Chap 8. Pueblo Indians: Main Idea Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5

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Chap 8.

Pueblo Indians

Main Idea Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Paragraph 5


1. The word harsh in the passage is closest in meaning to ? a) Permanent b) Resistant c) Unfavorable d) Unfounded 2. What can be inferred from the paragraph 1? a) The regular family house was not overcrowded in those days. b) The Pueblos were located in canyons and cliffs to protect animals or enemies. c) The Pueblos were permanent dwellings for the many people. d) In the pueblos, there were divisions of labor. 3. According to the paragraph 1, what kinds of trouble do the people that living in the Pueblo have? a) They required all residents to follow a common code and conduct of the community b) They lived in residences that were attached to the sides of rock formations c) They needed to leaders to represent their

Pueblo Indians 1 In the 13


century around the Mesa Verde area, a

migration of a large population to small cramped living quarters known as pueblos could be discovered. Built onto the sides of canyons and cliffs the nature of these pueblos was very overcrowded as hundreds of people shared a small living quarter in contrast to the family households that was once the norm. This most likely resulted in a very harsh and uncomfortable reality as the cultural norms that allow us to exist in dense populations today were not very established. Before living in the Pueblo, people lived freely doing relatively whatever the pleased. However, it led to very difficult situations for many pueblo people. Furthermore, household chores also became complicated with limited resources having to be shared amongst many people. These conditions resulted in very unhygienic living quarters for these people.

2 The

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people living pueblos.

communities. d) They shared their resources with neighbors because of limited resources. 4. Which of the following is the best representation of paragraph 1s organization? a) The paragraph gives reasons for a shift in a certain civilizations livelihood followed by reasons for how the situation worsened b) The paragraph shows current cultural trends and codes then gives background of their origin in the 1100s c) The paragraph presents an explanation of the migration to the pueblos they are skeptical about and then gives an alternative explanation that is supported. d) The paragraph talks about a large shift in a certain civilizations living style followed by various issues that came from it

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Archeologists explained this phenomenon using push and pull influences. Pull influences involve desired benefits that pull populations to a certain goal while push factors are the forced displacement of a people due to unfavorable external circumstances. Push influences seem to be the culprit for this particular case

5. The word abandoned in the passage is closest in meaning to a) Preceded b) Deserted c) Domesticated d) Forced 6. Which of the following answers occurred as a result of high density population in paragraph 3? a) The natural environment was demolished. b) Plants that have lower outputs were no longer planted. c) Local housing was built beyond the canyon capacity. d) More and more individuals were forced to live together within limited dwellings 7. Why does the author mention the region upper elevation in the paragraph 4? a) To show there were other main ways of getting food other than farming b) To show that if the situation continued to deteriorate, major problems with surface worsen c) To show the reasons why upper elevations constantly had relatively smaller numbers of people d) To show inventively capable people at such high locations were at producing crops

3 With large populations resulting from high rates of growth coupled with limited resources, the cramped pueblos may have been the only answer for the people of the area. Evidence for large population growth is clear among historians leading many people to describe this as a major push factor. Buildings grew to accommodate such population growths but the pueblos were crowded nonetheless. This quandary is explained by the lack of farmable land to feed the growing population. As a result, the people arranged the building of numerous agricultural growth inducing dam, machines and irrigation projects to accelerate food growth. Also rivalry for the best farm fields may have also been a factor in bringing people together to gain the claims for the desired lands. 4 Climate changes also contributed as push factors as evidence shows that temperatures dropped by the 1200s. This was most likely the result of the beginning of the Little Ice Age which decreased temperatures in the area vastly. First affected by this were the populations near the San Juan Mountains which was located around Mesa Verde. Growing food at these elevations was always difficult because of the short growing season. Although environmental changes that occurred from this are not fully known, it is clear that it negatively affected food growth of the area as farming in such high elevations was difficult anyway due to growing periods being further shortened. Farmers most likely moved down lower as the temperatures and growing seasons continued to decrease, forcing people together into denser populations. Such a shift has been evidenced by archeologists, higher populations moving lower and lowers towards Mesa Verde

8. How did the farmers react to increasingly colder climates that occurred as a result of the Little Ice Age as seen in paragraph 4? a) Left Mesa Verde and migrated to other places b) Abandoning the plowing and plantings of the upper-most lands c) Started to grow produce suitable for a shorter growing season d) Migrated in the areas towards the northeastern section of Mesa Verde 9. The word integral in the passage is closest in meaning to a) Indispensable b) Trivial c) Original d) Novel 10. The word this in the passages refers to a) Ceremony b) Bartering and sharing c) Pueblo d) Culture

Collaboration between the Pueblo people was a

very integral part of their culture as before the great migration to the Mesa Verde area, households often came together to barter and help each other. Thus it is no surprise when historians claim that one major pull influence of the pueblos was the need to come together for even more essential collaboration. There is overwhelming evidence of this collaboration culture seen in the archeological finds of shared earthenware pieces between isolated areas. Many people conjecture that ceremonial festivals were a time of bartering and sharing between peoples as this allowed for an individuals deficiencies to be covered by each other and vice versa. However, with the cooling of temperatures in the 13

century, this

bartering no longer became an option as everyone was negatively affected by the lack of food produced. In fact it became more advantageous to bring their energy together and increase the output of farming and thus the migration to the pueblos finally occurred.

11. According to paragraph 5, large ceremonies often consisted of a) Authority figures convincing populations of rural areas to come to the pueblos b) Farmers to glean knowledge about areas where produce could be safely grown c) Individuals learning more efficient ways to make arts or pottery d) Early Pueblo populations exchanging and sharing products 12. Which of the following is the best representative of paragraph 5s discussion on the collaboration of the Mesa Verde population from the eleventh to thirteenth century? a) By the population working together, farming no longer was focused on and instead people spent most of their energy on making earthenware and art. b) The population went from a bartering system of foods and goods to a community organized system where they tried to output as much food as they could c) Competition for bartering with other areas deteriorated the cooperation of farmers d) As there was a lack of food all around, individuals no longer shared nor collaborated with each other

14. Directions: A leading statement for a short summary of the reading is show below. Among the answer choices given, finish the summary by choosing THREE of them that will cover the main parts of the reading. The rest of the answer choices are not meant to be part of the summary as they are either not in, or have very little importance within the reading. This question is worth 2 points. In the thirteenth century, the people in the Mesa Verde area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large pueblos.

Answer Choices
a) An unfortunate shift in temperatures forced

surrounding populations to collaborate in order to produce crops b) As the thirteenth- century populations of the Mesa Verde did not have the cultural rules norms of todays urban population, they were able to quickly conform to large housing projects. c) The output per square area of previously cultivated land was increased by farmers with finding more land for cultivation starting from the eleventh century. d) The areas population became so vast that despite the uncomfortable and burdensome living conditions of pueblos, this was the only real option. e) f) The societal advantages that resulted in large A large migration of peoples from higher community dwellings were cooperation in waging war. elevations to lower ones was a result of an area wide chill that forced them to move into already inhabited lands that were able to produce crops

13. Look at the four squares [] that indicates where the following sentence can be added to the passage. For example, if one family was short on corn while another was lacking pottery, they could trade each other for what they each needed.

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