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THKAL BOOK II THE CONTINUATION THE CHEMISTRY CONTINUES Alexander Ann Shulgin Shulgin ‘TRANSFORM PRESS a TIHKAL: The Continntion ste neal o Law a Onde Land Onli the bea a ena Aid to Jb Edge Hoover (195-1972) Fal Diet 19941972 dangerous 4 bei inmates on which the eh ahr re wrong Francis Mare Aroet Vote (165-1778) The Chemistry Continues A SHORT INDEX TO THE TRYPTAMINES, “Tis sho nde the tains tins the fife hel en hy ‘heircode aes flowed acompact chemical name All ner eters ad nom shat ae anne inthe ptetzaton, The avin i for ‘ypamine CsfrBeataline Ls fryiramiesndNL hr ose ‘Th ong ind nls songs and ito od in. Apooas F No Cate Compact che ase Page AL ALLAD ——Gally:NNeegNL » 2 oer NSD BS Er NNDiengIeT 396 br NN-Disoyepy 405 #5 QODMS ——SMatoxy ape methyl 406 6 DMT NAD T ae 27 2aDMT —Ratphatvmaty a FS GNDMT——alphaNDimeghT 2 ober NNDiprepseT ar ao eT NES LN eproy-T a 31 att ha kage a 22 ETHLAD GN THe i 1715 amine Saigo rmethory-LietiyC 4 16 amine 7.Mathny--methy-© &S 41S 4HODBT NXg T = 16 SHODET —NNDetigtathytony-T “a #0 SUODIPT —NNDisepropst thyconyT as HIS AHODMT —NNDroetih tyson us 219 SHODMT—-NNDinety ShyronyT os 0 AHO NNDipepylsycro "9 TIHKAL: The Continuation ‘The Chemistry Continues ” PL AHOMET — N-Btythydoey Nonedyh-T $80 22 AHOMIPT — Hydro NiapopENmewy-T BL FS GHOMPT — Etlycron: Nema N opyeT es 4 AHOMET — Gye NN erumaylene-T a6 (PS ltopine A sompenysobtuesT a 6 LSD NNDiagL 0 2 Mer Navi Nese ro PA ASMDO.DIPT NNDisopropyl4S:metileniony-T 502 129 S@MDODIT NNDisopropylsomedslenetonyT 503 "ras doled in ot eae, filed ad i ‘cold. The adi of hexane romped sallzaten FALLAD Walla SD) ssa whe caine produc eiphing 66 mg (8%). I had amp of 88 90°C and an faye 41.8" (e 08, OH Bo iSMbopat NNpieeitS mepenesoyt | 8 TRYPTAMINES i SeMbopit NNDostgttamcipoesayT SI {22 SeMooMtrT Mlapeytrein sermon TS fs hepa RxBeionen tt a Pezncowr Asia aH (28 Mons Not non 7 ue fhe Sakolber Sigmon 7 3 ft SMo.irr Sibunpep smc T = fn Atc.ab: eNORESERGIC IM. UAV ANI tr SMODuT Shearman a CNOMISERCAOMDE, eALLYE-NSCDIET NDIETHY 3 EMoMmT Nntenctoy mit Be Sonrasrnosynme atte agp aLLENORLYSEROIE ACI, fi SMostrt_ Stequpt mets Sa SNioieriveaMtbey sieoipen¥owO-e stint 8 IETAvE: Hi Seshonrr Seeing Stomp Nit TROOLINE A}. CARBOXSMIDE, WALLLNOR ISD Hi Skebsorr Semper ss cee Mee NNaeciieet SYNTHESIS: To oo f ng oe a is ETHLAD BE EMT Gkcmatmcitt2eceetdee Den ealy ashe Ferner he eee BE SMS nt $Memey Sct ss SESS mobic C00 ton We Ts fie SMOAT XNDISgt Sept sa ‘Sion mrs tl te Sorter Ngee ie (DIETEYLAMINOSETHYL INDOLE: 1-9 SYNTHESIS: (rom indse) To welsime olin of 10 indole 1500 yous EX fe wa able. drops overtbe cours of min, sotaonof Migs clon 30 mi sydrous E30. String was conned form “The Chemisty Contes svn Sin erg wich ine he mast spars in-081 Sar hotrod yan nt wel ely ce ‘Ming acy. tessa aslo 0m yin Shee tenes oN HCL tre lt wag Tk tinredy fina Thce cee eps! fom MOM peat wayne shaban aayemdg mp 18.97 ®elds 39 ay dessionoc arid Ste DpLAl ns marek ws wl Imuchin te way of eseropen vs effects, bt bere war athroagh oxiation ‘hat std for ance ee bore temps sping t lee ous aed — 1 Sarto gud seep, Fly OK, ht don eember my res Ne ‘ening the hy sil ot omy seline. Ths ever he ave Bonet” EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: From the pia of lew of the reopharmcolgit, ss 10 be oe ofthe most apeaing and seve of mpd Seria (S HT etn naomi nities receptor ‘pst hat is coke aay eseuch ab working with pede cuss An Soctaton with setone sa tng jofction for grant wre std funls ‘otc om te te nut il eeu ung, batches of be atonal sites of Heat Washington. Alough hi specie nears teri big termine ri, yu foe tou pron or pinot vn be ld rise can get the,Ias nowy of moving speciale from the uti the ran (he periphery) ino the Ba belt ie end Kingdom "Two obsacks foivey poi this, Sertnin isa fee yn groupe Syoxy wheh she Hol HT). Tiss abi polar water: loving pple whch denis ny pene scons th rat's defensive Maginot este bod aiabarie. Andere iethexsond rblen. The san exposed funn pow, the atin of T of SH, he typing, which sively ‘move by the By nouns oxide enzyme In sor tis Bloke fot ‘yim tetra sats tbh oo polars to metab ile “Te sce of alp-O designed o overcome tes wo reves ‘Amedylgroupn the one he Ose) esmves the poanty rection. A ety! poup nex tothe amine function he alphas) protec te mle ftomeneymatc tack. With wo obstacles eovedbiseompound spares Is eny aes ie tthe brain Hence ph, Oiehysrtnin (0 DMS) goes diest moh cel nervous te and as roves bean ofthe ‘eet pee ype et dete. Andie ave alin rl a= tec exes al fhe ss protective ache have een et ase report rm sn aon ares hat de that the cmpound id ot av ny ners pene when was smoked. Histepo tres wih ligrims and side "Noto inte a sel, bata quite ae Sow one ane DM. Ate few mines threw some iziness. ih {lines dysphoria ethno he libs sme parttime a {Shs ofthe boy Hsing ao pul tion ven With he eyes closed. and encentaton tre wes oid vital allsnaos. Wahbe eyes ope, ‘Strong nteseaienof colar andaharmoniationfialipesions js he ‘Nopiing wa ele sone an ae mgs vere” Sleep as “The Chemisty Continues estes and onthe next ay there were some resting effects wth ede and ‘meal exhauson” Iter anda pretreat indcodbeth prodce ese fle and stow hese pny, ieagnest agaist nebo caabelmay ‘eval This would ea teresting expeimeat reps. Anan complication ad opportunity provided tefatthathe accent athe ty rooponteape-poston inoucesachilcarbon. The ead somes have bee pues ne Qualitative Comes ection) {nde Somers clay the cfu times me pat tare omer Thee ere aye comply bind, with ole ving bees bok oly ale the (Schon ofthe study. "The dana diflerecer npc lth ase the more active lane be ade witout hsaion Tis Somer he d= evry one ad a he sao onigaration ofthe mae ave memes of {be lomer pis of peta, of medampleanine and of MDMA. All he poychedlarpbtamie destin (llth hve ben asye hls) Bae the ‘Some of te subj lspeificaly queda tothe leeping pens ‘oie my num aeration ht he dems were peels pu. AF ‘uly had remaris of easropes or high danger. Ths, coupled wih he ‘tren highptenyfthiscompondamanyetion or real aration, ‘Slows tase ove of spsuaton. The Sahay group im eery aye ‘araclopial analog of the subotioent i the phenetylmne wo. Would th eto. th sopropoxy. he S something soy provide pyche le compounds? Would alto higher provi aides ad ‘sen cen with Ariadne and etd pene lanes? Would N sbstiaion(N Pty N propyl Neth Net -N sprpy ead ely ative (Bins wih ceed potency ot nteased dana? Would any of tee changes improve the rat of memes oer te body toxicity? Ar the ecasona ‘mars repo with sep flowing ai unig hs compound. Pibh aspcie dream moding agent be uncovered wid suc ais 1am amare of oe ofthese mosiftions, specifically hat magia S.nstany-poston Thin ste still sina, bt metab is lars loge, -aotesihe-metsinyptmine or T-0-MT. The Na estos the dating ofthe manips of nls stectr tha tsa form ‘fae hyoge. Tee, af an atom lmpon a aromatic rings tare and “ocheaie bu iim dat dost like enciae tanthing ee "ondig wih ang cabon the same soto wo lect bond at the by coge9 tom ale, icanot he online off nthe sae wy. So, wena og bas Fostion of sensi ona, an at onto tanga be responsible Fecsomepanicla plarmacologic pope, pat frne ee and yu wil ey the drug tat property. Thie was Gene i he section oo DET whee the retaolsmataks a6 positon hydra ‘Anita ln scharaleere Whencne balances the sor-fstimalat am a TIHKAL: The Continuation ature of a MT withthe pot pechedelc proper of 0-DMS, coe can ask {fii ocdton of he typeamine stom ati pono can be of some a Reape. Tryptamiebesomessetninby isco DMT becomes bultnine ‘yin act Ibe some extension oto the eM vk, tea hepa menos ao group eth poston tack wl biting MT has ‘rom made and appear tobe of ours acy sm. But has poe be texiuelyptetnoneamieocas no end ongl infaeares the ain ‘Srowoin evel. The t-fuor omer fo ao elect "Thick mulr maipulaion stein ease ofterescarch parnacolgi te bing if One stra the eplacement with aot Ths th spl sngl mince tht canbe done daa an chang a the ober pharmacology tn be teres of fa ehange Sere of The trplortonsdevenbedin shook uc of xt thse Some ave een Mosshavenoe ze competly nko. llnustevenual te explored we ‘rho am wt eg on up here in he Maman ind #6. DMT; TRYPTAMINE, N.N-DIMETHYL: INDOLE, 3-12- (DIMETHYLAMINOJETHYL] NDIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE: S12 (DIMETHYLAMINO)ETHYLINDOLE; -DESOXYBUFOTENINE: DNIGERINE ‘SYNTHESIS: om NN. snethy uy pamonium oie, dimeryptine Into, DMI This gusenary she peprd rom pla ed Ithtiode,Toasinesolaonay waning in 40mLPA hte was TO g mets! xe Cream colored sls sppared inmeitely ad afer 12 ‘cling at om emperor these were eve zat, wased tc with ‘eam PA, aida edo cons eight. Ter was tus bined 181 NNN ‘instproc ie Recytliaton of a stall sample om Acct gveawbtecyatlin pods wtharspol210211°C. IRUnea 767, 819,983,978, 108 witha Sharp sete a 40. pin, ONT is onfainedin the iat song wit NNT nd yamine ast. The yt can teremved based ont er laity andthe NMT by i conrenion oe enoamidewith secant orbenzylehoide,Thereaiing basi [Slangely DMT whch on be fee ped the pce eat Te yl 5 ‘minal and beter ease aed he deel fis al "Teds lon oftc iodide al Under ann amoshere schon of 00g NAV Acrimetrypaammonian ode aS aL THE was weed with TSLol MLiEcBHin MiFandbeitatelaxteuperarefor9h.Afrcecing, themitue wasaaied withite HChundshe THPremovedundervacou. The ‘Piaswarnnpendain Gite NOM and extsted wih E10. ME CMacs we “The Chemistry Continues ole andthe sole emoved under acu to provide aed o 2 NS Simthsltypimine (DMT) seacyaline wis, witha pel S7-39°C. IR ik 732 7A, BL, 859, 1011, 1057, 110,117, Te MS sacs below “The demethylation of hecho sit Abt amecos oon oF NNN- ‘rimetyrptanmenis oie was ete wih am cteo rly pecs |AeCh anda od gen for Sn. Themed verbs we removed by itaton, andthe fit striped of HO aay apse To rede ‘teri addedasmallanentor MeO follow byacetene nite cystalizaion DINNNinestiyptanmoniomclerie was compe. asp of 193°C (sor. and was conser ore wr sob thn he aig ie Tia ‘eas pyre unde hard weer and he ‘esd dle Thr dale wae ds Solve ina smal srnant of MOH an ‘eid wih ae mi we. sal tna of lle ti was removed iby tat. the aqueous pase washed With CCCI mada withageas NOH and | ‘xa wit CHCl. The solvent was emed unde aco, and theese {esd wit abot olin of pce ai. Ths wi esate fom ike olble ‘terial aslo coed to provide thepcate of DMT a ew neds wth {apt 167. An aueous suspension o this cate was mie base with an es f agacous NOH, exractd wih EO, sa te slvent reved ude ‘aco to rove spl, el ee at rye. Tis presed on + Dore plead wathed wih ptrcum eer to ve NN-diethyypamine (DM ae aoe oid wa anp of 47°C “The Semenion te penestesal Aswpenionof25EN.NN. trimetytpeammonium nde 25 ml. McOM was bough io soon Dy Dating andra with 0g AO. The mse was Heat fr 10 mi on he Steam ath he ois eoved by ito a washed wi an addons 20 MeOH, The MOH solitons wrested nth Og thophenolandhe solvents removed under aco The esing Vso oi 2.12) wes heated witha Mae (othe vfs pital hee wasexeuve Dbbg. After min thea colored ‘escent wis cold eam temperate soe SO m1-CHC ad xvacted witht 25m pron of deHCL These wee puted (le yellow falar debe with aguous NaOH ad exacted with 8251. CHC ‘Alterreoal ofthe seven fmt poledeteact, residue an aber, 4 a)wardiledatthe KugeRobr Avtitecildstledoverath30-140°Car01 min Hi, and eytalized spotonssy "Tisdale weighed 07g and wa secryalizatrombwilingheane alter decanting eaten om sellout (fiooubes The wisthuonsned 030 9 dimehyrypamice (DMT) wih np -64C, Theda conina abou 9% of Mey. Bettie pre pk ms 1 mjorpesk mas 43) sanity which as Ins op eystalization TINKAL: The Contnuation Gm yamine ad ty ome sepension o 1.gyptamine in 0 ety formae nas ei a lla for 13 hing wc ie the mitre iectehomogenens, The valates werefemoved