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<td width="90%"> <font color="lime"> <marquee><code>Cutira Rahayu (Mygirlfriend) | K4C3 Undetected | Soldier Of Allah | Secret Admirer | Hmei7 | Baributz | BlackOne Haxor ZHC | Xcrotz | Om Jin | R3DD3V1L | Arshyad30 | Sinchankeke | Rexal Scooterist | All My Friend | So ldier Of Allah Team | Teamr00t | AnonGhost | Zcompany Hacking Crew | KasKus | In donesian Security Down | Barc0des (Barisan Code Security) | Indonesian Fighter C yber | Deface Zone | Suram Crew | All Indonesian Hacker's | All My Group On Face book | And You Admin</marquee></code> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Music --> <a href=""><object type="application/x-shockwave-flash " width="0" height="0"data=""><param name="movie"val ue=" rg/MUSIC/6885591374003137.mp3&" /></object> <!-- Music --> <!-- Anti Klik Kanan --> <script type='text/javascript'> var DADrightclicktheme = 'Dark'; var DADrightclickimage = '';</script> <script type='text/javascript' src=" Anti%20Klik.js"> </script> <!-- Klik Kanan --> <!-- Title Melayang --> <script language="JavaScript"> function tb5_makeArray(n){ this.length = n; return this.length; } tb5_messages = new tb5_makeArray(4); tb5_messages[0] = "Hacked"; tb5_messages[1] = "By"; tb5_messages[2] = "K4C3"; tb5_messages[3] = "Undetected"; tb5_rptType = 'infinite'; tb5_rptNbr = 20; tb5_speed = 1; tb5_delay = 2000; var tb5_counter=2; var tb5_currMsg=0; var tb5_stsmsg=""; function tb5_shuffle(arr){ var k; for (i=0; i<arr.length; i++){ k = Math.round(Math.random() * (arr.length - i - 1)) + i;

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