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40k Zombies - DB

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1 -40k ZombiesSpecial Rules by David Beardwood

These rules, which allow the gamers to act as a small team of survivors during a zombie outbreak, draw a bit from the style of Dungeons and Dragons gaming; one player will be the dungeon master, controlling all the enemies and trying to set up the game so that it will be fun for all the players involved. This way, the other players will not have full information about what is going to happen ahead of time, making for a more exciting game. We will refer to the dungeon master as the DM. Everyone else will be a player. These rules are designed for a DM and 2-5 other players, but could be modified to fit other groups with a bit of creativity. Enemies The players will primarily be fighting the zombies of regular humans, but may occasionally run into undead space marines which had come to help the planets evacuation. Human Zombie: WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 2 2 4 3 1 2 1 -Human Zombies have no equipment and only attack in close combat. -Feel free to use Guardsmen, Ork Boyz, Gaunts, or whatever you have a lot of to represent these as long as it is clear, as few will likely have zombie models, especially in the amount needed. Space Marine Zombie: WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 2 2 5 4 1 2 1 - 3+ -Space Marine Zombies have a boltgun with the following profile: R:12 S:4 AP:5 Assault 2 Terminator Zombie: WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 - 2+/5++ -Terminator Zombies have a power fist and a storm bolter with the normal profile. Zombie Special Rules: - Every zombie turn in which any player model shot or was engaged in an assault in the previous turn, a single unit of zombies with a number of models equal to (# of players)D6 will appear 18 away from a player model chosen by the DM in a position determined by the scatter die, with hits allowing the DM to choose the position. If this position is off the table, the zombie unit is moved to the closest direction that is still on the table and 18 away. These zombies may not be within 18 of any player model that turn and may not move on the turn they arrive.

- If any player models moved in the previous turn, the players must check to see if the above rule takes effect even if no shooting or assaulting took place by rolling a die. If the die roll is equal to or higher than the players best armor (not invulnerable) save of all the models that moved, a zombie unit appears. - Every building contains a number of zombies determined by the DM. Those zombies will act as follows: Ruined building zombies: If a player model comes within 12 of a ruined building, abandoned tank, forest, etc., all of the terrains zombies will appear at the beginning of the zombie turn. They may not move but may assault in the same turn. Intact building zombies: If a player comes within 6 of an intact building, they may make one of two choices: -Break down the door: One model is designated to bust the door down between the movement and shooting phases. This opens the building, and the model opening the door must then take a leadership test. If passed, the model acts normally for the rest of the turn. If failed, the model must immediately run 2D6 away from the door in a direction chosen by the owning player and may not shoot or assault for the rest of this turn, and all models with part of their base within 2 of the door must take the same test. All models with part of their base within 2 of the door (including the model which opened the door) may fire at the zombies in the building and may choose to assault into the building. Zombies in a building get a cover save of 5+ and may disembark from the building and then assault (but not move otherwise) during their next movement phase. -Keep moving: Four turns after the player comes within 6 of the building, the zombies inside will break out on their own and will disembark from the building (but not move otherwise that turn). -The DM will roll a die at the start of each zombie turn, this will count as the run move for all zombies on the board. Zombies will move 6+D6 directly towards the nearest player model, or D6 + (separately rolled) D6 if in difficult terrain. Units containing zombies with guns do not gain the D6 bonus. -Zombies have the Fleet special rule. -Zombies will shoot and assault the nearest player model whenever possible. -Zombie cover saves are 1 worse than normal. -Zombies are fearless. -Any player shooting at a Zombie unit gets to allocate wounds dealt to the unit rather than the DM allocating the wounds.

