Robert Drury King cv2c March 2014

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Curriculum Vitae
Office: Sierra Nevada College Department of Humanities Prim 205 999 Tahoe Boulevard Incline Village, NV 89451

Cell Phone: 775-685-0120 E-mail: [email protected] __________________________________________________________________________________________


-Assistant Professor, Sierra Nevada College, (2011 Present) -Research Fellow, Centre Leo Apostel, Free University of Brussels (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) (2012 Present) -Faculty Fellow, Global Center for Advanced Studies (2014 / 2015) -Lead Researcher, Heathwood Institute for Critical Theory and Press (July 2012 Present)

-Ph.D. Philosophy, Purdue University, (2010) --Dissertation: System Individuation in Differential and Dialectical Ontology: Deleuze, Hegel and Systematic Thought. --Awarded the 2011 Purdue University Distinguished Dissertation Award for College of Liberal Arts -M.A. English Literature, Theory & Cultural Studies, Purdue University, (2004) -B.A. English Literature, Zoology, University of Florida, (2001)

-Specialization: 19 th and 20th Century Continental Philosophy, Systems Theory, Political Economy -Competence: Critical Theory, Literary Criticism, German Idealism

-Visiting Scholar, Saxo Institute, Faculty of the Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (June August 2014) -Invited Text Seminar Leader, Collegium Phaenomenologicum. Law and Violence: Hegel, Arendt, Derrida. Citt de Castello. Umbria, Italy. (July 6-13, 2014) -Visiting Fellow, Duke University Center for the History of Political Economy. Duke University, NC. (February 2013) -Visiting Scholar, London Graduate School Summer Academy in the Critical Humanities . London Graduate School, UK. (June 24-27,2013) -Visiting Scholar, National Humanities Center, Summer Institute in Literary Studies , Form and Politics in the Work of J.M. Coetzee. Seminar of Prof. Robert Pippin (University of Chicago). Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC. (June 24 29, 2012) -Visiting Scholar, National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Institute in Experimental Philosophy . University of Arizona. (July 2 July 27, 2012)

-Visiting Fellow, World Congress Summer School . Association for Social Economics. Glasgow, Scotland

(Summer 2012)

-Food Shortages and Social Unrest: A Complex Systems Dynamics Assessment of Global Crises in the International Political Economy. The 2014 Anthology of Heathwood Social Organization and Press Best Essays. Ed. Robert Smith. Heathwood Press. (forthcoming July 2014) -Is There A Limit to the System? Philosophical Presuppositions in Systematic Ontology, Epistemology, and Criticism. Big History Anthology: Exploring the Horizons of Big History. Ed. Barry Rodrigue. University of California Press. (commissioned by editor of journal). (August 2012) -Deleuze and Ecological Economics: Flow Theory from Keynes to Georgescu-Roegen. Deleuze and Capitalim.Ed. Eugene Holland and Kane Faucher. Edinburgh University Press (2015). -The Construction of Space in Flow Analysis of the System of Capital. Ecocriticism and Geocriticism: Overlapping Territories in Environmental and Spatial Literary Studies. Ed. Robert T. Tally Jr. and Christine Battista. (date and publisher, tbd)
EDITED JOURNAL ISSUES -Food Crises in Political Economy and Low-Input Alternatives. Ed. Robert Drury King. Special Issue of

Reconstruction: Studies In Contemporary Culture. Vol. 15.3 or 15.4. (in progress) -Invited Guest Editorial. Ethics, Aesthetics, and Epistemology of Beings. Journal of Philosophy: A CrossDisciplinary Inquiry. Vol. 21 (Spring 2014).

