Srinivas Nadendla PH: +91 7708001678

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Srinivas Nadendla Email: sribasis10@gmail.

com Ph: +91 7708001678

Professional S mmar!:

A Technical professional with 2+ Years of SAP Netweaver/Basis experience and 4 years of other IT experience !xperience wor"in# on !$$ syste%s and Basic "nowled#e on Sol%an Syste%s Broad !xperience in different environ%ents s&ch as 'indows 2(()*2((+ and with vario&s data,ases s&ch as -racle .(/* ../ and 0S S12 Server Installations* $onfi#&rations* Tro&,leshootin#* Perfor%ance 0onitorin# and 'or"load Analysis of SAP Prod&cts and Syste%s* $onfi#&rin# 2oad Balancin# across application servers !xpertise in SAP Software lo#istics area to incl&de ST0S* $lient copies* S&pport Pac"a#es* SNotes* Pl&#3ins* Add3ons* 4ava S&pport Pac"a#e 0ana#er and 5ernel &p#rades Perfor%in# 6ata,ase Ad%inistration* Ta,lespace* Bac"&p and t&nin# &sin# B7T--2S !xperience in 8ser Ad%inistration* 79$ %ana#e%ent* %e%ory %ana#e%ent and spool ad%inistration :avin# experience in Shippin# Ind&stry ,y handlin# operational services ,y Ad%inisterin# and sec&rity to different &ser profiles ,ased on the related application prod&cts 6aily ,ased Incident %ana#e%ent on c&sto%er reportin# iss&es and follow3&ps &ntil s&ccessf&l resol&tion 24x; S&pport on application servers %aintenance and tro&,leshootin# iss&es :avin# !xperience in tro&,le shootin# 'indows 2(() < 2((+ Server related Services li"e IIS* $-0 Service* -&tloo" and !%ail A#ents :ave experience in releasin# the software in Net and 6elphi technolo#ies Stron# tea% orientation < leadership =&alities* hard wor"in# and enth&siastic /ood co%%&nication and $&sto%er -riented attit&de

Professional E"#erience:

'or"in# as $ssocia%e S$P &ons l%an%' (asis for Shi#ne% Sof%)are Sol %ions* &hennai fro% -ct 2(.. to till date 'or"ed as $##lica%ion +#era%ions $nal!s% for ,nchca#e Shi##ing Services* &hennai fro% 4&ne 2((+ to Sep 2(..

$cademic - alifica%ion:

B3Tech* Infor%ation Technolo#y fro% Santhosha !n#ineerin# $olle#e* $hennai >Anna 8niversity? 0 B A* /eneral 0ana#e%ent fro% 2oyola $olle#e* $hennai >Pondicherry 8niversity?

Professional cer%ifica%ions:

S$P &er%ified .echnolog! associa%e ' S!s%em $dminis%ra%ion /+racle 0(1 )i%h S$P Ne%)eaver 7.21 /&er%ifica%ion ,0: 00110137361.

.echnical S4ills: !nviron%ent 2an#&a#es -peratin# Syste%s 6ata,ases Incident Trac"in# @ @ @ @ @ !$$ A (* Net weaver ; ( $* $++ 'indows Server2(()* 2((+ 0S S12* -racle .(#* ..# To&ch Paper

S$P 562 S4ills:

Installations of !$$ A (* N' ; )(*; ). Perfor%in# Post Installation activities $reatin# and %aintain 79$ destinations 0aintainin# and I%port profile para%eters 6efinin# operation %odes and assi#nin# ti%e intervals to operation %odes T0S confi#&ration* I%portin# chan#e re=&ests* tro&,leshootin# transport related pro,le%s 'or"ed on $lient creation* 6eletion and local client copy 5nowled#e on !:PA $onfi#&rin# lo#on load ,alancin# 6aily %onitorin#/%aintenance of SAP servers Sched&lin# and %onitorin# of ,ac"#ro&nd Bo,s Perfor%ed 5ernel Patch 8p#rade Applyin# -SS notes as per re=&ire%ent Applyin# s&pport pac"s &sin# SPA0 Perfor% :ealth chec" of SAP Syste% $reatin# and %aintainin# of 0ass &sers 0aintainin# 7oles and Profiles 6ata,ase ad%inistration &sin# B7T--2S Perfor%ed d, refresh and syste% copy 5nowled#e on sol&tion %ana#er

Web as Java & Enterprise Portal (EP):

'or"ed on N'A tool 'or"ed on $onfi# Tool and Cis&al Ad%in Tool 'or"ed on S60 and 4SP0 tools

'or"ed on 4$0-N tool I%port and !xport of Transport pac"a#es for !P Syste%s 'or"ed on !P 0onitorin# S26 $onfi#&ration $reatin# 79$ connections &sin# 4$- 79$ provider 8ser creation &sin# 80! Assi#nin# roles to the &sers in portal

