Bascom Avrxmega
Bascom Avrxmega
Bascom Avrxmega
By MAK3 This Application Note will not cover BASCOM-A VR programming basics so you should know BASCOMA VR Language Fundamentals. This Application Note will not cover Analog I/O such as Analog Input, Analog Output or Analog Comparator. There will be a Part 2 of Getting Started with A TXMEGA which will cover the Analog Part of XMEGA. At first to get started with A TXMEGA there are a lot of White Papers and Application Notes available from A TMEL: White Paper: Application Notes: You can find samples for XMEGA in Bascom-A VR folder: General samples ..\BASCOM-AVR\SAMPLES\XMEGA Bootloader samples in \BASCOM-AVR\SAMPLES\BOOT For xm128a1 in .\BASCOM-AVR\SAMPLES\CHIPS The A TXMEGA work with 3.3V so please do not connect something which output 5V. Use a Level Shifter for that. The maximum rating for a XMEGA Pin is 3.6 V . When using the internal 32MHz oscillator you need at least 2.7V Vcc. The maximum CPU Clock Frequency is 12MHz when using the XMEGA with 1.6V Vcc. All XMEGA have their registers at the same address. Some chips might not have all registers because the hardware is not inside the chip, but all DA T * files are similar. And all hardware has a fixed offset. This allows to use dynamic code. For example Bascom-A VR can now use a variable for the UART and the code is only needed once because all hardware has a fixed offset. * DA T files are the register files. The register files are stored in the BASCOM-A VR application directory and they all have the DA T extension. The register file holds information about the chip such as the internal registers and interrupt addresses. The register file info is derived from A TMEL definition files.
Table of Contents
Manuals for A TXMEGA: There are 2 manuals available from A TMEL ................................................... 3 What you need to get started with A TXMEGA and BASCOM-A VR ......................................................... 3 Supported XMEGA Chips in Bascom-A VR (Status of Bascom-A VR V ersion .............................. 3 Supported Functions for XMEGA in Bascom-A VR (Status of Bascom-A VR V ersion .................. 3 The Program and Debug Interface (PDI) .................................................................................................... 4 Fuse Bits.................................................................................................................................................... 4 Now you can flash your first Bascom-A VR Program where you toggle an Output: .................................... 6 The most important parts of an Bascom-A VR Program for XMEGA are: .................................................. 8 Port I/O...................................................................................................................................................... 9 External Pin Interrupt............................................................................................................................... 10 System Clock Options (internal and external oscillator options) ............................................................... 11 A TXMEGA128A1 with EXTERNAL oscillator 16MHz ......................................................................... 12 USART - Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter............................. 13 Using Interrupts with UARTS:................................................................................................................. 15 Using Dynamic Channels with XMEGA COM Ports ............................................................................... 16 A TXMEGA and RS-485.......................................................................................................................... 16 Using a Bootloader with A TXMEGA ...................................................................................................... 17 Using EEPROM ...................................................................................................................................... 25 How to initiate a software Reset of A TXMEGA: ..................................................................................... 26 Using the Watchdog of A TXMEGA: ....................................................................................................... 26 TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter ....................................................................................................................... 27 Now we use the RTC - Real Time Counter for generating 1 Second Tick: ............................................... 28 Using config tcxx to easy configure a PWM with XMEGA ..................................................................... 28 Easy Frequency Generation with XMEGA............................................................................................... 30 XMEGA I2C bzw. TWI in MASTER MODE .......................................................................................... 31 Using a LCD with XMEGA:.................................................................................................................... 31 Reduce power consumption by setting Power Reduction Register: ........................................................... 34 Using the Event System (first example): .................................................................................................. 34 A TXMEGA as SPI Master....................................................................................................................... 35 A TXMEGA as SPI SLA VE ..................................................................................................................... 37 Using Dynamic Channels with XMEGA SPI ........................................................................................... 39 Power Mode Options ............................................................................................................................... 39 Virtual Port Registers............................................................................................................................... 39 AES Crypto Module ................................................................................................................................ 40 DMA (Direct Memory Access) ................................................................................................................ 42
Reading and Writing to A TXMEGA Registers ........................................................................................ 47 Great existing Bascom-A VR A TXMEGA Projects: ................................................................................. 48 Manuals for ATXMEGA: There are 2 manuals available from ATMEL 1. One Family Manual like for example for a A TXMEGA128 A1 it is Atmel AVR XMEGA A Manual 2. Another Manual for the single chips like for example for an ATXMEGA128A1 it is the ATxmega64A1/128A1/192A1/256A1/384A1 Manual. In this Manual you find for example the Alternate Pin Functions. So you can find which Pin on Port C is the SDA and SCL Pin when you want to use the I2C/TWI Interface of this Port.
What you need to get started with ATXMEGA and BASCOM-AVR 1. The latest Bascom-AVR FULL Version (The Demo Version of Bascom-AVR do not support XMEGA). 2. An evaluation board like the Atmel AVR XMEGA Xplained evaluation kit or any other XMEGA evaluation board with PDI (Program and Debug Interface)header. 3. A Programmer like AVRISP MKII any other PDI or JTAG programmer which support XMEGA. 4. Latest AVR-Studio 4.X for setting fuse bits and to flash Bootloader to ATXMEGA.
Supported XMEGA Chips in Bascom-AVR (Status of Bascom-AVR Version A TXMEGA16A4, A TXMEGA16D4, A TXMEGA32A4, A TXMEGA32D4, A TXMEGA64A1, A TXMEGA64A3, A TXMEGA64D3, A TXMEGA62D4, A TXMEGA128A1, A TXMEGA128A3, A TXMEGA128D3, A TXMEGA128D4, A TXMEGA192A3, A TXMEGA192D3, A TXMEGA256D4, A TXMEGA256A3, A TXMEGA256A3B, A TXMEGA256D3 Supported Functions for XMEGA in Bascom-AVR (Status of Bascom-AVR Version ADC - Analog to Digital Converter DAC - Digital to Analog Converter AC - Analog Comparator Analog Comparator I/0 Ports System Clock and Clock options WDT - Watchdog Timer Power Management and Sleep Modes System Control and Reset Real-time Clock EBI - External Bus Interface
Interrupts and Programmable Multi-level Interrupt Controller DMA - Direct Memory Access Controller TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter RTC - Real Time Counter AWeX - Advanced Waveform Extension Hi-Res - High Resolution Extension USART - Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface I2C/ TWI - Two Wire Serial Interface AES Crypto Engine Memory Programming 1-WIRE functions
The Program and Debug Interface (PDI) The Program and Debug Interface (PDI) is an Atmel proprietary interface for external programming and onchip debugging of a device. The XMEGA doesnt have the SPI based In-System Programming (ISP) interface for external programming, which has been used for megaA VR. Nor does it have the debugWIRE interface. These have been replaced by a two wire Programming and Debugging Interface (PDI). [from Atmel App Note A VR1005] Following the PDI Header Pin out (top view): Important is also that the A VRISP MKII need 3.3V supply voltage from the Target.
