Pex 07 01

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Exercise 7: Respiratory System Mechanics: Activity 1: Measuring Respiratory Volumes and Calculating Capacities Lab Report Pre-lab Quiz

Results You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly. 1. Which of the following statements describing the mechanics of breathing is false? You correctly answered: d. Ventilation relies exclusively on contracting skeletal muscles. 2. The contraction of which of the following muscles will increase the thoracic cavity volume during inspiration? You correctly answered: c. the external intercostals 3. At the beginning of inspiration, the You correctly answered: b. thoracic cavity volume increases. 4. At the beginning of expiration, the You correctly answered: a. pressure in the thoracic cavity increases. 5. A tidal volume refers to the You correctly answered: b. amount of air inspired and then expired with each breath under resting conditions.


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Experiment Results Predict Question: Predict Question: Lung diseases are often classified as obstructive or restrictive. An obstructive disease affects airflow, and a restrictive disease usually reduces volumes and capacities. Although they are not diagnostic, pulmonary function tests such as forced expiratory volume (FEV1) can help a clinician determine the difference between obstructive and restrictive diseases. Specifically, an FEV1 is the forced volume expired in 1 second. In obstructive diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, airway radius is decreased. Thus, FEV1 will Your answer : a. decrease proportionately. Stop & Think Questions: Which muscles contract during quiet expiration? You correctly answered: d. None of these muscles contract during quiet expiration. 6. Minute ventilation is the amount of air that flows into and then out of the lungs in a minute. Minute ventilation (ml/min) = TV (ml/breath) x BPM (breaths/min). Enter the minute ventilation in the field below and then click Submit to record your answer in the lab report. You answered: 7500 ml/min 11. A useful way to express FEV1 is as a percentage of the forced vital capacity (FVC). Using the FEV1 and FVC values from the data grid, calculate the FEV1 (%) by dividing the FEV1 volume by the FVC volume (in this case, the VC is equal to the FVC) and multiply by 100%. Enter the FEV1 (%) for an airway radius of 5.00 mm in the field below and then click Submit to record your answer in the lab report. You answered: 3541 12. A useful way to express FEV1 is as a percentage of the forced vital capacity (FVC). Using the FEV1 and FVC values from the data grid, calculate the FEV1 (%) by dividing the FEV1 volume by the FVC volume (in this case, the VC is equal to the FVC) and multiply by 100%. Enter the FEV1 (%) for an airway radius of 3.00 mm in the field below and then click Submit to record your answer in the lab report. You answered: 436 Experiment Data: Radius 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 Flow (L/min) 7485 7500 4920 3075 1800 975 TV 499 500 328 205 120 65 ERV --1200 787 492 288 156 IRV --3091 2028 1266 742 401 RV --1200 1613 1908 2112 2244 VC --4791 3143 1962 1150 621 FEV1 --3541 2303 1422 872 436 TLC --5991 4756 3871 3262 2865 Breath Rate 15 15 15 15 15 15


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Post-lab Quiz Results You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly. 1. To calculate a person's vital capacity, you need to know the TV, ERV, and You correctly answered: c. IRV. 2. Measuring a person's FVC means that you are measuring You correctly answered: d. the amount of air that can be expelled when the subject takes the deepest possible inspiration and then forcefully expires as completely and rapidly as possible. 3. Measuring a person's FEV1 means that you are measuring You correctly answered: b. the amount of the VC that is expired during the first second of the FVC test. 4. For a person suffering an asthma attack, inhaler medications are expected to You correctly answered: a. reduce the airway resistance. 5. Which of the following values does not include the ERV? You correctly answered: c. TV


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Review Sheet Results 1. What would be an example of an everyday respiratory event the ERV simulates? Your answer: Some examples of everyday respiratory events the ERV stimulates are running, sneezing and coughing. 2. What additional skeletal muscles are utilized in an ERV activity? Your answer: Theadditional skeletal muscles that are utilized in an ERV activity are the abdominal muscles. 3. What was the FEV1 (%) at the initial radius of 5.00 mm? Your answer: (FEV1/VC) X 100 (3541/4791) X 100 = 73.9%

4. What happened to the FEV1 (%) as the radius of the airways decreased? How well did the results compare with your prediction? Your answer: The FEV1% decreased as the radius of the airway decreased. , due to the radius reducing theflow of air. My prediction was accurate 5. Explain why the results from the experiment suggest that there is an obstructive, rather than a restrictive, pulmonary problem. Your answer: The radius decreased due to the decrease in the air flow which affected the airflow so it would result in an obstructive disease


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