Ib English Ad Analysis

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IB English Language and Mass Communication

Advertisement Analysis
Subject matter



Choose an advertisement from a print source. Analyze the ad based on the questions provided. Please answer in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper. . !ill out the trian"le. #. $ho is the speaker% $ho is bein" represented by the speaker% &. 'o whom is the ad directed% (. $here is the ad placed% $hy% Purpose% ). *iscuss the use of visuals. +ook at colours, font, "raphics, size of ad, pictures and font. $hat stands out% -. *escribe the structure of the ad. $hy was this structure chosen% $hat is the format% .. *escribe any hidden information/subliminal messa"es. /. $hat is your reaction to the ad% *id you find it effective%

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