Stories of Brookville (1924)

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Stories of CJ3rooksville, ":':,n·)e.





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• • • • • • • '" • ••• STORIES OF BROOKSVILLE

Consider and remember always thtlt the books that shall be opened on the last day will contain geneaLogies in them and there shall be brought forth a registar of the genealogy of New EnglandI' sons and daughters.


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This is not a history of Brooksville but a collection of stories, incidents and records, that cannot but be of interest to those who cherish the memory of their ancestors.

Probably every family mentioned here knows of many things in regard to his own people that is not recorded. Blank pages in the back of this book may be filled with data that you have and the book will in this way be of more value to you and yours.

I have learned of the things recorded here from the older residents of Brooksville who have told me of many things-letters from people who were former residents of Brooksville, or whose people came from here; our own town records; the town books of Sedgwick, Castine, Bluehill and Penobscot; whatever I could learn of the town from books furnished me by the State Library at Augusta, and the Public Library in Bangor.

G. L.




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The most southwestern town in Hancock County.

Named in honor of Gov. Brooks.

At the time of its incorporation in 1817, it took from Sedgwick one eighth, and from Castine and Penobscot each one fifth of their taxable property.

In reading this book remember that what is now Brooksville was once a part of Ancient Pentigoet Majorbigwaduce, Township No.3 and Penobscot.


What is now Brooksville was once a part of ancient Penobscot and the name given to that section by the Indians was Penobskeag, meaning "Rocky Place".

Bagaduce River, also recorded as Majorbigwaduce and Majobegvadeaux, means "Place of bad shelter".

Walker's Pond-Winneagwanauk.

Cape Rozier-Indian name was Mosekachick, meaning "Moose's Romp".

It is known that the Indians were here long before any white men had explored this section, but very little is known in regard to them. Tha t on the shores of Lake Winnenagwanauk (Walker's Pond) they found a resting place for their dead, we know, and from various other things, the fact that they were here is proven beyond a doubt.

A note from "Massachusetts Archieves" reads as follows:

"Samuel Hawes was taken prisoner by the Indians in Penobscot Bay, April 20, 1758.



"There is a story of a ship that once came into the harbor (now Buck's Harbor) at South Brooksville, and the crew killed by the Indians who lay in wait for them on the wooded shores. The bodies are said to have been buried on the shores of "Bet's Woodard's Cove."

A tribe called Etechemens are mentioned by some writers as being on the banks of the Penobscot about 1620.

Another writer mentions theWawenocks as being inhabitants of this section.

On page 470, Vol. I, History of Maine, by Williamson, we find The Abenaquis or Canabas, have for their nearest neighbors the Etechemens or Marechites about Pentagoet (or Penobscot).

We do not know what became of these people but history tells us that Captain Church came to Penobscot in 1704, killed and took prisoners many Indians. Perhaps this was the fate of those whose campfires burned on our shores.


While James Rozier was probably not the first white man to visit what is now Brooksville, his name is recorded earlier than any other. He came to this country with Capt. George Waymouth's party. This was in 1605, and it was from this man that the Cape received its name, Cape Rozier.

Many years later Miles Standish of Plymouth visited Pentagoet and it is only reasonable to suppose that he visited that part of Pentagoet now called Brooksville.

John Alden, Jr., was a visitor at Pentagoet in 1696.

He came to buy furs of the Indians. Beaver skins



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were especially desired. The upper .and lower beaver dam out in the middle of pur own town may have been where those beavers were caught. At that time 14 oz. of beaver skins were worth from 40 to 60 cents.

In 1766 Jonathan Buck and his son, Jonathan, Jr., visited the harbor (now Buck's Harbor) and the Cape. This man was the founder of the town of Bucksport. He came to America from England on the ship "Increase" in 1635. On this ship was Thomas Blodgett and family, an ancestor of the Blodgett family of Brooksville.

Joseph Holt who later became the owner of the Isle of Holt was a member of Bucks's party.

Other names are Arch Haney, William Roax, ---- Holbrook and son Prince.

'A Mr. Parker is also mentioned as being a member of one of these early exploring parties.


It is recorded that James Rozier found a saw-mill at the Cape in 1605.

Sixty years later Jonathan Buck reports finding one

there at Goose Falls. .

On May 10, 1788, Col. Gabial J ohnnet bought half of Holbrook Mills at Goose Falls, and the price paid was £210.

Joseph Smith owned a grist mill at Smith's Cove and the Wassons owned one on Shepardson's brook.

The Gray's owned a saw-mill at the head of the Bagaduce River, and this was sold to John Lee. Later this property was purchased by John Walker and a woolen mill was established here.

Simeon Parker built a saw and grist mill near North Brooksville as early as 1800.



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A petition to the Gentlemen of Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, June 11, 1775 and signed by at least three Brooksville men and several from the Sedgwick side of the river asked that on account of being attacked by the enemy help be sent to them.

They ask for bread, corn, molasses, coffee, salt, pork, sheep's wool, flax, shoes, and other clothing, powder and ball. They do not ask these for nothing but promise to pay in lumber when these distressing times are over.


John Billings Smith Woodard Jacob Orcutt

and others.

Noah Norton, a Revolutionary soldier died 10 Brooksville, May 14, 1841.

Solomon Bolton, a soldier in the Revolutionary war.

John Billings, Jr., killed in the Revolutionary war in an engagement with the British at Castine.

Two of the daughters of Joshua Gray married men whose conduct was such during the Revolutionary war that they left the country for Nova Scotia.

Jane and Rebecca, daughters of Andrew Gray, lived in a family of Loyalists at West Brooksville. On one occasion some English soldiers from Castine who had been raiding the patriot inhabitants at Naskeag and had secured ~ large number of cattle and had driven them as far as West Brooksville and fastened them in

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the Tory's barn yard after which they drank quite hea vily and then fell asleep in the kitchen. When all was quiet Rebecca crept down the stairs and safely made her way to the yard, unfastened and lowered the bars and slipped back to her room. Soon after the uneasy herd found the opening, went out and were scattered. The soldiers were inclined to suspect the girls, but both were found to be sound asleep.

The Bakeman house at the Cape was used as a hospital for wounded Americans during the Revolutionary war in spite of the fact that Mrs. Bakeman was a Tory.

Note-A son, Frank Evens Bakeman was a shipbuilder but his shipping was siezed by the British in 1814.

The British erected six-gun batteries near the home of Oliver Bakeman and at Henry's Point.

At the beginning of the Revolutionary war King George granted a tract of land at St. Andrews, N. B., to all Loyalists who wished to go there. The Penobscot Loyalist Association was formed and nearly 200 . people went to St. Andrews. At least three of these were Brooksville men. They were Matthew Limeburner, Jacob Young, John Jones.

Judge Oliver Parker who died in Brooksville in 1818 was a Loyalist. He was a Massachusetts man but came here from New Brunswick after the war.


It was the common belief of many of our forefathers that the gold of Captain Kidd was hidden here and many a day was spent in searching for it.



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Three men were one day engaged in digging in a field on the North Brooksville road. When they had dug a hole several feet deep the spade of one of them struck something hard-believed to have been an iron chest. It was a clear, bright day, but, when the spade struck the hard object and one of the men called out "Here it is, boys 1" immediately there was a flash of lightning, a crash of thunder and rain poured in torrents. The men dropped their spades and hastened to their homes.

Near Walker's Pond pirates of old are said to have buried their ill gotten gains and marked the spot with three stones. These stones, which are of a peculiar shape, have been found many times but before anyone can investigate they disappear.

Gold coins are said to have been found on the shores of Spirit Cove. Isreal Blake, one of the first land owners at the Cape, found, on going down to the shore one morning, a deep hole near the water's edge beside which there were several broken iron kettles. Through the early morning mists he saw a boat with three strangers in it going toward Castine. La ter reports drifted back from down the coast of three strangers who, having drunk more than was good for them told wild stories of the gold they had found buried on the shores of Blake's land.

The Scotch settlers believed that the Brownies (or Broonies) of Scotland were to be found here and every night a saucer of milk was left on the doorstep for them.

One man found an ox dead in the pasture and it was believed that he was killed by Broonies because the housewife forgot to put the milk out the night before.

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AId old deed requests that "Broony Hill", a part of a farm on the Bagaduce River, shall never be plowed.

Ghosts were common in those days. The old mill at Cape Rozier was haunted. Lights would appear there at the midnight hour and at 2 o'clock, "the hour when souls pass out," a headless man could be seen running across the old timbers and a hideous sound resembling the wild laughter of a thousand maniacs echoed through the night.

A young girl who lived on the "Ferry road"-farm now owned by Harold Chatto-had some money left her by her lover who was killed in the Revolutionary war. This girl came to her death in a mysterious manner and the people with whom she lived left town soon after.

The "Ferry" was at one time the usual crossing place between Brooksville and Sedgwick.

Four young men (one of them was Deacon Simeon Allen) were returning one night from Sedgwick when near the old deserted house they saw the shadowy figure of a woman bearing in her hand a lighted candle. They were young unimaginative men and one of them suggested that they follow the figure to the open doorway. They started to do this, when suddenly the figure disappeared, leaving only the light. This entered the house as though borne by an unseen hand and through the gaping windows they could see it pass from room to room. Simeon Allen, who had suggested the investigation, turned to the others and said, "Boys, this is no place for us. Let's go home." And it is said that they all agreed and very promptly too.



