DD and IRC Test

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BY ENGR. MOHAMMED HANIF ABB Electrical Industries Co. Ltd Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Email: [email protected]

This paper describes the common insulating materials, their application and desirable properties. In addition basic initiators of insulation degradation, causes and effects of insulation failure as well as type of insulation tests and principles and applications of insulation testing are discussed. Finally paper focuses on testing insulation quality with DC and various types of DC insulation tests performed worldwide are reviewed.

nsulation is the isolation between parts of an electrical power system. It may be solid, liquid, gas or vacuum. No insulation is perfect, therefore, a certain magnitude of current does flow through it. Such a current may be insignificantly small for most practical purposes but it is the basis of insulation testing. Insulation degrades over a period of time because of various stresses imposed upon it during its normal working life. The insulation of electrical equipment is designed to withstand these stresses during the working life of insulation. Abnormal stresses can cause an increase in the natural aging process that can severely shorten the working life of the insulation. For this reason, it is a good practice to perform regular testing to identify the increased aging if

taking place, the cause of aging and also to identify the most appropriate actions to correct the insulation. Most electrical equipment in the utilities, industries, and commercial power systems use either 50 or 60 Hz AC. Because of this, the use of an AC source to test insulation seems to be the logical choice. However, insulation systems are extremely capacitive and AC test equipments are bulky and costly, DC has considered more suitable than AC. The DC test equipment is almost trivial in size compared with AC test equipment. For example, a one-mile length of cable being tested at 50 kV AC would require test equipment with a capacity of between 400 kVA and 500 kVA. A DC test at 50 kV would require a capacity of 50W using test equipment that is significantly smaller and easier to use.


substance through which conduction of electric current does not take place or is negligible, and in which an electric field can be maintained with a minimum loss of energy is called dielectric or insulating material. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Polyethylene (PE) and Cross-Linked Polyethylene (XLPE) are solid insulating materials used for cables and conductors. Epoxy resin, unsaturated polyester resins (with 60-70% filler) and polyurethane resin (with 60-70% filler) are used for cast

resin mouldings. Ceramic insulating materials are used for post insulators, insulators and bushings. Silicone rubber is used for cable terminations and corona-resistant insulation tubing. Kraft paper, pressboards, laminated wood and insulating tapes are used for transformers, generators and motors. The important properties of solid insulating materials are density, bending strength, tensile strength, impact strength, linear thermal expansion, maximum temperature, tracking resistance, breakdown field strength, dielectric constant and resistivity.

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Principles & Applications of Insulation Testing with DC

Mineral oil, silicone liquid, HKT mineral oil and Synthetic ester are liquid insulating materials. Their important properties are density, viscosity, pour point, thermal conductivity, coefficient of expansion, dielectric constant, flash point, fire point, breakdown strength, dissipation factor, spontaneous ignition temperature and flammability. Air (Dry) and SF6 are gaseous insulating materials. Density of air at Normal Temperature and Pressure (NTP) is 1.205 and its breakdown field strength is 2.1 kV/mm (50

Hz). It is used as insulating and arc-extinguishing medium in air-break circuit breakers at atmospheric pressure. While in air blast circuit breakers, pressurized air is used as an insulating and arc-extinguishing medium. SF6 is an inert gas, colourless, odourless, non-inflammable and nonpoisonous. At NTP, SF6 gas has a dielectric strength and density equal to 2.8 and 5 times those of air at the same conditions. SF6 is chemically stable and it is used as insulating and arc-extinguishing medium in switchgear.


he basic initiators for insulation degradation are electrical stress, mechanical stress, chemical attack, thermal stress and environmental contamination. Normal cycles of operation lead to aging through these mechanisms. Even air oxidizes organic materials while the ingress of moisture, oil and salt degrades effectiveness rapidly. This is therefore, one of most important problems, which must be identified on routine test basis. Electrical


stresses, particularly sustained over voltages or impulses can lead to discharges in voids, which may thereby expand and can initiate electrical treeing. The aging of insulation is a slow process of degradation as these factors interact with each other in a gradual spiral of decline. At some point, dependent on both original and operating conditions the decline may speed up significantly.