Fuse Bits The Fuses are used to set important system function and can only be written from an external programming interface. The application software can read the fuses. The fuses are used to configure reset sources such as Brown-out Detector and Watchdog, Start-up configuration, JTAG enable and JT AG user ID..An unprogrammed fuse or lock bit will have the value one, while a programmed flash or lock bit will have the value zero.. [A TXEMGA A Manual]
You do not need to change any Fuse Bit to get started except you want to use a Bootloader. In A VR-Studio select Tools >>> Program A VR >>> Connect And choose the programmer:
Now you can flash your first Bascom-AVR Program where you toggle an Output:
$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
$lib "xmega.lib" $external _xmegafix_clear $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled 'We use internal 32MHz Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'Internal 32MHz, no prescaler Config Porte.0 = Output Porte.0 = 1 Do Porte.0 = 0 Waitus 100 Porte.0 = 1 Waitus 100 Loop End 'Porte.0 as Output
'end program
Copy the example in the Bascom-A VR Environment and hit F7 to compile it.
Here is the screen shot how to program the HEX File generated by Bascom-A VR to the A TXMEGA:
The most important parts of an Bascom-AVR Program for XMEGA are: 1. The Register file for the Chip, crystal init and Stacks
$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
For more information on $hwstack , $swstack and $framesize please read Application Note:
AN #183 - Reveal the secret of Stack BASCOM-AVR - Part 1 2. The xmega.lib and fix The reason for xmega.lib and fix is following: In the XMEGA variant, the working register file is not mapped into the data address space; as such, it is not possible to treat any of the XMEGA's working registers as though they were SRAM. Instead, the I/O registers are mapped into the data address space starting at the very beginning of the address space. [from Wikipedia] When the normal libs cannot be used, the alternative special XMEGA code is placed in xmega.lib For example the print and val/str use these external routines.
$lib "xmega.lib" $external _xmegafix_clear $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
4. Select the oscillator source for the system clock and prescaler (this must match with $crystal = XXXXXX). The following configure the internal 32MHz oscillator as system clock without prescaler so the system clock is 32MHz which match with $crystal = 32000000.
Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
5. If you intend to use interrupts you need to configure it before you use the Enable Interrupt command. Bascom-A VR will automatically enable the medium level interrupt when Enable Interrupt is in the code but not the low and high level interrupts.
Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled , Med = Enabled , Hi = enabled
6. Also when you want to use EEPROM you need to configure it before you can use it:
Config Eeprom = Mapped 'Setup memory mode for EEPROM in XMEGA
7. After this you can add Enable Interrupts and your code in the Main Loop.
Port I/O The Port pins will be configured set and reset like with ATTINY or ATMEGA devices
Config Porte.0 = Output Config Pine.1 = Input
Whats changed is how to configure for example Pull-up or Pull down: The Pin Configuration register is used for additional I/O pin configuration. (for example for Porte Pin 0 the register is Porte_pin0ctrl) A pin can be set in a totem-pole, wired-AND, or wired-OR configuration. It is also possible to enable inverted input and output for the pin or slew rate limiting over this register. In addition to that you can set the pin sense configuration like rising edge, falling edge or both edges Enable Pull-up:
Porte_pin0ctrl = &B00_011_000 ' Pullup
Porte_pin0ctrl = Bits(3 , 4) ' Pullup
Porte_pin0ctrl = Bits( 4) ' Pulldown
To set more or all register with the same setting you can use MPCMASK register before the Pin Control register is written: (MPCMASK - Multi-pin Configuration Mask Register) The MPCMASK register enables several pins in a port to be configured at the same time.
Portcfg_mpcmask = &B00000111 Same setting for Pin 0, 1 and 2
See following Example which is also more readable by using constants for the single Bits:
' Bit's of PINnCTRL Register Const Isc0 = 0 'Input/Sense Configuration 0 Const Isc1 = 1 'Input/Sense Configuration 1 Const Isc2 = 2 'Input/Sense Configuration 2 Const Opc0 = 3 'Output and Pull Configuration 0 Const Opc1 = 4 'Output and Pull Configuration 1 Const Opc2 = 5 'Output and Pull Configuration 2 Const Inven = 6 'Inverted I/O Enable Const Srlen = 7 'Slew Rate Limit Enable Portcfg_mpcmask = &B00000111 'Port F Mask Portf_pin0ctrl = Bits(opc1 , Opc0 , Isc1) 'opc[0..2] = 011 --> Pull-up (on input) 'isc[0..2] = 010 --> FALLING Sense falling edge
External Pin Interrupt Example for using Pin 0 of Port E as external Interrupt on falling edge At first enable the Interrupts:
On Porte_int0 Port_e_int0__isr Enable Porte_int0 , Lo Enable Interrupts
Porte_pin0ctrl = &B00_011_010 'Enable Pullup and reaction on falling edge '^ ^ '^ Reaction on falling edge '^ 'Enable Pullup
After this you only need a Main Loop and of course an Interrupt Service Routine called port_E_int0__isr
System Clock Options (internal and external oscillator options) Up to now we used the internal 32MHz oscillator. Here we use the internal 2MHz and in addition also a Prescaler of 2 ending in a 1MHz Clock for the XMEGA. Dont forget to set the $crystal = 1000000 according to the other settings.
$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 1000000 64 40 = 40
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 2mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_2
Config Com5 = 9600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1 waitms 5
Print #1 , Print #1 , "1MHz Test" Print #1 , "Prescaler Control Register Do !NOP Loop End
= " ; Bin(clk_psctrl)
'end program
After reset, the device will always start up running from the 2 MHz internal oscillator until it will be changed by Config Osc and Config Sysclock. That the reason why also following works with $crystal = 2000000 without Config Osc and Config Sysclock. But it is always recommended to use Config Osc and Config Sysclock.
$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 2000000 64 40 = 40
Config Com5 = 9600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1 waitms 5
Print #1 ,
Print #1 , "After reset, the device will always start up running from the 2 MHz internal oscillator" Do !NOP Loop End
'end program
There are also additional nice features for the clock system: A calibration feature (DFLL) is available, and can be used for automatic runtime calibration of the internal oscillators.
Osc_dfllctrl = &B00000000 Set Dfllrc32m_ctrl.0 'The internal 32.768 KHz Osc is used for calibration 'Enable DFLL and autocalibration
A Crystal Oscillator Failure Monitor can be enabled to issue a Non-Maskable Interrupt and switch to internal oscillator if the external oscillator fails. The External Clock Source Failure Monitor is disabled by default, and it must be enabled from software before it can be used. For this you need to set the OSC_XOSCFAIL Register and the according interrupt OSCFAIL
'enable change of protected Registers for following 4 CPU Instruction Cycles Cpu_ccp = &HD8 Osc_xoscfail.0 = 1
See also Manual for: XOSCF AIL - XOSC Failure Detection Register
ATXMEGA128A1 with EXTERNAL oscillator 16MHz It is easy to configure with Config Osc and Config Sysclock.
$regfile = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 64 40 = 40
$crystal = 16000000 ' 16MHz 'Enable the external oscillator with Range 12MHz....16MHz Config Osc = Disabled , Extosc = Enabled , Range = 12mhz_16mhz , Startup = Xtal_256clk Config Sysclock = External , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'EXTERNAL 16MHz
Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #5 Dim B As Byte Print #5 , "We use external 16MHz oscillator"
'########################[MAINLOOP]############################################# Do
Incr B Print #5 , "Test " ; Str(b) Wait 2 Loop '########################[MAINLOOP]############################################# End 'end program
USART - Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter Y ou can use and configure up to 8 UARTS with an A TXMEGA128A1.