3 Each player chooses 1 of the following, and no two players may make the same choice: - 1 Terminator WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 2+/5++ - Terminators begin the game with a power fist. - Terminators may be equipped with two weapons of any type and two items of wargear. - Terminators may move and fire any non-template weapon at double its normal rate. -2 Space Marines WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ - Space Marines begin the game with a bolt pistol. - Space Marines may carry two items of wargear. - These Space Marines have fought alongside one another for over a century, and have learned to coordinate their firing patterns very well. If both Space Marines fire at the same unit of zombies, the second Space Marine to fire will count as twin-linked. -3 Storm Troopers WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+ - Storm Troopers begin the game with a hot-shot laspistol. - These Storm Troopers have spent their entire military career involved in urban combat. If a Storm Trooper model is chosen to break down a door, his leadership value will be at +1 for that test. Also, zombies inside intact buildings only get a 6+ cover save against shots fired by Storm Troopers. -4 Veteran Guardsmen WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+ - Veteran Guardsmen begin the game with a laspistol. - These Veteran Guardsmen have traveled a long way to reach this place, and their attention to stealth is what has separated them from the infected. Any zombie unit creation checks taken by any unit will be improved by one, but will never be better than 5+. -5 Guardsmen WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 5+ - Guardsmen begin the game with a laspistol. - These Guardsmen have spent a great deal of time in this area and know each alleyway and hiding place well. Guardsmen have the Move Through Cover special rule. - Make sure the models are easily distinguishable to avoid confusion by adding in sergeants, models with special weapons, different skin tones, etc.

Special rules: - Each model is treated as a separate unit. - Each model may be equipped with one heavy or template weapon or two other weapons, an additional pistol of any type, grenades and a single item of wargear. - Any model may assault after firing any type of weapon. - Any model can countercharge up to 4 to help a player model which has been assaulted. - Any model may move and fire a heavy weapon or remain stationary and fire the heavy weapon at double its normal rate. - Any model may move or remain stationary and fire a rapid fire weapon twice at full range or three times at half-range. - Any model may fire any non-template pistol or assault weapon at double rate.

Getting Killed If a player model is killed by enemy shooting, it dies as normal. If, however, it is killed in assault by zombies, the owning player must make one of two choices: Put him out of his misery: the wounded model is shot in the head before he becomes a zombie and is removed from the game. Take the chance: The team wont kill their invaluable friend until they absolutely have to and will risk letting him stick around to see if he becomes a zombie or not. If this is chosen, roll a die with the following results: 1-4: The model becomes a zombie and immediately moves 6 towards the nearest player model, beginning a new round of assault not involving other zombies if he reaches a player model. The model is treated as an independent unit of its respective zombie type and keeps any armor or invulnerable saves it had, but will not use any guns or wargear to attack. 5: The soldier pulled the pin on a frag grenade before he was overtaken. Place a S4 AP6 small blast centered over the model and then remove the model from the game after resolving the hits against the zombies. Other player models are unharmed by the blast. 6: Though the soldier got some deep cuts and scratches, he managed to avoid infection, pulled out a hidden knife at the last second, stabbed the zombie that was on top of him in the face and shot up all the others in a huge blaze of glory. All zombies which allocated attacks on the player model are removed and the player model remains on the table unharmed.

5 Environment Throughout the mission, there may be things other than moving, shooting and assaulting that must be done, to do this, a single model spends its entire player turn performing an action. Actions include searching buildings for supplies, altering equipment, operating machinery, etc. Actions do not cause zombie units to appear. Weapons and Wargear Imperial weapons and various items of wargear may be found throughout the mission. Models may exchange equipment for free at the beginning of the movement phase if they are within 2 of one another. Most equipment is standard as it appears in its respective codex, but some unique items will appear, including: Silenced weapons: Silenced weapons will cause a zombie unit creation check of 5+ rather than automatically cause a unit to appear and include: Laspistols, lasguns, hot-shot laspistols, hotshot lasguns, multi-lasers, meltaguns, sniper rifles, and weapons equipped with a silencer or suppressor. Powered weapons: Powered weapons require a constant supply of electricity and can only be used by Terminators, Space Marines, Storm Troopers, or models with a Power-pack and include: Power weapons, power fists, lightning claws, thunder hammers, storm shields, meltaguns, assault cannons, hot-shot laspistols and hot-shot lasguns. Template weapons: Due to their overpowering strength in these missions, any one template weapon may only be used five times before running out of fuel. Players may not salvage flamethrower fuel from the tanks of abandoned vehicles, no matter how much they whine. Wargear: Teleport charge (Terminators only): the terminator may move 24 as if it were jump infantry and may shoot and assault in the same turn. One use only. Jump pack (Space Marines only): Makes a Space Marine model into jump infantry. Personnel cloaking device (Storm Troopers only): Storm Trooper activates the device during the movement phase, may move through enemy models, will not cause zombie units to appear due to movement, will not attract zombies and cannot be assaulted during the following zombie turn. Three uses only. Grappling hook (Veteran Guardsmen and Guardsmen only): A model with a grappling hook does not subtract from their movement range when moving up or down floors in a building. Power-pack: A backpack containing a small generator. Allows Veteran Guardsmen and Guardsmen to equip powered weapons.

