0 50 100 150 200
Figure 8.18 Altitude-hold controller. ( a )Height, speed, and pitch angle. (b) Elevator and throttle
fies L, (roll damper), r to the rudder modifies N , (yaw damper), and v to rudder mod-
ifies the yaw stiffness Nu, and so on. It is a helpful and instructive preliminary to a
detailed study of particular lateral control objectives to survey some of these possible
control loops. We could do this analytically by examining the approximate transfer
functions given in Chap. 7. However, we prefer here to do this by way of example,
using the now familiar jet transport, and using the full system model. We treat each
loop as in Fig. 8.19, as a negative feedback with a perfect sensor and a perfect actua-
tor, so that the loop is characterized by the simple constant gain K. For each case we
present a root locus plot with the gain as parameter (Fig. 8.20) (All the root loci are
symmetrical about the real axis; for some, only the upper half is shown). As is con-
282 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
Figure 8-19 Representative loop.
ventional, the crosses designate the open loop roots (poles) and the circles the open
loop zeros. The pair of complex roots corresponds to the Dutch Roll oscillation; the
real root near the origin is for the spiral mode; and the real root farther to the left is
that of the heavily damped roll mode.
Since the root loci always proceed from the poles to the zeroes as 1 4 increases,
the locations of the zeros can be just as important in fixing the character of the loci as
the locations of the poles. The numbers on the loci are the values of the gain. Zero
gain of course corresponds to the original open loop roots. The objective of control is
to influence the dynamics, and the degree of this influence is manifested by the
amount of movement the roots show for small changes in the gain. We have not in-
cluded root loci for acceleration feedback, and of the remaining ten, two show very
small effects, and are therefore not included either. These two are the aileron feed-
backs: u += 6, and r + 6,. Each of the other eight is discussed individually below.
+ =6 It was pointed out in Chaps. 2 and 3 that airplanes have inherent
aerodynamic rotational stiffness in pitch and yaw, but that there is
no such stiffness for rotations about the velocity vector. This funda-
mental feature of aerodynamics is responsible for the fact that air-
planes have to sideslip in order to level the wings after an initial roll
upset. This lack can be remedied by adding the synthetic derivative
Dutch roll
- -1 0
K = -0.5
Roll Spiral
-0.2 I I I I I
-0.6 -0.5 -0 4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1
Real s
Real s
( b ) p + 6,
Figure 8.20 Root loci. ( u ) 4 + 6,'. (b)p + 6,. ( c ) $ + 6,. (4u + 6,. (e) p -+ 6,. ( f ) r + 6,. ( g )
4 + 6,. ( h ) $-+ S,..(i) STOL airplane; r + 6,.
-0.5 -0.03 -0.01 -0.01 0.01 0.03 0.05
Real s
(c) W +
-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 01
Real s
- -
-1.5 -1 .O -0 5 0 0.5 1.O
Real s
-0.9 -08 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1
Real s
k)$ + 6,
Real s
(h)g -t 6,
- -6
- ... -6
P, pole Z, zero
-0 03 -0.02
(i) STOL Airplane; r + 6,
Figure 8.20 (Continued)
8.7 Yaw Damper 287
STOL airplane the reverse is the case. The direction of the locus
emanating from this root is therefore opposite in the two cases, with
a consequent basic difference in the qualitative nature of the dynam-
ics. For the STOL airplane the Dutch Roll root splits into a real pair,
one of which then combines with the spiral root to form a new low-
frequency oscillation. In viewing Fig. 8.20i it should be noted that it
was drawn for the nondimensional system model, and hence the nu-
merical values for the roots and the gains are not directly compara-
ble with those of Fig. 8.20f.
6 Feeding back bank angle to the rudder produces mixed results (Fig.
8.20g). When the gain is negative, the spiral mode is rapidly driven
unstable. On the other hand if it is positive, to improve the spiral,
the Dutch Roll is adversely affected.
$--+6, The consequence of using heading to control the rudder is also
equivocal. If the gain is positive (heading right induces right rudder)
the null mode becomes divergent. If the gain is negative the two
nonperiodic modes form a new oscillation at quite small gain that
quickly becomes unstable.
This transfer function was used to calculate a number of transient responses to illus-
trate the effects of J(s) and W(s).
As a reference starting point, Fig. 8.22 shows the open loop response (W = 0) to
288 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
3.333K filter
J= - W =S
s + 3.333 s+a
Two = 1
a unit impulse of yaw rate command r,. It is evident that there is a poorly damped os-
cillatory response (the Dutch Roll) that continues for about 2 min and is followed by
a slow drift back to zero (the spiral mode). Fig. 8.22a shows that the control dynam-
ics (i.e., J(s)) has not had much effect on the response.
Figure 8.23 shows what happens when the yaw damper is turned on with the
same input as in Fig. 8.22. It is seen that the response is very well damped with either
of the two gains shown, which span the useful range suggested by Fig. 8.20f, and that
the spiral mode effect has also been suppressed.
It remains to choose a time constant for the washout filter. If it is too long, the
washout effect will be insufficient; if too short, it may impair the damping perfor-
mance. To assist in making the choice, it is helpful to see how the parameter a =
l/rwOaffects the lateral roots. Figure 8.24 shows the result for a gain of K = - 1.6.
The roots in this case consist of those shown in Fig. 8.20f plus an additional small
real root associated with the filter. It is seen that good damping can be realized for
values of a up to about 0.3, that is, for time constant r down to about 3 s. This result
is very dependent on the gain that is chosen. While the oscillatory modes are behav-
ing as displayed, the real roots are also changing-the roll root decreasing in magni-
tude from -2.31 at a = 0 to - 1.95 at a = 0.32. The new small real root starts at the
origin when a = 0 and moves slowly to the left, growing to -0.00464 at a = 0.32.
When the filter time constant is 5 s the small root is -0.0038, corresponding to an
aperiodic mode with t,,,, = 182 s. It is instructive to compare the performance of the
yaw damper with and without the filter for an otherwise identical case. This is done
in Fig. 8.25. It is seen that the main difference between them comes from the small
real root, which after 5 min has reduced the yaw rate to about 5% of its peak value.