nsulating materials play a critical role in the life of electrical equipment. The deterioration of insulation is one of the primary causes of electrical equipment failure. About 60% failures are caused by insulation problem. The failure of insulation while in service may cause significant damage to equipment and to the system to which it is connected. It can cause dangerous voltage, fire, high fault current and explosion, damage to equipment and property, personnel injury and fatal accident. By applying insulation tests, deteriorated insulation can be identified before failure occurs. Main causes of insulation failure are mechanical damage, pinholes, cracks, dielectric contamination, moisture and humidity, corrosive vapors, grease and oil, vibration, temperature cycling, excessive overloads and temperature rise, excessive voltage stress due to over voltage, surface contamination, partial discharge, tracking, electrical treeing, ferroresonance, aging, inadequate workmanship, unqualified testing personnel, mishandling and manufacturing defect.


nsulation testing is performed during acceptance test, factory routine test, pre-commissioning, preventive / predictive maintenance and after repair (breakdown maintenance). Insulation that has been worked on in any way should be tested before returning to service. A brief description of each type of test is as follows:

a. Type Test: Type tests are performed to the first unit manufactured by a vendor to a given specification. It is presumed that every such equipment would also comply with the type test, since its design is unique. Insulation type tests are: full wave impulse withstand test, 1.2/50 s wave and switching impulse withstand test, 250/2500 s wave. Switching impulse test is applicable for system voltages 220 kV. b. Special Tests: Special tests correspond to particular service conditions or investigations.

Chopped impulse wave withstand test and partial discharge test are insulation special tests. c. Factory Routine Test: Routine tests are carried out on every equipment without exception before shipment. Insulation routine tests are: measurement of insulation resistance (spot test and time-resistance), power frequency voltage withstand test and induced over-voltage withstand test. d. Pre-commissioning Test: These tests are conducted at site in accordance with an approved method statement before commissioning. Insulation pre-commissioning tests are: measurement of insulation resistance and polarization index, DC HiPotential Test and power frequency voltage withstand test at 80 % of the values as indicated in IEC 60298, Sub-clause 7.1 (refer IEC 60298, Annex DD) or at 75 % as per ANSI standard. It is recommended that utilities, industrial and

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Principles & Applications of Insulation Testing with DC

commercial clients should review and replace DC Hi-Potential test with VLF Hi-Potential test. e. Preventive Maintenance Test: As an old age saying goes A stitch in time saves nine, a regular periodic preventive maintenance may correct the situation in time and can eliminate the need of consequent major repair. For example, with good preventive maintenance and proper loading, a power transformer gives a service life of over forty years.

f. Predictive Maintenance Test: It is a development of Stitch in time philosophy that uses data from testing and monitoring to adjust the maintenance activity in such a way that it is carried out at appropriate time whenever it is required instead of after a fixed interval of time.


et us see how DC voltage affects insulation of electrical equipment. With DC voltage insulation may be modeled as shown in Figure1. When switch S1 is closed, the DC supply is connected to the insulation system. In the DC model as compared to AC an extra capacitor has been added (dashed lines). The current that flows through this new capacitor is called dielectric absorption current (Ida). Figure 2 shows the time relationship for the three currents Ic, Ida and Ir in the body of insulation.

Figure 2: DC Current Flow in Good Insulation

Dielectric Absorption Current (Ida)

Figure 1: Insulation with DC Voltage Applied Absorption current is caused by the polarization of molecules within dielectric material. In low-capacitance equipment, the current is high for the first few seconds and decreases slowly to nearly zero. When dealing with high capacitance equipment or wet and contaminated insulation, there will be no decrease in the absorption current for a long time.

Capacitive Current (Ic)

The capacitive current charges the capacitance in the system. It normally stops flowing a few second after the DC voltage is applied. In low-capacitance equipment, the capacitive current is higher than conductive leakage current, but usually disappears by the time we start recording the data. Because of this, it is important to let the reading settle out before recording it. On the other hand when testing high capacitance equipment the capacitive charging leakage current can last for a very long time before settling out.

Resistive (Leakage) Current (Ir)

This is the electron current flow that actually passes through the insulation. It consists of two components: a) Conduction leakage current Ilc and b) Surface leakage current Ils. In good insulation, the resistive (leakage) current flow will be relatively small and constant. In bad insulation the leakage current may be fairly large and it may actually increase with time.


he principle concerns to be observed when testing with DC is the possibility of damaging otherwise good insulation. The following points should be observed during testing:

1. Sudden application or removal of the voltage creates a very large dV/dt, and causes an abnormal amount of stress. The test voltage should be applied and removed gradually.