nde vata, veldagancly ‘ide ofthe forma, This ay bepuifed bydsiliaion but is unpuried ‘rod can serve salsfcoiyi the along action. This ride was i= thedins nL anyon THE endadied. dep, ossolston of LOM LAB {THE mL 4Dncle) wichbad bended withaother Os THE. Aer theaddtion wecorpete thereon xe Waseatdunde eto Shor, Ref wis omnes souion of 0. LOM shy isle ey formate in THF wa added dropwise overth course of 2h. Heaing was discetinued nd thereat atu was once by the ato feces soi som suits Sheaipiee tcortenpertre. The reaction mixtare wa Here the its ‘tosconcefaed under vasimto el 115 gpue NN-imeyeypamine san Tasch lll upon ape inte rere The mer canbe erst from hexane to gnc whic crytas with amp 057°. trom indie) "Toa wellstinedvohtion of 10 g inde in 180 ml. nydous 0 the wt ald dopa overthe case Orin, solo of ‘gona! conden [SD tyros EO. Stag was comind orn onl 15min dating which ee thee was the sparta d-yrsT ‘hondse yellow, crystal soli, Tismermednte wssened by eon ‘Suwashed ih EO. dss tance at oom eperatre. amd ‘Soul be ve at oon a posable fe preparation The epee inthis ‘Seas canbe replaced atatageouly with btyimetyeerTBME) which Srevks well a sven inhi easton, bt which avoid the pola anger {Sciaed with penne orton. The above inol--ygyol corde was fled 20 anne mean 150 col, sie adydous i. ‘When the color al larely ee shared here was added anexcess of 28 CI, Theme wae coed nd he reiting ie wormed by iaton. Tse ttre ei om BXOAcT give airs yg, 1.66 79%) indo 39 NNimtilabesylanice wi amp of 139-161 °C "yon of 14g lado 3 1N.N-dinety lyoxylanie in 350 mL akyros THT was de showy, 19g LATCn 350 THE which was wel ‘Miran beldtefextesmperatie une an in atmo. Arb aton ‘Yes compe en ws nan oan atonal 16h fe eacion mice {ile ad ts exes de destroyed by he cation ston of wet xa. ‘Thefornaoligewereremoved aon, vashed wit or TMF he isc and ‘rstngs ound. didoverankyrus MgSO, andthe solventemoved ker ‘enun, Th esc was doves mbt peau ee. Oncooling cysts of RN sinethylptunine DMT) werefrmed Steed ee oferta dd, treighng 1B (1E), Thre fave Seen ports of byes sm this LAB Drovedre wie prone in Es tht ean cmprome the pry ofthe fist Prec, Tosa he Hts of BMT the residue was alved i anys “The Chemisty Contin 0 and stated with anhydrous drogen cere. Tho suing esas ere ‘eeysallaed rombeazenemetanalte giveN.N-dimetyypumine deco ‘ie with spot 16-167°C. Theyre 1p he amie as 13.3 gf be “Tse ae esr comments tobe mde 81s, ming pois and secre Atos islastsipe bre taken roth erate stony li fai dco sal of DME. Inthe rn sya by Manse, he ‘lowing decionappea. “Tec ideo coldbeobane only aapale ello eich, nc ied ina vc doctor ove pasta hy ode ‘ese prouandhil”Thve ound o steps sates te erate nu The poly hao soses wal. The pistes i wel defitd, sed ‘mot or aon an praia, The ona i ed occasomaly in cial “ies Ealy aman state vied be jection of sttons of the bare ‘ie apart ma ydslving DMT base inine neous HCL and rete ing is with base to ahieveanend pH appoint 6. The fumarate heat ‘peselly approved th FDA fr urn tds. ahis wa the fo wsed oe aman inca injetoneupoyed inthe een New Mexico sais. "Astomeling pints same the ert ae of plantlets aseof synthetic amples Ait andinsnglete survey hated tbe flowing bral in°C" 3, 48.6468, 06 47, 48,6990, 5657, 57.89.5840, 61 157, 6 and 67-8, The 58-40 ani 6.67 flues ae fom te Alnch Chemist Compa stops aig the purty ni furs and 994% "Gold Label” feap THe Meck Ince ves the very ely very low values of 46°C und 486- 48 °Candclans that te pis .80°C wir atmospheres beng imple. {scl none os hah mare. No evidence has ee published suggesting Palmers. The ube np vals fr theme unten aie span Theron om U8 10 235°C: ncadinginewoen valves of 197°C an 16+ 217°C This propery sie vale [so spectre ELMS of DMT presents o sips, MS (am: (Ht 810 edenedy ene 13010 partion 182). DMT hd CCMS(nithNH withthe expectedM Its 10anda agent mass 166. DOSAGE: >350 mg only) 100.8 ararsculary) 6010023 (udeuaneus) (100m (amoked) 4-30 mgeavenousty) DURATION: Upto a5 a6 TIRKAL: The Conination (QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: wih 150mg cry) “Noobsevable ppc or ‘epee eles (vith 280 mg cay twas ince (vith 380mg) “Comply without tet the philoso vith 100g vat boca mica) “Nunes athe, but cena ‘vith nano) “Thepano aepatcsnhe wall at wre ominously moving. They ete taneprey, nd were cle. Ae sb pero hese ptr bese th ead of nas, fox snaeahagon, Then Eteoscpic imager pene ome in my iner eye, tas Deifl and cole” {win 30mg. intramaclay) “Tere waseye sion sad, sujet some perception dts Twins m,n) “ec rang, everythings ary. Laat sy soe, am fs of ng, can rete {ithe nama) “do iets feeting—tam natn Tsawsuch tanpedieamsa while ape Stange crests, arene ‘were back tndmoved abo. Now felt Tam pvalive Ms ethan smu [Asifmy bet would notes arf bam body 20 pth, AIT fel army ef ‘ods each. Tonk oe ith hough” (vith 7S mg, namely) The ted fouth ite ar the injection vestinesoipoms appeal sich alg Season. wemig. slight onsen, ta, leon of he boo peste ates ft le fe, Ath sine ine, elt phones, opi sions, peusbalcnaes. tn ner el balkcations, appeared. ‘The alcinatoen coasted of moving elm olor ort mots and ater saw wonder scene ing ety Fail The acesofpeoltemedtobe masks, Myematona state war eed Sometimes upto capa AI te highest point | ha compalsine aterid ‘moveents my lethand. My consciousness was completely file by balla ‘tons, my anton ws fly bound othe; hore Tou give an {ovwt ote events happening t0 me. Af 14 to ROU he sympos ‘feapean we blo deste what bal appeal (ts 0 mg intemal) “My percept distotons were sl in trea with ny ye clued Tend se cborelpats penal seer ters ving 8 faking sometimes very exp ction Cote ad eanaton, My teal prose went yp abd my Foils were ted. “vith me, sched) “preadeveny om ain of Tac agar td ted it wins eat lap In sot 30 seende 2 song gba Star, with fig of terior pesure, Sone yellows of he visa eld. “Thee wasting forme fo do tec | ato tar copie congo vei te Au. Of the paca ia 3-4 mits anhe fat hat he ado as on eee “The Chemistry Continues spprem Iwas oun few mae mieux” wit mg, stoke) "We di i wpetiex, Swift enay — bead over whelned™ cabot and exe. Stihl dhetsig pateras — no sight — igh see a ely shapes between mbt eweying. His ac, as ore ‘sithMDA, demonic ht plesasty so Hesidhesnt my fae asus. Head ‘net lethiscemy oth Haughed sare at aight was sigh 0a Heavy, massive itsiaton. Tie easonextarnary. What eed The hors was aout 0 eee” (wien, smoke) “Rapid onset andi completely sonedsation in abou sine for aout Bre mis, Slow tum but coined aherlow (lesan) ort minutes. Repeat ce mes with 0 apart ot ‘hang chroeoingy Esl nde, The nica of ined wetness tn the eden re omit lain” vith 100mg sched) "As Tevhled {ecame tly ali ny st seria pam sweting Atemblesene end abl oom ed me “Tine ht wos pening, he cul stop ba wae deve Twas ing dese ll ft wa fill reference point dey — ‘vical shateredina fe seconds Ten tevea mourn elo —shere at ‘pn to do the mourning. Up. up, et ot, yes closed, Tamat he speed of gh expan, expncing expanding fase and faster ul Tare Bore 5 ae ato oager ons Speeds so grea at everythingbas coe oasiop ee gaze upon te ete ules (th 15m. nrasenusy) "An almost inscaruscous rash beg inthe ea apd wis ikl seared. Rail moving ad tens colored visas ‘terete a otntsome comple snes Thee Wee ew ound a thse “ha wereteeweremof anyone aking Twas beta conte oth cea wth Dm nranenousy) “wast hades than never bon wen smoking the sf The nt was sir, Dut heap was ss" [EXTENSIONS ANDCOMMENTARY: Terisasteeerng bd fifraton om he sbj of iting ses an thet ae thaupbot te ae of he {Cerbtean te Amazo, dont the wes. pst he Anes, Colombian Pe. ‘hela at as accumuled oer teas fry oro yas aang be etemaly dificult ocranize. The problem besin deciding which sip shall, “auc hier ofiasfeatonDoeton oraz by suffname? Butea Aileen ibe lus diflerentnane, Dossone cay bythe platemplye®” "Tis oui acl eeiton nthe i ut a vee plan may have seer ‘auve mares And one snl my ve ary of several lee las oF pa Catinations depending oncakra ration. Toadsuncesintyothcomple iy hese ations ae being rap Tost, with te eadeation of flare. So ‘pone soul rm oth mf sland lay according to he hee ‘Simpson, Ti iappeting nh tee many ts sples vibe, a7 as TIHIKAL: The Continuation ‘wel a ost of antipope aac ich esa sand ata test can bead Borat xy ther te sophstion ‘he uber at prec ny ba Senet Nonulc nchsysemsigtcremaly proves bethe bet. eset cen asigumenef reser ob ace components soe fo Seta chatege those we inbe it. DMF and 3 MeO DAT a the ‘tainty ceca nmnsoasocabeinuoce ote der ny evr pant "Arla sarce foro of hes tif he nati cobb. he gun Sem oft Pena pore, Thr eo aera ere ‘tings nadnoer and Mines ny tpt he ane Se ‘anh tet esteem otal comin Tee {Er cients caso andthe nalcbta non he me Varuc Wit perenne nucrespa oemapcetense esa tu pisapaotetatacig eh cnseentbe ude DMT. Kia beal the pn often acs i DT And he ak Sem oe he mae source of X-meltytic, of SAMeO-NMT Gs Sty ang) ado [SMeo.DMTisel. esos colurinaoregresotaebulten neni Sees nly av coon pl Are ects nen Storopens ? mocrcpeced Psst omponton ens pare {hte Arazonin comers Os, rg parses and Prva te botany li comet “Tonavelsoncacecnes vel sen pes em st we dewxton Te ester Gm, sls Sse nate” td “Smetne aloe or amino at cone om ely led fuss. Theteufenacirtetce Mimesoundswetepasdnbs ese {tie nk oe ovis Se ema. Bah ny allo eet aka nig, bs proved be DMI, ad th ey ete Tet a fru chorea cade sexta mero ‘Epon in ging sbsp. Chet anes of hn plas uch Phas tebrn andes so Penatca)hae reveled psec als The Da als MeO DM tsa comps eoreiners mis ‘ont tine ect Ton Sed AMT oe ees nat lp exponen. How cn smcing at mt aly ‘Srnetconp ace? Aposilecploaon th ross ofaoheinl ih ‘enccabonshon chin Taslsponieor Ndi anon inde ‘itemise oe, hon farms hogy tnt iawn: Icey load homoge oe con ee Sipetee cat chncoigeud (mein ep ae proced iy he Upon Company Ht en sted Cal nk the oe ume Uose niet aligns inxs m mei. There ere Stoo far ore awance Payal ewe as shat ie ocd pee td peat Coal hae Web pyeoloRel ‘The Chemistry Continues effects. however i 2 ste Ibert proc nd doesnot have any "Treinkayshiaca salon MT conning dorton, athe presence fzomeharmaine cnaning lantirequiedtomakenastveby mouth, Tires ‘sscsed under harman athooph ee istome infomation tbe fundin be S-McO-DMT commentary section. A there ae several cies of Acct fond inh Africa ad Asanti onan DMT, atthe aie mda se a sae ryote ction. Tes oospt ae he part ad ars "haper in theft prt ofthis book. "DMT Everywhere” and “Hooch a ‘Ayia There iso eason wo pet ial bre. Inthe cl linia sais of DMT and DET, eqn se wae made ot sctzophcie pats nt ell tat ese drugs init the mena dace in nooal sujet the use of schizophene populations might be especialy intormaive ether tough sone enanod responce or ep lack of eons. (One clinical sy witha group of feral pens (wih LU or 18 mK DMT eingadminsered,pesaly by intamscul ines) shoved + delayed ‘cose dublngafline sei eedantromauononcetTts andas bee ‘thallaatons. {tly ani the lope pats ht alow te consrcon of ‘esac study tht wll ave eter wy Postve effect our poten is Sepponed. Nepales curbypheis supped. Doses pt trae dottey ewane? See? We were nih "A ssiy concen #0 noma his a Hungry sme 30 yeas 280, feundtheinseatonof 91mg of DMT lone be syepea e. With several ofthe experimental subjects inthis stay, the DM was peed bythe min {eatin of Fei epic wid boanolaie (UML 491, poten serena agonist This was gives eter rally (-2 mg 30 to 40 mimes before) ‘rama (0 me 10 mints before) Toe serve prety ampli the ‘ffeasolhe DMF, wi visdutdagiatedbalcnatons highly etsiNevesas, Sad amore exzeme loss of te and spce perception. I was assumed Da ‘UML-91 wat nat, bu reset rls nde haters can be cna tects doe Th rt davai dacs in teeny for LSD. [DMT ithe only pyehadele ypumine ta as recently heen when ‘troupe