This slow decay is unlikely to present a problem since the airplane heading is in-
evitably controlled, either by a human or automatic pilot. In either case, the residual r
would rapidly be eliminated (see Sec. 8.8).
8.7 Yaw Damper 289
(at lnit~alresponse. 0-60 s
Figure 8.22 Yaw rate impulse response--open loop, W = 0. (a) Initial response, 0-60 sec. (b)
Long-term response.
For this example we use the state vector approach to system modeling in order to
provide another illustration, one that differs in detail from that of Sec. 8.5.
As usual the starting point is the basic aircraft matrix equation,
x = Ax + Bc (8.8,l)
in which x = [v p r 4ITand c = [a, &IT.
The differential equations that correspond to the various control transfer func-
tions in the figure are found as follows. For the yaw damper components, we have the
same form of transfer functions as previously, that is,
For J,, we use the constant K,, and for J, we use a first order servoactuator
The relation between Sa, p, and C$c is seen from the diagram to be
8.8 Roll Controller 291
Gain K = -1.6 4 Lo
Tme, s
(a)Short time, 0-30 s
(b)Long tlme
Figure 8.25 Effect of washout filter on yaw damper performance. (a) Short time, 0-30 sec. (b)
Long time.
292 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
Equations (8.8,5)and (8.8,8)are the additional equations required to augment the ba-
sic system (8.8,l)to accommodate the addition of the two control angles as depen-
dent variables. However, a little more manipulation is needed of (8.8,5). To put it in
first-order form, we define the new variable
and to put it in canonical form, we must eliminate i. This we do by using the third
component equation in (8.8,l).When these steps have been taken the system can be
assembled into the matrix equation
The matrices P and Q are:
Equation (8.8,10)was solved by numerical integration for two cases, with the results
shown on Figs. 8.27 and 8.28.The various gains and time constants used were se-
8.8 Roll Controller 293
Time, s
( a )$, p . and 6,
Figure 8.27 Response of roll controller to initial $of 0.262 rad (15"). ( a ) 4, p, and 6,. (b) P, r, $,
I 1 I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time, s
0 5 10 15
Time, s
(b)p. r.v. 6,
20 25 30
Figure 8.28 Response of roll controller to roll command of 0.262 rad (15"). ( a ) 4, p, 6,. ( b )P, r,
$5 6,.
mum control angles required are not excessive-about 20" for the aileron and less
than 1" for the rudder. The time taken for the motion to subside to negligible levels is
equal to about two Dutch Roll periods. All the variables except cC, subside to zero,
whereas cC, asymptotes to a new steady state. When level flight is reestablished, the
airplane has changed its heading by about 1.go.
The second figure shows the response to a 15" bank command. The new steady
state is approached with a damped oscillation that takes about 15 s to decay. The
steady state is clearly a turn to the right, in which r has a constant value and cC, is in-
8.9 Gust Alleviation 295
creasingly linearly. All the other variables, including the two control angles, are very
small. It is especially interesting that the sideslip angle is almost zero. Clearly this
controller has the capability to provide the bank angle needed for a coordinated turn.
(The angle of attack and lift would of course have to be increased.)
When a system with transfer function G(s) is subjected to an input with spectrum
function aii(w) the spectral density @,(w) of the response r(t) is given by
where G(iw) is the frequency response function defined in Sec. 7.5. There is a gener-
alization of (8.9,l) available for multiple inputs (Etkin, 1972, p. 94). Figure 8.29
shows the relationships expressed in (8.9,l) for a second-order system of moderate
In the case at hand the motion studied is the lateral motion, and the forces needed
are Y, L, and N. The gust vector g (Fig. 8.1) that is the source of these forces has ele-
ments that represent aspects of the motion of the atmosphere. It has four components
0.01 0.1 1.o 10 100
61 (radls)
v, is the y-component of the turbulent velocity, p, is the lateral gradient of the z-com-
ponent, p, = aw,/ay, and r,, = -duglay, r,, = av,/ax. Each of these inputs is capa-
ble of producing aerodynamic actions on the airframe. u, acts just like v in producing
forces and moments like Y,v and L,v; p, acts like p and produces moments like L,p
and N g ; and r,, and r,, also produce forces and moments as a result of their effects
on the relative wind at the wing and tail. The details of this theory can be found in
Etkin (1981). The incremental force and moments can be expressed in terms of the
gust components by the equation
Figure 8.30 Gust alleviation system.
be successful in doing so. In the cited study, the output chosen to be minimized was a
passenger comfort index (see below).
A block diagram of the system considered is given in Fig. 8.30. The state vector
is the set x = [v p r 4ITand the control vector is c = [aa 8,lT. The model includes
full state feedback via the ( 2 x 4 ) gain matrix K,, control servo actuators described by
the (2x2) matrix J, and also includes the possibility of using measurements of the
turbulent motion to influence the controls via the (2x4) gain matrix Kg.
We now proceed to complete the differential equation of the system. We start
with the servo actuator transfer function J(s), which is given, as in our previous ex-
amples, by first-order elements:
We can now combine (8.9,2) and (8.9,7) into the augmented differential equation of
the system:
This can be written more compactly, with obvious meanings of the symbols, as
z=Az+Tg (8.9,9)
In the cited study, various control strategies were examined, differentiated primarily
by whether or not gust "feedforward" was included (i.e., Kg # 0). When only state
feedback was employed, (Kg = 0) linear optimal control theory was used to ascertain
the optimum values of the gains in K,. To this end, a function has to be chosen to be
minimized. The choice made was a passenger comfort index made up of a linear
combination of sideways seat acceleration along with angular accelerations p and P.
The seat acceleration depends on how far the seat is from the CG, so an average was
used for this quantity. The optimum that resulted entailed the feedback of each of the
four state variables to each of the two controls, a very complicated control system!
However, it was found that there was very little difference in performance between
Frequency, hz
Figure 8.31 Lateral acceleration spectra. Rearmost seat, with yaw damper.