Config Com1 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM1:" For Binary As Config Com2 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM2:" For Binary As Config Com3 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM3:" For Binary As Config Com4 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM4:" For Binary As Config Com5 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM5:" For Binary As Config Com6 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM6:" For Binary As Config Com7 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM7:" For Binary As Config Com8 = 19200 , Mode Open "COM8:" For Binary As = Asynchroneous #1 = Asynchroneous #2 = Asynchroneous #3 = Asynchroneous #4 = Asynchroneous #5 = Asynchroneous #6 = Asynchroneous #7 = Asynchroneous #8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8
You can use the serial buffer functionConfig serialin and Config serialout for COM1 ..COM4. Serial buffer for COM5COM8 is not supported at the moment. Dont forget the interface number like(#3) in the UART functions for example:
Ischarwaiting(#3) Inkey(#3)
Regarding config Serialin and the BYTEMATCH option see following example:
"xm32a4def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
'include the following lib and code, the routines will be replaced since they are a workaround $lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz
'configure the systemclock Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'Config Interrupts Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled
'CONFIG COM1 Config Com1 = 38400 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Config Serialin = Buffered , Size = 20 , Bytematch = ALL Enable USARTC0_RXC, lo 'Enable Receive Interrupt for COM1
'CONFIG COM2 Config Com2 = 19200 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Config Serialin1 = Buffered , Size = 20 , Bytematch = 66 Open "COM2:" For Binary As #2 Enable USARTC1_RXC, lo 'Enable Receive Interrupt for COM2
Print "-----CONFIG SERIALIN and BYTEMATCH with XMEGA-----" Enable Interrupts Dim Buffer_full As Bit Dim I As Byte
'#########################[MAINLOOP]############################################ Do If Buffer_full = 1 Then Reset Buffer_full 'Reset Flag Print "This is the buffer content: " ; For I = 1 To _rs_bufcountr0 Print Chr(_rs232inbuf0(i)) ; 'Print the complete Buffer Next Print Clear Serialin 'Clear Buffer End If Loop '#########################[MAINLOOP]############################################
'Label called when COM1 received a BYTE Serial0bytereceived: 'For Bytematch = ALL Pushall Print Str(_rs_bufcountr0) ; " Byte in Buffer" ; Routines. This is only for testing. Print " Bufferhead = " ; Str(_rs_head_ptr0) ; Print " Buffertail = " ; Str(_rs_tail_ptr0) If _rs_bufcountr0 = 20 Then Set buffer_full Popall Return
'Label called when COM2 received a B Serial1charmatch: Pushall Print #2 , "we got a B" Popall Return
Close #2
Using Interrupts with UARTS: Every of the 8 USARTs has for example a Receive Interrupt. ATXMEGA128A1: COM1 --> Usartc0_rxc COM2 --> Usartc1_rxc COM3 --> Usartd0_rxc COM4 --> Usartd1_rxc COM5 --> Usarte0_rxc COM6 --> Usarte1_rxc COM7 --> Usartf0_rxc COM8 --> Usartf1_rxc
As with other Interrupts with XMEGA you configure the Receive Interruptthis way:
'Enable Receive Interrupt for COM1 On Usartc1_rxc Rxc_isr Enable Usartc1_rxc , Lo Enable Interrupts
It is important to know that the function Inkey is also resetting the Interrupt flag. So when you not use Inkey you need to reset the Interrupt flag manual otherwise it fires again and again.
Using Dynamic Channels with XMEGA COM Ports For the XMEGA UART , you may use a variable that starts with BUART. This need to be a numeric variable like a byte. Using a variable allows you to use the UART dynamic.
"xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
= = = = = = = =
38400 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 19200 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 9600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 38400 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8
'But when you want to open it then do it this way Open "COM5:" For Binary As #buart_channel
'Dynamic COM Port Variable must start with BUART Dim Buart_channel As Byte '0 = COM1 ...... 7 = COM8 'when using a variable, notice that the index is 0 based !
For Buart_channel = 0 To 7 Print #buart_channel , "Hello " ; Buart_channel ; " notice that the index is 0 based" Hello on every COM Port (with configured Baud rate) Waitms 10 Next
'end program
ATXMEGA and RS-485 CONFIG PRINT0 = pin CONFIG PRINT1 = pin CONFIG PRINT2 = pin CONFIG PRINT3 = pin for COM1 for COM2 for COM3 for COM4
When you use RS-485 half duplex communication you need a pin for the direction of the data. The CONFIG PRINT automates the manual setting/resetting. It will either SET or RESET the logic level of the specified pin before data is printed with the BASCOM print routines. After the data is sent, it will inverse the pin so it goes into receive mode. You need to set the direction of the used pin to output mode yourself.
'RS-485 on COM2 Config Com2 = 9600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM2:" For Binary As #2 Config Portc.5 = Output Config Print1 = Portc.5 , Mode = Set Transmitter (works for print function)
Using a Bootloader with ATXMEGA Ensure you have set the Fuse Bit: BOOTRST to Boot Loader Reset
Here we use an Example for A TXMEGA256A3B: In the datasheet of A TXMEGA256A3B you find underIn-System Programmable Flash Program Memory Where the Boot Section start $loader = &H20000
Use the following Bootloader and flash it with for example ARVISP MKII
$loader = &H20000
'this sample uses 57600 baud and we use here COM7 Config Com7 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 'Portf.2 and Portf.3 is COM7 Open "COM7:" For Binary As #1
'Config Portc.3 = Output 'Config Pinc.2 = Input Const ' Const Const Const Maxwordbit = 7 Maxword =(2 ^ Maxwordbit) * 2 Maxwordshift = Maxwordbit + 1 Cdebug = 0
'define TX as output
'Dim the used variables Dim Bstatus As Byte , Bretries As Byte , Bmincount As Byte , Bblock As Byte , Bblocklocal As Byte Dim Bcsum1 As Byte , Bcsum2 As Byte , Buf(128) As Byte , Csum As Byte Dim J As Byte , Spmcrval As Byte ' self program command byte value Dim Z As Long Dim Vl As Byte , Vh As Byte values Dim Wrd As Word , Page As Word address 'this is the Z pointer word ' these bytes are used for the data 'these vars contain the page and word
Disable Interrupts
'We start with receiving a file. The PC must send this binary file 'some Const Const Const constants used in serial com Nak = &H15 Ack = &H06 Can = &H18
$timeout = 300000 'we use a timeout 'When you get LOADER errors during the upload, increase the timeout value 'for example at 16 Mhz, use 200000 Bretries = 5 : Bmincount = 3 least 3 times Do Bstatus = Waitkey(#1) If Bstatus = 123 Then If Bmincount > 0 Then Decr Bmincount Else Print #1 , Chr(bstatus); Goto Loader End If Else If Bretries > 0 Then Bmincount = 3 Decr Bretries Else Rampz = 0 Goto Proces_reset address 0 End If End If Loop 'we try 10 times and want to get 123 at
'wait for the loader to send a byte 'did we received value 123 ?
