Mastering Self Attunements

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Mastering Self Attunements

By Ole Gabrielsen

2011 by Ole Gabrielsen ISBN 978-87-994593-0-8 This book is free lease feel free !o share "ia e#ail or as $o%nloa$&

A big thank you to Wendy Byatt for proof reading, suggestions and encouragement with regard to this book - Your help is much appreciated!


'on!en! In!ro$()!ion *efinin+ ,n ,!!(ne#en! -o% !o .ass on ,!!(ne#en!s an$ Self ,!!(ne Self ,!!(ne#en! /0a# le The Self ,!!(ne#en! .ro)e$(re .re ara!ion Before&&& .ra)!i)e 1akes .erfe)! 1akin+ 2o(r O%n -ealin+ Sys!e#s .assin+ on ,!!(ne#en!s3 *ifferen! 1e!ho$s ,($io ,!!(ne#en!s Ne(!rali4in+ an ,!!(ne#en! The I# or!an)e of *is)onne)!in+ 5re6(en!ly ,ske$ 7(es!ions ,bo(! !he ,(!hor , en$i0 I , en$i0 II , en$i0 III , en$i0 I8

I ha"e %ri!!en !his li!!le book in !he ho e !ha! i! %ill be 9(s! eno(+h !o ins ire yo( !o e0 eri#en! %i!h self a!!(ne#en!s on yo(r o%n& I! is no! #ean! !o be a )o# le!e +(i$e& 2o( %ill e0 erien)e !he )o# le!eness of #as!erin+ yo(r o%n self a!!(ne#en!s3 !hro(+h yo(r o%n e0 eri#en!s an$ for#a!s3 by !ryin+ o(! $ifferen! #e!ho$s an$ erha s e"en $is)o"erin+ ne% ones for yo(rself& 2o( %ill be re)ei"in+ !he kno%le$+e of #y $e$i)a!e$ e0 eri#en!a!ion o"er #any as! years3 !his %ill be e0!re#ely (sef(l for yo( !o 9(# -s!ar! yo(r o%n e0 erien)e& I a# ass(#in+ !ha! yo( are no! a )o# le!e be+inner an$ !ha! yo( #os! likely ha"e a! leas! 1 or 2 a!!(ne#en!s alrea$y& If !his is no! !he )ase3 I %o(l$ s(++es! !ha! yo( e0 erien)e %i!h a! leas! a )o( le before i##ersin+ yo(rself in!o !he #a!erial of !his book& :i!ho(! so#e firs!-han$ kno%le$+e an$ e0 erien)e of %ha! an a!!(ne#en! really is3 i! #ay be a bi! #ore $iffi)(l! !o (n$ers!an$ !he )on)e !s $es)ribe$ herein& .lease also be a%are !ha! !here %ill be no !ra$i!ional ;s(i !ea)hin+s in !his book& The infor#a!ion $e!aile$ is s!ri)!ly base$ on #y o%n obser"a!ions& I ho e !ha! yo( %ill en9oy !he infor#a!ion an$ I %ish yo( a +rea! 9o(rney< Ole Gabrielsen3 2= 1ay 2011&

Defining An Attunement
What is an attunement? ,n a!!(ne#en! is a ro)e$(re %here a erson >or s iri! +(i$e? asses on a s e)ifi) ener+y s!r()!(re@si+na!(re !o ano!her ersons ener+y bo$y an$@or ener+y )en!ers >)hakras?& This enables !he re)ei"er !o be)o#e a er#anen! )hannel for !ha! s e)ifi) ener+y& The bes! kno%n a!!(ne#en!s are Aeiki a!!(ne#en!s& ,s yo( #os! likely kno%3 Aeiki is an an)ien! healin+ ar! !ha! %as >re? $is)o"ere$ by a Ba anese #onk )alle$ 1ikao ;s(i& -e re)ei"e$ a!!(ne#en! fro# s iri! af!er he ha$ fas!e$ for abo(! 3 %eeks on a #o(n!ain& ,f!er a s iri!(al en)o(n!er3 he fo(n$ !ha! he )o(l$ heal ail#en!s 9(s! by la)in+ his han$s on a la)e of )on)ern& ;s(iCs s iri!(al en)o(n!er ha$ lef! an Di# rin!D >a!!(ne#en!? in his s iri!(al bo$ies an$ )hakras3 %hi)h #a$e hi# a er#anen! )hannel for !he ener+y %e !o$ay )all Aeiki >#eanin+ (ni"ersal life for)e?&

How to ass on Attunements and Self Attune

.assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s as a !ea)her an$ self a!!(nin+ is base$ on !he sa#e rin)i les3 so %ha! I a# +oin+ !o !ea)h yo( a lies !o bo!h& I ha"e !rie$ #any #e!ho$s assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s o"er !he years& There are %ha! I )all C#ass a!!(ne#en!sC3 %here yo( )an ass on a s e)ifi) a!!(ne#en! in Cone +oC !o #ore !han one erson& Then !here is !he Cone-!o-oneC #e!ho$3 %here yo( )on)en!ra!e on one erson a! a !i#e& :ha! I fo(n$ !o be !he #os! effe)!i"e #e!ho$ $(rin+ !he as! years %as for #e !o $o i! on a one-!o-one basis& 5or e0a# le3 if !here are 3 eo le an$ yo( sen$ !he a!!(ne#en! in one +o !o all 3 eo le si#(l!aneo(sly3 !hese 3 eo le %ill ha"e !o share !he %hole ener+y& This #eans !ha! ea)h erson %ill re)ei"e 33E of !he ener+y ea)h& They %ill s!ill benefi!3 b(! i! %o(l$ no! be as s!ron+ as assin+ on an a!!(ne#en! !o one erson a! a !i#e& 2es3 i! %ill !ake #ore !i#e an$ ener+y b(! !he en$ res(l! %ill be #()h be!!er F so !ake yo(r !i#e an$ $o i! ro erly& 2o( %ill also +e! be!!er fee$ba)k an$ ha ier s!($en!s&