-The Human is Not a System, And So What? The Perils and Potentials of Human Agency Within Systems Theory. The Human Journal. Issue 2. (forthcoming June 2014) -From Autonomy to Thermopolitics: Freedom As A Dissipative Structure. Arachneed Journal. Special Issue, Exploring the Idea of Freedom. Vol 4.1. ISSN: 2322-0201. (January 2014) -General-Systems Theory in the Human Sciences: Gilles Deleuze, Ren Girard, and The Early Anticipations of Scientific Method in Cultural Systems. Plastir: Transdisciplinary Review of Human Plasticity . No. 33. ISSN: 2105-2794. (December 2013). -Food Shortages and Climate Change: The Intercyclical Nature of Crisis and Tipping Point Spin-Offs: Part II of The Low-Input Alternative. (Union for Radical Political Economics Newsletter) (Series of essays to be published as manual to global crisis). Vol.45: 1. (Winter 2013) -Informational Entropy, A Recommendation for Robert Biels Thermodynamic Analysis of the International Political Economy. International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy In Brief (November 2013). -Invited Contribution to Forum: University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Journal of Culture and the Arts for Issue 15, Imitation and Repetition. The Logic of Repetition and the New Creatures of Difference. (December 2012) -General Systems Theory and Cybernetics: Two Forgotten Conceptual Movements in 20 th Century Theory and Philosophy of Systems. Literary Systems (Paritantra): An International Journal on Literature and Systems. Vol. 4, No. 3. ISSN 0974-7915. (Fall 2012) -Radical Systems Pedagogy. Working Paper. Heathwood Press (August 2012). -Philosophy Knocking on the Door. How Did I Write That?: Reflections on Singularity in the Writing Process. Editorial w/Alan Clinton. Reconstruction: Studies In Contemporary Culture . Eds. Alan Clinton and Angela Flury. Vol. 13. 1. (August 2013) -Invited Contribution for Demystifying Deleuze: A Dictionary of Essential Terms. Eds. Mickey Vallee and Rob Shields. Entries, Painting, Molecular/Molar,Plane of Composition. Red Quill Books. 2012. -Food Shortages, Social Unrest, and the Low-Input Alternative. Union for Radical Political Economics Newsletter. Vol 43, No 3. (Winter 2012) -Sartrian Radical Subjectivity with Gilles Deleuze: Synthesizing the Subjective with the Political. Working Paper. Heathwood Press. (July 2012)

--Part II of this paper online at Heathwood.
-Operational Closure and Philosophy: Ontological and Epistemological Issues in Constructivist Systems

Theories. Plastir: Transdisciplinary Review of Human Plasticity . No. 24. (October 2011) -The Systems Theories in Interdisciplinary Inquiry. IMPACT: The Journal for the Center of Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning at Boston University. Vol. 1, No. 2. (January 2013) -Conceptual Trends in the History of Systems Philosophy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IJHSS) . Vol 1.No. 10. Pp. 261-269. ISSN 2220-8488. (August 2011) -Performance |Re| Performance: How the Re - Hails Performance into Being. Co-author, Elise Wortel (Radboud Universiteit, Netherlands). Independent Curators International: DISPATCH. Summer Issue on Re-Performance. (Summer 2011) -Interview with Martin Hagglund, Harvard University Society of Fellows. Radical Atheism and The Arche-Materiality of Time. Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. (commissioned by editor of journal) Vol. 6, No. 14. (Winter 2011) -Deleuze in Film Theory: Theory as Conceptual Practice. Film Philosophy. Vol. 14.1. Pp. 453-461. ISSN 144615. (Spring 2010) -Ontology of System Individuation in Deleuze and Hegel. Deleuze Studies. (revise and resubmit, in progress) -Stating the Entropic Limits of A Non-Formal Democracy. Environmental Humanities. Provocation Piece. ISSN: 2201-1919. (under review)
BOOK REVIEWS -The Thought of Istvan Msros. Review Essay of the Major Works of Istvan Mszros. Radical Review of

