8-1 Lesson Plan
8-1 Lesson Plan
8-1 Lesson Plan
Targets: Content Standards: CCSS.3.OA.3 Use Multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays and measurement quantities CCSS.3.OA.4 Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation CCSS.3.OA.7 fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division or properties of operations, by the end of third grade, know from memory all products of one-digit numbers Standards of Mathematical Practice: Reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, use appropriate tools strategically, look for and make use of structure Content Objectives: SWBAT give a multiplication fact, state a related division fact and vice versa and understand fact families Language Objective: SWBAT correctly use mathematical vocabulary associated with division (divide, quotient, factors, fact family etc.) both in writing and orally. Assessment Strategies SWBAT give a multiplication fact, state a related division fact and vice versa and understand fact families. Formative: Individual packets, self-assessment exit slip, participation in read-aloud activity Summative: Unit 8 assessment- Questions # and directly assess this learning target SWBAT correctly use mathematical vocabulary associated with division (divide, quotient, factors, etc.) both in writing and orally. Formative: student use of academic language will be monitored and scaffolded during the group activity, difficult terms will be noted and will be revisited in subsequent lessons and activities Summative: Unit 8 Assessment requires students to use appropriate academic language in explanations and in order to understand the questions
Student Voice: The students will be asked to self-assess their progress towards the learning goal on an exit slip. This is a regular procedure in the classroom. Students with difficulty reading and students who are English Language learners will be scaffolded as needed. Grouping of Students to Support Instruction: Students have been grouped strategically in the seating arrangement, during partner discussion or work time, they will be asked to work with the person that is sitting directly across the table from them. These pairings change regularly throughout the semester and represent heterogeneous achievement levels in mathematics. The groupings carefully consider the social, emotional and academic needs of each student. Support staff and practicum students will be directed and grouped as needed
during this lesson to support students struggling with independent and self-guided work. During this lesson students will experience whole group, individual and small group instruction and activities. Learning Experiences 1. Introduction Activity: As students come in from recess the Daily Common Core Review worksheet from the Envision Math Curriculum will be waiting on the students desk. Students will be given approximately 5 minutes to complete this review quietly and individually. Students may ask questions of the teacher during this time, access a variety of manipulatives and use any strategy that is comfortable for them. (5 minutes) After 5 minutes of individual work begin reviewing answers with students, some students may not be finished with all questions and that is expected. Place blank Daily Common Core Review under the overhead document camera and select a stick with a student name on it from the mug. Ask the student to discuss their process before giving the answer. Draw another stick and ask the next student to discuss their process and give their answer. If students give different answers then draw another student until the disagreement is resolved. Students should be scaffolded as they work to construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. (5-7 minutes) Introduction: Please meet me on the carpet have students transition to carpet area I wanted to share one of my favorite division books since we are starting our second unit of division. I also like this book because it also has some multiplication themes and today we are going to think about how multiplication and division are related (2 minute transition, be sure that all students are seated and attending before preceding) Open book and begin reading And The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchens a. Ask students to be on the lookout for any multiplication or division problems in the text, they should give a thumbs up if they see an example. Have students practice giving a thumbs up. b. First page: students should give a thumbs up as the first page is read, there are 2 kids, they each have 6 cookies. If students put a thumbs up, call on one of the students to state the problem and write the problem on the board. If no one places a thumb up, then the teacher will use this opportunity to model the activity by writing 2 x 6 on the board and explaining that we have 2 children and each has 6 cookies, so this situation can be represented by 2x6. Have students brainstorm the other facts in this fact family. c. Continue through the story, when students recognize a math problem in the story, ask them to state the problem, and then from the same situation in the story, ask students if they can think of a problem in the other operation (multiplication or division), continue until all facts in a fact family are listed on the board. d. When story is over, give students directions for the next activity. You are going to return to your seat and work with your assigned partner on the following problem. You already know that related multiplication sentences can be used to describe arrays. You are going to use 24 counters to make an array with 3 equal rows. Then you are going to write down as many different multiplication and division sentences as you possibly can. I am going to model this activity with 6 counters (draw this array on the hand held white board, then show students 2X3, 3X2, 6/3 and 6/2) Any questions? Please return quietly and quickly to your seats, get out paper and I will bring counters to your desk. Put the problem on the board so that students can reference the question and numbers at any time during the partner work time a. Students will work individually at first (2 minutes)and then pair with their assigned table partner and share their thinking and answers (2 minutes) b. Then have students share these sentences with the whole group c. Teacher will carefully order these responses as they are shared in the whole group (2 minutes) EnVisions video (10-15 minutes) a. Scaffold understanding as video progresses, if students are having difficulty, will slow down and if they are understanding content teacher will more quickly through the video presentation of the content. After video, teacher will distribute independent practice packets which include the 8-1 reteaching, practice, and enrichment worksheets. Teacher and any practicum students will provide additional individual scaffolding and support as students need (30-40 minutes)
