Guide Lines For Tooling Design Before Taking For Design

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Tooling Design Guide


CHECK FOR Request for design Component drawing-suffix and date of the drawing should be same as in the request Process sheet tage drawing if an! Forging"Casting drawing #achine tool in which option to be carried out - detail and m"c capacit! chart Catalogues of tools to be used " equipment$ used during that option li%e chuc%& dial& 'aws etc$ (etails regarding wor% area con)e!or height etc$

WHILE DESIGNING *he component drawing and process sheets to be carefull! studied$ Components geometric tolerances"dimensional tolerances"specified dimensions - to be studied carefull!& with process and m"c tool " tooling used$ + rough s%etch of the 'ig " tooling to be prepared and discuss with process partner$ Chec% component drawing for pro'ection first angle"third angle$ Component )iews in 'ig"fixture to be corrected to third angle onl!$ Component"'ig"fixture"tooling"cutters are to be drawn to scale onl!$ tud! the capacit! of the machine tool& 'ig"fixture are to be in wor%ing range in between max"min$ Chec% for fouling of 'ig"fixture"tooling"tool with m"c tool$ Chec% cutter in min"max position& fouling with m"c tool& other tooling& 'ig"fixture$ Chec% - stro%e of the tool& remo)al of tool from holder in wor%ing position$ Chec%-remo)al of component from 'ig"fixture with tooling$ ,f more than one cutting tool is used ma%e a tool la!out to chec% the abo)e$ #ar% tool"toolings numbers that are used along with the 'ig"fixture for that opn$ -e)els are to be mar%ed for 'ig"fixture"tooling as well as for component .Ref process sheet or stage drawing for component dimensions at that stage/ Chec%-locations& butting and seating faces as specified in the process sheet$

Chec%-loading"unloading of component& easiness& hindrances& fouling while indexing& rotating& mo)ing& hand clearance& opening and closing of clamps etc$ +ss!$ fixtures"welding fixtures-chec% for remo)al of component from fixture after completion of operation$ *urning fixtures-chec% for balancing with component& loosening of elements while rotating$ Chec%-effecti)eness of clamping& )ibration& dampening$ Chec% - chip remo)al& chip flow$ 0hene)er necessar! introduce fool proof pins such that component can be loaded on one position onl!$ +fter drawing 1eneral +ss!$ get the appro)al of the concerned Process partner.$ Chec%-machining and ass!$ of elements$ +s far as possible std elements are to be used$ Chec%-'ig boring dimensions$ Chec%-dimensions to be shown in 1+& critical dimensions on ass!$ ,f more than one sheet is required to draw 1+ and elements use same si2e sheets onl! ne)er use different si2es of sheets for the same 'ig"tooling$ Chec%-ser)icing and replacement of elements$ Chec%-geometrical and dimensional tolerances$ Chec%-material and heat treatment notes for elements$ Ref enclosure for materials for elements$ Chec% slots for using with m"c tools& lifting hoo%s and handling pro)isions$ Component correct part number with issue number and date .as in design request/ is to be incorporated in the 'ig"fixture"tooling drawing$ 0rite the 'ig"fixture"tooling number in the process sheet in the appropriate place$ 0rite below the border line ref 'ig"tooling number if an!$ Rigid coupling de)ice must be pro)ided while designing -ift and turn o)er de)ices$ -ifting *ac%les must be fixed permanentl! fastened with components$ 3"4 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR STANDARDISATION +ll dimensions should be in mm onl!$ +s far as possible the locating bun%s and locating pins are to be standardi2ed in all 'igs of the same component as far as possible to be screwed with push fit and not to be press fitted$

1uide bushes& liner bushes-as far as possible should confirm to is standards$ -iner bushes with collar to be used as far as possible$ lip bushes-internal dia of bush for reamer 15 and for drill F6"16$ ,n inspection fixtures bushes are to be screwed with push fit .max clearance of 7$778 on dia with mating holes/$ +ll parts to be blac%ened$

GUIDELINES FOR MISTAKE PROOFING IN IG AND TOOL DESIGN tud! the component drawing for the particular operation$ Chec%-can the component be loaded in the 'ig"fixture in more than one position$ ,f so& chec% for fouling with an! part of 'ig"fixture& m"c tool& cutting tool& during operation& can cause damage to cutting tool& m"c tool& fixture during operation& will the component after completion of operation be incorrect requiring rewor% or to be scrapped when gets loaded in other than desired position in the fixture$ ,f so mista%e proofing is to be pro)ided in the form of pins"pro'ections"or an! other elements which will obstruct and pre)ent loading the component other than the desired orientation$

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