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Principles & Applications of Insulation Testing with DC

2. If a large over-voltage of the order of 2 or more times normal is applied to some insulation systems, the smaller air voids in the insulation will become charged. If the insulation is then suddenly reconnected to the power system, it may fail due to the addition of the system voltage to the still charged voids. Even if the insulation does not immediately fail, it will be stressed and may lose life. It may happen during pre-commissioning and field maintenance. To avoid this problem, insulation should always be drained off DC test voltage for one to five times the length of time that the test voltage was applied before it is re-energized. 3. Test leads must be in good condition. 4. Accuracy of megger must be checked by performing zero and infinity checks. 5. During test, Guard terminal and test leads are never touched. Also test lead should not be pressed under feet. 6. Test leads should not be allowed to touch each other or any other object because this will induce leakage paths. 7. Sharp points at the test lead connections should be avoided to prevent corona discharge.

8. Instrument test jacks should be deep so that unwanted leakage does not occur between the terminals. 9. For precise readings, Guard terminal should be used. 10. Proper testing sequence should be followed. 11. Approved epoxy stick should be used for discharging the test object. 12. After completion of test, all readings should be corrected at 20oC. Tables of correction factors or field rule of thumb may be used that the insulation resistance will halve for each 10oC rise and vice versa for apparatus containing immersed oil insulations. For apparatus containing solid insulations, the insulation resistance will halve for every 15oC rise in temperature and vice versa. In oil-immersed transformers, temperature of the top oil and in dry type transformers, ambient temperature is taken as the insulation temperature. 13. Humidity will not generally affect on insulation resistance unless the temperature is very low close to the dew point and condensation forms on or in the insulation.


ts application include testing of switchgear, transformer, generator, motor, CTs, VTs, cable, wiring, lighting circuit, control equipment, appliances, meters

and relays. Each type of equipment requires its own unique testing procedure, conforming to different test standards.


here are numerous tests for assessing the insulation quality. This paper discusses diagnostic insulation DC tests.

Spot Test
The spot test is the simplest insulation test. It is performed for go / no go testing and historical records. It is temperature dependent and has humidity effect. The test voltage is applied for a short, specific period of time; typically 60 sec as Ic and Ida will have decayed by this time and a reading is taken. (Insulation Resistance) IR = Vdc/ Idc IRinitial = Vdc / (Ic + Ida + Ilc + Ils) and IR60sec = Vdc / (Ilc + Ils) or where Ir = Ilc + Ils IR60sec = Vdc / Ir For large, HV and EHV transformers, reading after 10 minutes is recorded. Values of insulation resistance less than manufacturers minimum or rated voltage + 1kV in megaohms should be investigated. Commonly used DC test voltages for routine maintenance are as follows:


Diagnostic insulation DC tests electrically simulate the insulation and measure the response. Dependent upon that response, we can draw some conclusions about the condition of insulation. These tests are: Spot Test Time-Resistance Test such as: Polarization Index (PI) and Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR) Step Voltage Test Discharge based Tests such as: Dielectric Discharge Test, EDA Test and Isothermal Relaxation Current Test (IRC Test) DC High Potential Test Surge Test

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Table 1: DC Test Voltages Equipment AC (Rating) 24 50V 50 100V 100 250V 251 600V 601 5000V 5001 12,000V > 12,000 Volts Recommend DC (Test Voltage) 50 100V 100 250V 250 500V 500 1000V 2500V 5000V 10,000V

Step Voltage Test

The step voltage test involves insulation resistance testing at various voltages. The recommended ratio for the test voltages steps is 1 to 5. At each step, the test voltage is applied for 60 seconds. The application of increased voltage creates electrical stresses on internal cracks. This can reveal aging and physical damage even in relatively dry and clean insulation that would not have been apparent at lower voltages. Good insulation should withstand an increase in over-voltage stress and its resistance should remain approximately the same during testing with different voltage levels. If resistance values decrease at higher voltage levels, it is an indication that insulation quality may be deteriorating due to dirt, moisture, cracking, aging, etc.