Political Economics. (forthcoming 2014) Chris Harmans Peoples History: Why One Chooses Revolution over Reform. Entremons: UPF Journal of World History. Issue 4. (forthcoming Spring 2014) -Entropy of Capitalism by Robert Biel. Marx and Philosophy Review of Books. (forthcoming February 2014) -The Causal Dynamics of a Strong Free Will. The Neuronal Basis of Free Will: Criterial Causation by Peter Ulric Tse. Constructivist Foundations. Vol 9., No. 2. ISSN: 1782- 348X. (in press, March 2014) -Marx: A Guide for the Perplexed by John Seed. Political Studies Review (July 2012) -The Crisis of Civilization, A Book and Film Review of Ahmeds Take on the Global Political Economy. IIPPE In Brief. (July 2012). -A User's Guide to the Crisis of Civilization and How to Save It by Nafeez Ahmed. Marx and Philosophy Review of Books. (September 2011) -Continental Idealism: Leibniz to Nietzsche by Paul Redding. Journal of Philosophy: A Cross Disciplinary Inquiry. Philosophical Society of Nepal. Vol 4. No. 11. (Winter 2009) -The Multivoiced Body: Society and Communication in the Age of Diversity by Fred Evans. Journal of Philosophy: A Cross Disciplinary Inquiry. Philosophical Society of Nepal. Vol. 4. No. 10. (Fall 2009) -Spectral Nationality: Passages of Freedom From Kant to Postcolonial Literatures of Liberation by Pheng Cheah. Teaching Philosophy. Vol. 29. No. 3. (September 2006)

-From Fossil to Renewable Energies? Energy Regimes, the Environment and International Relations, 1970s to Today, International Workshop . University of Padova. Selected to give paper, Energy Dynamics of Hydrocarbon-Based Social Metabolic Reproduction: The Systems View of the Global Political Economy and the Low-Input Alternative. Padova, Italy. (June 13-14, 2014). -Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis International Workshop 2014: Brains, Maps, and Rhythms: Knowledge and Experience in Bio-political Orders (Seminar of John Protevi, Alan Ingram, Kate Soper, and Jasbir Puar). Selected to give paper, The Dissipative-Systems Dynamics of Brains and Bio-Political Orders: Evolutionary Structural Coupling in Nervous and Social Systems. University of Amsterdam. (April 16-18, 2014) Rutgers University Junior Scholars Workshop : After 400ppm, Science, Politics, and Social Natures in the

Anthropocene. Selected to give paper, The Systemic Determinants of Ecocatastrphe in the Anthropocene: Assaying the Future Behavior of Capitals Crisis-Governance and Its Accumulation Regimes. Rutgers University. (March 28, 2014) -Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis International Workshop 2013: Dislocating Agency and Moving Objects: Association, Demarcation, Transformation (Seminar of Judith Butler and Sara Ahmed). Selected to give paper, On Demarcating the In-Between of Assemblages: A Line-Based Systems Theory of Agency. Co-authored w/ Samantha Bankston. University of Amsterdam. (April 17-19, 2013) -Forum Scientiarum, Universitt Tbingen , Tbingen Germany. Unseld Lectures. Seminars of Prof. Humberto Maturana (Escuela Matriztica de Santiago, Chile), Prof. Christoph Reinfandt (Universitt Tbingen). (November 7 11, 2011) -Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Umbria Italy. Derridas Pharmacy. Seminars of Prof. John Sallis (Boston College), Prof. Geoffrey Bennington (Emory University), and Prof. Leonard Lawlor (Penn State University). Director: Prof. Michael Naas (Depaul University). (Summer 2006) -Cornell University School of Criticism and Theory, Ithaca NY. The Production of Presence, Seminar of Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Stanford University). (Summer 2005)