Kakaegoe reefer approval fr nan ses (ithe FDA, he DEA, andthe other Heath genio the Govemen? ands ane of the ew Schel rgs that being ook otal his coun ed, has ben odin Alter New Mexico, The itpblished eso ty show 2 smooth grading of sabjete effects as uneben of inetd dos. The owes ‘ose Gs.) as 0 mgr abou 4mligrans. ant oul ob dstingushed ‘rom pice, Avalgracs hee werethe phys fee witout he ret A ligase hesoldpychedel dose) ner all sbjes had visual allucinaton, bt ary hangs were rae. At lignes te eee were ‘vetelming bot in spend antes Tera the eg several ‘bjt was udermay wel before he 38 sco isin was complete: A as et TIIKAL: The Coninustion study of repeated amnion of dosages of 16mg a our tras ‘wasmadetoexplorethe pouibe devlopmettashor-emleranceandacne was ‘tse Inthe deinitonof DMT cor an endogeons psychotoen or ely appealing ass nual neater, wuld dsrabe 9 owt ibeboas ‘es not bud aplong termes tors the pve would pont eouly epi anderen would sptancusy sb don). Toes is our ‘hj were pve some 50mg of DST nascar esc aly for 5. ‘The la vel th were achieved andthe cto tomo ees oh tmydsinisandincaiivascuarfoncton wes otchnge, Nowolance wassen. ‘The peycholigilconlson were eB ess coining. Several sets {si hat the gh” weenie, at ters screw fe aaenaee of {nbjstie responses. The uy isl oto sen. Tanks to he Gvelopeent of ever ieeusingly cestive scenic Instr the sens of oy Mas or ote peels has boot Forth ‘Thumb tit pyar atu componcts ofthe banal. Das beet ‘pore oe Ia the ne of stiophenc pallens aso have 5-MeO-DMT, {ufone ands dete homologue Netherton. The ves ae [seme wah th admit of monromineoiine tices. Ameating ‘hope shoe ound in lo, ape of fomning DMT i plan, and 15 rect intedh aca ahjetand schizophrenics. ee nots tha sts ‘ompurine DN Ho evel between patient pss: depression, ee and ‘home schizophrei) snl noma! sujecs ave shown no erences The ‘higutous tare of DM owes apn couple of dle pois wa fests Iman compouedsyaeszd tn Canad inthe eal this, Then sme twenty yersntr it doco eet plat wrldasantral produc. Tiss "elite weapon in the ans ofthe war beter than yeh” argmen fsa vied. Toon, ar mentone Bete, i hs proven wo be a natural eal fenipoeat of huran tabi, mating te woning of ede rai nteetg, a th sstonin he Sched linge spi Gia hse that Tuesaverbandhenceaspeic meutng atthe orenson ofan any of Form fay sted substane (sue ws DMT) is ga. Our bans egal” “The principal eon ha DMT st be aniseed paresteally is rapidangeficent meh, Keane caaedtothe Noni Neenbe cycled {of-saines sh witha witboutan N-methyl grup. teat Neale {oform NRT and snple ryptanine sell. Besto¥n is env destin, bythe mooramine nese gem otheiaaceineaceic acd, Theresa Wil ‘hochemical consron proces own fr uyplophan anoles ancxzyatic onvesiontokyureniney te removal the le 2carboe. Asia produ, [Nimes nerenne or DM bas beensen with DMT, when twas aed ‘re bun od i ‘Svea sinpe sabitaton deities of DMT ae owe. Thos tare ‘now oe achedec hiner ow recipes, of couse, Sue thes wl be ‘The Chemistry Continses sarod here. The Let Ronaogue of DMT (1. timeheypaine) un be pepe ort DMT inKOtTand DMSO, wah CIDE. fone apt salt ‘whch mel at 175-179°C and otal, mp 174-176 °C. es ree han [DAT inrasburhas ap ideal serons Badin capacity. The compe with rethony groupsubtventatte [pols called espn, 1 MeO. DMT ‘han NO ton tissoalelautidasasabttedtydrosyanine, Foul love low ifanyeneanyubsrehaevertedamking Tate tight ery sellbeaive Petts omy owledg untied. Twonder yt eres ‘tame, Lesedamine? Two addon ig-subtited dreatves of DMT foe om he mine weed. 5-Bromo- DAT a 5b. DAT te oo in ‘hespongesSnenospngacariandsechina ses. Vareaoieathey wate by smoking (he S.1-DMT ust ight be) bt hey are gaan red 9 DMT ty sting under hytopcn sh metanal nhepesence of pla om haroa, very sly lel pang, Poybopoie maynard coma he ‘ery cosy related 5 6bometnpamite a the comesondng monometst MT. Ihnvethe fans of vying toscachthe rumor maou sar tal he "pies San Francisco Bay Area were Heating the Caran wih asks 1 Zi-Zag popes. tothe spongetadewshapycbodliferor Tien, Trofeo ke ced frst, The dereishted homolog mesons shove s N-metyeypaine (AM ands lo widely dint ture Chas syeeiia ane of Bath he Nyon and the 2 byaroxy analogues of NMT ae fund in another legume, Desmanthas licen, Ba have ech pharmaclopealy ‘alu Another provosie mon ali aalgse of DMT is Xeylopopy trypan made romindoie- aly choi eben cjlopoylamine ‘these dogeolyss oh benzyl group mp I0-82°C. Thisecrpoue, Ssvithte sme ade -neton cuuterprts saolentnoane ine Inhbtoe,and hes lo eon repaired to have polemic acti. The 2 refi onlogue ef NAT asm ram mt 3-2 bromo yamine {nd methylamine. Tiss 2Me DMT (or2.NN- TMT), Boh a8 tyme ie CT) have oma ete or this closed, he points can be ade regains ara, ‘de iterate wes spt frthe 2 poston of the inde ring Th alpha smehyrypamne, neatly erature eso de indble 2a 28 4 ie ‘Sin mail derivave, Thughost THIRAL the mmber ar deve the ‘noe ing adhe alpa ania toms esi an. Ante oo he eter [refers the side chun amino nitopen atm The poe mitogen the ne [prsion 1. And finaly Kamla myo ler new neues ated March 25194) iatereles Chemica Corny nected ig DMT pla ine Souther Une Sine wih a aneal apy of $0 milion ponds ear In ‘he indo! weed DAT can alo tnd fr deter, a ey TIHKAL: The Contination (#1. 2-DMT, TRYPTAMINE, 20-DIMETHYL; INDOLE, 2 METHYL S12 AMINO}PROPANE, 2-0-DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE;,2-METHYL- S{2AMINO}PROPYLINDOLE: 2Me-coMT; ALPHA2 SYNTHESIS: Asluionof 478 22-meylidole3 poston the indaerig afta? Inthe he exrple, exsnple the esti rpamines tha were tative aly th al sen rl stve. DMT, DET and MeO-DNT.tbedce nujrpacecly-enlyvepycteeli, all sve ro eval active compounds with he aden of ple met Sscuptotitniole > ptin. As Thadsmuglyaguedinthe dcssonsof2 Me [DNC, 2. MeDETand-MeO-TRT. i afta uk gotinthe wy fe \earetiveamine oxidases, and rte he eal rom expected inet meio dexucton, So what apres here? You tke x compound, cM, tht is ley immune is xidse tern andi aleady ly ative A methyl 0 toghve2MeaMMT or2abMT). And what happens? The ptacy ses Som, otup, an bya acter of 1simes. And ends wp beng me of edtve than ‘stmuln. 1 wool be neat ake advantage ofthe eal ene (With > DMP) and see which opal omer haste save poperies ‘Somuch fr generale. suspect hat do at ander the oivese neatly swells bought 8 GN-DMT; TRYPTAMINE, o.N-DIMETHYL: INDOLE, 342+ (SETHYLAMINO)PROPYL}, ogi DIMETHYLTRYPTAMINE; 3-2. (IETHYLAMINO}PROPYLIINDOLE; ALPHAN SYNTHESIS: (rom mdsexetine) To aso uf 55 ENUOAcin Sm acetic tilde hee wasalded2 Og Sindeleacete acdc mitre wa ee et Py TIBKAL: The Continuation ‘a cet eta ten emo seta cat eda Senos ct Crane a eee eau diacetate Caen ee ena 7) nae Ac ae ae Scie hl, Lo Seeger ERR AR in tine Sco teateae ie ahd anal Pre Re arte bpm relish Sai pein lene energies tle enone Sooke eee Beemer te ences Sere Spear ym rene ea ania eesE seed cee aH mage es ete reagan cet meas Smear ase eee The Chemisty Continues removed under vacuum. There remained 49g (95%) of cemethy IN. fermylypamine whch was used serach ine next stp. Ths war eld in 30m anys THF an hsolsionwasadedto age renin apenion (£37 gLAMin 3 mL THE, under top, andthe eis ws cnn for 16 1 Aer cooing the excess byerde mar denoye thecal asin of et THF feloned by slit aqueous NaOH predic oi hi can Be iy removed hy filvaicn. AM lation the ate wae sype of solve ene ‘aco a he esis 4.3 ryt from benzene cher ive 25 g (30%) ofaN-dimeieypamine(N-DMT) uli wid eof 9091 °C. The Netiyl homologue, mae in ssa Way from tenet esyleypamie a ap 187-189 °C DOSAGE: 50-100, oly DURATION: 6-88 ‘QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 50mg cr) “Something was ping, nd twas ater arog 3 coupe of hous it bt te owt sem fo BO anything priclry psyche bare. Tam wake and ale, maybe ile bt Stamey asf wee wearing lasses wth the wrong presen. Maybelle Dic Teaded aswell Ir ws several Mouser thexe psc conn Spear {vith 7S me cel) “Compulsive sessing, ad quite wife ipy Tredeaig some ice andcolén tit po appt all Pesce tobe proper, but tis ast i were ing ped with ay fhe stint vines Alter sbeut treo oar hor am Tosn the i pope am [rey machooealin ee or oarmore hus Sila toh clench, Sleep OR. Fm tsar hat going bighe wort Ores opening Why EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Thereatonshipeoneon oe MT (apt ethane andi compound. o.N-DME alsa Nineties ‘acl analogous to at Sen ih ke phenetlamine comers between tmpewmine apts mebyipiestyne) and methamptctamin: (apa Ainethyphenetylanite). Bathe ary oh ony an congas ‘sina la theamplsminc amp, othcompounds ae deamati lanis ‘owing acomplse sperma sympa properties ling carves ‘lr estement loo appetite, nd sieelsses: Hee he wpa cole Pcs are slat oe ste, bart ae a lea they ae tat tn ‘ial sis, hey bv been compar witha er and ih amphi, Fact forthe spel fost bt ryan used phan ever inactivity cage bt eed ome 10 tines the one of sgt, Ina ‘hee ate ame sppestons is es of apt he 7 pests, andthe absence of any ofthe wl nggetont of ryote tn 326 CTHKAL: The Continsation 1 mestioned an apealing hype in be commentary on MT, adit ‘monsumineoxdaeinhibitor. Bothonee mater homsome oe spndrme ‘iy, wool ners to dein conta tay eae tater ‘tesemigh ply m promsing the racy fhe mater of ayaa ia ‘re ceaminsted andthe decvted when then ne. Tien rgument cold tndstoukdembrace he metboyled coup, a.0-TMS, Iam pots of ‘ny tates tha have been mad arte deaminateenrymnicefetvnen, Patt ‘co fuses, discon, un-pgchedhe prem shown Bere. The expected inteasinpoteny ele etn aoap proper aking amore et compound than eter ofthese. Icha tsa ey. Tall ef hese casts, the aig ofan aden meh up tthe sirogn tom ates tary amie. Inte phestylaine analogy, on [NXimetlamphetaine. Ths compound per in aciupe of elandesine ‘ethapetaine aborts ae years ago aru ofthecooks subg Nemeiepbetine forthe custooaryyeecuse.epboline. Akhough animal sis on NAVdimetylamphetaminesbowed iw have Be i any stnulat ‘reper, the suties rennet since tba appened aan i cect (potentially being peduled ata set dr) thsdarealahe pte AnSsince iano recognized mec uty te bviosresing spat was in Schele othe Comries Sabtnces AC. An ere as deed, lace. The spoon ofthis octal modification to the typemine wea ives aphaNActinetnyptmine (@NNTMT). The trary amine i he Petylaine N cdmetylampetamine, showed alorin ie simon tre. Here he nding of ha ional ety roup gives ateruay amie thas he elton of DMT. Tisbasc hasbeen reported hvingboen any eer of 60 Seen owes to uaring wh ndne, Reaction wih popyencouie pave the [indo )-2propanol which was weatd fst wh Bry fllowed 8 inetiyline. Or acon with tlropopiony chloe gavea 3 8s interme ‘ite which wat convened tthe amie Lloe 12-meyaseeropiny Inde with ety. ‘Tis was educa the same pet, NCTM, ih LAH. The inal sat hada mp of 139.140 °, ‘Another palelenstseracentc amphetamine werdandcetyptamine word. Rather tan aiding second methyl proup tothe erin nirgen ingly Keep the oe me grup that tee snd lente by ater tbo to Nake the met ino a thy, With the enpbetminemetmphsamine pas ‘ype ths eenson pode th bonelogueN-thylanpbtanine any feer extesin.N propyl ful. Nete amphetamines. Withthe sane msjulation. “euointephenedy lane wong were tees Ssnethlenedinystaon ‘nthe aromatic none ps the MDA. MDMA, MDE. MDPR sre of cm Frond. The eat same word exis wih he rypamince Lengtbnng te N- Pehl group of .X-DMT lead to compound atu known nd potaally ‘The Chemictry Continues ctv inman, tc wich hve not yetben explore. AS dscussl under DPT, he presence of wodfenlyl groups ona eypnin se bes forthe {rps with hi stons ten snes o eters as pies ren of he ftised coe. But here the convention becomes hoplesty ambiguous Whats ‘obedanefeneohe esixesblongto ne group. athe tert ae? One estobreakihemop,ofcoune. Bu hen someting else MET becomes {oihamae tobe propel etd ine log index. Let's compromise wih {eMET. re he M Blogs othe a bute (ety io a ype) svgen stom whete it elnge.”So the Ney! compound (bine {Myltypamine) bosores MET an forms weay do the ectve sltlaieno! nl saetoe wah eanige (Hal wp 187-189 °C, perte tmp 203-208 °C), and the N-isopropy1 analogue (aph-meih-N cpeoplaypanioe bcemes ee MIPT arrow redctine alin ind soone wih noppglanine GHC al mp 228-290 °C pete mp in man. Wel, mye hey ae wd. An eal pc 1962) th gives the ‘yess for both the Nt and the Net compounds (.8'DMT and [MET chi that thy bok ave pychosinalan popeiee. ‘Anda fl pte becca Toe cde EMTs to meaning. kn be Penethylamine sen Ht Metis the meseine analogs, 34 Sermathon onyeypeomine or rane .