Brand Positioning Mini Project

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The document discusses brand positioning of Joyalukkas jewelry brand in India. It covers topics like defining brand positioning, factors that influence it, and findings from a study on Joyalukkas' brand positioning.

Brand positioning refers to creating a perception or image of a brand in the minds of consumers in order to differentiate it from competitors.

Factors like target audience, competitive brands, brand attributes, marketing strategy influence how a brand is positioned.


With special reference to JOYALUKKAS INDIA Pvt Ltd., Kochi


In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted to the University of Calicut Submitted by ARUN.N.OUSEPH
(Reg. No. EJALMBA010)

Under the Guidance of

Asst. Prof





Brand posit ioni ng refers t o t arget consum ers reason to buy your brand i n preference to others. It is ensures that all brand activity has a common aim; is guided, directed and delivered by the brands benefits/reasons to buy; and it focuses at all points of contact with the consumer. Brand Positioning is a very frequently used term in marketing, advertising and communications and means different things to different practitioners. It is often (incorrectly) used interchangeably with the term proposition (see below) leading to confusion. Positioning is a strategic process by which those commercially involved with a brand, business, product, new product or organisation set about creating a perception (a set of meanings, image or identity) in the minds of consumers/customers about the brand (business etc.) that is distinctive and unique compared to its competitors. The choice of the word position reflects the idea that competitive players in a market can be located and mapped relative to each other across key dimensions. These dimensions vary widely, from easily measurable dimensions such as price, availability and demographic characteristics of customers, through to more qualitative perceptions such as value, quality, modernity, popularity etc. The most reliable way to start positioning or re-positioning a brand is to understand consumer or customer perceptions of its characteristics versus their perceptions of competitors. Positioning is something that happens in the minds of the target market - it is not an exercise that can take place around a meeting room table isolated from those who use/buy the brand.

Brand positioning is a medium through which an organization can portray its customers what it wants to achieve for them and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms customers views and opinions .Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customers mind. For instance-Kotak Mahindra positions itself in the customers mind as one enti tyKotak - which can provide customized and one-stop solution for all their financial services needs.

It has a n u n a i d e d t o p o f m i n d r e c a l l . I t i n t e n d s t o s t a y W i t h t h e p r o p o s i t i o n o f T h i n k Investments, Think Kotak. The positioning you choose for your brand will be influenced by the competitive stance you want to adopt. Brand Positioning involves identif ying and determining points of simila r i t y a n d difference to ascertain the right brand identity and to create a proper brand image. A good brand positioning help guide marketing strategy by clarifying the brands essence but goals it help the consumer achieve and how it does so in a unique way. The result of the positioning is the successful creation of a customer focused value proposition

A starting point in defining a competitive frame of reference for a brand positioning is to determine Category Membership- the products with which a brand competes and which function as close substitute. No matter how long youve been in business, chances are good that you are engaged in developing and promoting your brand positioning strategy. Youll invest plenty of time in the process of evaluating your products or services in terms of market share, sales and customer base and comparing this information to that of your competitors. Youll work to determine how your customers perceive your business and its major offerings and use the detailed findings to establish your business at the proper place within that all important target market. Your business position within the target market will determine your businesss degree of success.



A research is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevant to the research purpose with economy in procedure Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations, thereby making research as efficient as possible yielding maximal information with minimal expenditure of effort, and money Brand positioning is a medium through which an organization can portray its customers what it wants to achieve for them and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms customers views and opinions. This project deals with:

how the JOYALUKKAS brand has positioned over the competitors brand in the minds of consumers ?


The study is relevant in terms of brand building recognition of the brand from the competitors brand which leads to the increase in sales and goodwill of the organisation. The marketability of the product can be found out through analysing its brand positioning. It includes evaluating quality, demand, reach of product, price margin, taste and preference and loyalty customers of joyalukkas. The study gives clear picture of the attitude of customers. It reveals the merits and demerits. It helps the organisation to concentrate on the weaker section and to make improvement or changes. So it helps to improve the efficiency and ensure the growth of the organisation



The primary objective of the study is to find out HOW THE BRAND JOYALUKKAS HAS POSITIONED IN THE MINDS OF CONSUMERS. The other specific objectives of the study are:

1. To assess the competitive marketing positions of various brands of jewellery items 2. To find out the most recommended brand of the company 3. To find out reach of product among the consumers 4. To analyze the opportunities and threats of jewelry market. 5. To identify the effectiveness of promotional activities by Joyalukkas. 6. To know the influence of brands among consumers. 7. To suggest measures to provide more satisfaction to existing customers and to attract new customers.


To define any research problem and give a suitable solution for the problem, a sound research plan is inevitable. Research methodology is the back bone of the research work; it is the way to systematically solve the research problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research systematically solves the research problem and how research done scientifically. The study is to find out the influence of brands in the minds of consumers and how it positioned over the competitors brand. Here the method is used to collect the data is by visiting the joy alukkas showroom for the period of 3 weeks and through interacting with the staffs and officials ,customers, general public with the help of questionnaire

Research methodology underlines the various steps involved by the researcher in systematically solving the problem with the objective of determining various facts.

