Actual and Constructive Notice

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Melody Castillo c/o P.O. Box 438 Springville, Calif D. ierete !D "#$%%& Porterville Division 8%# '.

Morton (ve Porterville, C( )3$&*+3#8& (C-.(/ (0D CO0S-1.C-!23 0O-!C3 -4is is in regards to 0O-!C3 -O (PP3(1 n567er &$48#! a6 exercising 6y rig4t to 3 day rescission, t4ere is no consent, and no contract. D. ierete !D" #$%%& did arrest 6e for a non+arresta7le and alleged offense. Mr. ierete in t5rn violated PC #4% and #4%7. (ccording to 2C 4,3,,.$, 84ic4 gives policy for arrests 6ade for violations involving a co66ercial 6otor ve4icle. 2C 4,3,,.& gives t4e policy for an arrest 8it4o5t a 8arrant. -4ere 4as to 4ave 7een an accident or driving 5nder t4e infl5ence. 0one of t4e conditions of 2C 4,3,,.& existed 84en Mr. ierete placed 6e 5nder a 8arrantless arrest and 4ad t4e car ! 8as travelling in sei9ed. -4e a5to6o7ile ! 8as travelling in, is not a co66ercial 6otor ve4icle, nor is it for 4ire. :2C #&$#, :7;, 2C $%,;. Beca5se t4e <ig48ay Patrol is a private organi9ation providing so6e =ind of p57lic service, t4e scope of a5t4ori9ed activities is very li6ited and explained in 2C $4,, in 84ic4 Mr. ierete violated stat5tory a5t4ority. <e 7reac4ed 4is fid5ciary d5ty 7y co66itting t4e only cri6e at t4e road side, 84ic4 8as a 8arrantless arrest, false arrest and ar6ed ro77ery 5nder color of la8 and in violation of -itle #8, section $4#, $4$. -4e actions of D. ierete are in non+co6pliance 8it4 t4e Constit5tion. /a8s of t4e State of California, and t4e p57lic tr5st. -4e references ! 4ave cited 4ere ! 4ave attac4ed for yo5r convenience.

(pril &, $,#3

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melody Castillo, a private 8o6an

I the undersigned hereby Declare under penalty of perjury under the La s of the State of of California that on the day of !"# "$%&' I ser(ed the here attached Docu)ent described as* +C,-+L +.D CO.S,R-C,IVE .O,ICE OF /elody Castillo Said Ser(ice follo * D0 1ierete ID 2&$##3 c"o 4a)es S earingen5 Chief 6#& 70 /orton +(e0 Porter(ille5 C+ 8'$39:'&63 Said Ser(ice as by First Class -S /ail5 ith said Docu)ent enclosed inside a sealed en(elope5 addressed as set forth abo(e5 the postage therefore fully prepaid0 I a) not a party to the ithin )atter0 I a) o(er the age of eighteen years0 /y business address is* 8'! 70 ;enderson5 Porter(ille5 California 8'$390 E<ecuted by )y hand on this === day of +pril #5 $%&'5 in ,ulare County5 California5 ================= +lan Da(id as on the persons or parties na)ed belo at the +ddresses to

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