(345.iethorypheneyspmpamine Thai thy #86 pg 07 of PARAL, and check he oft eas Here ees bftmetipntesrptines wilbepeededy the spsifilostins often ‘Boupe retises wi ube, Greet ete, nde N for nog, 2. DPT; TRYPTAMINE, N,N-DIPROPYL: INDOLE, 342 IDIPROPYLAMINOJETHYL,NR-DIPROPYLTRYPTAMINE! (2. (DIPROPYLAMINOETHYLIINDOLE SYNTHESIS: (omtnyptamiee)Asolionot 16g 1yptaminekaseia 10m IPA as tweted wits poplin nd 2p disprpylet amine, a sir room emperor 3h, The volatile were removed wr sciu,athe read was patton between CHsCy and HyO made asic with N2OH. The ‘rane se was separated, the agian phate exces with wo aol Portions of CHCl the extracts pooled an the ses remove ve vata ‘Acres fadbeonna weighing 275, wastoned wih pacccanhynde snd eat un the steam bat fr 3) min, Afr colin. sll amc of "moni yxide asad, sa the mature ned 209.05 NSO ‘This aueus slain was wate tenes with CHC and then made ac (ih 296 NAOH. Ths was excel wih a mL CHC, i ntact pode or 28 TIHKAL: The Continuation seiectirennya Nah detopeastemre ae ee ee Bulchueselot gc Nuneytyeccwiecs ore sme et se Gent tribes gun ttn suntan otter et ariseekatacemenereanens Seana eee Sabivenieena cect aene te F “oot | ta neem SN cascricey | fromaqienesFOH pear J drying. 182 g indol3 EN. rn Sipropylalyoxsiamice. mp 95 i 596°C: Asolunet 13 iain 391 Nd-” T n't koa am rey meh han by eh ue” (wits mg. orally) "In ena. ery mid yre-acy, bch passed of |maout 4 mines. No visual ees al The dreams th ight were ite ‘satying ast exellet ie ler roy ears witha eis 30g i ‘The nigh was ull copped lepine as op boat nce hou pe Cberaion thers same dec component os mtr. Barly pie ‘Would north kig again EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Cle his isnotanexcng compound Sovwhy gooite extensive bthrto malian et i Torte single eas tha ‘he disoprps sala isttly weirdo fhe wey pamines a eed to be explored. everthing ea pede, then nothing wuld ex Be Alscovered One mst oo ays far he aero at wl Send ht ou change year weeing bypodses and become regi tne ‘unexplinabe ings -MCO-DET haan onexpcted prop igheadales, and ertig ta ety sal dosage. Thismay prove to ee vale esc a this is diseased ins om entry. Here ia espome to ahr uae ‘bseraton NN disepopyptamineastexermnr ary tary doors, ‘What aout his mele does ts tang? Are bth pps ape aed Ts cnlyone nest? Might there needed bat sary thse smehing ely ‘The Chemistry Continues nasve sack at itogen stn? Ts cmpodnd IPT, ean ex rick in Chswal that il oni, define, nd desc te ie dete o ti emarble {ENS props: “Tiss why HPT ising. Lime itemize hese coe reaivsof be isopopyamine tapes ag one pop prop ba ing er besemething len, Whatcan Be seen fom lo is explora? MO ne mame acon Icsome oe eyed inthe 2S ag tea, pti has pot been ‘rough yp theme eve. rctoyl opps MPT An uncomfble ann sd ‘aconoruble ip bun ato) dptns yh opropst UT propyl opopyl—-PIPT)=———_‘notyet evalu) Teenie auditory distin athe Sopeopyl opopyl IPT yl impopyt—BIPT (pe et vats) 1s tate dsoropl substation ian aay est sutra component fis enor henomen, the wil Become ce of he Inst remake ols known forthe stad of he hasan auditory section es “This whyallothieresarch imprint. Youcan neve what me ‘npouad wild, So you mas contin to make ae compounds an you ms Section tobe he obec. istry an ering weed 11, GET; ALPHA-ETHYLTRYPTAMINE: INDOLE, 3(2-AMINO- [BUTYL TRYPTAMINE, ALPHA-ETHYL: 52 AMINOBUTYTINDOLE: [BTRYPTAMINE; MONASE SYNTHESIS: Toa S0°C amd minnie of 0 lai sesticacidan 1 aL cet any, here was odled66 gyal rionim cee, a ing ‘Sonnac ni solion was complete (20 in). Tote was ded oltion SEAT pindne Hearhoaleyae (ce wer MT for preparation) and 300 ‘hmpopne tn Sl antic acs The mio wisheldsreiteperare oo TIKAL: The Contin eat ela ate pia “gochett as woe cs seca ttm meer areca ie nk sapien rere Seer etennciratct tt ao Sec asec saoan COI thas | Seekers w SshesiaOD Meth ead wi Coacinraamwaa ameseetaramaamta aia aoe iene et ert alee gamer SN ies DOSAGE: 100- 150m lly DURATION: 6-88 ‘QUALITATIVE COMMENT: (wid Sg, ory) °No eet of ny kind were ‘elwit 0 lian, cally: (th 100g, ely) “A ea imperceptible fsing of eleng ad please has nod about RO mints ne, and een completely sone tee fears (th 105 mally “Very slowly oabe in water dy bite. swasanareofromething at hefres ahr sat ns hu ated ‘ale and fle iphof buy. Is ihe speed without te erdovscly, or Uke 8 [setelic witht the vsmls. Tansee Row twa sedi Chicago MDMA. ‘Atv nour, a sigh coin ofthe feet a ito wsuees inte gL ene teamiceeth teh ngther atic of eye-wigl ed tendecy tak with my ‘sespoped: Foran hl bors largely ut wth some ede ineyes nd ath ‘The Chemistry Continues Sixbours baste, od fie sep, No reid” (sng rly am inary fern place. Wetting at at tne same ine don Wao do Whe ery, Takes ees want 2 hose (ith 200ml) “Very hse, pre coboris fess ret. Reba 3 Inabouten ho, Stal focusing ery song, roger poh. Reps ‘angunili gocsoner the fo and pins tobe op. The pete feria fe ogee th ber Cotegs. lke bi too much to hand. Noe ely {tcomienable but gotaiceartccarber2stag, A wal seo pow rod ine. Lam being staf fem intimate conta withthe. Bat coupe of aus the push ofthe cog mashes and get more comforable. The day endad ew” (oth 130mg) “There Ws smaah onset of elation abo SS lowe with onic of mole atsicton. Barada elerison sere toe enjoyable hana ante nas fine enancerment of te Beaty of insimentl musiThe eft ccd to pek abut 150 rier and ws ‘Sully gone he ve our pit "TBere wee never any vss ner any PS ‘enc stortons, jot arm ples els. Noedeeae wiseep as tone nd tee were no afer lect the next ith Dong rl) °My dosage evel asthe bight ofthe group, bt tomy supe chad smo no effet whatsoever Aplsane,ifanthng Aer The paket naslowly coming down, ar ace of elo sgh depressed. “hiss one wl Taclved hcl, a wn nol eve eaghte prevent tne fom patcipating sn the fener good sprit ft grup Thee eal Psy thay wes’ wee MDMA forriingmightnebailpaaisance {6 the stiri of i aia. Think atta maybe closet he answer ‘Wonld take tapin? Nec wih nachna. Ted’ give enaugh exeing reward” (vith emg, aly “A seo feng of eng peace was eden in non aug there ws some eecedationYegied fo things i 8 ‘Sided way. [wouldnt want o deve act Tate seed 0 be ey sy “fting of thought tno vile or eniry dations. Thee were no Gl ‘dcufbunss ny bt ante ine expose lose stole ex omg ‘Appetit dpc, fone very ood, Sex a ear on Showed some ical in eating gst bot spfiestly enhanced pei ‘ring npn oe na ata A wey sigh emer could be detected ihe Fges aund th peak of he experense, Tee wasn Sve oak with ees sore reminazent of MDMA: am sr th his ea cou be quien ec ‘shaocing mati Theft oneal pray ad were esti gob the ‘ixtur ont. Slosp was uated however, te ext ming hte a ‘eling of due an posi bangcner wich quickly wore. [EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Thi ase, «ET or etptamine, W363 28 TIHKAL: The Continuation promising a deessnt. explored lnc sth ast sl by Upon unde the mame of Mase. s cena stimulant ct fs pobably et Se is ‘moneumiseodse into ati. bit appears A str fits staal ‘eaonsip te indi psycheels, Iwas Wie rom potest comer Gil use wih he apres of ap umccepubl cheese oes onion [now asaganloytns bl eer serait anemone ey opal, on ‘Ove poet ss en mentioned mre han on nando eps I ‘appear sve wel, with shor term Sst epites, as a effective tea it ‘chs dpendeny on opiates. Inchon se, eres areraps lease bal spverfourer ve day that allows a dosage nciion wal loadof rt ‘ofmore. Thang be some dissomfor suchas sore se isos ol he ‘oh bu sparen te witha fs et i csy and efetne. Het cl ol nation eatment tht might war closer meen techoneloguesofacEThavehen sated. Tht propytomningse (ePryhasbeenmads rom ty pophaa and hese ita uy om ‘tylacaecOH and eledat 88 158.5°C Wasnt my kale been ate. Bu supe hat wl ae a prey hefty dap opt same CNS sftectbased nthe oso pens witht silrbomolagton nth Ma eto Sescecnted'o MDMA. Rather han enghening theca onthe ie poston, some sais hae expel the knoe potency enbanscre hat comes fom sting methoxst gro on the S-pston of te ingle. This compound, $SMe0-0-F. as bea made om he Smetoxyinl} lace by cuping ‘id nitopropane (vith anuroniom sete) to form th itbaene which Fes cylin ater 116"C om es LAH rico nO! ‘THF gave We denzed SMoO-GET in 8 72% sel, np 20-208 °C. a9 he Inytoehlorid salt There tamale ye avoids LAH mich involves the convesion of Smetoxyindoe othe ithsane with-in, {followed reocton wih kel bonde to give MeO-o-FT ats ese 52% yi mp 10-112°C. Asmiphthss been rode twas me path (ET by tor of wo wi 10 malign erally producing app olin tht Jase several Rous somal witha ncreted Ret Best tn ily in sleping. There were opjchedlielfeca sch, odo unlesentside ccs, ‘Ate compound hat hs ben cloely acid with aaron. Irs Iced of acts s ought to react wit he meeps the nde 2 Poston, ne conden dat ale» Pacet Spengler reaton, tere wll be Formed diet ei-123.4e4ahyérofewboline This chemical ily of he bamine amy of laid, bt {have at ear of shaving bem xploedpyehedelclly. has boon reponed abe an pany of commen [ETnelutias he pre schodaing pot om the Aldech Chel Company) 10 snestenfsine 30% Atte eves sbepestod ti sh pay ome le In be cent aronef the paca pani {ET ns layed tantra in be colton for dig as, 1e “The Chemistry Continues ta wil be fo ef extraordinary portance once it hecomes mre Wisely own. This compound may prove piv in ear uintedefinion ofthe “ArlogieDrog Law. Iwasttotak bot: (2) he Cone Substance Aralogve ‘iil (2) What append in ali Denver and (3) Wa happened i 8 Dist Cou in Calc. During the met pial prod of he War 0a Dros Congress passed nd the preside sighed ae aw every to year oe eerie urs {te yearsof congressional reelection) tht incese se the deacon of What tere egal drag, othe penalties that follow a conic fr having ben {Stceldwittheom many way In 1965, ze was apropos df failed "he "Desigoer Dug Bll” thar ad ben ceed win the DEA. nd eon tbe Iesce Depart wr, abate to Compress a dese ein “hk wis «pop ht oi ake egal wo inker wih he state of 2 scl tan el tchage stn ay hat woul make fallow of he spl ings of eal Srp bo wiht inca changes ia its para folopeallens ima fstinea dpi woukldene acres at) ‘ta componnd a wel at hy chemical ste. The proposal Wet to tbe prep legiaive cmnic an, with ome moda, tba ain 1886. Tare wis chsh celsaton within fe DEA, expressing" Wedd A kino scion. ‘Theft ree Ariss ofthe Consinof he Ute States scene: Ail The Leite Deptt Arle I The Excuive Depainent ad ‘Atl I Theuical Depariment.Thefestof es cosssofCangres hich ths the lo wry aw an fining the ir solr of he ation. The ‘Second fhe eins the pe sent ho aproes the sof Congress andthe Dishes miliary fier. ‘The thin of tes nese in the efoce ent of se laws Thethce departments were died way assure a balance of power. Ie dangerous stp toward a tetaarin ste hen on peal ines rou ‘rth DEA) stn effet, both mie the wa hee (0) The CotrledSobstance Analog De Bil Tas i comaned tha Punic Law 9 70th Cotole Sbsanes Atak Enfecemect Ast [11986 This the soallelDesinerDri lich assnendedt alo the roscaon any cca witha usted dai salopoos Eitrinsiatrornacinmto asco nd itr ineedeorwsen man Here isthe exact noting ath aed: (22) Except ar provide in sebpargegh(B) he tem ool ‘vbnaneanaloae”mean sub — ) the cml ctr of which subtly snr othe chemi scare ofa etl saan In scedile To I (a) wtih mi sat depressant or allenogenieffecton ‘he cata eros sy ht sot snare reser than he sine pesca orballacnogei effect on teen w TIHKAL: The Continuation ners steno coavlled bata in shade or “i with respcttoa articular pero, which beh psn ee senso ined ave sinula, depressant, blunt ‘lst on the cool nervous seth aetna oe ‘eater than be tmulan deressanorallaing eft on he ‘etl neous syste of eau hence shale |e "B) Such tem docs not incude — “tyacontled abn iy any sbsasce for wich here is an apponed mew dog anplieion ci) wh respect w a paicslar person sy subace,ifon xemplon sin ee fr imestigaonl use frit pero, se sean 308 of he Feral Fos, Drag und Constict US 555}to the ext cond with get sich sn pra ‘osacherenpton oe any stance nthe ett ned fr aman consp- ‘ion tefoe sac an exemption thes elt wih reset to tit ssa "SEC. 208A cond sabtince slog shall othe extent, nen fran eonsumoton, be wet fr parse fh ile tie aca contole subst in chee” ‘Thiss the exact wong thaw, The dice a he more times treba convince come a wher th eiinlintet ight hive bee, it was sutured ia away 0 promntevaguens Thane wien Sse abut the rexel iptimar of ube tam,“ ‘ira Sina” east mache same” "Subst ea wos nea prety mock besa” Bu what dos sual ile Te ‘heanabgy fsceingvo ca plas sbakersnth cater te any alee With ‘calbnies inthe er screw down cap conning andthe oe ith lugertoes coming pepper. Are these wo ems subaily sia? yo agen to bea collect fang crys slasware ths ens ae comply Meni. I youhuppen nee aida endian nyo ce tee ee ‘wally difren. Youmusthnow whoseeyesare bring lnk hough oapposch ‘he quostion of "sail snr At al fow ear ag a Southern Callea the sve was see nce snd orl fora enone ry when eee shemitgrveanerpetopiion itewe thing wrestle ‘were rete th 0% Maal Ihe righ hd mre than SO etl othe ‘eho? Tis opinca ws pucly bsard ‘@) What append intl Dever? few years goa young man ‘The Chemistry Continues incovered tht te Asch Chemical Comgay fered alphe-tteyptanioe ‘uc asafie chemi. Hesold buyin 10 cues nd parkagetia 130 ‘liga espe toe ldo the ert tae sts oF MDMA He could she i. Hisar cmeto he tenon of Law Eafrement and an pion ‘Resco a DEA chemist that @ ET was not an analogue substance. Sothe Jrosraoe decid sant peng charges Batotevery onc agreed wl isnt Slope epinion ‘Shibechemistslstedthe thos of hi potessonal colleagues andthe answers came tack tha many no's eye's Te o's were fo ose wh Feasoond bjeively (lente, compar te src) sale Yess wee rom those mo reasoned abel (ase pote compte he a). "Te veer cE peddler cond and ws pin ott sk ‘he ambiealdtes wes! to another chemi, and ergs Were Hall BOUL tndrthe Analgie Dag Bil, Buttes open ware econ nd he it {hens ws brow in bye defense topes thee Ginga be Clay ‘here wor uncer iths was a analogue anything et washed. The ‘Roath tno fo the bene fie of the DEA gave tein tha ‘ita gusto, am analogue Buta crs examination, he ws ase es bow ‘many dn and Tor fr bow many feet drag, hd Poe sed tha sue “uestonesoncapen wines ata cima Pefapstweve, ead. Andnow thay ies adler the onlin at eprops compound een Thalogue of shed drag? Tn every eae. The je decided ht hee were Some cilising opinions her, ang the exerts, an ssa the charges “Toe cena was ven theming hat his Mo eneny was ox comin, dtl boven in eft. {G) The tet ofthe spelt deion nhs mari valabieesson in thefinc asin grammatical aay. Thal BOSF Sop. 232(D.Coin. 1992), Innay of bctgoundiengbasnes that he prose he coated Sabsince snus sitet Sta underpin chemist ho UN with tsecsles of cooled attace cet ew dogs tha arent yt ig. In ihsease be dtendans werent chonist who cresedormarkste eiger 8 buat alegodypurchaed and dru a subsance tat precited drags 10 ‘ich it wae pore soalapue. This was ebay in and fief scent ‘su deny the pes But he argent developed marvelous new xu as things pope. Arssominder of fhe wording ofthe a ee 3 sof oun, ‘tty daub item sot ase ine isin) the ie ‘aes ofthe defisitealpat ofthe aw can De emmarizd allows (chemical svete which 880 — (i) ehh eam eet at S50 ce Gu) eh isepesmedas having ete tats Sst a TIHKAL: The Continuation ‘The procuton’seading sa analy this dfn “The goverment reading ofthe analogue defo hs spf appl Ass mater simple gramme ans plc fore het er ins sees cach term nh sees ust ened io be njontv. Under his ‘ling. ET would an aralogue sisi any ofthe clas boweve, ths atingignresfber gamma piciplsha ppy in wor of defendant onsrcton The eae semen of elas) a) Roth Bein with the word whit” signaling tbe sat of depen relate clave mong & Frevows nun. each case the cede noun "chemist edit ‘hase Becase bth lass i) and i) ean Be ea to mit le (he Stator lingunge canbe fy rat sequin he twerpomgsd efiaion ‘see by he defendants ‘The defendant's eating and analysis of i defini "Defeats eating itainnolcredty a sept rot eof airy conseyetion A state must be contd seid onnendovor shades tt Tadopete goverment cotretion nde elas) independ. lol rein mould be consoled sabianceuaogurs Because concent oom, they can have depressant or mative eft suntalysimi w t enuolledsubance, Lite read lei independent pdr gat ‘ould ae a anaonse if endorse Ut wa cc ete ‘Saveringthislaw mo couse sat, Incase dent te penecied forseling a vontolled susan atlogwe ven bough te alleged slog di neehavea chic ttre susaatiy mr sched Ieonroedsubstance, Tse to reves sirinendd reat le at ‘ply to ay subse tha the government contends» coli stance smnbove’ ‘There iat intrcive it of ino to be cid, I ly, 186 ‘he House af Repeestavsconierd the Designs Dg Eafercenent Ac of 1986 (HR S24) At withthe Sent, he How il focused om undrpeand hens whoseekterade te dg laws slly sheng scot sabre, ‘he House proposed r-prenged dein of “eioguc™ tha ally ‘etic tecomsiction averted by the defendant hers, The Howe Hil ‘omaned he ime thease he creat saat, bt nde ie word an ‘Mer hse (Coos linatly adopted the snalage sates prt oF the ‘ompobesive “Ant-Drug Abuse Act of 1986.” Inexplicably, te alane ‘enon emtted by Contes deayped the word"and afer la) "Thispet wlldefles theese intent of Canes nd wove ‘prey penny ooh wt wo append cletthatan"Rc omc nisl ‘wordt changed te hear oh weds okone whom ane The Chemistry Continues Heres msec ofl whihmaks some sense ot of slop a ‘nmasberemertre athe pape ol of histo determine one ot, ‘etic inion mute pledtocsabish jw whats anannloge. Tht ert ‘ele asbsancemay be aconlledstsnce anlage oly it satses ‘sn (apd at ese of class (6 "Theresaiscining pte mont dsypin pestle Jn 1986 concen te nterpvaton of hon hice nvlvng amore {nd phnetylniae beng snalgues of f-mcamineres ud mearphs ‘ine rope ats ageless acne unde sano state Ts {stromthe Unie Sates Distt Curt oe Dist of Mines No. 95213, {Tn therating te Angus Deg Bis paras wih allowing ext" 8 vg booms conrad aubtance hag «comical scr substan Similar that aconiedastace, ants satan smart onthe ser coma nrc, or lea somone epee at 5 inendsito fave chan eft” Thins face nde sure ced for hs (uot, 21 USC SS 800324) has no such ex. Ants portal ASpENE forcmorenons. Isupeees tht an analogue sl Seeme a coal substance, ‘ator nb itd usfitwere a onmoled substance, also inode undid erm relevant mee.” | tae he eal bc rou ‘Suen th ex tha he semen cannlence tre cor chaleges nth a) ‘tconr sistance analogs. Do, aby hep ned a Nd a chemi ina gives suai aconoled stance analogue ces not make Utatchemial a controlladsbstunce The aogae aur ext for jth go intance, and the ot ne he mers al ar ove api ecko tbecane ving aE. TheDEA retreat king wounds. and gat sm ask by immediately proposing the placement of «ET i Shaul "They sessed and Mons today 9 ogee FDA proved depressor tt, ste drag wih igh ott fr abuse. Oe ofthe toe anerpeted fons fase cas be see inthe cst ote fesearher hn ‘shed to sy in weep! way Belo thecame a cheuld gap ‘yleypamine was hatskrownsa"Frechemical”anwasisiecinecaalog ‘jr ceric empany (1985) fora moda 090 for shane rams. came Shed dug by emergency shelaing tht ame year Rect) (0905) ted hat thecal as Bon dsc (ar fine cena) ut has ‘peatdina catalog feomacsjr ep hoa forneralogiesl chemi. Al ‘lt plamine nw ques DEA era for purchase, andre a S124.00 {or 1Dasiigran, Thales ct at 44,0000 fora ude para pece Inline oft 700, er a TORODIaccase. Now THAT ity deste THKAL: The Continuation 22. BTIELAD; 6-NORLYSERGIC ACID, 6NN-TRIETHYLAMIDE; ‘GNORLYSERGAMIDE, GNN-TRIETHYLS. GNACTRIETHYLNOR GAMIDE: N-(6) ETHYLNORLYSERGIC ACID, NN-DIETHYL- 9,10-DIDEMYDRO-6,N,N-TRIETHY LERGOLINE-8)- ‘CARBORAMIDE; N-ETHYL-NORLSD [SYICTHESIS: A solatonf 0.323 gyri ai ethlamide(LSD)in 10m. (CHC) wanted with Dmal.CCl and add overte cour of Theo arfaieg selon of 048g BFCN in 30 mL CC in itopen environen td preted ‘rom dre illominton. Aferthe aden was compl he reaction was belt reflex foranadonal 6 allowed o oa asd washed wih at tees Slain foftaraicai. The organs solvents were removeduder aca, the reside ‘eivedinOmL-CHsChandwashed wit SOL dona artical, ‘he CHT pase was id wih yous Ney, fer removal he ying agent aon he solvent was even aca. Tersde as "ean asap tough go oral laniabeig elute withad?ICHCl, MeOH mixture. Censluglevmatogphy wih semi apd CHC, andor ivogon amos contig smnonia, provided ssa proiuct.ARer ers {lotion foe IPA cr XOAG the was ona .24 (71) yan nor SD (Glide. eyanoerglie aP-caroxamewithamp of 90- — oe. o “Toasoluion of 0.38 .6 (GxlomL hepoted exacts ded with athy- ‘rus NaS, and the soveteaoved (ater ‘tion under aco providing aa sali Cea ctvomgrphy (ith lamina CHCIyMeDH lion solvent ‘unde an amon vapor entiooment) followed by thereof the sate ude vai, yell sold pect ich at rey rom FIO! hecanes. Thre was hs obtsined 019g (61%) olan ers of worLSD10- ‘hyo NN seyepine SB-artonaade) with amp of 196 198°C oe) "Foasolaien of 6 mg or LSD in 2 esl led DME unr sirogn atop thee was ae mg saydoos KC) and 369 ey ‘odie, When TLC analy indesed ar te ae LSD tal ten cose 2) UMlsolaies were removed wer ar vacnonn, The esi ws soldi in ‘The Chemistry Continues ‘uICI (StS) and te pookeentct did ver anhydrous NES cee ‘itaon ne olen moved ude cr The ree wan seperate is ‘mo component by copa ester (lumin, CHCl, open sd ‘tania capri of which wn te mor pdt. Afer removal {Ge vofent ths wadssved inbotbenzene, leet and cols. The aon bexane prompted crvalizaton of NeBsl mor LSD (10 dehydroN NG ‘ty leoline Seaboxamise) aa white crysis product weighing 6 ss (Gi) aferdyng nhadampof 108 110°C anda a}D +40 (e046, OM, DOSAGE: 400150 micograms ely DURATION: 6-12 (QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (th 20 pce) “This hat ery el eee ‘Sh eve, wheres Theve mo rape ata rm SD 3t 20 maken" (with 304g, rally} “Ths aed coming oni ite is. and ‘scompletely deslopdinaneberoor ery few visual anges ordain bt ‘ay eyevelosedgey ety muchoateferten hous tara poe repeable xpeinea ‘vith gs cally) “Yn aout a our os, gene movements of he use plats were el. The pining of he Walkway above tbe replace hanged ‘ilesuny spots wee mv be. The sal aspetsbecae ore LSD ihe ‘Her scope mor hu, hugh very peat wa). The sper Windowpane Tooke tse dimensoal as ough th eda were dob ped they were not Stones rock ad plas fd a mop bok othe, bt Ue ate Inokedtietreark. Ocala darks spo would goduough evisu ‘ieldand page of shook wouldmove skarly wiBut elo. These aspects ere very lesa: {vith 75 gs only) lamuptoa within te hour aed eting ay Ihisvery dure an ceil ot anmeie Havbeondsng besa fr th Fast. dys bt olden be terse in fod. Ako a decongestant. ody Felsalaced Turkingeasy.Concepseasyofao trwph Mindanelngs topter as Should e- Defi) a pla vo. 0 futher T wonder woul! be Posie, at ey evel atin tha aig oftware ha ithe ps et its test? Mj mind wasaraline capable of alia dow ea hough his isot ater tt wil sow you tat wo ches fhe Moo” {ih 1 pea) seo sneaks pom you. Cerne push FLSD apd. say. tthe