1.5.1 Research Design A research work will be successful, only with a sound research design .The research design for the purpose of the study is Analytical in nature. The major purpose of analytical research is to analyze the state affaires as it exists at present. Analytical research includes survey and in-depth analysis of variables. The research plan calls for gathering primary and secondary data. The Sampling Method adopted for the present study is Simple Random Sampling

1.5.2 Methods of Data Collection In this research, the collection of data is from various sources and the are two types. 1. Primary Data 2. Secondary Data Primary Data Primary data collection was mainly done through the mainly done through questionnaires, direct interview and telephone contacts. The respondents were approached personally and were requested to fill up the questionnaire. Secondary Data Secondary data was collected from Company records, Internet, and books. 1.5.3 Research instrument The instruments adopted for the primary data collection is through QUESTIONNAIRE. Nature of questions in a questionnaire In an era of high competition and expectations, customer satisfaction surveys through the questionnaire are essential tools for identifying the customers about their satisfaction levels, and for developing strategies for improvement. The prime object of this survey knowing what customers think about the enterprise's products, services and assessing the customers satisfaction is to maximize customer retention, and to gain and build customer loyalty. It is important to realize that customer satisfaction does not equate to customer loyalty. Pretesting of questionnaire

A pre-testing of questionnaire was conducted with 15 questionnaires, which were distributed and all of them were collected back as completed questionnaires. On the basis of the doubts raised by the respondents, the questionnaire was re-drafted to its present form.

1.5.4 Sampling Plan Sampling plan includes sampling unit used in the survey. It also includes the sampling size and the sampling procedure used for the survey.

1.5.5 Sampling unit The sampling unit is the Customers of Joyalukkas

1.5.6 Sampling size The sample size was selected based upon simple random sampling. For the purpose of study 50 samples are taken from one district.

1.5.7 Sampling Frame The study has been carried out in the Showroom of joyalukkas situated in the marine drive Cochin, Ernakulam 1.5.8 Period of the study The research periods were from 2nd October to 4th November 2007.

1.5.9 Sampling Procedures Simple Random sampling in the district of Ernakulam

1.5.10 Contact Method: The method used to contact the respondent was direct interview. The researcher selected direct contact method because there is no scope of contacting the dealers through telephone or direct mail. By telephone interview the respondents characteristics and environment cannot be observed. The response rate for mail survey is low. Hence the resulting sample will not be representative one. 1.5.11 Analysis of Data Datas are analysed through analytical statistics using correlation, the hypothesis are tested. 1.5.12 Presentation of data Percentage method, tables and charts are used to present the data.



2.1 Brand positioning

Brand positioning is a medium through which an organization can portray its customers what it wants to achieve for them and what it wants to mean to them. Brand positioning forms customers views and opinions .Brand Positioning can be defined as an activity of creating a brand offer in such a manner that it occupies a distinctive place and value in the target customers mind. For instance-Kotak Mahindra positions itself in th e customers mind as one entity Kotak - which can provide customized and one-stop solution for all their financial services needs. It has an u n a i d e d t o p o f m i n d r e c a l l . I t i n t e n d s t o s t a y w i t h t h e p r o p o s i t i o n o f T h i n k Investments, Think Kotak. The positioning you choose for your brand will be influenced by the competitive stance you want to adopt.B r a n d P o s i t i o n i n g i n v o l v e s i d e n t i f y i n g a n d d e t e r m i n i n g p o i n t s o f s i m i l a r i t y a n d difference to ascertain the right brand identity and to create a proper brand image.

Brand Positioning is the key of marketing strategy. A strong brand positioning directs marketing strategy by explaining the brand details, the uniqueness of brand and its similarity with the competitive brands, as well as the reasons for buying and using that specific brand.P osi ti oning is the bas e for dev el opin g and increa si n g t he requi red kno wl edge and perceptions of the customers. It is the single feature that sets your service apart from your competitors. For instance- Kingfisher stands for youth and excitement. It represents branding full flight.


Defining Values and Principle You already know how to do this Your values and principle are part of your Org and Brand drivers!!! Kell er call s pri nci pl e Brand Mant ra Your Values, Principle, and position all are related N O T E : K e l l e r s a y s t h a t a s s o c i a t i o n s a r e v a l u e s , b u t w e h a v e a s t r i c t e r definition of associations from the IBM. 12

Brand Positioning Strategy Brand positioning is an essential element of a winning branding strategy. Positioning simply refers to how your product or service is viewed in the minds of prospects and customers relative to other products or services available in your niche. The term positioning has two connotations: a vertical and a horizontal one. In terms of the vertical connotation, the term refers to the order in which your product ranks relative to the products of your competitors in the minds of your customers in your industry niche.(For example, which product comes to mind first when I say the word cola?) In terms of the horizontal connotation, the term refers to the qualities and attributes your product represents in the mind of your customers, again relative to your competitors. While you cannot directly control the ranking that your product or service enjoys in the minds of your customers, you can influence how you position the product in terms of qualities and attributes. That is, by properly positioning your product relative to your competitors in the minds of your customers, you will have much more control over how your brand is perceived in the marketplace. You will then effectively have a guide or map for how to execute your branding strategy.

Effective Brand Positioning No matter how long youve been in business, chances are good that you are engaged in developing and promoting your brand positioning strategy. Youll invest plenty of time in the process of evaluating your products or services in terms of market share, sales and customer base and comparing this information to that of your competitors. Youll work to determine how your customers perceive your business and its major offerings and use the detailed findings to establish your business at the proper place within that all important target market. Your business position within the target market will determine your businesss degree of success. If you think you can manoeuvre into a more profitable place, do so by adjusting your product s or s ervi ces to m ore cl osel y m at ch t he desi red posit ion (k nown as re positioning), or pursue strategies that change customer perception of the products and services offered by your competitors (de-positioning).Here are some strategic tips that can help you to be as effective as possible during your brand positioning process:


1. Understand brand positioning as fully as you can, especially in the way that it directly affects your business. Businesses, especially smaller ones, are very diverse in their needs a n d offerings, and it might take quite a bit of effort to even be sure that you a r e positioning yourself within the correct market. Look closely at the businesses sharing your pool of regular customers, their purchasing patterns and the roles that your business plays in their everyday lives.