Self Attunement !"ample # Attuning to $he !nerg% of &ose 'uart(

Ins!ea$ of e0 lainin+ all !he !heory firs!3 le!Cs !ry o(! a self a!!(ne#en!< *onC! %orry if yo( $o no! i##e$ia!ely (n$ers!an$ all !he s!e s - I %ill fill in !he blanks af!er%ar$s& 5or !his e0a# le3 yo( %ill nee$ 1 0 7(ar!4 oin! an$ a ra%@!(#ble$ s!one3 referably a Aose 6(ar!4&

Firstly, the crystal needs to be cleansed and charged for optimum performance. ere is the fastest and most effecti!e way "in my opinion# to do this$ %. &ake a stone and crystal point in each hand. '. (se the )uart* point and mo!e it up and down "like the mo!ement of a pendulum# abo!e the tumbled stone for +-% minute. ,f you are sensiti!e to energy you will notice that suddenly you get a lighter feeling...or like an -ahhh- feeling. &his means that the stone releases stagnant energy.

.. After this cleansing step, it/s time to charge the stone. 0ow rotate the )uart* point abo!e the tumbled stone clockwise for appro1imately '2 rounds "the speed could be . rounds per second#. &his will charge up the stone.

3. &he stone is now ready to use! You will notice that once a stone has been energetically cleansed and charged this way, it will be much easier to clean in the future. &he energy of the stone is also able to keep /fresh and pure/ for a longer period of time before it needs cleansing again.

$he Self Attunement rocedure

1& Si! %i!h !he s!one for 3-5 #in(!es an$ le! !he ener+y of !he Aose 7(ar!4 fill yo(& 2& ,!!(ne !o !he ener+y of !he s!one by s eakin+ alo($ or #en!ally sayin+ on)eG HI no% a!!(ne !o !he rose 6(ar!4 ener+y in !his s!one&D 3& Si! an$ rela0 for 12-15 #in(!es3 %hile re)ei"in+ !he a!!(ne#en!& 4& *one< 2o( )an !es! !he ener+y by layin+ yo(r han$s on yo(r )hes! or s!o#a)h an$ #en!ally say 3 HAose 7(ar!4D on)e !o s!ar! !he ener+y& When you ha!e practised attuning to gemstones for a few times, you might want to try and attune to the energies of the Ascended 4asters, Angels, Archangels etc.

reparation )efore Sending/$aking Down Attunements

I !hink %e are all fa#iliar %i!h !he sen!en)e3 H%ha! yo( sen$ o(!3 %ill )o#e ba)k !o yo(D& This r(le also a lies !o assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s& :e )an all %i!h a li!!le ra)!i)e3 )onne)! !o !he ener+y %e like an$ !hen a!!(ne !o i!& ,l!ho(+h i! %ill be #()h easier for yo( !o in !he be+innin+3 !o (se a hysi)al i!e# like a Aose 7(ar!4 or ano!her s!one& The ro)ess is !o !ake !he s!one in yo(r han$ an$ 9(s! si! %i!h i!& This %ill b(il$ ( !he rose 6(ar!4 ener+y in yo(r ener+y fiel$& ,f!er a )er!ain oin! >#aybe af!er 5 #in(!es? yo( )an s!ar! !he a!!(ne#en! ro)e$(re& There %ill be a h(+e $ifferen)e3 fro# 9(s! s!a!in+ HI no% a!!(ne !o !his rose 6(ar!4D an$ !o b(il$ ( !he ener+y firs! an$ T-/N a!!(ne& Ie! (s say yo( ha"e a!!(ne$ !o !he Aose 7(ar!4 ener+y an$ yo( %o(l$ like !o share !he a!!(ne#en! %i!h a frien$& 2o( )an $o 2 !hin+sG 2o( )an i##e$ia!ely ass i! on >"ia a si# le !e)hni6(e I %ill sho% yo( la!er? or yo( )o(l$ re are a bi! before sen$in+ i! off& There are se"eral %ays !o re are&&&

One %ay )o(l$ be !ha! yo( i#a+ine !ha! yo( are s(rro(n$e$ by !he ener+y of !he a!!(ne#en! ener+y i!self& 5or e0a# le3 if i! is !he Aose 6(ar!4 ener+y3 yo( 9(s! i#a+ine !ha! yo( are s(rro(n$e$ %i!h !his ener+y >yo( a)!(ally $o no! nee$ !he hysi)al s!one for !his? an$ yo( 9(s! b(il$ !his ener+y ( &&&an$ %hen yo( feel i! is s(ffi)ien!3 yo( 9(s! sen$ i! off& If yo( are no! ye! sensi!i"e !o ener+y3 yo( )an 9(s! %ai! for abo(! 5 #in(!es3 before sen$in+ off !he ener+y& ,no!her %ay is !ha! yo( )o(l$ i#a+ine !ha! !he ener+y fiel$ is slo%ly fille$ %i!h Iife 5or)e ener+y for 3-5 #in(!es&&&an$ %hen yo( feel rea$y3 9(s! sen$ off !he a!!(ne#en!s& .lease feel free !o e0 eri#en!&&&!ry one %i!ho(! re ara!ion an$ !ry one %i!h re ara!ion&&& an$ if yo( are 9(s! sli+h!ly sensi!i"e !o ener+y3 yo( %ill $efini!ely feel a $ifferen)e&