8.9 Gust Alleviation 299
this optimum and a simple yaw damper. The result is shown on Fig. 8.31, in the form
of the spectral density of sideways acceleration of the rearmost seat. This form of
plot, f @ ( f ) vs. log f , is commonly used. The area under any portion of this curve is
also equal to the mean-square contribution of that frequency band, just as with @(f)
vs. f . Results are shown for three cases-the basic airframe with fixed controls, a
conventional autopilot, and the selected yaw damper. Very substantial reduction of re-
sponse to turbulence has clearly been achieved with a relatively simple control strat-
An alternative to conventional linear optimal control theory was found to be bet-
ter for the case when gust measurement is assumed to be possible. It stems from a
theorem of Rynaski et al. (1979). It is seen from (8.9,2) that if one could make Bc +
Tg = 0 then one would have completely canceled the gust input with control action,
and the airplane would fly as if it were in still air! This equality presupposes that the
control is given by
that is, that B has an inverse. This would require B to be a square matrix [i.e., to be
(4X4)], which in turn would require that the airplane have two more independent
Frequency, hz
Figure 8.32 Lateral acceleration spectra. Rearmost seat, with yaw damper and gust feedforward.
300 Chapter 8. Closed Loop Control
(and sufficiently powerful) controls than it actually has. Although this is not beyond
the realm of imagination, it was not a feasible option in the present study. However,
there is available the "generalized inverse," which provides in a certain sense the best
approximation to the desired control law. The generalized inverse of B is the inverse
of the (2x2) matrix BTB. This leads to the control law
(The second BT is needed to yield a (2X 1) matrix on the right-hand side). This law
still requires, however, that all four components of g be sensed in order to compute c.
Sensing all components of g is not impossible, indeed it may not even be impractical.
However, a good result can be obtained with a subset of g consisting only of v, and
r,,, both of which can be measured with an aerodynamic yawmeter, a sideslip vane or
other form of sensor. The end result of combining gust sensing in this way with the
yaw damper, with the gust sensor placed an optimum distance forward of the CG, is
shown in Fig. 8.32. It is clear that this control strategy has been successful in achiev-
ing a very large reduction in seat acceleration.
8.10 Exercises
8.1 Assume that an aerodynamic derivative L+ has been added to the lateral force system.
What changes does this entail in the lateral characteristic equation? What implica-
tions do these changes have for lateral dynamics?
8.2 (a) What is the steady state 6 that results from a steady A S , = 5" for the jet transport
of Sec. 8.3?
(b) For the closed-loop response to a unit step input in Sec. 8.3, with J = k,, derive
an expression for the steady-state error e,, as a function of k,. (Hint: start with
(c) Calculate the value of k, needed to keep e,, < 0.1" for 8, = 5".
(d) For the value of k, found in (c) what is the elevator angle at t = Of when 6, is a
step input of 5"? Comment on the practicality of using k, alone to reduce e,,.
8.3 (a) With respect to Fig. 8.5, write out the transfer function for the elevator angle re-
sponse to 6, input.
(b) Calculate the steady-state response for the case of Fig. 8 . 7 ~ .
8.4 (a) Derive the expressions for the transfer functions G,$ and G,,p given in (8.4,2).
(b) Derive the expressions for the closed loop transfer functions given in (8.4,3).
8.5 The system of Fig. 8.8 is to be represented by the block diagram of Fig. 8.1 with x =
[u w q 6IT and c = [ S , SPIT. Write out the matrices D, E, and H. What are the di-
mensions of J?
8.6 Given the 2 x 2 algebraic system
Air = BC
8.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 8 301
for which
(b) Prove that if the washout filter is in the forward path, instead of the feedback
path, then
Analytical Tools
Scalar product
Unit vectors
The basis unit vectors are i,j,k such that
304 Appendix A. Analytical Tools
The adjoint of a matrix is the transpose of the matrix of cofactors,
adj [au] = [cuIT (A. 1,5)
Provided that det A # 0 the inverse is given by
A-1 = -
adj A
(A. 1,6)
det A
The integral is convergent only for certain functions x(t) and for certain values of s.
The Laplace transform is defined only when the integral converges. This restriction is
weak and excludes few cases of interest to engineers. It should be noted that the orig-
inal function x(t) is converted into a new function of the transform variable s by the
transformation. The two notations for the transform shown on the left-hand side of
(A.2,l) will be used interchangeably. The transforms of some functions that com-
monly occur in problems of linear systems are listed in Table A. 1.
Table A.1
Laplace Transforms
306 Appendix A. Analytical Tools
where x(0) is the value of x(t) when t = 0.' The process may be repeated to find the
higher derivatives by replacing x(t) in (A.2,2)by k(t),and so on. The result is
Let the integral be
'To avoid ambiguity when dealing with step functions, t = 0 should always be interpreted as
t = O+.
A.2 The Laplace Transform 307
Let us assume that the system is aperiodic; that is, that 5 > 1. Then the roots of the
characteristic equation are real and equal to
A,,, =n 2 w' (A.2,6)
By comparing these three terms with items 3 and 8 in Table A.l, we may write down
the solution immediately as
where N(s) and D(s) are polynomials and the degree of D(s) is higher than that of
N(s). Let the roots of D(s) = 0 be a,, so that
D(s) = (s - a,)@ - a,) (s - a,)
Then the inverse of the transform is
The effect of the factor (s - a,) in the numerator is to cancel out the same factor of
the denominator. The substitution s = a, is then made in the reduced expression.,
In applying this theorem to (A.2,7), we have the three roots a , = 0, a, = A,,
a, = A,, and N(s) = 1. With these roots, (A.2,9) follows immediately from (A.2,lO).