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Mrs. Mercy Gray, who lived near where the Baptist Church now stands, heard noises in her cellar. Investigation showed that what they had supposed to be the root of a tree and had been used as a lower cellar step or stair was really the thigh bone of a man. When it was removed and properly buried the noises ceased.

Signs were plentiful. I t was bad to see the new moon through glass. To break a mirror meant a death in the family before the year was over and perhaps seven years of bad luck. If a bare-foot boy stepped on a rusty nail, the nail was greased and put away for a year; this would prevent the foot from being sore. If a baby was allowed to look in a mirror before it was a year old, it would not live to grow u].!.. To hear the cry of the whip-o' -will was a bad sign. To enter the house by one door and go out by another would bring a stranger. To drop the dish cloth while washing the dinner dishes would also bring a stranger -to supper. If a sailor met a cat on his way to join his vessel, he would turn back and wait twenty-four hours.

It was near Parker's mills that "Old Man Snellgroves", a deserter first from English, then the American army, shot himself. His body is said to have been buried at the "Four Corners" (Tapley's Corner), as it was then believed that the spirit of a person buried at four corners of the road would cause no more disturbance.

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The Pilgrims called their place of worship a "meeting house", and on what few records we find to-day in regard to the religious organizations of our own town we find the words "meeting house", and not "church" used.

Some of the very early pastors that I find mentioned are Seth Noble, who I think was only an occasional visitor here. Rev. Daniel Merrill preached in that part of Sedgwick, now called Brooksville in 179l. Mr. Merrill was evidently a teacher also, for Lemuel Norton in his autobiography speaks of "two young men students" of Rev. Daniel Merrill, preaching at what is- now West Brooksville. Mr. Norton also refers to a sermon in which Mr. Merrill pictured the miseries- of Hell most profoundly.

Rev. Peter Powers is also mentioned as holding services in town. The sermons in those days were very long and the speaker was usually provided with a stone jug of rum, from which he drank occasionally during the service. These jugs were I think, a part of the church equipment for they were not the same shape as jugs used for other purposes. I know where at least three of these old jugs may be found in town to-day.

John Jones was "tithing man" at the old Methodist House. He carried a long staff with a knob on one end and a rabbit's foot on the other. It was his business to keep the congregation awake and in order. A young man from North Brooksville went to the Meth-




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odist church one evening and slipped into a seat behind a very pretty West Brooksville girl. The young lady turned around and smiled shyly. Mr. Jones was on the watch and he immediately rapped the young man sharply on the head with the knob end of his staff.

These old meeting houses were often very cold and the ladies carried small foot stones filled with live coals, to the services.

Hymns were started with the help of a "tuning fork." John Condon led the singing in the church at West Brooksville.

Later the bass viol W:'i,S used. Simeon Parker played this instrument in meeting for many years.

We do not know when the first meeting house was built in town but the following names are signed to a petition dated in 1789, in regard to building a meeting house for Buck's Harbor and the Cape.

David Hawes Samuel Wasson Elisha Hopkins Noah Norton Thomas Kench Benjamin Howard John Bakeman, Jr. Thomas Wasson John Condon Edward Howard Malachi Orcutt Jacob Orcutt

John Redman John Bakeman

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The building referred to was built a short time after at Wasson's Hill.

A Congregational Church was organized in 1793, Rev. Daniel Merrill. I have seen a paper from this church authorizing Thomas Limeburner and Ichabod Grindle to take the money in the treasury and go to Castine to purchase supplies for the Sunday school. Later this church was without a pastor for several years.

In 1826 the Congregational Society at West Brooksville seems to have been reorganized. The charter members of the new organization were:

Sarah Blake Polly Dodge

Rev. Manning Ellis Elias Shepardson ~ary Shepardson Samuel Wasson

. Mary Wasson David Wasson Mary Wasson

Rev. Manning Ellis was the pastor and at about this time he began to preach at the Congregational meeting house up river. The question of a suitable home for the pastor arose. The West Brooksville people wanted a parsonage built in that part of the town. The up river flock thought he should make his home up there. Whatever inducement it was that they offered Mr. Ellis it won the day and the house now owned by George Hart became the parsonage and Mr. Ellis and his family came there to live. The West Brooksville people were much disappointed and Mr. Ellis soon gave up his pastorate there.


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The Baptist meeting house near Walker's Pond is said to have been started as early as 1816, but it was not dedicated until 1837. The dedication sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Nutter, text, Gen. 27-17. "This is none other than the House of God and this is the Gate of Heaven."

John Tapley who at one time owned a part of the woolen mills and a house near the meeting house was very active in working for the completion of this new building, but he met with business reverses and at about the time that the building was finished he moved his family to Frankfort. He was a hard working man with a family of little children but so interested was he in the welfare of the new meeting house that when part way to Frankfort he sold his only cow which a neighbor was driving to his new home for him and giving the money to his friend he told him to take it back home and buy a stove for the new meeting house.

Later Mr. Tapley moved to Mathuen, Mass., where he was a deacon in the Baptist church for forty years.


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Before the grant of this township (No.3) was confirmed, 60 dwelling houses must be built, (18 ft. square, 7 ft. stud). Sixty Protestant families must settle in this township and each family clear 5 acres of land. There must also be a meeting house for the public worship of God, and within 5 years they must ha ve a "learned and Protestant minister and provide for his comfortable support."

In Dr. Wheeler's "History of Castine", we read that until the year 1795 people living in this section received their mail only about once in two weeks. A Mr. Russell of Castine used to walk to the nearest post office at Wiscasset, and bring back the mail. It is recorded that he always carried it in a yellow silk handkerchief.

Letters from friends back home were not frequent but these courageous young pioneers were not discouraged. They had their social and educational affairs even as we do to-day.

There were quilting parties, chopping matches and husking bees.

In a copy of an old journal that I have seen mention is made of a ball and supper held at the home of John Lee. At this time John Lee was probably living near Brooksville corner.

Possibly some of the old fiddles and 'cellos found in our own attics furnished music for the dancing, and dancing in those days is said to have been a thing of statliness and beauty.

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Tucked away in somebody's china closet may be some of the very dishes that were used in serving supper. We know that the Jones family were there for the diary to which I refer belonged to their guest.

Did young John Condon sing while Nancy Wasson played the melodion?

Did Josh Grindle walk home with blue-eyed Ruth Stanley, and Isaac Snow with pretty Polly Paine?

With what seems to us very crude utensils our great grandmothers could prepare a meal that would put her daughters of to-day very much in the shade, and when great grand-dad was ready to put up the new barn and the neighbors for miles around came to the "raisin''', Grandmother gave them a supper of baked beans and brown bread, meats, several kinds of vegetables, fruit cake, quince preserves, Indian pudding, pumpkin and mince pies.

Rum played an important part in these festivities and old store bills show us that rum and molasses were the two items most frequently charged.

Many young men attended school in winter even after they had passed their twenty-first birthday.

In 1796 what was known as "School District No.3", was at Cape Rozier and No.4 was the remainder of what is now Brooksville. At this time $21.17 "school money" was allowed for District No.4.

A meeting was held at Bucks Harbor in 1800 and another in 1806 to make some plans in regard to a school house. In 1817 two meetings for this purpose were held at the Cape and a vote was taken to build a school house between David Dyers and John Bakeman's, cost not to exceed $300, also to build another near John Redman's, cost not to exceed $100.



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There was at one time a school building near where Albion Closson now lives and later one was built near the Chapel on the North Brooksville road.

A school was held at West Brooksville during the winter of 1801-02. Singing and writing schools were held in the evening.

About 1850 a writing school was held in a building on Green's hill, near where Alvah Green now lives. The teacher was a young man from Deer Isle.

At the Harbor during the winter of 1854 one of the pupils at the writing school was a man over 60 years of age.

Most of our early settlers were young married men and with them came their strong-souled wives, and many times little children:

In a few cases, those people who came here from York or nearby towns came with ox teams, their families and household goods in the heavy carts, but most of these pioneers came by water. In 1786 a vessel coming from Boston charged six shillings for bringing an adult passenger and four shillings for a child.

Most of the new homes were built of logs, and the huge stone fireplaces would take a log four feet long. The settlers brought with them many household goods. We can find in town today many odd pieces of beautiful china that were once a part of a set owned by somebody's great grandmother who came here as a bride.

Highboys, bureaus and desks can also be found and I know of at least one family that has several fine wool blankets that were woven more than one hundred years ago. Beautiful homespun coverlets were in nearly every bride's outfit.





One thing that was lacking in many of these very early homes was a clock. When eggs were to be cooked for breakfast they were dropped into boiling water and allowed to stay there while the cook sang:

"Is there ambition in my heart?

Search, gracious God and see.

Or do I act a haughty part?

Lord, I appeal to thee.

What e're thine all decerning eye Sees for thy creatures fit,

I'll bless the good-and to the ill Contentedly submit."

When eight lines were finished the eggs were declared done, but for those who liked them "hard boiled" the housewife allowed them to stay in the water while she sang:

"Oh may my days obscurely pass Without remorse or care

And let me for my parting hour From day to day prepare."

Around many old cellars in town today we find the remains of great great-grandmothers' flower garden, plants set out or seeds planted by those brides of long ago. There are hop vines climbing bravely over crumbling walls. There is catnip, sweet scented sage and caraway.

A sprig of caraway was taken to church on Sunday morning and was supposed to aid in keeping one awake during the long sermon.