ractice Makes erfect

Iike all o!her skills !he #ore yo( ra)!i)e3 !he be!!er yo( %ill be)o#e in self a!!(nin+ an$ assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s& Ie!s say !ha! yo( %o(l$ like !o ha"e yo(r ho(se $e)ora!e$ F yo( %an! !o ha"e a really bea(!if(l ain!in+ on yo(r %all& 2o( ha"e 2 ain!ers !o )hoose fro#& The firs! has 9(s! +ra$(a!e$ fro# $e)ora!in+ s)hool an$ he is rela!i"ely )hea & Then !hereCs !he o!her ain!er3 he has ain!e$ %alls for 15 years3 so he has a lo! of e0 erien)e& 2o( no!i)e !ho(+h !ha! he )har+es a! leas! $o(ble in ri)e& :hi)h one %o(l$ yo( )hooseJ .ersonally3 I %o(l$ refer !o #aybe %ai! an e0!ra #on!h an$ sa"e ( so#e #ore #oney an$ !hen +o %i!h !he ain!er %ho has !he #os! e0 erien)e& Of )o(rse !here are e0)e !ions3 b(! %ha! I a# oin!in+ o(! here is !ha! ra)!i)e $oes #ake erfe)!< If i!s abo(! ain!in+3 $ri"in+ or self a!!(nin+ an$ assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s F i! !akes ra)!i)e !o be)o#e be!!er& ;s(ally3 I fin$ !ha! #os! eo le %an! !o !rea! Aeiki as a 1)*onal$Ks& 5or e0a# le3 like if yo( +o !o Tokyo an$ yo( or$er a )heese b(r+er3 yo( kno% %ha! yo( are +oin+ !o +e!& If yo( +o !o 'ana$a an$ or$er a )heese b(r+er3 i! %ill be !he sa#e&&& in S%e$en3 Ger#any3 *en#ark&&&i! %ill s!ill be !he sa#e&

So#e eo le also !hink !his %ay abo(! Aeiki3 !hey %on$er Csho(l$ !hey +o !o C!hisC or C!ha!C for a!!(ne#en!sC3 Ci!s !he sa#eC& B(! i! is no! !he sa#e& There is real bi+ $ifferen)e3 $e en$in+ on !he !ea)hers ener+y le"el an$ ra)!i)e& I!Cs 9(s! !he %ay i! is& *ifferen! eo le3 $ifferen! ener+y le"els& So $o no! e0 e)! Aeiki !o be like a 1)*onal$Ks F be)a(se Aeiki is as in$i"i$(al as ea)h erson& ,l!ho(+h I see !his as a +oo$ !hin+< /a)h !ea)her a$$s a $ifferen! Hfla"o(rD !o !he ener+y& So#e eo le nee$ !he ener+ies of one !ea)her an$ o!her eo le nee$ !he ener+y of ano!her !ea)her& This is %hy I !hink i! is +oo$ ra)!i)e !o see so #any $ifferen! ener+y sys!e#s o(! !here an$ so #any $ifferen! sys!e#s !o )hoose fro#3 all $e en$in+ on %ho yo( are an$ %ha! yo( nee$ a! !ha! #o#en!& This is also one of !he reasons %hy I ha"e %ri!!en !his book& To #ake !hose %ho feel ins ire$ !o $o so3 )a able of self a!!(nin+ an$ assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s& :e are all (ni6(e an$ %e all ha"e so#e so#e!hin+ $ifferen! !o offer !he %orl$ - in one %ay or ano!her& :hen yo( ha"e self a!!(ne$ for one year3 yo( %ill in)rease yo(r in$i"$(al o%er F !ry an$ )o# are af!er 25 years& 2o( %ill be so #()h s!ron+er&

Tha! is also %hy I so#e!i#es +e! !he 6(es!ion3 HIf %e )an self a!!(ne an$ $o o(r o%n a!!(ne#en!s3 %hy $o %e nee$ !ea)hers !o $o i! for (sJD& The ans%er !o !his3 is !ha! !he !ea)her is !here !o H9(# -s!ar!D o!her eo le& Be)a(se if yo( ha"e !aken self a!!(ne#en!s for 1-10 years >or #ore?3 yo( %ill be able !o 9(# -s!ar! o!hers3 !herefore !hey %o(l$ no! nee$ !o s en$ as #()h !i#e !o rea)h a hi+her ener+y le"el& There %ill also be eo le %ho $o no! %ish !o self a!!(ne3 b(! %ill si# ly be)o#e healers&

Making *our +wn Healing S%stems

Ie! (s no% (! all !he !heory in!o ra)!i)e an$ )rea!e a sa# le healin+ sys!e#& Ie! (s b(il$ on !he Aose 7(ar!4 e0a# le an$ #ake i! in!o a sys!e# !ha! yo( )an ass on& On !o of a ie)e of a er %ri!e !he na#e of !he sys!e# F yo( )an na#e i! %ha!e"er yo( like& Ie! (s )all !his one HAose 7(ar!4 AeikiD 9(s! for f(n&&& Ne0! $efine !he sys!e#G - To be (se$ like Aeiki& - /ner+y )an be a)!i"a!e$ 9(s! by !hinkin+ HAose 7(ar!4D& This is a)!(ally eno(+h for !his si# le sys!e#& Ne0!3 %e %an! !o re are so#e no!es !o a))o# any !he sys!e#& Please view appendix III in the back of this book for a sample manual for this system. Tha!Ks i!< The sys!e# is $one an$ i!Cs no% rea$y !o be asse$ on& 2o( )o(l$ a$$ #ore $efini!ions !o !he sys!e#& 5or e0a# le H/"ery !i#e !he (ser oin!s !o a lo)a!ion3 a nonhysi)al e!heri) Aose 7(ar!4 s!one %ill be la)e$& I! %ill $issol"e a+ain af!er 10 #in(!es&D