-Geoergescu-Roegens Notion of the Assemblage, A Deleuzian Precursor. Illuminations Speakers Series. Purdue University. (tbd, Fall 2014) -Analyzing Throughput Dynamics in Social Systems. Unit of Play Workshop. Goldsmiths University of London . (tbd, June 2014) -Hegels Philosophy of the Organism and Contemporary Biophilosophy. Workshop on Hegels Science of Logic II. University of Padova, Italy. (December 18, 2012). (One of 5 Papers Selected) -Seminar Leader, Dialectic: The Dialectic and Its Role in Historical Methodologies. Philosophies of History: A Workshop on History as a Mode of Thought and as an Intellectually Plural Profession. Leeds Humanities Research Institute. (February 7, 2013) -The Philosophical Foundations of the Body in Somaesthetics: From Early Modern Roots in Self-Consciousness to Autopoiesis in Contemporary Biology of Cognition. Plenary Speaker for Art Historians of Southern California Fall Symposium 2012 . Los Angeles, California (location, tbd). (October 27, 2012) -Social Organization and Psychoanalytic Theory: Sex and Structure in The Human Sciences. Faculty Salon of Sierra Nevada College. (October 10, 2012) -Systems Theory: The Fate of the Organism from Hegels Logic to Autopoiesis. Leonard Lecture, Colloquium of Philosophy Department Faculty at University of Nevada, Reno. Reno, Nevada. (November 16, 2011) -Atomic Testing and the Marshall Islands. Presentation with Dominique Campora (Sierra Nevada College). Northern Nevada Reads Program: Northern Nevadas Explosive Past. Incline Village Public Library. Incline Village, NV. (October 29, 2011) -Big History Pedagogy in the Classroom. Interviewed by Richard Blundell, Macquarie University, New South Wales. Incline Village, NV. (June 9, 2011) -La France Contemporaine: French Cinema and Culture. Saturday Mornings @ SNC. Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, NV. (March 19, 2011) -Some Criticisms of Spectral Nationality. Roundtable Discussion with Pheng Cheah . (UC Berkeley). Globalization and Resistance: Philosophy and Literature Program Second Biennial Graduate Student Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette. (April 2006)

-Democracy or Thermo-cracy? The Dissipative Dynamics of Democracy. The Difficulty of Democracy, 8th Annual Telos Conference. The Telos-Paul Piccone Institute. NYU. (February 14-16, 2014) -Constructing Space in the System of Capital. Travelling Narratives and Spatial Modernity. University of Zurich. (November 29- December 1, 2013) -Invited to give paper, Norbert Wieners Early Philosophy of Systems. The 2013 International Institute for Advanced Study in Systems Research and Cybernetics. Baden-Baden, Germany. (July 29-Aug. 3,2013)