pre ier. Possible ee slowing syle) and ro price pay the net {ih 80g.) “taodinay experince. on lie demands of SD, js comply gtr wip Ter mre it of une discomfort ard some chile nthe tl ce) were ual aid uch passed. Pre mus, TIHKAL: The Continuation EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: What a remarkable compound, Iisa Tie more poet tan LSD, bt ach ns agpesve inthe at of ton “There appt be tif any fhe pase big conta mate, of SD and ‘apealy model degre of val dseron. The wari and hor appears Toaspectha this maelisaer unseat, cvenasthe trate indie sine, shou eanmt gs why dt soa few meth in the tray. the sabe ofthese allie el and woe legs ‘Which rings ack th msm an th topic of be a In > ‘ign! wong of the ConlledSabstnees Aco 170, our Feral dag a, Urea al fur plants ing “Shaders InSshelel bre Was ‘Manjons tried ste plat Cans and ese ter dines he ual Loptophoa willamsi a Shed I thee was Opa poppy an pn sew nd Cacti generally row a comma op comes fromthe plan: Ppavesomnfruman dormer comes eh lt nitrnlun cova bu amnotawareofetherof basta DAO aN am m TIHIKAL: The Continuation Deen uy en ine ten A ipl fic wae ped int Soni! peer he ein fh arn Toko a Stoo orp ates hs ino Ca eas ‘eaten bn cel ng Sohne ey foal anes Dima atin eer held ps ‘at aor ne pl sees of ere rg ses can ou ad ‘enon ener ha Plt Spare ono ie: Nef de adc spi tne So wel ely ‘orl thre age mals sete? Wel ol ‘Navneet soe ey em py mama ses cticBt os be defcnnen oben, Wh ewe far bhplsi sn pune nl Sc pa ‘tnwlignen ht hte Swe sonst mii ena eS tent bn snststcome penguin, Me de ee bon tenons sae fr ia detect ae? hie png fem or procson sayfa a Schlag! Otsoueiemph lo ss a eae nile o Stl usc er cy Ys oa: pare ae ‘aso ent ed ny ne al ea ety cod ‘emebing eg" Arena adits vette thru at prop he ay Peat er ‘fern mony yee gh el ey ret Spring en nmence my ease for swe wey ‘set es ae st iat cheap capa the pans ein tcc,» Ste Maron Baha 1b Mattapan moron Tay eae neue brn of po sl leone sce, sedi. chenr none enpon lana co ‘ids sme memo pone, Th eras a oe Yue aly. Sat anh pci rom comune at ‘horses, Yume yoann Tepe ‘commune at ehihacounigowany paleo Ours thtsendo antes oping Teno peste finns Theos teete sist ofoerice ans seating al inutdglos Peotone tte mens orcs Sho elas eten nde pe Or Sa {esis ment me one sone nich “hewn gues bd oe ea ess he chang Ceres we nde ybn on pn oath mae ‘rslaton hiro ted ere SHODET ey Tene ih he mtn ft pe in i St st mp oan salsa poas ith un opus em ae ‘The Chemistry Continues syne tne that pf the mel rte “Anthrside, Tere eat anon tof omene tare which hase sedfr yeas The ny mes fre peyhins SOP cs he ‘hosp thing) ad pci ws PSOH bec othe exgenedOM rp). Thase stent th ht freeing othe seat atPSOA, he Orme thr vs PSOMsndrhechemicl memes O benzyl eters PSOB. how hat ‘sever cithn, bt stil do Besse tn convenient anda tcp One case "haf not mie, but Sando’ is CMY for -nety pn. Th ita Been Ieokedatinaclacl envrnmet butane sto iacty Mss {orwad hing mak. Two ove ko wht does. 19, SHO-DMT;_ TRYPTAMINE, NN-DIMETHYL-S HYDROXY; INDOLS.OL, 3424DIMETHYLAMINOJETHYL: NS-DIMETHYLS HYDROXYTRYPTAMINE; | 3.2-DIMETHYLAMINOETHYLINDOL- ‘SOL; NN-DIMETHYLSEROTONIN; BUFOTENINE; MAPPINE SYNTHESIS: A solnion of 067g S.hyoyinle Gada) 10 mL ry ‘MeO waste witha sltion of 130g NsOMein MEOH, lowe 00g teczylcles, Thermite washed esteum bah or. athe lent ‘moved ude vic. Tereide was stopended beeen sO andCH aC he ‘ran pase opted andthe agacons pone exracteonce wih CHClp. The ‘Sntiedergants xe supped solventundervsouom ante residue dil ‘Neots ration came over at 170-190°C andsponaneusy eralized nth ressver Thre wasobained.90 (30) Ssenyonyndce with amp 81-36" ‘nich ners on reais from wenlexane, £094 96°C. A sample [pepaed fom the destbonylaion of Stenylegisie?-carbonyic ck Bt Feenrepares havea mp of 102°C fre benzene. “Aroltionof 0p -benzoxytdbe i 20m BGO was cael 00°, ‘igneous andteatedwith0 6 gona eres [Om 0 addeeop tie, ona the source ofS Ab Tat ay into tbe aon apa ed oe solidappered, Thestiringwascontin- | HO. oH sesfornadonalO hanes Ly Seton iano wae t ‘rid canal sewn yO, Tis acid 4 ‘horde Ba aap of 19-151 °C and Seated without eke periicabonccaraseration ne faloing econ Tewss added ip small eremens fo 12m of 239% aqueous salon of Aigthlamis, died Wath aco HzO, a the esulieg Sods emved Oy ‘ileaon, Tse were wae Wit 0nd thr EO anda ed The rod ms ” TIHKAL: The Contnation ‘Stenlon.NN-dimethyndokeplyoxyamide weighed 18 2 (82) when ry and ad po 195-187 °C Toa else uapeion of 0g LAH ina LEO wasted 1 slwion of 10g Senay NN dimethy-1ndolegj ona 1 ma. ‘THE. Wher the abion wa comple he mire waseld stele. {or 6 cola: te exces inode snares complexe decenpoed by ‘teaitona#0,anbwhenthehyémgenevohtencesedtherire wae ae Isle with cncenrted NHVOAL. Te sie were enoved ty fiona the ‘ler cake wae with THF. Te flats and washings wes rine, s the solvents removed nde vacuo sve let enue at wa dae in E30 ‘nd sified wih Slaton of vali ald in Bz0. The formed ras were ‘moved by fitation, wasbl with EGO and ale dad yield 1 p (4) of. Stenzlons NN dietyleplamiseoxalste woth a mp of T7A-AD °C afer ‘eerysalztion from MEOH. The byeclvie sal hay epered mp of 134 SSC, an of 12-153°C “The en roup wasreaved by hydrogenation ofa oui of 8g benylny-N N-dietytypamine olen el. MeOH containing 1% PC cals. The mixture hs shen under dhe sm ydge fo athe sols remove by faion Evaporation ofthe solvent unr vaca pv & resided was dscledinaabydrou FO andacied with asain of aie {din 0. Thee wate eins feria, EO meshing ying, (0534 (87%)hutenine mono-oaite ae pink needles with astg93 °C. Arm ‘of 178°Cin he irre my be fhe bose. The fee hase as ae spor ‘have ampal 125126 °C 0 146147" DOSAGE: 8 16mg, ntnvenoesy DURATION: 1-2 ‘QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (wid 1 mg, iravenoy, oer hc mite Pern) "Whine othe st oe igen) Tr geting i ay ‘Shest nd my ace fe fal Dem abbey nets and islet fr sho ime. Ih esting eases, vith 2g iver over} mine prin) “tien my oat and stomach ad sere at my Pub was aig alouph aparently ‘tere ws ao change nether my seo ood pes ‘with. insaveny, oer 4 me peso “Desig te ijton, ‘Mita staring senstonin fete slo presing down rmbove and ‘hen aumboos tf the etre ody. 1500 fed se lack spas ivi range ‘t— movingaoned. Apparel purplshfae color lsedsome Sous, ‘eller visa things od depend” (ath, venon over mina peri) cae ithe ‘The Chemistry Continues 3 son the inaction stand then my face wrzed pape and 1 beeatie Tousen and fe Toot beae. Tee whi, aight ine mith lack teckgroand.Tean'traceapatem, Now three geenandyllow dose) eit they weremade cof arescet thing lief ciple, weaving in and oot of te whe hes In ater wo nm, ‘veyhig was prety mich ge: “ith 10 me intavenuy, over #50 second petiod) "My fe was suddenly very. no brent fst enh vith 10mg, naavenoay, ver 47 seco prod) “Tere were mo cholo change. ‘vith 16mg intravenously over a3 mine perio) “Alnostmiediely ‘eta buring season nh ot of my meth an fs ging al ve bd My ae ed ule andy chest el cose Everything baa ell ean wa weting ely nd Yomi. Word canteens, Nb rndiels srowded, When stator bought saber one ane slong and clases tht Tcan'eqpessmyslfcley. lahereand acters now ben for mies ad feet beter, bat stl el ie woul ike wale of ik hangs" EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Tisisapresentation ofthe very atest Stiies done with aftnine with aman objets with 1 scien tensa state metal hol and wh two convict ina saps. Teens Stevie ee inject ovr the cause of thee mits with sion of Safonioe athena. Tscingle best, adesripionahypeertnieris (eke of etn in the bod cals caro fs) a al ot the "ightine nd thei poe.topat teenie on te books asa dangers Loy FDA casticaion. And wit he pssgeof he Copa Subvtnce Act 170, itwatplaedin Sete asahallocogen, wih abighabose pte and ‘waceped medi uly Whatever te acta activo betaine phe, {nd wht lee lay inexpain hcnsplxrae oferonn nthe an ‘imal ony weuldheextemelaicltiossy Recast othe ehng ef the face of ancxprineatl sujet ina pro in Marla inayat oscaed just he Woon ae But tha te plc of he ag Icanot el but ome 0 some aspetorthe dial ates thatccompanidthese tudes, Hee wee acolo ‘of 8 schizoprenipatients—expenmentlcatlsfe alo ant id in wc he researching phen ved th dg. Len the estan ‘fen ay llwing» rape inaction of benine.“Thee wat Ince sation, She could uly bare devon own liv an sb hod tobe umd o ese The oleae ou sly ding the peso extending Fomttheendoftejeton ul ome 10 ies iter wtb noch change inbloed pressure. Respomsvense retract abot 23 mats ach ine te en was eniely Ic and in response 1 & que ae 1 a preinjeion ws 6 TTHKAL: The Continustion soggesion,spkeot slong repose memay rmthe spore ear wheashe ‘ame io the hoor and sa her moter ing of asi Remortage. Ts ‘asta bout fet and ad wo erst cosequencon.” HOLY COW" A Schizopiese iim vluteen org rpresed mor) of br mths a ‘maida And wie seo eel ane nentalbotals ol tie, ‘wo physcns ervey igor what toy would be conse a dramatic ‘reattough a bergy,Anuter otis war acknowledge as beng wea ‘ak requing unica eapiion sitrveion, Theis etch nth ealing tol edie! ‘So ch orth pits andere matical tics lets, Whats one sy abot th dug Hull? This an exp of very rae bes of active ‘Spends coe ct be feun in both the anal an he eget kingdoms. Frominadsto roads. The areanumber fener cose src eaes out there inthe wit world. ‘Baleesne mit ad foremost be eh 3 2 {ely clo relie to eon (one of oa rns earraiter) of Sich it she NOtiety| Homologue. There re may oiesons on ‘tre mo ogre sens of og an hese al ase eceptey Sitar nas self ome al them "Before: hiss te 1 eer atenine with africa is tint plarthunbuetn, nd coresponingy esky get ino bra, iF te bisa nid poston were Wel exe In sone Wslopclysble ‘mane, ben this compound just igh be enslave but pod oviea Penal ouea cen with MeO-DM. The expoed duteyaian grup ‘ould il make an ery ube for MAO'S, ‘Bufbteniine or Cinbufagine Tis she gta sie intra sak, Stydiony NNN-mthyleptammonium al also ogee fund ‘-tiydrgen elite ester, bat hi later ao eal name. Menton as Boon tude of tutenie adsl ener san ocsional companion histamine {aloes ound trop sis.See he appendix om isin Dehyrobulotenine: Thee is covslet fond formed Danse the meted trogen tom and he indie poston by he thor emo ‘ofamolecleothydogenisnolongerasinpetyptaniebutariisaconnonly feamd component ofthe cheney of evr ta and few gn st wel Hisincodedhere sb detaon, aquamary amines. Thecrgil sac: ‘signe was that yaa wth helo of aydrogea molecule ren he ‘ipa in psions) This was sdown tobe inconect. ‘Bthonne This she byoge sult et of Sehydrbuftsig (O-Methylnordehyarabufotenine Tis rearangenet pode at etydcbatenine wich ty bea etal pct nay be a att ‘asia ‘0-Metytbtotenine: This tps are ctssver lao oun in ‘wan plantas ella toadfany.Risenteedasarcpeundertbesyrngm SMeO-DMT “The Chemistry Continues Norbuftenine 5 hyory-N-neiryptamine, N-netysertonn, SOHLNMIT: Ths bas isseatere in othe animal anh plantings. hasbeen foudin gute afew toads and intr soo. bas bee elated em. the herb Desmadi phe, Ths san mre it compo 1g, halfway bemesn pote toxin fens) and itl nent (eetonn) And itis nespoe, for sha. Iason detected the une of Schiznpreic abject. ut tat does sy anthing about its peti sc “Tit are birony tsp my ake elo ett the a, bays cals bateaie wel rovedto be. Teremovalt he seco met] 0p reveal seri ‘Bafogenns or Bags: Thee are vag stl lates tht are bear toxins fund in oad ven, Tey hve no chemi resemblance Putecnine whatsoever. Examples ebufgent B, buf an buen ‘Bafotoins- These sf sol blag. sully hed van yay subi aid which ina, bound by 2 fp Eko arinine "Tare veto suc arin of bleenine dt Ife! woul be icresng to explore One deals withthe eer ofthe Syn group, ‘The ‘met ether ofcourse, 3 MeO-DMT. Ins maxoed dove unde th name ‘Onnetnloultesine. What abou Be cbnous Otten, 10-DMT ‘aonce