2o( )an also $ra% a sy#bol an$ !hen )onne)! !he ener+y !o i! by $efinin+G H/ner+y )an be a)!i"a!e$ by $ra%in+ or #en!ally ro9e)!in+ !his sy#bol&D

assing on Attunements , Different Methods

&here are many ways to pass on attunements. , ha!e found that the less complicated you do it, the better the result will become. &he most important step when performing an attunement is the preparation process. 5o not pass on attunements if you feel e1hausted or tired. ,t/s better to wait a day, than to perform an only 6a!erage- attunement. As a preparation to passing on attunements , often rest "not sleep# 7-%2 minutes on my couch to recharge. , close my eyes and completely rela1. ere are some e1amples on passing on attunements$ &he first is the 6original !ersion- which , did in the beginning$ %. ,magine8!isuali*e that you are surrounded by life force, that is slowly becoming stronger and stronger. &he force field is becoming brighter and brighter. 5o this for '-7 minutes. '. 9ay directly to the accumulated life force$ :;ife force will be generated continuously and you will not fade until , am done with this attunement.: .. 9ay mentally or out loud$ "to your higher self# :, ask that "name# may be attuned at "time# on "date# in his8her time *one for "attunement name#.:

&he attunement will then start and stop after around %2-%7 minutes, depending on the energy and recei!er. ere are some other methods$

Real life Attunements

&his method could be used for a li!e class. %. <ela1 and recharge. ,n this step you can connect with the energy of your choice or sit with a gem stone. When you ha!e rested for probably 7-%2 minutes, proceed to step '. '. 9tate mentally or out loud once$ 6"attunement name# for "name#-. ,f there is more than one person, continue with each name in the group. &he attunement will then start and after around %2-%7 minutes, it will stop.

Via distance/email
&his method could be used for a distance attunement, e1ample !ia email. , recommend that you do this one-time statement$ 6=!ery time , perform an attunement !ia email, it is 6)ueued- so that the recei!er can call it in any time he8she likes.%. ,n this step you can connect with the energy of your choice or sit with a gem stone. After .-7 minutes proceed to step '. '. 9tate mentally or loud once$ 6"Attunement name# )ueued for "name#-. ,f more than one email, continue with each.

Ti G , +oo$ ra)!i)e is !o $is)onne)! af!er ea)h a!!(ne#en! >see a la!er )ha !er&? You should pro!ide the recei!er with a method on how to recei!e the attunement. You could use something like this in your email$
----------------------------------<ecei!ing the attunement$ %. 9it or lie down in a comfortable position. 4entally say once$ :, will now recei!e the "attunement name# from "insert your name here#.: &his will start the attunement and it will last for %'-%7 minutes. '. &he attunement procedure is done, but , highly recommend that you keep your position for another %2-'7 minutes "or more if you like#. &his will gi!e the increased flow of the energy a chance to more rapidly become distributed and absorbed into your energy system. -----------------------------------

0otice that , recommend that the recei!er keep the position for another %2-'7 minutes. &his is also recommended in li!e classes, but is not always necessary to ha!e a successful attunement. I #(s! #en!ion !ha! I like !he H6(e(eD #e!ho$ bes! abo"e !he o!hers F also %hen I $o Hli"eD a!!(ne#en!s& :hyJ Ie! #e !ell yo( "ia a li!!le arableG

I#a+ine !ha! yo( ha"e in!erne! an$ yo( are +oin+ !o sen$ a lar+e file !o yo(r frien$& 2o( ha"e a s( er hi+h s ee$ in!erne! b(! yo(r frien$ has a slo%er #o$e# )onne)!ion& 2o( ha"e !he ossibili!y !o sen$ !his file $ire)!ly !o yo(r frien$s )o# (!er& 2o( s!ar! sen$in+ !he file an$ be)a(se !he re)i ien! has a slo% )onne)!ion3 !he !rans#ission %ill also be slo%3 be)a(se yo( %ill ha"e !o s!ay in !his Hsen$in+ #o$eD (n!il !he %hole file is re)ei"e$ by yo(r frien$& I#a+ine !hen !ha! yo( !ell yo(r frien$3 !ha! yo( %ill ( loa$ !he file !o a ser"er >a Hs a)e on !he in!erne!D %here yo( )an s!ore@share files? an$ !hen yo(r frien$ %ill be able !o $o%nloa$ !he file %hene"er he likes& 2o( ( loa$ !he file in only a fe% se)on$s3 be)a(se !he ser"er is s( er fas! an$ yo(r $one 5-10 se)on$s la!er& By re arin+ !he a!!(ne#en! $ire)!ly !o !he re)ei"er3 yo( are (sin+ !he firs! #e!ho$ F by 6(e(in+3 yo( are H( loa$in+D !he a!!(ne#en! in a fe% se)on$s an$ %i!ho(! s!ayin+ )onne)!e$ !o !he re)i ien! for #ore !han a fe% se)on$s& So %here is !he a!!(ne#en! Hs!ore$D %hen (sin+ !he 6(e(e #e!ho$J I ha"e #a$e a $efini!ion !ha! says H/"ery !i#e I 6(e(e an a!!(ne#en!3 i! %ill be s!ore$ !e# orary in )rea!or so(r)e (n!il !he re)i ien! )alls i! in&D