-World-System Dynamics of Actor Networks in the Global Political Economy and the New Assemblages of Capital. Actor Networks Between Global Markets and the Nation, 1650-1950. Free University of Berlin. Berlin, Germany. (August 1, 2013) -The Future Behavior of the System of Capital: A Flow Theory of Agency Within Dissipative Systems Theory. Coping with Crisis: Reevaluating the Role of Crises In Economic and Social History . Durham University. Durham, England. (July 26-28, 2013). -The Novelty of Deleuze and Guattaris Concept of Assemblages in the Systems Traditions: A Conceptual and Historical Review. First Annual Deleuze Studies in Asia Conference . Taipei, Taiwan. (May 31-June 2, 2013) -The Entropy of Decolonization: Systems Analysis of Decolonization Processes in the International Political Economy. Association for the Study of Literature and Environment, 2013. University of Kansas, Lawrence. (May 28-June 1, 2013) -How Do Biological Knowers Know? Crossing Boundaries: Philosophy and Theory in Biology Symposium. CUNY, Lehman College, NYC, New York. (April 12-14, 2013) -The (Mis-)Uses of Certainty: The Rhetoric, Limits, and Potentials of Certainty-Based Pedagogy in Undergraduate Instruction. 32nd Annual Lilly International Conference on College Teaching: Evidenced-Based Learning and Teaching. Miami University. Oxford, Ohio. (November 15-18, 2012) -The Social Metabolism of Sustainability: A Confrontation with Dissipative Societal Reproduction. Sustainability Workshop (Remote Participant) w/ Sandra Wynands. Zayed University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (November 4-6, 2012) -Aspects of Control and Resistance in Structurally-Determined, Dissipative Social Systems. Systems of Control/Modes of Resistance. 27 th Annual Conference in the Humanities. University of West Georgia. (November 1-3, 2012) -Workshop Participant, Whats New About Systems Biology? Center for Biology and Society at Arizona State University. Seattle Biomedical Research Institute. Seattle, Washington. (August 16-17, 2012) -A Conceptual Analysis of Big History's Claims to Systematicity and Systematic Methodology. Teaching and Researching Big History: Exploring A New Scholarly Field. International Big History Association . Grand Valley State. Grand Rapids, Michigan. (August 3-5, 2012) -Autopoietic Systems Theory as a Species of Radical Constructivism. 7th Annual Meeting of the Comparative and Continental Philosophy Circle (CCCP). University of San Diego, San Diego, California. (March 78, 2012) -Invited to Levinas Research Seminar. University of Nevada, Reno. Reno, Nevada. (Summer 2012) (could not attend for participation in NEH Summer Institute in Experimental Philosophy) -Two Post-Hegelian Forms of Life and Sense: Autopoietic Theory and Differential Ontology. Forms of Life: Literature, Politics, Aesthetics. SUNY, Binghamton. (March 2-3, 2012) -Big History Research Proposal. World History Association International Conference . Co-authors: Fred Spier (University of Amsterdam), Barry Rodrigue (University of Southern Maine), Jonathan Markley (Cal State University, Fullerton). Capital Normal University. Beijing, China. (July 7-10, 2011) -Big History: Past, Present and Future. Big History Panel. Western History Associations 50th Annual Conference: Many Wests. Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe. Incline Village, NV. (October 14, 2010) -The Concept of Resonance in Deleuzes System of Philosophy. Resonance(s): A Deleuze and Guattari Conference on Philosophy, Arts and Politics. Bilgi University, Istanbul. (April 2009). (Paper accepted, but not presented because of scheduled job interview at Sierra Nevada College) -The General Systems Theory View: Between Girard and Deleuze. Theory and Cultural Studies Colloquium. West Lafayette, Purdue University. (October 2004) -Deleuzes Aesthetics of Sensation in the Films of Jan Svankmajer. Empire and Imperial Cultures. California State University, Stanislaus. (February 2004) -John Miltons Of Education as Narrative Utopia: Imagining the Nation-State. The 2003 Conference On John Milton. Middle Tennessee State University. (October 2003) -The Beyond of the Pleasure Principle, Derrida and the Transcendental of Time. Encounters with Derrida: A Two Day Graduate Conference. University of Sussex. (September 2003) -Jungs Deleuzian Transcendental Empiricism. The Jungian Society Conference 2003, University of Rhode

Island, Feinstein College of Continuing Education, Providence. (August 2003) -Miltons Of Education as Platonic Dialogue. The Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies: The 2003 Graduate Student Conference. Chicago, IL. (June 2003) -Temporality and the Unconscious in Freud: A Derridean Reexamination of the Relationship. Theory and Cultural Studies Colloquium. West Lafayette, Purdue University. (October 2002)

-Conference Co-Organizer: The Politics and Poetics of Memory Third Bi-Annual Graduate Student Conference. Purdue University, West Lafayette. (March 7-8, 2008) -Chief Conference Organizer: Globalization and Resistance: Philosophy and Literature Program Second BiAnnual Graduate Student Conference. Purdue University, West Lafayette. (March 3-5, 2006)
WORK IN PROGRESS -The Ecological Thought of Levi Bryant, Review Article on Onto-Cartography. Kudzu Review at Florida State

