Preparation of Molar Solution

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PREPARATION OF MOLAR SOLUTION: Introduction to preparation of solutions.

Two or more substances are mixed together in known quantities which may involve weighing a precise amount of dry material or measuring a precise amount of liquid. Preparing solutions accurately will improve an experiment's safety and chances for success.

Solution 1: Usin percenta e !" #ei $t %#&'(

The formula for weight percent (w/v is! "#ass of solute (g / $olume of solution (ml % x &''

( &') *a+l solution has ten grams of sodium chloride dissolved in &'' ml of solution.

,eigh 1+ of sodium chloride. Pour it into a graduated cylinder or volumetric flask containing about ,+)l of water. -nce the sodium chloride has dissolved completely (swirls the flask gently if necessary . add water to bring the volume up to the final &'' ml. +aution! /o not simply measure 1++)l of water and add &'g of sodium chloride. This will introduce error because adding the solid will change the final volume of the solution and throw off the final percentage.

Solution -: Usin percenta e !" 'olu)e %'&'(

,hen the solute is a liquid. it is sometimes convenient to express the solution concentration as a volume percent.

The formula for volume percent (v/v is! "$olume of solute (ml / $olume of solution (ml % x &''

#ake &'''ml of a 0) by volume solution of ethylene glycol in water.

1irst. express the percent of solute as a decimal! 0) 2 '.'0 #ultiply this decimal by the total volume! '.'0 x &'''ml 2 0'ml (ethylene glycol needed . 3ubtract the volume of solute (ethylene glycol from the total solution volume! &'''ml (total solution volume 4 0'ml (ethylene glycol volume 2 50'ml (water needed

/issolve .+)l ethylene glycol in a little less than /.+)l of water. *ow bring final volume of solution up to 1+++)l with the addition of more water. (This eliminates any error because the final volume of the solution may not equal the calculated sum of the individual components . 3o. 0'ml ethylene glycol / &'''ml solution x&'' 2 0) (v/v ethylene glycol solution.

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