x(t) = -lim
2 9 ~ w-ffi
i C im
es'X(s) ds
where y is a real number greater than the real part of all values of s for which X(s) di-
verges. That is, s = y is a straight line on the s plane lying parallel to the imaginary
axis, and to the right of all the poles of X(s). This theorem can be used, employing the
methods of contour integrals in the complex plane, to evaluate the inverse of the
= lirn
Q e-'%(t) dt
We now take the limit s -+ 0 while T is held constant, that is,
-x(O) + lirn s ~ ( s =) lirn
s-0 T+m
lirn ePs'i(t) dt
= lirn i(t) dt = lirn [x(T) - x(O)]
T-m T-m
This result, known as thefinal value theorem, provides a ready means for determin-
ing the asymptotic value of x(t) for large times from the value of its Laplace trans-
In a similar way, by taking the limit s + a at constant T, the integral vanishes for
all finite x(t) and we get the initial value theorem.
lim sZ(s) = x(0)
When f(0) is not zero, then there must be added to (A.3,lb)a term to allow for
the initial step in f (t);i.e.,
The physical significance of these integrals is brought out by considering them as the
limits of the following sums
Typical terms of the summations are illustrated in Figs. A. 1 and A.2. The summation
forms are quite convenient for computation, especially when the interval Ar is kept
Figure A.1 Duhamel's integral, impulsive form. Ax = h(t - T)~(T)AT = response at time t to
impulse at time T.
310 Appendix A. Analytical Tools
I . A ""Staircase" representation of f(tl
Figure A.2 Duhamel's integral, indicia1 form. Af = step input applied at time 7,Ax =
A(t - r)Af = response at time t to step input A f .
The component of valin the direction of xbi is ualcos (Oil) where Oil denotes the an-
gle between O,xbi and Ouxal(see Fig. A.3). Thus by adding the three components of
uajin the direction of xbi we get
1, = cos (0,) (A.42)
are the nine direction cosines. (A.4,l) is evidently the matrix product
and constitutes the required transformation formula. Its inverse readily reverses the
transformation to give
v , = LZV, = Labvb
A.4 Coordinate Transformations 311
Component of v,, on gi
4 3
where (A.4,4)
L,, = Lid
When a vector is successively transformed through several frames of reference, for
example, Fa, F,, F,. . . . then
Since also v, = Lc,v,,, then it follows that
lL,,12 = 1
and hence that L , , is never zero and the inverse of L,, always exists. In view of
(A.4,6)we have, of course, that
that is the inverse and the transpose are the same. Equation (A.4,6) together with
(A.4,3b) yields a set of conditions on the direction cosines,
It follows from (A.4,8) that the columns of L,, are vectors that form an orthogonal
set (hence the name "orthogonal matrix") and that they are of unit length.
Since (A.4,8) is a set of six relations among the nine lo, then only three of them
are independent. These three are an alternative to the three independent Euler angles
for specifying the orientation of one frame relative to another.
By inspection of the angles in Fig. A.4, the following matrices are readily verified.
L,(xl) = [0
-sin X,
cos X,
cos X, 0 -sin X2
sinX, 0 cos X,
Figure A.4 The three basic rotations. (a) About x,. (b) About .x,, (c) About .x
A.4 Coordinate Transformations 313
The transformation matrix for any sequence of rotations can be constructed readily
from the above basic formulas. For the case of Euler angles, which rotate frame FE
into F, as defined in Sec. 4.4, the matrix corresponds to the sequence (X,, X,, X,) =
($, 8, 4), giving
LAE = LI(4) . . L3($) (A.4,I 1)
[The sequence of angles in (A.4,11) is opposite that of the rotations, since each trans-
formation matrix premultiplies the vector arrived at in the previous step.] The result
of multiplying the three matrices is
where v,, = (d/dt)(u,,), and so forth. It is important to note that v, and v, are not
simply two sets of components of the same vector, but are actually two difSerent vec-
Now because F, rotates relative to F,, the direction cosines lij are changing with
time, and the derivative of (A.4,3) is
or alternatively
0 a waz
i a b v b= haLabvb (A.4,18)
for all v,. Whence
= OaLab
and ha= L ~ ~ L ~ ~
Finally if the above argument is repeated with F b considered fixed, and Fa having an-
gular velocity - u,we clearly arrive at the reciprocal result
Lba= -hbLba (A.4,19)
From (A.4,18) and (A.4,19), recalling that h is skew-symmetric so that OT = - 0
the reader can readily derive the result
A.5 Computation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 315
Equation (A.4,20) is an example of the transformation of a matrix, the elements of
which are dependent on the frame of reference. Generally the matrix of interest A oc-
curs in an equation of the form
v = Au (A.4,23)
where the elements of the (physical) vectors u and v and of the matrix A are all de-
pendent on the reference frame. We write (A.4,23) for each of the two frames F, and
F,, that is,
'Available from Systems Technology, Inc., 13766 South Hawthorne Blvd., Hawthorne, CA, 90250-
7083 U.S.
316 Appendix A. Analytical Tools
For the eigenvectors, we turn to the expansion theorem (A.2,10). Consider a case
where the input to the system is 6, = 6(t),Dirac's delta function. The response of the
ith component of the state vector to this input in the mode corresponding to eigen-
value A is
This ratio gives the ith component of the eigenvector for the mode associated with A.
Any component can be chosen for reference instead of x , , as illustrated in Figs. 6.3
and 6.15.
We want expressions for the velocity and acceleration of P in terms of the compo-
nents of r' in FM. Expanding the first of (A.6,l)
v, = r,, + r;
= v,, + r;
where v, is the velocity of 0 relative to F,. The velocity components in FMare given
V M = LMIv1 = LM/(vOI + rj) = VOMf LMIrj
From the rule for transforming derivatives (A.4,22)
vM= v,, + rL + OM&
The first term of (A.6,4) is the velocity of 0 relative to F,, the second is the velocity
of P as measured by an observer fixed in FM,and the last is the "transport velocity,"
that is the velocity relative to F, of the point of FMthat is momentarily coincident
with P. The total velocity of P relative to FI is the sum of these three components.
Following traditional practice in flight dynamics, we denote
(When necessary, subscripts are added to the components to identify particular mov-
ing frames.)
The scalar expansion of (A.6,4) is then
u, = u,, + x + qz - ry
u, = u,,,+ j + rx - p z
These expressions then give the components, parallel to the moving coordinate axes,
of the velocity of P relative to the inertial frame.