University. Ed. Madison Jones. (June 2014 Issue) -Systems Theory and the Dynamics of An-Arche. A Companion to Anarchist Philosophy. Brill. Ed. Nathan Jun (Midwestern State University). -Transcription and Translation of Gilles Deleuze, Lectures de Cours sur Michel Foucault 1985-1986 for La Voix de Deleuze edited with Dan Smith, Nicolae Morar, and MarielleBurkhalter (Paris VIII). Funded by the Global Research Synergy Grant: Deleuze andFoucault: Intersections in Contemporary Philosophy from Purdue University ($26,000). (offering assistance in translations, not a co-author of grant) -Post-Darwinian Evolutionary Models in Human Social Systems: Prospects for Pedagogy in the Humanities Classroom. Review Article. The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium at SUNY Binghamton -Interview Series on Systems Concepts Across the Human and Social Sciences. Heathwood Press. (Commitments for Interviews with Levi Bryant (Collin College), Jon Rynn (CUNY Urban Systems Dept.), Darrell Arnold (St. Thomas University, Miami, FL), Martin Savransky (Goldsmiths, UK), Jairus Victor Grove (University of Hawaii)), Robert Smith (Heathwood Press).

-Rutgers University Department of Womens and Gender Studies. Travel Grant. After 400ppm. ($100.00) -European Society for Environmental History. International Workshop. (500.00 Euros + accommodation, meals) -American Philosophical Society Franklin Research Grant. Norbert Wiener Papers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries. (July 1-6, 2013) ($1000.00) -John F. Kennedy Center for North American Studies. International Conference, Actor Networks Between Global Markets and the Nation, 1650-1950. Free University of Berlin. Berlin, Germany. Travel and Accommodation Grant. (August 1, 2013). (500.00 Euros) -Philosophies of History: A Workshop on History as a Mode of Thought and as an Intellectually Plural Profession. Hosted by Leeds Humanities Research Institute. Lodging Grant. (February 6-7, 2013) (~$150.00) -National Endowment for the Humanities, Stipend for Summer Institutes for College and University Professors. Institute in Experimental Philosophy, University of Arizona. (July 2-27). ($3,300.00) -National Humanities Center, Summer Institute in Literary Studies, Stipend. Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC. (June 24 29, 2012) ($1500.00, + travel, room, board) -Association for Social Economics, Visiting Fellow for World Congress Summer School, Glasgow, Scotland, Fellowship Award. (June 19-22). ($1,400.00) -Leonard Lecture Honorarium, for University of Nevada, Reno, Philosophy Department Colloquium. (November 16, 2011). ($400.00) -French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) Tournes French Film Festival Grant recipient (competitive), New French Film on Campus. (2010/2011 season). ($1,800.00)

--Received grant for 2011/2012 season as well ($1,800.00) --Received grant for 2012/2013 season as well ($1,800.00) --Received grant for 2013/2014 season as well ($1,800.00) -Cornell University School of Criticism and Theory, Matching Funds Grant. (June July 2005). ($500.00) -The Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies, Consortium Grant recipient (competitive) for Miltons Of Education as Platonic Dialogue. (February 2003). ($200.00) -National Science Foundation, Research Undergraduate (REU Program), Summer Stipend (competitive), for Whitney Laboratory for Marine BioScience, St. Augustine, FL. Principal Investigator, Peter Anderson, Professor of Physiology, Functional Genomics and Neuroscience. (June August 1999). ($2,400.00)
INTERNAL -Sierra Nevada College Internal Grants Competition. Active Learning Teaching and Faculty Development. (Fall