Time-Resistance Test
1. Polarization Index (PI)
The ratio IR60sec / IR15sec or IR10min / IR1min is called Polarization Index. This test determines the elasticity of the ground insulation. When placed in an electric field, molecules of the good insulation should align with that field (see Figure 3). If the insulation is aged, hard, and brittle, no polarization can occur. PI is fairly independent of temperature and often can give conclusive information without records of past tests. Successive readings at specific time be taken and differences in the readings be noted. IEEE STD. 43-2000 recommends following minimum acceptable values for the various thermal classes of motor insulation: Class A: 1.5, Class B, C, F and H: 2.0

Discharge Based Tests

1. Dielectric Discharge Test
The Dielectric Discharge (DD) Test measures the discharge current 60 seconds after the insulation test is finished. This test assesses the aging and deterioration of insulation. The result depends on the discharge characteristic therefore; the test is largely independent of any surface contamination. The charge that is stored in the sample is measured during the discharge phase. This is converted to a figure of merit, which gives a figure for the quality of insulation, independent of the test voltage. The DD value is defined as (in AV-1F-1): DD = Current after 1-minute (A) / {Voltage (V) x Capacitance (F)} = I 1-minute / (V x C) In multi-layer insulation the DD test result can show how similar the layers of insulation are. In the case of insulation failure in a single layer of insulation the leakage resistance will decrease but the capacitance will remain the same. This type of fault is not possible to detect from a standard insulation test because the overall resistance will remain high due to the other high resistance layers. Similarly, other tests such as time-resistance measurements, step voltage test or capacitance measurement will not necessarily show any particular problem. Measuring the discharge current can show when the resistance-capacitance characteristic is incorrect. A low DD value shows that the re-absorption current is decaying quickly and the time constant of each layer of insulation is similar. A high value of DD shows that the re-absorption current exhibits long relaxation times, which may point to a problem with the insulation. Typical conditions from practical research, primarily carried out on generators, arrived at the figures of merit in the table below. DD Value -1 -1 (in mAV F ) >7 47 24 <2 Insulation Condition Bad Poor Questionable OK

Figure 3: Alignment of Polarized Molecules

2. Dielectric Absorption Ratio (DAR)

The ratio IR60sec / IR30sec is called Dielectric Absorption Ratio. DAR = IR60sec / IR30sec or DAR = (Ida + Ilc + Ils) / (Ilc + Ils) = (Ida + Ir) / Ir When an electric field is applied some ions are able to move and some dipoles align themselves in the field within the insulating material. These charging effects cause absorption current which has a long time constant. DAR gives an idea about quality of insulation. If DAR is: <1 1 to 1.25 1.4 1.6 Failed OK Excellent

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2. Isothermal Relaxation Current Test (IRC Test)

This test has been derived for testing cables and grew out of the problems associated with pressure testing of plastic cables. The IRC test uses a 1kV test voltage for 30 minutes to polarize the insulation under test. The polymer polarization traps charge at specific discrete energy levels and during the discharge process these energy levels give rise to different time constants in the discharge current. The major use of the effect in the IRC test is to look for the time constant associated with water trees in degraded XLPE cable material. The Relaxation Current occurring after the capacitance has been discharged is digitized for processing in PC based software. The software processing is based on a modeling technique, which converts the current into charge and plots this charge against time. The total charge plot is then treated as a composite of standard shapes whose time constants are fitted to the composite curve by iteration. Aging of the cable is identified by the relative values of time constants. The test was initially developed using artificially aged cable and now has been applied to operational XLPE cables.

measures the flow of current through the insulation. If the current is in excess of a preset level, a failure conditions is signaled. The DC Hi-pot test can uncover insulation weaknesses that might not necessarily be detected in an IR or PI tests. In addition to measuring overall insulation resistance to ground, it provides information on insulation dielectric strength. In this sense, it can detect insulation weaknesses that are likely to fault to ground if subjected to the high transient voltage surges that commonly occur on industrial power systems. This test is ideal for detecting workmanship errors, design problems as well as component spacing problems. The areas where Hi-pot tests are typically used include: production line, research and development labs, incoming inspection areas, pre-commissioning and maintenance and repair. In Hi-pot testing of cable, the DC test voltage is applied in a minimum of four steps (each step approximately equal to the rated r.m.s voltage of the cable) of one minute each except for the final test voltage that shall be maintained for fifteen minutes. Max. Hi-pot test voltages for cable are as below. Equipment Rated Voltage (KV) 2.5 5.0 15.0 35.0 Test Voltage AC DC 6.0 10.0 14.0 24.0 27.0 46.0 60.0 102.0