The little pink cinnamon rose bush blooms year after year beside the path now overgrown but once





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made smooth by many childish feet. The lilac and the tiger lily, too, were Grandmother's and the sweet oldfashioned pinks.

"Oh, they are voices of the past, Links of a broken chain,

Wings that can carry me back to times That cannot come again."


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The "Bathia", first schooner built in this town, about 1820. Built just below Jones' Narrows at West Brooksville by Capt. Jeremiah Jones and named in honor of his wife.

The "David Wasson", second three-masted vessel to be built east of Cape Cod. Built at Wasson's wharf by Capt. Wasson and Capt. Jones. Owned by Bangor and Belfast people.

The three-masted "Lucy Francis", built at West Brooksville, named for Capt. Wasson's daughters. This vessel was under the command of Capt. Jeremiah Jones when she brought from Italy the statue of Daniel Webster that now stands before the State House at Boston. James Jones of Arlington, Mass., has a painting of the "Lucy Francis" that was made at Leghorn, Italy, by Henri Renauld. It bears the date 1858.

"J ohn Limeburner", built just below the toll bridge, lost three years later near the Bahama Banks with a cargo of molasses from the West Indies.

"Essex", built at Snow's Narrows. This vesel was the first command of Capt. Robert Limeburner who later became commander of the "Great Republic."

Capt. Limeburner was born in Brooksville, Sept. 10, 1822 and was 18 years of age when he took command of the "Essex."

The "Phebe Ann", "Eliza Jane", and the "H. D.

Grindle", built below the bridge by Capt. Richard Grindle. The "Centenian" was being built by Capt.


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Grindle at the time of his death in 1852. She was sold and taken away to be completed.

"Augusta Gott", built below the toll bridge about 1862. Owned by Capt. Charles Gott, Allison Grindle, John Jones and others. Gilbert Grindle and Rufus Dodge, builders. Lost on her maiden trip, 30 miles southeast of the Georgia Banks. She capsized in a gale but righted herself. The masts were broken and the crew were on the wreck 31 days.

Their food supply was one small potato and 1-2 lb. of salt beef per day. Drinking water was obtained by spreading a piece of canvass on the deck in a rain storm. It was in December that they were rescued by the Bark "Azelia" of Boston, bound for Gibraltar. The crew was taken there. Some were sent home by the American Consul and others shipped from there to other ports. Crew:

Capt. Charles Gott Ma te, Amos Walker

2nd Mate, Erastus Cousins

Cook, M. D. Meservey (the only member of the crew now living and to him we are indebted for this account).

Before the mast, Thomas and Laroy Blodget.t "Gilmore Meridith," built by Capt. Bailey Walker at South Brooksville about 65 years ago. Owned largely by Baltimore parties. The Baltimore people did not furnish the money to pay the bills as promptly as they should. Some of the lumber came from Boston, but most of it was bought of John Condon at North Penobscot. When the ship was about ready fOT sea the creditors became anxious about their money and put an attachment on the vessel. A ship-



keeper was put aboard to protect their interests until the matter was settled. One night the ship-keeper disappeared. Just what became of him no one knows, but during his absence and under cover of the darkness the Captain and crew made ready and the ship was taken out to sea. Breakfast was served far out beyond Eagle Island. This vessel never returned to Brooksville, but the affair could not have been very serious as the crew were all well known Brooksville men:

Captain, Albert Gray . Mate, Henry Orcutt

Before the mast, Bill Roberts Grey, Mark Grey,

Merrit Grey.

Cook, Bill Indian

Cabin boy, Brooks Walker

The story of the "Gilmore Meridith" was given me by Alfred Condon and Kenney Grindle, both veterans of the Civil War.

Other vessels built here were the "Brooksville", built not far from the toll bridge, the Laura Jones, Abbie Wasson, Louisa Smith, and the Henry Whitney, built at West Brooksville. The R. B. Walker and the James Webster at South Brooksville.

Frank Bakeman is said to have built several small vessels at the Cape but I can find no particulars in regard to these.

The "Sarah Miller" is said to have been built near "Snow's Narrows" at a very early date, but nothing can be learned in regard to her.

From the "Autobiography of Lemuel Norton," whose boyhood was spent in Brooksville, I have copied the following from a letter written by him to

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his parents at West Brooksville. This gives some idea of the lives of those boys who at that time left home so early to go to sea.

Ship's name, Anthony Mangin, of Philadelphia, Capt. Taylor. Letter written in 1805 from Bavaria:

"The usage on board this ship is very bad indeed.

They have much difficulty in retaining their men. Several of them left in Amsterdam, others in England. The first mate beats and kicks the men so that the blood may-if ever we arrive in the U. S.-be seen on the top sail as witness against him."

Mr. Norton also mentions that wages at this time were $22.00 per month, and his parents heard from him only twice in 20 years. He also mentions bringing home cargoes of wine and brandy, honey, and 300 apple trees to Judge Read of Waldo County.


Capt. John Tibbetts of Brooksville is said to have been the first man to sail a full rigged sloop from Boston to South America and back again. A small fleet of vessels left Boston with him but he was the first to return.

He attributed this fact to Divine guidance, as every Sunday morning he ordered the vessel stopped long enough for him to read a chapter from the Bible and to make a prayer.

This sketch would not be complete without mentioning the seven Tapley brothers, sons of Robert Tapley who commanded several large sailing vessels



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and carried the name of Brooksville to nearly every large port in the world. They were Robert, Thomas, William, Abram, George, Jerome and John. One other brother, Simeon, was the only one of the family who did not follow the sea. He was a well known farmer here.

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Andrew Allen was in Lynn as early as 1642. He married Faith Ingalls and moved to Andover. There is a story of one of the ladies of the Allen family who was noted for her industry. She kept a small boarding house outside of Boston. One day she was going to Boston for supplies and went on a small boat that made a regular trip over the route. She had her knitting and was busy with it when the boat capsized throwing the passengers into the water. Mrs. Allen went down and came up with her knitting in her hands and it was found that she had taken five stitches while under water.

Peter Allen the first of the name in this town lived near the toll bridge. An old family record is as follows:

Peter Allen born at Mussalb?, Sept. 10, 1761. Phebe. his wife, born at Casco, Cumberland County, July 25. 1761. Children:

George, born April 11, 1785. Francis, born Sept. 12, 1788. Peter, born July 9, 1790. John, born Nov. 14, 1792. William, born July 30, 1796. Polly, born Nov. 18, 1794. Daniel, born Oct. 25, 1799.

There was also a Simeon remembered by some toda y as Deacon Allen.




Samuel Austin, an ancestor of Daniel Austin, was admitted as a freeman to the colony at "'; ells, July 4, 1653.

Anthony Austin was at Rawley, Mass., as early as 1667.

Daniel Austin owned 100 acres of land in this town in 1776, and members of the family were in Brewer in 1790.


The Babson family came to Brooksville from Brooklin.

Samuel Babson was the son of John and Emma (Brown) Babson of Brooklin. He was born Oct. 2, 1812, and died in Brooksville, June 28, 1889.

The following sketch will be of interest to the family: James Babson and wife, Isabel, with an infant child left England for America in 1632. J ames Babson died on the way over. Isabel and her little son James, Jr., reached the shores of the new world in safety, and went to Gloucester, Mass. It is recorded that Isabel Babson was one of the first doctors in that town. Later she went to Salem, where she was alloted a plot of ground.

In 1637 she returned to Gloucester. Her home was at what is now 75-77 Front street, and this property remained in the Babson family for more than 150 years. James the son, is said to have been the possessor of supernatural power.

Joseph Babson, grandfather of Samuel, was born at Gloucester, July 18, 1732. Came to Naskeag in 1773. Married Martha Somes.

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Henry Black was in Massachusetts prior to 1645.

John Black was born in Salem in 1609. In 1763 it is recorded that John Black owned 100 acres of land in this town and 60 rods on 'the shore. This was probably at the Cape.

There is a record of the family of John Black, and

Sarah, his wife. Children:

Susanna, born May, 1790. John, born July 31, 1791. Edward, born May 3, 1792. Sarah, born Sept. 9, 1794. Joanna, born Dec. 19~ 1797. joab, born Oct. 8. 1805.


Thomas Blodgett (or Bloggett) with his wife and two sons came from England on the ship "Increase", in 1635.

Seth, the first of the name to come to Brooksville was a direct descendant of the Thomas mentioned.

Seth married at Woburn, Mass., Lucy, a daughter of Giles Johnson, and with Mr. Johnson and family came here prior to 1790. He bought land and a house near where Fred Hawes now lives and here his children were born. They were:

Seth-no further mention.

William, who married Dorothy Roberts. John settled at West Brooksville.

John King married Miss Avery.

Betsy married Mr. Hawes.

Lucy married a Johnson at Bluehill. Isreal and Samuel, lost at sea.

These children were all born before 1800 .

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Samuel Blodgett, a cousin of Seth, gave the land for the first "White House" at Washington, D. C., and $10,000 toward its erection.



George Blake was in Gloucester in 1649. The fam-

ily was English and the name originally was de Blakeland. Moses, Isreal, Timothy and Oliver Blake, owned land in town as early as 1768. More than 500 acres had been taken up by them at that time.

Blake's Point was owned by Oliver Blake but at the date mentioned John Redman was living on Blake's land and working it.


John Bakeman was born in Holland in 1731. He is said to have been a cousin to Martin Van Buren. He lived at Harpswell before coming to the Cape and his wife was from that town. He owned a mill at the Cape and seems to have been one of the most influential men in the town.