2013). ($2,000) --Internal Grants Competition. Undergraduate Research. NCUR Conference, 2013. ($2,000) -Sierra Nevada College Internal Grants Competition. Undergraduate Research. NCUR Conference, 2013. University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse. (Fall 2012). ($2,000.00) -Sierra Nevada College Research Travel Grant. (Fall 2012). ($750.00) -Sierra Nevada College Research Grant for Lilly Conference on College Teaching. (selected among faculty at College, w/ 5 faculty participants). (~$1000.00) -Distinguished Teaching Award 2012 for the Faculty of Sierra Nevada College. (sole recipient). ($250.00) -Sierra Nevada College Research Travel Grant. (Spring 2012). ($1600.00) -2011 Purdue University College of Liberal Arts Distinguished Dissertation Award. (highly competitive, Awarded to 2 students within College of Liberal Arts at large). (June 2011). ($500.00) -Purdue University Bilsland Dissertation Writing Fellowship (highly competitive, Awarded to 6 students in College of Liberal Arts at large). (2009). ($9,000.00) -Purdue University Research Foundation (PRF) Grant (highly competitive), Year-Long Doctoral Dissertation Award. (2007 2008). ($12,6000.00) -Purdue University Department of Philosophy, Travel Grant (competitive), for Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Umbria, Italy. (July 2006). ($250.00) -Purdue University English Department, Travel Grant (competitive), for Cornell University School of Criticism and Theory. (June July 2005). ($300.00)

-Editorial Board, Book Review Editor and Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. ISSN: 2072-036X. (2010 Present) -Editorial Advisory Board. Literary Paritantra (Systems) : An International Journal on Literature and Theory. ISSN: 0974-7915. (2012-2013)

-Manuscript and Chief Book Review Editor, Constructivist Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Journal . ISSN: 1782-348X. (2012 Present) -Manuscript Reviewer, Interface: A Journal For and About Social movements. ISSN: 2009 2431. (2012 Present) -Manuscript Reviewer, International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE IN BRIEF journal) , Marxist Political Economy Reading Group. (February 2012 Present) -Manuscript Reviewer, Deleuze Studies. Edinburgh University Press. ISSN: 1750-2241. (2011 Present) -Contributing Editor, Journal of Philosophy: A Cross-Disciplinary Inquiry. A Quarterly Publication of the Society for Philosophy and Literary Studies (Kathmandu, Nepal). (2009 2010)

Sierra Nevada College (2010 Present)

HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST HIST ENGL ENGL ENGL PHIL CORE CORE 361: 331: 340: 310: 300: 401: 401: 381: 320: 295: 210: 301: 101: History of Classical Civilization: Greece and Rome Fall 2011 Enlightenment and the French RevolutionSpring 2011 Renaissance and ReformationSpring 2012 Reshaping the Modern World Fall 2010, Fall 2012, Fall 2013 CivilizationFall 2012 Spring 2014, including Summers Capitalism: Prospects and DiscontentsSpring 2013 Special Topics: ImperialismSpring 2014 Language, Thought, and CultureSpring 2012, Spring 2013 Universal Themes in World LiteratureSpring 2014 Literary CriticismSpring 2011, Spring 2012, Spring 2013 Exploring World ReligionsFall 2010, Fall 2011 World CivilizationsFall 2010/2011, Spring 2011, Fall 2011/2012, Spring 2012 EcopsychologySpring 2011 Sierra Nevada College, Low-Residency MFA Program ENGL 670: ENGL 670: Critical Theory (Low-Residency MFA Program Course)Winter 2013 Critical TheoryWinter 2014 Independent Study, Sierra Nevada College: HUMN 401: HUMN 401: HUMN 401: HUMN 401: HUMN 401: Radical PhilosophySpring 2011 Philosophy of Mind & BiophilosophySpring 2011 Systems Theory & EcologySpring 2012 Womens Studies w/ Samantha Bankston (Sierra Nevada College)Fall 2012 Capitalism: Prospects and DiscontentsFall 2012, Fall 2013 Purdue University (2002 2009) ENGL 286: ENGL 108: ENGL 106: ENGL 102: ENGL 101: Introduction to FilmFall 2007, Fall, 2008, Fall 2009 Advanced Composition: Writing Through Literature Fall 2006 Spring 2007 Intro to Composition: Taking a Critical PerspectiveFall 2003 Spring 2005 Course featured online laboratory Academic Research WritingSpring 2002 Intro to CompositionFall 2002 Spring 2004