2 . Develop t he most effi ci ent m ethod possibl e for gat heri ng cust om er i nform ati o n. R em em ber t hat you re t ryi ng t o get insi de t hei r heads and back out agai n with an unvarnished look at how they see your business in terms of the benefit that it provides for them. You might consider questionnaires, phone surveys or online surveys and offer a small bonus to compensate customers for their valuable time. 3. Determine which of your products and/or services are the most popular or powerful, so that you can use them to build on or adjust your overall positioning strategy.

4. Rank all of your products and/or services in terms of positive customer review and in relation to those of your competitors. 5. List the most popular group of attributes that describe your business and products from the viewpoints of your customers and combine them to reach your ideal vectorthe positi on i n your t arget m arket from where your busi ness can operat e at t he hi ghest possible level of strength. 6. P roduct based busi nesses can com pl ete t he posit ioni ng proce s s m ore Eas il y t han s e r v i c e b a s e d b u s i n e s s e s . A f t e r a l l , y o u r c u s t o m e r s c a n s e e , t o u c h a n d w a t c h demonstrations of your products to see how they work and visualize their benefits. Here are some hints for exploring how customers perceive your business and its services C r e a t e s i m u l a t i o n s , d e s c r i p t i o n s o r c a s e s t u d i e s s h o w i n g p r o v e n r e s u l t s . Find out how customers view your services in terms of value, results and convenience. 7. Regardless of your business type, take the information about customer perception that youve gathered, determine your top benefits and attributes and use them todeterminey o u r c u r r e n t p o s i t i o n i n g a n d h o w f a r t h a t p o i n t i s f r o m y o u r i d e a l v e c t o r i n t h e marketplace. 14

8. Decide whether you are satisfied with the current positioning of your bus iness, or whether you need to change your strategy. Consider your target market and decide if your business is positioned in such a manner that it maximizes every opportunity for visibility in that market. Finally, keep in mind that positioning can be either an active or passive process. If you choose not t o full y engage i n i t it wil l st ill take pl ace. Dont gi ve up t he val uabl e opportunity to monitor and influence the process and increase profitability

Five Factors of Brand Positioning 1. Brand Attributes What the brand delivers through features and benefits to consumers. 2. Consumer Expectations What consumers expect to receive from the brand? 3. Competitor attributes What the other brands in the market offer through features and benefits to consumers. 4. Price An easily quantifiable factor Your prices vs. your competitors prices. 5. Consumer perceptions The perceived quality and value of your brand in consumers minds (i.e., does your brand offer the cheap solution, the good value for the money solution, the high-end, highprice tag solution, etc.?). In order to Position a Brand Who the Target Consumer is W ho yo ur main c o m p e t i t o r s a r e How t he Brand is simil ar t o your compet itors How t he Brand i s di fferent from your competit or s. Brand Positioning A good brand positioning help guide marketing strategy by clarifying the brands essence but goals it help the consumer achieve and how it does so in a unique way. The result of the positioning is the successful creation of a customer focused value proposition


A starting point in defining a competitive frame of reference for a brand positioning is to determine Category Membership- the products with which a brand competes and which function as close substitute. Points of Parity and Point of Difference Once the competitive frame of reference for positioning has been fixed by defining the customer target market and nature of competition, marketers can define the appropriate points-of-difference and point-of-parity associations.


POD's are attributes or benefits consumer strongly associates with a brand, positively evaluated, and believe that they could not find the same extant with a competitive brand. Strong, favourable and unique brand associations that make up POD. Point-of-Parity POP's on the other hand, are associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand butmay in fact be shared with other brands. These types of associations come in two basicforms:

1. Category

2. Competitive

Category POP's are associations consumers view as essential to be a legitimate and credible offering within a certain product or service category. Competitive POP's are associations designed to negate competitors' points-of-difference.



The word jewellery is derived from the word jewel which was anglicized from the old French joule. Jewellery is one of the oldest forms of body adornment. The first piece of jewellery was made from natural minerals, such as bone, animal teeth, shell and wood and carved stone. Jewellery was often made to show their status and they were buried with the jewels. Jewellery has been an integral part of the Indian culture and civilization since ancient history. They were in demand and fashion since ancient civilizations as Harappa and MohenjoDaro. Traditional jewellery is the latest ones that are continuously increasing in demand. The past decade witnessed the global gem and jewellery industry undergoing some significant changes and registering strong growth, on account of increasing income as well as demand from the emerging economies across the world. Among the various types of jewellery, plain diamond jewellery accounts for the largest share of the global jewellery market, followed by plain gold jewellery. Diamond, gold and platinum are the three main product segments, which collectively account for approximately 95% of the global retail jewellery sales in value terms. A geographic segmentation shows the US as the largest consumer for gems and jewellery, followed by China/ India, the Middle East and Japan. In the European region, the UK and Italy are the largest consumers, with the former also being one of the worlds la rgest jewellery fabrication centers. The emerging markets, like China, India that are traditional jewellery centers of consumption, are showing signs of becoming the largest consumption markets by 2015, for both traditional as well as branded jewellery. The growth in the demand for gems and jewellery is attributed to the rich-class as well as the improving living standards. The industry continues to face problems due to competition from other luxury goods, as well as socio-ethical issues.