On differentiating v, and using (A.6,4) we find the components of inertial accel-
eration parallel to the FM axes to be
rL, and the centripetal acceleration is directed along the perpendicular from P to w.
The scalar expansion of (A.6,7) gives the required inertial acceleration components
of P as
B.5 Downwash, -
B.6 Effect of Bodies on Neutral Point and Cmo
B. 7 Propeller and Slipstream Effects
B.8 Wing Pitching Derivative, Cm4
B.9 Wing Sideslip Derivatives C,,, C,,,
B. 10 Wing Rolling Derivatives ClP,C,
B.11 Wing Yawing Derivatives C,,, Cnr
B.12 Changes in Inertias and Stability Derivatives with
Change of Body Axes
320 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
aspect ratio
lift-curve slope of wing alone
two-dimensional (airfoil) lift-curve slope
theoretical value of Cla
an empirical factor
Mach number
Reynolds number, Vcplp
Prandtl-Glauert compressibility factor,
P C l P
sweepback angle of midchord line
The source of the data for airfoils and wings is USAF datcom. It applies to
rigid straight-tapered wings at subsonic speeds and small angle of attack.
The section lift-curve slope is given by
where K is given in Fig. B.l,la and (C,,),,,,, in Fig. B.l,lb. Y,, and Y,, are the air-
foil thicknesses, in percent of chord, at 90% and 99% of the chord back from the
leading edge, as illustrated, and the trailing edge angle is defined in terms of these
thicknesses by
%(y90- y99)
tan %& =
The lift-curve slope Cia of the wing alone is given in Fig. B.1,2. The inset
equation is seen to approach the theoretically correct limits of vA/2 as A
and2.rras { A - m , K- l , A - O , p + 1).
Figure B. 1,3 gives some theoretical values of the body effect on CLafor
unswept wings in mid-wing combination with an infinite circular cylinder
body. For values of A < 1, the theory also applies to delta wings with pointed
In Fig. B.l,3a the wing angle of attack is the same as that of the fuselage; that is,
E = 0. In this case the lift of the wing-body combination increases to a maximum
value, then decreases with increasing body diameter. Where there is a wing setting,
i.e., E # 0, and cu, = 0 (Fig. B.1,3b), the lift of the combination decreases with in-
creasing a.
B.2 Control Effectiveness, C,, 321
Mean lhne
[p2+ tan2 A , , ~ ] ~
Figure B.Z,2 Subsonic wing lift-curve slope.
pirical data of Fig. B.2,lb for the strong effect of nonideal lift-curve slope of the
main surface to which the control is attached.
The derivative C,, for a finite lifting surface with a part span control flap is obtained
from the section derivative by
Rectangular wings
infinite circular
cylinder mid-wing
(per radian)
Figure B.51 Control effectiveness for two-dimensional incompressible flow. (From Royal
Aeronautical Society Data Sheet Controls 0 1.0 1.03.)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure B.52 Flap-chord factor.
~ (b,)obal
( b )obaI9 rates of change of control hinge-moment coefficients with in-
cidence and control-surface deflection, respectively, in two-
dimensional flow for control surfaces with sealed gap and
nose balance
F,, a i / 6 induced angle of attack correction to (b,), and (b,),, respec-
tively, where F, is the value of (ai/6) [CdCla]when cf = c
stream-line curvature correction to (b,), and (b,),, respec-
tively, where F, is the value of A(b,) when cf = c
F3 factor to F, and A(b,) allowing for nose balance
Balance ratio of control-surface area forward of hinge line to control-
surface area behind hinge line
Figures B.3,l and B.3,2
The curves of Fig. B.3,1 were derived for a standard series of airfoils with plain
controls for which tan (4)~= t/c (referred to by an asterisk). To correct for airfoils
326 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 .O
= Y I ~
Figure B.2,3 Span factor for inboard flaps.
with tan (+)T different from t/c, values of ( b , ) ; , (Cla):he,, and Cya are calculated for
the given t/c ratio; then (b,), is calculated from
Figure B.3,3
The effect of nose balance on (b,), and (b,), can be estimated from the curves
given on this figure. The data were obtained from wind-tunnel tests on airfoils with
control-chordlairfoil-chord ratio of 0.3. Relatively small changes in nose and trailing-
edge shape, and airflow over the control surface, may have a large effect on hinge
moments for balanced control surfaces, so that estimates of nose-balance effect will
be fairly inaccurate. If the control-surface gap is unsealed, the hinge-moment coeffi-
cients of plain and nosebalanced controls will generally become more positive.
328 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
Figure B.3,4
Two-dimensional hinge-moment coefficients for control surfaces with nose bal-
ance can be corrected for finite aspect ratio of the main surface using the factors
given in the curves and the following equations:
B.3 Control Hinge Moments 329
0 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Balance ratio
Figure B.3,3 Effect of nose balance on two-dimensional plain-control hinge-moment
coefficients. (From Royal Aeronautical Society Data Sheet 04.01.03.)
For plain control surfaces the above equations are used with F, = 1. (b,), and (b,),
can be obtained from Fig. B.3,1 and B.3,2, respectively, for plain controls. For nose-
balanced controls, the two-dimensional coefficients (b,), and (b,), must include the
effect of nose-balance. Values of C,mcan be obtained from Sec. B. 1, and those for C,,
from Fig. B.2,l.
Lifting-surface theory was applied to unswept wings with elliptic spanwise lift
distribution to derive the factors. Full-span control surfaces were assumed together
with constant ratios of cflc and constant values of (b,),and (b,), across the span. The
factors apply to wings with taper ratios of 2 to 3 if cflc, (b,),and (b,), do not vary by
more than -+ 10% from their average values.
330 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
( ) cl.61
is the change in control section hinge-moment coefficient due to tab
deflection, measured at constant values of lift and flap deflection.
This value is obtained from Fig. B.4,l.