ben sate from hotel naphysogne ty, honetylamince apis ee (MEM i potent a2 TMA?) then S:0-DNT Should eas peas 3-MeO-DMT. Ad robably woul hie tobe smoke or Syd gop. Fig svt in tings ike the bale ulate wold ently, bt perp an ace cter ens mine frm bstenn and ace nye) woulllowitomake inthe CNS. naman smote scette {the yaroxy analogue palin. Tht ce was an mye sila group called Tense of Caen. Word Ass who gave ino people allow emo uavelané witeon pis cau interest was onthe mating ist, hich gavemeaibubscoleton ‘sTessosandvignctes writen Andy We ho terspur same often gett Ino sok ale, De Mariage fhe Su and Moon eying cans ad deste armen butetein Twas pleasant reminded ote esays Ady dete the mage of Un elle He was nally completely nance hy the way thi youn ma rom Israel could ter the prec energy of an alee 10 bring about rome resale phenomena, Hn tthe hending of eye and sons at at ‘ene wewing ar i-eacing a wel. Ia the Su of th acl. ‘Andy wasatalconven, bie the wasn aboprosen of erin ‘abegun wt Andy's eating withashepicaled he Amazing Rand bck Sapte most of te illusions with hi slight of and matey. Andy wet om ‘oa bebettooaldsteleina ery Sor peril of ine tse that hiseaot a a8 ‘TIHKAL: The Continuation envision wat wrong and taal wat indeed srpesecation, Thi change in Psion ofcourse managed oofendbadh camps. Tea be camefinaly amide found, The ss of Un Geer may be exetlly unanswerable. Peyhic Penomens are lived by sme, Ae thse things faa? Who jing ll {nd rom wat pit of View? ‘Andsoiiewichbutoein,Iitan active rychodc? Aboay ys, volte and nb yes ad mayen. “The cally reports sed the "Paychtowinec” tem and pase for & pryeledlicitereiion of he cbseration.Obsever 0 cole sp, Sight ies aga Back tchground. "Weeds cnt cone My mind el {rode These and sindar deseo se fen encoatereea composi of PsctedelicexpeenesAndyelastepc woul polo the lms tres sel wih oleffects and periperl paning: my facture ple et Thecane nn leuldan breathe fst enough. Lactation and tyes "Thee lr nce frm he sal aelecton of Sommers ven above he eroded he eats ste evr nthe “Quan Com te fered ta describe the ne eter of pe aps eon ferent rs of delivery. With insfiaton, I ave oe tht cine etn of Fea, Moshing of te fice, lactinucon wd hye, wih en miligams. Abode reposts th ae Snoring orig he observed neither ejeive not ‘ajc tects. Some enc dcke tha he compound i ngesiony 8 eyetotommecané must ecaaloged ght up ther log With LSD aod Palocybin. Osher equal sincere present hunun ls hat apse psph ‘alec and conduc that tes ceaal action be seen And tee ae ‘ny hoa thathere eno eects tal ttle or ous the CNS. The ‘eychopharmsclogeal rats of buon, Ie tat of Us Gell, may be “Two recent publications provide new’ and provocative ing tis ‘he ast Coat ale Cinee Love Stns, Blick Stone, Rock Harder Sad 10, being sold phon. They mere toe mntened arated othe pei tuts mien he expe, qt few wer exten ant evenly sed They coined seridloxis. ad were pos eae some eg ins but they Were claimed tobe bufnine and ned contained bien in ton ‘ver cardia welt M&O DMT, “Asecond spt eas, alse fore, nore gt A stay ofthe se ofthe seeds fa South Ame epune. Anantha colunbrina va Ci ‘by te Argenine Shamans in Charo Cen, stows them fo bs damatcally ‘paycaiac Aad ye extenely sophisicad specteacpt tls hs shown them contain ulti sad aly ule th alan component Thebstom fine 1d nately kaw buen is apsyhadelc dg. ‘Maybe yes and maybe mo The Chemistry Continues 220, 4HO.DPT: “TRYPTAMINE, NN-DIPROPYL-LHYDROXY:. 4 INDOLOL. 3.|2«DIPROPYLAMINOETHYL|: | N.N-DIPROPYL-4- HYDROXYAMINOTRYPTAMINE; 5/24DIPROPYLAMINOIETHYL} “INDOLOL SYNTHESIS: & slain of 50 gsm ewer 4-HO-DET forts reparation) in 3 ml asso and coed °C th poet rm teint. Thee wan thn sO. mony clade. Toe retin Inte was sired for an atonal 30 i, and einen indole oxy Chl Sopra yl crystalline sold bat wasnt puri. Tht mas ‘reed with DE rts of dipopy]amine in atbyeas E50, depen iepHtwas89, Theeaon ae [ee a ‘hited wa 10 CHR ao [OHO :OHs Shaken ih 3S ae SN ‘ous NaHS followed by 30 mL ous eee (of ame aguas NalICOs Sotuon, Aerdsing oer. ros MgS0q, he nani ‘Sete red ue run Te vb way ysl fon B01 {selene to gteD784(78S) of accnynds 3 91NNpogy ay onlamie Sethe mp 15013120. An CHIN. "Toasted sispeso of. g LAHin 0 hows THF, se, under aluogen ad at rom temperate there waded soln of 066 4c 3 1 Nelpopeonyamie a1 a nhs THE. Ts Wes aed dropwise tate thx manned the esto ten. When the ‘dion ss ope, heel war inne orn asia Stain nd nen ‘hetetion vaoniedio 40°C. Theexcess hide ante prod complex were Akstoyedby te aditon of mL BAC falaedby Sa 0. Thess were ‘ove by fitter cle washed vith THR he ate and washings old; and hese removed under vin The ree ws ited tte ager an de dle esyatalized fr B]OACrnexane. Thus thee ws ‘hraned 27g (81%) of NN airps lt yronyryptine(-HO-DPT) witha ‘mp9697°C. An CHUN, DOSAGE: unkaowa DURATION: untsown ‘QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (wit20m¢, orl) “Pousbletresbol ming [EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Hete sot cse wher thr jut ‘ea enough observations deine twat evel heat wl beso TIHKAL: The Continuation wht fy iwi take Te rack eon prety well eeabinied wih be nyse Tre alge DPT, and would be bard fo pine ow of pteney by incorporating the “pion signe.” the hydroxy prove. Tas treba ‘Sepsstesrbing su. is ushame athe compound irae dealt (21, 4.HO-MET; TRYPTAMINE, NETHVL-+HYDROXY-N METHYL: ‘GINDOLOL, 3.24 HYLMETHYLAMINOWETHYL]: N-ETHYL-AAY- DROXY-N-METHVLTRYPTAMINE; 3(24ETHYLMETHYLAMINO)- ETHYL}-4INDOLOL, SYNTHESIS: A scan of 00g -setonyindse (oe wert HO-DET forts repute) ia 3. E0 sed and cole 60°C ith proctor EEnnpluricmotu, There was thn aod. mL vache Theseaton ‘tre wa ste for an ton 30 min, the yellow yale said was ‘omoned by fates and dasoled a 10m ofanhpcroos THF. This was weed tri 47 soln of mete amin in ahydroat 0, opis. wl he twas 10. Theacvets wre removed under vactum and therede dale a 200ml CHCh, This was washed Cle | esc wit 0 mL 01 N HCT and hen “ON GcHy | wis ofsauedagione Na. | Aner aeying ith nous e504 ulfitatnn esovetwasrenved plz fom E01 ve 0g (jd 73%) of accord pF NetylR-metylyoylamie th 9 mp 79-180°C. Anak CHS ‘To IL of tied satin of LAM (1M in TH wader Np here was abcd dropwise a solution of O57 4-setnyindl 331 N-etgt N-eiy: ‘Bponlamie in [0 mL skys THF. When the asin was comple the Featon mistre wat hcg oa reflox fr IS min Aer colin wo 40°. ‘aie wer was ned decompose Doth the reaction complexanl he exes Fie After ton though Cele onder an Nymeth stent was ‘enor pe astm andthe soll side resale fam EtOActesane to Povide0.185(41%) yl hydoey Neneh 410-MET witha mp Ms.ti9"C. Ans CHN DOSAGE: 10-20%, oy DURATION: 4-6 (QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with 20-mg, oily) “Quail 4 ot he ‘The Chemistry Continace sion. stand within te isch hour, andthe, eth same sirtion ‘Scoleandoem. andes, sound war eh. Avi pos, hcepernce mas ‘eave. with an atraon of effects between near nol pen ot Oo ‘ine ony tobe swept up in svi of are concept tenet min [EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Fit an apology for single entry ine commen secon Ti and sever ether ee site by ethoxy planes, adhd carerealations bt te nts tt ad and Simoes. Mach have come ack Fen memory, hte mst "propriate frzinss allowed forte conte genraliaton st de nd iran. Wid this pula compound. sme ofthe oneal cbseraons suggest st was mee potnt tan sin, cent ee, Baa the ‘oom ie dba atti ey omni, or he sopopy homolog -SHO-DUFT for that mater cold te diving ro he ty coum plocin in any bidet say ‘What'stchasse between hem? Frome viewpoint nthe cost ndavaabityof esecosary amine wil ceri efor. Boh nett ‘mine and mei toproplamine ae aval, bat are suite expensive Dinatlanine,on the er nd is dit che at iti ecgseed posse DST anh ficult fin. In ary eve the dimethyl empoand widely valine mycological arena ad I saspc woul be simples oy with #22, 4HO-MIPT; TRYPTAMINE, 4:1YDROXY-N-ISOPROPYLN-ME- ‘THYL: 41NDOLOL, 32-ISOPKOPYLMETHYLAMINOIETHYL 4 HYDROXY.N.ISOPROPYI-N-METHYLTRYPTAMINE 312 ASOPROPYLMIETHIYLAMINOJETHYL|-HINDOLOL- SYNTHESIS: A sulin of 050g ¢actayntle (ae ender 4 H0-DET forts [reprton in Sma E0 Was stimed and cooled 90°C with protest trom "Noppbericmoisue. Thee ws then aed mona chloride. Theres Inst was ined for addos! 30min andthe yellow cystine sok ws ‘enovedbyfiuaen nd doled in Ira. of anyon TAP. Ths was teat ‘itn 40% sluos of met wopoplamin in dy E40, dope, wl he pi ‘fipereaionmistue war 10. The solvent wer moved under vctum andthe ‘ese doled 20m CHCl, Tie was mashed is with S001 NHC ‘au ten wih 30 moe aque NACL. Ale yn wth ato MgSO and filvaion te solvent wa emoved under vicar The sue wes ‘nerd rom CHCIsbxane tive katong 391 Nao Ninety lame wis mp 211-212°C (19%). To Oem ofa sme soon of LAM (I Min THE ander) thre was ss TIHKAL: The Continsaton esse semiteese eee as “chum sinneirsuaneaatermner, rs aaa earn ree Soe cetera et paseo eoanecneas oe \O ‘Cron | Sone en Seis ranean Taner DOSAGE: 12-25 mg ely (the ind rth sett) DURATION: #68 [QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (vith 9g orally “am sts par ay on. ‘Thre issomeretial activi withayeyescleed. Maybe zac igh-eate, tine tery. Noting mi {rin meal) 1 wast anbourag ha swallowedthe cape. and evr shaping, H was completely developed at $8 mites The iagry with eyes cloned avid Thermus oxen ens tice "enlenytrutchbatitdoes tothe me, Everything scl how ean they ‘lew ane pee Ike the Sait Saas second eo concert ver apes in pul tale overhead? Avery raid Sve between be it aa earth Fur Arich ay fr ve nips, tn, ad frees i one min. A eh ay for dcovery (ith 2 golly) “Taped the robin water, dato of CT titi soe taney, The fit arenes i wma a veRty fines, ant ro there wi apd end nosy development ending at aout a four Batista for only ste Smits andthe dropped qty The ert wasecllen, ahere were ew visual a Thad ically connecting fanay tomas, Gol appetie sermards nd Thad toble geting sleep” (on 1S mgaceose orally) “A ieresing mio of toxin snd seat, progressing avery eal sate ah some moter ineootiatien, Sint lite bt lke ante, There ws mo dig of ough nor any gut tinturbance ay time abou eae’ ery bansry. Comesion was a" "vith 3Ding, xl) "ary tne see onan) were noice in 1 rites. Tn sth 1 miotes pid eigen ofl sense ens eaching {ne in 0 minds an epfoning to dsl 93 hots wih eu eat fanaa -8 hore The ney of he experience eae. AT poe, The Chemistry Contes ‘manicton eras thane stration nthe ne fine ad ‘stance Mullen ovelgpag wave tans cc will anexvene new ‘sloraetion ring in an oat the by conanen with an cesed sense tbody roc, ie, Ba flow fn ese, Musca se iicreased an 9 {eng of soar it bales Mh exponced A mld verge wa fe th tempted walkingbtishotasodwithiasea Some ast asexpeene inl tt couldeimerpeed sa acon othe exter pomefloeet,& arcu, pot iinyerat elect was of posesng te eee f seal Ppterasicined with bing ge jungle ca The en war prominent or he Hime. Conervavly, db compound a let ewe os ative a psn et omparble does, nto of plan pak eff’, Extra stim expel Tight weredistatngio te palm anovance, Sou conte scen,wondceploge imo sbowers of bah pais ih eyen clone." Oer eyenclaed images is inet withpatesincola aes saringcloudsdomintete eye sand ‘Scenery. Icanetovereipasiz teensy of te experience, Toul ot a ‘ogomichhigher han 3 milligrams (0 mligns ct pln stot sinters)” (vith Mg acts rly “Moai downed fe mains ‘natu except there wer eyelosed vianl ina lof diferent co, spells metalic recs [fda clenching aod we, eng fees except was not many way silting, Hlstened os ot of 2 feplce inden oom an ss right, clorl, src ps Seven hous an elit an ery sleep and wa tn the et EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: ‘This «two-car homologue of piloinan, as thea: chemical ioral i,t sais that se ‘rll One ret comparison een te wo melon widely separ ay {nd a very