A John Young, also a mill owner at the 'Cape, was the father of Sarah Young who married John Bakeman, Jr., in 1788. Col. Gabriel J ehonnet performed the ceremony.

Frank Bakeman was ; shipbuilder and one of the selectmen of the town .

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John, great grandson of Nathaniel Billings of Concord, Mass., born at Lincoln, Mass., Dec. 5, 1731. Came to Deer Isle in 1762. Moved to Brooksville in 1767; married Hannah Farrah in 1752. Their children:

Benjamin, born in Lincoln, Dec. 12, 1753. John, Jr., born in Lincoln. April 14, 1755. Abel








John Billings was a rope-maker in Boston, prior to 1762. A load of hemp which he had bought with hired money reached him in a badly damaged condition. He sold his property there to pay his creditors and with his family came here to make a new start. His home was where E. H. Herrick now lives. Mrs. Herrick is his great granddaughter, and this land is said to have been granted him by King George. He died in 1803.

Isaac, his son, married Sally Harding. Their children were: David, Sally, Louisa, Haty, Frederic, Isaac and John.

Solomon Billings was present at the first town meeting ever held in Brooksville and was chosen as a member of the school committee.


Clement Bates, a descendant of John Bates, who died in 1522, in Lydd, Parish of All Hallows, County





of Kent, England, came to America from Lydd and settled at Hingham, Mass., in 1635 with his wife Ann

and five children.

His son Joseph, 1630-1706, married Esther Hilliard. His son Joseph, 1660-1719, married Mary Lincoln. His son Joseph, 1687-1750, married Deborah Clapp. His son Samuel, 1718-1780, married Mercy Beal.

His son Mordecai, 1738-1774, married Betsey Beal. His son Joseph, 1773-1850, married Susannah How-


Note-A Benjamin Bates came from Salem and settled near Ellsworth about 1775. Mariner and millowner.

His children:

Luther M., married Louise A. Gray Joseph, married Sarah J. Mayo Susan, married Henry Bakeman Martha, married Moses Blake Sarah, married Avery Nichols Mary, married John M. Blake

Hannah, married Gilmore

Esther, not married

Mordecai, not married

Children of Luther M.:

Lucy W., married Samuel D. Coombs

Benjamin L., married Harriet Ann Grey and Fan-

nie Bell Howard.

Edward H., married Henrietta Brewster J oseph M., married Julia Coombs

Lizzie, married Samuel Holland

Mary A., married Wellington F. Blake



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The name of Cousins is mentioned on the early records of the town but the only family record that I can find is Nathaniel Cousins and Judith, his wife.

Nathaniel, Jr., born July 20, 1798. Abraham, born July 5, 1800.


The Condon family came to this section from the northern part of Ireland.

As early as 1768 we find that 300 acres of land in what is now Brooksville was taken up under the name "Condon and Mains." This land was worked by John Condon and it is recorded that 100 rods fronted the water, also that there were nine souls in his family.

The name of Condon is mentioned on the records of Friendship much earlier than is recorded here.

Samuel and Mary Condon are mentioned as witnesses at a wedding in Maduncook in 1772. John Condon was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. William Richard, a son of William married Rachel Foster of Essex, Mass.

W. M. Condon was here and at Castine from 1768 to 1775.


Benjamin Dodge came to this section from Haverhill, Mass., where he was born May 19, 1776. His wife was Polly Veasey. Their children were:

Polly, born Oct. 26, 1800 Jonathan, born Apr. 1, 1803 Nancy, born Aug. 6,1805 Debora, born Oct. 31, 1812 John, born Mar. 23, 1819



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This family lived in Sedgwick before coming to Brooksville. Benjamin Dodge occupied the pulpit at the West Brooksville church for several years.

Note-William Dodge, a farmer, came to Salem, Mass., from England in 1629. He brought with him a team of horses.

It is recorded that Abner Dodge, son of Jonathan and great grandson of the William mentioned, moved from Salem to the wilds of Maine.


George Dyer was a member of the jury at Dorchester in Sept. 1630.

Michael Dyer was living on land owned by Timo-

thy Blake here in 1762.

David Dyer married Anna Varnum in j uly; 1816. Henry Dyer married a Mrs. Prudence Black in 1801. The following clipping may be of interest to the


Oct. 1, Capt. Elisha Dyer of the Brig "Phebe" died at San Lucia, aged 52 years. Also on board the same vessel, Mr. Abraham Bowden of Penobscot, aged 53.

Note-William Dyer, Esq., Christopher Dyer and William Dyer were at Sagadahock in 1655.


J ames Douglass, a blacksmith, and John, his brother, owned land here in 1786. The only record of the family which I find is John Douglass and Thankful, his wife. Their children:

James, born April 10, 1780 John, born July 5, 1783

J ames Douglass' family:

Silverman?, born Jan. 5, 1807

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Doty, born Apr. 15, 1809

James Limeburner, born Oct. 13, 1811 Daniel, born June 29, 1813

Margaret, born May 20, 1815

Eliot, born Nov. 15, 1818

Sarah J., born July 30, 1821


Robert Gray was in Andover, Mass., in 1634. This family was one of the first, if not the very first to settle in this town.

Reuben and Andrew were among the first landholders here. They owned at one time a saw mill on the Bagaduce river, and later we hear that they owned mills at Cape Rozier.

Samuel Gray, born about 1750, built a home near where the Baptist church now stands.

The family of Reuben Gray is recorded in the old

records as follows:

Reuben and Sally Gray. Their children:

Solomon, born Oct. 16, 1785 Benjamin, born Mar. 31, 1790 Abigil, born Mar. 1, 1788 Samuel, born Feb. 18, 1792 Betsy, born Jan. 21, 1794 Patience, born Jan. 30, 1796 Abner, born Nov. 30, 1797 Andrew, born Aug., 1800 Stephen, born May 10, 1801 Reuben, born Apr. 7, 1804 Isreal, horn Oct. 1, 1805

Christopher Gray, a carpenter whose home was at South Brooksville, died there in 1865 at the age of 105 years.




Joshua, John, Daniel, Ichabod and Reuben Grindle were early settlers in Brooksville. Ichabod, Reuben and Daniel were Revolutionary soldiers.

The family came, or at least some of them, came from Newburyport, Mass., and they were English people.

John Grindle carried the mail from Sedgwick to Passamaquoddy about 1790. It took two weeks to make the trip along the shore in a small boat.

Joshua Grindle took up land about half way between what is now known as Brooksville and North Brooksville.

Reuben, Daniel, and Ichabod owned land at West Brooksville.

Mary Grindle, daughter of Reuben, born in May, 1765, was the first white child born in Brooksville.

Joshua Grindle, Jr., married Ruth Stanley of Sedg-

wick. Their children:

Ebeneza, born Aug. 2, 1800 Anne L, born Aug. 22, 1802 Stephen, born Dec. 18, 1804 Kenney, born April, 1807 Lowell, born June 20, 1810 Robert, born Nov. 12, 1813 Eliza, born May 4, 1816


Bartholomew Green was In Cambridge in 1631.

Samuel, a son ~ied in Woburn, Mass., in 1759. Asa Green, a descendant of these people came to Deer Isle from Worcester, Mass., in 1775, and it is to this branch that the Greens of Brooksville belong. I can find no family records but the name is mentioned elsewhere in this book.

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Samuel Herrick, born in Sedgwick, June 8, 1770.

Died Nov. 5, 1833.. He owned land in Brooksville and his home was here at one time. Lucy, his wife, and his children were:

Shedrick, born June 6, 1793 Samuel, born Mar. 6, 1795 J oab, born Jan. 23, 1797 Lucy, born Mar. 8, 1799 .


English people. The children of Thomas Hawes and a son of Benjamin Hawes are mentioned in the will of John Sarhawke of Great Coggeshall, Essex in Mar., 1653.

Capt. David Hawes came to Brooksville about 1784. Records give the birthplace of his second child as Stoddard, Mass., and the third child was born here in May, 1785. The record from which this is copied is faded, but as near as can be made out is as follows:

Capt. David Hawes born at Wretham, Suffolk County, Oct. 15, 1752.

Rebecca Parker, his wife, born at Groton, Mass., Nov. 22, 1760. Their children:

Eunice, born at Stoddard, Mass., Mar. 23, 1781. Died Nov. 26, 1792.

David, Jr., born at Stoddard, Mar. 23, 1783. Rebecca, born in Penobscot, May 3, 1785. Died

Dec. 5, 1792.

John, born May 3, 1787

Sarah, born Mar., 1790. Died Dec. 10, 1792 Polly, born Nov. 25, 1795

Joeb, born Jan. 23, 1794. Lost at sea, Jan. 12, 1816



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Jesse?, born July 8, 17-. Lost at sea, Jan. 12, 1816 Ester Ware, born Aug. 21, 1797

Dolly Roberts, born at Cockshall, York County, June 29, 1784.

James Ruth


Giles Johnson came here from Woburn, Mass., with his family. He owned 100 acres of land just below the North Brooksville P. O. This land was first taken up in 1769, under the name of Kidder and Budge. Later Mr. Johnson bought another 60 acres. One of Johnson's daughters married Seth Blodgett, and another married a Grindle in Penobscot.


Samuel and Jeremiah Jones were here prior to 1787.