-F&- Expenmental
(NACA 0009 a~rfo~l-round nose, sealed gaps)
0 I I I I I I I
0 2 .4 .6 8 10
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.o
Figure B.4,2 Effect of section lift coefficient on flap section hinge moments.
B.5 Downwash, -
The method and data that follow are taken from the USAF Datcom. The average low-
speed downwash gradient at the horizontal tail is given by
Figure B.4,3 Rate of change of angle of attack due to a change in tab deflection.
B.5 Downwash, - 333
O o l l l l l l l l l
2 4 A 6 8 10
Tall mac
1 ,
Wing \~oot chord f
(' bw speed
is obtained using (B.5,l)
(CL,)lowspeed and (C,,), are the wing lift-curve slopes at the appropriate Mach
numbers, obtained by using the straight-tapered-wing
method of Sec. B. 1
B.6 Effectof Bodies on Neutral Point and C,, 335
Figure B.6,l: Ah,
The data for estimating Ah, presented in this graph were derived from wind-tun-
nel tests. The forward shift in neutral point is mainly dependent on the length and
width of the body forward of the wing. The values of Ah, given by the curves are ac-
curate to within %0.01c,and are about 5% higher for low-wing, and the same amount
lower for high-wing configurations. The data are inapplicable if the wing is clear of
the body. Separate values should be computed for fuselages and nacelles, and the re-
sults added to obtain the total neutral-point shift.
Figure B.6,Z Effect of a fuselage or nacelle on neutral-point position. (From Royal Aeronautical
Society Data Sheet Aircraft 08.01 .01.)
The value obtained from the curves, the fillet effect, and the effect due to wing posi-
tion are added to determine (C,,),.
The factor f is the same for all propellers, and is given in Fig. B.7,l as a function of
T, = T / ~ vThe ~ value
~ ~ of. CYhovaries with the propeller and its operating condition.
The values for a particular propeller family are given in Fig. B.7,2. Extrapolation to
8.7 Propeller and Slipstream Effects 337
Zero pitching-moment
line of body alone
- Mean aerodynamic
quarter-chord position
-0.25 0.35
-0.20 0.25
,I -55
-uE ..
-0.05 0.05
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 .O
Figure B.6,2 Effect of a fuselage on C,,. (From Royal Aeronautical Society Data Sheet Aircraft
other propellers can be made by means of Fig. B.7,3, on the basis of the "side-force-
factor," SFF. This is a geometrical propeller parameter, given approximately by
SFF = 525[(blD),., + (blD)o,6]+ 270(b/D),.,
where (b/D) is the ratio of blade width to propeller diameter, and the subscript is the
relative radius at which this ratio is measured.
Also given in Ribner (1944) are some curves which are useful for estimating the
upwash or downwash at the propeller plane. These are reproduced in Fig. B.7,4.
338 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
Figure B.7,I Variation o f f with T,. (From NACA Wartime Rept. L-25, 1944, by H. S. Ribner.)
Dl = diameter of slipstream at the wing C.P.
= D[(1 + a)l(l + s)]lt2
c = wing chord on center line of slipstream
Figure B. 7,2
S . Ribner.)
0 2 4 6
Aspect ratio of wing portion in slipstream
S = wing area
s =a + a x l ( ~ ~+l 4A?)'/~
D = propeller diameter
a = -1.2+ +
K1 ~ T , / T ) " ~
x = distance of wing C.P. behind propeller
C,, = lift coefficient at section on slipstream center line, in absence of the slip-
a, = two-dimensional lift-curve slope of wing section
8 = angle of downwash of slipstream at wing C.P. calculated from the equa-
1/8°.8 = 0.016xlD + l/800.8
8, = a+l(l + a )
4 = angle between propellor axis and direction of motion.
A is an empirical constant given in Fig. B.7,5.
C is the wing section lift curve slope from Sec. B. 1 (per rad).
A,,, is the sweepback angle of the wing chord line.
For higher
- subsonic speeds the derivative is obtained by applying an approximate
compressibility correction.
r a3tan2 A,, +- 1
AB + 6 cos A,.,,
A"an2 A,,
+ 6 cos A,,, + 3
(C,n,,)M=0.2 (B.82)
DI. . = %)
CL A,,,
K ~ +, (2)IA
+ (% I' K ~ ~+. B) tan A.,
8 tan A,, (per deg)
is the wing-sweep contribution obtained from Fig. B.9,l.
Figure B.9,l Wing sweep contribution to C,,.
is the wing-twist correction factor, obtained from Fig. B.9,6.
8 tan A,,
8 is the wing-twist between the root and tip stations, negative for
washout (see Fig. B.9,6).
A12 is the sweepback angle of the midchord line.
A, is the sweepback angle of the f chord line.
344 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
(per deg2)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Aspect ratio, A
(per deg2)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Aspect ratio. A
(per deg2)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Aspect ratio, A
Figure B.9,4 Effect of uniform geometric dihedral on wing Clp.
where B is given by (B.8,3).
B.10 Wing Rolling Derivatives C,p,CnP 345
Figure B.93 Compressibility correction to dihedral effect on wing C,p.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Aspect ratlo. A
Figure B.9,6 Effect of wing twist on wing Crp.
346 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
r is the geometric dihedral angle, positive for the wing tip above the plane of
the root chord.
Ap (deg)
( b )h = 0.50
-20 0 20 40 60 80
Ap (deg)
z is the vertical distance between the CG and the wing root chord, positive for
the CG above the root chord.
b is the wing span.
is the slope of the yawing moment due to rolling at zero lift given by
t 1
Figure B.10,2 Drag-due-to-liftroll-damping parameter.
B.10 Wing Rolling Derivatives C,p,CnP 349
+ 4 cos A,,4 AB + -2 (AB + cos A,,) tan2 AcI4
AB + 4 cos A,,
A +-
( A + cos A,.,) tan2 A,,
Aspect ratlo, A
B is given by (B.8,3).
Ad4 is the sweepback angle of the i chord line.
)' is the slope of the low-speed yawing moment due to rolling at zero
lift aven by
? r
tan A, tan' A,
A + 6(A + cos A,) ( h - h) 7 +
A + 4 cos A,
(B. 10,6)
is the effect of linear wing twist obtained from Fig. B.10,3.