' yes so run bootloader 'we received some other data 'retries left?
'this is the loader routine. It is a Xmodem-checksum reception routine Loader: Do Bstatus = Waitkey(#1) Loop Until Bstatus = 0 Spmcrval = &H20 : Gosub Do_spm ' erase all app pages
'number of retries
Select Case Bstatus Case 1: ' start of heading, PC is ready to send Incr Bblocklocal 'increase local block count Csum = 1 'checksum is 1 Bblock = Waitkey(#1) : Csum = Csum + Bblock 'get block Bcsum1 = Waitkey(#1) : Csum = Csum + Bcsum1 'get checksum first byte For J = 1 To 128 'get 128 bytes Buf(j) = Waitkey(#1) : Csum = Csum + Buf(j) Next Bcsum2 = Waitkey(#1) 'get second checksum byte If Bblocklocal = Bblock Then If Bcsum2 = Csum Then Gosub Writepage Print #1 , Chr(ack); Else Print #1 , Chr(nak); End If Else Print #1 , Chr(nak); End If Case 4: transmitted If Wrd > 0 Then page Wrd = 0 Spmcrval = &H24 : Gosub Do_spm End If Print #1 , Chr(ack); Waitms 20 Goto Proces_reset Case &H18: Goto Proces_reset Case 123 : Exit Do Case 124 : Exit Do Case Else Exit Do End Select Loop If Bretries > 0 Then Waitms 1000 Decr Bretries Else Goto Proces_reset End If Loop 'are the blocks the same? 'is the checksum the same? 'yes go write the page 'acknowledge 'no match so send nak
'blocks do not match ' end of transmission , file is 'if there was something left in the 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0 'write page ' send ack and ready
' PC aborts transmission ' ready 'was probably still in the buffer
Writepage: For J = 1 To 128 Step 2 Vl = Buf(j) : Vh = Buf(j + 1) lds r0, {vl} lds r1, {vh} Spmcrval = &H23 : Gosub Do_spm Wrd = Wrd + 2 LS bit of Z is not used If Wrd = Maxword Then Wrd = 0 Spmcrval = &H24 : Gosub Do_spm Page = Page + 1 End If Next Return
'we write 2 bytes into a page 'get Low and High bytes 'store them into r0 and r1 registers 'write value into page at word address ' word address increases with 2 because ' page is full 'Z pointer needs wrd to be 0 'write page 'next page
Do_spm: Z = Page Shift Z , Left , Maxwordshift Z = Z + Wrd lds r30,{Z} lds r31,{Z+1} #if _romsize > 65536 lds r24,{Z+2} sts rampz,r24 M128 #endif Nvm_cmd = Spmcrval Cpu_ccp = &H9D spm Do_spm_busy: lds r23, NVM_STATUS sbrc r23,7 ;if busy bit is cleared rjmp do_spm_busy Return
'start at address 0
'How you need to use this program: '1- compile this program '2- program into chip with sample elctronics programmer '3- select MCS Bootloader from programmers '4- compile a new program for example M88.bas '5- press F4 and reset your micro ' the program will now be uploaded into the chip with Xmodem Checksum ' you can write your own loader.too 'A stand alone command line loader is also available
'How to call the bootloader from your program without a reset ??? 'Do ' Print "test" ' Waitms 1000 ' If Inkey() = 27 Then ' Print "boot" ' Goto &H1C00 ' End If 'Loop 'The GOTO will do the work, you need to specify the correct bootloader address 'this is the same as the $LOADER statement.
After this you can use the Bascom-A VR Bootloader: In Bascom-A VR >>> Options >>> Programmer Select the MCS Bootloader, the COM Port and Baud rate of Bootloader (in this case 57600)
Then goto MCS Loader Tab and choose the Bootsize and Reset
Reset: The boot loader is started when the chip is reset. Thus you need to reset the chip after you have pressed F4(program). But when you have connected the DTR line to the chip reset (with a MAX232 buffer) you can reset the chip automatically. Y ou do need to set the 'Reset via DTR' option then. You can also choose to use the RTS line. Soft-Reset: When your program does not use the boot vector or need a special sequence to activate the loader, you can chose the soft reset. To send ASCII characters you can embed them between brackets {}. For example {065} will be sent as the character A or byte with value 65. The Soft-Reset needs to be implemented in your regular program so when Bascom-A VR send for example >@ the A TXMEGA will reset and jump according the BOOTRST Fuse Bit to the beginning of Boot-Section. This here is an example for an UART Receive Interrupt Service Routine which check for the >@ to be sent from MCS Bootloader. When the defined 2 character received in a row the A TXMEGA will be reseted by Software Reset.
' Receive ISR of COM6 Rxc_e1_isr: Com6_in = Inkey(#6)
'Software Reset when ">@" is received from MCS Bootloader If Bootloader_bit = 1 Then 'if ">" was already transmitted Reset Bootloader_bit If Com6_in = 64 Then '"@" Cpu_ccp = &HD8 'enable change of protected Registers for following 4 CPU Instruction Cycles
Now you can program your A TXMEGA direct from Bascom-A VR by click on Program Chip or F4
Upload Dialog:
you can use following read and write functions for EEPROM. Write to EEPROM:
My_byte = 11 Writeeeprom My_byte , 0 My_byte = 22 Writeeeprom My_byte , 1
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled , 32khzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'Configure UART for communication with PC (USB) Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1 Config Eeprom = Mapped Dim B As Byte Dim Testbyte As Eram Byte 'EEPROM Testbyte '<<<<<<-------------
Print #1 , "----Start----" Testbyte = 10 Wait 1 B = Testbyte Print #1 , "B = " ; B 'write to EEPROM 'read from EEPROM 'print it
'end program
How to initiate a software Reset of ATXMEGA: Before you can write the Software Reset Bit you need to release the write protection for this bit and register .
'enable change of protected Registers for following 4 CPU Instruction Cycles CPU_CCP = &HD8 'Initiate Software Reset by setting Bit0 of RST_CTRL Register Rst_ctrl.0 = 1 'When this bit is set a software reset occur
Using the Watchdog of ATXMEGA: Y ou can use the watchdog between 8ms and 8seconds. The XMEGA watchdog usually need app. 1A to work. The drawback of this low current watchdog is the accuracy so it is important to reset the watchdog early. There is also a watchdog window mode where you need to reset the watchdog between the specified window times.