6 Medi-kit: A backpack containing medical supplies. All models within 6 of the model with the medi-kit have the Feel No Pain rule against shooting attacks. Trip mines: Any number of markers representing trip mines may be placed within 3 of a model carrying them during the shooting phase. Whenever a zombies movement phase takes it within 1 of a trip mine, the mine bursts directly over that zombie at the end of its movement phase at S4 AP- with the small blast template. Player models are not harmed by the blast unless they were within one inch of the mine marker when it was triggered. Carapace armor: confers a 4+ save. Does not count against wargear limit. Camo cloak: confers stealth rule and improves movement check for the creation of a new zombie unit by 1 if the wearer has the lowest armor save being tested against. Does not count against wargear limit. Refractor field: confers 5+ invulnerable save. Does not count against wargear limit. Rosarius: confers 4+ invulnerable save. Does not count against wargear limit. Note: the range of all thrown weapons is 6 if the throwing model is S3 and 12 if S4. Flash-bang grenades: all zombie units within 12 of the point of detonation of a flash-bang grenade will move toward the point of detonation instead of the nearest player model in their next movement phase, but may still assault player models if in range. Scatter as normal to determine the point of detonation. Demolition charges: As in Codex: Imperial Guard. Count as wargear rather than a weapon. Grenades Grenades do not count against the wargear limit and any number may be carried at once. Apart from template weapons, grenades are the only type of ammunition which we will keep track of in this mission. Each player will keep track of how many rounds of grenades he has, and if any number of his models use grenades on any turn he must subtract one round of grenades from his total. Krak grenades and melta bombs will not be used in this mission. Frag grenades: At the beginning of a player assault phase, the players may declare they are using a round of frag grenades. They gain the frag grenade bonus for that turn and subtract one from their frag ammunition. Defensive grenades: At the beginning of a zombie assault phase, the players may declare that they are using a round of defensive grenades. They gain the defensive grenade bonus for that turn and subtract one from their defensive grenade ammunition.

7 Vehicles Any vehicles found require models to operate them from inside, with the following roles: -Driver: One model is needed to drive the vehicle and may fire a single fixed, forward facing weapon on the vehicle at normal rate if moved 6 or less. -Gunner: One model may fire any sponson or turret-mounted weapon at double rate if stationary, or at regular rate if vehicle moved 12 or less. All other models inside may use any other fire points with the normal transport shooting rules. Running over zombies: A tank-type vehicle may run over and instantly kill any zombies of any type without any wound checks or cover saves needed. Simply remove any zombies run over by the vehicle during its movement phase. However, additional dangerous terrain checks must be taken for every three zombies killed in this way or for every zombie killed in this way which has an armor save of 3+ or better. Repairs: If a vehicle remains stationary, any number of models inside may devote their shooting phase to attempting to repair an immobilized or weapon destroyed result instead. Simply declare which problem a model is attempting to fix and roll a D6 for each model. Any rolls of 6 will repair the problem. Terminators and Space Marines will fix a problem on a 5+. Danger of being overrun: If a vehicle is immobilized, it counts as being open-topped until the problem is fixed. Walkers: Walking vehicles like Sentinels and Dreadnoughts may move over zombie units during their movement phase without engaging in assault, but may be assaulted by zombie units. Noisy: Moving a tank-type vehicle will automatically cause a zombie unit to appear. Other types cause a unit to appear on a 3+.