0 is the wing twist between the root and tip stations in degrees, nega-
tive for washout (see Fig. B. 10,3).
is the slope of the rolling moment due to yawing at zero lift given by
+ 2 cos A,,
A(l - B ~ )
2B(AB + 2 cos A,)
+ AB
AB + 4 cos A,,
tan2 A,,
(2IcL M =o -
A + 2 cos A,
A 4 cos A,,
tan2 A,,
B is given by (B.8,3).
r 12 A + 4 cos A,.,4
I. is the geometric dihedral angle in radians, positive for the wing tip
above the plane of the root chord.
(per deg)
is the low-speed drag-due-to-lift yaw-damping parameter obtained from
C: Fig. B.11,3 as a function of wing aspect ratio, taper ratio, sweepback, and
CG position.
Figure B.11,3 Low-speed drag-due-to-lift yaw-damping parameter.
Aspect ratio, A
Aspect ratio. A
B.12 Changes in Inertias and Stability Derivatives with Change of Body Axes 355
The inertia matrix I connects angular momentum with angular velocity [see (4.3,4)
and ( 4 . 3 3 1 via
and hence belongs to the class of matrices covered by (A.4,26). It follows that for
two sets of body axes, denoted F,, and F,, connected by the transformation LIZ,the
inertias in frame F,, can be obtained from those in F,, by
If the two frames are two sets of body axes such that x,, is rotated about y,, through
angle 5 to bring it to x,,, then (see Appendix A.4)
sin 5
cos 5 0 -sin 5
1 0
0 cos 5
1 (B.12,2)
The inertias in frame F,,, denoted by an asterisk, are then obtained from those in FB,,
with the usual assumption of symmetry about the xz plane, by the relations
0 0
(B. 12,5)
Each of the six matrices of derivatives above transforms according to the rule
(A.4,26). When L is given by (B.12,2) we have the transformation from an initial set
of body axes (unprimed) to a second set (primed) as follows:
356 Appendix B. Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
(Xu)' = Xu cos3 5 - (X, + Z,) sin 5cos 6 + Z, sin2 5
(X,)' = X, cos2 ( + (Xu - Z,) sin 5 cos 5 - Z, sin2 5
(X,)' = Xq cos 5 - Zq sin 6
(X,)' = Z,sin2 5 (1)
(X,)' = -Z, sin (cos 5 (1)
(Z,)' = Z, cos2 5 - (Z, - Xu) sin 5 cos 5 - X, sin2 5
(Z,)' = Z, cos2 5 + (Z, X,) sin 5cos 5 + Xu sin2 6
(Z,)' = Zq cos 5 + Xq sin 5 (B.12,6)
(Z,)' = -ZG sin 5 cos 6 (1)
(Z*)' = z, c0s2 5
(Mu)' = Mu cos 6 - M, sin 6
(M,)' = M, cos 6 + Mu sin (
(Mq)' = Mq
(M,)' = -M,sin( (1)
(M,)' = MG cos ( ( 1 )
(Y,)' = y,
(Y,)' = Ypcos 5 - Y, sin 5
(Y,)' = Yr cos ( + Yp sin 5
(L,)' = L, cos 6 - Nu sin 6
(L,)' = Lp cos2 5 - (L, + N,) sin 5 cos 5 + N, sin2 (
(L,)' = L, cos2 5 - (N, - Lp) sin (cos 6 - N, sin2 6 (B. 12,7)
(N,)' = N, cos 5 + L, sin 6
(N,)' = Np cos2 5. - (N, - Lp) sin (cos 5 - L, sin2 6
(N,)' = N, cos2 5 + (L, + N,,) sin 6 cos 5 + L, sin2 5
(1) For consistency of assumptions, the derivatives with respect to ti and (X,)' are usually ignored.
C= s c2dy (C.l,l)
X == - C , < pd y (C. 12)
2 b
7 " - CLS o (C. 1,3)
(C. 1,4)
'\((\ centers
Figure C.1 Local aerodynamic center coordinates.
ma,= pitching moment, per unit span, about aerodynamic center (Fig. C.4)
S = wing area
y = spanwise coordinate of local aerodynamic center measured from axis of
x = chordwise coordinate of local aerodynamic center measured aft of wing
z = vertical coordinate of local aerodynamic center measured from xy plane
77,p = lateral position of the center of pressure of the additional load on the half-
wing as a fraction of the semispan
The coordinates of the m.a. center depend on the additional load distribution;
hence the position of the true m.a. center will vary with wing angle of attack if the
form of the additional loading varies with angle of attack. For a wing that has no
aerodynamic twist, the m.a. center of the half-wing is also the center of pressure of
the half-wing. If there is a basic loading (i.e., at zero overall lift, due to wing twist),
then (X, 7, 2) is the center of pressure of the additional loading.
The height and spanwise position of the local aerodynamic centers may be as-
sumed known, and hence J and 2 for the half-wing can be calculated once the addi-
tional spanwise loading distribution is known. However, in order to calculate X, the
fore-and-aft position of each local aerodynamic center must be known first. If all the
local aerodynamic centers are assumed to lie on the nth-chord line (assumed to be
straight), then
Ideal two-dimensional flow theory gives n = for subsonic speeds and n = 4 for su-
personic speeds.
C.2 Comparison of m.a. Chord and m.a. Center 359
The m.a. chord is located relative to the wing by the following procedure:
1. In (C. 1,2) replace C,<,by C,, and for x use the coordinates of the :-chord line.
2. The value of 3 so obtained (the mean quarter-chord point) is the f-point of the
m.a. chord.
The above procedure and the definition of c (see C. 1,l) are used for all wings.
h,,,, = n +-
1 A tan A, (C.2,1)
Table C.1
Loading M.A. C.