-Enrolled, Dynamical Systems and Chaos. MOOC, Santa Fe Institute. (Spring 2014) -Certificate, Introduction to Complexity. MOOC, Santa Fe Institute. (Fall 2013) -Figure/Ground Communication, Author. (2012 2013) -National Humanities Center Online Professional Development Seminars for History and Literature Teachers . Witches and Communists: The Crucible and The Cold War. Seminar Leader, Florence Dore (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). (April 5, 2011) -Sierra Nevada College Online Faculty Training Workshop w/ Rick Normington (Sierra Nevada College, MS, CMC & Dean of Continuing and Online Education). (October 4-17, 2010) -Coordinator of Essential Discussions for Monthly Review, An Independent Socialist Magazine. Monthly Review Foundation. (Michael Lebowitz, Build It Now). (August October, 2011) --Participant in Essential Discussions for Monthly Review. (Texts of Istvn Msros and Michael Lebowitz) (August 2010 Present)


-French (Reading Knowledge)

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE (SIERRA NEVADA COLLEGE) -Coordinator, Sierra Nevada College Honors Program. (August 2011 Present)

-2nd Wednesday Reading. Research Presentation (Fall 2012) -Academic Excellence and Problem Solving Committee (Fall 2012 Present) -Quantitative and Scientific Literacy Committee (Fall 2012 Present) -Student Advising (Fall 2012 Present) -Valedictorian Selection Committee (Spring 2012) -Committee for Writing Across the Curriculum (January 2012 Present) -Committee for Academic Curriculum Development (July 2011 Present) -Faculty Advisor, A Tribe of Many Nations (August 2011 Present) -Evaluator Training Workshop w/ Prof. Virginia Anderson, (Towson University). (June 14-15, 2011) -Development of Curriculum for Online Adult Education Program (June August 2011) -Judge for Department (Humanities), Psychology Research Fair (April 27, 2011) -Humanities Speaker Series, committee member; Co-author of proposal for series (Spring 2011) -Co-organizer Tournes French Film Festival; Primary author of grant application (April 2010, 2011, April 2012) -Judge for Department (Humanities), Senior Projects (2010, 2011, 2012) -Admissions/Recruiting Presentation for Incoming Freshman, Core Curriculum (October 6, 2010) -Faculty Advisor, Student Brewing Club (2010 2011) -Faculty Council, Sierra Nevada College (2010 Present)

-International Network for the Theory of History, Ambassador to the United States (November 2013) -International Network for Theory of History (October 2012- Present) -Renaissance Society of America (2012 Present) -Union for Radical Political Economics (2012 Present) -International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) (2012 Present) -American Cybernetics Society (2012 Present) -Association for Social Economics (2012 Present) -International Big History Association, Founding Member (2010 Present) -World History Association (2010 Present) -American Philosophical Association (2007 Present) -Hegel Society of America (2006 2010) -Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy (2004 Present) -Modern Language Association (2002 Present)

Dan OBryan Professor, Associate Provost and Chair of Humanities Department Sierra Nevada College Prim Library 999 Tahoe Boulevard Incline Village, NV, 89451, USA [email protected]

Daniel W. Smith Associate Professor of Philosophy Purdue University Beering Hall 7131 100 N. University Street West Lafayette, IN, 47907, USA [email protected] Alexander Riegler Centre Leo Apostel for Interdisciplinary Studies Free University of Brussels Krijgskundestraat 33 B-1160 Brussels, Belgium [email protected] Shannon Beets Associate Professor, Executive Vice President & Provost Sierra Nevada College Executive Offices, Prim Library 999 Tahoe Boulevard Incline Village, NV, 89451, USA [email protected]


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