India's gems and jewellery industry is one of the most competitive in the world due to its low cost of production and the wide availability of skilled labor. However, the economic slowdown has impacted the industry that has witnessed the export demand leading to many 17

hundreds of thousands becoming jobless. Worldwide, the gems and jewellery industry had been growing at a good pace and is currently estimated at $150 billion or more per year. In India, it accounts for nearly 20% of total national exports and employs nearly a million people directly and indirectly, according to an Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry report, despite the fact that significant job losses have taken place in the recent past. Indias polishing industry has a worldwide distribution network, which has been established over a period of time. India has set up more than 3,000 offices worldwide for promotion and marketing of Indian diamonds. The Indian diamond industry has acquired leadership position in cutting and polishing of rough diamonds. India has the world's largest cutting and polishing industry, employing around 800,000 people with more than 500 hi-tech laser machines. The industry is well supported by government policies and the banking sector. Around 50 banks provide nearly $3 billion credit to Indian diamond industry. Traditionally, gold has held the leading position in most of the jewellery markets worldwide because of the value and tradability factor associated with it. Though the total consumption of plain gold jewellery decreased in volume terms, the overall sales of gold recorded gain in value terms. In the meantime, the demand for platinum jewellery has also increased in the recent past.

Gold:The word GOLD is often thought synonymous with wealth. So many wars have been fought to make it their own. Long before, many did not consider platinum to be valuable because of its ordinary looks, but gold has been highly valuable since prehistoric days for its great look. There is no civilization which has not mentioned about gold. Several mentions about gold have been made in all the holly books of Mahabharata to Old Testament. During the 19th century many discoveries of gold deposits were made and gold rushes occurred in California, Colorado, Otego, Australia, black Hills etc. from ancient times, gold has been connected with the religion and spirituality. It was always associated with the sun. There are so many temples and statues made from gold.

Kings and queens longed to wear the golden crown. The sincerity and sanctity of pure gold created a tradition for wedding rings since it is long lasting and unelected by the passage of time. Today great achievements are sometimes rewarded with gold in form of medals. Also, 18

decoration like Olympic medals, Noble prizes and various awards for excellence in different fields are awarded with medals or statutes. Gold is always associated with the best like the Golden Era, or Golden Wedding Anniversary, etc. so why is gold awarded for achievers? Why does the central bank accumulate gold? Why should the general public rush for gold? There are so many people behind gold and each one has got a reason. Yes, there are numerous reasons behind the gold rush. There is no other metal in the world, which possess so many benefits. To say a few; It is the most malleable and ductile metal known and can be mane in to tread and used in the embroidery. Gold performs critical functions in computers, spacecrafts, jet aircraft engines and so many other products It is used in the field of medicine In jewellery manufacturing.

Purity of gold:Increasingly, jewellery manufacturers and retailers are implementing quality assurance system to meet the need in the market. Sine proof of cartage conformance is of prime concern to the consumers, jewelers are now compelled to have carat checking machines at every store. Gold is a chemical element in the periodic with the symbol Au and atomic number is 79. Gold is a metallic element with a characteristic yellow colour. It is the most malleable and ductile metal. A single gram can be beaten into a sheet of 1 Gold readily forms alloys with many other metals. These alloys can be produced to increase the hardness or to create exotic colour. Pure gold is too soft for ordinary use and is hardened by alloying with silver, copper and other metal. When selling it in form of jewellery gold is measured in carats (k) with pure gold being 24k. But it is commonly sold in lower purity of 22k, 18kand 14k. The most commonly used alloys for jewellery in Europe are 18k and 14k, although 9k is popular in Britain, in the United States 14k predominates. In the Middle East India and South East Asia, jewellery is 22k; sometimes even 23k in China, Hong Kong and some parts of Asia pure gold jewellery of 990 finesse (almost 24k) is popular.


Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS):In many countries the law requires that every item in gold jewellery be clearly stamped its cartages. This is often Hall in the 14th century. Today it is compulsory in many countries. But in India, it is not compulsory and many dont follow the standard. The government of India is planning to make BIS Hallmarking mandatory from January 2008. Since Hallmarking involves time, cost and lesser profits many are very apprehensive. Today the competition in retailing is so high that the jewelers are compelled to sell at low mark-up of only 8%-15% for the gold price of the day. So to many jewelers, small and big, Hallmarking is a cause of concern of bureau of Indian standards (BIS). Government of India has identified BIS as a sole agency in India to operate this scheme. BIS hallmarking scheme has been elegant with international criteria on hallmarking (Vienna Convention-1972). As per this scheme, the license is granted to the jewelers by BIS under product certification scheme. The BIS certified jewelers could get their jewellery hallmarked from any of the BIS recognized Assaying and Hallmarking centers. A sample is drawn from the retailer premises for independent testing. Based on the satisfactory preliminary inspection report and test report of the sample is drawn during the inspection, license is granted to the jeweler. BIS maintains surveillance on the certified jewelers at a defined periodicity. Deviations in the degree of purity of the fine metal and observance of operations not in conformance to the system may result in cancellation of BIS license and invoke legal proceedings.

Indian jewellery:The Indian sub-continent has the longest continuous legacy of jewellery making. By western traditions where heavily influenced by waxing and waning Empires. India enjoyed a continuous development of art forms for some 5000 years. One of the first to start jewellery making was the people of Indus valley civilization. By 1500 BC the people of Indus valley were creating gold earnings and necklaces, bed necklaces and metallic bangles. Before 2100 BC; prior beads were often painted with designs. This art form was often passed on trough family. Although women were jeweled the most, some men in the Indus valley wore beads. Interestingly, India was the first country to mine diamond with some mines dating back to 296 BC.