Samuel married Mahitabel Stover and five children were born to them after they care to Brooksville. They were:

Jane, born Aug., 1791 Polly




Jeremiah Jones, born Apr. 4, 1764. He came to Brooksville and built a house near what is known as the Charley Jones' place. He was a shipbuilder.

David Jones, a son of Jeremiah, was a soldier in the war of 1812.

A Col. Jones and family were in Penobscot prior to 1795. I am not sure if it was that part of Penobscot now called Brooksville or not but an agent for the

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Bingham Land Co. mentions in his journal in 1795 of visiting Col. Jones and writes of going with the Jones family to a supper at John Lee's house and to a ball in the evening.

John Lee at this time lived near what is now the Brooksville P. O.

Jeremiah Jones, born April 4, 1764. Bathia, his wife.

Their children:

Jeremiah, Jr., born in Penobscot, Apr. 25, 1787 Da vid, Dec. 8, 1785

June, Apr. 30, 1789

Hannah, Apr. 18, 1791

John, May 5, 1793

Elinor, Mar. 4, 1795

Bathia. May 8, 1797

Polly, June 7, 1799


The name of Thomas Kench was among the signers of a petition to the town of Penobscot in 1789.

A record of the family of William Kench and Dolly,

his wife:

Sarah, born Jan. 10, 1767 Susanna, born Feb. 24, 1769 William, born Dec. 22, 1772 Dolly, born June 30, 1776 Molly, born Sept. 7, 1779 Lucy, born Aug. 1, 1782

J ames Douglass and Polly Kench were married April 30, 1794.




Jeremiah Lord was the first of this name to come to Brooksville. He was born at Ipswitch, Essex County on the 18th of May, 1728. His wife was Mary Tapley. Children:

Jeremiah, Jr. John L. Richard Sarah

Capt. John Lord, born June 1, 1767 Olive, his wife, born Apr. 4, 1778

Jeremiah Lord lived at Old York with his family before he came here.

In a history of Old York we find their names recorded on the church records and he and his wife walked more than two miles over the hills in order to attend church.


Thomas and Matthew Limeburner came here from Scotland prior to 1775.

Matthew took up land at West Brooksville and Thomas at North Brooksville. Matthew was a Loyalist and went to St. Andrews where he and others were granted a tract of land by the King.

Thomas and his wife, Jean Glen, who was only 16 years of age when they came here, raised a large family.

With Andrew and Thomas there came from Scotland a lad by the name of Cunningham, and later he became known as Cunningham Limeburner.

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After Matthew left for St. Andrews his place at West Brooksville passed into the hands of Cunningham.


Noah Norton, born at Edgartown, Mass., Mar. 8, 1748. Died at Brooksville May 14, 1841. A Revolutionary War soldier; Corporal in Capt. Benjamin Smith's Co., Massachusetts.

While engaged in guarding the coast this company boarded a sloop and captured the British transport "Harriet."

Mr. Norton was a carpenter and is said to have built more than fifty houses in Brooksville.


Col. Nichols was at Boston July 23, 1664. He was on his way from England to New York.

Samuel Nichols was a brick-layer. He came here from Salem, Mass., and married Margaret (Peggy) Limeburner. He must have returned to Salem after' his marriage for the oldest child, Dorcas, was born there in 1790.

William, the second child was born here in 1797.

I have before me now a paper signed by Samuel Nichols and his wife Peggy. It is a deed of land-IOO acres, with house and furniture, two oxen, three cows, one calf, three swine, twenty-five sheep and three tons of hay, more or less, and the price for all this was fourteen hundred dollars.

A son, John Nichols, was born in Feb. 1800.




The name of Jacob Orcutt is signed to a petition dated here in June 1775.

In 1789 another petition bears the name of both Jacob and Malachi Orcutt.

In another record mention is made of Jacob and Wallace Orcutt and the date is 1762. They seem to ha ve been men who were very active in the business life of the town for almost every petition or paper of those times bears their names.

In 1796 Jacob Orcutt and Abigail, his wife, are recorded as residents of the town and their children as follows:

Malachi, Jr. Pamela Jacob, Jr. Hannah Thomas James Galen Abigail


Nathaniel Perkins of Old York, was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. He enlisted at York, July 10, 1775. His son, Nathaniel, Jr., was born at York, in 1767. Died in Brooksville, Jan. 5, 1791.

He was related to the Perkins family of Castine.

Nearly every person bearing the name of Perkins in Brooksville to-day can trace their ancestry back to this man. The old family record is as follows:

Capt. Nathaniel Perkins, Elizabeth Wescott his

wife, born at Old York, Feb. 6, 1763. Children:

Nathaniel, Jr., born Feb. 24, 1782

Amos, born in Penobscot, Aug. 25, 1785 Debora, born Oct. 16, 1787

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Abraham Parker came from England prior to 1645 and settled at Woburn, Mass. He had a son Isaac, and Hon. Abel Parker of New Hampshire was his grandson.

A Capt. Parker visited Cape Rozier in 1766 with the Holt party of Haverhill.

Judge Oliver Parker came here from New Brunswick after the Revolutionary War and died here in 1818.

The record of the family of Simeon Parker and

Mary, his wife, is as follows:

Phebe, born Nov. 29, 1788 Joseph, born Nov. 21, 1790 Simeon, Jr., born Nov. 15, 1783 William, born Oct. 3, 1794 Robert



Simeon Parker died May 5, 1807.

Mary Ann Parker, daughter of Simeon, Jr., born

Nov. 28, 1815.


A tragic record, copied from the old Penobscot town books. Capt. John Redman born in Portland, Feb. 14, 1765. Margaret, his wife, born in Bristol, Oct. 5, 1760. Their children:

Sarah, born Feb. 26, 1785. Died Oct. 29, 1792 Benjamin, born Oct. 16, 1786. Died Nov. 6, 1792 John, born Aug. 18, 1788. Died Nov. 7, 1792 James, born Nov. 21, 1789. Died Nov. 2, 1792 Peggy, born Feb. 5, 1792. Died Nov. 2, 1792


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Peggy, born Dec. 13, 1793 John, born Sept. 3, 1796

Note-John Redman was in Hampton in 1685. Age 70 years.

Robert Redman was in Dorchester in 1658. William Redman, Archdeacon of Canterbury was named as one of the executors of the will of William Grindall, Archbishop of Canterbury, May 8, 1583.

A later John R. Redman of Brooksville was a member of the Governor's Council. Note-This was probably the John born in 1796.


This family were early settlers of Sedgwick, but later came to Brooksville.

The following may be of interest to some, but anyone wishing to trace the family lines should search the Sedgwick records.

Giles Roberts was at Scarboro as early as 1675. He made his will there in Jan. 1676. Left five children. He was probably the ancestor of the Roberts family in Brooksville as the name "Tobias" is given among those of his descendants.


Rev. John Smith born in England in 1614, came to Barnstable, Cape Cod, in 1630. He married Susanna Hinckley, a sister of Gov. Hinckley of the Plymouth Colony. Stephen Smith ~ descendent of John and Susanna came to Maine.

Joseph Smith was here at an early date and owned the grist mill at Smith's Cove. This must have been the only grist mill here at the time for farmers from

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North Brooksville carried their corn there to be ground.

Ignatus Smith, son of Joseph carried on the mill after the death of his father.

Elias Smith was here in 1817.


Sylvester Stover was in Kittery in 1652.

Isaac, Jeremiah and William Stover were pioneer settlers here. William Stover owned the land next to the farm purchased by Seth Blodgett in 1788.

Isaac Stover's family is recorded as follows:

Isaac Stover, born at Old York, July 12, 1745 Martha, his wife, born at Old York, Sept. 10, 1745 Children:

Jeremiah Abigail

Jonathan, born Oct. 5, 1773 Mary, born Aug. 7, 1776

Elizabeth, born in Penobscot, Feb. 12, 1800 Anna, born in Old York, Aug. 18, 1785

The records of York mention John Stover being there in 1646.

Jeremiah Stover, born at Old York, Oct. 26, 1750.

Olive Cary, wife, born at Old York, Nov. 15, 1758. Children:

Ruth, born Nov. 7, 1782 Debora, born Sept. 7, 1785 J ames, born Feb. 3, 1788 Nabby, born Aug. 8, 1792 Phebe, born Mar. 10, 1795

Nathaniel Stover died here in 1794. His wife Mary and his children, Josiah, John, William, Alice Conner, Betty Limeburner, Sally Tapley, Mahitabel J ones, are mentioned in his will.




John Stephens was at Kennebunkport in 1720. Thirty-five pages of "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors" are given to those of this name.

The Brooksville family probably descended from John Stephens of Andover, as the given names seem handed down along this branch.

Thomas Stephens was a Revolutionary War soldier and came here from Castine. Any of the family interested in tracing their genealogy should search the records of Castine and BI uehill.


Nicholas Snow was at Plymouth in 1623. He married Constance Hopkins who with her father Stephen Hopkins came over in the Mayflower in 1620.

It was at the home of Stephen Hopkins that the first Indian guest of the Pilgrims was entertained.

Nicholas Snow, a descendant of the Nicholas mentioned above came to Brooksville and lived not far from where Everett Bowden now lives.

A part of the Snow farm is now owned by Mr.

Bowden who is a direct descendant and Miss Genieve Allen of New York, another descendant, owns a cottage on a part of the land taken up by Mr. Snow.

