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Three Phase Current Source Inverter Using Space Vector PWM For Grid Connected Applications

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The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ||Volume||3 ||Issue|| 2||Pages|| 35-38||2014|| ISSN(e): 2319 1813 ISSN(p):

: 2319 1805

Three Phase Current Source Inverter Using Space Vector Pwm For Grid Connected Applications
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V.Sureshkumar, 2, S.Arun

P.G Scholar, Dept. of PGES, P.A.College of Engineering & Technology Pollachi, India Asst. Professor, Dept. of EEE, P.A.College of Engineering & Technology Pollachi, India

----------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT-----------------------------------------------This paper presents the implementation of the space vector pulse width modulation for the current source inverter for the grid connected applications. The space vector pwm provides the digital control by producing the gate pulses to the power electronic switches thereby, reducing the switching loss across the devices and with very less Total Harmonic Distortion (THD).

KEYWORDS: space vector pulse width modulation, grid interconnection, switching losses.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date of Submission: 04 February 2014 Date of Acceptance: 20 February 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



The shift from large centralized energy resources to small distributed energy resources (DERs) located at the point of consumption (DERs) is one of the emerging trends in the electricity industry with having the multiple advantages over the traditional energy technologies, like improved asset utilization, better power quality, and enhanced power system reliability and capacity. The renewable energy sources, like solar cells and fuel cells, usually generate dc power. The application of the inverters for the grid inter-connection has become much more popular because of increasing use of the renewable energy resources, mostly the solar PV cells and fuel cells as the distributed energy resources (DERs). Thus, a grid-connected inverter is usually needed to convert this dc power into the ac power, which is then fed into the electric grid for utilization. The two major types of inverters are voltage source inverters (VSIs) and current-source inverters (CSIs). The control of current source inverter is much more easier than the voltage source inverter, because CSI can balance the grid voltage fluctuations and it produces a predetermined value of current to the grid, thereby achieving a high power factor at the output voltage.The major advantage of CSI is it has inherent short-circuit protection and rapidness in system control. Hence the current source inverter is found to be more advantageous than the voltage source inverter for the grid connected applications.The space vector pulse width modulation is found to be better switching scheme among the various available switching schemes for the grid connected applications since, it has inherent advantages like less current waveform distortion, lower THD, easier digital implementation and very low switching losses.



The inverter is used to convert the dc power to ac power at the required output voltage and frequency. The solar PV cell, fuel cell, which produces the DC is supplied as the input to the current source inverter. The large value of inductance is placed in series with the input source for providing the constant current to the inverter.The inverter therefore is an adjustable-frequency voltage source. The configuration of ac to dc converter and dc to ac inverter is called a dc-link converter. Inverters are broadly classified into two types, voltage source inverter and current source inverters. A voltagefed inverter (VFI) or more generally a voltagesource inverter (VSI) is one in which the dc source has small or negligible impedance. The voltage at the input terminals is constant. A currentsource inverter (CSI) is fed with adjustable current from the dc source of high impedance that is from a constant dc source. i.e...The current across the input terminals is maintained constant.



In current source inverter, the input behaves as a current source. The output current is maintained constant irrespective of load on the inverter and the output voltage is forced to change. The circuit diagram of a single phase inverter is shown in Figure 1.



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Three Phase Current Source Inverter.

Fig 1. Current Source Inverter

There must be continuous current flows from the source, two switches must always conduct one from the upper and one from the lower switches. The conduction sequence is 14, 43, 32 and 21.Diodes in series with the switches is required to block the reverse voltages.



PWM is the most commonly used method of producing the gate signals for controlling power to inertial electrical devices, made practical by modern electronic power switches. The average value of voltage and current which is fed to the load is controlled by switching on and off the device. The device turn on time determines the power output to the load.The duty cycle is a term which describes the proportion of 'on' time to the 'period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed as 100% if fully on. The various PWM techniques are used with various duty cycles for each period. The width of the produced gate pulses are modulated to obtain inverter output voltage control and to reduce its harmonic content. The various techniques are used to generate the PWM signals. The PWM techniques essentially vary in the harmonic content of their respective output voltages to the load.Thus the choice of a selecting a PWM technique depends on the allowable harmonic content in the inverter output voltage and the type of application.

The various PWM schemes that are used commonly are: Single pulse width modulation Multiple pulse width modulation Sinusoidal pulse width modulation Space vector pulse width modulation

In PWM inverters, forced commutation is essential. The PWM techniques furnished above differ from one another based on the harmonic content in their respective output voltages. Thus the selection of a particular PWM technique depends upon the allowable harmonic content in the inverter output voltage. Here the space vector pulse width modulation technique is used, since the space vector pulse width modulation has the inherent advantages when it is applied for the grid connected applications.

A. Space vectorPulse Width Modulation The space vector pulse width width modulation is one of the promising and mostly used switching scheme for the

Fig 2. Switching Vectors Corresponding to Inverter Operation

inverters and for the industrial applications.The space vector modulation combines all the modulating voltages (vector summation) into one reference voltage or into a single unit. The svpwm generates a reference voltage vector (Vref) whose angular speed calculate the desired vaue of synchronous speed (s) of the motor and its magnitude determines the required voltage (vs) for the industrial applications.The vector representation of the 3 phase systems is first used by Park and Kron by providing the mathematical model for the power electronic switching pulses. Nowadays, the most analysis in the field of Electrical machines are done by using the space vector concept.



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Three Phase Current Source Inverter.

Fig 3. Topology of Basic 3 Phase Inverter

The power electronic switches are controlled such that only one switch of the same leg is made ON at a time otherwise the DC supply will be short-circuited. This can be done by operating the switches of the same leg in the complementary basis with A+ is on and A- is off and vice versa which lead to the production of 8 switching patterns from v0 to v7 with two zero vectors and six active switching vectors. The concept of space vector is derived from the rotating field of AC machines which is used for modulating the inverter output voltage. In this modulating technique, the 3 phase quantities can be transformed to their equivalent two phase quantity either in synchronously rotating reference frame or stationary reference frame. From this two phase component, the reference vector (Vref) magnitude can be found and used for modulating the inverter output.

A reference signal with a frequency of vref is sampled with the nominal frequency, fs (Ts = 1/fs) to produce the space vector modulation.


The transform is used to produce the reference signal from the three pha se references. This reference vector is then synthesized by using the combination of the two adjacent switching vectors and zero vectors. When this 3-phase voltage is applied to the AC machine, it produces the rotating flux in the airgap of the machine whose magnitude and phase angle can be found by using Clarks transformation. The space vector representation of the three phase quantity is

(3) Where a=ej2/3

As there are three switches, corresponding to the three phases, there are eight possible switching states for the inverter at any instant of time which are shown in the figure 2. The space phasor of voltage stays in each of the positions 1 to 6 for a time interval corresponding to 60 of the fundamental period and jumps to the next position at the end of every sixty degree.



The input for the inverter is assumed to be the constant DC voltage to be supplied by the battery. The figure 4 shows the.

Fig 5. Simulation result for output current



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Three Phase Current Source Inverter.

Fig 4. Simulation circuit for SVPWM based CSI

Fig 6. Simulation result for output voltage simulation mode of the current source inverter using the space vector pulse width modulation for producing the gate signals. The figure 4 and figure 5 shows the simulation results for the output current and output voltages respectively. The results clearly shows the output has very less THD and produces much lower switching losses.



In this paper, the importance of the space vector pulse width modulation has been explained. The proposed method, however has nine switching states, with three charging and six discharging states and only two switches are made on at a time.

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