:hen I !alk abo(! H)rea!or so(r)eD3 I refer !o Go$ or ,ll Tha! Is&&&i! )o(l$ refer !o !he Grea! 'en!ral S(n& 5or #e i!Cs a "ery safe la)e !o s!ore an a!!(ne#en! in H%ai!in+ osi!ionD& This also re#in$s #e abo(! a 6(es!ion I +o! re)en!lyG H:ill !he o%er of !he a!!(ne#en! fa$e %hen i!Cs 6(e(e$JD This is a +oo$ 6(es!ion an$ hones!ly I ha"e no! been e0 eri#en!in+ #()h %i!h !his& I (s(ally re)o##en$ s!($en!s !o )all in !he a!!(ne#en! as soon as ossible& 1aybe %i!hin 1-2 $ays3 be)a(se !hen I kno% i!Cs HfreshD& I ha"e also re are$ a!!(ne#en!s for s!($en!s !ha! ha"e s())essf(lly H$o%nloa$e$D !he# %eeks af!er !hey %here re are$3 so i! is ossible !o ha"e a lon+er s!orin+ of !he a!!(ne#en!s&

Audio Attunements
,no!her in!eres!in+ %ay of assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s is as an ,($io ,!!(ne#en!& ,n a($io a!!(ne#en! is a # 3 file %i!h so(n$@#(si) !ha! has re)ei"e$ !he ener+y s!r()!(re@si+na!(re of a s e)ifi) a!!(ne#en!3 e0a# le Aeiki& :hen yo( lay !he file3 !he lis!ener re)ei"es !he a!!(ne#en! in #()h !he sa#e %ay as if i! %here asse$ on !he Hre+(larD %ay& .re arin+ a #(si) file as an a!!(ne#en! is fairly easy if yo( kno% a bi! abo(! )o# (!ers& 5irs! of all3 fin$ a rela0in+ #(si) file %i!h !he $(ra!ion of 5-15 #in(!es& -a"e i! "isible on yo(r )o# (!er $esk!o & I like !o ha"e i! in a fol$er %i!h !ha! file only& Then #ake !his $efini!ionG H:hene"er a erson is lis!enin+ !o !his # 3 file3 he@she %ill re)ei"e !he a!!(ne#en! I ha"e re are$&D Ne0! re are like yo( %o(l$ re are for an Hor$inaryD a!!(ne#en!& :hen yo( feel rea$y !o sen$ off !he a!!(ne#en!3 say !he follo%in+G H>,!!(ne#en! na#e? in!o # 3 fileD& Si! an$ %ai! L-1 #in(!e in a rela0e$ s!a!e& The # 3 a!!(ne#en! file is no% rea$y&

If yo( are +oin+ !o ass on !he # 3 a!!(ne#en!3 yo( %ill s(rely nee$ !o also ass on a fe% no!es abo(! !he sys!e# an$ ho% !o re)ei"e !he a!!(ne#en!& .lease refer !o , en$i0 I in !he ba)k of !his book for f(ll sa# le ins!r()!ions&

-eutrali(ing an Attunement
5ro# !i#e !o !i#e3 I ha"e ha$ eo le e#ailin+ #e3 askin+ if i! is ossible !o (n$o an a!!(ne#en!& I! #i+h! be !ha! !hey ha"e re)ei"e$ an a!!(ne#en! fro# a !ea)her an$ !hey ha"e ha$ ne+a!i"e e0 erien)es in !ha! ro)ess %hi)h )on!in(es !o bo!her !he#& I!Cs "ery easy $o (n$o an a!!(ne#en!& 2o( )an 9(s! say !he follo%in+ on)eG HThe >a!!(ne#en! na#e? %ill no% be ne(!rali4e$ an$ %ill %ork no #ore&D This (s(ally $oes !he !ri)k al#os! i##e$ia!ely&

$he Importance of Disconnecting

:hen erfor#in+ a healin+ session >or assin+ on an a!!(ne#en!?3 yo( )onne)! on a s iri!(al le"el !o !he erson yo( are sen$in+ healin+ !o& I! is i# or!an! !o )(! !hese e!heri) !hrea$s !ha! are )rea!e$& If yo( $o no! $o !his3 i! %ill be ossible !o s!ay ener+e!i)ally )onne)!e$ !o !ha! erson& This )o(l$ res(l! in !he $rainin+ of yo(r ener+y& ,ll yo( ha"e !o $o %hen finishe$ %i!h !he healin+ >or any )o(nsellin+ in +eneral?3 is !o #ake a fas! Dkara!e )ho D in fron! of yo(3 %hile sayin+ so#e!hin+ like D'(! all !hrea$s<D *o !his 1-3 !i#es& Of!en af!er $oin+ !his3 yo( %ill #os! likely feel a relief&

.re/uentl% Asked 'uestions

7G Sho(l$ I ask #y hi+her self !o erfor# !he a!!(ne#en! or sho(l$ I 9(s! Hsen$ i! offD by in!en!ionJ ,G 2o( )an $o bo!h& :ha! I like !o $o is !o sen$ i! "ia in!en!ion& I feel !ha! !ha! is !he #os! $ire)! %ay3 b(! !ry bo!h an$ see ho% i! %orks for yo(&&& 7G ,re self a!!(ne#en!s referable abo"e a!!(ne#en!s fro# o!hers& ,G I! $e en$s on ho% #()h ener+y ra)!i)e yo( ha"e alrea$y $one F also i! $e en$s on %ho yo( are& So#e eo le %ill fin$ i! e0!re#ely easy !o b(il$ ( !he ener+y !he firs! !i#e !hey !ry an$ !hen o!hers #i+h! nee$ a li!!le H (shD& B(! +enerally if yo( are 9(s! s!ar!in+ o(!3 yo( #i+h! %an! !o !ry o(! a fe% a!!(ne#en!s fro# one or #ore !ea)hers3 9(s! !o +e! !he basi)s an$ !he feel for i!&&&an$ af!er !ha! yo( #i+h! %an! !o e0 eri#en! %i!h self a!!(ne#en!s& 7G :-,T S-O;I* I /M./'T 5AO1 ,N ,TT;N/1/NT ,N* -O: *O I A/'/I8/ ITJ ,G The bes! !hin+ !o $o is no! !o e0 e)! any!hin+& B(s! si! or lay $o%n an$ re)ei"e !he a!!(ne#en! by follo%in+ !he ins!r()!ions yo( ha"e re)ei"e$&