8 Dungeon Master The DM is in charge of setting up the table, determining objectives for the team, determining how many zombies are in each piece of terrain, and determining what supplies are in each piece of terrain. Really only the DM needs to read the rules in detail and can explain things to the players as needed. They will keep some surprises secret until they happen, and are allowed to bend events a bit if the game has become too hard or too easy. The DM should feel free to change or add any rules beforehand as he sees fit. The game should be fun, challenging and winnable, but not impossible or so easy that winning is automatic. Many things will be made up as you go along, just try to keep things fun and streamlined, and anticipate the following things: -What equipment will be found if a piece of terrain is searched. There should be something useable (though not necessarily desired) in each piece of terrain in order to keep things interesting. Come up with a few things not included in the rule book or codices as well. If you plan on having a lot of equipment in a single piece of terrain, write it down beforehand. -How many zombies are in each piece of terrain. As with equipment, there should be zombies in everything to keep things tense and exciting. Its up to the DM when to keep things steady, or when to set up a huge ambush of twenty zombies or to give the players a reprieve with just one or two. -What should be done to change the difficulty. Partway through the game, the players will be tricked out will all sorts of good equipment, so the DM should come up with ways to make things more difficult. Things like adding space marine zombies, zombies with armor saves, faster zombies, or boss fights are good examples. Sample Missions: My friends and I only had the chance to playtest these rules once, but they worked quite well with some circumstantial additions by the DM (myself) during the game, and the other two players said they had a lot of fun. We played a rather large scenario which took about five hours. I will include this and also a smaller scenario I devised. Sample Missions: Hephaestus IV, a moderately-populated industrial world, is home to a secret Inquisitorial headquarters, which contains many profane secrets and artifacts of the demonic realm. Having recently captured a relic of Nurgle, which cultists had hoped to use to open a warp gate for the demons on a nearby world, the Inquisition inadvertently brought Nurgles wrath upon Hephaestus IV, and a terrible plague which turns men into undead monsters that cannibalize the living began to ravage the planet. Nearly all have been overtaken by the plague, including many Space Marines sent to aid the planet, but a small group of soldiers have seized the relic of Nurgle from the Inquisitorial fortress, and are attempting to take it off-planet to be destroyed. They have expended their ammunition for their main firearms and must fight fearlessly using whatever they can scavenge in order to reach their pickup zone and save other worlds from the same fate.

9 Scenario 1: Evacuate the Relic (battle report included in final pages of document) The survivor team has finally emerged from the Inquisition base with the relic of Nurgle, and must now find a transport to evacuate them to the Navy ships in orbit. The team begins at the edges of an Imperial Guard military installation at the outskirts of a city. They will start near a barracks which can be searched for small arms. In two different directions lie an armory full of powerful man-portable equipment, and also a motor pool which may contain vehicles that will be useful in escaping the city. The team must choose to visit either the armory or motor pool while resistance is still light, or to visit one and to risk fighting their way to the other one to get the extra supplies. The team will be required to reach a communications tower and operate the radio there in order to call a transport plane to pick them up. The team must then fight their way to the landing zone outside of town to get evacuated. A successful evacuation of at least one member of the team ends the game with victory for the players. Suggested setup: Two 4x6 tables, in a T-shape. Players start at the bottom of the T-shape, and are evacuated in either the top left or top right corner of T-shape. Estimated time with suggested setup: 4-6 hours.

