Evaluation - Question 3

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What Media Institution would Distribute your Magazine?

Magazines They Currently Distribute

Us Weekly
Us Weekly: This is a weekly celebrity and entertainment magazine founded by The ew !ork Times Com"any in #$%%& Wenner "urchases it in #$'(& It "rimarily targets stories about celebrities li)es and relationshi"s as well as latest trends and fashion and beauty& It is a women*s magazine&

Men+s ,ournal
Men+s ,ournal: This is a men*s lifestyle magazine e)ery month which focus+ on recreation and the outdoors- en)ironmenthealth and fitness and style and fashion& It was founded in #$$. by Wenner&

/olling 0tone
/olling 0tone: This is a magazine "osted fortnightly which focus+ on "olitics and "o"ular culture& In #$(% it was founded by Wenner& It is known for its musical co)erage and "olitical re"orts&

I think this would be the "erfect "ublisher to use as they ha)e three well established magazine which are )ery "o"ular& The magazines they currently "ublish are not the same as my magazine so it would be something new to add to the com"any& /olling 0tone does include music related articles and stories so the readers are already musically interested& This would mean that my magazine would a""eal to e1isting customers as well as new music lo)ing customers&

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