Kerala jewellery:Though the state is fast changing its trend, and there is a vast difference in tastes displayed by jewellery buyers, traditional values will never be abounded in Kerala. Kerala is the first of all popular for the high quality of gold used in jewellery. The jewellery like much other Indian jewellery is inspired by various forms of nature- leaves, snakes, frits, birds, animals, flowers, seeds and various art and spiritual forms. Ornaments are usually very light, so very expensive also. Today newer methods, techniques, and machineries are used in production. Kerala is famous for its light weight Jhumkas, Manga maala, Palaka Thaali, Mullamottu Maala, Kassu Maala, chittu, Maekathu Mothiram and that goes on.

World Gold Council (WGC):

The world gold council is a non profit association of the worlds leading gold producers, established to promote gold. With headquarters in Geneva, it achieves through the world to improved gold products and its distribution systems. They provide specialist gold information and economic services to large holders of the gold. Its primary focus in recent years has been on facilitating the removal of structural impediments to the free flow gold, thereby encouraging its more widespread and acquisitions and retention.

Overview of Gold industry in India: India is the largest consumer of gold in the world followed by China and Japan India dominates the worlds cut and polished diamonds market. India is emerging as worlds largest trading center of gold with a target of US$18 bn set for

Surat contributes 90% of Indias total diamonds exports. India domestic branded jewellery market is estimated at 600-700 cores. India Gem and Jewellery Exports Promotion Council (GJEPC) is aiming at turning India into
an international diamond trading center.

Indias imports an average of 1800 bars a day, about 70%of the total demand and the balance
is being sourced to indigenous output and metal recycled old jewellery.


Current Trends in Jewelry

Multi-Chain Necklaces: If you have worn necklaces for a while now and like them, you can try a different style of sporting a necklace with multiple chains. Such oversized multi-chain necklaces are decorated with medallions, metal balls, and outsized colorful gemstones. Pendant Earrings: The fashion of these types of jewelry has stayed strong in all seasons, and has never gone out of style. You can wear pendant earrings which have a blend of garnet, black diamond, topaz, gold stones, seed bead detailing, and similar accents. Read more on pearl jewellery. Fashionable Bib Necklaces: Bib necklaces are jewelry which consist of two or more layers of gemstones or chains arranged in a stack against each other to form a 'bib' shape around the neck. Many personalities from the fashion world are flashing these necklaces which may also become a style statement and a fashion trend for some. You can find ones with different classification of colors, accents, and patterns.

Chains having Metal and Leaf Patterns: Mesh chains ornamented with metal discs, outsized metal flowers, bronze leaf patterns, and feather motives are also becoming a latest fad in the fashion industry. If you want to be simple, yet in accordance with the current jewelry fashion, you can opt for wearing a chain with a gold leaf or flower cutout. These are few of the latest trends in jewelry, however, the jewelry that people wear totally depend on the choices they make. You can certainly wear any jewelry, but simply make sure that it matches your attire and your personality. Jewelry Trends in 2012 Coming out of the recession that made us all a bit nervous and tightening our pocketbooks... we have pared down to a simple way of looking at things. Big and bold gives us two distinct feelings when it comes to our jewellery: Extravagant and safe. These are the feelings that played out during these tough economic times and now we have a different feeling ahead of us... a sense of relief, a sense of balance and beginning. Whenever we feel as consumers that the time is right for paring down, we focus on simple designs and simple, warm colours. Plain metals and eco friendly materials: wood, bone, simple and soft semi-precious stones with Earth colours and a simple palette will prevail for 2012. This is our breathing room. This is our nervousness winding down.


Gone are the statement necklaces of the past two years and in with the thinner, yet charming and graceful strands. Creativity will over run our need for security and gentle pairings of blackened metals and all natural materials: pearls, bamboo and recycled media will tone things down considerably.

Pearls will be the big player as we see them with different eyes than ever before. They will convey a sense of hope and simplicity with tones that will match anything in your wardrobe. If the recession keeps us as consumers from buying everything we want and making smarter choices, we will have to go with what we can get the most mileage from. I know one very positive thing: we needed this recession. We needed to correct the overdone hype and over-thetop, crowded marketplace with designers that are not taking themselves too seriously! I welcome the very simple, yet creative work that will be here for us this year.




Joyalukkas is a popular jewellery retail chain that has rapidly expanded its presence across India in the past few years. Today the jewellery retail chain has strongly marked its presence in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh and is also present in the cities of Mumbai, Puducherry, Guragon (Haryana). Joyalukkas employs a highly committed and trained team of over 2,300 employees across its various locations in India. The success and growth of Joyalukkas has been driven by its unstinting commitment to quality, a fact that has been widely recognized by its growing customer base. Joyalukkas jewellery is an ISO certified jeweller which has won many awards and recognition for its excellent business practices and skilled jewellery retailing. The most recent being the Retail Chain of the Year and Best Single Store (Joyalukkas Chennai Showroom) at the National Jewellery Awards 2011 organized by the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation (GJF), it has also been recognized for being The Highest VAT Paying Jewellery Group at the Kerala Gem and Jewellery Show organized by The Department of Industries and Commerce, Government of Kerala. Joyalukkas is renowned within its customer base for its commitment to choice, quality, service, value and convenience. It is one of the consistently growing jewellery retail chains in India. Joyalukkas is currently operating 23 jewellery showrooms across India. Plans to open an additional 14 new showrooms are already in place, and Joyalukkas to complete the expansion plans by September 2013. Joyalukkas showrooms offer a wide variety of jewellery in Gold, Diamonds, Pearl, Platinum & Precious Stones. Some of the Joyalukkas showrooms also feature silver jewellery and silver items. Joyalukkas Group has always believed that people and the community within which it operates are the cornerstones for its success and as such is actively involved in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities across various states in India. Joyalukkas consistently undertakes various programs to help the needy and encourage causes that benefit the society. From building homes to helping flood victims when they require financial assistance, the Group has always believed in being there when needed the most.