7G Can anyone learn to heal? ,G ,nyone o en !o healin+ )an learn i!& 7G Will I feel the energy? ,G 1os!ly s!($en!s feel !he effe)!s of ei!her !he self a!!(ne#en! or %hen erfor#in+ healin+ sessions& I! is of )o(rse an a$"an!a+e if yo( are so#eho% sensi!i"e !o ener+y& I ha"e ha$ s!($en!s %ho ha$ ne"er ha$ any a!!(ne#en!s or ener+y e0 erien)e %ho fel! !he ener+y "ery %ell !he firs! !i#e& 7G What will energy feel like? ,G I! )an be fel! like %ar#!h3 a li+h! bree4e3 b(44in+ in han$s an$@or in !he bo$y3 !in+lin+ sensa!ions in han$s3 feelin+ "ery serene3 ea)ef(l e!)& 7G To charge or not to charge money for performing healings and attunements? A$ , do not belie!e that energy has a price and that is why , do not belie!e that we can charge for energy. owe!er we )an )har+e for !he TI1/ %e (se& 2o( (se a lo! of yo(r o%n ener+y in !his ro)ess3 %hi)h yo( !hen ha"e !o re lenish %i!h foo$3 for e0a# le& :ha! eo le ay yo( for is for yo(r !i#e an$ e0 erien)e& Ti#e in re arin+ !he a!!(ne#en!3 sen$in+ !he a!!(ne#en!3 %ri!in+ e#ails3 s( or! af!er !he a!!(ne#en! e!)&

,lso !hink abo(! !he ain!ers& 2o( are ayin+ #ore !o !he e0 erien)e$ ain!er be)a(se he has e0 erien)e&&&an$ ho% $i$ he +e! !ha! e0 erien)eJ By (sin+ his !i#e erfe)!in+ his skills& In !he en$ i!Cs ( !o yo(3 b(! ersonally I !hink i!Cs !o!ally ON !o )har+e for !he re)io(s %ork yo( $o3 %he!her i!Cs ain!in+3 healin+ or assin+ on a!!(ne#en!s& 7G What if I am not sensitive to energy? ,G The bes! a$"i)e is !o !es! i! on so#eone else an$ !hen +e! !heir fee$ba)k& B(s! be)a(se yo( are no! sensi!i"e !o !he ener+y3 $oes no! #ean !ha! !he ener+y is no! !here& I ha"e !alke$ !o eo le !ha! %ere no! sensi!i"e !o ener+y b(! ha"e re)ei"e$ really +oo$ fee$ba)k fro# !hose !hey offere$ healin+ !o& /"en!(ally3 i! is #y e0 erien)e !ha! all3 sooner or la!er )an learn !o feel ener+y3 in one %ay or ano!her& 7G ny other advice you can give? ,G 2es3 I ha"e !%o final %or$s of a$"i)eG 1& *onC! +eneralise ener+y or eo le F %e are all $ifferen!< 2& If in $o(b!3 e0 eri#en!< 0ood 1uck2

About the Author

Ole is )(rren!ly li"in+ in *en#ark %i!h his %ife an$ 3 )hil$ren& -e has been !ea)hin+ in healin+ sin)e !he be+innin+ of !he 90Os3 bo!h lo)ally b(! #os!ly %orl$%i$e& -e fo(n$e$ #any healin+ #o$ali!ies3 %here N(n$alini Aeiki3 Gol$ Aeiki an$ 5(ll S e)!r(# Ii+h! are so#e of !he #os! o (lar& 5or #ore infor#a!ion abo(! )(rren! ro9e)!s3 lease "isi!G %%%&ole+abrielsen&)o#

Appendi" I
sample manual! great for beginners. Please feel free to share! edit and use for your own students. )eginning &eiki Manual 5irs! $e)i$e ho% yo( %ill lay ba)k !he # 3 file& :ill i! be !hro(+h a )o# (!er or %ill ! be lis!ene$ !o by an # 3 layerJ Bo!h )an be (se$& The a!!(ne#en! >%hi)h yo( only nee$ !o !ake on)e? sho(l$ be re)ei"e$ %hen alone& 1ake s(re !ha! yo( si! or lie $o%n in a )o#for!able osi!ion& ,lso #ake s(re !ha! yo( %ill no! be $is!(rbe$ >(n l(+ !he hone3 !(rn off yo(r )ell hone e!)&?& :hen yo( are rea$y3 s!ar! !he # 3 an$ lis!en !o i! (n!il i! s!o s& Nee yo(r osi!ion for ano!her 10 #in(!es an$ !he a!!(ne#en! is $one< ,l!ho(+h i! is ON !o rela0 for #ore !han 10 #in(!es& *i$ yo( feel any!hin+J If yes3 e0)ellen!< If no3 $onC! $es air& ;s(ally #os! eo le %ill learn !o feel !he ener+y %i!h ra)!i)e& ,lso i!Cs +oo$ !o ra)!i)e on o!hers so yo( )an +e! !heir fee$ba)k&