- -
Planform Distribution c Y
The length of the chord through the centroid of area of a trapezoidal half-wing is
equal to c. For the same wing with uniform spanwise lift distribution (i.e., C," =
const) and local aerodynamic centers on the nth-chord line, the m.a. center also lies
on the chord through the centroid of area. The chord through the centroid of area of a
wing having an elliptic planform is not the same as T , but the m.a. center for elliptic
loading and the centroid of area both lie on the same chord (see Yates, 1952).
Using (C.3,2) and the expression for T/c,, x can be obtained in terms of T and A, from
x - (1 + 2A)(1 + A)
- -
2 +
8(1 A + h2)
tan A, + 4n -
l + h
The fractional distance of the m.a. center aft of the leading edge of the m.a.
chord, h,_, is given for swept and tapered wings at low speeds and small incidences
in Fig. C.3. The dotted lines show the aerodynamic-center position for wings with
unswept trailing edges. The curves have been obtained from theoretical and experi-
mental data. The curves apply only within the linear range of the curve of wing lift
against pitching moment, provided that the flow is subsonic over the entire wing. The
probable error of hnWgiven by the curves is within 3%.
Figure C.2 Mean aerodynamic chord for straight tapered wings; and spanwise position of mean
aerodynamic center for uniform spanwise loading (i.e., constant C,,) (From "Notes on the Mean
Aerodynamic Chord and the Mean Aerodynamic Center of a Wing" by A. H. Yates, J. Roy. Aero.
Soc., June 1952.)
The total load on each section of a wing has three parts as illustrated by Fig. C.4a.
The resultant of the local additional lift I,, is the lift L , acting through the m.a. center
(Fig. C.4b).
The resultant of the distribution of the local basic lift 1, is a pitching couple
whenever the line of aerodynamic centers is not straight and perpendicular to x. This
couple is given by
362 Appendix C. Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Mean Aerodynamic Center and Cmacw
0 10
A = 1.0
20 30 40 50 60
All4. deg
Figure C.3 Chordwise position of the mean aerodynamic center of swept and tapered wings at
low speeds expressed as a fraction of the mean aerodynamic chord. (From Royal Aeronautical Data
Sheet Wings 08.01.0 1 .)
M e a n aeroaynarnlc CBIIL~I
Figure C.4 ( a ) Section total load. ( b )Wing loads.
English Unitsa
Speed of Kinematic
Altitude Temperature Pressure P, Density p, sound, viscosity,
h, ft T, O R lb/@ Zb sec2/ft4 fr/sec f?/sec
21 16.2
The Standard Atmosphere 365
Speed of Kinem~ztic
Altitude Trmperuture Pressure P, Density p, sound, viscosity,
h,fi T, O R lb/ft2 lb sec2/ft4 ft/sec ft2/sec
366 Appendix D. The Standard Atmosphere and Other Data
Speed of Kinematic
Altitude Temperature Pressure P, Density p, sound, viscosity,
h, f t T, O R lb@ lb sec2/ft4 ft/sec @/set
SI Units
SI Units (Continued)
Other Data
Conversion Factors
Multiply BY To Get
g = 32.2 ft/s2 = 9.81 m/s2 at sea level.
The Boeing 747 is a highly successful, large, four-engined turbofan transport aircraft.
The model 100 first entered service in January 1970, and since then it has continued
to be developed through a series of models and special versions. As of May 1990,
only versions of the model 400 were being marketed. By the year 1994, close to 800
Boeing 747s were in operation around the world, and the aircraft was still in produc-
The data for the Boeing 747-100 contained in this appendix are based on Heffley
and Jewel1 (1972). A three-view drawing of the aircraft is given in Fig. E.1. A body
axis system F, is located with origin at the CG and its x-axis along the fuselage refer-
ence line (FRL). The CG is located at 0.25 ? (i.e., h = 0.25), and this is the location
that applies for the tabulated data. The thrust line (TL) makes an angle of 2.5" with
respect to the FRL as shown.
Three flight cases are documented in the data tables. They all represent straight
and level steady-state flight at a fixed altitude. Case I has the aircraft in its landing
configuration with 30" flaps, landing gear down, and an airspeed 20% above the
stalling speed. Cases I1 and I11 represent two cruising states with the flaps retracted
and the gear up.
The data in Table E. 1 define the flight conditions that apply to the three cases. It
should be noted that the moments and product of inertia are given relative to the body
frame F, shown in Fig. E. 1. Here the weight and inertias for Case I are smaller than
those for the other two cases because the amount of fuel on board during landing is
less than that during the cruise. If the data are to be applied to a reference frame dif-
ferent from F, (e.g., to stability axes F,) then the given inertias will have to be trans-
formed according to (B. 12,3). Note that F, can be rotated into F, by a single rotation
of 5 about the y-axis. Values for 5 are contained in Table E. 1.
The dimensional derivatives corresponding to F, of Fig. E. 1 are contained in Ta-
bles E.2 to E.4. Since F, can be rotated into the stability axes F, by a single rotation
of 6 about the y-axis, it follows that the transformations of (B. 12,6 and B. 12,7) can be
used to obtain the derivatives corresponding to F,. Values for 8 are contained in Table
Appendix E. Data for the Boeing 747-100 371
Table E.l
Boeing 747-100 Data
( S = 5,500ft2,b = 195.68ft,E= 27.31 ft,h = 0.25)
Table E.2
Boeing 747-100 Dimensional Derivatives
Case I (M = 0.2)
372 Appendix E. Data for the Boeing 747-100
Table E.3
Boeing 747-100 Dimensional Derivatives
Case I1 (M = 0.5)
Table E.4
Boeing 747-100 Dimensional Derivatives
Case I11 (M = 0.9)
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References 375
Additional Reading
Anderson, J. D. Introduction to Flighr. 2nd ed. McGraw Hill, Inc., New York, 1985.
Bertin, J. J., and Smith, M. J. Aerodynamics for Engineers. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, NJ, 1989.
Blakelock, J. H. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles. 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 1991.
McCormick, B. W. Aerodynumics, Aeronautics, and Flighr Mechanics. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1994.
Nelson, R. C. Flight Stabiliry and Automatic Control. McGraw Hill Inc., New York, 1989.
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