Isaac Snow and Polly Paine, his wife. Their chil-


Hannah, born Jan. 29, 1792 Polly, born May 5, 1795 Thankful, born Apr. 14, 1797 Hulda, born Mar. 4, 1799

John Paine, born Nov. 21, 1801 Diana, born Oct. 1, 1809

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Thomas Snow and Mary, his_wife. Their children:

Mary, born Oct. 24, 1803 John, born Feb. 19, 1792 Thankful, born Feb. 4, --


This family came here after the town was settled.

Brooklin and Sedgwick records will give more than the Brooksville books in regard to them.

The Brooksville family of this name were wellknown searfaringmen.

Jeremiah Tibbetts of Dover, Mary his wife. Their


Jeremiah, born June, 1656 Mary, born 1658

Thomas, born Feb. 24, 1660 Hannah


Henry, born in Dover, 1665 Walter died at Salem in 1651.

Nathaniel Tibbetts, son of Ichabod, born in 1727.

Lived near Boothbay. Had at least three sons: John, J ames and Mark. His wife was Elizabeth Giles of Dover and her mother's maiden name was Lydia Tibbetts.


Clement Tapley was in Massachusetts as early as 1640. Pelatiah Tapley, the first of the name to come here was born at Kittery, Oct. 2, 1757. He was the son of Job and a grandson of William Tapley who married Rebecca Brier of Portsmouth and moved to Kittery in 1727.

Pelatiah married Sally Stover and built a log house near the shore at West Brooksville.



The following record copied from the original will be of interest to the family. Mrs. J. W. Babson of Washin"gton, D. C., has the original record and also the old cradle in which it is said all of these children were rocked in their babyhood. Children of Pelatiah and Sally Tapley:

Susan, born Apr. 27, 1784 Lucy, born Apr. 3, 1786 Sally, born Mar. 6, 1788 Rebecca, born, Sept. 5, 1790 Robert, born May 10, 1792 Thomas, born Mar. 15, 1794 William, born Mar. 13, 1796 Peletiah, born Oct. 16, 1797 Elsy, born Aug. 25, 1799 Mary, born Aug. 29, 1801 Job, born May 17, 1803 John, born Mar. 7, 1805 Luther, born Apr. 1, 1808 Nancy, born Mar. 29, 1811 Joel, born July 20, 1814


Augustine Walker was at Charleston, Mass., as early as 1641. Among his children were Samuel, Augustine, Jr., and James.

Robert Walker was in Boston in 1684. His age at that time was 78 years. He had at least two sons, Joseph and John.

John Walker, though perhaps not the John mentioned above, came to North Sedgwick and later to Brooksville. He bought a mill near the head of the Bagaduce river and the family operated the first

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woolen mill in this section. He married Emma Roundy of Bluehill and the children were:

John William David Robert Joseph Benjamin Emma Betsy Sally

Many of the Walkers became sea-faring men as is recorded elsewhere in this book.


On the records of the Revolutionary War Thomas Wasson is listed as a fifer, Samuel as a drummer, and John as a musician. The families are recorded as follows:

John Wasson, born Dec. 2, 1754 Eunice, born Dec. 11, 1761

1st child, Eunice, born in Penobscot, Mar. 22, 1792. 2nd, Rebecca, born Apr. 24, 1794

3rd, John, born July 24, --

Sally Williams, born Feb. 22, 1787

Robert Woodhouse, born Jan. 26, 1788

Capt. Samuel Wasson, born at Hillsboro, Mass.,

Jan. 12, 1760.

Elizabeth, his. wife, born at Groton, Sept. 23, 1763 Nancy, born Oct. 17, 1785

Samuel, born Apr. 14, 1788

Betsy, born Nov. 26, 1789

Polly, born Mar. 25, 1792

David, born Feb. 19, 1794

Simeon, born, Sept. 6, 1798

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Deacon Thomas ~asson, born Feb. 8, 1763 Mary, his wife, born Feb. 22, 1772

Mary, 1st child, born at Penobscot, Dec. 9, 1792 Charles Williams, born Jan. 12, 1784

Polly B. Bass, born in Boston, June 26, 1787


The records of York, Me., mention Daniel and Ralph Varnum as being there in 1646. It is recorded that Simeon Farnum came to Maine from Andover in 1786.

The family of Matthew Varnum born Mar. 1, 1755, is recorded as follows. Martha Basteen, wife, born in Wells, Aug. 17, 1758. Their children:

Anna, born in Penobscot, July 25, 1780 David, born in Penobscot, Aug. 28, - Matthew, born in Penobscot, Apr. 7, 1788 Gersham, born in Penobscot, Aug. 23, 1790 Joseph, born in Penobscot, Oct. 23, 1792 Ebeneza, born in Penobscot, May 17, 1796 John, born in Penobscot, July 14, 1800

I find this name spelled in three different ways by members of the same family: Varnum, Farnham and Farnum.


The name of Joseph Young is recorded as one of the first men to make a home in town. His family is recorded as follows:

Joseph Young, born at Hampton Falls, N. H., Feb. 12, 1727.

Martha, his wife. Their children:

Sally, born at Stratham, N. H., June 13, 1769

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Anna, born at Majabigwaduce, Province of Maine, May 28, 1771.

Mr. Young owned a mill at the Cape and it is probable that his home was there.

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Eben Hardin-Hannah Bakeman, Sept. 1, 1789. Ichabod Grindle-Mariam Lymburner, Aug., 1797. Thomas Limeburner-Betty Bowden, Dec. 23, 1797. Benjamin Dodge-Polly Veasey, Sept. 2, 1799. John Lord-Olive Stover, Jan. 7, 1800.

Richard Lord-Sally Bowden, Feb. 10, 1800.

James Dougless of Sedgwick-Peggy Lymburner, Sept. 23, 1804.

Samuel Wasson-Widow Polly Blake of Castine, Apr. 1, 1805.

Sarah Orcutt of Castine-Benjamin Rae, Aug. 10, 1807.

John Dougless, Jr.-Hannah Jones, Apr. 21, 1810. Capt. Galen Orcutt of Castine-Sally Littlefield,

Oct. 17, 1812.

Judith Grindle-Jeremiah Jones, Jr., Oct. 4, 1810. Thomas Limeburner-Polly Snow, Feb. 17, 1801. Thomas Snow-Polly Stover, Feb. 18, 1801.

J ohn Wasson, Justice of the Peace, married April 3, 1815, Joseph Parker and Joanna Stanley.

John Redman-Hannah Dodge, Nov. 30, 1815. Gersham Varnum, Jr.-Elenor Varnum, July 11, 1816.

Joseph M. Durgain-Elenor Grindle, Mar. 23, 1815.

Married by Joseph Lull, a preacher of the Gospel at Castine.

Abner Gray-Betsy Stanley of Sedgwick, married by Joseph Lull, U. D. M., Castine, May 1, 1820.·

David Walker-Polly Wasson, Dec. 9, 1815.

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Robert Tapley-Eliza Condon, Apr. 28, 1816. John Allen-Hannah Condon, Feb. 7, 1816.

David Varnum-Debora Lawrence, Sept. 15, 1816. Richard Grindle-Anne L. Grindle, May 21, 1820. John Wasson, Jr.-Jane Littlefield, Sept. 2, 1826. Jonathan Dodge-Sarah Perkins, Oct. 11, 1828.

Mr. Oliver Parker-Abigail McIntyre of Orland,

Sept. 29, 1822.

Matthew Webber-Amy Stover, Dec. 15, 1825. William Blake-Patience Webster, Oct. 6, 1829.

John Condon-Hannah D , July 6, 1833. Last

name of Hannah not plain on the old records.

Simeon Jones-Almira Grindle, Aug. 17, 1828.

Dr. Eben Poor of Castine-Lucy Wasson, Dec. 31, 1826.

John Mitchel of Plantation No.8-Mary Condon,

May 4, 1829.

Simon Dodge-Mary Cottell-Feb. 10, 1789.

Henry Dyer-Mrs. Prudence Blake, July 20, 1801. Capt. Sivilian Babson-Abbie Perkins, June 12, 1847 Nathaniel Bickford-Hannah Dunbar, Nov. 24, 1839. Charles Hutchins, Justice of the Peace, married

July 22, 1830, Samuel Nichols of Brooksville-Mary Jane Leach.

Also on Nov. 11, 1830, Hatie Roberts-Mary Wescott.




John Allen of Brooksville died March 4, 1818. Richard H. Blake of Brooksville for $290, gave a bill of sale of the good ship "Two Brothers", to Benjamin Brown of Belfast April 10, 1852.

Blacksmith shop owned by Deacon Allen, near the bridge, sold to John Allen, April 4, 1856.

This may certify that I have taken up a Ram. A white color with a long tail and a small black spot on the right ear, supposed to he a last spring lamb.

Brooksville, Sept. 25, 1819. William Bolton.

Mr. George Bickford and Mary Snow intend marrying, July 26, 1823.

Mr. Andrew Blake and Miss Nancy Bakman intend marrying, Aug. 2, 1823.

John Cozens had a daughter born in· Brooksville, May 14, 1818.

Old Mr. Colson of Brooksville, died Jan. 3, 1819. April 29, 1819, Mr. Richard Condon and Miss Betsy H. Orcutt both of Brooksville, married by John Wasson, Justice of Peace.

A record of the family of Richard Condon and

Rachel, his wife:

Richard, born Feb. 14, 1795 Rachel, born June 2, 1797 Mary, born Mar. 7, 1799 Katherine, born Feb. 11, 1801 J ames, born Dec. 20, 1803 Emma, born Mar. 29, 1806

I .....