$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 64 = 64
'include the following lib and code, the routines will be replaced since they are a workaround $lib "xmega.lib" $external _xmegafix_clear $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 'First Enable The Osc Of Your Choice Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled 'configure the systemclock Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 Config Com1 = 19200 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Config Input1 = Cr , Echo = Crlf ' CR is used for input, we echo back CR and LF Open "COM1:" For Binary As #1 ' ^^^^ change from COM1-COM8 Print #1 , "Xmega revision:" ; Mcu_revid ' make sure it is 7 or higher !!! lower revs have many flaws Config Watchdog = 4000 'after 4 seconds a reset will occur if the watchdog is enabled 'possible value : 8 ,16,32,64,125,250,500,1000,2000,4000,8000 'these values are clock cycles, based on a 1 KHz clock !!! Dim W As Word , B As Byte Do W = W + 1 Print W Waitms 500 B = Inkey() If B = "a" Then Start Watchdog Print "start" Elseif B = "b" Then Stop Watchdog Print "stop" Elseif B = "c" Then Config Watchdog = 8000 Print "8 sec" Elseif B = "d" Then Reset Watchdog Print "reset" End If Loop
TC - 16-bit Timer/Counter The following example show how to use the Timer for Periodic interrupt generation. We configure the Timer C0 as NORMAL ( no wave generation) and with Prescaler 1024. When using 32MHz internal osc the timer runs with 32MHz/1024 = 31250 Hz so every count takes 32s. For the full 16-Bit it would count to 32s * 65536 = 2.097152 Second For 1 second we choose Tcc0_per = 31250 so we have 32s * 31250 = 1 Second
"xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz
'Serial Interface to PC Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1
'Timer C0 Config Tcc0 = Normal , Prescale = 1024 Tcc0_per = 31250 On Tcc0_ovf Tc0_isr name ISR Enable Tcc0_ovf , Lo Enable Interrupts
'32MHz/1024 = 31250
'Setup overflow interrupt of Timer/Counter C0 and 'Enable overflow interrupt in LOW Priority
Now we use the RTC - Real Time Counter for generating 1 Second Tick: The clock source option for the RTC are: - Accurate Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator - Ultra Low Power Internal 32 kHz RC oscillator - External 32 kHz crystal oscillator . And the according Bascom-AVR parameters: 1KHZ_INT32KHZ_ULP 1 kHz from internal 32 kHz ULP 1KHZ_32KHZ_CRYSTOSC 1 kHz from 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator on TOSC 1KHZ_INT32KHZ_RCOSC 1 kHz from internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator 32KHZ_32KHZ_CRYSTOSC 32 kHz from 32 kHz Crystal Oscillator on TOSC Here we use the accurate internal 32KHz RC oscillator 1KHZ_INT32KHZ_RCOSC:
"xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 64 = 64
$lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 'First Enable The Osc Of Your Choice , make sure to enable 32 KHz clock or use an external 32 KHz clock Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled , 32khzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1 Config Clock = Soft , Rtc = 1khz_int32khz_rcosc 32KHz internal oscillator ' we select the internal 1 KHz clock from the
Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled interrupts so these must be enabled !!! Enable Interrupts Print #1 , "Second Tick TEST" Do If Rtc_intflags.1 = 1 Then Set Rtc_intflags.1 Print #1 , Time$ End If Loop End 'end program
"xm256A3Bdef.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
'include the following lib and code, the routines will be replaced since they are a workaround $lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear : $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 'first enable the osc of your choice Config Osc = Enabled , Pllosc = Disabled , Extosc = Disabled , 32khzosc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz 'configure the systemclock Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'Config Interrupts Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled
'COM2 = Port C Pin 6 and Pin 7 'this sample uses 57600 baud. Config Com7 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 'Portf.2 and Portf.3 is COM7 Open "COM7:" For Binary As #2
Config Tcd0 = Pwm , Prescale = 8 , Comparea = Enabled , Resolution = 16 ' Tcd0 --> pwm --> pulse width modulation single slope ' Prescale = 8 --> 32MHz/8 = 4MHz ' Comparea = enabled --> Enable COMPARE or CAPTURE A ' Resolution = 16 --> 16-Bit Resolution
' <--TCD0_CCA-> ' +-----------+ + ' | | | '------+ +----------+ ' ' <---------------------> ' Period = 16,38mSec 'SET Resolution of PWM (min. = &H0003 ...... max. = &HFFFF) Tcd0_per = &HFFFF 'Set Period = FFFF = 65535 --> 65535/4MHz = 16.38mSec Tcd0_cca = 10000 '10000/4MHz = 2.5mSec
Do Waitms 500 'Change TCD0_CCA (Duty Cycle) Tcd0_cca = 20000 Waitms 500
'20000/4MHz = 5ms
'Change TCD0_CCA (Duty Cycle) Tcd0_cca = 10000 Wait 2 'Duty Cycle from 0 to 30000 = from 0 to 7.5ms Do Incr A Tcd0_cca = A Waitus 100 Loop Until A = 30000 A = 0 Wait 2
Print #2 , "----Example Digital Frequency Generation with XMEGA-----" Config Tcd0 = Freq , Prescale = 2 , Comparea = Enabled , Resolution = 16 'TCD_PER is not used in Frequency (Waveformgeneration) mode, only the TCX_CCX Registers to set the Period of the Digital Waveform 'Digital Waveform Generation ' +-----------+ + ' | | | '------+ +----------+ ' ' <---------------------> ' Period = TCD_CCA Register
' Frequency max with TCD_CCA = 0 --> System Clock/2*Prescaler(CCA + 1) = 32MHz/2*2(0 + 1) = 32MHz/4 = 8MHz ' Frequency min with TCD_CCA = &HFFFF --> System Clock/2*Prescaler(CCA + 1) = 32MHz/2*2(65535 + 1) = 32MHz/4*65536 = 122 Hz Tcd0_cca = 0 Wait 3 Tcd0_cca = &HFFFF 'F = 8 MHz 'F = 122 Hz
'end program
XMEGA I2C bzw. TWI in MASTER MODE We use here the I2C/TWI interface of Port C (twi c). In addition the ATXMEGA128A1 also feature I2C Interface on Port D, E and F . You can run the different I2C interfaces also with different clock rates like one with 100KHz and the other one with 400KHz. Configure the Interface:
Dim Twi_start As Byte Open "twic" For Binary As #2 'Portc.0 'Portc.1 I2cinit #2 Config Twic = 100000 'This Variable is used by the I2C functions
'SDA Pin of Port C (ATXMEGA128A1) 'SCL Pin of Port C (ATXMEGA128A1) 'set i2c pins to right state , open collector , pull up activated 'Set TWI Baud Rate and Enable TWI Master
After this you need to add the interface number in this case #2:
I2cstart #2 I2cwbyte Schreibadresse , #2 I2cwbyte Speicheradresse , #2 I2cwbyte Byte , #2 I2cstop #2
I2csend Address_byte , Array_to_send(1) , 4 , #2 'send 4 byte
Using a LCD with XMEGA: Example: 3.3V EA DOGM162 in 4-Bit Mode (2x16 LCD)
'end program
ATXMEGA und 128x64 Graphic Display: 64128N SERIES from DisplayTech with ST7565R
'---------------------------------------------------------------' (c) 1995-2011, MCS ' xm128A1-ST7565R.bas ' This sample demonstrates the ST7565R chip with an Xmega128A1 ' Display used : 64128N SERIES from DisplayTech ' this is a parallel display with read/write options '----------------------------------------------------------------$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
'include the following lib and code, the routines will be replaced since they are a workaround $lib "xmega.lib" $external _xmegafix_clear $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 'first enable the osc of your choice Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled 'configure the systemclock Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 Config Com1 = 38400 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 $lib "glcdST7565r.lbx" ' specify the used lib $lib "glcd.lbx" ' and this one of you use circle/line etc 'the display was connected with these pins Config Graphlcd = 128 * 64eadogm ,dataport=portj, = Porth.3 , Rd = Porth.4,c86=porth.6 cls Setfont Font8x8tt ' set font dim y as byte 'You can use locate but the columns have a range from 1-128 'When you want to show somthing on the LCD, use the LDAT command 'LCDAT Y , COL, value Lcdat 1 , 1 , "11111111" Lcdat 2 , 1 , "ABCDEFGHIJKL1234" Lcdat 3 , 1 , "MCS Electronics" , 1 ' inverse Lcdat 4 , 1 , "MCS Electronics" Waitms 3000 Setfont My12_16 ' use a bigger font Cls Lcdat 1 , 1 , "112345678" Waitms 3000 Line(0 , 0) -(127 , 64) , 1 Waitms 2000 'wait 2 secs Line(0 , 0) -(127 , 64) , 0 For Y = 1 To 20
'a bigger font ' wait 'make line 'remove line by inverting the color
Using the Event System (first example): The Event System in this example easy show after the event configuration that one Port Pin is routed to another Port Pin. Y ou can see it works even during the W AIT 4 command and there are no PORT READ OR WRITE commands in the Do .... Loop ! So it is working direct in hardware. This example also shows how to manual fire an Event Notice: when you want to measure the Event on PortC.7 you need to know that an event is only one Clock Cycle so you need an oscilloscope and a trigger to see it !
