Concrete Study Guide

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Concrete Study Guide

Name:_____________________ Date:________

1. What is the easiest way to add strength to concrete?

2. How long does concrete need to cure in order to reach 90% strength?

. What is the di!!erence "etween cement and concrete?

#. Who $ioneered the use o! hydraulic lime in concrete?

%. What is the $ur$ose o! rein!orcement o! concrete?

&. What are some materials with which concrete is commonly rein!orced?

'. How is the wor(a"ility o! concrete measured?

). *+$lain the im$ortance o! curing concrete.

9. What are the three main com$onents o! concrete? 1. 2. .

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4age 1 o!

10. 5ist !i6e uses !or concrete. 1. 2. . #. %.

11. What are some recycled materials commonly used in concrete?

12. What are some !amous structures made !rom concrete?

1 . Why is the use o! recycled materials in concrete gaining $o$ularity?

1#. How recently was the use o! additi6es in concrete !irst $racticed?

1%. 4ortland cement is a "asic ingredient in what three construction materials?

1&. Where did 4ortland cement get its name?

1'. How is 4ortland cement made?

1). 7n what situations might one desire !ree !lowing concrete with a high slum$?

19. -he "ul( o! a concrete mi+ture is made u$ o! _______________.

20. What are the main su"stances used !or concrete aggregates?
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21. Why would one want decorati6e stones or crushed glass used as aggregate?

22. 7s concrete stronger under com$ression or tensile $ressure?

2 . 7n addition to mechanical strength8 what are two other $ro$erties o! cured concrete?

2#. Why is it im$ortant !or a mi+ture to "e uni!orm?

2%. What ma(es High3*nergy 9i+ed concrete di!!erent !rom other ty$es o! concrete?

2&. What are some !actors that a!!ect the wor(a"ility o! concrete?

2'. Why is it im$ortant to select the $ro$er aggregate !or concrete?

2). How can the early strength o! concrete "e increased?

29. -he chemical $rocess that occurs when concrete is mi+ed with water is (nown as ______________. 0. Why was the tensile strength o! ancient concrete lower than its modern counter$art?

1. Name three o! the en6ironmental im$acts o! concrete $roduction. 1. 2. . 2. What measures do you thin( we could ta(e to minimi:e the im$act that concrete $roduction has on the en6ironment? *+$lain.

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