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D1 15 ---------

Here we go round the mulberry bush, The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush, So early in the morning. This is the way we wash our clothes, Wash our clothes, wash our clothes. This is the way we wash our clothes, So early Monday morning. This is the way we sweep the floor, Sweep the floor, sweep the floor. This is the way we sweep the floor, So early Tuesday morning. This is the way we think of our Think of our , think of our This is the way we think of our So early Wednesday morning. This is the way we break the Break the , break the This is the way we break the So early Thursday morning. , .

This is the way we bake our bread, Bake our bread, bake our bread. This is the way we bake our bread, So early riday morning. This is the way we take the Take the , take the This is the way we take the So early Saturday morning. This is the way we go to church, !o to church, go to church. This is the way we go to church, So early Sunday morning.

D2 - 04 ----------

My wife and " li#ed all alone "n a little log hut we called our own$ She lo#es gin and " lo#e rum, %nd don&t we ha#e lots of fun'

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, Little brown jug, don&t " lo#e thee' Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, (ittle brown )ug, don&t " lo#e thee' When " go to work on my farm (ittle brown )ug is under my arm$ " place it under a shady tree, (ittle brown )ug, &tis you and me. Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, (ittle brown )ug, don&t " lo#e thee' Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, (ittle brown )ug, don&t " lo#e thee' *h, "+#e been and a little dog ,rossed the creek on a hickory log, The log could break and we fell in, you bet' " hold the dog to my dog, dog, too. Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, (ittle brown )ug, don&t " lo#e thee' Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, (ittle brown )ug, don&t " lo#e thee'

D2 - 22 ---------

Rub- -dub dub, !hree men in tub, %nd who do you think they could beThe butcher, the baker, The candlestick.maker, /un &em out all three.

D2 - 25

Lull by nd goodnight With roses bedight, With lilies being spread "n baby&s wee bed. (ay thee down now and rest May thy slumber be blessed (ay thee down now and rest May thy slumber be blessed. (ullaby and good night, Thy mother&s delight, Bright angels all around My darling shall stand.

They will guard thee from harm, Thou shall wake in my arms. They will guard thee from harm, Thou shall wake in my arms.

D" 05 #om$l%

&n to$ o' &ld (mo)ey, %ll co#ered with snow, " lost my true lo#er, %.courting too slow. %.courting&s the pleasure, %nd parting+s the grief, % false.hearted lo#er, "s worse than a thief. She&ll hug you and kiss you, %nd tell you more lies, Than crossties on a railroad, *r stars in the sky. *n top of *ld Smokey, %ll co#ered with snow, " lost my true lo#er, %.courting too slow.

D" - 1* #om$l%

When " was young " use& to wait *n master+s side and hand his plate, %n& pass the bottle when he got dry %n& brush away de blue-t il 'ly. +immie #r #) #orn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, *l& master&s gone away' 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, *l& master&s gone away' *l+ master+s gone, "+ll let him rest. They take the thing for the best. " can+t forget till the day " die, *l+ master and the blue.tail fly.

0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, 0immie crack corn an& " don&t care, *l& Massa&s gone away'

D" - 20 ----------

Row, row, row your bo t !ently down the stream Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, (ife is but a dream. /ow, row, row your boat !ently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, (ife is but a dream. /ip, rip, rip your !ently down the steam, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Here+s the lady+s scream. /ip, rip, rip your !ently down the steam Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Here+s the lady+s scream.

D" - 2" ------------

There&s a ,ellow Rose in !e- s "+m going on to see, She wants no other fellow, 1obody, only me. *h, she cried so when " left her, That it nearly broke her heart, %nd " hope that when we meet again We ne#er mosh apart. She&s the sweetest little lady % fellow e#er knew, Her eyes are bright as diamonds, They sparkle like the dew. 2ou may talk about your dearest girls %nd sing of /osa (ee, But the 2ellow /ose of Te3as Beats the belles of Tennessee.

4own beside the /io !rande, The stars were shining bright, She walked along to desert *n the 5uiet summer night. " hope that she remembers, How we parted long ago, "+ll keep my promise to return %nd ne#er let her go.

D4 - 01 -------------

!win)le, twin)le, little st r, How " wonder what you are. 6p abo#e the world so high, (ike a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How " wonder what you are' Twinkle, twinkle, little pet , How " wonder what+s your ass. 6p abo#e the world so high (ike a betray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little , How " wonder what+s your '

D4 - 0* ------

This is the way the farmers ride, The farmers ride, The farmers ride, This is the way the farmers ride, So early in the morning. !his is the w y the girls ride, The girls ride, The girls ride, This is the way the girls ride, So early in the morning. 777

This is the way the baby rides, The baby rides, The baby rides, This is the way the baby rides, So early in the morning.

D4 1" #om$l%

+ #) nd +ill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. 0ack fell down and broke his crown, %nd 0ill came tumbling after. 0ack got up and off did trot, %s fast as he could caper, To old 4ame 4ob, who patched his nob With #inegar and brown paper.

D4 14 --------

London .ridge is ' lling down, alling down, falling down. (ondon Bridge is falling down, My fair lady' Build it up with wood and clay Wood and clay, wood and clay. Build it up with wood and clay, My fair lady. Wood and clay will wash away Wash away, wash away. Wood and clay will wash away My fair lady. Build it up with iron an+ steel, "ron an+ steel, iron an+ steel. Build it up with iron an+ steel My fair lady' "ron an+ steel will bend and bow, Bend and bow, bend and bow. "ron an+ steel will bend and bow, My fair lady' Build it up with sil#er and gold, Sil#er and gold, sil#er and gold. Build it up with sil#er and gold, My fair lady' Sil#er and gold were stolen away, Stolen away, stolen away. Sil#er and gold were stolen away, My fair lady'

There+s an angel watchin+ your night Watchin+ your night, watchin+ your night. There+s an angel watchin+ your night, My fair lady'

D4 - 1/ #om$l%

Lu#y Lo#)et lost her pocket, 8itty isher found it$ 1ot a penny was there in it, *nly a ribbon round it.

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