Scenario 2: The Zombie Classic The survivors find themselves holed up in a stronghold that wont last forever and need to find a way out of town. There is a motor pool across town and the survivors have spotted a Chimera with dozer blades that was left behind. They must salvage what they can, fight through to the motor pool and then drive the Chimera through town and out to the highway so they can find haven at a starport about a hundred kilometers away. In order to win, the players must drive the Chimera off the table edge they began on. Any players with surviving models traveling in the Chimera at the time of escape are victorious. If all models are killed or the Chimera is wrecked then the mission is a failure. Suggested setup: One 4x6 table. Players start in a building (shopping mall, bar, etc.) within 6 of one short edge determined by the DM and the Chimera is placed within 6 of the other short edge by the DM. Estimated time with suggested setup: 2-3 hours.

Scenario 3: Eliminate the Source The team of survivors has determined the original source of the zombie infestation, and if it is destroyed then the planet may be cleansed without issuing an Exterminatus order. Its up to the team to hunt down this dangerous Demon/Brood Lord/Necron machine/Psyker/Etc. Players are victorious if the source is destroyed. Suggested setup: Youre on your own for this one.

10 Player Data Sheet

Frag Grenade Ammo:

Defensive Grenade Ammo:

Soldier 1: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 2: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 3: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 4: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 5: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 6: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

11 Player Data Sheet

Frag Grenade Ammo:

Defensive Grenade Ammo:

Soldier 1: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 2: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 3: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 4: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 5: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

Soldier 6: Weapon A: Weapon B: Pistol: Wargear:

12 Battle Report: Sample Mission 1 Three people were involved in the playtest: David, the DM (myself), and Jon and Mark, the Players. Lists of equipment found in the large buildings are found on the final page of the document. Unfortunately I did not take a picture of the board, but I will describe the setup briefly. Before the game started I set up the two 4x6 tables in a T-shape, with the first table placed vertically and the second horizontally at the top. I placed two small barracks buildings in the bottom left of the first table where the players started, placed the motor pool on the right side about 18 up, and placed the armory on the left side about 36 up. I also placed a former improvised Space Marine stronghold in the center about 54 up, and placed the Comms Tower in the center about 66 up, or about 6 away from where the two tables met. The pick-up zone was then designated by a small fueling station at the top right corner of the second board. I placed a road running across both boards, with fortifications around the place where the boards met, to show where the defenders had been trying to keep out the zombies before they had been overwhelmed themselves. I then set up numerous small buildings and abandoned tanks, as well as some forests outside the city. Most of the buildings were nondescript, but I made it clear that certain buildings had a specific function, such as a chapel, base family housing, or officers housing, to give a clue of what might be found there. Jon chose the three Storm Troopers and named them Bruce Willis, Bill Cosby and Master Chief, and Mark chose the five Guardsmen and named them Vincenzo, Phillip, Billy, Jamaal, and Johnson, and they began their journey. Jon and Mark at first chose to split up their forces and check both barracks buildings at once. I told them they shouldnt split up when they are only equipped with pistols but they decided to do it anyway, and discovered four zombies in one building and nine in the other. Their small weapons werent able to do much so they charged the remaining zombies, and three of their men died on their very first turn. I told them they should have listened to me and decided to let that one slide since they were just figuring out the mechanics, so their men were back to life, but no more help like that was going to come again. After equipping themselves with the weapons found in the barracks, Billy found his pair of Lucky Socks under his cot in the barracks, which would let the players reroll a single die throughout the whole game. They headed to the motor pool, where they found a chimera and a scout sentinel that were low on gas. They could either run the sentinel with any sentinel weapon of their choice firing at double rate for the whole game and the chimera for four turns, or they could siphon out the sentinels fuel and run the guzzling chimera for eight turns. They took the first option, and put a quiet multi-laser on the sentinel. They then headed for the armory, searching buildings as they went along with the chimera and sentinel providing backup fire. Master Chief got a bit gung-ho driving the sentinel and got stuck in assault with two units of zombies, which immobilized the sentinel and destroyed the multi-laser, even after the help of Billys now expended Lucky Socks. Master Chief chose to bail out, jumping out of the sentinel just over the zombies heads, and made a run for the armory with the rest of the team giving him cover fire.