Joyalukkas, followed in his visionary fathers footsteps and expanded the Joyalukkas name to a global level. His father Varghese Alukkas started his first jewellery showroom way back in 1956 and since then Joyalukkas has made Joyalukkas an household name in jewellery. Joyalukkas took his first step by setting the jewellery showroom Kerala in the year 2002, since then there has been no looking for joyalukkas. As a part of its expansion, Joyalukkas opened a number of outlets in states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi. He has his ear to the ground, his finger on the pulse and his feet on the ground. The fact is Joyalukkas got to where he is because he never compromised with its corporate values and strongly believed that satisfied customers are the backbone of a company.

It was due to his vision again that, Joyalukkas CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) efforts were given shape through unique business models. Such an effort is the first of its kind taken up by any jewellery retail chain. For someone who has rarely if ever based his decisions on the more modern management tools such as graphs, scales and projections, Joyalukkass meteoric rise is a role model of entrepreneurial grit and intuitive enterprise. Joyalukkas revolutionized retail jewellery trade in India by introducing training programs for its employees and also brought the concept of wedding centre within the jewellery store. Many a feathers are attached to the success hat of Joy Alukkas, including the opening of the worlds largest showroom and the first Diamond Cave in Chennai, India, considered the jewellery hub of India. The phenomenal success of this showroom and this unique concept has proved his foresight and business acumen.



To become a global brand by ornamenting the world.


To improve and enrich lives everywhere by offering extraordinary lifestyle solutions backed by incomparable value-additions, adhering to globally approved processes and norms and creating a successful value- chain for our associates.


The management and staff of Joyalukkas here by commits to enrich the quality of life by offering innovative life-style solutions backed by incomparable value-addition, adhering to globally approved processes and norms. The very basic existence of the global conglomerate is to achieve total customer delight by ornamenting and attiring the world. Our every business activity reflects the commitment for sustainable growth, protection of environment, health and safety of employees. Joyalukkas relentlessly focus on continual improvement, by setting and reviewing quality and environmental objectives which is reviewed and is effectively communicated throughout the organization and is made available to public.

The core principles and values

A rentless focus on the need of our clients. Team work and individual performance be at the heart of all we do. Our reputation is nothing. The core values that we practice includes Trust, Integrity, Respect, Service Excellence, Team work and Compassion during all our actions and deliverables.





















Marketing is defined as all organized efforts, activities and expenditures designed to first, acquire a customer and, second, maintain a customer.1 The marketing department is a unit of organization, traditionally charged with carrying out specific task that are deemed to be marketing such as advertising, marketing research. As the definition would suggest the marketing department customer acquisition and customer maintenance efforts go beyond the organizational boundaries of the marketing department. When all departments know and understand their role and importance in the marketing process, the functions of marketing work better. The marketing department works better. Usually, the role of marketing is viewed from the inside of an enterprise looking out to the market place. In many instance, the marketing function should provide the perspective of the market place looking in.

Critical Marketing functions include:

1. Identifying the important constituencies with in the market place 2. Identifying and valuing specific target purchaser/ user groups for the product. (Also known as target audiences or market segments). 3. Communicating with the market place. 4. Conducting transactions with the market place. 5. Obtaining on-going feed back from the market place. obtaining feed back also means understanding the environmental conditions that the enterprise operates in, the product is marketed in. spending on research is essential to direct the development of a product or


service and the development of communications messages necessary to acquaint potential customers with the product or service, in still them positive feelings about the product or service and motivate them to purchase.


The selling function is an important element of the overall marketing process. Many organizations establish a separate sales function, apart from other elements of the marketing process. This is often a sound business strategy but can lead to a chasm between Sales and the other marketing elements. Even when both are contained within a unified Marketing Department, separate sales and marketing groups often create the situation where they have competing views of the marketplace, competing objectives and competing priorities (e.g., budget, prestige). One area that often creates the opportunity for jurisdictional disputes and other serious problems is lead generation. In many instances, some component of the Marketing Department is responsible for developing leads and then turns them over to the Sales Department. "Discussions" over the timing and quality of leads are a top topic at almost all Sales-Marketing joint meetings. It makes sure that planning and executions of plans are always coordinated, and that all programs are integrated across both marketing and sales efforts.


A company is incomplete without a human resource department so it is said. But, its true as the very existence of a human resource department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the strong workforce in any thriving organization. In fact, good human resources can be one of the most valued and respected departments in an organization; their job is managing people, and people are the companys most important asset.


One of the major roles of a human resources department in a successful business involves a lot of observation and analysis from behind the scenes. Indeed, the intelligence of the human resources department often involves what can be equated to crunching numbers. Compiling complex data and metrics that follow the performance of individual employees, as the move through the workforce is an important task, which has helped human resources, work out crucial solutions to inefficiency, wilting profit margins and more. Due to the sensitive nature of human relations and the work that human resources departments must carry out, discretion is a crucial element to this field. Thats because the management of performance can often involve tough decisions such as choosing who to let go, who to promote and who to hire. Keeping the decision making process behind closed doors is an ethical practice that breeds the least amount of contention possible.