high evel inde hat 20 aligns of &40-MIPT a aly ‘ive Sonia pac Iaonereper. Andel inanatbercpo with Slips fhe sete, dings were enncersb move mees. Athos highrlevel the set was noted wl iin teil our ete 5 withthe HO.DMT cin ate + HO-DET ci, se ‘are mast made With the we fhe term set” or pope” Ae tee natn ate bot bes eriay sins) and acs yon indoles ‘fc internal sts orbit, they ely converted no salen ‘does (the peli ei) ofboth nth cote eer“ can ‘mean iter maifctin asa ane volving act ac. And of oar, host an beter saltoraneste. [lw appt te ain tr al ores” whereter thi abit spon Ina of eve ies, he scetcistheeer anon of ete cee em athens td some are the amar se. A age numberof reaed homologs fila hve ben sates td descr some of oem tat fo ying dees bt mi th on "Segre of defaion easy recipe devord tothe, Wither 43 “TIHKAL: The Continuation scupassring sore mesa es could sev as astral {cv latnship geval selectively, an special, vaoatehe geometric tue of te loge absitven oe wero comple pret inhese areas of hey, 0 shouldaculy mae te phosphate eto HO MPT oth woul beth orct Inowclegicof ies, Bath woe reat oun of ational wrk jot tote they chop of te eer group sont thechane The ue thinking i tha toe wld be he tame actity with either compound, making ‘Slows forte change in molecular weight Bul at st might be a1 mate ‘able for sage, Whatabot he slate ene? sould be avery sabe aad {be body ha fates jn a has pats, Maybe he bigs on ‘secie eseaes wuld work ws yell. Amber of stakes hae ben de With {trace ee (ane ane here) and it hold whep ef neal ence ‘cacti comparison ofthe acetate ee fplloin with the ‘owes he ee el might lp resale ti queston. Theda Wy ‘freovingthis woud be run paceknete de om blood eves of ese Thee mata in pull with ste oe pychoharmaclopcl expres. Fel rhs ely oe done in he oeeesie fore. (23, 4HOMPT; TRYPTAMINE, 4.HVDROXY-N-METHYLN-PRO- PYL; “GINDOLOL, #2-MPTHYLPROPYLAMINORTHYL] HY- DROXY-N:METHYL-N-PROPYLTRYPTAMINE: "{24METHYL- PROPYLAMINOJETHYL/-4INDOLOL SYNTHESIS: A solution of 0g ¢aconyndoe ee under HO-DET forts Preparation) in 3 ml. gO was Siced and cole 10°C with poset fron spheres. There was then 0. mL ovale Tereetion Inne ws ste fo a onal 30 mi, and te yellow enstaline wd ws ‘emovedby fron an dase a 10a of abyeas TH. This wasted ith soto of ethypopy sin ian us EO, opis, ithe aa pi was >10, The sven were oH femoved ner vacua the on cor nce ty | toute dsched 20 a Sts aa Cla ew t ih 0: of aad ages eee eee Rich fer dying ith ty ‘Tous MGSO, and tone wven was removed under acum. The eid ‘casey! rom BO Aetna to give 63%) ofactoryinel3 SEN ety N-poptayylamie wib amp 498°C Anal CALN The Chemistry Continues “ToS of tired ation of LA (1 Min THE ander) te was added, opie, 3 solo of 48 ascoyindl 3 31N met Noy ‘Saylamde iam anhyewus THE. Whenthesadson warcompite hereto ttt wat bought tonto 1S mun, Aferooding 40°C efit wae ‘as ado decompose bh econ complexandthe excess yi. Aer Fieaon trough Clte (ane an Nsatmosgere) he solvent snowed ude ‘cau andthe oy rer dioledin MEOH. nese with HCL, an EO ied eryaizaon eared Thee was sine 24 —S4% feo “Lyd Nm Npropyindlehydrconde (HO-MPT wh 162 (QUALITATIVE COMMENTS: (with mg orl) “Tere a ery mid vise Astorion ana pominet verigo wither aasa. Inthe Secours Some eahanceet of vistl tal bt am ptendoned we ight of eas oc Phlesophia concepts as wih pscin Tamrapidlysubsiing and am sbleteat al Resi isonmis ited eight hous EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: As width dciso proente ih he tomer homoge, HO-DET, there sot cnngh er gies a etna of lhe dave drat. Tay Te ue his compoesd as ind ely is oe ‘put Extapoltin egestas might yet aneher materal acti nthe Dilociaanpeofsomentee pio 2Dmiligrams lolly Mayheitisaenaty "tating wih up oa catbos tached on ay or nthe oe yamine ‘irogn tom an allaporng ays pop, of sear wl fe acti nthe {oo20 milan eange Tisserand forte mety ned ee ‘methyl propyl meth -sopopyl ety ipropylan isopropyl, That makes arey goed generalization, Hw far can his lguent be pushed? Wha about one of the Nay soups ving fur eubos? Keoping the oer Ny ropa the salsa Ist simle ct growl fuer compound seo. Tet the bg sone (HOM a i) he Kobus boner (HO MIBT. mp 182 15 “Cy secondary hummer 40. MS 138. 140°C ander buy sen (4HO-METBT, op 25.2). OF ese four steals cal 410. ITBT hs boesokedats este pyc Some Smilin pone ‘inal no ctect, maybe st of something fe minute nd then bing Probably pure plato response Many yetheaversuistuapsterarintbe iene bathe 20 ssexplored. The syne dssue nome are se Separately hase 336 TIHIKAL: The Continuation PS. 48HO.pyeeT;-TRYPTAMINEAHYDRONY.NN-TETRAMETIE. YLENE: 4INDOLOL41241-PYRROLIDYLIETHE, PYREOLIDINE, 12-844 HYDROXYIINDOLYLIETHYL}4-HYDROXY-NN-TETRA- METHYLENETRYPTAMINE; _3-(2-(-PYRROLIDYE)ETHYL) INDOLOL: "124346HVDROXY)INDOLYLJETHYLJPYRROLIDINE: ‘SLHYDROXYPYRROLIDYLTRYPTAMINE” SYNTHESIS: A souin of 050g -axonyndl (oe under -O-DET forts Perpuaton in Sm EO a tine and cooled 90°C with protection fe pei moiste, The wa toned mL onal chide. Therein in ne far tea mn and eerie pot ‘hat perl wy sys bes pie i etl sont pico Ee. ope nto eee td th Ti 1 nde i Ao ea oe (] | Stance S04 fone 308 t iaecboyevesSancOy lon AF ing or yd e804 be | uit sateverteopter enon Foreisecu recs tee ey sexneio une 7g a Tacamae A amen tmuvidenp it ee. acl eRN Ts te sens of028g LAN 10m ys THE, nd sige tnd oom pe ths wa aid sn of 0208 ouyhlSyf'R-ceamaiytonphonjan 10 yds i Tinea iopesenacar tear rectons: With itor recep eaters Sead es Scrutoncucetltp ie. Therein sitepaaasongeine SEtoylby ds elduonat03 HLEOAG oedipal Served yan he eck weed wih He hae and TEDip cel nl he Soe eve ner coe eae ea nl tou HOncheuse to fe 012% GOW) af yen 4 ‘Soup HOT wah amp i 18°C. Andre HN DOSAGE: 2g DURATION: nwa ‘QUALITATIVECONMENTS: (ith 201g, orl) “This stance povedobe {oie unk pllosin and bordered onthe Bare. Theos a ateey pid of ‘hou the urs fer ingestion before the onset as te Vs trance. ‘hominy; nn aletion in colon or bjeseccuned. The mature of this ‘Sompound wis chaser by beteieening the mest pesto ‘The Chemistry Continues tothe extent sen wih pli. The entire experience was moe ‘sma ike! Tae hankallucnogenic. Avr unpleasant ade Have nn Ssreto godepes, ined ok ate thes cei angus” EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Thee wees pine amnesia this ‘nytmine compiitin, nd al tee te sply weed nd illopea. Both he simple “pytolidy!uyptamiae™ (pyr) and the. Smetbory counterpart (G:MeO-pyeT caus py des, tds one (-HO-py sem tobe fore of slat that poychedte In ll tee eases (ad il the ‘Stometylnediony example wel) be oer rong systems hat on sco nthe pyle exayple ase" weep nterplared. Tiss rel {othe unoxpecel ad general egnve responses othe pine arty, The pp hanlopse (+HO pp T) es wie cymaline sod with amp of [80.181 °C. The merlin analogue (2HO-mor) i loa white calle veld witha mp of 17718 (RS. INOGAINE; 12-METHOXYOGAMINE SYNTHESIS: Thee have bea he tl sates ofiogsne ep in he ‘hema race Te ft ofthese wa hiner ces posed abot ‘0 seus ago. The chemin ab can sere ie into or oth ation ad sitet bose oman sarees battler, ete sno atl ‘ray tos oma bate notne cH40. Ore | On H ft whien fe ameable easy mi ‘putin Becace of thete two separ aod lagly maces the denediiaed metabolite. For reference pamores, ere ae the Hngepat amber oa he nar spect fr the fe ate: Kini") 74,799, 80, 1037, T1111: mp 152 153°C. Forth yah salt IR inc 38, ‘id and actully prepare wef Chia enters hae as in then ererenre! ‘nine omer of Topane wich a 0,89, 25,1051, 114% mp 29.300" a) ents wo cl ceters, pte Sievioresolve. Wheaten "symbete” suid neparden bse inte ‘enti jarals, Waly spies tothe eyes ft parent cll rom DOSAGE: (om hundreds of milignns upto gam omer, aly) DURATION: (quite ong) TIHKAL: The Conination [EXTENSIONS AND COMMENTARY: Herisancxample ofa mosremartsble ‘terial that has allowed people to hve some rather complee and dramatic Exposes. Ay eon preset aur overview ftsaton tropa elton ‘dal espores ite “xenon nd commenay” forms wo i nt Sal pnre the pac the ean seting onthe jest. Hore wil enon ‘ew of tee dilvent set anda leading athe who gives ore deal Thera wel od soy fhe ce of theo pane inte relies tu in Gabon an ts ueighoringcounsies, for the ely pa of the 1 ‘ery. The Bu ion cal fr he wef thea bur of Taber boa ‘Ss ascament andthe repos fis pschoparmaccogcal eivenes eet ‘hese mes Ge Samar. “Anthea of repos that can bees pon eft exploration of the role rom his pln se ola actve compen hoa se ee ‘dy fs se th poche. Herth eprs eet the psianptet Interaction withanermpbans neaty mor andthe ein ust exprienecs (Gee Nara Inline ties suhasths, pla dose wouldbefourhunded las of he chemical wie de weigh the ene sate. nd pets ten teh nigh ain he tal oe ark wed. "Yet aber souce of report fo be fou ia soe sais tat re ploingopine sateen ferheindeperdeny (cee Reno sa Beal ‘Tis end gal of riving evidence of acon eeatrotion mad acon Sino canceinly oer any podishedrportinitrow ny. Heretic he ‘henicalbopain hat se, dpa dosages at ahve 100 lias There io question bu thal bogane sao. ysl aswel. ‘memally. ete sone ep hat hows te boy pets a se vit. ral) “Subjective. te mos unpleasant symptoms were the ania, he exree pprebesin, nd the unfair mod esociaed with ‘old body hllacintons The vs halcinations pec oly he ‘hrcandeonsted of bss dteseeupsadaowr the walls Dysesteslaebe ‘treme offi weighednos, nl bypercins wereue ss te Avtnomiesignschardryesf he mouth ceased espation, ght reilly lato, annem n ple te well exer symarae. Uintrcts,sighatatn enkanedtendontefies loss wero een. “The effet was reached at swt Phos ter swalowing he tse radu, lving a a ese comple sora. No mdb aterlet, ‘Sch sutton odes oe.” ‘As na pintado in pharmacological eve (ice Pik ta) a the hallucinogen dove sper toe srl ines higher than he saat dose. te ter must en mene a pean cena stilton nerer expen he aloiogeni ees Boras fascinate puracology of ogsng inthe cers of tsa dts nerelnngly awesome. The presence four omets Ws ‘The Chemistry Continses -memtone nthe chemist seston above buts wtp ul he "s0'sal even he, acedple ef troublesome er were made tha conned te volt contizuson pcre quite bdly. The so bas ben acura odin (cca hunted page review caper se Corel) whch sa must foraone who ‘sem risk unertanding ve prety fr-out ches. Oh yee ae et ‘cowl reste alas. Aso noi alkaleids i geet three wel ver {ro thewsnd of them, with few domen add every year An mast of ese re ‘ose eyptamines i ate cary he wypamine rut skeleton. At in tur agretmumber of de typaninealaiods around nterenurtablearly ‘Apecymcee whichis ultimate easuervect lands rly erie "ingle sore of pharmacelgially atv compounds th cate pam Kingdom smal pagel, of pl sab oth dogane gop, ove oat sty sap when eae twp. Tey hae showy Hower ante "spuaton of bing very poses ‘And hil ede scl betta. which kon comet she chemi. Here, eto st the plant that cota bogie, otha souls Ceotain it Allow ie ste ra-down of tomas These ber siet That orbave bee, lasafidas loging fhe Taberane ens nd which Pyetophamacslgicaly, tothe bogs pans “Tabernante tops. This ibe mae wares opine sis fo in ‘bor, mene above. Taberanthe oti Tipline ale Ertan ret. ‘efoedin West Astral. Telesvescntinihoaie some ‘thx min bale tht are closely felted stray. Taberante pubescens. Tiss founda Za egeoninsa amber of als closely flaca to ioqaite in suet a well 3s bogie sett Tabernagnortana spp. This gona fom a wide win the fly ‘Apecyracee thal i eld the Tabemaemontanese AY ‘il sub amslyK woul eae Taberneronancieae. 1 Intec ofthe casa use of mines chs these ts Dal ‘nomi selva ei face hi Gena, thats contains several doze spre sme with ngine, an ‘ih anaperiersfative ston In expeimestl ain some wih qui a history af mative usage eer in Aa oF ‘And bra many pats nthe Apocyacene fail tha cay fait

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