.GiII .. · ..



, .... IEOI===================I~ ,."

Robert, born Aug. 15, 1813 Sarah, Aug. 23, 1808 Alfred, born Jan. 14, 1816 Rachel died Nov. 30, 1819

Rachel and Hannah, twins, born Nov. 9, 1819 Rachel died Dec. -, 1819

Hannah died Jan. 7, 1820

Benjamin Dodge, son, born Nov. 12, 1818 Benjamin Dodge, born in Haverhill, May 11, 1776 Polly, born in Penobscot, July 5, 1775

Their children:

Polly Jonathan Nancy Debora John Avise Benjamin

Taken up in my enclosure on the 4th day of Oct., 1823, an old ram, all white, large horns, the right ear and a notch like a swallow tail in the left ear. Brooks-

ville, Thomas Wasson, T. C. J on. Dodge.

Mr. David Douglass died very suddenly Aug. 13, 1866. Age 54 years.

Charles died Jan. 10, 1894.

Timothy and Sewell Douglass were drowned in the

mill pond May 3, 1852.

Pearl died Sept. 8, 1861. John died Oct. 21, 1861.

Elinor Jane, died Feb. 4, 1866.

··1 MiN

lOll ....




.., ..

William Eastman of Brooksville and Miss Hannah L. Gray of Sedgwick intend marrying, April 24, 1823.

John M. Foster of this town had a son (Wells) born June 2, 1818.

John Foster's son Wells died June 4, 1818.

Mr. John Friend, Jr., of Sedgwick and Miss Patience N. Tibbetts of Brooksville intend marriage, Sept. 15, 1820.

Mr. Frederic Grindle and Miss Eliza Hawes, both of this town, intend marriage, Mar. 4, 1827.

Charles Gatt and Miss Alice Hinckley, both of Brooksville, intend marrying July 7, 1827.

Married by David Walker, Justice of Peace, July 27, 1827. Attest, Dacatur Gray.


Children of Jeremiah Green Rufus, born May 18, 1817 Jeremiah, Jr., born May 18, 1819 Elizabeth J. F., born Apr. 8, 1820 Thomas, born May 21, 1823 Lenord, born Nov. 9, 1829

Josiah M. Gray and Miss Sarah Morey, both of Brooksville, intend marriage, Aug. 30, 1823.

Capt. Ichabod Grindle and wife Marion. Frederic, born Feb. 16, 1806

John, born, Jan. 8, 1808

Agatha, born Jan. 17, 1810

Clarisa, born Dec. 28, 1812

Eliza, born Oct. 16, 1815

Ichabod, Jr., born Nov. 30, 1817


. .......



, ...• ~II~=~==~~~=~~========I~ .....

Benjamin Gail and Miss Mary Marks, both of this town intend marriage, May 15, 1825.

John Holland died by drowning Sept. 22, 1823.

Miss Nancey, consort of Mr. Richard Hawes of this town, died the 27th day of Feb., 1824.

Mr. Samuel Howard and Ester his wife had a son who they named Washington, Sept. 15, 1823.

John Jones and his wife had a daughter named Bathia, born I an. 5, 1820 .

.T eremiah jones of Brooksville and Miss Charlotte Dollard of Penobscot intend marrying, Aug. 7, 1825.

William Atkins, Town Clerk.

William Kench and Miss Mercy Doar of Brooks-

ville intend marriage, Mar. 3, 1822.

A record of Mr. Thomas Kench's family:

Thomas, born Mar. 14, 17~

Mary, born Aug. 15, 1792 Elizabeth, born Dec. 11, 1794 William, born Ian. 14, 1798 joseph, born Aug. 2, 1800

Lucy, born Nov. 9, 1803

Stephen, born Nov. 25, 1806 Thomas Kench died Jan. 17, 1831. Mary Kench died May 10, 1832.

Jeremiah Lord of this town died Jan. 14, 1820. David Lymburner of this town died at sea-about

the last of Sept., 1821.

john Lymburner of Sedgwick and Miss Alice Taplep of Brooksville intend marriage, Sept. 10, 1822.

David Moore and Betsy, his wife, had two daughters born Apr. 27, 1820.

Mr. Phineas Norton of this town departed this life the 12th day of Oct. A. D. 1822.



-1I .... ~ ..... NI===================lIIGII .. ··

John Orcutt, son of Jacob and Lucy Orcutt, was born Feb. 27, 1823.

Jacob Orcutt, 3rd, and Lucy Black, intend marriage, Oct. 18, 1821.

William Parker and Thankful Snow intend marriage, Oct. 7, 1818.

Mr. Oliver Parker of Brooksville and Miss Abigail MacKintire of Orland intend marriage, July?, 1822.

Isreal Redman, Jr., and Sally Rogers, both of Brooksville intend marriage, July 9, 1818.

Mr. Nathaniel Russel and Jane, his wife, had a daughter born Aug. 20, 1820.

Mary Roberts, daughter of Tobias and Sally? Roberts, died Aug. 25, 1826. Age 6 years, 6 months, 22 days.

Amos Allen Roberts died July 23, 1853.

Robert Walker Snow, son of John Snow of Brooksville, born Dec. 14, 1814.

A record of the children belonging to Elias and

Mary Shapardson:

Thaddeus, born June 21, 1909 Mary Carter, born, Dec. 25, 1811 Grace Fitch, born July 16, 1814 Eunice, born Nov. 20, 1816 Thomas Wasson, born Feb. 8, 1819

Mr. Nicholas Snow of this town died July 18, 1821. Isaac Stover, Jr., and Miss Hannah Doore intend

marriage, Mar. 8, 1822.

This may certify that I joined in wedlock, Mr. John Tibbetts and Miss Patty Howard, both of Brooksville, the 7th day of May, 1818. Edward Carter.

Robert Tapley and Mary, his wife, had a son born Jan. 2, 1821, Simeon P.

IGII·· ..



I .... ~1===============t9ll-4-

Ebeneza Varnom of Brooksville and Betsy Stover, Castine, intend marriage, Oct. 10, 1818.

David and Cynthia Varnum of this town had a child born Apr. 11, 1819.

David Wasson of this town had a son born who they named Samuel, Aug. 15, 1819.

] ohn and Eliza Webber of this town had a son born who they call by the name of Jesse, Mar. 14, 1821.

Mr. Rufus Whiting and Miss Malinda Handley, both of Brooksville intend marriage, Sept. 21, 1821.

Brooksville, Mar. 2, 1844, Benjamin Walker bot of Jonathan B. Redman:

1 B urea u $16.00

1 Windlep Bedstead 5.00

1 Bedstead . . . . .. 3.50

1 Small Bedstead ..•........................ 2.00

1 Large Table 8.00

1 Small Table 3.00

1 Mahogany Work Table.................... 6.00

1 Mahogany Table 3.00

1 Large Mirror . . . . .. 10.00

1 8-day Time Piece......................... 10.00

1 Easy Chair .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00

1 Barber's Chair 3.00

2 Rocking Chairs 3.00

~ doz. Fancy Chairs................... 7.50

~ doz. Chairs 5.00 12.50


Received payment by note, J. B. Redman.





John M. and Mary Foster of Brooksville lost their little daughter Emily, Apr. 29, 1819.

Mr. Ignatius Smith and Sophia, his wife, had a son born Feb. 12, 1821.

William Benson and Miss Margaret Gray, both of this town, intend marriage, Feb. 14, 1821.

Bot of Benjamin Black, one yoke of oxen 6 years old, one red and the other red with a white face, forty five dollars, $45. Two cows, one red, with a line back, the other brindle with a line back, thirty six dollars, $36. One 2 year old, red, $8.00. Benjamin Black.

Attest, Decatur Gray, Andrew Gray, Brooksville,

Mar. 15, 1844.

A record of Joseph Bates family:

Luther, born Aug. 6, 1800. Betsey, born Aug. 23, 1802 Sally, born Oct. 23, 1804

Joseph, born Mar. 9, 1806. Died May 30, 1806. Mary, born, July 14, 1807. Died May 29, 1816. Susanna, born Aug. 25

Mordicia?, born Jan. 11, 1814

Joseph, born Sept. 26, 1811

Martha, born Nov. 22, 1813

Mary, born Jan. 9, 1818

Hannah, born Nov. 11, 1820

Esther, born Jan. 7, 1823

Mordida Bates died Apr. 24, 1839.

Mark of R. B~ Bickford's sheep, a round hole in each ear. Entered at Brooksville, June, 1852. Thad. Shepardson, Town Clerk.

Mar. 15, 1821, Brooksville. A record of the family of Lemuel and Polly Norton:

Shubaed?, born ]day 25, 1809


'8111 ....



Mary, born Sept. 1, 1812 Lemuel, Jr., born Dec. 22, 1814 Rebecca, born Oct. 17, 1816 Mehitable, born Mar. 17, 1820

.... ··-IterE~=================1IOJ1 ....





The fair held under the auspices of Rainbow Grange at North Brooksville, last Tuesday, was largely attended. It is estimated that there were between eight and ten hundred present during the day. Teams of all kinds were brought into requisition. Edmund Brown and Jerry Grindle each took a load of passengers in a hayrack. This display of vegetables and fancy work was not as great as that of last year. Among the horses present, the more noticeable were those owned by Mr. Higgins, Capt. Gower and Mr. Dority of Sargentville.

Capt. Lowell Cha tto has sold the Tiarra to Capt.