Finance Department largely performs the function of advising the Government on all financial matters. The formulation of the Budget is one of its most important functions. Finance department is also entrusted with the responsibility of framing rules regulating pay, emoluments and other service conditions of all Government employees. It has administrative control over the departments of Local Fund Audit, Directorates of National Savings, State Lotteries, State Insurance and Treasuries. The department is headed by the Principal Secretary and has two Secretaries in charge of expenditure and Finance Resources. The functions of Finance Department are Preparation of budget, appropriation of accounts, re-appropriations, surrender and savings.



4.1. Table showing the age wise classification of the respondents

AGE WISE CLASSIFICATION Age Group 0- 25 25-40 40 above Total Column1 Column2 No of Respondents Percentage 24 48 25 50 1 2 50 100

4.1. figure showing the age wise classification of Respondents

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that majority of the gold buyers are young people 48% of people are below 25 and 50% are between 25 and 40 and the rest are above 40


4.2. Table showing gender wise classification GENDER WISE CLASSIFICATION Column1 Column2 Gender Frequency Percentage Male 20 40 Female 30 60 total 50 100

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 60% of the gold buyers are female and the remaining 40% are males.


4.3.Table showing the marital status of people

table showing the marital status of people Marital status Single Married Total Column1 frequency Column2 Percentage 28 56 22 54 100



Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 56% of the respondents are single and 54% are married


4.4. Table showing the educational qualification of the people

table showing the educational qualification of the people Response SSLC PLUS TWO DEGREE PG OTHER Total Column1 frequency 2 9 26 12 1 50 Column2 percentage 4 18 52 24 2 100

4.4. Figure showing the educational qualification of people

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 52% of the respondents are degree holders and 24% are PG holders and 18% people are plus two and 4% people are SSLC the remaining having other qualifications


4.5. Table showing the occupation of the respondents

Column1 table showing the occupation of the respondents Response public service Private self employed Agriculture NRI Business Others Total Column2 Column3

frequency 2 41 4 2 0 1 0 50

percentage 4 82 8 4 0 2 0 100


Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that majority of the respondents are
working in private sector and the next level of peoples is self employed. Remaining is in public service and doing business etc.


4.6. Table showing the family income of the respondents (Monthly)

table showing the family income of the respondents Response less than10000 10000-15000 15000-20000 more than 20000 Total Column1 Frequency 12 14 13 11 50 Column2 Percentage 24 28 26 22 100


Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 28% of the respondents having the
income of10-15 thousand per month and 26% people having 15-20 thousand and 24%are below 10 thousand 22% people are earning above 20 thousand per month.


4.7. Table showing most preferred brands of the respondents

table showing most preferred brand of the respondents Response Joy alukkas Kalyan Josco Bhima Malabar gold Chemmannur Total Column1 frequency 31 10 3 5 1 0 50 Column2 percentage 62 20 6 10 2 0 100


Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 62% of the respondents prefer
joyalukkas and 20% prefer kalyan and 10% go with Bhima in remaining 8% Josco attracts 6% and remaining 2% are with Malabar gold


4.8. Table showing the brand awareness of respondents through different Medias
table showing the brand awareness through different medias Response word of mouth T.V adv Newspaper Bill Boards company branches Journals Magazines Internet Total Column1 Column2 frequency percentage 15 30 19 38 8 16 0 0 5 10 2 4 0 0 1 2 50 100

4.8. Figure showing the brand awareness of respondents through different Medias

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that 38% of the respondents aware
about joyalukkas through T.V Advertisement and 30% by word of mouth and through news paper 16% know Joyalukkas 10% people knows joyalukkas through company branches and 4% with the help of journals and 2% through internet


4.9. Table showing the respondents preference to joyalukkas

table showing the preferrence of joy alukkas Response Yes No Total Column1 Column2 Frequency Percentage 50 100 0 0 50 100

4.9. Figure showing the respondents preference to joyalukkas

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the respondents are mostly prefer
joyalukkas for buying gold


4.10. Table showing the different factors affects the consumers when buying gold
table sowing the affected factors of buying gold Response Quality Reasonable price Better sales service Brand name Ambiance Total Column1 Column2 Frequency Percentage 24 48 2 4 10 20 13 26 1 2 50 100

4.10. Figure showing the different factors affects the consumers when buying gold

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the 48% respondents Buy gold
from joyalukkas because of the Quality provided by them and 26% because their brand name 20% looking for the customer service remaining 4% go for reasonable price and 2% buy gold because of the ambiance provided by joyalukkas


4.11 Table showing the Response of customers on customised products table showing the customer openion of customised products from joy alukkas Response Yes No Total

Column1 Column2 Frequency percentage 50 100 0 50 100

4.11. figure showing the Response of the customers on customised products

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the respondents gets customised
products from joyalukkas


4.12. Table shows the response towards pricing of the products of Joyalukkas table showing the details of the analysis made on the pricing of joy alukkas Response Yes No total

Column1 Frequency

Column2 Percentage 41 82 9 18 50 100

4.12. Figure shows the response towards pricing of the products of Joyalukkas

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the respondents are satisfied with
the pricing of the products of joyalukkas


4.13. Table showing The Response towards branding strategy of Joyalukkas

table showing branding strategy of joy alukkas Response highly effective effective not much effective total

Column1 Frequency 11 37 2 50

Column2 Percentage 22 74 4 100

4.13. Figure showing The Response towards branding strategy of Joyalukkas

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the branding strategy of
joyalukkas is effective in the opinions of 74% people and 22% people impressed with the branding strategy as they are responding as it is highly effective


4.14. Table showing the influence of promotional activities of different brands

table showing the acceptance of brands promotional activities Response Joyalukkas kalyan josco bhima malabar gold chemmannur others total