Professional Pro7ec%s: Pro7ec% 8 1: ProBect Title $lient !nviron%ent 6ata,ase 6&ration 0escri#%ion: Inchcape Shippin# Services is one of the worldDs leadin# %ariti%e services providers Thro&#h its proprietary networ" of so%e 2E( offices e%ployin# over )*;(( people across AF co&ntries* ISS provides its c&sto%ers with an &nparalleled #lo,al reso&rce delivered locally and tailored to each c&sto%erDs individ&al needs Its diversified c&sto%er ,ase incl&des clients across the oil* cr&ise* container and ,&l" co%%odity sectors as well as servin# naval* #overn%ent and inter3#overn%ental clients Additionally* ISS provides landside co%%ercial and h&%anitarian lo#istics* transit* offshore s&pport and other associated %arine services
ISS Corporate Directory is mainly launched to give in depth knowledge about ISS future mission and current services. Apart of this it has designed with the information about all the port offices which ISS is dealing with, updates news and latest new strategies and plans on regular basis.

@ @ @ @ @

ISS $orporate 6irectory Inchcape Shippin# Services* 85 'indows 2((+ Server* !$$A (*N'; (*Sol%an ; (*!P; (2 -racle ..# Nov 2(.2 to Till date

5es#onsibili%ies: :o%o#eno&s/:etero#eneo&s Syste% and client $opies Syste% refreshes !:PA &p#rades for !$$ and !P syste%s 8ser confi#&ration and ad%inistration &sin# $8A and 80! Installation of SAP Syste%s in windows ST0S transport %ana#e%ent !P ad%inistration 0aintainin# Shell scripts for interfaces and other syste% ad%inistration activities 5ernel &p#rade Bac"&p and restore data,ase I%ple%entin# sec&rity and other notes 7eportin# pro,le%s to SAP thro&#h -SS 2icense %ana#e%ent Sendin# and receivin# files to SAP and non3SAP syste% &sin# interfaces $entral ad%inistration &sin# sol&tion %ana#er 'e, dispatcher ad%inistration 7/) Syste% 0onitorin#

AnalyGin# ABAP 6&%ps 7oles and profiles %ana#e%ent Applyin# S&pport pac"a#e stac"s and Sin#le s&pport Pac"a#es 0aintainin# Profiles Providin# 24/; s&pport 8nderstandin# the ris"iness of a chan#e ,efore i%ple%entin# 4o, sched&lin#

Pro7ec% 8 3: $lient !nviron%ents 6ata,ase 6&ration 0escri#%ion: ISS is one of the world lar#est %arine services provider 'e specialiGe in helpin# clients sec&re their operations* increase the efficiency and &tiliGation of their data centers* enhance s&pport to their end &sers and constit&ents* and %oderniGe their enterprise applications To provide these services and sol&tions* we ,rin# to#ether offerin#s and capa,ilities in o&tso&rcin# services* syste%s inte#ration and cons&ltin# services* infrastr&ct&re services* %aintenance services* and hi#h3end server technolo#y 5ole65es#onsibili%ies: Perfor%ed &ser Ad%inistration < addin# a&thoriGations to &sers 0ana#ed and creatin# new &sers 0onitorin# and controllin# active &sers $onfi#&red T0S $onfi#&red 2o#on load ,alancin# ,y &sin# S02/ $onfi#&red -peration %odes Password 7eset Sched&led and %onitored the ,atch Bo,s and analyGed Bo, perfor%ance 0aintain 6aily :ealth chec"s $reation of new sec&rity roles $lient Ad%inistration@ $lient $reation* $lient $opy $reatin# ,ac"#ro&nd Bo,s 0ana#e%ent of transport re=&ests Applyin# re=&ired S&pport pac"a#es* "ernel* spa% and addin# pl&#3ins 6aily health chec" for all application servers @ @ @ Inchcape Shippin# Services* 8nited 5in#do% 'indows 2(() server* !$$ A ( -racle .(# @ -ct 2(.. to -ct 2(.2

Personal Profile: Na%e 9atherDs Na%e 6ate of Birth Sex 0arital stat&s Nationality 2an#&a#es 5nown Address @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ N Srinivas N 7an#a 7ao .(th A&#&st .E+4 0ale Sin#le Indian !n#lish* Ta%il* Tel&#&* and :indi 7oyal 7esidency*9lat No3)(2*)rd 9loor*Plot No3EA*Pra#athi Na#ar $olony* Near 0eerpet x roads*0eerpet*:ydera,ad 3 F(((E;

I here,y declare that the a,ove finished details are tr&e to the ,est of %y "nowled#e and ,elief

Signa% re >N Srinivas?

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