13 While most of the team geared up at the armory, Bill Cosby went to search the apartment where he, his wife and their child lived. There he found a memento of his dead wife which increased his leadership by +1 for the rest of the game out of determination and revenge. Bill also searched the roof of the apartments and found an infected sharpshooter, which he killed, carrying back the corpses camo-cloak, sniper rifle and grappling hook for the team to use. The team, now heavily equipped, abandoned stealth entirely, and guns-blazing began to search their surroundings looking for more equipment, finding some carapace armor, grenades, trip mines, and some weapons in the nearby buildings, as well as a priests rosarius and eviscerator (power fist not requiring a power-pack) in the chapel. They also found an Assault Marines jump pack, which they had to leave behind as they did not have power armor to operate the pack. Phillip and Johnson were operating together away from the team and quite nearly got overrun by zombies, being extremely lucky by passing two 5+ saves and one 4+ save from the newfound carapace armor. The team had begun worrying, as they were encountering a few Space Marine zombies in the buildings they were searching and had some more close calls. On the approach to the ruined building which had been the Space Marine Stronghold, Phillip was gunned down by the squad of Space Marine Zombies in the stronghold and the team had to press on without him. From this point forward I had a Space Marine Zombie appear in any zombie units created where doubles were rolled in determining the number of zombies in the unit. The team then looked at the Comms Tower they had to use, and noticed that the building was surrounding by a huge mass of zombies furiously trying to get to two survivors on the roof. The survivors were Veteran Guardsmen with shotguns, one went to Jon, who named him Waldo, and the other went to Mark and was named Frags McGee. The survivors radioed the team, telling them that the defenders of the building had become infected, and that a number of Space Marine Zombies, Storm Trooper Zombies (Zombies w/4+ saves) and Zombies were now inside, trying to get up to the roof. Waldo and Frags said that the team only had five turns to save them before the zombies inside and outside broke through their barricades. The team, using up the last of its valuable heavy flamer fuel, managed to clear out the zombies around the tower. Meanwhile, however, a stray Space Marine Zombie gunned down Johnson, and two others nearly killed Bruce Willis, who was saved only by Billys medi-pack. Bill Cosby led the charge into the Comm Tower, and the team wiped out the various zombies in the building, again after charging into the zombies not killed during shooting and after passing an armor save on Bill Cosby, with the No Retreat! rule eliminating two remaining zombies. The defenders then had to remain in the building for three turns for one of the models to operate the radio and call in a transport for evacuation. Risking his own safety, Waldo ran out to salvage the equipment off of Phillips body during this time and was killed by another lucky Space Marine Zombie when it rolled a 5 to hit on its BS 2, killing Waldo one turn after he had escaped the Comm Tower. A Valkyrie transport plane finally showed up, but reported that it was low on ammo and fuel, having only enough to fire its multi laser, multiple rocket pods and heavy bolters during three shooting phases, and would have to land at a nearby refueling station if it was going to take the team to the last operating starport on the planet several hundred kilometers away. The plane also could not land anywhere away from the refueling station because it would create a large risk of being overrun in such dense terrain, but its movement would not cause new zombie units to appear since it was so high up in the sky. The team then headed for the refueling station.