Column1 Frequency 40 5 3 2

Column2 percentage 80 10 6 4



4.14. Figure showing the influence of promotional activities of different brands

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveal that the promotional activities of
joyalukkas is effective among other jewellers with 80% lead


4.15. Table showing the brand recognition with product category table showing recognising of product category Response jewellery textiles air charter service money exchange total

Column1 Frequency 25 16 6 3 50

Column2 Percentage 50 32 12 6 100

4.15.Figure showing the brand recognition with product category

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals the jewellery is the most recognised
category of joyalukkas


4.16. Table showing the effectiveness of product differentiation table showing product diffrentiation effectiveness Response Strongly Agree Agree Moderately Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree total

Column1 Frequency 8 40 2

Column2 Percentage 16 80 4



4.16. Figure showing the effectiveness of product differentiation

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals that 80% of peoples are agreeing that
the product differentiation of Joyalukkas is effective


4.17. Table showing the response towards the location of the Joyalukkas Location of the company is appropriate Response Strongly Agree Agree Moderately Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree total Column1 Frequency 13 36 1 Column2 percentage 26 72 2



4.17. Figure showing the response towards the location of the Joyalukkas

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals the location of the company is


4.18. Table showing the response towards pricing of the product

table showing the pricing of the products is effective Response Strongly Agree Agree Moderatly Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree total

Column1 frequency 7 43

Column2 percentage 14 86 0 0 0 100


4.18. Figure showing the response towards pricing of the product

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals that pricing of the products are
effective by 86% of peoples opinion


4.19. Table showing the attracted branding techniques of Joyalukkas towards respondents
Response press adv e- media adv better quality of products better customer service total Frequency percentage 26 52 8 16 2 14 50 4 28 100

4.19. Figure showing the attracted branding techniques of Joyalukkas towards respondents

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals that press advertisement has attracted
52% of the customers to Joyalukkas and 28% attracted by better customer service


4.20. Table showing important area to be concentrated to increase the brand image of Joyalukkas
Response Frequency Adv Frequent sales promotion focus on quality improvement compititive pricing improving customer service Total Frequency 18 12 2 7 11 50 percentage 36 24 4 14 22 100

4.20. Figure showing important area to be concentrated to increase the brand image of Joyalukkas

Interpretation: From the above table and figures reveals that36% of people go with frequent
advertisement is the effective way to increase the brand image of Joyalukkas and 24% of people agree with other sales promotion activities improve the brand image .22% of people are looking for good customer service. Competitive pricing is matter for another 14% of people. 4% of people explain to have focus on quality improvement



The research reveals that the customers are very much brand oriented in buying gold. The survey reveals the importance of brand and how it helps to increase the sales. The study also reached that the gold market is highly volatile. Customers have selected their most preferred brand as Joyalukkas because of their customer relation and service offering to them and the brand endorsement etc.

Customers given more importance to the customized products and trendy designs of jewelries.

The study reached that the customers are interested in buying gold based on many factors such as Brand name, Services, Pricing, Advertisements etc The survey reveals that most of the customers are brand loyal in purchasing jewelry items. The study reveals that most of the customers prefer Joyalukkas as per their choices and most of them are agreeing on the global recognition of the brand has attracted them.

The marketing strategies of Joyalukkas are very much impressed the customers of Joyalukkas.



The study was conducted on the topic A STUDY ON THE BRAND POSITIONING OF JOYALUKKAS. Findings from study are listed below. As per the Objective The brand positioning of Joyalukkas India Private Limited is effective. So it can be concluded that the Brand positioning of Joyalukkas India Private Limited is good.

As per analysis

Joyalukkas is one of the most accepted brand in the jewelry industry The survey revealed that the Joyalukkas brand has positioned well in the minds of the consumers.

The customers are able to get customized products from Joyalukkas. Most of the customers are attracted by the different promotional activities of Joyalukkas. Peoples are interested in the services offered to them while purchasing jewelries. The employees are very much satisfied in provided facilities to them. Regarding the quality factors most of the customers have a good opinion of provided quality by Joyalukkas

Maintain good customer relations and keep informed about important changes through S M S, other medias etc to customers. Numbers of traders are high in the gold commodity market compare with agricultural commodities. Majority of respondents agree that Communication of advertisement is good.



To give some more importance to the various promotional techniques through different medias Attract the customers through new designs and variety of collections. By introducing the trendy designs under different brands it creates a good brand image. By giving importance to the consumers feedback Make the customer delighted by having a good customer relationship. The branding techniques should be changing according to the market trends.



The scope of the study restricted to only few areas. Subscribers may not give an accurate data. Busy nature of the respondents. Sample size limited to 50. Lack of response from customers & resistance was yet another factor that damped the spirit of the researcher.


The survey reveals that the people are very much brand oriented when buying gold. The companys advertisement is directing to motivate people to buy products from it. The firm should concentrate more on new trends and designs of products. Brand positioning means creating an image of brand in the minds of consumers. Joyalukkas do the same with different branding techniques. Through this study, it can be identified that selected customers are agreed that the company treats them as the valuable customers and they are delighted while purchasing gold from joyalukkas.The customers also prefer more exhibits of new variety products through advertisement. The presence of brand ambassador and celebrities also greatly help in endorsing the product



The present study aimed to study the brand positioning of joyalukkas is effective among the consumers and public. The branding is an important aspect in the development of any of the organisation it has a greater importance in each persons buying behaviour and lots of opportunities are there to study the branding and positioning of the brands among the consumers



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