,f!er !his shor! session yo( ha"e re)ei"e$ !he Aeiki a!!(ne#en! an$ yo( are rea$y !o ra)!i)e<

*our .irst Healing Session

2o(r firs! healin+ session %ill be a #ini Dself healin+D& This is %here yo( %ill sen$ healin+ !o yo(rself& 5in$ a la)e %here yo( %ill no! be $is!(rbe$& 2o( )an si! on a )hair or lie $o%n on yo(r )o()h& - 5irs! I %an! yo( !o la)e yo(r han$s on yo(r s!o#a)h& No% !hink !he %or$ DAeikiD& This %ill s!ar! !he ener+y ins!an!ly& Nee yo(r han$s !here for 3-5 #in(!es >or as lon+ as yo( like?& - Ne0! I %an! yo( !o la)e yo(r han$s o"er yo(r eyes an$ kee !his osi!ion a+ain for 3-5 #in(!es& ,ny e0a)! han$ osi!ion is no! i# or!an!& - Ias! la)e yo(r han$s on !he #i$$le of yo(r )hes! for 35 #in(!es >also )alle$ !he -ear! 'hakra? - /n$ !he #ini healin+ session by r(bbin+ yo(r han$s3 rise ( an$ be)o#e D%i$e a%akeD&

-o% $i$ i! +oJ *i$ yo( feel any!hin+J -o ef(lly yo( ha$ a +rea! e0 erien)e< Ae#e#ber !ha! !his %as only an e0a# le& 2o( )an la)e yo(r han$s on any la)e of )on)ern3 ei!her on !he skin or 1-2D abo"e& ,lso $o no! D!ryD !o har$ !o ei!her feel !he ener+y or #o"e@ ro9e)! i!& I! %ill flo% a(!o#a!i)ally on)e s!ar!e$ by !hinkin+ DAeikiD&

Healing another person ,f!er !he self healin+ yo( #i+h! %an! !o !ry o(! healin+ a frien$ or ar!ner& 2o( %ill (se !he sa#e !e)hni6(e as in !he self healin+& - 1ake s(re yo(r frien$ is )o#for!able ei!her si!!in+ or lyin+ $o%n& - .la)e yo(r han$s on !he s!o#a)h& Think !he %or$ DAeikiD& This %ill s!ar! !he ener+y ins!an!ly& Nee yo(r han$s !here for 3-5 #in(!es >or as lon+ as yo( like?& - Ne0! la)e yo(r han$s abo"e !he eyes for 3-5 #in(!es& - Ias!ly3 la)e yo(r han$s on >or 1-2D abo"e? !he #i$$le of yo(r frien$s )hes! for 3-5 #in(!es&

- /n$ !he session by r(bbin+ yo(r han$s an$ %hen yo(r frien$ is rea$y3 le! hi#@her !ell yo( abo(! any e0 erien)es he@she ha$ $(rin+ !he session& ,+ain lease re#e#ber !ha! !his %as a sa# le session& 2o( )an e0!en$ i! any !i#e by in)l($in+ #ore han$ osi!ions3 e0a# le like !he fee!3 !he !o of !he hea$3 any la)es of )on)ern e!)& ,lso yo( #i+h! le! yo(r in!(i!ion lea$ yo(& So#e!i#es a s o! only nee$s 1 #in(!e an$ yo( %ill feel so#eho% ro# !e$ !o #o"e on& ,! o!her !i#es yo( #i+h! s en$ #ore !han 5 #in(!es on 1 s o!& Serene #(si) is also ni)e !o lay %hen erfor#in+ healin+ sessions&

assing on &eiki attunements 2o( )an ass on !he +if! of Aeiki !o o!hers& -ereCs ho% !o $o i!G - Si! on a )hair an$ ha"e !he re)ei"er si! on an o )hair in fron! of yo(& osi!e

- .la)e yo(r han$s on yo(r s!o#a)h an$ !hink !he %or$ DAeikiD& Si! for abo(! 3 #in(!es an$

!hen #en!ally >or alo($? say D>na#e of re)ei"er? %ill no% re)ei"e !he Aeiki a!!(ne#en!D& This %ill s!ar! !he a!!(ne#en! ro)e$(re an$ yo( )an !ake a%ay yo(r han$s fro# yo(r s!o#a)h& The a!!(ne#en! %ill no% a(!o#a!i)ally +o !o !he re)ei"er an$ yo( )an 9(s! rela0 in !he #ean!i#e& The ro)ess %ill las! for abo(! 10-15 #in(!es !here af!er !he a!!(ne#en! ro)e$(re is $one& 2o( ha"e asse$ on yo(r firs! a!!(ne#en!< I ho e !ha! !his #ini )o(rse has ins ire$ yo( !o (se !he +if! of healin+3 %hi)h is al%ays a! yo(r han$s< I %o(l$ lo"e !o hear abo(! yo(r e0 erien)es an$ re#e#ber if yo( ha"e any 6(es!ions3 lease 9(s! e#ail< Goo$ l()k< Blessin+s >2o(r na#e?