When the team approached the former city defense lines, it seemed that the overpowering need that the defenders had felt that they must hold the line had remained in the zombies in some strange way, as a number of Space Marine Zombies and Guardsmen Zombie squads (5+ save) still lingered around the lines. Over the course of a few turns the team cleared the lines, mainly using all but their last flamer shot, their one demolition charge, and dozens of rounds from Bruce Willis assault cannon which pumped out eight shots every turn he remained stationary. Even with the teams clever tactics and firepower, however, Johnson was killed by another bolter round fired by the defending Space Marine Zombies. The team then took firing positions in cover as huge numbers of zombies poured out of the forests and a squad of Space Marine Zombies emerged from an abandoned Land Raider. Once the surrounding terrain was cleared with the help of the Valkyries payload, the team approached the bridge which led across a small river to the refueling station, where they encountered the missions boss battle; two Terminator Zombies and eight Space Marine Zombies which were guarding the bridge over the impassable terrain. The team seemed to have been saving all of their luck for this moment, though, as all of the Zombies bolter and storm bolter rounds missed, and the zombies failed nearly every armor save they were required to take, leaving the DM disappointed and the boss squad dead without even reaching assault. During the struggle, however, a stray zombie unit did overtake the unfortunate Jamaal. His teammates chose not to shoot him but to see if he would come out alright. Mark rolled a 5, and so Jamaal, sensing his doom, pulled the pin on a frag grenade, taking four zombies out with him in his glorious final act. Once the fueling station was reached, the Valkyrie landed and the two plane crew jumped out to fuel the vehicle. Because of all the noise of landing a plane (and because the boss squad had failed to do anything to the team), five zombie units of 3D6 models and three Space Marine Zombie units of 2D6 models appeared 18 away from the player models. The players were then informed that it would take five turns for the plane to be fueled, and if any crewmen were killed then another model would have to take their place in the fueling, and at least two models, counting the crew, would be needed to fly the plane. So long as all of this happened, the evacuation would be successful. By taking up careful positions and using the last of their wargear in clever ways, the team managed to prevent any of their members from dying during the refueling and embarked on the plane before the zombies which had been slowed by the river (which they could cross) could reach them, winning the mission. In the end, Jon only lost his Veteran Guardsman, Waldo, while Mark, whose soldiers had been considered more expendable, lost four Guardsmen: Phillip, Billy, Johnson and Jamaal. DM Note: Pretty early on, Jon and Mark figured out how to avoid nearly all unfavorable assaults, taking most of their casualties from shooting and only being hit by a few unwanted assaults. This was partly due to Mark and Jon anticipating Zombie movement, and partly due to heavy weapons being over-effective. We had been playing where zombie units move only 6 and are placed 12 away during unit creation, so in order to make assaults less predictable, I added the run rule and upped placement to 18 away, making assaults harder to anticipate, and hopefully justifying the high power of heavy weapons. We havent tested this new rule, but we all agreed that it should work out better.

15 Large Building Search Results from Battle Report Supplies Barracks L: 6 lasguns 2 close combat weapons 1 grenade launcher 1 bolt pistol 1 laspistol 1 round frag grenades Armory: 246 lasguns 92 shotguns 34 close combat weapons 29 laspistols 9 bolt pistols 8 boltguns 4 grenade launchers 4 plasma guns 3 sniper rifles 3 autocannons 3 lascannons 2 meltaguns 2 heavy bolters 2 power weapons 2 plasma pistols 1 missile launcher 1 flamer 4 demolition charges 3 packs of 3 trip mines 3 packs of 2 flash-bang grenades 1 power fist 1 medi-kit 1 power-pack 1 grappling hook 1 carapace armor 3 rounds frag grenades 2 rounds defensive grenades Barracks R: 4 lasguns 2 shotguns 1 plasma gun 1 storm bolter 1 round defensive grenades 1 pack 3 trip mines Motor Pool: 14 lasguns 12 laspistols 5 shotguns 1 heavy stubber w/ suppressor (silenced) 1 assault cannon 1 heavy flamer 1 autocannon w/suppressor (silenced) 1 meltagun 1 pack of 2 flash-bang grenades 1 power pack Space Marine Stronghold: 7 boltguns 4 bolt pistols 4 close combat weapons 2 storm bolters 2 power weapons 2 lightning claws 1 thunder hammer 1 storm shield 1 flamer 1 power fist 1 missile launcher 1 teleport charge 1 camo cloak 1 round frag grenades 1 round defensive grenades

Communications tower: 8 shotguns 4 close combat weapons 2 mortars

2 hot-shot lasguns 1 hot-shot laspistol 1 round frag grenades

1 medi kit 1 refractor field 1 personnel cloaking device

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