Shvins Request
Shvins Request
Leave details and Absent details of the employees attached herewith the common details given by the employees for the absenteeism.
". !or the #etention of $mployees% #etention month was introduced in the month of &arch '()3 and continued to April '()3. $*tended the Sponsorship scheme which was in place upto end +une ,ntroduced a -ew Sponsorship Scheme on '.th April '()3 for #ecruitment and #etention /0ne draw was on the ()st +une '()3 and the ne*t drawis scheduled to be held on the 3(th +une.
!or reducing Absenteeism% !estival Attendance Allowance was introduced in the month of April '()3. 1ommunicate to employees daily of their previous day absent with their leave records in hand./about the draw backs2