' Using the new CONFIG EVENT_SYSTEM function ' Bascom Version or higher '
' PINC.0 (INPUT FOR EVENT CHANNEL 0) ---------------->>> $regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm32a4def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 100
: $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
'Configure PC0 for input, Event triggered on falling edge Config Portc.0 = Input
Portc_pin0ctrl = &B00_011_010 '^ ^ '^ React on falling edge (010) '^ 'enable Pullup
' Select PortC.0 as INPUT to event channel 0 ' Digflt0 = 8 --> Enable Digital Filtering for Event Channel 0. The Event must be active for 8 samples in order to be passed to the Event system ' Event Channel 1 INPUT = Timer/Counter C0 Overflow ' Event Channel 2 INPUT = Analog Input Port A Channel 0 ' Event Channel 3 INPUT = Real Timer overflow Config Event_system = Dummy , _ Mux0 = Portc.0 , Digflt0 = 8 , _ Mux1 = Tcc0_ovf , _ Mux2 = Adca_ch0 , _ Mux3 = Rtc_ovf
Config Portc.7 = Output 'Event Channel 0 Ouput Configuration Portcfg_clkevout = &B0_0_01_0_0_00 Print "Mainloop -->"
'This shows how to manual fire an Event Set Evsys_strobe.0 Loop End 'end program
ATXMEGA as SPI Master This sample demonstrates the Xmega128A1 SPI master mode There are 4 SPI interfaces on the XMEGA. Y ou need to specify SPIC, SPID, SPIE or SPIF for SPIx. The value must be HARD. The SPI settings for the XMEGA differ from the SPI settings for normal A VR chips. In order to be able to use the four different SPI interfaces the XMEGA uses a channel which you need to OPEN. After you have opened the device, you can send/receive data using PRINT and INPUT. The SS pin, MOSI and CLOCK pins are set to output mode automatic in master mode. The SS pin is also made high. The SS pin is only configured when you have selected SS=AUTO. See datasheet for Alternate Pin Functions. For example for SPI on Port E the SS Pin is PINE.4 If you need to use a different pin for SS or when you need to switch the logic level yourself for SS, and thus you use the SS=NONE option, you must setup the SS pin, even if you do not use it, yourself. You must prevent that the SS pin will be made low in input mode since that will set the SPI into SLA VE mode, even while it was in MASTER mode.
When SS is in auto mode, the SS pin will be made low before each SPI transfer and be made high when the SPI transfer is finished. SS can be used when multiple slaves are used, or to synchronize data packets. In Master Mode you can set the SPI Clockrate up to 16MHz with Clockdiv = Clk2 and when using the 32MHz Clock.
Config Spie = Hard , Master = Yes , Mode = 0 , Clockdiv = Clk2 , Data_order = Msb , Ss = Auto
' XMEGA SPI MASTER ' xmega_spi_master.bas ' This example should be used with xmega_spi_slave.bas or with xmega_spi_slave_interrupts.bas
'-------------------CLOCK CONFIGURATION----------------------------------------Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled ', 32khzosc = Enabled '32MHz and 32KHz enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 'CPU Clock = 32MHz 'Init and enable the DFLL (Digital Frequency Locked Loop) for automatic run-time calibration of the internal 32MHz Oscillator Osc_dfllctrl = &B00000000 'The internal 32.768 KHz Oscillator is used for calibration Set Dfllrc32m_ctrl.0 'Enable DFLL and auto calibration '------------------------------------------------------------------------------Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled 'Interrupt Setup
'---------------------CONFIGURE TIME, DATE AND RTC FOR SECOND TICK-------------Config Date = Dmy , Separator = . Config Clock = Soft , Rtc = 1khz_int32khz_rcosc 'Internal 32KHz
'COM Interface to PC (COM5 is PINE.6 and PINE.7) Config Com5 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM5:" For Binary As #1
'CONFIG SPI MASTER on Port E Config Spie = Hard , Master = Yes , Mode = 0 , Clockdiv = Clk32 , Data_order = Msb , Ss = None
Dim Array(10) As Byte 'Array(1) = incremented Array(2) = 2 Array(3) = 3 Array(4) = 4 Array(5) = 5 Array(6) = 6 Array(7) = 7 Array(8) = 8 Array(9) = 9 Array(10) = 10
Do 'Second Tick from RTC If Rtc_intflags.1 = 1 Then Set Rtc_intflags.1 Incr Array(1)
'Clear the
'SEND 10 BYTE ARRAY TO SLAVE Reset Porte.4 'Select Slave Print #10 , Start_of_frame ; Array(1) , 10 'SEND Start Byte then ARRAY WITH 10 BYTES Set Porte.4 'Deselect Slave
'end program
ATXMEGA as SPI SLAVE The max. SPI Clock Rate in SLA VE MODE is 32MHz/CLK4 = 8MHz
'SPI SLAVE USING INTERRUPTS ' xmega_spi_slave_interrupt.bas should be used with xmega_spi_master.bas 'This here is the Output of this example (when used with xmega_spi_master.bas): '( ------XMEGA AS Received Array Received Array Received Array Received Array Received Array Received Array Received Array
SPI SLAVE using Interrupts-----= 111,212,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,213,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,214,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,215,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,216,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,217,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 = 111,218,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
... ... ') $regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm32a4def.dat" 32000000 100 100 = 100
: $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz '--> 32MHz Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled 'Serial Interface to PC Config Com1 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8
' CONFIG SPI SLAVE on Port C ' Clock comes from SPI Master (Maximum clock rate a XMEGA Slave can handle is when MASTER Clock rate is CLK4) Config Spic = Hard , Master = No , Mode = 0 , Data_order = Msb 'XMEGA SPI SLAVE Open "SPIC" For Binary As #10
Print "Received Array = " ; For B = 1 To 10 Print Spi_data(b) ; "," ; Next Print Spi_data(11) End If Loop
'end program
Using Dynamic Channels with XMEGA SPI To use a V ariable as Dynamic Channel you must DIM a byte which start with BSPI. Bspivar = 0 ----> SPI Port C Bspivar = 1 ----> SPI Port D Bspivar = 2 ----> SPI Port E Bspivar = 3 ----> SPI Port F In case of Bspivar = 1 it is SPI of Port D.