Student Voice: Before writing on their exits slip, students will be asked to share out loud with their partner what they learned today (30 seconds). The teacher will listen closely to the students who have writing disabilities to be sure that they understood the learning target even though they may not articulate it clearly on the exit slip. The students will be asked to write the learning target, self-assess their progress toward the learning target and list any remaining questions or confusions (3 minutes). 10. Closure: In this lesson we learned about how division and multiplication are connected, tomorrow we will start working on memorizing our division facts and continue to work on developing strategies that use what we already know to help us with division. Before we line-up for lunch I would like everyone to pass their work and exit slip to the end of the row (normal routine) and when your team is quite and your desk is clear I will know you are ready to be dismissed to line up for lunch. The work and exit slips will be looked at over the lunch period, written feedback will be given, and trends will be noted for review during tomorrows lesson and papers will be on the students desks for review when they return to the classroom. Special Considerations Instructional procedures designed to meet the needs of all students: Visual learning (examples on the board) Group work (problem solving activity) Visual/audio learning (Video) Self-reflection Individual work (individual work practice) Tactile learning (object activities and drawing activities) Interdisciplinary (literary integration) Multiple means of access (ways materials will be presented): Orally describing the instructions and content Scaffolding group work as needed Modeling activities Reviewing previously learned material (Daily Core Review) Provide students oral feedback during work time Provide students written feedback and scaffolding on returned work Written instructions for document camera Multiple means of engagement (ways the students will participate in the learning): Whole class discussion Working as team Listening to instructions and watching video Individual work Upon completing work packet students may access the classroom library with trade books on the topic of the lesson Multiple means of expression (list ways the students can show their learning): Whole group discussion Small group discussion Individual work Self-assessment on exit slip Extension activity Accommodations for students with special needs: Students with IEP in reading: Work with specialist ahead of time so that students can receive additional support related to reading and comprehending mathematical questions and vocabulary related to the learning target during the resource room time Provide practicum or aid assistance to students who need additional reading support during the independent work time Provide all students with access to a classroom focus library related to the learning target so that students can practice reading related content and vocabulary
Students with IEP in math: Work with specialist ahead of time so that students can receive additional support related to content objective in resource room Give the student lots of think time and avoid putting the student on the spot Scaffold students in a way that emphasizes what they already understand about multiplication Provide frequent scaffolding and monitoring to ensure that the student is comprehending Students who struggle to maintain focus on both content and behavior: Provide preferential seating
Provide frequent scaffolding and monitoring to ensure that the student is comprehending Break work into manageable parts
Students with social, emotional, adaptive special needs: Be intentional with grouping- provide the student with a group that is most conducive to their success Provide the student with classroom procedures that empower them to make choices about their behavior Joe, if you need a break from the group project, you are welcome to step into the hallway and come back when you are ready to contribute again Provide the student private cues for correcting their behavior (Teacher to Joe privately): Joe I am going to watch the group and when I touch my ear it is time for you to finish your thought and provide space for someone else to share their idea. Or Emmett when I draw a tally mark on your desk I want you to think about the behavior that is districting to you and your classmates Provide the student the option to speak to the entire class- Anna, would you like for me to stick with you or move on? or Anna would you like to call on one of your team mates for support? Be consistent in expectations and follow procedures or warn students if the procedures will be changed for any reason Frequently review explications and provide feedback to students on their progress towards those expectations Students who are English Language Learners: Provide all students with access to a classroom focus library related to the learning target so that students can practice reading related content and vocabulary Provide direct instruction on new key vocabulary Provide additional scaffolding for reading and writing as needed Culturally responsive pedagogies: Spend additional time as a whole group to review relevant vocabulary Foster place-based connections that help allows students see the relevance of the content in their lives When creating examples use local context (name of local schools, parks and business, and local heritage) Remedial activities: Provide additional scaffolding in small group to guide student toward understanding Provide opportunities for additional practice with same skill (math game, worksheet or problem solving) Provide occasional opportunities for peer support during the lesson if students are stuck Extension activities: If students finish early, they may engage in a carefully selected and aligned problem solving activity They practice math fact fluency They may also visit and explore the resource library of books related to division Citations: rd EnVision Math 3 Grade Common Core Curriculum (2012) Unit 8: Meanings of Division The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchens (1965)