Appendi" II
'leansin+ roo#s %i!h a )lear 6(ar!4 )rys!al oin! 1& S!an$ in one si$e@)orner of !he roo#& 1o"e !he )rys!al %i!h ( -an$-$o%n #o!ions like yo( %here ain!in+ !he air in !he roo#& >The )rys!al sho(l$ no! be ro!a!e$?& 1ake s(re !he %hole roo# is D ain!e$D& 2& :hen yo( feel $one >(s(ally af!er 1-2 #in(!es? ro)ee$ !o !he ne0! roo#& Ae ea! s!e 1& ,lso )leanse an$ )har+e 1 or se"eral !(#ble$ rose 6(ar!4 an$ la)e in ea)h roo#& , further want to mention that old tele!isions in bedrooms "or other rooms for that sake# are big 0> 0>/s. &he older the &? is "the -non ;@5- ones#, the harder it is to cleanse and they emit more negati!e energy. , was doing a cleansing in a house and , came to the bedroom and , Aust felt this really bad !ibe. , began cleansing the room, but felt like a strong -resistance-. , scanned the room and noticed an old &?. , mo!ed o!er to it and immediately , could feel that the bad !ibe was coming from it, e!en though it was not turned on! &hese old tellies ha!e the ability to -gather bad energy- through the years so , strongly suggested that it was taken out of the house. ,t was remo!ed and after that it was pretty easy to cleanse the room.

Appendix III
Here's an example of notes that you can distribute with your own founded healing system. Please feel free to edit and use any of the words in this sample manual.

Aose 7(ar!4 Aeiki

Also called :the lo!e stone:. <ose Buart* is associated with the eart chakra and with lo!e in all it/s aspects$ 9elf-lo!e, motherly lo!e, lo!e for others etc. @aring and Crotecti!e. ,t has a great balancing effect and is especially suited for healing all issues related to the heart chakra. <ose Buart* <eiki is e1cellent as a hands on healing system, either alone or in conAunction with other healing systems. Works perfectly together with any <eiki system!

, healin+ #e!ho$G 1& .la)e yo(r han$s on !he erson& If yo( are erfor#in+ a $is!an)e healin+3 yo( )an )( yo(r han$s !o+e!her an$ i#a+ine !he erson insi$e !his )( & 2& Say #en!ally or lo($G DAose 7(ar!4&D

3& Ie! !he ener+y r(n& :hen yo( feel !ha! !he ener+y is no! r(nnin+ any #ore or yo( so#eho% +e! a feelin+ !ha! yo( are $one3 en$ !he session& &he healing energy will howe!er, continue to work in the patient. ,t is also possible that the energy will continue to flow through you hands...and that you might be guided to place your hands on different parts of the body. Dust keep on healing if you feel prompted to do so.

After healing a person, it/s highly recommended that you$%. /5isconnect/ from the recei!er. '. 5o a short grounding e1ercise.

:hen erfor#in+ a healin+ session3 yo( )onne)! !o !he erson yo( are sen$in+ healin+ !o& I! is i# or!an! !o )(! !hese e!heri) !hrea$s !ha! are )rea!e$& If yo( $o no! $o !his3 i! is ossible !o s!ay )onne)!e$ !o !ha! erson& This )o(l$ res(l! in $rainin+ of yo(r ener+y& ,ll yo( ha"e !o $o %hen finishe$ %i!h !he healin+3 is !o #ake a fas! Dkara!e )ho D in fron! of yo(3 %hile sayin+ so#e!hin+ like D'(! all !hrea$s<D *o !his 1-3 !i#es& Of!en af!er $oin+ !his3 yo( %ill #os! likely feel a relief&

,f!er )(!!in+ !hrea$s3 $o a +ro(n$in+ e0er)ise& If yo( ha"e o(!si$e a))ess3 s!an$ on !he +ro(n$ bare fee! an$ #en!ally sayG DI no% +ro(n$<D S!an$ for 2-5 #in(!es& If yo( $o no! ha"e a))ess !o !he +ro(n$ or i!Cs 9(s! !oo )ol$3 9(s! i#a+ine !ha! yo( are s!an$in+ on !he +ro(n$& This is an i# or!an! e0er)ise !o $o !o balan)e yo(rself af!er a healin+ session&&&be)a(se if yo( ha"e a))(#(la!e$ !oo #()h ener+y in yo(r bo$y i! )o(l$ res(l! in a hea$a)he& If yo( ha"e !oo li!!le ener+y3 i! )o(l$ res(l! in !ire$ness& Gro(n$in+ %ill ei!her relie"e yo( fro# bein+ o"er ener+i4e$ or +i"e yo( ne% ener+y&

.assin+ on !he Aose 7(ar!4 ,!!(ne#en!

-ereCs a si# le e0a# le on ho% !o ass on any a!!(ne#en!G %. <ela1 and recharge. When you ha!e rested for probably 7-%2 minutes, proceed to step '. '. 9tate mentally or out loud once$ 6<ose Buart* attunement )ueued for "name#-.

Blessings "Your name#

Appendix IV
Another healing example, using prayer. Please feel free to edit and use Healing With Prayer The erson )o(l$ si! on a )hair or referable layin+ $o%n on a #assa+e !able& 'onsi$er a blanke! if !he erson is layin+ $o%n& S!ar! !he healin+ session by sayin+ a rayer like !hisG I call in my ngelic guardians and the appropriate rchangels. I ask that we will be protected during this session and that we will receive the guidance we need. I ask that that or those Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels that are needed in this session will come now and gi e !name" the healing he#she needs. $hank you% &he healing will start and if you are sensiti!e to energy you will most likely feel it and that there will be a huge energy lift. ;et the energy run. <ela1 and obser!e. ,f you are prompted you can place your hands on shoulders or feet and start the energy of your choice "e1ample <eiki, <ose Buart* <eiki or another modality#.

Ask your Angelic guardians to tell you when the session is finished. ,t could be 7, %2, %7 minutes or something else. &he way you might feel that the session has ended could be like a sigh and then the feeling of completeness. Eently tell the recei!er that the session is o!er. ,t/s >F for the recei!er to Aust lay there and absorb the energy. 9ome will get up fast and others need to 6awake- slowly. Ask what they e1perienced and also tell them if you noticed anything during the session. $he abo e example can also be used as a self healing.

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