Dim Bspivar As Byte , Ar(4) As Byte , W As Word Bspivar = 1 Config Config Config Config Open Open Open Open Open Spic Spid Spie Spif = = = = Hard Hard Hard Hard , , , , Master Master Master Master = = = = Yes Yes Yes Yes , , , , Mode Mode Mode Mode = = = = 0 1 2 3 , , , , Clockdiv Clockdiv Clockdiv Clockdiv = = = = Clk2 , Data_order = Msb Clk8 , Data_order = Lsb Clk4 , Data_order = Msb Clk32 , Data_order = Msb
"SPIC" For Binary As #10 "SPID" For Binary As #11 "SPIE" For Binary As #12 "SPIF" For Binary As #13 "SPI" For Binary As #bspivar
'SPI channel only suppor PRINT and INPUT Print Input Print Input #10 , "to spi" ; W #10 , Ar(1) , W #bspivar , W #bspivar , W
power PowerSave
PowerDown mode with All Functions Disabled at 3.0Volt Vcc need just 0.1A current consumption. Virtual Port Registers
Virtual port registers allow for port registers in the extended I/O memory space to be mapped virtually in the I/O memory space. When mapping a port, writing to the virtual port register will be the same as writing to the real port register. This enables use of I/O memory specific instructions for bit-manipulation, and the I/O memory specific instructions IN and OUT on port register that normally resides in the extended I/O memory space. There are four virtual ports, so up to four ports can be mapped virtually at the same time. The mapped registers are IN, OUT, DIR and INTFLAGS. [from A TXMEGA A Manual]
"xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
$lib "xmega.lib" :$external _xmegafix_clear :$external _xmegafix_rol_r1014 Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 Config Com1 = 19200 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Print "Map VPorts" 'map portD to virtual port0, map portE to virtual port1, map portC to virtual port2 'map portR to virtual port 3 Config Vport0 = D , Vport1 = E , Vport2 = C , Vport3 = R 'Each virtual port is available as PORT0, PORT1, PORT2 and PORT3 'data direct is available as DDR0 , DDR1, DDR2 and DDR3 'PIN input is available as PIN0 , PIN1, PIN2 and PIN3 'The advantage of virtual port registers is that shorter asm instruction can be used which also use only 1 cycle Dim Var As Byte 'Real Port Direction Ddr1 = &B0000_0000 Ddr0 = &B1111_1111
'Continously copy the value from PORTE to PORTD using the virtual ports. Do Var = Pin1 'Read Virtual Port 0 Port0 = Var 'Write Virtual Port 1 Loop End 'end program
AES Crypto Module The AES Crypto Module encrypts and decrypts 128-bit data blocks with the use of a 128-bit key. The key and data must be loaded into the module before encryption/decryption is started. It takes 375 peripheral clock cycles before encrypted/decrypted data can be read out. [XMEGA A Manual] This function only works for XMEGA chips that have an AES encryption unit 128 bit encryption is used. Keydata must hold the 16 Byte key. Ar(1) is the Array of data which you want to encrypt. This array also hold the encrypted data after encryption. The 32 is the number of bytes which you want to encrypt. It is important that this is a multiple of 16 so only 16, 32, 48. is valid.
AESENCRYPT Keydata , Ar(1) , 32
You can also use it as a function. Then the variable targ will contain the encrypted/decrypted data.
targ = AESDECRYPT ( key, var , size) targ = AESENCRYPT ( key, var , size)
'---------------------------------------------------------------' (c) 1995-2010, MCS ' xm128-AES.bas ' This sample demonstrates the Xmega128A1 AES encryption/decryption '----------------------------------------------------------------$regfile = $crystal = $hwstack = $swstack = $framesize "xm128a1def.dat" 32000000 64 40 = 40
'include the following lib and code, the routines will be replaced since they are a workaround $lib "xmega.lib" $external _xmegafix_clear $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
'first enable the osc of your choice Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled 'configure the systemclock Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1 Config Com1 = 38400 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 '$external _aes_enc Dim Key(16) As Byte ' room for key Dim Ar(34) As Byte Dim Arenc(34) As Byte Dim J As Byte Print "AES test" Restore Keydata For J = 1 To 16 ' load a key to memory Read Key(j) Next 'load some data For J = 1 To 32 ' fill some data to encrypt Ar(j) = J Next
Aesencrypt Keydata , Ar(1) , 32 Print "Encrypted data" For J = 1 To 32 ' fill some data to encrypt Print Ar(j) Next
Aesdecrypt Keydata , Ar(1) , 32 Print "Decrypted data" For J = 1 To 32 ' fill some data to encrypt Print Ar(j) Next
Print "Encrypt function" Arenc(1) = Aesencrypt(keydata , Ar(1) , 32) For J = 1 To 32 ' fill some data to encrypt Print Ar(j) ; "-" ; Arenc(j) Next Print "Decrypt function" Ar(1) = Aesdecrypt(keydata , Arenc(1) , 32) For J = 1 To 32 Print J ; ">" ; Ar(j) ; "-" ; Arenc(j) Next End
Keydata: Data 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16
DMA (Direct Memory Access) The Atmel XMEGA Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) is a highly flexible four channel DMA Controller capable of transferring data between memories and peripherals with minimal CPU intervention. While the CPU spends time in low-power sleep modes or performs other tasks, the XMEGA DMA offloads the CPU by taking care of mere data copying from one area to another. [XMEGA AppNote] The DMA has four independent channels which can be set over separate control and status registers. This can be done in one configuration.with Config DmachX:
'you can configure 4 DMA channels Config Dmach0 = Enabled , Burstlen = 1 , Chanrpt = Enabled , Tci = Lo , Eil = Lo , Singleshot = Enabled , _ Sar = Burst , Sam = Fixed , Dar = Transaction , Dam = Inc , Trigger = &HAB , Btc = Array_size , Repeat = 0 , Sadr = Varptr(usartf0_data) , Dadr = Varptr(receive_array(1))
Burstlen = 1 1 byte burst mode. The DMA transfer start after each byte. Chanrpt = Enabled In repeat mode, this bit is cleared by hardware in the beginning of the last block transfer. Tci = Lo , Eil = Lo Low Level Interrupts for Channel Transaction Complete and for DMA Channel Error The Transaction is in this example is completed when all 8 Bytes are transferred in 1-Byte single shot transfers. Singleshot = enabled By enabling Single Shot each trigger will complete one data transfer instead of a block transfer. The channel will do a burst transfer of Burstlen bytes on the transfer trigger (in this example each trigger will generate a transfer of 1 Byte from USART E0 to SRAM (Receive_Array)). Sar = Burst Source Address Reload after each Burst. In this example here after each Byte.
