Theories of Entrepreneurship

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Theories of Entrepreneurship

Lecture 8

An Economic Theory
Mark Casson-The Entrepreneur-An Economic Theory Emphasized demand for entrepreneurship stems for need for change. The supply of entrepreneurship is limited due to 1) scarcity due to requisite qualities and 2) difficulty of identifying them when they are available. He suggested that there are four main qualities essential for entrepreneurs Imagination is almost entirely innate and the rest of the qualities can be enhanced

Leibensteins X- Efficiency Theory

Basically X efficiency theory is the degree of inefficiency in the use of resources in the firm. It measures the extent to which the firm fails to raise its productivity potential. X efficiency arises because either the firms resources are used in the wrong way or because they are wasted i.e. not used at


Leibensteins X- Efficiency Theory

Leibenstein identifies two roles for the entrepreneur. The first role is input completion.

This involves making available inputs that increase the efficiency of existing methods or facilitate the introduction of new ones. The role entrepreneur is to increase the flow of information in the market

Leibensteins X- Efficiency Theory

The second role, Gap filling,

Dynamic Entrepreneurship Innovation Theory Advocated by Schumpeter in 1949. Considered entrepreneurship at a catalyst that disrupts the stationery circular flow of the economy and thereby initiates and sustains the process of development. According to him the new combination production as innovation. of factors of

Through innovation the entrepreneur activates the economy to a new level of development.

Dynamic Entrepreneurship Innovation Theory

According to him the concept of innovates comprises of five functions: Introduction of a new good Introduction of a new method of production Opening of a new market Conquest of a new source of supply of raw material Carrying out a new organization of any industry

Dynamic Entrepreneurship Innovation Theory

According to him concept of innovation includes risk taking, supervision and co-ordination. According to him these attributes unaccompanied by the ability to innovate would not be sufficient to account for entrepreneurship.

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