Financial and Management Accounting

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How do you analyse and interpret financial statement of a company for reporting on the soundness of its capital and structure and solvency. 2. Accounting ratios are mere guides and complete reliance on them in decision making is suicidal. Elucidate. 3. unds flow analysis represents a stock to flow linkage. ! "ustify your views. #. rom the following information pertaining to $%s A&' ( co. )td.* prepare its trading* profit ( loss A%c for the year ending 31st $arch 2+12 and summari,ed -alanced sheet as on that date. 'urrent ratio ! 2.. /uick ratio ! 1.3 0roprietary ratio ! +.+1 2ross profit to sales ! 1+3 4e-tors velocity ! #+days 5ales ! 2*63*+++ 7orking capital ! 1*2+*+++ &ank overdraft ! 2*.+*+++ 'losing stock is 1+3 more than opening stock 8et profit 1+3 of proprietary fund.

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