George Cousins.

The school in the new district taught by Miss Nellie Farnham of West Brooksville closed Friday.

Mrs. Helen Perkins is teaching in Sedgwick.

Mrs. Luther Gray of West Sedgwick is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Hooper.

Will Closson is at home after an absence of nearly three years.

Mrs. Maddox has been spending a few weeks at Green's Landing.

Mrs. Jennie Dockham of Prospect, who has been in town for a few days, returned home Friday.

We are glad to hear that Roland Hooper was able to attend the Harvest Home in Sedgwick last Wednesday.

Mrs. Edna Orcutt, of South Brooksville is quite ill. Capt. Webster's children are recovering.

Subscriber .

.• .. "



I II' ~1·~==================I<€IiSI'"''


Allen, James

Allen, Seth

Allen, Simeon

Austin, Henry Austin, John Beninga, Peter Bickford, R. B. Billings, Adoniram J. Billings, Daniel F. Blake, John S.

Blake, Wilson Blodgett, George W. Boyd, James

Boyd, Thomas Brooks, John

Burns, Daniel

Cahill, James

Carter, William S. Clary, Daniel

Collins, Adams Condon, Sylvester C. Condon, Timothy 2nd Court, Joseph (?) Cross, William E. Davis. Beniamin R. Davis. Tohn

Devine, George H.

Dillon, John Doe, Lewis

Emerson, Andrew L. Farnham, George M. Farnham, Otis L. Fernald, William H. Foster, Joshua F. Fritz, Lewis

Gray, Edmund B. Gray, Francis

Gray, Thomas

Gray, Thomas C. Green, Charles Green, James Grindle, Bentley Grindle, Emery M. Grindle, Frank L. Grindle. Kenney S. Grindle, Mark H. Hall, Albert A. Hanson, Andrew Harvey, William Henry, William S. Holland, Henry Holland, Samuel A. Howard, Albert Howard, Hollis



Howard, Johnson, Jr. Howison, Robert Jackson, Edward Johnson, Henry Jones, Isaiah L. Jones, John R. Lindbury, Frederick McGovin, John McIntosh. Albert D. Mack, John

Mann, Peter

March, Isaac P. Marks, Warren Mattershead, Adam Mechen, William Mills, George V. Moore, Leonard Morris, John

Newell, Loren, David M. Parks, William H. Perkins, Eben F. Perkins, John D. Peterson, Gustave Peterson, Peter Porter, William

. Roberts, Cyrus

Sanborn, Alonzo B. Scott, George

Smith, Frank

Smith, George W.

Smith, William

Smith, William M.

Snow, Charles E. Solomon, Andrew

Speed, William H. Stanton, John

Steele, George W. Tapley, Benjamin F. Thompson, Manuel Tibbitts, James B. Trueworthy, George S. VanZandt, William V. R. Walker, John

Walker, William B. Webber, David B. Welsh, Michael

Wescott, Charles E. Wessel, John M. Williams, John Wither~l1, Joseph


No Brooksville men are recorded on the State records as having served in the war with Spain.

Clarence Condon, an officer in the service during the war, was born in Brooksville and spent his boyhood here. He was the son of Melvin Condon of Brooksville.

IGII· ....



"II, J;Ci)1~~==================II_ ....


Appleby, James G. Arey, Allen

Austin, Albert J. Austin, Blanchard L. Babbidge, James T. Blodgett, Seth Blodgett, William T. Chatto, Morris H. Chatto, Wendell H. Cousins, Charles A. Cousins, Lowell J. Dow, Harold R. Dodge, Charles P. Farrow, Merrill A. Gray, Augustus E. Gray, Brainard A. Gray, Harold E. Gray, Levi J. Grindle, Clifton N. *Deceased.

Grindle, Prudence E., R. N. Hawes, Girarde F. Hunnewell, Herman Howard, Alfred E. *Howard, Harold

Howard, Irving L.

Jones, Bennie S.

*Ladd, John G.

Ladd, Levi K.

Leighton, Harold

Lord, eli fton E.

Robertson, Millard H. Sanborn, Walter A. Sawyer, Harry E.

Seger, Cecil G.

Seger, Vernon M. Varnum, Ralph A.

Young, Loring M.

Young, Harry

Brooksville men who have served the State in the:

Governors' CouncilJohn D. Redman

In the SenateMelvin D. Chatto



House of Representatives-

Simeon Allen Joseph P. Parker

Robert J. Blodgett William Rae, Jr.

James W. Coombs George Tapley

Melvin D. L. Chatto Erastus Redman

Samuel Condon, Jr. John R. Rr-dman

Kenney Grindle Da vid Walker

Lowell Grindle Rufus B. Walker

John Hawes William Perkins George V. Mills


David Wasson William Wasson

From Colby's Atlas, 1840 R. A. Dodge-Copper mine.

G. Y. M ills-Copper mine.

T. C. Tapley-Copper mine.

J. P. Tapley-Copper mine.

W. P. Tapley-Copper mine.

N. Perkins-Copper mine. Blodgett-Copper mine. Shepardson-Copper mine. Manhatten=-Copper mine. Smith-Copper mine.

Rozier-Copper mine.


Horseshoe Creek Orcutt's Harbor

Silver MinesJ. Douglass Limeburner's

Alum and copper are said to be found at Perkins Mountain.


..... JC.;)1==============~==I(£2!II •• -

Letters for the following named Brooksville peo-

ple were at the Castine Post Office on Apr. 22, 1802:

Oliver Parker, Esq.

Mr. John Tibbetts

John Wasson

David Wasson

Ichabod Grindle

Joshua Bakeman Cunningham Limeburner

(Extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Prudence Blodgett Perkins to her son John K. Perkins. Mrs. Perkins was the daughter of John King Blodgett. She died a few months after this letter was written and was the first person to be buried at Mt. Rest, North' Brooksville.)

Sept. 11, 1858.

Absent Son:-

You cannot imagine the pleasure enjoyed in having once more the privilege of answering the letter we have just received from you. I have been very uneasy since you sailed from Pensacolia last winter on account of the yellow fever.

I saw in every paper the dreadful mortality of the fever in so many places. I feared so that I would hear that you were a victim of this disease but it has spared you while thousands were taken.

How can I express the gratitude I feel in having the blessing of seeing once more the signature, John King Perkins, written by your own hand.

You write me for the news: Amos is with Capt.

J ones. He was at home last Sunday. They have



gone to (Lafeaux?) to load for some port west. Henry and Eben came home from Boston last night. Henry goes with Capt. William Tapley and Eben with Abram Tapley, -----

Father says he has the best piece of corn in town. Aunt Jane Grindle has been sick all summer but is better now. There has been a great many things happen since you went away.

Uncle John Matthews lives at your grandfather's. Mr. Newcomb lives with Atkins Stover.

Aaron Jones and Eliza Stover are married.

At present the news is all political; Monday is town meeting.

I must close tho I could write a week if I had the time. I hope to see you before very long.

Your mother,

Prudence Perkins, North Brooksville.

(Extracts from a letter written by Senator M. D.

Chatto of South Brooksville, Aug. 1924:)

I will give you the history of the old house that I now own, as given me by a Mr. Aiken of Ellsworth. He told me his father built it in 1796 for a halfway house between great Deer Isle and Castine. There were many small fishing boats at that time at Deer Isle and they sold their fish at Castine. Their motive power at that time, as you know, was strictly sail and oar and many times they got becalmed or it was too rough to go around the Cape and Bucks Harbor was shelter for this fleet of fishermen in time of stress; the result, Aiken conceived the idea that if he had a substantial house here that he could do a land office





,· ..... 1

-18I!i .-

business selling New England rum and other drinks of that nature, and he was very successful. Mr. Aiken had a row of hacmetac trees planted or set out on a straight line in front of the old house and ga ve a quart of rum per tree for the job, and when my father bought the house in 1871 many of the trees were standing and one of them is standing to this day, very near the house of Charles R. Gray's on a part of the original lot.


Brooksville, Apr. 27, 1833.

Received of Mr. Thomas Limeburner, sixteen dollars in full of all demands for teaching school four weeks in District No.2.

J oab Harriman.

In the Eastern Advertiser, a paper publisher at Castine in 1822, reference is made to a calf born at the farm of David Wasson of Brooksville. Weight 77 lbs. at birth, and in less than four weeks weighed 120 lbs.

From "Autobiography of Lemuel Norton", who was living in Brooksville in 1799:

"Everything moved on harmoniously until toward the last of December when the sad tidings of the death of General George Washington came to our village. This seemed to make everyone sad and the whole nation was clad in mourning. We all wore black crape on the right arm for 30 days as expressive of our grief for the loss of the Father of our Country,

who died December 14, 1799, aged 67 years."

Samuel Marble of Cape Rozier sold to Joseph Young a piece of land valued at 86 pounds. Sept. 14, 1796.

I .....

.. ... ,





The first Post Office 'in town is said to have been established in 1830. John R. Redman, P. M.

Ninety-two Brooksville families received aid from the town between the years 1862-66. During this time the town donated $1450.00 to hospitals for soldiers, etc.

There was in Penobscot in 1817 a company of militia commanded at one time by James Stover. Among the names of the men who belonged to this organization the following are familiar to us:

Elisha Smith David Jones

Richard Condon, Jr., musician Pelitiah Tapley, musician Calvin Bakeman

James Grindall

Thomas Perkins

Robert Tapley

William Tapley

Ambrose Stover

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