3. EDA Test
This test was developed for motors and generators, but it has much wider applicability than the simple Dielectric Discharge test. The EDA test also monitors currents, voltage and capacitance and the software calculates a wider range of parameters from both charging and discharging cycle at two voltages, to give enhanced information on insulation condition. The EDA test therefore, combines attributes of Polarization Index, Step Voltage and Dielectric Discharge tests to give the broadest diagnostic information possible. The software also takes information on insulation type and motor operation history to assist with the diagnosis.

The maximum recommended value of field DC test voltage for cables is: 1.7[0.75(2 x equipment maximum voltage + 1kV)]

Surge Test
It is the only test that looks at inter-turn winding insulation condition of motors. It is performed to detect insulation damage between turns within a motors winding. The surge test consists of applying a short, fast rise time, and high current impulse to a winding. This high-rise time impulse will induce a voltage difference between adjacent loops of wire within the winding. If the insulation between the two loops of wire is damaged or somehow weakened, and if the voltage difference between the wires is high enough there will be an arc between the wires. The arc is detected by observing a shift to the left in the surge waveform. The voltage or amplitude of the surge wave pattern is also reduced due to the decrease in inductance of a coil with a fault between turns.

DC High-Potential (Hi-Pot) Test

A Hi-pot test is a deliberate application of an excessive amount of voltage intended to stress the insulation system. The test voltage during a Hi-pot test can be either AC or DC. A recommended test voltage for Hi-pot testing a motor, generator or transformer is twice the AC line voltage plus 1000 volts. This test voltage is consistent with IEEE 95-1977 (for test voltage greater than 5000 volts), and IEEE 43-1974 (test voltages less than 5000V). For new windings or rewound motors, the test voltage is sometimes increased by a factor of 1.2 or even 1.7. This provides for a higher level of quality control on the work performed. During the application of over-voltage the instrument

he insulation of an electrical power system is tested for system performance, system safety, system reliability and economic asset management. The insulation degradation cannot be eliminated but minimized if the basic initiators are controlled, causes of aging are

identified and appropriate corrective actions are taken in time. There are variety of test methods and testing equipment that can be used for assessing the condition of electrical insulation. One test by itself does not provide conclusive

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proof that insulation under test is defective. Normally, several dielectric tests are performed on the same insulation and each test provides additional information that should be evaluated before the insulation is determined to be serviceable or suspect. Testing sequence is very important and it should be considered for adequate testing. For example, the suggested testing sequence for a motor is: (1) Winding resistance, (2) Insulation resistance, (3) *** Date: 20th June 2004

Polarization Index, (4) Step Voltage and finally (5) Surge test. During dielectric test, improper application and removal of test voltage may deteriorate the insulation and increase its aging. It is very important that only qualified personnel perform testing. All the diagnostic tests mentioned in this paper except surge test see the major insulation. The surge test is the only test that looks at the turn-to-turn insulation.

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] Switchgear Manual, ABB Calor Emag, Tenth edition, 2001. Transformers, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd., Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, Sixth Reprint, 1994. Power Transformers and Special Transformers, S. Rao, Delhi, Second Edition, 1991. Testing, Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, S. Rao, Delhi, Fifth Reprint, 2001. A Guide to Diagnostic Insulation Testing above 1kV, David O. Jones, Jeffery R. Jowett, S. Graeme Thomson and David S. Danner, Megger Ltd, Second Edition 2002. Diagnostic Insulation Testing, Stephan Drennan, Megger Ltd. Sub-station Maintenance Training Manual, Technical Services Group, WAPDA, Lahore. Understanding the Tests that are recommended for Electric Motor Predictive Maintenance, Curtis Lanham, Baker Instrument Company. IEC 60076-3, Power Transformers- Part 3: Insulation levels, Dielectric tests and External clearances in air. IEEE STD. 43-2000, IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating Machinery.

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