Sam = Fixed Source Address Mode: The source address remains the same (it is the USART F0 Data) Dar = transaction Channel Destination Address Reload: DMA destiny address register is reloaded with initial value at the end of each transaction (it start again with receive_array(1)) For applications where data is to be stored in an array, the DMAC can be configured to increase or decrease the destination address after each byte access. Similarly, when data is to be retrieved from an array, the DMAC can be configured to increase or decrease the source address after each byte access. [A TMEL A VR1304] Dam = Inc Destination Address Mode: INC means he address is incremented by one. In this example we want to fill the Receive_Array byte by byte. Trigger = &HAB In the following example the DMA should be started by a Receive Complete trigger of USART F0. To find the value search forDMA Trigger Sources in the A TXMEGA A Manual. There you find the TRIGSRC base V alue in case of USART F0 DMA triggers base value = &HAB Then you need to add the DMA Trigger sources offset V alue. For the Receive Complete (RXC) it is &H00 so the trigger is &HAB. Btc = Array_size Block Transfer Count: The BTC represents the 16-bit value TRFCNT. The concept of a Block Transfer in this context refers to the operation of performing all data transfers necessary to transfer the number of bytes given by the block size. [A TMEL A VR1304] This 16-Bit Register allows up to 64Kbyte Block Transfer Count. You can extend this 64Kbyte with the Repeat Counter. Repeat = 0 REPCNT counts how many times a block transfer is performed. For each block transfer this register will be decremented. Sadr = V arptr(usartf0_data) Source Address is the address of the DMA source. With V ARPTR(X ) you get the address of a variable in this case the address of the usartf0_data register. Dadr = V arptr(receive_array(1)) Destination address. The destination address in this case it the address of Reiceive_array(1).
DMA Transaction A complete DMA read and write operation between memories and/or peripherals is called a DMA transaction. A transaction is done in data blocks and the size of the transaction (number of bytes to transfer) is selectable from software and controlled by the block size and repeat counter settings. Each block transfer is divided into smaller bursts Block Transfer and Repeat The size of the block transfer is set by the Block Transfer Count Register, and can be anything from 1 byte to 64 KBytes. A repeat counter can be enabled to set a number of repeated block transfers before a transaction is complete. The repeat is from 1 to 255 and unlimited repeat count can be achieved by setting the repeat count to zero. With Burstlen = 1 the DMA Channel start on every Byte that comes in over USART F0.
Burst Transfer As the A VR CPU and DMA controller use the same data buses a block transfer is divided into smaller burst transfers. The burst transfer is selectable to 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes. This means that, if the DMA acquires a data bus and a transfer request is pending it will occupy the bus until all bytes in the burst transfer is transferred. A bus arbiter controls when the DMA controller and the A VR CPU can use the bus. The CPU always has priority, so as long as the CPU request access to the bus, any pending burst transfer must wait. The CPU requests bus access when it executes an instruction that write or read data to SRAM, I/O memory, EEPROM and the External Bus Interface
' UART F0 over DMA to SRAM ' Serial Input Buffer over DMA ' The Data over UART F0 will be stored in receive_array with array_size ' Every (array_size = 8) 8 Bytes the DMA Trasaction Complete Interrupt is fired and you can analyze the data with for example a terminal program ' So there is no interrupt or CPU intervention needed during receiving bytes from UART which is especially nice with big data streams from Serial Interfaces ' In this example a DMA interrup is initiated after 8 Bytes
'$regfile = "xm128a1def.dat" $regfile = "xm256a3bdef.dat" $crystal = 32000000 $hwstack = 64 $swstack = 40 $framesize = 40 $lib "xmega.lib" : $external _xmegafix_clear
: $external _xmegafix_rol_r1014
Config Osc = Enabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled Config Sysclock = 32mhz '--> 32MHz Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled
'Serial Interface to PC Config Com7 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 Open "COM7:" For Binary As #1
Print #1 , "UART F0 (COM7) over DMA to SRAM" const array_size = 8 dim dim dim dim receive_array(array_size) as byte dma_ready as bit dma_Channel_0_error as bit x as byte
'you can configure 4 DMA channels Config Dmach0 = Enabled , Burstlen = 1 , Chanrpt = Enabled , Tci = Lo , Eil = Lo , Singleshot = Enabled , _ Sar = Burst , Sam = Fixed , Dar = Transaction , Dam = Inc , Trigger = &HAB , Btc = Array_size , Repeat = 0 , Sadr = Varptr(usartf0_data) , Dadr = Varptr(receive_array(1)) ' 'USART F0 DMA triggers base value = &HAB + Receive complete (RXC) &H00 --> &HAB 'Note that unlimited repeat count can be achieved by enabling repeat mode and setting the repeat count to zero (Chanrpt = Enabled and Repeat = 0) 'Destination Address of Array will be reloaded after each Transaction (Dar = transaction)
Enable Interrupts
'-------------------------[Main Loop]------------------------------------------Do if dma_ready = 1 then reset dma_ready print #1 , "---------" ' Do something with the data here..... ' like Print Results back to COM1 for x = 1 to array_size Print #1 , Chr(receive_array(x)) ; "/" ; Next Print #1 , end if
Loop '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
'end program
'-------------------------[Interrupt Service Routines]-------------------------' Dma_ch0_int is for DMA Channel ERROR Interrupt A N D for TRANSACTION COMPLETE Interrupt
' Which Interrupt fired must be checked in Interrupt Service Routine Dma_ch0_int: If Dma_intflags.0 = 1 Then 'Channel 0 Transaction Interrupt Flag set Dma_intflags.0 'Clear the Channel 0 Transaction Complete flag Set Dma_ready end if If Dma_intflags.4 = 1 Then 'Channel 0 ERROR Flag set Dma_intflags.4 'Clear the flag set dma_Channel_0_error 'Channel 0 Error end if Return
If you run this example and use a terminal program you can send 8 characters like 12345678 and when you type the 8 the DAMA transaction complete will be set and the characters will be print back separated by /
Reading and Writing to ATXMEGA Registers If you want or need to write or read A TXMEGA Registers direct you just need to find the name by using the A TXMEGA DA T file. For example if you want to read the A TXMEGA Revision there is the register Mcu_revid In the DA T File you find it under MCU MCU Control
;*************************************************************************** ;** MCU - MCU Control ;*************************************************************************** MCU_DEVID0 = 144 MCU_DEVID1 = 145 ; Device ID byte 0 ; Device ID byte 1
MCU_DEVID2 = 146
; Device ID byte 2
; Revision ID
MCU_JTAGUID = 148 ; JTAG User ID MCU_MCUCR = 150 ; MCU Control MCU_EVSYSLOCK = 152 ; Event System Lock MCU_AWEXLOCK = 153 ; AWEX Lock
Take care with protected registers. Before you can write to this registers you need to release it like with Software Reset:
'enable change of protected Registers for following 4 CPU Instruction Cycles CPU_CCP = &HD8 Rst_ctrl.0 = 1
If you have feedback or a question regarding this App Note go to Bascom-A VR Forum: Great existing Bascom-AVR ATXMEGA Projects: TFT Display 240x320 65536 Colors with Controller ILI9320 or SPFD5408 By user SIX1 A VI Soft
ATXMEGA Bootloader with AES Encryption By user reinhars (You will find this also in the Bascom-A VR Samples folder)
List of References: TXMEGA-kleines-einmaleins-Erste-Schritte-mit-A Txmega MAK3 A TMEL Manuals and Application Notes MWS